mi A TT A n A i r.v PT.I ? . wrcnvrcsn \ va A i rrmsT 9d issi BRISK CLARA BELLE , A Budget of News About the Hidden Parts of Wo- men's Dro&e. / Threatened Return of Hoop- Skirts-Now Styles in Un- . der-olothes. Shoes and Fine Hosiery. JVFlnco Where Snob Things nro < Jorr pomlenroof the Cincinnati Enquirer. ' NKW YORK , August 10 , 1881. A fellow told mo t'other day Unit ho Jmd made nn astonishing discovery , which was that n fashionable mutual friend had cone up to her room before dinner to loosen her corsot'laccs. Ho thought it ntrnngo and awfully tunny liiat , in order to make room for n jxjuaro meal , it was necessary for her io enlarge her bodice. I iistructcd , the giniplulon that if nil snu ly-labed Italics do not lot out they at least feel a fullness afterward. The truth is that unmarried inon know very Httlo ' of what may bo called the out-of-sight dressing of women ; TJioy see only thcoutcr-robe , na a rule , and don t think much about the Rarmcnta aud toggery undonicath. These articles , however , arc of great importance in the estimation of the woman of fash ion , and occupy n considerable < nharo i in her calculations ' nnd expenditures. It is easy to ,8ay that nil this bother is thrown ' away , since no male nye sees it incase , of maidens , and only husbands in case j of dowagers ; but show mo a woman ' who neglects h ° r underclothes and I will .show you ono who is careless in every thing else. Extravagance is * ' -alwayslo bo condemned in these who f can't'offonl ' 'it , of course , but every , ; wbmanof , taste owcs.it . to liorsolf not 1 , to bestow nil her attention on the sur face , leaving the interior to take care of itself. 1 propose to devote this Jottor-to trustworthy news nbout un dergarments , and that down cast edi lor "who prudishly condemned mo wheripjl last "wrote on the s'ubjecl n year ajjo can stop reading at the bnd of this sentence if ho fears being shocked again. Yet , if ho docsnt lutop , ho.jviiniot find the slightest in- jdolicacy. The idea that n fashion jirritorshould not discuss , UKYT1IINO 11EI.OW TUB OUTKll F.ABIUC ! of'women's costumes is ridiculous , nnd peculiar to America. It was not long IIQO that the English girl who , in ! Now York society , spoke of her legs jubt as she would at homo , was re garded as impolite , if not brazen. I kid Jim glad to say that usage among the ed girls of that holiest of holies , the neighborhood of Second avenue and Twentieth street , where the remnant of Knickerbocker nobility has veiled cut itself from comparatively plobcnn in Fifth avenue , now- sanctions the ut ties terance by feminine lips of the word no lot's. One no longer hears a girl say limbs unless she means both arms and the logs. This is sensible , and the reform might well bo extended. But let's to the news of undorgcar. It is evident that the talk about n revival of " the hoop-skirt is largely an effort "by manufacturers to create a de an mand for their wares. Still , there is Jio denying that the latest fashion plates sent over from Europe show wider and fuller skirts , and i greatly fear that , sooner or later , the horrible fashion will bo re-established. The .actual grotcsquonoss of extended ing crinoline iiilty readily bo demonstrated. such Look nt a picture of a woman of 1855 , when hoops were at their worst , and lias you will say she was a monstrosity. silk. On the other hand , the graceful , clas ever sical , clinging skirts of the past few years will never seem outlandish , no matter how remote they get from pie- cling vailing styles. But there is no use resisting the tendency of fashions , And if wo must wear hoops , then wb < ) rs must , and that is all about it. I hope , however , for a year or so of respite , though there is a strong pressure to ting force them onto us next