OMAHA DAILY BKB. MONDAY , AUGUST 29 , issi. DAILY BEE. Monday Morninc , Aug. 29. LOCAL BREVITIES , * rntttrwm fella coal. Get your luxUnt Donne' * . -Frederick Lciu11tig Hatter. Sfixe's Cream Soda still boomlnp ; . COO business lots. Call on UeiuU. tOOO resilience lotn , Bcmln , ftgcnt , Don't forget Saxo's for perfumery. 25C hoitMjs and lot * . Uemla' agency. Demla' real c UU lx > otn. 1'int p g < A. W. Nason , Donttst , JfvcoVs block Warranted Tooth Brushes at KuLn's Hernia' now maji of Omaha , 2."i cents Thowindaws are being \n\l in Strung' now building In-tiny. 200 farms and 900,000 acres of lam BemU , Agent. The Lion continues to roar for Moore' ' tlarncoa and Snddlery. For FINK Commercial Job Printing til at TDK HER Job rootnn. I're-icripUonsi aupcclalty , Opera IIou * I'hnnnacy , 211 S. Ifith Street. The Omnha Xilhcr club will Biv < > onocrt Tuesday evening , Hcptembcr Ctl Ilighcstcasli price paid ( or furniture at Abrain' & Lewis' , 111L ! Dnn ; IM utrcot. a0-2w A. rare chance to obtain a good payln Imsincss. Hco column. Kmiuire r South 11 th direct. If The trial of General J'MUbrook o the charge of renting one of hi ) houses t a prontitutp , takes place in the polk court TuuBilay morning nt 10 o'clock. Alfred Cur UP , of the car accountant olHco , I ) . & Jif. 11. 11. , in incapacitate from work , Buffering from consumption. Willie Scott , Western Union tel Rr.iph racs. cngcr , Rtnick lim leg against nbarp stick in the nidewnlk , Tito ntic iienotralcd the calf novcral inches , inakir at painful wound. There is a young man rooming nn tl xccond floor of a Varnham Htrcot huildin who for come time pait lian been in 11 habit of sitting near the- front window < Ilia room very scantily attired. Ho n | pears to have no ROIIHO of propriety , an docs many improper thing * within tl plain view of pcreonH passing by and tW in bulldingi un the opposite aide uf tl utrcut. ' . . SorionHly Injnrcd- A runaway of a Boinowlmt suriov Tifittiro occurred yesterday inornin f : nbout 11 o'clock. As a United State innil wagon was about leaving the fib Tiles the hornca suddenly started oil teaming along Iltirnoy street lill tlio reached Tenth street , where tli ivagon struck ngaitist a hydrant. Tli wagon was overturned and the drive precipitated to the ground. Th driver , A. V. Smith , fractured tw I Iionca two inches below the loft knee and was very severely bruised all eve iho body. Ho was immediately con Toyed to Dr. Mercer's institute , vlior Jiis bones were sot and ho was put t < bed. Ono of the horses was vor 1 > adly injured , in fact , it is feared it ! injuries may tenninato fatally. FJBRSONAUS. r1 James Skinner and wife are now ii r1i < Omaha on a visit to their friundu. Mr r1i Skinner was formerly nrcnident of Omaha Mr. and Mrs. Keith liavo arrived fron i the cant , where they procured n largi stock of goods , ! / . J. Durnhatn anil family have re turned from their trip to Denver and Lar arnie. arnie.Harry. Harry. Walker , a well-known young St IiouL ) journalist , IH in the city for n fuv ( lays in the interest of the Hornet , of tlrn city , one of the spiciest illustrated publi cations in the country. The Hornet ii already ouito extensively sold hero , and ! i meeting a gratifying success everywhere K. A. Ucnson , of Davenport , Iowa , is ii .is the city. .isV. George W. Gray arrived homo yostor clay from \5slt in the west. V. James W. Way , of the U. P. arrivw ' yesterday afternoon from Choy r T ' 5. J * . i I W * , Fitztcrald , Lincoln's wealthy rep I' " intatlvo man , epent yostonlay nt th elghton house , I ' > T. y. Iteynolds , [ the county clcik o , nnco county , is In the city. Ho will re homo to-day. Jurats F. McCartney arrived Iron 'Nclll City yesterday on a visit to hi relatives and friends. Georgoll. Mann , the architect of th Grand Central , arrived in town yesterxla ; and is btopping at the Withnell. Col. Matt J. Patrick and bride , hav itturncd from Now York. Col , Patricl \vlll taku up his pcnnancut abode at hi pleasant homo on Buundera street whlc lie had hitherto used as a batchclur'u hall SPECIAL NOTICE. In order to moot the requirement of the iato Sunday law , and at th same thno accommodate my man patrons , on Sunday , August 28th , ' 81 my Drug and 1'erscription Store wi bo open during the following lioun 9 a. in. till 1 p. m. , and 4 p. in. ti 8ap : p. in , Only "Physicians' Pn ecrintioiis proj > arod , " and "Druga