Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1881, Page 5, Image 6

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NEW YOUK. August 27.
Money closed nt Sti ? i ver cent.
Kxchange steady ot 4 80J(5f48l. (
Governments closed firm.
Currency C * , 1 30 bid ; , l , coup. , 1 llj ;
4 | < t do , 113J ; Os umtinued nt 1 01 ; ( > do ,
I 101J.
< 1'nolfio rallrond bonds closed ns follows :
Union 1st * . 1 17i@l18 ; land * , 1 10J
< 3)11DJ ) ; sinking fund * , 128V1120 : Ucn-
train , 1 U@H5.
The stock market this inoruins was
strong , nnd there was nn advance in prices
of i/'J ( per cent. At nvm however weak
ness net in and there partial reaction ,
but during the afternoon it was not only
recovered but further advance was made ,
and although there was nome reaction
closing quotations as a rule were i@l per
cent higher as compared with yesterday.
The following aio the closing bid < :
WUTel 873 l > & Wo O. . . 80 }
Adams lixp..133 Krio 2j
American Kxi > . 84 Preferred. . . . 83J
TJ. S 08 H. k st..r ml
VfV Hx | > 125 K & T 37
V HA Q 152J L.S 123J
O O 0 & I. . . . 874 Northwestern. ,123
CO&IO 20 Preferred. . . . 138
JN Y O 142 O & W 2(1 ( }
N J 0 O : Sock Island. . . . 133J
Jll Central 127 Sun Francisco. . 45
Mich Cent 03 do preferred. . 08
North Pius 38 Stl'&O 39
Preferred. . . . 7 ! > Preferred. . . . 101
UP 121 Stl' Il
Central Pacific. 80 | Preferred. . . . 12U
A& Til 39 MA : L S . . . . 44J
Preferred 03 Wabash 48
O & A 128 doprcferroii. . 8IJ
OittcAOo , August 27.
To-day there was nn active miscella
neous demand for money and rates were
firm at 6@7 per cent. Eastern exchaugo
between the city was weak at 8c@J 00
discount per 31,000 A large amount of
gold and currency was forwarded to coun
try poin'.t ) . The clearing of the associa
ted Lanka were $0,000,000.
Omaha Woolily Review.
Hatunlay Evening , August 27. J
The market for hogs continues strong ,
'and taking into conslder.ition the weather ,
the movement keeps up well. Price * dur
ing the week have remained unchanged.
Cattle were also firmer with an upward
tendency. Nothing doing in cheep.
(5rain has fluctuated considerably during
tha week. Wheatclosed to-night 1" higher
than last Saturday. Barley advanced 14c
during the week , closing firm. Rye closed
80 higher. Corn has fluctuated between
45 and COc all week , the highest pi ice
reached being -lOJc ; closed 2c lower than
closing quotation la < it week.
Oats cloic.l 3c lower than last Satur-
day'd price , 1'lonr hai been vsrj' strong ,
and keeping pacn with the advnnco of
-wheat , has gone up 15@.1.jc per 100 Iba.
Provisions firm. Potatoes stronger and
Ihighcr. Kss3 have been rather seal cc and
advanced 2\c. Uiittcr firm and unchanged.
AH kinds of California fruits weaker and
prices declined. Watermelons declined
S3 00@3 00 per 100.
Dry Goods. Although trade is active
and , in fact , heavy , there has been : i little
falling oJF within the week. Country
buyew are apparently waiting to sco how
the cropi will turn out , and to make sure
of the prosperity of their cuatomcis before
purchasing ahead of actual wants. Quo
tations unchanged ,
The niuccry merchants ha 'p no cawn to
complain in rogaut to Iho movement of
.goods. During the past wee ! : trade has
been unusually largo and stocks of seine
.classes of goods greatly reduced. Tlio
sugar market , which for some days has
.been r.ither weak , is btreiigthening up , and
quotations unchanged.
Syrups were also firmer.
Coffees firm.
Dried fruits slightly weaker but prices
remain the wime us last week.
Drugs meeting brisk demand at steady
rates. We note the following changes
.during the week : Glyceiine advanced 2
.cents ; opium declined 23 cents ; quinine
.dealined 3 C3nts ; strychnine ] declined 10
cents ; paints , oils nnd vari-hes generally
firm. The only changes of importance
noted during the week is an advance of 3
cents for linseed oil and 7 cents for castor
Tob.icco Very firm and advances are re
ported for a number of brands of cigars
nnd prepared tobacco in other markets ,
but bo far our mei chants have made no ad
vances , the only change in our quotations
for the week being 2c advance for hornc-
fcllOt ! plllg.
I Hardware Trade shows no fulling off
Jn volume tiinco the last report. Dealers
i repent full activity in sales of all descrip
J tions of goods and a greut deal better than
jit usual nt this teason of the year. Nails
are firm and tending up.
Lumber The volume of tr.ulu was fully
unstained during the week , but few changes
in prices are noted.
Leather This line has been very active
And antronger feeling pievailcd duiing the
Liquor Keeping well up with the nv.
erage sales ; quotations unchanged.
Hides and wool Dull ; very little doing
.and prices unchanged.
Local Uraln UealinRt.
WIlKAT. O'ar lots. caHh No. 2 , 118 ;
.cash Ni > . I. 07 ; rejected f.7o.
HAULBY. Cosh No _ ' , 09e ; No.
HYi : . Canh. 8o. ! )
OORN.-Cash No. 2 , 47'iu.
OATS. Uiish. 274o.
For wngnn lots , fi@10c elf for wheat ,
barley and rye.
Livestock ,
Cattle Wo quote as follows ; Hutch-
er'a COWH , S3 COfe.T 23 ; choice butchers
Btcern , $3 7 < > @tOO ,
Sheep Good mutton in fair Demand ,
SU 503 ; 75 ,
lino's Wo quote us follows ; Light
packers , $3 OJ'uiS 73 ; medium mixed
flickers , S3 r j $ t 73 ; eftr.k choice huavv ,
$ .5 75ifiO 00 ,
FLOUIl Spring wlieat. Mraight gr.ido ,
s$3 23 3 50 ; patent , S3 73i4 ( fiO ; winter
wheat Htr.iight grade , S3 754 00 ; p.ittmt ,
S4 00@ 50 ; graham rye , § 2 60 ; Wheat ,
"llYK FLOUrt-83 25.
MILLSTUl''l'\S-lran , per cwt. 70o ;
screenings , per cwt. 70' c80ej shorts , per
cwt. BOu ; chopped feed , per cwt. 100 ; meal
bolted , yellow , 1 15 ; white.'gl 2'i.
POTATOBB Good supply at 8100 ®
1 10 per bushel.
I'OULTUyr Live chickens per dozen ,
S3 25@3 00.
per dozen ,
KGGS-Candlcd , 12Jc.
