THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY AUGUST 30 , 1881. ROVING RANGER. Ho Takes in Kearney in His V Circuit. Some Wonderful Signs of Pros perity He Snw There. Au IntorcsttnR LoUcr About An Cnroili * Correspondence of the Her. KEAUMIY , August 2 ! ) . Kearney is having a boom. From t-cnlro to cir cumference and beyond , the nxe , hammer and saw give the music of progress. Public buildings , store buildings , private residences , water works and irrigation are engrossing tlio attention of every man of money nnd the pcoplo hero have money , and plenty of it. Kearney trade comes from ono of the richest sections of western Nebraska , nnd ono that in this year of poor crops , boasts of n good yield of wheat nnd n splendid promise of corn. In the 13. & M. land odico nt Kear ney , Clarke nnd Whittaker exhibit the finest specimens of millet that I over sa\v , sod corn in nny quantity that baa from 10 to 12 inches for length of car. Oats that equal , if not surpasses nny that I luxvo seen. Magnificent Egyptian rice corn ; aorghum stalks that reach nearly to the ton foot ceiling of the olllco ; clover , second cutting for this season , incnauring two feet four inches ; mil let heads 18 inches in length , nnd wheat of all kindsnnd , yields from twenty-three to thirty bushels. Apple trees proved to yield abund antly A young tree five years old , in nn orchard belonging to Win. Morse , of tins city , is loaded down with luscious fruit. Excellent results have bcon obtained from cultivating' the grnpo , nnd in tlio not fur-distant future there will bean an abundance of this product. Crabamilo trees are yielding well , and small fruits are all very thrifty and productive. Till : UATTI.K INTT.HIMTH. The shipments of live stock from Kearney dining the past year aggre gated in round numbers a quarter of n million of dollars. Sheep and hogs nro also raised extensively and witli great piolil. The Htdek interests are , without question , the most important in thin Ruction , and raising grain for the mar ket will sooif bo a lost art , and yet the shipment of wheat thin year from Kourncy will , it is estimated , aggregate - gate not less than ono thousand car loads. . . IMSIIOHATIO.V. i The utter neglect to provide for ad vertising our resources has left Ne braska to got along without its usual iiillux of pcoplo.Every day hun dreds pais through this state bound for Oregon , Washington Territory , California and Colorado , who noyor stop to look at what wo have to oiler , simple < because they have not been asked 16 do so. They have not render or heard about Nebraska , wo have no immigration fund with which to pay agcnts""or printers. Wo are not as a state inviting the public to come and join us iuit other states are putting tens of thousands of their dollars into this thing and are receiving it back n thousand fold. Kearney , however , gets her share of tho. limited emigra tion that railroad enterprise and pri vate effort bring hero , and the loading estate men of Kearney , Messrs , dark and Whittakor , report farm land bolrt wild and cultivated nj ) fair ly active. Town lots nro very lively and inquiry is on the increase. IMfOUTANT IJirilOVUMKNTK Perhaps the , most valuable is tlio canal , eighteen miles long , which will liring water from the Platte to Kearney - noy for water works , > vator power am ] irrigating purposes. The estimated cost is 87I ,000 and § 20,000 is now on hand and stock is subscribed to cover the entire amount. The Reform school was visitot Ijy your correspondent throutrh the kindness of $ I"r. A. 15. Clarke whoso grey- roadster carried us ovoi t'vo miles in n very few minutes , The institution has just been open cd for the reception of wayward um ungniditd youngstorn. and under the able management of Dr. 