THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY AUGUST 19 , 1881. SALT LAKE SITTINGS , Hot Weather There the Past ' * Two1 Weeks-A Good Out look for Crops. ' ' ' . , j SAllrond'BwiliUnK nntl Other NOWII CorrcJX ] > ndencc o ( The Il < c. „ , Oonnx , UTAH August lf > . The past two weeks has been probably ns wxrm weather as ever been expe rienced in Utah. The thermometer nt times rose to about 100 decrees , but the nights being cool , people wcro able to stand this heat better than in places where hot nights follow ex- 'cessivcly hot days. This in tome heat lias produced sotno sickness among children and old persons , but the mor tality is remarkably small for a town the size of this. This week wo have had some showers of rain , and now it is more pleasant. The coming of heavy rains in August is something entirely now in this valley. Rain does not usually fall hero between the Jirst of Juno and October , and the showers of the past few days is an other evidence that our climate is undergoing a change. Lands nro now producing good crops of small grain , were ton years ago it" would have been impossible for the same class of grain to produce the most Bc.uity growth without irrigation , and yet this class of dry farming ia now spread over a very largo extent of country. Betncon Ogden and Salt Lake City there is probably 100,000 bushels of wheat this season , which was rown on lands without irrigation , mid which up to the past four or five years wore desert , covered with a scanty growth 'of sagebrush , while the dry , sandy soil scorned incapable of producing crops , This land will next season bo 'provided with means for irrigating. A ditch , haying a base twelve feat n wide , with sloping sides , ia to take water from Weber river , in the canyon near Devil's Gate , and convoy it to the " bcnoh-landa in the valley of the Great Salt Lako. Tliis canal will carry water to the depth of thrco foot a distance of nine miles , and then bo convoyed in smaller canals to various points , so arf to irrigate twenty or thirty thou sand acres of land and make it among the most productive in Utah. In the canyon a lltnno will have to bo con structed , requiring 250,000 foot of lumber. Of course such an enterprise requires the combination of capital , and this corporation ia known ns the Central Cimal company. The question of water rights and irri gation has always been of great importance in Utahj nnd I constantly becomes of more impor tance as the country is being settled up. Climatic changes will 'doubtless very much raliovo tlio necessity of , irrigation , in time , as the rain belt is moving west and has already changed the arid plains of Western Nebraska .and Eastern Wyoming to fertile lands , and clothed them with rich grasses. Nature acorns to prepare the country for the habitation of man as fast as it appears necessary for the population t of ilonsor localities to seek now homes in the wilds of America. It haa ever ' been thus in this country , and wo pro- I- . * ' , nunie will continue to bo so until our entire domain bccqmcs densely nopu Ii latou with people , nnd lines of fast communication shall reach every .plain , mountain and gorgo. Railway rumblings are heard on , every side , and tlio various schemes now planned and in progress in Utah will ; if carried out , soon make Utah noted for the extent of railways with in the territory. In Suit Lake City a largo throo-story building is filled with offices and drafting rooms for the clerical and engineering work of the Denver & Rio Grande railway company. It is made the western hindquarters of this road , and within the post few wooka this lariro build ing was rented , and a very largo force of men put to work in the in terest of the Utah branch of the com pany. Papers have been filed covering - ing 2,370 miles of road which the company proposes to construct as rap idly as possible , and which will bo connected with their Colorado , Now Mexico and tyoxico system. The energy orgy displayed gives hope of an earl ; completion of u greater portion of thii system , and of our soon having an