Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 10, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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"Wednesday Morning , Aug. 10.
f V * - f- 1 . . . .
Frederick , leading Hatter. , 1-tl
' Fattenun roll * coat ,
Get yoiir hats at Donna's.
„ , tyndell k Krelle. Practical Hollers.
* - 500 business loU. Call on Bemts.
B mU' real estate boom. FJnt page
MO houses and lots. Bem ! ' agency.
A. W. Karen , IJentlst , Jacob's Mock.
Warranted Tooth Brushes at Kulin's.
Beinii * now mnp of Oraalw , 25 cents.
Fresh oyslcrs at Hlchnnl's rchUurant
1000 residence lot , Ikralagent. .
. For riKE Commercial Job Printing ,
U nt THR lw ) Job rooms.
The Lion continue * to roar for Moore's
Harnewi rvml Snddlcry.
200 [ anus and 000,000 acres of IAUC !
Ik-mis , agent ,
PreHcr ! | > tons ! n srieclftlty , Opera ] louse
I'hannwy , 211 8. lfith Street.
Fresh supply of Iniiiorted Key West
nnd Domestic Ci nrs at SAXR'S.
Mr. anil Mrs , Andrew Bcmli became
tlio happy pnrcnti of a non on the Tith lust.
Undertftkcr Jacohi lied six funcrnln on
liftml yettenlny.
A rnre chance to obtain n Rood paying
lituincs * . Sec colunm. Knquirc nt
217 South 14th street. tf
Dress Good * are going fust at Atkln.
Bon&Co.'s. I w prlcw will tell. 'Re
member no have Bunting in nil colors.
Safes , machinery , nnd nil kinds of
heavy .hauling done by Brlsco & Co. , the
BAO men. w&g-tf
WANTBD A ixwitlon by a lady type
writer. Address "P , " office , or ? l'i
North 18th street. n7-tf
Don't forget the lawn Sociable at the
northwest corner of Seventeenth nnd
Doiiglsn streets on Thursday evening.
James Kichordswiw interne I yestenlay.
A large number moulders nttcndcd in a
, V ° dy.
-Thcy arc rapidly getting down to
"buolnens nt the Offlfid Cchtrnl , although
nly eight men were nt work cleaning up
the foundations yesterday.
In a few days bids will bo ndvcrUied
for the work on the new court house.
Propositions will be received on the ba U
of the old plan nnd n cheaper one.
BaswitzVclls , the nboo men have
rented the east utore on Fnrnhnm street , In
the Opera House block. When completed
It will make the finest ohoe utoro wt t of
It was Inadvertently Hinted la Tun
BKK yesterday tlmt the contract wan
granted to do come grading In Millard
precinct at the rate of sixteecn co ts per
cubic foot. It should Lave road per cubic
The ColunibuB Glee Club , com-inting
of Judge Bowman , \Vllllam Corncllui )
James ParbonH , O. W. Jlulst , D. C. Love
land , P. T. Price , A. West , lelt yesterday
for home. They gave some excellent voca
bulecUons at the depot , much to the enjoy
tucnt of by-Btanders ,
Her brothcw have commenced the
erection of the cast forty-four feet , four
story block on Ilarney strrect. The west
' twenty-two feut of the building It under
roof and will soon be completed. The
brick-layers working on theio buildings
quit work this morning on acnojiit of the
extreme heat.
Byron Clnrk went to FrcinoutyosUirdny.
J. J. O'Cuimor has returned from n trip
to the west.
Jacob Wiggins , of Kcd Cloud , Is utaying
r. McUlfatrick , of St. Lonln , architect
for Boyd's ojiora house , iv nt the Crtlgli-
. G. K. Jenklnran left yesterday fora
viHit to Jfrx. B. Hnnucn on the Hudson
river , New York.
Mr. Jns , BrusKell , of Max Meyers , has
returned frum the east nfter several weeks'
bojourn among friends.
J , J , Monell arrived homo ytxterduy
from Lake Mlnnetonka. He reports the
weather there last week ns being very
warm till Thurwlay , when n ctonn pre
vailed which cooled the a'tnosphero con-
ulderably. It U a strange fact that people
welt < r oven nt numyier resorts.
Mm. John Campbell , nccompnnled by
her daught r MUs Mny Campbell , left for
nnexto d l western trip ycstenlay. They
will firt vlnit Salt Lake City , remaining
tbfcro about two wee' B. They will then
return at far cant as Colorado where they
Mill bjtfiid Home time.
s Ferdinand Thuia's Doatb-
Yesterday Ferdinand Thum , the
well known proprietor of the Gruon
T piJioUil.died at half-past twelve
o'cloclt. * Tie | la'to Mr. .Tlium . was 'a
* native \Vurtemberi' , Germany , aild
cain to Omaha , thirteen yours ngo ,
He at-once started the Green Tree
* fl'l betel ; , winch ho ha run very success-
' fulljr'ovor since.
'Ho was forty-six years of ngo and has
been Buffering mete orless for the
past year , nnd last Friday ho was com
pelled to take to his bed , from which :
. ho never nroso a gain. The fOnora
will take place at two o'clock to-mor
Miss Ella Torrance solicits nowim
by the day or week. Call or nddrcsi
her , 4th fctrect , cor. Worth , Counci
"WINE OF CARDUI" cures Irrcgu
ltr : , painful , or dillicult uemttuation.
