THETOMAHA DAILY BEE ; TJIUKSDAY. AUGUST 18 , 1881. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. NLW YOKK. August 17. MONEt AM ) STOCKS , Money clewed nt G per cent. \ l.xchange closed linn. Currency Gs , 1 Ro bid ; Is , coup , , V 10 bid ; 4Js do , 1 13J bid ; 5s continued , 1 01 ! ? ; Os do , 101 ? . STOCKS. The slock miuket this morning was firmer although for a short time after opening some stocKS exhibited a wcikueas and'fcll off , In the general lint there was an advance of 1@2 percent. After mid day Ihefo was a slight reaction and during the afternoon the market was feverish , Chang * ing frequently from firmness to depression and finally closing at low c t prices cf 10- day for many shares. Trunk line and coal shares generally closed ft- little higher than yesterday , Denver was weak and stock to-day dropped 7 per cent The dicllne in late dealings was attributed to the dearness - ness of money. The following are the quotations : Am. DU't Tel. 47J Mo Pa 103 ? A& Til . . . . 42 Ninth western do preferred . 00 Preferred. . CB&q. . . . .15(5 ( N ,7 C Can Southern Gl NY C CC&IO 2H Nnrth Pac. . . , Cedar Falls . . 20 Preferred. . , Central Pacific. 01 Oregon Nav. CS& 0 601 Omdia . . , . C O 0 A I. . , . 884 r Preferred 101J Cent. Ariz . 2 Pacific Mail. 49 1J& lllo G. . . . 80 ? PDI : . . . 35 Krio. . . . . 42i Pullman . . . 142 Erie iV Western 53j Hock Island . . .134J Adams Lxp. . . . 133 St. M&M 101 WFKxp.v..125 StP. . 142 American l.xp. 54 Sau Francisco. . 47j U. S . 07 Preferred. . . . 74 ] II & T . 01 Istpref'd 10G H. tc St..T . StP&D 25 Preferred . . . .1137 Tex Pac 52J 111 Central 130 | Toledo , D & B. 27 * IB&W . 45 U P ' 4 " ' ' l"V K & T . 105 WUTe'l.'I ; 85J L. S . 12 _ > g Wabash 472 M Cent . . . , 0.)9 ) Preferred 85 J M L S k W . . . 49 ? JIIMNO STOCKS. Following are the closing quotations for mining stocks at the New York mining board : , , , , * c Oriental &M. . 135 GMountaiu. . . G22 St Line No3l&4 110 Great Eastern. 200 StLiueNo < )2ife3 687i Boulder 28 ConVa. , . . . . 205 Gold Stripe. . . 100 Miner Boy.- . . vr > 2 k CHIC\r.O MONKV MAIIKET. CIIICAOO , August 17. Mone continues in good supply and the offerings of board of trade and mer- clmntilo paper wet e fai.Kates of inter- terest remain at 5@G per cent on cill and G(5i7pcr ( cent on time. Ea&tcrn cvrhange between city bwks was wak at SI dis count on 81,000 and currency was older * cd from New Yoik. The clearing- ! the associated bulks were § 7,800,000. Orders for currency from country ipoiuts weie large. I Omcvlia Wholesale Murltot. OFFICE OP Tin : OMAHA UKE , ) Wednesday Evening August 17. j Trade was reported .ictivo for the RCTSOU in merchandise , and prieei are generally strong , with many lines m dry goods , clothing and groceries advancing , ami in hardware many kinds of shelf goods are higher. The receipts of grain were only f.e'r , prices continuing steady and firm foi all descriptions offering. Wheat advanced IJc for No. 2. Barley declined 2c. Kyo advanced 2c. Corn slightly advanced. Oats ic higher. , v Fruits were very scarce and mostly sell * ing nt high rates. Berrie.s are nearly past for the season and in email supply. Staples in the line of general produce are v ry steady in prices. Wool and hides are in good demand. Dairy products are in first rate local re- fiuest. E0'gs arc firmer and advanced Ic. Tomatoes declined 81 00 per bushel. Apples weak , 51 00@1 50 lower. Local drain Dealings. WHEAT. Cash No. 2,1 15J ; Cash No. 3 , 05 : rejected CGc. BAUL1.Y. Cash No. 2 , 83c ; No. 3 Glc. HYK. Cash , 85c. COKN. Cash No. 2 , 43c. OATS. Cash. 27i < \ Livestock. Cattle Wo quote as follows : Butch er's cows , S3 00@3 25 ; choice butchers steers , $3 75@ 1 00. Sheep Good mutton in fair demand. S3 503 ; 75. Hogs We quote as follows ; Light packers , 54 805 CO ; medium mixed packer * $5 10@o 35 ; extra choice heavv , $0 35@5 CO. Provision ! . FLO UK Spring wheat , straight grade , 53 00@3 40 ; patent , S3 75@4 50 ; winter wheat straight grade , $3 50@3 75 ; tiatent , 54 00 ® I 50 ; graham rye , § 2 25 ; Wheat , $2 50. RYEJFLOUH-S3 25" MILLSTUFFS-Bran , per cwt. .TCc ; screenings , per cwt. 70@80c ; nhoita , per cwt. G5c ; cliojiped feed , per cwt. 80c ; meal bolted , yellow , t 0c ; white , SI 00. POTATOES New , ! Kc@l ) CO per bushel. POULTIIY Live chickens per tlo on , $3 50 ; old. spring chickens , M 50. liGGS Shippers count , IOc. BUTTmi Choice , lC@18pc ; , no mar- kct ; creamery , 2/ic , APPLUS Gowl , pound , $3 50 per bbl. bbl.HONEY HONEY Extracted , first-clags Calif- crnla strained , 15c ; Nebraska comb , 20c , L1J.MONS Good repacked per box , $8 50 ; best , 8'J 00. VLACKBHKItlES-Per case , St 00. TOMATOKS-Per bushel , SI 50. : * CALIFOUNIA PEAKS-Per box , S3. * Y * " > CALIFOKNIA PLUMS-82 75. CALIFORNIA PKACHKS-S3 00. CALIFOHNIA GlJAPiS-100@4 : 50 WATEHMKLONS-1'or 100 , ? 