other eastern outlet by this narro-\ guago road. The company will have th line completed from Siilt Lake to tli > Coalvillo coal mines tliis fall , and it i honed that many months will not pass before the Pleasant Valley coal mines will supply Suit Lake with choapci coal than the city 1ms heretofore had To the north of UK railway buildinj is being pushed by the Utah & Northern orn in Montana , and parties in the in terest of the Union Pacific , the Cen tral Pacific , the Utah & Wyomingant other companies nro busily surveying nil the passes and looking up praotica routes for railway lines all ever this inter-nipuntaiiioua country , so thai the air is full of minors of what is to bo done in the near future , So many men in Utah aio nwaj from homo working on railway build ing that there is a lack of labor for harvesting the crops. Citizens of Ogden had a rich troa the past week in the visit of the Snl Lake Tabernacle choir , which cam here and gave a concert in Lester park It is seldom better music is heard thai upon this occasion , ' The Ogde : / choir also took part and no miitted themselves with honor. Thcs choirs lead the singing at all th services in the Tabernacles , Mormo churches , and nro composed of person well versed in musio. On all occa sions of friendly visits of Bingingclub or bands between Salt Lake and Og den , or other localities , cheap cxcur eion rates are provided and people g in great numbers. Such excursion are quite frequent during the uumiiio nnd fall. Mining matters in Utah are or buoyant than for several years , am there is moro activity in prospecting Good minus are changing bands at remunerative munerativo prices , and wo look fo much brighter times for this class o industry. The Ontario mill producei its greatest yield for aiiy ono inontl in the post month-July. Forth thirty-one day * the forty stamp mil .produced bullion to the value of 203 ft" U . u 04. . The mine is ( uniing out nbout line tons of milling ere per tiny , > csilc ? n Inrftoqimntity of lower nute , rliicli n pilcil on tlio Jump for future vorkinif. Tlio mill cnislics nlwut ovcnty-fivc tons per day. The mine s worked to the depth of 800 feet in ono shrift , GOO , fofct in another , and n new nlmft is now down 100 feet over which is to 10 plncoil hoisting works and pump- IIR machinery for Working to ft depth I 3,000 feet. A tunnel over ono lilo long li.ifl been started to run rom the mill to the mines , nnd in imo the works nt 1'nrk City , whcro ho mine nnd mill nro located will ivnl the extensive operations of Yir- inla City in former times , should the xpcctntions of expert mining men o realized. Ogdcn will have her first tiartz mill in operation vithinn fou ays when the imluro of our i/old cres vill ho tested , It is believed thin plnco s soon to ciiino into protnincnco na a nining centre. Lack of capitnl , nnd ho fact that the minornl lics dcep , 1,11 retarded pro rces in all mining jpcrntiims iicnr this city , but the abort ) of tliis Reason in ay change nil his nnd bring capitnl to develop nines nnd erect mills here. The fruit crop in Utah this season 3 immense. Shipments nro being made from Ogdcn to various points in Colorado , Wyoming , and to Idaho nd Montana. 0dcn ! { ia Rending bout fifteen car loads of potatoes to /olorado per week now , while that tale draws largely from us for ilour nd wheat. X , From Wilfioiivlllo. Not ) . orrcuponpcnco of The Itcc ! WiwoKViLu : , Nob. , August 10. ? ho above named town ia situated in lie Beaver valley , J.wolvo miles aouth- ast of Cambridge. It is not a largo own but , like many other places in Nebraska , ia a good place for one , and vo believe yet it it had the inhabi- anco , capital , and houses it ] might icconio a city of some importance , .like most towns on the frontier it ad its "boom , " but after Cambridge as located on the B. it. M. BO near , the trade naturally drifted to 10 latter place , Mr. L. M. Wilson , the pioncor lerchant , atill keeps _ a woll- ssorted general merchandise store , nd Messrs. Bexroad it Wilson audio drugs nnd hardware , and Mr. miner has a blachsmith shop. A