JO q irv : , r -i I . A J THE OMAHA DAILY BEEr ELEVENTH YEAR OMAHA , WFDNESDAY MOHN1NOAUGUST 24 , 1881 , NO. 54 REAL ESTATE BARGAINS -AT BEMIS' AGENCY , FIFTEENTH AND DOUGLAS SIS , , No l-L t on ifaAey lrcel , near now court homo , 1250) . ' No 2 l < ot on PMHI street near t3a , I2&00. No 3 Lot on Calfotuliv Btrcct near 21,81600. No 5 Lot on Mafcy elrcct near U. P. depot , No 6- } block In Bhlnn's 3d addition near Con No 8 Two lot * on Pecatur near Comptxll St. , (700. (700.No 10-8 lots 011 Col ( ax ( [ trcet near Hanscom l' rk , tit ro&ionablo prices. 100 choice roldenco Idt * In Credit Fonder and Grind view additions a abort distune * outhewt of U. P. and It , & M. depots , prices from (100 up wards. ' 18 loU on 2Ut , 221 , 23d and Blunders itrcet * , nortliof aid wljolmn ; E. V. Smith's addition , (100 ; farms cany. No 09 Full comer lot on Douglw street near 10th , (2iOO , No 70 Corner OflxllO tact lot on Douglas near near llth stre t$3100 No.,71 Threa loUla GUe's addition ncarEaun- derg street , $1000 73 Lot on Decatur street , near Irene 8hlnn' Sdiutdltlonms. No. 7B-r82xCO ( ect on Faclflo street near U. P and B. &TM. dopoU. (300D. , , No. 70-SplendId irarehouse lot 77xli2 feet Ell. street near Jones , S3600. No 74 3 Iota on tUrney street hear Wh,92000. \ No81-x > t In OUo's addition near SaunJeM 'reel , fDOO. No. 82 Lot In Olaet"addition near Saunden street , $300. No 83 2 tots , on 10th near- Pacific and Nail yrkg , $1500. No 80 Lot on Charles street near Baunde , ( KM. KM.No 87 Lot on Lcaveuworth near ISth , 81,100. No by Lot on Caldwell street near Saundura Woo. Woo.No 89 Lot on Chicago near 22d street. $1600. No 00 Lot on lilondo near Campbell street (76. 31 lots In Ulllards&Caldwell's addition , Sher man avenue , 10th street , Sprini ; , S.iratopv and Florence ntrecU , $700and upwards. No 122 2 lota on 18th street , near Poppleton's new residence , 31000. No 123 Lot 71x310 ( ect on Shcnnan avenue , 10th street , $1100 No 121 8 lots on Hellenic street , near shot toner , $50 to 875'cach. No 125 Full block on Clinton street , near shot toner , 850 to $7C each. No 120 Lot on 18th street , nc5liltcliad workH , $325. No 127 2 lots , 3J acres near head of St. Mary's nvwuo , on road to Park , 82500. No liS ) Lo on California near Crclghton Col- crc , $376. , No 130 4 Iota near new government corral , 82 ] X207J acres each. $300. No 101 Lot In ( Jlsc's addition on Cameron St. near SnundorM , mike an offer , No. tGO Lot In Olsc'n addition on Cassias St. , near State , make an offer. No 102 Lot In Qiso'aaddition on Casslus near Saundem , nuke un offer. No 103 1 block In Hojd'a addition addition near Omaha Barracks , make an offer. No 104 7 lota In Henry & Shelton's addition near hijh school , price from81250upward. 170 Lot on Pacific btrcct , near 15th , mal.o an oUer. ' ' No 171 2 lots on Webster street , near 21 t , boJJi $3.1 0 or SiOOU for corner and $1800 for In- do. do.No 173 1 lot Cvancat 14th street. $1000 " "Nol7f Ixt on Hhennaii ntruun inth .itrcul near Izard , 44x132 , $140U. No 177 3 lots In Oratuhicw. make an offer. No ISO Iot in Shinn'H addition on 1'ierSt. , ear end street car troik , $5 5. No 181 T o loU In kelson's addition , 1 on naho street , 1 on Center street , near Cumins , SSOOcach. No 183 Two flit cdc lots on Caad street near 21st. on n corner , $0000. No 185 Lot on St-ward street , near Blunders , make an offer. No 180 3 lots un Sevvanl street , near Irene , make nn offer No 180H , lot'on Da\cn | > ort near 25tli , $ . " > 00. No 187l , lot on Division near Uiniilii Kt , 8200. No 1SSJ , lilnik In lie d's additionnear Onialu barracks , < MOO. NolSUl , 1 lot on Pierce ncnr (1th street , 8350. No IDliJ , J lot on lltli near r'arnham2100 Nol'JlS , Jbiautifnl lots In Klilnn's ( ulclitlon , (1200. No 102 ] , 2 loU on 18th streUnear u 111 to lend works , 81050. No 1031 , lot on 20th street near Sherman , $100 , No 1UI' , , 2 luU on 21d utrect , near Clurl. , tOOU , No HHjJ , 3 bcimtifnl loU un baundera st. near street car turn tiljle , Sl-76. No lUUi , lot on 15th neiir 1'iojco bt. $500. No 201it in QUo'ti addition un C.vineron ft , near K.Hinder * , V5UU. No'.02 Lot on C.uncron street iiuarS.uiiidcrs. two. two.No 203 Lot in Shlnn'H addition on Saundcrj strcot , near etrctt nir turn table. s50. No 2H ( llUiiitiful lot In NcbonVaddition , oil Ui\bion ktrcet near Cumins , ifiW. No. 205 Two lota on C'autellar street , near lOtli ( IMl. IMl.No.200 T\v6 lots on Sixteenth strict , near thu nail works , SHOO. No 208 OuC'lmUlot on California street near No 203-Lot on 18th street near Nicholas , $000. N ' 210 Lot on Capitol axcnuo near 2 : d , 1500. Na 212 I/t 148x500 felt on Colfax street , near Park , w 1th Improvement * , W700. No 213 Two acres on Cumlnir street , $1000. No 215 One-half aero on California , near Ken nedy street , $350. No 210 Beautiful lot on Hamilton