ff , PTTE OMATTA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY AUGUST 20. 188J. THE DAILY BEE , t " ' * Saturday Morning , Aug. 20 * LOCAL BREVITIES. * Patterson Bells coat. Ijadlcs pursci of all kind * at S.ixeV. 1'resh oystcra ftt lUchanl'n restaurant. Get your halt ftt Doano'a. Nlndell k Krclle. Practical Halters. COO business lots. Call on JJcmls. Bcmls' real estate boom. First psgs 30C honees and loU. Demts' ngcncy. A. W , Nason , Dentist , Jacob's block. Warranted.Tooth Hrushes at KulmV. BemU * new map of Omaha , 23 cents. 4000 residence lots Beml , agent. For FINE Commercial Job Printing , all nt TUB HKB Job rooms. Largo etock of ImnJkcrcliIcf extract * nl Saxo'n. The Lion continues to roar for Moorc'a Harness and Saddlery. 200 farms and 000,000 acres of land Bcmls , agent. --Prescriptions n ( specialty , Opera House Pharmacy , 211 8.15th Street. fop Mfl hot wntlicr FnKliKlUCR'rt Cool JJamloo Hat * and llnmiAoekt. ftii 17-It The window frames on tlie fourth * story front of the opera house were placed in position yesterday. Itighc.itco.ih prlcopaid fnroeomMiand furniture at Abram' * ) & Lewis' , 1121 Douglas - las street. nW-'Jw A rare chance to obtain a good paying Imsincs * . See special column. Enquire at 217 South 14th street. tf Three trains of ntoclc arrived hero to- tlay over the U. 1' . One train of twenty i ; cam vraa from Ogalalln nnd belonged to Ouster , of that place. It was consigned t < i Woodi & Co. , Chicacn. ' Without Foundation > There lias boon n tumor floating around the town that nil oiler had TJCOII inado to Honimn Kountzo by the * 5t ! Paul K Omaha railroad for the tract of lf 0 ncrcs of land just south ofTThc race track , on Sherman avenue. Mr. Konntzo was Bocn.andjisked about the truth of tlio report. Ho said that no oll'er had buon made , in fact that h'c had not oven heard the report to dint effect. Finding nnUOffcnilor. . . „ „ , District Attorney Burnlmm is rusti cating in Laramio. Ho lias discover- o < l a man there whom he believes to lie an old offender. Ho has * written -on for information and if his suppoai lion' h correct , ho probably secure the necessary .paporsito have the man removed hero. PERSONALS. 0. J. We.itcrd.ilil went went yesterday. Win. Stadclmau , of Orleans , Neb , , wan jrTtlio city yesterday. Afer a abort but severe Ulne , Jr ) > . I ) . < Sraddy can again bo found athU ofllcc. < Major Chambers , of the U. S. army , went up to Sclniyler yesterday. John 1) . Finch , the temperance orator of -I .i1- * , - JJncoln. la in tlio city , registered at the Crcighton house. .7. K. May , of May lire < * . , Fremont , ] > .vwil through yesterday mi hi * way ( I Lome from n pleasure trip in the cast. I "iVill 13. Keep , an attorney of Chicago who Htudlcd law with Col , C'lmno in this city for several years , pawed through yesterday on his way west. .T. 1C. Burke , advance nge.nt for ' 'Our ' Goblim , " which will bo presented hero on Alisuot 25th by MitchoU'a Pleasure Par. cy , U in the city. Ho Is a guest at the Creightou house. Charles F. Scott , of KnniuN City , i * in the city. Thnma't Fallen , of lioHtiin , MtisJ , , is at the Canlield , W. 11. Locke , of NcbroHkn City , is at the Witlmcll. A , Walbaln , the contractor of the Trin I ity church , is in the city , i .Tudgo TlmrJton and C. J. ( Srcou returned - turned from the west yesterday. Calmer MoCttno arrived from Ocoola yesterday and isstaying at the Canfleld. Charles Marvin , of this city , who haa 1 > en quite ill for 8over.il days , IH again at work. Dr. I.'I. Jtoblnson , of the IT. S. army , arrived in Omaha yesterday from Cincin nati on his way west. He is staying at the WitlmoU , I 'Mr. Halch , of Laramie City , Wyo. , nnd 1 wjfo' arrived in Omaha yesterday after noon with the remain * of tlit'ir little child , who died recently. It waa buried at Prospect / pect Hill cemetery. "Mr. Balcli iu a lirother of K. K. Ualoji , of the Omaha Wo. lional bank. Military Mutters. , The unoxpircd sentence of Private "Win. U. Cromwell , Co. A , Fourteenth infantry , has boon remitted. Oapt. W. 8. Stauton is relieved of duty as chief engineer oi the depart ment and Copt. 0. B , Roberts tip- ' iwinlod 'to fill the vacancy. A Broken Arm- Mamie Lawrence , the nix-yoar-old daughter of William Lawrence , a U. 1 * . engineer , fell from a email shod at lv lier homo , on Chicago near Fifteenth direct , last evening , and fractured her left arm. The bono was broken at the elbow joint. Dr. Cofl'man is at. tending. Ilucyrui , Ohio , Courier. Ill the whole gurrounding country , Mr. Philip Itenilingor , an old sub- ficribcr to our paper , is well known. Ho infonned us the other day that liia wife , vrjio for ttvo years had been Buffering with rheumatism in tlio ahouldor , during which iimo