AIJ , r Oooilmiu'i ,
The bi'kt Bttlvo in the world for eulH
bruises , sort * , ulccru , ealt rheum
fever eprea , totter , chapped haiide
chillblaini , corns and all kinds of
akin eruptions. This salvo in guar
( wi totd vto give perfect BAtisfaotion ji
every case or money refunded. Trice
20c per box , For sale by & MCMAHO.V , Omaha.
; Qeodtl i
A Regular Session of the Body
Hold Last Night.
Some Important M asuros
Gonuidored and Acted -
od Upon.
Tlio city council mot in regular ses
sion lost evening. Messrs. Baker ,
Corby , Dollono , Dunham , Honibur-
r , Hermann , Kaufmann , O'Konfo ,
Stull and President Daily wore in at
A communication was received
Tom Mayor Boyd relative to the
Fitrnhnm street grade. The mayor
stated tlmtlio had notnppointed three
nppraisors for two reasons : First ,
that n similar proceeding ori inally
had been irregular , because the report
of the city engineer had not been
been acted upon , and second , because
tlio nppraisors had never report
ed back. This was nn important
matter nnd tlio mayor thought the
cross streets ought to bo included in
any action. Ho thought that the
city attorney nhould also be consulted.
The matter mw given to the jndicinry
committee , with instructions to neo
the city attorney.
A potitiott wns received from about
two hundred citizens in regard to the
change of grndo betwcon Leavonworth
nnd Marcy streets , ns granted on
petition of thu U. P. railroad and
Union elevator compnny. Means of
access wore shut out from property on
Sixth , Eighth , Ninth , and Tenth
streets is obstructed by tracks , and
part of Soventcoth bj Cuss. The
matter was ; referred tea special com
mittee of fiVe who nro to confer with
the companies nnd report back.
A petition waa presented in logard
to a triangular lot owned' by th * city
at Nineteenth and St. Mary's ntanuo ,
which it wa claimed waa n pool of
stagnant water. The matter was
given to the committee uti public im-
A petition was received from the
city clerk asking that hebo allowed
an assistant to prepare tlw tax. The
matter was referred to the finance
The claim ot Dan Bhanahorn for
862 , CO , street work , wns allowed.
Chief Gnltigan asked that as the
water works wore about completed ,
that three now four-whoeled hose
carts be purchased , ono for the east
ern part of the south district , ono for
the western part of the south district ,
nnd one to bo placed on Sherman
avenue. Ho asked also that n now
four-circuit repeater nnd four now
boxes bo bought , the present ujarm
covering top great n circuit. 'This
would rcquirw nboub three miles of
wire , but when completed would put
the city in Rood shape to fmht lire.
The mutter vvns referred to the fire
committee. The lower part of Doug
las street wasculled attention to. It
was referred to the committee on
streets nnd grades.
The city marshal woo instructed to
notify the proper U. P. oflicmls to
cleanse their sewers from the depot to
thu outlet at Seventh Hlrcot.
The street commissioner wns in
structed to fill n small pond of stag ,
nnnt water at the intersection of
Tenth nnd Douplns streets.
Mr. Stull presented n resolution
that the gang nt work in the wnrdH bo
retained until Saturday. After some
discussion this was lost.
Thu street commissioner was in
structed to fill up pools of stagnant
water in block 00 nnd report oxpensc
to the council nt iir.U uiOciiiig.
A petition from 0. B. Suldon in re
lation to taxes upon some of his prop
erty was referred to the finance com
The city clerk was instructed to ad
vertise for bids to construct n largo
number of crosswalks , the bids to bo
opened next Monday owning.
Tlio city clerk is to advertise for
bids to fill an alloy between Webster ,
Calitornia , Fourteenth nnd Fifteenth
streets , "
The street commissioner wns in
structed to place Eleventh street , at
its intersection with Hickory in n
passable condit < on.
Thu resolution passed nt n previous
meeting ordering the bridge east of
thu U , P. shops to bu repaired , wns
Tlio street commissioner wns in
structed to open the necessary gutters
on the west side of Thirteenth street ,
bcUve n Picrco and Williams.
The contracts of Luke McDermott
were referred to the committee on
streets and grades ; that of S.unuul
Reef to thu printing committee.
Th6 committee on claims reeom-
nendud thu payment of thu claim of
Prod , Laiigo for dumago to his wagon.
It wns placed on file , ,
The committee on claims recom
mended that tliero bu no remission of
interest duo on dolimjuont taxes in
1875. Thu report was adopted.
The committee on poliuu reported
that they knew no law to prevent per
ilous from trading or selling horses un
the stieet.
The purchasing committco was in
structed to buy from 3,000 to 5,000
- f ot of lumber ui $22 per thousand.
The committed on report * , to whom
was referred C. 8. Chase's compila
tions of ordinances , recommended
that they bo indexed nnd compared
with the otlicinl register. This wai
adopted ,
Tno sumo committco recommended
that the city treasurer's' report bo
published was adopted.
Tlio gas company's bills for the past
month were allowed ,
Tlio committee on sidewalks and
bridqos reported in favor of giving thu
contract for 42,000 feet of lumber at
$30 a thousand to Foster & Gray ,
The report was filed.
- The contract for building sidewalks
was given to Ohas. Gardner.
An ordinance to ' incrpaso the police :
force from ton to' twelve men waa re
ferred to the police committee.
