X A , I'.con ' I'.cons frfii Ssa& land , W i ' 'most int. 1'S HE OMAHA BEE. ELEVENTH YEAR OMAHA , MONDAY MORNINGAUGUST 529 , 1881 , NO. 58 A RAY OF HOPE. It Bnrstd From tlio Black Olonfl 1 of Death , Which Lowered BO Darkly Over the Presidant'a ( Bod. \ The lUustroua Suffbrer Rallies for Another Struggle. Ho Kofusea to Qivo up the Fight for Life. > . fitarbod Improvement lu the jHonrlyBullotluB From ilio WliltoHousoi Khtlonal AssochtoJ 1'rcs * . WASHINGTON , August 28 Ono un expected thing tlio president used to my always Impponcd him hnpponcd thia morning. The Blight hope ilint nrnso early last ovoninp was scarcely expressed so fearful were nil Unit it might bo a temporary fluctuation and a forontnncr of the itiat. The fear that a change for the worst would oc cur during the night was shared by very many and it WAS therefore n de cided and unexpected announcement made by the physicians this morning ihat the president hud hold his own during the night. The inmates of the white house had n quiet night. The four nurses , lira. Dr. Edaon , Dr. Boynton , Qon. Swaim and Coli Rockwell , wore out and in the sick room the grea or part of the night. The patient slept fully as comfortably -as on the preceding night , and the closest scrutiny could detect no uu- iavorablo change. Gen. Swaim said at midnight : "Just wait for the morn- ang. " Col. Rockwell said : "Tho cloud has a silver lining. " iiEr.Yi.vo CN nis PLUCK. Dr. Bliss passed n very restless night. At midnight ho took the pa tient's pulse , which was 104. Subao- quontlyho sponged off the president -and found him level-headed .and ex ceedingly cHeorf-.il. Dr. lilies said he went into the surgeon's roein and tried to take a nap but could not sleep on account of his anxiety. At the usual time the enomata wae admis- iorcd and the president swallowed a little koumiss between his naps. That was just about the history of the night , lira. Garfield was .up very early and was by the bodsido-immedi- atoly. < ien. Swaim was almost elated when ho left the flick room. Said ho : "I have relied on Gariiold'a pluck for twenty-five years and I stand on the amo ground now. " _ „ .The morning bulletin figures were tlfo best Jor'tcii'Caya ' and when it was posted ic was received almost with u shout. The morning dressing of the wound developed no now unfavorable syuiptpme and showed little improve ment in thu gland. The swelling had gone down a little and by thoclightcsfc pricking of a prominent point on the outside another opening was made , so ihat now , with throe drainages to the .gland , the main hope is that this trouble man yet bo overcome be fore the president 2ias lost more than lie can recover. General . .Swaimwho has been with .tho president all the morning , ; lhinks the noon bulletin will bo fully o&favor- -ablo , comparatively , as this morning. The general conditions are as favorn- llo as then. Chicken jelly is 'talked -of ior the president's next nourish- 3uont. OFFICUA ENCOUKAOEMENTC. At 1 p. ni. Dr. Hamilton -onid- "We're allor.t and oil' the breakers , A more saticfactory-ntato oxi&ts ithi auorning and now , and the result thu , dox has given mo much encourage -juout. I think the Indications aw much moro favorable now for suatina tiuii of the president until the bloo poisoning that lias alnoady subside , somewhat , has a hanco to BO farolim inato that after serious complicationa , juay bo avoided. Good Action of th atomaeh is the beet indication of this prospect. Food i * assimilating bettor every hour. On that -feature of iiu proveruent is based our strongest hope. 'The glandular trouble will subside ii proportion as the other symptoms im prrvo. " Dr , Blisa says that the improve ment of the last few hours 1m bout. enough to .cause him to modify his be lief of yesterday. Ho now thinks the president's ultimate recovery passible. Dr. Royburn says the presidents case furnishes solid ground for increased hope. Dr , Hamilton says that the improvements are remarkable. Dr. Agnew says that the president's chances are decidedly in his favor again , Miss Edson suyu the presi dent made great strides upwards in twenty-four hours. Thin official encouragement is given but no positive assurance is ventured that ho iu doing bettor. The wound seems no worse , The pulse is im proved and general symptoms are more favorable. The only question is how long will it last. The answer is that all depends on the stomach and the assimilation of food taken. The cabinet have not all been at the white house. Some of the mem bers of course foci encouraged again , but no confidence is expressed nor will be until it is soon if these ( rood hours