Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1881, Page 7, Image 8

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    B 1 * *
910 Harnham , bet. Oth and 10th Streets.
cpy 1 Jcar , In ndran < .op09tmld.J1000 ( )
Jiontru " " 6.00
month" " 3
Leave Omaha No 2 through pwrnircr , 11
m. No. 4 , Oakland iia. ciijtr , fe KOa. in.
AtwcOniatm No 1 , through iwwciitfcr , 2:50 :
m. No , 3 , Oakhiul passenger , fi.30 f. ID.
0. , I ) fc Q. 5 n , ni. 3:10 : p. m.
C. k N. W. , fl ic m. 3 10 11 in. '
0.K . , H. I. k P. , 0 a. m. 3 40 p. m.
K. C. , St. J. A 0. II. , S a m0 30 p. tn. Arrtio
t : .St Louis at G 23 R. in. ami 7:15 : ft. in.
D. k Jl. In Neb. , Thronith Express , 8-35 . m.
B. k Jl. Lincoln FrclshU 7.00 p. m.
IT. 1 * Kxprev , 12 16 p in.
0. k II. V. for Unoln , 10 20 . m.
O. & II. V. lor Oiccola , 40 a m
U. P. freight No. 6 , 6 30 R. in
U. P. freight No. 0 , 8 15 R , m
U. P. freight No. 7 , 0.10 p. m. emigrant.
U. P. freight No. 11 8.25 u. m.
O. B. k Q , 6 00 R. re. 7.25 p. m.
C. k N.V. . , IMS a. tn. 7.25 p. m.
C. II. 1. &P..O 45 a. in. D 05 p. m.
K. C. , St , Joe 60 I ) , 7(0n. iii.-O IB p. m.
TV' . , St. L. k P. , 10.55 a. ill. 4.25 p. m.
O. k K. V. from Llncoln-12'12 p. m.
U. P. Express 3 25 p in.
O k M. In Nch. , Through Express 1:16 : p. m *
D. k JL Lincoln Freight 8 35 n. ra.
U P. Frcljjht No 101:40 : p in.
No. G 4.25 p. in. Emigrant.
No. 8 10 60 p. in.
No 12-11:35 : a. m.
0 , k 1U V. mixed , or. 4 35 p. m.
Nebraska DUlslon of tno St. Paul & Sioux Clt }
No. 2 leaves Oinliha 8 a. in.
No. 4 leaves Oinitn 1:50 : p nO
No. 1 arri\c8ntOnmInat4 30 p m
No. 3 arrhca atOmihaat 1045n tn ,
COUNCIL surrs.
Leave Omiha nt 800 , 9.00 and 11 00 a m. ;
1:00 : , 2 00 , 3 00 , 4 00 , 6 00 nntl 0 00 p. in.
LC.-UO Council IllulTd at 8 25 , 0 25 , 11:25 : a. m. ;
15:25 , 2 25 , 3 2-i , 4:2A : C23 anil 0 25 p. in.
Sun-taj s The ihnmii ) lca\ui Omaha at 0 00
< * ntl 11 00 a. m. ; 2 00 , 4 00 anil 6 00 p in. I.c-ues
Council lllulTi at 0 26 and 11:25 : a. in. ; 2.26 , 4:25 :
* nJ G.25 p. in.
Opening and Closlne of Malls.
BOUT . ontK. ctx > sn.
n. m , p m. a. m. p. in.
Chicago k N. VV 1100 930 430 2:40
< Ch ! < ao , K. 1.1. 1'aclllc 11 00 0 00 4.30 2:40
"Chicago , 1S.k O . . . .11.00 900 430 2:40
VVabash 1230 430 2.10
Sioux Citj and Pacific. . 11:00 : 430
"Union Pacific 600 11-40
OmahaJ.ll. V 400 11:10 :
IB. k M. In Neb 400 840 5.30
Oraihafc NorthwcUcrn. 4:30 : 7.30
Local mall a for btato f Iowa lca\ but once a
day , \lz : 4.30.
A Lincoln Mall Is also opened at 10 30 a. in.
Ollico oiien Sumhjs from 12 m. to 1 p. in.
Business Directory.
Abstract and Real tslato.
JOHN L. SlcCAGUE , oiiposito Post Offlco.
w. n. nAHTLnrr si : south isth street.
Room 11 Crclghton ItlocW.
A. T. LAUQE Jr. . Uoora 2. Ciclchton Dlock.
Boots and Shoes.
iflno Boata and Shoes. A treed as'mrmcnt of
Tjomo vork on hand , corner 12th and Harncj.
rnOS. EUICKSON , S E cor. 10th and Douglas
305 10th stroct , inanutacturis to order good work
at fair prices. Itcpilriiig done.
Bed Springs.
J. F. LAUIUMEU Manufacturer. JB17 Douglasst
Books , News and Stationery.