struct near street car turn taulo , $1000. No 217 Lot on 23d street , nitr Clark. $500. A few aero lota only remain unsold In "Park Placo" little west of Crcljfhton Collest , prictj ranging fiom $276 to8300tichand on uotiy terms. IxU In llorluen'u 1st and 2d addltloiis ; ale lots In Parkcr'bShlnn's ; Nclson'a , Terrace's , K. V. Sinlth'u. Hbdlck'n , and all thu uthtr additions at any price and at any terms. Ten acre * In the city limits on the road to the barracks at t37S per acre. Knur beautiful residence lotsIn front of Crdgkton College ; will cut them up to suit. Nine residence lots north of Creltjliton College KTOuncU , from V700 to$1000 each. Tlilrty roildent lots In Parker's addition , six Hocks north of tliojcnd of the strees car track on blunder * street , 300 each$10 down , baUnce BUit.fct 8 p r c iit InUrestt A few loU lull In Terraie addition on the road to tlie Park , near head of St. llun'a a\cnuo$7 < 0 raeh. To tliow u ho , u 111 build a V120U rebldt-neo , 7 v cant line at S i > r Lent interest. \ lati In Laku'n addition at $3 iito $850 each , 10 ) earn time UU i > rrc nt interest , to UIOMItlio build. 'lliooldTotuley40-acri ) trort with liouue and all improvement * , adjoining raeo c-ourmiand lulr t'roundi' for J9JOO. Tracts of 6,1U , 15 , 20 , 40 or 80 acres , wltlilmll- dimju and other impro vincnU and adjolnlni ; tlio Uty , at all priees. 3500 of tlio best rutilcncn lotl In the city of Omaha any location > ou desire north , CkUti , south or west , and at bedrock prlets , 250choice buriiu'iu loU In all thu principal bus. mesa utretU In Ouialiaarjin ; , ' from $500 to 17000 each. Two hundred IIOUWH u'nd loU ranuliiir from 600 to $15,000 , tnd located in every part of the Large number of excellent arms In Douglas , 6arpy , Saunders , Dodge , \VaOiinrton. | Hurt , and other good counties In eastern Nebraska. 12 000 acres Iwnt lamli In Douglas , 7000 tcrei best lands In Sarjiy county , and largo tract * In all the eastern tier of counth.1. erUOO.OOO acres o | the Iwitland In the No- raska far solo by thin agency. Verj largo amounts of suburban property In ono to Un , tttcnty ami tnty arru pieces , located wltliln one to three , four or ( he miles of the oatoBlco kouiueryclieap pieces. . New Maps ol Omaha , publithcd by Oeorgo P Ikmls plain , unmounted map * 60 ceuU each ; mounted , colored and with cloth back , $1.60 Housesstores , hotels , farms , lotsl , ands. office * roomsetc. . to ruit or lease. Taxed paid , rents collected , deeds , mortgages , and all kindiof real caUtu documvnU made out on short notice. GEO < P. BEMIS1 Real Estate Exchange 15 h and Douglas Street , CMAHA , - - NEB. STILL IN SUSPENSE. Tory little Ohango in the Prosi- flent's Condition Yesterday , The Stomach : Slightly Improv ed But the Other Condi tions lemaiir * Ufa- chongod , The Nourishment All Taken Yesterday Without Nausea * sea or Vomiting. i f The Medical Men Still Express 1 fin ' r ConfidenceThat ) He Will \ * Recover. \ * . * . * The Cabinet Mora Confident Than They Have Been For Several pays. At 8 O'clock TkU MentkNK ike Fr 1 4w t Im R yert A. MI Mwt- . 1 National Anodktod Prom. , . , r > J MOnE NOURIHHMEMTTAKK3 < < WAHHINOTON , August { - - 23.v - The prpaidont boa taken" pix flndiTv half ounces of beef juice in addition to other nourishments this rriorniUg and nil haa been retained. The wound is rapidly repairing nnd the condition of the wound is no worse. Reports from the prcsido.t'B sick room tlnit morning sliow that there hnaliobn nothih'g lost since yesterday. The president was less rostlcsa but somewhat annoyed by phlegm in the throat , but nble to clear it with less exertion. During the night he was given two enomatas , and also twice received nourishment by the mouth. In addition to the usual koumiss and milk porridge , ho took early this morning , four ounces of juice beef steak , all taken with relish. AT THE MOUN1NO DIIESSINO the wound was found repairing slowly but the conditions are stationary. The parotid swelling is now confmod to the gland itself , which is hard and clearly defined. Evidences of sup puration are said to be no less marked and it is still thought that it will bo several days before it will bo known just what will como of it. Mean while , all the president can do is to hold his own. 1)11. HOYNTOX says that if the stomach continues to do well there will bo n chnn o for the better as soon ns inflammation of the gland has "boon scattered or definitely defined otherwise. It is how forty- six hours Binvo there has boon -any vomiting. The feeling at the White House is still anxious but there is hope. The anxiety is principally concerning the stomach and the greatest care is exercised in its treat ment. MOKi : WII.I ) UIIMOHfl. To-day has been another day of wild rumors of the most alarming effect. One was that Secretary Blaine stated that the president was out of his head half the time and when Mrs. Garliehl came to him this morning he did not know her. Although the falsity of this story was known at the White HousoPriyatoSeerutaryUrown , to satisfy inquiiioB , went to the sur geons' rooms and osccrtcinod that the report was not only untruu but that the rumor ihnt Secretary Blaine hnd made such ropoi t win equally false , since the secretary had nut been at the White House to-day. Secretary Dlaine afterwards denied all knowledge of the story. _ TJIK STOMACH HIKillll.V IMl'ltOVKI ) . " WASHIXHTON , D. t ) . , August li.'J. "The stomach rules tlio world" is un old proverb. Never was it more true than at present , whim so much seems to depend on the stomach of the president. In it has been rang ing now for several days the hope and fear of the nation , and its increased strength to-day has been about the only food for increased hope. The food lias been slightly increased und its character strengthened. All the nourishment has been taken without nausea. The president has not ul ways asked for food , but it is taken without repugnance. As yet HH effect lias been noticeable only in the pulse. This has boon reported firmer. VKIIY I.ITTI.ECHANOK SINC'K YKSTEIIDAV. All the physicians admit there has been little other chaiigu since yester day. Tlio wound seems to bo giving no direct trouble and the parotid in flammation neither increases nor shows signs of disappearing. It is generally believed the inflammation will bo followed by suppuration. This will not bo certain for two or throe days. Meanwhile , much improve ment cannot bo expected. The strain on the Byctom will too nearly balance the extra nourishment. Suppuration of thu gland is nut greatly feared. Once formed it will speedily bo re lieved and on the result of its drain age will greatly depend the hoped for favorable turn in the case. As It stands now it looks rather discourag ing. THE FKKLISU AT Till ; WHITE HOUSK. But the feeling at the white house is this ; Since the president is not be yond recovery is it not as fair to think that he will recuperate , as not very far ahead can be scon tlio point where increased nourishment will bo very upt to take strong hold ? Hero comes in the stomach again , If it continues to do as well as now the ground-work will continue to bo firm as long as nothing is lost ; and hence the reigning hope is for brighter days yet to come. These are the eenti- moiits expressed by the ofUcial family of the president. Mrs. Qurfield's hope is not a blind one , 03 has been said. She reawns out for herself the ground for the hope which she has ex- pleased. To-day she told her pastor that her hope luv\ \ increased since yes terday , nnd that she felt sure that the president would yet recover. Dr. Powers BAJR that ho would take the judgment of the little woman as Boon aa that of nil the surgeons. EACH SUCCEEDING. T1ULI.RTIN has just n little better showing than the corresponding ono of yesterday. Every atom of encouragement goes n great way in such n time < vs this , nnd it has been noticeable about the man sion. On the street the hope is too forlorn for expression , nnd it will take n decided improvement to cheer the people. The doctors hnvo contented thomaolvca with the thought that the patient is holding nis own. Thin orening , however , they seem to think there is ground for nioro encourage * tnunt than yesterday. Even lr. Agnew - now , before ho took the train for home , said "Tho president is better than ho has been for three days , " and remarked that the stomach WAS re- pending to all that was naked of it. WHAT THE MEDICAL MEN RAY. Dr. Bliss was naked after the even ing , how ho felt nbout it } "Moro en couraged , " was the reply. "Thoro haa been nn improvement during the day. " Dr. Roybuni told ono of the cleri cal force that the president was better. Dr. Barnes says : "It is n very fair bulletin , " and another of the doctors says that , while there has not * boon much change : the improved condition of the stomach must bo taken as an encouraging sign. NEW YORK , August 23. Dr. Ham ilton said before his departure for Washington this afternoon : "I have no ndvicca which change my convic tion of the condition of the president. I still entertain a strong hope that ho will recover. " MRS COL. ROCKWELL , who spends much of her time with Mrs. * Garficld , said as she was leaving to-day : "It looks brighter up there. ' All this shows that no ono at the white house feels as if the props were being knocked from under them. HIM MIND NOT WANDERING. There have been no signs of the president wandering in his mind , as it was said ho did yesterday. This story was founded entirely 114)011 the usual dullness of perception noticea ble when ono first awakes. Mrs. Ed- son's explanation was that it was nothing moro than any other patient would have shown who ha been confined so long in bed and whoso condition is so weak. His mind is not as clear ns it was , but what you refer to as deliriousncss is the result of an opiate that has been adminis tered. This of courao will remedy itself as soon as nourishment , by cno- mata is gone. It is not on account of any mental weakness , for an soon na the effects of the opiate were olV his mind was as strong nnd clear as over. CABLE TO LOWELL , WAsiiiNuroN , D. C. , August U.'J. The following was sent this after noon : Lowell , Minister , London : In the last twelve hours , since 1 o'clock this morning , the president has swallowed eighteen and one-half ounces of liquid food. Ho has had no nausea. The pulse and tempera ture is essentially changed. In the judgment of his physicians ho has lost nothing since the last dispatch. II there is any change it is for the bet ter. [ Signed ] BL.U.NK , Secretary. TO LOWELL. The following was sent to-night : Lowell , Minister , London : The president's condition is more encouraging than at this time last night. During the hist twenty-foui hours ho has swallowed ten ounces of extract of beef and eighteen ounces of milk , retaining and digesting both. He has twice asked for food which he had not done before for several days. Pulse and tcmpera'.uro both some what lower. The swelling of the pa rotid gland has not specially changed. Its long continuance at the present stage increases the fearof suppuration. At this hour , 11 o'clock ho physi cians report that the president hae rested quietly thu entire evening. [ Signed ] BLAINK , Secretary. TIIK VIUK-I'RESIIIKNT AT HOMK. NEW YOIIK. August 23 , Vice- President Arthur remained at homo all day. IIo is kept constantly in formed by telegraph of the president's condition from Secretary Blaine nnd other cabinet officers. TUESDAY'S BULLETINS. ornciAL. KXKOUTIVK MANHIO.V , August L'U , SitfO u. in. The president slept the greater part of the night but awakened ut frequent intervals. Ho has taken , since last evening , u larger quantity of liquid food by the mouth than in the corresponding hours of any day during the past week. The use of nutritious onemontn is continued at longer intervals. The parotid swel ling is unchanged. Pulse 100 , tem perature 98.4 , respiration 18. ( Signed ) D' II. AONEW ' D. W. BLIHH , J. W. BAUNEH , J. J. WOODWARD , II. UEYUURN , OFFICIAL. WAHHINOTON , August 23 , 1230 ; p. m. Tlio president continues to take by the mouth and retain nn increased quantity pf liquid nourishment. At tlio morning dressing tlio wound looked well , and the pus was of u liealthy character. Thu * mucus ac cumulation in the back of the mouth on account of the parotid swelling is less viscid , and now ujves but little trouble. At present his pulse is 104 , temperature i)8. ) ° , respiration 18. ( Signed ] D.V. . BLISS , 1 J. K. BARNES , J. J , WOODWARD , IlouT. HKYHURN , August 23 - 2 p m , The president's condition 'has not materially changed since noon. There has been no recur rence of nausea. WAbiiiNOTON , August 232:15 : p. , in. The character of the food taken by the president to-day h s been stronger , including beef tea and milk , in addition to the usual milk porridge and koumiss. The only apparent re sult of this increased nouiishmcnt woa in the character nnd tone of the pulso. The swelling of the dniul is about the same in size and character as yesterday. It is just as difficult to say whether it will BU.ppur.ito or not , nnd may bo so for two or three days. Dr. Bliss nays ho is sMitl'icd with the cose to-day. OFFICIAL. EXECUTITR MANSION , Aumist 23 , (5UO : p. m. The president has continued - tinued to take llqnid food by the mouth nt regular intervals during the day and haa had no recurrence of the gastric disorder. Tlio parotid swelling is unchanged. . In ether respects the symptoms show some im provement over his condition yester day afternoon. Pulse lOii , tempera ture 9.2 ! , respiration 19. ( Signed ) D. H. AOXMV , D. W. BLISS , J. \Voom\Auu , J. K. BAKM * . ROB'T HEYBUKN. August 23 , 8 p. m. There has been no change reported i.i the president since 0:30 : p. m. Ho continues to re tain nourishment and U not so rest less as ho has been during BOUIO eve- ningn recently. August 23 10:30 : p. m. Tlio president has slept comfortnbly this evening nnd experiences comparative ly alight annoyance from the nhlcgm in hia throat. The alight febrile rise is now scarcely perceptible. His general condition is not much chnnged since this hour last night , but con tinue good. The behavior of the atomach is accepted na ground for en couragement. Midnight. The president hnsawal- lowed enough nourishment between naps this evening to make the amount up to 28 ounces. There ia no indica tion of nausea. His rest thus far is comparatively comfortable. Pulse , 102 , temperature nnd respiration nor mal. Thu swollen gland is about the same. Amjust 24 , 2 n. in. The slight improvement noticed ' in the presi dent's case ear y'this evening hns not b en interrupted up to this hour. The patient is now asleep and the sick room a irroundinga quiet. No > indications of any unfavorable do'vcl- opmcnts to-night. THE WASHINGTON POST- IT HUOCIESTS HOW ARTHUR. COULD HE ACTINO PRESIDENT. WASHINGTON , August L'3. The Post will print thu following editorial in regard to the temporary discharge of the president's functions by Vice President Arthur : In order to relieve the public mind from any fear which may exist that the government will suffer serious detriment from the inability of the president to discharge the duties of liia office , wp deem it proper to make this suggestionif it ohculd be neces sary during the illndss rui the chief magistrate to have any executive ap pointment requiring personal partici- pancy on tlio signature of the presi dent. Thu cabinet could , under a warrant of the constitution and of common ( tense , invite the Vice president to perform that duty or atlix the ncccsfary signature. Should the Vice president thus act he would not bo1 president , he would not cease to be vice president , but would be acting president for n time , and the proper mode of mgning nn execu tive paper would be ' 'Chester A. Arthur , vice president and acting president. " It is true tlieio is no law providing any tribunal to olliuially determine and declare where u presi dent's labors under such "inability" as to require the vice pti'sidcnt to act in liia stead ; but thu rcqifcat of the president's constitutional advisers nnd thu heads of departments would bo ample notice to the vice president that his services were required. He would have no occasion to take the oath of oflico , for lie would not change his oilice. There could not be two presidents nt ono timo.The vice president , then acting , would be simply discharging the duties of pics- ident us thu lieutenant governor of n state or the second officer of on asso ciation or corporation discharges his duties in acting for his superior when that official is absent. This is the plain sense , true intent and meaning of fundamental law. We can see no objection to adopting this simple plan should thu president's illncjs continue , " 4. , ' MISCELLANEOUS. MORK 01' HOWflATK'rt f.'KOC'KKDNKBS. WASHINGTON , August 23. At the instance of Gen , lla/.en u further charge lias been made against Capt. Howgato for nn additional embezzle ment of § 50,000 from the government. This will require un additional bond , covoiing the entire amount of thu defalcation made in the charge , in de fault of which dipt. Howgato must go to jail , but llowguto is aaid to have gene to Now York. Investigation allows that the additional evulence upon which this charge is made by thu government comes from Now York. In the course of the prosecution of the detective force of the department of justice vouchoia for the payment of supplies in large sums were found. In consultation with those parties they positively disclaim all knowledge of thu transaction of thu kind of ufliduvits , that the supplies in question were never furnished by them , and that no such moneys hud been received from the disbursing oflico of the signul oilico. In 'one m- stance 11 forged voucher for the sum of $10,000 was discovered , It is ru mored , too , that moru uill follow , I'URTHKR TALK WITH KIOUX INDIANS. The Sioux Indiana hud n supple mentary talk at thu interior depart ment today.VJnto Thundur , who succeeds Spotted T.iil as chiuf of the Uosebud agency , nt great length sot forth thu needs of thu Indians , asking for additional agricultural implements , ichool advantages und proper legisla tion ot the lands belonging to , the tribe. IIo said thuro n disposition among thu tribu to further pursue agricultural pursuits. Thu talk was generally uioroof nnrivntotlmn public interest. While Ghost nnd Buffalo Ghost nude speeches in the name strain as White Thunder. THE YOIIKTOWN Cr.LKIIRATION. The preparations for the Yorktown centennial drug slowly on , duubUcRS on account of thu president's condi tion. Should the president die it is probable that the celebration would bo stripped of milch of its splendor. Thu monument would bo dedicated , but it is probable that much of the programme ns now nrrangod would bo cut out. I'ALLKRS. Callers nt the wliito house to-day hnvo boon few. Among them Sena * tor Blair , of Xo\v \ Hampshire. Ho suit ! things had boon looking pretty dark to him for a few days , lie no ticed , too , thlxt soiiiu of the cabinet officers began to waver. "Hut I don't give up. 1 have been lower than the president is with a gunshot wound , and I am well as anyone , 1 Htill hope ho will live to bo fully recovered again , " said lie. SOMK OK Till : OAIIINKT have been gloomy during thu lust few days. To-nijrht they Inut n conversa tion with Dr. Bliss and heard fre quent reports from the sick room. They loft fooling much more cheerful. Attorney General MaoVoagh snid at 10 p.m. : "I feel n little encour aged to-night. The president hns been sleeping nicely this evening and takes his nourishment so well that we all fool encouraged. " Secretary Lincoln , whoso hopes have been fading fast , said ho felt re ; ncwod encouragement. Secretary Blaine admitted that there was moro ground for hope than last night. It would take but onu or two days to restore full confidence in the president's recovery. Drs. Bliss and Royburn will stay near the president all night. He slept considerable before midnight nm\ \ was not so restless even ns last night. No change in his general con dition was reported up to 10:30 : p. m. His pulse at the evening bulletin , 101 , was less than at any evening bul letin since August 13. Total liquid nourishment taken to day twenty- three ounces and three enematas of four ounces each have been admin istered. No vomiting since Sunday evening. TEXAS TRAGEDY. A Sheriff's Murderers Sum marily Dealt With. Natloiml Awoclatctl Pri'xs. HOUSTON , Texas , August 23. The most intense excitement prevails ut Orange , this state , over an attempt to assassinate Sheriff Geo. Michel nnd thu subsequent lynching of eight of the leaders of the plot who met their death nt the hands of thu citizens , vho banded together fur the purpose of 'putting nn effectual stop to out rages and all kinds of lawlessness which have been openly committed in that neighborhood for the past few weeks. Tlio troublu began some three weeks ago , when O. L. Dolno , n noted criminal , in attempting to escape , was shot by Detective Wood. Wlien Delno's friends searched for Wood ho could not be found. Thuy charged 'Sheriff Michel with concealing him and would have revenge. Yesterday a diabolical plot to assassinate Michel was then artfully arranged between Charles Dolno and DIIIJ Harris ( white ) and Samuel and Hob Saxon ( colored ) . A shum saloon fight for the purpose of involving Michel , was started by Sam Saxon , who stinted and ran to ward the place whnro Charles Dclno , Dug Hums , Bob Saxon and a number of negros were lying in ambush. When thu sheriff and posse leached the ambush they wore fired upon. The former received buckshot wounds in all parts of the body , A hundred nnd fifty citi/.ons were ut once got together , thoroughly armed , and started in pursuit of the outlaw , who , after an assault on thu sheriff , succeeded in making their escape. Four of the negroes wcro captured and immediately shot. Another negro , Ilobcrt Garcon , was tortured for an hour by being alternately hanged and resuscitated until lie revealed thu plot discovered above' . Af ter this confession , together with that of other crimes , had been wrested from him , ho was strung up for good nnd left hanging. Del no was captured and placed in jail , whoru Sam Saxon , though badly wounded , shortly nftur joined him , By 8 o'clock at night , the military guard , thinking cvcrylhin ; { secure , loft the jail and repaired to their home. ! . At 0 o'clock u largo body of exasperated citizens gathered nt the jail , demanded of Deputy Sheriff Jett thu release of Sam Saxon and hia loading negro accomplice , This was refused , but thu crowd overpowered him and drugged them out. A wild and thrilling ucono then commenced. Thu negroes full on their knees , und , throwing their arms around Deputy Sheriff Jett's legs , implored him for God's sake to uavo ilium , Suddenly thuy were inspired with an idea of making their own es cape , und amid frantic yells atartod to run , Thu gathered crowd at oncu opened 11 ro on them , riddling both both bodies with huck > shot nnd kill ing them instantly. Thu bodies were left where they full and the crowd dis persed. Charles Delno was not dis turbed , but is to bo tried to-day be fore a kangaroo court , Judge Lynch presiding. No sympathy whatever is expressed for those shot and hanged , A rui n of terror prevails nnd ull bus. inoss is suspended. Governor llob- erta has been solicited to send troops to Grunge , but refused until it bu- comes apparent that thu civil authori ties can nut cope with the difficulties , Search fur Stowurt'uBody. National A ovlatul Trims. NF.W YOIIK , August 23. The search for Stewart's body in Cypress hill cemetery is progressing to-day. Nothing bus been found. The dig- U'injj' will BtJp to-night. Thuliolo affair is now considered n hoar , THE OLD WORLD , The Pall Mall Gazette Comments on the Land Bill , Qladatono'a Sou Challenged to Fight a Duel. Kov. George Granville the Now Dean of Westminster Abboy. MlKooUniioonn News From Aoron tha Oootin. National TIIK I'A 1,1 , MALI , (1AZKT1KON TIIK LAND Illl.U LONDON , A units * 2JI. - The Pnll Mall Oazotto , referring to Sir Charles Gavnn Dutloy's nddrm to tlio pt-oplo of Ireland - land on tliu laud bill , heudatho article with the title , "Timely words well spoken. " and says that no mora ndtni- ruble introduction to the land bill could bo offered. The opinion ( 'tows that the workings of tlio laud bill will be found olllcrtcioua in the removal of the worst of the Irish grievuncoa and that during the next soaaion of parlia ment whatever imperfections may bo found in it will bo remedied. OLADHTONK'S SON It is rumored that Mr. Hcaly , homo rule nicmbor of parliament for Wcxford , lias challenged Herbert Gladstone , member for Worcester , re cently made junior lord of the treas ury , and son of the premier , to light a uuel. The offense qivon by Qlnd- utono in said to bo certain words npokon in debate and afterward fol lowed up at nil accidental mooting. There is no probability of his accept ing the invitation to the field of honor. Ho is no coward , but his strong reli gious princiules would prevent him from accepting the challenge. I'AUNKLI. TO < IOTO TAHIS. The Chronicle states that I'arnell is about to go to Paris , returning in time for tlio convention of the land k'nguo at Newcastle next month. Tin : NI\V DIAK : OK WEHTMINHTKH AH- 11KV. Kov. Goorjjo Granville , master of University college , Oxford , and chap lain ordinary to the iincon , has ac cepted tlio deanery of Westminster Abbey. Mr. Bradley , who is in his sixtieth year , was educated at itugby , from which school ho was elected to un open scholarship at the University college , Oxtord , where ho was the favorite - vorito pupil of Dean Stanley , who at that time 'vns a tutor. A I'BTITIOK. LONDON , August 24. Many Lon don merchants are signim. ' n petition addressed to the house of commons , viewing with alarm the announcement thut tlio cubiliutVlll conclude a com mercial treaty with Franco without tlio consent of thu hiiuan of commons. I'ltAYINH FOH ( ! OOI > WltATHKK. Tlio rainy weather throughout Eng land continues , and the archbishop of Canterbury published a form of prayer for favorably weather. Trial of the Mallojr Boys. National Axxoclatcil I'ri'nt. NKW HAVIV : , Conn. , August 22. The adjourned hcnring of the Cramer alleged murder caao before Justice liooth this morning was without deli- nito result. Mr. Hush , for the state , asked for a furtlier adjournment of a week or ton days. Counsel for defen dant objected on the ground that the Malleys were under arrest without evidence against them or oven proof that any murder or crime had been committed. Counsel demanded that they bo admitted to bail. Justice Booth has reserved his decision till I ) p. m. Justice Booth decided against tlio motion of the counsel for the defense to admit the prisoners to bail and ad journed the hearing to two weeks from to-day. Vow York Groonlmok Convention- National Assoclfitoil 1'riM EMIIJIA , N , V. , Aiiuust 20. The greenback state convention assembled at half past 2 , IfiO delegates being present. A temporary organization wcs pll'ccted. Clinton Futbisli , of lirooklyn , temporary chairman spoke , reviewing the past history of the grcoiibiiclc parly , and set forth its fu- tnro chief feature and monopoly char- aclcrislicH , and that notion acorns to be governing the convention , The resolutions presented wcro referred to the committee without debate. Speeches from several persons , among them a colored man of thin city , who professed to bo greonbaokor. Ad journed till to-morrow , ' American Pharmaceutists. National Aknoulatcd I'riai. KANHAK CITV , August 2. ) . The pharmaceutical association of America met this afternoon in Masonic hall , Vice President GeoTgo H. Schaefer , of Fort Madison , Iowa , presiding , Onu hundred delegates were present. Tjio address of welcome on behalf of the city and local association won de livered by Col. D. 8. Twitcholl. ft. J , Drown , of Lcuvonworjh , on behalf of the Kansas society invited the asso ciation to visit that state and stated that arrangements hud been made for un excursion over the Atchison , Topeka - poka & Santa Fo road through Kan sas to Now Mexico ; response by Vice President Schaefer , in the absence of President Bhiiin. IIo thanked the local association for their hearty wel come and expressed appreciation of the compliment of an excursion. Ho then delivered the annual address , among other things urging phar- nmcutistH to use their influence for the enactment of wise phar maceutical laws in their utates and also to endeavor to rid the pro fession of the burden of revenue tax ation. The exhibit in Muichants' Exclmnpo hull will bo ready tomorrow row , and will consist of over § 500,000 wortli of druggists' goods , the exhibi tors being the principal manufacturers nnd dealers in the United States , Canada and Central America. An interesting collection is that of the medicinal plants of Kansas , compris ing ono hundred and fifty varieties. The association will bo in session