Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1881, Page 5, Image 5

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    TTIR n\t Air A TIATT.YRRV , . AV.tifiNKSDA V Y.AUGUST SM , 1881.
aiitii.ivt otuifiva * '
Following are tbo closing qmtatlona forj
mining Mtoclw at' tbo New York mining
board :
Col Cent Bfl HibcrniaIS
Belle Isle 2t Hoolshuw. . . . . 09
Big Pittsburtr. 210 Great Eastern. 19
MfuerBoy. . . . 51 G .Mountain. . . f.OO
Cou Va 200 HtLiue No2&3 390
Iron Silver. . . . 210 Starmont 33o
Hukill 71 St Line Nos 1&4 00
Oriental &M. . 93 South Hite. . . . 27
C/IIICAOO , August 23.
The demand for money to-day was brisk ,
jmd interest rttea were Ktmng at G@7 per
cent. All classes of Lorroweni were in at
tendance and banki ) took caio of regular
customers and othcia bavinj ? theriabt kind
of collaterals. Eastern exchange between
city banks wni steadier at 80os)31 ! ) discount
per 81,000. The rlearings of the associa-
teil banks were $8,400,001) . A larjfo amount
of gold and currency was received from
the east and shipped to country points.
Omnlin Wholesale Market-
OFncc OF TUB OMAHA Buc , )
Tuesday Evening Aupist 23. )
Grain finn. Wheat unchanged , barley
l@2c higher ; corn advanced 2c ; oat lie
higher than ychterday. Flour advanced
all round ; spring , 10ff.25c ( per ICO ; winter
2Sc. Graham advanced'2ou. . MillstufTs
higher ; bran , fcreenini ; and shorts ad
vanced l5e ! i > er 100 ; meal advanced lii
@ 25e.
Egga advanced 2.Jc. CommisBion merchants -
chants report potatoes very scarce and
finn at yesterday' * quotations.
Live stock firm. No change in quota
tions. Other branches unchanged , i } . \
WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , 117 : Cash No.
3 , 00 : rejected t'.Oc.
BAULKY. Cash No 2 , 8Sc ; No. 3 Cjc.
HYE. Cash , 80e.
COKN. Cash No. 2 , 47gc.
OATS. Cash. 2 % .
Llvo Stock.
Cattle We quote as follows : Butch
er's cows , § 3 OOtfiU 23 ; choice butchers )
steers , S3 7C@1 00.
Sheep Good mutton in fair demand.
S3 50j@3 75 ,
Horn Wo quote . as follow * ; Light
packers , 83 00@j 75 ; , uciium ; ted
jiackers , S3 50@5 73 ; extra choice hcavv ,
§ o 75@G 00.
f Provisions.
FLOUR Spring wheat , straight grade ,
$323@350 ; patent , S3 7 < "i@4 M ) ; winter
wlicat Btraigbt grade , S3 7.r ® 4 00 ; jiatcnt ,
4 00@4 50 ; graham rye , § 2 50 ; Wlicat ,
S2 75.
MILLSTUFFS-Bran , tier cwt. 70c ;
pcreeningrf , per cwt. 7080c ; shorts , per
cwt. 80c ; chopped feed , per cwt. 100 ; meal
Ijoltod , yellow , 1 13 } white , 81 2.'i.
POTATOES New , very firm at I)0c@ ) )
SI 00 per bushel.
POULTRY LIve chickens per dozen ,
§ 2 25@3 00.
EGGS-Candled , 12io.
BU'lTER Choice , 1018 ; poor , no market -
ket ; creamery , 2. c.
APPLES Good , sound , § 350 per
bbl. *
HONEY Extracted , Calif-
ornift strained , 15c ; Nebraska comb. 20c.
LEMONS Good repacked per box ,
30 00@9 50.
EASTERN PEARS-J bu. box , SI 00
( Sjl 25.
TOMATOES Per bushel , SI 00.
CALIFORNIA PKAKS-Per box , $100 !
WATERMELONS-Per 100 , 81000 ®
VEGETABLES All kinds bring good
D rices.
BEESWAX Yellow , 18@20c.
ONIONS-Per busbo ! , SI 27.
Grocer * Lilt.
COFFEE. IWo , lair. 13lo : lllo , good. ;
14c ; Uio , prime to choice , fUc ; Old gov't
Java ; 20i@28ic , Mocha , 28lc ; Arbuckle'n ,
173c.TEAS. . Gunpowder , Vnc ;
345o ;
60c ; choice , Ooc@5100 ! ; Japan i > at jwui ,
STtc ; Japan , choice , C0@75c ; Oolong , good ,
a5@40 ; Oolong , choice , 40@55 ; Souchong ,
coo < l. SS'aiOc ' ; choice. 3o45c.
SUGARS.-Cut loaf , llc ; Crushed ,
llic ; Gianulatcd , lOJc ; Powdered , lllo
Fine powdered , llle ; Standard Coffee , \ |
lOic ; New York Confectioner'n Standard
A , 10c ; Good A , lOe ; Prairie Extra ; C ,
SYRUPS. Sugar house , bbls , 45c : half !
bis , 47c ; kegs , 4 J Ka ons , 82 30 ; choice
table syrup , 42c ; Calf bbls , 4r e ; kegs , U85.
SPICES. Pepper , 20 ; Allspice , 20c ;
Cloves , 45c ; Nutmcifs , 91 OOi Cassia , 25o }
Waco SI 00.
SODA. Dwight's Ib papers , 83 00 ; De-
land do , § 3 00 ; Cburch'a , S3 00 ; Keg soda ,
STARCII.-PeKrl , 3c ; Silver Glow , 7f
- ® 81oj Corn Staicb , 8i@8ic ; Excelsior
/ Glos . Cjc ; Corn. 7c.
SALT.-Dray loads , per bbl , 1 90 ; Ash-
ton , in sacks , 3 50 ; bbU dairy 00 , te. 345 ;
bblli dairy , 100 , 33 65.
DRIKD FRUITS-Chotce halves ,
peaches , new crop. 9Jc ; Kvaporated A nple. < ,
to Ib boxes , 18i@14c ; Michigan,8ic , , ; hew
York .ppIe SjcTSt.Louls ; Pninw ,
old , Cc ; new , 81c : Currants , 7@7i ;
Bbckberriw , new. lOo. _
OHKKSK-FuIl Cream , Hjcj Pait
wboDENWARE-Two hoop"pdK
185 ; three hoop paih , 2 10 ; No. I tub ,
27r. ;
chair ; ; per IK'&j
LU AD liar , SI 03.
MATCHES Per eiddlf , 8 , * > c ; round
S7..V > ; snnarc ca es , S-I.OO.
i'llOViaiOXS-llrenkfast bncon. 12. .
choice lard , 13Jc : dried beef , 14c ; flinuld-
cre , cftitvAMCil SJc ; hain , canvassed 14c ;
bacon , sides IHo
NKW PICKfjKS > tedlnm , In lmrrel ,
S700 ; doinhalfbbK 1 2o | MnnlN , In bbl ,
1200 ; do , In half bbK 050 ; gherkin' , in
bl . 13 00 ; do , In half bbK 7 00.
VINEGAR Pure apple cxtrn , lOc ;
pure apple ' ISc : Pm ing tnire npple , 13c.
HOMIN'Y-NCW , $ ; so ncr bbi.
BKANS Medium , hand picked $2.00
per bmlicl.
