Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1881, Page 7, Image 8

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DIG harnham , bet. Oth nnd 10th Strcett.
One copy 1 year , In advance ( jxwtpald ) . tlO.OC
G month' " . . . . fi.o
3 month * " " . . . . 3M
Ijcaxo Oinahik No. 2 through twenirer , 11
X in. No. < , OftMamlviSGiiKcr , 8:30a. : in , .
Arwe Omiilifi No. 1 , tlirouifh iWRscngcr , 2ifl :
y , m. No , 3 , OaUand jnssciiKcr , 6:30 : p. in.
C. , B. & O. C n. m. 3:40 : p. m.
C. , t N. \ \ \ , 0 a. m.-3i40 p. m.1
C. , R. I. & P. . 0 a. m. 8:40 : p. m. '
K. C. , St. J. & C. H. , 8 ft m. 0:30 p. m. Atrl\
t St. loula at 0:25 : a. m. and 7:45 : . in.
H. & M. In Neb. , Through Kinross , 8:36 : a. m.
II. & JI. Lincoln rrclKht.-7:00 : p. m.
U. I1 Express , 12:15 : p. m.
O , k K. V. ( or Unjoin , 10O : > a. m.
O. & n. V. lor Osccoh , 0:40 : a. in ,
U. 1 * . freight No. 6 , 6:30 : a. m.
r I' , freight No. 0 , 8:15 : a. in.
V. P. freight No. 7 , 0:10 : p. in. emigrant.
V P. freight No. 11 8:26 : p. m.
C. n. & O. , B:00 : a. m. 7:25 : p m.
C , fe N. W. , D:46 : a , m. 7:25 : p. m.
C. R , I. ftl',0:45 : a. m. 0.05 p. m.
'K. C. , St. Joe & C n. , 7:40 n. m. 0:46 : p. m.
W. , St. L. & I' . , 10:55 : ft. in. 4:25 : p. m.
O. & iu V. from Lincoln 12:12 : ! p. m.
U. P. Express 3:25 : p. m.
& & M. In Nch. , Through Kxprcss 4:16 : p. m ,
O. & JI. Lincoln Krcl ht 8:35 : a. m.
U P. Frclfrht No. 10-1:40 : p. in.
No. C 4:25 : p. m. Emigrant.
No. 8 10:50 : p. m.
No 12 11:35 : a. in.
O. t K , V. mixed , or. 4:35 : p. in.
Kebraska Division ot the St. PAU ! & Sioux City
Jfo. 2 leaves Omaha 8 a. m.
> o. 4 leaves Omaha l.BO p. m.
Wo , 1 arrlcsnt Omaha at 4:30 : p. in.
"No. 3 arrives at Omaha nt 10:45 : a. m ,
Leave Omaha at 8:00 : , 0:00 : and 11:00 : a. m. ;
1:00 : 2:00 , 3:00 : , 4:00 : , 5:00 : and 0:00 : p. m.
Leave Council Hindi at 8:25 : , 0:25 , 11:25 a. in. ;
1:26 , 2:25 , 3:25 , 4:25 6:26 and 0:25 p. m.
Sundays The dummy leaves Omaha at 9:00 :
nd 11:00 : a. m. ; 2:00 : , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m. Leaves
Council Dltifls at 0:25 : and 11:29 : a. in. ; 2:25 : , 4:25 :
and 5:25 : p. m.
Opening and Closing of Malli.
a. m. p. in a. m. p. m.
Chlcago&N. W . 11.00 030 4:30 : 2:40 :
Chicago , K. I. & I'acinciiiioo 9:00 : 4:30 : 2:40 :
Chicago , 11. & Q. . . . . .11:00 : D:00 : 4:30 : 2:40 :
Wabash 12:30 : 4:30 : 2:40 :
filoux City and Pacific. . 11:00 4:30 :
SJnlon Pacific 6.00 11:40 :
Omnha&U. V 4:00 : 11:40 :
B.&M. In Neb 4:00 : 8:40 : 6:30 :
Omaha & Northwestern. 4:30 : 7:30 :
Local malls for State ot Iowa leave but once a
day , xlz : 4:30a.m. :
A Lincoln Mall Is also opened at 10:30 : a. m.
Olllco open Sundays from 12 m. to 1 p. m.
Business Directory.
Abstract and Real Estate.
JOHN L. JIcCAOOE , opposite Post Offlce.
W. n. DAUTLKTT 317 South 13th Street
Room 14. Crolghton Block.