nold during those hours. I ar i JOHN W , llELt , M 820 Soutli Tenth street. Third Ward Voter * . I will ait for registration of votei Monday , the Gth day of Soptcmbo 1881 , for registration of voters of tl Third Ward , and said book will 5 open at my oilico , 1324 Douglas atro northeast corner of Fourteenth. WILU H. lliusy , aug24tos5 Ketfistor Third Ward. RegUtraUoa Notioo- Notice is hereby given that I wi , sit at Lonjnzen'B Cigar Store , D14 I . Tenth street on Monday , Suptomb Uth , 1881 , for thopurposo of rogtstc i ) udditiokal voters of , the Fir vurd and correcting the old list. In witness whereof I have hereto B ray hand this , 20th day of Auaui E. M. STKNHKHO , Registrar irs Ward , f BURGLARS LET LOOSE. Their Midnight Matinee ir4 Bowery Hill The burglars made llnogs very lively about Bowery Kill early Satui < l y morninR. About 2 o'clock they r - moved the screen from ono ot the windows in dames McMahon'n house , on Thirteenth and Arbor streets , op- poaito Judge Hasciill's residence. Vftor Bklnnisliing about the house or eoino time ono ot them nally reached Mr. JIc Inlion'H bed room , 'Jlicro lie secured n gold ivatcli and chain , a magnifying ylasj nd Bovoral trinkets of moro or lest nlue. A few minutca after the man eft the room Mr. McMahon awoke , and feeling thirsty went to the panlrj o occuro a glass , When he opcncc' ho door ho almost fell into the armi f the burglar who wan hidden n there. Mr. McMnhon was onlj awake and in no coiulitior 'or a tussle. Besides ho was unarmed lotreating to secure a weapon tin imrular took advantage of the oppor unity to slip out which ho did ir short order. When Mr. McMahor returned ho found the burglar misaiiif and with him the property mentioned About the satno time an entrance , vas elFcctcd into the residence o ! Frank Volenta , on the corner of Fif ccnth street and Bellevue road , Quito a lot of personal effects wore re moved ontsido , whore were they searched od at leisure. Thirty-seven dollars am n half were found in ono of the pock cts , and this was taken and nothini else was disturbed. A driver for the Merchants' oxprcsH living in the snmo vicinity , wan un able to bleep on account of the heat Getting out of bed , ho lighted a lam ] and sat down to read Tin : BIK. II tad been so engaged but a short tim when ho heard a suspicious noise- ono of the windows. Going there t learn what was the cause ho in : orrupted the work of a couple of fcl own who ncampcrcd oft" in the dark less , i Another expressman living a for blocks distant while doling heart several slight taps at the front door a f somebody was trying to discover i the occupants of the house wen asleep. Getting up ho moved quietly , o the door and suddenly inquirot ivho was there. "Vorslehcn Dotitsch ? " was the quos ion from the outside. "No , but what in the do yoi ivaiit ? " asked the expressman. "Can you tell mo the road to Oma Im ? " asked the follow in perfect Eug. ish. ish."I'll "I'll toll you the road to Omahayoi just wait a moment. " The expressman began to hastily inholLtho door , which ho succoodot n doing just in time to see the fol ow rapidly disappearing around th < lornor. Mrs. John Rush , wife of tin issistant county treasurer , wai lick , as it happened and kop light burning most of thi imo. This circumstance provontot n invasion of the Rush housoholt hich is in the neighborhood. MARRIED. STith lEUMAN-liLDUIDGU-Augtist At the homo of the brido'H father , J. G EldridBC , by Nov. J. 13. Mnxiield , Mr John 13 , Herman and Miss all of Dlair , Ncbrask-i. TRUE TO HER TRUST. Too much cannot bo said of tin ivor faithful wife and motlmr , con tantly watching and caring for ho 'ear ones , never neglecting a singh uty in their behalf. Wlion they an assailed by disease , and the syston ihould have a through cleansing , tin tonmch and bowels regulated , bloot mrifiud , malarial poison exterminated iho must know that Electric Bitter ere the only sure remedy. They an the best and purest modicina in tin yorld , and only cost fifty cents. Soh y Ish & McMahon. ( 2) ) "BLACK-DRAUGHT" makes chilli and fever impossible. Children's school shooa at Full iedo'0 , Registration Notice- BTATi : 01' NEDHAHKA , 1 „ ' DUVUI.AH Counrr. ) I wiil ait for registration of voter Monday , September fith and Otli 1881 , on the Southeast corner o Twelfth and Cass , for registration o otois of the Fifth ward. SoitUYLKii WAKEKIEI.P , Registrar