6 TIJE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY AUGUST 18 , 1881. CALIFORNIA. Pftit , Present nnd Fnlnro- Lloyd Tovis , a well-known Califor nia capitalist , at present and for man ; years president of Wells , Fargo & Co. in response to an invitation , prepare ! nn elabomto review of California in dustrics for the American bankers association , now in session at Niagar ; Falls. Mr. Tovis has for many yean occupied a position from which hi could study the effect of causes ii operation , and his success as a man p ! business is evidence that ho has , it the main , road the signs of the times correctly. In a business point of view , Mr. Tcvis speaks of California ns in cluding the whole Pacific coast. Or this point ho says : California has been the base and Btarting-point of American development mont upon the Pacific. Into Orogor nnd Washington and British Colum bia and Alaska ; into Nevada nnd Utah nnd Idaho and Montana ) ink Arir.un.1 and Now Mexico and the northern states of Old Mexico ; ovoi nil that portion of the continent lying west of the llocky mountains , Call fornia minors , settlers and traders liavo carried tlio industrial outposts ol that community which sprang into bring with the California gold discov eries of 1810. San Francisco is not merely the metropolis of the statp oi California ; it is nlao tlio metropolis oi tlio greater part of this vast region. How far extends the commercial and financial system which centres in San Francisco , the operations of tliu ex press and banking company with which 1 am connected give an idea. Wells , Fargo it Co. is peculiarly a California institution. Beginning its operations in the early days of Amor- icu , settlement by affording the need ed facilities of safe transportation be tween San Francisco and the miniiif camps of the western elope of the Sierra Nevada , it bocnmo the for warder , the letter-carrier , and , to f largo degree , the banker of an ex tending population. As the prospectors tors and pioneers advanced it fol lowed them , until its agencies , non ( numbering over 700 , form n net worl 'which stretches from the Moxicai boundary line to that of Britisl ; Columbia , and from the Pacific to the llocky Mountains , with outposts upon the Missouri river and the Gulf ol Mexico. Wherever the organization of Wells , Fargo & Col * roaches the commercial and financial influences ol San Francisco extend , though since the business attractions of the oastcn : cities have , with the tixtonsion ol railroads , begun to make thomsolvci felt in the further west , it is impost bio to describe ns accurately ns bofort the bounds of the California system The thirty years of Pacific cons1 history is substantially divided inti three periods the first from 1810 t < 18GO , the period of placer gold mill ing ; the second , from 18IJU to 1870 Witnessed a change from mining t < agriculture as the loading interest o the state ; while the last ton years from 1870 to 1880 , has introduced i diversified industry , of which manu factaros form a considerable feature Mining : has by no moans ceased t bo an important industry , but th products of the soil have , in proson magnitude and future promise , ovct shadowed the products of the minoB A portion of Mr. Tovis' speech i devoted to a description of the ofiec the discoveries in the Comstock ha on California. Ho defines what h terms legitimate speculation , an points out the difference between tliu and illegitimate speculation. The on is a speculation in things having real value , and the other taking th clmncoa of a valueless thing boin worth moro in the market to-niot row than it is tonlny. Illegitimate imato speculation does not gam bio on the improvement o deterioration of a piece of real propoi ty , but simply bases its operations o the public impulse , hotting on n riser or fall according as the public min could bo influenced. Actuated by thi spirit of gambling , hopeless location wcro made and n wasteful manage aiionL engendered , the solo idea boin to sell the stock , not