0. W. Col lint * , of Noinaho , it is hoped that the juvenile flotsam and jetsam o Jwearnoy , Lincoln. Omaha and otlioi cities may bo made into useful citi : : ens. Tlio building is three storie high , and in n solid ntructuro , but i lion nothing whatever of the prisoi about , it on the contrary , not , i prison lock or even n fence is to b eeon : Kindness and firmness ante to be relied on to chain the culprit hero. hero.Two Two children have been sent hen already and plenty moro are coming Uoforo n year goes by it is expcctet ( hat the Huhool will be full. The Kearney graded school , a build ingUhat ranks with nny in the state outside of Omaha , is now being fin uliud. It is of brick , throe storio high , with ntone basement and metal lie roof and tower. A I'rosbytoiinn church that wouli look well anywhere is boinir erected The matoaial is brick with aton triinmints , The Empire store nnd the Nev York ; atoro are both ologan Htructuros of brick with slate glus .Windows. The former , just complet cd , lost ono of its windows yesterday through n painter's carelessness , lioti of these stores are metropolitan , nm when fully ready for business wil compare favorably with eastern establishments lishmonts in large cities. A 7,000 water tank is being erecto * by the U. P. A Mr. Campbell is erecting an elegant gant brick mansion , and BO is Mr -King. , KENS ATI 0X8. This town badly needs a first-clas "hotel building , three rookeries boiii ; A\l that make any pretensions toward filling the bill. True , tolerable fan und accommodations are furnished Dr. Wfhns' Commercial , n veri fairly kept hotel , had been making ! p-hill business for his next door icighbor , who keeps the Aitkcn louse , and the rivalry was intense , vhcn Dr. Wilms found two weeping ainsels in the depot , who had been nit out of the other house and their Mgtfngo retained for their billa. They atisllcd the doctor of llioir rcsp ccta- > ility and told him curious stories of ilmmeful proposals which , while pro * ably untrue , were nevertheless be- iovcd. Human nature is weak nd man's nature extremely o , hence anything against man , especially if that man is a Mioiness tival , isapt to bo entertained. A prominent lawyer was called in nd thiugi looked dubious for a while , nit the storm passed over when the orloin maidens received a remittance rom homo , and proceeded to their cspcctivo destinations , but the sequel ppc.ired shortly after in a prosed- ion began against Dr. Wilms for ) racticinc { medicine without comply1- ng with Nebraska's laws. The rival landlord was backed in lis prosecution by two doctors , and hey endeavored to get Dr. Ilakor to oin in the foray , hut ho positively do- ilincd. The result of the trial was hat Dr. Wilms proved that ho did not > raetico medicine within the meaning if the statute , and that ho was entitled o , but that ono of his prosecutors ; ot his diploma from Duchannaii , the logus diploma peddler. Jostu against plaintiff , but it in said hat the end ot the whole thing is not yet. KAII.noAI ) TIIIUKH. There is a great deal of complaint tore about the treatment of Kearney etcrans who wanted to attend the re- inion. It seems that the U. A. 11. "a > f Kearney chartered a car , and after selling a lot of tickets were refused the car for which they had contracted , uid the other road also refusing a car t seemed to bo a new pooling ar- aiiKcment. Half rates were prom- sod tlio Western Nebraska sohheis if .hoy would council t for the re-union i.imp of 1881 to be located at Lincoln , Hit now ono faro and a fourth is ihagod if a man stays in Lincoln more hiui one day. For God's sake , rou grasping giants of the rail , iiivo you no regard for anything or uiyono ? The men who saved the and want to go to Lincoln and stay a voek. Now