ow M. E. church is being erected nd will be completed before cold vciither. But outside of the town lie settlers can truly boast of the nest lauds and the best crops of any n the county. No place in the lie- mblican valley did wo sco a moro avorablo prospect for n good crop. i'ho farmers in the pufc few years lave had several failures , and conso- uieiitly do not have enough faith in heir labor to put in their crops as hey should bo put in. Should our armors in the East put their crops in so carelessly they would expect nothing > ut failure. Wo noticed that most of , ho corn had been plowed but once it fartherest twice , and yet Homo of his ivill yield ever thirty bushels per acre. Had they have rowed their corn both ways and plowed it three imts , they might as well have in- sroased it ton bushels per acre at least. This section has had timely rains .hroimhout the season , and to-night a refreshing rain irf falling , which will inauro corn to bo a sure crop. The farmers nro beginning to turn heir attention to stock-raising. Mr. Thomas Gibson has just returned 'rom Texas with n ilock ot seventeen m ml rod sheep , which are to bo kept n the valley. Hay is found in abui- dance along the licavor bottom , and ho uplands are covered with the short hough nutritious buihdo grass , which veil adapts this region for grazing , and which wo believe in a few yoais will become the exclusive occupation of its .inhabitants , SKTAII. Notes Irom Doll- Corruipomlcnco of The Iluo , BELL , BUTLER Co. , NUB. . Angus I ID. As wo are constantly reading nbout this and that kind of tree nol counted under the "timber culture act , " please publish this report received coivod n few days since from the com missioner nt Washington , Lot ex < changes copy and all interested preserve < servo for future reference : "Tho following classes of trees are recognized by this ollico ns timber in the moaning of the law , viz. ; Ash aider , birch , buech , black walnut bass wood , black locust , cedar , chest nut , cottonwood , elm , fir , including sprueo , hickory , honey locust , laich maple , including box elder , oak , pine plane tree , otherwise called cottoi tree , buttonwood , or sycamore , sorvici tree , otherwise called mountain ash white walnut , otherwise called butter nut , white willow and white wood otherwise called tulip tree , llemombor the nbove is right fron headquarters nnd can be dopondet upon. Your * , truly , E. A. BUOK : Nevada' * Block of Oraiiito. Territorial CnterprUc. The block of granite which Nevada contributes to be placed in the Wash iiijjton monument was yesteiday receiving ceiving the finishing touches at tin hands of the sculptor , John Barratt The lost of the silver letters in tin name of thu state was just being lo into thu panel. Those letters are o solid silver , are nbout as thick as i silver dollar , some six inches in heigh nnd of proportionatowidth. They nn so neatly htted into the solid gniniti that the joint is almost invisible Above the word "Nevada" is doopl ; cut in the granite the motto of the slate , "All for our country , " and bo low the date. 1881. The fiaiiroa o the date will bo plated \ \ ith gold The granite composing il is the henvi cat ever set'ii. That part which i polivhod is almost blue in color , whili the remainder presents u Bomowhn gray appearance. Buolillu'i Arnica Salvoi Tito best salve in thu world fur outs bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum fever sprea , teller , chapped hands chillblains corns and all kinds o ( akin eruptions. This salve is guaranteed antood to give perfect satisfaction it every case or money refunded. Price 25c per box , For sale by Ian & McMAiio.v , Omaha. BEATRICE BRIEFLETS. Notes From the Chief City of the Southern Counties of Nebraska. Largo Stock Intoro tii-BlR Im provements Going On. Correspondence of The Ike. BKATUH-B , August 15. This city ms better water power nnd bettor wilding alone than any other i.i . the state , Its churches , schools , mills , elevators and its two rival lines of railroad are all important factors in its lolid prosperity. Had I the time