f THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY AUGUST 30 , 1881. COUNCIL BLUFFS , Tlio News Budget Which It De veloped Yesterday. Opening of the Great Races at the Park To-day. Brcozy Xjittlo Notes For General Bonding 4 MASOMO The masons ot Council Blufls Imvo taken n now departure. It 1ms been unit ! that that order was the "camp ing ground of the human heart , " and now it scorns that the order here pro pose to makn it the "camping qround of the human mind. " They propose io establish for the benefit ot the order a frco library. They have al ready a fine collection of miscella neous uorks , conspicuous among them is a very nice and valuable work entitled Portraits of Illustrious Per- nonages of Great Britain , beautifully illustrated throughout in flvo vol umes. This costly work was donated 1 > y W. 0. West , of the Wabash , St. Louis it Pacific railroad. The order Bolicits those donations only from jnembers. Tin : Bui : hopes that such liberal donations will bo frequent un til the masonic library of Council Jilufl's will bo the finest in the west. THE UK-UNION. The following will bo the programme carried out at the grand re-union now faking place at Shenandoah : Salute at sunrise from Independence battery of Council Bluffs ; 8 a. in. , guard mount ; 8:30 : to 10:30 : a. in. , reception of vis itors ; 10:30 : a. in. to 2 p. in. , grand ro-union of regiments , companies and squads ; at 2:30 : p. in. speaking will begin ; at 4 p. in. there will bo n grand review of all the soldicra in camp by his excellency , Governor Gear , and other distinguished officials of the otato. After the review there will bo a drill of the several companies. At muiflct there will bo a grand dress parade. In the evening a salute will too fired from the battery. At ! ) p. m. the infantry will advance in skir mish line , assisted by the cavalry and artillery , and if there is any clmnco of taking and holding the city , ij night attack will bo inado. The day's pro gramme will conclude with the usual iatoo. HI : "nmn : IT AFOIIK. " One of Iowa's tall , hard-fisted corn- pullers from Keg crook being in Oma- lia last Saturday wont to Foropaugh's circus and took a seat near , the ele phants , when Mr. Smith announced to the audience that Mr. Foropaugh liad a standing challenge open to the world of 810,000 that the like was never scon upon the face of the earth , the man from Keg creek jumped to lib feet and remarked to the man who plays the base drum : I've never scon that man afore who's making all that loud talk , nor haint got no $10,000 to toot , but I have got a annual pass over Chapman & Vauglian's line of Hordic coaches that are running ever in Council Bluffs , and I'll go just ona- lialf of that that I seed the same thing done ever in that wido-awako town day before yesterday. HAIK-SPLITTia EXPLANATION. Tlioro is a conductor in the employ of the U. P. dummy train , who , not withstanding ho got taken in whun ho had his clothing made , knows just what the faro is from Council Binds ' and return ; fifty cents from Council Bluffs to Omaha and twenty-five cents from Omaha to Council Bluffs. Wo hoard him trying to convince a young man from this side that the diftbr- cnco in the distance was so great that they were obliged to charge the extra quarter. Wo can say from personal observation , ns the hog said when ho iitruck the chisel , that it 'was sharper than Hades , but out of place in that pen. OONE TO TIIK CAMP. Yesterday morning the city of Council Bluffs was favored with some soul stirring music from Fall McFaddpns celebrated drum corps summoning the old veterans of the war to their place of rendezvous pre vious to taking up their line of march for the Union Pacific transfer grounds , where they took tlip Cannon Ball route for their camping grounds ut Shonandoah. The line formed on Pearl street opposite the grand army headquarters und headed by the drum corps took ui ) the line of inarch to the transfer. The old veterans were in splendid condition and on account of the