FINANCE AND COMMERCE. .FINANCIAL MONF.V AND STOCKS. NEW YORK. August 20. Money closed at 5 per cent. Hxohange clo.-ed steady at 4 S0i@ I 84. Government * closed firm. Currency f ! < , 180 bidj 4 , coup. , 1 152 ; 4J * do , 1 14 ; "ii continued nt 1 Oil fis do , 1 01J. Pacific railroad bonds closed as follows : Union Ms , 1 l'f18 : land grants , 1 10 @ 110J : sinking funds 1 L'Sfn 1 20 ; Cen trals , i 14@115. STOCKS. The stock market to-day was strong .and advancing throughout. There was a gooddcmaml , and price * a'lvanceil sharply. Several reactions in the coutvc of the day took place , but at the close the prices gen erally shoued an iilvance as compared with yesterday's close of i ( 13 per cent. The following are the closing buli : -\VUTol 883 Krlo 43J -Adam * Kxp. . . . 138 Preferred. . . . 84i .American Kxp. 83 H. &St..r 04 "U. S ( ! 7 Iron Moiintnin.113. WF Kxp 123 K it T 40 C U& Q 151 L.S . 123 O U C & . I. . . 21 Northwestern. .12ft NY 0 It2 Preferred. . . .N , T C 08 ; Pacific Mail. . . nil Central. . . . 12 ! ) Hock Island. . . Mich Cent. . . . < Jt San Francisco. 43 N rthPac. . . . S'.IJ ' do preferred. 70 Preferred. . . 7 J " UP 122 } Preferred. . . . 103 Central Pacific S1 Wabash . 48 A& TH ? do jircferrcd . . 85 Preferred 03 StP. . 115 O ft A 120 Preferred. . . . 180 D& Itlo 0. . . . 8S' { CHICAGO MONEY MARKF.T. nillCAOO , August 29. The demand for money to-day was act he , but the banks shouldered all the A 1 pancr presented at 0@7 l > er cent. Kx- change between city banks was weak nt SI 00 discount per 81,000. Money was "offered from Now York. The clearing * of the associated b.inku were SM.000,000. A large amount of circulating medium win required to fill orders for the farming dis tricts. Omalia Wholesale Marlcot- OmcKoi-TiiK.OMAHA HKK , \ Monday livening , August 29. / Grainjnarket weaker than it has been for some days. Wheat unchanged. Hurley dropped several cents. Corn , a frac'ion lower. Oats , lie lower. Ityc , firm and advanced Ic , Live stock , not so firm as uhown by Saturday's reports , but thu market was not weak enough to materially change the prices last quoted. Provisions wcro rather dull , with a few exceptions. Potatoes were reported rather scarce again , but prices unchanged * Onions , scarce and lOo per bushel higher , and consignments solicited by commission hoifses. Water melons to-day were a drug on the market , arriving in large quantities by the car load and brought in by our farmers ; the supply greatly exceeds the demand , and it is hard to quote a correct figure for them , -ai commission men report them unsaleable -at any price , Grapes , not so active as latt week ; quotations , however , remain the name. Local Uraln Dealings. vmnivT. Car lots , cash No. 2 , 118 : cash No. tf , 07 : rejected 67 < - . HAULBY. Cash No 2 , 87c ; No. 3 , fiOc. RYE. Cash. OOc. COIIN. Cash No. 2 , 47gc. OATS. Cash. 2Ce. For wagon lots , 5@10c off for , Tiarley atul rye. Livestock. Cattle Wo quote as follows : Butch er's cows , S3 00a ( " 3 25 ; choice butchers steers , $3 75@ I 00" . Sheep Good mutton in fair demand. $3 503 ; 75. Hogs ) Wo quote as follows ; Light packers , S5 00@5 75 ; medium mixed packcn , S3 ftO&jJi 75 ; extra choice heavv , $5 75@C 00. previsions. , f FLOUK Spring wlicat , straight grade , ? 325@350 ; patent , S3 75 © 150 ; winter wheat straight grade , S3 75@4 00 ; patent , $4 00@150 ; graham rye , S2 60 ; Wheat , "RYE FLOUR S3 25. MILLSTUFFS Bran , per cwt. 70c ; screenings , per cwt. 70@80c ; shorts , per cwt. 80c ; chopped feed , per cwt. 100 ; meal bolted , yellow , 1 15 ; white , SI 25. POTATOES Good supply at SI 00 ® 110 per bushel. POULTRY Live chickens per dozen , 32 25@3 00. PRAIRIE CHICKENS $2 60@3 00 per dozen. KGGS-Candlcd , 12jc. HUTTER Choice , 1C@18 ; poor , no mar. ket ; creamery , 25c. APPLES Good , bound , S3 50 per . bbl. bbl.HONEY HONEY Extracted , fint-class Calif , oruia btrained , 15c ; Nebraska comb , 20c. LEMONS Good repacked per box , 9 00@9 50. EASTERN PEACHES Dull ; SI 25 © 50 per box. EASTERN PEARS i bu. box , $1 00 < 3 > 1 25. TOMATOES Per bushel , 8100. DOMESTIC GRAPES Dull at 5o per Ib. CALIFORNIA PEARS Per box , 8375 ( g)4 ) 00. CALIFORNIA PLUMS S3 50. CALIFORNIA PEAOHUS 82 75. CALIFORNIA GRAPES 8250 WATERMELONS Per 100 , S10 0@ VKGETABLES-A11 kinds bring good prices. BEESWAX Yellow , 18@20c. ONIONS-Pcr bushel. 8135. Grocers List. COFFEE. Rio , lair. 13Jc : Rio , good , I4c ; Rio , prime to choice , f Uc ; Old gov't Juva ; 2A@28Jc ( ! , Mocha , 28ic ; ArbuckleV , goort , 45@"i5c ; SUGARS. Cut loaf , IJJo ; Crushed , lljc ; Granulated , 10'/c / ; Powdered , lljo 1'lne powdered , llJc ; ; Standui-d Coffee A , c ; New York Confcctioiier'fl Standard A , 10.Jc ; fioud A , lOc ; Prahis Extra ; C , SPICES. Pepper , 20 ; ' AllbjiiceJOc ; tlovoi ! < , 15c ; Nutme''s , 31 00'Ca > iu , ' 25o ; Mace 3101) . SODA. D wight's Ib papers , S3 00 ; ] ) u. land ( In , ? 