BU'ITKU Choice , 1C ® 18 ; poor , no mar.
ket ; creamery , 25c.
APPLES Good , sound , 83 50 i > er
bbl. *
HONEY Extracted. firet-cloM California
ornia * trained , 15c ; Nebraska comb , 20c.
LBMONSr-Gooa prepacked iw box ' ,
* * * -
eooogoco :
KASTKKN PKACHKS-Dull ; $1 25 ©
1 50 per box.
KASTKUN" PiJAUS- bu. box , 91 00
@l 23 ,
TO.MATOlCS-l'cr bmhcl. 91 00.
_ DO.MKSTlCGiAPKS-Veryaotie : at
CA1.1F011NI A l'LUMS-82 PO.
WATiil.Mii.ONS : : 100 , SIR 00 ®
15 00 :
Vr. KTAlUiS : All kinds bring Rood
orice * .
HKiSVAXYellow : , 1H@20- .
ONlONS-1'cr bu he . $1 23.
Grocers Lltt.
COFlT.K.-ltio , luir , 13Jc : Uio , good ,
He ; P.ii prime to choice , 1 IJc ; Old pov't
Tata ; 2ij ; ( ; 2Sic , Mochn , 28Jc ; Arbuckle's ,
n S.r-Gunpmvder , . . Brtx1' . i * ® ? * ' '
Choice , G0tf7 ( icj' llnierial | , KINK ! , 40KI5c ( ;
rholce , ( ! Q'nj7ic ; Young llyson , ind , 30M
We choice IMC@I 00 .Tnpati Nat Lcnf
> * _ ; * T-- . . , _ l.- . ! _ . lf\f.S ; * * L * /\.l. . . . . _ - jl ,
inoli , .
SUGARS.-Out loaf , lljc ; Crmhed ,
i Granulated , lOJo ; Powdered , lite
I'lne jMiwilcrcd , 112c ; 'Uandanl Colfeo A ,
I04c ; New York Confectioncr'R SUndani
A , lOJc ; Gooil A , 10c ; Prairie Kxtia ; C ,
SYKUPS.-Sugnr home , bbl , 45c : lmf !
bit , 47c ; kegs , 4 } iraHons , S2 30 ; choice
table syrup , 12c ; balfbbl * , 45c , keg' , SI So.
SPICKS. Pepper , 20 : Allspice , 20c ;
Clo\ci , 4c ; Nutiiie ? , 8100 : Cassia , 2oc ;
Mace $100.
SODA. Dwlght'a lb papcn , S3 00 ; De-
land do , $3 00 ; Church1 * , 53 00 ; Keg vvla ,
STARCH. Pearl , 3c ; Silver Gloss , 7j
Com Starch , 8 i@8Jc ; Excelsior
. . Glc ; Corn , 7c.
SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 00 ; Ash-
ton , in sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy GO , 5s , 3 43 ;
bbls dairy. 100 , 3s , 3 Co.
DRIED FKUITS-Choico halves ,
pcnchcs , new crop. Oic ; Eai > orated A milc ,
50 Hi boxes , 13f@14c : Michigan , 8Jc : Now
Yorknppla , K cSt.Louis ; Ncl,7c ; Prunes ,
old , He ; lew , Sic ; Currants , 7@7-ic ;
Blackberries , new , lite
CHEESE Full Cream , llic ; Part
Skim , Oc.
WOODBNWAKE Two hoop pail" ,
1 S3 : throe hoop palls , 2 10 ; No. I tubs ,
0 00 ; No. 2 tubs , . 8 00 ; No. 3 tubs , 7 00 ,
pioneer washboards , 1 83 ; Double Crown ;
2 75 ; Globe Washboard , 250 : Well buckets ,
chain , and 5 ply , 20i21J ; Colored carpet
chain , per Ib , 20 ;
LKAD liar , SI C3.
MATCHES Per caddie , 85c ; round
casc , S7.35 ; tnuaro cases , Sl.OO.
PROVISIONS-Breakfast bacon. 12t- .
choice lard , 13Jc ; dried beef , 14c ; tlmulil-
ers , canvassed 8ic ; hams , canvassed 14c ;
bacon , hides lllu
NKW PICKLES Medium , In barrels ,
7 00 ; do in half bbls , 4 23 ; smalls , in libls ,
1200 ; do , in half hhls. 050 ; gherkins >
bbln , 13 00 ; do , in half bbls , 7 00.
VINEGAR Pure apple extra , lOc ;
pure npplu. 13c ; Praising pure apple , 13c.
HOMltf Y-Now , S3 SO per bbl.
B HANS Medium , hand picked S2GO ,
per bushel ,
iOPK : Siwil , 1 inch and larger , OJcjij
inch , Oje ; i inch , lOlc.
SOAPS-Kirk's Savon Impciial , 300 ;
Kirk's fctcrling. 2 40 ; Kbit's staiulanl , 3 SO ;
Kiik's white Russian , 4 75 : Kiik's Eutoca ,
2 O't : Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes ) , 3
40 ; Kirk's magnolia 10.
CANDLES Boxes 40 lb , 1C oz , 8s ,
14cboxes ; 40 Ibs. , 1J ( oz , , ( is , 14c ; boxijs , ' 10
sets , 11 HZ. , Ss , 13ic ; half boxes , 20 sets ,
II uz. , Ss , I'Jc.
LYE American , 3 33 ; Greenwich , 3 33 : .
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 CO ; Lewis'
lye , 4 CO ; Juwell lye , 275.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. ,
in case , 3 3) ; 15abbitt'n Ball , 2 doz. in rase ,
1 'JO ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in case , 1 30.
FIELD SEED lied clo\cr , choice ,
new , S3 30 per bushel ; mammoth clo\cr ,
new , § 575 ; white clover , new , SHOO
ele : i7 SI 15 ; orchard grass , 52 00 ; red tori' ,
eh.lire , G5c ; millet , common or Misxouii ,
SI 23 ; millet , German , 4 > l 23 ; to § 160 ;
llungaiiiin , SI 15.
HKnGKSEKO Osage orange , 1 t. ) 5
bushels , S3 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels or
o\ei" , SI 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 35c ; per
100 Ib ? . . 825 00.
I'LSI f Family white fish , 'JO Ib hf bbl- ,
83 ( X ) ; No , 1 white fish , 00 Ib hf bblw , 0 : iO ;
No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 1 00 ; family
10 Ib kits , 75c ; New Holland hcirintr , per
keg , 120 ; Russian sardines , 75c ; Colui"-
bia river Kalinonior ] lOOlbs , H 00 ; GcorgeV
Hank codtWi , ( ic ; Gen. boneless codlisb ;
boneless libh , 4 c.