gleam of hope that they read in THE BKK telegrams from Washington Boomed in bettor spirits than they had boon on Sunday. TO-DAY'S I'IIOOLAMME. The following are the entries in the 2 27 class ; purse , 8500 ; Corbin Bashaw , by Wash Corbin , Chicago. Edwin B. , by Edwin Bither. Racine - cine , Wis. Business , by , W. L. Bock , Chicago. Matlio Graham , by J. A. Batchelor , Fftirmouth , by B , J , Johnson , Ores- ton , Iowa. Ethal Medium , by Mark Hopkins. St : Glair , Mich. ' Pine Leaf , by A. D. Carson , Kansas City , Mo. g Then followfaraco in the 2:50 : class ! purs8pO. ; in .which are the following ' i m tries IT * ende H , by J. B. McDonghall I , Donison , Texas. OfPWU.Joy } , by T. 0. Roberts Keyneyv Kan. Jwlc il'erogoy , by A. Hnrtnoy , Council Bluffs. by Win. Egimy. . Plnllipps Blackwood , Jr. . by "W. G. Heal , Chaunteo , Kos. Trampoline , by Kennedy Packard , lied Oak. . & Boy , by Wash McCallum , .Nebraska City. P. J. Patten , by E. Daggett , Ot- iurawa , Brown Dick , by Wndc Carry , St. Joseph. 1/idy Kern , by W. W. Aldason , Kansas City. Clifdon , by A. J , Ingcrham , Chey enne , Wy. Almont Haven , by James W. Jiib- blc , Fullerton , Nob. A CAMFOUNIAN'S OPINION. Mr. Berry , the wealthy California ! ! , nho is in the city for n few days , staying with Mr. Harrington , ono of the proprietors of tlio Polish compa ny , look n drive Sunday over the city. lie is delighted with Council Binds and her surrounding. He thinks we fail , however , in not taking n little more pains to keep pur streets clean. He says the reputation that Salt Lake City and Denver have got has come M much from the neat and tidy con dition ot the streets as from any other source. Mr. Berry says that the view that ono gets from the now street laid out by Andy Graham , along the top of the Blufls , at the now park cannot bo excelled. lie Rayc if ho lived hero , nnd ho may some time , ho uould not cease his nppoaln until this city had water works and a first-class system of drainage. Mr. Berry is one of the solid men of the country. Ho says n poor man can live ns cheaply in San .Francisco ns nnywhcre else. Board is § 3.50 per week and n man can get n meal for ton cents , lip is n staunch republican , n personal friend of .las. G. Blaine and an admirer of James A. Garfiold. When told that the state of Iowa Cast over 50,000 , majority for Gariicld , he remarked that lown uns the slate for n man to live in , Mr. Berry will start in a few days for his old homo at Gardiner , on the Kenno- bee river , in Maine. TIIK IIMTFI'H J.VnillKF. J. R. Harrington , of Hopkins , Mo. , who was on his way to attend the grand reunion nt Shouandoah , stopped over a few days in this city with his sister , Mrs. Mctcalf , who lives near the North end of Mnin street bridge. Mr. Harrington was n member of the Second lowacavnlry. The steamer gave Baylcs" park a good wetting down last Saturday evening , which made it the coolest place in the city. The city engineer , Mr. Judson , has established n grade on Mill street , be tween North Sixth and Scott streets. There is n portion of tlio sidow.ilk on the west side of North Main street left in a very dangerous condition. It should be attended to nt once. The woman who tainted on lower Broadway under such peculiar cir cumstances last circus day has since died. John Vernon , who struck the old man from Omaha with a brick Sunday , was an employe of Mr. Knopher , cigar maker on lower Main street. Thomas Hondry , of iron works fame , has just completed a contract with a mining company in Colorado for nn immense silver smelting npara- tus. The most of the machinery has been forwarded , but the furnace is still in the shop not quite finished. Burghart , the boor man , will soon erect n fine house ncnr his bottling establishment. Conrado Goiso finds that the pure crystal water from which his boer is manufactured makes a splendid card for him. Mrs. Burke , who will ride against Miss Pinnoo next Saturday , is of the opinion that Miss Lizzie Pinnoo , sister of her competitor , is the best rider of the two. For a choice , she would rather ride Miss Minnie for n purso. Look out for accidents going and coming from the races. 