3 00 ; Church's , S3 00 ; Keg 4oda , STAllCH. Pearl , 3c ; Silver Gloss , 7'7 @ 8o ; Coni Starch , 8 4f&8Jc ! ; Excelsior GJois. Cjo ; Com , 7c. SALT. Dwy loads , per bbl , 190 ; Ash- tonf In Sivcko , 350 ; bblg dairy ( X ) , 5n , 345 ; bbls dairy , 100 , 3 * . 3 C.5. DRIED FRUITS-Choice halves , peache , new croj , , OJo ; Evaporated A nple- , M Ib LOXCJ , 13/14c / ; Michigan , 8Jc ; New York opple ,8JcSt.Loun ; ! No.ljc : Primes , 'old , Cc ; new , SJc ; Currants , 7@74c : Blackberries , . , , new . . , lOo rin l. ui i .ii ti irt 1 85 WOOUENWARE-Two ; three hoop paiU , 2 10 ; No. hoop I pailf tubs , , 9 00 ; Nu 2 tubs , . 8 00 ; No. 3 tubs , 7 00 pioneer washboards , 1 B5 ; Double Crown * " > J a 75 Globe ' ; Washlward,250 ; Wellbucket * . , c ha n , and 5 ply , 20121i ; Colored cariKt chain , t > er Ib , 20 ; LEAU-Hor , SI 03. .MATCIIES-Per caddie , 85c ; round cases , 87.35 ; wjuare cases , 31.00. PROVISIONS-Breakfaat bacon. 12t. choice lard. 13Jc ; dried beef , 14c ; should- tTL.-JiS : . . Alii trs , cawosscd 8Je ; hams , cawassed 14 , ; bacon , sides 11 If NiWPICklKS ; Medium , In barrel. , S7 00 ; do in half bbls 4 25 ; smallIn lbN , 1200 ; do , in half bbls 050 : gherkins in bbls. 13 00 ; do , lu half bbls , 7 00. VINKGARPure _ appio extra , 1C * ; pure apple , 13c : Pnis ini pure apple , 15c , HOMIN V-New , S3 SO per bbl. BEANS Medium , h.imt picked S3.CO per bnslicl , KOPI- ; Sisal , J Inch and larger , Ojc3 ; Inch , 07c : } Inch , lOjc. SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 300 ; Kirk's sterling. 2 40 ; Kirk's standard , F " Kirk's white Kussian , I 75 : Kirk's Ktiloox , 2 03 : Kirk's Prairie tjueen , (100 ( calces ) , 3 40 : KlrkV magnolia , 4 10. CANDLES Hove-s 40 Ibs , 10 oz , 8s 1 Icjboxes 40 Ibs. , 1(5 ( oz. , ( is. Uc ; boxes , 40 sets tl ox. , 8s 131e ; half boxes , 20 sets , 14 oz. , 8s , lite. LY 1C American , 3 33 ; Greenwich , S .T. : Western , 2 75 ; North St.\r , 2 50 ; licwis' lye , 4 GO ; Jawell lye , 275. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 dox. , In case , 3 3 * > ; Babbitt's Hall , 2 doz. ill t-a 1 00 ; Anchor H.all 2 doz in PASO , 1 50. FIELD SEED Red cloAer. choice , new , 85 oO per bushel ; mammoth cloier , new , S3 75 ; white clover , now , Sit 00 -il alfa clover , new , S12 50 ; alsike , new , SI3 00. Timothy , good , new , $2 50@2 05 ; blue grass , extra clean , SI 23 : blue grass , clean , SI IB ; orchard grass , § 2 00 ; red top , choice , 05c ; millet , common or Missouri , SI 23 ; millet , German , SI 23 ; to SI 50 ; Hungarian , SI 15. HEUGESEEl-OsaRo orange , 1 to 5 bushels , S3 00 : osage orange , 10 bushels or over , SI 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 33c ; per 100 Ibs. . S25 00. FtSH-Famlly white fish , 00 Ib hf bbls , S3 GO ; No. 1 white fish , 00 Ib hf bbls 0 30 ; No. 1 white fish , in 10 lit kits , 1 00 ; family 10 Ib kits , 75c ; New Holland herring , per keg , 1 20 ; Russian sardines , 75c ; Colin"- bin river salmonper lOOlbs , 8 00 ; George's Hank codfish , ( ic ; Gen. boneless codfish ; 8Jc ; boneless fish , 4Jc. MACKEREIHalthblsmcssmackcrel , 100 Ibs , 812 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore doj 100 Ibs , 0 00 ; hf bbls fat family , do , 10O Ibs , It 85 ; mess macUei-el , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 ; No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 : No. 1 shore , 12 ) b do , 1 00at : family , 10 Ib do , 75c. CANNED GOODS-Oysters , 2 lit ( Field's ) , per ewe , SI 20 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) , per case , 2 f > 0 ; do 2 lbStamUrd % ( ) , per case , . . . . . III , | U1 llll/.Vll , 1. U i IH * " , I'C * \/fcv 2 50. Sardine. " , small f h , imported , _ one. quarter boxes per box , 14ic ; American , ( piartcr boxes per bov , He ; do half IHJXCS , per IKJX , 2Uc. Ijolwtent , 1 Ib per dozen , 180. Tomatoes , 210 ; do 3 Ib per case , 260 ; Com , 2 Ib ( Mountain ) iier cose , 3 40 ; soaked corn , 100 ; do 2 ll > ( Yarmouth ) , Per ca e , 350 ; string beans , per ca e , 1 00 ; Lima beans per case. U 00. Succotash per case , 2 10. Peas , common , imr cose , 1 75 ; peas , choice , per case , 4 50. Ulackberrics , 2 Ib , per case , 250 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per cose , 3 70 : raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 753 00. Damsons , 2 Ib , per case , 2 25. liartlctt iieara per cose , 3 Oo@4 . 00. Whortlcber * * itVAl * .1 11 . . . . Apples , 2 ' " 3 G05 20. Peaches , 2"lb per case , 3 10 : do 3 Il > , case , 5 00(3)5 ( ) 50 ; do , ( pic ) , 3 Ib , per oase,323 ; do pie , (5 ( Ib , per dozen , 3 50. RICE Carolina , G74c ; Louisiana , fij PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten- ncssce , S.J.c per Ib ; fancy white , Oc per Ib ; raw white Virginia , 7@7ic. Dr Goods. BROWN COTTONS. Liwrcnce LL , OJc : Buckeye LL G\c ; Crescent LL OJc ; Utic.i C 5c } ; Crescelit C 7jc ; Crescent H 7i'c ; Cre > cent A Sc ; Waclm cUs 8.c ] ; Indian Head 8Jc ; Granitevillo LL ( Vc ) : Bailger HR , fine brown , 71c ; Badger X , do , 7c'PorUmouth ; P , do , 5jc ; Winthrop L , do , 7Jc ; Continental C , do , 8c. BLEACHED COTTONS Wamsutti 1-1 13e ; Fruit 4-1 10Hope \ ; 1-4 8.