2 THE OMAHA DAILY J5EE : FRIDAY SEPTEJMDER 2 , 1881. li ALMA. Close of the Republican Vnlley Teachers' Institute. Other Mnttern of Gonernl and Local Interest. iT of Tito Hoe. AI.M\ , August 27.Tholtci > nblicni ) , Valley I mtiuito anil Notnml school composed of the tunolicrs of tlio coun ties of Webster , Vraiiklin , llailan , I'urnas , Tliolps , Gospur , Hed Willow niiil Hitchcock , lost niglit closed their tlirco woeW inlcrestiii } , ' session at this place , most Bticccs'jfully and am- iriciously. Tlie uork anil supurvision of thu term has boon under the tlhec- timi of Professor A. II. .Johiiion. ol Seward , mid Ihirlan County School Superintendent .T. A. Piper , assisted by his brother , Prof. U IV. Piper , of this place , and to say that these gentlo- ineu liavo inado n complete success of this enterprise is but to repent what everybody says and to p.iy them a mcagro compliment. Prom its Incep tion , to its termination , every day has been not only ono of interest , but each day seemed an advance on ita predecessor HO that the interest' , en thusiasm , and hard work has been tinintermittcd from the commence ment to thu close. It lias also been profitable to every attendant in the best sense and highest decree. In nil , about seventy-two teachers have been present most of whom remained dur ing the whole of the session. Prof. Johnson and Superintendent Piper , of this county , have been truly inde fatigable early iiiul late and have won the highest encomiums for the nble , impartial and judicious management of the Institute , creating an tiiilliy- fjiiig interest BO that tlio most valu able instruction has been imparted to all who have- participated in the exer cises and teachings of the entire three weeks' session. Wo have had the pleasure of at tending several Normals , but never one where there seemed a brighter sot of teachers and better spirit mani fested than in this ono. The univer sal good feeling and attention paid to the daily work in hand lias been remarkable , and that good results will follow will bo exemplified in thoRovenxl coun ties represented by ovorv teacher pres ent can not be doubted. Indeed everyone ono has been renewed und strengthened for the battle of the school , and wo arc confident not ono will leave un- prolitod by his or her teachings and instructions hero received. During the term the institute was happily visited by the ntato superin tendent , W. W. W. Jones , who , be sides taking a lively interest in the Hamo , gave the teachers and general public a most felicitous and able lee- turo on the three great citicn , "Jloinc , Athens and Jerusalem , " which was highly applauded and appcciated by the generous audience , Wo have nlno had dnriug the term the lecture , witli some illustrations , of George S. Fulton , on "Japm : ul the Japanese , " a subject which was highly spoken of and appreciated liy his hearers. Professor Johnson also lectured on "Pike's Peak , and the Cave of tlio Winds , " and "A Guide to the Ambi tious , " with groativ satisfaction and marked applause to the largest auili- c-ncos ever gathered in the court loom of the county. The amount of work done lias boon in arithmetic , algebra , grammar , read ing , pronunciation and punctuation , book-keeping , geography , phj'sical , mental mid general , school discipline and government , civil government , moral suasion and moral training , analysis and composition , history , di dactics , definitions and classification , penmanship , orthography , spelling and physiology , and their exposition has been thorough , practical ; method ical , instructive and interesting to the greatest possible decree for the time allotted to each subject matter food for thought that will not bo forgotten. The practical blackboard demon- ntrations have been clear and decid edly vigorous , at times eliciting generous - orous applause specially by