10 00. BLUKUEHRIKS Per case , S3 00. VEGETABLES All kinds bring good prices. BEESWAX Yellow , 18@20c. ONIONS Per buslie" " , $125. Grocers List. COFFEE. Itio , lair. KUc ; Rio , gooifj 14c ; Rio , prime to choice , HJc ; Old gov't Java ; 2 < H@28Jc , locha , 2t5Jc ; Arbuckle's , 171c.TEAS. TEAS. Gunpovder , good UUC , Cliuiv * : , . u v\jy pa. w , tf. , iMit AIUW AJVM. , 3r > c ; Jfpan. choice , CX75c ) ; Oolon ; , ' , fio.xl , 3j@40 ; Oolons , choice , -I0rj5j Honchims , L'ooil. JC lOcj choice. Mffi-Wc. SU AllS.-Cut loaf , lljc ; Crushed , lljc ; Uraimlattd , lO c ; Powdered. . . I'jc. ' I'jc.SYIIUPS. SYIIUPS. Sugar house , bbls , 45c ; half bis , 17c ; keg , 4J gallons , S2 30 ; choice table syrup , 42c ; half bbls , SPICKS. 1'eppcr , Cloves , 45C ; Nutmeg , SODA. bwighl's lb papers , S3 00 ; De- lajid do , $3 00 ; Church's , § 3 00 ; Keg soda , 1 , So ; Silver Glosn , 7J @ 8c ; Corn Starch , 8i@8ic ; ExteUior Gloss. Glc ; Com. 7c. SALT. Dray load * , per bbl , 1 00 ; Ash- ton , in sack * , 3 60 ; bblu dairy GO , f * , .3 45 ; bblndairy , 100 , 3 , 305. UllIED FRUITS Choice . halveu , peacheti , new crop , Ojc ; f,0 lb boxes , 1314c : " Yorkupples,8icSt.L ; . . . . oldfflcp new , 8JCCurrants ! , 7@7ic Blackberrie/new , IOc/ " CHPESE : 1'ull Cream , lljc ; Part Skim , Oc , - - 1 85 ; three hoop pailn , 2 10j No. I tulx , 9 00 ; Xo. 2 ttttS , 8 OOj No. 3 tubs 7 00 pioneer washboard * , 1 Ms Double Crown * 2 - : ; Olobe AVnshlmnnl , 2W ) ; Well bucket- , clinin , and 5 ply , 20J/'J11 ; Colore < l cnri et chiin , per Iti , 2o ; LKAD-lku- CM. MATCHllS-l'cr caddie , Me ; round ca cs , S7..1. ; sntiare crwc , 81.00. I'llOVISIONS-Urenkfaxt bacon. \ $ . . ihoico lanl , 13Jc ( dliod bocf , lie ; > lv > ld- tn , canxniied 8jc ; hnm < < , cniivmse < 11121c ; bicon , pldea l\\v > M\V ; l'lCKf.i:9 : fcdlmn , In barreN , S7 00 do in half bbl1 ' _ > , - , ; , - ; muallin bbl- , 1200 ; do , In h.iU lihlo. (150 ( : ehcrkhii , in bhls 13 00 ; do , Itl half bbl , 7 00. VINKGAK Pure npplo extra , lOc ; pure njiple. 13cj Pmiilng pnro applt ' ? : 16e. HOSfll Y-iCow , ? 3bOperbb'l. UKAXS Medium , hnml picked $2,00 per hinhcl. - a 15o\c , JO UH , 10 or , 8 , 13cln ; XM 10 lb . , 1C oV ( 13c ; boxes , -10 sctn , II oz. . 8121c ; half boxes , 20 etK , 14 oz. , 8.1 . , 13c. IjYlJ American , 3 3Ti ; ( Jrccnwlch , 3 3" ! \Vt-itcrn , U 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; I-e\\IV lye , 4 CO ; Jewell lye , 275. POTASH Peuntjlvauii cans , 4 dor. , In cose , 3 81 ; lUbbitt's Unll , 2 Ant. In iau , t 00 ; Anchor Uall 2 doz In cose , 1 oO. VIILD : SIKD : i d ci Ner , choice , new , STiTO per lmsh lj mammoth clo\ei , newS5 75 ; whitu clo\er , new , $ UOOj il.alK clo\tr , new , 812 fiO ; al ikc , new , 813 00. Timothy , good , new , 82 502 05 ; bluu t'lasi , extra clean , 8125) ) blue KIK.-.H , , SMii ; orclmhl Km s , $2 00) ) red top , clioiio , 0"ic ; millet , common or Mismmii , 81 25 ; millet. ( Jcnnan , $1 25 ; td SI M ) ; , 81 15. , UKDOiSKKD O IBO oran o , 1 tt. 5 , 800 ; osah'e orange , 10 bushels 01 o\er , 54 50 ; honey locust , per lb. , 35c ; per 100 fbs. , ? 25 00. riSH l-'amily - uhite fish , 00 lb hi bblu , $3 CO ; Ko , 1 uhito ilsh , 90 lb hf bbls. 0 ! (0 ( ; No. \hite ; fi h , in 10 lb kits , 1 00 ; family 10 lb kit" , 7ooj New Htilland lierrinj ; . per keg , 1 20 ; Rusxiaii sanlincH , 75c ; Colui"- bi.v rier mlmou , per 1001b < , 8 00 ; Georo'i ( Bank codlith , Oc ; Gen. bonelew codfish ; .S c ; bonclcus iish , 4Jc. d rACKlUlIltalfbblsmcs8mackcrcl : ; ) lOOlbn , 812T.O ; hfbbl No. 1 ex nhoro do , 100 His , C 00 ; hf bbln , fat family do , 100 Ibt , 3 8.ri ' ; nicsrt mackei-cl , 12 lb kitu , 2,25 ; No.'l'cx bhore.'l'J lb do , 1 50 ; No. 1 fchnre , 12 11) do , 1 00 ; ; fal family , 10 lb do , 75c. CANNKD GOODS Oysters , 2 lb ( Field's ) , per , 81 20 ; do 1 lb ( Ficld'n ) , per case , 2 50 ; do 2 lb ( Standard ) , j > er case , 3 IK ) ; do 1 lb ( standard ) , per case , 2 40 ; do 2 lu ( nlack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 lb ( Black ) , iicr cow , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , 1 lb , per do/en , 1 Go ; do 2 It ) , per dozen ' - ' 50. Sardines , hmnll fsh , imported , 4one- quarter boxes per box , 14Jc ; Ameiicau , quarter boxes per box , lie ; do half Iraxcn , pel- box , 21 to. Jjobstera , 1 lb per do/en , 1 80. Tomatoes , 2 10 ; do 3 Ui i > er caie , 2 50 ; Com , 2 lb ( Mountain ) per case , 340 ; , o.vkcd com , 100 ; do 2 lb ( Yarmouth ) , per cafe , 350 ; sti ing beam , per case , 1 ! > 0 ; Lima beans per c.ise , 2 00. Succotash per case , 2 0. Peas , umtnion , pnr case , 1 75 ; peas , choice , per case , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortlebcr- lics ] > er case , 2 50. Kg-j ; pluni" , 2 lb per ccsc , 3 25 ; do , choice , 2 lb , per case. 4 i > 0. Greun nages,2 It ) per case , 3 25 : do choice , " lb per c.ifce,4 50. 1 ino Apples , 2 Hi , per case , It C0 ( .5 20. 