THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 10 , 1881. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL MONKT AND STOCKS. Nrw Yonic. August 0. Money closed nt 2J per cent. lixohantfo closed dull nt 4 83@4 So. ( iDvcniuicnt-s closed finn ; currency On , 1 30 bid ; 4 , coup. , 1 1CS bidUs ; do , 114Jj ri continue , I 02J ; tlj do , 1 < MJ. I'ncitic railroad bond * closed a * follows : Union PociGo fint * , 1 18J to'l 1UJ { Innd grantR , offered at 118 ? ; Mnkin * funds , 12SJ to 1 30 ; Ccntrols.l Ifito 1 10J. STOCKS. There was a change for the better iu the slock murk-I this inomiujf , atid condonv ! - bio purchases on the more favornblo ad. vices M to the lire-wk-nt'a condition ! The improvement , however , was not nccoin- milled by an in the \oluuie o ( LimineM on the contrary there u a a de- cllno in the Innltirm. In early dealingit prices advanced 1@1 J ] Mr ! cent. , but after o closing quotations for stocks nt the New York mining board : Orien JtMiller. 125 Hibcniia . . . . no StntelJnoXol lin ( iramillc . . . . 05 StatoLineXS. .T > 7 North 15cllo. ,1575 , Boulder 22 llradihaw. . . . , 105 CiUitornia . . . . ! I7 Ilortenio 30 South I lite. . . . M N Standard. . . Jfi ! JCIHOAUOJIONErj.MAllKllT. , - OlllCVRO , Atlfflllt 9 ; cywas ingnodiequMt'and supply at per cent , on call or G@7 per cent , on time. EaHteru exchange lictwecn city banks was quoted at a discount of G0gl ( 7flo per 81,000. The clearings of the asso ciated liankn were § 7,800,000. " Oitlein for utirrcncy wcio fair. Omnlia "Wliolosalo Market- OKKICK ov THE'OMAHA UKK , ) Monday Evening August 0. ) Tlio markets to-day were generally < iuiet a7idery few changes took placo. No. 2 wheat is- quoted lo lower ; white No.i3-'and rejected are , quoted 2o higher. Ilycngainadiancod . Com advanced 2 c. Oats declined lie. Provisions steady and unchanged. , Local Oral 11 Dealings : WHTJA1V Cftbh No.2,1 07J Cath ' * 3 , Dfii rejecfed'Gji : . BAULKY. Cash No. 2 , 89c ; Xo. 3 80c. KYU. Cash , 82o. CORN. Cash No. 2,40o. OATS. Cash. 31c. Livestock. I/ Cattle We < | iiotu as followH : lintcli- T'H cowv , S3 2."i3 CO ; choice butchers Htcors , § 3 7.rtl ( ) 00. Sheep Good nnitton in fair demand. ? ; } 50.T ; 75. Hogs We iiioto | as followB ; Lighl packers , ? -l 70@5 50j inudiniu mixed packcrH , S."i 00 ® . " ) 20 ; extra choice he.avv , 55 'J3@o 50. 1 Provisions. FLOUIl Hiirmg wheat , Btraiyht jrade , S27" @ 300 ; patent , S3 ( iOir.O ; winter wheat straight rade , S3 503 " 7i ; iiatcut , 54 00 © 1 50j graham rye , 5'J 'JTi ; Wheat , ' ' 'llYR FLOUH ? 3 25. MILLSTUPFS-Bran. i > cr cwt. 50c ncrceniii { ; , per cwt. 70@SOc ; flhortx , jiei ewt.COc ; choij | > ctl feed , per cwt. 75o ; mea" bolted , yellow , SOc : white , OOc. POTATOHS Nmv , 81 r,0 per bushel , rOtjr/rilY Live chickens per do/x-n , 93 50 ; old , spring chicken * , S3 f > 0. KOGS Shipper * count , lOc. BUTTER Choice , 10@1K ; poor , no mar I.-At ; creamery , 9-n. APL'LKS oed , Hound , $1 001 . " 0 j > er bbl. HONKY Kxtracted. fir t-cliRs Calif ornia btrained , 15c ; Neliraska comb , 20c 'LKMONS Good ropackcd per box , JS)00 ! ; beht , S1000 - , BLACKHHUJUKS-Por uo , SJ 00 , TOMATOES Per bushel , 82 .10. " CALIFORNIA PEARSI'ui < ' - box , § . ! CALIFORNIA PLIT.MS-WJ 75. . * CALIFORNIA PEAOHES-S300. . , CALIFORNIA aRAl'KS--4HOO@4f.O. WATKUJIKLONS- 100 , Siolx ) . ULl7KHKRRIKS-Pcr case , S3 00. VKOKTAULKS-AU kiiufs bring gooi BKJJSWAX-Yullow. . . , OXIONS-Per bbl. $3 75. Orocers List , COKFU1Uio : lair , , litjc : llio. SOK ( | llcjKio , prime to choice , f IJc ; Qld L-OV' .Invn ; 20i@WUAloclm , 2tijc ; ArbuckleV 17Jc.TJJAS. TJJAS. Ounpowder , Roort , 45@55c Choice , B075c ; Imperial , good , 40@15c Choice , iWa,7 ! > c ; Youn Hyson , ( , ' < xl , 3liCi Me ; choice , ( Kc@l 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf 3."tc ; Japan , choice , 110il75c ( ; Oolonj ; , pojd : i"i@10 ; Oolonff , choice , I053 ; Soiichonjf uoo < l. .V > fa > .iOc ; choice. 'Xi(3V > v. SUfiAHS.-Cut loaf , lljc ; „ _ _ lljc ; firanulated , lO'/c / ; Powdered , lljc 1'ine jiowdered , llge ; Htandnrd Coffee A lOJcJ New York Confectioner's Ktandan A , 10c ; Good A , lOc ; Pralrio Kxtra ( ! 9o. , SYRUPS. Hiiear house , bbN , 45c : hal bin , 47c ; ke i ) , 44 gallons , 8230 ; choic table Ryrui ) , 33c ; luilfbblxI0o ; keirs l 85 SPIfJKS.-Pcpper , 10) ) ; AlUplce , 20c ( Jlorea , 45c ; Xutmoift ) , SI 00 : CuMiu , 2x ; Mace 8100. ' SODA. DwL'hfa Ib paperv , $3 00 ; } ) e land do , S3 00 ; Church' * , S3 00 ; Km sula STAJIOH.