LlIL 1)A1.Ll L / ' . . . liJtIIA ' 1E5JUIJ1 , ' 1 , 1883. TIII ( OJIAIA [ BEE. t ltbli be l slug' tw rning , etrept ; alihJny' , T11e onll Ltnnd * $ 1 rning dolly. ' r rAgAAiW114 One Ytur..41O.O , 'iIirn ) hni . , . s. . t Month. , . . . . . . & ( U Oar Month , . . , . . . . . 1O t < TIIR KALRLi Anti , M'MlVlrn rTART RriTRD11. Trf M1 I c.irr lI A. Oue Ytat. . . . . P2.ta Three M nithv . . $ tut AR Month , . , . . . . . 1,1X1 ; Oou ) Gnth 24) .4tneriranNrnuompuqSofr ! Ant. Neu deal cut ht the L'nlte l State , tvSaR + rosnrNrr. All C rnnnitdeatk ni relating to NcW4 Mid hlltnrlal rMten mhould be adlrCx rd to the Carron or 7 uR "P. , . AItatM5 LRTTAR $ , ' 111 Itullneu ielterA and Ilemlttance , Ahoull be aidretcdtoTii U , ! I'tItI.lA111NI tOMt ) .T , OM tIA. DrnrtN , Chcckl and I'ihtnlllcr nrden to 1)r made pay , able t0 the nnler "f the compmy. THE BEE BUBLISIiING O , PROPSI E. E08Ei'ATER , Editor , I'itiNTl 1tS WdNTi I ) . Ten good primitei wanted lit once at thin o0ice , for t iy troll night work. 11'ttges as high as the lltghest in Ottuaha. 1Y 11 : 88 IWCl declnrell oft the trtde dot. 181. Therc ore 31,000,000 of tlwxe coins in exisleuce , lvhtclt have never heel luade a legal tundctt CuoEa.t is increasing in the east and may shortly be CxpCCtu(1 in thin country. Clem ( citie)4 ) , a coati people will ht nlnat cxuntpt fro i the scourge. 1V'IIAT wM at ( btst a coulcdy bids fair to boeoulu n trngedy. Elam , the \ur. giuu editor , w'h , waH w'nUlldcI i0 a dual last week , ix Raid to be ill n criticnl eon- ditiitIl. 'I'iiF truck lines have agreed to pro. rate with the Pacific lines in Ceiifornhi hnAbtc88 )11tf1 tilt eld of the year on cull- dition that the latter maintain rntes , 'PIUR 03 the way that cenbinnttelR oats tilt' heart. alt of competition , 'i'llF c tblu announces that thu Count do CIIa 11dw1'L ( iS dying , 'Pillo count IR Llle head of thu fanlilie8 of Or icnns m1(1 liou' . Lunn old the royalist Preteldur to the thro11e of FI'ILllca The Ron of I.tlis I'hillipu ho has lived in exile nearVuuna for demo than twenty ycnr8 , llvur , forcing 1114 Clltilll ) 1lllt litre' lesigmtmig ti 1cm . Thu Count ( to Chaabord together with Iris brothers the Duo tie I'ariti and Piimco Joimivillc aunt under the 1IIS'x pa4SUd by the late French 1nnliMtry exiling from It * uc0 ) prcteldurs to the crown. .l A BIl'NECJLtNIGWSC1tOOh. The I1UWDlanumd Training School of Chicago will probiably ho upewd flex t Norclnber. Thu building will cost ltb0u 9f 100,000 , all of which has been 1ltiscl through the ellbrtn of thin Conunurcill Club of tlwt city. 'I'hc school Trill ; Iii it pupils It good prictical cuomiu(1n tichuo eiucntloll , s11d instruction and prltctie in tow utsd of tools. Thu tool indrtlctior Kill ) lObabty ineludu carpulitry , lvund t tU'ning , pnttern mukjug , iron elippin a)1d liliug , forgo work , brazing au ( Nolderiug , the use of nuluhtue tools , min otbcr illMtruction of a siulilim' cbnrncle ' 011(1 thu x11ld011t14 Will tlrl'ItIe their 11ur1 ing hours , as newlyi pLssib1e , equdl ( lCtWIJC11 mental ilnd aunuHII uxm'tihc ' Ono Meer a day will ho givu11 to din vii , uud tire hoU's to tihupwut'k. . 9'II cnurhu of iustruetiuu cares thre yumIi4 , mod there will be lieu linen ntudy.- three iutulleettal at11d Lw 11hmuud , a follnfr5-i'111'O : nlttllelua ( I ic. , inel11din „ nil tluu utic , allgebiT geoutefrymul 11111)10 ti ignlluuwtry. Science ulld applied miuithouutic iududimig ph'RiCUI geography , naturn plul(1an ii y , chemistry , in ccluulics , , let I i Rur , ttiou , amid IOok.kuuping. 3 , Lti i gatge 811111ite7tU'c , hid udtug I ag1iR grunw8r , spollien)1lpnut1nll , Iite'it Lure , hn tory , mid Ulu elaueuts of pout is I : , deuce nfld ecumiumy I.tltitt nm1 I French will ho hitreduced ate uluutiri with Englitih , of ii mu ted , 4 , l'unnumehi I aml free hand tutu milccllulicnl : droving 5 , 'fool instruction , iuchlding frood.turn ill „ forging , tioldo'Jng , tad bcnrh ami1 innchin0lsork in irpn } IJufuru recuivill his dipiuluu cacti Studet Hitist exeunt a project by actually coIu trlctiug a 1101 eliilie. 