THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , TUESDAY , AUGUST 30 , 1881. THE DAILY BEE. Tuesday Morning , Aup. 30. LOCAL BREVITIES , Patterson tells oo l. Get your hats nt Donne's , Frederick Leading H Uer. Sftxo'a Cream Soda rtlll booming. COO business lots. Call on Hernia. 1000 residence lot * , Uwn ! , npcnt. Don't forget SMC' for perfumery. 250 noun * and lot * . Bemls1 agency. Bcmln' real estate boom. Flint paga A. W. Noson , Dentist , J cob' block. Warranted Tooth llrushw At Kulm'n. Bemla' new map of Omaha , 25 cents. 200 farms nnd 900,000 acre * of land 1km l , agent. Tlic windows are lieiiiR put In Strang's jiew building to-day. The Lion continues to roar for Moorc' Harriets and Saddlery. For FINS Commercial Job Printing , All nt THE BEE Job room * . Prescriptions n ( specialty , Opera House- Pharmacy , 211 S > 4Ifith Street. Judge Bcncl.0 had enl two cases of intoxication before lilmycitcrday morning. I ! Ighentcasli price paid fortcconuMinml furniture at Abram'n & Lewis' , 1121 Doug IM street. nl'Jw ! ) A rare chance to obtain a good paying liminess , See uncclal column. Knqniro at South Uth street. tf Miss Price , who died Saturday even ing , wat hurled in tlio Holy Sepulchre , Irom her residence on Klcvcnth street yes terday afternoon. In one of the nhow windows of the "Wnbasb office a beautifully colored repre sentation of the new court limiso Is ex hibited. It attracts much attention from pasflcraby. ATTENTION PickloR , Pickle * , Pickles , for now ia the time to put up your catsup and proicrvcn , cucumber pickles , green nnd xipc Ltomatoe8 , small pickllni ; onions , melons , red pepper * , etc. , etc. , supplied on order in any quantities. Toum.xi BIIOH. ' Stole a Oaitor. Tiast Saturday evening three young men committed a robbery of a potty nature in Tivoli gardens. They on- . tared the gardens early in the evening and ordered some beer and supper , which they consumed and then made off without paying and at the same time took n silver plated castor with them. Mrs. Thiolo , the wife of the proprietor , happening to BOO them running away , managed to secure the man who had the castor. lie at once gave up the castor. Ho , however , succeeded in escaping with his two companions. Julius Thiolo , the pro prietor of the gardens , issued a war rant yesterday afternoon for their ar rest. PERSONALS. D. O. Clark left for the weat yesterday. U. A. Ucnsonof _ Davenport , Iowa , Is in the city. Col. J , E. MuCluro loft for the went on Imsincss yesterday. 1) . 12. B. Kennedy left for n hunting trip Dishop Clarkson lias returned homo for liis ttip to the cast. -over the U. P. yesterday. U , S. Marshal Blerbowcr went to Lin coln yesterday morning on business. Mr. and Mra. Crulckslmnk and Mr . Sheriff Guy leave for the cast yesterday. A. K. Touzalln , general manager of the K. & 21. returned Irom hln trip to the sea- .aide yesterday. .7. N. KoynoUlH , [ the county clerk of TJjmce county , is in the city. He return ed homo yesterday. Mrs. Leo Entcllo will leave for n trip to licr old homo in Kentucky. She will b alwcnt about a month. frank Brown , caShlcr of the TJ. P. and family arrived homo yesterday morning .from a visit to Pnincsvillc , Ohio. "Warren K , Hamlin , of New York , in 'at the Canfield. David Anderson , the ColumbitH stock man , is in the city. W. W. Finch , of Chicago , la In the city. Jfe h registered at the Canfield. John W. Delhnan and family , of Denver - ver , are in town. They ore at the With- M. M. Hamlin , a prominent of "Nebraska City , is In the city. He is staying at the Withnell. feo. ! McCullough , a young attorney , ' f onnerly of Moiimoutli , 111. , has decided to op n AH office in this city. J. P. Dexter , proprietor of Now York's dainty Bijou theatre , who has been visit ing in this city and the went forsomotimo , took the Wab&sh train for homo yester day. I fans Kchlcnter , uho has been \isttlng 1'ftcrO oos for several months , will leave on Saturday for New York , where ho will take the btoimer Herder for hi homo in .Hamburg. i A Collision. Last night at about 8 o'clock there was quite an accident on the lower track of the U. P. An engine with cars attached was going from the shop yards to the upper yards , and it had reached the Ninth street crossing when ita farther progress was prevent cd by several cars running down grade in an opposite direction without an engine attached. The trains collided and one of the freight cars was pretty veil smashed up and several thrown Iroiri the track. The accident ( stopped the passage of