Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1881, Page 2, Image 2

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A Feud Between Two Promineni
'Families .at Huntsville ,
- Tonn , , Oanses a Terrible -
t riblo . Riot ,
- m.
Stockley Huucc nt Batavin , N ,
Y , , Yesterday for the Murder -
' der of His Employer.
Terrible Sufforinff at Sea of the
Captain of the American
Bark * Aberdeen.
Terrific Explosion of a Tug or
the Chicago Eiver Two
Lives Lost.
Miscellaneous Collodion of Crlmoi
niul Cnsnnltloi anil Other
Torrillo Boiler Expostoii.
National Associated l'rcs .
OHIOAOO , August 120. The tug A ,
II. Ward , lying nfc tlio Wells street
bridge , exploded nt ( } o'clock thit
morning. She was completely ( shiv
ered to atoms , every piece of limbci
buiiiK torn asunder and scattered ovci
the river. The captain was throwi :
on to the deck of u schooner lying at
the dock near tlio tug , and seriously
injured. Tlio engineer , fireman and
assistant fireman y ro instnntlj
killed. The bodies \voro thrown intt
\l \ i the river nnd sunk. Tlio oxplosioi
i' was caused by pumping cold watci
\ ' ' i into a hot boiler invlnch the wntei
liad previously been nlliuvcd to rui
A reliable account of the oxplosioi
of the tug A. B. Ward has boon gath
orcd from tlio cnptain of a tug 200 fee
distant at the time. . Ho says fivi
men were on the Ward , Capt. Fr.uil
llutler , Engineer 0. 0. Wilson , Fire
man Alike McDonald , Deckhand Win
McDonal nnd Fred Wanager the cook
The Ward was towing the barge Cl
AVilliams wlien the explosion occurred
Tlio noise was turillic. Notliing couli
be soon for a moment but sinoko nm
debris , Cant. Butler \vna thrown abon
HO feet and landed on a barge ahoai
of his tug. His skull is fractured ani
h is otherwise Boriousty injured
Engineer Wilson and Deckhand Me
Donald were not seen after the ox
plosion. It h supposed that they wor
instantly killed. The former has
wife and two children living hero ; th
latter n wife and child in Homo castor
city. Fireman McDonald and Wanr
gcr , the cook , were found in th
water , clinging to some pieces of him
her , and rescued badly bruised , an
Wanatjor is not expected to live , be
ing injured internally. When the cs
plosion took place the Ward was nut'
way between the Olark and Wol !
street bridges. The boiler was throw
-.about 100 foot back toward Olar
struct. The tug.HUiik troini ; dow
stern first. The river is being draj
ed for the bodies of Wilson an
A Captain's Terrible Suffering.
National Ansoclated 1'roas.
COLUMBUS , Oa. , August 1 ! ) . Into !
ligcncp from Key West says that th
American bark Aberdeen , Cork , matter
tor , laden with mahogany , was brougli
in by the schooner Madgio. Who
thcro beingbut ono man on dock and HI
was drifting at the mercy of the windi
She loaded at Santa Cm/ , Cuba , an
two days after sailing struck an in
known rock , where she remained tw
dnj-fl , subsequently experienced heav
weather and was wrecked both foi
and main masts. The crow snccuml
cd to malarial favor , which they coi
traded at Santa Cruz , and ono by 01
fell sick. Tlio master , on whom 0'
orything devolved , fought against tl
disease until the vessel was tunic
over to the salvers , when ho foil o :
hausted. Ho stood at the wheel tbn
days until his feet burst , there not b
ing n man on board able to relioi
A Terrible Fond-
National Atsoclatcd I'rosi.
MouitisTOWN , Tonn. , August 10.-
Durmg the smiim of the cirou
court at Ilnntavillo , Scott county ,
fearful riot tool : place which orignm
od in an old fond between prominoi
families. Two bundled me
were in the crowd and at lew
twenty men were lighting at nno tini
with pistols , knives and rocks. Tli
shoriu fiuinmoncd a posse and a
tempted to quell the fight but withoi
success. In the midst of the molt
the wife ot Ashbury Burg , who wt
one of the participants , rushed in t
persuade her husband to desist , whc
a rock struck Jicr in the back wit
such violence that it will c.uiso hi
death. The riot was only ended I
those taking part wearing thomsolvi
out. No ono waa killed outright bi
many were terribly injured.