to develop a mini A rcuult of this gambling period was list of stocks in January , 187C , tl iiominul value of which was $282,305 iOi , which dwindled in the six follov intt vears to 917,002,700. The shrin ! ago in that period was $204,402,701 , , shrinkage out of all proportion to tl trilling aggregate lott. Whether tl Sl7jOGNOK)0 ) romniniiK ; as the presei estimate of tlio public of the value mines which IIIUKO no return to stoa holders is still to disappear , Mr. Tov does not say. Ho docs sa however , that if no such d posits as these in California an Consolidated A'irgimu bo found , "tl deposits of low-grado ere , which hai here .ofore been passed by , will , u dor careful management nnd wi cheaper methods , yield steady ai largo returns - returns which if lo likely to stimulate speculations , n moro likely to add to solid wealth The depreciation of the iioinin value of mining stocks , combini with the drain to pay assessments i valueless mines , contributed to brii about a depression in business , whie however is rapidly passing QWUV , f this point , Mr. Tevis has ifo m ! givings. Ho refers to the wheat cii of last year as being of moro tin twice the vuluo of ull tlio bullion pr ducod in the State , und adds ; But great as uro the possibilities grain-growing in California , its is IK becoming npparont that thu nu valuable of her industries in I future will bo that of the vinoyn and orchard California is by nati the Franco of America ; yet , in sp of the natural adaption of her s and climate to the culture of 1 urapo , wino-making in California 1 had many difficulties to contend wi arising partly fitim want of uxpc once as to soils , varieties , modes culture and manufacture ; partly fr the necessity of developing the pro ] organization and machinery , n partly from the time required to g a reputation and secure an assui market , It is only within the 1 few years that all thcso dilliculties , eparablo from the naturalisation o new industry , may bo said to hi keen dolinitoly overcome. But tl have boon overcome. The grn growers of California can now i their grapes as certainly as the fan can sell his wheat , and at far moro znunorativo prices. There is an parontly limitless demand for the } i poio of nupplving you , gentlemen „ tho' 'eastern states , with what ; . - } doom io bo foreign wines , wliilo sonic Gniifornift winesnro nlrcmly beginning to inriko a ropuUition which it docs not pay to disgnisp umlcr a foreign label. California is now ( sending U : the Atlantic Const more wine tlmn is imported from Franco , and it ia esti mated that the wino crop of last yoat Yielded to the growers nearly § 3,500- 000. The curing and packing of rai sins has only recently commenced , but it ia already an assured industry. Boston Girls- A correspondent says : Boston may justly bo proud of horgirls. 'J'horo i a large proportion of beauty among them. They dross woll. They dc not overdress. They know when to atop putting oti things. They do nol mix too many colwra into one gorgeous but incongruous whole. ( The 0 and 7 o'clock a. in. girls tripping to thoii places of daily labor arc outwardly as neat as a flock of chickadees. It it manifestly unjust to impute to them the general or oven soim-gcncral wearing of spectacles. They arc not as a rtilo spectaclodi 'I'Jioy wcai thick soles. They don't take any stock in consumption and early graves. They do not , as a rule , drink , smoke , chow or mvoar. They set a good example in these mutters. The cul tured class of girls hero do not hang about tliu thoatio-ddors at night mid beg checks of Ihosp passing out. They look you square in the face when llioy speak to you or you to ilium. They are self-poised , ready for any emergency , and carry mental quivuni full of Eincraoniou texts. Tliuy arc largely ccramical. The fair joolhs here are filled with their efforts in amateur ceramics. Music ia a general accomplishment. But seldom arc thcso girls hoard In the streets late nl night raising their voices in discor dant chorus. They wear rod mitts or