\ \ I'LEG OMAHA DAITAr BEE : TUESDAY ACT GUST 23. 1881. THE DAILY BEE. j , Tuesday Merging , Aug. 23. s LOCAL BREVITIES. Patterson noils coal. Ladles purees of all klmli at Haxe's. Get your halt at Donne's. -Nindell k Krelle. Practical Hatter * . COO bmlneis loU. Call on Bemk Bcmls * real estate boom. Flrat page 2TiC hou t > s nnd lot * . IJemU' agency. A. W. Nason , Dentist , Jacob's block. Warranted Tooth Unuihes at KulmV. Bemt * ' new map of Omubft , 25 cent * . 1000 residence loU , Bern ! * , agent. For FINB Commercial Job Printing , 11 at TUB IKR ) Job room * . I rge ntock of hatulkcrchlef extracts at Saxe'n , The Lion continue * to roar for Mooro'n Harness and Saddler } * . 200 farm * and 900,000 acres of land Bern ! * , agent. Prescription ? a upeci&Ity , Opera House Pharmacy , 211 8. inih Street. Hlgliestciuli price ] > nld forNCcomMiand furniture at Abrnm'n&Lewis' , 1121 Doug- . la street. nl'J.'Jw A rare chance to obtain a good paying ulncsH. Sec special rohnnn , Kncmiro nl South Mth street. tf WAOTKI ) . Attorneys and physicians , without present employment , at theofllcc of GrofI ct Montgomery , a22-lt Charles Kuhlman , who was shot at the Platte river bridge last week , is a member of Planet lodge No , 4 , Knights of Pythian , of this city. The U. P. train for the west yt-stcr- day left about two bourn { behind time , on account of the late C. , B. & Q. passenger train. Tenth street , one of the most imimr- tant thoroughfares of the city , IK not being sprinkled. It should be by all mo.infl. . There ia a horrible fctcnch prevailing on Tenth ttrcct near tlio creek. It IH emitted by stagnant water and decaying > carcafwos. It ihould bo looked aftor. * ' . -The water works company are pump. . ' * lng w'ater Into the upply mnlns with view to cleaning them out perfectly. They will be ready to supply water to consum ers by direct pressure within a Meek. The Bcvcral different employers hav ing accoilcd to the demand of the hod- carriers for Increased wagon , they went to work as usual yesterday monilni' . They are now paid 5U per day , Passenger trains on the K. 0 , , St. J , fc'C.JJ , leave Omaha every morning ut 8 o'clock , and every enlng , except Satur day-owning , at 0:30 o'clock. Trains arrive every evening at (1:30 ( : o'clock , and every morning , except Monday morning , at 7 o'clock. * Ofllcer O'Uonaghiio fcoU ai happy as if .he-had been Itft n farm on the Ohio river. There's n young U'Jon ghuo down nt hlnln > un < 5 a bouncing' baby boy and the only thing to detract from hN pleasure Is that tlio child wa too youn ; ; to take part in the land Icatruo picnic. f Miss Grace Aikina , the prominent member of the GoodTcmplant , In Rulfurinp from a sevcro attack of typhoid Cover , v- John Uradlcy , engineer of steamer No , 1 , U quite ill , and Chief Cnllij-nn will till his place for'tlie time Jjeiiig with another man. Capt-'McCluro haa Imd his badger Htolcn and ho h vary dlacunuolato on ac count of its loss. Any person finding It will confer a favor by returning it to the city marshal'ii oliice. The committed appointed to consider the question of the enlargement of < U. Jo- ficpli'a hospital mot last evening in James M. Woolworth'd office. Nothing definlto was settkd. The meeting adjourned un1 til next Thursday , * ' 'v Yesterday mon'iing , about 12 o'clock , William White , reading on Douglas Htrcct , was thrown from his delivery wagon while driving through Gumming utrcet Ho was considerably bruised and at pres ent walks with great dlflioulty. Omaha Mlnlnc Interest. Elder Hoses F. Bhiun , Biloy and F. D. Goopor , of this city , are in Lnnunio , where they have gone to await the arrival of an English ex port who will examine some mining property owned by these gentlemen I' U at Oummini City , with n view to in h vesting. 1'roportica in that vicinity have lately boon developing quite rapidly and are now considered valua ble "Health is better than wealth , " is 11 maxim which ou ht to bo observed by using the "Conrad's Bu'dwinner Biw. " Ask your druggist for it. m&o "WINEOFCAnDUl" four times n day iniikcH a hnppy hoUFchohl. 0 V R Fresh iruits and vegetal ) Ion received every day nt D. ( iuild'9 en Tenth street , near U , P. depot. tf GRAND EXCURSION. On and after July 7th , 1881 , excur sion tickets to St. Paul and return , will bo sold at 917 , tickets good to re turn on or before October 31 , 1881 , For further particulars inquire of J , H. Bryan , Southwestern Agont. Coun cil Ululls , OMAHA , August 20 , To the Euitor ol Tui E : The early closing of dry goods stores has for somu time been agitated by the clerks of this city. l < 'or the past two weeks wo have closed at 7 o'clock , but our competitors not being - ing willing to follow , wo shall after this date keep our doom open as Into as our customers may desire L. B , WILLIAMS & BO.VH. IMPORTANT