or space it would bo easy to write half a dozen columns about Beatrice. Jt has grown from a n-olty village to the commanding posi- ion of the chief city of the southern counties since your correspondent first told Tin : Bun readers nbout it. We love Beatrice because its people are whole-souled , enterprising and vithal refined , and because itn sur roundings are charming. Hero hill Hid dale , shady groves , rushing rivers mid the more advanced bcautica of a cultivated landscape delight the eye. Tin : son. . . wonderful for its productive power , rho railroad cuts demonstrate thai ts depth varies from five to fifteen : eet , nnd it ia rich aa oil and black as i "nigger" minstrel. This loam baa a clayey subsoil , and taken all together t cannot bo boatdn for fanning p ir- ) osca in the United States of America. JVUIM 1MIOUUCTH. The crops , owin to the prosonl .season being exceptionally dry and hot , arc fair to poor. 301110 fields can bo shown whore corn will yield probably seventy usliols to the acre , but on the whole ho products of Gage county , cattle jxcoptod , , will this year go so much > clew the average yield of former ears , that the falling off ia scarcely nado good by the vastly increased crcago , but THE STOCK INTERESTS ro now Iho pride nnd glory of the loatrico people. Why , who would upposo that this town , nearly two lundrcd miles from Indianola and the attlo ranches , was shipping east an ivorago of § 7 < > ,000 worth of cattle iiil ( hogs every month , and yet ianker Smith assures me that suuh ia ho fact. The Wool clip of Gage county ag- [ regatea half a million pounds nnd hero are more sheep hero than in ihy thrco other Nebraska counties.0 Messrs , Hosaick & Wyatt are car- ying on the feeding business on a argq scale. Cattle men with heavy ' : apit'al have found more profit in this nisinc.w than in the precarious win- oring of vast herds on the bleak ilains , where the percentage of loss ia always considerable , nnd sometimes startling. HOKSEH. In a Beatrice stable I waa shown 'our of the finest atalliona belonging , o ono firm that can bo found cny- whcro in the west. Two were Per- choron Norman ; ono was an im ported animal , Ronford , weight 1,750. See atud book , vol. 1 , page 1-14. Such a horeo aa tliis is worth a great deal tea a now state like ours , whcro there ia so much broncho blood in our low jrado iorscs. Then there is next a jcantiful , pure , cream-white Arabian stallion , slender , graceful ami perfect n proportion , and so gor/no , obedient uul intelligent , that no lover of the dorse could fail to admire him. Then tlio Clydo3dalo'a l OO-pound beauty , with limbs that toll of giant strength. Wheeler & Wood own the four an imals , and will exhibit them nt the state fair , ' THE MKNNONITKS have now lived in this city i/nd / vicin ity for four ycarsj mid everyone speaks of them in the highest terms. Sober , industrious , peaceable , honest am wealthy , they nro iiulood u rich ac < quisition anywhere. Some of the finest farms in Gagt county now belong to these nooplo all of whom are German , not Russia ! Mennonites. Ono of the largcat him her yards in southern Nebraska is owned by Mr. Wiobo , one of the leading memben of that church , am he ia doing a big business with nl classes of people. IMI'UOVKMK.VIS. It would bo ust-lesa to attempt ai itemization of them. Sullice it to sa ; that the fine brick and cut-ston' structurea of Beatrice will bo nearl , doubled this season. Mr. John Pan nor with his choose factory ia succeed ing finely and is turning out 1,50 , ( pounds a day , all cream cheese a that. lie utilizes over seven hundre cows. I don't ' know as hotel items ough to come under the head of improvements monts nnd yet that is sometimes th case , so here goes : The Pacific ha passed into the hands of Mr. W. I1 Ronshaw ; further comment is quit unnecessary. rOLITH'H are getting warm around the cour house for the old Paddock rooster have read BOIIIO hieroglyphics on tin wall beginning , "mono mono. " Th people here nro heartily sick of the ox Bowitor and all his political friends Ho is rated hero for