A. T. LARGE Jr. . Room 2. CieWiton Block.
Boots and Shoes.
.Fine Boots and Shoes. A good assortment of
borne n ork on hand , comer 12th and Harncy.
TH03. ER1CKSON , S : E. cor. 10th and Douglas.
O3510th street , manufactures to order good work
at fair pricis. Repairing djno.
Bed Springs.
F. LAKimiEll Manufacturer. 1517 Douploast.
Books , News and [ Stationery.
J. I. FRUEHAUF 1015 Farnham Street.
Butter and
McSHANE & SCHROEDER , the oldest B. and E.
house In Nebraska established 1S75 Omaha.
11113. A. RYAN ,
southwest corner ICthand Dodge.
Host Board for the Money.
{ Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Meals at all Hours.
Board by the Day , Week or Month.
Good Terras for Cash.
Furnished Tinning Supplied.
Carriages and Road Wagons.
AVM SNYDER , 14th and Harncy Streets.
JOHN BAUMER 1314 Farnham Street.
II. BERTHOLD , R&a and Metal.
Lumber , Lime and Cement.
FOSTER & QH.\Y corner Oth and Douglas Sti.
Lamps and Ulassware.
J. BONNER ISOfl Doazlis St. flood Variety.
Merchant Tailors.
Ono ol our most popular Merchant Tailors Is re
ceiving the latest designs for Spring and Summer
floods ( or gentlemen wear. Stylish , durable ,
and prices low as ever 215 13th bet. Douir.&Farii.
21IIS. O. A. RINQER , Wholesale and Retail , Fan
cy floods In great v aricty , Zephyrs , Card Board * ,
Hosiery , Gloves , Corsets , &c. Cheapest House In
the West. Purchasers eat o SO per cent. Order
bv Mall. 115 Fifteenth Street.
JOHN WEARNE & SONS , cor. 14th & Jackson sts
Hour and Feed.
OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th and Farnham 8tj. ,
WcUhans Bros , , proprietors.
' { . STEVENS , 21st between Cumins and liar
t 1 A. McSIIANE , Corn. 23d and Curalng Streets.
Hardwaie , Iron and Steel ,
DOLAN & LANOWORTHY , Wholesale , 110 and
11215th strut
A. HOLMKS corner 10th and Oallfornlv
Harness , Baddies , &c.
B. WKIST 20 13th St. bet Fanik Haniev.
CANFIELD HOUSE , Oo3.CanfleIdOth& Farnliam
DOIIAN HOUSE , f. II. Cary , Bis I'arnliam St.
SLAVIC'S HOTl'.L. F. Slaven , 10th St.
Southern Hotel , fins. Hamcl.Oth &Lua\enworth
Iron Fencing.
The Western Cornice Works , Agents ( or the
Champion Iron Kenco 4c. , lure on hand aM kind *
ot Fancy Iron Funcc * , Greetings , Fincals , lUIIInia ,
ct1310 Drtliro ttree. apl2
Clothing Bought.
0 .SHAW will jray highest Cafili price ( or second
hand clothing , Corner 10th and Farnham.
DR. PAUL , Williams' Block , Cor. Uth & Dodge.
Drugs , Paints and Oils ,
PbarmacUU , Fine funo Uoodi , Cor. Uth and
Douzlx ktruets.
W. J , WHITEHOUfK , Wholesale & Retail , 16th st.
0. 0. FIELD , 2022 North Side Cuminu Street.
M. PARR , Drusi'lst , 10th and Howard Streets.
Dry Goods Notions , Etc.
[ JOHN II. F. LEltMANN & CO. , '
N"cn Vork Dry Oooda Store , 1310 and 1812 Farn-
him itrect.
t. C. tnewolJ also boots and shoes 7th A Puc-lllc.
A F. GROSS , New and Second Hand Furniture
nd Stoves , lilt bougU * . Highest caeh prlco
paid ( or second hana KOOOS.
J. BONNER 1309 Douzli it. Fine eoodi , ic.
Planing Mill.
A. MOVER , manufacturer of sash , doori , bllndi ,
moldings , newels , balusters , hand rails , ( urnlshini ;
scroll gattlni , ' , lie. , cor. Vodfq Hid 9th streets.
J. ROSENFELD , 3 IDtb St. , bet. Far. & Har ,
A. Donashue , plant * , cut flowers , fced % boquct
etc. N , W. cor. IRUi an 1 I > o > i .l.M ( trcrta.