-Pearl , . c ; Silver ( ! los , 7 ( 8c ; ( 'orn Starch , 8 J@8ic ; llvveltlo < iovt. Ojc ; Coni , 7o. HALT. Dray loailn , per bbl , 1 'W ; Ash ton , in sacks ! - > 0 ; bbU dairy GO , Cs , 3 5 bbln dairy , 100 , JU , a 5. DHIK1) FJlUITS-Choica luvct | lat-he , new crop. 7 c ; Kvajwrated Apiilu- W It , boxes , 12& ; MJc/dgan / , Ojc ; K'ev ; . u o.oPruiies ; old , Gc ; new , 7fe71c ; Currants , 7(5,710 ( v 4 ] Jlackberrio < , n w , lOo. OIIKKSK Full Oream , lOgj I > art Skim , 9c , \VOODEN\VARK-Two hoop pall 1 85 ; three hooii pails , 2 10 ; No. I tuln J 00 ; No. 2 tubs , , 8 00 ; No , 3 tub * , 7 00 pioneer ivashboarlU , 1 85 ; Doublu Crown a 7f > ; Glolw Washbo.ird.250 ; Wellbuckctn chain , and 5 ply , 20J&214 ; Colored cari > chain , per lt'U ; LEAD-Ilar , 81 K > , LVTCHE3-P r caddie , 85o ; cabetf , 87.35 ; Hinare ca.kK.-t , $4.00 , PKO VISIONSVreakfMt bacon. 12e : hoice lard , l.'Uc ; dried beef , ISJc ; bluml rs , , canvassed Be ; Lanis , ( unvaried ll locim , Hides' UJo ' NKW PICKLES-Mediuiii , in tarre * 7 00 ; do in half bbb , 4 25 ; smalls , In bbU 1200 ; do , in half bbls. 060 ; gherkins , I bbl , 13 00 ; do , iu half bbls , 7 00. VIXEOAK Pure apple extra , ICc mreapplp , 13c ; Pniwlniftmre anptf , 15c. HOM1N Y New , M HO per bbl. IlEANS-MetUum , hand picked $2/30 ier bushel. HOPE Sisal , J Inch and larger , 9Jc ; § nch , Oifc ! i inch , lOJc. S ( ) APS-Kirk's Savon Impfrlal , 2 W ; xlrk's stcrliiig. 2 40 ; Kirk's Undanl < 3 SO ; "Clrk's " white Uiissian , 4 50 : Kirk's I'-utoca , 85 : Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes ) , 3 0 ; Kirk's magnolia , 3 00. I'ANDLKS lloxcn , 40 ll > s Ifi or , 8 % .Tcjboxes 40 lb * . , 10 oz. , Os. 13c [ lx > xe , 40 ets , 1 oz. . 8r , 12Jc ) half boxes , ' 'O set % 4 oz. , 8s , 13c. LYK American , 3 3."t Greenwich , 3 35 : Vcstern , 275 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis1 ye , 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 275. POTASH Penmyhaula can , 4 .lor. , 11 ca e , 3 T > ; Babbitt's Hall , 2 doz. In case , 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in caw , I 50. FIKLI1 SKKU- Red clover , choice , icW , 8530 per hii < ilicU mammoth olntcr , < cw. S5 75 ; white clover , new , 811 00 ; I alfa clover , new , ? 12rX3 ; nlsike , new , > 13 00 , Timothy , good , new , S2 fiO@2 O , ' ; due grass , extra clean , SI 25 ; bluu RMSS , lean , SI 16 } orchard gram , $2 00 ; red top , hniiv , C5c ; ndllct , common or Mi-isomi , < 51 25 ; millet. German , $1 25 ; to 81 50 ; Itlngarian , Si 15. HKLXlKSEKD-Osago orange , 1 to B ixiihcli , $5 00 ; o ago orange , 10 bunhels or i\er , ? I50 ; honey locust , per lb. , 35cj per 00 lb . . S2o 00. FISH-Family white Mi , 90'lb hf bbl , * 3 CO ; No , 1 whtto fi li , 00 Ib hf bbls. 30) ) No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 1 00 ; family Olbklts , 75e ; New Holland herring , per : eg , _ 1 20 ; Russian sardines , "lie ; Colui" . lia ri\er salmon , jtcr lOOlhs , 8 00 ; GwtxoN Sank codfish , Gc ; Gen. boneless codfish ; Jc ; boni'lcfs fi h , 4Jc. MACKKREL-IIalfbbliimcsMimckcrcl , 00 Ib * , 812 CO ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do , 00 11)8 , ti 00 ; hf bbls , fnt family do , 100 b , 3 85 ; mem mackerel , 12 ll > kits , 2 25 ; So. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore , 2 Ib do , 100 ; fat family , 10 Ib do , 75c. CAXXr.I ) n001)S-Oy8ton , 2 Hi Field's ) , per cane , S4 20 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) , icr case , 2 CO ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per cane , IK ) ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , per ca e , 2 40 ; do Ib ( Black ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( alack ) . ) cr case , 2 00. Onions , 3 80. Salmon , 1 " > , per dozen , 105 ; do 2 Ib , per dozen 50. Sardines , email Pub , imported , one- uartcr IIOXLH per box , 14 Jc ; American , uartcr boxes per' box , lie ; do half boxes , ii-rlxix , 21Jo. I/inters , 1 Ib per dozen , 80. Tomatoes , i ! 10 ; do 3 Ib per jwc , 2 50 ; Com , 2 Ib ( Mountain ) > < jr case , 3,10 ; soaked corn , , 1,00i ; do ! Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per cafe , 350 ; triiijj beaiiH , per cat-e , 1 00 ; Limn beans ier case , 200. Succotash per case , 210. 'eas , common , pnr case , 1 75 ; peas' , choice , icr ease , 4 50. Blackberries 2 Ib , jier case , -50 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 3 70 : aspberries , 'J Ib , per case , 2 75(513 ( 00. ) .mtsons , 2 Ib , per cn e , 2 25. Bartlett leaw perv case , 3 Oo@4 00. - Whortlcber- ics per ease , 2 50. EJJR plums , 2 Ib per ! C e , 3 25 ; do , choice , 2 Ib , per case. 4,00. , rcon jKiBos,2 Ib per case , 3 25 : do choice , " bjier ciu-L',4 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per ease , ! ( ! 