J50PK S5 nl , 1 Inch and larger , 9jc ; 3
Incb , OJc ; 1 Inch , lOJc.
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 00 ;
Kirk'n sterling. 2 40Klrk' ; * stindard , 3 SO ;
Kirk' * white Russian , 4 7o : Kirk'n Enlocn ,
2 03 : Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cnkcs ) , 3
40 ; Kirk's magnolia , 4 10.
CANDLES Boxec , 40 ll > s 1C oz , Ss
14eboxes ; 40 HH. , 10 OK. , Os. 14o ; Imxes 40
sets , 14 oz , . 81 , ISJej half b > xu , 20 ect1" ,
14 oz. , 3s , 13c.
LYE American , 3 35 ; Greenwich , S XX
Western , 2 7o ; North Star , 2 GO ; LewiV
lye , -I 00 ; Jewellly6 , 276.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. ,
In case , 3 3T ; Babbitt' * Ball , 2 doz. In case ,
1 ! IO ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in case , 1 50.
FIELD SEED Red clover , choice ,
ne\v , $ .r > 30 per bushel ; mammoth clover ,
new. $ . " > 7i > ; white clover , new , 814 00
id Alfa clover , new , 812 M ) ; ahikc , new ,
81300. Timothy , good , new , $2 50@2 05 ;
blue grass , extra clean , 81 2T ; blue gnw ,
clean , 81 Ifij orchard gras82 00 ; red top ,
choice , C.r > c : inillct , common or Mlssoml ,
8123 ; millet , German , SI 25 ; to SI W ) ;
Hunmriaii , 81 Ifi.
HKDOESEKD-Osago orange , 1 to Ii
biiMhels S00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels or
over , S4 CO ; honey locust , per Ib. , 35o ; per
100 Ibs. , S25 00.
FISH Family white fish , 00 Ib hf bbln ,
S3 GO ; No , 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls. 0 30 ;
No. 1 white fish. In 10 Ib kits , 1 00 ; fAmlly
10 Ib kits , 75c ; New Hull And herring , per
keg , 1 20 ; Russian sardines , 76c ; Colui'v
bin river salmon , per 100 Ibs , 8 00 ; George's
Bank codfish , Co ; Gen. boneless codfish ;
' 4Jc. *
Half bblsmcss mackerel ,
100 lb , 512 M ) ; hf bbl No. 1 ex nhoro don ,
. _
/\n it. if f\n. l.r ! . ! . ! tntfnintlt * t\n 100
. .
J * *
CANNKD GOODS Oysters , 2 Ib
( Field's ) , per case , S4 20 ; do lib ( Field's ) ,
per case , 2 50 : do 2 lt > ( Standard ) , per case ,
3 00 ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , per case , 2 40 ; do
2 lt ( slnck ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( slack ) .
per case , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , 1
Ib , per dozen , 1 Gr : do 2 Ib , per dozen
2 50. Sardines , small Pub. Imported , one-
quarter boxes per box , l-IJc ; American ,
quarter boxes per box , lie ; do half boxes ,
per box21Jc. . Lolnteis , 1 Ib per dozen ,
1 80. Tomatoe-i , 2 10 ; do 3 lit ijer
case , 250 ; Com , 2 lt > ( Mountain )
per case , 3 40 ; noaked corn , 1 90 ; do
2 11) ( Yarmouth ) , per ca e , 350 ;
string beans , per ca < e , 1 00 ; Luna beam
per case. 200. Succotash per case , 2 0.
J'cas , common , pnrcabe , 1 75 ; peas , choice ,
per ca e , 4 50. Blackberries ) , U Ib , per cxse ,
250 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per C.ONO , 3 70 :
raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 75@3 00.
Damsons , 2 Ib , per case ; 2 25. Bnrtlett
pears per case , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortleber
ries per case , 2 50. Egg plums , 2 Ib per
" . 25 do choice U Ib . 4 50.
cj e , , , ca c.
; "
j I - " / ( U\Jf * l4" V.Vj * ' per * " " v
n f'ages,2 Ib per case , 3 2o : do clioice , "
> r case,4 . " 0. I'ino Apples , 2 Ib , per case ,
. , w3 20. Peaches , 2 ib per case , 3 10 :
do 3 Ib , case , 5 00@5 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 ll > , per
oase,325 ; 'do pie , G IK per dozen , 3 50.
RICE Carolina , 01@74cj Louisiana , 5J
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten
nessee , 8Jc pbr Ib ; lancy white , 9c per Ib ;
raw white Virginia , 7@7Jc.
Or Goods.
Glc ; Buckeye LL OJc ; Crescent LL OJe ;
Utica C o\u ; Crescent O 7e ; Crescent B
7Jc : ; Crescent A So ; Wachiibetts 8c ;
Indian Head 8ic ; Graniteville LL
( j\c \ ; "Badger sRR , fine brown , 7c ;
Badger X , do , 7c ; Portsmouth P , do , 5Jc ;
Wintlirop L , ' do , 7 05 Continental tl
do , So.
4-1 13c ; Fruit T-4"iOi ; Hoii | tv4
Sic. Ballardvale 4-1 _ . GJc . ; Pocassett , , ,
C 4-J S\c ; Altoona 3-1 Oc ; Lonsdale
IS'o. 1 , cambric 13cj No. 2 , do , 12k ;
New York Mills 4-113e ; Lou&dale 4-1 lOe ;
Fainnont Q I-1 CJe Auburn A 4-4 8'c ;
Barnard i Oc ; Hairy Cloth 5Ac ,
PRINTS. Allen's fancy , OJc ; Ameri
can do , OJc ; Arnold's do , 7c ; Couestoga
do , Cc ; Dminell do , GJc ; Eddystono do ;
OJc ; Gloucester do , ( ftc ; Hamilton , CJc ?
Harmony , SJcHartel.Oic : Knickerbocker ,
G.\c ; Manchester , 7c ; Pacific , 7c ; Surague ;
OSc ; Southbridge.Oic ; Mystic , GJc ; Morn-
mack fchirtings , Oc ; Snrjgue do , OJc ,
Southbriilgo do , (5\c ( \ : Regatta do , 5Je ;
Cochico robe , 7o ; 1-rcemnn robe , ( w ;
.Hamilton do , 7c ; Marlboro do , Cc ; South-
bridge do. 0\c ; Spraguodo , OJc ; American
do , ( He ; Pacific ilo , 7c ; Wnshington oil
colors , 'Jo : Simpson's mourning , 7e ; Simp-
son's Rolid black , CJoiBerlinsolid colors.Gc.
CAMBRICS FLAT-Glaml , fi&e & ;
high colors. 0\o \ : kill hnish , Oc ; higher col-
or * , 7c ; rolled , "c : bizb colors. 8c.
Nmiinkooff sattcen , Oo ; Androscoggin do. ,
! ) cs Lockwood do. Dc o.Jo
TICKING Amoskeag- . C. A. . 17ic ;
Conestoga , B. F. , J , fancy , 18o : Conestoga -
toga , 4-4 , Gold Medal , ICe ; Conestoga , A ,
C. 0. A. , 14c ; Coiiestoga , G ; Q. A. , fanoy ,
lc ) ; Eas > ton , B. , 9Jo ; Omego suterior ox-
tro , 23c ; Omega medal , 23c ; Omega A C
A , fancy stripe , 20o ; Omega A 4-4 , lOe ,
Omega A ,13 ; ConestogaR. C.RedStnpe ,
ICJc ; Shctiicket , S. , llioj Slietuckot , 8. 8. ,
125c : Pearl River , 174e ; Hamilton , ] I ) . ,
lljj'llaniilton . regular. 13 : Hamilton , . . . ,
* i. n ft rif /i ll. . A O l.