JIACKEREL Half bbls mess mackerel ,
100 Ibs , S1200 ; hfbbl No. 1 ex shore do ,
100 Ibs , (5 ( 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100
Ibs , 3 85 ; mess mackeiel , 12 Ib kits , 2 23 ;
No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore ,
12 Ib do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib do , 75c.
CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 Ib
( Field' * ) , per case , SI 20 ; do 1 Hi ( Field'n ) ,
jcr cane , 2 50 ; do 2 It ) ( Standard ) , per case ,
3 DO ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , per , 240 ; do
2 Ib ( slack ) , per case , 2 7.r > ; do 1 Ib ( sl.vck ) ,
per case , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , 1
Ib , per dozen , 1 GJ ; do 2 Ib , par dozen
" M. Saiilines , Binall full , imported , me-
quarter boxes per bo14Je ; Ameiican ,
( puirter boxes per box , lie ; do half boxes ,
per box , 2Ue. Lobhlcrn , 1 Ib per do en ,
180. TomTitoes , 210 ; do 3 Ib per
c.ise , 2 50 ; Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountain )
per caw , ' ( 40 ; soaked com , 1 1)0 ) ; do
2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per , 350 ;
string beans , pi-r , 1 ! K ) ; Lima beans
per case , ti 00. Succotash jier case , 210.
1'eas , eommon , pnrc.i'-c , 1 7.-peas ; ( choice ,
per case , 4 CO , lilackbenies , 2lb , per case ,
230 ; htrawbenim , 2 Ib , per C.VKO , 't 70-
raspberries' , 2 Ib , per case. 2 75It 00.
l.Hiisons , > 21li , per c.ivo , - 2."i. Harriett
IMJ.IM per case , 3 Oo@ I 00. Whortluber-
perdue , 250. Ugg plums , 2 lf > per
, 3 2. > ; do , choice , 2 Ib , per case. 4.50.
oasc,325j do pie , fl Ib , per dozen , 3 fiO.
iUCE-C'aroliiiu , ( ! j@74c ; Loui.iana , 5J
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , rod Ten-
ncsseu , Sic per Ib ; fnncy white , Uu per Ib :
raw-white Virginia , 7@7ic.
Dr Goods.
Crescent A Be ; WachutetU 8lc ;
Indian Head 8Jc ; Graniteville LL
fljc ; Badger IIR , fine brown , 7c ;
Badger X , do , "c ; Portsmouth P , do , 5jo ;
Winthrop L , do , 7Jc ; Continental C ,
do , 8c.
1.1 lUc ; Frnif 1-1 10.HOMO \ ; I-1
8\c ; Ballaulvala 4.1 Ccj ] Pocassett
Cf 4-1 8Jc ; Altoona 3-J tic ; Lonbdale
No. 1 , cambric llie ; No. 2 , do , 124c ;
New York Mills 1-1 13c ; Lonsdalo 4-1 lOc ;
Kalrmont Q4-4 io Auburn A 4-1 8jc ;
Baniard I ( > c ; Dairy Cloth Tijc ,
PRINTS. Allen's fancy , file ; Ameri
can do , ( He ; Arnold's do , 7c ; Cc
( In , ( ic ; Dunnell do , ( He ; Kdily tone do ;
O..o ; ( iloiireater do , ( Ac ; Hamilton , Oio ?
Jlannony/lc ; lInittlAc ( ; Knickerbocker ,
Die ; Mauchettor , 7n ; Pivcific , 7c ; Sjirague ;
OSc ; Southbridge.OJc ; Mystic , OJc ;
nucl ; nhirtinK , lie ; Siirjuuo do ,
do , ( ijc ; Itiyatta do ,
Cochlco rube , 7c ; Kreeinan robe , l > c ;
Iliiiiiilton di > , 7c ; .Marlboro do , Oc ; South-
bridge do. OJo ; Sjiniiiiedo , ( ijc ; Anierioan
Uo , ( iic ; I'acilio do , 7c ; W uhin ton oil
colora , lie : Siuipson'n niournlnif , 7c ; Shni > -
bon'd koliu black , ( iicl ; } rllii8olidcolon.Sc. (
OAMBUICS , FLAT Glazed , 5Jc ;
high colors , ( > Jc ; kid hnihh , Oc ; high col-
prs , 7c ; rolled , 7c ; blith colors , 8e.
CORSET .lEANS-llockimrt , EC ;
Naumkeag satteen , Oc ; Androacoggin do. ,
tifc ; Ixxikwooddo. Oo
TIOKIXfl Amwkeag. A. 0. A. , 174c ;
Conentc a-Il. F.t j. fancy. ISc i
toga' , 4-4 , Gold Medal , IGc : Conestoga.
O. 0. A. , 14c ; Coneitoga , C. 0. A , ancy ,
Omega A ? ,13 ; Conestt.ffH. 0.UedStrpe ! ,
S. , HJcShetucket ; , S. S. ,
12Jr ! IVarl Hirer , l/ic ; Hamilton , 1) ) . ,
lu ; Hnitilton remilar , 13 ; Hamilton 11. ,
lljcj Cordi" . 1 ? . . , 'Jics I'onlis A C. i : . ,
ISc ; Alluny S. A. X. , 17Jc.
Oil , CI.OTIl-r.-4 WIKH ! . S3 00 ; r.J
fmicy marble , 5.100 ; ii.t white marble ,
$3 20 ; I w.Kxl , $1 00 ; 15-1 fnucy mnrble ,
? 1 00 ; ( M liilo innrble , 51 2o ; . * > ! mo.
onic , 53 00 ; G-l iuo ic , * l 00.
Dl.XIN'SAinixkoag blue and brown ,
Ifie ; Hoaxer Creek. A. A. , blue nndbrown ,
lUc ; Ue-ix i-r Creek , U. H. blue and brown.
IJtJr ; Hratrr Creek , 0. 0. , blue anil
brown , 12u ; KM-iott 1) , D. , blue niul
brown , liij I Invnmkers blue nnd brown ,
OJcOtK ; A. X. A. , blue , UJojUtH B II.
blue , in' ; Otis P. 0. , blue , 12Jc ; Pearl
Ri\er blue and brown , IMc.
IH'CKS Vail Ilivor , lljc ; llnmdcn O.
o. ( , lO'c ' : lUMen check" , I3je , ! Ito-tim
' j Huston XXX ilrab , I3jc ; Boston O.
ll.'bro. , I0c
STRII'KS LewiHon , 3x3 blue and
b ' own , 8\c \ ; LcwistonCx3 blun and brown ,
Sjc ; Rock Rhcr , 0x3 blue and brown , lOc ;
Al 'bninn , 0x3 blue and brown , 8Jc.