J. I. FIIUUIIAUF 1015 Karnham Street.
Butter and Eggs.
ilcdHANE & SCIIHOEDEU , the oldest B. and E.
bouse In Nebraska csLablislicd 1876 Omaha
1IH3. A. KYAN ,
-wuthwest corner ICthand Dodie.
Cent Board for the Money.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
tlcaU at all Hours.
Board bv the Day , Week or Month.
Good Terms for Cash.
Furnlsho ! Hnnm Supplied.
carriages anrt Roaa Wagons.
SNYDEU , No. ISlh 14th and Harncy Strcctt |
Olvll Engineers and Surveyors.
ANDHEW UOSEWATElt , Crcl0'liton Block ,
Ton Sunoys , Grade and bewcrago Sjstema a
Uommlsslon Merchants.
JOHN O. WIL LIS.1414 Dodge Street ,
.D B BEEMEU. For details see large odv crtlse-
tncnt In l > alh and WctkU.
Clgers and Tobacco.
WEST & FIUTSCIItll , manufacturers of Cigars ,
ind Wholesale Ucalers in TOTOCCOS , 1305 Douglas.
"W. F. LOUENZEN manufacturer 5M 10th street.
Cornice Works.
Western Cornice WorVs , Manufacturers Iron
Cornice , Tin , Iron and Slate Roonin , , ' . Orders
trom any localltj promptly executed in the best
nanncr. Kattory and OHfco 1310 Dodge Street.
Oahanizcd Iron Cornices. Window Caps , etc. ,
manufactured and nut up In any part of the
country. T. SINHULD 4JO Thirteenth street
Crockery ,
/ . BONNEK 1300 Dom.'WW street. Good line.
Clothing and hurnlthlng Goods.
OEO. II. I'ETEHSON. Also HaU , Caps , Boots ,
Shoes , Notions and Cutlery , 804 S. 10th street.
Clothing Bought.
C .H1IAW will pay highest Cash prlco for second
hand clothing. Corner 10th and Karnham.
DR. PAUL , Williams11'lack ' , Cor. IBth & Dodge.
Drugs , Paints and Oils.
Pharmacists , Fine uno O-raJs , Cor. IBth and
Dousli * < > troeta.
W.J. WIlITEHOUFi : , Whole aloiItetall , 10th t.
C. C. FIELD , 2022 lib Sldo Cumlng Street.
M. PAltll , DniKslbt , 10th and lloard Streets.
Dry Goods Notions , Etc.
New York Dry Goods S.oro , 1310 and 1312 Farn
him vtmct.
L. C. Enewnld also t > oots and shoes 7th A. PttlHc.
( uruliure.
A F. OHO.SS , New and aocond Hand Furniture
ind bto > ca , 1114 Douirus. Ill6'htt catti price
| uld for MCOIK ! haim triiojg.
I I1ONNEU 1SOJ pouW it. Fine goods , 4.C.
Fence Works.
OUST , FIUES&CO. , 1213Harm.'St ,
d Ke Hoxea , Iron and Wood Fences , Omce
lUllincs. Counters of 1'lne and Walnut.
A. Donairhue , plants , cut flowers , seeds , boqucts
uto. N , W. cor. Ifith ani Doiwlas streets
honndry ,
JOHN WEARNE & BOMS , cor , 14th & Jackson sts
Hour and Feed.
OIIAHA CITY MILLS , 8th and Farnham 8ts
Wclrjians Bros , .roprietors.
Z. STEVENS , 21st between Cumlng and Iz rd
T , A. McSIIANE. Corn. J3d and Cumlng BtrceU.
Hardwaie , Iron and Steel.
DOLAN A. LANOWOnTHY , Wholesale , 110 and
Utli street
A. HOLMES corner lOh and rallfornl * .
Harness , Saddles , &c.
B. WEIST MlsthSt bet Farn. & IT rnei
CANFIELD HOUSE , Gea. Canfleld.Oth & Farnhir
DORAN HOUSE'P. H. Gary , BIS Farnham St
SLA YEN'S HOTEL , F , Sin en , 10th Street
outhern Hotel dus. ITamel , 8th & Lea\en worth
ron .
The Western Cornice \\ork , Aeont * for the
Chimplon Iron Vfnec Ac. , b\\e on hirnl All Vlm
ef Fincy Iron Fnicw , Cresting' , Finml
ct.1310 Doilcc ttr .
Intehlgpnco Office.
MUS U7MR UKNF 817 Kith Stroct.
JOHN HVUMUU ISllKatuhimSlrrct.
It. IlKI'THOU ) , U\c4and MctM
Liimb-r , Lime and Cement.
KOSTI'.U A OHY comer tth and Doujjln St
Lamps And UlasswArc.
J. 1IONMU ISOvt Uaushs ht ( Icxxl V < ! ct >
Merchant Tailors.
Ono of our most popuhr Mcrihint Tailors I * re-
cchIns the htc t UHirna for Sprln ? and Summer
Hoods for fctiitlinicn scnr StjIWi ,
ind nrlcMlo nsocr 2tR 13th bet
JlltS. C. A. niNar.HhoW1onnd Itctall , Kane -
o ( looilflln cnatarietj , Xiphjr , Card Itoinlj ,
llo lcrj , Olo\c < , Cor et8 , ke Chenic t llon o in
: hctst , I'urchvirs a o SO per cen't. Onler
\ iJlall. . 118 Hftctnth Struct
Physicians ani Surgeon * .
W' S. nlllilS , Jl. D. , llxim No 4 , Crelghton
lllotk , l th Street ,
P. b. LKISENIUXO , M D Maionlc lllock.
C. L. HART , M. D. , Fjr and Ear , opp. postollico
Oculist and Aurist , S. M 16th and Farnham St .
Photographers ,
Grand Central Gallcrv ,
212 aintccnth Street ,
icar Maionle Hall. First-class Work and Prompt-
Plumbing , Gas and Steam Fitting.
I' . W. TAlll'Y k CO. . 21012tli St. , bet. Farnham
and Dousing. Uorx prompt ! ) attindcd to.
D. HTZPATRICK , 1400 Doughs Street.
Painting and Paper Hanging.
HENRY A. "ASTERS. 1412 Dodge Street.
Planing Mill.
A. MOYER , manufacturer of sash , doors , blinds ,
moldings , ncuclg , nlustcrshandrailsfurnishing
scroll sawing , > Vc. , cor. Dodge and Oth streets.
J. ROSENFELD , 322 10th St , bet. Far. &Har.
Refrigerators , Canfleld's Patent.
C. T. GOODMAN llth St bet. Farn. & Harnoy.
Show Catu Vanufactory.l
O. J. W1LDK ,
Manufacturer and Dealer In all kinds of Show
Cases , Upright Caeca , a : . 1317 Casa St.
FRANK L. GEIUIAKD , proprietor Omaha
fahon Cage maimfnctnr } , SIS South ICtli strcit ,
between Ixsatcnnorth and Marcj. All goods
\arrantcd lint class , "
Stoves and mware.
Jcalcr In StOM.s and Tinware , and Manufacturer
of Tin Jlooli and all kinds of Building Worl. ,
Odd Fellows' Block.
J. KONNER. 1309 Douelas St. Good and Cheap.
Seeds ,
J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills and
Cultivator ! ! , Odd Follows Hall.
Shoo Stores. . .
Phillip Lang , 1320 F.irnrnm st , bet 13th k 14th.
Second Hand Store.
'ERKINS i , LEAR , U10 Douslas St. . New and
Second Hand Furniture. House Furnishing Gooda ,
.Vc. , lK > U7htand told on narrow mar/lns
n the new brick block on Douglai ) Strict , has
just opened a most elegant liooj Hall.
Hot Lunch from 10 to 12
ixcrda ) .
4 Caledonh " J. FALCONER. 079 ICth Street.
IHAS RIEWE , 101S Farnham bet 10th & lltd.
P. PEMNER , 303 } Tenth strict , between Farn-
i.iin and ltarno\ . Docs good and cheap \\ork.
00 Cent Stores.
P. 0 BACKUS. 1205 Farnham St. r noOnol >
State of Nebraska , DauB'la3 Countj , w )
At a County Court , held at thu County Court
loom , In anil for call County , Autriiit 16th , A.
D 18H1. Present , HOVVAHD U. SMITH , County
the matter of the cstatoof FerdinandThiim ,
deceased :
On nailing and niing the pennon or Emilio
Thuni , prajing that the Instruiiiuit , this da >
tiled .rid purporting to bo the last w 111 and tceta-
incntof the Hild deceased , mil bo proied , np-
iroicd , allotted , probated and recorded as the
ast will and testament of said deceased , and
that administration of ald estate may bo grant
ed to said Emilio Thuni , as executrix :
ORDKIIKD , That September 10th , A D 1831 , at
10 o'clock a in. Is assigned for hearing Bald peti
tion , w hen all persons interested In Bald matter
ma } appear at a Countj Court to bi ( held , In and
'or said County , and ehow caitfo why theprajcr
of jictltloncrshould not be ( fronted ; and that no-
; lco of pendem j of ( aid petition and the hearing
.hereof , bo giv en to all jwrsons Interested In f nld
matter , l > > publishing a copy of this order In Tim
JMAIIA WEEKLY flrr , a newspaper printed in raid
County , for three successlio weeks , prior to Bald
daj of hearing. 110WAKD U. SMITH ,
[ Atruucopj. County _ Judge.
State of Nebraska , Douglas County , ss :
At a County Court , held at the Count } Court
Kooiii , In an I for said Count ! , August let , A ,
1) . IbOl. Present , HOWARD B. SMITH ,
Count } Judge.
In the matter of the cstatoof Joseph II. Nel
son , deceased :
On reading and filing the , xlltion of Martha
S Nelson , lira } ing that the instrument , inir-
[ lortlmr to be a duly authenticated eopj of the
.ast u ill and testament of iald deceased , anil of
the probate thereof , by Iho Circuit Court of
Fountain Countj , State of Indiana , and this d-\\
filed in this Court , nia } be allowed and recorded ,
a * t liu last will and testament , of ( aid Joseph II.
Nelson , deceased , ill and for tliu SUto of Ne .
Ordeipd , That Au'i t 27th , A. D. 1881 , at 10
o'clock a in , Isasilgned for hearing said petition ,
when all IK.MOIIS Interested In said matter limy
appear at a Count } Court to ha held , In and for
wld County , and fhow e-aufo hj tbo iiraer of
iH'tttioncriiliouM not bo granted ; and tlutnotliu
of the peridcnc } of wild petition and the hearing
thereof , bo ghcu to all jienions Interested In said
matter , In publishing u cop } of thliorderlnTiiK
OMMIA WKKKM Hrr , anew spnpcr printed In said
Count } , forllireo tueeeb hu weeks , priortObald
auglOwSt County JmUo.
Notice to Non-Koshlont Defendants
E. 1) , Lone ( full name nnhnnwri ) will take no-
tlco that he lion been sued bv Dudlo } Jl Stcelu
Samuel II. Johnson and .Sanford \ \ . bpratllii , co-
iiartmrs , doing busincsj under the linn name of
btccle , Johiisnii 4. Co , In the District Courtuf
l > ou.lai count } , Nebnska , to recover ,
and Interast from Oetobcr 18 , IbMLilue them on a
iiroinlsson note liearin. date April W , lb(8. ( Al )
that on attaehmcnt has been inailo on certiln
fimds In the Hr t rational bank of Omaha , Nc
braika , belonging to } ou and which the said pir
Ics nbo\o named fcfck to obtain to apply In pa }
mentof tbelrfcaidtUlm.
You arorequired to nnnwer Bald petition on or
Mill I * i n it i j Aii r iii
Attorney for I'lalntiU.
Scaled proposaU llllw reccl\c < l ly tlio Hoard
ofCounty Coinmls.loneMof Dout'Iaj Count ) , f > c-
bnuka , until Tlmn-laj , PepteinCcr Ut , 1881 , at8
o'clock p m , for the erection of a court house
bulldlni at Omaha , In said count } . In accordance
wthplaiuandipcclncutonsinadobj fc. h J jc" ,
architect , and now on file In the county clerk'i
olllc-e 1ch bid must be accompanied by a gooJ
and iultlcicnt \ < onA In the eum of Iho thouiand
dollars , conditioned iruUthotjidderwiH enter Into
contract and ifli c a good and BUtllclctit bond tortho
faithful iwrfonnance of the work thould the
same be awarded to him Specifications will be
furnlihed upon aprlliatlon to the county clerk ,
fceparat. . bldj for the neural jarts olthe build
\ue \ will be conildcred and all proposals mu.t bo
made upon schedule * prepared by the architect
and furnUhcd on application to the c-ountj clerk
The Hoard rmncii iho rlxlit to reject any or al
Il'i order ol the Hoard cf County Commission
6mah . Au ' 11. 18hl. County Clerk.
Dexter L. Thomas ,
Arrival ot 211 VrUui\tilo Fronoh
Si xrlil ti tlc ( ulnrn I fume tUl.
Mw : YOUK , AuijtwtSo. Tliu stcain-
ship , City of Litnoiicl. , of tliu Cun-
j taur Line , to-tl.iy nm\ud in jioit from
lliiviotith 1 a c.xiii of Ull I'crchuioit
1t Kicncli 1 hdrsL-s , four Iming lied on
1f t the \oy. yo. Tlio luu-scs Avuru cnn-
fincd f in stalls
occupying all the in.iiii
iiul stocia n tlccks anil pait of the
luupcnnui deck. The liontuieio all
lioistcd into the ship at llauo and
Itnd to ho hoistud out at thia end of
tho\ojnio. A strontr bo\ stall was
ittacht'd to pulleys and lowered in
the hatchway ; u hone tins hacked in
and fluentcd , nntl at a signal to the
engineer the animal was taised to the
deck. A nirroti ginijwiy led to tlio
pier , which beiin ; fifteen feet below
the ate.unnr's deck , Hindu aery steep
inchmi. The hoises Mould hesitate
itiliilo , and then , perhnjis , c.vtcliiii } ?
sight of ono of their ninnber on tlio
[ > icr , vonld ] ilungo down quickly.
Abuut fifty ticiu nnhuded this after
noon ,
A fioil-lit Btiporintondcnb of the
New Yoik Central railroad said that
; his was the largest lot of live stock
10 had ever shipped out of Now
\ * i
_ A special freight train of twenty-
eight cars had been provided , each
car holding six horses and twice as
many colts.
M. Vf. Dunham , importer of the
loraes , said he had had his agent
juying in Franco since March , and
, ho lot wns not only the largest over
jronghl over , but amounted to onoll
: onth of all the Norman lioiscs o\er
mportcd. The lot comprise1) over
100 grown stations , fiO mares of all
igos and the lest stallion colts of vati-
ous nges. The lot includes eonio of
of the choicest stock to be got in
Franco. Seventy-live of the stallions
\\cro exhibited at the annual exhibi
tion of seven departments , hold nt
Aloncon last Juno , and they took all
but ono of the pri/cs oilored. " 1
paid from § 1,500 to 81,800 for pnV.o
animals , and from § 1,000 to § 1,200
Eor others.
"The lot T call worth a quarter of a
million of dollots. When I got them
liome I will have about 1150 , or ono-
fifth of all in this country of that
breed. "
The Sunlcos of Californin
Sin Pranelsco Call.
Wltilo .it 13oikeley last week : v rop-
icsentativo of The Call chanced to
incut J. J. Rivers , thu curator of the
university museum , who knows us
much about buys and their kindred as
Dr. U.telir , if not inoio ,
and , who
is bettor posted on
sn.ikes of the truly rural
Muiutiua than any man in California.
The museum has quite a collection of
C.tlifot nia snakes , of every possible
coloi , barred and spotted and stiipcd
with ciunion led and yellow mm all
these more sombre hues which simu
late the color of tlio ground on which
they Ho and bask in sunlight until the
unwary pickuickerorpicknickess stepson
on them with a scieam.
"You are aware , I suppose , of the
peculiar construction of the lower
jaw. It can bo unhingedHO to speak ,
ind then thosniko is nothing moru
than a long sack with the mouth open.
I have watched ono of them stow
away a squhiel long tail and all
without making any bones about it.
lie commenced at tlio head and slow
ly drew the squirrel in , bit by bit ,
Iris teeth and jaws working on the
animal somewhat as a man draws in
i rope , hand over hank. Finally the
jody was safely housed , and then
only the tail remained that slipped
dow n in the tw inkling of an eye. I
never reali/.ed until then why snakes
were made so long it is to make
room for the inconvient tails of the
other animals predestined to bo snake-
neat. In an improved state of exis
tence , when the tails have boon ovo-
lutionuod oil' the backs ot the other
animals , probably snakes will bo cut
shorter. "
"Do you BOO that follow there ? "
said Mr. Rivers , pointing to n huge
red snake some ten feet long and two
inches thick , of tlio kind known as a
jophcr snake. "I'd rather have that
Fellow on my farm if I had n farm
than 810. You would bo" astonished
at the amount of
they can got _ away with gophers ,
rabbits , squirrels , birds anything , in
fact , that ho is bi < r enough to ( jet him
self outside of , and that means a good
deal , although you might not think it
to look at him.
"Do they lick their prey Hinoothas
the boa-constrictor is said to do , to
maku it slip down easily ? "
"No , they take it straight and with
out and attempt at seasoning of that
kind. All ihosu California snakes ,
howevci , with the exception of iat-
tlesiukcH aio constrictors. They kill
their pioy by crushing it. Have you
evttr Been a gopher tiying to catch H
dove by taking n moan advantage ot
its maternal instincts in nestling
time ? No well.
11IR H.VAKi : WIM. bQUIint
up the prickly stem of a cactus plant
until it guts near thu nest , which is
usually not very high up , and then u
long and bittui fitrht begins between
the dove and its mnto on onu Hiilo and
thu snake on thu other. The former
don't always gottho worstof it , either.
1 } \\o \ seen a dove kneel : a snake
clean oil'a cactus branch to thu ground
with n blow of its wings , and then the
Biiaku crawled away , as if hu did not
want any nuiro of that. lint
it generally ends the other way - the
doves koup up an angry , toniliod
Rctcnming and buffeting with their
wings until they aruliied out and the
snitKu just bides IH'H time in duadly ei
loncu until hu can catch some part * of
the clove's body in his mouth. Thu
dove never moves after that hu
seems completely paralysed , as it
wcro , "
"Wu docs not kill it with his
fangs ? "
"No ; ho simply and slowly winds
ono deadly coil after another round
the dove until its body is completely
em eloped in his folds , and then ono
single scnvunch does thu business , "
"Don't they sometimes kill animals
that aru useful and hurmlesa on u
"Very seldom , The birds which
they kill are not many after all , ant
they aru the most harmless nnimah
they kill. Thu amount of hurtfu
vermin which they destroy in
the COU180 of n year
14 * incalculable. A little dis
criminating knowledge of this kind
would bo > ery useful In fat men.
Thuro are numbers of inst'cK for in
stance , which they now clasi as then
enemies , simply because they atolnii * ) ,
which nro entirely useful \ state
entomologist will be a > ery us ( ful olli-
cet thnt is , if ho knows his business ,
and if tlio ollieo is not made "imply
the loward of some political ' \\uik-
"Aiu there any venomous smkoa in
Califoinia besides the rattle siuko ? "
"Xo , ( hero are none. NMion I am
out hunting specimens I simplj catch
any kind of a snake in my hands u\-
cupt a rattlesnake , and him 1 e.iteh in
mybutteilly net. liaUlcsmkes dif
fer from thu othoia in their method of
killing their piey. I have watched
ono of them
liu struck him two or three times with
his fangs , and the rat died in a few
minutes , after kicking convulsively
foi an instant or so. After hu had
struck the rat Iho snake dtow hick
and waited still and motionless as a
atone until thu iat was dead , or
mill ho thought huas dead ,
Liu then came forward and
'ult him trom huad to tail
with his r.oso , and when the tat gavu
another kick wlnlo huyns doing HO hu
dro\v quickly back again and waited
n the siin.o motionless manner until
10 thought thu rat was sinely dead.
Thun hu fult him again , and asstiied
limsulf this time that thu iat
was ically dead. A snake
won't eat -anything alive-in
'act a hvu iat miulit. ho a dis *
igrceablo inumto. Whothui ho know
' hat the rat was dead by thu stoppage
of his heart beats , or in sume other
ijanner , I do not know , but 1 am con
vinced that hoassmrcd himself of that
'act in sumu way boforu hu com-
noticed to estimate the rat. "
' Is that hairy , long-legged thing I
see in the case n tarantula ? "
"No ; there are no true taratulas in
California , but that is what is known
in this coast as a tarantula. The
.arantuln proper belongs to Europe ,
and especially Spain , and the fust
comers hero being from Unit country ,
and seeing something which to thuir
unscientific ojes scorned just thu samu
is their own tarantula , they named it
iccordingly. Its true name is the
, nip-door spider so called fioin the
curious doois they build to close thu
entrance of their nests. There is onu
of thuir nests. You sou it has
ifting on a hinge , and constructed ot
lirt hold together by some mucilagi-
ions substance. It fits tightly into
hu mouth of the hole , which is a pei >
'oct circle. Do you know it pu//.lod
no greatly w hen I first came to this
coast how that long-legged thing was
o got into any of these am ill holes ,
vhich , as you see , am about
i.df an inch in diamuter.
You sco his body above is nu.uly as
aige as the holu , audit would bunec-
cssaiy to tuku oil' his legs altogether
o gut him safely insoitad in thu neat.
; thought at first that they weto un-
lowed with the power of aitictilation ,
or casting oft' their limbs , as some an
nuls do the crab , for inst.mco but
[ afterwards found out these
ito the males , and they nuver go
nto tlio holes , which aru
lusts and not houses. Thu fumalu is
v cry much smaller , and attends to all
, hat business heisclf. When she guts
: hrough with her husband she eats
lim up ImippoBC , " said Mr. Rivers ,
"with a quiet twinkle , "to sue that ho
does not go wrong aftoiw.uds. "
"How does this species differ from
, ho tiuo tarantula ? "
"Do you BCO these venomous-look-
ng nippers or mandibles which turn
downward in this spider ? Well , in the
rue tarantula those mandibles extend
out horizontally in front of the ani-
nal. That is the main difference , and
.ho mistake made by thu first comers
o thia coast was n very natural ono to
any but a trained naturalist. "
At this point the conversation bioko
off , so far as it related to thu snakes
and other reptiles of thu coast , and
; ho reporter took his leave.
Terror's Reign iu Texas
Special Dltpjtih to tlio ( Kobe ,
HOUSTON , Texas , August 25. A
mooting of 300 of the leading colored
peoplu of Galvcston yesterday , and
which called attention to thu bloody
outrages perpetrated on negroes at
Orange by an nrmod mob of white
citi/.uns , and denouncing Governor
Roberts and thu state govoinmcnt for
declining to interfere , has aroused a
still higher degree of public intuiest
in the late wholesale lynching in this
state. Tliu Galvcston Nuws is the
leading paper in Texas , and aoveral
days ago called upon the state gov
ernment to interfere and stop this
dreadful slaughter of human beings ,
who wore utterly helpless in thu
liando of a mob ; but Governor Rob-
uitB has remained uttuily silent. The
Tacts of thu wholu business aru that
Tor six years a fond baa existed between -
twoon two paities atOrango , onu com
posed of citizens of the town and its
young whitu men , and the other of
male members of two or thico loading -
ing families in the surrounding coun-
tiy the If anises and others. Chas.
Delano , the alleged 1-ador of the oppo
sition party , is a white man of 115 ,
andmairiod into thu Hums family.
Ho is a stock raisur and cattle man ,
aad hia followers , tailed by the
citi/ons of Orange _ his gang ,
include , besidoii his kinsmen ,
somu ck'ht 01 tun neginen ,
two of thorn namud Itobnrt and Sain
Saxon , mulates , and lopnted sons ol
ono of thu piomintntvhitu cili/ons ol
the vicinity , As ntaltd in thu dis
patch , liob Saxon wan hung in
Wednesday's jiot of last week , and
his brother Sam was ghot dead by a
mob last Sunday night. Lattoily
Chailes Dolano was legaidod as thu
kader of the Saxon , or negro , party ,
and Shct'ff Michael of that of the
citi/ons , and for months past a diffi
culty was oxpectod. All sorts ol
crimes have boon hiid to the chaigu
of the Saxon party , among thorn thu
robbery of thu express agent at
Orongu by two masked men , and u
short time ago thu theft of cattle , Of
course the citizens' party only waiter
for a chance at their opponents , ani
got it , but in the not last week , -whoi
Sheriff Michael was shot , it has not
been established , as stated by Michael's
party , that the Saxon party were the
first to fire on him , or that there was
un ambush of ncgroea waiting to
ussasainato the sheriff , ns claimed
Mrs. Delano , whom Sam
charged with hiring him for $500 t
burn the town , is n lady with spirii
and influence enough with her lela-
lives to stir up a movement for revenge
vongo in case her hnsbind is hum , ' , a1
has boon tin onioned by the l nchuis.
It is not believed that thu fnondso !
thu Savins will let ( hu matter rest ,
bill the leign of terror now existing
in Orange ma } ' change into a tuigu ol
assaisination. Persons who saw the
shootimr.of . thu two negio prisoners
taken funn the Orangu jail on Sunday
night , sivitwai most hoirihlo nntl
bcystly. i'lto eiies of the poor
wretches woio pitiful us they clung to
ihe knees of the ollicurs for pmtee-
lion , in thu face of a mob of Unity
men , but they w ere shot donn liku
dogs. Orange is now completely nt
ho mercy of thu mob , who hung onu
legro and shot four othois to death
without a semblance of a tiinl. Do-
ano'.M ftiemls assuit ho had not hint. ' to
lo with inciting the negroes to tno at
Shurilf Michael.
Bribing Bourn Simlcos , ruul Other
Qucor Articles of Freight.
'hllnitclphlaTiincA ,
"Odd freight ? \Voll , 1 should nay
\o have , " said U , 1 < \ Masters , 0110 o !
liu oldest clutks in tliu main ollieo o !
ho Adama express company , on Mar-
> ot sheet , ns liu twilled himsoll
uiiund on Ilia high stool mill faced nit
liquifing tupottor jeshmlar after-
mon. Mr. Maatois talks with groal
olubility , and , as ho has habit ol
Iropping many small wotds , hia con-
oiaation was decidedly jetky. "Yos ,
voslnpa httlo of ovei ) thing , from
liamonds t ) Chester w Into pigs ami
jimberg cheese. Koiniukablo tliiiifj
ibont tliat chuesu. E\ur ninoll anyi
( ich , ponutt.itinjr neil of fia rauco ,
iin'tit ? C.iso burst in ft eight njoin
ast spring. Jliulo uvury onu sick ,
'no ItUhinun died to aluivcl it up.
jinull nuaily tunu'd 'otn iusidu out.
iiot n Dutchman , icgtilar out-.iud-out
cat-a-R.UHhvioli-iii-a-ininuto nuit of u
ullovv , from Huigmyur's saloon across
he way , but liu giuo out in tun mill-
itcs. Only Ilinshcd itilli u box of
Icodoii/cr. lhoThoy ! shouhl
ch.irgo iloublo laics toalnp mich stull' , "
ind the spL'.ikur cluvatud hit nosu na
hough a of tliu diabolical aroma
till lingered in lim noBtiila.
"Two babies have como through this
illico , ono from Chicago for Now
Yoik and the other fioni Washington
o this city. Tliu mun on thia line
nadu a great fuss uhun the Chicago
oung ono was shipped. Tolngiaph
> pciatous all along the route Hunt dis-
latchus ahiMd and crouds of jteoplo
vent to the depots to see the baby.
3.1UIO all the \uiy in the o\pioss cars ,
lad u hummock liggod up. New
doa , you know , and mi'ssongoiH
bought itas a kind of a joKu , but
hey wouldn't ' like too much \\ork of
hat Kind. Haby's mother died in
Chicago , father lived in Now Yoik ;
vuighud foity-onu pounds , I believe ;
est about t\\o dolliu.s and a half to
end it tluough. i'lnladelphia baby
ame along somu time after. Both
nadu their trip lust-class , and Hoemed
0 enjoy things generally. Fed "em
on regular spoon victiulH Irom hotels
tlong the lino. Of ted have dead folks
hipped. Don't know * -why they
should send them by oxpiess the ,
Tain't likely ano one's going to walk
oil' with a corpse. Yes , a man ship
icd three Bhoit-horn caltlo clean
.hrough to Nebraska about u month
xgo. Unless ho got 'em for nothing ,
they must ha\o cost him n power of
noney when lie got them. Just
hink of .i man oxpi casing
1 whole deer caic.iss two
or three thousand miles. About an
sensible for u butchur to express iv
jccf through fioni lioro to Camdon.
L.vat fall u lunatic sent a twelve hun
dred pound block of cedar from Call-
ornia to Now York. That's nothing ,
lowovcr , for I see some onu sunt
; wenty barrels of moss pork to the
L'ottstown n.ilitary camp by express ,
and the charges amounted to over
$100. A cinnamon bear came through
TOIII Nevada by express last .January
'or the Zoological Garden. Said ho
was tame when they ulrippod him. Got
ooso near Omaha , drove every ono
nut of car , chewed up half a deer ,
-ipnod around among the freight and
liad a circus all to himself until ho
was larsoed and tied in a corner of
iho car with log chains. Oh , yes ,
they ship lots of mirrois , but the men
don't like 'em. Seven years' bad luck
Lo Hinash a looking-ghtKS , you know ,
snakes till you c.m t rest , but they
keep them in boxes. MessongmH
don't mind 'em. Now you might
think eggi aio n nice freight , but they
ain't. Moio oxpiessmen glow b.ild
on account of worrying over lusketH
of etfgs than anything T know of , "
and Mr. Masters turned from the to
porter to lecoivu a pickago of Jiyini
liookti consigned to a nnssionaiy
among the Black Hills.
Too Fastidious
Fioniu wonld'bo DyrniiH louL. mi with din-
At thuili > iuc of Kclcctrlc Oil "jwtt ; "
Jtut wu huvu tliu bent urtlclu liiiuwn tu the
world ,
Anil intend tint nil permnmitlmll know it.
It uurtx cniigliK , Loldrt , asthma nml ua
tarrli ,
ItrontliittH and ( DinpIuliitH of tlmtklnil ;
ItilocM not coft ninth , though rhuiinutlcH
it Liirca.
" 1'lx Ijcct ( Ml In the win Id jou can lind.
Too much cannot ho said of the
ever faithful wife and mother , cou
ntiiitly watching and taimg for hut ones , never neglecting a mnglo
duty in their behalf , \VJiun they uiei
assailed by disease , and the syston
sliouldhavo a thiough deaiming , the ,
stomach and bowels regulated , bloot *
pinilied , malaiial poison exteimmatod
she must know that KlcUiio liitluis
aio the only mno luiuedy. They are
the best and nuiest medicinu in tin
world , and only test fifty cunts. Boh
by IHI ! & McMahon , ( ii )
John G. Jacobs ,
( Koruiuly of ( Ihili&JuLOb , )
No. 1411 KarnhamSt , , Old bUnil of Jacob ( Hi
Oil liu , bcpt. 87 , Ibttl. )
Illili w 1111)0 actlttxl at the JUiia/cru oillc.
until SatunUy. bq.tiniVtrill , nt 112 o\loik infer
for furnUhliik' ha ) , truw , corn and outmlurln
the fair , for full Inforiiiutlun call at 1121 Mow
anlntrcU. J F. KINNKV ,
For Lloaril ul Maiantra
Dry Gooods Store in the West ( without ex
ception ) .
For the next ten days to close out Sumi
mer Goods to make room for Fall
Stock. , ,1
603 N. 16th St. , 2nd door N. ofCal. , E. Side ,
ianufactnring Company ,
Finest Siver Plated Spoons and Forks.
The only nmlfj Jtional pinto tlmt
oiigiinil linn ' . . . I
is giving for in-1
11 o g o r B Bros.
Blanco n single
All our Spoons ,
F o r k H n n d pliitod Spoon , a
KnivL-3 plutud tiipluthiokncssof
plato only IVH
of euro. Each U
the soc ti'o/
lot being hung
on n oc.alo u liilo where expo d
being plated , to to wear , Ihoroliy
insure a full deposit -
making a single
posit of Hilvoron
plated Spoon
wear as long asa
Wo would call
a triple plated
especial atton- .
tiou to
our sco-
Rival. Orient
All Orders In the West should bo Addressed to
A. B.
Wholesale Jeweler ,
Ladies' ' Suits , Cloaks Ulsters , Circulars , Etc , ,
200 Handaomo Suits , at $5.00 ; 300 Stylish vSuits. $10.00 :
76 Black Silk Suits , $17.00.
\Vo have Bovoral lots of ataplogoods which will bo offered at
All ladies should avail themselves of this great sale of
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Near Union Pacific Depot , OMAHA , NEB