what lie is woith Those people know him. He servoi his term in the senate without ae complishing ono single tiling Urn could directly or indirectly bonofn Beatrice. As a cypher ho was i greater success , if possible , thai grandmother Saunders , and every one outsideof his own contracted ring re joicod when Van Wyck was electei in his place. Like all ox-senators o the small bore pattern , ho ia n bogga for the crumbs that fall from otlicia tables. "How are the mighty fallen ? ' Thorp are several of his henchmen stil inoftico. [ There is ono ( bass ) Drum lion that is always making a noise abou dynamiting the respectable people o the town who won't ' worship at thi Paddock shrine , This Drum ia liabl to be drummed out of the postotlici before ho knows it if ho continues 10 abuse his bettors , LAND OFFICE. Some ono is responsible for sonic thing queer at the land ollico here. It lie olden limes , when government and was everywhere instead of no where , ns is now the case , the officials voro obliged to pay clerks front prl- ate funds that belonged to themselves iidividtially , but now , when there is lothing for the officials to do , the J. S. government pays n clerk no hundred dollars n month to do it. Veil , now I presume there are those vho will "cim" when they read this otter , but for their benefit I will say hat I have only kind fcolinea for hat genial gentleman Mr. Paddock. never , to my knowledge , met Mr. 3rum , and I don't know ono Paddock member of the county rings , but , ovcrthelc. " " ) , I have reason to believe hat my imtormnnt spoke the truth , ind so as a reporter , I rcnort. AVe have aid much about lands , and written ucli about Beatrice , but have given 10 information that niiplit aid n man n ascertaining the details , Scholl & 3cachly will answer all inquiricr in regard to lot or lands , nnd ifxyoti hould come to this city nnd Mr. 3onchly should take charge of you , hero ia nothing on earth that can be tone to help you along thr.t ho will lot do. l'r ' one whole day Mr. lenchly devoted hia time to help THE JEE , simply because THE BEE was a ; oed paper and ho liked it. and it vould say a good word for his town hat might add n few more to the 3,000 that now have homes hero. For business review sec Cth page. RANO Kit. Our Glorious Independence. What can bo moro glorious than to be independent ofyulFeihig , cnuxcdby < 1yr > e ] > - sin , Indigcntum , cnii timtlon | , Hick hcnd- iche , or other dfoeancii emanating from .liu Hliinincli. Thin cnn be easily unined > y n timely ntc of Burdock Dlood Jiltterp. Prlco 81.00 , trial aizu 10 cents. codlw Great German REMEDY run RHEUUK , NEURALGIA , SCIATICA , LUMBAGO , BACKACHE , GOUT , SORENESS oruiE CKEST , SORE THROAT , Quinsr , SWELLINGS SPRAINS , FROSTED FEET AND EARS. i.SU SCALDS , Or.HERAL BODILY PAINS , TOOTH , EAR inn HEADACHE , llfD ACHES. 1'rfriaratfoa on earth , equati fir. jAenns OIL ai mrr , SUHE , SIMI-LK tin CHEAP Internal IlcmtJjr. A trtkl entalU tut tliacomiaratively tnnlng outlay f iU Cc.Mt , and every one iiuftrlng with [ iln ctu hart heap and poilUte t ri > cf of lu claim. UIIIECTIU.NS I.V ELEU..N LANGCAOU. IOI.D BY All DRUDQISTS AND DtAltRS III HtOICIMt. A. VOGELER & GO. Hnltitnore. Mil. . V.B.A. Cornell College. The CUstllcal , PhllOBOplilcal , Sclentincand Civ. it KnKlnecrin ) , ' Courses compare fa\orably will the beat collen"ca In the country. Spcciilad\antaicaarui'l cn1n the rrcparato < ry anil Normal Department ! ! , and In the Conscrv. atory of Music. Twenty Profe or and Tenchers. Superior IIuildlnr , Jluscum , Laboratory an I Amvxratus. Expenses Low. Fall term opens Hcpt. 16. For or othorinfarmatlon , addrcsa H'liKS. WM. F. KINO , D. I ) . , Jy 12 d&w2m Mt. Vernon , Iowa. Business College , THE GREAT WESTERN QEO. R. RATHDUN , Principal. Creighton Block , OMAHA , NEnilASKA 2TSend for Cin-ular tiOv.iiO.liMt RAGiNE COLLEGE ! A COLUXSi : AND ( IKAMMAll SCHOOL THE BEST SCHOOL I BOYS For terms Address Dr. Stevens Barker , warden of Racine College Racine. Wis. jy22dw.lm _ To Nervous Sufferers THE CHEAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Spocifli