COT TON ADl'.S Lewiston diamond ,
: ! 7ic ; A. Y. A. , 'Me ; Angora , D. , V T. , 2Uo ;
New Yoik mills proof , 2J'.c ' ; Bridgcwater ,
20c ; Ecrett. . heavy , 22Jc ; Wblttent n ,
heavy , 23c ; Bell , I8c ; Charter Oak , ISc ;
Wlcklow , 18 jc ; Union Pacific , 18c ; Capitol ,
18c ; Farmers 21c ; Everett , medium , 15c ;
York , light weight , 12Jc ; New York mills
checks 10
SHKKTINGS Androscoirgln.O-lhrowti
23c ; do 10-4 do , We ; PeppereliV.M brown ,
23c : do 10-1 do , 27Jc ; Alexandria , 40
inch , bleached , 13c ; Androseofrgln 0-4 ,
bleached , 20c ; do 10blcachul , 20c ;
Pcppcrcll , 0-4 , bleached , 23c ; do 10-4
bleached , -TJc.
Carliolic , 50c ; Acid , Tnrtaric , 53c : Balsam
Copnbia , per Ib , 75c ; Hark , Sat nfn l , per
Ib , 12o ; Calomel , per Ib , 70c ; Cinchnniilii' ,
per or , SOc ; Chloroform , per Ib , 05c ;
Dover' * powders , per Ib , SI 40 ; Kpvmi
alt , per Ib , Sc ; ( Jlyccrinc , pure , i > er Ib ,
He ; Load , Acetate , per II ) , -2c ; Car
bon oil , 110 ° , per gallon , lUc ; do 150 ° ,
pergal,13c ; Oil , Castor , No. 1 , jiergal ,
110 ; Oil , Castor , Xo.3i > cr L'alt 00 ; Oil ,
Olive , per gal , SI f > 0 ; Oil , Origanum , 50o ,
V , UV , O'lllll.ill , I'vl * ' * .HJV , OLIIlll.lbU Ul
Morphine , per oz , $3 Co ; Sulphur flour ,
per Ib , 4c ; Strvchnino. tier oz , $1 COc ,
Hortet and Mulct.
The market Is brisk and all grade * are
Helling well at a alight advance in p icc .
The demand for good hiirscs exceeds the
supply considerably. Prices ranga as fol
lows :
Fine single drivers , § 150. to 300. ; Extra
draft horbCK , § 175. to 225. ; Common draft
hordes. S100. to 150. : Extra farm ,
SllO. to 125. ; Common to good farm horses ,
500. lo § 100. ; Extra plugs , § 00. to 75. ;
Common plugs , § 20. to § 40.
MULKS. 15 to liij hands ( extra ) , S125.
to 150. ; 14A to 15 hands , § 100. t * > 140. ;
14 to 11J hands , § 73. to 100. ; 13J to 14
hands , § 00. to 76
Clears and Tobaccos.
CIGARS. Seed * , § 15.00 : Connecticut ,
$25.00 ; Mixed , § 35.00 ; Seed Havana , S30.00 ;
Clear Havana , § 75.00.
TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule ,
21 Ib. Bile ; Spotted Fawn , 57c ; Our Rope ,
5Sc ; Star , pounds , 21 Ib , butts , 58e ; llor-e
Shoe , pounds , 21 Ib , butts , BSc ; Purity , 21
Ib. butts , 52c ; Queen Bee , 21 Ib , butts , 53o ! Edge , pounds , 21 Ib , butts , 57 ; Army
.ind Navy , pounds , file ; Bullion , pounds ,
55c ; l.oiillard's Climax , pounds , 57c.
FINE CUT In pails. Hard to Beat ,
" 53 ; Golden Thread , < 5fic ; Fountain , 73e ;
Fa\oritc ! , ( we ; Rocky Moitntajn , fi'e ;
Fancy ; , SOc ; Daisy , 45c. In tin foil
Catliim 0. S. , 2 oz packages , 5 Ib boxes ,
per Ib COc : Lorillard's Tiger , COc.
1"X SMOKING All grades Common , 23 to
1"N . Granulated Blackwclls Durham , Hi
oz4Gc ; Dukci Durham , 10 o45c ; Heal of
Noitb Carolina. HI o/ , ! ( ! ; Se.d of No' * ran.
ka , 10 CA 3Sc ; Lone .lack , 4 o/ , linen bags ,
per Ib , § 1.33 ; M\rburgs' Puck , 2 u , tin
foil , 55c ; Dog Tail. file.
FENCING No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , 825 00 ;
No 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 23 00 ; sheeting dicsied ,
No. I , 22 00 ; No. 2 , 20 00 ; common bo.iul-i ,
dressed , 25 00.
FRAMING 1C ft. nnd under , per M ,
24 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 23 00 ; 22 ft. 28 00 ;
24ft. 2800.
FINISHING No. 1. finish 11 , 14 and
2 inch , § 55 00 No. 1 finish 1 inch $50 00 ;
No. 2. finish 14. , U and 2 inch , § 5000 : No.
2 finish , 1 inch , SI5 00 ; No , 3 lini-.Ii , 1 in.-li ,
§ 4000 ; O. G. battens per 100 feet lin. ,
$150 ; well curbing , § 3500 ; rough A ami 2
inch battens per 100 feut Hif.0c. .
STOCK BOAItDS-Astock , § 15 00 ; 'J '
§ 10 00 ; C , S3500 ; common stock , S27 50.
FLOORING No. 1 , § 42 50 ; No. 2 ,
637 50 ; No , 3 , $27 50 ; yellow pine , No. 1 ,
845 00.
SIDING No. 1 , $2750 ; No. 2 , § 2300 ;
No. 3. § L'0 00.
SHIP LAP Plain , § 23 00 ; O. G. No. 1 ,
* 37 50 ; No. 2 , 825 00.
CIJ1LING-.IO 008I3 00.
LATH AND SHINGLES A ntarbest ( )
BlihwleK. W 50 , No. 2 , § 3 50 ; No. 3 , § 2 r 0.
Lath , § 4 25.
Building Material.
LIME Per barrel , SI 33 ; bulk perbii. ,
3"c. . Cement , bbl , § 2 50. low.i pli ; > .t r ,
bbl , § 250. 1 lair per bn. 35c. Tailed
felt 100 lin , S3 f.O. . Straw biiniil , $ ) 00 ,
The Leather Trade.
Oak harness , 30 © lie ; Pittsburgh selec
ted , 40 ® 13c ; heiiiloclc hoiiiess , 37,3'Jci ( ;
nkirtinj ; per Ib , fnir ; lie ; black collar 14 ®
2lc ; fair do. 18 20cj fair No 2 , lli@18c ;
hemlock mile , Bulfulo Maughlur. per II ) , 30
(53lo : hemlock , wile , 15 A. hlnu hter pur
II ) , 2532c ; oak sole , 40jl3c ( ; oak upper
per foot , 25e ; heiulouk upper , 25c ; do No.