Stocliloy Strung.
liatlorml AtsoclatoU 1'ruM.
BATAVU. N. Y , August 11) . Cha
Stockloy , the assassin of John Walke
a farmer , his employer , passed li
labt ni''ht on earth quietly. Ho a
ice cream and cake with his broth
John , at 40 p. in , Afterward hosle
from 11 o'clock 'until 0 o'clock tli
morning , when he arose nnd atu
hearty breakfast of beefsteak at
potatoes. Ho woe led to the jail va
at 10:58. : Hov. Mr. Everest oflbn
prayct and BlierilF Grillln asked tl
condemned man if ho hud anything
say , He murmured "No , sir.Tl
noose and cap were then adjusted ai
at 11:02 : the drop was pulled Stoo
ley ( shivered convulsively a monio
and his hands dropped to his aid
At 11:10 , Dr. Cole pronounced li
extinct and the body was lowered
11:12. A largo crowd surrounded t
American Scientist * ,
Natloiul AuocUUxl 1'ruu ,
I , AutjustlO , Tlio Aim
ican association for the advancoine
of sciencp appointed a committee
confer with the committee from t !
American philogical association in n
erence to the sending of a request
the dideront college * of the count
that they refrain from conferring tl
degree of doctor , of philosophy as i
honorary degree nnd that B ch degree
bo confeircdionly'after examination ,
The Bocicty then separated into diller
cut sections and the remainder of tin
day \\as occupied in hearing papers.
'hero are now 5,000 names on tlic
twister. About Iwonly-llvo no\\ \
lemboin woio elected. < >
: I0 ! a. m. The president lias parsed
qniot night and thin morning hit
oiulition does not dilFer mateiiall }
rom what it was yesterday nt tht
.11110 timu. The swelling of the ja-
otod gland in unchanged , and is fret
f pain. This morning the pulse it
8 , temper.xturo 08.4 , respiration 18
( Signed ] D. W. BUSH ,
J. K. ItAllNES ,
J. J. WoonvvAiii ) ,
Hour. ] liviifu.v : ,
WAH'IIIXOTOK , August 20. 10:30 : a ,
n. Tlio president has taken more
uurinhmont since the morning bnllo *
In wan issued , nnd the favorable Con
ition then existing still continues.
WASIIISOTOX , Aug. 20 , 10:40a.m. :
) r. Bliss just told the aucnt of tin
National Associated Press that tin
ircsident wns belter. The doctoi
aid that the president had boon Bleep
ng soundly nnd quintly an n chihl
) ruathing easily , with cool , moist
< in ; pulso. ! ) t nnd respiration 10 ,
Aug. 20. The presi
out slept well during the night , fron
11 hour to an hour and n naif at i
mo , nlul Ds. JJliss'nnd lloyburn saj
ic last twelve hours have showli iiu
irovonicitt. About 1 o'clock , duiin < .
aking , nit onomnta was administcret
ml nn hour later the president tool
wo ounces of milk gruel. After thai
10 rested quietly until the docton
August 20 11:45 : n. in. The prosi
.out has passed n good morning thin
ar. The noon examination is now ii
irogroes. When Gen. Swaim relievet
klrs. Dr. Edson at the bedside at
i. m. the president was sleeping well
'rivato Secretary Brown came dowi
t ( ! a. m. nnd there had been nothiiij
of n disturbing nature reported.
2'JO. : The president continues to di
veil. Ho is taking liquid food by th
noutli in an increased quantity nm
vitli relish. The nutritive cnomata ar
till successfully given but nt longei
ntervnls. His pulse is now 10" , torn
lumturo ! )8. ) 4 , respiration 18. A
ho morning dressing the wouni
vas looking well nnd the pus dys
charged was of a ho.xlthy character
Vftcr the operation of August 8th
ho flexible tube used to wash out tin
vonnd each morning readily followoi
, he track of the ball for the depth o
J or1 inches. At the dressing however
over a small quantity of healthy pu
came , as was believed , from the par
) f the track beyond this point , eithe ;
spontaneously or after great pressure
sure from the interior surface of tin
right iliac region , but this deopo
> art of the track was not reached b ;
; ho tube until yesterday morning
when the separation of the smal
.lough jjjfriiiittcd it to pass unrc&isto <
: lownward and forward for a distanc
) f tivolvo and olio-half inches fron
the external surface of the face of tin
ncision. This facilitates jtho drainage
ago nnd cleansing of the deeper par
) f the wound , but has not been fol
owed by any increase in the quantit ;
of pus discharged. The largo pu
cavity which was formed in the innnu
diato vicinity of the broken ribs i
illing rapidly with healthy granu
ation , and the original wound of th
mtranco as far as that cavity hn
( Signed ) D. II. AGXMV ,
D. W. Buss ,
J. J. WoonwAUD ,
Illinois Militia Euonmpmont.
