Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1881, Page 5, Image 6

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NEW YORK. September 2.
Money continued light during the day
.o and ranged from I to 0 per cent , tlio latter
being the highest point , it closed lower nt
fl per cent.
Kxchango was iltilt nml closed at ixiling
Vricos 4 S0i@4 84.
Governments closed finn.
Currency Gs , 1 30 hid ; Is coup. , 1 10
l > iiliU ; do , 1 12J hid ; da continued ixt I 01 ;
5s do , 1014 , bid.
Pacific railroad bond * closed as follows :
Union Irts 1 1UJ1 10 ? ! land grant ? , 1 18
sinking funds 14 bid ; Central Ms.
The stock market opened weak and
lower from \ to 2.J per cent , followed by n
further decline during the afternoon of 1
to if per cent. Sales were very dull and
higher than for tunny day * . On rumor
that Secretary Windom was about to pur
chase bonds largely , there was , however ,
considerable advance at closing hour and
the market closed i to 1 per cent. , nlwvo
yesterday's prices. Denver & Rio Grande ,
Texas & Union Pacific , Waba h k St.
Paul and Northwestern coal stocks showed
heaviest dealings.
The following are the closing bids :
Ak TH 40 N J C 923
C B & U ex dlv.1483 Northwestern 1U3 ?
Central Pacific. 89 : Preferred. . 130
C & A 128 { NsrthPao. . . 39g
O U C k I. . . . 80 Preferred. . 79 ?
OC&IC 20J NY 0 141 ?
Cedar Fnlla. . . . 25 Omaha. . . . 38
Krie 423 do preferred. . 102
Adams Exp..137 Oregon Nav. . . 57
Fnrgr 120 Pacific Mall . . 48 }
American Kxp. 80 PD&E 35S
U. S 071 Rock Island. . . . 1331
II. k St.J 913 StP my
Prcfctred..ll2i Sail Francisco. . 431
II It T 87 do preferred. . O'jJ
J.11 Ccntrr ! 1278 1st Piofd..lOI
IB&W 42J Toledo , D k B. 27
K & T .T.II' Tex Pao 52
L. S. . . ' .122J Union Pacific..1203
L.N.A.&C , . . 70 Wabash 40i
Mich Cent 1)33 ) doiircferrcd. . 81 ?
JMLS&W. . . . 454 WUTcl 87 }
Mo Pa 1031
osiug quotations for
.mining stocks at the New York mining
board :
Alta Mont. . . 2 Crysolite 012 J
Alice GIJ ! Robinson 1275
Starmont 305 Sutro 155
Hoilie 923 O&M 82
Coiviol.Va. . . 195 Silver Cliff . . . 4
Miner Hoy. . . 49 Sierra Nev . .1525
Hibernia 48 Little Pitts . . 75
SLNolfc-l. 93 South B 22
SLNo2&3. South Hill. . . . 28
OIIICAOO , September 2.
The Chicago bank clearings to-d.\y were
the largest 011 record , footing up § 30,500-
000. foncy wai in good supply and ac
tive request at 0@7 per cent. Exchange
between city banks wiw weak at SL di -
count per ! ? 1,000. The flow of currency to
the interior was law.
Omnlm Wholesale Marlcot-
Kvening , September 2. )
Wheat declined to-day 14c , for No. 2 ; Ic
Ser No. 3 and'c for rejected. Barley Ic
lower. Corn declined lc. ] Oats declined
Ic. The e are prices paid at the elevators ,
based on Chicago quotations. Corn and
-oat- > were selling in the streets to-day for 5
to lOc per bushel than the elevators were
Provisions firm.
Domestic grapes are getting scarce ;
prices unchanged. California fruit
vanced. Plums and peaches 25e higher
than yesterday. Watermelons dead ; price. '
declined $0 per 100.
i / In drugs we note an .tlvance of Jc for
Kpsom salts. Quinine declined 10 cents.
Other quotations unchanged ,
Local Grain
WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , 1 08 ; cash
: No. . 98J : rejected 071 c.
BARLEY. Cash No 2 , 89c ; No. 3 , COc.
KYE. Cash , 88lc. !
CORN. Cash No. 2 , 47'c.
OATS. Cash , 28c.
Cattle Wo quote as follows : Butch-
ar's cows , $3 00@3 23 ; choice butchers
steers , S3 75@4 00.
Sheep Good mutton in fair demand
. $3 503 ; 75.
Hogs Wo quote as follows ; Lighl
packers , $5 00(5)5 ( ) 75 ; medium mixet
packers , 85 50@5 73 ; extra choice hcavv ,
S5 75@0 00.
FLOUR Spring wheat , straight gradei
S3 23@3 50 ; patent , S3 75@4 50 ; winter
'irhpat , straight grade , S3 75@4 00 ; patent ,
S4 00 ® 150 ; graham rye , S2 50 ; Wheat ,
32 75.
RYE FLOUR 53 25.
MTLLSTUFFS-Brnn , per cwt. 70c
ocreenings , per cwt. 70@SOc ; shorts , pe
.cwt. 80c ; chopped feed , per cwt. 100 ; mea
Ijolted , yellow , 1 15 ; white , SI 25.
POTATOES Liberal supply ami weal
at $1 00.
SWEET POTATOES Very active a
5c per pound.
POULTRY Live chickens per dozen
$2 25 ( ! 3 00.
iper dozen.
EGGS Candled , hcarcoat 12tc.
BUTTER Choice Ke.ircentlO@18 ; poor
no market : creamery , 25c.
APPLES Good , bound , 33 50 pe
1IONKY Extracted , first-claw Calif
ornia Htrained , 15c ; Nebraska comb , 20u
LEMONS Good icpacked per box
? 9 50@10 00.
I 50 per bov , as to quality ,
EASTERN PEARS-i bu. box , 81 0
@ 1 25.
TOMATOES Per bushel , $1 25@1 50
.at 5o per lb.
(2,400. (
\VATERMELONS-Per 100 , SI 00 ®
VEGETAULES-AH kimU bring goo
prices and ucnrco.
BEKSWAX-Yollow , 1820o.
ONIONS-Perbusho' . SI 33 , and scare
Qrocers List.
QOFFEF . Rio , f , ir , lU.Jc ; Rio , goo <
14c ; Rin , prime to choice , 14ic ; Old gov
Java ; 2GJ@28c } , Mocha , 23JC ; Arbuckla'
TEAS. GuniKiwder , good ,
Choice , C0@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@45c
Choice , ( - > 075c ; Young Hyson , good , 3CC
50c ; choice , (55c@l ( 00 ; .Tajian Nat Lea
A'ic ; Japan , choice , 00@75c ; Oolong , go.n
35@10 ; Oolong , choice , 40@55j Souchong ,
good. 3540c ; choice. 3545o.
SUGARS. Cut loaf , Hie ; Crushed ,
II Jc ; Granulated , lOJo ; Powdered , lllo
. SYRUPS. Sugar Iiouse , bhh , 45c ; haf !
bis , 47c ; kegs , 44 gallons , S2 30 ; choice
.table Bj-rnp , 42c ; fialfbbU , 45c ; kegs. 51 85.
SPICKS. Pepper , -0 ; Allspice , 20c ;
Cloves , 45c ; Nutmegs , § 1 00 : Cassia , 'Joe ;
aiace 3100.
SODA. Dwight' * Ib papers , 83 00 ; De-
land do , ? 3 00 ; Church' * , S3 00 ; Keg soda ,
STARCH. Pearl , 3c ; Silver Gloss , li
t8Jc ; Corn Starch , 8 i@8ic ; KxceUior
GlosH. Cjc ; Corn , 7c.
SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 90 ; Ash-
ton , in socks , 3 50 ; bbU dairy 00 , tie , 3 45 ;
bbla dairy , 100. 3 * . 305.
DRIKD FIIUITS Choice halve * ' ,
ne.ichcs new crop , 9Jc ; Exaiwrnted Apple * ,
6 lb boxes 13Jg.ilc : Michigan , 8Jc : New
Yoik apples , 8JcSt.IjouisNo.l,7c ; ; Prunes ,
old , fc ; new , 8Jc ; Currants , 7 < s7ie ;
Blackberries , now , lOc
CHEESE-Full Creim , HJc ; P.ut
Skim , 9c.
WO01)FNWARi-Two h op pails
1 So ; three hoop palls 2 10 ; No. 1 tul s
9 00 ; No. 2 tuUs. 8 00 : No. 3 tubs , 7 00 ,
pioneer washltoards 1 85 ; Donblo I'rown ;
2 75 ; Globe Wahlio. rd,250 ; Welllmckcts
chain , and 5 ply , 20J\2 > 21J ; Colored carpet
chain , per ll > , 2i ( ;
LEAD-Bar , 81 05.
MATCHCS-l'cr caddie , 85c ; round
CA OS , § 7.35 : square cases 5l--'O. '
PROVISIONS Breakfast bncon. 12 .
choice lard , 13jc ; dried beef , 1 Ic ; thmild
crs , canvassed 8Jc ; hams , cauvasseil He ;
bacon , sides llju
NEW PICKLES-Mcdium , In bairolr ,
$7 00 ; do in half bbls , 4 25 ; smalls , in bbls
1200 ; do , in half bbk ( JfOs gherkins in
bbls 13 00 ; do , i half bbls , 7 00.
VINEGAR Pure apple extra , lOc ;
pure apple , 13c : Prm ! ng pure apple , 15c.
HOMlNY-New , S3 SO per bbl.
BEANS Medium , hand picked $2.00
per bushel.
ROPE Sisal , J Inch and larger , 9jc ; 3
inch , 9c ; J inch , lOJe.
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 300 ;
Kirk's sterling , 2 40 ; Kirk's standard , 3 ! X ) :
Kirk's white Russian , 4 75 : Kirk's Kutoi-a ,
203 : Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes ) , 3
40 ; Kirk's magnolia , 4 10.
CANDLES Boxes , 40 lb , 10 oz , Ss
14cbo\es ; 40 Ibs. , 10 or. . , Os. 14c ; IHIXCJ , 40
sets , 14 oz. , 8s 13Jc ; half boxes , 20 set ; ,
14 oz. , Ss 13c.
LYE American , 3 35 : Greenwich , 3 35 :
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis'
lye , 4 00 ; Jewell lye , 2 75.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans 4 doz. ,
in case , 3 ! ! " > ! Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in ,
I 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in ease , 1 50.
FIELD SKED Red clover , choice ,
new , S3 30 per bushel ; mammoth clover ,
now. $5 75 ; white clover , new , 814 00
ul alf clover , new , 812 50 ; nlsike , now ,
813 00. Timothy , good , now , S2 502 05 ;
blue glass , extra clean , SI 25 ; blue grass ,
clean , 81 15 ; orchard grass , S2 00 : red top ,
choice , 05c ; millet , common or Mlssom i ,
$123 ; millet. German , SI 25 ; to $1 BO ;
Hungarian. 81 15.
HtlDGESEED Osage orange , 1 to 5
bushels , 83 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels or
over , $4 50 ; honey locust , per lb. , 33cj per
100 Ibs. . 825 00.
FISH Family white fish , 90 lb hf bbls
S3 00 ; No. 1 white fish , 90 lb hf bbls. 0 30 ;
No. 1 whlta fish , in 10 lb kits , 100 ; family
10 lb kits , 75c ; New Holland herring , per
keg , 120 ; Russian sardines , 75c ; Colui'V
bin liver salmonper 100Ibs , 8 00 ; George's
Bank codfish , Oc ; Gen. boncb > a codhsh ;
8c ! boiiGlesH fish , 4c.
MACKKUIJL HalfbblBniefisnmckcrel ,
100 Ibs , $1250 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do ,
100 Ibs , C 00 ; hf hbls , fat family , do , 100
Ibs , 3 85 ; mess mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 ;
No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 150 : No. I shore1 ,
12 Ib do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 ib do , 75c.
CANNKU (5 OODS Oysters , 2 11 :
( Field's ) , per case , S4 20 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) ,
per case , 2 50 : do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case ,
3K ! ) ; do ( standard ) , per caw , 240 ; do
2 lb ( slack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 lit ( slack ) ,
per case , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , 1
Ib , per dozen , 1 05 ; do 2 Ib , per dozen
250. Sardine.s , kinall Fsh , imported , one
quarter boxes per bo14Jc ; Ameiican ,
quarter boxes per box , lie ; do half boxes ,
per box , 21Jc. Lobsters , 1 Ib per dozen ,
180. Tomatoes , 210 ; do 3 Hi per
case , 2 50 ; Corn , 2 Hi ( Mountain )
per ca'.e , 3 40 ; toakcd corn , 1IX ) ; do
2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per case , 3 50 ;
string beans pur case , 100 ; Lima beans
per case , 2 00. Succotash per case , 2 10.
I'cos , common , iinr case , 1 75 ; peas , choice ,
per c.ise , 4 50. Blackberries , 2 Ib , per case ,
250 ; htiawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 3 70 :
raspbeirics , 2 Ib , per case , 275(5)300. ( )
D.misons , 2 Hi , per case , 2 25. Haitlett
pears per case , 30n@100. Whortleber
ries per case , 2 50. Kgpj plums , 2 Ib per
c.e , 3 25 ; do , choice , 2 Ib , per case. 4 50.
( Jrccn gages,2 Ib per case , 3 25 : do choice , "
Ib per case , 1 50.1'ine Apples , 2 Ib , percale ,
3 ( J0@ri 20. Peaches , 2 Ib per case , 3 10 :
do 3 Ib , case , 5 OOtcfo 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per
casc,325 ; do pie , G lbicr dozen , 3 50.
JUCK Caioliiia,0i@7ic ; LouUiana , 5J
PEANUTS-Roostcd , choice , red Ten-
ncssee , Sic per lb ; fancy white , 9o per lb ;
raw white Virginia , 7@7ic.
Dr Goods.
6\c ; Buckeye LL OJc ; Crescent LL OJc ;
Tjtica C 5jc ; Crescent O "ic ; Crescent B
73c ; Crescent A 8c ; Wachu&ettH 8.c } ;
Indian Head Sic ; Granitevillo LL
OJc | ; Badger RR , fine brown , 7\c ;
Badger X , do , 7c ; Portsmouth P , do , 5Jc ;
Winthrop I ; , do , 7fc ; Continental C ,
do. Sc.
4-4 13c ; Fruit 4-4 10. ' , ; Hope 4-4
SJc ; Ballardvalo 4-4 ( ijc ; Pocassctt
C" 4-t 8Jc ; Altoona 3-4 Oc ; Lonsdalo
No. 1. cambric 13c ; No. 2 , do , 12Jc ;
New York Mills 4-4 13c ; Lonsdale 4-4 lOc ;
Fairmont 4-4 Auburn A 4-1
Q - qic - 8Jc ;
Barnard J Oc ; Dairy Cloth 5ic ,
PRINTS. Allen's fancy , OJc ; American -
can do , OJe ; Aniold's do , 7c ; Conestoga
do , Cc ; Dunnell do , G\c ; Eddystoi'o do ;
Me ; Gloucester do , C o ; Hamilton , OJc ?
Hannony,5.Jcllartel.O ; c ; Knickerbocker ,
OJc ; Manchester , 7c ; Pacific , 7c ; Sprague ;
Cjc ; SouthbridgeGJc ; Mystic , CJc ; Murri <
mack shirtings , ( ic ; Sprague do , ( J *
Southbridgo do , Cic ; Regatta do , 5i
Cochico robe , 7c ; Freeman robe , t ,
Hamilton do , 7c ; Marlboro do , Oc ; South-
son's solid black , GiclJerlin ; solid colors.Gc ,
CAMDIIICS , FLAT Glazed , njc ;
high colors , G c ; kid imish , Gc ; high col
ors , 7c ; rolled , 7c ; high colors , 8c.
COHSJiT JEANS Itockpoit , 8c ;
Xaumkeag.satteen , ! lc ; Andro. coggin do. ,
! ( ; ; Ijockwood do , ! ) Q
TICKING Amoskeat' . A. C. A. , 17Jc ;
Conestoga , 15. F. , 2 , fancy , ISc'ones -
toga , 1-4 , Gold Medal , IGc ; Conestoga , ; ,
0. C. A. , lie ; Concstosa , ( . ) . C. A , fancy ,
1 Ic , Koston , 15. , Die ; Omeao huperlor ex
tra , 2Sc ; Omega meiial , 25c ; Omosa A C
A , fancy i-tripo , 20c ; Omega A J-l , IGc ,
11J ; Ilaniilton regular , 13 ; Hamilton H.
11 jcj Cordis , U. 15. , OXc " : UordU A U. 1C. ,
ISc : Albany H. A. X.17tc.
OIL CLOTH 5-1 ivood , S3 00 ; 5-1
fancy marble , ? 300 ; 5-1 white marble
53 ' > } li 4 wood , SI 00 ; G-l fancy marble
54 00 ; 0.10iito marble , SI 25 ; 5-1 mo
t.aic , 83 00 ; ( i-J mosaic , SI 00.
DKNINS Amoikeng blue and brown ,
IGc ; lU-avrr Ciuek , A. A. , WHO nnd brown ,
14\c ; Beaver Creek , 15 , 15. blue and brown
13jcj Heaver Cieek , C. ( . ! . , blue nni
brown , 12io ; Eveiott 1) . IX , blua ant
brown , 10 : Hnynrnkerii bluu and brown
! ) jcOtis ; , A. X. A. , blue , lli ; ( Mis 15. !
blue , 1IU ; Otis 0. U. , blue , 12ic ; Pear
lliviT bun ) anil brown , 15J.C.
DUOKS Fall Itiver , flic ; Hamden O ,
O. , lOJc ; 15oiton clieckx , ISJe ; Ho-toi
striiiea ' .l , .i llHc fT ; -wl Dundee _ _ ll htiiputf I.- . , . . ! . ISc . ! . . ; t liis D _
irKS I wlaton , 3x11 blue am
li awn , Sic ; LewUtonlxn ! blue nml brown
Sic ; JlocR Jtiver , Gx3 blue and brown , 1'Jc
Alubnma , 0x3 blue nml brown , B\o. \
CO'rrONADKS Lowibton diamond
27Jo ; A. Y. A. . 'JOo ; Angora , 1) . k T , , IM ,
New York inilla proof , S2Joj Jiriilfjewatcr ,
20o ; Kvcrett , la-avy , 2-JJc ; Whittent
heavy , 2jo ; Hell , 18o ; Charter Oak , 18c
\Vicklow , 18Jcj Union Pacific , 18o ; Gu\iUo\ \ ,
18c ; Fanncr1H 21cj llverett , inciliuin , Ific :
York , light weight , 12jc ; New Yoik mil"
SIIKKTINflS AndroscogL'in.O-nirown
23c ; do 10-4 do , 2Cc ; PepperellVJ-1 brown ,
25c ; do 10-4 do , 274c ; Alexandria , Hi
inch , bleached , 13c ; Androscoxgln 9-4 ,
bleached , 2io ( ; do 10-1 , blcaclicd , 29c ;
Peppercll , 9-4 , bleached , 23c ; do 10-4
bleached , 274c.
Carbolic , 50c ; Acid , Tartaric. 53ci BaUam
Copabia , per lb , 75c ; Bark , Sassafro-s , per
lb , 12o ; Calomel , i > r lb , 70c ; Cinchoniilla ,
tier o , 80cj Chloroform , jier lb. 95c ;
Dover's powders , per lb , § 1 40 ; Epsom
salts , per Ib , 34c ; Glycerine , pure , per lb ,
| 14c ; Lead , Acetate , perlb , 22o ; Car
lion oil , 110 s , per gallon , HJc ; do 150s ,
per gal , l.TJc : Oil , Castor , No. 1 , pcrra ! ,
* ! 10 ; Oil , Castor , No.3pcr gal.SlOO ; Oil ,
Olive , per gal , § 1 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 50e ,
Opium , 8175 ; Quinine , P. k\V , & ] { , k
32 , 50 ; Salami , i > cr nt , 35e : Sulpliate of
Morphine , pel oz , $3 05 ; Sulphur flour ,
l > cr Ib , 4c ; Strvchiiine. tier or. $1 50c.
Hones and Mules.
market Is brisk nnd all grades are
selling well nt a Might advance in in Ices.
The demand for good horhcs exceeds the
supply considerably. Price * range ns follows
Fine single drivers , 8150. toSOO. ; Extra
draft horses $17" . to2A\ ; Common dra.'t
hordes , S10 < ) . to 150. : Extra farm her e < > ,
3110. to 125. : Common to g < xnl farm ,
S'.K ' ) . to 8100. ; Extra plugs , $00. to 75. ;
Common plugs , S.0. to $10.
15 to 15J hands ( extra ) , $125.
tolf-0. ; 1IJ to 15 hands , $100. to 140. ;
14 to llliamU , 875. to 100. ; 13 } to 14
h.uids. 8l > 0. to 75
ClR.irs and Tobaccos ,
CIGARS.Seeds , $15.00 : Connecticut ,
$2X00 : Mixed , $35.00 ; Seed Havana$50.00 ;
Clear Havana , 875.00.
TOUACCO PLUG. Golden Rule ,
21 lb , Olc ; Spotted Fawn. 02c ; Our Rope ,
58c ; Star , pounds. 21 lb , butts 58c ; Hor-.e
Shot1 , pounds , 21 lb , butts , 58c ; Purity , 24
Ib. butts , 52c ; Queen Boo , 21 lb , butts. 53c !
Glt Edge , pounds 21 lb , butts , 57 ; Army
mid Navy , pounds Me ; Bullion , pounds
55c : I.orilliml'.s Climax , pounds , 5"c.
FINE CUT In pails. Hnnl to Beat ,
75.1 ; Golden Thread , COc ; Fountain , 70c ;
Favorite , 05c ; Rocky Mountnjn , r ! > c ;
Fancy , 50c ; Daisy , 45c.In tin foil -
Catllus O. S , , 2 packages , 5 lb boxes
per lb I'lOc : laniard's Tiger , OOc.
SMOKING All grades Common , 25to
33c. Granulated Blaekwells Dutlmin , 10
o40c ; Dukes Durham , 10 or , 45c ; Seal of
North Carolina , 10 or , 40 ; Seal of Nebras
ka , 10 or. , 38c ; LonoJnck , I or , linen bags
per lb , § 1.35 ; Marburgs' Puck , 2 or , tin
foil , 55c ; Dog Tail. 05c.
FENCING No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , 825 00 ;
No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 23 00 ; sheeting dressed ,
No. 1 , 22 00 ; No. 2 , 20 00 ; common boards
dressed , 25 00.
FRAMING 10 ft. and under , per M ,
24 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 25 00 ; 22 ft. 28 00 ;
24 ft. 2800.
FINISHING No. 1. finish li , H nnd
2 inch , 855 00 No. 1 finish 1 inch $50 00 ;
No. 2 , finish 11 , 11 nnd 2 inch , $5000 : No.
2 finish , 1 inch , $45 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 inoh ,
84000 ; O. G. buttons per 100 feet liu. ,
SI 50 ; well curbing , $ X > 00 ; rough i and 2
inch battens per 100 feet His. 50c.
STOCK BOARDS-Astock , S45 00 ; U
SIO 00 ; C , 83500 ; common stock , $27 50.
FLOORING-NO , i , $12 co ; NO. 2 ,
S37 50 ; No , 3 , $27 50 ; yellow pine , No. 1 ,
845 00.
SIDING No. 1 , $27 50 ; No. 2 , S2300 ;
No. 3 , S-'O 00.
SHIP LAP Plain , $25 00 ; O. G. No. 1 ,
837 50 ; No. 2 , $25 00.
CEILING 830 00@I5 00.
LATH AND SHINGLES A starbest ( )
bldngles , $4 50 , No. 2 , $3 50 ; No. 3 , $2 00.
Lath , $1 23.
Building Material.
LIME Per barrel , SI 35 ; bulk per bu. ,
35c. Cement , bbl. 82 50. Iowa plaster.
bbl , S2 00. Hair per bu , 33c. Tarred
felt 100 Ibs $3 50. Straw board , SI 00.
The Leather Trade.
Oak harnehs , 39@llc ; Pittsburgh selcw
ted , 40@43c ; hemlock harness , 37@39c ;
skirting per lb , fair ; He ; black collar 14@
21c ; fair do , 18@20c ; fair No 2 , 10@18c ;
hemlock sole , Buffalo slaughter , per lb , 30
@ 31c ; hemlock sole , B A. slaughter per
lb , 23@32c ; oak sole , 40@ I3c ; oak upper
per foot. 23e ; hemlock upper , 25c ; do No.
2 , 23c ; oak kip skins per lb , 80c81.10 ;
hemlock kip skins per lb , 75c ( < S1.00 ;
French kip skin * per lb , 81.00@8l.35 ;
oak calf per lb , S1.00(5JS1.25 ( ; hemlock calf
per lb , SilO@S1.25 ? French c.ilf per lb ,
S1.25j,82.10c ( ! : Simon Picanl goat per dor.
$30.00@S48.00fbootlcg Morocco per foot ,
30@33c ; calf kid per foot , 35c ; roans pei
doz , 89.00(5110.50 ( ; white nnd yellow fin-
in-s per doz , S8.00@S10.00 ; pink linings
per doz , 87.00@S9.00 ; Russctt linings , 87.-
00 ; blacksmiths' apronsperdo/.en , S12.00 ®
PAPER Straw paper , 3ic ; rag paper ,
4c ; dry goods paper , 7c ; niaiula paper , lOc ;
news paper , 8c.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 812
Morris Run Blossburg , S12 ; WhitcbrcAst
lump , SO ; Whitcbrcast nut , 80 ; Iowa
lump , SO ; Iowa nut $0 ; Rock Springs , SS
Anthracite , all sizes Sll 00.
Hides , hurs , Etc.
HIDES Green butcher' ) * hide , 7J ; green
cured hides , 8Jc ; green salt , part curcii
hides , 8@fijc ; dry Hint , fcound , 13@Mc ; drj
calf and kip , 12@13c ; dry salt hides , sound ,
ll@12c ; green calf. wt. 8 to 15 His , 10@llc
green calf , wt , under 8 Ibs , per skin , 50c ,
green pelts , 81 00@115 ; green lamb skins ,
8110@125 ; damaged'hides , two-third rate ,
( cut scored and one grub , classed two-
thirds rate , ) branded hides 10 per cent. off.
Coon skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. 3 ,
JO. ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. 2 ,
30e ; No. 3 , 15c ; No. 4 , 5c. Fox , No. 1 ,
COc ; No. 2 , 25c. Skunk , No. 1 , block ,
05c ; short stripe , 40c ; narrow btrlpo 25c ;
broad Klripc , lOc. Tallow , 5 | .
Merino unwashed , light , 14@10c ; heavy ,
13@15c ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20c :
tub-washed , choice , 32c ; fair , 'Me ; dingy
and w. , 2Sc ; burry , black and cotted wools
2@Cc less
SHOT. Shot , 81.75 ; Buck shot , 82.00
Oriental Pnwder , kegs , 80.40 ; do. , hall
kegs , S3.48rdo. ; , quarter kegs , S1.87 ; Blasting -
ing , kegs , $3.35 : Fuse , uer 100 feet fXc. )
Heavy Hardware List. .
Iron , rates , S15 ; plow steel , cast , 7Jc
cost tool do , 15fri20 ( wagon spokes , tut
2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per hot , 1 25 ; felloes , H.IWCI
dry , 1 40 ; Unique * , each , 75i85c ( ; nxli's
t'acli , 75c ; snuari ) nuts , per 11) , 7@llc
wahtiDrs , per lb , K@lHc ; nvuts , I'erlb , lit-
coil chain , per lb , ( ifti2o ( ; malleable , 8n
iron weilgiw , IV1 ; crowbam , Oc ; harrov
toetb , 4c ; horseshoes , pcrktg , 5 00 ; sptin-
, tcel. 78c.
XAlLS-10to20d. 3-10 ; 8 to 10 , 30.
Od , 3 90 ; 4d , 4 15 ; M , common , 4 M : 3d
finn , 0 40 ; clinch , all hires , 5 15 ; Oil , cnMn ; ;
I 03 ; Sd casing , 1 4 ; 10d e.viiij' , 4 15 ; JO.
I'mMi , 4 05 ; Md lininli , 4 90 ; Od liniali , 5 15
half kegs lOo uxtia.
Paints Oils and Varnishes.
PAINTS IN OIL Wliito lead. Omah ;
P. P. , 7e ; white lead , O. P. Jt C. Co.piir ( !
Ou ; Mnrwilhts fic ; > 'ii , 1 to 5 lb cstmi , 20o.
French Inc , grt'c-n heal. 12c ; Frnnrh r.lnc
red heal , lie- ; French zinc , in varnish im > V
JOc ; French /.inco , in oil ns-.t , 15c ; lta\
UK ! bin nt umber , 1 | b cans 1'Jc ; rn\v an
burnt Sienna , 13u : vandyke brown , 13.
lufined huiipbl.u'k , 12c- ; coach black , l'o !
i"ory black , lOo ; drop black , lOc ; Piustia
blue , 30c ; ultrumaiino blue , 18c ; chnnn
green , L. M , & I ) , , Me ; blind anil shutte
gu-i'ii , L. M , tk D. , Me ; Paris green , 18c
T"ilian ied , 15c ; Venetian red , 9c ; I'nsca
ivj { , 22c ; Ameiican Vermillod , I. &P. , 18c
i-liiome yellow , L. , M' . , O. k D. O. , 18c
vellow ociirc , 9 < : ; goldtn ochm , 10 ; pater
Irycr , Oc ; graining colors : light oak ,
oat , walnut , chestnut and ru > h 12u
Dry Paints
White lead , Ojc ; French zlnr , lOc ; Par
whiteing 2Jc ; whiting glldcnIJc
\tbiting com I , lie ; lampblack Germai
town , lie ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; I'm
eian blue , f > 5c ; ultramarine , Inc ; vnndykc
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , rau
Ic ; uienna , bunit , 4c ; Menua , raw , I
Paris green genuine , 35c ; Paris green com
lioc ; chromu green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chron
green K. , 12c ; vcnnillion , Kng. , 70c ; v
million , America , 18c ; Indian rod. ] 0c
rose pink , Me ; Venetian read , C'ookaon
' < 7oj Venetian red Am. , IVc ; red lead , 7i (
chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome ye
low , 1C. , 12o ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; o < : hr
French , 2c ( ; ochre , American , 1'
Wintei'H mineral. 2 c ; lehigh lirown , 2iu :
upanibh brown , 2ic ; Prince'ii 3c :
VAUNISHKS Uarrela per gallon.
Furniture , cxta , 81 00 ; furniture , No. 1 ,
OOc : funiituru , U , 75c : coach , extra , $1 25c ;
Coach , No. 1 , 61 00 ; Damar , 81 25 ; Jaiian.
70c ; oxphaltum , 70c ; tthollac , $3 50 ; bum
oil finUi , 81 30
OIIhS-110'carbon peruallon , lljo : 150'
Lcadlight , per gallon , 12Ju ; 175 * headlight tc
liergallon , l(5c ( ; cryutoline , per gallon , 20c
linceed , raw , iiergallon/lJOciLhuetd , Ixjil.
cl , \ > ct gallon , fsV : larch winter ttr'd , pf r
nation , 8 0 Nr . 1 , CTc , No. 2 , f c ; cat-tor ,
XXX , per gallon , 112o , No. 3 , 1 0 : sweet ,
iK-r gallon , 85c : xpenn , W. B. , per gallon
s' 8,1 ; filsh.W.B. , ix > r gallon , G0cnrfttsfoi.t ;
extra , i > crg llon , ? 5c. No. 1 , O.i ; himhcii ,
eating , zero , per eallon , 30e , Miminrr , Vm
golden machine. No. 1 , i > er gallon , 'IVo. .
2 , 2Sc : sperm , oipml , per gallon , Wtur ;
p'entine'i > erg lfon , 'tJOc ; nnptha , Tl , .tl ,
I er gallon 20o. G3 deer , 20c.
ALCOHOL 187 proof , ? 2 2. ' . per
wine gallon , extra California spirits
187. proof at 122 .per pn > of j llon
triple it-fined opirits 187 proof , 51 &i :
proof gal re-distilled wlil lcips * 1 JOftf I 50 ;
line blended , $1 MK62 oO ; Kentucky Inntr.
bens $200C"7 ' 00 ; Ivontucky and l'eiiii < y | .
vanh ryes $2 lXfa7 ) ! 00.
11RAND1KS Imixuted , $0 OO lOOO ;
domestic 140&J ; 00.
< ; INS Imported , 4 C0@l 00 ; domicile ,
40ff ( 3 00.
HUMS Imported , 4 50@0 Ort : Now
England. 2 OOfii , I 00 ; domestic , 1 0nxi ( : ,0 ;
1 75P I 00.
CflAMPAONlIS Imported per ca p ,
20 003I 00 ; Ameiican , per ca e , I1. ' 00W (
18 00 '
IOL'AIMTS Per IWP , 4 r.o@ifioo.
WINKS llhlnowlne , iwr cn e , 0 W@ ; > (1 (
Catawba , per ca e 4 007 00.
Council BluITs Gonornl Mrtrkot.
Wheat No. 2 , 81 101 12 ; No. 3 , IK ) ; re
jected , 70.
Corn No. 2 , 47 , rejected 31 , damaged ,
27.Hay Fair market , with prices at $ .1.
Oats Market quiet ; No. 2 , 82o , rejected -
ed 111.
Rye-No. 2 , 70c.
lluttcr 15c.
Kifga lOc.
Cattle Ikof , $3 50@4 oO.
Shecp-$3 ffe I 50.
Hogs Light demand , prices S3 ( XVa.'i 50.
Potatoes New , $1 25@1 50 per bu.
Onions $1 00.
Wood Market quiet , with gooii supply ;
5 00 for s fl ; 0 00 fur hard.
Poultry 20c.
_ _ _
Crouton Mnrkot-
CHKSTON , la. , September 2.
Kuttcr 13c.
Grand Junction Marlcot.
GUANO JUNCTION. la. , Scptemln-r 2.
Huttor lie.
OHICAOO. September 2.
On 'Chango there was a very nn cttlcd
feeling. The receipts were 20.700 luiHlicls
by canal and It88car ! loids by rjil , em
bracing 17fi of wheat , 1,059 of corn , 82 of
oats , 27 of rye , and 4 < ( if barley.
Flour Ruled firm and the market was
quiet. Common to choice western "print- ,
425(3025 ( ; do Minnesota. 4 50 ® li 70 : patents -
tents , 7 00(317 ( 75 ; winter ilour , 0 50 ( 7 25.
Wheat The market was active anil \ cry
unsettled , due to local influences. During
the early portion of the session in particu
lar the feeling was nervous and fi-vcriili
and prices subject to very rapid and M.\ero
fluctuations. No. 2 spring opened a sli.ulo
stronger and prices were aurancod [ ( Jc
for October ami He for September , but
under large siioculativii offering , inlluunced
by local caiihCK , prices hecomo weak nnd
declined Uo per luisliel for September
and ljo ! for" October ; then rallied 3)e ) for
the former nnd IJo for tlio latter , fluctuated
all day and closed l\Vs \ lower for September
andjo higher for October on the regular
liounl and on the eall at 1 22 for
September , 1 25J lor October , 1 28 for No
vember , 12il > @ 12Ul for December , 1 21J
1 21. the vcar.
Corn Trndiii ! ; was fairly active for No.
2 ; prices on the whole range fluctuated
within about yesterday's figures ; opened
steady at yesterday's closing figures and
prices wcro advanced 4@ic. Under tlicin-
tlucnceof quite free offerings price's tettlcd
back J c , but rallied again © ! and ruled
comparatively steady nnd closctl at Jc
lower for seller October on the legulnr
board nnd on the call nt02o for September ;
C3c for October ; ( Hie November ; ' 54 Jo fur
December ; Cl jo the year ; 70c for Way.
Oats Quiet and trading light ; No. 2
3G3c for September ; 38Jo for October ; 3ljc !
for November ; 3ijc ( for the year.
Kyc Finn demand ; offerings light ; No.
2 , 1 03 ] for September ; 1 07 for October
nnd November.
liarley ITnstendy ; No. 2 , 1 01 for Sep
tember ; 1 02 for October ; 1 03 for Novcm
Pork -Steady , nominally unchanged nnd
inquiry moderate ; mess closed at 17 ! )5@ )
18 00 for September ; 18 25 for October :
19 75 for .lanuary ; 111 45 for February.
Lard Fairly active and ! steady ; 11 50
for September ; 11 (12J ( for October ; 11 71 J
for November ; 11 50 for the year ; 12 07J
for January.
Hulk Meats Firmer ; thort libs , 9 C7J
for September ; 9 00 for October ; 9 05 for
Whiskey-Steady nt 110.
Receipts Flour 18,523 bbln ; wheat ,
191,193 bu ; corn , 557,011 bu ; oats , 91,191
bu ; rye , 11,985 bu ; barley , 22,00.1 bu ,
Shipments Flour , 17,295 bbh ; wheat ,
12 1,802 bu ; corn , 157,828 bu. : oat , 57,978
bu ; rye , 4,555 bu ; barley , 8,033 bu.
Chicago Xiivo Stock.
CIIIUAUO. September 2.
Hogs Receipts , 20,000 ; hhliimcntv ,
5,800. Market eteady ami unchanged ;
mixed packing , 5 90@0 30 ; lijjlit hogs ,
0 30@(170 ( ; choice heavy , I ! M@li ) 95 ; culh
nnd grascew , 4 50@G 10. Quality gooi
and packers buying pretty freely.
Cnttlo Receipts , 5,400 ; hliipmonts ,
3,000 , Btron , ' uutive market mi good
Hook ; oxporU ) , 0 00@0 75 , 10 earn nt ( I 50
di075 ; ; good to choice shipping , 5 00 ©
( i 00 ; common to fair , -1 OO © 1 2.1 , butch-
en. ' , 2 233 95 ; Yorkers and fi'tdera , 2 (10 (
( 3 85 ; Tuxans , 3 00 ® 112.1 ' ; half-breeds
and natiycH , 4 00@4 ( X ) . A'll kind * bii *
poor natives utninger.
Sheep liccciptK , 1,000 ; i hlpiupnts , none
Market dull nnd weak at rasior rates
poor to choice at 3 25n ( 1 50 ,
New York Proiluco
NEW Yonif , September 2.
Flour- ' Hill and scarcely so firm. South
em flour firmly held and in fair demand
1 IfifaBf.O for ordinary to htrklly fancy ,
'hlpiiing extras ,
Wheat-Ojiened l2o higher , but
quontly this advance was lo t , markc
closing dull nnd " ( a'Ao lower f < 'i' Bjning
No. 2 red winter. I 111 © ! 15 ; No. 1 do
I 40Cal | 40 , ; No. 1 white , 1 II ; No. 2
spring , 1 : il(6)l ( 31 ; No. 2 ml 1llg 1 fo
Huiitrmber , 1 47-Jfi.l ( 4s for Oct-ibt-r.
Corn Oiiened Jfe o higher but close
dull with IO-H strength ; ungiailcd mixri ;
Ii7 71 ( ! ; No. 1 , 00S)7Hc ( ) ; No. 2 , 71f ,71iJc
No. 2 white , 79ie ; yellow , 73c ; No. 2 , 71J
for September , and 73Je for Octi-lier ,
Oats Fairly active and firm for casl
options lower ; No. 1 white , fiOc ; No.
white , 4818iuNo. ; 1 mixed \-W \
" " " '
{ ye DuHatl07@l 11 ,
Barley Noininul ,
Pork -Firm for cash ; options n nhoil
easier ; new meHH on iipot , 18 75C" 19 00 ; d
October , 1850 ,
Lard Stronger at a Blight advance
I1 70 forcash and September ; 11 M % 11 80
for October.
Beef Fair demand ; extra ini'S" , 1250j (
13 00 ; family mess , 14 50(5ir.OO. ( ,
Cut Meats Firmly held and in mor
demand ; pickled hams , 11 31 } ; pickle
thouldcrii , 11 38.
Cincinnati Produce.
CINCINNATI , Septtmber 2.
Polk MMS jobbing , 19 50(2/20 ( 00.
I uni Steady ; current , 11 JIOY&ill 35.
Bulk Meats - Steady ; clear ides lOti'J
Bacon- Steady ; clear kidi > , ll 37i <
Flour Fiiiufi ; family 0 50fu7 10.
Wheat Firmer ; No. 2 red , 1 3H.
Corn Steady No. 2 mUed li'lj.
OaU UaMer ; No. 2 mixed , 43ic.
Rye-Steady ; No. 2 , 1 10 bid.
IJurloy Quiet ; No. 2 full , 1 10.
St. Iionift Prodnco.
ST. I/ortfl , September 2.
Flour -Virm and uncliAmcd ; fancv ,
7 rOfn 7 7- , . i-hoico , 7 Kf 3 , ' ; familv , 0 R )
( rf'OO1
\Vlient Actl\e and higher , but unift-
tied nnd broke at the clo e : No. 2 led ,
ca h , 1 kS ; September , 1 191 ; October ami
No\ ember , I 52i
Corn O | > oned higher butdoclluod nt the
close : cn li , ( VVjj September , ( itle | : Octolicr ,
OHo ; November , OSlc ; Drcember , 7-V.
( ) . ts Opened lu hcr nnd declined ; I0e |
for cash ) I2jc for September ; He for Octo
Ryc-Kn ier at I KX 1 09.
Ruttor Higher ; dairy , 20 2.c ; cicam-
ery , 2Sn 3le. !
Vet ? * Steady at 12d 15o.
Whisky-Steady at 1 10.
Provisions Strung and in good demand ,
Pork-ID 00.
Lard Firm at 11 10.
Receipts Flour , 8,000 bbl ; vhont , 51-
000 bu ; com , 75,000 hit ; oat , [ 33,000 bu ;
ryo. li,000 bu ; barley 2.1XK ) bu.
Shipments Flour , 5,000 bbls ; wheat ,
21,000 bu ; eoni , 70,000 bit ; oats , [ S.OOObu ;
rye , none ; bailey , none.
St. Iiouii .Livo StookJ
ST. 1i < ) UiH , Septcmlior 2.
Hogs -Light grades lower ; Yorkers. 0 30
( 0 < 5 ; mixed packing , 0 20frf 0 55 ; choice
to fancy hea\y , it GO&fO 80 ; icccipts , 5.1HX ) ;
shipments , 2,700.
Wilmington Mnrhot.
Wu.MiNdTO.v , September 2.
Spiiits Turpentine- Finn nt 4 OUJ ; soft ,
1 50 ; Virgin , 2 80.
Glovolnud Mnrkot
CI.KVKI.\.VII , September 2.
Potioleum At quotations unchanged ;
itandanl white , 110 tent , 7c.
. .
- - -
Liverpool Proiltioo.
Ltvinil'ooi , September 2.
Fl-ur American , 10s ltdCf 13s.
Wheat Winter , KVdMGillln 3d ; white ,
; cpiing , lOsiklQ ; lOi Od ; olub ,
Corn C < li
Lard 57s.
Poik 7 Is.
Poorin Produce.
PnntiA , Septombcr 2.
High Wines-Steady nt I 1 1.
Toledo Produce , September 2.
Wheat- Firm ; No. 2 red , 1 40J for
ash ; I I0t' for September ; 1 I2J for Octo-
icr ; 1 45J for November ; 1 47 for Decem-
Corn -Dull ; high mixed , 0"c ; No. 2 ,
I Jo for cash : OOo for October ; ( ile ] forthe
tOnU tjnlet ; No. 2 , I0t\
Now York UrjGoods. .
NKW YoilK , September 2.
The dry goixis jobbing trade is generally
ctivo to-day with n steady demand at first
.amis . , but selections wcro chiefly comlin-
d to such sniull pniccls ns are required by
) bber for renewal of broken assortments ,
.nd . comparatively few largo transactions
eportcd. Tiieiu is n continued good
lovcment in cotton goods , gingham
rints , shirts and drawers on account of
inner ordeis , nnd altogether the day's
iiisliicss was satisfactory.
BntFulo Llvo Stock.
I''AHT HrtTAio , September2
Hogs Slow ; receipts , 19 carloads ;
lipmentH , 37 enilouds ; Yorkers , I ! 70 ®
85 ; few choice Yoikei-H at 0 85 ; good me
ium , 4 80 ; choice heavy , 7 00.
Pliiludoljihln. Produon.
Plliij\tKf.riiM , September 2.
Wheat- Hauler at 1 41(7in 411 for cash
.nd September ; 1 45A@1 I5J for October.
Coin Firm nt 70 & 7tjc for cash and
eptcmber73S@733o ; for October.
Oats Firmer at fillc for cash ; I748c ( !
; ir September.
Rye Quiet ; 100 bid for cash.
Baltimore Produce.
BAI.TIMOW : , September 2 ,
Flour Quiet.
Wheat No. 2 red winter dull nt 1 44.1
'or August and September ; 1 40jj/U ( 40 $
or October.
Corn Yellow ctn.ll and lower at 09Jc ,
ixcd westcin , O'.ic ' ; mixed September ,
Eontl < il > rty Llvo Stock.
EAHT LimciiTV , Pa. , September 2.
Cattle Nothing doing ; receipts , 1,139
icad ; shipments , 935 head.
Hogs Firmer ; icceipts , 2,000 head
hipments , 1,900 head ; Philadelphia ! ) , 7 ( X
37 20 ; Yoikers , C 40@0 50 ; graders , 5 50
@ 0 00.
Sheep Nothlni' doing ; receipts , 2,200
lead ; shipments , 110 head.
Special attention glAori to collections In Ilutlci
rampl " 'l-mo Om
Roar for Moores ( )
AND Saddlery
p AU * fc 'ihftjwfcPrri ' $ i
1Z vtfw f > iV r'3 , tvt : ? is
2 1'fW '
g *
4 3
I t.a\u mloptcil thu I.lnn ai a Tr.-ylo Mttlk. an
.illiny K' " l "HI l > u STAMI'iiiwltli : the I.IO
.lUilmvNAMi : on tlia tunic. NO ( JOOIrt All
'I'liulicut material la nxcil and the mojl ulilll
orlincn uru inipluinl , anil nt Iho lowest can !
price. Anjmie uUhlnifa prim-list of iooJ ; wl
confer a fat or by itvnilliiK fur one ,
United States Depository
- Of OMAHA. -
Cor. 13th and Farnam Sta ,
OrfeinUcd u a National Hank August 0 , 1803.
CAl'ITALANB J'llOKiraOVtll 3000CO
IldiiAN KovvitK , i'rriililcrit.
AuuDHTt'a Kui'MTZK , Vlev I'rcslJcnt.
II. W , ViTJJt , Caslilcr.
A. J. I'urnr.ios , Attorney.
F. II. DAMa , AMt. Cashier.
Thlili&nk receives l iioalU without rcgtirJ to
Indues lime ccrtlllcatca bearing Intetcit.
Drawn draft * on San Franvinco and | rlncipal
cltlca of tlio United Status , also I/inlon. Dublin
Edinburgh and tbo prlncljal eltlia of tlmconti
ueut of Europe.
Sells jiruwenger tlikcta for emigrant ) ty the ID
DUD lino. nutyl'Jtl
' . O.
1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb.
The Only Exclusive Wholosnlo Drug House in Nebraska-
IS mo
AND * 5
Oommissson Merchants ,
1121 Fnrnham St. , Omaha , Nob.
ConntuiiiHonU in < le m will rrccl\o t < nnnit attention. Hcfcrnnccs : State , Om&ha ; PlaU
& Co. , lUltlinorr ; I'cck fc llanihrr , clilcnKo ; M.Vcrk fc Co , , Cliiclntmtl ,
Hellmuth Ladies' College.
Patroneit , H , R. H. PRINCESS LOUISE. Founder nnd Pretldont , The nifjht Pev. I. HEt.L- ,
MUTH , D. D. , D. O. L. , LORD BISHOP OF HURON ; . Fall Term opens
Wednesday , September 2lit.
ItaiHl oino nil i clom luillillii , I oautlfully fltiulwl In ainnit hralthy IcwuHly , nliout lour hours
liv mllfrom Nlixpirn KnlH , Mill mi oiio of tliu ] irhn.-lwl | tlirniih | routes lirtuccii the liut ixml Wct.
Tlio llllOUNDS fonnnlno 140 acres. Tlio nlm of tlio ( onndor of thU oollcfc li to ) > rcn Mo the hlshmft
Intnllfctunl anil iirarlleally uncfnl nlneatlon , TliB wliolovtcn \ Is liiual tijion the unuiulnt PRO
TESTANT prlnclilo. | , M the only nollil lianl for tlio rl ht fornmtloii of character. FRENCH U the
laiiRiuiini | KiktMi In tlio rollrjro. MUSIQ n siH-cl.ilty.
lloaril , Uuiulrv ami Tuition Keen , liiclwlliiit tli wliolo ronrno ot KiiRllih. the Ancient and Mod *
irn I.iiipmirciiOftlll'llicnU ; > i , Dnulmrnml I'nliitlnjr , u o rimionnil I.ILrnr.r Jlollonl atUmUnco.antl
lli'iklno. 30O | KT .iiiiiiiin. A roViiclloii nf one-lmlf for the ilnu htrni of Clcrnyiiicii. For "clra-
Inm" ami lull iwttlcnliUDuiUlrvswMISS CLINTON , Ijuly I'rlnclial , Hollmilth I.iillcii'CoUrec , IxiiMN
ONTARIO , CANADA. iuon&thiirs-2in
In Convenience ,
Lang & Fotick.
At Prices that Suit Any Customer Who Really Wishes a First-
Olass Article.
- < *
& >
THE JEWELERS , Opposite the Post Office.
3C3XT /
Ladies' ' Suits , Oloaks , Ulsters , Oirculars , Itc. ,
J&3 ? OOISMC1. . /
200 Handaomo SuitB , at $5.00 ; 300 Stylish " Suits , /$10.00 :
75 Black Silk Suits , $17.00. /
Wo liavo sovurul lots of stajilo gouda which ibo \ \ \ olforcd at
All Indies should uvail thoinsulvoa of this gruat.ealo of
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
UINNa , MACH.NKUV , ORLTtgg , OSK. . .J m , HPB , BTHA. .
A. L. STRANG , 200 Farnam St. , Omaha.
rnouniano lever * „ * . . . - , , - , . v . . * . . ,
Har3ole \ Manufooturera , OMAHA | Ho laia 81Clc w n , , -jr ,
J. ROSENFELD , 3 10th St. , bet. F r. & Har ,