continue. The morning bul letin was read in many churches and prayers of thanksgiving offered for the new cleam of hopo. The mid day bulletin was so generally in keep ing with the improving feeling that , it added greatly to the growing hopes. "HUALL WE CONTINUK'TIIE Dr , poynton says that about three o'clock yesterday morning the presi dent said ' $ o hiui ; > "Doctor , do you ' think I'nm getting weaker ? " "Yes , I think you have loat something - thing since day before yesterday , " answered the doctor. * V1 questioned the1 president , "do you think wo had better continue the Btrugglo any longer ! " "Oh , yes , " luisworod the physician , with a tone of the most positive en couragement ho could command nnd then the conversation ceased nnd the president fell aalecp. iiKVEiisiox or FEEEINO. The reversion of fooling at the White House to-day was almost pain ful , on account of the possibility thai remains of this favorable pbriod would be but it temporary iluctiiftlion. As the favorable straws grow riioro plenty the disparaging clutched them eager ly and gathered muoh comfort there from. Mrs. G-utluld , Gun. Swnim and Col. Hockwull ftiivlyghmincdwith hope all the morning. The&o three have novel-allowed their faces to show thuir feeling. The children also are bt.iriny ! up , and all inumMura of thu family havd taken now hc.xH/ The phyMcians ate agiceubly di ap- pointed. Dr. Hoynton ha throughout - , out boon confident , lacking a single hour yesterday. Dr. Hoynton stated last night that the 'president had been slowly on thu mend since four o'o ock Friday afternoon. Ho thought the feebleness of yesterday morning was the temporary result of Friday's ex perience and not necessarily an indi cation of failing life. Dr. llcyburn , on being asked if ho had any more encouraging ilowa from the sick room said that improve ment in the patient still continued. "Do you think the present rally will be permanent , or do you fear an other relapse. " ' ' . "Well its best not to nialut any prophesies for the future , tlig present is cheering enough and lot us take that. " The last twenty-four hours had showed a marked improvement in the president's pulsa botli in fre quency and in tone. The stomach was apparently discharging , its full tunctions. Several portions of solid food had been swallowed and retained without nautkla. The onoj or two evacuations during the day had given evidence of improved assimilation of food. The pus from the original wound was slightly im proved in character and in cruwitity. The dwelling of thu parotid gland has slightly decreased nnrt the discharge of pus therefrom has boon much more adequate. During tlho day ttio presi dent's mind kas not been chvcdod in aiiy degree , even for-a , moment. On these features wore being Unilt tie ! rcnowi'd hopes of all. ToDay that tlrcy did not give mound for encour agement wonld be useless. Just how much encouragement could > be gained fram them depends on the "continu ation of improvcmunt.Every hour that improvement continues , in the opinion of all who closely watch the case , increases the chances for re covery. CAIIUNO THE GOOD NSWrt. Secretary Blainu sent tli3 following this evening : Lowell , Minister , { London : The condition-erf the .president . c.t 10 o'clock continues as favorable ca could bo expected within the post thirty hours. Hia improvement 'has given great encouragement to the-ct- tending urgeone. Ho swallowed a bountiful supply o liquid food. The parotid e welling discharges'freely .And gives promise of markcdituprovomont. ilia mind is perfectly clear. He his a little .moro foyer than was antici pated , the respiration .is someivli.it above normal. TJio general feeling.is ouo of moro hopefulness. Two > r tlirco days more of .improvement will be needed to inspire confidence. [ Signed ] BLAI.VE. Sec'y. At 5:15 P. in. Mrs. Garfield , accom panied by her brother , Col. Rudolph , her broUior-iu-Jaw. , Col. Ji ock well , .of St. Louis and Misr Mollie , went out for a drive. Mrs. Garfield looked almost happy , and/the strain she IUIB endured the last fovr days seemed to have left no trace upon her. She bowad and smiled jileasauily to the officers at the gate. Some one of th crowd there assembled fluid hurriedly "That . Garfiold. " Mrc. As quick a thought a dozen hats wore off , and th. little woman acknowledged the cour tesy by a graceful bow and nnotho smile. Before the issuance of tlio ovcninc bulletin it was learned that its pur poao would not bo at variance with tin early progress of the day. The bulletin tin proved acceptable to all. A shorl .timo after the bulletin had boon issued Dr. Boynton K-US scon and