National Amoulatcd 1'ron.
Si'inxoFiELi > , 111. , August 20.-
Qov. Cullom has announced that i
consequence of insulHcient approprin
tioim for military purposes , tlici
would bo no general encampment {
the Illinois National Guard this yeni
Where citizens agree to furnish trans
portation and subsistence ho will 01
tier nn encampment. The secon
brigade will encamp on these terms i
Blooinington on September 2d to Oil
About Uavltt's Roarrcst.
S'Atloiial A MclatoJ 1'rcMi.
LONDON , August 20. In the houi
f commons , which sat to-day in vii
lut ion of the ordinary custom whic
makes Saturday a dies turn , 1'ainol
in pursuance of n notice whichho gin
yostordayj called attention to the n
irrest of Michael Davitt , which lie di
claros was not warranted by anythin
Davitt had said or done since his fo
mor release on n ticket of leave. S
William Arornon ' Harcourt , liomo soi
rotary , continued that Davitt , by h
acts and language , has rendered h
arrest a duty on the part of the goi
Drowned Found Hli Monoy.
National Auoclattd 1'ieiu.
Ciiit-Auo , August 10. A lugmn
whoso name is tiioii ht to bo Georj
Coney , jumncd or fell into the rivi
from n window overlooking the doc
this morning and was drowned.
A saloonkeeper named Bnltoli
last nipht claimed that his son hn
robbed him of about $2,000 in go ]
coin and Hod to Kansas City , th
morninu found the money in u was ]
tub , whore his wife had placed it fc
safe keeping ,
If you are sufloring from a sovoi
cough , cold , asthma , bronchitis , coi
Bumption , loss of voice , tickling i
the throat , or any nfl'oction of tl
throat or lungs , \vo know that D ;
immediate relief. Wo know of km
drods of cases it lias completely curoi
nnd that where all other medicln
had failed. No other remedy ci
bhow ono half as many pormanoi
cures. Now to give you satisfactoi
proof that Dr. KINO'U NEW Disco
JSKV will cure you of Asthma , Uro ;
chitis , Hay Fever , Consumption , S
vero Coughs nnd Colds , Hoarsenen
or any Throat or Lung Disease , if y <
will call nt J. K. ISH & MiMAiKtt
Drug Store you can get a trial bott
fioo of cost , or u regular ize bott
for $1.00. jaiil01y(2) ( )
The President's Temporatun
Not Beljw Normal ,
ATtfiat'iRlT Hl PulioiiToo High Fo'
Vihliij.'lon S | > tcl.i1 Clnclnnnll UomtncitlJl.
Dr. Hoynton said tcMiiight , ill repl ;
o n question ( xi to tjio exact eondltioi
of the l > .itciit ! : "lie has been iufprrtv
ng now for thirty-six hours ! Ho hn
iifproved over since tlioy atopnci
jiving him nowiiihinuiit by .tho ( idiii
iry methods ; his utomilclf 'lJCR.\u ' t <
tnprovo then , mid that is wliAl i
roublinjr him , you'lcnow. "
"What was the lending cause d
lisa serious gastric disturbance ? "
'Woll , ho always had n weak atom
cli. Ho had a long attack of dyscn
cry when ho wis in the army , ami hi
ma always been more or less subjuc
o these disturbances ever since. Tin
round has , you know , , drawn upor
us vital forces , and the mucous
icmbranes were dry , lacking in aa
ivtt and gastric juico. Much nor
OOB force and blood has been used ir
icalitii , ' the wound , HO that the foici
locdcd for the digestion of fond Imi
> eon greatly weakened. Then then
a another thing that has inlluencci
ho attack "
"What is that ? "
" 1 do not want to bo understood 111
riticising the treatment of the caw
n any way. Indeed I do not think ii
ould have boon moro wisely handled
nit the fuct is , the patient was over
cd. There watt n Inudablo desire 01
ho part of the physicians to build uj
he strength to meet the demands o :
uppurationnnd hoalinijof the wound
onsequently , the president was to <
cMoualy plied with rich food , and i
> rovcd moro than his stomach conic
) car.