why can't you give them special carnal regular excursion rates ? Why do you make excursion rates for one day's ntay when yon know nine enths will stay the week out ? Tno complaint lias come to the vriter a hundred times. All the re- niblicaii valley veterans are complain- ng. It is not too late to remedy the natter. A telegram to all t/tations / ixtonding the time \yill be fully sat isfactory and will briny many thous- nid to jutronixe the roads who other- vise will stay at home. THK u. r. s particularly "cussed" ' t > y the busi- loss men of Kearney. That corpora- ion discriminates against Omaha by muling freight from St. Joe 275 miles or the same price that it charges for Hinging it from Omaha , 108 miles listant. tVt five the freight oflico closes , uid no power on earth can open it , iut the 1) . & M. is willing to uccom- nodato , and its agent serves patrons of the toad when it is possible to dee o without regard to exact hours , and , is a consequenceof these thingH , the , } , it M. is Citing now mno-tontlis of Cearnov's freight. A sick woman on a stretcher going .o her frieiida athome , was this mo ru ng refused passage on the U. P. TIIE HLOUUMII 'EAW ' ias closed every saloon in Kearney , uid I have not seen an intoxicated nan during the three days I have boon in town. The amount of "poisin" ( for that s the head liquor sells under here ) hut the druggista dispose of is re- narkablo. Fifty-two men bought joiaon for medicine in ono day at a LCearney drug store , and aomo bought as much as throe or four quarts of it. [ t run all the way from beer to brandy dy- However , this kind of drinking docs not make men drunk like lounging at a bar , and "standing another , " and 'drink with mo now" style of swill ing often against the mental , and sometimes verbal protest of the swiller. A TiiorrKK. A curiosity has lately been ovolvotl in the horselloHh line. "Cow Boy" is the name of a horse that was bogging for a buyer a few months ago price eighty dollars. Last May M. O. Riley put the animal in training , am now he trots a mile in 2:110 : against i strong wind. I'KUSONAL. 0. fl. Chase , of this city , was th original author of the druggists' par of the Slocumb bill. Hon. M. C. Calkins is sick will typhoid fever , but is convalcscin slowly. D. P. Burr , of the Burr implonien company , has come and gone. St. A. D. B.ilcombe h here , bu leaves to-morrow for homo. The nnti and monop. factions ar the two parties here. Democrat stand no show , Emorv Pock is the coming man fo county clork. Capt. Black will huvi the treasurer's olllco and S. Y , Soelo will bo the tthoriir , provided alway that our side wins , which it will no if ? aOO , the U. P. corruption fund fo Kearney , will uo around among tin thirsty bummers that hang on to U 1 * . pup. , ( lOOD-llf.K. I cannot close this letter withou thanks to the returning hundreds o old time friends who mot me wit ] kind words cf cheer , and to the innnj who took Tin ; * HEK , their names an all in the review on the fifth page. There are , however , special thank duo to those enterprising real cstat dealers , Clarke it VS'hittakor , who an over ready to help everything tha helps Kearney , B. H. Goulding , editor of The Non pareil , also swung around th circle and threw all his weigh into the scale vith THE BEK , honci nearly all of Kearney is now on HI ; list. A Marveloui Cure for ull bodily ailments , arUIuj ; from iin pUrlty of blood , a torpid liver , irrcgulnriti of tnu bowels , Indigestion , constipation o disordered kidneys , U unrrautecl in a fre use of HnrJock Wood Hitter * . Price $1 Trial eha 1Q ceuts. 