asked Inr thcr in regard to his idea of thopraai deut's prospcctfL Ho stated that lu was entirely satisfied with the progress to-day. It was fully up to his wxpec- tutions in every respect. The slightly increased temperature was barely us much oatho usual febrile riao is when the case WAS supposed to bo doing Hell. The latter part of tlio day had given evidence of proper as- similatum of the food. Tlio dia- charges of the bowolx were what lie liiul reference to , and ho &aid the evi dence therein was noticeable. Ho referred - ferred also to an improvement in the tmou ov Tin : i'nisnir.NT'rt PAUK. For several days ho had been al most gliastly at time. To-day , how- aver , his color was much bettor and iis expression too won a moro natural , 'avorablo feature. All last week he lad seemed to have no will power at ill , as far as control of his emotions md desires was concerned. Now , lowevcr , his will power seems to act n full concert with the physical. The iharactor of the wound this evening vas improved in amount and quality > f pus ; also the granulations from hose were moro satisfactory and no- iccablo from the exterior. In regard to the gland it is now con- idcrcd that the danger of its slough- ng off has passed. It would bo roubleaomo for many days yet , but ifter a day or two of such progress of ho case in other respects as to-day ho counter-drain of thu system on his account would bo gruatly Ics- moil. Not only was tlio pus dis- harging satisfactorily from all the 'pollings , but the walls separating the tockets of pus referred to seemed tote to going away , The pus is moro con- entrated and ought to bo moro easily [ rained. The doctors consider that ho possibilities of yesterday llavo be come piobabilitos nnd they should now should bc moro disappointed \ n pcculinr sense ofi ho word , if the president should dio.than if ho should reach absolute recovery. The doctor explained thnt the sponging of the patient so often spok en of was a sponge bath of alcohol and water in emuxl parts , and wai of gie.it benefit. Thu operation is usually enjoyed by him. The president con tinues to ) ako n sufficient quantity of nourishnicrt , but as yet no ehangohns been made in its character. Two eneinahx have been administered tto- dny , and other nouushineut , consist ing of koumiss , poptotflzed milk , and milk porridge. All thu physicians are well satisfied with the evening exami nation and Iho diessing of the wound ; U.i.uiltou so nuieli so that ho decided to return to New York. At 0:15 : to-iitylit Gen. Swaim was asked if the president litul made , this evening , any remark as to his own idea of improvement. "Yes , " said the Gi-noral , "ho said four or tivo times in my hearing this afternoon and evening , that he fult better , nnd I think ho knows-as much about it as any of us. " Col. Rockwell said : "At live o'clock ho could not point to a' single feature of the case that did not show improvement , but the people must not lese sight o | the fact that the presi dent's condition was very critical. " "Dut , " ho added , "lot us take what the Lord sends and hope for better things to come. " HKKINU HIS U11II.UHKN. During the afternoon the president asked : 'Can I see Memo ? " Dr. Bliss said there was no reason why the request should not bo granted , and the president's daughter was ad mitted. Ha took her hand , asked it she was well , told her with an assur ing tone ihat he was feeling batter , and scut by her a message to Mrs. Garfield saying ho would like to see his boya when the doctors wore' will- in&r. Later in the afternoon Jimmio wan allowed to go into the room but re mained only a short time- His pres ence had the effect of causing the president's pulse to boatsuvoral points higher and exciting him. For this reason it was theuu'ht l > est that Hsxr- irywho iiad hoped togo in , should not be allowed to Fee liiu father. None of the > childrcn < had been permitted to sou him since thu second incision ivas mado. Despite the .resulting excito- ment'tho physicians -uro inclined to thinkrtho niturviuw with his children did the president good rather than harm. The first Sunday isn the history of the presidontVi case lias been favora ble , end thoi change H moro marked , as luct night's reports led to a feeling that death was .hourly imminent. This murninft the president's mind was clear. Drs. Bhss , Ruyburn nnd Boynton , 3Ira. Dr. lEdson , Col. Rock well and General Swaim wcroonduty tho'Cntiro night , relieving each other at brief intervals. Mrs. Gariiold also wnsjit hand at moKiontary intervals. Shortly after midnight the usual eno- nuita was administered , and later there was