car.Ho was naUBcatcd before Saturda ;
vith heavy foods , and on that day hi
vas given n dose of brandy that cappoi
, ho climax , and ho throw up every
lung and a severe fit of vomiting fol-
owed. Then there is no foundatioi
or the statement , by Dr. Hammond
of Now York , that the president ha
suffered from the lack of nutriciou
xi id nourishing food. Hammond ha
> eon malting an ass of himself. Doyoi
see any signs of blood poisoning
There is not the slightest appoaranci
of it. It would bo very queer if wi
lore had not a butter cognizance o
ho than a man hundreds o
niles away who had never seen th <
> ationt. "
"Ddes this rise in temperature ap
) ear any moro favorab'lo for the case/1
"Well , uot much. "
"Was not the fall of the tempera
, uro below normal an extremely bac
sign ? "
"His temperature has not been bo
ow the normal point. A norma
cmpcrature may range from 00 to 9 !
legrces. You see many perfect ! ;
lealthy people whoso tomporatur
icvor rises above 1)8 ) degrees' If tli
cmporaturo had fallen below 00 w
should have been most serious ! ;
nlarmcdonj that nccqunt .altjioug !
; hat is not always n sure indication
'or many persons may die of norvou
exhaustion , and the tomucraturo re
nain normal. The pulse has boo ;
ho main index in this case. "
"That has not ranged near tli
dcatli point , has it ) "
"Well , it lias gene extremely liigli
.t was fluctuating , wiry and weak
vnd several times jumped very high
[ t is altogether too high for'aafct
"Did you administer moro tlia
AVO teaspoonaful of nourislimont tc
day ? "
'No ' , tlio Blomach was too weak t
take moro , still wo are very well sal
[ ailed with what it did. We shall nc
administer any moro for a day or tw <
Wo want the stomach to regain il
strength and tone. "
"Will a moro rest do this when tli
stomach is so weak ? "
"Yes ; resting the stomach will ton
it up , and above all will remove tli
irritability. This high pulse h :
been due , not so much to debility i
to the irritation of the stomach. "
"You are still administering em
matu ? "
"Yes , wo administer that aboi
once every four hours during the dn
and Bcvcral times at night. Wo ai
giving beef tea , the yolk of an oc
and some stimulants about two ounci
or a tumblerful is administered eac
time. "
"I * food given by this method i
nourishing as by the stomach ? "
"Oil , yes ; but the intestines wi
not absorb as miicn aa the stomacl
Wo can keep a person up lor a tin
by tills moans , but it could not la
always. Ho would starve to deal
in time. Wo Iiopoto keep the pros
dent up by this means until li
stomach can recover from its irriti
tiou and some appetite returns. "
"Will food administered by eiion
orliovo hunger ? "
"It might. But if there is n bin
gor thcro is appetite ; there can bo n
appetite except upon a healthy ston
nob. If the stomacn was healthy thoi
would bo no necessity of onainata ,
"Hew is his wound' } " "In oxcolloi
shape ; could not bo bettor , It is di
charging but very little pus at tli
time , and lias very neaily healed I
the surface. If ho was recovers
from this stomach trouble lie won ]
bo better than over before. "
"How long will it take him to n
cover from this relapse/ / "
"Oh about ton days. His recover
will be very rapid when ho starts it
His wound is already ahead of h
condition , and as soon as ho can tal
nourislimont ho will make quite pri
gross. "
"Does the dressing of the woun
trouble Jiim ? "
"It makes him very weak and tin
him greatly Ho is lifted on the shot
and turned on his side and the woun
dressed , and ho is laid back again. "
"Is ho very weak ? "
"Yea ; although ho can raise h
hands and his feet ; his voice is o :
tremely weak , however , and that an
his pUleo are principal indexes of h
condition. Ho lias lost much flosl
Ho host lost about ten pounds in t !