\c \ ; H.xllardvalo 4-1 itfc ; Pocassett Cf 4-4 8Jc ; Altoona 3-1 Oc ; Lonsdale No. 1 , cambric 13c ; No. 2 , do , 12Jc ; New York Mills 4-113c ; Lonsdale 4-4 lOc ; Fairmont Q 1-4 ( He Auburn A 1-4 8Jc ; Baniard 3 Oc ; Dairy Cloth 5ic , INTS. Allen's fancy , Cic ; Amcri- do , O..c ; Arnold's do , 7c ; Conestoga do , Cc ; Duhnell do , OJc ; Eddystone do ; O.\c ; Gloucester do , O ' c ; Hajnilton , C\c ? Harmony , 5ic ; Haitel.O'icj Knickerbocker , 0\c ; Manchester , 7c ; Pacific , 7c ; Spraguc ; Ojc ; Soiitbbridge,04c ; Mystic , G\c \ ; Herri- mack shirtings , Oc ; Sprague do , 0 0 , . Sontlibriilgo do , GJc ; llegatta do , Cochico robe , 7c ; Freeman robe , ( HI ; Hamilton do , 7c ; Marlboro do , Oc ; South- bridge do. Olc ; Spraguedo , OJo ; American , do Pacific do Washington oil : , OJc ; , 7c ; colors , Oc ; Simpson's mourning , 7c ; Simp son's solid black , OJc ; Berlin solid colors.Oc. CAMBRICS , FLAT Glazed , 5ic ; high colors. OJc ; kid hni h , Cc ; high colors - ors , 7c ; rolled , 7c : high colors , 8c. CORSET JEANS Rockport , Sc ; Naumkeag satteen , Oc ; Androscoggin do. , ! tc ; Ixxkwood do. Oc TICKING Amoskeag. A. C. A. , 17ic ; Concwtoga , B. F. , I , fancy , 18c : Cones , toga , 4-4 , Gold Medal , IGc ; Conestoga , J , 0. 0. A. , 14c ; Conestoga , C , C , A. , fancy , Uc ; Easton , B. , OJc ; Omego superior ex. tra , 28c ; Omega medal , 25c ; Omega A C A , fancy stripe , 20c ; Omega A 4-1 , IGc , Omega AJ,13ConestogaR.C.RedStripe ! ; , ICic ; Shetucket , S. , lUc " ; Shetucket , S. S. , 12Jc ; Pearl River , 17"io ; Hamilton , D. , 11 * ; Hamilton regular , 13 ; Hamilton H. , lite ; Coitlis , B. B. , 9\c " ; Cordis A C. E. , ISc ; Albany S. A. X.17Jc. OIL CLOTH 5-4 wood , S3 00 ; 5-4 saic , S3 00 ; ( i-1 mosaic , § 4 00. DEXINS Amoskeag blue and brown , IGc ; Henver Creek , A. A. , blue and brown , 14ic ; Beaver Creek , B. B.bluo andlirown , 13Jc ; Beaver Creek , C. C. , bliio and brown , 12io ; Everett D. I ) . , blue and brown , lor Haymakers blue and brown , We ; Otis , A. X. A. , blue , l-ljc ; Otis B. B. blue , 13i ; Otis C. 0. , blue , 124c ; Pearl River blue and brown , 15Ac. DUCKS-Fall Ilivcr , 11 ; Hamden O. O. , lOAc " ; Uo. < t < pii cheeky , 13Jc ; Itonton stiipes"l3ic ; Inndeei tripes , 18c ; trir H.'bro. , lOJc. STRIPES Lewiston , 3x3 blue nnd b own , 8'c ' ; Lcwi tonK3 ( bluu and brown , fUe ' ; Roctc River , 0x3 blue nnd brown , 1'Jcj A'lbbama , 0x3 lilua and brown , HJc. COTTON AD ES-LewUton dinmoiAl , 27Jc ; A. Y. A. , 2lic ; Angora , I ) , , t T. , 20e ; New Yoik mills proof , 22ic ; JJridgowater , 20c ; E > erett , heavy , 22lc ; Whittent n , heavy , 2. " > c ; Hell , 18c ; Clurtcr Oak , 18c ; Wicklov,18Ac ) ; Union Pacific , 18o ; Capitol , Ifie ; Kanneru 21c ; Everett , medium , 15e ; York , light weight , ISJc ; New York mills checks 10 SHEETINGS Androscoggin.O-1 brown 23o ; do 10-1 do , 2 < 5c ; Peppcrell's 9-4 brown. 25c ; do 10-1 do , 274c ; Alcxamliia , 10 inch , bleached , 13c ; Andioscog in 0-4 , bleached , 20c ; ilo 10-1 , bleached , 20o ; PcppereJL. , ! U. ' bleached , IKc ; do 10-1 ) ! bleached , 27c. . . DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Acidl Carbolic , 50c ; A id , Tai-tario , 55c : Balaam Copabia , tier Ib , 75c ; Bark , Samafra * , per Ib , 12c ; Calomel , | ; r Ib , 70c ; Cinchoniaiu } , , per oz , 80o ; Chlorofonn , per Ib. 95c ; Dover's powilcra , jier Ib , § 1 40 ; Kp om salts , per Ib , 3c ; Glycerine , pure , per Ib , 14c ; I eotl , Acetate , peril ) , 22c ; Car bon oil , 110' , per gallon , lUc ; do 150 ° , per gal , 13jc ; Oil , Cantor , No. 1 , per gal ! , fl 10 ; Oil , Castor , No.S.per gal.SlOO ; Oil ! ' , Olive , per gal , SI 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 50o , Opium , $4 75 ; Quinine , I'&W , 8.per oz. 52 M ; Potassium , Iodide , j > er Ib ; 82 , 50 ; Salacm , per o , 3.5c ; Sulphate of Morphine , IH.TOZ , $3 03 ; Sulphur flour , l > er lu , 4c ; Strychnine , uer oz. 31 50c. Horses and Mules. The market In brbk and all grades are sellin : ; well at a slight advance iu.nriceD. The demand for good horses exceeds the s.ipply considerably. Priec.s range A-S fol , , l.tts. I I'ino diije Drivers * 1" > 0. to ? 00. ; Kxtra ( raft lkir.1 s S17V to 21- " ) . ; Common draft her es , S100. to 150. : Extra fann her i. to 123. : CViintnon t < i KOOI ! farm her to 5100. ; Extra phi s $ GO. to 73. ; Common plug" , SJO. to $10. MULES.