oho had boon treated by several physicians without success , had been completely ! cured by n single bottle of Bt. Jacobs Oil. "WINE OF CARDUI" cures Irregu , lar , painful , or difficult menstruation. .M.V.1 0 K.CJoalmaoi./ J 'V ' THE MILLARD. Sorno Facts of Interest About the Structuro. Mr. Shears of the Millard 1ms re turned from the cast , where ho com pleted I ho arrangements for novcrnl important features of the now hotel. Ho lias contracted for the material for the grand stair way leading from the rotunda to the first floor. The newel posts and railing will bo inado of black walnut , while tlio stairs themselves will beef of Vermont slate , which is of a reddish dish brown color. It will make n very handsome stair-way. Mr. Shears wliilo ho was away investigated the electric light matter , and found that engines nro now being inado with an attachment for generating electricity. An engine will have to bo put in for laundry purposes , and ivith the patbni attnchmcnltho cost of the electric light will bo greatly lessoned , and will bo used in the principal rooms of the hotel nt a cost yory litllo in excess of gas , and of n much greater brilliancy The old church building will bo toni down soon after the first of next month , nnd the best brick cleaned nnd used in the walls of the hotel. Either this fall or early next spring all the ground now occupied by the church and parsonage buildings will bo cov ered by brick huildtnqs. Mr. Sam Rogers will build on the corner lot uniformly with the hotel compansy * buildings. While Mr. Shears was test ho made arrangements for the re moval cf his family hero nnd they will now soon become residents of Omaha. The Ladles' Xioagne- Last evening the ladies' laud Jcaguo hold a largo and interesting meeting in the Union Catholic library rooms. Miss Ella Kennedy presided. It was decided to hold the picnic in Oakaho- ma.park , on the Dollovub road , in stead of in South Omaha park , as previously announced. Mr. Has call has donated the park nnd ho lias likewise fitted up a platform for danc ing and nil other necessary stands gratis. The president announced that there would bo two conveyances to take the ladies to the paik who who wcr'o to wait at the table. They would start from the fUnion Catholic library , onu to start at 8 and the other at 10 o'clock. Miss Crewloy , the secretary - rotary , read the names of the ladies who volunteered to wait at the tables. The mooting t'lion adjourned till 1 Thursday next nt 8 o'clock. Davenport Homo Story- Some time ago a man named James M. Sharer went to board nt the Davenport house. He had about $3. ) in money which ho claims to have given one of the proprietors to keep for him. Some time afterward , as ho tells the story , ho applied for his money. The man refused io give it up , but proffered to board him for a certain length of time. This offer Sharur declined , nnd the Davenport house man still refusing to give up the money , was sued on a charge of larceny before Judge Bonoko. The c.iso has not yet been tried. ' THURSDAY'S FIRE. A Question as to How it Origi nated. ' .Tho origin of the fire in the build ing lately occupied by .John Baumer , the jeweler and Dr. Charles is still a subject of considerable mystery. Mr. IJaumer Hays that no one had entered the rear part of hit ) store that night nt all nnd Dr. Charles claims that no lamp was loft lighted in his apart ments. Of course at this season of the your no fires wore kept burning. How the blaze could have originated , except through the effort of an incendiary , it iu diili- cult to imagine. The flames burned up between the joists on one eido just aa if ( hey had como from a small lire below , It is understood that the mat ter is being investigated. Mr. Daumor h'as removed his stock temporarily to the frame building adjoining - joining Paxton & Gallagher's. Ho will BOCII find another location as that building is about to bo torn down. w r I1 I , - . . . Caught Hint- Mrs. Klutz wanted to have her hus band arrested because ho is an habit ual drunkard. The police wore on the watch for.him. Thursday night ho was caught in the act of stealing a hair mattress from the Withnoll. Ho was arrested and locked up nnd will bo tried today. " BLACK-DRAUGHT " cures costive- neus ni'd Kick-Headache. At V , C. Ooodmtu' . ' DIED. OALLAHANThin morning JumcH C .1- l li.lmu , ag d one year , one month and ten day * . Funeral today at 2 o'clock p. iu. , from the residence on F.leventh struct. Oar Glorious ludopeudotico. What can he more glorious than to bo IndcjMJiideut ofj utrurlug , caused by dyspcp. la , indigestion , conktlpatlou , nick head ache , or other ilutuaca emanating from the stomach , ThU can W cosily trained by n timely use of Burdock lUooil Ijittcw , Vri \ $1.00 , trial elzu 10 cenU. eodlw "BLACK-ORAUGHT" makes chills and /ever / impuanible. 0 K. - - j uytjon's Patent Fire Kindleis A U ypur Grocer for-thvin , ACROSS THE RIVER. Daily Bulletins as Received Prom Council Bluffs. . Specimens ofho Pinny Tribe Transferred to C/anvas. An Old Man's Dead Body Dis- . covered. Everything ! Ef o of Interest in n Brief Wny. THE FINNY TRIBE HP.IJHI TUT ON CANVAH IIV A LAUV. Miss Ollio Shaw , of Anamo.ia , in the eastern part of the state , a daugli- tcr of our state fish commissioner , Hon. B. P. Shaw , is becoming quite noted for her skill in painting from life the various species of fish which inhibit our great lakes and rivers. Miss Shaw has recently visited Spirit lake , whcro she madu some splendid sketches of several varieties of fish taken from thc lake , including ' a minnow ; a porch , eleven inches in length ; n bull-head , thirteen inches ; a wall-eyed pike , nineteen in ches ; a gar , thirty-two inches ; a striped bass , seventeen inches ; a croppy , fourteen inches , a buflalo , thirty-throo and one-half inches , and weighing thirty-nine pounds. Some of thcso fish , from which .shesketched , are the results of her father's own planting. She does her work in oil. Wo are informed she intends to paint all thu different kinds of the finny tribe that abound so plentifully in the lakes nnd rivers of the state , and when completed shb will no doubt find n ready ale for her work. FOUND BEAD. AN out MAN'H IIODY I > IHCOVIKBI : > YES- TI5UHAY. A man named Joshua Chulow came to the city and informed Coroner Paul that an old man was lying dead on a manure pile in the vicinity of his reai- donco in the aoutliwest part of the city near the old Council Jllufl's steamboat landing. Mr. Faul in company with Constnblo Itoaecrantz repaired to the Bcone , nnd on oxaniinatiun found that the body was that of nil old bachelor named \V. Western , who has lived in that part of the city all nlono fur quite a number of years. No marks of violence lence v/oro discovered on the body , and no doubt tlio old man dropped dead from some in- tcrnal cause. The man who reported the case says that when he passed the house the night before , the old man was out in the yard and ho had n talk with him. It is not known whether the man had any money or not on the premises. Ono or two dollars wore found in his pocket , which were not disturbed when found. Ho was re clining on the manure pile with n handkerchief up to the side of his face , lie was tha owner of a stallion , and some think that while in tljo stable ho was kicked by him , as they thought that there was a mark on tlio side of his face that indicated it. Possibly ho had been kicked and ran out of the stable , got over the fence and becoming exhaust ed Bank down and died The jury summoned by Constable Rosecrantz , however , returned a verdict that W. Western came to his death through means to them unknown. The follow ing men constituted the jury : Jacob Buncles , Dennis Murphy and Ed ward Wliito. TUB BLUFFS IN I1UIE1' . Mr Hood , of Atlantic , will build larger than-was at first supposed. Ifo has purchased another lot , torn down the old rookery that stood thereon and will take it in with the other two lots. When completed this will boone ono of the finest blocks in this grow ing city. Col. JohnlJ. | Kcatloy returned from Harlan yesterday pretty well tired out. The Colonel wont up there to argue a motion for a new trial before Judge Reed , in thc case of Gith vs. McQueen and others , a case for libel that has been pending for some time. It will bo remembered that this is tlio case brought against the defendants , charging them with circulating through the press n slanderous'uQida- ' vit , accusing the plaintill of boiug dis loyal to his country during the Into rebellion. There wcro three straight drunks at the recorder's oflico yesterday and also n man hauled up for using the streets for hiu express business with * out paying his license. Joe West , J , Leonard , and a man named Ander son wore tapped gently on their ca.f- skins for keeping u gambling house , and lastly but not "leastly" cnmo u man who had been charged with keep ing a gambling hades. His name was Hugh Reynolds. Ho pleaded not guilty , and remarked to thu court that lie had not kept a gambling place in Council Binds , but that no had ono ilttod up in line style nnd should open up on tlio first cf September and wanted the court , the mayor and city council to bo present ; that after the grand opening when caught ho should walk up like a little man and help re plenish the school fund or pay for those lightning rods. The court con tinued his case for a future hearing. Mark Harden remarked yesterday that for real eolid comfort there was nothing that would como up to a fath er sitting near a barrel of cider with his baby on his Itneo. Bonham it Boll , of upper Broadway , inform THE DEB that next week they will have for Bale at their store native grapes , fresh from their vineyard in largo and small quantities. The Josophites , or Latter-Day Saints , nro making extensiVe prepara tions for their annual conference near Park'n mills. Everybody seemed to bo out for n drive last evening. Broadway from Hnriam's store to the Methodist was ono sea of elegant carriages. No ty west of Chicago can produce ro first-class "lurn-ouU" roU. - than Council : Hluflk. Mrs. Burke , \yhilu in Iho city , mak ing arrangements for ( ho epuitug kft > miloraco for the $5,000 prio > , left her portmnnnaio in n Ismail box in a stable ( rather n strange plnoo , ) containing - taining 857 Jn cash and , as she claims , about $160 "worth of jewelry. While1 practicing * for the race a thief entered the , nUblo and made off with the port- monnaio and contents. Mrs. Maria Mynster is raising her building up to tlio established grade , preparing to put in n now foun J1di dation. Wickliam Brothers last year laid five million bricks. They will double tin number this season. Miss Kato t'asoy is somewhat bet ter. Dr. I'innoy , who is tending her , says she has been very sick and for some time the chances wcro against her. The doctor thinks that she is now out of danger. Miss Lizzie Baldwin , the young lady who was taken sick r.t the same time ' that Miss Pusoy was , is rapidly recovering , as her friends will bo pleased to loam. The mayor has not been about much sinca the "picnic. " Judge Uurke says that every lead ing citizen who attended the picnic "beer laved" themselves. You will have n good time to-day , all for 50 cents , if you go over to Okahoma park , in Omaha. Col. Dai- ley , of this city , is among the speak ers. Jukgo Loofbourow separated sev eral men and women yesterday who had , in their youth , como together lovingly , as they at the time supposed. Some folks have been allowing other folks' grapes to stick between their fingers up in Turloy's plon. Mr. Turlcy says that if ho finds them out they will find that "they were not born to blush unseen. " Dr. McKuno is trying to start n boarding house near the driving park. It would pay during the trotting season unless everybody carried their own lunch , and they could. Members of Council Bluffs land league will take notice that they are requested to meet at the C. & N. W. depot this morning at 8 a. in. , to take a special train for Omaha to attend the land league picnic. , All friends are invited to join in the trip. Faro for round trip 50 cents. J. S. 1J. Coggshsll , M. ( .Reason , James Wick- ham , committee of arrangements. There seems to bo a now agent of that wonderful circus man ForopaUgli upon our streets every day. H. W. Chase , deputy paymsistcr U. S. A. , and a party of friends from the Omaha barracks were in the city yes terday. Mr. Chase said that they came over to see if TUB BEE waa really tolling the truth about the rapid growth of Council Bluffs. Hesaysho can see n very material improvement since he was here six months ago. He likes 1 to get over hero amongt civilized 1I people occasionally. After the party took their departure for Mynstcr Springs to call on their old friend W. A. Mynster and inspect his > hatchery. Hero they were invited to spend the day , cat nil they wanted and drink their fill of pure spring water , which they did with a soldier's appetite. They were all oflicors of rank. Sev eral of them remarked that they did n't see how the people over hero kept the dust so quiet. Mr. Mynstcr told them wo didn't try , wo sent it all over to Omaha. If Mr. Peter Hcrdic wants to intro duce his coaches into Council Bluffs who will object ) This is n free coun try and wo don't. see why there is need of the people investigating this . system of cheap transportation. If Herdic thinks they will say , the sooner wo get them the better. Wo hope ho wont ask the people to subscribe to assist the enterprise. It would not be a bad idea to have a few of Crowe's infernal machines to throw at these crawling sneak thieves. Judge Samuel Clinton was out yes terday taking in the cool breeze. H. B. Miller , of the lively city of Red Oak , was in tliO'city yesterday to examine our waterworks. Ho says tlio female barrels may do for Council Bluffs , but that Ked O.xk will have something on a grander scale or break. Miss Hattiu Phelps has gene on a visit to the great lake city. Hayes it Gleason are receiving and shipping large quantities of produce every day. Wo have two moro policemen. Please keep quit. t. Our mayor boldly confronted the fathers last night , lie is small , but like Bomotaing else vro know of , he shows grit. 0. H. "Wheeler , proprietor of the celebrated Wheeler dairy , was in the city yestorday. Mr. Wheeler says the farmers will all bo happy this fall on account of the high price their corn will command. C. A. Brown , of the smart nnd growing little city of Walnut , was nt the Pacific yestorday. Charles Dickinson and W. E. Page , of Dos Moines , were at the Ogden yesterday. They came over to sue how nearly wo had grown to the size of the capital city. "W. A. Stowo and wife , of Hamburg - burg , weie at the Ogdcn yesterday. There were sixty-one car loads of cattle , 1,220 headlanded at the union stockyards Thursday. P. Maddox Denison came to Jowa's metropolis Thursday and stopped nt the Pacific hotel , Samuel Haas has returned from his recent business trip to the far west. Any subscriber not receiving THE Br.E will please report to this oflico. Nor.- potatoes were selling in this market yesterday at from $1,25 to $1.50 per bushel ; sweet potatoes , 4 cents ; t'rapos , 0 cents ; apples , $1.25 to $1.50 ; watermelons , $17 per thou sand ; butter , 15 cents ; eggs , 10 cents. HEAL ESTATE TUANHKEU8 , The following real ostnto transfers wcro filed in thn county recorder's of fice , as reported by the title , abstract , real estate and loan otlico of J. W. Squire & Co. , Council Bluffs : State of Town to L. 0 , Barker. ee , 10 , 74 , : , nnd sw , 10 , 75 , 38. " 0 , , U. T , & P. railroad company to B. N. Leisure , 1 < > in 4 , town of CarBon - Bon S237.50. Trustees , under will of J. 0. Brown , to Horace Everett , sw so and so sw , Ut ) , and no nw , U2 , all in 7 , 42. . 81,020. .1. N. Union to Albert Bruen si * 1 JirUUll IU VTiUWHJ'luvilf , oo so , 1-'And pt no 12 , 75 , .19. 13.000. T. K. Ur ( > wn to K.1 T/Graham , F. J. Siovorl to M. H. Hcgartyj pt lot 1 < 14 in 22 , Ncola.8350. . Wi 11. Honeywell to . ) < Kneppo , pt so , S , 77 , 38.5,100. . J. S. Pierce to G. W. Scholllmm- mor , csw. . C , 74 , 38. $1,100. J. Saunucrs to M. Drake , mid \ RO 28 and w t , sw 2" , nil -in 7 i , 3 8. 8GOO. L. Slernborg to F. Wanicko , no 7 , 7(1 ( , 42. 82,400. E. T. Osier to Trustees of Grove township , pt so nw 10 , 74 , 8 ! ) . $50. C. S. Kobbins to S. N. Oaskcll , 8 in 1 , Judson's 1st add Neola. gGO. T. Meredith to Y. E. Jensen , II in 20 , Meredith's add. Avoca. SloO. D. Osier to E. T. Osier , sw 2 , 74 , 39. $3,000. M. Morgan to L. P. Judson , pt nose so 8 , 74 , 53. 8208.40. M. D. Bartlett to J. M. Palmer , 13 and 14 in 120 Bunts' ndd city. Fannie Schott to ThomasKobinson. n J no.18.74,42 81. M. Schroder to J. Kief ; nw nw 18 , 70 , 43-SGOO. A. S. Bryant to T. II. Ivocsco ; 2 in 12 , Jackson add. city $050. M. Don to C. Bough ; part sw no 25 , 75 , 44 8200. , r. P. and J. N. Casady to W. 11. McMillan ; nw and no BW 8 , 75 , 41 87,500. P. Mciorolt to W. Welkc ; sw so 17 , 74 , 42-l.r500. B. P. McMenomy to J. M. Palmer ; 3 in 53 , Kiddles sub. city-$200. A. W. Hawley to J. M. Palmer ; ! ) in 54 , Kiddies sub. eity-200. W. K. Vaughn to J. M. Palmer ; 7 and 8 in 43 , Kiddles sub. S300. G. II. Hoffman to D. Walker , 7 inches in 20 , Kiddle tract , city , $1. T. S. Ilobinson to F. Schott , si no 18 , 74 , 42 , § 1. . G. Wager to H. B. Paris , pt nw 7 70. 43 , 81. W. K. Vauphan to J. IJ. Hood , pt lot 103 , 0. P. city. Treasurer Pottawattnmie county to W. H. Freeman pt nw sw 12 , 75" , 40. 85.28. "Tho Kovero House , Council Bluffy is the best second-class hotel in the west. " augl7-lm LIQUOR DEALERS. They Hold a Secret Meeting Last Night.S The liquor dealers hold a meeting lost night at Turner hall to advise upon some uctian on their part in re gard to the Slocumb ordinance. The meeting was t\ secret one , none ex cept those holding credentials being allowed admittance to the room. It was learned , however that nothing definite waa decided upon. Matters were talked over in a general way , and finally the entire subject was given into thu bands of committees who will devise and report upon some plan of action. Meanwhile n number of saloons in various parts of the city have closed. Social ! o- Last evening a very pleasant socia ble was given by the W. 0. T. U. at the Tenth street mission hall. There was a fair attendance. . During the evening Miss Boydcn gave a recita tion , "Drafted , " which she rendered in pleasing stylo. Mr. Sales Bang "Mother , good-byo" in n very cred itable manner , and the Y. M. 0 ; A. quartette sang some hymns very'nice ly. The audience wcro then regaled with some capital iocs , cream and cake , and the remainder of the eve ning was passed in pleasant conversa tion. Two Now Teachers- Rev. Robert Doherty , rector of Brownoll Hall , has returned from the east. Ho left Mrs. Doherty in Balti more , whore she will complete her course of study in painting. While in the east Mr. Doherty engaged two additional teachers for the hall. Miss inMartyn , of Montreal , will take charge of the primary department , and Miss Jackson , the other lady , will take thc higher English department. Both la- dies are said to bo graduates of Yas- sar college , and are highly accom plished. A WAYWARD GIRL Being Searched For by Her Belatives. There nro two men in the city from Avoca , Iowa , looking for an erring daughter , who was led astray from the correct path of virtue. She left her parents' homo some time since and came to Omnha , and it is said she is now in ono of the disreputable houses of this city. Her father is n well-to-do farmer living near Avoca , andhoissaid to bo nearly crazed with griot at his daughter's wayward course Ono of the gentlemen hero looking for her is her brother and the other an intimate friend of the family. They instituted n search yesterday , but .havo not yet found the girl. If they are successful in their search they will endeavor to persuade her to go back to her homo and family , who are ready and willing to receive and forgive. Wicked for Clergyman * Rov. , Washington. D. 0. , writes : "I believe it to bo all wrong and even wicked for clergymen or other public men to be led into giving testimonials to quack doctors or vile stud's called medicines , but when a really meritorious article inado of valuable remedies known to all , that all physicians use and trust in daily , wo should freely command it. I therefore cheerfully and heartily com mend Hop Bitters for the good they , have done me and my friends , firmly believing thUy have no equal for fam ily use. I will not bo without them. " New York Baptiot Weekly. ' ' ' ' ' ! \ugl5-'septl SPRINKLING. It May Bo Commeucod To- Mr. Fairchild's street sprinkling carts arrived yesterday nnd will nt once bo put into service. Mr. Fairchild - child has been granted the contract to uoo the old No. 1 steamer by the council committee on fire nppnintus , nnd ho will nt once bo in pumping water for sprinkling purposes. Thom as Swift , having had a bid in to the council , it was thought proper by the committed to allow them both the privilege of the engine , on a pro rata basis. Swift will carry out his con tract for the sprinkling of portions of Douglas street , while Fairchilds will water Farnham and the cross streets between Ninth and Fifteenth. It is understood that sprinkling will bo be gun at once. Miss Ella -1'ornuico solicits sowing by tlft day or week. Call or address her , 4th street , cor. Worth , Council Ulufls. motf SPECIAL NOTICES , NOTICE Advertisement To Loan , ForSnlo , txnt , Found , Want * , Hoarding : , &c. , will be In serted In thcso columns once for TKN CKNTS per Una ; each subsequent Insertion , F1VKCKNTS per lino. The first Insertion no ; or lets than TWKNTY-FIVE CENTS TO LOAN-MONEY. TO LOAN Cftll at Law OIUcc of D. U Thomas HoomB. Crcluhton Block. To loan nt from 8 to 10 per cent , "n K < * xl r 1 fstatcKCcurlty , by 1 > IU ISAAC KUWAUD3,1100 Fnrnham St. OOSA AAATO LOAN At 8 per ccnttn- H > /CO\.UUU tcrcst in sums of J3.B06 nnd upwards , for 3 to Byaars , on llrst-claaa city and farm projx.-rty. llr.Mis URAL ESTATB and LOAN Aar.scv. 16th and Douglas SU. TO LOAN on real c , tnt < - . nt MONEV DK.XTEU L. THOMAS i ; I1UO. HELP WANTED. WANTED A Booil laundress , at St. Clmrlci Hotil. 725-20 \lTANTKlU\fRchtne hands , nt thu Omaha YY Shirt Tnctory. 72022 " \'XTANirr.l-A Rlrl for general houto work , at YI 1510 llarncv St. 730 tl WANTEK-Sltuatlon ! nvclothti ! { , ' cr groc-ery house by a man of experience , Addrcbx L. W.lcoollicc. 727-22 t rAXTEU Dlnlns room girl , at IlolneU's YV restaurant , 13thnnd Jailiton Sts. 7 l-25 A teamster to ilrhccjiircss team. WANTED , 1112 S. 13th St. 72:1-20 : Hakcr Immcillatcly , van bakcirooil WAN1KD bread and pics ; ( air wn-'e-j. Address .M. , T. HKSTElt , Shcnandaah , lova. 715-21 WANTED Cook wnjjas $25 per month. Ap ply nt 2003 Hurt , between t0tli ! and 21st street , 093-tf W.VNTED Situation by joung man In al most any capacitv. Good scholar , lit-for- cnccsKUen. Addreis F. , Bee otllce , 718-SO WANTED A jflrl for general housework , cor. 17th and U'u ; enworth St * . 717-tf WANTED > jx > sltlon byu man accustomed to the hoU'l and grocery buslnuss. Oooil referem-ts. Addnt-gC. H. , Hc-oolflce. 71924 WANTED A competent cook for prhato family. Enrjulrc at residence , south 10th street. Mrs. H. Konnt/e. 721 2 : < Another office boy at It. G. Dunn WANTED 215 South 14th St. 703-tf \\TANTED To flrst-clasn liarhciN liuinullato- VV ly. Illishest Wttjes paid. J. J. GOOD , 32 1'earl St. , opl > o ite I'ostolllec , Council ItlufTa , lona. ( i9U-tf WANTED TO TKADB Almost new top side bar bu 'L'y for a plm-ton. Kiniulre nt Ice ! Olllre. ti 7-tf WANTcD A Kood ciiKlnecr. Apply at the Western Ncnrpapcr Union. 701-tf YT7 ANTED Sixteen yc.ir olil Iwy to work'In V innrLct snrdinNorth Ibtli ttnct. H. \ \ HAIL , 705-19 17.OljSEKr.ElT.il'WANTEDAt 1100 Karn- J.I , him iitieet , up ttalr- " . 090-11) WANTED To rent a. oed hotel , furnished , In the cistern part of Nebraska. Address L. 0. I'redmorc , Siitton , Neb. G'J.MO \17"ANTr.D-A tailored at 1220 Farnlmm St. , YV licariatli. CU5-20 WANTED 'A esmjictent workman , one that understands nil kinds of nork , auchn ono can llnd steady work and Rood wa'cs. ( Hy writIng - Ing or tnllin on W. I' . Clark , at Mapleton , la. No drunkard need apply. U82-2il WANTED A ttoal jlrl for general house work. iirn. C. Trosein , 1111 Dou las St. C47-20 \T7-\NTEI ) . At the store of J. M. Phillips &S n , 4li ; Ilroadn-iv , Council lllnffs. a tint cltiM boot and shoo maker. tUO-tf " \\7"ANTii : ) A woman cook at the Kmmct > > llont-u. Ml-11) WANTKI'-Utrl for u-cncpiil housework In _ wnall ( onilly at OO IQ.h St. f.92 tf pool taljloto rentwith prill- T l li-uu ot puruiiiliiL" . State price. Ajdrcsa UKo. INMAN , 451-tf Vail , Crawford Co. , Iowa. B' ' : MISHEAL1STATE I100M. Sco Ut payc. - " \T7ANTKD Funding bridge and school ImncK YY H. T. Clark , Ikllinue. 20-tf CALL AT HUM. II E. CLAKICr/B No. 1 Board In ; Hoimo , cor. lath and Dodge Uts. llest In the tltv. B10-tl FOR RENT-HOUSES AND LAND. FOH KENT l eirantfnrnUheil rooms. Reason abto prkca , brick house , "OlUCasu St. U23 tf KENT Two flntxla.4 two-ttory new FOR brick liousus , Holland llarnuy ttrcet. OnoO ruomi U closets , ilrcMlnKroom , ucmcnted Cellar , 2 lurches and utablo Tlia oilier B larjje rooms , U cloi-eU , ccmentu I cellar and two poariheo. Eaili at (10 monthly In advance , W. if. lll-HlIMAK , 710-10 S. K. cor. IStliaml Douglai. Foil ItENT rnrnUhiul or unfurnished rooms , DaM-niwrtbtit t , south Kidu , third house we tof ICthktrctt. 117-23 FOIt KENt House of ruven rooms , kitchen , cellar , listen * , well and barn , on South Ae - nuo , nu\t to VVoolu orth's residence * Kii'iulri- 14th nnd r'arnhani Rti , J. JOHNSON , U92-tf I OIl KENT -Ur o barn. Innulro at 1818 Chi- injoSt. ' i74tf FOJl HENr-Two business rooms In Manonlo block. Enquire fit , John Sewing Machine ' office. Oil-It kEUIS lias rattlliiK lonx list ! of houses , lots' J3 land * aiid fannn lor tale. Call ami the , , . "TOOK It K NT A nicely furnUhed front room ( or Jj ona or tvto geutlcmtu , at 1210 Howanl ttrcct. 6 6F OIt KENT i furnUlied rooiiin our ilcj- cli nU' Ech ijeN. f. ccr , 10th and Dodge Directs. 2bfl-tf FOR 8AUE. KAI.K AT ItAUGAlN' FOR Furniture for a well furulklitU tuo-.torv house , tip * taln , rents for Mittlflfnt to pvy.cntirq . house nntJ po . Bloii gh ni at cn > v , Enquire at tlilj ofllce. tf T7K > U SALK-rl.eMCand funUtura ol a , 4nt-ciM ] J } hotel In 4-Uwn ol. ISOOInliabltaiite ; inttate ol hvbrarta ; has S4 Ud ; the tmcllUL' IIILU'I re tort. 'Inquire at 1IEK office. SPECIAL NOTIOES OontimiBd nOK SAI.E Mir * of Dougln * nnd Sarpy coun- L1 tie * . A. KOSEWATER.iDaJFarnh.'xniftrctt 17011 SALK -At n Imrimlii , a full let nnd ton U home * , on HOth street , fltth hon o tiorth o ( ShcrnimHt. Price. $70J. THOMAS < ! AIIAN. 720-2. ! . < I/arse loanllnif I , on norlf ; west rornerof 14th and .tnrknon St. Jnmt U. Chapm.Mi , 1307 Capitol Atctmc. " 21-20 I71011HKNT A Iwo-rtor.v hou o of 7 roomswlth 1 r-talilr , on Sherman AM1. Apply nt Virrill's feeJ itore , 207 S. ltli St. 7fo-tt J71011 8AMJ-A funn of ftchty acre * , In jood ; repair , flood home , 2230 nnd til HxlO , small orehanl of taaflnf : tree * . One mile couth olOimwa city , Iowa , on S. U. k V. II. K. Will Xc \ tlniu on part If v islicil. Adtlrcn ! ' . M. Soair , Oinnlia , Neb. nlDdtfa4n4t Foil SALU , CttKAP Sct of fiunlturc almofl new , Uf ) cook nnd heating stove * . Kn < | uln > ftt M r * . KrujV , South 17th st , , accro" railroad track. 719-1' ) 'I710II SAI.K , OIinAl' A p > o l draft team. .t. J. X1 McIAIN , 1011 Saundcrs St. Tsoss . SALi : A new nil leather top vlJe-tur } I'liacton with fcprlnu cmhlonand l ik , nt W K. ( lratt ir < ( iirrl K top manufactory 314 , 8 , Uith it. lict. Knniham nnu Ilarni'V , 707-tf 1T10U HAUNcat homo and full lot , 12 blocks 1 from I' . U. at $000. JOHN U McCxnix , 712-tf Opp. FOR 8ALII A new stoeli of ( fencral incrohan. dlfo , ilolliK a Rood business Inn ( fool loca tion | nnd In one of the bent towns In lounnfnbnut 2000. Will cell or rent the building. II. I * . New. port , Vail Cr.iwfonl Oouiity , la. 070-11) ) TTIORSALK Stock of hardware In one of tlie- JL1 best towns of Ncbra kn. Population of v j n iitOO. No bitter opening for tie huslnew In tlu > Only one other hardware ( tore in the town. Stock In ccod eliajiu and worth about. 4.p > 000. 1'or | > urtleiil.irg cnll on nr nildrcss LKE , KKIUII fc CO. , CSO 10 Omnha , Nt-b. 1,1011 SA1.B Four 8 HI P. engines , tun 16 IM J 1' . cnglnDs one 18 II. P.crtknl boiler , ono S H. P. , ono 10 II 1 * . and 1 1G H. I' . liorlronU ) boiler , nil new. lly Uinaha Foundry nnd Ma chine Company , Omaha , Neb. ni b475-a23 FOR SAI.K llorsc. oupty nnd h rnc * < ; , also one dump cart. Enquire P. Manning , ISth and IIOHard bt. ni-tr EOH HALE Kino stock limn of 400 ncrt * . ( 'ood house , cattle ghcd , orchard fie. , with In cany reach of railroad. Price , * 4MO , imr thno at 0 % . JOHN L. McCAGUE , ( ) | .p. 1'ost OIHcc. 031) tt FOIt SALK Neat cottage nnd ( rood lot at j $1HO. JOHN L. WiUAGUE , Oj > p. 1' . O. J 77 011 SALE ON EAKV TKUMS.-Oood UflU'l J ; In Da\UI CitV. Neb. , " well located near A. i N. dqiot , plenty of room , good accoinniodatlon ? , four lot , and Kood barn. Can bo had at u Kir. ifaln. For | varUoiiltrs Inquire of or aildrvso 0. II. Ford , la ld City , Nebraslia. AUKHi Dall)3tcod.w2t. "T710H SALK On reasonable terinn. A buMncsi J. that lt ] jliiri | 400 month. ( itmmnlco.H iU en as to title of propcrtv and U > asa of prcml c . Miiilru | at cilice of .Sniu.l. llowell,217 b. 11'iiHt. . Onuba. C12-tf TTIOIl SAL1' A fine rlilinj ; ponjnt 412 10th JU' ' Sti r,74-tf "TTtOU SAI.B Horse , bufr y and harncaj. Can .1 ; bo recn.it Stet onion's Capitol A\eniu > barn Vrlcc , S2JO. E. C. llLMS. 11 SAIX-A llrst-classiullU dairy. Inqulro at thi-j oflico. 617-aiiK 27 , HOUSES AND LAND licnils rcnti IIOU-.CT , ttorci , hotels , firms , lot ) , landi , otllcvaf rooms , etc , Sec Ut page , SALK Good house with four rooms and FOU half lot , No.MS Docluo between -Mi anil iTth street. Good ucll and nhado trees ; honin in itood condition. Inquire on premises. 221-tf TTMHRELIjAS Ana J'amsois repuircU tiy II. U SCHUTT llth and FarnaiiMts. 760tf K SALE. BU1UK ESTAHIJOOK & COP. SAtiE A small engine , B.V. . P.iync U FOR Son's make. In perfect osder. Inquire of II. ( i Clnrk & Co. RS-tf MISCELLANEOUS. CJTBAVEn From Jones St. , between O.'I j ! " ) 8th , this mornlnx ( Aujf. 10th ) one pair horses. Mack and uruy , latter had brand "It. I. I. . " on left hip. \ \ ill 1-nr rca oiulily for their rvturn. OUSTTHOMl'dON. 722-20 / " ALL on or address 1'ot er * Palmer , 41) South \J Eth street , Council Hiuffs , lo 'a , for rail road tickets vast , west , north and south. Urontly reduced rates on all tlcVcts. Eriry ticket guar anteed , and tickets bottKi't. ' , sold and exchanged TELLEU AND MEDIUM Mn. I710UTUNU ; Kllza tc'ls past pre nt , and tutiiru In lo\o ami nil nlTuiiT. She recall the deepest secrets of thc heart , bhe posses tlio magnetic | > ovcr to fill fill nil your wishes. Call nt No. 1010 Chicago ( -trcct , near Uith. nuj ; Hl-tf STUAVED ' n S.itnrday , the 7th , n tmall brown mare , blind in ono ejo , with halter on. Any OIK ; ( 'nln ; ; Information of her to M. Lee , Withncll House , will bo paid for their trouble. OM-tf ) T OST Between Occidental Hotel and IJ tor's , a pair of iioU pcctatlrs. The finder H 111 bo rewarded by lea ; ins them nt Occidental Hotel. n:2-tf T OST Sunday afternoon on Howard St. , I I child's sold bracelet , marked "Ethct. " Kind er will plcaaa leave at H'Q Olllce. 67t-tf ! > EMIS' NEW CITV MAI'd.SSc. SOB Ut p i' . uTllAYED-l'rom 2415 Ilarncy street July 2-S O ono larKubrindle cow , Oycnrsold , branded on hip with letter "O. " Has 1.01110 white 6wta | on her. Any ono giving Inforiimtlon where she in r return her will bu suitably rewarded. 643 tf A. M. C'LAUIC. ANY ONE havmjf work for a typo wrIU-r can be accommodated by ttlephonln ; , ' the | ! K ollleo. ' 'I -OE1HS' HEAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. H lal page. 'T IfillTKlNO-J. J , McLaln h etlll In tna XJ Llxhtnins Uo < l bu lnoaa , wholesale anil ru- tall. Uod put up or repaired on short notice. Ordcrb by mall or otherwise will reecho prompt attention. SatUfactlon b'uarautrcd Calf or wl- dress 1011 SaunUurs itrcut. 40i-aS $ rfdlllEE or four young men can be accommoda- J. t&l with board. KcfcrencencxchaiiKeil. Ap ply 2011 Cans street , 4th door west of 20th bt or address llox S37 , poatolllco. 313" ! 11. BHOWN-Corncr 12th and Chicapj JJL. streets , la ready to bore or deepen wells. Satisfaction guaranteed. M3tf T\ONT FOIIQET The successors ot the Amor. ± J lean House , on Douglas street , between Oth mid 10th , for board , loJglujf and transient tun temers. llcspcctfulh W4-tf JULIUS t LOUI8K ROSS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Made from 0rax | Crcwn Tartar , No other pre- " ( V nwtlon jnakw such light , flaky hot breodi , n ' x uxnriouiattrr. . Can ! eaten by Di tpcptUr 1t-out ) fear of theltlj re.ultin * from hta ? y Indl id. Hold on'.v In can * , by all 0 rocrn UOYAL UAKlNOjroWlirUt CO ' New York.