w TIES OMAILV , DAILY BEE WEDNESDAY . . JL : AUGUST 10 , 1881i RIYERTON , Dosito JJBBtM By a Beautiful' ' " WoDflefl Brook , "fi ' "Wihi Paved Streets nnd Superior - " " ' perior Graded Schools , Presents Exceptional Attractions. An Extraordinary Ylclil of Crops .Reported , Notwith tntttllnR * ' ilio Severn Drouth. IliVKhTO.v , Nob. , August 8. The nrchitoclur.il styles of the average - * ago Western Nobraskn towns nro not gorgeous with orionlal.'splondor , grand with tlio gloomy magnlficonco of tlio old Roman order or fantastic vrith ( ho queer gables nnd fretted surfaces clinractorlstio of thu Queen Anne Btylo. Truth to tell the utrents of the nver- ago brnn now town of the western prairie remind 1110 of n row of dry goods boxus in front of n cross rend fltoro , Rivcrton , however , is n innrkod ex- coption. Its buildings are compact , And painted neatly , nnd many of thorn i very tastefully. Tlio town does not -Struggle over tlio whole pruirio , like a sqUtul of now recruits thai can't keep in ranks , but , like wheeling columns of old veterans , the buildings " elbows" and "ilross ings "touch on the centre. " Shade trees nro not forgotten nnd the .streets aro' paved with the beautiful while magnesia limestone that abounds hoio. Tlio siduwnlks nro good nnd now. The town is not stuck on n hill .to , catch the howling winds of these open .prairies , but cosily it nestles by n : , beautiful little wooded brook nt the base of n hill that wards off the north- , . urn blizznrd. The people nro of the higher chum of western settlers who ; liavo not forgotten in their now homes the roQnoinents and. culture of , the cast. I The graded school of Rivcrton is , something of which the people hero 51" are very proud. Scholars from u dis- tnnno are ulwuys in attendance , show ing that it , muit bo n very superior school. . / Two excellent ilourint' mills and n , line plevntor give the best possible facilities for handling grnin. TUB unors. Oi\ the high divide north of the valley there is an extraordinary yield , . nnd tin aver.igo of eighteen bushels of wheat to the ucrois talked of by some , but it id prob.ibly fair to say that it will not fall short of fifteen , while ' oats nro about as good aa they can bo. Wo glean these reports trom the farmers who speak of their own and their neighbors crops. However , the erops in the vulloy hero , as well ni nt JJloomington , have II sulFiired severely from drouth and heat. fc In short , the western or upper part . r of the Republican valley has had showers that did not visit this locality , and the s.imo is true ot tlio high divide "where thu heavy crops nro reported. Nevertheless , wheat gives a fair yield , nnd the rain that ia lulling as I write this letter will redeem the corn. The good farmers nro , however , reasonably sure of n crop ut nil seasons for , with thorough cultivation , drouth ' Joses more than half its terrors. This is n region where woods nro wonder i fully scarce , nnd hence many farmers can t BOO the necessity for plowing corn more than once or twice. Nor can they see the necessity for very careful preparation for the wheat fiohl thnt will yield fnirly without it , nnd lias no weeds that can choke down the growing crops. IJut for all this , the sumo Inbor bestowed elsewhere ia required hero in order to maintain the neil in the proper condition for success of husbandry. There nro too many shot-gun farmers here ( hunters is the bottar name ) . TJicio nro top many1 invalids tint ! know little of farming thnt lire tryinp to learn , while "they recruit wastoi vitality or conqUer disease. When the Republican and the streams that How into it are nil made io ml thb'ir wealth of moisture nnd mud to ' the thirsty soil by mo.ins of irrigation then this valley will bo the most fer tile in the world. , .A Colorado farmer tilling deserts o , - glistening sand would bo overjoyei nt the piospoct , nnd when this road is completed to Denver , some of those practical desoit destroyers will como out nnd show these people some tr'oki ' on farming that will natonisl the valloyitcs of to-day , There is too little enterprise nnd too little experimenting on the