their hands and l > luo or rod legging' ' on their logs. They have leqs. Tlu Boston female typo is notthin , slabby , sallow , or bilious looking. Dyspopsk hangs not its banner from their out ward walls. They have a firm , decl sivo , yet light stop , not sappy like tin working of a hoe in a mortur-bed They do not ; fear to make their wanti known on occasion , Ono cuino run ning toward us yesterday on the trot toir. Trottoir in Boston is Frencl and means sidowalk. Shu was a tall , willowy , genteel-looking girl in a sen ! skin cap and a real llush on cith'oi check. She ran Well , although ini' poilcd by the usual inciitnbcrincuts ol women. It was a swiff , graccfu1 Diana-like motion , as Di might havi pursued a wounded stag. She wai running utter a street-car. Tin street-car was running away from hur Two horses , ono driver , one conductor with oycs turned away from her because they did not want to BOO her Wore too much for this agile Bostonoso ' " Sir , " said she , respectfully , as shi passed mo at full snood , ' 'will yet ston that car for mo ? Her address under thcso hurried and unfavorable circumstances , was delivered with f iluoncy , correctness , nnd cure whicl would have become a full-dress draw ing room. I toll you , culture mean ; something. I inflated my own lungs cried aloud and spared n6t , only t < BOO both car and girl turn a conic and disappear. Yet that youiij lady's coolness and address undo these trying circumstances made : powerful impression. It is not over ; girl who can sing out gracefully thus It comes of the .progress of education which makes itself felt in small thing ua well as groat. It docs. Holitoinsi for the Dairy. Good observers say the Holstcii cattle are great consumers of food Thuro is no doubt , of thin. Take field of cattle in summer time , an when in hot weather the Jerseys an Ayrshiros will group together undc the shade of a trco , the burly an beautiful Ilolstoin will bo soon brow : ing easily in the open field. Goo eaters make good milkers. The Ho ! stein is very valuable for goner ; milking purposes , and , if the male are fattoneu up fast while younj make heavy beef. The Holsteins give a milk rich i cosoino but not so rioh in butter as th Jersey , ntill in the much larger quai tity will make as much butter in year. It is ono of the chief characte ; istics of the Hoistolns to give a Inrp ( low of milk the year round.Y have given several remarkable record of Holsteins in the eastern Htati vrhuro they have been longer intn ducod. Wo can now give the follov ing record here in the west , in tl state of Iowa : Carey II. Smitl editor of the Western Stock Journn Iowa City , referring to the record ' his Ilolstoin cow "Mink , " say "Whim in the last August number the Journal wo gave some figures i dicatinK what a good cow { mil don some wiioro inclined to say : Oh , yc that may bo done for a little whil but can she hold out ; will uho gi moro in a year than any other co < \Vu have in our dairy oxperien owned spvoral cows ihat won astonish us by their milk yield for fo\v months and then suddenly dry i and thus not yield as much in a ye as many that were called quito coi inon. Wo long since ceased to osl nmtu the value of a cow from h daily yield for a short time. II yield is us follinvs : For ten da when ou ( rial for butter , 815 Ibs. milk , from the cream of which w made 20 Ibs. U oz of butter. Be consecutive ton days 840 Ibs of Kiil Best daily yield 01 Ibs. Month yield 2,4MJ. Yearly yiohl 10,028 11 _ . . * The lown Guru Croii. IXucnport lUiettc. Ono of the most interested inon this city , if not oven the best inform on the subject of growing crops , Mr. F. II. Hancock , of the firm Dow , Gillnmn A Hancock. The fii has a largo numborof widoly-scatlor correspondents , who are instructed keep thorn posted in the sup inly grain on hand and the chances for 1 t season's yiold. Yesterday Mr. Ho cock told a representative of t Uazutto that ho estimates tin would bo a railing oil of fix U5 to 40 per cent from an avi ago cprn crop this year , In