of the Fifth Ward. Aug 25 to SO The only place in the city whor Jos. Schlitz'a Milwaukoobeer is foun on draught is the Merchants E change , cor. IGth and Dodge Stt I , . i i i Fresh irints and vegetables receive every duy nt D. Guild's on Tent street , near U. P. depot. tf Largo stock of Scotcth styles i : boots and shoes received at Ful rieuo's. The New City Directory soon lo bo issued will bo the mo : thorough and complete of any director ever issued for Omaha. People wh huvo recently como to the city , c those who have recently changed the residence or boarding place , shoul send their now address nt once to > M. Wolfe , 120 S , Fourteenth stroe corner Douglas , so that their namt will appear in the now directory co OJct when issued. jy30d3w For rent or sale , ono organ , " \Vi sell on monthly payments. J1 Edholm & Erickson's Jewelry Stor Aug20tf n Unrncil DrlclRo- Friday niht an accident occurred on 10 0. U. & Q. railroad near Crcslon , station about forty miles west ot Council Bluffs. A bridge of consid- rablo nizo n little west of the .station caught on fire from some unknown auso , and soon destroyed the entire Iructure. The passenger train loav- ng Council Bluffs in the evening had ust got to this point , and its further irogresa was prevented , After wait- ng no mo little time to lot the fire sub- ido n transfer of passengers wan nado to the 0. , U. I. & P. railroad , t was necessary to add a day coach and no sleeping car in order to nccotno- ate the passengers from the C , B. Q. ' The passengers in the nlcopiiig ara had just retired for the night , nd consequently were considerably nit out when called upon to trot uf ud dress. The accident delayed tin I , I , train nboul an hour in makiiij. ho transfer of bagtmgo and pas < ; ciigon o their train. The night in.xil trail iver the C , IJ. & Q. was delayed it 'caching ' Omaha on account of the ac lidcnt. BITTEN TO DEATH. Hornblo Pate of a LaPlatte Farinor. A fanner living near La Platli ; ivcs some facts about a fatal rev vhich occurred near that place or Tiiursday of this week. Accordin ; o the man's statement there hai 30011 a feud existing between twi loighboring larmorn for n long timi lime past. Tiiursday ono of then named O'Lcary got well under the in lucnco of liuor and then Blurted foi ; ho farm of his enemy. The farina join and when O'Lcar ; reached it lie commenced abusing tin man , whoso naino was John Ko pojtka. They were both under th inlluenco of liquor and soon com mouced' fighting. It wa-j a deatl struggle , its the result showed D'Lcary being the stronger of the twi men got his adversary down am itlerly bit him to death. Kopcjtk ; soon after died from the efl'ects of hi wounds. The deceased is Baid I lave been , when sober , n vor leccnt nort of a man , but when drunl vas rather quarrelsome. Ilo came ti his state a little over a year ago fron tlacoupin county , Illinois , and livei on a routed place. O'Leary is said tie > o a very vindictive sot t of n iollo\ .nd very quarrelsome. Ho is said t > o much addicted to drink. Wo guarantee that "Conrad's Bud voisor" is brewed , especially for ou rado , according to the Budwoisc iroccss , of the best Saazor Hops niu Bohemian Barley , and warranted t < ccop in any climate. Ask yonr drug ist for it. Child Badly Hart. Isaac Levi , grocer at 713 Soutl Dhirtoonth street , with his family , wa out driving in n lii'ht wagon yestur day About Thirteenth and Dorca treots , the bolt which holds the shaf o the axle slipped out and Mrs. Lev vas pitched upon her head by a sud den lurch of the vehicle. She carriei baby in her arms , and in her dc dcont aho fell upon the infant. Mre iovi received several severe cuts am bruises , but the baby was by far th nest badly injured. Its nose wa 'racturcd by the fall , and the blooi lowed from it in a perfect stream. I was immediately given medical aa eUtanco , but is understood to bo in irccariotia condition. Mr. Levi am .wo other children in the wagoi escaped unhurt. OMAnTMEDIOAL COLLEGE. Fall session begins Oct. 10 , 1881 Address , G. B. A vims , M. D. , See. Peculiar Accident L. M. Cheshire , book-keeper at th U , P. freight btlico , yesterday wn scuflling with a companion in th olllco. In sport ho seized nn in ) eraser and waved it tragically at him Accidentally it entered his own lep making n very painful gash. Ilo wn taken to his homo on Howard strcc near Thirteenth. Ilo will probabl