winter. I ted Jiavo been shown by a Now York cor the respondent a passage on this point in not A 1.KTTKU IIV WOltTlI , nor. the Parss dross-maker. Translated , luuu it is as follows : "I have not designed anything for is the coming full or winter , thus far , linvo that contemplates hoop-skirts. A sulli- ciontly bouffant is obtained , in the in stance of anything I have yet origina nro ted , by less metallic expedients. You write to mo thatsomo American ladies wish to wear them. Yery well. But I am confident that the good taste of American ladies , ixsu generality , will make them reluctant to wear hoop- dross ikirts. in none of my designs fur the the fall serson are hoops in the slight est necessary. " hilk Worth isn't the great I Am of fash well ion , as many seem to suppose , for tlosli- there are other designers of emial the European fame in Paris and Berlin ; liut ' ho is a man of exquisite taste , and la's influence ought to coUnt for some thing against lioops. In the meantime - in time , hoops are boini' actively revived ii } a modified , form. The sale of bus their tle * is undeniably on the increaseand a few Loops are usually added at the ors bottom just to enough to kick your are lieels against , get wobbled around ire ono side , aim annoy you generally , tie | But tt ia the for , not the many , who as yet , are wearing bustles. They ing y liavo gradually _ been lengthened out from u mere hip-piece until a If they now extend the length of the skirt. As this long bustle is Ha < ble t6 displacement , a few complete Tfl lioops are sometimes added to keep it in puce. This may develop into ita complete hoop-skirt. Horse-hair * skirts , " with r'ufllea on the back breadths to form a bustle or tournura , are far more comfortable and are extensive - I tensivesold. ) . One thing is certain : way just as soon as the storm of ridicule rises , the worn on will put on hoop- ukirts anyhow. There is no way ipof ous making a fashion all the lit rage so cer tain as setting all the wits to writing plain about it. A novelty in who OVT-OK-8I01IT DKVIUK.S them ii called the cuiruss corset. It is of made of a yielding woven material , of and is laced under the arms , while thorn over the hips are set elastic flares of thuir India rubbur webbing. It is designed were for woman who adopt the scanty drap , md- ing , clinging Bkjrts and closo-fiitinp Imvo Tjoclics now clinging in vogue ; but .it should be woin only by these who nro plump without being fat , and on such figures it has a pliant , yielding effect that is charming. Now chemises nro trimmed nt the bottom , ns well ns on the sleeves nnd yoke , with hemstitched trimming * on which colored flowers nro worked ) nnd the ruffles nttho bottom tom so universal now are of bands of the same. Costly handhcrchicfs are sot into the bosoms of chemises. These are usually of the sheerest French lawn , elaborately embroidered in pure nhito or tinted work , which shows exquisitely artistic designs. They cost from S5 to $ .10 each. Ono nt the lat ter price is of the finest white silk , nearly covered with nn ombroidary of rod nnd gold sea moss , tiny golden LniUorllics nnd delicate wreath of roses. The w oarer could not bear to keep it wholly obscured , and so were it under n transparent white dresi. so that it wis nt least partially exhibited. A low practice oi Long Branch is to wear ( lat bouquets of real flowers on the brcaat of the chemise , under the robe , which must bo gnuzy enough to show the floral garniture * limly .hrough. In some coses the bosom is airly ovcrlnid with a variety of flow- irs. I leave the loader to imagine tow long the flowers will remain un fitted , thus confined on the body of n ancor in n hot ball ro in , to say noth- ng of being crushed against tlie jrcasts of partners in