-1.1 to 15J hands ( extra ) , $ li . to W ; 11 } to 15 hands $100. to 110.1 11 to m hands S75. to 100. ; 13J to 14 hands , $ W. to 7. > nnd Tobaccos A'l ° AlsSK'W ! : . Connecticut , ' $ d.00 ; .MkrdSV..OOSeed ; Hn\anaS. > O.OOi Clear ila\aii , ' $7.\00. TOr.ACCO - 1'1,1'C . - ( Joldcn Uitlc , 21 Ib. f'Gc ; Spotti-d Kixwn , i"c ; .Vic , ) Star , tKiunilo. 24 Ib , b tt > , .Vc ; Her o Shiw , poiindi , ll ! Ib. b'itt , f Sc ; I'tirlty , 21 Ib ' , liutU , Mcj Queen lice , 21 Ib , buttn , Me ! ( till Kds'o , | Miinid < , 21 Ib , lmtt < , " " ; Army and Nayv , poiiinU , lc ; ISnllion , pounds V'c ; l.i > riIlanl' ClIinajioinidi , 5"o. VINi : CUT -In - iialK-Hftrd to Ucnt , 7-"irt ; Golden Thread , ( U > c ; KuuntAiii , ? 3o { l'noritp , tGoj liiK-ky Mountain , .Vicj 1'ancy , r > 0c ; Daisy , -tSc. In tin foil - CatlliH O. S. , 2 or. iwckagc , fi Ib bo\i- < , pcrllifiOc : l/rilliird > Tiser , ( Kk- . SMOKING All cradc < Common , 2. * > t4i Site. Granulated lllackwclls Durham , 111 ox. 4 lie ; litko ) < Durham , WwI'lc ; Seal of North Canilin.i , 1(1 ( or40 ; Seal of NiAi-a- ka , II ! of , SSo ; 1.0110 Jack , I < ir. linen lujr , peril ) , $ l.3. > ; Mnrbutvs' Puck , 2 oz , tin foil , IMC ; Dog Tail. ( iT. Lumber. VHN01NG No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , S2Ti 00 ; No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 23 drwwl , No. 1 , 22 00 ; No. 2. 20 00 ; common boanl * , dressed , 2.1 00. VKAMING 10 ft. nnd under , per M , 21 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 25 00 ; 22 ft. 23 00 ; 21 ft. 2800. FINISHING No. 1. finish U , H and 2 Inch , S-V > 00 No. 1 finish 1 inch $ , .0 00 ; No. 2. finlKh 1 | , H and 3 inch. $ , ' 000 ! No. Nsi finish , 1 inch , $45 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 in.-li , 510 00 ; O. G. battens per 100 feet tin. , sihi / ; well curbing , $3300 ; rough i and 2 Inch battens per 100 feet Hi1. . Wo. , STOCK UOAltDS-Astock , Sir. 00 ; ' 1 $40 00 ; C , 833 00 ; common stock , $27 50. KLOOU1NG No. 1 , S12 CO ; No. 2 , S37 f > 0 ; No , 3 , $27 50 ; yellow pine , No. 1 , S-lft 00. SIDING No. 1 , S2750 ; No. 2 , $2300 ; No. 3 , ? 20 00. SHIP LAI' Plain , $23 00 ; O. G , No. 1 , 937 50 ; No. 2 , $2.1 00. CKILING 930 00(3lSiri ( 00. LATH ANDSHINGLKS A stard Ht ) sl.inglcR , $1 60 , No. 2 , S3 60 ; No. 3 , $2 50. Lath , 34 23. Building Material. LIMB Per barrel , SI 35 ; bulk per bu. , 33c. Cement , bbl $2 50. Iowa platter. bbl , $2 50. Hair per bu. 33c. Tarred felt 100 lbi , $3 50. Straw board , $1 00. The Leather Trade. Oak harness 3l@llc ! ; Pittsburgh selected - ted , 40@4Hc ; hemlock harness , _ skirting per Ib , fair ; I4c : black collar 14 © 21c ; fair do , 18@20c ; fair No 2 , lG5i)18c ) ; hemlock sole , Buffalo slaughter , per Ib , 30 © 3lc ; hemlock sole , B A. slaughter per Ib , 25ij32c ( ; oak sole , 40@43e ; oak upjier per foot. 25e ; hemlock tipper , 23e ; do No. 2 , 23c ; oak kip skins per Ib , SOc@S1.10 ; hemlock kip skins per Ib , 75crS1.00 ( ; French kip skins per Ib , S1.00@S1.35 ; oak calf per Ib , S1.00@S1.25 ; hemlock calf per Ib , SUOfflSl.25 ? French calf per Ib , Sl.23@S2.10cj Simon Picard goat per do/ S3G.OO@S 18.00 : liootleg Morocco per foot , : ! 033c ; calf kid per foot. 35c ; roans per doz , S'J.OO@10.50 ; white nnd yellow tin- hiss per doz , S8.00tS10.00 ( ; pink linings per doz , S7.00@S9.00 ; Russctt linings , S7.- 00 ; blacksmiths' aproiisperdozen , S12.00 ® § 14.00. PAPER Straw paper , 3.Jc ; rag paper , 4c ; dry goods paper , 7c ; mamla paper , lOc ; news paper , Sc. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , S12 ; Morris Run Hloshburg , S12 ; Whitcbrcast lump , $0 ; Whitcbrcast nut , Sj ( ; Iowa jump , SO : 1 own nut 8C > : Rock Springs , S8 ; Anthracite , alt si/.e , SU 00. Hides , huts , Etc. HIDES Green butcher's hide , 7J ; green cured , hides , SJc ; green salt , pait cmed hides , 8S'8lc ( ' ; dry flint , sound , 13@14c ; dry calf and kip , 12 < i 13c ; dry salt hides , sound , inai2c ; green calf , wl. S to 15 His. , 10@llc ; green calf , wt , miller 8 Ibs , per skin , 50c ; green jielts , SI 00@115 ; green lamb Mmt , SI 10123 ; damiiged'hides , two-lhlrd rate , ( cut scored nnd ono grub , clas'-ed two- ( We ; No. 2 , 23c. SUunk , No. 1 , black , OT > e ; short ntripc , 40j ; narrow stripo. 