0 ( < ? > 5 20. Peaches , 2 Ib per cast' , II 10 : lo 3 Ib , cae , 5 00fo)5 ) 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per i cH-5 ; du pie , G It ) , per do/en , 3'50. KICK-CarolinaOI74o ; Louisiana , 5'f PKAXUTS Rousted , choice , red Ten- ic 5ee , S'.o ' per Hi ; fancy white , Oc per Ib ; raw white Virginia , 7@74c. Dry Goods. BROWN COTTONS. BadRer LL 0c ; luckoyo LL OJc ; Crescent LL < ! Jc ; Utica , * 5c ; Crescent C 74c : Crescent 157 0 ; rescent A 8c : Wachusctts 840 ; Indian Head 8 - ; Granite\-illo LL ! | c ; Batlger RR , line brown , 7ta ; DadgcrX , do , 7c ; Portsmouth P , do , 5jc ; Winthrop L , do , 7o ; Continental C , lo , Sc. BLEACH RD COTTONS Wamsutt i 4-4 13c ; .Fruit . 4-4 101 ; Ho , o 4-4 8Jc : Ballardvalo' 4-4 Ojc ; l'oca sctt C 4-1 SJc ; Altoona . : ! ! Uu ; Ijonsdalo No. 1 , cambiic 13c ; No. 2 , do , 12Jc ; New York Mills 4-4 13c ; Lonsdale 4 lOc ; Fairmont Q4-1 lUc ; ( JlouceMter do , lie ; Hamilton , GJtf Hannony , 5c ; Hartel , RJc ; Knickerbocker , fie ; Afanchester , 7c ; Pacific , 7c : Sjirague ; 5Jc ; SouthbiidgeGc ; Myhtiu , 5ic ; Mtrri inaek shirtings , ( kt ; Si > r > ig\itt do , 5At- , ijcmthbridgu do , Gc ; Regatta do , 5c ] ! ; Cochico robe , 7c ; Freeman robe , tic ; Hamilton do , 7c ; Marlboro do , Cc ; South- bridge do. G\c \ ; SpKiguodo. ( > ic ; Americaii do , 7c ; Pacific do , 7c ; AV-shington oil colons , 9c : Simi on's mourning , 7c ; Siini- ) soil's solid biucl ; . ( l c ; Kciliiiholid eolornlie. CAMUHICS , KLAT- Glazed , 5ic ; liigh colors. fi\c " \ ; kid hr.inh , Cc ; high col ors , 7o ; rolled"7c : hi 'h colors , Su. CORSET JEANS ] { oekport , _ PC ; Naumkeag sattecn , 9c ; Androscoggin do. , ; r/ickwond do. ' > > < TICKING Am.ifkeag- . . C. A. , 174c ; Conestoga , B. F. , I , fancy , 18c : tone - toga , 4-1 , Gold , IGc ; Ciieftoga , ' , C. C. A , , 14c ; Cimeotnga , ( . ' . O. A , f.iuuy , He ; Eaiiton , 15. , lOc ; Omego superior ex- trPSo ; Omega medal , 25c ; Omega A ( A , fancy ( , tripe20e ; Omega AA , 13 ® 10 } Conetoga. . Jt. C. , .Red Stripu , 1G.UShe ; - tucket , S. , 11 Jc : Shehicket , "E. i : . . 12Ac ; Fhotuckct , S. F. S. . 13ic ; Pearl Rfvcr , HHc ; Hamilton , ] ) „ IU ; Hamil ton rt'gtdar , 13 ; Hamilton H. , flic ; Cor- dK 11. B. , 9c ; Cordirt A C. E , , 18c ; Al- banvS. A , X. . lOJc. tOIL CLOTH 5-1 wood. $3 00 ; 5-1 fancy marble , S3 00 ; 5-1 ulilto maible , S3 25 ; (1.4 ( wood , SI 00 ; 0-1 fancy marble , 31 00 ; ( i-1 white marble , i25 \ ; 5-4 mosaic - saic , 83 00 ; 0-1 nuiiaic , § 1 00. DENINS 'Amo.ilcag blue and brown , IGc ; HeaM > r Creek , A. A. , blue and brown , 11U > ; Beaver Crook , H. B.bliio nndhinwn , 13jc ; Beaver Cicek , C. C' . , blue am brown , 12Jc ; E-verett D. I ) . , Mno am : brown , 1(1 ( ; Haymaken blue 'and blown , 9c ; Otis , A. X. A. , bin * , Hlc ; OIU B. B blue , 131 ; OtU 0. C. , blue , 12Jo ; Peari River blue and brown , 15Ac , DUOKS Fall River , Tljc ; Hamden O. O. , lOlc ; Boston checks. 13)ic ) ; Hostoi " Btril > es"lSJc , ; Dundco stripes , " 18o ; Bis , uio. , JU c HTHIPttS I/niUlanu , 3x3 blno am b own , 8ioI ; ouiiiianalx3 ! bluu and brown HAc ; Rock River , Gx3 bluu and broun , 19c Aliibama , Gx3 blu und brown , 8tc , COTTONADEB-LowUton , 10or. , 2.V A. Y. A. , 25c ; Angora , I ) . & T. , 25c New York inilln proof , 22jc ; Bridgewnti-r 20c ; Erett , he.ivy , 22Jc ; Whittf-iit n heavy , 22jo } Bell , IKc ; Charter Oak , IKo WIcklow , 18c ; Union Pat-iHc , 18c : Capitol IKc ; FariiifrVKUe ; Kveiutt , mtxllum , 15a York , llht ( weight , J2c ; New York mill check * 111 SllJIK'nNGS-AndroBcotfKin.lMlrowi 23ido ; 10-1 do , 2rtc ; Pepperell'h'.l-l blown 22lc ; do 10-4 do , 25c ; Androico gln , 41 inch , bli-arhed , 13otdo'J-4 , bleached , 'Jl'x ) dn 10-1. bli > adiud , 20c ; ] > ojiiu rell , ! M bli-aehed , 2So ; do 10-1 blcnclied7Jc. . Draft. DHUOS AN'IJ 01IKMIUAIS.-Acid Cailmlio , COc ; Acid , Tartaric , Ti5o : Bal-iuii Cop.ibla , per 11) , 70c ; JUrk , Sassafras , | > e Ib , 12c ; Calomel , per Ib , 75c ; ( Jinchoniill.i iK-r of , KOc ; Chloroforui , per 11) . 0. " > c Uiiver'M powders , | > cr Ib , SI10 ; Kpoii KalU , per Ib , 4u ; Glycerine , pure , iHjrJb 42c ; Loail , Acetate , per Ib , 'Jfis ; Ca bon oil , 110 = , porKallmi , lUc ; do 150 = per jjal , 13c ; Oil , Cantor , N"o , 1 , per gal PI 00 ; Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per pal , UOc ; Cil ) Olive , per ul , SI 50 ; Oil , OnKanuin , BOs Ojiium , 8550 ; Ouhiine , P.V. . i . & S.jwr oz. S3 40 ; I'otafiHlum , Iodide , per Ib S2 , 50 ; Balacm , per oz. 3.V : Sul | > liate o ilurrihine. perez , 83 76 ; Sulphur flour per Ib , Ijc ; .Strvchuino. IHJF or , 81 OOc Hortei and Mulct. The market is brink and all grades ar selling well at n slight advance in fpiltvj < l"he ii inaud for cootl honc excctxU th supply considerably. Prices runfo as fol lowvj Fine olngle dri t-r , 8150. to 800. ; Kxtru draft horw * , 8175. to 225. ; Common draf lionuM , 8100. to 150. ; Kxtra farm IioneB $110. to25. ; Common to good farm hornen 890. to 8100. ; Kxtra plugo , $ CO. to 75. Common plug * , 820. to 840. MULES. 