2V-etxllw Jewish OUrnolum in Amorlcn. Inn Morals In The North American lc\lo : r. Let us examine hotv far the .Tow lay bo answerable for the prejudice hich exists against him. It is true hat the body of rich Jews in America ails to dis , lay the culture that ealth demands. Compared with his Chiistian neighbor whoso equal nfllu- nco opens similar advantages , the ow docs not always present a pleas- ng appcarahco. Reaching this conn- ry when the facilities for accuniula- ion ; vyro oiionnoiis ; with a lo apfitudo developed by long con- tries of enforced confinement to tr.ide lie Hebrew mounted too rapidly to lie top of the commercial ladder. ) azzled with the now freedom of \inoric , bewildered by the privileges vhich the almighty dollar could pur- liaso , the emigrant directed his oner- ics in that road to power and com- ort which appeared to him the most vailablo highway. Ho was not low to lent n the tricks and subtcr- uges of American trade. While the 'ewish mercantile record is as clear roportioiiAllyasthatof the Christian , he predominance of merchants in the lebrow community has rendered the iiisincss short-comings of the Jew onspicuous and proverbial. With a inck upon his back , or a few shillings i his pocket , Hebrew's contact with Lincrican culture was exceedingly imitcd when the accumulation of vealth introduced him to American mannero ho had already become habi- uated to his particular grooves. It s hard for him to discern the tran- ccndcnt advantage of any other out- etof cnoi gy than thoiiiionoy market , 'crimps , too , the dilliculty of etitcr- ng upon a now course of action deters lini from adopting that course iltliough he may appreciate its value , > ut he resolves to give his children ho benefits ho has lacked , and thinks hat meanwhile his money can make lim independent of popular opinion , lo ignores the communal respoiisibil- ty borne by each Hebrew for his vliolo raco. Ho does not pause to rolled , when ho violates the laws of etiquette at a hotel or a watering- ilace , that ho is offering the back of svery Jew to the lash of prejudice. In considering the causes of social ostracism for which the Jew is partly or wholly to blame , the racial exclusiveness - siveness of the Hebrew is urged as a > lea against him. The Israelite is laid to avoid Christian society , ho does not care to introduce business 'riends into his domestic circle ; at mblic lesorts he herds his members jf his own faith. This exclusiveness irises partly from temporary and lattly from permanent causes. It is argoly duo to a morbid habit , born iin id lircH of persecution when the low was society's pariah a habit now cherished by tlio unspoken fear that ho hand of fellowship which the lebrow is willing and leady to extend n.iy bo thrust back contemptuously , ir accepted with a mental reservation. Thus Jewish exclusivcness is tom- lorary ; its permanent cause is the ulo which forbids marriage witli the Gentile. Solong an the meeting of the poung is attended with special restric- ions , so long us the free intercourse uslomary between men and women n American society is likely to re- ult in unhappincss , the social amal gamation of .Jew and Christian must uo.isurably bo incomplete Yet the Jewish marriage restrictions , though often fraught with sorrow to the 111- lividual Jew , cannot bo dirrcgarded ionscientiously by the Hebrew who relieves in the mission , uf the race. L'ho infusion of Aryan blood into lowish veins would be suicidal for rudaism ; it would in a abort time re novo prejudice by doing away with ho object. The Jew who fools him- > elf the apostle of monotheism must jear the yoke of his priesthood. His oligious regulations nave become the Masonic signs of his fraternity ; they ire necessary to unite the scattered ncinbors of a little band destined to iropagato an idea. The Jew still holds liinsulf the personal and responsible loir of that testament , graved in the iightnings of Sinai , and signed