'A" c ; bruad tripc , lOc. Tallow , 5J. r 4 Wool. Merino unwashed , light , M@lCc ; heavy , 18@15c ; medium unwashedj light , 18@20c ; tub-wuuhed , choice , 32c ; fair , 30c ; dingy and w. , 28c ; buiry , black nnd cotted woofs 20c teas Shot. SHOT. Shot , 81.75 ; Buck shot , $2.00 ; Oriental Powder , kega , SU.40 ; do. , half kegs , S3.48"do. ; , quarter kegs , S1.87 ; IWoHt- ing , kcgn. S3.35 : Fuse , uer 100 feet 50c. Heavy Hardware List. Iron , r.itcB , $3 15 ; plow steel , cost , 71c ; cast tool do. 15 20 wagon Kpokeo , set. 2 23@3 00hubs ; , jwrset , 1 25 ; felloes , sawed dry , 140 ; tongues , each , 75@83c ; axles , each , 75c ; Miuure nuts , per Ib , 7@llc ; washers , peril ) . H@18c ; rivets , IK.TIb , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , ( i@12c ; malleable , 8u ; iron wedges , Cc ; crowbars , lie ; harrow teeth , 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring steel , 78c. NAILS 10 to 20d. 3 40 ; 8 to 10 , 3 03 ; fid , 300 ; 4d. 415 ; 3d , common , 4 < JO : 3d , fine , ( i 10 ; clinch , all sizes , 5 15 ; ( ill , caning , 4 05 ; Sd casing , 4 40 ; lOd casing , 4 15 ; lOil finish , 4 05 ; Sd finish , 4 00 ; M finish , 5 15 ; half kcgri , lOc extra. Paints Oils and Varnishes. PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha P. P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. & C. Co.ptirc , o'c ; Marseilles g"-'e"i 1 to 5 Ib CJUIH , 20c ; Krench zinc , green seal , 12c ; French zinc , red neal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish asst , 20c ; French zincc , in oil as t , 15c ; Itaw ami burnt umber , 1 Ib cam * 12c ; raw and hurnt Kicium , 13c : vandyke brown , 13. ; refilled lampblack , 12c ; coach black , l/c / ; i > 'ory black , lc ( ! ; drop black , lOc ; PrusKian blue 30c ; liltinninriiie blue , 18c ; clironm green , L. M. & 1) . , He ; blind and shutter green , L. M. & . D. , He ; Paris green. 18c ; J"iliau red , Ific ; Venetian red , ! lc ; 1 mcixn rul , 22c ; American Vcnniliod , T. & ] * . , 18c ; chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. fi D. O. , 18c ; \ellowochrc , Oc ; golden ochre , 10 ; patent Dryer , Ou ; graining color * : light o.ik , dark i u , walnut , chcxtnut and a > > li 12c Dry Paints White lead , ( ijc ; French zinc. lOc ; Paris whlteing 2Ao ; whiting ildern , IJ \\hitlng conn , He ; lampbl.ick Gennan- town , lie ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; Pius. Mian hlui > , 55c ; ultiamarine , 18u ; vandyku , brnwn , 80 ; umber , bmnt , Jo ; umber , raw , Ic ; sienna , burnt , Ic ; xienna , raw , lu " ' 'i gieengemiino , 35c ; Paris green com' : chromo giccn , N. Y. ' 20c ; chrom ) green K. , 12cermillinn ; , Kng. , "Oc ; v r million , Ameiiua , 18c ; Indian red , 10u , rie pink , 14c ; veiilitiun lead , CookMin's -Venetian ' : red Am , , Iffc ; red lu.ul , "Ac ; ' e , 20c ; cli el' re , f ittuiaii brown , 2\o \ ; "Prince'H mincr.ii > 0 * VARNIRHHS-BarrelH ] M Ballon , Furniture , cxta , SI 00 ; furniture , No , 1 , 90c ; furniture , U , 75c ; coach , extra , SI 25cj Coach , No. 1 , 81 00 ; Damar , SI 23 ; Japan , 70c ; asplmltum , 70c ; nhcllac , S3 50 ; haul oil iinUli. SI 30 01LS-110'carbon itergallon , lUo ; 150 * i.eadllght , per gallon , 12Jc ; 175 * headlight pcrgallon , IGc ; crybtollnu , [ > er gallon , 20c linceed , raw , per gallon , & 7c ; LiiiHeed , boll- ed. per gallon , OOc ; lard , winter btr'd , per gallon , 880 No. 1 , C7c , No. 2 , 57c : castor , CXX. per gallon , 112c , No. 3,1 0) ; awcet , per gallon , &rc : spenn , W , B. , per gallon- Si 33 ; fiiah.W.B. , per gallon , COc ; neatsfoot extra , per gallon , 75c. No. 1 , C5 ; lumber : ! , eating , zero , per gallon , 30c , minimer , IBc golden machine. No. 1 , per gallon , 35c , No. 2 , 28c ; pcnn , Blgnalier gallon , 80c ; tur pentine , per gallon. OOc ; naptha , 74 deg , I er fallen 20a , 03 detr , 20c. Liquor. ALCOHOL 187 proot. S3 V > per Mine "gallon" , ' extra 'California spirits , XA r 181 proof ot 1 22 per | . , * Rallon triple refined spirits 18. | < r > x f. 81 CO ; per proof tal re-di tlled ! whiskies , SI ( XX. . , t i.O : fine blended , SI 50ri350 ! ; Kentucky hmr- 'H ' > II , $2 00o " 7 Ot ) ; Kentucky ami P'uuisj ] . \nnta rve , "S2 00 ( 7 00. HHANDIKS Inil-orted , $ G OOGi 10 00 ; domestic 1 lOC'M 00. IN8 Imi-ortod , 450 < fiOO : domestic , 403f 3 00. Kl'MS 1 ' ImportedOfni'i Ort ; New . Kneland. 2 OOflfil 00) ) donipsfli- 1 MW : ! : > 0 ; PKACH AND Al'l'I.i : 1U5\MV - 1 To ® I 00. Oil AM PAONns Imported per , 20 00@3J 00 ; Aincricmi , l > cr ca < e , I1. 00g 1800 , CLAKKTS-Pcr ra e , I VVnlfiOl ) . WIN -lihliuw ine , per . -mo. ( i tXJ .l ) OC Calawha. JXT CASH 4 00 < u 7 00. MARKBTSBYTBLEGRAPH. Council JJlnJTn Ooncrnl Mnrlcot. COUNCIL lluim. August 'JO. Wheat No. 2 , SI 10 ® 1 12 ; No. 3 , 00 ; re jected , 70. Corn No. 2 , 47 , rejecte , ! 31 , damaged , 27. 27.II II ay Knlr market , with prices at $5. Oats Market quiet ; No. 2 , XV , rejected - ed 111. llyo No. 2 , 70c. Hutter lf > c. Kirgt lOo. Cattlo-lleef , S3 50 ® IN ) . Hheep-83 50 < fi4 50. Hogs LlKhtdemand , puces $11 00i5 ( 50. Potatoes Now , St 25 ( < > 1 .10 per liu. Onlons-Sl 00. Wood Mnrkct quiet , with good supply : S 00 f. > r s ft : ( i 00 ( or hard. I't.tiltry 20c. _ _ Creston Mnrliot. CUKSTOS , la. , August' ! ' . ' . Nutter 12c. Kggs-iOo. _ _ Grand Junction MnrUot , JUNCTION , la. , August 2'J. ' Butter He. Chiongo Prodnoo. CIIICAC.O. August 20. On 'Change the markets o | > cncd high- cr , but nftorivnnU became weak , heavy niul iloclilcilly lower. The receipts of grain wcro 22,500 bushels of wheat tiy lake : 37,200 bushels of com by canal and 2,380 carloads by mil , embracing 15.72 of wheat. 