15 to 1BJ liandu ( extra ) , 8125 Ho"'ill LruK'lOb.ji 13 | to U and , 8tX ) . to 75. Olftiirs and Tobaccoi. CIGARS. Swls , 815.00 : Connecticut , 25.00 ; Ml trd , 835.00 ; Seed Hnvan < i,850.00 ; Tlt-Ar Havana , 875.00. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Hide , I Ib , 5Gc ; RK | > ttcd Fawn , 57c ; Our Rope , Sc ; Star , pounds , 21 Ib , butts , CGc ; HOMO hoe , ( winds , 2 Ib , butts , Wc ; Purity , 24 > . butts , 52c ; Queen Bee , 2-J Ib , butts , KW ilt Kdge , pounds 24 Ib , butts 57 ; Army nd Navy , pounds Olc ; Bullion , ) > ouiids , . * > c ; Ixjrillard' * Climax , rounds , o7c. FINK CUT In palk Hard to Beat , Ra ; Golden Thread. GOc ; Fountain , 73c ; 'aMirite , ftVj Ri > cky Mountain , -Wei 'ancy , 50o ; Daisy , I5o. Iu tin foil' " "atlim O. S. , 2 oz p.wknso * , 5 Ib boxes , Kir Ib OOe ; UrilUrd's ' Tj'er ! , tXX- . SMOKING All crades-Comnion , 25Ui 3c. Granulated Blackwells Durhnni , 10 r IGej Dukt-pt Durham , 1C 07 , 45o ; Seal of Vorth Carolina , 10 or 10 ; Seal of Nrbras- n , 10 or 3So ; l/ono.lnck , 4 07 , linen bnis crib , 81.35 ; Marburgs1 Puck , 2 oz , tin oil , 55c ; Dot ? Tall. 05e Lumber. FKNCINO No. 1 , 12 to SO ft , 825 00 ; S'o. 2 , 12 to 'JO ft. , 23 00 ; Mirctliu ; dressed , S'o. 1 , 22 00 ; No. i ! , 20 00 ; common boards , rested , 25 00. FRAMING-10 ft. ami under. | > r M , 1 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 2.1 00 ; 22 ft. 1M 00 ; 1 ft , 28 00. FINISHING Xo. 1. finish IK1J and Inch , $55 00 No. 1 finish 1 Inch S.X ) 00 ; \"o. 2 , fml'li H , H nnd 2 Inch , 85000 : Xo. finish , 1 inch , $15 00 ; Xo , 3 finish , 1 Iiu-h , 1000 ; O. G. battens per 100 feet lin. , 1 50 ; well curbing , $35 00 ; rough i and 'J nch battens per 100 feet lin. , 50c. STOCK BOARDS A stock , 845 00 ; U $40 00 ; C , 835 00 ; common stock , 827 50 , FLOORING No. 1 , J2 50 ; No. 2 , 7 50 ; No , 3 , $27 00 ; yellow pine , No. 1 , 45 00. SIDING No. 1 , 82750 ; No. 2 , 82500 ; S'o. 3. S2000. SHIP LAP I'laln , $25 00 ; O. G. No. 1 , < 37 50 : No. 2 , $25 00. OKI LING 830 00ffi * fi 00. LATH ANDSHINGLKS-A Urbo..t ( ) ilniflci. 84 50 , Xo. 2 , 83 50 ; No. 3 , $2 Math > . -ath , 54 2 , " ) . Building Material. 1IME Per barrclSl , 35 ; bulk per 1m. , V > c. Cement , bbl , S2 50. lown plaster , ibl , ! S2 50. Hair per bu , 35c. Tanx-d clt 100 lb , $3 50. Straw lioaril , S4 00. The Leather Trade. Oak harness , 3tHc ! ; PittslmrKh selec- , ed , 10@13c ; huiidock harness , 37@-3'Jc ; kirtiiiR per Ib , fair ; Ho ; black collar M@ l\c ; fair do , 18@20c ; fair No 2 , lG(3U8c ( ; lenitock sole , Bulfalo slaughter , | > cr ib , 30 (53lc ; hemlock Hole , B A. Hlaughter per b , 25@32c ; oak sole , 40@43 < - ; oak upper > er foot. 25e ; hemlock upper , 25c ; do No. 23c ; oak kip skins per Ib , MOc@S1.10 ; lemlcck kip hkin per Ib , 7i > cit$1.00 ( ; French > Idp Hklns 'per Ib. 81.00(5 ( < 31.3- > : oak calf per Ib , 81.0051.25 ( ; hemlock calf ier Ib , SWSl.t5J French c.df per Ib , ? 1.25 ( .S2.10c ; Simon Picanl per dor. S3li.OOff.IS.OO ' : l ) otle Morocco per foot , 3033o'fcalfikid per foot , 35c ; ronni per loz , Sl > .00@10.50 ; white nnd yellow linn - n s | ier doz , $8.00S10.00 ; pink linings it-r doz , S7.00'J.OO ; Russctt liuiiiRs 57.- K ) ; blacksmiths'aprons perdozen , § 12.00 © S14.00. PAPER Straw paper , 3Jc ; rag paper , Ic : dry goods pap'cr , 7cmanda ; jiajiur , lOc ; news paper , 8c COAT/ Cumberland bhtcksmltb , $ ! ' _ ' ; Morris 'Run BIoH-burR , S12 ; Wlntcbreiwt "limp , 30 ; ' Whitcbreaut nut , § ( } ; Iowa uin | ) , SO : Iowa nut 80 : Rock Springs Antlnacite , all sies , SH 50. Hides , Furs , Etc. 1IIDKS Green butcher's hide , "a ; green cured hides , 8Jc ; Rrccii salt , part cun-d ddes , SS ( Jc ; dry Hint , sound , 13@14c ; dry calf and kip , 12ntl3c ( ; dry salt IddcHhound , ll@12c : Kret-ii calf. wt. 8 to 15 Ibs. . 10@llc ; Krten calf , wt , uncfer 8 Ibs per siin , 50c ; ; reen jiclts , SI 00@1 15 ; green lamb skins , ? 1 10tSl25 ; damngcd'hidus , two-third r.ite , cut bcored und one crub , clashed two- ; 1 irds rate , ) braudwl hides 10 pi-r cent , ijff , C'o.m nidus , No. 1 , 45e : No. - ' , 30c ; No. 3 , _ > 0 < ; No. } , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. ' . ' , JOc ; No. 3 , Itfc ; No. I , 5c. Fox , No. 1 , Xc ; No. 2 , 25c. Skunk , No. 1 , bl.ick , > "c ; short Htripe , 40c ; nariow btripu 'i"c ; .iix-ad trii > e , lOc. Tallow , 6 | . Wool. Merino nmvashod , light , 14@lGc ; heaxy , iit.