1 here will bo plenty of time , nnd no need of rush ing. "Uncle John" Phillips , who , by the way , can make Roino howl when lie undertakes to deliver a speech , re marked the other day , on his return from the west , that if ho had n choice between traveling west of Council Blulls and Omaha for amusement and standing on Iowa soil and blowing rice throw a goose quill , ho would select the latter by n largo majority. Mr. Barry , the iron manufacturer's agent for Council Binds , has contract ed with L. M. Tulley's , of the real es tate firm of Burnham it Tulloya , for an elegant iron fence extending along the entire front of his residence in Tulloy's gleii , with two masaivo double iron gates with uinglo gates consecu tively. Wo are informed that Mr. Tulloys intends to ornament his grounds , with n fountain and iron nnd wire summer houses nnd with iron vaaos , setters , &c. , from the same agency. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. B. Hart nnd their little daughter loft last Saturday for Cool Minnesota whore they go on quite an extended trip for health and recreation , Hon. George Carson , ox-mombor from Pottawattamio did not get eaten up by the wolves of Montana , but got homo in good health nnd can bo found on duty nt his ollico ns usual. Sunday night , about cloven o'clock , sneak thieves entered the wholesale store of Miller it Co , , on Broadway , and made away with about six do/.on pocket-knives nnd four revolvers. The thieves entered by cutting one of the side pannl windows of the front door. A young man clerking for the firm , who sloops over the store , heard n noise in the night and got up and wont to the window and listened , but hearing nothing further , retired. As yet there is no clue to the thieves , Two men from Omaha came ever to the city yesterday filled up with boor , and boliiL' n little too full were obliged to get rid of it. So they repaired to Bayless' park. Ofllcor Cusick this ovoning.knowing what they had done , arrested the men. They were taken before Judge Burke , who fined them " ' . .50 each. Harry Inman bought a splendid stopper a short time ago , and has boon trying him on the streets of the city. Sunday , however , ho was overhauled by the police nnd arrested for fast driving. His coso was continued un til 1 o'clock , September 5 , Mrs. 0. E. Stout nnd daughtor.who have boononan extended tour throuhg Montana , visiting Helena , Jedorson City , and Salt Lake City , Utah , have returned homo , feeling very much im proved for the journey , St. Patrick's Benevolent association will give a grand festival at Dohony's opera house , Wednesday evening , Au gust 31. Pretty dry at ' up Judge Burko's | court yesterday , Vonion who struck : the Omahn man on the head with a brick had hii trial nnd was fined 68.-15 , including costs. The man McGrawfrom Omaha whoM winked into a naloon by the gay and festive Miss Mnitlnnd-niul returned the favjr by stealing her watch and chain , was sent to Perry Reel to bo fed nt the expense of the county for thirty days. The young colored boy who stole the watch nt the Driving park went to Mrs. Davis , the woman who keeps the three ball house on upper Broadway , to make a raise on the lime piece. Mrs. Davis was put on her guard and left the store < vith the watch , inform ing the lad she vould make inquiry in regard to its value. She went , how ever , directly to Chief Field , nnd de livering him the wntch , they both re turned to her shop , but the colored boy had skipped. There was n slight altercation on lower Broadway , yesterday , between two colored men. There was some loud talk but no hair pulled. Tim Toner appeared at police headl quarters yesterday and demanded trial. JIo says there is mil n word of truth in all he is accused of. His po- liceman's uniform ( its him butlter litl than any alloy gull's in the city , and that the council have no