It ti a | > osUtocure | for Spvnuatorrhin , Sijmlnn IVcokncM , linpotancy , nnd nil dUoanci rcjullln front Mf-Abuie , o < Anxlct ) , Lou , Muuory , I'alna lu tlio Hack or Siilo , nnd disease - -u -m = r- t i t Insanity an null Krai The bWlfl Medicine 1 being use with wonder ( Ul klk-CCil. iUW.Sfn n jt mxTKi cn. I'mmililet tent In e to all. Write ( or tUoui and fit lull jar tlculnn. Price , Siieclfle , 81.00 per packajc , or elx pack gn ( or J5 00. Addruw all order * to II. SIJISO.V JIKDICINB CO. KOI. 101 and 100 llaln bt. liullalo , N , Y. SoKl In Omaha by 0. I. Ooodiiian , J.V. . Ilcl J. K lib , and all urufclsUeteryMlierr. SOANTLUTS Seamless Evaporator ANl > , "SOUTHERN"C/1HE / HILL. OESr CLASS SORGHO MACHIEB' ' AT tint inn nmu. C nil for Dtscrlptlri Frlct Lilt. THOS. ECANTUN&SON , 13VAN8VILLE. IND. ( ( in ( til l\iftr , 1m . NA&ll ulll take notice that on the I'M AK. of July , Itol , Charlu Ilrurultn. ju > tlu of the fvMe , lir t prccliiit , IMii Uic-ouuy , N , b. iMiieil an order of attachnu nt for 818.00 in nn ai tlon jiriidiiii ; before Idni.wlicriln U. K. Hainan I : jilaliitilt and A , K , Nn h defendant. That inoncj duo jou hta bciu attached under bald order fciMiiuiMuu tontlnuud tutho ttli ) of-Auirutt IStil , at 1 oMotk K. m. dltculw. a K. HAMAN. Plaintiff BOGGS & HILL , REAL ESTATE BROKERS No. 1508Farnluun Street , Orriri Nortb tide , ot > p. Orantl Central Hotel. Mm. .1. n. llolicrtson , I'lttsburir , I'ft. , write' , " ' a fiuflerinir from Central deblliti , ant of i > ) v petite , comtlpation , etc. , o that We M l > nr- leu ; after mliijt llurdock Illood Hitler * I felt bet- er than for jtar . 1 cannot praise jour Hitters oo hmcli. " It. Ollilrt , of Unffixlo. y > Y , , write ? ! "Your Iliirilock Illood ItittcrH , In ilironlc illuiw * ofthe deed , _ lUcr nnil klilnr\9 _ , liaie licen witlistiew * . IhtHc n ol thtm \lth lie t results for torpUlltv of the lUcr , nnil In cne of a friend of inlnu milTcrlnjr from ilroi | y , ho ( flcitvn marvelous. Ilnieo Turner , UoehrMer , X. Y. , writer ; I hate LII utilijcct to strloiH dlsiirilcr of the Uilno ) * . anil mialilo to ntUncl to Mi lncti : Iltmlotk Illooi' titter : ) relicMil me litforohalf aliottlc wanned , [ feel confident that they "III intlalj cure me" . AwnUh Hall , Illncliampton , X Y. waltc "I suflcreil with a ( lull jnln tlirotisli my ltd iinjr mid tlioiiMu. Iioit my splritn , a ] < ] > ctitcani1 rotor , and couhl wlthilllTUiilt } Keep up all iliy. Tool ; jour Iturdmk lloo ! < l Hitter * M iiln < ctcilJnnd ha\uflt ( no { inln since lint wick atlir u Mr. Noih Itatei , Clmlro , N. Y , . write * : "About four years tga 1 luul IXM attack of lilllloun lexer , and ncur fully recovered. My dljfcnthe or iuis were wuixkinol , and 1 would be completely pros- tratid fordiJK. Aftci uslmrtwo bottlej ofonr Hill-dock Illood Illttirt the liuiiroxcmcnt vaifo tlillilothtt t watiutoiiJOictl. lean now , though 01 ; jwirs of age , do ft fair and reasonable da ) ' work , " C. Illackct Kohln < on , proprietor of Tlio Canada I'reihjterian , Toronto. Out. , wrltn ; "For j earl I suflured prcatly from oft-reciirrlnj , ' lieadachc. I used J our Ilunlock Itlood HltterH with happleit rnultx , and 1 now find mjsLJf In better health than for rmrs just. " MM. AVnltace. Iluffalo , X. Y. , writes : lined Burdock Illood Illttcre for lien om and bil lion * hemUehcs , and m recommend It to an j one for billiousnces. " MM. Im MiillhollamI , Albany , ti. Y , rites : "Koi ( ic\cral > carH I ha\o uulTcrcd from oft-reeiir rln .Ijllllous huiulachc' ) , d > ? i > cMla ] , and com- iilainu I'cc'ullar to my KC\ . Slnconlng \ jour lurdock Illood Hitters I am entirely relieved. " rice , SI.00 per Dottle ; Trial Dottlci 10 CU FOSTER , MILBUENCo , , , Props , BUTFALO , N. Y- Bold at wholesale by Iih & HcMMion and 0. F. Goodman. jo ! ! 