n\ four days , I should say ho ho
in all about seventy pounds aim
his illness. Ho weighed about 2 (
pounds wlir u in health , you know. "
"Is ho troubled with bed sores i
"No ; lua body is of course tend
in places , but he is not bcd-soro bj
any moans. "
"Hag ho been troubled by bad nil
and malaria here ? "
"Well , there is enough of it around
and the sooner ho can bo moved fron
hero th6 better ; but , of comse , tha
is out of the question just now. "
"lias ho been conscious since thi
relapse ? "
"Yes , his mind hasbeen very tight
and ho lias fully realized that ho hai
been in a precarious condition , oxcop
when just waking up , when lie inai
have boon flighty. Ho has nlway
known what is goim'on. " "Docs In
nay anything1' "Ho talks very little
ho niiliply lies still without moving (
finger ) sleeping as much as possible
and trying t regain strength. " ' 'Hoy
hai Mrs. Garfield felt about thii
matter ? " "Slio has fully realized
izod the danger. Indeed , ]
told her fully what to ox
pcct when the first rclapso occurred
She has berne up well nnd has ponl
most of her time with the president
How is her health ? Very ( ; oed in
deed , nnd she is doing everything tc
kcop well. " "Js there any truth litho
the story telegraphed from Now Yorl
that Mrs , Garlield is in n delicate con
dition ? " "None whatever. I saw
that ntory , and it demands only un
qualified denial as false. "
"What is the prospect for the presi
dent ? "
"IIo is a desperately sick man , bui
ho is growing better each hour , am
wo have strong hopes now that ho wil
pull through. "
. . _ , No SaohVonl as Fail.
"I liavo used your HIMUNII lii.osso.M foi
iljsnopsift , headache and coimtlpatinn , nm
Iliiil it lias done ire n great deal > if Rood. ]
shall recoiniiicnil it to my friemls.
"JlOin liKllTOI.KTL'l ,
" .May 21th. ! > ( ! Main St. . 13ulTnlo. "
J'rico T > 0 cents trial bottle , 10 cents.
TRUE TO iffill TilUST.
Too much cannot bo said of tin
over faithful wife and mother , con
stantly watching and caring for he :
dear ones , never neglecting a singh
duty in their behalf.Vhcn they nn
assailed , by disease , and the systcn
should have a through cleansing , tin
stomach and bowels regulated , blooc
purified , malarial poison exterminated
she must know that Electric Bitten
are the only sure remedy. They an
the best and purest medicine in tin
world , and only cost fifty cents. Sole
by Tsh & .MoMahon. (2) ( )
Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago ,
Backache , Soreness of tha Chest
Gout/Quinsy , Sore Throat , Swell-
inqs and Sprains , Burns and
1 Scalds , General Bodily
Pains ,
Tooth , Ear and Headache , Frosta
Foot and Ears , and all other
Pains and Aches.
Ut , Preparation tin earth equals ST. JACOH 0
M a infr.tttre , etinpln and cheap Extern
nameily. A trial entails but the comparallrt
titling outlay of 60 Crnti , anil ererjr one siiOTt
Uf with p&ln can hiyo cheap and poiltlri ere
f Its claims. eft ,
Directions In Eleren languages < r
For terms Address Dr. Stover
f-'ai'kor , warden of Racine Collogi
Bacmo. Wis. jy 22d&w-lm
Oornell Oollege
Tlic Chssllcixl , riillo30ilcal ] . ) , Scientific ami Cl
IIKiiglnicrliiK Courtcs ccinjiaro lai orally 1
the licit col It ( ; < . In tlio cditniry.
SiieelalaUuntage-anroKlu'iiln the Prcparat
ry uiiil Normal lci ) < artmiiU , anil hi tlio C'onsci
alorjol iimlc.
Twenty Profeisori ftnd Toacner * .
SujKirlor Ilullillnga , Jlusomn , Laboratory ai
Expentei Low. Fall terra opcni Sept. 15.
For eutalo uMor othcrlnformatlon , address
" I'BM. WM. F. KIN6 , J > , M. ,
Ir It-d&a-am Mt. Venioii. Iowa.