right to dis miss him without giving him n chance to < defend himself. The Iind League meeting that waste jl come off in St. Joseph's academy Sunday afternoon was postponed until nex * Sunday evening , when M. G. Gridln will speak , taking as bis sub ject , "Ireland's sufferings. " Mace Wise has disposed of all bis old horses nnd buggies and purchased now ones in their stead. Mr. Wise proposes to .keep pace with the titnos. Harry James , who keeps n grocery store on the corner of Mnin street nnd Willow avenue is ns busy as any man in the city. Some of his customers live quite a distance from the store and ho keeps his team running about all the time. Mrs. Henry Dale and her daugh ter Mamie have recently returned homo from nn extended pleasure trip to Hnrrisburg , Penn. During their absence they have visited anumberof places in the Allegheny mountains. Mrs. D.ilo says the atmosphere in Pcnnsylvnnia is very much different from that here in that it is cooler and harder to breathe. A person could hardly exist there if i' was ns hot as we have it here in the Blufls. Mrs. 0. Brown nnd daughter of Pclatumn , California , is in the city on n visit to her sister , Mrs. A. R. Hnughton. Saturday last was n field day for all our wholesale grocers. Stewart Brothers , Gronoweg it Schoontgcn nnd James Brewstor did nn unusually largo business. There is no question that Council Bluffs as a shipping point for fust hands it growing in' favor each year , and it will not bo many yenrs until some of our wholesale gro cery houses will bo accounted itmong the first in the west. The Nonpareil issued an extra pa per yesterday morning ; for the pur pose of giving their patrons the very latest news from Washington. It was quite a busy day at the driv ing park yesterday. A great many thought it was the opening ot the grand races. II. Eiesoman said the whirl and bustle reminded him of the Chicago trotting park. Attend the races to-day. Those who wish to secure n scat on the grand stand , whore they will bo more com fortable , should go early. Visible Improvement- Mr. Noah Dates , Khnirn , K. Y. , writcx ; "About four ycarx n o 1 had an attack of billion * fever , and never fully recovered. My digestive organi were weakened , ami I would bo completely prostrated for days. After usinff two bottles of your BunnoCK BLOOD Dirri'iiH the improvement wnx HO vieiblo that 1 was astonished. 1 can now , thonijh (11 ( yearn of nyc , do n fair and rea- Hunablo day's work. " 1'rico $1.00 , trial BZO 10 ccnti. eodlw An Outlaw Who Wouldn't Dlo. (1rcoiitIlloN , C. ) Spatial. Lewis 11. Redmond , the notorious mountaineer and outlaw , was to-day pronounced by his physicians a well man. The fact is at thh tinio of spe cial interest , ns Redmondvns two months ago u target for six riflo- inen , and six bullets wore lodged in his body. Ono of them took exactly the course ascribed to Guitoau's bul let , and yet , shut up in n miserable jail , with unskilled nursing and under the care of obscure country physicians , the outlaw stands to-day , with the rod glow of health on his checks. Ho was at the time of his encounter with the revenue posse about the same built und two pounds less in weight than the president. Ho is reported to have said : "Jnmcs A. Oarfiold , president of the United States , was tired at by n single assassin nnd struck by n single pistol bullet , ten derly cared for. ministered to by the most celebrated masters of surgery , and scientifically nursed every mo ment. Ho lies hovering between life and death ; and , while I live to go to Albany prison , the man who is needed and prayed for to govern 50,000,000 of people will probably die. " You Can't Afford To bo without Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Curo. augtiOcodlw Cared of Drinking , "A young friend of mine was cured of nu insatiable thirst for liquor , which had so prostrated hint that ho was unable to do any business , Ho was entirely cured by the use of Hop Bitters. It allayed all that burning thirst ; took away the appetite for liquor ; madp his nerves steady , and ho has remained n sober and steady man for more than two years , and has no desire to return to his cups ; I know a number of others that liavo boon cured oLdrinking by it. " From a lending R. t. official , Chicago , 111. [ Times. augl5-sopl Bucklln'i Arnica Solve. The best salvo in the world for outs , bruise * , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , totter , chapped hands , chillblainsj corns and all kinds of skin eruptions. This salve is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Price , 25o per box. For sale by Ian & McMAiioK , Omaha. rr DON'T DIB IN THE HOUSE. Ask druggists for "Rough on RaU. " It clears out rats , mice , bed-bugs , roaches , Vonuin , flics , ants Insects. 116c per box (3) ( ) Malaria Is nn Uniccn , Vaporous I'olwm , oprcndlnic nwwe ami < lc.ith In tunny lo- ( Milieu ( , for whlthq Milne 1'no Rtnulno antidote , lint i for tht ) iflticttuf which llmttttcr's stomach Hitter * Is not onh n thorough rcmcily , but a ri-llnlilu jircenth ( To tliU tict UicroUnn oicr- wlicliiiinif ntniy of tuthnomcUomllnir oicr a Iwrlml of thirty JMM All disorders of tholhcr , Htntnach ] ami bowiUaro ftlso totiUc.icil | liy the Hitter * . til'1'or Kilo by nil UnijrslsU and Dealers gen- crnllv BITTERS PURELY VEGETABLEHfL * Mothers , Wives , Daughters , Sons , Fathers , Ministers , Teachers , Dullness Men , Farm ers , Mechanics. ALL should bo warned against using ami Introducing Into their HOMES Nos trums nnd Alcoholic remedies. IIa\o no such prcjudlio n aliiHt , or fear of "Warner's Safe Tonic Bitters. " The } are what they aroelalmod to ho Innnlcm as milk , and contain only mcdl- rlnullrtues. . i\tr.ict : of pure \ u ctaldcs only. They do not hcloiiK to that class known as "Cure- Alls , " lint only profess to read i eases hero the ril9e.i c orlfc'InatoH In debilitated frames and im pure. Mood. A pirfttt Spring and Summer medicine. A Thorough Dlood Purifier. A Tonic Appe tizer. Pleasant to the taste , IntlKoratlng to the body. Tlio most eminent phjiilciaiis recommend them for thtlr curatlxu properties. Once used nlttajs preferred. For the Kidneys , Liver and Urinary organs , use nothing "WARNER'S SAFE KIDNEY nnd LIVER CURE. " It stands Unrivalled. Thous- nmls o o their health and happiness to It. 1'rlce , 01.25 per bottle. We offer "Warner's Safe Tonic lllttera" Itli equal confidence. H. H. WARNER , Rochester , N. Y. folC-tu-th-sat-lv _ _ . PROPOSALS FOR COAL- OjKICKOFCin'Cl.MlK , ) OMAHA , Aug. 18 , IBal. I Scaled pioposala n III bo rccch cd by the under- BlfiHcd for t\t o \ \ ceks from the date hereof , Thurs day , September 1st , 1881 , 12 o'clock noon , for furnishing hard and soft coal for the use of the city ollleca and flro department , from this date until August 18 , A. I ) . 1832. Scaled bid s or proposals shall stnto the price for such coal dclhcrcdhcro ordered , and shall name s ld prlco ulthout respect to any dcflnito amount of coal. The right Is rescned to reject any and all bids. Em clones containing said pro posals tdi.ijl bo marked "Proposals for Coal , " and dellxcrcd to the undersigned not later than the time alxno specified , J , J. L. C. JEWETT , aul8-lt4plbal In2w City Clerk. WAR IN PASSENGER RATES ! ISItOS. . llrokcrs In all Railroad Tickets , Omaha , Neb. , offer Tickets to the East , until further notice , at the following unheard of Low Hates : Chicago , IO ; Hound Trip , $19.00 , These are limited Mrst-Class Tickets and good for return through the j car , and \ la the Old Reliable Chicago cage , lliirllngton & Qulncy llailroad. Also , ono ay to Ut class. 2d class , Now York , ? .M 00. 22 00. Ilokton , 27 00. 81 00. Philadelphia. 23 CO. 22 00. Washington , P. C. , 1060. 1000. For particulars , urltoorgo direct to IIOHUIE ItUOH , , Dealers In Itcduccd Hate Itallroad and Steamship TiekeU. 809 Tenth Ht. , Omaha , Neb. Ikmcmber the place Thrto Doors North of Union Tactile Itallroad Depot , l xst Kldo of Tenth Street. Omaha , August 1 , IBS I , au2Sdawim EDWARD KUEHL , MAHSTiit : OK PALMYSTEUY ANI ) CONDI TIO.VALIHT , 41)3 Tenth StructLctwcei Farnham and Haincy. Will , \\lth the aid of guardian spirits , obtain for any ono a glance at tliu past and present , and on certain conditions In the fu ture. Hoots ami Shoes nuulo to order. 1'crfcct satisfaction guarantied. I inn Agent tor COUJJIH1A , .imlOTTOHICyCLKS. ScnJ tliruo cent btainp forUataloguc and price lift containing full Information. K , I. D , SOLOMON , Faiuts.Olls and Glas OMAHA. NKU ETRON Rr.ra , BYRON REED & CO. lOLDSKT r-STAULlHMKl ) Real Estate Agency IN NEI1IIASKA1 Keep a complete abstract of tltlo to all Heal Estate In Omaha and Douzlis rountv. matf PAPER WAREHOUSE. GRAHAM PAPER GO. 217 aud 219 North Main St , St. Lo'is , WI10LU1LH DIUtlAH IK HOOK , i DADCDC J WRITING ; NEWS , f FArtnO IwuAmKa , ENVELOPES , CAHU BOAUD AND Printers Stock. < 3TCuh paid for ROE * M J P pcr Stock , Scrip Iron and Metals. Paper Stock Wtrehouie * 1420 to 1227 , North Sixth stn t. To Nervous Sufterers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific It U k po"Uocure | for Spcrmatorrheo , Seralna WeoVnew , liapotancy , and all dlnoatci resulting from Kilt-Abuse , at Mental Anxiety , Loam Memory , Palm In the Hick or Side , and dUcaect - that lead to Consumption Inanity and carlygnue The Specific UcdUlne li bein used nltbuondcr- tulcucceaa. J'jniphlctt tent free to all Write ( or them and get full jni- ticuUn. Price , Specific , 11.00 per package , or lx pick- age * tot JS.OO. AddntM all ordera to B. SIMSON MEDICINE OO. No * . 1M and IDA Ualn SL Ituflalo , N. T. Bold in Ouuha by a F. Goodman , J , W. IM1 , , J , K lib , and all dru gliUet cry where. - AND STILL THE LION CONTINUES TO Roar for Moores ( ) Harness AND Saddlery. I ha\o adopted the Won ta a Trade Maik , ixnd all my poods lll bo STAMPKI ) with the LION anil my NAMII on the tamo. NO HOODS ARK OKNUI.Ni : WITHOUT TI1U AI1OVE smil'S. The licst matcHtil Is u cd anil the tnmt skillet' workmen are employed , ami nt the lowest cast price. An ) ono lsliln > { a price-list of good will confer a fi\or by Bending for one. DAVID SMITH MOORE. To Contractor * ! , Bniltlon unit Property Owners. Tlio imdcisl/ncd liatlngliccn appointed ftiont for the cvtcnsUu Iron anduira manufacturing house * of K. T. Itanium , of Detroit , ami the litiwcl Iron Foundry and Works at Toledo , Ohio , capacity of M ) tons dally , I * prqmrcd to furnlidicitlmites and prices for Iron lohiinns , &c. , Ac. , for store frontx , window inp < and sllli , threshold platen , wrought Iron lieixnu and tflrd- trs , lijdr.uillc cunatorK , staple fittings , ] tmllcja , Hhnfllnfr , &c. ; nl.'O Iron fences , tripling , win * dowlTifuarils , shutters , stair * , balconies , tittic * , thilisnscs , ndnnrlmni , fountain * , summer lioii'cs , lawn , garden and cemetery ornaments , Honor stand * , praic Kinrdi , &c. , &c. . In endless tarlcty. Catalogues supplied on application. HLNHY II. ilAUKY , Manufacturers' Agent , 22 I'carl street. auglO-lin.iiio Council Hluffj , Iowa DISEASES -OF THE- EYE & EAR DR. L. B. GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist , LATE CLINICAL ASSISTANT IN ROYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. Hcfcreni.es all Itcputnblc I'lijalclnns of Omaha. tf3"OlTce ! , Corner IBth and Fornham Sts. , Omaha , Neb. auZftmctf The Oldest tJstablished BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. Caldwell , Hamilton & Co. transected saino as that of an Incor poratcd uank , Accounts kept In currency or gold subject tc nil-lit check without notice Certificates of deposit trautd payable In three six and tuclvo months , bearing Interest , or o- demand v , Ithout Intcrcet Adi ancca made to customers on approi cd sccu rltiea at market rates of Interest. liny and sell gold , bills of exchange , govern mcni , state , county and city bonds. Draw sight draft ) on England , Ireland , Scot Und , and all parts of Europe , Sell European passage tickets. COLLECTIONS HIOM1TLY MADK. Mli'ldt United States Depository , NationalBank - Of OUAHA. - Oor. 13th and Farnara Sts. OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT I OUAHA. 8UCOE880R8 TO KOUNTZE DROTHER8 STABU111RD 1860. Organized a a National Bonk August 20 , 1S63 , CAPITAL AND PROFITS OVER 300,00i , OrTlCEKS AND DIKICTOU t HiRUin KOUNTII , President. ' NTi" . Vice Prcaldenl. II. W. YATW , Cashier. A. J. 1'OPH.rro.v , Attorney , JOUN A. CBKIUUTOM. F. II. DATIB , AtBt. Cathie : This bank recdtca dtpoglti without regard to amounts. Iwucs time certificates bearing Interest Draws drafts on San KroncUco and principal cities ot the United States , also London. Dublin Edinburgh ad the principal cities ol tntconti ncnt of Europe. Soils passenger tkkets ( or emigrants by the I man Una _ mavldtf ; os. B. CLiRuoa , i. a. nvsn , Clarkson & Hunt , Successors to Richards k Hunt , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAWi B. UthSUett. Om ba Neb. I DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS , HOTELS. PROPRIETORS. TOWXS. AflAPAHOE HOUSE , L. CLUTE , Arapahoe , Neb COMMERCIAL HOUSE , T. M. STONE , ' Orleans , Neb HOLLAND HOUSE , OEO. D. HOLLAND , Red Cloud , Neb , WILDER HOURE1 THOMPSON REED , Wllbcr , Neb. DLUE VALLEY HOUSE , R. DAVIS , De Witt , Neb. REYNOLDS HOUSE , Z. C. ROOKHOLD , Wymorc , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , T.MUNHALL , Dloomlneton , Neb. QACE HOUSE , A. R. CAGE , Republican CityNeb. COMMERCIALHOTEL , G. D. OORDEN , Alma , Neb , SUPERIOR HOUSE , 8. TIMMERMAN , Superior , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , A. 0. CAARPER , Hardy , Neb. WESTERN HOUSE , E. FUNKHOUSER , Chester , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , DR. W. W. JONES , Dlue Springs , Neb- * PACIFIC HOTEL , W. P. REN8HAW , , Dcatrlcc , Neb , GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL , E. D. COTTRELL , Nebraska City , Neb. SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & DECKER , Crcston , la. JUDKINS HOUSE , JUDKINS &DRO. , Red Oak , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , WM. LUTTON. Vllllsca. la. PARK HOTEL , W. J. GARVIN , Corning , In. DURKE'B HOTEL , E. R. DURKE , Carroll , la. HEAD HOUSE , JOS. SHAW A CO. , Jefferson , 'a. ' CHENEY'S UNION HOTEL , CHENEY BROS. , Mo. Valley June. , la , NEOLA HOTEL , F. SIEVERTZ , Neola , la. CENTRAL HOUSE , 8. P. ANDERSON , Malvcrn , la. EMERSON HOUSE , A. L. 8HELDON , Emerson , la. CROMWELL HOUSE , MRS. R. COCHRAN , Cromwell , I . BEATKICE BRANCH B. it M. 11. 11 3XT3E333. EDWARDS it 1JAKE11 . Bankers and Lumber Dealers. T. CASTOR . General Mcrchandiso- , T. B. EDSON . General Merchandise COONEN it SIMPSON . Clothing and Furnishing Goods W. S. CHMELIR . Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Gooda E. W. DIX . Builder and Contractor WARNECKE it TIIAYER . . . Cigar Manufactory HENRY CLARK . . . . . .Grain Dealer J. II. JAMES . Farm Machinery F. J. SADILEK . Saddles and Harness THOMPSON REED . Wilbor House M. B. HOKUFF . . . Two Billiard Halls DAVIS & CASTOR . Collections , Insurance and Real Estate- THE OPPOSITION . Weekly SUPERIOR OTHERS In Convenience , DURABILITY , ECONOMY AND- GENERAL CONSTRUCTION , THE SOLD BY Lang & Fotick. Choice Cigars ! Can 1)0 obtained nt KUHN & CO.'S by the box for Less Money than at any wholesale tobacco house , for the reason they soil cigars in connection with their drug business , without any expense to the Cigars. TRY THEM. , All Cigars not satisfactory exchanged or money refunded. A fine lOc Cigar , long Havana filler , 5 for 25c. Never has there been any Cigar in Omaha equal to them for the money. PINE KEY WEST CIGARS , From § G.25"per hundred up. "Atlantic" bestlOc Cigar in City Tobacco from 25c. per pound upwards. Pipes from 25c. per dozen upwards. Cigarsfrom $15.00r 1,000 upwards. Omaha , A PflT A sfTT Collins , Cheyenne , * \JJJI A\JXL.9 Colorado Spring and Summer CLOTHING ! ! LATE AND NOBBY STYLES FOR MEM , BOYS AND CHILDREN. Hats , Gaps , Trunks , Valises. IN THE LATEST STYLES , Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit all I 1322 FARNHAM STREET , NEAR FOURTEENTH ,