BOI counties the prediction called for per cent of full yield , while oth wont above und below it. The cau assigned for this state of affairs Iowa'which section of the country particularly alluded to , are as folloi Too much wet weather in the sprii making the planting season late , pi seed , and the ulmott continuous i weather for woeka past in all soctl of the State. Mr. Hancock says there is not ao much corn hold M is gener ally imagined. A great many parties sold in the winter for future delivery , and this helped to keep up the mar ket. If the piofiont drouth continues corn must go higher than it now is , so good judges think. An o.irly frost in September would send the price up too. But with frequent showers and a late fall , thcro is still a chance for the corn crop to disappoint the o who are predicting a light yield. The Oldoftt LlvlnR Ex-Goncreu- mnn- Mark Alexander , of Mecklenburg county , Virginia , advances the claim that ho is the oldest living ) congress man , disputing for that honor with Edward Darlington , of this state. Air Alexander is now 00 years old ; was in congress from 1811) ) to 1834. The distinguished Nathaniel Macon , of North Carolina , nnd the brilliant Randolph , of Iloanoko , were his messmates when in Washington. Ho is nlso tliu solo survivor of the cele brated Virginia convention of 1829-SO. A correspondent of the Washingcon Post who saw him recently rays ho is of medium stature , walks without n cane , visits occasisnally , reads without glasses , has KOOI ! teeth , and sleeps well , but thought his hearing wan injured from the use of quinine. During his life ho hai used tobacco moderately , but never indulged in the excessive use of stimulating liquors. Ho reads the papers of the present day with great interest ; was last in Washington in 1858 ; is fond of recalling scones of former years , .and seems to delight in the associations and recollections of the past. His wife a daugh ter of Governor Turner , of North Carolina , still lives and is twenty years younger than her husband. They were married over half a centu ry ago. They live in retirement and isolation from the activities and ex- citoir.oiits of this progressive ago , but quietly enjoy their country homo with ita pleasant surroundings , whcro they can reflect in peaceful solitude upon the great events which have transpired during their life , and treasure the as sociations with the great and cultured still kept groan in their memory. Popularity' Eclcctrio Oil has obtained great popularity , from Its intrinsic value an iv reliable medicine , In curing hoarxo' ncsft , and nit irritations of the throat , din- canon of the chest , etc. For tlieo It U an Incomparable puhnonic. codlw A "Wild Boar in Oregon. Oornv&llli ( Ore. ) Odette. The woods across the river from Cornvallis are filled with wild hogs , most of them having found refuge there during the .high water lost win- tor. Among these that came into this section during the flood was a largo boar , about six or seven years old , and as largo as at yearling calf , and has boon on the island above the city for several years , where ho has been several times shot , but could never bo killed or captured. Last winter , during the highest water , he was soon by two young men lloatint quietly down stream on a log. They immediately wont to his rescue in c bout , but on perceiving thorn ho lofl the log , nnd starting for the boa ! commenced to show fight and die catch the boat between his jaws , u-u but for several woll-diroctod blowi from the occupants of the boat hi would have swamped the same. Hii would-bo-dclivorors , when they foum themselves free from him , loft him ti his fate , when ho took refuge in tin adjoining woods. Ho started to swin a lake the other day , when ho wn discovered by Mr. Wilbank , who secreted croted himself on the bank nnd waitci until the nnimnl was within ton foe of him , when ho discharged both barrels rols of into a heavily-charged shot-gun to his head , causing instant death Prof. Emery says ho would as BOOI have mot n grizzly bear as this inon stor of the woods , whoso career has a last been brought to an end. Cured of Drinking. "A young friend of mine was cure of an Insatiable thirst for liquor which had so prostrated him that h was unable to do any business. II was entirely cured by the use of Ho Bitters. It allayed all that burnin thirst ; took away the appetite fc liquor ; mailp his nerves steady , an ho has remained n sober and stead man for moru than two years , and hi no desire to return to his cups ; know a number of others that Inn been cured ot drinking by it. " Froi n leading 11. II. official , Chicago , 111.- [ Times. nuglS-sopl Worthy ot I'rane. As a rule wo do not recommend pi tent medicines , but when wo know i one that really is n public bonofacto and does positively cure , tliau wo coi shier it our duty to impart that info nintion to all. Kloctrio bitters a ; truly a most valuable medicine , in will surely euro Biliousness , Fuv and Ague , Stomach. Liver and Lidiu complaints , oven where all other roi odies fail. Wo know whereof V speak , and can freely recommend ail. [ Ex. Bold at DO cents n bottl Tub & MoMahon. (4) ( ) PROPOSALS FOR FILLING Al * LEY. Scaled | iroM ali will l > o rcccUcd liy tlio undi nljueil until rrl 'ay ' , August lutli , ut 12 o'llo iiOOM , for tliu filling ; ot tliuallu ) lulituuk 8 , > j Mock U located lictwcen Wtlmlcr , Californian lltli ami IMIi trecU , In tlio city u ( Omaha , a work to lie iloiio Kiilijut to tlio appro\nl ol t city viiKinvcr , Hid * must bo luuompanltd tlio proiHwud turity under tlio iwual condttloi aid Milt will to opened at tlio regular meet I of tliu tltv council Auuiut Wd , Ibbl , Tlio f. rc erve tlio rlglit to rejeit am anil all olds. 1 i \ i loiw containing nald propotaU should bo nu ; od 'Tronohali for Flllliur Alley in lllock 8 , " a delivered to the undmlnir < l not later than I tlino alun a npufljllcd. J. J I. . C. J KWl.Tr , CitycicrU BROWNELL YOUNG LADIES' ' SEMINAR OMAHA , NED. Kov , EJOHERTY.M . , A , , RoofcD AuUtod by an blo corpi ol Uaclien in En jl , Sclciicod and h'lno All * . THE NINETEENTH YEA WILL BEGIN Q U For particular * . i ply to 18 UVl-eod-im TUB HKOTOU 18II II Is John G. Jacobs , Isi i ; ( formerly ol GUh fc J coU , ) Cir UNDERTAKES No. 1417 FarnhomSL , Old SUnd ot Jicohi 18 < V Order * lirTtlecraph Solicited Malaria Is An Unseen , Vaporous 1'olion , Bprcftilln ? dl wiio and death In nnnv lo calities , for nhkhriitlnlno IMIO genuine nntldoto , lint for tlutirjttiof wliltli llotUttcr'n Htomach Illttcra U not only a thorough rcmoly , but a reliable prov entice. To thH fact thcro I ? an o\cr- vliclniliiif nrray of tc tlmnnv , extending o cr a | p rlo < l ol thirty yearn. All ilhonlcw of the liter , Ktmnnch and bonds are nlso conquered by the Itlttcn. ff'For rale 1 < y all Ini lH and Dealers gen erally. A COU.KOi ; AND (1KAMMAH SCHOOL THE BEST SCHOOL 8 BOYS For toniiH Addrcai Dr. Stevens Barker , wnrdonof Eacino College , Racmo. WJB. _ jy 22-lm SIBBBTT & PDLLBB , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , DAVID CITY , NEB. Special attention jltcn to collection * In Duller county yU-ine Cm / IIVIL , MECHANICAL AND MINING EN- V QINEERINQ at the Rcnsselear Polytech- nlc Institute , Troy , N , Y. The oldest engineer- ln school In America. Next term bclni | Sep tember ISth. The llcslster for 1880-31 contains a list of the graduates for thu past 61 years , with their positions ; also , course of study , require ments , expenses , etc. Adilrcsn DAVID M. GREENE , ] l 14-deodaiitfll _ Director. . To Contractor * , Bnildors and Property Owners. The undo ulif ned haInjf been appointed avcnt for the uxtennlVo Iron and Ire manufacturing houses of K , T. Rarnum , of Detroit , and the Huwcl Iron Foundry and Works at Toledo , Ohio , capacity of ftO tons dally , Is prepared to furnish cellmates and prices for Iron columns , &c. , ke. , for store fronts , window caps and sllln , threshold | ilatt . wrought Iron lieain * and liird- en , hjdraullu elevators , staple IHtlnKS , | putlcjs , ehaftliiK , &C , ; also Iron fences , cresting , win d iKi' rils. shuttcra , stain , Imlconlcs , scttuc.i , clialisarot , aciiuarlumi , fountains , Bilininct lioimc1 ! , lawn , pirdcn and cemetery omamcnU , Mover utanils , ttrav o uardu , &c. , kc. . In cndlcaa variety. Catalogues Hiiimlled on application , HhNUV II. flAIIIlY , Ifanufacturcrs' A cnt , J2 Tcarl street. ttUitlO-lin mo Council llluffs , IOH The Oldest EstabUshrd BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA , Caldwell , Hamilton & Co. , Business truirectcd same u th&t of an Incorporated poratod oank. Accounts kept In currency or gold subject tc ili'ht check without notlra Certificates ol deposit issued payable In thro six and twelve months , bearing Interest , or c demand without Interest. Adi MICCS iiuulo to customers on approved Becu rltlci at market rates ot Intenut. Uuy and neil gold , bills of exchange , govern men ; , state , county and city bonds. Draw sight Orafta on England , Ireland , Scot anil , and all parts o { Etrope. Bell European passage ticket ? . COLtECTIONS 1'UOJIPTLV MADK. aii/ldt United States Depository SfationalBanl OF OMAHA. Cor. 13th and Farnam Sta. LDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT I OMAHA. SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE BROTHERS STABHSltKD 1860 , } rganlzod as a National Bank August 20IBS Al'lTAL AND FIIOFIT3 OVER 300,00 , omcKUfl AND biRKcroxs : IIRMAN KOU.NTZM , President. AtlotmiUH Kot'.init , 'Nleo Trenldont. U. W. YAirjj , Casliler. A. J. 1'orrLKTOM , Attorney. JOHN A. CREIOIHON , V. II. Ding , Aut. Caihle fhls bank roceltcs d | > oilts without roiiard mounts. Imues time ctrtllli tc l > enriiii ; Interest. Draus drafts on San KraiiiNco and prlnclu Itlisol the United States , also London , luuU Jllnlnirk'h and the principal citluu o ( ttas com lunt ol Europe. Sells p.uweni.'ur tickets for emigrants by the ( nan Him. mavldtf OllUINANOE NO. 471. An ordinance o < tatillihlrii ; the grade of Mai trect In Nclxui iiddltton , to the Utv of Oniali Do It ordilncd liy thu tlty council of the city Omaha , as folfous : SKCTIOX 1. That the grade of Idaho street I nil the name In hereby i-Btalillcheil aa follon .flilnnlni ; | th an cletatlon of onu hundred ai fifteen (116) ) at the Intcwcllon of the fast en line nf Idaho struct , with thu north curb llnu Cunilng strict , tkenco north ono hundred ai uu'iiteight (17b ( ) fvtt , Hli an nnL-cmllm : gnu of U feet ) > er 1W to an clu\ntlou nf one liuiidr mid thlrtv-iilne and ninety- two humlretlu (1 DMOUft ) > ct , thcnco northlUfcct to an elu\atlou ono hundrol and forty ninety-two lmndivdlh ( I 02-100) ) feit , thence north one hundred ai < : Ijhty-iet en and one-half ( Ib71 ( cet , lth i OMendlnir gtadu of 14 ' t per 100 to an eluutl ot ono huntlred and klxty-tU and socntcvn ui hiimlrcdttu ( Kill 1710feet , tlienco north stxt tvMiand u half ( Oik ) feet to an clevatluu of o hundred and MI rnty (170) ( feet , thence north o hundred anil eighty-wit en and rue-half (18' feet to an cluvutlou of uno hundred and netcnl ll > u (174) ( ) hit thence north ono hundred a night ) -MI ui and ono htlf ( IblJ ) IwttoancUn tlon of ono lmmlrc.il . nd iilvhty feit , then north ninety nine ami one-hall feet to the i M tlon line to an elevation of olio hundred a elxlitv-oiiu feet. Krciios 8. The west inrb of Idaho street kh . luill corrr i < end In elevation at all point * wl the cast curb , excepting at Its InterncUlon the north euibof Cummui ! { street , hero it bh ha\u the estalillsheil cletatlonof ono hunai and fourteen and oue-lulf (114 ( ] feet. KECTIOS . 'Ihls ordinance iliall take cftoU a be In force from and alter Us paKaK" attest , J.J.L O.JUWt.TT , TllOd , II. IIAU.KV , City t'U-rk. I'rei t City Council l'aod AugnvtOth. 