To merchants , builder * and farmers. We arc now prepared to fill orders for Omaha Nails , guaranteeing quality equal to any and price lower than the lowest , in any quantity from one to ono thousand Logs. Do LAN & LANOWOETIIV , Iron Merchants , aug22-Ct AgenU for Omalia Nails. ' ' ' - f BRUTAL ATTACK. Alfred Arnoman , of This City , the Victim of an Assault , Which Will Lny Him Up for Some Tltno to Como Sunday afternoon quite n number of Germans , principally farmers , wcro gathered nt Himmorinan's boarding house , nt Pappillion , nnd among oth ers was Alfred Anicnmn , of this city , nitont of the Western liorso and. cattle insurance company. While Mr. Ar- ncman was quietly talking with some of his countrymen , a crowd of railroad laborers employed in the preliminary work on the Missouri Pacific line in Sarpy county entered the room. One of those , an Irishman , named John O'Loary , who was considerably intoxi cated , came up to Mr. Arnoman and inquired of him whether ho could get insurance for him. Arncman answered "yes , certainly , " and handed him a blank to fill out. O'Lcary took the blank , and tearing it to pieces , throw the fragment ! ! on the table. Mr. Arnoman said , "I can do nothing with that ] now. " Upon this , O'Loary , with out hny further ceremony , it is said , picked up n chair and struck Arne man a heavy blow upon the head , felling him to the floor , And cutting a gash three inches long on the top of his skull. In falling Ml Arnoman severely bruised his face. Ho was assisted to liia feet , though blooding very profusely. A doctor was sum moned at once and tlip scalp'was sown up. Great excitement followed the assault , and a general fight between the Germans nnd Irish Hoemod inuni nont. A warrant was at once sworn out before" Judge Gow , nnd O'Lcary was arrested and jailed , to answer to the charge of murderous assault. Ho wa admitted to bail to-day in the sum of $000 , and bound over to np- pear at the [ September term of court. O'Leary to-day denies all recollection of the matter , claim ing that ho wiw so thoroughly intorfi- catcd that ho did neb know what he was doing. lie pleaded very hard with Mr. Arncmann ( o withdraw his charge , but as the oll'onso is n state case , this could not bo done , and O'Leary ' will have to stand trial. Mr. Arnomann returned to the city at noon yesterday , and looks as if ho had been run through n thrashing ma chine. Ho is n very powerful man and his magnificent physique has doubtless saved his life. A frightful gash UDon his head bears evidence to his .rough treatment , nnd if O'Lcary doca forget the Occurrence , Mr. Arne mann is likely to remember it for some time to come. TJnforttmnto Youth. A'young man arrived in this city yes- totday in a deranged condition from low.i. IIo was accompanied by n friend who was taking care of , him. The young'fellow wasnbout eighteen yearn old and quite fine looking. JIo had been working on a farm some distance from Council Ulufl's nnd re ceived a sunstroke , which eocms to Imvo.pcrmanontly affected hia brain. Ho applied to Commissioner Drexel for assistance ) and was given n ticket to his homo , about eight miles from Lincoln , to which place he left yester day morning. DunRorously IlL Dr. Gilbert 0. Monoll wont to Do- noit about two weeks ago to bo treated for - an abccsn in hia side , Since ho reached there It appears he has boon growing worse and BCOIIIB unable to find relief. A nhort time ago his grandson , 0. M. Hitchcock , was telegraphed for , and now word has been received by his son , John J. Monoll , to proceed there as his fath er's condition is precarious. Michigan Soldiora In Nournskix- All men now residing in the state of Nebraska who served in n Michigan regiment during late war , and who have npt boon cm-oil od in the Ne braska association of Michigan ox- soldiers and sailors , are requested to send their names to the undersigned , who will transmit to thorn circulars , &c. State papers plcaso copy , WATHON B. SMITH , ' Scc'y Nob. Association. MrsPealiody'a Death- Mrs. K , E. Peabody , sister of the Into Senator Hitchcock , died Suuday at the residence of Col. Wilbur on Harnoy street. Mrs , Peabody had been ill about ton days , Thu lady wassovonty-foiir yearsold ! , and Jiad Hvcd for the past tun years in the family of Col. Wilbur. The funeral took place at 3 p. m , yesterday. Interment was had in Prospect Hill cemetery , The Water Inspector of the District Government , Mr. D. P , Itarton , re siding at the Washington House , Washington , D. 0. , was so crippled with rheumatism , so ho says , that ho could scarcely walk : the pains would sometimes attack him on the street , compelling him to stop still until they had loft. IIo tried St. Jacobs Oil and was soon perfectly cured and ablii ) to walk us long and as far as any man , Forty years' trial tiiproyvci "BLACK- DRAUGHT " the best liver medicine K.Til the world. 