Civil Engineers nnd Surveyor ! .
ANDREW K03K\VATKIt , Crclnhlon Block
Tovtrn Surveys , 0ratio nnd Sewerage .S stcmj i
Uommlstlon Merchants.
JOHN O. VflL I.IS.14H Dolce Sltcct.
D R 11KKMKR. For details seolarvondicrtUc
mcnt In D.illv and Weckh' .
Cigars and Tobacco.
WEST & FRITSCDER. mamifaiturcn of
nd Wholesale Dealers In Tohacvos. 1305 IV
ft' . V. LOUENZKN iiiinufactiircr M4 10thstreet
Cornice Works.
Western Cornice AVorks. Xlannfactuttrs Iron
Cornice , Tin , Iron nnd 81ato Roofllin ; . Onlcrs
from anj1 locality promptly executed In tlio bcsl
minncr. Factory and UtLco 1310 Dodge StrceU
Oaltanlred Iron Cornices. Window Caw | , etc. ,
manufactured and put up In any jnrt of the
country. T. 3INHUI.1) 410 Tlilrtceiuh trcct
Oroekery ,
i. BONNER im Do\vjl s stwct. Good lino.
Clothing and Furnltlilnc Goods.
OEO. II. FETERSOX. Also Hats , Gift , Roots ,
Shore , Notions and Cutler } ' , 804 S. 10th street ,
Fence Works ,
OUST , FRIES & CO. , 1213 Harncy St. , Improved -
d Ice llo\cs. Iron nnd Wood 1'cncci , Olllco
a , Counters of Pine anil Walnut.
Refrigerators , Canfield'i Patent ,
C. F. GOODMAN 11th St , bet. Farn. & Hartley.
Show Case Manufactory. )
0. J. WILDE.
Manufacturer and Dealer In all kinds of know
Cases , Upright Cases , a - . . 1317 Oisa St.
FRANK I. . GERHARD , proprietor Omaha
3hovv Case manufactory , 818 South ICth street ,
between toaMmworth and Marcy. All goods
\\arrantcd flrst-cUum.
Stoves ana Tinware ,
Dealer In Stores and Tinware , and Manufacturer
of Tin Roofs and all "kinds of Building Work ,
Odd Fellows' Block.
J. BONNER. 1309 Douglas St , Good and Cheap.
J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills and
CuItUators , Odd Fellows' Hall.
Physicians and Surgeons.
W. S. GinilS , M. D. , Room No 4 , Crclghton
Block , 16th Street.
P. S. LEISEN1UNG , M. D. Moronic Block.
C. L. HART , M. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. postoftlco
HulUt ami Aurlnt. S. W ICth and Farnham Sts
Grand Central Gallcrv.
212 Sixteenth Street.
near Masonic Hall. First-class Work and Prompt-
icsa Riiarantcop
Plumblnc , Gas and Steam Fitting.
P.V. . TARPY & CO. . 210 12th St. , bet. Farnham
and Douglas. Worx promptly attended to.
D. FITZPATRICK. 1400 Douglas Street.
Painting and Paper Hanging.
HENRY A. KOSTERS. 1412 Dodge Street.
'hllllp Lang , 1320 Farnham Et , bet. 13th & 14th.
Second Hand Store.
PERKINS & LEAR , 1410 Douglas St. New and
Second Hand Furniture. House Furnishing Goods ,
ic. , boui'ht anil sold on narrow nmn-ina.
n the new hiick block on Douglas Stroct , baa
Just ojicncd a moat elcpuit ISceJ Hall.
Hot Lunch from 10 to 12
ei cry day ,
Caledonia " J. FALCONER. 070 16th Street.
CHAS. RIEWE , 1011 ! Farnham bet 10th & lltd.
P. PEMNHR , 303J Tenth street , between Farn-
lam and Harnov. Docs Rood and cheap work.
00 Cent Stores.
P. C. BACKUS. 1205 Faruham St. . Fancy Ooodi
Foundations of Success
The laws of trade. legal forms , how to trans
act business , \aluablo tables , social etiquette
larllamcntary usage , how to conduct public bus- !
ICSB ; In fact ft is a complete Guide to Succcsj for
all cases. A family necessity. Address for cir
culars and special terms ANCHOR PUBLISHING
CO. . St.Lotus. Mn.
Geo. P. BemJs
I6th and Dodge 8ts. , Omaha , Neb ,
This agency docs STiucrt/ra brokcraRo huiincss.