2 , 23c ; oak kiji t-kins perlb , Wkf'Sl.lO ;
hemlock kip wkins per Ib , T3ew'81.00 ;
Ficnch ki skins per Hi , 81.00ft 51.i"i : :
oakcalf pi-rib , 81.00 ( ! S1.2.- ) ; hemlock oalf
perlb , SUJ1.2"i ? Fwnch cilf per Ib ,
§ 1.25@2.10c ; Simon Picanl goat per do/
S30.00S.S ( 18.00 ; bootleg Morocco per foot ,
30@o3o : calf kid per foot , 35c ; mans per
doz , § 0.00@10.50 ; wliito nnd yellow lln-
in H per do/ , 38.00@glO.00 ; pink linings
per doz , $7.008D.OO ; Huuutt linings , § 7.-
00 ; blacksmltlm'apruiu pel dozen , § 12.00@
PAPER St nw paper , 3Jc ; nig paper ,
4c ; dry goods naper , 7c ; manila pnpcr , lOc ;
news paper , 8u
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , § 12 ;
Morris Run Blossbnrg , § 12 ; Whitebreast
lump , SO ; Whitcbreast nut , SIS ; Iowa
lump , 30 ; Iowa nut . ? ' ) ; Rock Spiingn , fH ;
Anthracite , all bi/.e' , § 11 00 ,
Hldet , l-uri , Etc.
HIDES Green butcher's hide , 7j ; green
cured hides , 8Jc ; green salt , putt cuird
hides , 8@s4c ; dry Illnt , r.ounil , ] : i@l Ic ; drv
calf nnd kii | , 12@13c ; dry bait hides.Kouiui ,
lll'-'o ; green calf. wl. 8 to 151U. . 10@llc ;
grten calf , wt. under 8 Itn , per hiln , 50e ;
green pelt- > , § 1 00@1 13 ; green lamb t-l.-im ,
Si 101 25 ; damaged hiiletwothird iiiv ,
( cut hcorvd and one ( 'inb , classed two-
tl inU rate , ) bnunled bides 10 per cent , off. f
CiiDiihkiin , No , 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , SOc ; No , . ' X
20 < ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No , 1 , f,0c ; No. 2 ,
SOc ; No. 3 , 15o ; No. 4 , 5c. Fox , No. 1 ; :
HOc ; No. 2,23c. Skunk , No. 1 , black ,
We ; short stripe , 40c ; narrow ttripo 'ir > u ;
bniud sliipo , lOc , Tallow , 5 ] ,
Merino unwashed , light , 14@Kc ! ; heavy ,
Wl'iy ; medium unwashed , light , 18 ( < ? 20c ;
tub-wushiil , choice , 32c ; fair , SOc ; dingy
and w. , 2Sc ; hurry , black and cotted uools
2@lc ! le s
BIIOT.-Shot , $1.75 ; Buck fchot , 52.00 ;
Oriental Pwd r , kegs , Sti.40 ; do. , half
keg < , § 3.48 ; do. , nuarterkegs , 81,87 ; Blasting -
ing , keys. $3.35 : Fiue , ucr 100 feet Wo.
Heavy Hardware Lilt ,
Iron , rates , $3 15 ; plow eteel , cast , Vic ;
cast tool do , V ( y'M wagon spokes , net ,
2 23@3 00 ; hubs , per sot , 1 ' > \ felloes , sawed
dry. 140 ; tongues , each , 75@85cj axles ,
each , 75c ; eauaie imtM , ' per Iti , 7@llc ;
waiihen. per lo. 8@18c : nveU , jier Ib , lie ;
coil chain , per Ib , ( > ( ol2c ; malleable , 80 ;
iroii wedges , Cc ; crowbars , Oe ; harrow
teeth , 4c ; tioneAlioc * , I > cr kep , 6 00 ;
% tccl. 7c Sc ,
NAILS-10 to 2 < X ! , 3-10 : 8 to 10 , 30' ;
M , 300 ; Id , 4 15 ; M , common , 400:3,1 : ,
fiiip , 0 40 ; clinch , all Mrcs , B 15 ; M , curing.
liimh , 4 03 ; Sd fmi h , 4 00 ; ( VI linMi , 5 13 ;
half kcK . lOc extra.
PnlnU Olli * nd Vnrnlihes
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , dmaln
P. P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. A C. Co.pure ,
IK' ! Marseilles giccn , 1 to 5 Hi can , V0o ! ;
I'rcncli islnc , preen se. l. 1-c ; .
reilccnl , lie : French zine , innrnNli n M ,
- Oi ? ; 1'rench rinci1 , In H as U IV : Itnw
anil burnt umber , 1 Hi cans 12c : raw nnd
luirnv Sicnni , l.-o : vnudyko brown , 13-j
i-elined lamphl.irk , 12c ; conch black , I'V ;
i'uiy black , lUc ) drop black , llic1 ; l'ru inii
Muc' , SOo ; ullrninariiio blut1 , ISc : chnnue
green , I. . M. A 1) . , 14c ! b hid nnd shutter
jrwii , L. M. * I ) . , Me ; Paris given. ISc :
T"itlan ml , 15c ; Venetian red , I'c ' : luseiin
itu , 22o ; Ameiic.ui Vcrmlllod , LSI1. , ISc ;
chiniuo yellow , L. , M. , O. it D. ( . , ISe ;
yellow ochre , Oc ; golden ocluo , ! < ! ; patent
Tlrvcr , Ce ; grnlnlujTCiilors : light oak. dark
- ' walnut , chcituut and ash 12c
Dry Pftlntl
White lead , Olc ; French r.lne. lOc ; Paris
vhitclng 2Jc ; whltliiK piMcrs IJc ;
vhitlnj , ' com'l ' , tic ; Ininjmlnck German ,
town , lie ; lampblack , ordinary , 8cj Pru -
, n blue , f > " > c ; nltrnmarine , ISc ; Vandyke ,
lirn\vn , 80 ; timber , burnt , -Ic ; ninlwr , raw ,
1c ; sicnnti , burnt , le ; slonna , raw , Ic
Tarii ( jrecn genuine , Me : I'AVH grrcn com'
-Tic ; cimnno preen , N. V. ' SOo chroinl
green K. , I''ccnuilUon ; , KIIR. , TOo ; ver.
inlllinn , Ameiic.n , I8c ; Indl.ui ml. lOc ,
rose i > ink , I Ic ; Venetian read , I'ookMm'a
{ Jocnctian : rod Am. , lcj red lead , Tie !
chronic yellow , genuine , l0c ! : cimnno yel
low , 1C. , 1'Jc ; ocbre , rochclle , jle ; ochre ,
I'Ycncli ' , 2c { ; ochre , American ,
Winter's mineral. 2jc ; lelilgh brown ,
imnish brown , -'Jo : Prinec'n niiiicral
VAUNISHKS HarrcN rmr gallon.