the waltz. SHOES liow much elaborateness of design , as might bo expected in n summer of short skirts. Shoes of black kid. half high and laced on the instep , or inner side of the foot , arc adapted for morn ing toiloth in both town and country ; but for afternoons and evenings n great variety of fancy styles nro soon. Handsome Louis Quinzo slippers are made of block satin nnd embroidered with arabesque designs in rubber nnd stool beads. They have deep French heels covered with black satin. The brncelet slipper is n pretty novely , cut very low in the fronttwHh , high straps over the instep , fastened under a/bow / , which also forms the fastening of n hand around the ankle upholding n high heel piece. Sometimes a silver or steel anklet takes thoplncoofthcstrap , giving quite nn Oriental style to ( the feet tlius shod. But such slippers nro not , ns n rule , so becoming ns simpler ones without straps or bows , and cut low enough to showtho entire instep. Molicro shoes of black satin , with broad , square buckles of Rhcn- iah pebbles , and heels of moderate height nro worn at garden parties. at Low quartered shoes nro again in do- of mund , oven for city street wear. Some have the- vamp or upper , cut in one piece almost as low as slippers. Fancy French kid ties , foxed with patent leather and stitched with white silk , are affected by some women. But for general wear the low of fine or g6at-skin , plainly finish , is pi of erred for city out as door wear. For the house sandals take the place of ties ; or sandaled slippers , with several narrow straps in the vamp. It must lie borne mind that these nre only the vani in fashions for shoes. There is diminution of approval by tasteful the women of the buttoned boot for both ed promenade and for the dressy of toilet of visiting. Women with un ing commonly well-formed feet will bo glad to hear that there is a limited At revival of the luced up boot of former yeais , than which nothing can display nrchcd initop to better advantage. KANTAhTIU NTOOKIM1H but have held their own during the sum mer , but there are premonitions of n reaction , 1'crimps the most eccentric notion in hosiery is Unit of ono stock black nnd the other colored ; but crest matches are invariably ties plain. The use of lisle thread hosiery in a great measure superseded self . Not that silk stockings will be out of date , but lisle thread is cooler , more washable und much loan costly. The fastidious few , however , and to silk for full dress purposes. Taste is-divided for the moment bo- twuun stockings in plain col- nnd hair-lined stripes , Fre quently tho.hairlines . are pro duced simply in the weaving or knit the of a dellcnte line of open or dot stitches down the entire length of f ated stocking. Of course , this does an produce stripes sulllciontly pro nounced to maku thin logs look tnin < sical . Young girls nt balls oftun wear Blockings over colored silk ones. Colored stockings , in spite of all that mittun about tiioir dangerous dyes , feet comnlutoly superseded white. fifty IXuk stockings , mich as garnet , gray- uh'liluo , purplu , iron gray nnd black , worn in the morning , while palo- ana's tintcd ones , with lace instups ana side tery pieces , or with line clocking and em ing broidery running up the leg in pyra midal form , are worn with low len Hlippers in the availing. In full , the hosiery often matches to costume in color. For the most dressy occasion there are stockings of in high finish and gray colors , as as black , pearl , croam-whito , tloslicolor and nmuve , witli rows of finest real lace not in across the in- Htupwith a delicate vine or purl of em tloiiD broidery. More biznrio fancies are provided in silk Blockings embroidered designs of game caids cluba , spades , hearts and diamonds , with kings , queens and jacks iu the of proper eolors. The vauoty of col in hosiery is enormous , and these duplicated in the Hale-thread long was gloves , which aho have clockings like was stockings ; BO that , when youaeoa thirst tapering , mcali-covorcd member hang down , you Imvo to look twice , ho sometimes , to make out whether it is man g or an arm. no A J-LAC15 Or NO HUGH FINKHY know the free bath at the Battery , which been mentioned last week , but which a comes up fit my mind as I write about [ variegated and elaborate fashionable > underclothing. Nearly n hundred young girls had just been let in when took my view of the place , and the tent they got out of their clothes ono would have boon a surprise to my in- and tiicatoly-clothed readers. In numer sider cases they had no underclothing nil , and simply had to ahuck a triily , single ' frock ; but oven these will uil'ected chemises , drawers and and Blockings were not long in leaving in a heap. I regard their lack , odies dimity as indicative of an absence social custom , Few of ' Bccmod to care nbout imkodne&s , though they in the glare of open daylight , mdtheir - principal anxiety was lo ( as much1 fun ns possible in the twenty minutes allowed tb'vacli batch. I should cxpl.un , before some captions critic hurries to Bay that 1 falsify , that thcso bathers are required to ucnrn covering for a poition of theit bodies , nnd ire not utterly mule , like the cnjoycrs of the Turkisli bath , which I once raised such n brcezo > > y describing. The cover , however , is gonictimcs mc-rcly a breech cloth. ln the day swimming schools the girls wear n slcevoleei , loose-necked nrfd rudimentary leirgcd garments , which they get into by thrusting armi nnd logs in nil nt once , and then button up in the back. But what leot out to say is that Invo of , and attention to , the usually liMdcn articles of n worn- nil's dress prove her possession of good taste. CI.AHA BELLE. Wonders of tue Bonutifnl Vnlloj- of Virginia. A well-known Louisville gentleman , who is doing the rounds of the United States nn ndvnnco mnn of a circus , sent a loiter to n friend , which wns re ceived yesterday , giving the following description of a newly discovered na tural wonder in the Shcnandonh Val ley of Virginia. It is likely that some of the scientists now nt work in Cincinnati would find something won derful nt the cave mentioned. The writer says ; "Well , hero Inm nt Luray. Your question would naturally bo , 'Where is Luray , and what goes on nt Luray ? ' There are thousands of people who have never heard of Luray except in connection with Stonewall Jackson's famous flank movement , on Banks , nonrly twenty years ago , nnd the presence of Leo's nrmy n few months later. But Luray is now nchioving $ celebrity by reason of the * opening of its wonderful cave a cave which is destined to become ono of the famous nnd most widely known of nil the un derground phenomena ofthis world. Hours of winding through miles of corridors , down by the sides of gaping chasms ; then up , way up , among the domes of giant halls. Whenever n particularly striking feature of the cave is reached , the guide proceeds tu change the value of the sight by moans of an illumination with n magnesium tape which will bo supplanted in n few days by an electric light ) , Down in these earth-imprisoned realms of crys tal , where the echoes of human feet have not been hoard for ages , the trembling fnncy of the explorer must shudder in apprehension of meeting impalpable impicssions of some kind every turn of the body. The gloom the fretted corridors ; the yawning chnsms tolling of mystery , night nnd danger ; the crystal , monuments nnd nhibnster-columiis , high nnd vast ; the crypts , cloisters and cathedral-like apartments of this mystic under-world ; the glittering pendants nnd pcnrl-liko formations on every hand must have but filled the eye of the discoverer it fills the eyes of the visitor \ \ nownaays with feelings of wondering awe and speechless admiration. There nro statues no bigger than n lady's lin ger , others like the great giant , Jim Porter. Hero nnd there you will find quiet pools and peaceful lakes , which winds of heaven have never kias- ; cascades which appear to the eye fancy ns if the waves had been leap over each others shoulders into n pool below and frozen as they fell. ono place , 'a ifcst from which the laughing birds have taken wing ; ' at another n riding whip ns perfect as "if chiseled by the hand of Phidias , the sculptor of the gods. Indeed , it needs a Httlo play of the imagination to people these dusky chambers with conservatories rich with crystalyzed leaves and blossoms , with canopies of snow and ice , marvelous in form nnd profuse in numbers , arc thcso beau scattered ui every hand , as if the Frost King had really outdone him in wonderful freaks. The gran deur of these scones embodying millions of tha most curious forms , from tiny trickling rills nnd flowers pieces of drapery to caivod mid fluted columns , groups of statuary and cry arched domes of imposing dimensions making one feel ns it he were in the . enchanted ubodo of the subterranean gods. The chief points of interest is and cathedral , or organ room , with price organ. The stalactites , gradu in size like the pipes of organ , produce when sttuck by knuckles or n piece of vrooil , real mu sounds. Then the Giants' hall , magnificent and imposing ; the Specter column a column of pure white , rising out of n chasm live hundred long , soventy-live feet deep and foot wide ; the Saracen's Tent , guarded by glim sentinels ; the Lost Blanket , n wondetful formation ; Di ' Bath ; Fro/on Fountain ceme ; Titania's Veil ; Cinderella Leav the Bath-room ; Bird's Nest , quite natural ; a Human Skeleton ; the Fal Column , und many other places of interest. To see Luruy Cave once is want to see ittimotind timoagain. " Wliou There's n Will There's a Way. Anyone who lias thowill to try THOMAS' Kci.riTiucOii. will surely find the war to robust hcaltil , lu cased of hroiichlnl nffeo- , BO ro tliruat , paliw , otc. ; uiul OH nn Internal remedy it Is invaluable. CO'llW , Cared of Drinking. "A young friend oi mine was cured ia an insatiable thirst for liquor , which had so prostrated him that he unable to do any business. He entirely cured by the use ut Hop Hitters. It allayed all that buniini , ' ; look away the appetite for liquor ; made his nerves steady , and has remained a sober and steady The for mure than two years , and hits desire to leturn to his cuns ; I a number of others that have cured ot drinking by it. " From leading 11. R. oilicM , Chicago , 111. It Times , auglB-sepl It Worthy ot Pr ne , As a rule we'do ' not recommend pa medicines , but when wo know aof that really is a public benefactor , docs positively euro , than wo con It it our duty to import that information mation to all. Electric bitters reid n most valuable medicine , and It surely euro Biliousness , Fever Ague , Stomach. Liver and Lidnoy it do complaints , oven where all other rem and fail. Wo know whereof ni.we peak , and can freely rccommond to cant Neil . --Ex. Bold ut 50 cents a bottlu Isli A McM hon. (4) ) C. F.iManderson , - AT r TAW , rirphtui ft , , Oinat * . Xvb. Mothert , Wives , Daughter * , Sons , Fathers , Ministers , Tcncher * , Business Men , Farm ers , Mechanics , ALL should l o named nirnhist iislhff hnd Introdiulntf Into their HOMES Nov trum nod Alcoholic rcin lle * . HMO no such prejudice ftxftl"1or ' 'ear ' " ' "Warner's Safe Tonic Bitters. " Tri < vnr4lttliftt they nrc claimed to l o hannlts * M milk , nnd contain only mrdl- ilnullrttici. . Kxtract ot pure \cffcUWes only. They do not licloru to that tln known ns "Cure- All * , " but onlr profit to reach cases hero the disrate originates In dclillitntcd frames nnd Im pure Moot ] , A I'crfcct ' Spring nnd Summer medicine. A Thorough Blood Purifier. ATonlcAppe- tl sr. Pleawnt to the taste , IntUoratlnff to the body , The most eminent plijsltlans recommend thorn tor their curathc properties. Ones Used alwrvjs preferred. For the Kidneys , Liver and Urinary organs , tire nothing "WARNER'S SAFE KIDNEY and LIVER CURE. " It stands Unrivalled. Thous ands owe their health nnd happiness to it. 1'rlcc , $1.25 per bottle.VooHcr "Warner's ' Safe Tonlo Hitters" with Mini confidence. H. H. WARNER , Rochester , N. Y. folO-liMh'Mit-lV _ to & O. at Malaria Is an Unseen , Vaporous Poltnn , spreading disease and death In main lo- callticH , for \\hkli iiilnlno ] It no Rcnuino antidote , for thocirocts of which Hoitettcr's Stomach llitturs l- > not only n thorough rcmolj , but a reliable prcvcni\ . To this fact there U an ocr - \\liclinlntrnrrayof tc.stlinonr , extc'nilug o\cr .1 period of thirty } can. All disorder * of the IU cr , xtomach and Lou els are also connucivd by the Ulttcrs. ftari'or sale hi all Druggists and Dealers ) fen- . trally. trally.D.T. . MOUNT , IIAnilrACTURRK AND D1ULKR IN SADDLES AND HARNESS. 1412 Farn. St. Omaha , Neb. My AOKAT10R TUB CltLREBATXD CONCORD HARNESS Two Jlcdals and a Diploma of Honor , with the highest award the Judges could bestow us auardud this harness at thq Centennial Uihlbl- .Common , also Itanchmcn's and Lftdlci' SAD DLES. Wo keep the largest stock lu the west , InUte all who cannot examine to sinul fnr * . an * ) * DOFTTOnOEGETIT WHEN IN NEED OF BOOTS\SHOES \ To cxnmhio the stock of BASWITZ & WELLS , cities nent man House 1422 Douglas St. , near 15th OTTXt > Z lai-go mid always the lowest prices. DE VEAUX'S WASHING MACHINE Irlit six Only Machine that Will Do just aa is Advertised. titles ment Will Wash Faster land , Will Wash Gleaner , It Will Wash Easier , To It Will repire DO Bublring , will do a large family houses ( KutM.1 or Washing in 30 Minutes. Ohio & . Will IWosh Equally weUl with thrv Hard op Soft Woter- en , docs ftwayttlth wash bollowwid o li boards ' , ' > vill jay ( orltkoU In full and the wear of clothes in a month. viialu houses itcam In the kltthcn. A PliuJ JO yc " oltu floucr do the washing faster tliau on y woiu n can : \ ring aim Uauji out th clothes- - . Of DAN. BULUVAN & bONS1 , dim H10 KarnluuD btrcet , Agents. A A. G. TROUP , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , No Changing Cars KETWXMf OMAHA & CHICAGO , Micro direct connections arc made with Through SUCKl'INO CAIl L1N1S to * NEW VGItlt , I1OSTON , I'JULADEt.PIirA. WASHINGTON AKI ) ALL EASTEttN 1T1ES. The Short Line via. Peoria Eor INDIANAPOLIS , CINCINNATI , LOUIS- V1LLE , and all polnU.ln the tss o u 'jL' TT1H BZ8T 11KI For ST. LOUIS , Where direct connections arc mode m the Union Depot with the Through Sleeping Car Llnca for ALL POINTS J3OXTT NEW LIHE > DESMOINES THE FAVOIIITE HOUTE FOR Rock Island. The uncq\ated IndufcmcnW odcraj fay this line tmelcra and tourists are as follows : The celebrated PULLMAN (16-whccI ) PALACE SLKEPINQ CAI1S nm only on thl Una 0. , D. Q. PAtiAcE : HAWiNa noojircAns , Horton's Itccllnlns Chairs. ; .No extra charge for scats In Kcellnln ; Chairs. The famous C , , ] ) . , & . I'alaco Dining Cars. Gorgeous Smoking- Can fitted with elegant high-backed rattan nnoUliig chairs , for the exclusfio usoof first-class pa sen- gcrs. gcrs.Steel Track and superior 'equipment combined with their gjcat through car arrangement , rrakca this , tibo\o nil others , the fatorlto route to the East , South and Southeast. Try It , and jou will and trat cling