'J'Itu school year + s iI1 consist o two te ms of twenty weuks ujich , 9'11 fees for inch turn ) will 1)u tIU , $ IQ rut $ rre respuctivcy for thu first , second muu third yearn. Tlwru will , be a number o free iiclwla nmhips for ) Os w hd may b tuulhlu to pity , Thu se1tool.will ho doll ) pluteIy provilud with all the neceuRnr tarts cold nppursbls. SL Idllli8 Iii rerld tuna a Similar Bchool inn Ilnuri8hing conti' i ti(1n , nut tlierti is toporhgl tit ho a lunar , niunt in Clovela11d to uslablisho10 thrr 0 Shat ix tow red issnu in A11er iea politic87 ats ! the Now York , S'he' . It i whether the people ur corparatiolu + Rhin ] writ 811(1 control this country ? 1ut plc s emit tendencies coatinu u Ilncheckud wit the toale11lani they harm aaplired u)1(1t ItepubliGm Ad11ltaiNtrdione , mold to yalr4 bunco it will ho tlhclexn to llrisu tli question , so far atR the people mull col : ce'ned , 'l'o day a serve of nil 11iInilit lulru noire actual how'd ! ill pmblie allhir s in thu lrantportali0n of thu cotntty , o t its ] egisluliom told newts old co1)Uwrc ttaln 111illiol5 of its eltizen5 , ,1 cerpull tine tuts a Perpetual life , 1rit11 it prlpu uat INR'el' Of tlgglTOldi'.ullll'ltt 1111 uplu eshiou , .1114 whilu thu Puuplu tun f been fighting to sa o thu Union , al working to reconstruct it on thu giu . It'Uteiplu of equal rights , thcxu aggrussi enporltttols hawe erupt wlcalthily in mu got a hold (0l Ulo public domain , mni i trenched pusitiOll in chututs , mull controlling influence , which nutkes th a lien ! to li1)urt ) ' multi Iwo institntiol j Shall tho' ho allowed to bceo11lu tiuperi i to law , a law unto theusolrus , ar be so jotrteti to a wire , just , pohtiu coutTl the pe0ple'e ( ovotmtii elt ) for ! ht pub gad ? Tubs i8 the 0uu iseuu beforu fwhi all otters pale , ' ' ' ' 7'011'.1' T.I LA' , tetllly JAt 1169 A'lule aliil ofietnt fl'111n Ilan still stir in llik 11loroccu covered OhaO fn the ( lnahti p(1Bhlic0 find stuys 'Iluru we at o yet and wlult arc you go. big to 1l ) alrmlt it r Tuts is rough on Cotitant butrotghcron Senator Dtandor- till , , whohogins to feel that leis gemioros It' in not Inlviug Ilim Su1111nnrihy 1'i , no- Ca 1t t DTare1I wits wasted , " said an ( ) Ina , 110 lnerchlult'to jhe % titer this inoruing at the 1'mixton I1ot e. "Hail s ndIllimiis. trition of the posttllico for four ycaii past lute 1)0011 n disgrace. The ullice has heed gl'(1sSly 11eglected , the subonlinlttes are iusubordinitle anti there have been the worst kind of Rcamidal14 connected wiII ( /u11nimiistlmtiou. / . It ix op0ldy charged that ifall huts only uumulgdd to rutnin his place by ditidiIl 1)114 ) salary with ascnStors wife w11i10 ion , ditur detiwIt ) hits atlblit'ItR ill his IlMAeei0i ! show'illg tllltt POAttl ' 'IerkNlllp4 were bought tout x01(1 with Tom Hall as the lOkel' . It ix ILstomitsllilig to 1101 flicluls that ( Ymul IYyck ahotdd luack doll at this late day simply 1)CCIOIMU 11c howled for hii111 at Ii11COhl tern yeses ago. I1) cry PrinciPlu of civil surs ic0 rchd nl ix being - ing violated by his rutenti 0I. I inkier. shed that Senator Van N'yck is willing to witlulrnv tuba lppnOtiomi to the ehaugu if ( Dieldursot will pledgu himself to prulide for limit ! by giving him a deputy - puty collectorship 1f Inturllal revenuu ; but this Soutor Dinndeeno ruff cstodo. It's ax1Seut xcelltu'rl xcitltrlnlnil nrnund. ' 'l'Idking a1)unt ( J011u1Td 1'nu1'yck , 1 tout the' eccumitt Jc rued excitable hut. mturgetie and honest mild war horse the miler evening amid uskcti 11itn about the Nu hr'uika mail route. "Pooh , pooh-utu- ha , you , , yes , " xaidt' thu senator , 'l