a ] satisfactory -discharge of tJio bowels. ( Just before daylight ttho president was sponged oil by tbo pliysi- ciano and a tow .minutes later the pulse fell from 104 to 100 , which -was tho.most satisfactory since Wednesday lint. Dr. Bliss came into Secretary Brown's room bisfore the morning .ex amination w g made .and stated -that the president was much better. Ho feared -ono trouble , however. The pcoplo had bacomo so depressed by the events of the last two days that better news .would cause too great a reaction pfifuahng."Wo must -take care , " said ho , "that-too much is .not stated.on the improving signs. I am greatly encouraged by the progress made during the night but would not feel like easing thet was sufficient to rebuild au ontiua satisfactory hopo. " It wo * when the oxtmination ws .mado that it woo found ithat the gland presented an improved condition , The size of the swelling Jiad not been iiaatcrially reduced , though the in croaHcd drainage-af the pus had oasoc it Dr. Jioynton this morning said "Tho president's improvement durin ; the niL'ht was very marked and gavi cause for much encouragement thn ho woult1 ultimately recover. Friduj afternoon woe , ho thought , Ute TUUJfl.VO l-OINT. SLaco that point tliero ] ms been slow but sure progress toward recov try. Tlio increased feebleness yesterday day was duo , ho thought , to thu events of the- preceding day rather than r dcclino in the caso. The condition o. thu stomach was excellent and ho based hopes of his recovery on that and complete restoration of the men tal powers. The president has taken an ample quantity of nourishment and there was evidence that assimilation was progressing bettor. This would have i tendency to aid the elimination of the blood poisoning , which caused the glandular swelling. The only ques tion now was whether ,1110 stomach ivould continue to do"well. . TJio jlund gave evidence in the right di- ection. If the other conditions wore avorablo the gland swelling would bo ossoncd within two or three days , md once thdt trouble out of the way ho patient would have plain sailing md inovo rapidly to recovery. Dr. Bliss said that ho thought the nest satisfactory symptom at present vas the patient's clearness of mind. Clio discharge of the gland is moro roo.and thorolicf accordingly is groat- ir. IIo had a modified belief yesterday , > ut now thought that the president rould recover. At least his chances roro considerably better now that the [ land is beginning to disappear. Wit ixpect that other symptoms will dis- jipear accordingly , and on this base encmud confidence. Tlio first cabinet officer who called i the Whito''House was Attorney- lonopl MncVcagli. For the first imo in many weeks ho had a bright ook. The noon bulletin had evident- y not caused renewed fear. At 2 ' p. 11 , Secretary Hunt and Postmaster- General James , who returned from New York this morning , loleitraplu-d to Vieo-1'rosidcnt Aithur that the symptoms of last evening still contin ued M the afternoon bulletin to him. Among the callers at Iho White House to-day have been Judge .1. S. Ulnck , Congressman Ncal of Ohio and Desondorf. _ Judijo Hlack Imd an interview with the doctors , nn shown by the subsequent conversation , os follows : "Tho president is going to got well ! " "You can say that with con siderable safety. " Congressman Ncal , when naked if ho felt encouraged , replied : " 1 have never felt so confident of the presi dent's recovery ai now. " Mr. Dusomloif said that Dr. lUiss' last remark to him was that "if the president continues to do EO well through the evening and to-night an last illicit wo shall have exceedingly strong grounds to hope for his re covery. " SUNDAY'S BULLETINS. WASHINGTON , August 28.Tho Tol- lowing aru the bulletins issued from the white house to-day : ONB A. M. BULLETIN. The president , is sleeping quietly , with no material change in the last hour. TIIUKi : A. M. BUL-ir.TlN. Informition obtainable from the sick room up to this h'jtir tends to Iho impression that little or no ground lias been lost during the night , but the improvement docs Mot warrant much encouragement. FOUK A. rT. BULLETIN. The president's mind continues perfectly - fectly clear. l\o lias taken nourish ment twice du ring the night , and his stomach is doing well. As yet no unfavorable uyinpioms have arisen. SIX A. M. BULLETIN. The pulse is still 101 and Dr. Boyn ton said tlr.tt Uio quality wiw improv ed. Dr. Bliss stared at seven o'clock the pulse had fallen to 100 , having shown n progressive improvement sincM midnight. Ho said ho felt con siderably encouraged by the improve ment , but was afraid the poodle