Business College.
QEO. R. RATHBUN , Principal.
Oreighton Block ,
for Circular nor 20lix\
1880 , SHORJJ.INE. I88 (
St. Joe & Council Bluff
u tin OXLT
Direct Line to ST. LOUI !
Prom Omaha and the West.
No cJmngo ol can between Omalia &nd bt. ix > u !
and but cue betwccu OMAHA will
Daily PassengerTrain
Th ! entire line U equipped with Pullnur
PaUce Sltcpliig Can , Palace Day Coachci , Millci
Salcty 1'latlonu and Coupler , and the colobrati
Wcntlnghouw ) Alt-brake. ,
< 4TSc * that your ticket read * VIA nANSJ
road , > b6t. Jo i > h aud fat. LouU.
Ticket * lor tale at all coupon stations In t
Weet. J. F. BAUNAHD ,
A. a DAWES , G a. Supt , Stv Joseph. Mo ]
Gen. fau. and Ticket Ast. tit. JosriJi. Mo ,
AkDt BOROUC , Ticket Ajrcnt ,
1030 Farohom tre t.
Mr * . .1. O. llolicrtioli , PIlMjiinr , ! ' . , write' , "
wai siiirerlnir from sfcnernl ikliMIH , want of < ip
ictltc , cotistlntloii | , etc. , so that life wai n liur
Icn ; after liMiig llunlock nloml IllttcM 1 felt Ijct
cr than for j cars. 1 catmol jiralscoitr liittcr
00 ir.utli. "
H. ( ! I1)1 ) , of Buffalo. X. Y. writes : "Youi
lunlock lltooil Hitlers , ( n chronic ill > ensc < of tin
ilooit , ll\cr and klilnojs , liit\c been Blgnalh with sucicfs. Ilnic u e < l them IIIJFC-I
\ltli l)0 t results , for torplillU- tlio II * cr , ami Ir
ascof a friend of inluo tultcrlut' from ilropiy
he effect vasmnntloin.
llnico Turner , Jlochrstcr , X Y. , rites : 1 lutti
icon subject to serious ill'onlcr of the Mdncjn
ml unalilo to attend to liuolncsi ; llunlock Illooi
Utters relics ol mo before Inlf a bottle was nicJ ,
feel conlidcnt that they will tntlrcb' mro mo"
1 A'cnlth Hall , llliiBliarnpton , N. Y. wjltcs
'I miffcrcd lth ft iliill pain through rny lefl
unK and fhotildcr. Ix > st my pilrlt3 | , appetite and
olor , nnd could wlthdlffkuHy Keep up all day ,
jourlliinlotk Illood Hitlers R' UlreitcdanO |
mro tVlt 'no jwlii tlnco flnt week alter using
hem. "
Mr. Xoih R tc , Klmlra , N. Y. , writes : "About
our j cars a o I had an attack of hllllotu fc cr ,
ml tie * or fullv rewxcred. My illi tttto orBan
\cro weakened , and I would lie completely pro *
rated for daj s. Aftci iHlnir two bottle * of join
lunlock Illood Hitters tlic lmi > ro\umcnt .isfc
Ulblc that 1 uai nstonl-lied. I can nouthouxli
1 } cars of age , do a fair and reasonaUo ih\ ' <
ork. "
C. IlhcUct Itolilnion , proprietor of Tlio Canada
'resbj tcrian , Toronto , Out. , w rites : " 1'or j can
suffered trrcatly from oft-iLciirrlnjj headache. 1
iscdjourllurdock lilootl.Ilttteis uith Imppiol
csulH , and 1 now find injsilf In better licvkUl
han for } eats past. " iti"i I '
Jlrs. Wallace , nuffaIo , > r.'Y. , n rites : ' -Ilmvi
scd Ilurdock Illood lintel's for ncr\ous nud bll
ioui headaches , nnd can recommend It toanjoni
; a euro for bllllonsncsH. "
Mn. Ira Mullholland , Albany , N. Y , writes
Tor several j cno I hae suffered from ott-rceur
InjC billions htnubuhes , dyspepsia , and com
lUVnU peculiar to my BC.Since using jou
InrJocl ; Illood Bitters I am entirely rellc\cu. "
Price , 31.00 per Dottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Cts
FOSTER , MILBUEN. . & Co , .Props .
Sold \\holcsa1c by Ish & McMabon and C. F
Goodman. Jo 27 cod-mo ,
An ordinance for Ie\lnjr a pcchl tav for tin
radlni ; of L'assbtrcct from tlio center of 13tl
trcct cfet to 24th street ( Omaha fctrcct li
S e'csej ' 8 addition ) In the ilty of Omaha , In tin
county of Douglas nnd State of Xcbnukn.
I'e It ordained by the city council of the city o
Omahi :
SreTlO1 * I. That thu sexeralsums'sct opposlti
o the folloMlnv described premises' , lutsam
inttiiotlots and ] ilecc.i of ground licinK lots an
ilcces of ground adjacent to and nbuttlnK iipo :
Jass street In the city of Omaha , bo nnd thusam
3 I creby lc\Icd ai.d assessed as a "pccial tax an
r-hscssinciit upon taid lots and pieces of ground
ho bainu belli , ; for one hilt the cost and expense
of briiiKins tald Cast street In the city ol Omaha
rom the center of liltltsticct to t4th tticct t
; lie no ' e 'tnblls cd ( jradc , said cradlii ! ; bavin
jccn duly jicrlorn ed under contract made by tli
city of On , \\ithDu1f.vIlrothcrs . , contractor ;
anil said Improvement bcinrno\v' tnthely con
[ ilcted : (
That eaM loUnndpltxciof ground so boun
Ini ; and abutting upon * ald Ca s struct so
ol liuliitf llmi specially taxed am ) accused In pr
jKirtiou to the feet front of said loU nnd | > ln
of ground upon sultlOau street t > o crailtil , ni
the said ag rcgati ) sum of Sl.JU.VOi , being t
half of the expense anil i t of lirlntrintrnaluOa
street in the city of Omaha from 13th Urt-cti
2Uli street ( Omaha street In Swcescj'n tuldltloi
In the elt ) of Omaha , to the now
faKC. 2. Tlio said special ta\c * and
herein loMeil are hereby ma Jo pajaMo to tl
city treasurer of Oiiiahit , thirty ( SOiU.fro .
the datu and passage of thU ordinance.
Sue S. This ordinance shall Uku effect and I
In force from and alter Iti passage.
Attest : T1IOS. II , DAILEV ,
Prcs't City Council.
J. J. L. C. JEW KIT.
tit ) Clerk ,
Passed Auff.8th. 1831.
Ammnc-d Alif. 13th , 1SS1.
J. E.HOYI ) ,
The abe > o tax becomes delinquent on tlio 12t
day of September , 1S31 , after u hlch date ten jx
cent , peualt ) and interest at the rkto of one pi
ccut per moatli , pajaUo In advance , will I
added. 8. 0. UALLETTE ,
aulTJit _ Citv Treasurer.
A , f. NAiM , Dentist
Office Jacob * ' Block , co ner Capitol at cm
aod Fifteenth trejt , OoiiUa N h
Spring Suits ! All Styles !
Tlie Largest Clothing House lest of Chicago-
| A Department for Children's Clothing.
Wo have now an'osaortment of Clothing of all kinds , Gent's
Furnishing Goods in great variety.and a heavy stock of Trunks ,
Valises , Hats , Caps , &o. These goods are fresh , purchased from
ho manufacturers , and will be sold at prices lower than ever
before made.
We Sell for Cash and Have but One Price.
A large TAILORING FORCE is employed by us and we m
SUITS TO ORDER on very short notice.
1301 and 1303 Farnham St. , cor/ISth
J. 's
The Largest Stock and Most Com
plete Assortment in
The West. -
We Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , Oil
cloths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures
and Lace Curtains.
1313 Farnliam St. , Omaha.
Ladies' ' Suits , Cloaks , Ulsters , Circulars , Etc , ,
200 Handsome Suits , at $5 OOf 300 Stylish Suits. $10.00 :
75 Black Silk Suits , $17.00.
Vo have Bovcral lots of stnplu goods which will bo oflbred nt
All ladiea should avail themselves of this great sale of
Lath and Shingles ,
Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks
north of
MTm mJf
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Near Union Pacific Depot , - - - OMAHA , NEB