1'c.iches , 2 lb per case , " .0 : do U It ) , case , G 00 < ffi5 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , per case,325 ; do pie , G lb , per do/sen , S 50. KICK Carolina , G7ie ; LouiMana , ( fftiic. . . PKANUTS Roasted,1 choice , red Ten nessee , SJcper lb ; fancy white , 9c per lb ; raw white Virginia , 7@7Jc. Dr Goods. BROWN COTTONS. Lawrence LL , Gto ; Unckeyo LL Gto ; Crescent LL C'c Utica C 5c ; Crescent O 7 c ; Crescent 1J 7 c ; Crescent A 80 ; Wachn ctts 8c ; Indian Head 8\c \ ; Granitevillo LL GC : Badger RR , fine brqwn , 7ic BailgcrX , do , 7c ; Portbinonth P , do , 5Jc : Winthrop L , do , 7icJ Continental U , do. 8c. ULUACIIKD COTTONS Wamsutti 4-J 13c ; Fruit 4-4 10' ' ; Jfoje 4-4 8\c ; Uallardvale 4J (5/c ( ; Pocassctt C" 4-4 8Ac ; Altoona 3-4 Oc ; Lonsdalc No. 1.1 cambric 13c ; No. 2. do , 12Jc ; NLW York Mills 1-4 13c ; Lonnlalo 4-4 lOc ; Fairmont 1-4 Auburn A 1-1 Q - GJc - SJc ; JJaniard 2 ( ic ; Daily Cloth nic , PRINTS. Alkn'H fancy , _ CJc ; Ameri can do , Glc ; Manchester , 7c ; Pacific , 7c ; Sprague : Cjc ; SouthbridseGJc ; Mystic , G\c \ ; Mcrri- mack shirtings , Gc ; Sprague do , G.1" Southbridgo do , OJc ; Regatta do , l . Cochico robe , 7c ; Fieeman robe. I Hamilton do , 7c ; Marlboro dp , Gc ; South , bridge do. Gvc ; Sprague do , GJc ; Americit do , GJc ; Pacific do , 7c ; Wi.shington ol colors , 'Jc ; Siiniv-on'ti mourning , 7c ; Simp * eon's solid black , Glc ; Bet lin solid colorsGo. CAM 1WICS , FLAT Ola/ed , 5Jc high colors , GJc ; kid finish , ( ic ; high col * oiri , 7c ; rolled , 7c ; high colors , 8c. CORSET JEANS Uockijort , t'c Nnumkeag Ratteen , 'Jc ; Andioscoggln do , , ! iu ; Lockw oed do , ! lo TICKING Amoskeag- . C. A. . 17Jc ; Conestoga , B. F. , L fancy , 18c : Cones toga. 41 , Gold Medal. JGc ; Concatoga , J , C. 0. A. , 14c ; Conestoga , C. C. A. , fancy , 14c , Eoston , B. , OJc ; Omego supuiior ex. * tt a , 28c ; Omega medal , 2"c ; Omega A C A , fancy htripe , 20c ; Omega A 41 , IGp , Omega A 2,13 ; C.RedStripe , IGJlc ; Shctucket , S. , HicjShetticket , S. S. 125c ; Pearl River , 17 o ; Hamilton.,1) , , 111 ; Hatr.ilton . retrular , 13 ; Hamilton' ' ! ! . , lljc ; Cordis , B. B. . 'Jic ; Coi-dis A C. E. , 18c ; Albany S. A. X. , 17Jo. OIL CLOTH 5J wood , 83 00 ; 5-1 fancy marble , S3 00 ; M white marble , S3 25 ; G i wood , SI 00 ; G-l fancy marhli\ $4 00 ; G4 vvlilto marble , 84 25 ; 54 mo. sale , $3 00 ; G-l mosaic , & 1 00. UEXINS Amoskeag blue and brown IGc ; Beaver Creek , A. A. , blue and brown 14Jc ; Beaver Creek , B. B.blun and brown 13jc ; Beaver Creek , C , ( ! , , bluu nil' brown , liijc ; Everett I > . I ) . , blue inu brown , 1G ; Hnv maker * blua mid bmwn JJcj Otis , A. X : . A. , blut , 1 Jjc ; Otis B. B blue , 13i- Otis f. 0. , blue , 12Jc ; Peai River blue and brown , 15Jc. DUCKS Fall Hivor , flic ; Hnmden O O. , lOic ; Boston clu-ck , 13Jc ; Biwto ' stiipes'l3ic ; Duudeo htii ) > w , IKc ; Jl ! marck utripe , 17joi ArlingUjn ntripo , 18o Lion Ulue. 15ic ; 15ostou XX , bro. , I2jo J5o lon XX drab , 12ic ; Ibwtou-XXX tru. 13Jc ; Boston XXX dn.b , l Jc ; Boston O ( II. bro. , lOip. STRIPliS T-ewittou , 3x8 blue nnd b , 8 0 ; LewintonGx3 bluu and brown , 8Hc ; Roct River , 6x3 blue and brown , lUc ; Alabama , 0x8 blue and broun , 8 to. COTTONADKS I-ewiston "diamond ' ' , 27Jc ; A. Y , A. . 2Gc ; Angora , D. fr T , , 2Goj . New York mills proof , 22to ; JJridgewatcr , , i : Yoik , light weight , 12 c ; New York mill checks 10 SHEKTINGS Androscoggin.O-lhrov/ 23CJ do 10-4 do , 26c ; PepperelrsO-4 browi 25c ; do 104 do , 274 ; Alexandria , 4 inch , bleached , 13c ; Androscoggin 0-- blcaclied , 28c ; do 10-4. bleachtxl , 23c Pcppercll , 0-1 , bleached , 25o ; do 10 bkached , 27ic. Drupf. DRUGS AND OHKMIOAJA-Acid' Carbolic. 50c ; Acid , Tartiric , 55cs Copablaf per lb , 75c ; TUrk. Saanafnw , per lb , 12oj Calomel , per lb , 70cj Cluchonidla , ix/r / oz , BOc ; Chlorofonn , j > er lb. 95c ; Dover'a po der , per lb , 81 40) ) Kjwom wilts , i > eri > , 3c ; Gljcerine , pure , i > er Ib , 42cj fcewl , Acetateptrlb , ± 2c ; Uar bon oil , 110 , i > er galloii , IHc ; do UX > ° , per gal , 13c ; Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal , ? 1 10 ; 6il , Cwt r , No-S. crfal , 8100 ; Oil , Olive , pergftl , $1 M ) ; Oil , Origanum , 50c , Opium , 8500 ; Quinine , P. AW. kH.k S.por nt , $240 ; Potadum , Icxlido , per lb S'J , 50 ; Salnan , per ox , 35c ; Sulphntt of Morlihlne , ] > eroz , $3 75 ; Sulphur flour , per Hi , 4c ; Strrchninc. er oz , SI COc. Horiet nnd Mule * , The market ii brl k and nil gradei are ellin < v ell at a slight adv ance in f pi lee . The dcmuud for tjooil horses ovcecils the oupply considerably. Prices range as fol- iiio wnglo driven > , 8150. tooOO. ; Kxtra draft horses $175. to 225. ; Common di.ii't her es , SI 00. to 150. ) Kxtra farm horM-s , $110. to 125. ! Common to good farm horses , V.IO. to S100. ) IMra plug , 8W. to 75. : Common plug" , $20. to 840. M11LV.S.15 to 15i hands ( extra ) , $125. to 150. ) 14J to 15 liMidn , S100. to 140. ; II to 14J hinds 875.10100. ) 13J to 14 hands , SiO. ( to 75. Cigars and Tobaccot , CIGARS.