would take too sanguine a view of it , grand as oven a ( flight improvement may bo. It must bo remembered ( hat it wia not yet sufficient cliango for a very strong revival of hope. li-'OIIT A , M. BULI/JT1N. Drs. IJliss and lioynton have just ttalceu the proaifVjnt's puleo , anil found it at 100. The physicians feel en couraged , but i ivo warning that the gain is-tvo slight to bo vury reitasur- ing. OFEIULVL : ExxutiriYK M.VNMOK , Anirust 28 9 u. in. The bulletin just ksucd uives the president's condition us fol- IOWR : ( Dho amelioration of the presi dent's mptums announced aa last evening' * bulletin continued during the night and since ictdnight some further ( improvement 'has been ob- served. The ipulso -cuminiutiod ir frequonoy , tho-ototnach-has continued to retain the iKquid nourishment ad- ministerodanQ last evening < ho asked for and.atp a ssi.mll quantity/of milk toait. Stimulating nufritientunomatr continues to bo retained. There ha ; been no niontsH disturkanco 'during the night or tint morning. At.prcsenl his pulse > io 10Q , temperaturo'DS , res piration 17- ( Signed ] F. II. HAMILTON , D. H. AONKW , D. W. BM&H , J. K. UAIINEH , J. \VoOIW.AJi , 11. RKYWJJlff , TES A. TO. nuM-nrrs' . Tlia -Uie wound drcssing-of developed a reduction in ihe si e of Uio glandu lar swelling und by moro pricking of the surface a third discharge was established. This in cpnsidorcd atill moro favorable indication. UUiVKN A II , JlUtLKTIN. Information just received from the sick-room is to tlio effect that the fa vorable condition noted in the morn ing bulletin still continues and tliat the president's pulse is better in character - actor and much less frequent than yesterday , ranging since the morning dressing nt about 101. orriciAi , jjuriKTiN12:30 : r. ar. At the morning dressing of the president several yellowish points wore observe < l just below the car of the Hwollcn paiotid , and an incisioi being made , about a tcasj > oonfnl o ; healthy looking pus escaped. Then were also BOIIIO discharges of pu through the two openings into th ear and the incision mentioned in the previous bulletins. The wound looks rather less indolent than it has boon doing for several days past. Since the morning bullotinu there has been some rise df temperature , but little increase in the frequency of the pulse , and in other respects no material change 1ms occurred. Pulse 10 1 , temperature 09.C-10 , respiration 18 , ( Signed ) F. II. HAWH.TO.V , D. W , Aim , J , W. BAIINICH , J , J , WoonwAKi ) , R. RKYUUU.V. TWO P. M , I1UJ.I.KTIN. At this hour everything is quiet at ho White Houso. The president is oportcd as resting comfortably. No infavorablo change since the noon mllotin , FIVJ : r , Ji , JIUUKTIW , The reports from the president's oem up to this hour show no un avorablo changes in the president's londition. His pulse is about the as at noon , and other symptoms lo not materially d if Fur , Gun , Swaim las just sent the following dispatch to rionds in Now York ; "Tho president's condition contin- ics to improve , and ho is better now ban at any time for a week , All aru lopoful and seem confident , " Omt'IAL UUU.ETIN' , 030 ; p , m. Tlio impiovemont in ho president's condition declared esterday afternoon is still maintained. fo conlmucH to take willingly liquid oed given by mouth and 14 uppaient- y diguiting it. Stimulants and nu- tiimcnts given by onqmata are re tained. At the evening dressing an increased ( juantity of healthy looking pua was discluuged from the suppur ating parotid gland. The appearance of Iho wound has not perceptibly changed since the morning dressim ; , Hut iitllo rise in Iho temperature or pulse has taken place since noon and the pulse is perceptibly stronger than at this time yesterday. Pulse 110 , temperature O'J.7 ' , respiration 20. ( Signed ) F. II. HAMILTON , 12. H. AONEW , D. W. ULISS , . ) . J. WoomvAitn , J , K , BAKNT-.S , ROII'T RKYIIUHN. r. M. iun.iUTiN. The favorable condition of the president , ns indicated in official bill- lutins , still continue . NINMM' . M. ItULLKTIK. Dr. Hamilton is ? o well satisfied with Iho progress of thti cnso that ho leaves for Now York at OiIJO p. m. TON I' . M. IIOU.UTIN. The president hai just had his smnigti bath and is prop.u ing fi < v sloop. llu has already hud one imp since the evening bulletin. The fulirilu rise is subsiding , the pulse now being 105. KI.EVKN 1' . M. 11IILIKTIN. At this hour Dr. Woodward states that there am no discouraging signs noticeable. The president is resting fairly. MIDNKlllT IIULT.KTIX. Reports from the sick room indi- catu no reason lo believe anything will occur during the night to cause the present encouragement to bo in any way lessoned. Tlll.S MOUNINd'.S llin.I.r.TINS. WASHINGTON , August 20. 