street cars across Ninth Btroet for nearly half an hour. . Witmor & Bro. , druggists Philadelphia , Pa. , so we nee by a Philadelphia exchange , tell it that a customer of theirs said ho would not take ouo thousand dollars for the re uuinder of his bottle of St. Jacobs Oil if ho could not got another. This epoaks. . ' ' " mak7a 'BLACK-DRAUGHT" chilli ana fimytho itStull , attorneys , removed JSo. 12 Oreightou block. THE SEWER COMMITTEE , It Was the Only Thing Dis cussed by the Council Last Night. Intellectual MisniulorstrmdlnRS JQotwoon Member * ' On the call of Mayor Boyd n special meeting of the council was hold last evening , to consider the report of Ooo. K. Warring on the Omaha sys tem of nowerage. The first thing that came up for consideration wan a resolution by Mr. Kaufman that President Dailoy bo added as a committee on watcrworkH and sewerage. This was amended to make the gentleman chairman during the absoiico-of Mr. McNamara. Mr. Dunham , in speaking of the matter , said that the waterworks com mittee had doncr nothing up to the present. They had done nothing in the matter of filling up holes caused by rain showers. When Mr. Corby , chairman of the committee , called nt the waterworks oflico he received no more attention than any other man , Mr. Hornborgcr said if Mr. Dun ham expected members of that com- mittco to act like police ho was n little "oil1. " Mr. Dailoy said ho had no ambition to become chairman of the committee. He hoped the amendment would bo withdrawn as ho would probably bo out of town while the committee was doing its hardest work. Mr. Dunham said something ought to bo done as ho had noticed holes left unfilled for several weeks at a time. Ho himself had reported sev eral of thcso nnd no attention was paid them. The committee had been in existence several months and had not hold a single meeting. Mr. Corby'considerod this n slur upon him as chairman of the commit tee and naked that Mr. Dunham be substituted in his stead. After a motion to table the resolu tion nnd amendment had been lost Mr. Kaufman suddenly jumped up and said ho wanted to withdraw from this waterworks committee if Mr. Dunham was appointed chairman as that gentleman had just remarked that ho would rather servo with a lot of bootblacks. "I didn't say anything of the kind , " said Mr. Dunham bristling up. "You did , you did , " said Mr. Kaufinatm excitedly. At this moment President Dailey's gavel came down sharply nnd ended the discussion. The resolution and amendment was carried. Mr. Dunham moved that the report of Engineer Warring on the question of sewers bo given to the waterworks and sewer committee with instructions to see the city attonioy and confer with him as to the necessary stops for its adoption at a mooting to bo hold this evening. Mr. O'Koefo amended to lay the matter over a week. The amendment was lost and the resolution waa carried. The committee will meet in the city clerk's oflico at 9:30 : this morn ing.Mr. Mr. Kaufman moved that the city clerk bo ordered to have 40 $1,000 bonds lithographed. Mr. Baker thought this matter had bettor bo postponed until the sewer committee had discussed the matter and reported to council. Other members thought sq too. Council then adjourned until this oyoning afc 7:30 : o'clock. OMAHA MEDICAL COLLEGE. Fall session begins Oct. 10 , 1881 Address , G. B. AYIIIW , M. D. , See. Vliittnglu Ohio. Some time ago Mr. Thomas Me- Shane and wife , of New Lexington , Ohio , arrived hero on a visit to their sons and daughters. Upon their re turn about sixteen members of the family accompanied them for a short visit to the old homo. The party con sisted of F. J. McShano , wife and child ; Mrs. Ed. McShano nnd throe children ; Martin Cannon , wife and two children ; Tom Mo- Shane , wife and two children. The entire party nro atill in Ohio , with the exception of Messrs. F. J. McSlmno and Martin Cannon , who have re turned to the city. The old couple will probably como to Omaha to live permanently sumo time in October. Sprinkling Toittli Stroot. Thomas Smith says ho will bo ready to aprinklo Tenth street from near Farnham to the depot , nnd Sixteenth street to the bridge , by to-morrow af ternoon. The water company will bo discharging water from the hydrants by that time , thus rendering it possi- bio. The sprinkling of Tenth street will especially bo a boon to pedestrians - ans and visitors to the city will not have anything to complain of in the matter of dust , Chicago Operators. Half a dozen telegraph operators arrived in this city over the