0 V , Ooodinan1 * . TUB Now City Directory soon to be issued will bo the most t thorough and complete of any , ry over issued for Omaha. People who have recently como to the city , or those who have recently changed their residence or boarding place , should send their now address at once to ildJ. M. Wolfe , 120 8. Fourteenth street , comer Douglas , so that their names will appear in tha no\y directory cor- OJct when issued , jy3W3w Now Bnaineu Building * . Houscll's now building on Fnrnlmm street is roofed , Workmen are putting on the roof of Hosier A Clark's now building , on Fourteenth street , between Douglas and Dodge. Masons nro now on the second story of MillarcVs block , on Hnrnoy ntreot. The foundations of Lytlo's nnd Crcighton's block , on Farnham street are nearly completed. The foundations of the Millard ho tel are nearly finished. Hum's building will bo ready for occupancy early nest month. A portion of ller's block will soon bo finished nnd ready for occupancy. The concrete footings of the Grand Central nro being laid. The workmen ere on the fourth story of Uoyd's opera houso. The lathers and plaatorora nro nt work on Strang's block. The machin ery for the hydraulic jiassongor olovn- tor has arrived and noon will be put in. Thin elevator will bo the first over used in Omaha for carrying pas- flciigorn , The building will be finished BOIIIC time next month. PERSONALS. I. II , Way left for the went yeiterday. T. S. McMurray left yottcidny for HantingH. W. H McCord returned yesterday from n three weeks trip In the west. lien , Itnyre , ono of JJurkalow liros. men , has gone on a vlnit to hn ! home in Maryland. Wm. C. Mitchell , one of the proprietors of Mitchell' * Pleasure 1'arty , IH registered at the Crcighton. T. L. KimbaU , assistant fjcneral manager gci of the U. P. , left yesterday afternoon for Kaunas City. W. 0. Kurd man returned yesterday aftornojn from a trip In the northwestern part of the state. paiJ J. Jil. Morae , general ticket and pas senger agent of the U. P. , left for Kansas City y ierday. Tr. Hyde 1ms gone to Jamestown , N. Y. When ho returns Mrs. Dr. Jlydo'will accompany him. Ifon. George II. Jewttt , of Sidney , ar rived | in town yesterday afternoon and U stopping at the Witcnoll , toI Maj. Kustnvo Stcphennon left yesterday afternoon for a trip to Washington. During hill hi absence the major will do all the principal watciing. Major Stanton left yesterday for Wow York. After short a stay thcro he will go to West Point where he has boon assigned 13 lecturer to the polytechninal clas * . 0. I F , Ooodman left ycutcrday for Kansas City , to attend the annual conul vciuion ! tif tliu I'lmrmaceiitlcal association of America. From thcro lie will go with . Goodman and little girl , on the ex cursion to Santa Fc'Now Mexico. F , Mi Hublce , a merchant of Arapahoc , . , ia at the Withnell. Miss Gas3inn.il , of Sclmylcr , left yestcr- itay afternoon for the cast. D , 0. Lovclaml , of Columbiu , is in the city , otaying1 ut the Canncld. H. Can field nnd family , from West Point , ere staying nt the Canficld. George ] { . Mann , the architect of the Grand Central , is at the Witlmell. Hon. K : , 0. Carm , ex-lloutoiinnt-gov crnor , of Suwartl , is tit the Withnell. K. W. Wells , of Schnyler , pasicd through Oinnlm yesterday on liia w.iy east. MivjorJ.T. Cl.irkson , of Schiller , was in the city ycqtcrdav , on his way to Chi- ago. Ifon. John Sherman passed thrnngh the city ycHterday on IIH ! way from the Pacific coast to his homo in Ohio , E. 8. Wilkinson , the gentleman who in putting in nrtcHian wells along the line of the U. P. , IH at the Canfield. 11. W. Mustard , cif the tea liouso of MuV tard & Co. , Slmnglial , China , was in Omalir. yesterday , on Ilia way home via of San Francisco nnd Pokin. IIo bos been absent from China twelve months , traveling in Europe and America. Mr. Mustard 1ms been a resident of China for a period of seventeen yearn. Ho expect * to reach Shanghai in about twenty-six days. The population of that city , lie says , fs not far from 700,000. "Tho Itovoro House , Council Blull's is the best sccond-clu&s hotel in the west. " uugl7-lm Pretty ttootV ' Jio. | Dncnn , Laporto , Ind. , writes : \ our'SriUXollLOssoM1 In all you cracked it up to bo. My dyspepsia has all van- why don't you advertise Itj what allowance will you nmko if I take a dozen bottlun , so that I could oblige my friends occaKlouaUyJ" Price 60 cent ) , trial bot- tie * 10 cents , DIED. COU EY Yesterday , Hesperia , eight- year-old daughter of O. S , Corey. Funeral this afternoon at 3 o'clock , from the ic'sldencc , corner KIghtcenth and Cum * Ing strccU 1'rophets nro generally not honored at homo of which rule "Conrad's Uudweisnr" makes an ozcoption , Ask your grocer