) oos not speculate , and therefore any bargains
on ita books are Insured to Its patrons , instead
of belntr rohhled un bv thna/ent
217 and 210 North Main St. , St. Louis ,
Printers Stock.
/arCash paid ( or Ragu and Paper Stock , Sere
ron and Metals.
Paper Stock Warehouses 1220 to 1237 , North
ilxth atrnnt. _
wi :
Axle Crease
Used on Wagons , Bujjics , Reapers , Thrcshero
and Mill Machinery. It la IMUI.MIII.B TO FAKH
itna.NU TKAUHTKIUI. It cures Siratihcn and all
kinds ofsoreoon Horscu icJ Stock , as well MOM
ucn.OLARK & WISE , Manuf's ,
305 Illinois Street , Chicago.
BexterL.Tliomas&Bro ,
Pay Taxes , Rent Houses , Etc.
Call at 0Hce ! , Room 8 , Crtighton Block/Omaha.
co O
ILER & 00. ,
Bole Manufacturers , OMAHA.
Mrs. Denno put tlio finishing touch'
es to her ioniptins little sunpor-tftblc
( set for thrco ) , tucked Cissy's napkin
around her neck , nnd lifted IRT intc
her high chnir , thou. stepped to the
wide , cool door-way to watch for hot
husband , llu cuinu in sight ere lung ,
walking wearily nnd slonly , ns if the
fnir sunnner picture of mountains nnd
green fields gleamed upon eyes too
sad to drink in their beauty and sig
nificance. A man certainly not old in
years , but with lines jf care abwitt his
temples , nnd a painful droop ( o the
mobile , sctisativo mouth , which show
ed a harassiut * anxiety , a constant ,
daily struggle with fato. His wife
walked down the grassy garden-path ,
and took Ins hand in hers :
' 'You ovor-tirod , Jerry. I hnvo
n nice supper for youand Cissy is full
of cunning little ways to-night , Cheer
) , dear.
Ho looked down with a sorrowful
smile , and put his arm around her. " 1
am tired to-night , Lottie , tired nnd
discouraged. I hnvo been to Cyrus
once more , but "
His voice broke , and Louie elapsed
Itis hand moro tirmly , and raised it to
licr lips :
"Never mind tolling mo , my dear.
I can guess it. Ho is determined to
foreclose the mortgage ! "
"Yes. "
She walked silently up and down
the path with him.
"My own brother , Louie ! It does
acorn as if he might give us another
chnnco , you .know how ho is about
money. Since he married that second
wife of hia ho socms harder than ever.
Lloncst ho is no man could over
say that Cyrus wrpngod him of n
cent , but war to the knife to got his
own ! "
They entered tlio kitchen , whore
3issy was beating n drum solo on her
.in plate , and casting cngcr glances at
; ho plate of frosli ginger-bread.
"Pappa's baby , " said Jerry , and bent
down to kiss her. Ho sighed heavily
as he took his seat , while a tear atolu
down his cheek.
"Ugly man to make my pap.i cry , "
said Cissy , doubling up her small list ,
"I I jus' kill him ! "
The four year-old tot had gathered
enough from her parente' daily con
versation to Know that they were in
: roublo connected with " a man"
vhom she remembered to have seen n
'ow days before at their house. Ho talked loudly nnd fast , nnd the
ncntal photograh loft on the waxen
ablet of that infant soul would hnvo
nado nn angel weep.
'Hush-sh , Cissy. Mamma's daugh-
or musn't talk so. She should bo n
; entlo little girl ! " nnd Louie stroked
ho little fist till it slowly uncurled.
"Martin Lest told me to-day that
Cyrus has just bought another yoke
of oxen , nnd n § 200 buggy , " said
Jerry , bitterly , as he took a forced
swallow of tea.
"Well , " said his wife , "it can't bo
iclped , dear. Eut don't lot us chor-
sli hatred , or say anything wo may
) o sorry for. 1 know it's hard it's
lard ! " nnd her lips quivered as she
ooked around the neat , home-like
dtchon , nnd glnnced beyond it to the
vine-wreathed window of the bed
room whore her baby's eyes had first
opened to the light. "You know
liHcrent people have different make
ups. " A great sob rose in her throat
she gave one look at Cissy strug-
; led to restrain her feelings , but the
loud-tide of grief must have way ,
and , rushing to Jerry , she clasped her
arms about his neck nnd burst into
ears , just as a shadow fell across the
door-way , and a visitor entered.