Ilock Island - land road from Chicago yesterday , They consist of Messrs. Hutchinson , McGiU , Smith , Huoy , Spencer nnd Storrahill , and como hero in anticipa tion of a press of work ia the event of the president's death. "Tho llovoro House Council Blulls is the " best second-class hotel in the A trial package of "BLACK-DRAUGHT" free of charge , . , , F ° rn.ico , , fre8h meat go to GUILD. Meat Market on Tenth etroet , near the U , P , depot tf Now Jersey Sharper- The appended letter was received from Trenton , N. .J. , yesterday , di rected to Tun BF.B : "For Borne time past a young man priding himself on the m\cut-sounding title of Win. 0. Fossol has been suc cessful in duping several of our citi zens by-fraudulent transactions in real estate. II in laat feat was perpetrated at the expense ot a poor Italian harp- player named Pascolina , who was de frauded out of several hundred dollars lars in his deal. Finding matters pretty warm , Ihis young "sharp" skip ped the city about August 1st , just as the authorities wore about to rake him in. His destination is believed to bo Omaha. Ho is about 5 feet 7 inches in height , with smooth face nnd eyes of blue , and has n youthful appearance. Ono of his front teeth is much discolored. I trust you will publish this , so that the people of Omaha may bo on their guard. "Yours , Ac. , EAIII.Y MOIIOA.V. " THE FAIR. It Will Bo the Biggest Ono Ever Hold in Omaha. All tliol Arrangement * For the Event Nearly Completed. Preparations for the present state fair are far greater than any that have over been made heretofore. The in dications now she x that the atato fair of J881 will bo far superior to that of any previous year. At the fair grounds everything is bustle nnd activity. Tlio now buildings nro nil well under way and will BOOH bo completed. The contract for building the tower and polo for the electric light were let yes terday , and work on them will bo commenced to-day. The tower prop er will bo seventy-five foot in height , while the polo which will bo placed on top of the tower will bo sixty-five feet , thus giving a total height of 140 feet , upon the top of which the light will bo placed. The apparatus for the electric light has already been shipped from Cleve land and will bo hero in a day or two. An electrician will also bo hero in a few days to superintend thoscttingup of the light. It has not been generally understood that the electric light feature of the fair is a private enterprise , but such is the fact. .When the question was first brought before the state board it was decided that it would bo too ex pensive nn experiment. Thororpon J. 0. McBride & Co. submitted a proposition that , in consideration of one-half ot the gross receipts of the night exhibitions , they would furnish the light. The proposition was ac cepted by the board , and Messrs. Mc Bride & Co. ordered the light. So to the enterprise of these gentlemen is duo an important feature of the ex hibition. There will be sixteen lights , each of 3,000 candloa power. Five of them will bo sot upon the tower pole , which will bo placed in the centre of the speed ring. The remaining eleven will bo distributed among the differ ent Buildings , so that the exhibits in the uilibrent halls may bo viewed at night as well as day. The state board are at no expense save the furnishing of the motive power for the genera tion of the electricity , which is trivial. The atato board have under way a permanent building for the exclusive use of the president and board of managers. Mr. Mount's dining hall is nearly completed , and will bo a spacious building. The track is being put in good condition , and the grass on all parts of the ground has boon mowed down. A Fractious Animal. Mrs. Powell , the wife of Charles Powell , the justice of the peace resid ing at C21 South Fifteenth otreot , mot with a little accident yesterday. While driving down Fifteenth street , just as the horse reached the With- nell ho roared around wildly on his hind logs , and would propably have upset the buggy had it not boon for the in- tropidy of Walter .Kelly , who seized the horse and with some dilllculty quieted him. Mrs. Powell got out of the buggy and wont homu , leaving the horse and buggy in charge of George II. Fitohott. _ Ilorso Badly Hurt. Mr. Bennett , of the Pullman Car Company , was driving homo to din ner yesterday. The street had been undermined near the corner of Daven port and Twonty-firat , and the horse broke throuth. ; It was taken out with considerable dilHculty nnd was found to