a luxury In stead of a ilUuomfort. Through tickets io this cclcbratt.'d line for sale all olliccs In the United tate and Canada. All Information about rates of faro , Sleeping Car accommodations , Time Tables , etc. , will be cheerfully gh en by n pph in ? to PEKCKVAL LOWELL , General Possonircr Agent , Chicago. T. J. POTTEU , Ocnoml Manager Chicago. Established 11 Years , Assets nciircsentcd 882OOOOOO O. Actho Flro and Llfo agents tt-antcd. .C. T. TAYLOR & CO. DON'T IT BURN1 house and furniture it insured with C. T. TAYLOR & CO. , ' ( /or 14th awl Dout'las. United States Depository , OF OMAHA. Cor. 13th and Farnam Sta. OLDEST BANKING KSTABLISJIMENT IN OMAHA. SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE BROTHERS. ) 8TABU8IIPD 1858. Organized u a National Bank August 20 , 1SC3. CAPITAL AND PROFITS OVEU 300 000 HRRMAM icons-run , t'rotldcnt. AUOUHTUB KOI'NTZX , VIcu PrcslUunt. H. W. YMBt , Caslilcr. A. J. 1'orK.CTOS , Attorney. Joux A. CRKioirroit. F. H. DAVID , Awt. Cashier. This bank rctoUcs deposits without rccanl to amount * . Issuca time certificate bearlnif Interest. tm ) ilroftt on San Krnndsco anil priiicmal of the UnlUil Status , also Loniloti , Uubfni EilliiburKh ftnd the | riiidi l cltltw of tneixintl of Knropo. Hills mssciiL'tr tickets for emigrants ) iy th In line _ "inMtf The Oldest Established BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. Caldwell , Hamilton & Co , , Business trau > vctc4 aauit u that of an Incor. poroto ) Kink , AccounU kept In currency or coltl lubjcct .to . check ulthout DOtico Certificate of deposit issued payable In three , ami twehe months , bearing Interest , or on ilemond without Interest. AJianccs made to customers on approved tccu- at market rate * of Interest. mini. Iluy and fell void , bills of exchange , got era. , state , county and city bonds. ni.ot Draw tight dnfts on England , Ireland , Scot : , and all parti of Kuropt. Bell European passage tickets. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADK. aui'ldt _ Contractors. Builder * Property Owner * . The undefined having boon appointed ngenl the cxtcnsh o Iron and wire manufacturing o ( E. T. Barnum , ol Detroit , and the . Iron Foundry and Works at Toledo , , capacity of 60 tons dally , Is prepared I to furuUh estimates and prices lor iron icluiuus , &c.&c. , for ttore Irontu , window caps and allU , hold plates , urougut Iron beams aud gird- h > tlraullc ilc\atoni , etapla tlttingspulle)8 | , vhMttng , tc. ; also Iron fences , cresting , ln uffuards , shutters , stairs , Laicouics , tell eta , , tascs , ai-quariunis , fountains , bummer ; , lawn , garden aud cemetery ornaments , stands , xn\u guards , A.C. , A.C , . In endless ariety , Catalogues kupullvd on appllvatlon. Manufacturtnt * Agent , 8 1'cs.rl street aucio-hu mu Council HluBs. lo , I , V18W , Dentist. OrncK Jacobs' Block , co ncr Capitol areoue trelt , Oui h Ns > ) DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS. HOTJILS. I KOPTiTKTOllS. TOWNS. ARAPAHOE HOUSE , L. CLUTE , Arap.tlioe , Neb COMMERCIAL HOUSE , T , M. STONE , Orleans , Neb HOLLAND HOUSE , CEO. . HOLLAND D. , Red Cloud , Neb. WILDER HOURS' THOMPSON REED , Wllbcr , Neb. BLUE VALLEY HOUSE , R. DAVIS , De Witt , Neb. REYNOLDS HOUSE , Z. O. ROCKHOLD , Wymore , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , T.MUNHALL , Bloomlngton , Neb. GAGE HOUSE , A. R. OAOE , Republican Olty.Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 0. D. DORDEN , Alma , Neb , SUPERIOR HOUSE , 8. TIMMERMAN , Superior , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , A. C. CAARPER , Hardy , Neb. WESTERN HOUSE , E. FUNKHOUSER , Cheater , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , DR. W. W. JONES , Blue . Springs , Neb. PACIFIC HOTEL , W. P. RENSHAW , Beatrice , Neb. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL , E , D. COTTRELL , Nebraska City , Neb. SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & DECKER , Cretton , la , JUDKINS HOUSE , JUDKINS Sc BRO. , Rcd'Oak , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , WM. LUTTON , Vllllfca , la. PARK HOTEL , W , J. OARVIN , . Corning , la. DURKE'S HOTEL , E. R. DURKE , Carroll , la. HEAD HOUSE , JOS. SHAW A CO , Jefferson , la. CHENEY'S UNION HOTEL , CHENEY BROS. , . Mo. . Valley June. , la. NEOLA HOTEL , F. SIEVERT2 , Neola , la. CENTRAL HOUSC , 8. P. ANDERSON , Malvern , la. EMERSON hfOUSE , A. U SHELDON , Emerson , la , CROMWELL HOUSE , . . MRS. R. COCHRAN , Cromwell , I , BEATRICE BRANCH B. & M. R. R EDWARDS & BAKER . . ' . Bankers nnd Lumber Dealers- T. CASTOR - . .v . General J. B. EDSON. . ' . i . . , . : . General Merchandise Merchandise- COONEN Ss SIMPSON . r.\ . Clothing and W. S. OHMELIR . ' . . . Clothing nnd Gents' Furnishing Goods E. W. DIX . . . . Builder Furnishing and Contractor Good * WARNEOKE & THAYER HENRY CLARK . Cigar Manufactory . . . .Gram Dealer J. H. JAMES . , . F. . Farm Machinery J. SADILEK , . -r . Saddles and Harness THOMPSON REED . : - t . Wilber Houso- M. B. HOKUFF . - . Two Billiard Halls DAVIS tt CASTOR . Collections , Insurance and Real Estate. . THE OPPOSITION . . . . . . . . Weekly Hellrnuth Ladies' College. ' 'i Patroness , H. R. H. PRINCESS LOUISE. Founder and President , The Right Rev. I. HELL- MUTH , D. D. , D. O. L. , LORD BISHOP OF HURON ; . Fall Term opens Wednesday , September 21st. Handsome and spacious buildings , leiutlfully situaicdln a most hcnllliy locality , about four hours by rail from Nlngara FnlU , nutl on one of the principal through routes between the East and West. The QI10UNUS . Intellectual and comprise 140 acrcj. The aim of the founder of this college U to prox I Jo the highest . practically useful education. Tha\\holo8) > tcmls edi ua \i ] > on tlio soundest PRO TESTANT principles , as the only solid basis for the rlylit formation of character. FRENCH la the language spoken In the college. MUSIC a fpcctaltj Board , Launtlrj and Tuition Fees , Incluc1lmthhotocoursoof IIiiRlisli. the Ancient anil Mod . ; Callisthenics , Drawing and Palntlujr , use Piano and I.ilir.irj Medical attendance , and. Modclnc. WOO per antmin. A rcltuctlou of one-half ( or tlio dnturhtcrs of . " " Clcrgjnien. For "elm- ONTARIO lars" and , CANADA. lull partlcularn address 1IIS3 CLINTO.V , Lady Principal , Hcllinuth Ladies' College . , LONDON , - . moni.tlmrs-2m IE1. O. 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. FEARON & COLE , Commissson Merchants , 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. Consignments mode us will ret-ehc prompt attention. Ueferentos & Co. , Ilaltlmorc ; Peck & llanshcr , Clilrago ; M. WcrK tc Co. , Cincinnati. : State Dank , Omaha ; Halt WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS , ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , MAHA , NEB. The [ Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska . SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAIL ORDERS. Ii IS me SB. S. HARRINGTON. E. P. NEWELL WESTERN POLISH CO. , Manufacturer ) ) of Western Star .Stcnu I'oliah , and Ieau ! liiumuiel Ilixit Blackini ; , also deale iir Ceylon it Oernian riumliao | , Counoil llufl ! , lima. jyiiltf SUPERIOR OTHERS In Convenience , DURABILITY , ECONOMY , -AND- GENERAL CONSTRUCTION. BUY r BEST ! SOLD BY Lang & Fotick. MAX MEYER & CO. , TOBACCONISTS Tobacco from 25c. per pound upwards , Pipes from 26c. per dozen upwards , Oigarsfrom $15.00r 1,000 upwards. WM. F. STOETZEL , Dealer in Hardware , Cooking Stoves TIZCsT Stove Eepairer , Job Iorker and Manufacturer OJcm.f.f. . a > 7"gTMrX > g O3E * O sVJMTsS. Tenth and Jackson * - - - - Oma a , t eb ;