- Seeds , 815.00s Connecticut , $25.00 ; Mixed , 8.T5.00 ; Seed Havana , 850.00 ; Clear I lav ana , 875.00 , TOBACCO - PLUG. Golden Rule , 21 lb , 5lic ; Spotted 1'awn , 57c ; Our Rope , 5Sc ; Star , pounds. 2 lb , butts , ftHo ) HOIKO Shoe , pounds , 21 lb , butts , 5 ( c ! Puiity. 21 lb. butts , 52c ; ( ) uccn Bee , 21 lb , butts filtc ! IMge , iMiutuN , 15 lb , Imtt1" , 57 ; Aimy and Navy , pounds , 51c ; Bullion , pounds , 5"c ) l rillard's Climax , pound * , fi7 < ; . VINKCUT In pails , -limit to Beat , 75- ) ) Golden 'llireail , GGcj I'ouittiiln , 73c ; I'uNoritc , We ; Rocky MounUdn , 55o ; Taney , 50c ; Dainy , 45c.--In tin foil - Catllns O. S. , 2 ot packages , o lb boxes , l > cr lb ( iOc ) IjorlMardM Tiger , ( We. SMOKING All pnules-rCommon , 2oto 33c. ( Jramdated Blnckwells Durham , 1C or 4lc ! ; Duken Durham , ID o , 45c ; Seal of North Carolina. 1G or , 4ii ; Seal of Nt'Vnui * leu , 1(1 ( nr , ,1Sc ; lxuic < lack , I / , linen bags , perlb , 81.35 ; Marburga * Puck , 2 oz , tin foil , 55c ; Dog Tall. C5c. Lumber , VKNCING-Nrt. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , $25 00 ; No. 2 ( 12 to 20 ft. , 23 00 ; xhe tlng dnvscd , No. 1 , 22 00 ; No. 2 , 20 00 ; common boards , dressed , 25 00. FRAMING ID ft. and under , per M , 24 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 25 00 ; 22 ft. 2X 00 ; 2 1 ft. 28 00. FINISHING No. 1. finish 1J , 1J and 2 inch , 855 00 No. 1 finish 1 inch $50 00 ; No. 2. finish li , U Mid 2 inch , 85000 : No. 2 finish , I inch , SJ5 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 in. h , S4000 ; O. U. battonn per 100 feet lin. , 81 50 ; well curbing , $3500rough ; J'and 2 inch buttons per 100 feet lin. . 50c. STOCK BOARDS A stock , 84500 ; 'J 8-10 00 ; C , S35 00 ; common stock , 827 50. FLOORlNG-No. 1 , 4,12 60No4 : 2 , $37 50 ; No , 3 , .J27CO ; jellow pine , No. 1 , 845 00. SIDING No. 1 , $27 50 ; No. 2 , 82500 ; No. 3. $20 00. SHIP LAP Plain , 825 00 ; O. G. No. 1 , ? 37 50 ; No. 2 , $25 00. Oii LING $30 006E845 00. LATH AND SHINGLKS A htarbi-st ( ) sbimrles. SI 50 , No. 2 , S3 50 ; No. 3 , S2 'O. Lath , § 4 25. i K- % Dulldlne Material. LIME Per barrel , 51 35 ; bulk per bu. , 3"c. Cement , bbl. 82 50. Iowa planter. bbl , S2 50. Hair per bu , 35c. Taneu felt 100 Ibs , 83 50. Stiaw ijoard , § ! 00. The Leather Trade. 1 Oak harness , 39(3) ( ) lie ; Pittsburgh selec ted , 40@Wc ; hemlock harnesH , 37@8lc ! ; skirting per lb , fair ; I4c ; hiok collar 14@ 21cj fair do , 18@20c ; fair No 2 , ] G(3J18c ( : hemlock sole , Buiralo slaughter , ] > er lb , 30 @ 3)c ) ; hemlock Hole , B A. slaughter per lb , 25@32c ; oak sole , 10@43c ; oak upijer per foot. 25e ; hemlock uiijwr , 25c ; do N 2 , 23c ; oak kip skins per lb , hOcft.Sl.10 ; htmlrck kip skins per lb , 7 caS1.00 ( ; French kip skins per lb , Sl.00@Sl.il1 ; oak calf per lb , S1.00 ( < ? 51.25 ; hemlock "calf per lb , &M .S1.25 ? French calf pel lb , $ l.25SjS2.lOc ( ; Simon Picanl goat ] ) ei do/ S30.00@18.00 ; bootleg Morocco per foot , 30@33c ; calf kid per foot , 35c ; per doz , U.00@10.50 ; white and yellow liii- hrs per doz , § 8.00i$10.00 ( ; pink linings per 87.00@SO.00 ; Riihsett linings , S7.f 00 ; blacksmiths' aprons periWen , $12.00 ® § 14.00. PAPER- Straw piper , 3Jc ; rag paper 4c ; dry goods Daper , 7c ; iimnda paper , IOc news paper , be. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , § 12 Morris Run Blo burg , § 12 ; lump , SO ; nut , SG ; Iowa lump , ? G : Iowa nut SG ; Rock Sringi | , § 8 iVnthracite , all hi/.es , # 11 50. Hides , hurs , Etc. IIIDKS Green butcher's hiile , 7 } ! grrei n cured hides , 8Jc ; green salt , p.ut cute , 1 1 hides , 8Ssicllry ( ; flint , sound , 13@llc ; div calf and kip , 12@13c ; dry halt hides , pound , ll@12c ; gieen calf , wt. 8 to 15 lin. . 10@lle gnen calf , wt , under 8 Ibs , per btin , 50c green ptlts , SI 00@1 15 ; green lamb M.ins , SI 10fr)125 ( ) ; damaged hides , two-thiid raft- , ( cut hcorcd and one grub , clow-id tv\o tl irda rate , ) branded hides 10 per cent , off ( ' 0,111 skins , No.1.4.rcNo. ; . 2 , 30c ; No. 3 20. ; No. 4 , IOc. Mink , No. 1. f.Oc ; No. i ! 30c ; No. 3 , 15c ; No. 4 , 5c. Fox , No , 1 GOc ; No. 2,25c. Skunk , No. 1 , black 0"c ) ; short stripe , IOc ; nauow .stripo ' ic bruadbttipc , IOc. Tallow , o .f Wool. SIerino unwashed , light , ll@10c ; heavy , 13lSc ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20c tub-washtd , choice , 32c ; fair , 30c ; dingi and w. , t8o ! ; hurry , black and cotted wool Snot. SHOT. Shot , 1.75 ; Buck shot , S2.00 Oiitntal Powili-i , kegs , § li.JO ; do. , hal kegN , S3.18"do. ; , quarter kegs , $1.87 ; Blast ing , kecs. & 3.3Fuse : , ner 100 feet 50c , Heavy Hardware List. Iron , rates , $315 * ; plow steel , cast , 7c cast tool do. 15S20 { ! wagon Rjiokes , ht-t 2 2.'i@3 00 ; IIUH | ; per set , 1 25 : felloes , pavm diy , 1 40 ; tongues , eath , 75J5i ( > 5c ; 'axle ! ) each , 7fic ; taiuaro nuts , per lb , 7@llc wiuihcn , perlb. 