1SS1. t 15th , 1881. Major WISE'S Axle Greas NEVER GUMS ! Used on Wajons , Dui cs , Ileapen. Thresh ud Mill Machinery. U U UV U' * t. TO r | (14 AJ.D TKAusrtiia. It cures bcratcht * and UuJiofsorooou IlonKaauJ Block , on well u men. ' OLARK & WISE , Manuf's ' , 38S Illlnoli Street , Chlcagt FOU PBICES. jo S. P. MO &CO. , f / Cash Jobbers and Retailers of 1319 FARNHAM STREET. t , DUEINO THE COMING WEEK OUR GREAT SALE OP GINGHAMS , Lonsdale , Fruit Hill , and other well-known brands of Muslin at 8 l-2c a yard. Best quality unbleached muslin , 7 l-2c. Pillow case muslins , lOc. Wide sheeting muslins , at wholesale prices. Linen sheetings from , from $1,00 to $1.50 per yard , Very best prints , fast . . ; , < colors , 5c. Very best ginghams , 8 l-2c , Another Oase Black Buntings , 8 l-2c. Thirty pieces new dress goods , lOc , ' RIBBONS ! RIBBONS ! RIBBONS ! 700 PIECES ALL SILK RIBBONS 10 GENTS PER YARD. In this lot will bo found all desirable colors in ALL SILK GUCS GRAIN , SATIN AND GROS-GAIN , AND FINE SILK BROCADED RIBBONS , from ono to four incos wide. , . f , J No Such Ribbon Bargains were ever before Shown G-RE.AT ! ZBTJTTOIN" 12,000 dozen fino.Dross Buttons at lOo a card two and three dozen on a card , all sizes and over a thousand different designs ; worth from from thirty/to fifty cents a card. S. P. & CO. LKGAL NOTICK. John McFaddcnw 111 take notice tint on the Oth of August , 1831 , Charles Ilranilet , Justlceof he I'eace , of Ut precinct , DoiiylaM Co. , Kc\i. \ , Is- uednn order of attnthincnt for the mini of SrtO.25 inn action penillni ; before him , herein Anio [ ratz la piaintllT and John JlcFaclclcn defendant , hatproiieity consisting of lioiu-cliolil tiirnlturu. , nd Iniiilcinciits lias been atbuhcd under salil rdcr. tiiiil iaiifons continual to SlKt of leptcmlicr. 1S31 , 10 o'elock p. in. nugiraSt AUKOltllATZ. I'lalntirT. NetastoLand Agency DAVIS & SNYDER , 505 Farnham St. , . . . Omaha , Nebraska Carefully selected land In Eastern Nobrtukafor sale. llruU llargalns in Improved farms , and Omaha city property. 0. F. DAVJS. WKBSTKH SNYDHR. UteUmlCom'rU.P " _ 'tf-febtf 880. SHORTJ.INE. 1880. KANSAS CITY , St. Joe &CouncH Bluffs U Till OXLT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST From Omaha and the "West. No change of cars between Omaha and Bu uouls , and but ono between OMAHA and NEW Y011K. DailyPassengerTrains UKlCIIItiQ ALL EASTE11N AND WKSTK11N CITIES with LESS CJIAItQES and IN ADVANCE of ALL OTHER LINES. This entire line Is equipped with Pullman's Palace Sleeping Can , Palace Day Coaches , Miller's Safety PUtlorm and Coupler , and the celebrated WcatlnghoUDO Air-brake. fink * that > our ticket reads VIA rvANSAS CITV , ST. JOSEPH & COUNCIL llLUFFd Hall. road , vh St. Joseph and St. I/oui . Tleketi for sale at all coupon stations In the Went. J. F. IU11NARD , A. O. DAWES , Ocn. Supt. , St. Joseph , Mo Oca. lias. Mid Ticket Agt. , St. Jo fJi ] , Mo. ANVT llouuKN , Ticket Agent , 1020 r'arnliam street. A. D. RiRUABH General Agent. OMAHA , NE KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA o 3 -H gj HO S " O HB B : i i t = t : erfa < \ BITTERS ILER & CO. , Sole Manuftxoturere , OMAHA MAX MEYER & BRO. , the Oldest Wholesale and Retail Jewelry House in Om'aha. Visitors can here find all novelties in Silver Ware , Clocks , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the La test , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in Precious Stones , and all descriptions of Pine Watches at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farn- lam Streets MAX MEYER & BRO. MAI IETEE & BED , , O IMC THE LEADING MUSIC HOUSE IN THE WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices areas Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Pianos , Knafoe Pianos , Voso & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warren , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pnr- chasinp- . O. H. BALLOU , DEALER IN Lath and Shingles , Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks north of ST. PAUL. AND OMAHA DEPOT. iyl.ood-3tn , J. A. WAKEFIELD , WHOLESALE AND nETAIL BEALEU IN A Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS. BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT rSTATE AGENi.FOB'.MILWAUKEE CEMENt COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , , - OMAHA , NEB