with .he life-blood of its witnesses. Go to the Fair. Thove are a few farmers in almost every community who never attend their county or local fair , and ol course take no interest in them. In pursuing this policy they are losers , though it would doubtless bo difficult to make thorn think so. There is much for fairs , and if ho would koej abreast of the times it is his plait duty , rather highest rrivilogo , to seize every opportunity which shall give him a mure extended knowledge am a greater familiarity with overythinj that pertains to agrieulture and horti culture. At such times he can compare note with his brother farmers , and in re lating his own experience with cortaii fruits , grain , etc. , and in nothing tin experience of others with the same ho may impart as well as gain some useful hints which shall bo of sorvici in the future. There is no betto ; place for such discussion and such ox poricnco meetings than at the fair. I also gives him an opportunity to ex aniine the latest improved machinery and to got on the spot the unprcju diced opinions of his farmer friends to guide him in purchasing for himself There is machinery on exhibition every year , especially at our state fairs , which some farmers would never see at all if they absent themselves from these exhibitions. , Not _ only should every ono go to the fair , but ho should contribute from his farm and garden products ii making the fair a success. Almos every one has something unusual some novelty which will add to the at tractions , therefore wo say to every farmer , "do to the fair and do all ii your power to support and elevate it. " \Violtotl for Clergyman- Ilov , , Washington , D. 0. writes : "I believe it to bo all wren ; and even wicked for clergymen o other public men to be led into givin. testimonials to nuack doctors or ul Btutl'a called medicines , but when really meritorious article made o valuable remedies known to all , tha all physicians use and trust in daily WQ should froclv commend it. therefore cheerfully and heartily com mend Hop Bitters for the good the have done mo and my friends , firml believing they have no equal for faiii ily use. I will not bo without them. Now York Baptist Weekly. UUglD-BCptl Great German ( REMEDY ion NEURALGIA , ; mam SCIATICA , LUMBAGO , BACKACHE , COUT , SORENESS ortiiE CHEST , SORE THROAT , QUINSY , SWELLINGS 1.1D SPRAINS , FROSTED FEET JND EARS , ISO SCALDS , GENERAL TOOTHEAR 4ND HEADACHE , ine XKO No r-crnrition m tarlli cuali Sr. Jicotn On. ai tAtt , auHr , MHIIK and CH * AP External Itenitdy. \trlal intilli Iut Hie comrarntltely trifling outlay of ) CK.ITS. ft&J tverjr one tuflerinK witli lain can uav cap &od poiitl\9 | roof cf iti cltlmi. IltllLCTIO > B 15 ELRVKY MNflCARES. 01.0 BT All CRUQQISTS AKD OtAURS IN MEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO. Itnltitnnrr. Mil. , V. B.A. If you am a man lit you nro i\ nftiuilmwnak r nmn offt \ - eredbytlioUrnlnof ' UlllKOT yiiur ilutlcs nvnlil . . . „ . - - noflc , to restore - KtlmuUnMancl use tore lupin iif trr and 'Hop Ditters. woitc , uw Hop B Ifyouaroyounir/ind uflcrlnif from any In dlimtlon or dl [ lia | lion i It Toil aru mar- rlcd or Mnitle. old or younjr , BUITerlnir from poor hcaltli or tancru Mi Ini ; on a bixl of licit uc .s n.\j \ on Hop Blttors. Whnnver younr ' ThoiiAAnu nlo mi * whenoter you K nunlly from BOIUO that your fJfJ' r rm ot Kldnoy ni cda clcanMnif. ton cUsoofu ) that mlRlit ln or ntlmulatmif , without fM < nr/n / tllnoly usuot tnko Hop HopBlttora Blttors D. I. O. orttr/nartfrom- IB an absolute I'lalnt , dl cn ! anil Irrcslsta. , of the ttomaen blooaro for tmttelH , blood , drunkenness Urtrorncnttt use of oiiluin , You will bo tobaccoior curcdlfynuujc narcotln. Hop Bitters Boldbyilruif- IfyouKrcflm plsts. tlmdfur t > lr wen K anil ) Circular. u i It mny nopEirrrss nave your life. It hiB BTO CO. , onvod hun Rotholrr , N , T , dreds. A Toronto , Ont. SADDLES AND HARNESS. 