18c : Albany B. A. A. , lyjc.
OIL CLOTH-5.4 wood , S3 00 ; M
fancy marble , § 3 00 ; 5-4 white marble ,
S3 25 0 4 wood $4 00 0-4 fanoy marble
ju * Ji " ' > * * " - * , v * * 'w ; w- - -j ,
St , 00 ; _ 0-J white _ marble . , , SI 25 ; 5-4 moft
/rt nn n t ftf\
sale , S3 00 ; 0-4 mosaic , fct 00.
DEXINS Amoskeag blue and brown . ,
lOc ; Beaver Creek. A. A. , blue and brown ,
14lc ; Beaver Creek , B. Bibluo andbrown .
13ic ; Beaver Creek , JJ , O , , blue nnd
brown , 12Jc ; Everett 1) . U. , blue and
brown , 10 ; Haymaker * blue and brown ,
9Jc0ls ; ( , A. X. A. , blue , 14 Jc ; Otis B. B.
blue , 13J ; Otis 0. 0. , blue , 12JO } Pearl
Klvgr blue and brown , luVc.
DUCKS Fall River , llio ; Itamden lO.
O. , lOic ; Boston checks , ] 3ic ; Bokton
gtrfpes , 13ie ; Dundee stripe * , 18c } BU-
marek stripe. 17ic ; Arlliigton stripe , 18- }
Lion Blue , 154e ; BiMton X.bro. . . 12ic ;
Bo-ton XX drab , 12Jc ; Boston XXX bro. ,
13'c ; BoHtou XXX drnb , ISJe ; Boston rS :
H.bro.,10\o. , , .
STKIPES T/ewiston , 3x3 blue and
b own , Sici Lewii > toiiC3 bluo.and brown ,
8Jc ; Rock River , 0x3 blue and brown , lOc ;
Alabama , Ou3 blue and brown , SJe.
COTTONADHS I ewlston diamond ,
° 74c ; A. Y. A. , 2Cc ; Angora , D. & T. , 2Go . ;
Now York mills proof , 22Jc ; Brldgewater ,
20c ; Everett , heavy , 22c ; Whittent n.
heavy , We ; Bell 8c ; Charter Oak , IBc ;
Wicklow , 18Jc ; Union Pacific , IBc ; Capitol ,
Iflc ; Farmer's 21c ; Everett , medium , Ifie ;
York , light weight , 12ic X w York uillU
checks 19 T 1 4
SHEETINGS Amlroscoggin.9-4 brown
23c ; do 10-4 do , 2Cc ; PeppcroU'ii | M brown.
25o do 10-4 do , 27Jc ; Alexandria , , 40 (
Inch , bleached , 13e ; Aivlroscoggiii 9-4 ,
bleached. 2Gc : do 10-4. blcaclied , 29c ;
Peppercll , 94 , bleached , 25o ; do 10-4
bleached , 27 > . '
' Draft.
Carlwlie , 50c ; Acid , Tartaric , 55o : BaUam
Copabla , per Ib , 75o ; lUrk , SassafraH , per
Ib , 12o ; Calomel , jwp Ib , 70c } Cincboiildla { ( ,
tier oz , 80c ; Chlorofoim , per Ib , O.H : ;
Dover's iwwders , per Ib , $1 40 } tpsom
palts , perlb , 3c ; .Glycerine , jiure. jwr Ib .
5a r Jiewl , Acetate , perlji , 22ci | Car
bon oil , 110J , per rallon , lUe ; do 150" ,
ir cal 131c ; Oil , Civstor , No , 1 , per real ,
J5WbllfCastor , No.3.per p.1,8100 ; 6d ,
Olive , l > er gal , 81 50 ; Oil.Orinn 50o ,
Onlum , 8500 ; Quinine , P-&W. * R. k
S.p3roz. 2 40 ; Potassium. Iodide , per Ib
f4 W ; Salacin , jieroz , & > c ; Sulphate of
Morphine , | > rr oz , $3 7" ' ! Sulphur flour ,
l > or lu , 4c ; Strvohnlup. i > er w , SI GOc.
Hortei and Mulct.
market U br ! k and nil grade * are
selling well nt n slight advaiico in 'pi Ice * .
The ut'iiinnd for Rood hor. * ? * exccwls tbo
considerably. Prirc * ningo a foi-
lows :
Fine u'nglo drivers , SIM * , to BOO. ; EUra
draft horses $175. to 22T , . ; Cotninon tlrsxit
Iior e < , " $100. to 150 , ; Extra farm hw e. ,
S110. to 123. ! Common tdX'xxl fimu liorw" ,
S'.K . lo 8100. ; Extra ] > lug < , SCO. to 75 , ;
Common plugs , $20. tn 810.
MULES. 15 to 15 j hiuidi ( ortra ) , Sl2Tr.
to lf > 0.t 144 to 15 hand' , $100. to 140. ;
II to Mjfiands S7o. to 100.5 13J to H
hands , § 00. to 7" .
and ToUnceo * .
CIGARS. Scents 815.00 : t'oiinorllcnt ,
$23.00 ; Mixed , .f.ri.00 : Seed Hw anaS. ' > O.OOj
Clear JlnvAnn , 875.00.
TOBACCO PIUG. - - Golden Rule ,
2 Ib , BCc ; Spotted Fawn , f 7c ; Our ] ? ope ,
, , . , ,
Oilt Edge , ixnmds 24 Ib , butts f > 7j Army
and Navv , ixiiuuli , file ; Bullion , | mnnds
r . " > Ixirillivnl's Climax. iMiuntlR . .
> Vi i 'iiiii ni n v. HUM * i * \r i ini f , * 7 *
FINK CUT In luik Hard to Beat ,
7" aj Golden Thread , GI'KJ ; Fountain , 7te ;
Favorite. ( > 5c ; Itnuky Mountain , 5. > cj
Fancy , 50c ; Daisy , I.To. In tin foil
Ciitlins O. S. , Uoz mckngcs , 5 Ib
per Ib ( We ; l < orllards ! Tiger , t0u. !
SMOKING All . * * . . . ! . . . . Common < , 25 to
33o. Granulated Black well * Durham , 10
oz4Gc ; Dukes Durham , 10 or , 45c ; Seal of
North CnroUnft , 10 or , 40 ; Seal of No'.rat.
ko , IB oz , 38c ; lone Jack. 4 iw , linen bogs ,
perlb , 81.35 ; Marburg'Puck , 2 IMS , tin
Foil , 5.c ; Dog Tall. G5c.
FENCING-NO , i , 12 to 20 ft , S2 > oo ;
No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 23 00 ; hhectltig drcwcd ,
No. 1 , 22 00 ; No. 2 , 20 00 ; common boards ,
dressed , 25 00.
FKAM1NG 10 ft. nnd under , per M ,
24 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 25 00 ; 22 ft. ,28 00 }
21ft. 2800.
FINISHING No. 1. finish 1 } , 1J ami
2 Inch , 555 00 No. 1 finWi 1 inch 850 00 ;
No. 2 , finish 1J , 14 and 2 Inch , 85000 : No.