for U. nufco No liead-iiclio or Imrk-nche for ladies who drink "WINE OF OARDUI. " At T , 0. Uoodnnu'i. For nice fresh meat go to GUILD , Meat Market on Tenth street , near > ho U. P. depot. tf . . . . . . . Go to A. D. Moro's for boots nnd shoes , it you want to buy them nt bottom Prices , Fourteenth and Farn- 1mm , BLUE GRASS SEED Just received at Evans' scod store. re.L. THROUGH TRAIN TO ST , PAUL. On and after July llth , 1881 , lie Sioux OHy& Pacific train will leave , the U. P. traiufor nt 7:15 : p. m. , running through to St. Paul , via Sioux City route Parties wishin ? booth stands dur ing State' ' Fair , address E. P , Davis , Omaha , Neb. jy28-sop2 COUNCIL BLUFFS , Nowa Notes From Over the Uiyor. Events of Interest to People Gen- TIIK nr.um is nitinr. The residence of W. W. Wallace will add more to the improvement of Council Bluffs , on account of its be ing on the blufl's than half , a I dozen houses built on thu low lands. The next term of the high school will bo hold in the now Bloomer build ing , on Willow avenue. The board have decided that the old building is too high for high school. What will be done with it ? Perhaps Hon. James F. Wilson will suggest some use it can bo put to. Wo ought to have some kind of an institution of learning hero higher than n high school , and this would bo a splendid location. Hon. Jamso F. Wilson seems to bo in great demand this year of 1881. He spoke at Logan the other day ; is to be here at the dedication of the new Bloomer school building the 2Gth inst. , and is booked for Hamburg September 21. L. F. Murphy , bookkeeper at Ofli- cor . & Puscy'fl bank , delivers the ad dress of welcome ut the dedication of the new Bloomer school building. E. E. Aylcsworth also speaks. The Milwaukee it St. Paul road are making Iowa soil fly in the vicinity of Mr. Parks' mill , at Parksvillo. The engineer says ho thinks the first train will whistle down brakes at their de pot in Council BlnfTa about January 1 , 1881. Sudgo W. 0. James has not left the city , yet. Ho says that his partner , Aylesworth , 1ms seen ao much during his eastern trip it will do for the firm. There is nioro pleasure now for him in remaining in Council Bluffa and watching buildings go up. The law allows the killing of prairie chickens for n season. Sportsmen should not bo too hard on the birds. At the rate they are being slaughtered the children will not oven know what a prairie chicken resembles. The general assembly should enact a law prohibiting killing these birds n to gether for ten years. An accident occurred yesterday near the Union Pacific bridge. The vic tim was ; i very fine milch cow , owner unknown. The cow was found mired about a halfa , mile below the east end of the bridge. She was completely unable to moyo , and her hindquarters were badly catoh by wolves. The cow was ; alive yesterday. The animal was white ! and red , with flowing horns. Any one missing u cow o ( this de scription will learn of her fate by call ing on J. II. Marr , who lives about a quarter of a milo east of the river , near Murr's lake. That scdato justice/ court that trav els around over Pottawattainio county ' a week or so prior to elections and goes by the name of John W. Bairdi has committed so many sins lately , politically ; that the Lord has con verted him into a small , revised edi tion of Job. James Hopkins , of Missouri Valley , came down yesterday in company with Ed March and Frank Dodson to take a look ut the leading driving park in the country. Threo'young men irom Omaha cre ated quite : i disturbance yesterday near ( the Wnbash depot. It scorn's they t , hnd purchased abater melon for twelyocents.andasonoof them weighed considerably more than the other two it was a'grood that he ought to pay onn-third nioro than they as his share. This so mixed them up that the three became ' excited and n general fracas w' was the result. There were no ar rests made. N. J. Burke , of Omaha , was in the city yesterdaj' , a guest at the Ogdon. Tin : B&K is certainly neb doing Council JJlufls any harm. A trcutld- man who has boon living in Omaha , and has been n constant reader of Tun BKK , says ho wants to live in a wide- awake city , so ho cnmo over last week and purchased a residence up in Glondalc. There was a largo demand for now potatoes yesterday. First hands were paying as high as $1,40 per bushel. Sweet potatoes are cheaper , about 3 cents per pound. Eggs still keep at 10 cents , nnd butter remains at 15 cents. Tomatoes are 60 cents ; grapes , 4 _ cents ; wood , $5 to § ( i ; hay , $5 ; corn , 55 cents. The farmers any the com is not as good as it appears. On examination , it ia found that only about two-thirds of most of the oars are filled out. Of course they will derive just na much money from what they have , as the price will bo higher. The cnso of the state