1412 Parn. St. Omaha , Neb. AOK.NT rORTIIS CKLMRATKD DONCORDHARNESS THO llcdals and a Diploma of Honor , with the cry highest award the Judges could bestow aa awarded thli harness t the Centennial Gxhlbl < Ion. Ion.Common Common , also Ranchmen'8 and Ladles' SAD DLES. We keep the largest stock In the west , and Invite all who cannot examine to enml for price * . anflt SCANTMTTS Seamless Evaporator AND " SOUTHERN "CAHE MILL. HRST CLASS SORGHO HACHKIE1 AT TIM LOW PRICES. Send for Seicrlptlri Prlc List. THOS. 3CANTUN480N , EVANBVILLB. IND. CIliiHlon tint rufir. Jy-20-ii4w 1m Oornell College , The Clossllcal , Philosophical , Scientific and Civ EnKlnccrlng \ Courses compare fa\orably will the bent colleges In the country. Special ad\antaic8 are Ken \ in the I'rcpnratn ry and Normal Department * , and In the Conserv atory of Music. Twenty Profe or nnd Teachers. Superior Diilldlnira , Museum , laboratory an Apparatus. Expenses Low , Kail term opens Sept. IS. Fo ; catalogues or other Information , oddrrss 1'ftM. WJI. F. KINO , D. D. , y Ij-il&w2m Alt. Vcrnon. lnw . DRS. COFFMAN AND THOMPSON , Physicians and Surgeons Onicc , Over Crulckklmnk , IMli St. , Del. Karnham nnd Dout'lus. u'JI-lm AGENTS WANTED FOR Kitmsr SELLINO llooim or TIIK Aon I Foundations of Success IIUSINKSS AND SOCIAL FOHMS. Tlioh not trule , Icful forma , how to tram act bublnuiualuablo tallies , todal etiquette parliamentary u'i' , hoxv to coiuluct publlu bus ] n > i ; In t.ut ft is a c-omplotu Uuldo to Surcusj fo allca cs. A family necessity. Address forclr cularn and special tcniw ANC110U 1'UULISIIINO CO. . M IxiuU. Mo. Geo. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGENCY ICth and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb. This agency Joes srwcrtT * brokctaxo butlnf * fioes not viwuUto , ami thcrefoio any larjraln on Itx book * an- Insured to Its | atrona , Initeat of lielnir trablilixl uu liv thn a enl MEOHANIOAL AND MINING EN GINGERING nt the Renwelear Polytecli nlo Initltule , Troy , N. Y. TN oldest engineer Inj : ( chool In America. Next term begins Scp tcmbrr Utli. The Hegtycr for IfcSO 81 contains lUtol the Kraduatei for the jxut 64 jears , Mil tluir jiokltlons ; also , courwi ol ttudy , rwjulro uunU. c-xH'ii cJ , ttc. Address DAVID M.HREENE , Jl U-deodiuaU Director. Business College. THE SEEAT WESTERN CEO. R. RATHBUN. Principal. Creighton Block , OMAHA , NEUHASKA fdTSenj tor CircuUr. -Mir. 3. (1 ( , Ilobcrtion , ntt-bure , 1'a.rltoi , " 1 m Suirerlnc frotrt general diMlitv. want of np- xtltc , cmivti | tio'i , etc. , fa that lifo as n liur * en ; alter inlng llurdock niool nitltrn I felt bet- cr than for ) ears. I tnnnot liralso j our Hitters oa nuitli. " H. 011)1.1 , of IltilTtlo. N. Y. , r M : "Your .unlock lllmxl Hitters , In chronic ill'ca < c < nf tlid nod , Ihcr nnd klclnr.ij , lia\o been nlKiialh iirkcd with SIICCCM. Ina\o n cd them injsclf ltd bc t results , for torplditj' of the IK cr , and In raic of a friend of mine Buttering from dropsy , 10 effectual man clout. Uruce Turner , lloctic'tcr , X. Y. , writes : 1 1m o iccn rubjcct to miotit disorder of the Udneju. id un.iblo to attend to lni incs ; Ilurdock llloo.l Utters rellcM-d tnc before hall a bottle vits u cd , feel confident Hut they ulll Intlrcly turo me" E. Asenlth Hall , Ilnfliam ! | ) > ton , N' . Y 1 enlTcreil ulth n ilnll pain throuxh my left ing and shoulder. I.oxt my F ] > lrit , apietHc | fitul olor , and could vtitlullfllculty kicpupall daj. ook jour Ilurdock Dlood Hitters us ( llreclcil.jatnl Me felt no pain since first week after using icm. " Jlr. Noah Hates Klmlra , N. Y. , wrltci : "About our ) cars