, AH ordinance vas presented regu
lating the OimOm'Slroot"railway , pro-
viding tlmt buildings might bo moved
across the thicks between 10 and 12
and 2 and 4 on proper notice , if the
tracks nro not obstructed longer than
ninety minutes ; driven are prohibited
from driving faster than eight mUo.s
an hoi.r and not faster than a walk
within thirty fcot of the railroad.
Infringement of this ordinance is tel
l > o punished by a fine of not leas than
$ fj nor more than $100. It will come
up for second reading at next meet
ing ,
An ordinance waa road creating
the office of city scavenger and defin
ing his duties It wan referred to the
committee on police.
An ordinance was read fixing the
fees of the city inspector of weights
and measures for platform scales nt
GO-ccntn ; for counter scales 25 cents ;
fcr tinplo beam scales of l.OOOpounds
SI.50 , nnd 7o ccnla for each addition
al beam scalcj for smaller beam
ncalcfl 25 cento ; ovcry bushel dry
measure , 10 cents ; flinnllor weights
5 cents , nnd the aamc in the same in
wino measure. The matter wns re
ferred to the police committco.
The ordinance establishing the grade
of Twentieth street from St. Mary's
nvenuo south to the 17. P. tracks wns
referred to the committco on Htrcots
nnd grades.
The ordinance establishing the
irrado on Furnham street , 255 feet
west of Julforson street to the city
limits , wna passed ,
An ordinance for levying n special
tax for ( Trading Cnss street , from
Thirl couth to Twenty-fourth street ,
in Swcesey'a addition , was pnasot ) by
n vote of seven to two.
That of the Jury in the Poter-
eon Case.
Plain Tontiawmy So a to Give
Thorn no
Tlio verdict rendered by the core-
ner'a jury who sat over the remains d
Peterson , who was beaten to death
last week , proved a genuine surprise
to nil these who have paid nay ntteiv
tiou to the caae- According to the-
testimony given there was no doubt
whatever thai Noistrom had boaton-
Peterson and that ijuito severely , yet
the jury , while * perfectly Ireo to con-
fern that thu nuir died from inilama-
tion and congestion of tlio lungs and !
throat could not for the life of them
imagine whnt produced these condi
tions. Of the two or tluce physician *
examined all agreed that the man had
been violently handled and wore
satisfied too that the beating Pctoreou
received might have boon suffi
cient to cause his death in his then
debilitated condition. This with very
little other testimony was sufticiont
to hold Noistrom for manslaughter in
an ox parto hearing such as the core
ner's inquest was. But the testimony
is stronger oven than this , ono of the
witnesses going far to establish the
'intent , " which is all that is necessa
ry to constitute a case of murder un
der the circumstances. This gentle
man swore that Neistrom said that
wore it not for Dave Redmond s in
terference ho would have beaten Pe
terson to death. By what circui
tons process of reasoning the coroner's
jury arrived nt the verdict they did is
something persons with nn average
degree of common snnso cannot im-
ngino. All other things being equal
their verdict would have ended all
prosecution against Neistrom nnd the
death of a citizen caused remotely or
directly by violence would have pass
ed out of memory without inquiry.
District Attorney Burnlmm takes
nn altogether different view of the
case from what the jury does. Ho believes
lioves the "intent" was established by
evidence and yesterday hud n warrant
sworn out charging Neistrom witl
murder. Judge Boncko will give the
man n hearing to-morrow at 8 o'clocl
when , if the saino evidence is elicitcr
n very different courao will bo taken
Street Boyu
At the mooting of the Omaha Boys
Industrial Association hold last evening
ing the annual report of the socrotnr
E. L. Winslow , wns rend. It showot
that the expenses had boon 018.77
and the receipts 8035.10 , leaving an
indebtedness of $293,07. There are
eighty-six boys connected with tire in
stitution , thirty-eight of whom live ii
the city with their families who nr
dependant upon the association
Seven boyx who ran nway from the !
homo were taken in hand and son
back njjnin. Thirty-Hoven boys hay
procured work nt wngos ranging fron
frJ.GO to $0 a week. 'Night nohoc
was held for eight months with an nt
tendance of between fifteen ana f > rt >
boys. From four to twelve boy
have boarded nt the housu for bix
months. Another meeting will beheld
held next Thursday evening nt Mayor
Boyd's olllce.
More Xluildiug-
Mr , Sam S. Brown him definitely
decided to erect throe throo-slory
buildings next spring , on the site now
occupied by Frederick nnd A. D.
Morbu , corner of Fourteenth and
Farnl.iun streets. With the now
Giiuul , the Opera House nnd
Mr , Brown's block , that locality \\i\\ ibo \ \
bo ono of the most attractive in
Michael Ley oilers hia two-thirds
interest in the old California house ,
situated jiear the C. & NV , railway
deK | > t , on lower Broadway , Council
Blufls , for sale cheap. The house in
in n desirable location nnd can be
purchased at u great bargain nnd on
terms. motf
ca y _ _ _
"WINEOFOAnDUl" four time * a
duy makcd a happy hout-ehold.
O. K , Q iin u' ,
Occurrences of Interest Across
the River.
Funeral Obsequies of the Late
Oharloa Bock.
Other Important Matter * of Oea *
ATA ! Interest.