of Iowa vs. Robert Johnson was called up in E , J. Abbott's court yesterday. Johnson - son pleaded cuilty to the charge of cheating and defrauding the pro prietor of Lower's hotel out of some tine-cut meal nnd potatoes , The court sent him up for fifteen days to board out the same amount with Perry Reel at the county's expense. The CC.BO of the state of Iowa vs. Charles Groves , pending for some time before Justice Abbott , is brought on for hearing before is honor yesterday afternoon. is cuso grew out of n disturbance at a German picnic put in Lewis township. On that occasion Graves , having no doubt imbibed too freely of some thing a little more nourishing than f | ! ice water , it is claimed assaulted Adam Miller , who was attending the picnic. Miller was pretty well pound ed up and swears that Graves did it with his little fist. Graves denied this and says if Miller got bruised it was done by some ono else. The tes timony developed the tact that who ever did the striping was moan enough to wear false knuckles. The court reserved its decision until to- W. S. Rico , captain of Council . ( Bluffs independent battery , has received - coivod orders from Bhonnuidoan to make propiratiyus to fire 200 rounds I during the grand reunion , which takes place there commencing August 2 ! ) and ending August 01. Capt. Ilice has ordered Lieut , E. J. Abbott Hint this request is fully com plied with and have everything in readiness. : The I sidewalk in front of the now Brown block , on Main street , was loft in a very dangerous condition last Sat urday. There was nothing put up there to prevent an nccident by n per son falling otr the sidewalk into the cellar. The new comet designated " 0" has been plainly visible since last Satur day evening a little west of north. Itov. J G. Lcmen don't give his congregation any time to discuss mat ters with the evil one. Ho keeps right on through the heated * term. Last Sabbath ho preached both morn- inur and evening. In the evening his discourse was especially interesting. Subject : "For God so loved the world that Ho gave His only begotten Son that whosoever belie veth in'IIimlmisjht not perish but have everlasting lifoV A team consisting of two horses at tached to a single bugsjy ran nway on Main street ycstordny. They were finally checked with but slight damage - ago to the vehicle. J. W. Kern , of North Bend , Ne braska , was in the city yesterday on business. Siuco the Slocumb law wont into ell'ect across the river , our "liquid shops" arp well patronized on Sun days by citizens of that placo. Miss Emma Lnporto nnd her sister , Miss S. Laporto , wcro nt Jho Pacific yesterday. An emigrant family passed through Council Blull's yesterday. There wcro eight children , all told , nnd each one bora in a different state. The case of Stcolc vs. Graves was decided in Judge Abbott's court. Graves proved an alibi. A young man named Pool came into court and stat ed that he could keep quiet no longer and sco another man suffer in his stead. Ho was the individual that did the poundiiiK. L. Bothers had sworn positively that ho saw Graves do the striking and then stop back and slip a pair of knuckles off his fingers. A man named Miller , after the case had closed , accused Bothers of being n little off in his testimony. A. S. Dunham ct Co. shipped a largo quantity of fresh picked apples yesterday. C. E. Stone says that wherever ho has been the corn crop is looking nicely on the outside , anyway. Gco. Williams , the happy darkey , who has a Mexican woman tor a wife , and gave thu police forca such a chase , pot sober enough yesterday morning to understand what the court hnd in stoio for him and received his dose of $0.85 , including costs , which ho set tled by an order on John T. Baldwin without oven turning pale. The case ot the two colored men who did the fighting for the crowd in the rear of the Pacific was called in Burko's court yesterday. Miles Gray walked uplikoa "colored man , " leaded guilty and laid down 88.85 , which in cluded costs. His antagonist got off with a very'light fine. Five or six drunks wcro also dis posed of. Anil then a little "alley" girl named JennieClark. . She got a little "high" Sunday , and driving ono of Paul Bouquott's rips , she wanted 'to be way ahead of anything else 6n the mad ; so she let him loose nnd ho went up Broadway lus if he had been shot from a cannon. When ono of thu wheels struck an other team Jennie really thought that the whole rig started that way. By the time she settled the damages she had come to the conclusion before she started out nest Sunday she would decide not to bu such a high flyer. There should bo some action taken by the city counsel to prevent the depositing - positing of rubbish of all kinds in tha vicinity of the newly graded street" leading to the trotting park. Any person