In the morning sunshine , in the
corner of a flourishing field near a
hrifty-looking white frame house ,
urroundod by substantial out-build-
ngs , a man with n bushy , red board ,
ind small , weasel-like , gray eyes , was
locing corn. Ho was so busy that he
icithor saw nor heard the approach of
outsteps to the fence.
"Cyrus Deano , do you know that
'ou'ro a-sondin' your own soul ri ht
straight to perdition ? "
He looked up , startled. A tall ,
Xaunt female was peering at him from
n pair of glistening ) spectacles a
woman in n rusty , black dross and a
itraw "shaker" trimmed with a bom-
) azino capo , and a single bow of black
ibbon. It was Miss Mahala Trufiett ,
She was that universal village cliarac-
, er of whom the weak nnd vicious BO
ustly stand in awe n woman who
ipeaks her mind and a very startling
vay she had of doing it. ISmng pos-
CBsed of considerable property nnd
ocinl position , she waa allowed to
exercise hur privilege to her heart's
ontent. A tongue like forked light-
ling , when occasion required , hut a
icitrt o'erllowing with Iwvo for the
truggling and miNering. Cyrus
) cuno shifted his hoe nnensily. " 1
[ on't see hcow you make it eout thet
. 'm ii-guin' any faster'n other folia. I
min't done nothin' to disohlccgo you
het I know of , "
"You know what 1 mean , I was
ip to Jerry's last night. " She "avo
urn another steady look from those
lli.idamanthus-like glasses His gaze
ull huforu hues.
"I hain't pizonpd none o' Jerry's
cutters , nor sot his barn a-firo , hov
"You'vo pi/.oncd his peace o1 mind ;
ou'vo wore him eout with worry , till
le's a walkin' ghost. I sot great store
n Louisy Ann , I do. nnd when I eee
lor a-gitti . ' that lit o' high-stencks
ast night , nil along o' your hardness
and Kcnnchin' meanness , I come as
ugh bilin over as over I did in my
iio ! Your own hrolherCyrus Deano !
J'ho little , curly headed chap that ,
ike enough , slop * on the same pillow
with yon many a night. What would
, -our mother ha1 thought , ef aho'd
ia' knowod hcow different you'd turn
out ? "
Cyrus Deano drew down his bushy
eye-brows and gave an energetic kick
at a small bowlder.
"Jerry lied cz good n chance to git
along oz mo. Wo started even. It's
us own look-cout ! He hain't no han *
o manage never was never could
jit forehanded in his born days.1'
"Tho moro reason why you ought
to bo merciful. Ho hain't hod ce
good a chance ez you. The year that
your barns was groanin' an' runnin
jver , his wheat got the weevil , an'
lis corn ketchcd the mildew. His
cattle died , an1 his tools was stole.
Ho laid sick with rheumatic fever ,
and lied a doctor's hill of SOO to pay
Do you call that oz good ft chance c ?
yours ? Louisy Ann works oz hnrde ?
any woman , cookin' , an' clcnnin' ,
and grubbin' , an' never hod the fits
scrap of hired help'ccpt for 11 days
when Cissy was ft baby , nn' she
never gits a ride in a brnn-now buggy ,
nuther ! " casting n keen glance to
ward the wagon shed.
Cyrus mopped his beaded brow with
n red cotton handkerchief , and took
up his hoe with a determined air , ns il
to end the conference.
"I hain't ben harf as hard on him
ez some folks would ha' boii. I've
gin him tiino , an' gin him time , ( ill
my pntionco is clean tuckered eout ,
nn' ho keeps a-tallin' behind instead
o' pettin1 forrard. He's youiiger'n 1
bo , ho kin go west ! "
Miss Malmta took ot her "shaker , '
nnd shook out the capo , stralghtem-d
out the bow , and sot it on her head
again , then said , in slow , measured
tones ;
"May the Lord hov mercy on your
soul. Cyrus Dennu ! Ef ho measured
it eout to you cz yon do toother folks ,
you'd hov precious little to bo thank
ful for. "
She walked slowly down the road ,
and Cyrus went on with his hoeing.
Ho didn't consider himself n hnrd
man , Honest , outwardly ho was , ns
.lorry had said , but "war to tlio knife
to get his own " In two short weeks
ho could foreclose the mortgage , and
Jerry's little place would bo his own.
Would he do it ? Miss Malmla's words
wore verjuice to his consciesco , fern
n brief minute nobler feelings strove
with his greed of gain , then , dashing
down the hoe :
"Nol Goshdurnitl Jerry's got to
look eout fer himself. He's n irrown
man- not a baby ! Why carh't thet
cussid eld vinegar-face mind her own
business ? "
In the afternoon ho drove to the
next town in his now b'uggy. A little
llossy-haired girl ran out from a nook
in the woods , and cried ,
"Man man- take mo a little ride ,
do please. "
Ho rained up the horse , and helped
the little creature in. Cyrus Deano
had one soft spot in his heart it was
for little tiny children. No prattling
lips had over called him "father. " It
would have boon bettor for those he
had to deal with had it been other
"And whoso little gal bo you , pray ,
out hero in the woods alonof" ho
"I'm Cissy Deano , and mamma lets
me go to the big rock by myself ,
'cause 1 know the way. " She looked
up and gave a little howl. "Let me
out ! Oh , lot mo out ! You'ro ' n bad ,
dreadful mini ! You'ro the man that
made my papa cry ! "
She scrambled down , and shaking
her tiny list at the buggy , stamped her
foot , and ran uwny.
A bitter look came into Cyrus
Deauo's face. "My own brother's
youngster , an1 I never would ha'
kuowed her of she hndn't told mo her
name. She'll hate mo too , like cs
not ! "
Ho whipped up his horse , nnd drove
on rapidly. Fate seemed determined
to thrust the mortgage business in his
face , at every turn. Ho had two
weeks before him. Ho could change
his mind whenever ho chose. Should
ho do it ?
Cyrus Deane and his wife were eat
ing their early breakfast next morn
ing , when Miss Mahala gave a short
knock at the kitchen-door , then ,
according to the prevailing custom ,
opened it , and walked in. With
a rather grim "good moriiing" to Cy
rus , nnd a stifllsh nod to Mrs. Deano
Number Two , who handed her a chair ,
she proceeded nt once to the business
that had brought her there.
"Heow much "ill you give fcr that
big blackberry lot o' mine , Cyrus
Deano , south of Anthony Wood's
place ? "
Cyrus looked surprised. "SVhy ,
what bo you wantin' to soil that blaok-
b'ry lot for ? "
"That jest the identikit question ,
Sposin' I dew want to sell it , what
will I sell it for ? In other words ,
what "ill you buy it for ? "
Cyrus beano's little gray eyes twin
kled. His vulpine instincts scented a
bargain. Ho hemmed and hawed :
"Waal now come to think on't ,
th'ain'fc much good in a blackb'ry lot.
You carnt keep the pesky boys off of
it to save yer life ! "
"Ef you couldn't scare 'em off , I
don't know who could , " said Miss
Mahala , with a snap. "It's splendid
land. You could plow 'em under ,
and raise 'most anythin' on it. I
hain't had much time to bother with
it , lately. HO it's laid there , and laid
there. Tlnir's one or two ben askin'
me 'bout it. "
"Yuns yans ! " said Cyrus , and
hitched in his chair.
Miss Mahala sat silent , She felt
sure of her man
Cyrus pushed away his pinto , nid |
moved back from the table. His wife
began to clear off the dishes ,
" .Sposin' you struck n party thot
wanted it , hoow much 'ud you take for
it , did you nay ?
" 1 didn't say , I asked how much
you'd give mo for it. "
Cyrus reached out his horny hand ,
and pulled n splinter from the broom
that hung near.
"Waal " his teeth
now ) picking ,
tain't likely nnybuddy 'ud give you
inoro'n n hundred dollaisfnr it. Would
you sell for that ? "
"Of course not , " unid Miss Mahala
promptly , "it's worth jest double
every cent of it. "
"Thun " began Cyrus , and knit
his brows.
"It will bo u building lot some
day , when the village grows. Then
whoever owned it could git § 500 for
it , easy. " said MinsMuhula.
"Why don't you hold on low it ,
then ? " asked Cyrus , quickly.
"Because I'd ruthor sell it now , "
and Miss Mahala snapped the clasp
of her old-fashioned reticule hanging
on her arm.
"I couldn't give § 200 fer it , no way
at all. Would you take § 150 ? "
"Call it 8175 , and it'a n bargain.
John llaly 'ud jump nt it ef he could
git it ut that price. "
Cyrus threw down the broom splin
ter and reached for another ,
"Remember , in a few yeat'a you
may git § 500 for it ! "
"I inought , and then again I
moughtont , " said Cyrus , then , sud
denly slapping his knee , "Waul call
it a trade at 8175 ! Do ye want it ull
to-day , cash down ? "
"I don't want any cash at all. I'll
rive you a dred o' the lot , an' $125 in
cajh , besides , cf you'll tmdo me "
Tlio conclusion of her sentence hat ;
the cflbct of nn electrical shock on her
"Thun yon don't menu it. What
in kingdom bo you a thinkin' of , to
take hole o' seech n rcosky piece o'
property cz that , '
" 1 hain't afoared o' the resk , " Raid
Miss Mahala , drawing forth n roll ol
greenbacks from her roticulo.
The bargain wasmado. They went
to the squire's to have a deed made
outami ns MissMahnla'sstilVstraight
ti uro disappeared down the road , a
crafty sniilo BWopt over Cyrus Dean's
face , nnd ho slowly ejaculated :
all-tho-tarnal - - fools on
the face of the nirththe tarnalost is
n womnii when she sets out to trans
act biziness ! "
A few hours later , Miss Mahaln
stepped softly across the threshold of
Jerry Dean's homo.
" 1 hain't forgot that this is Cissy's
birthday. I've fetched her n little
present , " setting a plate on the table.
"Tain't much to brag of , only n loaf
o' 'lection cake , but Timothy Mead-
OWBOS wife ( she 'twas "Liza Hlynn )
.isod to 'low that I was the boatonest
mud at 'lection cake thet aho ever
see. I don't say it to boast. Go on
with your dinner. I've ct mine. "
She gave Cissy ft loving hug , and
lelped herscH to n chair , receiving
\frs. \ Deano's thanks with n "Sho ,
taint nutliin' to spunk of , only 1
hought I'd jest like to coluhrntc.
Cissy's n portickler friend o1 mine ,
, 'ou know.
After n pause , she continued : "Uy
ho way , Louisy Ann , you'd better
nit in on another platter. It's hen
in that one so long it's got all sweated
As Mrs. Deano lifted it she dia-
cinorod 11 folded paper underneath.
'What's this ? " she exclaimed in sur-
"Jest open it an' see , " said Miss
Mahaln. "Didn't 1 tell you 1 wanted
o celebrate ? " and the llhadamnnthus
lassos grow suspiciously cloudy.
"Jerry ! Oh , Jerry ! It's the mort-
.jnsro ! How ever did you got hold of
t , Miss Mahala ? "
"That's my ntlair , " said MissMnhn-
n. "Tlio only ditfereiice is that you
.in pay it to me instid o' Cyrus an'
on kin lake your own limo to it , Jcr-
y I know what kind o' stutl' Louisy
\nn is made of. She'd work herself
o n shudder to git it paid oil' , ef I'd
ut hor. But I toll you , once for nil ,
don't cal'lato tow.
Years later , when , in the inoxorn-
> lo retribution of events , Cyrus
Joano , by n peculiar succession of
calamities , was rendered n homeless
uul ruined man , it WIIH his brother's
roof that sheltered him and his , it
vas his brother's hand that bestowed
lie wherewithal to start anew , it
vas his brother's hope and courage
hat warded oil' despair , and saved
lim from a suicidal grave. Moro
hau this , it was his brother's voice
hat turned him , Into though it was ,
romtlio paths of greed , his blather's
ullucnce that sowed in the long ne-
; lccted garden of his soul the | seeds
hat make for loving kindness , peace
ind good will to men. Ho lives toi
lay , a childless man still , but every
roungstor in the village calls him
'Unclo Cyrus , " and no man or
vomnn is afraid to seek a favor nt his
Money MnheB tlio Mare Go.
'lilbJclpliln American ,
The will of Mr. Matthew Vnssar ,
list published , contains , as mi"ht
lavobeen expected , n largo number
) f bequests to religious and benovo-
ont objects. No less than seven ro-
igious denominations are thus roincin-
> orcd , the Baptist body , of course ,
ocoiving a lion's share. Wo notice
his fact to remark that Mr. Vassar
nade the money thus bequeathed by
> rowing. If wo may judge by the
anguago which the representative
) odies , the pulpits and the
> rcss of these bodies , use in
ogard to boor ns well no whisky , they
.Innk ho might as well hnvo made it
> y investments in the "social evil. "
Jut tlipy are inconsistent enough to
nccopt the gift , saying nothing about
ho employment of the giver. "Money
smell" said to
ms no - as Vespasian
Pitus when the younger emperor oh-
ccted to drawing revenue from ft
icccHsary but unsavory article of
loujchold furniture. Yet when a
nan like Crosby declines to unite in
hcse inconsistent tirades against all
uid any use of inalf and spirituous
iquors , he is decried as having aban-
loncd the cause of religion itself.