tihodd think tin , D.n rTltiads. Another Rbu' route job xcotehed , ' 191nt'x all , uoui No nloro mocetisity' for threu ninth routes to the hills Lhaa thieve is for six post offices fit Onnllia , Called ultentiou to thu scheme hurt Congress , 9'hu plum WItS to got two more ruules for two nwre railroads , Ottu ( runt Chuumbe'lin , Dmlko t , to Du IIWOOd ( , for the benefit of the Ptlilwaukce i1) St. Pulp amid this one from Nubritska for the benefit of the Sioux OityiC ; Pacific road , 1)eadwnod huts two daily miutils already old tlOCSf't ( loud any more. SYhemi I cause to look up the country. to be served by thu Niobrara route , 1 found that nil the gowoinnent receipts front a radius fifty , miles around Niobrnrtdidntmnouut to $200rt quarter. Talk about helping Northern Nebraska- 0 yos1 The hardy settlers mimes oil the petitiomie are three quartuls soldiers from the Fifth Cavalry and eluployes of t thu sutlur at 1""orth Niobrmun. Sce1 11'lg L the 1)ITh)18 ) ) ul hue ( lOexllt 1'11)1 ) Lhlit'ty' miles 1 ill Nebraska before it strikes the imiliami c rCSUfration lull the Nubntska moil for ci i Daul ri xl ivouldnt mnonnl le a hotter' n d day. 'Thirteen th tisnmd it Scar ill pretty I expeISive for that is'nt it ? Eh. Now if . I believed that northe a NubtlL4krl honest- . Ig wanted and needed the now route , run l 1 that it w8s a butter mood Shortur rout d than thu others L w uukl take oaf my coal ' ; and murk for it. But they , donl it's m t. nlilroad all ( ? HIecuhit(11'B sclellm ! 10 llecl , y the treasury , in connecliou with (1110 4. thou worst of thu old star runtu gang g 11'ltnts going to be the result ? \ % 1l 0 dotlt know. I's o flow I ) ) ) ' duty' in cal lin e 0 1)1V. ) ( ietiluun'sattuntio11 to the uutttar , ' If - - - 1) "Yes we , vu hlmlti a successful Ii'ip , situ ! Dl r. Clots , Iroeke , of the 'I'h(1mila i , conputy' , . We have put in seventy' foul ) etuleerts. ill xuvmlty four concert day 4 I. which is doing pretty multi dust of al t1 we're muduyuu westurmi people pay wet fur hearing good music. Of course th t pricch iteu pretty Stoop , If thuy hadmi' 11 been my brothur a11d myself svouldu' ( - . halm cleared $25,000 from the rotttueo , - 11'11 hind a pretty heavy wuight in ' 'burs 1 by ( rho sung in i1'risco mitt ] Umlrur at S $400 a night but wt deoppe I , her tit Oautha. " Spanking o f . Ulu'I'honas coucois I umlul tnnti thu t . ? dr. .Ih ) d lust about $400 b ) the vomit I ure , At first it wits arnutgul that th d rf cotmp81ty 5houh(1 ho played an n per can ( U age but 'hicit the miuuutger aunu and sal . the snlu of reserved salts h0 howled s n f loudly for a guar ititco that Boyd gav e e him rut assurance of $1,000 for tom lhuct ' li cnncm'tS. 9'his tinI ether oxpalsc s I brought up the bill to about $1.500 alts I f Dhr. Boyd lens consequently buhlimiti humid U .Of cotliso thu heat lad soaotllimig to d o - with it btlt the high prices had more y bhuly' of our citirulle 11)1(1 beard Thiottla s J piny for 50 cents anti 711 cents n concur wilt thu smmu orchextru 111111 it seelned l , good dad (1f a gouge to charge $2.50 f1) 1 1u a progimun11lu of f'ury' light music , 'J'im u theruu dodge wits a good one though m l n i11gHO ttio)1 on the singers ( rho freely gav S their services and peddled lickut s 11 in return for tllu privilege of imicreu ing the profits of the nuuagu m Ii whit is uuihing a good speculatiol p out of 'I'bnnuw , Thu whole bItM1lt'Sx I U a shrutrdly' worked Scllunul to ( mike nun ) 0 uy null all Tlaluuis has to do with it in li - null the / + 0'yICCS of his orchestra fur so 1s mutt a llightwvhihe1ul1. . Irockopockuta the , suephls , 'I'lmu ' concerts were good mull n the chonls did tom work in n iiutnnur tl 3 , which Omiuthtt luny be prvUd but the Pub 1. lie listumied old thought of that $ I' t. wilted they butt paid fur tickets in th il' ' fashi0mabl0 