bo badly sprained in both fore and hind quarters. The physicians say , "Wo loel justi fied in recommending the 'Conrad's Budwoisor' to the public , because wo know it to bo perfectly pure nnd healthy , being manufactured of the very best hops and malt that can bo found. " DIED. P. , T. JOllNSOX-At the realdenco on llHh , between Cloik and Grace streets , Saturday. August -7th , at 0 o'clock 11. in. Aged 23 years and 11 inontha. Funeral from residence to-morrow after noon at ' - ' o'clock. Friends of family In- vitcd. HULTMAN-ThU moraine at 1:30 : o clock , Krick Kdward Arthur , infant Bon of trank A , and Jenny Hultman. Funeral services ot their residence on Cass street between Eighteenth and Nine teenth , to-morrow at 0 o'clock a. in. AnusTitoso Auirust 25 , Margarette , infant dauchter of K. L. and Mattle Ann' Chicago papers please copy , Forty years' trial bu provi-u " BLAC DRAUGHT" the best liver m the world. At F. o. CROW DOG , The Murderer of Spotted Tail , on His Way to Trial. What Ho Look * LlUo and What Ho Snyn of The Affair. Crow Dog , the murderer of Spotted Tail , passed over the U. P. Sun day in charge of deputy U. S. marshal of Dakota and two officers of the U. S. army , on his way from the lloso- bud Agency , D. T. , to Deadwood , D. T. , where ho will soon bo tried for his crime. The pnrty came from the agency via Yankton to Missouri Valley junction , thence to Fremont , on the U. P. At Sidney they will take a stage for Deadwood. Crow Dog is a heavy set , good looking In dian , and docs not look like a blood thirsty or quarrelsome person. Ho was dressed iu a blue army coat , blue pantaloons and moccasins. Ho wore upon his coat the shoulder straps of a first lieutenant of the U. S. nrmy. The version of the origin of the shooting has already appeared in TIIK lHK : , which is probably the correct one , Crow Dog however , givns quite a dilloront story of the feud which existed between himself and Spotted Tail. Ho said that ho had repeatedly tried to conciliate Spotted Tail , but without effect. A short time prior to his dis- missial as Captain of the Indian police ho went to SpottcdTail and endeavor ed to make up the differences existing between them , and ollercd his hand to Spotted Tail , which ho refused to take Shortly after ho was dismissed. This action angered Crow Dog , still ho hold his peace and was determined not to have any personal encounter with Spotted Tail. When the invitation trom the secretary of the interior came to have Spotted Tail and subor dinate chiefs go to Washington to hold a general conference with rela tion to the affairs of the 'Pawnee nation , Crow. Dog and his friends were completely ignored in the selec tion of representatives which was made. To this action ho protested , and asked Spotted Tail to allow him and some of his friends a place in the delegation , but that chief refused to do so. Ho attended the council hold for the purpose of select ing the Indians for the Washington trip until the hope that ho would bo allowed to go , but although ho was there no notice was taken of him by Spotted Tail. This so enraged him that ho determined to kill the chief , and did so as hn left thn council meet ing on his way homo. Crow Dog docs not express any alarm for the result of his trial for the murder , but on the contrary thinks that ho will bo set free , as his action was perfectly justi fiable. Rndobeolr Released- Some time ago TUB BEE published an article detailing an account of a fight between two watchmen on the Plattsmouth bridge. The evidence at the preliminary examination revealed a somewhat different state of fact from that published. Iludobock claims that Kuhlman was the assault ing party and that ho drew the revolv er only in self-defense. Iludcbeck was released at the preliminary ex amination. TAKEN IN. A Young Scotchman Bilked Out of oil His Money. Yesterday a young man was made the victim of a confidence game by a couple of mon nt the U. P. depot. The young man , whoso name is Alexander McQueen , arrived in Omaha yesterday 'from Scotland. This afternoon ho went down to the depot to look after his baggage and while there was accosted by a well dressed man with a red face and about eix foot tall. The man asked young McQueen where ho was going and ho replied that ho was looking for work. The confidence man said his father was a Scotchman and was looking for a young man of his own national ity to take care of his horses. After some talk the confidence follow en gaged McQueen to go to work for his father. At this junctiuro