1 a. in The president is resting quietly , his pulse less than given in the evening bulletin , and thu favorable symptoms continue. TWO O'CLOCK A. M. The president is now sleeping quietly and there is nothing to indi cate that ho him lost ground. HEARING THE NEWS- Bulletins iu Now York and , Brooklyn. NKW YOISK , Au nsl. 28. To-day the pecjal bulletins of thu preident'B condition were read in most of the churohea in this city and vicinity , and in the Catholic chiirchcsupccialprayers were said for his recovery at all the masses. Yico-Prosidcnt Arthur has received no fluiiiinonn to go to Washington and expected none. IIo is greatly en- courtiued by the nowa from Washing ton. TALMAOE rilKACHKH. BXOOKLVV , August 28. Rov. T. DoWitt Tulmago preached a sermon , thoimbject being the condition of the president this morning. The dis course was one of tlio ablest over de livered by Talmago. His remarks wore frequently interrupted by ap- plnuBO , while his pathetic allusfons to the wife , children and mother of the president caused tears to como to many eyes , oven strong men bowiny their iieads and weeping. "Wo stand under a great sorrow , oh Lord , " said the pastor in thu open ing prayer. "Our chief magistrate is lying low. Divine physician , put thy linndfijupoii hif > wounds. Thou hast never yet lost a caso. Wo feel as if wo cannot giv him up. Give us the faith of miracles. Givo.more than human skill to medical attendants. Soothe his painii , restore hiu health. Let it not bo told tlmt the hand of nn American assassin was successful. Wo ask it on behalf of tlio aged mother , stricken wife and weeping children. Father , if it bo possible , let this cup pass from ua. Hut if it bo for the best foVhim to go , give him nn easy exit to the land whore there in no death. " In the final prayer ho said : "Hoar his aged mother's prayer , his wife's prayer , and that of hiu children and the nation. Thou canst do it yet. Wo pray Thy will bo dono. Lord , heal him ! Wo auk it in the name of the assassinated Christ. " The text of the pastor's scrmoi : ivas , "Comfoit yo , comfort ye , in people , saith your God. " DEATH IN THE FLAMES. i A Small Holocaust in Cincinnati Fatal Jump. National Associated I'rosj. CINCINNATI , August 28. The feoi store of Stone & Co.12 Court street and the boarding house and restau rant adjoining kept by S. D. Bright , took fire , and in tlio haslo of the in- mated to escape Robert Warrun won killed by jumping from a window , D. Quimb1 badly burnt , Mrs. Bright and daugh ter nearly suffocated and several oth ers injured. The buildiiif/s were par tially destroyed. Loss , 10,000. Two Frotlit ! Trntus DemollNUed Several Men Klllud. National A&iochtod Vtua. LANUAiTBii , Out. , August 28. 14ir- ly this morning u terrible collision oc curred between two freight trams , Hath engineers and n lireman were fatally injured. Fireman Honsloy and Hrukeinon Nelson and Anderson were also injured. The engines and Bovontoon cars were damaged. The collision was the result of carlcssncss of an operator , and also of the con ductor of the down freight in not having stopped to receive his clear ance orders. Indication- National AtMcUtoU l'rv * . WASHINGTON , August 28 > The following uro the probabilities for the succeeding twelve houis ; For the upper Mississippi and lower Mis- iouri valleys fair weather , followed by increasing cloudiness , po.snibly by local rains , warm southerly generally ihifting to colder north winds and jiljhiir pressure , THE DARK DAY. Fighting the Dosprato Battle With the Brim Destroyer - ! troyor , Sinking Almont Into Uio Dark Vnlloy of Death. Qrnspiuc jVgain the Slender Thread to Life. Thol'rosiilonl Makes Murltod Im- ororomout Saturday The most unfavorable feature dur ing the day was the extreme fluctua tions. The pulse nt one time reached 1118 , at another it fool to IOH , and for hours traversed that limit. During the afternoon , however , the limit win descended more closely , and the uulsc averaged 120. His sleep was moro satisfactory , and nouiinhmeiit , ac cording to liu own words , "tasted bottor. This change led to reports that the president was rallying. The rumors that the cabinet had decided to take stops towards calling together the senate , and that Ulainu had obtained from the president some time ago his sitjnatiiro to a necessary document to oiled thispurpose , were telegraphed over the wires , and many inquiries were sent to Iho White Houso. The cabinet denied the plan broached. NO UESl'AIIl. In the private part of the