The Land League held their regulnr
meeting Sunday afternoon in their
beautiful Imll at St. Francis' Academy
The mooting was largely attended by
both sexes. Many prominent citi
zens wore noticed in the nudicnce ,
several of whom arc not members of
the league , but are in sympathy with
their cause.
This is ofl it should bo , ns the league
hero in Council Bluffs cordially in
vites all citizens of every nationally
in the city favorably disposed towards
the oppressed , to attend their meet
ings. The Imll in which the meetings
are held takes in all of the upper
lory of that gem of n buildingtho St.
Francis Academy. It is richly furn
ished throughout , and ono of the
finest Imlla in the city. The regular
routine busincsshaving boon transacted
the president of the League , M. Q.
Griftiu , in un eloquent speech ,
drew the attention of the
audioncu to the fact that wild nnd
and sensational reports were being
purposely circulated through many of
the newspapers by agents of the Eng
lish government and by those who are
prejudiced against the Irish people-
Ho cautioned his heaters against tak
ing stock in UM O reports. They were
purposely manufactured to act against
the success of the land league in this
country. Hr Griffin claimed that
these false reports enianatod from
brains possessed of more prejudice
than knowledge of facts or regard for
truth. After speaking at length of
the success of the league in this coun
try as well A * in Ireland and other
countries and disavowing any connec
tion or affiliation with men of the
O'Donovan itossa , Crowe and dynam
ite stripe , he introduced Rev. B. P.
McMcnomy , J. B. S. Coggshall ,
.lames Wickhara and Jeremiah Sulli
van. Each of. those gentlemen spoke
briefly , but pointedly touching the
living issues of the day. Their
speeches were replete with interesting
information on the events
happening in connection with
the league in Ireland. For the pur
pose of increasing the memborslup
the initiation foe of ono dollar was
abolished. The monthly dues uro
fixed at ton cents each. At every
mooting of the league > a principal
speaker is elected for the succeeding
meeting. H. 0. Griffin was- selected
to address the meeting Sunday , Au
gust 28. Mr. Griffin is nn eloquent
speaker and has given the subject of
Ireland's troubles arduous study , anil
will bo able to portray the sufferings
in the emerald isle in its true light.
All who can should certainly hear
The funeral of Charles Beck took
place yesterday afternoon. The ser
vices were hold in tno Catholic church
on Pearl and Main streets , Ilov.
Father McMonomy officiating. The
church was crowded to its utmost
capacity. The Council BlulTs fire do-
partmenttumed out in force. .After a
very eloquent prayer and a few touch
ing ronwiks by Father MoMonomy ,
the concourse of sympathetic friends
tiled out of the church and took their
places in the procession. Following
the remains came piker's full band ,
playing a very touching funeral dirge ;
next cumo Chief Lacy and
the officer * of the fire department in
uniform ; following Bluffs City Fire
Company No. 1 , and in succession
Ilosouo Company No. 2 ; Rescue No ,
3 and Phenix. Following the fire
companies came a long line of ear-
ruigca , extending from the Catholic
church to the Methodist church , on
Upper Broadway , n distance of nearly
one mile , the like of which has never
boon seen in this city since Dr. On-
berne was carried to thij tomb.
Charles Beck was a yount ; man who
had a great many warm friends.
Ho hud been ( nu employe
in ono of our oxtensiyqjhardwaro juoij
a number of years prior to his toimr ;
into business in company with his
brother. It is said that the disouso
that finally took him away from earth
aftur BO short a sojourn htro wiw contracted >
tractod while sleeping or. the floor of
liU store , Imving given up his bed to
some pvoplo whom the flood hud
driven from their honicH. No doubt
many of tlieau recent sutibrorii fol
lowed young Bock to his grave. lie
was a member of ono of the fire com
panies , and was nt the time of his
death in business with his brother
Peter. Ho was the second son of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Beck , of Aoca. .
C. Omog , from Orescent , the place
win-re years ago the schools looked foi
their funds , c mo before Judge John
.W. Bnird nnd made complaint undei
oath that William Smith had assaulted
him with iv deadly weapon with intent
to kill. A warrant wa issued , placed
in the hands of Constable Theodore
Gontar , who proceeded toOresent ant
arrested the supposed villain imc
brought him bVforo the court. Neithoi
i rty being 7 ady for trial , the cas <
Iwas , continued * * " > this morning a ;
10 o'clock.-"In default of $500 bail
for his appearance Smith was commit
ted to await preliminary examination .
A incut und Sihinu appear ( or he
Ute and John II. Kcatloy for the
r '
TUP. RMirra rv BBIKF ,
The old cato 6f Brtnrn&ld and Allen
was revived In a different form in
Judge Baird'n court. Brownold had
Allen arrested Monday for breaking
and entering his hauao. This was the
charge ho made Against Allen to his
face , when Allen struck him over the
head for so doing. The court fixed
the bail at $100 , and the case ITM con
tinued for hearing.
Dr. Stilman's ! eon , Master Hillard
Stillman , called at TUB Brffc office yes
terday and showed some very fine
specimens of flints and old Indian
arrowheads. Master Stillman scorns
to bo much interested in archie-
nlogy and has devoted flomo time to
collecting antiquated relics , as shown
by the many valuable specimens his
extensive cabinet already contains.