part of the 1tuus0 111111 Um u though it to4)k a g(1(1d dot of thin 0tigo ul ud the itt to " 't'lle 1'11/iilethlll III the last COltgl'e54 hl loom alg8'opriutiuit , " said a guvovn11len I ) . cluck lcts forced a teductiom in thin fore I ) mud tulariee of thequurtonatlsturtutu teal an alisxary I it the cuuuuitisau B. olltcu a tat per cunt. cut Nits 1111alu i or clerk snlarice , ( Jlmueral Dmuldy fumed i l ) , 11100 tiitlteult. to fix nlutturw tou his fore Iy ? e much lmuger mild Scattered titer a with o lie find. One clerk 'wits loft out in llm cli lteulquartems and nnothlO ! rueigned m the Letal. Thu rust of the'reduetto ssas 1111010 ill teruuxtcrx ItC. outside of Ouudma. " ' 1 do not think the louitiolm of our club house Luis peon dullaitely settled , yet , ' Auld a lnclnbcr of tilt' club to the { triter the other duty. "Several lotshnve been talked of and me1)buls have beet inribgl to expre4S their htrefolcnces. Otto 1Ota1)lside0d is the northwest corner of 11th 1)d Ilolgla4 street for which $1t,000 is utskclh ; Inlother , tilt tiollthletl5t corner tat N1 0r/00. 'rhuru Is It let oIl the ( test of l Ith , iULWOuu 1'ariiull nod Ionglut : that is also ulcnti"nou lit .910,000 whiit a locntiuu which is favorably aosidercd is thu ( JIJxtili feel on the north ( lest corner of 19th anti Ilnrnoy for which thu ownur lvmtntlr $14.000 , The ( lust offer is the HHxl$2 feet ou thu south1 west collier of J4tlt nod hammy street which ix held lit 420.1)00 ) , ( Inn thing is certaiIi , the chili will build in the business - ness eenro. out ' pla11 is to erect a three of fen' stray bnildiug with the ground ! hour let for stoics auul the club rooms I above. SYu will lutve a gael rextiuu ant , iiimitng rnu11i , tmrhnta , billiard std card 1'01)015 ) aIid mull Ihi ii cmiiiVolt toil eeti of a 1001 arm club homsc. ; fit plcsunl we Matte eighty St(1Ckh(1Ides but nleubers u ith'nit ' OWTlership ill stock will be subsequently m lmitted , " "IYIat lute beet ulo of Celdwell it the flu V Natt(1ulll bnllk , " asked ant of dui llixess ) 111011 yextertlay , 1 see that Chute- Icy Ihuniltou jut pet)8itl lit , Diilt Barlow , cashier hint the flnlno of S , S. C , is not to be 50011 " 1Ylmt's tilt ? " Thu ctltittgo of the private baulking huusu of Cahdwcll itumiltu11 Il' Cu , to it uutlinunl bank leaves room for a go(5l privultu bank Stith heavy aipilta. You sue private honks can spoC- ulatu uulcll better uuwl :110 : nude , fewer resleictionx than the antinmd baulks which colt idol to any (1110 party Inure tllmt out' tenth of their capital stock orfora longer porind than nicety days , Thu nuw innu e1 'I't'nst Co11gmny ill which 14r.'l'oui ' din , Ile11yY. . Yates and hulgo Snvngo lure illtdreste ! 1111 1111 it hung felt slim its i uudctstaud their ulpitutl furnished by caste mi parties is praeticalhy auhimited. 'l'huim no1n'y ( till 111 fumTlishcut thwul at 1 or fi per cunt and they will loam oIl up- proved ! unlit sceu itiesat eight per cen : ; . quote is It big upelt11g for such m1 initi , ' ' : : are a few priiitorut ill Olnahut who are dytug to l d editors nod free lunch Melds alt 1)1)00 , ' 1'mt ) is the true inward , 11(55 of tiw present strike whichl wits fo- meted lutd started 113 a few hot hauled yolnlg 11)011 is h , have etructuall3 aliemiltlid all public By1)lpatlty 113 the nlnflnor in r1tich they weft about thu muitte . IYhel luon are earring good wages 8t a steady jab a11d governed largely by them- selres thrduglt a uniunwhfchlischeerfully 1'ccngllized ' by tlwir o11gluye's , a forced strike is the worst kind of folly. 