1,535 of com , 103 of oats , 17 of rye , anil Si ! of barley. , CmcAHo , August 20. The grain market on 'Change. was excited. September wheat opened at SI 31 , but dropped 4 jc [ within an hour , and finally cloned nC Si 2fl3S ( > l 2fc ( ! October delivery sympathized with Sep tember , . and tumbled within n fraction of 3c. The- clique were hcav sellers and dis posed of about 5,000,000 bushels in Sep tember options. The minors on the board to-day that Home of the wheat in the elevators was becoming lint created considerable excite ment. An Inquiry at the inspection oflice. resulted in a denial of thce reports , but the committee appointed to look into the matter reported tliut Hueh a thing \umld result in an enormous lne.d ( in prices. It is unlikely that a partof to-ilay's IneaU inav 1)0 chargeable to them rumors. 1 * . IX Armour is saiil to have leen a heavy nellei to-day. The "shorts" on August wheat iiowlurto three days in which to settle some 3,000,000 -1,000,000 busffels. It is accepted nil around that the Cincinnati clique will bleed them for what they nro worth. 1'lour Quiet and firm , supply licht ; common to choice , west cm spring , -1 15 ( < i ) ( > 25 ; do , Minnesota , 4 M ) ( ii 75 ; patents , 7 00ni7 25 ; fair to choice winter brands , 0 OOfnj" OOj ryu Hour , 5 75 ( 5 ! IO. Wheat Active mid Miry unsettled , a large break occurred in Jvo. 2 spring. The market opened about i(5 ( c higher , but immedi.itely weakened under very largo offerings for future delivery iind ami 1 excitement bordering on panic priced declined with only a slight lliictu.kl.ton of about 5c for September , MHSc \ for Oc tober below opcnini' piicca. A largo de cline was attributed to rumor that the combination who had boon bulling wheat were Felling heavily and also to other lo cal influences. At the declitichuyernngnln bought fairly and prices rallied 27o for September , and Ic for October , fluctuated and finally closed about 3Jc lower for seller 3 September , IJc for seller Ottober on the regular board , nnd en the call at 1 30 for August ; 1 2 ( > g@l 2 < H for September ; I 20J for October ; 1 27ff for November ; 1 28 | > for December ; 1 23 | for the year. Corn Quiet and active to-day , but feeling was ( jrcatly unsettled , and prices iriegidar ami lower. At the opening feeling wan strong and prices were ad- \ancoil § @Jc , but a sharp reaction soon set In and prices gradually nettled back with . Blight fluctuations of lj@lfjc. Dur ing the latter part of the day the feeling was steadier and prictfn were improved 1QH 2c. Ungraded ruled comparatively steady. No. 2 and high mixed closed on call at OOc for August ; GOjJc for September ; C2Jc for October ; 0-1 for November ; 0-Hcfor De cember ; OO c for the year ; 80c for May. Oats--Quict and steady ; offerings small ; No. 2 closed SOJc fur September ; 37jc for October ; 30c for the year. Rye Quiet , and easy demand ; light ; No. 2 104 } for September ; 1 07 for Octo ber. Barley Quiet : little doing ; No. 2 1 OJ for September ; 1 0" > } for October ; 1 05.J for November. Pork In general demand but fueling weak and market tame , mess cliiscd at 17 87i@18 00 for August ; 17 80@17 85 for September ; 17 W for October ; 17 75o ( } 17 77i for the year ; 19 05 for January. Lard Sternly ; 11 27J for August ; 11 30 for Seiitember ; 11 fiO for October. Hulk Meats Active ; nominally un- ! changed ; short ribs , ' . ( 27i for September ; 0 .J2i for October. Whiskey-Steady nt 1 Hi. Jti'cuipw Flour 10,700 bblH ; wheat , 110,203 bu ; com , r.i8,878 ( bu ; oatn , ( 8)11 : ) bu ; rye , 10,070 biijharluy , 0,885 bu , ShipiiiBiitH Klotlr , ll,70 ! ( ! bbl ; wheat , .H'JS ' bu ; corn , fi ! ) ,52l bu. ; oatn , Ol.C'.l'J ' ' bu ; rye , 0.-103 bu ; barley , 708 bu. , Now York Product * NKW YOIIK , Aiigimt 2'J , Flour Strniiycrand moderately active ; fhlniilng extraSli 00@0 r > 0. Whuut- . @ 'lclilii { ! r ; foverlth and un- hcttled ; No. 3 ruil winter , 1 ! ! * ; No. 2 do , Uft@l-lMX ; < i. 1 white , 1 l fffil 4 . Com IJulf ; I'nxraded mixed , o70o ; No. 2 , 70i(2i711c ( ; ungraded white 08 ; No. 2 white , 78c. Oatii .Stronger but very quiet ; No. 1 mlxud , 43cNo. ; 212 " ---l Ji No. 1 while , 4UlalOOc ( ; mixed we tein , Hi13c. nye Klnm-r ntlllai ( 12. liarley Dull. 1'ork Very fimi nnd ijulet ; new IIICHI , IS 50C )187r ) > f ri'nh. tljurd-Fuirly nctlvdRud firm ; 11 15 for uput ; 11 , ' 174 for Cut Muaturiiclmngcd. . Whisky Nominal. St. Lout * Produce- ST. "Louis , August 2 ! ) , l''lour Unchanged , Wheat Higher jind unsettled , with a good export uinl bhipping demand ; No , 2 red 1 tl forcatlt : 1 12 for September ; 1 411 , for October ; 1 l"t for November ; 1 4UJ for Dt'cumber. Corn -Opened higher nnd declined ; ut 03jWGo : ! for wli ; 03jo for September ; OOJo