8@18c ; rivets , perlb , lie coil chain , per lb , G@12c ; maljeuhlo , 8c ; irou wedges , Oc ; crowbars , Gc ; harrow teeth , Ic ; her ebhoe.s , per keg , 5 00 ; hprin- , steel , 7@8c. NAILS 10 to 20il. 3 10 ; 8 to 10 , 3 fl'i Gd , 3 ! )0 ) ; Id. 115 ; M , common , 4 'JO ; M fine , 0 10 ; clinch , all sizes , 5 15 ; lid , rasing 1 C5 ; 8d casing , 4 4 ; lOd casing , J 15 ; 10 * fmihh , t G5 ; 8d finish , 4 'JO ; M fiiiiHh , 5 15 half kegf , IOc extia. Paint * Oils and Varnishes. PAINTS IN OIL White lead. Oniiihi P , P. , 7c ; white lead , 0. P. ft O. Copure Go ; MaweilhH gieen , 1 to 5 lb tuns , 20i- Flench zinc , green fcealj 12c ; French /hie red neal , He ; French /me , in vanish iiKst 20c ; Frunchiucc , in oil uH-t , 15c ; Rav and burnt umber , 1 lb can-i 12c ; raw am burnt Sienna , 13onndyku broun , 13. iL-liiu'd hunpblai-k , 12c ; coach black , 1lc ! l 'oiy black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Pmssht blue , 30c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrwm green , L , M. fi H , , 14o ; blind nnd xhuttr groeu , L , M. k 1) . . 14c ; Paris green , 18o J"liun red , 15c ; \ enetlan red , He ; I'IHC.II i-rii , 22c ; American Venniliod , I. K.V. , 18 < thioniu > rllovv , L , , M , , 0 fc 1) . ( > , , IHc yellow ochre , Oc ; golden unlne , 10 ; pal -n ilner , Go ; graining colon * : ll ht > > ak , dar oa < , walnut , cliostnut anil at-li 12o Dry Paints White lead , Gjc ; Kirnch zinc. IO.- ; Paris whltuliig 2ic ; whiting gilder , IJt ; whiting conil , lc ; lamjiblack German * town , 14c ; lampblack , oralnaiy , 80 ; Priis- Kian blue , 55c ; ultramarine , ISc- ; vandike , brown , He ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , law , Ic ; sienna , burnt , ! < ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Porij green genulue , 35c ; Paris green com'l 'fftOf chrome green , N. Y , ' 20u ; chrome girun K. * 12c ; vennllllon , Eng. , 70o ; vermillion - million , America , IHc ; Indian red , lOc ; rose pink , lie ; Venetian read , CooLsonti , venetiau _ _ red Am. , IVc : red lead , 74c : i liroiiiti yellow , genuine , 20c : chroma yel- low , 1C. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; cxihre , Jfri'iith , } c ; ochre , American , l Winter' * mineral. 2Jc ; 4lchigh browrn , 2jo : Spanish brown , 2c ; 1'rintu'n mineral 3c ; VARNISHKS BarreU per tfallon. Furniture , extu , Cl 00 ; furniture , No. J , 90c ; furniture , U , 70c ; co&ch , xtra , 81 25c ; Coach , No. 1 , 81 00 ; Domar , 81 25 ; . oilfmUh.6130. / OH.S110' carbon nerBallon , lljc : 150' Leaillight , tcr gallon , 12Jc ; 175 * headlight ) > ergalon ) , IGc ; cryttoline , ] > er gallon , itOc linwed , raw , per gallon , CSc Lfiuteed , boil. ed , per gallon , WV ; flard w inter ftr'd , per gallon , Site No. I , GC , No. 2 , * 7c ; castor , XXX. per gallon , 97c , No. 3 , h7c ; sweet , i > or pallon , 85c : sperm , W. II. , per gallon , S' 35 ; lil-.b.W.B. , per gallon , GOcjiiMtsfoot , e\lra , per gallon , i5c , No. 1,65 ; hmi1x < rl * eating , 7oro , per gallon , SOc , Miinmer , T > c golden machine. No. 1 , per gallon , 35c , No. 2 , 2Sc ; sperm , signal , per gallon , 80c ; tur pent lite , per gallon. Ulc ; naptha , 7lldog , 1 cr gallon 20J , 63 detf , SOc. U quor. AT.COHOL 187 proof , $2 25 per wine galloti , extra California spirit * . 1S7 proof at 122 per proof Ballon triple refined spirits , IS , proof , $1 SO ; per in oof gal re-dlstllled whiskies , $1 00@ [ On. ; line bh tided , SI oOfMoO ; Kentucky bour bens , 5200@7 00 ; Kentucky and Pcnmyl * vanhrvo * , S2007 00. BItArfDIKS Imported * SG OOGHGOOj dotnpstio 1 IO ( < H 00. GINS-Impoileil , 4 50@G 00 ; doim-stlc , t 40Jf 3 00. HUMS Imported , 4 50flfi 00 ; New Kugland. 2 OOCtf I 00 ; domestic. 1 f,0fo 3 50 ; PKACH AND APPL1. IIKANDY - 175 < < i.lOO. CHAMPAGNES-Impoitcd per coop , 2(1 ( 00@31 00 ; American , per case , 12 00 ® 1800 , CLAHETS Per t-a-e , 4 SOffilfiOO. W1NT.S Rhlnowlnc , per ca e , G OOfSjlM ( X Catavvba , per case 4 00(8:700. ( : MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Couuoil BlntT-j Gonornl Mrtrltnt Coc.vcit. BLLWH , August 17. Wheat-No. 2 , 8102@1 05 ; No. 3 , JO ; re jected , 1)5. Corn No. 2 , 40 , rejected 31 , damaged , 27. 