I'uinlture , exta , SI 00 ; furniture , > . 1 ,
! Kc ) ; furniture , U , Tfic : coach , cxtru , SI il'c ;
Co.ioh , NH. 1 , 8t OOj Damar , SI i ! . * ) ! .laiun.
70c ; niiihaltinn , 70c ; nhcllac , S3 IX ) ; fmnl
oil finish. 31 30
O1LS-110 * carbon perBallon , UJn : IfiO'
i eadlight , per gallon , l-Jc ; 17" > * lieadllglit
el-gallon , llic ; cry. tiiliiie. per gallon , ' 'Oe
lincced , raw , per gallon , fi7o : Linwed , boll-
til , per gallon , tiOe : lard , winter str'd , per
gallon , 8Sc No , 1 , 07c , No. 2 , A7C ; castor ,
XXX. per gallon , 112c , No. 3 , 1 05 ; nwcct ,
per gallon , K > c ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon
s' 33 ; liish.W.B. , per gallon , COc ; ncatsfoot
extra , per gallon , 75c. No. 1 , 05 ; lumber ! ,
eating , zero , per gallon , SOc , Minimcr , 15c
golden mnchine. No. 1 , per Billion , ; C > c , No.
2 , 28c ; sperm , signal , per gallon , SOc ; tur
pcntine , per gallon. COc : napthn , 74 dcg ,
per gallon 20 ? , C3 deir. 20c.
ALCOHOL 187 proof. ? 2 2.1 per
wine gallon , extra California npints ,
187 proof at 122 per proof gallon
triple refined spirits , 187 proof , § 120 ; per
proof gal re-distilled whiskies , § 100@1 50 ;
line blended , § 1 50(512 ( 50 ; Kentucky humi
bens , § 200 il7 00 ; Kentucky and Pennsyl
vania rves ' , § 2 00(3)7 ( ) 00.
BRA'NDIKS Imported , § 0 001C 00 ;
domestic 1 40 ® I 00.
GINS Importcu , 4 50@000 ; ilomeM.c ! ,
I 40 ( < ? 3 00.
RUMS Impoiicd , 4 50 © ' * ' 00 ; New
KiiKlnnd. 2 00f ) l 00 ; domcKtic , 1 50@3 50 ;
1 75ffj4 ( 00.
CHAMPAGNKS Imported | ier C.VMi
20 00@31 00 ; Ameiican , per , 12 00 ©
18 00 ,
CLARKTS Per case , I 50 1000.
WINKS IMiinowinc , per t-a-c , ( J 09@0
t'atawba. per CAHO 4 00(517 ( 00.
Conuol ! Bluffs Oonornl Marltnt-
Cou.xcn. Bi-uri-H , Augunt 27.
Wheat No. 2 , S105@l 10 ; No. 3 , 00 ; re
jected , 70.
Coin No. 2 , 47 , rejected 31 , ilamagcil ,
27. .
Hay Fair market , with prices at $ ! > .
Oats Mmket ( iniutj No. 2 , 32c , reject
ed 1'J.
lye ! No. 2 , 70c.
Untter 15c.
J' : ' . " . , ' ' ' lOc.
t'attle Hoof , $3 .r,0@l M > .
Sheep &l f)0n/l ( f.O.
Hogx Lfehtdemaiid , prices $3 00@5 50.
J'otalnes Now , SI 25@1 50 per bu.
Onions 81 00.
Wood Market quiet , with fjoo
5 00 f ir H-ft ; ( i 00 for hanl.
Poultry 20u. _
Crcstoii Mnrlcut-
C'UKbTO.v , la. , August 27.
IJiittcr 12c.
Grand Junction Market.
GIIAND JuwcriON , la , , August 27.
Chlcno Proilucn.
CIIIKAIIII. Aumist 27.
On 'Change the inatUets wcro unset
tled and InghtT. The leceipti of grain
were 43,000 bushels of coin by canal ;
1.581 carl ads by rail , I'liibrncmg 331
of wheat , 1,120 of coin , 81 of oats , 25 > l
rye. mid 18 of biul'iy.
Wlieut No. 2 Si'iwj | wai active and a
very 1111 ettled cimdition of iifr.iirs existed ,
the couise of values being very irregnbir.
Foieign advices were inilicatlvo of a quiet
and Inm li-cllng and our receipts were
larger , hlunving a utu.adv iin * I'a-su , while
the ( shipments were email. But the mni-
kct was governed ontiivly by local vpvcii-
lathe manipulations mid outride mil i-
I'lieca appeared to have no npecial effect.
Thu maiket at the opening varied but
slightly fioni tlio clo in , ' ligmeH on chaiigo
M > tL'nluy , butablinrpt-peculativeik'iiiiind ,
paiticularly for .September delivery.
I'riccs ti'iidcd rapidly npvnuls , sellers lor
Seplomberiiilvanciiig 4jc per bushel and
Kir October Ijo per bu > liel above the ojien-
ioit figures , then needed Jc lor thu foimur
and'jc for tin * latter fiituro and limilly
clo.ed at 1 30Jo for Atigunl ; 1 I10H for Hen-
tember ; 1 28J " for October ; 1 23J fur No
vember ; 1 2S"130 / for December ; 1 20 ?
lor the yi-nr : No. 3 spiing , 1 Iti l 20 ; ic-
jceted , 80@87c.
Com Quiet and active ; business win
transacted in No. 2 but the feeling was
unsettled nnd imwulnr. At the opening
pi lees were hteady but under a good de-
iiiund an ivuViincD of about Ic per liuxlicl
occurred , then hccnmu weuk under fren
olferings and declined lie. The ruling
was mrongor during the latter ) -iait of thu
K > -nion. Moderate f lilpplng demand , ex
cept with tindliw , chielly on < peculatlvu
account , 'J'ho market finally closed at Olf )
for August ; I12c fur HepUiiiber ; Oio for
October ; 05io for November ; i3o for De
cember ; Clgo for the ) our ; "OJc for May ,
Oat * avcragid a shade hotter nnd pilous
hiulier ; tiadlng moderately active. No.
2 closed on call nt 30/o / for Aiinru t ; 3lljo
for September ; Mfjjo for Outobor ; 31)o ) for
November ; 3ijo ( | for the year.
Rye Ht odv and unchanged ; offerings
light ; No , 2 olo-ed nt 1 Oifor S ptombur ;
107ifflil 07f for October.
Burlev VVeukcr and Kencrally easier ;
No. 2 109 for _ September ; 1 07i@l 08 fur
Octnbci ; 1 07 for November.