part of these who nro competent to do so , nijd lost. lUiLnot Jonst , there nro too "I'Uiy ' whOulvBi' did work and never will. Oi uourso there nro many very good farmers in this region , lu boun- Uous linrriBX. itto rcsMonoM and profitable rcsuln conclusively show , und still there nro perhaps nn undut proportion of the former classes , tlial vroro nttnictod to the country by the game , the opportunity of getting i free farm from Uncle fc > am and the excellent cellent chances of picking up money from freighting or cow punching , There is nothing like being indepond out of rain. The most proutabli farms in the United States nro thosi of California und Utah , where irriga tion is the sole dependence for wnto ; supply , There is n good time coming for nl this valley. It is wonderful the stride it has made in the past , but they art nothing to wljat the future will show Its crops now are superior to uny ii the surrounding states and yet I ox poet to see the tiino when thirty , um oven forty busjiols ef wheat to th aero will bo a common yield , nm when fruit will bo ns plenty a roast ing ears and potatoes are now , Irri Ration will quickly work the change lather Neville , n Catholic pries from Illinois , lias been making pur chiiBoa of land in this vicinity for som . of Ms people. The emigrant come ' every day "and still ' , there's more t < follow , " I'EUSONAU. Hedford Otiey , with whom I aol diered long years ago , when wo bet ; were mere boys , met mo to-day 01 the street * of iUvertou. hard to trace the fa rniliar fcnturrs that wo. had known iftcon years ago , but there were ubtlo indefinable somethings that re vealed the identity that wrinkles , tried o conceal , Air. Onoy is now as suc cessful in fanning ns ho used to bo in illing the post of danger. Dr. IlnKcc has sold his hotel nnd purchased more land until now ho has thousand acres for pasturing his owing herds. Ho still runs his store , Chapin it Hngcr's ' ling in htill hero and to the senior member of tlio firm own much of the success I achieved n Itivorton. Also to Mr. iMillerton , , ho thoroughbred gentleman who ccops tlio pontofllce , my thanks nro duo. duo.For For business review sco iitli page. CHROME-TANNED LEATHER. - - Tlio Now Process Which PromUos to Revolutionize UioTnnnliiK Industry. About six years ngo a foreign scien tific journal announced that gelatitu1 or common glue could bo rendered in soluble by adding about one hundredth part of chromic ncid or any of its salts , iko bichromate of potash , to it when .n a Htnto of solution , exposing it to .he light of the sun mid then drying t. At first no application of the prin ciple was made to the useful arts , ex cept in the treatment of glue that was employed to unite surfaces that were exposed to moist situations. It soon occurred to chemists in this country and Europe , how ever , that the gela Line contained in hides could be ren dercd insoluble by this procosi as well as glue , which is simply gelatine ex traded frourhides and other portions of animals and then dried , Experi ment sliowcd the corroctncsK of the theory. By soaking a Jiido deprived of the hair in n diluted solution of chromic acid or bichromate of potash , and then exposing it ( o the ight of the sun , the gclatino t contains become * insoluble. The aide , howorer , wiw vorjr hard , nnd could not be rendered soft by the use of water , oil or naphtha. Evidently some modification of the proccti was required to convert hides into leather that could bo readily worked. A chemist in Prnnkfort-on-tho-Hain - - - , Germany , conceived the idea of incor- iorting some substance into the pores > f thu hide which would absorb fat or oil , and thus render the prepared skin dlablo , like ordinary leather. The ilun was eminently successful , and oathcr prepared by this now process s now in the market of various cities , of Europe. From present appear ances this new method of tanning will goon bo employed in every portion of 'ho world. Common leather is the skin of an animal , tlio gelatine in which has been Tendered insoluble by the use of tan- ling , A principle found chiefly in cer tain nitringont barks and'leavcs. The ; olatino , in its changed form , is cnown as the tannato of gelatine. No ono knows the origin of the process of anning. It was , doubtlessdiscovered > y accident by persons inhabiting countries that were widely separated. Tlio process of tanning hides is slow , oven by the improved methods that greatly hasten operations. The out- tide of the hide is first converted into .cathor , nnd this portion prevents - vents the tanning liquid from wssing readily to the in- ftrior portions of the skin. On this iccount a very long time is required to AH skins that are sufficiently thick to make solo leather , Another method ) f .preparing skins for certain pur- loses , as for making gloves nnd covor- ug furniture , is called tawning. It consists of treating the hide with somu antiseptic that will prevent the gcla tine from passing into a moderate unount of moisture nnd heat , Salt , alum , smoke and creosote , ns well as several other substances , have been employed for tanning skins. The process employed is quick and cheap , i'ho material employed ia very .small in amount , and , considering tlint all that remains in the vats can bo em ployed the Bocond time , is inexpen sive. As the cost of transporting it is Homing 1 tanneries can bo erected nnd operated almost everywhere. Before many years it is likely that hides pro duced in South America and Austra lia will bo tanned by the now process before they are sent to market. It will coat but little more to tan than to salt them , and they will bo in much bettor condition to handle. With the new process domestic tanneries may spring up again. The now process of tanning , says the Glasgow Gazette , which was intro duced to the notice of thu leather trades of this country in the course ol laqt year by thu Kglinton chomica' company , of Glasgow and Irvine seoma now to have scoured for itself i. permanent footing. Certainly the strides-it has made since it was h'rs ! shown to the "trade " , about the eml of August last , in the company's ex perimental tannery , have been very remarkable , in proof of which wo may refer to the extraordinary collec tion of chrome-tanned leather and [ , 'oods made from it now thown in the company's stall in the leather trades' exhibition nt Burnbank. Thoproccss bids fair to bring about a greater revolution elution tbnn has ever yet been expo rionccd in that branch of industry. Tanner * in many parts of the kingdom are considerably excited with wlial they have road , oen or heard of the Il-wmirling process , the essential foa ture of which is the substitution of i mineral compound of definite compo sition for the vegetable tanning mate rials whijh have been in use from a reiy remote period in history ; am : they nro estimating its importance ui something far beyond the usual inven tions or discoveries connected with the leather manufacture. For economy aa to the ordinary cost of production , as also for the quickness with which the tanning process can bo completed , this new mineral tannage threatens tc le.xvo nil competition behind , whether wo compare U with the cost of Brit ish mixed tannages or with the chea hemlock-bark manufactures of Amer ica. Of course , very much dependi upon the quality of the material pro duced ; but it would bo exceeding ! ) difficult for any practical man to nmkt n careful and unprejudiced inspectiot of the Etlinton ; Chemical company' * * extensive scries of exhibits nnd not bo convinced that the proecas is a decidei top in advance , assuming , Of course that ho takes all the collateral circum stances into consideration , such a cost , the short period of time requirec for the production , the strength of the material , its durability , uto. lu connection with the econimy o imo , which is such a marked feature n the now process , it is well to con- ider how tlio tanning operation1 which is .almost , if not quite , cxclii- ivoly n chemical action is brought ibout in bach ciso. The ordinary cgotablo tanning materials owe their cflicncy to the tnnnic ncid which they contain , but the bark liquors in use lover contain that compound in any lighly concentrated form , nnd thoro- oto the ordinary tannins ; process must always uo a slow ono Jn tlio chromo or Ilcin crliiiy process , on the other mnd , the liquors may boobtnmoi of any desired sttongth , nnd the con- tnined chromic ncid at once docs its work , striking through the thickest hides in from three to four days , niul completely tanning them in from twelve to loin teen days. While on this point wo may mention that Lhrrc are in the exhibition nt Hurnbank chrome-tanned wnlrus liidos , containing l&O pounds of leather intended for machinery purposes , that were completed in fourteen days , nnd nt n les * cost than Id. ] > or pound. It s nlso worthy oi mention that the nain bolt which drives the machinery .n motion in the exhibition hall ia n chrome-tanned bolt of walrus hide which wns tanned nnd curried nnd completely finished in three weeks. S'o experienced machinist or engineer who carefully examines it can fail to conclude that it docs its work in a most satisfactory manner. On chemical nnd mechanical prop crties of the chroino-tuiincd leather : hero is no need to dwell in detail. Dr. John Clark , ono of the public analy sis of this city , hn.s carefully examined the material for its contained chrom ium , so far ns it cnn bo dis solved out by long boiling or by steeping in cold water during periods raugincf from twelve lours up to six dnys , nnd ho finds .hat the percentage of Holublp matter ia exceedingly sninll , while his opin- on of the chromium compound ro- nnining in the leather is that it "will lot 1)0 dissolved out by nny treatment , o which the leather is likely to bo subjected , nnd cannot bo hurtful to ho feet. " It is very different , how ever ) with bark-tanned leather , the iction of cold water on which , con- inuod over n period of dnys , extracts 10 loss than 0.71) ) per cent , of soluble anning material , of which 2.55 is annie nciil. When compared with jark-lannod leather of the finest qual- ty , the leather produced by ho Iloinzorling process is found .o . liavo n much greater amount of mechanical strength. The ' csnlts obtained on that point by Mr. Fraser , the superintendent of Lloyd's Droving houae , St. James1 street , [ tinning park , show thnt chrome- canned leather is stronger than bark- tan nod leather by from 11 to HI per : ont. Somewhat similar results have joon obtained by n great nuthority on uechrmic.il testing 'namely , Mr. David Kirknldy , of London. His ex periments show most conclusively .hat leather in which chromic ncid s the tanning ngont excels the very jest bark tanned leather in strength , md that after it bus reached its "set ting" stage under tbo necessary stress it still retains nn extraordinary amount of elasticity , which is avail- xblo for tightening machinery bolting on pulleys. Mechanical people who have had much experience with leather belting know how to es- kimato such a valunblo quality. At first chromate leather had an odor of \ somewhat unpleasant character. Thnt 1ms boon entirely removed. The Bolor is now uniform , nnd may bo either pale or dark green , or n light or dark orange , or n light or dark reddish - dish brown , similar to the color of jark-tanncd leather. . Thu currying of chromate leather is now rendered easy of accomplishment , nnd pro duces n perfect finish. In consequence of the recent improvements made in : lie process it has been found entirely unnecessary either to give weight or pliability to bolt butts in the currying operation , these qualities having been secured by the ohangQS recently made * n the tanning process. Nil.DoHpornnilum. When your girl give you the mitten , anil you feel your heart IH broke. Don't KVO ( way to black despair , but treat it nn .1 ioke. 