Mr. Stillman is ono of the rising
young men of the city. Ho intends
to adopt law as n profession , The
coming season ho will a tend some
eastern school nnd says ho wants to
get as near the sea coast as possible ,
03 ho believes ho would like to master
the science of conchology before he
The line now house being erected
on Willow avenue Trill improve tlmt
locality very materially.
Mr. lied field , sheriff of Hnrlan , is
looking in this city for two young
lads who broke into u house out there.
Clias , Berkhauson and wife nre at
Col fax Springs.
D. II. Solomon and daughter May ,
of Glcnwood , took in the "Big" city
Monday , Mr. Solomon thinks that
Council Bin Us never looked , so prom
ising at the present timo. Ho will at
no distant day erect a fine residence
That lepai luminary and antuto
Judge Band , called yesterday nt THE
BUB office for the first time. He
wanted to tuipw if wo intended to go
into the politics of this county. . We
told him we- should take the Held in
the interest of the people , and against
everything that had a tendency to-
ground the farmer and laborer.
A very fine doe was seen yesterday
on the island in "Big Lake. " Two
young lade , II. C. Mynstei and
Richard Rogers were on the island
hunting when they saw the animal
and shot at him once or twice , but
failed to bring him down. This
-island used t bo a resort for deer ,
Hut for yearn- none have been seen
there until this ono was discovered
yesterday by these boys. Our worthy
nd honored aitizon C. E. Stone , H q. ,
has probably killed many none on this
Geo. Keelino complained in "E. J.
Abbott's coust against Mrs. M. Baker
for tearing d wa her fences and cut
ting up generally. Wall MeFaddin
arrested iho woman. The cuso was
continued until Saturday.
A man cane over from .Nebraska's .
dusty metropolis yesterday who
claimed to belong to the police force
over there Ho wore a star in , a con
spicuous place on his person and ev
ery body over here concluded that he
really did belong to the force. Ho
was so delighted with Council Blutl's
that ho took on board too much bal
last and was unable to find his way
back. Some citizens took pity on
him and carried him tov the North
western depot , wro'to the following
card : "A poor wreck ; hnndlo with
care. Muyor-Boyd , Omaha. " They
attached the sniu6 near the 'star and
the train started.
A small party from Harden town
ship , including the two Misses Smith ,
ex-J ustico of the Peace Charles Plai
ner , son of Mrs. Plainer , and several
others went out to Mynster's Springs ,
and having taken rjuiut possession of
Mrs. Mynstcr's cool and shaded grove
spread a table , and Justice Platner
concluded it was butter than marrying
or giving in nmrriago.
0. M. Nickolson , who has resided
some time in Glenwood , Mills county ,
has come to the conclusion to live in
the largest city in Iowa , and will take
up his abode hero. THE BKK heartily
wulcomos him.
If the pictures of the beautiful
woman who was engaged to ride the
elephant for . /vdam Foropaugh is a
good likeness wo have a dozim women
in Council Bluffs who will put her in the
slmclo without riding an elephant.
Dr. A. H. Studloy , the celebrated
curor of catarrh and other chronic
diseases , has located on uoper Broad
way , and his success is attracting great
attention , liis treatment is by out
ward application.
Mrs. H. M. Ray , wife of James
Ray , of Council Bluffs , died at Gar-
rettsvillo , Ohio , December , 1858. It
may 'bo of interest to the citizens to
know that her funeral sonnou was
preached by our honored and afflicted
chief magistrate , James A. Gurfinld ,
who was at that time principil of
Hiram College , nbout two and one-
half miles from Gurrettsville.
L. T. Lindspy , ono of our .enter
prising boot-ond shot dealers , has re
turned home from an eastern business
Dr. John Green , with Dr. Lacy , had
n call to go. to Glenwood Monduy to
attend a patient there who was suffer
ing from a cancer in the throat.
, John Eden , formerly of this city ,
liuS'stnyod 'away from the Binds us
long as ho could and Monday he ui-
rived hero from the great luke city.
lie used to bo in the sample business
The colo'rod Masons are to have n
grand time to-night under the auspices
of the Jtihn Y. Jones colored lodge.
The banquet will take place in Castle
hull on Pearl street.
Wo would announce that at the
suggestion of Judge Reed , wo have
hud the stairs lending up into THE
BKK office mid OddFollows' hull swept.
There will be a grand reunion of the
Harrison county soldiers , together
with the Logan Grand Army Post ,
Capt. Scott Rico nnd Lieut. K. J. Ab
bott are preparing to take the big gun
up there and if these Loganites want
to sleep any on the morning of the
17th of August they had better put
aomo material in their caw that is a
non-conductor of sound. Abe Lincoln
Post , No. i9 ! , under command of Capt.
Harrison , post commander , and we
will say for the especial bentfit of all
* . . . _
tit i i * * *
concerned that celebrated old musi-
cian Walt. McFaddon will bo on hand
with his fife and drum corps ,
Frank Pusoy returned yostordny
- and U on duty ouco inoro iu his
. father's banking house.
T , B.-Gault has returned froims
trip to the fir west. Mr. Gault came
hero n few yean ago , nnd accosted
the position of general ngent of the
Wabash railroad company nt this
point. Since ho hoa been a citizen of
Council Bluffs , his pleasant and
genial manner of transacting business
has won him friends in nil circles of
The following were the Mock yard
receipts of cattle up to Tuesday morn.
ing. Pratt & Forri , Pine Bluffs , 080
head , Morohoad & Carpenter , Og.v
lalla , 280 head , Gatishill , 440 head ,
Swan < fc Co. , GOO head , Graham , Pine
BlulTa , 180 head ; total , 2,080 head.
They wore all shipped cast over the
C , , N.y. . , 0. B. & Q. and C. , K. I.
it P , railroads.
The celebrated Captain Boynton
passed through Council Blufls on hia
way to Fort Benton. Ho will start
from that point and awim to SH. Louis.
lie thinks if ho succeeds and pulls for
the shore in thb latter city so-and in
mind nnd bony , he will return to
Council Bluffs and locate.
If Tim Toner wna dishonor * he
could add maturially to his exchequer
Every ncu in .n while wo hunrof
his finding n man rho had given himself -
self up to thieves nnd robbers down
in the wwda withmonoyin his pock it.
Some time nio Tim found n mnn wlvo
had over $300 on his person , ani
Monday ( mining it suunia ho picked
up another , not quite no well hunted ,
yet ho had $30 in * cash nbout him.
The man wm drunk and might Imvu
fallen nn eas-y prey to sncnk tlieivos. I
Hon. Humphrey Webitter , of Mns-
snchuectts , i visiting hero , n guest
of our highly estuutuud and worthy
citizen , J. M. PhillfpfK Mr. Wob-
atur is a do&cendent of thu immortal
Daniel Webster ; and an uncle of our
present efficient high school teacher ,
and a relative of Mr. Phillips.
Mrs. E. J. Datia loft for New York
yrsterda and before she returns will
purchase- full line of fall goods.
Ike Whitney , ngcd 30 ; m the cm-
piny of the C. , R. T. A F.r while nt-
tempting to couple aomo cars that
were loaded with lumber that stuck
ont over the end too far , waa > caught
boiween the ends of the lumber nnd
severely crushed. The doctor thinks
two-ribaaro broken.
W21 BolthofT , a workman in Hen-
dric'a foundry , had the end of hta fore
finger on the left hand cut off al 2
o'clotk yesterday. The member was
treated by Dr. McCreary.
Iriehmcn hero who claimto - know
say ihat the alleged proceedings of
aii na Gael as telegraphed from
Chicago nro altogether preposterous.
The society ia a secret organization
and the proceedings nro not uiado
public. Besides the Clan na Gael
are not of these who believe in s ch
an indiscriminate use of dynamite.
Worthy ot Praise.
As a rule wo do not recommend , pa
tent medicines , but when wo know of
one tlint really is n public benefactor ,
and does positively cure , than wo con
sider it our duty to impart tlmt information
mation to all. Electric bittera are
truly a moot valuable medicine , and
will surely cure Biliousness , Fever
nnd Ague , Stomach , Liver and Lidnoy
complaints , oven where nil other rem
edies fail. Wo know whereof vro
nponk , nnd can ftvjly recommend to
nil. [ Ex. Sold at 60 cents a bottle
Ish ifcMcMahon.(4) ( )
' . i .
Bennty , health , nnd linppincfwforlndicB
U K Ooo 'iiiin .
NOTICE Advertisement To Loan , For Sale ,
Lout , Found , Wants , ' tloardlnir , &c. , ulll be Inserted
sorted In thoeo columns once for TUN CENTS
per line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIYKCKNTS
l > or line. The flrst Insertion nc\tr lese than
"n real estate security ,
Imiulrc of 0. II Ballou , 1Mb anl' uml
street. 007-10
IflTo \ loan at from 8 to lOptrccnt.
. .i/wi / ; on good real uitateaecurlty , by
Kit. ISAAC F.UW ltl > , 1109 .
0 LOAN At 8 per cent In-
ttrcst In sunn of 8-f0 and
upward * , for 3 to 6 yaars , on flnt-clasg city and
farm prowrty. DKIIIS KKAL KSTATS and LOAK
AUKNCY. IMh and Uoiula * 8U.
ONEY TO LOAN on real cotaUat
M 290-cod-10 DEXTEH L. TI10J1AS ii 1)110. )
WAVfKD Agirl for K'licral lioun.-u.ork ut
the U'ester n House , tl e nail wr'
it ANT 'i Htuatlon a ? i-lerk In uomo utoro.
v * Understand fit o languages. Apply at 11.
II.ilVtcnn.-n , near U. 1' . deiut , H. 10th H.
v. 01510
'ANTEIl A fuiid > hed room In a prha'o
, , , family , hy a n l > ccUblu man. Address
I amoil , tlili ollku , Ul-l-'l '
ANTi-O-A Kl'l at HIl 'al > as Itoctory ,
W 10th ami CJlilornltt fits. Iood K
WrAN' thoroughly roim > eteiit jflrl. 017-lf
\\rAN' KD-0 carmliters at 1110 Farnl am M ,
- Situation by tworespt'ctalile irlil
u Unt-i lasn rookn , btanifcni In t e city.
I'leaso ro 1 at 13aIknUv ; St.
'ANTKO Dlnlnp room tflrl "t rtstaliVan * ,
W 0 .r. IStli and Jackson Sis. lllO-I ?
JwoirlrUloIe ni to M.-W utrow ,
WAMKU . Cor. IJtli a..d Cajiltol'A e.
ASTKI ) A woman cook at the Kimntt
W lioiiw. _ f'Pt-H
V\T ANTii-A : girl at COS J ort ! K
ANTKII i-tout li y ho has had some ex ,
W i > crl uco In k.iAlf prism ! * . S. It KS.
ANTKD- chambermaid ut tlio Crulithton
W lloiua
-I lly . J. Charlton , Or'cans , Jftrb
W a good blacUiullh oud woodworker.
\\rANl > ' Ulrl fur ceneiM hou cwnrk in
> Y wnnll lauitly nt MO lOili at. M)2-lf
f -f T-ANTKD-Imniwiiattty a Rood iflrl Jor feu
\Y cral liou.cwork. at Dr. 11.11. Jy" " ' " .
K. i-onii-r 1 Ith nhd Jark-on. - '
\ \ ANTii--Cook : an J dlnlnff room tdfl t
Y ) IK > nmllou c.opjo | Ite Ui'oOUU-p. 6
- \ -\1TANTKl ) o ct'l * ftt I'rcncb OoBec Houw
\Y 10tli IKt.
ANTED-Fllty taams nt upper
W ' A. It. 110EL.
A pool tablu to rent ; with jirl >
WAKTEU j-un-Uaslnp. 8Ut Prlc-
Address OEo , ISMAN ,
4il.ll V..U.CrautordCo. .
' - ' ot Sllchac-1 ! ) ) ira-
nudlatelyb ) hU uwthfr , Uanpnt Dwycr ,
Uiualia ; Nrb. , Ut mn eth and Itli on Marry 8t. ,
car * ol l-utricl , Jlcjou. Wt t n ru ) > u nlttw
ccm ( - U3t ;
\\rANTKIl i One niwi in ix county rnnkft mo-
Vl nejielllnjr our jprlnpi for bujnry * n tt
fotiplllijr * . Send itampjortrrminndmtor If
In stamp * fora palitoantlllMtler Safety Bpriin ,
Oornptiny.PO Randolph St. , Oilman.rn-th-HAtlj-- ! ;
WANTHD n.v and wife , 1-oard and room
In tirhat-f fsnilly. Prclcrplnrc where thtre
are no OUier hoarders. Address a. AItoe ortire.
Tl EJI1S * UEAUISTATE IIOOM. S r lit pogn.
( M hridjr and school lwnj .
W H.T. Carl , BtU iu . 26-tf
" '
ANTED Two lK > ar * ni. Yo7ing"'mtT pt-
W "errrd. Aildrcw "A. " Kte ofllco. 140-tf
. . AI 411 W. II. K. C'l.AKKI-rs Mo. 1 Hoard
OAI.I. ? llouie , c r. 13th am ) Dodre 8U. B <
In the dty. MO-M
T &it KENT ThrfT furnii/wtf IT unltirnlihc4
JL' roomi near the IT. I' , ilctot. 'nqulrc ' b
Krnran A Cole' * , cor. nth Mul rimhtni. 613-U
it fowtl w'lh or
without board. Atffrcss"lt. D. " Jlco oin - .
I39U URTT AsinAll hovwo , conic Ftaracrand
Xf 2M itti , Apjily 10J lionanl ( clU ) .
. . r. a tt
if Two homc v corner ! KHli and
Howard. 1) . I'I HO A.t ,
D 4 9 * tVclghtoi' Block.
. . . . _ ' Atleslmtile fiirrlshod rositiy R.
' IJ Of , lia-wlmio - , prliatcrcntranmi. SI19
JlKMIS hairtttlliix long list * C.I IIOUHT * , . lots'
IJ l.\i. li niid farnn for Bale , Call anil get
, hcin.
" 171(115 ( IIR.NT A nloctj furnished Jrun. iu > .i < i < iur
.lj one or t\ro goutlnmen , at 1210 lltrard street.
f,3J tf
I"17(011 ( IIEIVP Ncv hotwc D.-xvcnptrt and 111U
J1 otrciUt , J ! Johnron , 14tli and I vniham t k
"T.10H HKVP A'hoti nf nevcii rooni < on Soul'-
I ; a\umc , noxtto WooVworth'H rcfWiiico , J
v.UiiHonltlrniiJ ! Fi\ra1mm. 4/U-tf
1,1011 KKNT-S furnlshtd roonm ou7 JuT-
i > clinnli' Kxi.hMiguK K. cor , lutli and Dodge *
t recta. ian-l (
( SALE Ch'riiisoimBte ' ternin.
FWl li ] \npHO ) a-tnonth.
Kirctas to title tf.nroin.Tt > and Kasonl | < rtmli _
nqwre at office of'SMn J , llliwc.l , 217 S , 14' nSt. i , .
rjlOH SALE So io Dnt-cl to < ; ) .8aiia lioixk.-
f.Sfl-ia 161Z Knrnhnni St.
FOR SALE A one riding , pony , at 412 10th >
B . f.74-U
"TIOKSALK Hom.bnxgj " " > * h mi * . Can-
Jj he nctn at StevnniviM'H dililiol Avcnua bam
1'rlce , S2SO. E. C. t lililS. 600-lf
SALE Four 8 H' I1. oncrhra , two 15 II
FOR eiulncK , one 13-111 P , ' icrtiinl boiler , ono
8H. P. , on 10 U I' , and' I 1C I. ) * . horizontal
boiler , all new. Ily Uiiiaha FounJo' and MA-
chlno Comoany Omalm , Nob. nty 475-a23
TOK XAUK A firet-cUjs milk' dUry. Inqulru
J at thUo'tlcu. ' M7UB 27
OR 8 ALF A black pont-yv ( 'cntla sod In'uOod
_ conilltlcn ; accuitomrd'ln sinvte hirnc < s and
saddle. A | > py ) at tllue lUrti , 1UII1 utreet , or nt
FO SA.E CHEAP The only hoW In'NortJi
Loup , Vnlley County , \-li..3fl ihllaxfrom tit.