Pink Steady mid hUhcr for futures :
ipiiet for cixb ; denmnd moderate ; me , s
cliixcd at 18 00 fur c.uh , Au urt mnl Hun-
tcmbcr ; 18 17i for Oetoliei ; 17 1817 20 :
fur the je r ; 10 03 for January.
Lard Fairly actixo and tc i ly ; 11 !
1134 for c.ttli , Aiviiht anil Hoptfiubi-i ;
11 47 Jailf.O ( for October j 11 30 for No
vember : 11 074(2-11 ( 75 for January.
Bulk Meutv.Sti-odv ; no material change ;
nhort ribs , 0 274fe'J yo flr Bejitember ; 0 40
fa > 8 45 for Oetolu-r.
Whinkcy Ciuii t nt 110.
Receipts I'lour 10,078 hbln ; wheat.
130,301 bu ; corn , r.31210 bu ; eaU , 02,614
bu : rve , 0,103 bu ; baib-y , 7,312 bu.
Shipments Flour , 13,00.2 bbls ; wheat ,
24,410 bucorn ; , MtiOV ) Im.j oitn , 01,005
bu ; rye , 7,100 bu ; hurley , 2,151 bu.
HtLouti Live Stock.
ST. I/IUIH , August 27.
Hogd Gooi drmiuul ! Yorker * , 040(3) ( )
045 ; mixed packing. 0 20ff ( 000 ; choice to
fancy heavy 0 75f .r 00 ; pigs 4 00@5 40 ;
receipt , 21,000 ; thipmentii , 3,200 ,
ChionRO Llvo Stock.
CiHCAno , August 27.
ijjs Receipt' , * 11,000 ; ohipmrntn.
. { POO. Market dull but
t , priced on Ro-d
mock was wvll innintninrd ; mixed pack
ing 0 00rfO 40 ; light hog , ( ! I0iii ( ( 75 ;
choice heavy ' , OliO © 705 ; culls nnd grnsv
crs. 4 r.0 0'2- . .
Cattle - Receipt * , 2,000 ; shipment. * ,
4,100. Demand weak and marlict dull ;
i > x | > ort , nominal nt (510 ( > ( f > 0 ; good to
choice shipping cattle , 3 500 ( CO ; common
to fair , Including Kr serf , very dull nt
3 SOtf I 00 ; native butchers' stuff , 2 20SD
3 IK ) ; > eal calves , 4 50n ( 0 50 ; tockcr nnd
feeders , 2 O'f < f ; | 80 ; dairy cmv.s , 7 OOCn
15 oO ; range cntll ( > , flow ; through Texan * ,
3 OOJilS 75 ; half-breeds niul nntUci. 3 7501
1:30. : Mnrknt clu-od weak on all lower
grades of cattle.
Sheep Rcivlpt * , ! > 00 ; shipments , none.
Mnrkrt weak and slow ; good lo choice ,
nominal nt t BOfff I 75 ; common to medium ,
2 750S3 50 ; Inmlx , per bead , 1 752 75) )
stock sheep , 2 DO&i.t 23.
St. Louis Produce.
ST. Ixiiiis , August 27.
I'lourStcvly and unchanged.
Wheatrtio , higher nnd firm ; No. SJ
red 1 38K.fl 38 j for cash , 1 38J ( < ? 1 30 } for
Septcmbei ; 1 41@l 12J for October ; 1 43J
© 1 45 for November ; 1 4 5(81 ( 40S for December -
comber ; No. 3 do. 130ol ) ; i01 ; do. 1 22J.
Com Quiet ; nt C3J&.0-lacronlln | to lo.
ration ; Cljc for Soptembcr ; 0"l@07c for
October ; 08 0 forNoxembcr ; C8J ( < S08io for
December ; 031o for the year.
OaU Better at 30J@t ; .ljo for cnsh ; 30 |
@ 3lje ! for Srptnmbcr ; 3'JjG ? I2jc for Oc
tober ; 43jil3ic ( for NineuiLcri 30io for
year.RyeFinn nt 1 13 for cash ; 1 14 } for
Pork Firm ; jobbing nt 1110.
Dry Salt Meat -Firm , at 7 100 70 ©
Bncon Strong , nt 8 50 ® 10 70 © 10 75@
Lard Nominal ; 11 35.
Receipts -Flour , 7,000 bbln ; wheat ,
Shipment ! ) Vlour , 7,000 bbU ; wheat ,
100,000 bu , ; corn , 38,000 bu.
Ciuolmmtt Produce.
CINCINNATI , August 27.
1'oik Me-s jobbing , 1800@18 25.
Lanl Firm ; cm rent make , 11 15.
Bulk Meats-Quiut ; Hear sides , 1037J.
Bacon -Clear sides jobbing nt 11 50n ( !
11 75.
Flour Finn ; family , 0 80@7 00.
Wheat-Dull ; No. 2 red , 138.
Corn Knsler ; No. 2 mixed , CCe.
Oats-Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 43c.
Rye-Stendv ; No. 2 , 1 13.
Bailey Dull ; No. 2. 105.
WhisKy- Finn all 11.
Toledo Proilnco
TOI.KIIO , August 27.
Wheat Dull : No. 2 red , 1 37A for cash ;
t 374 for September ; 110 for October ;
i 4for November ; 1 43.J for December.
Ctirn Dull ; No. 2. G-lo { for cash ; 15 Ic
for September ; die for October.
Oats-Nominal ; No. 2 , 41 Ic.
Liverpool Proiluco.
Livnti'ooi. , August 27.
Fliuir Amcrieasi , 10 * ( idli)12i ( ) 1) ) < I.
Wheat Winter , HUld@llH ! 2d ; white ,
10Od@10s ' . Old ; Bning | , 10u@10i 3d ; club ,
lU@llHfill. :
Lanl-f.7 13d.
Pork 7lHJiLK _
Pool-in Proiluco.
Pi ( iliIA , August 27.
High Wines-Steady at I 15.
Now Yorlt
NKW YIIIIK , August 27.
Flour Shade Hliongeraiid moderate do
Wheat Opened 3pilc ( high-r , but sub
subbcquenlly a poiliun of the ndvaiico
w.vs lo-it , and the niatket closed hlightly
in buycr ' favor ; No. 3 led winter , 1 40 ©
1-I2 : No. 2 do , l-lli&l-Ui1 ; No. I white ,
1I2J. .
Corn Dull and heavy ; J@3c lower ; un
giaded mixed , G71c : No. 2 , 711
C"71Jc ; No. 2 white , 70e ; ji-llow , 73c.
O.iU Jfmlo higher and U'sH active ; No.
1 white , 50c ; Iu > . i ! doGiWl7c ! ( ; No. 1
mixed , He ; mixed western , 41i ( 13o.
Hye Finn at 1 O.l 10.
linrloy Dull and nominal.