another in dividual appeared , who presented what purported to bo ix bill for freight against the first contidcnco man. The man last appearing said ho had left them nt the freight depot and would not haul them up town until ho had got his money that ho had advanced for freight charges. The first man enid ho had a chock for a largo amount , but no cash. Ho asked young McQueen whether ho had any cashnnd being answered in the affirm ative , presented a chock on Caldwell , Hamilton & Co.'a bank , drawn in favor of Gcorco N. Hamilton for $720 , and signed by Howard & Son. The young man advanced the money on it , to the amount of ? GO , all the money ho had on earth Af ter the men wont away ho began to suspect that all was not right , so bo wont into the U. P. office and asked u poi-son there if it was. The man saw that the young man had been duped , nnd telephoned to the bank about it. The bank replied > plied that the chock was a forgery The young man rushed uptown and got Oflicor McCuno to his assist ance. The olllcer looking for the man. Miraculous Escape- H. Nelson , teamster for Welshing & Bro. , was driving in the southern part of the city delivering goods yes terday , The ring on the neck yoke broke aud lot the tongue drop to the ground. The horses took fright and started on a run. Crossing a ditch the tongue caught in the ground and the jar pulled Nelson off his seat. The wagon wheels passed over liis chest nnd abdomen. Ono rib was fractured and ho was badly bruised , It was a miracle he was not crushed as the wagon was an immense one , capable of carrying three tons. Ho was taken to his homo Twenty-second and Leaven- worth street. Dr. Stone was called to attend him. . SATISFACTORY , The Trial of The Fire Hydrants Yesterday. Yesterday the firemen , under the supervision of Chief Gallignii and the official eyes of Mayor Boyd and N. Shclton of the water company , tested fire hydrants in various portions tions of the citv. The test was made under an eighty-pound pressure. The first stream was turifod on at Ninth and Farnham streotsand worked very satisfactorily. The second trial was made before a , largo nnd inter ested audience at Eleventh and Fiirn- ham streets. The firemen experienced no difficulty in sending a stream over the top of ( JriMghton hall. When the nozzle of the hose was held vertically the stream was discharged to about one and a half times the height of that building. The only other trial made before noon was at Boyd's opera where everything worked very satis- factor ly. The pressure on the mains this morning bursted only a single pipe as far as heard from. That was a four-inch main at Twenty-first and Davenport streets. In the afternoon various tests wore made in different portions of the city , and the pressure was raised to about 150 pounds. The mains will now bo kept filled , and should a lire occur , Chief Galligan thinka ho is well prepared to tackle it. Narrow Escape- E. L. Borgquest , of 1.709 Cuming street , had a very narrow escape from death yesterday at 2 o'clock p. in. Ho is one of the carpenters employed at Boyd's opera house. A plank , 2x8 and fourteen feet long , fell a distance of thirty feet , just grazed his head and struck him on the foot , the tis sues of which were very badly bruised. Dr. Merriam dressed the foot and ad vised him to lay off for a few days. THE COMMISSIONERS. Proceedings of Their Last Meeting. The county commissioners at their lost meeting dirjctod the county treasurer to pay $8.58 in taxes for Isaac W. Burgman , on account of work on the road. The following amounts wore taken from the road fund : Peter Cassady , $12 , work on road ; Geo. Boll , same , $5 ; John Rowhon , same , $19.50 ; Luke McDermott , ac count Cumingstreet grade , $275 ; 0. A. Jensen , grading block 141 , $50 ; Wiley Taylor $3 and Jerome Powell $150 for work on road ; H. C Thomas , balance for grading , $24 ; D. M. Boyd , account of graao near Bag- lojj's , $20 ; Ell Johnson , building bridges , $150. From the general fund : Henry Pundt , goods for poor , $1 25 ; J. H. Butler , repair to court house , $9 ; John C. Gate , witness fees , $2 ; A. Hospo , Jr. , picture frame , $11 ; 0. H. Willard , agent , transpor tation pauper , $13 80 ; J. U. Manchester , on account of 1881 tax list , $400 ; Win. Kroner , tax refunded $8.88 ; John G. Jacobs , ' coffins for poor , $15 ; Omaha foundry and machine company , bridge cast ings , $223.52 and W. H. Ijams , fees as clerk of insane board , $103.75 , It was resolved to levy a district school tax of throe mills on the dollar valua tion in school district No. ! ) . Proposals - posals for furnishing coal for the next year wore opened aa follows : Goo. Paterson for hard coal , immediate delivery - livery , $11 per ton , after Sop. 1st $12 ; soft coal $5.25 per ton and 25 cents extra on lots less than ono half ton nnd for delivery at the poor house. Pratt * Towle , for hard coal , $11 I0 ! per ton ; soft coal , $5',20 per ton and 25 cents extra for delivery nt the poor house and in lota less than one-half ton W. S. Street , hard coal$11.50 ; soft coal , $5 , with extra charges as before. B. F. Troxell & Co. , for small egg hard coal , $10.70 per ton. The contract for furnishing hard coal was awarded to Troxoll & Co , , and for soft coal to W. S. Street. Sneak Thieves C. H. Finloy and G. Ellison , two finely formed and good looking boys , were arrested yesterday by Mar shal McClure for entering rooms at the Hudson River house and stealing various articles. From Mary Johanis1 room they stole a silver watch and u small 8um of money and David Norris - ris a shirt. They also visited boveral other rooms and had arranged to take other articles when they were discovered. The boys come hero last night from the cast whore they had been , so they said , looking in vain for work. They wore broke and claim they wanted the things to sell to obtain money to pay for a weeks board , They wore sent to jail for twenty live days. Frightful Misery. Mr. Win. 1'omeroy , liaiiRor , Me.wiiteu : " 1 have for a long tune suffered from con tinual ccuutination , making my life a inU- cry , and causing headache and frightful cramps. Mr. Thomas ( who has been lately vUltlng in liulfalo ) , induced me to try the 8rwso ULOSSOM. It ho perfectly cured me , " Trice 50 cents , trial bottles 10 cento. codlw BOYD'S OPERA HOUSE. A Performance to bo Given There on October 12. Evorythinc Will "bo Completed in Time , tlio Contractors Sny. Shaw & Field , who liavo the con tract for the entire work on Boyd's opera house , say that they will have the utlilicu completed and ready for occupancy on October 12 , when it is designed to open thn theater. The heavy part of the work is now done. The roof consists of a scries of nine self-supporting trusses , of the Howe pattern , which leave n clear , open space under the ceiling. All the heavy system of joists which yo to form the basis for the several iloora and when looked on from above seem like the carcass of nn immense leviathan so complicated yet system atic do they appear , are now nil in place. The stage is now about the only open .space about the structure. This will bo u fmo affair , being 74 feet across , DO feet to the rigging loft and fourteen feet from that point to the roof. The drop curtains will bo raised directly up without being run over a series of rollers , which allow the curtains to become creased and Filled with dust. This week the contractors will engage a force of about sixty men , just so soon as they can got'the roof covered over. Most of the fancy wood work and mouldings for about the stage and proscenium boxes has been prepared-jit the shops , and the rapid ity with which it will bo placed iu its proper position in the opera house will astonish the natives. The contractors feel confident that they can perform the entire work and turn the ktjri of the completed building over to Mayor Boyd by October 12. ' As soon as the roof is covered over men will bo worked day and night. Shaw & Field are the contractors who trans formed a church edifice into what is now known as Pope's theatre , in St. Louis , placing it in a condition to bo ppcncd in four weeks' time aftcr-the work was begun. They also erected the English opera house in Indianap olis , and when they say they will liavo Boyd's completed in a certain time , thuy know what they are talking about. Both the gentlemen say that the character of work done on Boyd's theater will compare with any in the country , and that the open ing will give a pleasing surprise to every citizen of Omaha. SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAN-MONEY. ONEV TO LOAN Call at Law Offlce of D. M L. Thouiaq lloom S. Crclzhton Hlock. ( fi f A HA A ° 'oan ' a' 'rom S to 10 per cent. 5 > tU.l/\/W on good real cbtatesecurlty , by DIl. ISAAC EDWAUD1109 Farnham St. AAATO LOAN At 8 per ccntln- .UvJU tercat In sums of S2.BOO and upwards , for 3 to'6 years , on first-class city and farm property. Hums KKAL ESTATB and LOAN AOKNCT. 16th and Douulas Stu. HELP WANTED. ANTED A ( food barber , at the Green Tree W Shop , 311 H. 10th St. 0. F. ELSASSEIt. 