27.Hay Fair market , with prices at & > . Onts Market quiet ; No. 2 , 3lc , reject ed 1 ! > , Rye No. 2 , We. Butler 15c. J-'srgfl IOc. Cattle Beef , § 3 C0@4 50. Sheep-S3 50S)4 ) 50. Hogs Light dumand , prices J * t 75ti5 00. Potato * * New , SMO'pcr bu. ; oW , 70o per bushel. , Onions-Si00. Wood Market quiet , with c xxl supply ; 5 00 for soft ; G 00 for hard. Poultry 20c. Crouton Market. CIIIMTON , la. , August 17. Butter 12c. EKB-I iOc. _ _ Grnud Junction1 Blarhot. OiiANn JUNCTION. la. , August 17. liutter IOc. CliloaRO Produce , C'IIICAOO. August 17. On 'change the markets were higher and the ttreipts of grain were 48,200 bu. , by canal ; and 'JGO car loads by rajl ; em bracing 107 of wheat ; 780 of corn ; 57 of oats ; 10 jf rye ; and 4 of barley. Flour Firmly held Lut ittlu or nothing doing on account of bcarcity of offeiings. Common to choice western spring 400 ® G 00 ; do Minnesota , 1 25@0 50 ; patents , G 50(5)7 ( ) 75 ; fair to choice winter bi amis , 5 75@0 75. Wheat A stronger feeling w as duv clcp- ed nnd prices ruled higher all nround for speculative gradoH. The inllutiiees atlcct- ing thu mai kct chiefly wcro the manipula tions of the bull element andtheioutnmcd light receipts though the verv favorable tenor of foreign advices and the reported improv ed condition of the prchiilciit aided in btrengtheniiir * the feeling ; among opeia- tors. , Tlio market for spring wheat open- cdjihuut J6rJc lower ami advanced 1J@ " * for September ; and lie for Octobei ; then receded i ( ? lu per bushel and then rallied again and finally closed nn the reg ular boatd about Igc higher for Septem ber and Ijjc better for October. The clos ing bids on call were 132 for August ; 1218 for September ; 1 21J for October ; 1 22JJ for November ; I 20j for the year ; No. 3 spring , quotable at 1 12 in gooil houses ; rejected , 81c. Coin. An active businiss was transac ted but the feeliijg was again somewhat unsettled and prices fluctuated consider ably within moderate range. The markcl opened firm and further iliUancedjc , whui offerings were liberal and prices graduallv icccded 6icLater the feeling wa > stronger and prices tallied again ami mlei with c tixiderablo firmness to the close , al which time No , 2 was gS'i'c highei , on cal No. 2 closed at 5'Jjc for Align-tilfi ( for ' " September ; G3S for' Octobtr ; G3fGIo for November ; rejected , active 55S/ : ! / . Oatn In fair demand but 'offerings small ; No. 2 , nominal at 3G3J ( ] for August ; 37ic for Septnmbcr ; . ' ! 84c for Oc tober ; itilju foi November ; 37c for the year. Kye- Hided easy nnd unsettled ; No. I 00 for ( August ; \ > < J\c \ foi Ktptcmbcr ; 1 02 for October. Uarloy Shade firmer rarlj in the day but became weak and Hosed lower ; No. - , ! lo ( ! for September ; OGJo for October. Poik Steady , after ruling active , am : in firm tkmand ; mess , 17 G , " > for Septum ber ; 17 75 for October ; Hi SOfoslG KTi for the year. Lard Fairly active , firmer , butter and higher at 11 40S11 ( ! 15 for cash ami September ; 11 57J& . 11 KO for Octobei II 35 fur the j ear. liulk Mi-aUi Modcr.itily aotlvo ami slightly higher : hhort ribs , H 20 ( ! l 25 for August ; ! l .TOfe'J 32 for Ktptembcr ; ! l 12 for October. Whisky- Higher at IK ) . Q Receipts Flour 21G'(5 ( bbls ; wheat , 83,8t3 : bu ; corn , 751,7111 bu ; oats , 50,40i bu ; rye , 3,815 bu ; barley , 3,18- . ShipmentH Flour , lii.O'J.'l bbl * ; whcatt 27,2tlG 1ms ; corn , 810GI.2 bu. oatc , 72r.'J9 bii ; ive. 2,277 bu ; Imrlry , 1.025 , Tim foreign exports fiom Chicago since January 1 , Include 175,58'J bbls. of flour ] ,7l7.il5bii. ! ! of win at ; 1,1118,851 bu , of com ; 10.380 bbls , of pork ; 3ri7Gll ( boxei of ciiu'il meats ; 117J3t titrcefl of lard. Cblongo liivoStook.1 ( JliicAfio , August 17. Hon'MHrcoiptH 27,000 ; shijiuii-nU' 3,200. Maiket steady on best but weakei on Louimon ; mixed packing , 575f(030 ( light ho/c , G25C , G7f ) ! choiro heavy , G 40 ( Mj 00 ; cnlU and prasserr ) , 4 2.@G 00 , Cattle Receipts , 7,500 ; ehlpmenU 2,800 , good qualltr. Market uctivH am steady ; export 6 OOCu G 40 ; good to choice Hhippmg , 5 JiOffiC 00 ; roumion to fair , 4M ) ( ; /l5 60 ; native butchors' htork , 230@31K ) Htockfrs ami feeilors , 2K3G1 ! ) ; dairy calves plentiful and hl w 850@1500 range cattle steady ; grow Toxatis , 310& I JO , mainly 3 25@3 75 ; natlvtH and half biifde , 3 "A © ' 0. HljiH'p Receipts , l,500heail ; uhliimcntH none. Market gt-neially activebut value weaker ; poor to fair , 360 ( ,1 25 ; good f choice , 1 50@5 00. > Now York Produce. " , August 17. Flour Steady uml otrung ; tiade anc family bratuin , 5 lOOiC 75 ; shipping extra 4 00fo)5 ) 25. , , Wheat 1@1J hlRhtr and In faird niniidi soot Hales of ungraded spring a 1 lOfal 21 ; of No. 2 do at 1 2t J ; of No. w Into at 131. Corn J@J higher ; demand mod rate ungraiicd mixed , G3Jal'ti ( ; No.,8 , mixed , G < St ( > r > \ No. 2 white , 70 , and yellow , 60. Oats H'avy and l&(3c lower ; option steady ; No , 1 mixed , 18i ; No. 2 do , JSJfe 13 ; No.2iwhite , 476 50 ; No. 3 do , 40. „ , . . lUrley Nominal. 1'ork Finn but nulct ; cpot new mess 18 00@17 00 I xnl Fairly active ana a ulind. stronger ; prime steum on spot , 1165@ 11 00 ; do Augu t , 1150 bid , Heef Unchanged , Cut MeaU Uiichanged. Whisky Nominal. Baltimore Proanoe. IULTIMOBJ ! , August 17 , Flour Firm. Wheat No. 2 red wiotw firmer at 1 31 ; for cwli and Augudt ; 13513&i for September. . Com White southern firm at CO ; mixed western quiet at Cf \ for cash and St. XjonU Produce- ST. I/ui % August 17. Flour 1/iw and medium grades fi tn and higher ; super , 4 ( Ma 4 25 ; family. 