1'iuil , 15 lutlcM lioui Ord. Hood lomtion , good
trade and Improving. For- narticuluorlto A.
J. C. . North Loup , hox-Q.- . _ B
AND LAND IltmilB rcntiT liouw * .
utoren , hotel * , famu , lots , linJh , ollk rf
rooms , etc , See l t pafco ,
MIIKKLI.Aa Aim i-'arasols n-ia-raJ D ) M.
llth and Vnmnm rtg. 780tf
HALK A largo two story frame > y
1 roof Hotel ond-one story kltehMi ) . Mso ono
story frame , shingled roof , hall room ton ten evia
to dance , and barn large enough to holdl twenty
teams- All situated on comer of Drtvwlnml 4th
street , Fremont , Uodgo Co. , Neb. Pott further
' ifomiatlon ajiplj to C. C. T11OMI SON ,
SM-lo B-S Rrumont ,
( OH SALE flood house with four rooms and
1 } half lot , No. i613 Uodse bet ; ti EBtii and
7th Ktreet. Oood n M aud ahado trceo ; Ireuto In
: oed condition. liuiilr on premima. 2'21-tf
RICK It SAI. & .
203-tf KSTABItOOK & COE.
K SA'.E A * small -engine. K.V. . llnyno t
_ L ? Son's uukc. In perfect Obder. Innulra of IL
. Clark & Co. M-tf
j i Lcais and furniture of a 'Int-clags
i. hotel In a tavrn of 180i > InhabltnnU , la ntato
if Nebraska ; ha Sl-b J ; the tra\cliiv ( man's ro-
ort. Inquire at I1BE oHIce. lB-tf
TTOI ! SAL& Maps of Douirla.aiidKirpTicoun-
tics. A. . . I'.O.-iUWATEH , 1620Karnhnm otrcet
tKMOVRD Fmjlh * . * Stull , uttonww ' , rut -
t momltoNo. 1C Crclffliton Illcolc 'itll-U
I 8TnA EI-On ) An/rust / 2 , HS1 , from , onr
I . cn l j anl on Kllll htrect and U. 1 * . U J1 y
.rack , J lar e light bay muled. One \/ith u K > ru
icck and the other a sore breast. A llbcrul rc-
ard ' ill bu i.aiil for tln.-lr return.
f l-ll I ) . O. CLAHK. K yt.
OST-Huriday ofarnooii nn lloirartf St. ,
_ child'sKOld braiclet , inan.rd"Utnct. ' . ' Find-
T will plcaso U-n e at Hue Olllcc. VJ-tt
> EJIIS' CITV MAt'd,25c. See lit pig.
I'arney htrtettJuiy 23
one larRebrlndle-uoH" , 0 yearn old , brindcd ou
p with letter "Ii. " Han some white tpolM on
icr. Any OIHI L-lvlui , ' . Infonuatlnn vJici j liie ) '
r retuni her ulll'boDUltabiy rewarded. '
618 tf A. M..CUMK.
NY ONE having worlt for a typo "filter ran
bo accominodra d by telephoii'njr th HUH
IOHTMNO Ji J , JIcLnln Is still In tno
lj Lightning Hod bii-Iticea , u holoiASu will re-
lull. Hods put up f * repuircd on bhortnbllco. .
rders liy nmil'rrothcrwl.e ' ulll ruco-io prompt
ittontlnn. fiatlifaotion RUaranteeJ Call or ad-
Irciw 1011 Saunduu ttr et. 4M > aKi
rr IIHKK or four jrounf ; men can bo aoco'tiaoda-
1 tcil with boirJ. l < ferunru < exsliaiitu < i Ap-
ily 2iillCab Btrfct , 4th door west of S'tSi M. ,
raildrow HOK S ! , y BtoBlce. 3431
"J M. BUO\VN Corner 12th and (
" 1. ktrrcU ) li ri-R'ly ' to bore or di-tpen wrlb.
.itUfactlon miaiantccd. tOStf
rilEASIS Can I * cot at John UirrHxtahlo for ri
1 all klndi of unrli at reneuimble ll urcw , nearer
or istliniiil lAtiiimtnrthktnwiM. S7B-tf
' FOIIOETThu sucresnors 01 the Ainei-
DON'T Honso , on Douglas btooit , bcUcciiDth
.IK ! 10th , foi bourd.lot.l2in/ trant > ! ut cua
.oilier * . Uuspoiifull )
Mi4-u JUMUA * Lomsf ; ROSS.
Absolutely Pure.
Made from Orapo Cream TirUr. ho other > re
arpatlou inalca such light , tlvly hot lin-adip
uxurious pa try. C u U > ; tnbi lt > iiH-vti < ;
without Iror of thetlt * . rcaultlin ; Irom h ny Indl
ircstlble food. Sold enl ) In ca b ull ltrovn