407-tf WANTED Situation by respectable girl as cook or houmkccper ; stranger In the city Pleasoeall at 1411 Chicago at. 704 30 * 1TTANTKD Fifty carpenters at Uojd's Opera VV Houso. II gjicst wages pijcd. SHAW A : FIELD. 703-10" \ \ ANTED Hoard with pleasant rooms for Vi self and wife In prhato family. Address , CJEO. V. MOIirOKD , Supt. C. . St. P. M. & 0. WANTED-At the Crcljhton House , a dining room girl. 80131' WANTEU-A nurse girl , at 1812 Cuminlngs street. b03-SO A girl to do general housework. WANTED u.igcs to one who Is competent. N. W. Cor. California and 20th Sts. S04-31' WAKTEIJ Fifty carpenters at Opera House , jgfs 82.75 per day. 71(2-2 SHAW & FIELD. WANTHD A girl for general house work. Apply on Pleasant street , 3d house north from St. llarj'bfucnue , after .Saturday , August 27th. 1SS-'M Hey to herd and make himself WANTKD useful. Apply at Saratoga house. 700-29 'ANTED A good girl for general house- W w ork , at INJ.11'arnham street. 77-2f > . * - and lodgers , 2015 Ilurt W street , Prltatu dwelling , home comforts. 781-3" - first-class cool. , inusthtucnrc- WANTKD-A . J. W. UANNKTT. 2110 Ca St. 777-31 * WANTED-A pool tabloto rent ; with prl\i- lego of purchasing. State price. Address UEO. INJIAN , I-tf Vail , Crawford Co. . lo a. Funding bridge and school bonds. WANTED Clark , Bcllovuc. 20-U . Chalmbcmiald nnd laundress. WAVTF.D $20 per month. Apply at 200S Ilurt btreit , between 20lh and 21kt. 7 2-tf WANTED ' 0 Carpenters at Opera Housa corner IKthand Farnham hts. 701-29 SHAW & FIELD. \TrANTKD- A girl for general hou o work , at VV IBlOllarneybt. 730 tt TO TIIADE Almost new top side bar buggy for a pliaUon. Enquire at Dee OHIeo. ciflT-tf FOR RENT HOU8E8 AND LAND. KENT An excellent cottage , teu-n rooms , on California street near 22d too bmallfamllpo sc' IoiitH'pt. 1st. Kent 827.60 per month in adtancc , E. WAKEl.El 7WJ-tf I OIl HENT-FuniUlud room , S. W. for. 10th L1 and lUuniwrt hU 78Mf TT10U KENT Two furnished or unfurnished | j rooms , cheap ; 511 lllth Bt , bit. Howard and Jackson. 7S3-20" HUNT Hoittu of 6c\en rooms , cellar , FOU , cistern and bath-room ; well locatid , flrtt-clasi * condition. Enquire No , 222 southwest corner -ith and Da > cnport Sts. 758 20 KENT-One room with board , 1603 Call FOU ktrcct , 735 tf HENT A two-story house of 7 roomi w Ith stable , on Sherman Ate. Apply at Merrill's feed tore,207B.JlgtliSt. _ _ ' ' _ IlENT-NKely furnished rooms , at COS FOU btrect. 719-tf KENT Elegant furnished roomi. Heason EOU prices , brick hou > e , eoiSCasi St. era T710U'11EXT House of te cir roomi , kitchen , 'JJ cclUr. cittern , Mill and barn , on South Atu- nuc. next to Woolworth's residence' Enquire at Uth and Farnham Sts , J , JOHNSON , t02 tf KENT Larju bam. luuulrc at 1818 Chi- 171011 j . C74tf UEST A nicely furnUhcd front room for Foil or two gentlemen , at 1210 Howard ttrut. "ITWlt KENT * furnished roouu o\ir WCM- JJ cluiou' Exih&nee , N , E. ccr. 16th and Dodge ttrcct * . 89 U FOR SALE. TTtOn SALE A car load of good horses at JJ Hem n' U\vry Stable , 13th Bt. & 05-30 SPECIAL HOTIOES-GontliiUBA' ' 1710H SALE At , bargain , two crc < of UtiJ . wltli ( Inc Rro\c. Choice location for a sa loon. House , stable and good nell on premises. Only two miles from court hou e. Price $000. Enqulrcat once , llox 424 , Council duffs , IK. mig-30-4t 1710H SALE Oil KXCIIANOK A nc\r 10-foot I ; UfT for hunting or fishing or ( rolntr down the rltcr. Apply at 1'aclflc House , 10th St. Tuts- day. 703-29" "I7IOH SAI.K Hou < o with four rooms , on I1 Lenxenworth street , between Clh nd 7th. Apply to Uiron Heed , 7M-3' FOU SA1.K Two lots and new house fi rooms S \V corner llth and Vlnton streets ; time gi\cn. Apply on premises. SOJ-S * OllStS I OltiSALK Young pound hnrscs to be closed out , cheap. Apply at 1.115 Farn ham St. fcOO-31" " 171 OR SALE Sirall onlon < , cucubcrs , ton atoc , JJ .red pepper * , etc. , for pickling purposes , de- rid In all quantities. 1OCSLKY IlllOS. 173 tf I.AOll HALE A span of ponlci , buggy and har- JJ ncsi ; buzgy a'moit new. the Caledonian Saloon , U , P. block , 10th St. 704-tt T710R SALE A rare dirvncc to jump Into a well 1J established cash trade. Will fell my general stork of merchandise , rltuatcd in ono of th bent ( hipping | H > lnts on II. & M. K. II. For further particulars call or address J. 1 ] , I.inlngcnWarcrly , Neb. 740 82 17101 ! SALE Lca c and furniture of a first-class- JJ hotel In a taw not 1300 Inhabitants , In state ot Nebraska ; has 21 beds ; the tnu cling men's re- fort. Inquire at 1IEE olllcc. 