'Pmts is the time lvhml striws 51101 { which way' iho drittls go , ,1 Novel Itmt.Cetehur , Ihon. Jolty 11 , Gurnier , of Lawrence I btug } , Dui , , had quite a cmriosity in lti x i urdun , it is it tut tlll'tlo of tow hard RhLl f hind. its ) eolhtarit consists in its abtl ity tucntch nits. 1i vursillco the Into Iloo ( I these eodent1)0518 , buimtgdriyel from Old town by thu water , tutee been mill nlnloa illtulaTtblo nuisance to Ute ithutbitltutx of Now Eulrt , which is fo'tunatelyl(1uitcdol high grouul. llr. ( fminice and family hun-u froquulltly floticud the put turd u fuast big o11 the cnrenss of dead emits , mum I bud trund0rdd 1)L this strange sight ; 1)u t ' toeemitly , alit the geltlanmul was showier n somufriuadsthrouglthisbcautifulgardet t oflluwmwtheir utttulltiouEVILSmtttiutctcdt ( I tutu rusUillg 0f plaits hoar by , uecunlpan led 1 yit scent elliug uinl w'lli11tug 1)oisd , 0)1 inrestignting tow enuso of thus ills t turb uroe , wlutt inns their surprise to lint the turtle ciigaged in a ticeeo bmttlu sit hi a hat e emit. Thu turtle heal the matt I Y the smile , and { vas tiextoously' axing it Yx clmllrs on the Ntl'ilggliug iii iinial. 'Pile Ira t wits resisliu4 its elenly' , furiously bitimi tg mull Sernteh11lg time hard shell of its as sailami , but , wilhonL nuikitlg an inipres 511)1. It waS Rquadutg I lost pitcuushf mutt while the Vixttors uee'u louktng an 11 asfo11is11111unt tiler tti et ld Coolly conui lutod 1 its work of death , nod thu lust rolled ova ( II corpse. 111)W' I' ! ' 1'IIIS 7'O Itli iNS.1N1'I. niinal , ltl re x. l veal' 11101 imisamio aural I uftot 11uts ' 01.01 013 oaporiullcu 'I'heru arc , u culusu , Iimiuiy kinds of iosnuit ) . Soot e Iliemittll disordori , take place so grsdnnll y that uve11 Ilie cldsust CoulpltuinnS of th u wiethll mu at it loss to lot1101111)er when the lroublo bugnm. It unmst Luse bucl this vvay ill lay unite. One ovmling , aftc 511 oppressivu wurni do n lay w'lwn i t cxpuromiCCll inoro fatlguo front U1 0 hunt Umit ever bufuro or simco I 1 eat on Illy porch fnnnimig mnyaol 0f Plus mlrnt that ! n oar in uiOten , i unlaetl , 'lmtist ow of these days ho dust I 1 wonder how , long will the tine be. ' e9'11w1 i miutsud upon the evidence I ha ( e (1f hlunortnlity. I could do thliugs that other p0ephu could not accomplish . I hod gouu through btittlu niter battle ' old Ibought bullets situ and shoe k 1110 , I l1IS not hurt. . 1 jf u nntet kl i lit mike thu most of life ; to Make 111011 s ovnnd to educate toy eliillreu , I want ed to ho rice , mod 1 began to study afro an ii ulgirlnry' list of cntutprises , et lust h hit upuit relishes. I'cuplu must luty aulishcs'I'huy should be in every store e 'l'imo ) cold ho thetedtt11(1soul in wlnto' 1 I wonhd phmlt f0aeit tithi Iwdish seed f old puuplo ell Orel LhD country wuuldre fur to sum as tie ' tlltlish Idmi.1i ( 1111)1111 forum ut tail fsh 14mdtrnt(1 , unll 1)n ) ' iiI1 ill 2 Ihu rndb hem ild tray i1 mu4nutl au11 b u nihutrcd , I I + d to low Iwmhu to tel u my a ifo tbnt see w liS soda t01)d It tlulisl I' quOol. .St thuhrcnkblst tablu 1 said : ' 'J ulta,11ow w oldd quit liku tube aural isht ( , nt'elll" 'A whatf shim etxelainanL I exphl11ivd my plus of ilaplirnlg grin I treat th , and ilurimug tow recitol situ net else so curiously flint I lumtsalaimnud , I lumen I' limit shu w uts losing her mind. ltilutll ) she S14)Illpl ) ! to tlildcl'bttlllll Situ ogmea y pith mite , but told limo not to sayamythtn It 1111)1'0 ilhi(1ut it. Aftur breakfast , I salt tier tnikiug eal'Ilesthy with bet' father , mini t I know tltat shu wits uxplaitng to thuoh d guttlmuau hue situ intuudud to pa ) ' ht debts 1 hiuit 1 bJuumo kuavn nit the taths e king. lhu tilt ! malt ollmt'lnlCliCll mile wit 1011011 Couture , and tOI(1 Ito thnt 11190(11 't rest , and that 1 must not think-of busines ml Pretty soon 1 hunt out to inspect tit radish kinglom. I ookiimg around , i savu 1 the old luau toll (011ng Int. Fro111 the field I w oil to the tillage. I approached a protniuent citi7A111. who had always beuul lilyftiend , mind fell httn how' I intended to boeotul rich , Ift Sccllledgrieved , amid I snsi at once that hl' was cotctnplatitlg the snow entemltrire It : lamed 11101111 that Ie Shedd take ndrumntagt of mite. 8111 i told hint so. lie tried to exphtin , but Ito mail e lieu SIP 11uu1 that I w ultld struck hint if 1113 father-in-law had lint collie up nod separated 0s. I tried to cnhn myself , but could tint. 