bo confined to bed a few days. A trhl package of "BLACK-DRAUGHT1 free of charge. DON'T DIE IN THE HOUSE. Ask druggists for "Rough on Rats. It clears out rats , mice , bed-bugs roaches , vermin , ihcs , ants insect ; 15o per bos (3) ( ) STOP THAT COUGH. If you nro suffering 'from a Cougl Cold Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay Fovei Consumption , loss of voice , tickling i the throat , or any affection of th Throat or Lungs , UHO Dr. King's No Discover } ' for Consumption. This i the great remedy that is causing e much excitement by its wondoifi cures , curing thousands of hopelo : coses. .Over a million bottles of Di King's Now Discovery have been use within the last year , and hayo give perfect satisfaction in every instanci \Vo can unhesitatingly say that this really the only sura euro for throi and lung affections , and can chccifu ly recommend it to all. Call and g < a trial bottle frco of cost , or n roguli size for $1.00. Isli & McMnhon , On aim. (3) ) _ Ladies' kid shoes § 1.50 at Ful roido's. _ WANTKU A girl for general hem work in a family of two. REKK KNGKS itEquniKU. Inquire at Mrs. I .1. Edholm , Twenty-tilth and Chicag Steady work to a good girl , , tf DULL DAY. No Saloons Opened Yesterday Within City Limits. THE streets of Omaha wcro ns thor- uglily dull yesterday as could well be. The saloons wcio all closed , as far as ould bo learned , both front mid rear. The prudent man had laid in a sup- ily the night before , and ho was about lie only contented individual to bo ound. The other stores generally rcro bolted and barred. There were n few exceptions to this rule , however. Ono drug store on Farnham street dis- icnsed soda water thooutire day. The )1 * C9 was constantly crowded by pcdcs- riana who wcro compelled to com- iromipo on that cooling bcvctago. An ther drug store on Douglas street did i thriving business in the same line , [ 'hero were nonio unshaved men in own , too. They neglected to visij heir harbors Saturday night , and had no opportunity Sunday. The inveterate smokers wcro put tr considerable inconvenience. It was ssiblo lo purchase cigars in mosl larls of the city , but it was usually iccossary to walk some distance. There wasquito an exodus to Coun cil DlulTs during the dty. Tito trans- 'or was constantly crowded. Fivt nun , it is said , were kept constantly employed in handing out foamint .agor . to the thirsty crowds. Strange : o say , few came back violently in oxicateil. There wcro several places out near .ho driving park that wcro literally icsiegcd. It is said that a smal ; > rcwory out that way ( not Bauman's which was closed ) had sold out even drop of beer early in the afternoon notwithstanding they had made ai extra supply. For the rest of tin day boor watt at discount and many ii desperation took whisky. There was not a single nrrcst foi drunkenness Saturday. "Tho Revere Hotioo Council Bluff ! is the best liccoiul-class hotel in tin wost. " augl7-lm Ait Exciting Timo. There was quite an excitement ere atcd at the circus last Saturday night Tlio regular circus performance hat teen concluded and the concert , whicl usually follows , was on. The rousta louts were engaged in tearing down i portion of Iho Beats and otherwise jetting ready for departure when tin ropes attached to ono of the gasoline lights suspended to the center-polo go joyoml the control of the men am came to the ground on n run. Tin can broke and the gasoline ignited ant' jlazed up to n height of four or fivt Feet. Instantly cries of fire won made by the startled audience ant a general stampede and panic wcr < mminont. But for the presence o mind of Mr. James Noligh and others together with certain of the attache : of the circus , a jam would have un doubtedly occurred , which wouli iiavo resulted in the death of n nutr. bor of persons. The gentlemen rcas surcd the audience , quiet was restore ! and the play wont on. * Unexpected D on tit- P. J. Johnson died Saturday ovc ning lost nt Ins residence , No. 1,42 North Nineteenth street , of typhoii Fever , after an illness of about thrc weeks , Mr. Johnson was a mombo of the ice and coal firm of Bonzon Johnson , which recently dissolved Since the dissolution Mr. Johnsoi carried on the business , until ho'wa prostrated by the fever. Mrs. John son being absent from the city no arrangements rangomonts have yet been made fo the funeral. Smytho ifcStull , attorneys , romovci No. 12 Creighton. block. IMPORTANT To merchants , builders and farmers \Vo are now prepared to fill orders fo Omaha Nails , guaranteeing qualit ; equal to any and price lower than th lowest , in any quantity from ono ti one thousand kegs. DOI.AX & LAJKIWOUTIIY , , Iron Merchants , aug22-0t Agents for Omaha Nails Parties wishine booth stands dur ing State Fair , address E. P. Davis Omaha , Nob. jy28-aopl2 For nice fresh meat to to G UILI Meat Market on Tenth street , nea the U. P. depot tf Prize Modal- Max Meyer & Bro. have just manufactured ufacturod a beautiful gold medal fo the winner of the bicyelo race on Jul 4th. It is given by the Omaha bicylisl On one side is an artiatio ropresontc tion of a bicycle , on the other the ii : scrtption ; "Won by Sam'l Bowloy r Omaha , July 4 , 1881. " Mr. Bowie lives in Council Bluffr. NOTICE TO LUMBER DEALERS Sealed bids will bo received by th undersigned at the Can field house Omaha , until ono o'clock p. m. o Monday , 29th inat. , for furnuhin and delivering at the southwest coiner nor of 7th and Douglas streets , Omt ha , matoiial for a warehouse for th Consolidated Tank-lino Company , th lowest nor any bid not i.ccossartly IK ceptcd. Bills of materials or otbc information will bo furnished on a | plication to WILLIAM Bovu , Canfield House , Omaha. TO OUR PATRONS. Our store will bo closed Sunday Wo would most respectfully requei that you will procure your Sunda bupply of good citrara and tobacco th evening. MAX MKYEU & Co. Prnirlo Fires. Extensive prairie fires are raging along the Omaha & St. Paul road. A gentleman who reached Omaha last night over this road reports that large ones are burning between Blair and Fort Calhoun. On this side of Fort Calhoun they nro burning all along the road. The fires are not confined to prairie grass alone , but stacks oi grain are also burned. A bridge on the road n short distance above Flor ence was burned down , and it delayed the train some little timo. At some places the iiro came so near to the track tint the windows of the cara had to bo closed to keep it out. CROOKED YOUTH. Ho is Picked Up by Shorifl Guy for Theft. Saturday a small boy wont ink the county treasurer's oflico and of fer-red to some ono there an ordinarj clothes brush worth about fifty cents. Ho asked only ten cents for it and Sheriff Gcorgo Guy , who was in tin ofiico , suspected that the boy had no ! como honestly by the brush. He questioned him upon the subject nnn Vom his answers the shcrifl wua satisfied that the boy had stolen the brush somewhere. Ho said thai 10 had bought it at Whitney's , or Douglas street , and Guy took Jhim tt BCD whether ho had or not. John Nash , the clerk , said that the boj md not got the brush there. The youth next said that ho found it ir tlio alloy back of Bushman s store ir a lot of rubbish. Ono of the clerks there said he had not done so. Tin sheriff then threatened to put him ir jail if ho did not tell the truth , Ho took the sheriff to 0 H. Brown't ofiico whore ho stated that ho hac taken it Irom a coal box in the hall o the building. Mr. O'Connor statei that the brush had been lying on : table in the office , and that the boj must certainly have taken it fron there. The young follow would noi own up for some time that ho hac taken it from there , but finally did so The door was locked , so ho hat climbed around from n hall , windov along the cornice of the firs story into the window of the office Sherift' Guy took the boy to his house to hold until Mir. Brown was con suited as to the disposition of him Mr. Brown was seen and ho did nol ffiah to prosecute the buy bcc.iuso of liis youth. The bay's mine is Chas. Baker. Ho is thirteen years of ago Ho is n pretty hard case and is wol Iviiown to the police as a bad boy. Died. PRICE Ellen , died August 27 , at hal past four o'clock p. in. Funeral will take place from icaideno ou Eleventh and Davenport street tliii af tcmoon at 3 o'clock. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Omaha Postoflico for th week cndiii ; ; Saturday , August -7,1881 : OKNTLEntPN. Aruulcty J Boyd F Uinymonn F Bokin II Uaj-ley J Uielacrhi J Cushinan C Chumley J Doherty C C Dorrea f 1'dwarus 1) llnyner J Habbinek.T llasuler 1' A Dr Holmgren M Henna M Keens J Lorclaco J Lloyd J MahaJ.S Murray J P McYlex W Morton W II Nelson M J Pcckham D Province INI 1C Kaynor G llccll C N llos-prand T V ] Redmond T Spralmu .1 Hymrcid J M Strauss G Sokcra T Sheedy D Sdrcetcr A Taylor J Varp J JN Vlckroy M F Q Wagner J Woodhull S Wilde T Williams M Wilson S F Ware Ed N Wiecrovek J Wine E LADIK.S1 LIST , Black A J Miw Bent D Misti Bloomville E C Mre Brown M Mibt Busacar B Mm Brown II A Mrs Button A Miss Brown B Mrs Oucry J Mm Cooper R O Mrs CunitBon Mrs Dee N MUa Doano A Mra lavis ) C Mm Francis II Miiw Green M. A Mw. Grroom M Mra Graft Allies Flick J M Mrs Holloway J L Html M Mrx Howcr A Jlisn Hall M W Mrs Harris M B Mw Ilonlhainy J Mru Johnson A Miss Kittle W Mra Lntnoa 0 Miss Leo M Misn Lloyd A Miss McGuvorn N Misa Murry B Miss Piircell A Mlia Robertson M Mies Roulus L Min.1 llonmyo M Mrs Rivers B Mis Sandrum A 3Irs Simpson P Mrs Sovroy S Mrs Stafford C 0 Mm Thompson L Mrs Tibbels S Miss Vop C Mm Woodbnni O Misa Whennoy W Mm Tnos. F , HALL , I'cutmaster. Sixth Ward Voters. OMAHA , Neb. , August 25 , ' 81. Notice is hereby given that I wi : sit at my stoio , No. 1022 Cumin street , between 20th and 21st , nort side , on Monday , September the 5tli 1881 , for the purpose of registorin ; legal voters of said ward. 0. 0. FIELD , Registrar Sixth Ward , aug25-KOth . ! Undoubtedly the best shirt In tt United States is manufactured at tl Omaha Shirt Factory , Tlio superior ! ) of material and workmanship , con binod with their great improvement hat is reinforced fronts , reinforce backs , and reinforced sleeves , maki their shirt the most durable and bo. . fitting garment of the kind , eve manufactured at the moderate pric < $1.50. Every shirt of our make guaranteed first-class and will refun the money if found necessary. We make a specialty of all woo Shaker , and Canton llaunol , ah chomois underwear , made up with view to comfort , warmth and durabi ity. To invalids ni.d weak-lunge persons wo offer special inducemen in the manner those- goods ore mat cr their'protection. Pu. GorriiEiMKB , 1207 Farnbam St MAJ. ILGES. Tbo Offlcor to Whom Sitting Bull Surrendered. Maj. Guido Ilgos , of the United 1 talcs army , was in the city yesterday , ho guest of Gen. 0. H. Fredericks , who used to belong to the same regi ment. Ilges is on his way west to ottlo the claims of citizens for dam- gcs incurred during the Ncz Vjrcos war , in which the major > articipatcd. Maj. Ilges is the officer 0 whom Sitting Bull and his band urrcndercd , and by whom they were onveyed to Fort Yates , D. T. Maj. Igcs is an experienced Indian cam- migncr , and for his bravery has boon ironvoted to a lieutenant colonelcy. 1 is commission is awaiting ho signature of the president. V reporter for Tur BKE had the pleas ure of mooting Maj. Ilgea to-day. In elation to the present condition of ndian affairs , he said that no trouble iced be expected from the Indians ho coming fall or winter. Ion-over , tlio coming spring trou- ) lo might he anticipated , as ho Indians were in n very sullen nood. Maj. Ilges is of the opinion hat the Indian difficulties will never 10 settled until the aborgincs arc .urncil ever to the military author- ties. As long as they remain in the muds of the Indian bureau they will 10 restless. The Rural Now Yorker observes : Pho best people vote for the best man every time. And judging by the lumber os the St. Jacobs Oil constit uency , that is the best romndy for rheumatism known. Prof. Tico among others says so. Forty years' trial ui proven "BLACK- DRAUGHT" the best liver medicine in , hu world. At F C. Oootmm > . SPECIAL NOTICES. KOflCC Adicrtiscmuil To Loan , Tor Silo , rOst , Found , Wants , Uoarcllnc , &c. , nlllbcln < crtcd hi these cnluiuna once for TEX CENTS ) cr line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVE CENTS > cr lino. The tint Insertion ncter loss than TWENTV-F1VK CEN'TS TO LOAN MONEY. ONEV TO LOAN Call nt LawOIHcaof D M L. Thnnias lioouiS. ( Jrclshton I'.lock. /1AA ° loan it from 8 to 10 per cent wl'U on irood real cstatcsccurity , bj > H , IsAAC EDWAUU3,1109 rariibani fct. TO LOAN At S jur centlti tere t In sums of 82,500 anc iip\\anl , for 3 to fi years , on llrst-ela e ( Ity farm property. UKUIX UKAL ESTATX and \OKSCV , ISth and Sto. HELP WANTED. Fifty carpenters at Opera Hoiuc WANTED S2.75 per day. ' 7M2-2 SHAW&nnLD. A Rl'l forKcncral hoii'O work WAKTKO on Ilca < ant street , 3d house nortl roni St. Mary's a\cnuc , alter Satiuday , August 'ANTED Boy to herd and n nko hiinNel generally useful. Apply at Saratoga house 71W-29 "tT7"ANTED Olrl wanted Immoilately , VV * 2J a month. Mrs. U. W. Ambro-c , 102 < farnhain street. 7i.rtf 'ANTED A good girl for general house W work , at ISvS Farnham street. 7 7-20- * AN I El ) lioarders mid lodgers , 2015 Hurl btreet. Private dwelling , homoiomforts 781-8 * ANTED-0 dining room girl * , at thn tic W cldental Hotel immediately. 7bO-t Dining room girl at northwesl WANTED 17th and Capitol Ai e. 77ti-0" ! - first-class coo , mustliivcare WANTED-A . J. W. GANM.TT. 2111 Cass St. 777-31' An unfurnished room , not fa : WANTED otllcc. Addnss. stating price Hr. P. tj. 11. , Boo ofiico. 782-27 A pool table to rent ; with prIU WANTED purchasing. State price. AiTdrcssOEo. INMAN , 451-tl Vull , Crawford Co. , Iowa. 'ANTED Funding bridge and sehool bondc W U. T. Clark , Bellc\uc. 28-tf ANTlvD Chaimbcrniald ixnd laund rcss Wages 820 per month. Apply at 2MB Bur street , between 20th and 21t > t. 702-tf A good girl for general house WAN1ED Must be ft good cook , washer am Ironcr : at 1C1S Cass St. , bet. 15th anil 16th 7C927 To rent house with six or WANTED ; mukt bu In good location. Addics Peter T. Martin , at A. U String's otilco , city 0 Carpenters at Opera Houi WANTED & & Fatnham Bta 701.20 SHAW & FIELD. Good blacksmith for cnu otth WANTED In the e-ountry. Htcady work Apply to Dolan & Langworthy , 14th bt. 740 2 " \\TANTKD I'lrst-class mnchlncry and hou yV work molclers. Address Seaton & Lea Lincoln Iron Works. 784-27 IANTED Ooo'l ' second girl , at 1B18 Chlcagi WH ? Good wages paid. 7bMf ANTED- girl for general hoiibo work , a 1619 HarncY St. 720 tf TO THADE Almovt new top sld WANTED for a phaiton. Enquire at lie ANTED dirt for general housework I W tmall family at Mi IQlh St. S'J'2 tt FOFt RENT HOUSES AND LAND. l OIl NEXT An excellent eottagc , BCXC JL ; rooms , on California street near 22d to mall family , possession Sept. 1st. Kent $27.6 per month in aihanec. E. WAKM.EY. KENT Furnished room , S. W. Cor. I0t FOH Davenport Hts. 784-1 T7IOH IlKKT Two furnlihct ] or unfurnUhc I ? roonK , chop : 611 ICth ht , bet. Howard an Jacksou. 76J.29' TTlOIl KENT House of o\en roonu , rcllai JU well , cistern and hath-room ; well locntc < flrbt-cla condition. Enquire No. 222 southwgi corner 25th and Daxcnport Sts. 763 0 KENT-One room n Wi board , 1803 Cal EOU btrcct. 735 U TTIOH KENT A two-story house of 7 room * wit V Btable , on Bherman A > e. Apply at iUrrill feed store , 207 S. 12th St. i Nl ly fiunUhed rooms , at FOH11ENT . 749 tf OK KENT Elcirantfurnlshed rooms. able priceJ , brlcl. house , gQiaCaajBt. 0231 Ioii ItENT-llouw of c cn rooms , klUhoi cellar , cistern , well and barn , on South AM enext to eel oith' roUlcnco' Enquire ! J.JOIlhSON , 0i ( RKNT Large barn. InqulroatlSlsa 17(011 . - St. OT4U 170R ItENT A nicely furnished front room c X1 one or two geuUcmtP , tt 1210 Honard btree ! SPEUIAL NOTIOES-GontmuBtl I'jIOK RENT 2 furnlxhed room * our Jl u- JJ chtnts' KxchangoN. K. cer , 16th and Dodge MtrtU. FOR SALE. fTIOIt SALE StrfUl cnlon , ciicuHtriloir lon , U , l pippere , tie , lor pickling iiurpn-ra , do- rid in i nil quantities , 10U8LKY 1IH03. 773-tf I.IOH SALK A fpsn of ponlc , buggy and bar- .L. ness' Imirgy ft'tnoit new. Apply at the Caledonian Saloon , V. P. block , ICth St. 764-tf rjlOH SALE -A rare chance to lump Into n well JJ cttAhll.1i < il < nsh trade. Will sell my central stork of merchandise , situated In one of the br t chipping points on H. & M , It. n. For further- t artlculars call or address J. I ) , Llnlngcr.Warcrly , Neb. 7402 17011 SALE Lease and furniture of n tlnt-ciaaa JJ hotel In a lawn of 1SOD Inhabitants , In tat of Nebr-uka ; his 24 beds ; the tra cling mfnV ro- sort. Inquire at BKK ofllco. SlS-tf 1701 ! SALE Slap * , of Dougla * Mid Bainy eoun JJ ties. A. KOstWATEUlG20rarnhnni street , SOU ! FOU SALU A hnn of eighty ncrce , In good repair , Hood house , 22xUO anil ell 14x10 , smalt orchard of ticulng trce . Ono mile gouth of Onawa I Ity , Iowa , on S. C. & I * . H. H. Will gllo time on part If wished. Address F. H , Soars. Omaha , Neb. nl9dtfA4w4t 17011 SALK A new all leather top side-bar U I'hacton With spring cushion nnd baclt , at W. E. Oration's rarrl go top nmnufaetory 314 , 3. lulh st bet. Farnham and llamcy , 707-tl 17ll SALK Ncit house and full lot , 12 blocks JJ from P. O. at SOOO. JOHN L. MccUaim , 712 tf Opp. Postoilloo. T70H SAI.n Flno stock farm of 400 acres JJ good house , cattle sited , orehnrd Ac * . , with in ca < y rcaeh of railroad. Prke. SHOO , par time at 0 % . JOHN L. McCAOUi : , Opp. Postl Olllcc. UW-tl 17011 SALE Neat cottage and good lot at JJ S1HO. JOHN L. .MeCAOUE , Opp. P. O. 17011 SALE On rfaxonablo terms. A buMnoss , JJ that N paIng6100 a month. Onarantcca given a , to title of property and Icaio of premises. Miqulro at oilicc of Sam J. How ell , 217 b. UinRt. . Omiha. U12-tt 17011 SALK Horse , buggy and harness. Can 1 } bo seen at Htc\onion's Capllol Avenue bam Price , $250. E. C. hLLIS. tCC-tf "T7OR SALE A Ilrst-clasg milk dairy. Inquire JJ atthiiotllco. Jl7-aug27 AND LAND Carols rent * houses , HOUSES , liotcls , farms , lotn , landn , olllcosf roomp , etc , See 1st page , Goodhouio with four room * and FOHSALE No.J013 Dodge between 20th and 27th street. Good well and Bhado trees ; UOIHO In KOO | condition. Inquire on premises. 221-tf MBIIELLAS And rarasois r-plrcd by M. SCHOTT llth and Faniam its. 780tf kHICIt 11 SALE. > 203-tf ESTAnHOOK & COE. "Pion SA'.K A small cnjflne , IJ. W. I'nyne t 1 ; Soil's tniko. In pcrfea osiler. Inquire of II. I. Clirk&Cn. Sd-U MISCELLANEOUS. mo CAUPiSTEIlS I hlork cheap nt 1 bench work for the "Inter to U-ani tomocx- jicrlcnco. J. AV. S. llms olllco. QTHAYED rroni Slert's stnUe , Omnlm , ono O black marc , color somewhat tailed , cijjht or iTnojc.ireclffln about eleven huinlro' ) , Irul on tailillo anil liriille. A reward \ \ 111 bo paid for her return , or Information leading to lur re covery. W. K. Vatbcy , Fort Calhruui , Nob. 79J.IIIW2S CJTIIAYKD AjoiinjrreJ ( ow , slnrt tall anj O left cir cut , boiouglnt ; to Oliiw Bauer. 'Iho Under " 111 be rewarded Ko. 811 10th strict. 780-2 * CIIA3. 11AUKR. MAHA I1IRD STOKE Hai foreala nil Kinds O of Foreign and Uoincbtic liirja , aho Bird ) ; ooJs ; at ICtli t. , bet. UonglM and KS11S has rattling lon lists of houses , lota lauds aijd farms for sale. Call and get . A I 11 US. U. K. CLARKE'S No. 1 Hoard CAM. House , cor. 13th and Dodge 8ts. Ilcst In the city. MO-tf ' IlEALESiTATB BOOMee Irt page. B rilAKEN Ul > black cow with b Il on. Owner JL can ha\o the came by proving property and paj Ine chars-e . C. U. FKY , ] mlfo north D < of and Dunili Institutu. :72-27 : From my place , on 16th and Jack son streets , on August ( lib , ono red an I whltu heifer , 2 y ars old 747-27 Tini.KIE Manufactory of paper TT . JLJ. YY boxes , 1403 Farnham street , Omaha , Neb. a22lH on or address Potter A Palmer , 40 South CALL street , Council liiulTs , Iowa , for railroad - road tickets east , nest , north nnd south. Greatly reduced rates on all ticket * . Kviry ticket guar anteed , and tickets bought , sold and exchanged J70UTUNK TELLEIl AND MEDIUM lira. JJ Kllza tolls past present , and future In love and allurfalrf. tjhore\cala tlio ilei/iiOMt tccrelaof the heart , blio jwiccs the magnetic iiowcr to ful Oil all your ubhes. Call at Ko. 1010 Chicago street , near 10th. aug 10-tf T OST Suiulay afternoon on Howard St. , I 1 thild'agold bracelet , uurkod "Etlict. " Find er will Icavo at Hco Olllcc. S73-11 B EillS' NEW C1TV MAl'3.230. Seolst p c VjTltATED From 2415 Hartley street July 23 ij ono largobrlndlo cow , 9ycflrs old. branded on nip with letter "O. " Has KODIO white spots on her. Any onoKhing Information wbcro she Is r return her will be suitably rewarded. 518 tf A. M. CLAKK. NY ONE haling work for a typo writer can A bo accommodated by telephoning the Ur oflico. 483-tf fTlAKKN UP A rcil cow. Owner can haa the I name by pro\lng I'roporty anil paying- charges. rilANClS UOIIBI.NH , Sanndcrs and Gracu St . au24-ev wedSt ElIIS' HEAL ESTATE EXCIIANOE.-S B Isi page. fT ill REE or four 3 oung men can be ftccommodft- J. tel with board , llcferencci exchanged. Ap ply 2011 Cess btreet , 4th iloor vast ol 20th ht. , oraddn-ss Box S37 , pOBtoflico. SI3v < . BROWN Corner 12th and Chicago . etrreU , l § ready to bore or deepen w elu. Satisfaction guaranteed. tXUtf FOI.QET The successors ot the Amer ican House , on Douglati etrcct , between Oth and 10th , for board , lodging and translout cut- toracra. Kespuctfully WI4-tf JULIUS i LOUJSKnOSS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Made from GraK > Cream Tartar. No other arpation makes gueh light , flaky hot bread * , uxunoui pastry. Can l > o ratcn by Dj ( peptic wit rout fear of the lilt resulting from heaty ludJ gwtlbla food. Soldoaiy Incan * . bvallGroctrr KOYAL1)AK1NO1'OWIKH ) CO . NVW YcrV. 0. F ,