Missus Piper , Middleton , Uuck , Kobbins and Coulson , and by Messrs. Heath , lion- filoy , Taylor , Way , liirdsall and others ; the most valuable suggestions of Prof. Johnson constantly being rewarded by rminstaking hearers , tmd will be classed ono of the most interesting features of tlio course of instruction and illustra tion. tion.The The application by the teachers has been assiduous ami laborious , notwith standing the extreme heat of the sea * BOH , and Prof. Johnson and Superin tendent Piper won golden opinions from lirnt to last as eminently nualilied for the good work they had in hand. The assistance lendered by the county superintendent , Allen of Fur- nas county , Nuttlelon of Hed Willow county , .Miller of Franklin county , Hopwood of 1'liolps county , and .Sny- dor of Hitchcock , has boon happy and generous and fully appreciated through the entire course. The tiiuUo , a banquet and festival on Friday night , gotten up and given bj the liberal-hearted hidiea and citi/.cimol Alma , was higly pleasing and enjoyed by a largo , appreciative mid enthusi aatic audience. The exercises of tin evening opened with instrumonta music , under the leadership of Mr Grundy , one of the teachers , who pre- aided at the organ , and a mmg fron the teachera1 glee club. This w.is fol lowed by n well chosen and olcujuon address to the members of the msti tuto and citizens by Judge Fisher , wh was responded to in a very neat , polished ishod and able manner by Miss Ad F. Uuck , of Red Wilow county , am who was feelingly and heartily chcoroi by the outiro audience , Thou fol lowed another spirited eong by th glee club and excellent recitations b ; Prof. Hirdsall and Miss Blanch Conldin , both being greeted wit ! liearty applause. After another turn the festival followed and all panic pated in and enjoyed the ilow of rer aon and feast of good things to thei Jieart'ajjonteiit , and it was not unt the "wee sma' houru" commence their diurnal preparations for tlio at vent of another day that faiowull were the fashion that " 1'aifwdl ! uoixl that. hnth htnui un must IH- , A feound that niako. lu linger , jet , fan well. " Tlio first inbtituo in the llepublica valli-y was a grand success , and 111 satisfaction aitd instruction all that could bo reasonably desired. Tlieic cnn bei mi dmtbt lliat the icsults ac complished will bo commensurate with the hopes and expectations of all wild took pnit in the exercises , and that they will bo lasting none need doubt. Certainly no oilier institute \\ill bo better nppi related in our goodly state , and wo believe ita ui- poiior will be very hard to find or chronicle by the piess. Truly.vows LIVK OAK. IMPORTANT INFORMATION By mi AttoniUni * Physician at , tlio President's Bnilslilo- Wellington Tdpfc'Mm to Tlio Inter Ocean. 'fhe following information respect ing the president's case , and oxpics- simisof opinion , come from one of the suigcons in attendance , whose imtno for obvious leasons is not given : At the operation upim the gland to day it was found necessary to ligate an artery that was cut in making thu opening , in order to check the flow of blood. An examination i.s now made eveiy day to detect the presence of tuhmclcs on the lungs. None have been discovered , The heart , as well as the lungs , is being closely watched. \11 the glands , too , arc closely ob served for indications of swelling , but so far nothing of the kind has oc- ctined , except in the case of the right parotid , TIII : iiri.im HAS MOVKII nmv.v into the pelvic cavity. Close watch is being kept for it , and an examina tion is made each time the enema is administered , as it is expected to make its appearance alongside of the lower bowels. As soon as it is dis covered in this region an operation will be performed to remove it. It is goinp down simply by force of gravity and it is lei . ; ed for every day now to come near enough to the lower intes tine to be detected by the sense of touch. Tlio president is very sensi tive to the heat or cold of the exter nal air , no matter at what poinl the temperature is kept by artificial means within the room. Till ; TtfllK INSKHTUli at the dressing of the wound now JJ'OCH in for n distance of but ten inches , some two aild a half inches at the bottom being closed and supposed to bo healed. The wound is some times sensitive to the tube and the dressing painful. The discharge of pus from the wound has again assumed a good character , and the granulatings arc the proper color. The president has not gained much the last two or three days , but the tendency is upwaul , and lie is not failing The public has been deceived as to thu president's condition at the time he was wounded. At the time ho was shot his physical condition was bad. Ho was like a grass-fed horse. He had been sullering from dyspepsia , hemorrhoids , and had borne AN OI'KKATION I'OH 1'IKI'UIA on the lower bowels. This , with the great mental strain and the anxiety on account of his wife's illness , had run him down so that his physical con dition was veiy unfavorable to meet the shock and subsequent treatment for a gun-bhot wound. His loss of llesh has been overstated , and can not bo more than forty pounds. The microscopic examination of the blood Mauvs that it is in normal condition and show no signs of pyiu- mia. There is no doubt that the pres ident has no pyji'inia. Uccnuso so many of the symptoms of that disease are wanting , such as discoloration of the eye , taint of the breath , etc. , the physicians all agree that Jin HAS NO 1'V.T.MIA. Dr. Woodward examines the blood and pus , and also wniuu the bulle tins , byt they all agree to thowoid- ing of the bulletins before they are ' .sued. . Tlio wound is expected to heal up eon , and to do so independent of the > all , now that it has pushed out into ho pelvic cavity. The reason why wo wore mistaken .ome . weeks ago , when wo announced hat the wound was healing to within our inches of the opening , when it ftorward re-opened by sloughing , vas because wo really could not tell nything about it except that it was losed , and wo thought that it waa icaling , It was not clearly under- itood just what was the nature of the iction of the wound in this partic- liar. Tin : rnKsiiiKXT-'rt KIUKNOTU mil kept up well. He could movi lis limbs and raise his head. At tin Iressing of the "wound each ono hat md his part. The president aeemec' iiost annoyed ] > y the taking of tin emperaturo by the bulb placed umlei ho arm. This was done by Dr , A'oodwaid , who lias to meet the grunv iling of the patient more than tin .ithers on this account. Tlio dressing mliniirily took but a few minutes owing to the system under which wi liavo worked. Wo have had a grcai .leal of annoyance through too mucl idvico from thu anxious friends am amily , Doctor Itoynton had actet splendidly , considering that he was i doctor and so near a iclativo , and , further thor , belonged to another school o ncdiciiie. The only tioublo was tha 111' T0t.ll KVIillYTIIINU , Thcro wore many things in inodica practice that could not be given to th public , and Dr. Hoynton had talkei too much ; otherwise , ho had done bet tor than could liavo been expected. Tlio doctor said further they e\ peeled the president would get well although it was impossible to spoal with certainty , because nnlooked-fo complications might arise any inu mcnt They logardcd Agnew as th Etrongest surgeon. Hamilton Imi begun to fail a little , owing to asjt Ulias had filled a great gap that i would bo hard to fill as well by an one else , because not only i his skill , but ho was plucky and al ways hopeful. Barnes and Woodwar were independent of public opion , bi Jloyburn and JUiss were anxious nc tt > appear in A UAH UUIIT in the eyes of the public after it wa all over. Uarnes had not been ii vited to enter the case by Illiss , bi by order of the secretary of war. ] had boon denied that Illiss had boo uskcd by the president himself to tali the case. It was a fact that ho ha been. Nothing would bo said as t how ho had biought it about but li had the record on his side. UNCOMPAHGRE UTES. Latest Advices Received Prom the Agency at Los Fines * Indians Already oil Tholr Wny to Ulatnh Four * Thnt They Will Rolurii nntl Fljht- According to the latest advices re ceived from the Uncoinpahgro Indi.ms a majority of the Ttes have already commenced the journey of their re moval from Los Pines to their now reservation in Uintah , and ate now slowly movinit down the v.illey of the Uneoiiipahgrc , grazing then ponies at will and taking life easyHut the soldiers and settlers alike believe that this seeming contentment will not al ways exist , and that the bucks and warriors will return and fight for their lands at Los Pines when their squaws and papooses are at a snfo distance away. The Gunnison News-Democrat of the 2 th has the following : Thcro is some promise of serious trouble over the removal of the Ute Indians from their present reserva tion to the now reservation in Utah. They have received 9.1 ,000 of the $75,000 offered them by the govern ment for their Colorado home , but they have , to a squaw , spent tlio sil ver , and are now disinclined to go. Private and trustworthy information has been received to the ellect that Agent Merry has recently bccamo somewhat alarmed at the attitude as sumed by the Indians , and has tele graphed to the secretary of the inter ior his fears. It is also under stood that Mr. IJorry has had frequent conversations with Colonel McKcnzio , who commands the mili tary forces at tlio cantonment , and that Colonel McICcimo has in turn consulted General Pope , commanding the department. That Col. McKon- xio will carry out the orders of the government and remove the Utes is beyond question. Air. C. Uowcn , lately a member of the Fourth cavalry , left the canton ment on the Uncoinpahgro Thursday noon , and arrived at Gunnison hist night. He says that the command under Colonel Mackenzie numbers about four hundred and tw'onty-fivo men , while the number ot warriors in the Uncompahgro tribe is fully cinht hun dred. The Indians of this tribe claim to bo in fear of the White llivor Utes , .Southern Utes , Pintes and Northern Choyennes , and when any of their ponies'got .strayed away , have been in the habit of applying to Colonel Mackenzie for troops to accompany them on the search , which request has generally been complied with. Orders having been issued for the removal of the Indians on the 10th of next month , some preparation was neces sary , and the soldiers have been kepi busy. Col. Mackensio haa endeavor ed to make the removal as easy as possible for the savages , and to that end ho got them started on the 20th with their women , children and ponies , gizim ; tlium poimission to gra/o sl&wly down the valley of the Uncompahgre. Thu troops will fol low on the lOtli with a train of one hundred and twenty wagons loaded with building material and supplies for the now agency. The Utes are not willing to go , and make no secret of their intention to return and light as soon as the wo men and children arc out of e way. Capt. Billy has repeatedly aid that that was their intention , and " 10 soldiers feel confident that there ill DC trouble and mobably a hard inter'b campaign. The Indians are fell supplied with arms and amniuni- ion and have daily target practice , lattors look decidedly ominous and a onoral outbreak is feared. There arc ow nine lodges within four miles of ho cantonment and the warriors have onned the warpaint. The Indians claim that the money cceived was for the hills and not for ho valleys , and they refuse to give p the latter. Shavano says the Un- innpajigre valley does not belong to he tribe , but is the property of him .nd the widow of the late Chief Ou- ay , and that they liavo never re- loivod any pay for the same. Visible Improvomoiit. Sir. Noah UntcH , Ehnira , K. Y. , write * ; About four ycarx nio 1 had an nttuclc of illliiiug fevur , .tiul iitner fully iccovcrcd. My ilieoHtivo ordain were weakened , and 1 would bo completely puwtrateil for ilayx. \fter lining two bottles of your lll'linocic II.OOD HliTKiis tlio improvement wax HO iiiihlo that I was iwtonislieil , 1 can now , .tumuli . 111 yenisof a e , do a fair and iea < Miiiablu day's wink. " J'lico § 1.00 , tii.il The Pine Still There. "Tholiag is still there. " Ono of tlio most touching incidents connected with the sickness of the president is the careful watch the people of twn widely separated districts of Philadel phia , Bndesburg ad the Twenty- sixth ward , pay to the positions of the Hags displayed on the arsenals which ure located in both , Both are manu facturing districts , and both populated by an unassuming class , but as the great factories disgorge- their workers at noon and night all eyes are turned to the Hag-poles of thu arsenals , and tlio fact that thu Hag is still then elicits oxpiesslons of joy and cheer * from thousands of throats. And thin it is in times of peace the tl.tg of tin Union has become a beacon to thous amis of citizens. STOP THAT COUGH. If you are suHbring from a Cough Cold Ablhma , Bronchitis , Hay Fever Consumption , loss of voice , tickling o the throat , or any allection of ( hi Throat or Lungs , iibo Dr , King's Nov Discovery for Consumption , This i thu great remedy that is causing si much oxcitomunt by its wondeifu cures , curing thousands of hopoles coses. Over a million bottles of Dr King's New Discovery have been nse < within the last year , and have givei perfect Mtisfaction in every instance Wo can unhesitatingly say that this i really the only sure cure for throa and lung afluctjons , and can cheerful ly recommend it to all. Call and go a trial bottle fieo of cost , or a rugula size for § 1.00 , Ish A MeMahon , Om aha. CJ ) Dexter L. Thomas , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW &REUXAT15X , NEURALGIA , SCIATICA BACKACHE. GOUT , SORENESS or inr. CHEST , SORE THROAT , QUINSY , SWELLINGS SPRAINS , FROSTED FEET jisn EARS , AM ) SCALDS , OENEHAI , I TOOTH , EAR HEADACHE , JLSD ACHES. No I'roi'flr&nun on earth cquali Sr JACOB * OIL as a siir , tcnr siuriK nJ ciif.il' Kxtirn.il llemcily. A trl l cnUili tut UK toinparallrely trifling oiitUjr of U } Ct.ils , ouJ every one iiiflerln ; Itli | > aln can IIIM cheap an J jioilllve proof of Iti clalini. UIHKtlt > IN l.l.rVIX UMitlfiFS. SCI.D LI All ERUOQISTS AKD DEAUBS III MiDICIHC , A. VOGELER & CO. IInlHtniirr. ; lf/ . . IS.A. . DISEASES -OFTHE- DR. L. B. GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist , LATE CLINICAL ASSISTANT IN ROYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. Hcfcrcntfs ( ill Reputable I'liypiclnns of Omaha. JtaTOfTlcc , Corner 16th and Farnham 8ts , Omaha , Neb. nu'J.Mnctf To Contractors , Builtlors imtl Property Owners. The miik'tsUiiccl having liccn appointed ncnt for tlio uvtcnshu Iron anillro nutiufaetiirlir ; house * of 11 T. Itanium , ol Detroit , ntiil tlio lluwcl Iron Koiimlry anilVorK nt Toledo , Ohio , CAjmcity of W tons dall ) , Is prcjiircil to furnlfli cstlin.itos and prices for Iron columns , &r. , A.L. , fornloro front" , ulndow iMjit and sill * , thrcxhold platc v wrought Iron bcann and sird- vrx , Iijdraulli delators , etaplo Iittlnxpiillvj8 ; ] , Hhaftin , ii , nl n Iron fence' : , uruitln.ir , vln- ilow ( 'iianls , nhuttcn. flairs , lialeonies , fcittrn , cliilmaoi , aiiuarliiins | , ( oiintaiiu , hiuunu'r liousi" ) , hun , pinlcn and tcmctcry ornnnienti , llou or sUii < K tra\0 ( { > ianls , A.C. , itc. . In endless \ nrletCaUilu aics miiipllcd on application. IltiNIlY II. ItAllltr , MaiinfaLtnrcrs' Agent , 22 I'earl street. auglO-liuinn _ Council lllnff , lo\\n ( GRAND OPENING ! I'rofcwor Fisher , ( from bt. Louis ) Uanrlnp Ac ademy , Standard Hall , for Fifteenth anil i'arn- ham , Ttiotilaj o\cliliiK , Kcptcmlicr Oth. Clares for Ladles and Ocntlumencomincncln ) , ' Tueidny ucnln Septemhcr Oth ; classess for Hisses and .Jliwtcrs , ioinmcnuii < , ' Saturdiy afternoon - noon nt : oelotk. Clisjuifnt 1-aniUlos , will bo arran iMl to suit t'iO ' lionorablu p.ilronti. Also hallet ihiiflnn L.III ho taught. Tunn .ij ralortil pcrfuc satli-faitlou to schol- en attho IMiKiy Aeuilcm > or nt the resideuto of thu ] > atiuns. 1'rlvato oidcrs maj ho left at Max Meyer & lire's. nutfM ) tf I am As nt for COLUMIUA and OTTO HICYCfiS. Send thieo ecnt clamp for Catalogue and price list containing full infonnntion. t N , I , D , SOLOMON , Paint * . Oils rind Gins OMAHA. NEB . NASH will take notlco that on the 12th AK. of July , 1831 , Charles Ilrandcs. Justice 3f the IHMCO. llrst precinct , Uouglaacouny , Neb , Issued an order of attachment for glB.GO in an ac Ion iiendiii ) ; before hlm.uhcreln 0.1' . Hainan Is ilalntirt and A , K. Nanh defendant. That inane ) g uu ) ou has boon attaehcil under laid onlcr. ; aldrainov as continued tothoSath of August , 831 , at 1 o'clock p. in. , , ltc 4 . C. r. HAMAN , Plaliitld REAL ESTATE BROKERS. No. 1508 Fnruliam Street , North ulilu. ono Orand Ci-ntral Hotel , PROPOSALS FOR COAL- Otricr or CITY CURK , ) OMAIIA , Auu. 18 , ISsl. I Scalol proiiosals will bo ncehcd by the under jjned fur two wcoV.J from thoda to hereof , Thurs da ) , September l t , 18SI , 13 o'clock noon , foi ( nrnUhlng luril and soft veil ( or the use ol tin cltv oiliies aiid.tlro deiiartiiiciit , from this dat < until Aiiifiut 18 , A. 1 > . loSJ. Staled bids or proposals ahull state thu prlri or such coal iltlitcrvd ulicio ordered , ami lml namu Mid prlio without lespect to any dellnlti amount of coal , 'Iho rinlit In rcneni-il to rejiii am and all bliU , Kin eloKi | ! containing said jiro posalj klmllbo marked "I'ronos xls for Co.il , " am dilliered tothuimdirbisned not laUr than thi time abuie spurllled. J. J. IC. . JKWKTT , C'ltCluU. . Umted States Depository - OF OMAHA , - Cor. 13th and Favnam Sts. * - OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT V. OMAHA. SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE BROTHERS , blABUSllKD 1650. Organlj a as a National Uaiil. August CO , ISO ! CAPITAL AND rUOITTS OVER * 300 00 OXKICI-KU AND PlRlCtORl : HIKMA > KoitMix , President. Afut'otfb Korsnit , Vleo President. II. W , YATKJ , Cabhler. A , J. J'OlTlKios , Attorney. JOHN A. F. II. 1UTU , Aut. Caihlci This bank receives di > oclt Ithout regard t amount * . , , . Iwuu time certllleatc ! bearing Interest. Drawn drafU on San Kranelsco and prlncliK iltlea ot the United States , also London. Uublli Kdlnburcli and the principal cities of th cent nent ol Euroim. . . . . . , Sells tojwe'itfer ticket ! lor emigrants by the li man line mavJdU IfeteskaLandAgenc ] DAVIS & SNYDER , I60G Farnham 8t Omaha , Ncbraki Carc.ully MlecUxl land In Eastern Nebraska d ale Oreat JJaryalns In liuproicil ( nu , M Omaha citj propert ) 0 F , DAVIS. WJJBSTEU 8NVDE1 Utc Land Coiu'r U.P. B. - Mn .1 n Koln rtson , I'ltt linrsr , Pa wrilo , "I nai ftillerinu from ( fcncml iklillltv , want of ap petite , constii'Stlnii ' , etc , fie that iifc UILO n Imr den : atlcr mlnj llurdin-k Blood Hitter * I felt bet ter than for ) tnrs 1 cannot prali > jour Hitters too mnt h " It. ( llliln , ol Ituflalo. X. V-Mritci : "Votir llutdock lltood HitlLri , In ihronte ill < nue < ol the Mood , Ihcr and klilnr ) , hntc been nl nallx nniki'd with puccexi , lln > c tt nl them niFl ( lthbc t results , lor tor'ldlt ) > of the IKer.and in cnscof a friend of mine &iilTcrln ; ; from diopsy , the effect a man clous. Ilruco Turner , Hothcster , N. Y. , \ rlte : I been Biibjei t to serious illmrder of the kldnes , and utiablo to attend to liu < .lnui ; Ilnrtlock lltood IllttrM rcllo\cil mo before Inlf a Iwttlowas u ed , I Itcl confident that the ) \\lll lutlril ) euro mo" K. A cnlth Hall , lllnchampton , N. Yulcs ! ! "I suffered \\llh a dull pain through in ) lift liuiK'nlid fhouliler. lx > sl in ) fpirlts , appetite and rolor , and c-ould withdiTleult\ ( keep up all da ) . Took ) our llurdotk- Wood Illtltrsajillreited.Jind ha\olclt no pain slncu llr t nick after ln them. " Jlr. Xoili Hatci , Illiiilm , N. Y. . write * "About four ) ears n 'ii I had an attack of hlllloiH ( o\er , and ne\cr ( ullt rceoicrcd. M ) ill 'citho orpin ? were wiakcncd , and I MotiM be completely pros. trated for days. Altci minir two bottles of ) our llnrdnek Illotnl Hitters the tniproiement was so \ifiljle that I wniantonUhcd. I tan now , though ntjc.ii'sof a 'U , do a fiir and reasonable day's work. " G. lllackct Itoblnson , proprietor of The Canada Prosb ) terian , Toronto , Out. , writes : "I'orjcaM I Miffcrud Riiatl ) from olt-rrcurrliiK hcadainc. I used ) our llurdoek lllood Hitters with lifipple t remit * , and I now find ni ) cll In hctttr litalth than lor j cars patt. " Mrs. Wallace , Iluflalo , > f. Y. , writes : ' ! ha\o used Ilurdoc.k Itlood llltterx for ncri oils and 1)11- llous hoailachcH , and can recommend It to an ) ono rculrlii | ) ; a euro for hilllousncss. " Mrs. Ira Mullholland , Albany , N. Y , writes : "Kor socral ) iars I hao Buffered from olt-ncur- rln hllllous headaihe , d ) peiwla , and loin- plaints peculiar to my ecx. bliue mint'our Huulock lllood Hitters I am entirely rcllc\cd. " Price , 91.00 per Dottle ; Trial Dottles 10 Cts FOSTER MILBUEN.&Oo Props , . , , , BUFFALO , N. Y. Sold at wholesale It ) Ish & McJlolinn and C. F. Goodman. Jo 27 eod-mo nrno.v Rf.r.n. BYRON REED & . CO. .OLOSKT KSTABL1SIIFD Eeal Estate Agency IN xn Keep n complete abstrart of title to all Heal Hstato In Oinana ami Dnnvlan coiinti timtf Cornell College. Tlic Classilcal.rhilOROphlcal.ScientlHcand Civ- I1 Engineering Coun.cs lomparo fa\orabl ) with the licst colleges in the com try. Special advantajcsarofiioiilii ! the Prepvato- ry and Xorm.il Department i , and In the Conserv atory of Miiiic. Twenty Professois nnd Teachers. Superior Htlildhigs , Museum , laboratory an I Apparatus. Expenses Low. Fall term opens Sept , 15. 1'or catalogues or other inform itlon , address 1'HKU. Wil. F. ICINU , D. U. , V IS-il&wam Mt. Vcrnon. Iow . A COM/HOE AND OUAMJ1AII SCHOOL HE BEST SCHOOL I BOYS 'or terms Address Dr. Stevens 'arker , warden of Racine College , lacme. "Wie. jy22tKtw- PROBATE NOTICE. itato of NchraNka , Douclas County , us : t n County Court , held at the County Court Itooni , in and for said County , . \nirust 1st , A. I ) . 1S91. Tiuseiit , 11UWAHD U. S11111I , County Jinl 'o. In the matter of the estate of Joseph II. Xol- on , dcceast'il : On reading and Illlii ) ; the , > etltiori of Martha 3. .Velson , lira ) In ? tliat the liibtriniiciit , pur- > ortlnu' to lie a ilulj authcntlcatc'd copy of tlio last will and testament of unlit ileeca-cci , and ol ho prolntu thereof , by the Circuit Court of 'ountain Count ) , btato of Indiana , anil this day lied in this Court , may he allowed and recorded , .s the last \\illnnd testament of i > ald Joseph II , S'elson , deceased , in and for the State of Ne- Ordered , Thaf August 27th , A. D. 1SS1 , at 10 i'elock a. in. , U assigned for hearing eald petition , , hcn all persons Intcrcfctcd in said mittcr may pjicar at a County Court to be held , in and for ! > aiil County , and fhow cause uhy the prajcr of ictitioiicmliouldnot IjoKrantcd ; and that notice if tile pendeney of valil petition and the hearing hereof , liu gl\un to all jiersons Interested in Kile natter , hv pulilUhlni ; a copj of this order In Tim OMAHA WKKKI.V llhr , n newspaper printed in kale County , for Ilireu gucceexUu eeks , prior to oak la ) 01 lieariiiL- . IA true copj ] 1IOWAUD II. SMITH , aii10-ut | : ! Count ) Jud.'c. PIONEER LAND AGENCY F. M. EAT1-IBTJN Cambridge , Neb. 1,000,000 aTcs ( 'otcrniucnt land open to Home lead * . I'rc-einptlona and limber claims. JO ( holco improvrd claims for s.ilo or e\Uiuije. ' 'OC if the le t diedeil farina ill .Southwestern Xeliras ka ith timber and uater for sale. A ( uw rholc jtoclc niulies uith ( cncul tkUU , timber , hay nn , \atcr , ( or bale , cheap , Corrcsjioudeneu tlollcitcil AQRXTS WANTED FOB OCR KK\\ HOOK BIBLE FOR THE YOUNG , ' , icln ? Iho Story ol the Scriptures , by Itcv. Ocors ; Alexander Crook , } ) . D. , in tlmplc and attract antuat | ) for old and ) oni > . I'roluscly lllu-tra ted , making a mobt liiteribtlii- ; and lininessh ) oiitli a instructor. K\ cry | -arent u ill xecuro thl work , 1'remlier. , jon hhotilil elrnihto It. I'ric JJ.OO. Send for iireuhnlth extra terms. J II CHAMI1KKS CO. St. LouU Mo. PROUATE NOTICE. State of Krbrukn , Uouulas Couut > ss : At a Count ) Court , hvld at the County Cout Itooni , in anil for Kild Count ) , Ait-'U t ioth A. 1 > . issl. 1'ie.vnt , IUWA11 ! > 11 , tJHTH Count ) Jud'i In the nutter ol the ist.Uc of Jamc > K lull , di. iwat l 1 On reading and filing the petition of ilarth M. ) > h , praying tlutadiiilnictnition of wldcstat ma ) bo granted to her M admlnl tratix : Drdi.ru.1 , IhatSqitemliir 15th , A. l > . US1 , a o'ileik u , m. , | * u incd , for hearing tld pet tloti , ulunall pcrsont lnttie ted In said matte may appear nt a Count ) Court to ) > o held , In an ( or mid County , and thoeuuxo hy the prac of petitioner tiioul.t not bo granted , and that no tliu of pcndsney of said petition nnd tlio lii-.uin thereof , bo ijhen to all porbono interoted In al matter , hi publlshlntf a ropy ol thiaorderln Til OIUIIA UtfKLr lirE , anou | iapirprlntHl In tal County , lor tlireo kiicci'Ml\u noeks , jirlor to tal di ) ofhearinHOVVAUD ; It. SMITH , uuiluiit County WAR IN PASSENGER RATES HUIIIIIi : 11HOS. llroliir * In all liallroa TUkcts , Ouialia , Nib. , oirerTiektts to the tos until further nutke , at the follow intr unheard o Low llatea : Chicago , * IO ; Hound Trip , S1P.OO. These ar limited Firfct-Class'liekcU unit ooil lor ntun tlirouh tlio.\ecirand via the ( lid HilUblo Chi i&go. llurliiuton A. ( julne ) llailroad , Al o , on ua ) to Ut tlis . 2d clas. New York , ' gi no. * ' > . llo ton , 27 00 , 24 00. Philadelphia , 'il ( O. * * 00. \Vadiliiuton , 1) , C. , ID iO. JO 00. For iwrtktilarsrito or Kodhiv.-t to 110111)1 ) DUOS. , Dealer * In lUdueed liato lUllroud an Stvamthlp TlcKcU , s > 0a Tenth fit , , Omaha , Net Itcuicmtiur the place Three DOOM North c Union Paiitlc llailroad Depot , riiet bide ol Tent fatreet. Omaha , August 1 , ISS1 n HEADQITAE TEES FOR- We desire to call the special attention ot the trade to on r oloprant Hues ( at BOTTOM PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirts , Overalls , Hosiery , &c.uow open. Wholesale only. 3HREVE , JARVIS & CO , Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts. I. OBEEFELDER & CO. , . \M > .mnnnus 01 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. The only e.clusi'oholesale house in this line in the west. BEWEY & STONE , " " P * 'ff TB M T 3P KH3Ti np fc II UTF" . JM 11 U JciJbl ORCHARD & BEAN , J. B. FRENCH & CO. , CARPETS ! GROCER SI \ The Largest Stock and Most Com plete Assortment in The West. We Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , Oil- cioths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures and Lace Curtains. WE HAVE GOODS TO PLEASE EVEHYBQBY. 3E3 a 1313 Famtiam St. , Omaha. syer & Co. $ Jr GunsAmmunitionSportingGo.ods PISHING TACKLE , BASH BALLS , and a FULL LINE OF [ NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS , MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Ne