driving in that direction during the present heated term can regale l.is nose with about fifty varieties of odors , any one of which would bo sufficient to cause the abdominal cavity to per form all kinds , of gymnastics. This matter for the credit and wealth of the city should bo attended to at once. once.T. T. J. Evans wont out on the Wa- bosh fc St. Louis road yesterday on important business. Adam Foropaugh should add to his collection of storcopticon views "George Parks hunting a coon , " with Justice Baird peeping from behind the stile. Mrs. W. A. Mynster is lying quite sick at hordioino at Mynstcr Park. W , 0. Unthaak has not yet made his appearance on the streets , but wo understand that ho is beyond danger. Gentlemen of the city council : The good Lord gave each ono of j ou a soul ; don't bo afraid to acknowledge it before him , eyon if the mayor is present. Few citizen have an idea th'at the "BiKMuddy"aswotormthoMissouri , affords ono uf the finest beach drives to bo found anywhere , for miles south of the U. P. 'bridge. The beach is sandy and as level as n house floor. Although few people from Council Bluffs are seen there quite a number front Omaha visit it nearly every day. On the north end of the bench is a lake known as Marr's lake , which affords splendid bathing accom modations. The bottom is hard and sandy. One can wade ! out for some distance The water is of just thu right temperature. is lake is fed by numerous springs. The young men and some of the in como A over from Omaha to frequently j to Ret good bath and get the dust out of their ears. Mr. Marr says that next season ho shall erect bath houses and keep bathing suits for There came very near being quite i a serious accident out at Big Lake last evening. Wo are informed that _ a couple of 'greenhorns' ' who thought they knew more than "Skipper" Mack * took a boat and in stead 'ot Rottiug him to go with thorn started alone. They had not gone far before a gust of wind took the sail and gave the boat a quick turn. In stead of letting the sail go , they kept it taut to the windward. This veered the boat and she skipped considerable > water and came very near giving the occupants ( a wet berth. Mrs. Hoover.'wifoof H. H. Hoover , and daughter of Mrs. Noble , died yes- tcrday morninir.at . 2 o'clock She will ho buried at 10 o'clock this morning from her residence on North Main streets. THE COMMISSIONERS. What Wns Dofce at Their Last Mooting. At the last mooting the county com- missioncrs directed the county clerk to advertise until 27th inst. for pro- posals to furnish all hard and soft CO required by the county for the CO year : The following accounts wcro ordered toCr be paid from the road fund. Peter Coasidy , $1C ; Jacob Waqner , $19.50 for ; work on road : Win. 0. Ilaiioy , grading 148.58j E. Thomas , same , 812 ; 0. A. Jensen , grading block 14f , § 200Michael ; Duffy ; grading Fifteenth street road , 853.20 ; Win. Von _ Dohren . , repairing bridge at Millard - lard , SSr.Gij H. 0. Thomas , $55. J. A.W Howe , 813.33 , grading ; Jnmcs Walsh , woik on thu road , $42. From the general fund : S 0. Drain- erd , express , 81.50 ; Milton Rogers , stove grate , $3 50 ; U , & M. railroad , ticket for pauper , § 1.35 : Burr imple ment company , goods for poor farm , $11.13 ; H. H. Me- Ivoon , witness fee , $4 ; Geo. H. Guy. arrest of Frank Martin. § 20.55 Fred Drcxel cash , expended , § 3.10 ; J.G. 11. Porter , witness fees , $18 , John G. G.P. P. P.CO CO Wnkefield , balance as assessor , $36 ; Chicago Lumber company5 ! > . 91 ; Geo. Drexel , hauling lumber , $10 ; K. P. Knight , serf ice as commissoner , $50 ; F. W. Corliss , cash expended , § 1.50. Miss Ella Torranca solicits sowing by the day orweek. Call or nddrcss her , 4th street , cor. Worth , Council Bluffs. metf SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAN MONEY. M1 0 KY TO LOAN Call at Law Ollice of D. L. Thomas Room S. Crelcrhton Block. ( & { * A AAA To loan at from 8 to 10 per cent. H > lM/.wlMI on ( joe < t real estate-security , liy UK , ISAAC EDWAKD4 , HOO Farnham fct. TO WAN At 8 per con t In- tru t In luiiw of ? -,500 and upward * , for 3 to years , on Iln > t-ula99 citv and ( arm property. Ueitis Hot , KHTATK and' LOAN AOK\CY , ISth and Douglas HU. HELP WANTED. KD flood blacksmith for cno oftlie VV best tomis In the country , steady work. Apply to Dolan k Lanjjn orthy , 14th Ht , 740 27 iO First-cla1 * ? muhlncry and home . work moIJcrc. AcMrtsi Seaton i Lea , ncoln Iron Works. 764-27 WASTED Ininiudlatcly , first-class eamavB Ing aftcnts. Call at the otticc of Oroff S ; llontjfoiiicry , over Omiha Natlnnal bank. 752-23 WANTED Good tecond girl , nt 1S18 Chicago fi. Good wages paid. 7bl-tf W 1 ANTED Agiol H > P.O and w.ip > t f r df- liter/mtpose ) 14131) d.ostntl. 