7 eed-mc NOTICE fO CONTRACTORS. Scaled proposals wlllbu rceelu'd by the IloariJ ofCounty Commissioners cif Dou h < Countv , > c- liraaka , until TlmreJny , PcpUinlier 1st , lt > Slat2 oMock p. in. , for the enttlon of a court hou o tiuildlni ; at Omaha , in said county , liinetordaneu with ii'ansaml fiwclfliat omm.ulo hy K. K. MJCIH , architect , and now on tile In thu county ckrk't ollko. liich bid must be accoiiijanlcd by a fjooil Mill sntlldcnt bond In thu mm of ll\o thousand dollars , eomlltioiiul ihattlieblddcrMlll enter into contract and Kite a xood and Kiitllcientho'ul tor tin. 'althful ' pcrfonnanio of the wnrk should the eaniR bo awarded to him. Spccineatlonn will be 'urnlshud upon application to the county clerk. 5cparatn bids for tlin tovural parts of the build up will bo considered and nil proK ] > s l3 nui.-t be made upon schedule" prepared hy the architect iml fiirnNhcd on application to the county clerk. The Hoard reserves the rljht to reject any or al' Ml. Ity order of the Hoard of Countv Conimlo-Ion ers. JOIIXIU MANCIIE&TKII , Onnha , Aug 11 , leM. County Clerk. AND STILLTHE LION CONTINUES TO Roar for Moores ( ) Harness AND Saddlery. Ihaio adopted the Lion ns n Trade Mnik , am all ray Roods ill bo STAMPED with tht UO. and my NAME on the same. NO GOODS Alth GENUINE WITHOUT THU A110VK SIASU'S The best material Is used and the mont tklllu1 uorkuicn are cmploj cd , and at the low est casl price. Anjono wibhinjraprlco-llst of good nil confer a fa\or by sending for one. * DAVID SMITH PJ1QORE. PROPOSALS FOR FILLING AL LEY. Sealed propo ala will bo reuhed hy the under feigned until 1'riiay , August IDth , at I'i o'c-lotK noon , for the fllllii - of the alley In block S , tali block Is locateil between Webster , California am 14th and 16th street * , In the city of Omaha , tali work to bs done subjctt to the appiotal of th city engineer. Ilids niiikt bo anompanlid l j the proiwMal surety under the titual conditions ad ! bids w 111 bo opened nt the regular inietlii of the city coumll Auru , > t SAI , Itsl. Thu clt. revert CD the riiiht to rtject any and nil bldx. hn \ ulojios containing i-ald pro)0 | ) d bliould be mark cd "I'roposala f6r KilliiiL' Alley In Illocl 8 , " an delivered to thu undersigned not later than III time abovcspec'.llod ' , J. J. L , , C , JKWKTT , C'it.vUlcrk.j DK VEAUX'S WASHING MACHINE The Only Machine that WilDe Do just as is Advertised. It Will Wash Faster It Will Wasli Gleaner , It Will Wash Easier , It Will require no Rubbing It will do a large family Washing in 30 Minutes , It Will IWnsU Equally well ! wltli Hard or Salt Water- U doci aw ay with wa h bollcr and a h boardi and utll ) uj ( orlUclfin dill and the wwrof clothe * In a monli , No steam In the kitchen. X child 10 jean o ! can do the \\a > liiii ; ( uter than any \\oman lan " ' - ' Jl tlioclotliei. IAN. Sl'LUVAN fcbONS' , dim 1110 IVxrnhaui Stntt , WISE'S ' Axle Grease NEVERTXUMS ! - - 4M . . .u > . u turn bcratcbe * and at kindi ofwruo oa Horse icd Stock , u vull u on OLARK&WISE.Manuf'B . ' , 386 Illinois Street , Chicago. * ySEND FOR PHICE3. Je SI eio-l > i DEWEY & STONE , FURNITURE ! ORCHARD & BEAN , J. B , FRENCH & CO , , C A R P ETSI G R O C E ft SI The Largest Stock and Most Com plete Assortment in , The West. ' ' ? ' f . i .1 ' j We Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , Oil- ciotlis , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures and Lace Curtains. ' ' ' ' ' WE HAVE GOODS TO PLEASE EVERYBODY , ,313 Farnkam St. , Omaha. THE GREAT WESTERN GLOTHINC HOUSE. M. HELLMAN & CO , , Spring Suits ! All Styles ! IMMENSE STOCK AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , The Largest Clothing House lest of Chicago- jA Department for'Children's Clothing , We have now an'assortmont of Clothing of all kinds , Qent'a Furnishing Goods in great varietyand a heavy stock of Trunks , Valises , Hats , Caps , &c. These goods are fresh , purchased from the manufacturers , and will be sold at prices lower than ever before made. We Sell for Cash and Have but One Price. A large TAILORING- FORCE is employed by usand worn SUITS TO ORDER on very short notice. 1301 andl303'iC hamasT.Sco rv 13t h WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , MAHA , NEB. The [ Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska , ' SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAIL ORDERS , ) ) IS-ine