-j : ( ; medium unwahhed , light , lS@20c ; tub-wished , choice , 32c ; fair , SOc ; dingy xnd w. , 2 c ; burry , black and cottedoof * _ ' @ 0c loss Shot. SHOT.i-Shot , 31.75 ; Buck * hof , S2.00 ; Oriental Powiier , kegs , 80.10 ; do. , half jcgs , S3.IS"do. ; , quarter kegs , S1.87 ; 'ng , kecs. $3.35 : Fuse , uer 100 feet 50c. Heavy Hardware List. Iron , rates , S3 00 : plow steel , ca-.t , 7Ac ; cast tool. do , 16(0,20 ( wagon n > nkfs , w.ishcis peril ) , 8@18c ; rivets , par Ib , u , cjil chain , per Ib , 012c ; malleable , So ; iron wedges , Co ; crowbars , Cc ; bnrniw [ ccth , 4c ; lioitoshocK. per keg , 0 00 ; spring steel , 7@fic. ' XAILS-10 to 20d , 3 15 ; 8 to 10 , 310 ( ! d , 3 05Id ; , 3 'JO ; 3d , common , 4 05 : 3d , fine , I ) 15 ! clinch , all tjzcs , 1 00 ; ( id , casing , I10 I ; 8d c.i-.inf ! , I 15 ; lOd casiii' ' , 3 00 ; 10. HiiHliI 40 ; Sd rmisli , 4 05tCd ; nni h , I DO lialf kt-js ( lOc extra , PalnU Oils and Varnishes , PAINTS IN OIL White lesul , Omahn P. P. , 7c ; white lead , C ) . I' . & . 0. Copun > , lie ; Marhoillex giccn , 1 to 5 Ib oaiiB , 20c ; French fine , orecn heal , 12c ; French zinc , red , He ; French zinc , in vruiiMi asstv "Oc ; French zince , in oil asst , 15o ; lliiv and buint umber , 1 Ib cans 12o : niw am bum ! Sloiinn , 13o : vandyke brown , 13 , ; ictined Ininpblnck , 12c : coach black , I'H.- ' ; i > nrybluck , lOc ; drpji black , lOc ; Prinnlai blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , ISc ; chrome. L. M. k D. , He ; blind and thuttei green , L. M. k D. , lie ; Paris green. ISc rod , 15c ; Venetian led , 9c ! ; Tuscan , 22c ; Amtricnn Venitiliod , I. &P. , IH < > chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. k I ) . ( ) „ 18o yellow ochre , 'Jc ; golden ochre , 10 ; p.itrn dryer , ( ic ; graining colors : Ifcht oak , dark oiu , walnut , ohchtnut mid ash 12c Dry PalnU White lead , GJc ; I'rfoch < dno. lOc ; Purl * whjteins 2Jc ; whitlnff pilden' , lie vliitiiij , ' coml , lie ; lainjibmck ( jennaB town , Me ; lAinpblack , oriiinary , Be ; I'rm- slnn blue , 5Dc ; ultramarine , Ilknndjku brown , 8c ; uinlxr , bunit , 4c ; unilwr , raw Ic ; > .Ivnna , burnt , 4c ; Hiennn , inw , to Paris ureen gemdnu , : t5c ; I'flrU KMWI loin' 25o ; chroma srcen , N , YV 20u ; chroiiK green K. , 12c ; vennllllon , Kni ; . , " 0.ur ; ; million , America , 18c ; Indian red. ] 0o ro e pink , 14c ; vviiptlan read , Cookwinn We : Venetian red Am. , IJc ; led lead , 7io rhronie yellow , genuine , 20o ; chromo vl lo\y , K. , 12u ; iKrhre , rochellc , Ho ; Fiirnituro , exta , 81 00 ; furniture , OILS-110'carbon pergallon , 11 In ; 150 ed , per Ballon , fi5c ; | lanl. winter .tr'd , | > e callon , 8c No. 1 , ( J7c , Nf > . 2 , 57c ; castor tier fjailon , fWcjuperni , W , B' , per Kidlor 81 35 ; liUh.W.B , , per gallon , OOc ; neaUifoot extra , jier ( 'allon , 75c , No. 1 , C5 ; lumboil No p ntiiie , " | > ergalfbn.'r > 3c ; laaptha , 74'ldei. pr gallon 20o. 03 deir. 20c. L quor. ALCOHOIi 187 prooJ. 82 25 pe wine gallon , extra California uplrlts 187 proof at 122 per proof gallo triple refined j > irit . 18t proof , 81 20 ; i * proof gal re-distilled whlnkles , 810001 60 fine blended , 81 COffiS 60 ; Kentucky hour bens , 8200 ( 7 00 ; Kentucky and P nn yl vanla ryes , 82 00@7 00. S Imi > ort .l , $ t' 00@1GOO ; < rmwtlo 1 40@4 00. GlNS-Importcd , 4/iOfo-GW ; domestic , 40 )3 ) 00. RUMS tmportwl , 4 VCrfO ) 00 ; New England. 2 OOftlJ 00 ; domicile , 1 MVS3 ( Ml ; PEACH AND APPLK URANUY- ' 00. CHAMPAONKS Imported per eve , 20 00@31 00 ; American , JKT ca e , 12 OOGfi 1800 , CLAHKTS-Pcr , I WrflfiOO. WINKS 'Rhlnewinfl , lr rasp , ti O a" ? ! ) 00 CfttawlMmiercftse 4 < XH .700 MARKETSBY TELEGRAPH. Cntmcll Blnffli Oenornl Market Coti-scil. Bit'i rs. August 9. Wheat No. 2 , 81.00 ; N - .1 , ( H ) ; rejected 05. ' Corn No. 2 , 30 , rejecte 1.10 , damaged , 20. 20.liny Fair market , with tmcmat $7. Oats Market ( pallet ; N V.Mp , reject- cd 10. Ryo-No. 2 , CJc. Uuttor 12ic. KCKH 15c. Cattle-Beef , S3 50@4 50. Hogs Light demand , vrio-s ? l T5ft\5 00. Potatoes Now , * 1 00xr \ bu ; old , 70o Onions 82 00. Wood Market quiet , with gotnl mipiily : OOfjrfloftsOWforhard. Poultry 20c. Crouton Market- CllKHTO.V , 1.1 , Atlgust 9. Buitcr 9c. Kggi 9c IIT candled. Grand Junction Markot. UttANU Jt'.NCTIOS. In , Angu t 9. Eggs-Sc. Butter 8c. Olxioago Pr < xlnoo. CillCAdo. August S ) , On 'Clmngo the grain markets weru inscttlcd and iirogular under ci > cculat\o ! nlluence. The , receipts of gr.jin were 1,000 bushels by canal , ami 1,431 car- oad < by rail , embracing 110 of \ lut , ,2 18 of corn , 52 of oats , 1 < > of rye and 2 f barley. Flour Quiet and wittmul essential hange , shippers and local ji > ll > orx buying paringly ; common to gocxl led , prices being mibject to fniiu-iit | Hue- uations urithint the establi-lied ran e , i-lileh wan about the Kainem ycstoiday. , ? ho weather waiKencrallyf.wirable. The narkct opened at about the cli > iug I'guros ' if last evening , ruled firm aiulndwuiccd { c , hen be-amo weak , declining after several luctuations 1J@1 jc , rallied , 1'iit nj ; in de fined nnd finally closed nt 1 2IJ for Au gust ; 118 September ; 117ji < ? 