765-22 WANTED A liar tar at Coula Falsts , Dodc street , next tD VostotHco. V6C-t WANl'K To rent , by a permanent tenant , . . ajfooi ouse , centrally located. Address A. U. Head , care ot Stcc'.c , Johnson & Co. WANTKO A few day boarders , nt 1700 Hurt ktrcet , 737-22 WAN Ma-hlne hand to tale wcrk home , at Omaha fchirt Factory. 731-23 TED A situation by a jounf ; man In a . . grocery store , on or about .September Is ; . Has some experience. Address "M. a. " Fruehauf - hauf s book ttore , Farnham St. , city. 741-23 " \XrANTED Vnrhlno hands , at the Omaha YY Shlit Factory. 72922 "VXTAVfED A girl for general home work , , at \ ) IMOlIarnevst. 7SO tl WANIUD-Sltuatlon In clothing ir jrroccry house by a man of cxpcritncc. Adiliesa L. IV , , fliaolHvc. 727-22 WANTED Dining roim plrl , at Kclnckc'a J restaurant , IMlinnJ JucKson bU. 7:11-25 : WAN'IKD ItaUcr immediately , can bake good ' hruadnnd pct ! > ; lair ua C9. Address M. J. it , Shcnandoiih , Io a , 715-24 - "V ANll'.Il iwslllnn by a man lu-uistomcd W . . to the hotel and ( 'rocery bubine& . ( Jocxl rufcrfiiccu. Address C. 1) ) . , Ike oHice. 710 21 WANTKIi A competent cook for private ' family. Knqiilre nt residence , souih 10th street. Mrs. 11. Kountze. 721 ? 3 WANTFD Another olllco boy at It. 0. Dunn & Co. , 215 South 14th Kt. 703-tf WASTKD TO Tit ADE Almost new top side bar buTtfy for a phaeton. Enquire at lice Olliec. 097-tf WANTED A competent workman , ono that understands all kinds of work , auch a me can find steady work and peed \iaj'ci. ] iy rit- InjfiT calling on W , I' . Clark , at Maplcton , la. No drunkard need apply. Ua2-2U WANT \ Cllrl for ircnoial housework In Hill lall family at fOO ll'h 3t. Sf 2 tf FOR RENT HOUSES AND LAND. F 10H IIKNT Nlnccly furnished ( rout room Handy to U. V , depot , 1115 10th St. 740-24 17011 IlENT Mccly furnished rocms. at ( XU X1 17thttreet. 749-tf WASTKD A pool table to rentnitli ; prlvl- leye of liurcliibliiff. Btate price. Address OKU. INJIAK , 431-tf Vail , Crawford Co. , Iowa. T KM18' IIKAI.fSTAT ISOOM. Soc Ut page. IANTKU Piindlni. brld P and < ihool bonds WANTBU Clark , Belle * ue. 28-tf AI.t , AT UHM. B. E. OIiAKKE'S No. 1 Hoard CAM Home , cor. ISth and Dodge titi. Ueat In the cltv. flio-tf ItKKT-Doslrablo ( uriil.liej room , at 1700 FOR Hurt trc > ct. 73U-22 ' FurnWicd room , 8. W. Cor , 19th and Davenport btx. 742i HENT FuniWicil room with board , ea t Foil IdeCOth , bttnecn Chicago and Caw ktn. KKKT A foo.1 ktab'e , ono blocK fromthe FOR U.I' , depot. Imiulro of M.Tue , Withnell llourie. 745-tt EOR HGNT KIcK iiturnbliocl rooms. Iteisou able prlcca , brick house , tttlSCiuM St. U2l : tt FOlt KENT purnUhedorunfuriilshtxl roomx , Datcnportntrcet , south uklu , tlilnl haute \\vitoflCthbtrect. 117-23 TTlOIl HUNT House of fe cn rooms , kitchen , J } cellar , cistern , well and barn , on South At - line , next to Wool worth' * residence * Knuulroat 14th and Kamhauifits , J. JOHNSON , U02-tf I7\OU \ HKKT Larve bani. Inquire at 1818 Chi. JJ caxo St. U74 tf tEUIS bairattllnK long 1UU of tiouocj , loti landi Mid farms for Ue. Call and get [ them. T710U KENT A nicely furnUhed front room for aJ one or two gentleuicn , at U10 Howard trect. 33 tf ITlOK JII AI x rurnuneu rooiui o\er wea. 4.chxnt * ' xvUiife , K. K. ccr , IBtli and Dodge > ktructa. FOR 8ALE. " 1710H SALK A lot of hf arjlnzhoute furoltnro JJ > t mrtbwcit cornc-r llth aid Jk on gj SOIAL NOTIOES-Ooutmuod . - . Tfi Dv Trare ctmnco toTiimn Into well twtablMi.tl cash trade. Will ttmy \ \ Rener l , tb . Ic of mmhandlte. lttmt l In one of the bc t Milppln * l > olnU on It. & H. 1C. I' . For f nrtlitr jiirtiCTilarscallornddreijJ , Ik Mninjor.HfiVcrly , Neb. 7402 * SAI.K l/fiicand fnrnittiroof a flrst-cU * J- Foil In a tennof 1300 Inhabitant * , In nuly of Ncbruka ; linn 24 bcdi ! the trat cling men's rf sort. Inquire nHlKBomce. 818 l.tut ! SAI.K MKIKI ol KoiitclitK Aim nnriiy coun * L' ' tics. A. r.OSEWATKII,1620F rnh m > trr l nzo-tf IT1OU SAI.At n Urk'Aln , a full lot and two JF dome * , on Sutli ntntt , firth houvo nortli of ShcraanSt. 1'rlcc. WOU. THOMAS (1AIIAN. 720-22 1IK.S lArse tioirclim ; haute , on north- FOK Jj we t comer of Hth and .lartson St. James U. Chapman , 1307 Capitol Avcnui- . lOII UK.VT A two-story homo of 7 rooms with ftnblc , onMiornmti Axe. Appl ) at Aletrni'g feed ( tore , 207 H. 12tll 8U 728-tt "ipoit SALE A f rm of eighty acruH , In o I J ] rrpalr , ( li > l home , 22x30 nnn ell 14x10 , niMI otchanl of lie rlnt ( tree * . Otio milo iKinth of Ormwn ( lly , Innn. on S. 0. k V. II. It. Will R\O | tlinuon mrt If wl hcd. AiKlrcf.i f. M. fcarn , Onmha , Neb. nlRJtf.i21 4t 171011 SALE A new nil Iralhcr lop clde-bnr ; Phaeton with Kjirlni ; vushlonnnd back , nt W. I : . Crattoti'a rani Rf top inaimfnctorj 314 , R. 16th tt. bet. Farnhiun nnd Hartley. ,07-W SAI.K-Kcat houco nnd full lot , 12 blocks from I' . O. at WO. Jens L. SlcOAotm. 