for October ; 08)o ) ( for December ; OUu for the Oatu Higher at 40@41j.e for cosh : 10 (5-4030 ( for .September 130 130 for . _ . . . . . ; October > ; . . i 11 x'.ii i A M * x * > r. t. r/ i 4f.t..e . r\ . . Rye-Firm at 1 1WH 13 , Lewi-Steady at JH7J. Butter Uncluiigcd. Eggs Unchanged Whisky-Steady at 110 , Pork At 19 00. Lard-Lower at 11 40. RecelpU-riour , 800 Llli ; wheat , 8 , - 000 bu ; corn , 121.000 bu ; oat , 47,000 buj ; rye , 0,000 biij barley 2,000 bu. Shipment * Flour , 8.000 bblu ; wheat , 45,000 bu ; com , 34,000 bu ; eaU , 0,000 bu | ; rye , 1,000 bu ; barley , none. * . liito StooJc. ClIICAOO , Receipts l.S'OO : shipments , W. Market dull alul , ' > c lower : touch stock neglected : mixed packing , 010i 0 40 : liL'ht ' lioxs. 04X'07i ( ; choleo hravv , ( ! ( TOW. 7 OO' ; culls and gras.ers , I rK > ! ? (123. ( Market closed weak nnd dull on common stuck. Cattle Receipts 5,000 ; shipment * . 2.000. No eho'co imtiv p here , falrtopiwul siiiping | , fi 50i,0 } 00 ; common tu fair , I 00 < tf520 ; native butchers' \ery\teak. 220 ® 3 23 ; stockcrs and feeders , sluKglsh Mid dull , 2 G0n3 ( 75 ; through Texan cows 225f3 ( ? 00 ; steers S OOfn t 00 : half brecdf and natives 3 OOCiiM ( iO. The first steers taken by distillery feedeis this c.t on at 300 for thin Montana * . Slieep Kecelpts , f > 00 : shipments , none. Demand weak but tnruKi't otead > jwith \erv small supply. Sales of M ) | Kiimd Tcxans , 3 33pwr : tobeot muttons iiuotable nt 3 235fl I 75 ; no goml stock olfered , The llrovei-s , .lourmil fpeeial cable ouoles , choice Anioriean cattle at t IG' IV in lilvftiHMil , London and Ulasgow , with beet dieep at 10e. Market steady. Now York Wry Goods- NKW YOIIK , August 20. Tlio tlistriliutiou of rtaple and drimrt- inent coeds was continued on n liberal tcalo by tlio jobbers to-day , and now so many retail buyers are In the market that an actho week s business has opened , The demand at first hands has been cnmpara- tl > ely light as regards ne business , lull there was n good , steady movement in cotton and woolen goods. Prints and ginghams were steady , and the tone of the market strong. Wilmington Mnrknt WlLMlMlVOX , A'lgU t 211. SpiiiU Tin pent inoJ'icbld ; soft , 2 10 : Virgin , 2 8. Cleveland Mixrkot' CI.KMI.AM : > , August 20. Petroleum -Steady ; standard white , 110 test. 7c. Toledo Proilnoo Tou no , August 20. Wheat -Unchanged. Corn Weak ; No. 2 , OtVo | for October ; 04a for the year. Oats-Juiet ( , No.2 , 4le. , . . - - - - - - St- Lout * Llvo Stoolt. Sv. IXKIIH , August 29. Hogs -Weuk ; Yorkers 0 I5@li 00 ; mixed packing , 0 ( ( { ) ( ( ! 0j choice to fancy heavy , G 70 < < ' 0 75 ; pigs 5 00@5 40 : ro- celptn , 1,800 , head ; shipments , 2,400 head , TER1UHLK LOSS OF LIFE. Million * of rats , niicu , cuts , bed- igs , roaches , losu their lives by col lision with "Ilouxli on ItutM. " Sold by druggists , loo. ( -1) ) GREATEST REMEDY KNOWN. Dr. Kind's Now Discovery for ( j'on- sumption is certainly thu groatobt medical remedy over placed within the reach of siiUbring liuinmiity. Thou sands of once HtiU'arora , now loudly proclaim their pniiso for this wonderful discovery to which tlioy ewe their liyos. Not only does il positively - tivoly euro Consumption , but Cou hs , Colds , Asthma , Jlruncliilin , llay Fever , Hoarseness and nil iiH'octinns of tlio Throng Chest and Lunga yields nt once to its wonderful' curative pow er as if by magic. Wo do not ask you to bit } ' a largo bottlu you know what you nso getting. NVo therufovo earnestly request you to call on your druggists , IHII iV ; Mi'MAiloK , and got n trial bottle free of coat which will con- v.'nco thu moat skeptical of its wonder ful merits , and show you what u regu lar ono dollar si/.o bottle will do. 1'or mile by lull it McMahon. (4) ( ) HOI FOR COOL MINNESOTA. The Inst ExourKlou to the Grcnt Suiumov Resorts 81R-25 for iho Round Trip Another oxcinnion , the lost of the suuaoii tu thin famous Hummer rcnorls of cool Minnusotn , lius boon arranged to luuvu Council jiliiHn on Sitptuinbor ntli , nt 7:45 : p. mv , by thu great Sidux City route. The rule will bo the low est ever given over this line , the round trip buing only $12.00. Just think of it. It ifl cheaper to travel than tu utuy nt home. The tickets. are good for thirty duyH. Thin will give an excellent oppoitunity for everybody to visit the greatest fair in the northwest , ut Minneupolin , which lasts nil week , commencing Septem- lisr fith. TJio races nt this fair will bo w ll worth tmvoling twice Iho dis tiuice to BOO. No wueli opportunity for genuine enjoyinent will bo oflerod uguin this BO.IHOII , mid nil who take ndvantaL'o of the exceedingly low rates will bo sure tu got their money's worth fourfold.liiko ] \ a. note of this , and don't forgot it. For further in formation. apply to ,1. II. O'llKVAN ' , Southwestern Agent , Council iiluH'H , Town. Aug2toaojn. ( ! ) t ration Notice- Noticu in hnroby yivun that I will Hitiit Loiuix.uii'a ) Oifjiir Store , 514 S. Tenth nt reel on .Monday , September nth , 1881 , for thopurposo of legistor- ing udililioxnl yoters of tlio Fit-wt wurduntl correcting ( ho old list. In witness whereof T have hereto set my hand this , 2&lli day of Augnal , 1881. ] ' 3. jM. S/piiBiio , HegiHtrnr First AViird. The only place in the city whore .Jos. Schlil/'s Milwaukee beer is found on draught is the Merchants Ex change , cor. Kith nnd Dodge St. tf Our Btoro will bo clo.sod Sunday , Wo would most UMpoctfully request tiiat you will prouinu your Sunday [ ] ) of good ci'urti ; ami tobacco tbia evoning. MAN AIiiyMt & Co. Third WnrdVotoivi. T will ait for rogibtration of voters Monday , the fith duy of Supteinbor , 1881 , for registration of yctera of the Third Ward , and Hind book will bu open at my olllce , Jl ! l Duutlus utroet noithcant corner of h'ourtoentli , \Viu. H. RJI.KV , Hu iHtor Tliird Ward. Tito Now City Directory HOOII to bu issued will bo tlio moat thorough nnd complete of any directory oyer issued for Omali.i. People who liuve recently como to tlio city , or thosu who liuvo recently changed their residence or boarding ] ) Iace , should send their now mldrcHU at once to J , M. Wolfe , 1208. Fourteontli atrcet , corner Douglas , BO that their names will appear in the new directory cor- oict when issued. jyiOdJw ! ! GARTER'S Having just returned from the East , I will duyoto this week to the display of Shoping Bags nnd Purses in ail colors. An elegant lino. Mra. A. E , Keith at CAR TER'S. nug2U-2t WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. ISH & McMAHON , IdOG DOUGLAS STREET , MAHA , NEB. The ! Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDERS. Jj 18 mf ' O. DyCOZRG-.AJSr. . . . . WHOLESALE GHOGER , 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. FEARON & COLE , Commissson Merchants , 1121 Parnhnm St. , Omtvhn , Nob. Crtn lcinn ( > nt < nmdc lll rrwlic iironipt ttrnllon. ncfcrcnccn : SlAte Hank , Om h j Ptalt A Co. , llattlmorc ; I'ork k llatiMicr I'Mcnuo ; M.Vtrk & Co. , Cincinnati. 11. S. HAUHINOTON. K. P. NEWELL WESTERN POLISH CO. , Mnmif.u'tiircrH ofVrnlrrn Slnr Kin\o I'ollulianil Ilrau llriimmcl lloot Illncklnp , also i Ccjloii .t ( Irriinn I'ltimtmjco , Council lltiiltx , Iowa. J-ttf ! Hellmuth Ladies' College. Patronen , H. R. H. PRINCESS LOUISE. Founder and Proildont , The Hlcht Hov. I. HELL MUTH , D. D. , D. C. U , LORD CISHOP OF HURON ; . Fall Term opens Wednesday , September 2lit. | Ilniil ( oiiiii\nil c ] olnun ImlMliu ; * , ' i'iiiilltii ! ! > Mtuiktcdln n moil healthy lomtlty , ( itHiut'onr'lionra ( hy mil from MliRnm FnlU. ntiilonniiunt Iho jirlnolpal throiiK'li routcn between the lint and Went. Tnc (111OUNDH 1-omiiiNi IlOncrot. Tlio nlhi n ( tlio founilor ol thin coltouo li to jiro Ida the hlchmfc lutrllKtiul Mill | < mrtlm1ly uwdil citiirallon , \\liolonyi-tcnili bivwd ujioii tlio nounilont PRO TESTANT principle * , at Iho only milld lia li for tlio right ( otmatloii ol character. FRENCH l > the laiiKiuigo l 1 ; | Mkcll III tlio rollrK'C. MUSIC n upcclnlty- Iliwril , lAUnilry and Tuition Keo < , liirln < llni { till uhnlo rourno ot r.ticlWi. the Ancient and Itod- ITII lAtiiuairtiCalll' ; < tlioiilci , Dniuln and t'alntln ; , mo I'l.xno ami I.llirarj Mwlloal ivttoii.inco ! , ml Mctlclno , 300 IK.T aniiimi. A rcVtiitlon n ( olio-half for Om Omitlitcrs ol ClrrKJ'inrn. > 'or "clru- lars" Mid lull particulars adtlrcw MISS CMNTO.V , buly Prliulul | , Hcllinutli Ladles' College , ONTARIO , UANAPA. STAR STOVE POLISH AND BEAUBEUMMELBOOT BLACKING t g MANUKACM'tlllED HY MAX MEYER & BRO. , the Oldest Wholesale and Retail Jewelry House in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in Silver Ware , Clocks , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , uhe La test , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in Precious Stones , and all descriptions of Fine Watches at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farn ham Streets MAX MEYER & BRO. MAI IETEE & BOO - , O HOC .A. 3HC TJIK LEADING MUSIC HOUSE IN THE WI3T I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as. any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Pianos , Knabe Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warreu , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pur- chasm ? . WM. F. STOETZEL , Dealer in Hardware , Cooking Stoves TUN" Stove Eepirer , Jobforker and lanufauturer Tenth and Jacksc" - - - Omaha , Neb SpacUolos , Musical Boxes Ole ks and Silver ware , Jewelry of all De signs Made to Order. Repairing of Watches and Jewelry Done at Reasonable Rates and Satisfaction Guaranteed. EDHOLI & EEIlSOI , . . WIIOl.KSAr.K AND ItCTAU JEWELERS AHI PEAOTIGAL f iTGHIAKERS. Corner Fifteenth and Dodge Streets , Oppoaito Post Office. OMAHA ,