'I'lloso Iwho lad i been li13 friends , pro fed to be 1113' one , tllit's , tltl/l / I was 11etel'lllllletl to 1)t tlVelgel , but befl're 1 cold uxcrutu ley will i wits seized by several 11)011. Dly fnt11.r-im lav did not musk o nay ntt0nglt to I'"xellO toe , nut I bntcd ilium. I sla + takCIl to jail. J13 wife ceue to see 1110 but she did not try to haru me relunsed. I demanded a tri- adbutnulawyer woIddofeltlliul ) ) , 'I'heu i realized that the oltiie coumnunfty wets ugaimist 11mo. I bucn11IU ii math that tut' anger seemed to lung oror mile like a dark cloud. It pressed mile to time floor told lteld roe thole. Dtel euune after n lrtug titen anti took the alTn3 , I thought , to the pelitomitinry , ( ) au 11113 a cat came into 111) ' cell , and I tried tnbito it. Shunuulo tow hair 113 , but I kihle iher. I don'tkmiov lent lung I rcmniucd here , but and 1110111- lug the suit luau and sh4)tlu ill at lime through m the wi11dnty , It soonlal to ho the first time that 1 hind scemi the great IIlnltnary for mouths , A mist dcnlwl fine before my 030 $ . 1iy hrli11 begnu to work , rind suddenly I rcnlizcd that i lead icalled thekeeper , amid whet ho x1111 tau , he exehaiumed " 'I'hmlk ( iod" and grmtsped 11)3 Lund. i 'IL. , ol tun , ill put LiIig on n11othtor suit of clothes lull ! turtling 1113' face toward honw , A lthlysicinn said tllltt I wits cured , nut oy- elyhody soon toil bright mind happy tit 1113 recovery. I bnatdel a tiaiu with n gull- tlemuur , and wc)1thtd11ic , illy wife fainted whiun she saw we and lenrued thl'tt I bud rewvcrednly111i11d. 1 asked for toy little lhildremi , a)1d two big buys a11d a young ady awle foeward fund greeted ulu. i lull bcel ill the misylunl htelru yeum5 T , IpPpG MARk , / ; . , 1 + s + \ . , THE GREAT FOR PAIN. C RES Rheumatism , neural ia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Bacache. Headache , Toothache , liore7 Hurt. . Me Udnia 1''ruat ' ItilcMrubr , AND ALLOTIIRIt IIODIL1 PAINS AND Alums. Sold b1 Drutrine end Dales eo er.bete. Fifty emU a botee. . . , Direcitoa $ In it l e.ro.re TIia e11AII1.E5 A. VOOELSI ( CO. . . , . . . A. , . ' ( ! eu re AA.'WLLra A'U ) Wlti.on-Dd.C.a. 't a 00 , . l Monitor Oil Stove l The 01113 OIL STOVE that will bur t algrulesofkerosemiewith ) "ABSOLU9' ' SAh'1:9'Y , " Send for dcscriptivo circu Inv , or call 11)1(1 ox011miuu it , Address I MILTON ROGERS & EONS , 1921 and 1929 l-AIINAII STItIKr : , 1 bat ituol-oeid 2nt The Oldest Established 1 ' BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA , L CALDWELL , HAMILTON & CO. , Bankers. x . IltiSineAs tntusnctcd same as that of nit incorporated Runk. Accou)1ts solicited amid kept subject to , sight creek lvithott notice. m Curtmfrclti of ( IOPoNit issued payahhC ii three , six and twelve montlt4 , bear- ' 1)g ilmtcrest , or min du111aiid without imi- crest , A(1Va11Cex i uldu to custoue's min 8p- proved securities at unu'ket rate' of in- Icrest. The imtte1'esls of rustnuuurs mute closely guarded meld every facility compatible lvitit prineiplei of suutol bnukimg frouly extellderl. Dour Sight 1)rsfts on Eugluuld , Lie- laud , SC(1tland , lull mill plans of Europe. Collections Prom tl Made. United States Depository. f First e _ 01 + OMAHA- t l Cor.13th and Farnam Sts. The Oldest Banking Esfablishmen t l in Omaha , $ ' (5j)3 ( ) ' EOUNTZE BIIOTImIltO , Organized in 1868 r Orgltuicr t as a National Bank in 1861 Ot1Pl'I'i1l . . . . . . $ 200,0(1 ( ( 1 HUitl'Ll'ANI)1'ItOhl'1'A $ lriOOO ( e111CE5Y.1hD oirrCl'OAA IIra11 is lioL'xrzr. ' ; Prevldent , I , Jam A. CSmaoutus , ykr I'rr.ldent , Avnatl ( ediotTrr. , 211 Vhu t'rrddent. A I l'oO'l.IttuN , 1' . II. UIwIx , Caeldl w' . 