2 finish , 1 Inch , 646 00 ; No , 3 finlih , 1 lu.'li ,
$4000 ; O. G. battens per 100 feet lin. ,
$150 : well curbing , $35 00 } rough i and U
Inch baUt.ns'per 100 feet Hi' . . 50c.
STOCK BOARDS A stock , $4H 00 ; 'i '
840 00 ; C , $35 00 ; common stock , $27 50.
FLOORING No. 1 , 842 CO ; No. 2 ,
$37 50 ; No , 3 , $27 50 ; yellow pine , No. 1 ,
§ 45 00.
SIDING No. 1 , 52700 ; No. 2 , $2500 }
No. 3. S20 00.
SHIP LAP Plain , S25 00 ; 0. G. No. 1 ,
837 50 ; No. 2 , $25 00.
CEILING S30 00815 00.
LATH AND SHINGLES A ntarbcst ( )
Uilnaleo , $4 50 , No. 2 , 33 50 ; No. 3 , S2 50.
Building Material.
LIME Per barrel , $1 35 ; bulk pcrbu. ,
35c. Cement , bbl , S2 50. Iowa plaster ,
bbl , S2 50. Hnir per bu , 35c. Tarred
felt 100 Ibs , S3 50. Straw board , § 4 00.
The Lent her Trade.
Oak harness , 39@41c ; Pittsburgh selec
ted , 40@43c ; hemlock harness 37@39c ;
skirting per Ib , fair ; I4o ; black collar 14 ®
21c ; fair do , 18@20o ; fair No 2 , lC@18o ;
hemlock sole , Buffalo daughter , per Ib , 30 ;
© 34c ; hemlock sole , B A. slaughter per
Ib , 25@32e ; oak sole , 40@t3c ; oak upper
per foot. 23e ; hemlock upper , 25c ; do No.
2 , 23c ; oak kip skins per Ib , 80c@SUO ;
hemlock kip skins per Ib , 75c@S1.00 ;
French kip skint per Ib , S1.00@S1.35 ;
oak calf porlb , 81.00(5)31.25 ( ) ; hemlock calf
per Ib , S)0@S1.25 ! ) ? French calf per Ib ,
Sl.i S2.10c ; Simon Picard goat per doz
! ? 3G.OO@S18.00 : bootleg Alorocco per foot ,
30@33c ; calf kid per foot , 8 , > c ; ro.uts per
doz , S'J.OO@10.50 ; white nnd yellow lin-
in ? s per dnz , S8.00@S10.00 ; pink
per doz , S7.00@S9.00 ; Russett linings S7.
00 ; blacksmiths'aprons pcrdo/en , S12.00 ®
PAPER Straw paper , 3Jc ; rag paper ,
Ic ; dry goods paper , 7e ; mauila paper , lOc ;
news paper , 8c.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , S12 ;
Morris Run Blossburg , S12 ; Whitebrcast
lump , SO ; Whitebreast nut , SO ; Iowa
lumi'SG : Iowa nut SO ; Rock Springs , 88 ;
Anthracite , all sizes , Sll 00.
Hides , Hun , Etc.
HIDES ] Green butcher's bide , 7 $ ; green
cured hides. SJd ; green unit , part .cured
bides , 8@Sc ; dry flint , sound , 13@14e ; dry
calf nnd kip , 12@13c ; dry salt bides , sound ,
ll@12c ; green calf. wt. 8 to 15 IK , 10@llc ;
Kreen cal ? , vrt , unJer 8 Ibs , per skin , HOe ;
green pelts , SI 00@115 ; green lamb si-ins ,
§ 110@123 : .damaged hides , two-third rate ,
( cut scored and ono grub , classed two-
tl.irda rate , ) branded hides 10 per cent. > IY.
CWihkins , No. l,45cNo. 2 , 30c ; No. IY.I
20. ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. I
30c ; No. 3 , 15c ; No. 4 , 5c. Fox , No. 1 ,
GOo ; No. 2 , 25c. Skunk , No. 1 , black |
05e ; short stripe , 40o ; narrow stripe 25c ;
bruad stripe , lOc. Tallow , 5 | .
Merino unwashed , light , 14@10c ; heavy ,
! S@15c ; medium unwashed , light , 1820c ;
tub-wosbed , choice , 32c : fair , 30c ; dingy .
and w. , 28c ; burry , black nnd cotted wooU
2@flc less
, Shot.
SHOT. Shot , 81.70 } Buck shot , S2.00 :
Oriental . Powder , kegs , SG.40 ; do. , half
kegs. $3.48f do. , nuartcr kegs , S1.87 ; Blast
ing , ke s , $3.3. ) : Fuse , uerlOO feet 50c.
Iron , rates , S3 15 ; plow steel , cast , 7ic ; tool do. 15 ,20 wagon Kpnkex , -efc. .
2 25@3 00hubs ; , perfect , 125 ; felloes , tawed
dry , 140 ; tongues , each , 7585c ( ; axles ,
each , 76c ; ( square ntito , per Ib , 7@llc ;
wanhers. per Ib , 818c ; nvets , | > er Ib , lie ! ;
coil i chain , per Ib , 0@12o ; malleable , 8c ;
iron ' wedges , Cc ; cro vbara , Co ; ow
teeth , 4c ; liorseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; ing
btcel , 7(5J8c. (
NAILS 10 to 20d. 3 40 ; 8 to 10 , 3 05 ;
Gd , 3 90 ; 4d , 4 15 ; 3d , common , 4 90 : 3d ,
fine , ng ,
t 05 10.1 .
finish | 15 ;
half ' kega , lOo e\tra.
Paints Oils and Varnishes.
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha
P. P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. & C. Co.pure ,
ft . , ; Marseilles gieen , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ;
Krench zinc , green peal. 12c ; I' reneh - lnc [ ,
red heal , lie ; French zinc , in vnrni Ii anht ,
20c ; French zlnce , in oil ast , J5c ; Raw
anil burnt umber , 1 Jb cans 1'Jc : raw and
burnt Slonna , 13o : vandyke brown , 13. ;
refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , I'V ; ;
} l 'ory black , ICe ; drop black , lOc ; Prussian
b ) II1U
K tier
Ifio ;
, I c ;
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D. O. , 18c ;
yellow ochre , 9o ; golden ochre , 10 ; patent
ilrycr , Cc ; graining colors : light oak , dark
0.1 < , walnut , chehtnut and ash 12o
Dry Patnti
White lead , GJc ; French zinc. lOc ; Paris '
whitcing 2Jc ; whiting gllderj , lie ;
vhiting com1 ! , Uo ; lampblack German ,
town , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; I'nw- '
Hiini blue , TiSc ; ultramarine , iSc ; vnndyke > ,
lirown , Sc ; umber , bunit , 4c ; umber , raw ,
lo ; sienna , bunit , 4e ; wlenna , raw , 4e :
Paris green genuine , 35c ; Pnrlu green com'J
jSo ; chrome green , N. Y , ' 20c ; chrome
green K.,12e ; vennilllon , Enff. , 70c'yer- ;
million , America , iou ; Indian tcii , lOc ;
roie pink , ,14c ; Venetian read , Cooksoiia ,
< Jo : Venetian red Am. , Ifc } red lead , 71c ;
chrome yellow , genuine , 20e : chrome yel.
low , 1C. , 12o ; ochre , rocbclle , 3c ; ochre ,
French , 23c ; ochre , American , lie }
Wiiitkr'n mineral. 2Je ; leblgh brown. sli ;
gtianish brown. 2\c ; Prince's mineral Jc ;
VARNlSilES Bawls per calloii.
Furniture , exta , 81 00 ; funitture , No. ' 1 ,
OOcfurniture ; , U , 75ccoach , extra , 81 2.1c ;
Coach , No. 1 , SI 00 } Daniar , 81 25 ; Japan.
70c ; wnhaltum , 70c ; shellac , $3 GO ; hard
oil fini b. 8130. . _ .
j-- *
nerijallon , lljn ; JCO
I eadllcbt , ner gallon , I2Jo ; 175" headlight
wrgalloii , Ific ; cryntollne. J > er gallon , Mo
ilncced , raw , j > erKallon , 5le ; Linked , Iwll-
ed Kfllon We lam , winter utrd
u , tier Kt * * v i ( t iwf ttv > j ! - | per
gallon , 880 No. 1 , 07c , jo. . * , _ 57c ; "eeL
.extra , per jj " < uu K J * * " i " " bVrl '
eating , zero , per gallon , 80c , summer , 15o
golden machine. No. 1 , per gallon , Wx } , Tso ,
2 , 28c ; gj rm , signal , jr gallon , 80c ; tur
| * iinpt iWRn0" } r < n .Vtin ) , 71
jcr gnllon 20o , Kilcc \ ,
L qitor.
> \ino callim , extra California
IS" proof t 1 W IH.T ptvof ,
tilplorefmoil | "riK Ifi } ; proof. S126 ; | v-r
fJneblwndeiCsi 5Kf.250 ; Kciitnc'cv . „ . - . -
bom , 8200687 00 ; Kentucky nnil IVmiiyl.
vnnla rycw , 82 00@7 00. , „ „ , , , )
BRA WKS-lmporfcil , SO 001(1 ( „ " ,
' tfxs.fmwrtcd ? | , ' 4 50(30 ( 00) ) donu".le ! ,
England. 2 OOwToO ; Ilotn tlc. I nOffl.l1 fiO ;
1 75 © I 00.
CHAMPAGNES Imi-ortfd per cn c ,
2P.OO@3I 00 ; American , per cav , 12 OOQ ?
CIi'AKKTS-Per cer 4 C0@lfi 00.
WINES Rbinewine , . . . ,
C' Catawba , per eve 4 00nt ) IX ) .
Council Bluff * General Market-
COUNCIL BUNTS , August 23.
Wheat-No. 2 , SI Oo@l 10 ; No. 3 , 90 ; re
jected , 70. . , . ,
Corn No. 2 , 47 , rejected 81 , damaged ,
27 Hay Fair market , with price * at J5.
Oats Market qidct No. 2 , Xc , ivjrct-
cd 19.
llyc No. 2 , 70c.
Butter 15c.
Esrcs lOo ,
Cattle Beef , 83 50@ W > .
Shecp-83 fe)4 ) 60.
Hogs IJRht demand , prices 8 * 00@5 TO.
Potatoes Now , 81 25@150 per bu ,
Onions $100. . . .
Wood Market quiet , with ( food supply ;
5 00 for suit : 0 00 for ham.
Poultry 20e.
Crouton Market-
CiiKSTo.v , Iiw , Aufft t 23.
Butter 12t.
Grixnd Junction Market.
GUANU.TU.NOTIOK. In. , August 23.
Kggs lOc.
Butter lOc.
Chicago ProdMoo.
OlHOAQO. AufflM-t 23.
On 'Change the markets were higher ,
under a bull movement , Iheioccipts
of grain were 4,000 bushels of corn by ca
nal , nnd 1,400 c r loads by rail , cm-
bracing 251 cam of wheat , 1,1SI of com , J
of oats , HI f rye , nnd 10 of b.yley.
Flour In moderate request , but market
quiet ; stocks light and firmly held : com
mon to choice western spring , 4 25@U 2.j ;
do Minnesota , 4 50@0 75 ; fair to citolco
winter brands , 0 00@7 00 ; patent * , i 00 ®
Wheat No. 2 spring was active nnd a
stronger feeling was developed , ami with 1
reports of the improved condition of the
president there was more confidence shewn
among speculators. The market opened a
shade lower , but quickly rallied ami with
fluctuation advanced about 22lc , but re-
acted about Ic , fluctuated and finally
closed about $ o higher for Scptumlicr and
So higliur fi-r October on tbo regular hoard ,
and on the call at 134 for August ; 122J
forScntember ; 1 23g for October ; 1 253 for
December ; 1 22 for tlio year ; No. 3 spring
110A , accouliiig to location.
Corn The demand for No. 2 anil high
mixed was quite active on speculative no-
counts' , anil the market In a general way
exhibited more strength. Prices were ad
vanced lal o ; but the improvement was
nut fully maintained } shipping demand
quite active and more competition for the
offering * ; market linn and closed about Igc
higher for cash , lo higher for sellers hep-
tumlier. and 1'jc ' higliur for October on the
regular board , and on call nt 01 Jo for Au
gust ; Gltfc for September : li.'lje for October
bor ; Olgc for the year ; GOic for May.
Oats Opened firm ana advanced
Jc , but ajater reaction set in anil the
vance was lost. No. 2 closed at 30JC for
September ; 3t > c for October ; 3'Jc for No
vember ; 3Go for the year.
Hyo Firmer and higher ; No. 2 , 1 00
for September ; 1.09J for October.
Barley Hiuber and firm ; ISo. 2 , 101
for September ; 1 03 for October.
ir ;
18 70 for January ; 18 U.'i for February.
Lard Actvo ! mid higher at 113ri , C01'
AugUbt ; 11 374 for September ; 11u21 for
October ; 11 03 for November ; 11 32J for
tlio year ; 11 05 for January ; 11 76 for
February. , , .
Bulk Blcati In moderate demand and
highci ; short ribs , ! ) 33 for August and
September ; ! ) 42J@ ! ) 45 for October.
Whisky-Quiet at 11C.
Receipts Flour 15,0118 bbls ; wlicat ,
124.0U bu ; corn , 705,762 bu ; oats , 7'J91 ! ' '
bi ; rye , 7,073 bubailoy ; , 15,637 bu.
Shipments Flour , 10,132 bbls ; wheat ,
5G.54U bu ; com , 395,745 bu , : oats , 51,71d
i'vbi ; rye , 1,780 bu ; barley , 2,801 bu.
The grain in Chicago eluvalors amounts
9.5G5.SK ; bunliels , against 8,013,390 bush-
cl < a week ago , and 5,110,505 bushels at
this pciiod lust year.
Cbioaco Live Stoolt
CHICAGO. August 23.
J fogs Receipts , 17,500 ; hhlpinenta ,
1,400. Market generally steady ; mixed :
packing , 5 ! > 0@f 40 : choice heavy packing
mid shipping , ( J 50@7 00 ; light' bacon and
Yorkers , G 35(50 ( 75 ; culls and graasers ,
4 00@C 00.
Cattle Receipts. 11,000 ; shipments ,
2,400. ' Good to choice Btcew , lOo lower at
G 00@0 20 ; no exports here ; common ted
medium and ( /rasxi cattla utterly demor.d-
Ized at 4 00)5 ( ) 23 ; butchoM1 stock , 2 3@
4 00 ; yard * cm wiled with all kinds of com-
moil cattle and no dfiiiand for them ; stock-
cm and feeders , dull at 2 U0@3 IW ; dairy
calvtw , weak at 80013 00 per head , range
cattle. Blow and wilus at 2) ) < } 40o rfductlon
from last week ; bcallawags and lexam ,
185(3i2 ( 50 ; canning Tcxans , 3 00 ( 3 C9 ;
half-breeds and natives. 3 fiO@4 30.
Sheep Receipts , 1,400 ; shipments , 750.
Strong and fair demand at firm rates ;
common to fair , 3 60 ; oml to choice , 4 , 25
@ 5 03 ; territory sheep , 360@4 00 ; Toxann ,
3 23@3 DO.
St. Louts Prodaoo-
ST. IXJUJH , AugiiHt23.
Flour UnchaiiKed , , , ,
Wheat Very unsettled and generally
lower ; No. 2'rod,131j | forcakh ; 1 358 for
September ; 1 38J for October ; 1 40J for
November ; 1 42J for December ; 1.38J for
the year.
Corn Unsettled and lower } Cljo for
cash ; 02 Jo for September ; O.l ofor October ;
CO o for November ; 07i@07ic for Decem
ber ; 02o for the year.
Oats HK'hcr ; 3'J@3nlo for cash ; 401o
for September41i@41Z ° for October ; 4'Ho
for November ; 45o for December } 38go for
the year.
Rye Held higher at 1 10 ,
Lead-Finn at 4 87J.
Butter Higher ; dairy , 10@2lc ; cream-
ery. 23@ . , . .
Whisky Lower at 11C.
Pork-Higher at 19 00.
Lord Nominally at 1140 ,
Receipts Flour , 3,000 bills ; wheat ,
20,000 bu. ; corn , 92,000 bu. ; oata , 17,000
bu. ; rye , 3,000 ; bailey , none ,
Shipments-Flour , 7.000 bbls ; wheat.
68,000 bu. ; corn , 49,000 bu.j oats , 29,000
bu. ; rye , iione } barley , none.
tit. Iiouic Llvo Stock-
Sr. LOUIB , August 23 ,
Hogs Quiet : Yorkert and Baltimore' ,
0 35&0 ( 50 ; packing ; , 010@050 : cholc e .to .
fancy heavy , 0 05@0 85 } receipt * , 1,000 ;
uhlpuienUjjBOO. _ _
Toledo Produce
TOLKDO , August 23.
Wheat WeakNo. } 2 red , 183J for h
and August ; 1 35'for Beptcmber ; 1 30J \ for
October ; 1 391 for November ; . ! 40J for Do-
cembcr ; 1 33 for tbo year. > f
Corn-Weaki No. 2 , C3c for cash and
Augu tj'C3lc foij HeptcmVcr } 01q ? ( vOo-
OaU Quiet ) No , 2 , Uo ,
Now York Producn
NnwYoiiR , | . , * , . ,
nur- Shade slionger ami in moderate
doinn ml.
Wli -rreRuarmiuinclllcdj upritiz
Insner , Milxciiuciilly lo.'ini tlio nil-
\M\cc \ K ' ' finlll ! ) ' l > lo' < * lr'v ' t nil ad-
* . ? to * . - ' ' l ' '
l S < ' " ' a ' ' " I ' 10.lfol 111 ;
Inlxct tmi'
j sy
, . . 'died Ijc h ! hcr
i jri ) .Q. > ; , but clo'i-d
00"Lvill , n. iKrtl ' " " ' t'lc ' ndviineo lo tj tnido
' ' c n ' 'rt' ' ' ' ' , Jil
ft „ , } 0
mixed , . 4. * oj No.J do , U
tin-veil western , Ii
Kye Firm. _ j
PhrkFhiu but Yr . ( l"'et and nominal
82.1SK ) .
nal ; Miesy on spot , 1
Lanlinn nt a1"j ' ' j jiJj'.r ! . . °
, 113T .
of Unchniieill (
t McaU Unchntim
i Stoolc.
Jllill * iiin > i ! ' w
Cattle Very slow amll i * @GO ° IIT' lto-
slpt < , 2 155 ; shipment 9KA
I4vcn > eel PrrxB *
Iflour-Awierlcnn , < ,
Wheat Winter , lO CdpllOV' , ' ° .jl w
miring , 10s lOtl t
@ 1U
Con..M. . .
Pork-74 .
Peoria ProilnotH.
Hlnh Wines--Finn at 1 15.
Clovtsland Mnrlcot
Petroleum Unchange
1 10 ; lest , 1 07.
"WllnihiRtou Marltot-
\VtrJtiN TON , Ainn t 2.Tk
Spirits Tiirpenlitip Fiimcr at 45 ; Boll ,
43c ; VlrBln , 240.
PlttBbun : OH Market.
PlTTHHUIIU , Allgll8t23i
The oil market opened weak , with naloi *
at 78ic , but cloned firm at 80o bid. Tha
shipments yestciday went W,2W ! biirrels ;
charter * yestcnlay , 39(304 ( barrels. , Thn the
salca at Oil City yesterday were 1.000,000' '
barrels. Refino.l at Nuw Vork , 75jc [ ; ro-
tincd at utuvrp , Vfituies. , . I
A Lie Well Stiiok teA -
A rnthui' curinua ufuiir occurred lust
evening nt liaswitz'a shoo store on
Douglas street. A httlo girl , who of
nppoarcd to bo nbout fourteen years
of ago , called nt the store und told
Mr. liiiawitz that flho had paid tlio
boy employed by him in the morning the
fifty cents on account of a pair of
shoes , and that shu wanted to tnko
them. Mr. JJaswitK had not received
the money from tlio lad , and thinking
it strange lie had not accounted to
him for it , told the ( , 'iil to wait till ho
came in. When ho did BO ho denied
having received tlio money nnd said
he had not soon the yirl before. A
police ollicer was sent for and the girl the
reiterated her statement again to him.
The oflicor took the boy into custody , of
bat , feeling name-thing was wrong , old
brought him back to Mr. Baswib/B
store and pointed out to the girl
the serious-nature of the charge she ty
was making against the boy. After a
deal of talk the girl confessed that of
HIO had not paid tlio boy the money ,
but had spoilt it. It appears that the to
money had boon given her to pay "Mr.
Davenport Haitso Case-
Iii the Davenport house larceny in
case , which came up for trial yes
terday at the police court , a jury
was called , who after hearing the tes
timony in the case disagreed. The
facts , as stated by the prosecuting wit in
ness , James M Sharer , nro about as the
follows : Ho went to the D.ivonport the
house to board some time ago , nnd by
after ho Had been there a few days
deposited with ono of tlio proprietor
of the house $30 for safe keeping.
Subsequently ho wished to use the
money and called on the proprietor ,
whose name is J. M. Tinor , for it.
Tinor refined to jjivo it up , but said
that ho would g vo credit for the the
amount and that Sharer could board
it out. This plan was not , agreeable
to the young man who , after fntilo
cflbrts to got it , wont to Gap tain Me- and
Cluro and wanted him to get out a
warrant for Tinor's arrest. A war
rant was obtained and the two pro-
priotoni of the house arrested. Cnpt.
McClure intho trial yesterday testified 1
substantially to llio facts given hero.
The jury having disityrood , a now
trial will bo had ,
Tlio Brloli-Imyeis * Bargain. ed
When the contractors acceded to
the demands of the brick masons for
un increase of pay they did it with the by
understanding that no further demand
would be made during the season for
wuctcs. A contract to that elToct was
written by the contractors and signed
by every union brick-layer in this
city. This measure will do away with
any strike by the workmen in Ihis
line this year , for when a price is fixed
by the Brick-layers' Union it remains
unalterable until changed by the vote |
of the union. Tlio * contract having
been signed no such action can now betaken
taken ,
Too much cannot bo said of the
eyor faithful wife and mother , constantly -
stantly watching and caring for her
dear ones , never neglecting a single
duty in their behalf. When they rein
assailed by disease , and the system
should luivo n through cleansing , tlio !
stomach and bowels regulated , blood
purified , malarial poison exterminated 1 ,
she must know that Electric Bitters in
are the only sura remedy. They nro
the Lost and purest medicine in the
world , and only cost fifty cents. Sold
Aak druggists for "Rough on JUts.-1
It cleans' " out rafs , inicopbod-bugB ,
roaches , vermin , flies , ants , insects , , bo
15o per box (3) ( )
Dlongroomonfc Between tlio At-
toruoya Roprcficntinsr
It io XoToly on a Kuotty Lo-
gnl Proposition.
Secretary Connoyor , of the board of
education , 1ms started a crnsndo to
secure tlio money paid over M uolico
court fines for the city school fund.
Tlie hitch originated in Juno last ,
when the law , M Judge Uetioko con
strued it , made a state
oll' At that time , it will bo renumbered -
numbered , thu penally for drunken
ness was rained from ? 'l and costs to
810 and costs. Since then about
$2oO have accumulated in fines
in tlio hands of Judge Hondo. His
idea was to pay this money orcr to
the county treasurer , although ho has
not yet dune so. Under the adminis"lll
tration of berth Judge Porter ami Judge
Anderson Urn money went into- the
comity treasury. Judg * llawe * ro-
vcrsod this aini
deposited tlio money
in the city troawiry. Jiufyu Ituittko
took the other view of the matter as
bt'foj , , * stated. 7liu lawyers disagmu
as ilvi police court judges hivvo done ,
anil oi
rybudy coacornud BOCMBan
10US that tlio case ahouldi
go rate the court where
the qixtstion weald bo perma
nently dtoided. City Attorney Man-
a'orso iiu a > writU'ii opinion Buyer. "In
, par ! to the question as to whathor
police judge of Ouiulia shall pay
collected through violation * of
.stato ( hur-into the treasury of the
city -or into ihotroaauryi f the conufty ,
Iboir leave to reportus follows : Jf'ut
ti.'iiu there existed doubt as to tSo
truasuiy into-wlach the dliKjrunt llnew
sliouh bo pawi , it suem to mo tl :
oainu was pul ni.nest by thu enactment
section SO ofrtho now charter , whiclu
sayn that in citioa of the ( "suit class all' '
lines , fees and ctwts taxed aiwl collected
Uu police judge ahull bu paid into
tbuci treasury , at the etui of eaali
inontl Section 117 of chaptur ! Hh of
general statutcaof Nebnwka , being
act incorporating cities tt the second
end class , oimct-j. tluit nil fluun and
penalties collected arising from a
broach of ordinances of the city shall
paid into the oily treasury and all
fines and penaltius collected * arising
from misdemeanors under thtvlaws of
state , shall bo paid to tho- county y
treasurer ; wliilo chapter 8th lar
tin general statutes which ' * ias the cn
act incoporating cities of the first ( i
class was silent uwon the subject"
Judge Co win , attorney for tlio coun
, says ho "cannot agree with his
learned friend. " Section 5 , article 8 ,
f Uioconstitution specially dirsots that
such fines and penalties shall bo paid or
toll : county.uNor do suclkgo into
time city treasury at any time but belong -
long to the county school fund ; "
And so the matter rests until thcro To
a decision from some court of. com
petent jurisdiction.
Improvements In tbo NnlL Works- of
Important improvements have been
progress at the nail works during
summer with : i view to improving
quality of the goods turned out
this growing Omaha industry. Now
machinery has boon introduced by
which the double heating and rolling
process has boon added to the works.
This process double welds tlio ptotu
from which the nails are cut and prevents -
vents the possibility of the nails split
ting and slivorim ? . It also , ubvialos
scran and dust in the keg ,
which has heretofore boon somo-
wliut complained of. lu their
present condition the Omaha iron
nail works are prepared to fur (
nish goods whfoh they confidently
claim are superior to any in the
market , and with good-shaped , p
solid and clean nails nt full weight , lr
they are ready to moot the in
creasing demands of the foreign mar-
kots. Omaha builders have neglected
this important homo industry , and
Omaha nails have not boon push .
in the local market , Strung ef
forts will now bo made to satisfy vt
contractors that they can save money
using the nails manufactured In
this city.
JOHNSONYcHteidny morning , .tit
2.1nl , Frank lluyo , BOH of Air. and Mrs.
Andruw Johnnon , aued ono yi-ar and nix
Funeral tbU morning at 9 o'clock
from residence on Howard between Hx ! <
tecntb and Seventeenth (
"WINE OF CARDUI" makes rosy
- clear coitipluxlom ) .
0 K. flooilmin't.
Smith , what do you think
nbpnt Aduiu ; this year ? "
" \Voll , my buy , it's been BO long <
ninco Aduin and Eva were on earth
tlrnt of lulu ycurs I liavon't i aid much
uttontiou to tliuin. "
"Oh ; I dou'tmoan that Adam. "
"Who do you menu , Isaac ? "
' 'I mouii Adam rorcpaugh. "
"What ! tlio lirot iiua bust Bhowinau
the land ) ' to
"Exactly , that's the man. "
"Well , Iko , I've soon the Grcnt 4
Paw Show , aa they call it , many a
time , and Adam never has broken
faith wjth tto ) people for seventeen
long years , and ho says this year 'boats
thorn all,1 and if I live until Saturday ,
th" 27th day of August , I shall surely
in Omaha with all my family to ueo
Adam and. his Uig Show. "
for morn limn nllilnlofaernturytlifl
Mrtlrniil hi t Mff1jlnlinctitlmftliaen
knoirn to million * nil ever tlio worlilnp
Iliu only snfo rcllntico for llio relief of
mrlclemi nnil iinln. It Ii n inodlrlno
iilmvn prleu nnif nnilse llie l * t or It *
Mini. For u\cry
I liu
„ . .liilmciit Ii wlllKMitnncritvtl.
K | trttrfrntr flruli niAt liimrla to-
tlir icrjlionr iniikliiff the 0 " * -
mien of pnln nml liitliiimmUoii
fcllilr. rinrlTcclniipon HuinMl'Flcsli ' ami' '
llm lnitnj " - - - - -
frnllou nroc < jucrfly
fill , 'llio Muxtcan
I.lntmrnt IB nccilnl by BnmcDbily In
wvry lioim > ; Every iluy lirlnen nowa'of
the nj nity nfnn awful it nlil in > Hum
xiilxlitcil , of rfirnnmUo ninrt rt ro.
nloii'if | , or viilnnlile luiren tf ox
unveil by Uic licfUlug power of UiV
npnndlly rums ( inch
Joint * . foittrnctriV Dlniiclci ,
tnti HrnlilK , Cii V | < nmlnrii nrtrt
mini , ) 'i < { i vii4viti nitri nrtil
lv > K * , HlllOiniv Xuntrnci , Old
, vlfrr * . l''ro tUI ri.Chilblain * .
H m niiilr , C t < ml Itrcait , nr.n
Itulatd * ciry tomuaf external Ul -
cn . ft tirnls > vltntrn ( wnrt.
I'ltrliic liuuTK Cniunow it rum
Hpmlni , HwlnnriRtlfT Joint * ,
Founder , nnrnoi MorelHoof ! > ! -
rnie * > .Voot Hot , HcnrtrV nuScah ,
lltollowr llnnt , HrnrtcrM-t , Tl'lltd-
Olll mm * , Poll Kf\t , Ytlm itjian
tlie WRtttnnil v rj"oth r nlliuent
< u irMCt * tlie ocrnpM t of Iho
Olnlilb nnd Ntoek Ynvtl'dvo linlile.
Tlio JWemK-HM MutttitRXJnlment
nlwnya < anros ami never < UlBiippolnta ;
tvua'HH , poelttvcly ,
\ UK UuiT rorukAll' 111
1.1 TUB
4 0 , P. 10 ami 1
11X0114. It In * * no gRirln.Ilin'o nn iio'ii
UiuilQivorL awlly uiul niikkly. ril rets tlio
ciiG auuni V cl tutUr ( MUI liu milk or
mj'l inor fnim'hc'rBt ' luiuliir. U
olJat. io r > ! ro limn wiy ntlur f.nt-il * B
li vm. Soii'l ( or ( ; | > llvo drcular price
ll.t to thb
thbor *
Talton Up.
IIA.Y lialtrr on , rK ftt > out
In tlio irK
JIUD 17 , ) > y John Stilbon , > . lf nillo'
wcUIram thotllntmui ( liinibajyluni. 'Iho own-
-anolitalii by iiro\liir ( | in < | vtrty nnA
innl ciixpuuwof'koc ) > in and
Hush Mmta-unl nil oUicra wliorn It I3 r con- , '
coru :
You will tilio. notice tliat on U < o 7t'ilay of/
Kovcmler , IWH.ilftry A. Dnplalo puruliiscil at
truuurci'i Kat lor ULXUI for the 1877 , tlia W it of
3i bio 1 ; K , Jn the city of Onmlia , wvlellot .iva *
Uxuil III till ) IKUI > I ( HiiKli Klinly anil the Uma
roilciniiiloii hnti ( . .iplrwJ , ant ) that on Uro " 'itli
day of Kuvuiutctj.lSBl , I will apply to nalJ trciu.
orcr f Or a deed to tlio alx > vo duwrilicd rvrJxttato.
' . MotTO.i , Attonicy. nulO-w3t
Western Enamel Pniut Works ,
( HAHOV & O. ,
Burlington , Iowa.
Manufacturer * of. Uio DrM and Moat ropuUr
- - - .
llo.dy Jllxcd
House MM ! Cottage Faints
la tbo Market.
The Wrsturn Knamel. tlioClili toE rlliiBton .
and Qulnoy Uallrnuil CutUio , tlio lUwkojo
lutl ! i0 , tno t' . , H. & CJ. lrnn'Cl.itMn < i
I'ro f I'aliit , oinicssly lor BIVIIII. Dopoil , JCIev -
torj. Uallroud Can , ltMuor. : Uoi > ( > , &c. , < iu > d , hy iiwst of tl.o iUllruadi Orouxl ouU.
VTv mtuuracturo all the noi'ular ( J'odc * uiiL
aolon In m for Imuha i alutlnir both In.IJa umL
iui , And KinranlQii tl'nni ' l'tMr dar-
alillly and I'tuOty. Ouruulsluo wnlto wo vw-
rant 10 iiaiul li o ilnun loiNur without cualKlnir-
llm > tlio ljo tcj ( wlil.o Icid nd oil uiuiKy.
inixodi or whto le < U aud oil furnUWd litt of
uxpiiitu for lojMlnlliu. Our bniw Wnlto , ex-
uicsuly , ( or limile wurk la nut ciiiilfJ'/ur | Ita x-
inmavliK iie < n. and isvuirenicdJ not ' < > > el-
lowll Uioillructluiunro ub urvod la proptrlrg-
the mrfjco tj lie ralnt'Hl.
tV no jlko mmufictutlnff tbo AlauaMl'ie Mid.
Unratu of ZIIIQ Kilinmliie , uliolulf.'rt'ie ' finoU-
> d nu > it convoi.lont di-corallte nuioiali } In z-
litonco , and ID Minpla hi U i > reurttU"n that. .
Hcnn ba appludby nylioUfo-kcemrctordinary
Intelligence. btlllUn' , wlilteand inendUunum-
ber of uliiuln and lints , a'l K-uil * nmnuln-t'irrAt
i.yut guaranteed , ( ample c rd r > p'lnta. andti
fcil oml < iofurul ltJ ] Ifcooiiappllcollwi by malli , .
otlierwlio. Cotioapondeiico lollclud.
& 1ILLARD , MASON & CO. , '
No. BOO , 802 ami 30t Fouth Sti ct , liar- .
IliUiton , owa. ,
the Faatfat tolllnir Book ol. th < Ag l
The Ittwi of. trade , loi-nl foiuu , bow to * ran > ,
act Duilneai , valutble tablui , to lal ctUtuolta ,
paillanioiitarv U KO , how to. conduct publtoi
biulnou ; luf.cV It Uacoinnlcta Ou'du to bnc-
ecus far all clbtca A family nectmwt y. AdlroM * .
or drc' ol nana p olal trp > , INoHOK PUB-
MMIINQCO. , St Lmil * . Uo.
UI'-A red > exrlejr | bull , mi J :
Urown' farm , inMco \ wut of Omaha
II. U tltKUHI.S' .
6000 Aeent * wanted to sell trvt Ulfo of
Inclutllnir a full and accurate account of hUiriff
but vientful administration ; tlui Kr a wnflet
vvltli tlio "atclwarts" hoidtU UoukioeOM |
diabolUttl nttcmut ta n asslnatu llin , wtth fulL
i.artlcuUrn of htJ caio , ono of Uiu most crlttdV.
and rvinarkablu on rucoril , 'Jtu > Intanoe lutwneU
excited cauw thousand ! to dc lfx > luU yaitl- .
cular * , hciii-o tliti book limit aill luxineusviy.
Tcrius liberal. Outllt , Me. Ulrculan free. Ad-
drc&i UUUItAUUnitO rulii. ,
auio-wlt Kansas City. Mo.
171OK HAI.i : A largo tvo mory fmwa slilngloa
; root Hotel and ono utory tltthcn ; tUo one
atory fraiuu , iJiluflwl roof , hall room tor ten ect
dance , and Imrn lir.-c vuoujh to hold twenty
teams- All fcitiiatuil on corner of Uroad and 4tu
trvc t , Fremont , Uod 'e Co. , Neb , for further
Information amily to 0. 0. THOMI'SON ,
368to8 Kf inont , Podga Co. , Neb.
TIAKKf OJ'-Ono Uun mule , letter V brrjida
on left si Je of the neck.
J-ia-w6t On Crclulitou I'Uco
, JJUIUry C ad.
TIAKKN UI'-A rrd Mid xyhlto spotted cow ,
about 0 yearn old ! right car rro ) > i > td , at ito- .
gan' addition , north Omaha ,
611-wU L , J