mansion it was noticeable that no a'mosphoro of despair existed. The immediate family of Iho president consists prac tically of Mrs. Gin-Hold , Mi&s Mollie , .lames and Harry , Gon. Swaim , Col. Rockwell and Dr. Boynton , with the attending surgeons and Dr. Hamilton. Mrs. Garlield apparently had not given up hopo. She understands tlio situation perfectly and feels that it is too critical to bo explained away. To keep him from being despondent seems to bo her great object. She is most , of Iho time by his side , always lias a pleasant look for him nnd utters words of cheer whenever the oppor tunity affords. The children depend almost entire ly on their mother in the regulation of their hope and fear. Not a tear has been noticed in the eye of any of them. They move about quietly and anxiously , glean every bit of informa tion obtainable in regard to their fath er's condition , but no such thing as breakingdown. Their spirits are kept up in great measure by the cheerful ness of Gon. Swaim and Col. Rock well , both of whom insist chat thu president is better and that the case is not hopeless. The patient early yesterday morn ing apparently felt the ground slip ping away from under him. His perti nent inquiry -JJiv-Haynton n to whether lie though tit worth while to continue the struggle1 any longer was good evidence of this. Cheered by hia wife nnd tlio doctors ho evidently recovered from his depression and lute in the day expressed himself as feeling stronger and as Booming lo taste his food moro satifurtorily. VICTOHIA'H HYMIUTIIY. TJio folding correspondence by cable in furnished from thu state de partment : LONDON , August 27. Blaine , Sec retary : I have just received from Her Majesty the Queen , at Balmoral , a telegram in these word * : "I most dcoply grieve at the sad nowa of the last few day , and would wish my deep sympathy to bo convoyed to Mrs. Gariiold. ' ' ( Signed ) LOWELL , Minister. The following reply was cabled : DHPAHT.MENT 6F STATE , WAHIIINH TON , Autrust28. To Lowell , London I have submitted to Mrs. Garfiult your telegram conveying the kirn mcHsago from the qucnn , Mrs. Gur- field is constantly by her husband' bedside and docs not give up all Jiopi of his recovery. Her request is thai you will return the queen her mos sincere thanks nnd express lie heartfelt appreciation of the constan interest , and tenderness and sympathy sho\yn by her majesty townrd the president and his family in their dot'ji grief and most painful suspense. [ Signed ] JJLAINU , Hocrotary. ANOTIIIJU OAnLEOIlAJf. Tlio following was cabled to-nigh LOWELL , LONDON : A somewhat more hopeful feeling exists to-night in regard to the president. Tlio regular evening bulletin is moro favorable , and the good indications aru continued , llislpnlso is lower , being now 111 and of bettor quality. His mind is en tirely clear , Ho has shown a positive nppetito , asking for milk toast , u small quantity of which was given to him. This in the first time for many days that lie has owa lowed anything but liquid food. A slight increase in Inn respiration is the only adverse symptom reported at this time (10JO ( ; ! p , in. ( Signed ) JJr.AiNK , Secretary , IJATfl A I'lECB OF TOAHT. After tlio evening dressing the president remarked : "I could eat a picco of milk toast. " Dr. Bliss soon cuino in , and when infonnod of the president's request said : "Lot him liavo it if ho asked for it. I would like to sea if lie can work his jaws to cat it , " Accordingly a picco of milk toast waa prepared by Mrs. Garfield - field and by her taken to the presi dent. Ho ate a piece about half the size of Mrs , Gaihold'i hand , and said it was good. Ho scorned to have no trouble in using his jawn , and after another morsel had boon disposed of lay back apparently satisfied. Dr , Hamilton said : "This evidence of itnnrovemont should encourage us to redouble our efforts. " An hour later Dr. Bliss said \\io \ \ president had ex perienced no trouble from the toast , ivliich of course was an encouraging "gn. "gn.Dr. . Agnew hail not scon the proai- lontfor live doya until this afternoon , Ua arrived on the limited oxpro naiul did not wait to roniovo his traveling coat before going to the sick room. I'lio president was uwako nnd as Dr. Agnew stopped to the bedstead hia hand was extended and the doctor's was clasped ns thu latter inquired : "How nro you to-day , Mr , President ? " The president replied : "Well , I don'l feel any worno. " Dr. Agnew re marked , "Yes , 1 am glad to know that. " Ho expressed himself as sur- piiscd to find so much vitality as the president exhibited. AUTiitm'a c.vniNKT. Nr.