11. MruW'ItH , A.dbtalit ( ibhirr. ' 1'ran.aiteageuertiruuLhighil.ne.Y. ; Iiiuc ) tlnl P rcrtldcatcblK'arlulnten'.t. 11ruoT. draILA nn Sa I FIUIIPIMtr x1111 uiuelt'al cltlee hr the llntOol Rtate s I Al u linuton , Ilublln , Ikllithunrh and the prlnel , cltk4tittheirmtnientof Eurupu. ALMA E. KEITH L DhALhit IN l Fine Millinery l tltAlit (101)101 , w'.1YES,11.ANOS , ETC , h Stock Entirely Fresh and Ne w s 1 105 if + tlr Street , Opp. I'osto111co , dl. l. ' JOHN C JACOBS ! i A Futmerly ( It.h b J&cebw 4 TAKER. ThcPimUie a rt vested ear Ill to nohet the i Sthrnte1oit drnun llontht'N'i ntl > andtnlorped llontht'N' ) t r'CLtPITA , ' , PRIZE $76ooo. , Tlckete Only $6 , Shares In proportion , i I I Louisiana Tiatc Loticry Conjpanv "f e do hn ( b0 rertIrr ( that trr AtrprrrAe i , e n , rangraenhs for alt 1s' Jlmtthlll out Srni 1nnnar 1)rntringa of fhe LetiPAarT ylalll oferrl Cmnpatty , i add ( u ' , rrrmnormpa ms1 rnnfr"f flu fratehtge p thivnulN5andOmlfhfAOnte nre rondnrtrd , cit/i AoneAtg , fairti o and ( n paid fnill toward nil natt tea Ice mtlmrire l e ronpang to va OiACrrv tifimte , trithfae , aOnid'A of our Aignoturen ottnd.ed . to IIA adrerhronent " _ l _ f , I Cbgu.elotIr.L Inrngmrated lit 1563 for 25 yeah Ly the Ieullature for educntlonal unit eitarllable pnq. , cvlath o cup' ital of 310x,0111 , to ubirh a rc erre land of olor r50AoO has etnee loon added. 113RO0'cruhrltnhitd pupnlar Tile itv frnnchi.o env made it pars 1)l the present Mite convtittnlof rdoptcd lutewbcr21 , A. P. tbi0. The off ! , Lottrrp errr voted nn and endmArd b ! , Orrpropte of mql . It ncrer ScnfA or Pnfpnac Its grand single nuulb0l' dralf ings take Place flumlldy , A 51'i.IN111t : urrOIITrNITY To WIN A FOR , 9'UNI : Selcuth Oraud Urautlr , Clavx O , at Now Or. IrauTl1ESDAY , Jl'1.Y 10 , 18SI-U tli 3luathly Irattiig. C.tl'IT.tl. i'lll7 E , + 11Ga > n. loenoeTlCEI7N , at ! 'Ill : Unl,1Alty E.1r'll. . rat' ; tlouv , hr Fditllx In I'ropunto5 , Ii' P(1) iii I. CA1'ITAL 1'RII : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? i5,4)a4) 1 du do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2JooO i de du . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 2 1'lu7.r4 of 6xo 12,000 0 do 2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10,000 , 10 lit lost 10,000 _ i ) do 1x10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10,000 100 du 21x1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000 8oi du tAl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : i/,1M10 004) to fn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000 1001) too 's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25,000 Ai'I'IiOTtq lTii 1'517)4. a AppruThuatlun pdze4 of 37W ) . . . . . . . . 0,700 II do do furl. . . . . . . . . . . 4,010 0 do , lr 2..0. . . . . . . . . 2,20 1001 1'rizee , ntunuuting to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 00 A gtlicatlan for rites to clubs should only be wulo : t" the otfce of the Compar y hr New Orlem,4. , } 'orfnrthcrlnfornrallon Write clearly gAtnR full 11ddreoe , fiend orders by Etprelw , ltegfttcred Letterer or Mmwy Ordcp addree + cd "nly to M , A , DAl'P111N , or M. A , DAt'I'IIIN , New ( ) rleaitv , T a. 007 Seventh St „ w'ashingtnu , D , C. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY CO B. Frank Moore. 121 La Salle Street Chicago , ( Formerly alt nod 21211roaduay , N,1' . ) Now Manager of Chicago 0tnm. To wham apply for infommtlon and ticl eta ; 109th Monthly Draw Itt , Tuesday , July 10th , First Capital laze , 370,000. TTckete $ ,5. Soil lit tlli at 3l cite h. See full scheme eleewheru. - c- 1 a , . / I-- Cj " ! rs'J t l ti , . b w (6 , r1 . = w " r i3 . M t. t- ) Itl .r , r thp : A G ° o . m I ZW c : _ s : ! 1Co lit r > = d Os 1a ) r - - II Wo W 4 CL cC xitri H - ' 1 t. + , O ' y cis --1 - - - G - i j obi tom , p r 0 llimebaii1i & Taylor OI'Flat A Slat S'I'0 ( B 01' HARDWARE Ft'IJ ' , ASSOIITMENI' OF BUILDERS' MATERIAL , NWWet btlee lit lirorize Ono.l + . Carl"ntcrinl 3luehlnlbts 'ruol , , Warranted Cutlery and Buf = falo Scales. II0) DOUOhAli ST. , OMAHA. NEBRASKA LAND AGENCY.T F. . ! ( SUCCES501Lq TO lAyi $ R SNynE11 ) Oenend Ito filer. in I ESTATE I0' ) ) FAIIN.IM h'I' . , ell tll f r. u u Ilotcfore.deh0tiUurriaorrcfully tlert1I.uul . In Ea.tert ) No braeka , lit loom prlcuuul nu 1.140 terns al Imprlniii farm , for rule In 1onlno , 1hole , l'ultat I9a)1' hurt , ( 'umior , 'trio lt'n.hhgtiu , , Mcrlrk Bounden , a11d tinder ( retinue. . T'aalaadl , lit all earl. "f the Stale , 31one ) 1eaimtil on hnplltit , farm. . Nutar { rllbtl , AIWat 111 ultlm. , $ , ( ) - } latter of Appbueon of FclIT Slau4l for lugitur 1.1 'it-c. a NUTha : Su1110 i. hcrch0 lien that Fella Sl.Undld neo the 20111 day , of Jitut' , 1S.3 , the lit , u'plk athu m to tl1 mayor aitl till ounell of lhu cloy it Omaha , far II . ,01100 la .111 wait , s'dtituue ' atul ilyuin , a o'laleu llou.e,10th .lreet , 0111 Wand , Onwba , Neb. fruut the 11th 1101) of Jul ) , 1Sai , t , 11111 1Ith day Dee t Iur lean 11 there din mie libcrttuu , rlnmeuran(0 or Prot n adeduuhluh + aucekYfruulJune milli , A. h. ISd the soul 1ftoit.o a Ill ho ) rauttll , Feui SLAILN Ap lleaitt. The Omaha hoe neu.eaper sill 1tublloti thW , abut eoth0 uuro eurh urrk for to utm e1 at the cA'eim ' Y of the appllcaltt. Tue illy lit Omaha IY root to charged tbercoitli J. J 1. C. JEWETT , 1'02 2tdeu t City C1ttL , ] E S TE e. . ANN & Coe IMrollTE1'y lit QUEENSWARE ! China and Glass , 608 WASH/N6TON AVENUE AND 609 ST STRE ET , St. LOUIS Mo. J STIH Dry Goods ! : . , f Washington Avenue and Eifth Street , - - - ST. LOUIS. MO , STEELS JOHNSON & Coe Wholesale Grocers ! , l ANt ) JOBIIEIIS I FLOUR1 SALT ) SUGARS , CANNED G001 S ND ALL GROCERS' ' SUPPLIES , , I A F'LL LINE OF Tiler ; 1ih'l' IIRANDS OF Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco , , AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO. , JY A. WAKEFIELD . . , , . , u'uol.ls.ltl : : tND iuirAll tit.ullt : I t r a f Pi ckets , SASE1 POURS , BLINDS , MOULDING LIMB , CEMENTf PLASTER , . &C STATE AGENT FOil MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB. Ca Fe GOODMAN , Wholesale Druggist ! AND DEALER IN Pllts , OilS , Glass , S OMAHA , NEBRASKA. DEALERS IN . Hall's Safe an Lock om ! . FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF PROOF&o. . 1020 I'currlam / tr.actt. Omcab. . HENRY LEHMANN JOiIRER OF \Vall \ Pape 1 au illaO Sliaaes. EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED , 1118 I"AlNAM STREET , - - o OitL11lA NEB. SALEM FLOUR. Tolx Flour Iv unule ut Salern , ltdcharil.lm Cur , Nobritxka. , lit the C"nlbintd , Roller Stone System , Ito t trsivi hi u place Ire hae uprned a lraurh at 1011l0apitil amenue One halfrliti ( or ' ouAddrret tither VaLL NTx1 cite R hPY , , - Salem or Ornaha , Neb , ' Illalllt' elll M. HELL MAN & CO. , Wholesale Clothiers I 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , CUR. 13TH , I OM.UTA , NEiIItASI ( GATE CITY PLANING MILLS ! . . MA SI 1'.l'I' t.tl5 0l Carporter& , MateraIs , ' ll u sash , Do.v ors , Bliutls Stairs Stair Ratlin g s , , BalnstcrsI 1Vindow & Boor Franks , &c. , I'Ir.t la . facilities , fur the uannhlrture of all 6hulo . . it Munldalo I'lamn , ad ) lutrh + u : u aexvmalty entcra from the auutr ) mm Ill he 'r' ' ' u t ctlruh.l . ' , , . Ailrc.eahivmuualatlimo A. I1'1'lltl'ruprletnr ' ' : u i i - LOUIS BRADFORD , r u LIALEIt I\ e 11II1Of , Sash , floors , I I i ? I at1i Jt v ETC : Low PIICES ( AND 0001) GRADES , r , . Call and Get My Prices Before Buying Elsewhere , Yards Cor 9th am' " Douglas , Also ] 7th and Douglas ,