71'J.tf Opp. 1'ostoUicc. 1,1011 SAI.n-Kour S Ii ; 1' . cninnci. two IB II' ' I1 I' . ciiRlne * , ono 18 II. P. mtlittl Irallor , ono Bit. I' . , onelu It I1 , nnd I U > II. I' , liorlzontul boiler , nil new. By Oimlm Foundrj' and Mn , chlnu Company , Omaha , Neb. tnu 17C-a'23 " 1,1011 HA1.K Horse , ini t'y nnd harnc , nho J ; one dimji c-irt. Kmpjlre I' . Jlannlnjr , 131U ami Howard st. ( UI-U ' 1701C H.U.E Hno utock farm of 4fO 1 } good liouec , cnttlo hcd , orchard &c. , wltlv In caKy nsich ol railroad. Price , iJISOO , tear time nt 0 > . JU1IN L. ikCAGUK , Opp. Test Olllio. 68l-tt F I OH HALF1. Neat rottatru and ( rood lot at 61UO. JOHN L. McCAdUi ; , Opp. P. O. 037-tf 170K AU : ON KASy TERMS.-Oood Hotel I.1 In D Tld City. Neb. , well located near A. & N , divot , plenty of room , good accommodations , four lots , and good barn. Can be had at a bar' train. For particular * . Inquire of or adduiwO. If. Ford , l' Tld City , ZsobnwVa. Aug. 11 , Dallv3tcod.w2t. FOU SAI.K On rcaaonablo terms. A buslncst that U juxj-lnjf ? 400 n month , tiuarantccs gl\cn as to title of nroperty and lease of premise * . t nqulre at ofllcc of Sam J. Howell. 217 b. 14n St. , Omaha. 612-tl EOll SAI.B Hone , buggy and harness , Can be seen at 3tc\ensou'3 Capitol Avenue bam I'rlce , 82M > . E. C. hM.IS. CGO-tf OR PAI.K-A tlnt-clatu milk dairy. Inquire at IhUolIlce. 617-aiif ; 27 HOUSK3 AND LAND lierols rents houses , utorcd , hotel * , farms , loU , lands , olticu/ rooinc , etc , See 1st page , TOOK 8AT.E flood house with four room * and 1 ? half lot , No. 2013 Uodco between 2lth ! and 27tli street , flood Mull and sli.ido lives ; house In good condition. Inquire on premise * . ' ? 21-tl U 'HimEU.AS AncJ 1'anuoiB repu red tojl II. SCIIUTT llth and F.m.am . nts. 780tf > UIUK K SAI.K. ) 203-tf ESTABHOOK i COE. EOR SA'.E A small engine. D. W. Payne * Son's make. In perfect oajcr. Inquire of 11. U.lCUrk & Co. 80-tf MISCELLANEOUS. STItAYED Vroni my place , on Itth and Jack- Son streets , on August Oth , one redan \slitc I ! heifer , 2 j Kara old 747-27 , STUAYF.D " A larn'o red cow with leather strap aronundtho horns , Finder wlll'be llbcwlly rewarded by returning her to C. Jlathewnon , cor. 22t and I'ierce Sts. 74S-22 J"T "TT/ " " . ! ? IE Manufactory of l pcr _ . JU. 1 T boxes , 1403 Farnham street , Omaha , Nib. af STRAYKO A red and hltu heifer with weak eyes , hat runaway Thursday from Itosmiis- . sen , : . ' 4S Jdhnson Street. mo IET One roam lth board , U03 California I street. TItAYEP from Jonm St. , between 7th and § Stli , this morning ( Aui ; . 10th ) one pair home * , ck and h'ray , latter had bland " 11.1. L. " on left hip. \\ill ray rconoiulily far their return. ClUSTTIIOMl'SO'N. 722-a CAM. on or address I'ottcr * Palmer , 40 South 6th btri'et , Council filnlTs , louu , for rail road tickets east , west , north nnd south. ( Ircatly rcdnccKl ratm on all tic'cU. Every tlclet Ruar- antt'td , and tickets bought , sold ninl cxclian d au l 7-lin FOUTUNR TEI.LUIl AND MEDIUM Mr . X Kllza tcla ! past present , and future In lovu and all alTalrs. She reveals the deepest tc'Cretajf tin heart. Hlic ivoses thu magnetic ) ioner to fnl mi nil your wishes. Call nt No. 1010 Chlrago. street , near 10th. a g li-tf ( JOST lletnecn Occidental Hotel nnd J tor's , n pair of | ; ol 1 spectacles. The finder will ho rewarded by lca\Ing them at Octlilenta Hotel. 012-tf T OST Sunday afternoon on Howard St. , JJ child's xold ; bracelet , marked "Ethet. " Find- cr will please leave at llee Office. 673-tf TEMIS' NEW CITY MAt'd.iJo , Soolit V TIAVED-Froin ! 211S Hnniey street July 28 kj one largehrlndlf cow , Oycara old , branded on hip with letter " 0. " Han come white tpota on her. Any ono L-hiiiR Information wlicruehcis r return her will be Bidtablr rewarded. M8tt A. Jl. CLAHK. AM ONE hat-in ? work fora typa writer * can be accommodated by tclephoninath ; UK olll ao. BEill HEAL ESTATE EXCII ANO E.-S 1- t IKiIITKlNO-J. J , ilcLatn h still In tno J Uirhtnini ; Hod IUI-IIICBH , wliok.-tilu and re tail. itodx put up or repaired on uliort iiutleu. Ordcraby null orotberwUe will reecho prompt attention. Satisfaction yuarantiicd Call or ad- rciM 1011 Samidcm ttrcut. 4114a2i rrifllltEK or four young men can be accommoda- J _ ted lth board. Kefcrenceiiexeliaimod. Ap ply 2011 Cass itreet , < th door wobt of 20th bt. , or address Box S37 > jwetolllcx ) . 313" ! HJI. nnoWN-Cornei 12th and Chie KO . btrecU , la ready to bore or deepen u ells. Satitfac'tlon Kuarantced. fc03tf DONT FOliqET-The sueccssors 01 the Amcr- . ' - fi ; ' Iran House , on Douglas street , lictuccn Otb * * Tj and 10th , for board , lodging and transient cut tomcra. lleupcctfull Si UMUfi & I.OUISK R.PR. POWDER Absolutely Pure. uxiiriou , jxmry. Qu * enby vritlout c'b ' fear of jhellU taultliuf from hci Dptp , yl Sold taW ID caw. by all Or6c n CO