1 Ih for Oc- ober and November ; 1 10f year ; No. 3 piing , In good roqutst nt 1 OVml It ! , nc > voiding to location. 'Corn Active , but the feeling N.IH groat- y unsettled , nnd price- fluctuated eonsid- irably within n range of lgjljc. ( At thu ipeuing jesterdayg closing prices wcro etdiMii for modenitu nuantitit , but thu ilferings exceeded the denmiul nnd prices Icclinedto nihidc figures. About the mid- lie of change a stronger feeling doehiprd ind prices rallied ixjjnin to nu'dium figures and iluctiiatcd within a small lange to the close , nt which time No. 2 and hi h niKcd vero 53J cash and August ; IllfaM } Sou- ember ; 551 October ; 53' year ; rejected , 73@I8. Oats Rather inactive , but mleil steady mil firm ; No. 2 nominal at IUJ cahh ; 3' ' Vumst ( , ; 32J September ; 32K" ! ' - < October ; I2i tho. year. Jtyo Finner nnd higher , with offerings imall and demand only fair ; No. 2 , 87 cash ; 88 August , 8 ! ) ] September , 8'JJ Oc- : obcr. Barley In fik- demand ; m I idiout Ic lighcr , with fuw sellers ; n. 2 , 01 Sell member , 93J October. Pork Fairly active anil utoaily , unota Lions show little change ; mess closed n 17 II518 00 cash ; 17 SO September ; 17 82 Octoboi ; li ( 30@lfi 35 ; 17 30 .lanuary Lard Easier and lowir ; freely oifcrei md cloned at 11 40 AuK'iH : 11 15 Seiitoni .ierll ; 47J Octobi-r ; 11 .VAdjlll 'JO joar 10tl5.1nmmry. Bull : AleutsIn fair demand run Heady nt unchanged quotations ; BIOI t ri : )10t@ ) ! ) 20 cash ; ! ) 2j ( < ! t 32J September J yiW.lt10 October. Whisky Steady at 1 11 Receipts Flour. lllri'i { bbls ; wheat 41,051 bu ; coin , 550,021 bu ; oiitn , 3'Jil ( " ) ti ; rye , 0,2S ( ! bu ; bailey , ' . ' ,155 bu. Shipments Flour , 17-l.'tJ bbls ; wheat HS.-KK ! bu ; corn , 21)1,111 ) bu : oats , 70,4 ! ) ' i. : rye , 5,011 bu ; bailej , 500 bu. St. Iiouis Produco. ST. I/ji'is , August ! ) . Flour Unchnnijpd , Wheat Higher , but unsettled ; No. red , 1 21 for cash ; 1 24i Augm , ! ; 1 Ifl ! fo September ; 1 .Ili' AI 57 October ; 1 50 for November ; 1 55 > g ] ViJ year. Oata Lower ; 354 fm rush ; 351 "r Au just ; 111'/ / for September < * ooii ! l51 for Octobui , 31J for thojpiu llyo-Hijjhfr nt 87 * . Whisky-Higher all 11 Pork Better nt 1850. 1/xid Nominal at 11 5 - Buttur Unchanged. Rt-ceiptN Flour , H.OOO libU ; 4,400 Jin. ; corn , 70,100 bu. ; eaU , 13OC ! 0 bu. ; rye , 2,00 ! ) bu , ; bnilrv , nonu. Shipment * Flour , ( i.tXiO bbln ; wheat 1)1,000 ) bu , ; com , 11,000 bu. ; eaU , 1,00 0 ' . ' , rye , 3,000 ; bailey. St. lionin JJlvo Stooli- ST , LOUIH. Augimt I ) . Hogs Scarce nndhigher ; Yorhtrt , 050 ( Sli GO ; packliiK , II " 0"jO DO ; choice to fancy heavy , ( I 70 < 3lj ! )5 ) ; receipts , 1,400 ; nhlp. munts , 1,400. Now Yorlc Froilnoo Kmr YOIIK , Augii > .t 0 , . WM inuuh fxcitoment In tbo pro duce oxchangi ) to-day , Dcxpcrato elforU were uiade to break tliu wheat market which reunited In mich a way that It n > hc und fell a cent a nilnuto BO Imu an the fight hinted , closing 11 fractional decliue. ( 'orn fell ifo ou utoriex about the wohturn drouth. The fight wan thun.transforiod to lanl , future deiivenmi ' axminiption. bail Imtj crop and bail com crop , Ktifim Hatch wui a lurgu buyer of laid , nnd a nellar of cleiir at lUo advance , and lardjfel ! 15u and rucoverod 7jc , M rket cliwud htcady. Flour Active ; Miiuir , 1 15@4 SO ; hii- | piug extra * , -I 8 ! > ( alf 10 ; winter wheat ex tra * , fi 00@fl 00. Wheat--Opemtd miHtttlul'demand ; ao- live , chiefly for option * ; market closed weak ; npot fxilen of No , 2 red winter at 1 : ! O L3li ; nf No , It do ut 1 Wmi 28 ; Nn. a spring at 1 > \ ( & \ 2iJ , and of No , 1 led ut 1 33J , Corn Opened a nlia < lo higher , but nnb- tiequently the ad\anc-u wa-t lout and thu market cloned Hteady ; fcpot i-alus of un graded mixed at 54 5fi ; of htcamcr at 5Ji@574 ( ; No. 2 white , ut B44@05 , and uteamer white at ( X ) . OnU i < o/24c / hiuhor and fairly active ; No. 1 mixed , 40J ; No. 2 do , 40 : No. 1 white. C'J : No. a do , 60. Jlye Finn but imietat fiC@flll. Barley Pull and unchanged. Pork Dull and weak : new mew < meted fttlHOO. Lard Lower in parly deliveries for late months , at 1150 for spot ; ll&0@HCiO August1- ; ! ! & 5@11 TO Kcptt ni * r , Beef Unchanged. Cut MeaU Unchiiiige < l. Whisky Nominal , Liverpool ProJuoo. , 'J. Flour American , 9s lOd. Wheat-Winter , 9a 10d@10 < ; white , 9s 9d ; .prinir , i Gd < a,9 Vd ; club , 10s ! Lard-67 ed. Ohlongo OiilCAno , August 9. Hogs Receipts 13,000 ; shipment * , none. Market fftlrly active and strong ; mixed packing , fi "OffiC 45) ) IWit bogs ar 5c higher , G 26G 75 ; choice hogs , G 50 ® G 85 , CRttle Receipts 6,400 head ; ship ments , none. Market strong and active ; export * , ( KXXfffl 30 ; common to good ship ping , 4 75@oTiO ; nstiro butcher look , 2 25@3 80 ; Hockcru Mid feodrm , 30 ® 3 90 ; range cattle ar in very lllwrnl nip- plyi Tcxsni , 300 .355 ; Imlf-breeds und natives , ! J 7A@ I 50 ; dslry cnlte , 1100 ® 14 00 i > er head. 8heot > - RecelpU , 1,000 head ) ( Jilpmnnts , none. Market active and 1020c cr ; common to fair , 3 25i&4 ( IK ; u < > d Ui choier. quotftblo at 4 'JO ® I M ) ; lambs , per head , 2 00 ® 8 00. Poorln Protluoo. PHOHIA , August 9. High WtteFi ! mat 1 09. Toledo Prodnon TOLEDO , August l . Wheat No. 2 rod , cah , I 243 ; AuKU't ; lVHi _ HepteinlMT ; 1 281 October ; 128 $ Nmciuhor ; 1 29J year ; nmbcr Mlcbignu , Com Dull ; No. 2 , ci li , 54 | ; year , W } . Onto Nnniinnl. Wllmiacton Market WUMINOTON , A'jRUBt 3. Spirits Turpentine Finn ut 42 ; toft , 21"0 " ; Virginia , 2 'JO , A SMALL FIRE. But Ono that CauHod Couoidor- nblo Loss. l > onfproy' Carrlao ( Factory iu A ( W mnohlering niiim nro nil tlmt remained of L. T. liongnroy'n carriage factory on Sixteenth street yesterday About ! l o'clock n lire wits dis covered by aoniu pasaersby in n little framu shanty usud us n ntorngo house for packing and othur trillua by tlio , water works. This building ndjoinod the c\rrinijo : factory nnd iu n fort' min utes tile llamos had Hpri-ad to it. Tlio firemen wore on hand promptly after receiving tlio alarm but they had scarcely gotten down to work when tlio IIOHO burst badly and delayed them. However , they saved the ad joining framu house , lo the Routh , which is occupied by a colored family. The carriage shop and contonta wore a complete ruin. This carriage shop a two utory building , owi ; d by Mr. Liiof'proyand occupied on the first lloor by him'as n blacksmith shop. Tliu place was immrcd for ? fiOO each in the Watortown of Now York , the Metro- polo and CaisoC onoraloof Fr.iiico HO being placed on the building and 81- 000 on the stocfc. Sir. Longproy's direct Ions is no leas tlian $0,000 , but .IB this W.IH hia busy ncaHim ho will lese much more indirectly. The se cond story of thia building was occu pied by D. A. MofTett , a carriage painter. Thai department contained about thirteen carriages , wagons and buggies The loat on these and b\r. \ Moflott'H stock will rcndi $1,800. Ho had no insur ance. Henry liohcn iVCo. . , IOHO J200 wngon. Speiglo § 00 buggy ; Will Brown $ ! M ) buggy ; Tiuman , portioim ofJa bngay worth § 25 ; Longpre ; wa on ; Pinctor a $100 wngon ; St. John Sowing Machine comrmnyu ! ? ! 00 wagon ; Mat Putiick , ' portion ot n buggy and ChnH. Wooilworlh a § 150 vehicle. Hcsidea tjiese the shop contained two new wagons wortli SP-'O , nnd a baby carriage worth SUe The water company lusoa about § 200 on material , and-Gen. Estabrook , who owned the ntora o house and an adjoining tenement about SHOO. Mr. Longproy was burned out about a your ngo , HO that thin second visitation in rmite a IOSH to him. The Iiro originated in the bnildj ing used by tho'watur company , hut how is unknown. THE HEAT. Thermometers Again Getting in Their Work. It ni'umud to bo a general opinion tlmlycHtcrdfiy wiut ono of the hotlt-st of the season. However , lliero IB pnuiu consolation in tliu fnct that tlie service ollicml says tlio wind hns Hhifted to ijoulhwist and tlio day not ically an hot as people thought , The llierniomoter nt that ollico indicated at two o'clock yesterday afternoon only ! WJ. At ( J o'clock thia morning it otood ut 70 , and at 'J-in ; 'JO. At Mux. Jloyor'a tlio thennomctorindicatedjatL'p , m. J05C in the shade , At .Saxo's at 2 o'clock their thermometer indicated 108 , BO that it will bo Been everybody wait not : IH fortunately located us tlio signal service people. f A Query- To Ha llilitorof Tiie linn. Omaha , August 8. Will the moat unsatisfactory investigator with re gard to a nilsiiinjr child of North Omaha , bu HO kind us to inform the public wliuro the boy may bo found. If still in the huiula of his former persecutors , then moro ulllclont meas ures must bo taken to socuru him , Tliis is no vague speculation , or "Wild Humor" as termed in your columns , but n ease of prolonged cruelty , endured by the community , through dread of conflict with thu perpetrator * , who , on u venture , liavu dared to make tlio ease known. Wo now insist on something moio reliable thnn the offending party B explanation - tion , or the little victim , who from past oxporioncu would not make an objectionable assertion ugainst hia oppressor presser * . THEM SIIOKS MAKKKD Dojv-v twon- ty-flVO IHr ) CPIlt. MUHT IIC OtOHEl ) OUT. A. D. MoiwK , 14th and Farnhum Kt. DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS , 110TXL3. TOWNS. UNION PACIFIC MOTEL , MARKEL& 8WODE , Council DIufTt , Iowa. NATIONAL HOTEL , J. HARVEY , Qtenwood , Iowa. COMMERCIAL MOTEL , JA8. P CWINNEY , Hamburg , Uwn. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL , E. O. COTTRELL , Nebratka City , Neb. LEWIS HOUSE , JOHN 8. LEWIS , Dow City , lowAi SUMMIT HOUSE. SWAN & DECKER , Crciton , la. JUDKINS HOUSE , JUDKINS A DRO. , Red Oak , In , COMMERCIAL MOTEL , WM. LUTTON , Vlllltco. la. PARK HOTEL , W. J. QARVIN. Corning , 1.x , BURKE'8 HOTEL , E. R. BURKE , Carroll , la. HEAD MOUSE , JOS. SHAW & CO , Jefferson , In. CHENEY'S UNION HOTEL , CHENEYnROB. , Mo , Valley June. , la. NEOLA HOTEL , F. 8IEVERTZ , Nrola , la. CENTRAL HOUSE , 8. P. ANDERSON , Malvern , la , EMERSON HOUSE , A. L. SHELDON , Cmorion , la. CROMWELL HOUSE , MRS. R. COCHRAN , Cromwell , l.v. MARSH HOUSE , W. W. DROWNINO , Drownvllle , Neb. CENTRAL DLOOK HOTEL FRED 8TADELMANN , Plattimouth , Neb ARAPAHOE HOUSE , L. CLUTC , Arnpahoe , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , T. M. STONE , Orleans , Neb. .HOLLAND HOUSE , QEO. D. HOLLAND. Red Cloud , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , T.MUNHALL , Oloomlngton , Nib. QAQE HOUSE , A. R. CAGE , Republican Clty.Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. Q. D. DOROEN , Alma , Neb. ITTSXZKTEISS IJ. fr. M. II. , H. [ WESTERN NKHRASKA. ] DK. RAZEE . Drugs mill aroccricn. OHAPIN it HAdEU . Agricultural Implements. WM. MOinilDK . General MorclmmHso. T. ,1. ASHNUHN . Livery , Snlo and Food Stable. H. HANKS . : . Livery , Sale mill Food Stable. JACOB 1/EUUIl . Ulackutnith nnd Wagonmnkor. K. VAN DEUSEN . Station ARont , 13. & M. 11. II W. SCOTT ELLIOTT . k , . . ( Weekly ) Tlio Kn8le. JOHN D. FULTON . Postmaster. csx.oxrx > , KALEY miOSk . , , ' . , . . . , . . . ' . j . Honl Estate and Law Oflico. OASE & MuNENY . . Attorneya-At-Law. , A. LAUTERUAOH . . . llakory anil Restaurant. , WM. MOSHER . , . , . . . . Meat Market. GEO. It. HOLLAND . . , u > . , . Holland Houso. VAN DYKE it SAUDV . , . . ( t . Hoys' Homo. M. L THOMAS . , . , . ( Weekly ) Red Cloud Chief. A. J. KINNEY . : . , . . . . ( \Ycokly ) Argun. . 0. E. PUTNAM . „ . „ . . , . .Groceries , Flour and Food. PERKINS * MITCHELL . , . . . ( Jrooorica and Provisions. ) . FEARON & COLE , 1121 Parnhaiu St. , Omaha , Nob. Consignment * iniule tin ulll rm-i\o proni ) > t Attention , ItulorCnii-i 1'trxt Nat. Ilimk ami Onuum H ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUaLAS STREET , OMAHA , NEB , The [ Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAIL ORDERS. Jy 18-inu Hellmuth ' ' Ladies''College. . Patroness , H. R. H. PRINCESS LOUISE. Founder nnd President , The Right Rev. I. HEU- MUTH , D. D. , D. O. l _ , LORD CI8HOP OF HURON. Fall Term opens Q Wednesday , September 21st. ml npnrlnns lmllliiK ! , Ir.inllfiillv ultiniUnl In nmo t liwillhv lorallty , nl > oiit four Iiourt iv rnll fiom Nl'pirn I'lilld , niiUononuof I ho prlni'ljul thn > inrli , route * lictftucn ( lie lint anil Weal. I'lie Illtorjf DM iiiiiiilho | JIO ncrus. Tlio nlin of tlm foamier of till * colle/c U to provide the liinhwt ntoltfctiml anil pnictlmllf n > efiil islucAtlon. \tliolonv.tuiu Is basixl iimn tlio soundest PRO TESTANT prindpltH , a tlm only mllil 1ml ? for tliu riglit fornmtloii ol cliarniter , FRENCH U tliu In the folU'uo. MU6IO - . aiiKtinrcspoken ; u ] Ks-lilly. lloanl , Ijinnilri ami Tiilllmi IVus , Incluillny th wholn course of Hnsllih. tlio Ancient ami Mod- rn I.TiiKiia''is ; < , iilllillifnii'i , lnu\lii'aii ) ( I I'lilntlnir , use 1'l.ino .and Ulir o Muillual atleniluiicii.aiiil leilclne , * 300 pirnniinin. A rukmtion of otio-half for the iluiiuhtor * of Clergymen. Kor"clru- ar < " ninhnllpirtleul.nniuldrowi .MIti5CII.N"lOV , I ilyl'rlnclp.U , llolliniith Laities' College , IXISDOH , O.VTAUIU , UASAIU. inoiuVthuri-Zm ] J. S. HAHHlNa'J'ON. B. 1 . NEWKLL WESTERN POLISH CO. , MANUPAUTUUKUR OK ASJI- BEAU BRUMMEL BOOT BLACKING , ALHO DKAI.KUH IN COUNCIL BLUPF5 , IOWA , Ji sj. 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. Spectacles , Musical Boxes , Clocks and Silverware. Jewelry of all Designs Made to * Order. Repairing of Watches and Jewelry Done at Reasonable - ' able Rates , and Satisfaction Guaranteed. EDHOLM & ERICESON , WIIOLKaALU AN1) nirTAJL AND PMCTIOAL IATOHMAEEBS. Corner Fifteenth and Dodge Streets , Opposite Post ' Office , , ; / ; . ' . ' OMAHA , NEB ,