ape 1 had an attack of billions tc\cr , nil net cr fully rciocrrd. . My dlscstUo orffans ere weakened , and I uoutd bo completely pros- rated fcr da ) B. Aftcl uslntf two bottles of ) out unlock Illood DitteM the Improtcmentasso Whlc t uasastonUhcd. I inn now , thounh 1 ) cars of age , do a fnlr and reasonable ila ) 'g ork. " C. Ilhckct Hoblnoon , proprietor of The Canada tcsb ) tcrian , Toronto , lint. , w rites : "For ) ears BUrtercd Rrcatly from oft-rccitrrliiR headache. I scd ) our Ilurdock Illood Hitters with happleit ( units , and I now find in ) self In better health lan for } cars past. " Mrs. Wallace , IlnlTalo , N. Y. ' , writes : < > Iha\o cd Ilunlotk Illootl Hitters tor ncr\oii3 and bit' OIK lumdachcx , and cnn rccoinnicnd It to an ) one eqnlrln ; : n euro for bllllonsness. " Mm. Ira , ilnllholland , Albany , N. Y , writes : Kor ne\ oral ) tars 1 lne siilfcred from olt-rccur- Ing billions headaches , d)8pepsia , and coin- Hints peculiar to in ) ox. Slnco tulng jour lurdock Illood Hitters I nm cntlrclv rcllc\eu. " rice , SI. 00 per Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Cts FOSTER , HILBDEN , & Co , , Props , BUTFAI.O , N. Y. Sold nt wholesale by Ish k JIc-Mnhon anJ C. F. ootlman. jo 27 cod-mo ISI CJ BASIITZ & WELLS , 1422 Douglas St. , Netir 15th. Before removing their new OPERA HOUSE STORE Will bell their stock of BOOTS ! SHOES At Greatly Reduced Prices. . NASH "ill take notice that on the 12th AK. of July , 1881 , Charles Dramlcs. Justk-c of the peace , first precinct , Douglas couny , Neb. ssucd an order of attachment for $18.00 In an ac Ion pending before him , herein C. P. Hnnmri Is ilalntilTand A , K. Na h defendant. That moiicjo luo } ou lias been attached under Bald order , iald cause waa continued to the 29th of August ; 831 , at 1 o'clock p. in. dltew4w. C. F. HAMAN , PlaliitlH 11 Years , Assets Represented 882OOOOOO O. Actlio Fire and Lllo . , wantwl. C. T. TAYLOK & CO 14th & Doujflis St. DON'T IT BURN I My house nnd fumlturn is iiuurcil with 0. T. TAYLOR A CO. , Cor lltli ninl DE VEAUX'S The Only Machine that Will Do just as is Advertised. It Will Wash Faster It Will Wash Meaner , It Will Wash Easier , It Will require no Rubbing , It will do a large family Washing in 30 Minutes. It Will IWosli Equally wolU witli Hard or Soft Wn tor- It docs au ay with wash taller * and uash boards , and will jay lorltsell In full and tha wear of clothes In a moiijh. No steam In the kitchen. A child 10 } cars ol can do the Mashing faotcr than any vtoman can u ring and hangout tha clothes- 1)AN. SULLIVAN & SONS' , dim U10 l-'urnham Street , Ageotf. RACINE COLLEGE ! A COLLEGE AND C1UAMMAK SCHOOL THE BEST SCHOOL ! BOYS For terms Address Dr , Stevens Parker , warden of Racine College , Raoine , Wis. jy 22 HEADQUAR T E R Tf -FOll- "Wo desire to call the special attention ot the trade to our elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan , Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirts , Overalls , Hosiery , &c. , now open. Wholesale only. SHREVE , JARVIS & CO. , Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts. * r I , OBEEFELDER & CO. , VXD JOMDE11S OK 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. The only exclusive wholesale house in this line in the west. DEWEY & STONE , TJRNITTJREI OROHAED & BEAN , J. B. FRENCH & CO. , C A R P ETS1 G R O O E R SI The L argest Stock and Most Com plete Assortment in The West. We Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , Oil cloths , Matting , Window-shades , F-ixtures and Lace Curtains. WE HAVE GOODS TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. I31B Farnham St. , Omaha. Max Meyer M GunsAmmunitionSporting Goods i PISHING TAOKLB , BASE BALLS , and a FULL LINE OF NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Ne