\v YOIIK , August 28.Tico President Arthur has received the bulletins from Washington and many urivato dispatches , llo sayfl ho is not gohn < to Washington until sum moned by the cabinet and did not ex pect to bo munitioned until tlia presi dent was clo.ulj "unlpsp , " ho said , "tlio president should linger a long timo.1 Speculation is rife over Uio compo sition of Arthur's cabinet if ho suc ceeds to the piesldonoy. A fiioml of Arthur's Divert the following : Hamil ton Fish forscciotaiy of slate ; Emery Storra or Alonzo Taft for attorney general ; M. S. Oway for secretary of the interior ; Lincoln nnd Hunt to remain - main , the postmastcrship to bo changed if Fish , of Now York , gets portfolio. JAMKS1 VISIT TO JJ1SW YORK. Secretary Blame said that lie was aware that the postmaster general Imd gene lo Now York. Ho did not know why ho had gono. The general im pression prevails here to-night that the visit of the postmaster general is for a plain talk with the vice president n to the exact situation at the white IIOUBO and consultation with him as to his immediate plans in the event of a serious turn in tlio case. It is stated authoritatively , however , that Iho New York visit of Postmaster-General James is not to bo construed in any way as unfavor able as to the president's condition. In fact , the postmaster general did not go to Now York until to-day's im provement became noticcablo. SATURDAY'S BULLETINS. WASIIINOTON , August 27. The fol lowing bulletins woio issued to-day from four o'clock in the afternoon up to midnight : I'OUll r. 11. I1UI.LUT1N. Just after four o'clock thia nf tor- noun Dr. Uliss , iu answer to n ques tion , replied that the president hail passed a moro comfortable day than iiad been anticipated , that his mental condition was perfect , that ho contin ued to take his food , while his pulse had fallen to 11-1. All these facts ho considered OB favorable indications. Dr. Bliss1 idea of the president's con dition is evidently found in his remark mark just made : "I think ho in just a BULLETIN ; wiiitB M-,88 fl.go . | j7. ni.-TmT Pri WintJi BjmHlOUW show n slight anlohoVijtioM this aftnrnoon.v WM * pulse is somewhat less frequent hia temperature is lower. the mental disturbance described' n yesterday morning's bulletin has dis appeared. The parotid swelling lias discharged a little pus by the opening spontaneously formed into the oar as well no by the incision made , but is not perceptibly swollen. The liquid food given by the mnuth and the one- mata continues to bo retained. Pulfio 114 , temperature 08.9 , respiration 22. ( Signed ) F. II. HAMILTON , . D. H. AONEW , D. W. BLISS , J. K. BAUNEH , J. J. WoomvAtti ) , ROUT. REYBUIIN. EIUIIT V. 3f. BULLETIN. Col. Rockwell just said : "I'beliovo ' there are grounds for encouragement. For the past thirtysixhours the president's mind has been clear ns n boll. " NINK I' . 3f. IIULLETIN. The doctors are so much encouraged by the behavior of the stomach that the president ha * boon given a littla toast and milk to-night. Thus far no bad results have appeared. TEN I1. M. BULLETIN. The president had several good imps this evening , and between thorn swallowed four ounces of milk brotli. The physicians say that up to this hour ho had hold his own ainco the evening bulletin. ELEVEN 1' . .M. BULLETIN. The president's pnlso is 111 , and is rnported to hoof a firmer quality. His icspiration is bomowhut higher , but the tcmpnraturo seems unchanged. The president slept considerably thia evening and no increased unfavorable symptoms are reported , TWHLVB M. BULLETIN. Col. Rockwell has telegraphed to u friend just now that the pulse was 101 and that the president was sleep ing like an infant. Gen. Swaim sends the same in substance in another di- ' rcction , and insists that the improve ment of the early ovouina , is main tained , Foreign Flatbed. LONDON , August 28. The viceroy i ; of India telegraphs us follows : It is reported that Ayoob Khan and his urmy have marched from Candahar to jive battle to the Ameer near Kholat- LJilslmt. A dispatch from Durbaus jays that the feeling against the coiii r'untion is becoming very strong. ROME , August 29.- General Becks , ricar-goneral of the Jesuits , is dying. Scrlou * fire , rational AwocUtetl I'rew BOSTON , August 28. Tlio Union itono company's building in East Ev- irctt were destroyed by lire last ovo- ling. Loss § 00,000. Seventy-five' iien are thrown out of employment , "Way , Anyouo who has the will to try THOMAS JcrtcTKioOn , will Biirely find the way to oLmst licaltd , hi case * of brouchlul ouird- loni , sore throat nalna . , , ctc. [ oudaa * u utcruiU remedy it h Invaluable , " eodlw