5 00 © fi 10. Wheat Opened a shade betler , became very umcltfcd , and closed strong and hither : No. 2 red , 1 28Si ( ; 2SJ fort-ash ! 1283 for August ; I 30i forSeptcml > or ; 133 for October ; 13of for November ; Com1'tncttlcd , but closed firm and higher at iXWriJjOJ for cwh ) 111 8 for .Sep tember ) ( MUoiiG fir October ) 1.5 for > o * vembor ; ( ioj for tlio year , Oats Oiieiied lower. , aftcrvvardadvancrd to 37ii ' for rash , August ; 38&3SJ fAr Scpteiuber : 95frlO ( for October ; IHR)4J ( ) for Nocinbrr ; 34@37 ? for the year. Kyc-Hlghcrat 101 ( )10IJ. ) l < vadFirm at I & 7i. Duller Higher. J.irg * . Higher. Whsky-illghoralll5. ! 1'rovlslons film and uiichinged. KecelpU - Flour , 0,000 bbls ; , 52,00bu. : corn , . ' ' 7,1001m. ) oats. 31,000 1m. ) rye , 2,000 bu. ; barley , none. Shipments Flour , 12,000 bbls ; wheat. 011,000 bu. ; com , 28,000 bu. ) oato , 21,000 bu. ; rye , 28,000 bu ) barley , none. St. Loniii JLlvo Stoolt. Rr. Ixiuis , August 17. Hcv - Steady ) Vorkcr , G50@GOOj packing , G 0@G 55 ; choicii to fancy heavy , U 70j > ) G 95) ) recclpt > , G.400 ; shlpiuptiU , ! KX ) . CiuoiutiAti Proilnoo. CINCINNATI , August 17. I'rov Isions Mesi pork steady at 10 00 @ 2000. Innl Steady ; current make. 11 274iil ( 11 30. Bulk MeaU-Stcadyj clear , side' , 1012 © nun. llacon Irregular ; clear sidw , 1075 ® 10 80 Flour Higher ; family , 030(2055. ( Whcal-FIrm ; No. 2 rod , 1 35. Corn No. 2 , tnlxtxl , G7. Oats Unit ; No. 3 , 40. Kye-Strong ; No. 2 , 1 OJ. llarlcy ( Julut ; No. 2 fall , 1 01. Whisky Firm at 1 15. Liverpool Prodnoo. LivKiii-oot , Atigust 17. riotir Anuricaii , 10Jill2s ( Gdr Wheat Winter , 10t 2d@10) ( VI ; white , Os INKjiMOs fid ; spring , I's ' DdftMOa ; club , 10s5dgllOsnd. ( Com fn lOd. Ijard 5"s Gd. l'ork-74s M. Poorln Proilnco. I'Koni.v , August 17. HLhVi I'M- 1 15. Wilmington Mnrlict WlMIIMITON , A'lgUHt 17. Spirits Turpentine - Firm at 43 bid ; noft and Virgin , 3 00o)3 ( ) 10. Clovolnml BInrliot CLI'\1.1-\M ) , AxigU8tl7. I'ctrolcitm Staiiilaiil white , 1 10 ; test at 7 > ' . Toledo Proilnco Ton DO , August 17. Wheat Finn ; No2 amber Michigan , 1 28 } ; No. 2 red. cash or August , 1 28J ; September , 130 ; October , 1 32 ; November , 1 331 ; the jcar , 1 22j. Corn-Firm ; high mixed , fiO [ for No. 2 ; cash or August , S'.ty ; September , GOJ ; Oc tober , C2H ; the year , fi'JS. Oats DullNo. ; 2 , 311 ; No. 2 white , 41. Buffalo Llvo Stoolt. I.AUT IJUKrALO , August 17. Hogs Iteceipts 23 head ; shipments 20 head. Maikct dull ; hcleitcd Michigan to city butchers' , G lQa.G 50. Pittshnrs Live Stock- 1'iriHiiuno , August ! " . Cattle Eathcr active ; bekt U00@tl23. fair to good , 5 2.1(11,5 ( , 75 ; common , 4 50S ( ] 500 ; receiptti , 510 htod ; shipments , lilO he.-ul. he.ul.Hogs Hogs Fairly active ; recelptu , 800 head ; shipments , 1,100 head ; Philadelphia * , 0 85 (5.7 ( 00 ; Yorkers , G 35&0 50. Sheep Dull and iiregulnr , ranging from 300 to 525 ; receipts , 3MH ) head ; ship mcnts , 5,200 head. Philndolpbia Produce. rillLADM.I > IIIA , August 17. Wheat riini at 131 @ 134J for casli and August ; 1 3rii for September. Com Hauler at GfiJ@l > 0 ? for cash ami August ; G7J for September ; lig ! ) for ( Jeto1 ber. ber.Oats Oats rirm at 18 for cash ; 1I@IB for August. llyc Nominal. Now YorJt Dry Goods. Ntvv VOIIK , August 17. Dry Goods To-day there has been ati increased activity in all branches of the jobbing trade , and a satisfactory business in staple and dqmitment goods. The de mand at first hands has been In ocular ami jtss active than of late , but theru IK a goix ! steady movement In staple cotton goods , ginghams , calico and dress fabrics on ac count of former orders. The tone of the maiktt coutinncKNtiutig , and clocks in fust h indfi are exceptionally light for this stag of the ceason. A"SERioUS LOSS That Might Hnvo Boon Pre vented at Yesterday's Fire. Homo brisk opinions are oxpressoc at the manner in which the ( irc'mcr were handled at the fire yustorday Whun the firemen were ordered on"o duty by their chief the ruiim were etill smouldeiing. In theou ruins covered by heavy timber and thurt partly protected , wuro piles of white nawHpapor worth about $000 As noon lut the firemen ceased to drench the ruina the llamus gradually began to uproad about again and tlidai piles of paper which might , as well a not havu boon savc-d were exposoi to danger. In the forenoon when th fueincn leturnud to the accno to gather up their Iioso pcnnisaion asked of Cliiof Gulligan that the 11101 bu allowed to turn on thoHticam again in eider to thoroughly oxtiu guiah the flumes mid prevent the entire tire losa of the piper. Chief O.klliga replied that the fhinca cculd easily b put out with huckuta of water williou the aid of hit men , and refused to be gin pijinping nain ; , Tlio consequence of HUH rt-fiiHal it that t least $500 worth of paper that could oaaily Jiuyo been eavod will bo