A Marvelous Citro
for nil bodily ailmentx , ariniiiL' from im-
liurity of blooil. n torpid llvc'r , irrq'iilarity
if thu liowolH , intllgfjitloi ] , ciiilKtiputiiMi or
lisordc.TCcl kidney * , It warranted In a free
lire iifllurilock HliMid llitterii. 1'rico 81.
IVIlll fi/.0 10 CClltH , ii'J.fOlllW
TT os For Women.
The best IIBU to which a woman can
bo put in to be made the honest wife
iif some good man and the judicioiiH
mother of healthy children. All the
urt and learning that ho can compass
are not of so much value to the world
us the expciionco of a life passed
rjuiotly in the exercise of domestic du
ties and social lighteouBiieas , in the
gift to the country of children who
shall carry on thonalionil tradition of
courage ami generosity , of unselfishness -
ness mid viitiie. [ London Truth.
You Can't AJFora
To bo without Warner's Safe Kidney
and Liver Cure. augUOoodlw
If you are Buffering from n Cough ,
Cold Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay Fever ,
Consumption , loss of voice , tickling of
the tluoat , or imy affection of the
Throat or Lungs , tine Dr. King's Ne\v
Discovery for Consumption , This is
the great remedy that is causing BO
much excitement by its wonderful
cures , curing thousands of hupoluhi
ciiHos. Over u million bottles of Dr.
King's Now Discovery have been used
within thp lost year , and have given
perfect satisfaction in every instance.
\Vo can unhesitatingly Bay that this is
leally the only sure euro for throat
nnd lung affections , and can cheerful
ly recommend it to all. Call and got
a trial bottle free of cost , or a regular
hize for ? 1.00. Jsh & McMuhon , Om
aha. t'J )
Millions of rats , mice , cats , bed
bugs , roaches , lese their lives by col
lision with "Rough on Rats. " Sold
by druggists , 153. ( -1) )
Dry Gooods Store in the West ( without ex
ception ) ,
For the next ten days to close out Sum
mer Goods to make room for Fall
Stock ,
6033N. 16th St. , 2nd door N. of Cal. , E. Side ,
: m IN" GK , .A. "v iibT a-
While our Work is better , our Prices are Lower
than all others. " 5
I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS
offered for Competition in our line
Over All Competitors.
For the Best Watch Work ,
For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. )
For the Best Engraving ,
For the Best Diamonds ( own importation )
Having lately enlarged my workshops and putting in now and improved ma
clunory , I liopo to still niorp iinprovo the quality and finish of our
ork and fill orders with nioro promptness than is usual.
My Motto hns always boon and always will bo : "First to gain superior facili
ties and them advertise the fact not buforo no wild advertisements.
Some unprincipled dealers being in the habit of copying my
announcements , I would beg you , the reader of this , to
draw a line between such copied advertisements
and thosa of Yours , very truly ,
The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb , ,
Sign of the Striking Town Clock.
614-616 TTNTH [ STREET.
Our Buyer is now in the eastern markets mak
ing Important purchases of Fall and Winter Goods ,
and in order to make room , we offer our WHOLE
STOCK at Lower Prices than was ever before attempted -
tempted in Omaha.
1 Lot lilack CnHhiiiorcs ( nil wool ) , 10 inches wido,50,05,7 , 85 and 05 couts.
1 hot English Cashmeres ( all culuru ) , icdticud to U7& cunts ,
1 Case J'rinta ( nuw wtylos ) , ( i } cunta ,
f ] tulua Unbluucliud Jruslina.
4 Ciisua Dlcochcd Jlublins ,
( i Diilus Hud Comforta and lilunkuta.
All at Manufacturers' Prices ,
Ludioa' and Qeiit'a Merino U dor\voar , CO , 5 , 70 cents and $1.00 each.
This doimrtinont is worthy of spuciul iittontion. Our stock is all now , ami
our iiricoa twenty per cunt , lower than any Shoo Store in Omaha. _ ' A
Store open every evening till 0 Saturdays till 1O , , : i
P. G , IMLAH , Manager ,
Leader of Popular Prices ,