1'oik Dull ; new inen , on Hpot , 18 50 ©
18 75.
Laid -Steady and 2j@5o decline ; 11 45
for cash ; 11 37i for August.
Ucuf Unehaiigisl.
Wut Jleats Unehangcd.
Whisky Nominal.
" -
Million * of nits , inico , cil , bud-
bugs , roaches , IDHO thuir livea bj' col
lision with "Rou li on llatB. " Sold
by druufjiaU , Ifie. _ (1) ( )
OBO. W. DOAMt. A , C.
Attorneys-at-Law ,
8 W COU. 15T1I &IOUaiA8HTS. ) ,
Ivil'tf < MA IIA.
211 ami 211) ) North Main Ht. , Nt.
} PAPEKS ! lff !
Printers Stock.
fSrCaf'h | "hl for JUlfH ftncl I'ajier Block , fiorap
Iron run ! Me I At.-i.
I'.ipor Stuck \V-vri-lioiifCT 13 ? ) In 12:17 : , Noitb
8l th trc t.
United States Depository.
Oor. 13th nnd Fuvnnm Sis.
Oil A IIA.
Ortinlit.l ; u National Ilnnk August 20 , 1BC3.
CAPITAL AND I'ltonrs oviii : - aooooo
orricKiui AMJ i
HlKHAN KOUVTZK , i'ri llk'llt.
Auoimri'S Kui'SKK , Vitu Pri
ll. W , VATKS , Oaslilcr.
A. J. 1'iii'i'tKiiw , AttoriiBy.
f. II , l ) > is , Aiit.
This li nk riHTlvcs > | CHHIII | | ulttiout iu arJ I
iiiiniiit < .
Ii4iii. limit rertlllcuti'K liuani" ; Intvrutt ,
1 - limits on Sun r'ruiui'iL'o am'
citionol tha UnlUul Htatui , almi l/ > mi | > ii , Dublin
K'llnl irili anil thu prliitljol fltlt ; n ( the mn
mint of iurr : > | ) e ,
Sr.lU | ruMoiiK tUktn lor finl rantii liy thu In
man HUH nrni'l 'If '
Urnce or Oirv CLKRK , )
l OMAHA , Antf. I , IHSI , I
Kcalc'l piopOHals will borccclud liy tliu under.
Binned ( or two uio'in ' ( roiiitliuilDtulicrcol/lliun.
ila ) , hcptcnilicr l t , Ib'jl , lUo'vioik IKIIIII , riot
furnUliln lurl aid Boltioal for t'io ' u < o ol tliu
city o1ne uuJ tire ikinttinout , from tlil > Uato
until August IK , A. I > . 1 -
builtxlblilior prowil | * hall Klalu tli prlro
for nucli coil dclhcicJ hoie ordcroJ , ai > l shall
name ild prin without twpcU to any Joflnlm
amount oj toal. 'ft o rl 'lit U n er4eJ tg reject
any anil all Mcl4. Cnvtlopei containing uld | to .
| uliall liu uurlMcl "IVouoaa's for Coul , " and
delivered to the undenbnui ] not laur tluin lie
time above tpedflcd. J , J , U V. JKWh'lT ,
nulS IHpibal Iniw City Cluk.
The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drtifj HOUBO in Nobt.oekft
IS me
. C.
1213 Farnham Si. , Omaha , Neb.
Gommissson Merchants ,
1121 Pnrubam St. , Omnlm , Nob.
CVin ! ciiincnt * miulo u III rrccbe jimnnit Attention. Iltffrer.rm : Stale ll nV , Omftha
& Co. , llaltlnionIVck ; * Itamlicr , Llilcnco ; XI. Wctk A. Co. , Ciiulnnat ! . ;
Mknuficturrr * ofYv < ti > rn Rtar Stove Pollih , and limit llnnnnicl Itoot llhcklnir , also
( V > lon.t Ocriimti I'linnlMRo , Ceunell lllulT * , Io n ,
Hellmuth Ladies' Oollege.
Patronoti , H. R. H. PRINCESS LOUISC. Founder nnd Pr lclcnt , The nicht Rev. I. HELC-
MUTH , D. D. , D. O. U , , LORD BISHOP OF HURON' . Fnll Term opent
Wednesday , Ooptembor 2lit. ,
Iliviiitmina nrt | tiiclo * tmllillnirn. I rautlfiilly ultuitcil In a mo t hrnltliy loctllty , about four hounr
by roll ( mm M iparn I'ulli , mul ou ono at Ihn prlnclwl | IhraiiKli route * fictnccii Ilia K.v < t niul
ThetlllOUNHH miiiiulxU0nrrn . The i\lm of the fotimtcr of thl * cello o h to \ > rohie the hk'lic < rt
Intellectual anil practically n efnl ntunitloii. The uliolo ny.trinls tiiwod upon tlto nnnivlost PRO -
TESTANT principle * , us tliu only wild butts for thu right lornutlon of character. FRENCH Is the
laiiKUnco * pakcu III Iho rollrKi * . MUSIO i > | n'cl lty-
lloAnl , lAiiiulrynnil Tuition Fees , Incluilliic Hi4 wliolotountcof I'nglliili. the Anclrnt niul HoJ-
rrn lAiiiiAjrr ) : lalllithunleii , Drnulnir nn I r.\liitltiir , timi I'Kno niul Mixlloal uttcn < hnce , Dd
Mcilcliic. 300 per Miiniin. A reduction of cuululf for Uia ilniiRhtont of Clcrjouu'ii. For"clnv
Urn' mid ( till pArtlciihra BililreM MISS UMNTO.V , I dy l'rhiclvil | , llcllmuUi l.-ulkVColkxv , Iw
. .
U.XTAKIO , CANADA. inmittliwrtt-an
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
A. L. STRANG , 205 Farnam St. , Omaha.
V ' .
3ci r
Ladies' ' Suits , Cloaks , Ulsters , Circulars , Etc , , y\ & \
200 Hnudaomo Suite , at $5.00 ; 300 Stylish Suits , $10.OO
75 Black Silk Suits , $17.00.
Wo have several lirtfl"ol unVjilo'gooiiH which \rill bo oirorcd nt
All Indies fih'iuld avail themselves of this great sale ufj
JE *
It always gives satisfaction , because it makes.
superior article of Bread , and is the Cheap
est Flour in the market. Every sack
warranted to run alike or
money refunded. .
W. M. YATES , Cash Grocer
i , Masioal Bf , '
Clocks and Silvor-A- i
ware , i. < ift
Jewelry of all
signs Made to ( '
Eepairinjj of Watohoa
and Jewelry Douo at
Reasonable Bates '
and SatiafaotioD-
OornerlFifteenth and Dodge Streets , Opposite Post
Office ,
OMAHA , - - - , rsEB. |