BOT- cral days. Sixty-two applications for membership were received to-day. PACIFICTcoAST NOTES- National Auocutcil I'rrai. SAN FKANWNCO , August 23.A dispatch from Tucson says that twenty- live settlers were killed near Nutt's Station , within ton days by Mcscalero Apaches. Ono hundred and fifty In dian scouts are in pursuit of the band , which is moving south into Chi-,1 liuahua. The Southern Pacific railroad in 3pon again ami trains are running from Tucson slowly over the damaged sections , SUMMBB SPORTS. THE TURF. BAKATOOA HACEfl. SARATOGA , N. Y. , August 23. The first race , for a purao of 9350 , three- quarters of n milo wan won by Her- mil , Ncufchatol second , Victim third. Time , 1:151. The second race , tlio relief stakes for throe year olds , milo nnd five fur longs , was won by Thora , Chickruore second. Time , 2:51. : Tlio third race , a handirap awecp- staks , witli 9450 added , milo and five hundred yards , was von by Uborte , with Churchill second and Freraan third. Time , 2:13. : MONMOUTU PARK HACKS. BKACII. August 23. The first nice , seven furlongs , woa won by Potomac , Banter second. Time , 1:31. : The second race , ono milo nnd a quarter , was won by Nimble Foot , , lint-maid second. Time , 2:121. : The third nice , ono mile nnd n half , was won by Moscow ; Mamie Fieldn second. Time , 2:00. : The fourth race , ono mile , was won by Cridgo , Hamton second. Tiini1 , 1:43. : 1:43.Tho The fifth race , one milo nnd n half , over six hurdles , wus won by Kitty Clark ; Duvan second. Time , 2:47. : THE DIAMOND OAMia PLAYED YE8TBRMAY. National Awioclntcd Proa. NKW YOUK , August 23. Vrovi- * denco , 14 ; Metropolitans , 0. AtiiANY , August 23.Albanys , < > , Treys , 7. OLKVII.ANI : > , August 23. Bullales , 2 ; Cluvclands , 0. WoncenTRU , August 23.--IJostons , 8 : Worccstors , 4. Hallway O immittco Mooting. Nntlnnal Associated 1'rnu CIUOAOO , August 23. The com mittee appointed by the southeastern railway association to prepare a plan for the settlement of the Missouri riverdiflioulties ( are in session to-day. The greatest dilllcillty for the prepa ration of n satisfactory plan for the adjustment of these troubles is the inability to come to an understanding regarding the division of territory. Thu pool is now composed of three divisions , Chicago , bt. Louis nnd Hannibal. The Chicago roud insists- Hint in thu reorganization , the Hanni bal division should be abolished nnd their business go into thu Chicago di vision. Opposition to this scheme is made by the Wabnali. The committee discussed the pinna of the now pool system for the JIBBO- ciation. A very fuvorublu pjnn wus for u system of tonnngo pool or , in other words , gross pool instead of thu present money and tonuuga pool. There wcro calls for u , divurmon of the trnflio from each other. The committee made no rcconnftundntion , but naked for statistical information from Commissioner Midgely to IHJ ( 'iven them nt their meeting the lust , day of thu month , when they will try and ngrcu upon the plan to present to the convention in .September. Letl- ; iii' ' railroad ollicials nay their plan will bu adopted. In that cuso nil di visions will bo xwupt iiway and the trouble nbout thu Hannibal diviiiun will bu ended , iBtltcat'oni- National AisodnteU I'rui. WAHHINOTON , August 24 1 n. in. For thu upper Mississippi valley : Fair weather , slightly warmer , south east winds , stationary or lower pree- Euro. .For the lower MiEBouri valley : Partly cloudy weather , possibly occa- sioiiul ruins , winds south , stationary temperature , stationary or lower pressure. Polioo ComniUsionen to bo Re moved. National AuMcmtcd ITcus. NKW YOHK , August 23. Mayor Grace , after reviewing the evidence taken before him against Police COIOT nibsinncrs French , Nichols und Ma son , has decided to remove those offi cials from oilico. The oilicinl removal in not to bo effected until it is con firmed by the Governor , to whom tm ) papers Jiuvo been forwarded. Attempt to Wreck a Traini i National Associated Prct * . CiitoAao , August 23. A desperate attempt was made yesterday to wreck a passenger train on tlio Wabash road ne'nr Now Bulom. Obstructions were piled on the track at a point whorotho train would have been thrown down it 25-fcot embankment , but were been by the engineer barely in time to stop the train , The passengers and train men pursued a man seen in the neigh borhood , but failed to ovfcrlake him. The perpetrator of these outrages , of which this is the fourth , is thought to bo a disclnugcd brakeman seeking to revenue himself on the comuany. „ - I , for ono , wish to ppeak a word of praise for St. Jacobs Oil , soys Mr , 0.V , Purcell , of the National Stock Vurds , Chicago , 111 , I suffered with a iiain in my shoulder and arm for sonic ijx months , and at times it was terri ble. Ono bottle of 8t , Jacobs Oil , however , cured mo ,