218-tf TT1OU SALE Mam of Dotitlai nnd Sutpy coun- JJ tica. A. I SOSEWATEll , 1C20 Farnham ftrcct 320-tf TTIOIt SALE A new nil leather top ilde-lmr IJ Phaeton w Ith spring cushion and back , at W. K. Oration's uarrligu top manufactory 1114 , 8 > Ifith st. bet. Fnrnham and Harncy. 707-tf FOIl SALi : Neat house and full lot , 1'2 block * from P. O. lit 900. JOHN L. McCloUK , 712-tf Opp. Postolliuo. Foil SAI.n Kino stock farm of 400 acrct good house , cattle shed , orchard Ac. , with in easy reach of railroad. Price , $4MX ) , par time at K'JOHN L. McCAGUB , Opp. Olllcc. FOIl SALE Neat cottage and good lot at $1160. JOHN L. MtCAGUE , Opp. I' O. _ 037-tf TT10R SALE On reasonable terms. A business Omaha. 612-tf T710R SALE Horse , bvjfgy and harness. Can JL bo seen at fltcn CHBOII'S Capitol Avenue bam Price , $250. E. C. ELLIS. 6C6-tf FOR SALE A first-class milk dairy. Inqulra at this olllcc ' _ 617-aug 27 OUSE3 AND LAND Borols rcnU house * , stores , hotels , farms , lots , lands , officcif rooms , etc , Sco 1st page , "T7IOH SALU Good house with four rooms and JJ half lot , No. 2013 Dodze between 2Gth and 27th street. Good ncll and shade tries ; homo In good condition. Inquire on premises. 221-tf TTMHllELLAS And 1'arasois repaired by II. U SCUUTT llth and Faniam sts. 760U KICK II SALE. B 203-tf ESTABI100K COE. FOU SAT.E A small enijlno , . W. Poyno * Son'a make. In pcrfcU osdcr. Inquire of II. U. Clark & Co. MISCELLANEOUS. OTHAVED From Slcrt's stnlilc , Omaha , one O black marc/ color somtwlut faded , eight or nine j cars , wcighi about eleicn hundred , had on saddle and Imillc. A reward nlll be paid for her return , or Information leading to licr re- co > cry. W. E. Cathcy , Fort C'alhonn , Nub. 703 dltwZt _ ) A jounir red cow , short tall and left car cut , belonging to Chas. Dauer. Iho Under will be rewarded. No. 811 10th street. 780-8" C11AS. DAUEli. _ /"VMA1IA 11IHD STOKE Has for sale all kinds \J ot Foreign and Domestic Birds , also Illrd Kanclcry goods ; at ICth St. , bet. Dou-los and Dodge. au20-3m _ BEMIS has rattling long lists of houses , lota lands arid farms for sale. Call and get them. CALL AT Mils. B. E. CLAUKE'8 No. 1 Board Ing House , cor. 13th and Dodge ate. Uest In the city. _ 510-tf ' T > EMIS' HEAL ESTATE BOOM. bee 1st page. QTHAYED From my place , on 16th and Jack- kj son streets , on August ( Itb , one red anil white heifer , 2 > arsold 747-27 JT TH7'It'KIE Manufactory of paper . J-J. VV boxes , 140S Farnham fctrcet , Omaha , Neb. u' " /"I ALL on or address Totter * Palmer , -10 South \J 6th btrect , Council Jliuffs , lo a , for rail road tickets cast , west , north and south. Oreatly reduced rates on all tickets. Ei try ticket guar anteed , and tliLcts bought , sold and exchanged TELLEH AND MEDIUM Mrs. J ; Ell/a tells pat present , and future In lo\o nnd all affairs. .She rccaU the ilcqwst xccrcts of the heart , felio iwssta the magnetic pouer to ful fill all > our wishes. Call at No. 1010 Chicago btrect , near Idth. aujf IC-tf T OST Sunday afternoon on Howard St. , Jj child's gold bracelet , marked "Ethct. " Find- cr ttlll plcaso ! emu at IJeo Olllce. fJ73-tf B EMIS1 NEWCJTY MAPS,25c. Sco 1st pig VjTIlAYED-Froin 2415 Ilarney street July 23 O onu Urgcbrindle cow , 0 j cars old , branded on hip with letter "O. " Has tomu wblto kpots on her. Anyonoghing Information whcruxholg r return her will bo suitably rewarded. 548 tf A. M. CLAP.K. ANY ONE haing work for a typo \\riter can bo accommodated by telephoning the UK olllce. 483-tf EN UP A red cow. Owner can hav e the TAK tame by pro\lng property and pa linn charges. FHANCIS ltOUlll.\H , Haunders and Ciratc Sti. au24-cvwcdit ' HEAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. 3 BEMIS' 1m page. fTvlIIIEE or four ioung men can be accommoda. I , ted w Ith board , llcfcrenecsuxehaiiged. Ap ply 2011 Cass btrect , 4th door went of 2UthSt. , or address Box 337 , pobtotllco. 313 wf . nilOWN-Comcr 12th and Chicago . streets , Is ready to bore or deepen wells , batlsfuvtlon guaranteed. toatf pvONT FOIIQET The > ucce < > era 01 the Aincr > JL/ lean House , on Douglas street , between Oth and 10th , for board , lodging and tnaslout cus tomers. Hcspectfully 611-tf JULIUS * LOUISE ROSS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Made from 0 rape Cream Tartar. No other armtlon makw lucb. light , Oaky hot breads , uxurloui pastry. Can 1 * e Un by Dj ipeptie without fear of theilU resulting from heavy Indl k'tstlblc food. Sold osly In c n , by .ll Oroctn jjcipowTJEK CO New York. C. F. CooJtcxn i.