completely ruined , DON l'"DIElNTJll ! ) IJOUSE. AHC ! dniggists for "Hough on Hats , It clear * out rats , mice , bed-bugs , roaches , vermin , flies , nuts , iiiBccta. IDc per box ( U ) BOGGS & HILL , REAL ESTATE BROKERS. Ho. ISOBFnnilinu. Street , Omci North Idc. eve Orincl Central Hotel. DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS. N ; HOTELS. MARSH HOUSE , ARAPAHOE HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , HOLLAND HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , QAQE HOUSE , COMMEnOIAU HOTEL. UNION PACIFIC HOTEL , QRAND CENTRAL HOTtL , SUMMIT HOUSE , JUDKIN3 HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , PARK HOTEL , nURKE'S.HOTEL , HEAD HOUSE , CHENEY'S UNION HOTEL , NEOLA HOTEL , CENTRAL HOUSE , EMERSON HOUSE , CROMWELL HOUSE , SUPERIOR HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WESTERN HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , PACIFIC HOTEL , PKOFRTKTORS. W. W , BROWNINO , L. OLUTE , T M.QTONE , OEO. D , HOLLAND , T.MUNHALL , A. R. OAQE , O D. DORDEN , MARKEL& SWOOE , E. D. COTTRELL , SWAN & DECKER , JUDKIN3& DRO , WM. LUTTON , W. J. OARVIN , E , R. DURKE , JOS. SHAW & CO , CHENEY DROS , F. 8IEVERTZ , 8. P. ANDERSON , A. L. SHELDON , MRS R. COOHRAN , 8 TIMMCRMAN , A. O CAARPER , E FUNKHQU3ER , DR W. W JONES , W. P. RENBHAW. Drownvllle. Neb. ' Arapnhoe , Neb. Orleans , Neb. fled Cloud , Neb. Qloomlngton , Neb , Republican Clty.Neb , Alma , Neb. Council DlufTt.lown _ Nebr ika City , Neb. Crtiton , la. Red Oak , la. VIIII.C4 , la. Corning , In. Carroll , la , Jeflorton , la. Mo. Valley June. , la , Neola , In. Malvc.rn , la. Emerton , la. Cromwell , I . ' Superior , Neb. Hardy , Neb. Chettcr , Neb. ' ' Blue Spring * , Neb , ' Beatrice , Neb. ST. .JOSEPH it WESTEHN K. 11. ( U. P. ) , SOUTHEHN NEBRASKA. DAVIS * CO . Dry Goods , Kcndy-Mado Clothing , Boots find Shoos. WM. WONDER & CO . General Morohandisc. KRETS1NGKR FARLEY . Real Estate , Insurance and Collections. .T. V. DOWNEK . Real Estate. E. .T.JAMES . Real EatAte. RICE .t BRO . . Hardware , Stoves and Tinware. PITTS it W1N(5 . , . . .Grocers. WARNERS ACO . Grocers. KEITH PlEROi : . The Motor ( Weekly. ) DR. GUMAER . Physician and Surgeon. J. F. I10LLENBEOK . . ' . Wisconsin Lumber Co. H. S. BARNUM. . 7 . . ' . . . i . Livery. .T. G. GRIMES . . ' . Billiard Hall and Saloon. DR. W. W. JONES . Commercial House. Hellmuth Ladies' College. Patroness , H. R. H. PRINCESS LOUISE. Founder and Prcildent. The Right Rev. I. HELL- ' ' MUTH , D. D , D. C. L. , LORD DI8HOP OF HURON ; . Foil Term opens * Wednesday , September 2ltt. ' v if UniiilnmnoBUil8i < aolDui bullillntfs , Irjuillhillv nUmicd In nitiOkt lioalthv lotillty , nlwut lour liours i liV mil from Nlignra I'ttlli. nn < l on onu oflliu i > rlniJ | > al throiili | routes bttuveil the KA-.1 niul West. TlioHHOUNDS wmiiuhe UOnin * The aim of Iho founder of this collc olsto urovlilo tlio lilttliest liitollc-itiml nnil | < rnitliiillusuliil ithiratlon Ilia wholasj > ti.iiils bastil UK | > ii tnu noumlc t PRO- TC8TANT prlnchilrs , ns tlic oul > soldi bauli lur Iho tight formation at iharaiter. FRENCH It the Hnirmt-c | mVrn In thu colUcc. MUSIO n * iv.ilnlty * lloinl , Ijuimlryniul IHiitluii Kit , hichitllni * tin wliolooourne of KiiKllsh. tlio Ancient nml Mod * irn Uuiua.i ! ; ( jaUI < tlii.iiUs , Drauln anil I'lOntlnutu I'Hliontul Illirnr > .lleiHi'allUtcnd.iiKeund Muktiiu.CaOO per annum A rrkuUloii of cine liill ( or tha drviiiriitoni " 1 CknoniLii. Tor "dm- krs" micl mil particulars luliln si Mlb.SCM.VlON , I.iily I'riiKlvil | , Ikllinnth Undies' Hollow , LONDON , i OXTVMO , CANADA. uum&UiuriK-iit B. S. HARRINGTON. 13. I' . NEWELL WESTERN POLISH CO. , MANT'l'AUTUHIUW OK WESTERM STAR ST ANIl BEAU BRUMMEL BOOT BLACKING , i. ' ALSO I > IALIKH : IN COTJNOIb BLUFF.5 , IOWA. O. . . 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. FEARON & COLE , Gommissson Merchants , 1121 Faruham St. , Omaha , Nob. UoriBl'nuicnt.s ( niidu us ulllncuive iiromjit attontlon. Hclereiuei First Kut. Iant ! ! anil Omaha DB / ' tl M/Y / < , i < tftluii ! ! f\ St ' * n t JK f * > i. i Jl&f ; < j , . t 4l V i' 1 1 ! * # ii . 1 I" * l , ' , ! ll ( ' * t I f . i * ' , Ghoice Cigars I f , Onn bo obtained nt KUHN & CO , 'B ' by t ho box for LOBS Money than at any wholesale tobacco hnuao , for tlio ( V M ruu'soii tlioy ecll cigars in rnnnoction S i 3 with Uioir drufj huflinoss , without nny oxnonso to the Ci'urB. ( TJIY TUEAI. All Cigant iiqt Batisfactory oxchangud or inonoy refunded. A fine lOc Cigar , long Havana filler , 5 c for 25o. Never liaa thcro been any tt > Oigar in Omaha equal to thorn for the money. , FINE KEY WEST OIQARS , ' i From $0,25 per hundred up. nil „ ' : , "AtlantiD" iJBBt.lOc Oigar.tin.0ity . * f , tt * * tn > 41 r * * > y tr * fu * r 'vi i " * f" * lf V ,1 > ALE O ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , MAHA , NEB , The [ Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDERS.