, * wqratl a THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : l'\RIIAYSI3l'THAHIill ' ! { 2 , 1881 .FINANCE AND COMMERCE , FINANCIAL. \ MOSEY AND ' TOCK1' . Ni.w Yol'.K. September I. Money closed easy nt - ' ] per cent. , but at ono time to day the market \ v.sery ctringont and rates for call loan * mhanceil to liper cent. . 1of 1 per cent , pel diem. JHchaiigo closed stcadyat 4 80JO > I SI. ' 7o\einmcnl8 closed strong. Currency l' , 1 BO bill ; Is. coup. , 1 ID bid : I is do , 1 18jbidCs ; continued at 1 01' . ; * M do , 1 01 bid. Pacific railroad Ixuuls clonvl as follows : I'nion lits. 1 liiJCJ-l Upland cr.tnt * , 1 IS < ,1SJmilking _ fund , 1 ' 'IC"1Mi : Cen- tllds , 1 ! " > } . STOCKS. The tock market to-div was dull and It regular thrcuehnut. There vcio fro- nueiit spells of thinness and depression , and the m irket closed \ ( < i 1-j per cent lower than it did ye tenlay. Nothing of im- { Mirtance tran pircd. Tun largest tiaimc- lions were in Denver & . lilo Uramlc , AVn- hasli , Delaware. Lacka\v anna & Western , I'niim Pacific , Lake Shoie , ISortliwcstcin , Western Union , Texas Paeitic nnd 1'rie. Tin ) folli > wing are the closing bids : A & Til 18 Mich Cent .W Mo P.i . . . . 1021 CCA 1C 1 S X , T C 1)2 ) Central Pacific. 88 North westctii .123J CfcA I'.T Preferred. . .13(1 ( < 1.St.L.fcX.O. 71 ! NhHhl'au. . . O C O & 1. . . . MS Preferred. . u.t Ki < . ( } . . . . -sr.J * v v j. P . / , . i7ui Diegou iMi\.irill ' . ' st L'AcO . Kriopfd S'/ / : w. Adams Jixti , . . . 137 Picfeir . . . . ) VfV 1'Xp 128 Pullman 131 American K\n. 82 P 1) li K . 33 U.S (171 ( Stl" . . . . ' 1.11 711 Central 12H ( St. P. K I ) . . H. It St..T ! M { Preferred ! 70J Preferred . . . ,113 1st Piefd. .101 K & T 3'.H 1 > \ II . L'7 I BfcWII Tex Pac. . . . US 122J A \ P. II A T 87 JUN.A.&C , . 87 WUTcl 87i JIININC STOCKS. Following nre tha clming miitations for tninlng stocks at the New York mining board : Altn Mont. . . . T.K1 Iron Siher. . . . 220 B& B J312. Little Chief. . . 130 tiiitro li"iO SieiraXev lO.'ii ! Hiticrni.i ( . 'en'tlArizomi. 12 llellelsle. . . . CIIIC.VRO MONP.r MAllKr.r. CHICAGO , September 1. Tlio demand for money by all clashes of linrrowera to-day was giiod and notnith- btanding the miuply of loanable funds \v ro in CXCUMS of the requirements , rates ruled at 0 _ per cent. Deliveiies of grain .uid jirovisions on 'Change swelled the clearing.tnf banks to-day to § 17,200,000. It is the impression that thu clearings to morrow will be ( in a libeinl seale. East ern exchange between city banks weak at tfl per 81,000 , and larpe amounts of money wore ordered from Xew York. Orders for currency from country points weie largo. QintUin Wholnsnlo Mnrliot- Oi'KiuBOKTiiK OMAHA UKE , ) Tbur.sdav K\eniiihr , September 1. J ( JJraiti IUIK ruled generally film to-day. AVheat Mhanccd IJc for Xo. 2 ; lower gi.vdos weaker , liarlcy Ic lower. Coin advanced ic. Oats aihanced 2/c. / l.ho stnek hli-.dj' and unulmngud. Potatoes picking up a little. 1'ggs scnicc and \ cry lirm at former iiuotations. Lemons ad- > aiced .10 c per box. Tomatoes not HO plentiful as they uero a few days ago ami advanced 2.ririOc ( per bushel. Onions -c.irce nnd firm. Vegetables aie xetting rather sum ce and pi ices advancing. Other fiuotations icmain as joportcc : j'tAltnlay. Local Grain WJIKAT. Cash No. 2 , 1 07i ; ca-h K Y. Cash Xo ' . ' , ! )0o ) ; Xo. 3 , lc. KYK. Cash , 881c. \ C01IX.-C.iih Xo. 2 , We. OATS. Cash. 28ie. Livestock. Cattle Wo quote as follows : Hutch' .ei's cow * , S3 00@3 25 ; choice butchert steers , -S3 7.-l 00. Sheep Uixxl mutton in fair demand , 83 DO ; < Li3 75. Hogs Wo quote as follows ; Liglil jackew , 6.r > 00@ . " 7. > ; medium mixed ijiackers , STi f)0@5 75 ; extra , choice hea\ , = $5 75@0 00. Provisions. yLOUH Spring \vhcat , Btralght grade $32.3r.O . ; patent , S3 7C@IWI ; winter wheat straight grade , S3 7C@4 00 : patent 54 00 ® 150 ; grahjunrye , ? 2 CO ; Wheat 32 75. KYK FLOUR 53 25. MlLLS'l'lIFl'S Jiran , i > er cwt. 70c screenings , per cwt. 70@80c ; fihortH , pe cwt. 80c ; chopped feed , per cwt. 100 ; mea bolted , yellow , 1 15 ; white. SI 2 . 1'OTATOKS Liberal mumly and weak at 31 00. SWKKT POTATOKS-Vcry active ai fie | > er pound. POUi/ntY Live chickens per dozen ? 2 2"iG ! 3 00. IMSAIHIK CniCKKNS-82.,0 ( 3 00 jier dozen. I'iGUS Candled , scaicoat 12Jc. UUTTKH Choice hcarcoatJUl 8 ; 710 market : cieamoiy , 2"c. . APPL1IS - ( iood. hound , 53 f > 0 pe IjOXISy Kxtractcd , fnvt-chiKs Calif ornia > > tiained , 15c ; Xebi.iakv comb , -0 LKMONS ( JIK ) 1 lep.vckul per box ? y MICH 10 oo. KASTKKX PKAOiinS- Dull ; 81 23 , . 1 fiO iier lm\ , a to ( inalitv. KASTKUX PIIAKS ' \ bu. box , SI 0 TOMATOES Per bushel , SI 2VJ11 .10 DfJ.MKNTfO ( MlA PUS Lively at fi per lb. CALll'OUNIA PlUltS l'erbo\ , $ : x < j4 ; oo. OALU'OUXIA PLUAIS S2 2'i. OALII'OKNIA J'iAClll'.S : $250. OALiroilNlA ( MtAPIJS S2T.O WATKK.MKLONS jvi 100 , 11 oo. yjajn'AUMW-Aii : KimUbiing * prices and K'.irce. linKSVV AX Yellow , 18o,20c' ( . OXiONS-Perbu-ho' . 1 iW.iuul fC Grocers List. COl'FKK.Kio , lair , HUc : Klo , r 11cj Pii > _ inline to chciice , I'-Jic ; Old jov Java ; 'Jiiifii'JhJc , Mouha , 'J8lc ; Aibuckle1. - iiini 'wer , g'J , 4'ifa\V ( Choice , Ml'/7'c ; Imperial , .witl , .lOfel.V C'liulce , 'iOc ' < 7 1u ; Young lly m , good , 3ii ! < * > 0c ; choice , li'icfe. ? ! 00 ; .lap.iu Nut Leal : t.r > c ; ilap.ni , choice , Ii0@7.c ; Oolon 35 © 10 ; Dulling , clioice , I0.5'5 ; oocl. .filiiiHoi choice. S'tdiI5c. SUOAIIS. Cut loaf , lljc ; Crushed lljc ; ( iramdatcd , _ 10/c / ; Powdered , 111 1'ine powdeied , 113cj Standard I'olfeo A lOJc ; New Yoik Confectioner'n SUiulan At lOJc ; ( Jood A , lOc ; Prairie Kxtra ; 0 Cloven , 4"c ; Mace SI 00. SODA. Dwlght's HI papera , 8300 ; le- ) and do , ? 3 00 ; Church' * , S3 00 ; Keg soda , 4k TAHOII. Pearl , 3c ; Silver ( Mo , 7 } ] c ; Corn Starch , 8 J@8Jc ; K\cehlor sH. file ; Coin , 7c. SALT.-Dray load * , per Mil , 1 00 ; Adi- ton , in backs , ! ! f 0 ; bbU dairy 00 , TM , 3 15 ; bbU dairy , 100. 3 ? . 3(55. ( D11IK1) I'JtUITS-ClioIco halve- , I > c chei' , new crop , Die ; KvaixiratcdAiipld * , TO Ib boxes , , 13 J@14c : .Michigan , 8ic : New York apples , 8jc ; St. LouUNo.l.'c ; Pruntw , old , ( icj new , 8Jc ; Currants 7 < ! t7ic ; lilackberries , new , 10c I'roam , lljc ; P.ul Skim , < ic. WOODKNWAUIv Two hoop pnil * , 1 S. ' . ; tlnetj hoop palli , 2 10 ; Xo. t tubs. 900 ; No. 2 tuiH. , 800 ; Xo. 3 tubs , 700 , pioneer wali1 i.ird < , 18 * : Double Crown : 275 ; Ololio Washboard. 250 : Well buckets , chain , and 5 plv , 20121J ; Colored cat pet chain , per ll > , 2i ( ; l.KAlBu ) - , SK.'i. MATCH KS-Per c.vl.lie . , We : runnd ca e . S7.35 : Mitiaro cases SI.'O. ' ' PROVISIONS Breakfast bacon , 12 . oliiiic-e l.anl , l.'Uci diicd beif , lie : Mimilil tr < * , cnmasvcd SJc ; h.iincanvassed 1 ! ' : b.iron , ndi | i llje XKW PlCKLKS-Medimn , inbairel- , $7 00 ; do In half bhl , I 25 : small. , in bbK , 1200 : do , in h.ilf bbK G50 : gherkins , in bills. 13 00 ; do. in half hbl . 7 00. \'INT.GAlt Pnro _ npplo extra , IGc ; puio apple , 13c : Pins ingpure apple , I'm. HOMINY -Now , S3 M ) per bbl. BKAXS- Medium , hand picked $2.GO per bushel. ISOPK SNal , 1 Inch nnd l.irger , Ujc ; 3 Inch , ! lc : 1 inch , lOJc. SOAPS Ixiik's Savon Ini | > eiial , 3 ( HI ; Ixiik's sterlinir. 2 40 : Kirk'- standard , 3 'M ; Ixiik's while KII MMII , I " "i : Kirk's Kutoea , 20 * ) : Kirk's PrahioCJueeii , (100 ( cakes ) , 3 40 ; ICIik'n in.ignolln , t 10. Boxes , -10 lh , 1C. oz , 81 , I lejboxcs 40 llx. , 1(1 ( it/ , li * . 14e ; Inixes , 40 sets , 11 o/ . , Hs , 131c ; half boxes , 20 sets , I1 o/ . , 8 < , 13o. TiYK Aineiicnn , 3 3V Crcen\vich , 3 35 : Western , 2 75 ; Ninth Stai , 2 50 ; LcvvU' Ije , I GO ; Jewell lye , 275. POTASH -Peniisylvnuia cans , 4 do/ . , in case , 3 : tt ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in can' , 1 DO ; Anchor Bill 2 doz in COM1 50. F1KLD SMI ) lied clover , choice , new , S530 per bushel ; mammoth clovei , new , S5 7i > ; white clover , now , 514 00 al alfi clover , new , § 1260 ; idsike , new , § 13 00. Timothy , good , new , S2 50@2 05 ; blue grass , uxtra clean , SI 25 ; bine trass , cle.ui , SI 15 ; orchard grass , $2 00 : red toi | , choice , C5c : millet , common or Missom i , SI 2" > ; millet , Gciman , § 125 ; to § 150 ; Hungarian. SI 15. HHDGKSK13D Osage orange , 1 to f bushel ? , W 00 : os.igo orange , 10 bushel * ere ocr. . 84 f)0 ; honey locust , per lb. , 35e ; per 100 Ibs. , $25 00. 1'ISH Kamily- white fnh , 901bhf bbls , S3 GO ; Xo , 1 white fish , SK > lb hf bbls , G 30 ; Xo. 1 white fish , in 10 lb kits , 1 00 ; family 10 lb klti , 7 c ; New Holland herring , per keg , 1 20 ; lliissiau sardines , 75c ; Colui"- bia i ivcr salmon , per lOOlbs , 8 00 ; George' * Bank codfish , Gc ; ( ! eii. boneless codtish ; Sic ; boneless fish , 4 o. MACKlIHKlj Half bbls incnsniackercl , 100 Ibs , S1250 ; hf bbl Xo. 1 ex Hhoro do , 100 Ibs , C 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100 Ibs , 3 85 ; mess mackerel , 12 lb kits , 2 25 ; Xo. 1 c.hlun e , 12 lb do , 1 fiO ; Xo. 1 shore , 12 lb do , 1 00 ; fat family , 10 lb do , 7Cc. CAXXKD GOODS-Oystors , 2 lb ( Field's ) , per case , S4 20 ; do 1 lb ( KieldVt ) , per cae , 2 50 ; do 2 lb ( Standard ) , per case , 3 ! > 0 ; do 1 lb ( standard ) , per case , 2 40 ; do 2 lb ( dlnck ) , per case , 2 75 : do 1 lb ( black ) , per case , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , 1 ill , pur diuen , 1G5 ; do 2 lb , per dozen 250. Sardines , smull i'sh ' , impoited , me quarter boxes per box , 14ic : Ameiic.xn , ( juaitcr boxes per box , lie ; do half boxes , per box , 2Hc. Lobsters , 1 lb per dorcn , 1 SO. TonutocH , 210 ; do 3 ll > per c.ise , 2 50 : Corn , 2 lb ( Mountain ) per case , 3 40 ; soaked corn , 1 'JO ; do 2 lb ( Yarmouth ) , per case , 3 50 ; string beans , per case , 1 90 ; l < ima be.uis per case , 2 00. Succotash per case , 2 0. J'eos , tommon , imr case , 1 75 : peas , choice , per case , 1 50. Blackberiies , 21b , per case , 250 ; HtiMwheriic * , 2 Hi , per case , 3 701 laspbcnics , 2 ll > , per case , 275(3)300. ( ) lUmsons , 2 lb , per cose , 2 25. Baitlett pe.irs per case , 3 Oo@ I 00. Whortleber ries per case , 2 50. Kgg plums , 2 lb per ci > e , 3 25 ; do , choice , 2 lb , per c.ise. 4 50. ( Jrcon g.geVI' ' ' lier cai-e , 3 25 : ilo choice , ' . lbK | r c.ise , ) SO. 1 ine Apples , 2 Hi , per case , ! ! < ; 0Si5 ( 20. Pe.aches , 2 lb per case , 3 ' 0 : do 3 Ib , case , 5 00r5 ( 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , pur o.xsc.325 ; do pie , G lb. per dojccn , 3 50. KICK Caiolina , ( ij7.jc ; Louisiana , 5j I'KAXUTS lloasted , choice , red Ten nessee , SJc per lb ; fancy whit'1 , Uc per lb ; raw white Virginia , 7@7Jc. Or Goods. BUOWX COTTON'S. Lawrence T-.L , , GJc ; Buckeye Llj OJc ; Cificent LL ( Ho ; Utic.i C r\c ; Crescent C 7e ; Creicent 15 74'c ; CiMHcent A 8c ; Wachu etts Sc ) ; Indian He.ul 8Jc ; fJranituvillo 1/L Ojc : Badger 111 ! , fine brown , 7Ac ; Badger X , do , 7c ; Portsmouth P , do , fijc ; Winlhrop J ; , do , 7tfc ; Continental C , do , 8c. 1JLKAC1IH1) CO'l'TOX.S Wamsntt i 1-4 13c ; Kruit 1-1 10llopo \ ; I-1 S'e ' ; B.vllaidvalo 4-4 lijc ; Pocassctt " C" 4-1 8ic ; Altoona 3-1 ( ic ; Lonsdale Xo. 1 , cambric 13c ; Xo. 2 , do , 12Jc ; Xew Yoik Mills -1-1 13c ; Lonsdale 4-1 lOc ; Fairmont Q4.1ijc ( Aubuni A 1-1 8c ; Barnaul 3 lie ; D.iiry Cloth ojc , PIIIXTS. Allcn'K fancy , GJc ; Ameri can do , ( Uc ; Arnold's do , 7c ; ConestoKa do , Gc ; Difnnell do , ( iic ; Kddystonu do ; G\c \ ; Gloucester do , ( Ac ; Hamilton , GJc ? irannonyfi cHartolc ; ( ; Knickerbocker , GJc ; Manchester , 7c ; Pacific , 7c ; Sprague ; ( ijc ; SouthbridgeGio ; Myntic , OJc ; Merri- mack Bhiitingfl , ( ic ; Snr.igno do , ( lie , Sonthbridge do , G c ; llegatta do , 5jc ; Cochico lobe , 7c : J'leeman robe , do ; Hamilton do , 7c ; M arlboro do , Gc ; South- bridge ilo , GJc ; Spiaguodo , OJc ; Ameticai do , GJc ; Pacifio do , 7c ; Wiishinn'lon oi colors , Uc : Simpson' * inonrning , 7c ; Simp- son's Nolid black , ( iJc ; Berlin Holid colors.Gc , CAMBHICS , KJjAT - Ghued , fijc : high colois , GJc ; kid finish , ( ic ; high col ors , 7c ; rolled , 7o ; high colon * , 8c. COHSKT ( IKANS-ltockport , Sc Xaumkeag satteen , Uc ; Andn coggin do. , IM ; I jckwood do. 'Ji : TICKING Amokcag- . C. A. , 17 e Cnnuntoga , B. I1' . , I , fancy , 18c : Cones togii , 1-1 , Gold Medal , IGc ; Conehtn a , j C. C. A. , lie ; C.in.-st'in'i : , C. C A , fanev lie , Kaston , B. , ! ' . ( : Omego supeiim ex trn , 2f > c ; Omega nii-dil , 25c ; ( ) me a A ( , A , fancy i-tnpe , 20e ; Omeg.v A J-l , llio Omega AZ.13Com ; "t ig.iU.C.llcdStilpc. KJU-i slietuckut. S. , 11.c ; Slit tucket , S. S. 1 Jk ; IVuil liivm , 17Ac ; llamlltiin , 1) . 11 ? ; Hamilton recul r , 13 ; Hiunilton II. lite : Coidln , B. B . ' .He " ; Coidls A C. K. ISc ; Albany S. A.-\ , "l7.Jo. OIL CLOTH r > 1 wood. 8300 : 5. faney limrble , KllKI5. ; | whitim.uble $3 25 ; G I wood , .SI 60 : G-l fancy nurblt- .f ! 00 ; G-l white ninble , ? 1 25 ; 5-1 mi ) saic , & 3 00 ; G-4 in. > .tic , 1 00. DUNIN'SAino kcag blue and blown IGc ; Bi'aver Cieuk , A. A. , blue nndbrown IHc ; liu.iver Ciek , I ! . B.bliiu and brown l.'ijc ; Beaver Cuek , C. C. , blue an < brouii , 12Jc ; IJvi rtt D , D. , blue am biovvn , Hi ; Hiivmukeis blue and brown ! ) JuOti ; < , A. X. A , blue , niojOtln B. 15 bin , . , 13JOtln ; C C , bliiu , I2io ; ' IIIvi'f bine and blown , I5.c. | DLTCKSFall liiver , llic ; Jlamden O ( " ) . , Itljc ; Bo > t n i heukH , 13Jo ; lio-lm muck stiiiie. 17' ' : Ailngt ) m Htiipe , IK'1 Linn | 5in | % 1'ijc , HniVin XX , bio. , 12Jc Bmton XX diab , I J'.o ' ; BostonXXX bio. 13le ; I5otcm XXX drab , llljcj P.o.tun O ll.bro. , lOic. 3x3 blue an b own , 8\c ; Lowi > .t'inix3 ( buo ] and brown , 8k ; liuck Itlver , ( i\3 blue and brown , 1'Ju Al ibama , Gx3 blue and blown , 8\o. COTTOXADKS Luuistoii dlamom 1. 27ic ; A. Y. A. , 2Jc ( ; Angora , I ) . Jt T. , 20ci New York milU proof , 'Me ; Biidp'ewater , 20c ; Hverctt , heavy , 22Jo ; Whittent n , heavy , 25o ; Bell , 18c ; Charter Oak , IRu ; Wicklow , 184c ; Union Pacific , 18c ; CapitiU , l c ; Karmeri ) 2lc ; Uverett , medium , 15c ; York , light weight , 12ic ; New York milU checks IU SIIKKTINGS-Androscogain.O-lbrown 2. < c ; do 10-4 do , 2Uc ; Peppeiilrnl-l : ! brown , 2 > c ; do 10-4 do , 274c ; Alexandria , 4(5 ( inch , bleached , 13c ; Androsco-'gin II1 1 , bleached , 2l > c ; do 10-1 , bleachbd , 2i > c ; Pepperoll , 'J-i , blcachad , 23c ; do 10-4 bleached , 27&c , Druct. DllUGS AND OinCMICAUS.--Acid' Cailiolic , 50c ; Acid , Tnrtaric ; , .r > 5c : Baltuim er Ilor ni ( ilyceiiuo , pure , pirlb , Ho ; lad , Acptnto. ) H-r Ib , 2.V : Car boil oil , 110J , Jier g-allon , lllc ; do 150 ° , ] > er gal. 13c | ; Oil , Ca tor , No. 1 , pergal , H 10 ! Oil , Cn < tori > .flpcrmilOOj ! Oil , OHw > , per gal , . ' 'I " > 0 : Oil , Origanum , 50c , Opium , 6175 ; ( Jnlnlijo. \ \ te&H. . & S.H'i | or. $2 id ; Pntiis iiiin , Iodide , per lb ; ? J. 50 ; Silaein , | ior o , 3'ie ; Sulphate of MoiphiiH' , per t , & 3 li. : Sulphur Hour , per In , le ; Stnthiiiuo. iierti ? , $1 oOc , Horses and Mules. The market i In i k and all grade' are well at : i slight advance in pices. ' ( 'he ilcumnd fm ftvl her t * CXCCIMS the upplv c-oii'ideinbly. I'liees inngo as fol low * : Cine vhiixlc dilverti , $ ir > 0. tnoOO. ; V.xtra drift hordes ! jl"i. tti 2ii.j I'omuion tlra. ' ; hoi > e , SIOO. to 150. : Kxtra farm horses si 10. to I'J.'i. ; Couunon tngtxKl farm hordes , K ) . to SIOO. : T.xtia plnirs ifl'O. to 75. ; Common plugs , S'-'O. to SIO. MULKS.--15 to U.i hinds ( extra ) , 8125. tol'O. : 14i to T. haiitls 5IOO..to ? 110. ; II to II.J Hands S7 . to 100. ; ITlJ to 11 hands , SiJO. ID " 't Clears ant ) Tobaccos. C1GA1SS. Seeds Sn.OO : Conner ! ieut , S''XOO : Mixed.K1 : Seed Havann.VK.00 ) ; I'lear Havann. f75.0t. TOBACCO I ' LI 'G. Golden 1'nlc , 21 lb. ( Hi1 ! Spotted KIIVUI. ( i'Je ; Our Hope , 5 < e : Star , ) iounds , 21 lb. butts , 5-ie ; HOIM- Shoe , pounds 21 lb , butts , 5.V ; Pmlty , 2 lb. butts , 52c" ( Juci-ii Be , 21 lb , butts. 53e ! Glt ! IMge , pounds lit Ib , butts 7t Anuy uud Nav v , pounds , 51e ; Bullion , pounds " o ; l oiillartl's Cllnmx , iiounds 57c. riXnCUT-ln paiK Hani to Beat , 7i > a : Golden Thread , GOc1 ; Ktiunlniu , 7tie ; 1'avorite , ( Me ; Kooky Mouutalu , "e ; Fancy , 50c ; Dai y , IV. In tin foil Catliiis O. S. , 2 n ? packages , 5 lb boxes per lb I'-Oc : l irllhml s Tiger , CiOc. SMOlx.1 NG All grades-Common , 25 to Site. Granulatel Black wells Dmlinm , 111 oj lOc ; Dukes Duthaiu , 10 07I5c ; Seal of Ninth Carolina. 1(5 ( 07 , llij Seal of Nelinvs. ka , Hi iv , 38c ; Ijone.Iack , I 07 , linen bag's perlb , SL35 ; Maiburgs' Puck , 2 oz , tin full , ( Vic ; Do0' Tuil. t'.5c. Lumber l-'UXCING No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , S25 00 ; 24 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 25 00 ; 22 ft. 28 00 ; 21 ft. 2800. KIXISHIXG-Xo. 1. finish 11 , li and 2 Inch , S55 00 Xo. 1 finish 1 Inch S50 00 ; Xo. 2. finish H , li and 2 indi. S5000 : Xo. 2 finiHli , 1 inch , 545 00 ; Xo , 3 finish , 1 in.-ii , SIOOO ; O. G. liattons per 100 feet lln. , $1 50 ; well curbing , § 35 00 ; rough i and 2 inch battens per 100 feet Hi' . . 50e. STOCK BOAltDS Astock , Sir. 00 ; > 3 $ -10 00 ; C , S35 00 ; common stock , S27 50. KLOOUIXG No. 1 , § 42 50 ; Xo. 2 , $37 f)0 ; Xo , 3 , § 27 50 ; yellow pine , Xo. 1 , S45 00. SIDIXG-Xo. 1 , S2750 ; Xo. 2 , S2500 ; Xo. 3 , S20 00. SHIP LAP Plain , S25 00 ; O. G. Xo. 1 , $37 50 ; Xo. 2 , S25 00. CK1LTXG 830 00a ( > .S45 00. LATH AXDSH1XGLKS Astarbest ( ) slilnglcs. Si f.O , Xo. 2 , S3 50 ; Xo. 3 , § 2 00. Lath , SI 25. Building Material. L1MK Per barrel , SI 35 ; bulk pcrbu. , 3. > c. Cement , bbl , $2 50. Iowa plaster , bbl , S3 50. Hair per bu , 35c. Tailed felt 100 Ibs , S3 50. Straw board , SI 00. The Leather Trade. O.dc harness , notftllc ; Pitthburgh selec ted , lOfJillic ; hemlock harness , ; i7j/13c ( ! ) ; dkiiting per lb , fait ; He : black collar 14 © 21c ; fair do , 18(5'20c ( ; fair Xo 2 , Itifo ISc ; hemlock sole , Buffalo slaughtei , perlb , 30 ( it)31c ) ; hemlock bole , B A. slaughter per lb , 25 ( < i 32e ; oak sole , lOfrHoc ; oak upper per foot. 25e ; hemlock upper , 25c ; do Xo. 2 , 23u ; oak kip skins perlb , SOcfiS1.10 ( ; hcniK.ck kip skins per lb , 75cftiSl.OO ; I'lench kip skins per lb , 81.00 ( ( > , S1.35 ; oak calf perlb , 81.00CfiS1.25 ; hemlock calf per Ib , SllO.'rt l.'J.j ? liYciiuh calf per lb , Sl.25if ( S2.1Uc ; Simon Picard goat pel do/ S3G.OO@S 18.00 : bootleg Morocco per foot , : iO 33c ; calf kid per foot , 35e ; roans per do/ , & ! ) .00@10.r > 0 ; white nnd yellow lln- per doS8.OOfOjS10.00 ; pink linings per doz , S7.KK : & 'J.OO ; Jtut ett lining * , & > 7.- 00 ; blacksmiths'aprons pui do/en , Sl'J.OOfa1 S1I.OO. 1'Al'KK Stiaw paper , 3Jc ; rag paper , Ic ; dry goodx imper , 7c ; miinilu paper , lOc ; news paper , 8c. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , S12 ; Morris Hun Blossburg , S12 ; Whitebreast lump , SO ; Whitebreast nut , SO ; Iowa lump , SO : Iowa nut SO : Kock Springs , " " Antmncite , all si/ei , ? 11 00. Hides , Hurs , Etc. HIDES Green butcher's hide , 7jgrceii ; cured hiden , 8Jc ; green B.ilt , pait cured hides , 8@8c ; dry Hint , Bound , 13@llc ; dry calf nnd kip , 12 ( ! l3c ; dry Halt hidoHM > uml , ll@12c ; green calf , wl. 8 to 15 Ibs. . 10@llc green calf , wt , under S Ibs , per skin , fiOc , gieen pelts , SI 00@l 15 ; green lamb skins 81 lOfel.25 ; d.umiged'hideM , two-thud inte , ( cut scored and one jjrnb , clashed two- tl.inU rale , ) branded hides 16 per cent. 'iff. C'o.in skins , No. 1 , 45c ; Xo. 2 , 30e ; Xo. 3 , 20 4 Xo. I , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , IXte ; No. 2 30c ; No. 3 , 15c ; No. 4 , fie. Vex , Xo. 1 GOc ; No. 2 , 25c. Skunk , Xo. 1 , black. G" > c ; short utiipe , 40c ; nanow Btrlpe 'ir > c broad stripe , JOo. Tallow , 5J. Wool. Merino nnwafilicd , light , I llic ; heavy 13 < gl5c : medium nnwiished , light , 18@20c tuli-washed , choice , 32c : f.iir , 30c ; dln > a and w.8c ; buny , black nnd cottedvooU 2l'C IflhS Shot. SHOT. Shot , S1.75 ; Buck shot , § 2.00 Oiiental Powder , kegs , SG.40 ; do. , lul kegs , ! j3,18"do. ; , < iuni tur kegn , 91.87 ; Blast ing , ketH , S3.i5 : : Kuio. ncr 100 feet 50c. Heavy Hardware List Iron , rates , $3 ] "i ; plow steel , cast , 7ic cast tool do. 15ii20 ( unx'in spoken , set 225 ( 3 00 ; hill.- , per set , 1 25 ; felines wivvt- diy , I 10 ; tongiips , i-.iili , 7" > ( ; ' 8"ic ; nxles eauh , 7ic ; Miuaiu nuts , jiei lb , "fff'llc w.i hen , per Hi , M 18c ; iivuts , JM-I lb , lie roil cli.un , per Ib , li 'l'-'o ; malluable , he iion v.'i'dguK , l/c ; ciovvb.iM , l > c ; hnimv teeth , 4c ; liDinenliuu" , pel keg , 5 CXI ; ntee ] , 7t 8c , XAll.S-10to20 > l. 3 10 : to 10 , 3tr lid , 3'.Hi ; Id , t 15 ; 3 < l , uummnn , 4'.10 : Ijd line , li Ul ; clinch , all * ! / > < , 5 15 ; lid , casing Kill Kd oisinx' , I l'l10ilfisiiig ; , 1 15 ; 10 finiiili , I li'i ; hd Imirli , I HO ; IK | tinl-h , fi 1. half ki M , lOo f.\tl.i. Paints Oils and Vnrnishtr PAINTS IN OIL White hwl , Om.ih P , P. . 7f ; white lead. O. P. & C. ( Vpint Go ; Miuw illui gtuen , 1 to fi lb cans , 20o ritmc.li/lm > , grciMiu.dj 1' ' ( ; Kiinehino red teal , lie ; Kienelime , in varnlih nv-i JOc ; FlenchIncc , in oil , w-t , Ifin ; Uav and bin nt umber , I Ib cans I'.V ; i.tw an blunt tiii-nna , } ' . , ' ( , : vnudyke l.iown , 13 lulmrd lampblack , 12c ; coach blavli , l'u ! I'ory black , IGo ; diop bhmk , IGc ; Pms.i.i blue , 30c ; nltramaiino ) > lnu , )8c ) ; chnm iee i , L. M. .t D. , lie ; blind mid shutt * . ' " i'ii , L. M. it D. , lie ; ParU gir-en , 18c I"iliiin led , 15c ; Venetian red , Sc ) ; Tiuca i.it , -'Jc ; Amwican Vtriiilllml , I. \ P. , I8 < L-hiomi ) jellow , L. , M. , O , S | ) , O. , J8c velhm oeluu , Slo ; gulilen nchre , 1'i : p.ilti lr\er , Gc ; graining i-iilurHi li/ht ( .ink. dar o.i < , walnut , chestnut and ash l-'c Dry Palntt White lead , Gc | ; French zinc , lOc ; Pan whltcing 2Jc ; whiting gilders 1J ( M biting coml , He ; lampblack Gennai town , 1 Iu ; lampblack , ordinary , He ; I'm siaii blue , fi.V ; ultramarine , 18c ; valid } k ( brown , He ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umW , rav Iu ; tjienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , I Palis green genuine , S c ; Parirf green torn i5o ; ehromu gre.cn , N. Y. ' 20e ; cluon gieen 1C. , Vie ; \ermilllon , ling. , 70c ; million , Amurlca , 18c ; Indian red , 10 ro a pink , He ; Venetian read , Cookson 'Wo : Venetian red Am. , 13o ; rod lead , 7IU chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; ehromu ye low , 1C. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 8ej orfir 1'runth , 2/c / ; ( hre , American , It Wmtei'H mineral. 2Je ; lehlgh brown , 2J jipanish browti. 2jc ; Prncu' ! mineral 3c ; _ . gallon , I'urniturc , oxta , 81 00 ; funilturv , No. 1 , OILS-llO'carlK.n p rfallon , i twilight , pr gallon , 124o ; 176' headlight iiergallon , Ific ; 1-ryt.toline , per gallon , 20c lincccd , raw , per gallon , COoj Liniectl , boll. cd. per gallon , tiUc : lard , winter str'd. per gallon , &c X'o. 1 , o7o , Xo. 2 , . ' ' 7e : cantor , XXX. per gallon , 1 I2c , Xo. 3 , 1 O' , ; meet , perirallon , Jdc ; spenn , \ \ . B , | xr K 11 < itr $ " 3' ; fii h , W.B. , per gallon , G0 < ; m\iL f < Mit extra , per gallon , loo. No. 1 , ! > ' : lumber ! , c.itiiig. ren < , per gallon , 30c , iiiiimi < r , 15c xoldeii nmehino. No. 1 , pergnllmi , ; iv , No. 2 , 2Sc ; spcnu , signal , per gallon. HV. tnr pcutine , per gallon , ( HV : nnplhn. "I dcir , er ffallon 20o. 015 tin ; . We , Liquor. ALCOHOL-IS ? prtMl. - ' ' . iw wine gallon , extra Callfimiu spirits , \aniar.vrs S'J tXK ! " 00. BIAN'DliSImiHirtcd ! : , Si : W ( Ul 00 ; ( SINS Impoited , I50@000 ; , lm . , tlc , ' Kl'MS ' Tmixirted , I iiOGri. HO- \.w Kugland. 2 ( Kf.i ) I 00 ; domestic. 1 ' < ( } ( , , : \ 50 ; JM'IACH AXD APP1.K lll\M ( > V- 1 7 W I ( HI. CHAMPAGXnS-lmporteil per ea p , 2fi 00 ( 3 IK ) ; Americ.in , per ( - . , pj oOQf IK ( K ) , CLAltPr.SPer i-n < e , IMV 1GOO. WINKS lihiuevv ine , per c.i-e , li lWii ( : > 0 K Catnwbo , pcre.v e I00i7ixi. ( MARKETS BYT13LEGRAPH. Council Bluffs General Mnrliot. Covscii , BLUFFS , Sei.Miittrr 1. Wheat-Xo. 2 , SI 10j'l ' 12 : N. . . 3 , IK ) ; re jected , 70. _ Corn No. 2 , 17 , lojecteil 31 , damageil , 1 lay Fair mniket , with prices at S- > . Oats Mniket ipiiet ; Xo. 2 , 3V , i eject ed 111. lixo-Xo. 2 , 70c. Butter 15c. Kirgs lOc. Cattle- Beef , S3 50 ® 150. Sheep $3 f > 0tfij4 50. Hogs Lightdemmulprices S3 00f5 50. Potatoes Xew , SI 25@1 M per bit. Onions SI ( K > . WtMid Market quiet , with ijnod supply ; fi 00 for H ft ; ( i 00 for hard. Poultiy-20c. _ CroNtou Mnrliot CHKSION , la. , September 1. Bntter 13c. llggw IGc. Grand Juiiotion Marliot. GliANH .li'MciioN. la. , Si'iitember 1. Kggs-1'Jo. Butter lie. Chicago Produca. OllicAOO , Siptemberl. ( ) n 'Change instead of a drop then1 WIIH a ricoiu prices of wheat and corn. The receiutH of grain were 15/.NXI bushels of com by canal and 1 , IliO car louN of grades of giafn by ivil , embracing 2.X ) of wheat , ! ) G7ofcorn , 70 of oats. It of lye , and fill of Kit-toy , Klour In good request and linn , Quo- tatioim unch.inged. Wheat No. 2 Kpiing was active anil the feeling nervous and unsettled. Local speculative InlluenceH were the governing power. Cash wheat inled about ISJfii ! . ' % per bushel less than xestsidav , owing to the culmination of the. August squoe/e for defciied dcliveiy nnd the m.uket opened l c per bushel lower , due to flee olTeiingn , evidently in anticipation of laige deliver ies ami September contiacts. but it ap- peaied ns though all the whc.it u.is taken care of nnd did not cntuo back to the mni- kut and a stiong feeling w. < - < diveloped. Spicul.itivo demand was active and pi ices were advanced about 3fn)3jc ) pi i bushel , about iiiMii | > prices , tbeii Hncliiited nlight- ly and finally ole cd about le lii hcr for September and October on the regular hoard nnd on the eall at 1 22 , ; for Septem ber ; 12ii4 for October ; 1 Mijjfn 1 2(5 ( | Inr Xov ember ; 1 2'J ' ? for Dcccmhei ; 1 22J for the year. Corn Good business'trftn-netcd to-day and the feeling \\SIH ( inner and piiccx av- er.igcd higher. The deliveries on Septem ber contract * weiii < | iiiet and piomptly accepted and but a Hlim purtion were iu- tinned. At opening the market was little ensier and prices wuii'gn lower but under the influence of an inciea > o , mainly on local account , piiccs were advanced K Uc and the maikit ruled with cun iderablo steadiness to thu nlo e. No. 2 finally closed about u higher fin cash Sciitem- her and October 011 the uvular bouia anil on the call nt ( ! 2je for Septcmbei ; OIjJc for October ; G5lc for Xnvembei : 05c for De cember ; G2ic for the year : 71 Ic for May. Oats -Quiet and stealy : Xo. 2 cloned on call at ttli'/c / for ScpUmbei ; 38 for Oc tober ; 3Jc ! ) for November ; 3io ! | for the year. Itve Quiet ; < ilferings nuxleiatc ; X'o. 2 , 1 01 for September. Bailey Kasv , on aeiount liberal Hitp- ply ; Xo. 2 , 1 01 for September ; 1 03 foi October , PoikStdidy , fiiincr and higher , il maud inoderiite ; mens ( .losed at 17 81 for September ; 18 22J for October : 17 h2i for the ye.u ; ll)22ifr ) .iiinuary ; llllfi for Koliruary. L'dd Firm ; demand nctivo ; closed a 1137J for September ; 11 574 f r ( ) L'tl her ; 11724 for Non-inbei ; ] 1 ! I5 for the year ; 11 OJJ for Jnnnniy ; 11 20 for Feb runty : Bulk Meats Steadv ; nhoit libs , ! ) 3 , ' for September ; 'J 50 fur October. Whiskey Quiet nt 1 1G. Receipts Flour 17-Ml bblii ; wheat 20lfi ! , ! 2 biij corn , 57lns ! : Im ; oatn , 8l,23t bu : i ye , 12.4CO bujbaili v. 23,781 bu. Shipments Flour , Hi.51 IS hhlx ; wheat 118,4531)ii : com , 2K7.HS2 bu. : oats 10,71 Imjiye , 1.5SO bii | barlev , 3,210 bu. Chicago HvoStucIc. Cllli'viii. September 1. Hngs--llfrclpti < , 1'H'iOO ; fhipmenfi 1,800. Maikd f.ilih .ictiui nnd KdH-iall stead ) ; mixed p.fekin , fi'iOi/li ( 30 ; Ugh ol bauun 1111,31 , 11 , ' ! ( ) ' ii50 ; choiui ) luav\ li 00iu,7fiOciilli ( ; * ami ni.M > i < in , I fidrii I ! . ' ! ( Muiket chiMil Htculy with a i end clear alice made. C'nttlu - Hc'udptH , fifiOO ; uhlpini'tiU 2,100. Maikut udivii md piltos lOo M-l er ; o\purt . ( r.ir 'i . ( I ; nod to chulc ( hiliping , fi liU { G Oil ; ( "inmnn to mediiin including nia.st nuti. > - < , 3 { l)6 ( ) fi 20 ; nn tlvu butehii-H1 stuck quii't nnd htealy li poor to fair at 2 20 ( .1 U < ) ; uood to cholu 3 25f 100 : faney c.m .ml liclfctn , 1 00& 1 50 ; oxen. 3 75'il O'l , bulls for dlhtilli-i feeding , af.05/270 : tle hy bulls 2 IK veal f.ilvi-H , I .Mfi'G ) Hi.toektirf and fiu' em falily active at2 > < < 3 7'i ; daily ( .lives 7 O'l'i/lfifiO per lir.i'l , i.uiiiorattlo in fn eiipjily , but mom n < tn. find linn ; thmux Tuxnil , ! ! 10 335 ; ii"itheiii i.vngti Trx tins 3 50fu I 00. luilt liculx and Amei cans 3 'MXn 1 ( iO. Tl , < pent 1110 full. Sheop-llec. ipth. I KI ; shlpnients C < dull , but steady s.il < ' > . inferior to fail , 3 2 Ci'3 75 ; goiHl to I'liniK- , I OOC t fit ) ; ijiialit of olfeiln , ; < * pmii.liit demand fair : l.inil narco and quotable ut I 50i/2 ( 50 per In in and khippuis an < nut tilling many on iw count of thu bad u u lition of thu maikeU ut the c-nnt. St. Xionli Procluoo. ST. J/ii'IH , September 1. l'lour About live cent * better. Wheat Active mid higher early , but closed rather weak : N" . 2 led 1 12J cauh ; 1-H for SeptemlH r ; 1 Ilif for October : 1 10 for JSovumlier ; 1 51 for Decem. ber. ber.Coin CoinCauh , oa-iei ; option * , higher ; G3ruG3jc , cash ; ( i.'l f'ii ' September ; liliH'jj ( for OctolMir ; ( iKfi/dsii for November ; ( Wu for Dfccembei ; li JC".3o ' for the jcar ; 71 } < V7lioforMay. Oat Higher and alow ; II Jo for rash ; lOJo foi Scptembei ; I2io for October ; 111 for thu J ear , Ityo FirmutJ 10 } . Lead Finn ut-V' . Butter and eggs nm hanged. Whisky-Steady at I ID. ProviiionnStrongir , ' . Pork-1'JiOO. , | | | f I V -11 5. JlucuiiiU KJour , .r',000 bbU ; wlicut. KJ , . 000 bu ; torn , 01,000 1m ; outs , lU'.OOO bii ; rye. 1,000 l > j lurley ' . ' ,0001m. 7,000 hbU ; wlioat , JM.OOO 1m ; ( Mini. , WX ) Imj . nti , 'JO.OOO . bit ; IJf , IIOIK'J buill' Now York Produce- Xiw YOIIK , Seitemln'i | I. Klmir ( Julcl , ftrnd.vniHl .1 olindo lil her : oilthein lliMir in tixnlernti * ileninml niul linn : it IllVnSl'i fur orilinniy to ( Inurr Miiif rfinc state Wlicnt Jfu fc lilijlirr. fr\rii li niul mi- fettled : ileinniul liu'lit : niiL'r.nleil t > | > riiii. . I ' .T : X. . : t 1 . ' ( , ( I LiUo. . . ' iel wiiitci , I 10 ; No. . ' , I ! ! / : No. I li , | , . , 1 II , ' . Corn 1C" Jc higlirr niul linn : ilemitiil HiiKi-aileil inivoil , OTfu'li' ! No. 1 , T0f "l i'e ' ; No. 'JSelitciuliel.TO/fffriio. / ( l.itJf" Ic lilwliei niul molernlelv no- li\e ; Nn. \\lilto , Me : No , ' . ' \\lilte. )7U" ) ( Sir : No. UiOfr ; niKeil ueMcm , IL' ( Ilk ; \\liiteilo. IKir.iOe. lUebull niul thin at I O'lfij ' I I1.1. ll.tiley Uiillniul iioiuinal. ' Pork V fcli.nle liUliri mill * lromc ; ue\\ mi1" on npot , IS " "i ; ilo Seiitemliei nnd do- tober , IS UOfii-ISlM. l.nitl - Acme , "troiwr niul 7ju to "Oe hlfilirr ; canli , 11 ( > Vn 11 " ( ' : Septciiilier , II IWJ. lleef Klemly niul in small ilemtmt ; e\- tn meio. II OO'firlHOO. Cut .Nfeat * I'iekleil liatiw , II 7-V ' I27.V plc'kltil dlinnlilcr * . 7 t"i. * y -Nominal. PittNliurK Oil Mnrhnt. I'lU ni lid , September 1. Tlio nil lunikel opcneiluik , otrereit at SJo , oiiicu nt SJ anil ol" eil : it luxm at S3o. New N'uik hipmeiit woio li'.itP'.l ' ! ImreN : elimters yc tiiilny ueio 771,000 Kuu > l . I'llHuiiv Hiilcs > c-tcnlny , HM.OOO lui leN. , Ei .t Liberty Llvo Stoolc , lJ.\sr l.iiuin1'u. : . , Seiitemliei 1. Cattle I'ni'lmiiKi'u ! ieoelpt , filil ! i liip- inriiU , 1,110. HOJK Slow : leceipN,100 : 1OCX > . I'lill.iilelplil.H , 700f r7l0 ! ; t ! I0f i ( i W ) : L'ruHHcrx , fi Ma ( i 0(1. ( Sheept'nclintiKVit ; leeelpti1'JOO : shipmentl,000. ! . BulTnlo Llvo Hdicli. i\ ; > r 111 il MO , September I II'V ' Steady : leeeipt- , Jill ciirliuiN ; hipnu iit , - ' < onilouiN ; KIIOI ! metlinni ami lion\ > , I ! tOffl" 00. Ilaltlmuro Proilnoo. HM.IIMOIIK , September 1. KlourStiniiK. . Wheat -N.i. ' . ' nil ! tor , I I'JJ for wish ami Seplembei : 1 lll\f \ < ; I III,1 Jnr October. CoinYcllii \ \ , nominal ; niKnl uvstvrn \\enk at l..it li'lfo ; Septeml ei , ( i'.ljc. Philailolphlii Prodiioo. I'liii.MiM.rniA. September I. Wheat Kn < > I ( < r at 1 Ifur cash ami Septembeu I 1.1 J forOetnber. ( inn Kiiniei at "l ( 7-o fin ciiili anil Septni'bin'iUc for Oelnber. OutK-l'irnt nt .W 5.V for ca-h ; I71@ 17Jc forSeptember. IJ\o 1 00 bill fur iwh. Proiliiuo. lIVinriH. : , Septembci I. Vl < ur America : ) , 10n ( Mfii lilt. Wheat Winter , lOHlMfoillM .M ; white , liliHpiiii ) , ' , 10 'UC" I0i M ; club , Corn fn Hid. I , ml CI"K. 1'oik 7 In. Toloilo Prndnoo 'I'dl.rDo , September 1. Wheat Vinn ; No. li leil , 1 'IS,1 , for caitli ; 1 5111 forSopU'inlM-'is I 11V fnrOutobei ; 1 Itfor Ndxembui ; 1 II ! fur Deeembei ; 1 It ! ) for the ye'ii. Coin Kirm ; Nn. 'J. ll ! | e for Septembei : tilio for Oetobei : ( ilje | for tinjeiu. . Oats Nominal. Wilmington lUnrkot. Wll.MlNd'jo.s , Septemlicr 1. Rpiiits Turpeiitine. 1'iiiii nt IHAc ; nifl , : tf 0 ; Now York JJry Goods. XKVV YdllK , September 1. The dry goods jobbing tindo is general . active to-day with a steady demand at liisl hands but elections were ehielly comfin- ed to micli smnll paicels IIH are icqniied bj jobber * for icncwn ! of broken aseoitments and comparatively few large tranxnctioim icpoited. Them in a conlinuid movement in cotton goods prints , xhlitH and dinwcr * on lucounl ol foinier eiders and altogether the day's business was satisfactory. St. Iioulu Jjlvo Stoclc- ST. LOUIK , September I. llo-js LMit gnulus lower at G 35i0fi5. ( mixed packing , ll 2"i ( , G GO ; choice lieavy , G 70ni ( ( ! ) ; corn fed pign and light Yoik- ern , 5 25@5 75 ; iccuiptH , 51,000 ; ship meiilu , 3G,000. Cliiciuuiiti Produce. Cis < INNATJ , SepUmbcr I. Pork MOCK johblng , 11) ) 50&i 20 00. Lard Steady : cm rent , 11 30. Bulk Meats Steady ; clear sides , 1050 ISacon Steady ; clear niden ( 11 ! t7Jt' ( 11 W ) . rionr Family nteady ; ( ! .riO@7 fiO. Wheat -Kilmer ; No. 1 ! led , 1 1)7. ) CornSteady. . Oats 1'ii m ; No. - mixed , l.'ljc. ] { yo KirmeijNo. ' . ' , 1 III bid. 15.il leyfillet ; No. t ! fall , 110. WhiskyJflim ut I M , Malaria It no Un& > ; e.n Vnporotn I'II'HIIII , Kjireailiil ul " ' in il il'atli HI HUIIV I i jhtHM , for liulii"ii | n i'ii'i KI.IIIIIIMI nutlilot nit ( ur III lift U f ' lliDt'Uvr'H SKinai liaurii Is not enl ) u lliuiuu li IMIH | J. lint n.lulilu | > rcu nlj-i' ' | D tins full Inn nan mt ululniHu uirav ul l > tii > i"ii i\ii uilnijf o > er | n.no"l ( tlilrtj , ji ar Midi ur r < ot tliollu uih'.nli unit liowtUuri if > < IIIII.IM | | | lij l ! Uiltim Htl lor itdo li all J'r , , , i am ) Dialcu cralli A hail breath uu > result from nrklltj of tlio btoinai li , ' r from liilluiisiitbn 11 illlur ia ou Of Tarrant'sSoltzor Aperiont , ulu > lulhtvr < i | au-oollni ; to illrctlloiii * . vti | > - iil.int tlilx ll"ilcaivilit | iouiMiiioii | llll u ami liuiltlilul one. It li aiulino correttlu' , | > u ilallv Kultablu ( or arm wmthtr , unit luvtontlio i.Dtiiii otron.- ilo it * ork of ru'UjKratlou , 80U ) 11V AM. IillL'UUIbTS " " " W. j7"cONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW r. Omri Front llaoma ( uji talr ) In IUn oom' new brick liulMlu ; , N W. ttrucr t'lttcntli ad aruLaw Strivto. , IE1. O. 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb , OIIOO IOTC * KUtiljilolb. ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , MAHA , NEB , The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDERS. ] > I Sine STAR STOVE POLISH era i ( AND 4 l vj ted * 0w BEAUBRUMMEL'BOOT ' BLACKING > i . ' MANUFACTritl'.l ) in Hellmuth Ladies' College. Patronctt , H , II. H. PHINCCB3 LOUISE. Founder niul President. The Right Rev. I , HELL MUTH , D. D , D. O. L , LORD BISHOP OF HURON ] . Fall Term opent Wednesday , September Slit. llnmlionu1 mnl t\wIons \ bulMliiRS , Icvitlfully fUuix'.eilln a mn t health ) loovlltj , nliout four hours M nvll Iroin Nlipiu l'i ll , amlnnonnnl the prlmlr-tl tlmni liroiitiii tiiUoou'tlie Ijut .anil West. 'Die ( IIIOI'NIS euinurlou 140ncres. Tlionlui ot tlio ( oinitlir nt this cell < 'f'oNtoprovliIa tlioblRlmt Inti'lleitunlnnil pmillmlly iKtfnl uliuatlon. Hip whole \ < temIs liveit IIIKIII the nmmdcst PRO TESTANT principles " ' the only nollil Insls fur the rlnht formation of chanctcr. FHENCH la the ' .Uui . ) uHiHkcii hi thi ) cell < KU. MUSIO a HMclalt- | lloinl , Ijvunilrv anil Tuition Fees Incliiillnirthn whnlecniirsnal r.uclMi. the Ancient and Jital- ern lAiipinKeniUnllUthoiiks Drtv\\liiiaiitt I' lntliiff , 1110 I'lnnoniiil l.llinirjMrtllcat nttcnitanrenml MeiUlne. * 300 per niiiuiin. A nkiirtlnn of onu-linlf for tlio iHuuhtini of Clrrttjiiirn. For "clni- lan < " mill lull ivartleutan * mlilreM MISS CLINTON , Ijviljrrlnelvvl | , llvllmutti LailUVt'olteiio , IXIMKJN UXTARIO , CAVAIH. moiiAtliuin 2m FEARON & COLE , Gommissson Merchants , 1121 Fnrnlmin St. , Omalm , Nob. Cnii'liriniU'iiti mmlc u will rcerhv rrompt attttitlon. llcferrncrs : Stivtu Dank , Omaha ; 1'latt Co. , llaltlinote , l' k lUnslur Clilcuuo ; M. Work k Co. , Clnclinmtl. Omaha , Collins , Chevenne , > Colorado Spring and Summer LATE AND NOBBY STYLES IN THE LATEST STYLES. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit all 1322 FARNHAM STREET , NEAU FOURTEENTH TO ALL OTHERS In Convenience , DURABILITY , ECONOMY AND GENERAL CONSTRUCTION. BUY 1 BEST ! --SOLD BY Lang Fotick. oui'niKi ; > AitnAiN8 IVAI.F. KINDS or- JEWELRY , WATCHES , CLOCKS , SILVERWARE , SOLID AND PLATED DIAMONDS , At Pricoa that Suit Any Cuatomor Who Really Wi heH a Fin < - ( Jlass Articlo. STAR TINTED SPECTACLES Aru nlnonnM UH ixiluihily : , EDHOLM & ERICKSON , THE JEWELERS , Opposite the Post Office.