'let your health in lli > t clnss ruder , n bottle of SrniNfi HI.OSSOM buy , Anil gaily join a uinginp ; class , uiul for nn- other sweetheart try , 1'iicu CO cents , timl bottle 10 ceutn. _ ' eodlw , There IB No Hnpjilor Man ill Rochester than Mr.Vm. . M. Arm strong , With n countenance beaming with satisfaction ho remarked , re cently , "blesiiwB uio the proprietoi ot Warner's Safe Kidney nnd Liver euro. ' It saved mo. " Iw EICUESIOI TICKETS OHIOAGO S ± O.OO BOUND TRIP , $19.00 ViatMB&Q.Ri , llrkt-clau ami Root ) tliroiijli the 5 car. Also Nt w York , llostou an j nil Eastern iwlnU , at J'ro vortloimtcly law rote * . On lalo ONLY at 1I01111IK 1 liallroad Ticket OHlce , -itt 1m bOO Tenth ( t , Oinalia1 Dexter L. Thomas , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW Oiiialu , X dH FLIEGEL Successor to J. II. Thlcle , MERCHANT TAILOR Nn iSO Daiiirlui 81 met Omaha Neb. I'ltOlUSALH FOU STATIONARY AND IMUNTINt ! , Soiled iiroiKwaU will bo rucihcj tiy the under tlirtictl until 12 o'clock p. in. . bciit. Mil , ISwl , fit luriiUliliii the Itoard of lUucatlan ulili Utlonary , adu'rtltliij , ' and priming forthiicn- ulnif ) ear , l > ld to bo einlorncd "Him for < urnt-li. IIIL. Htatlomrj , Ailverlldnir and I rintliiif , " Oiu Hoard rvcoc * tlio iltrht to reject any and all bids. CHAHUS IVXOVhit , auO-Ct bccrctary. IMIOL'OSALS roil WOOD AXD COAL. Sealed propotal 11 be recched b > the under- nUiieJ until ISo'vIoi'k | > . in. , Monday , bi-iit , ith. Itul. for furnUhlnj ; the Itoard ot Kducatlou will ! wood-liard and wit , and coal hard and oft , lor the u cf city n-hool * ( or the eujuli-jj Mar iroix ; l to bu cudorwd "Wdj ( or furul hln.- The Itoard re crthe rlfht to nlc.imyor all Md - ClIAULES COVOVEK. bwretary , tafc THE GREAT. pPPHftffl fflnn muni Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Baoicfie , Soreness of the Chest , Gout , Quinsy , Sere Throat , Svtell- in/js and Sprains , Burns and * * Scalds , General Bodily Pains , foot/i , Ear and Headache , Frosted foot and Ears , and all other Pains and Aches , Vt TrtfurnHon on earth equali ST. JACOM OIL M lafr.tttrr , lmj > ln and cheap Kxtrrnil Btmrdr. A IrUt tntalli but th * comp r tl t ly trtllnc nntU.r of 00 f entu , and ererjr on * inffer- fir ; h p In can bare chop nd jraiUIr * tiroef Of ItieUlmf. J * , Dlrectloni In EUren LangntgM r COLD BY ALL DEUQQIBTS AND DEALERS IH UEDIOIHE , A. VOGELER < fc CO. , Z3attlmo 1. PURELY VEGETABLE M CDil Cl N E Mothers , Wives , Daughters , Sons , Fathers , Ministers , Teachers , Business Men , Farm ers , Mechanics , ALL should bo warned nrainst uxiiiK and introducing Into their HOMES Nos trums nnd Alcoholic remedies , lliuc no Buch prcJudUo aKalcit , or fear of "Warner's Safe Tonic Dltters. " They are wliat they aroclainifd to lie li.irmlc.si an milk , and contain only mcdi- cliuiHirtULS. Kxtract of pure c ctable only. They do not belong to that clans known as "Curc- AliK , " but only profess to reach canes w hero the disease originated In dchilltatcd frames and Im pure blood. A perfect Spring and Summer medicine. A Thorough Blood Purifier. A Tonic Appe tizer. Pleasant to the taste , lniKattng to tlio body. , .Tlio mokt eminent phynictnns recommend tlivm "iur tholrcurntltc properties. Once used always preferred. For the Kidneys , Liver ant ) Urinary organs , u c nothing "WARNER'S SAFE KIDNEY and LIVCR CURE. " It stands Unrivalled. Thoiis- amlioHc their health and happiness toll. Trice , Sl.'J. ' ) per bottle. Wo offer "Warner's Safe Tonic Hitters" with Hiial | Lnnlldcnec. H. H. WARNER , Rochester , N. Y. felQ.tii-tli-t.it.lv _ _ The Oldest Established IN NEBRASKA. Caldwell , Hamilton & Co. , transacted earns ta that of an Inter- jKiratcd can It. Accountti kept In currency or Bold subject to slrht check without noticn Certificates of deposit iMtied piyablo In three , alx and twclvu months , boarini ; interest , or on demand without Intercut. Adi nnci's made to ciiBtonicrs on npprocd secu rities at market rates of Interest , lluy and pell gold , hills of exchange , goi crn- men * , etato , county and city bonds. Draw el/iii , Units on England , Ireland , Scot- landf and all parts of Kurojx ) . Sell KuroH ] > an ] as au tickets. COILKCTION3 I'UOMITLY MA K. aiu-lilt Established 11 Years , Afticts He 882,000,000-0. Aitho Flro nnd Life nycntH lJ4/rl4 waiiti-d. U. T. TAYLOH CO > f&"lTf Utli& Dounlaa g LET BURN1 My liouxo ami funiituro ix iimiral with 0. T. TAYLOH k CO. , < ! < > r Hth ami Di Master's Sale In tbo Circuit Court of tlieUr.ltul State * ( or the . < lMrk't ot Nibraska. , AU Utu S. Klddcr ) g. Mn Chaiiccry. Xclson Fwutcou. > roRtcLosfiiK or SIOUTUAOK. 1'uWlo notice In hereby glton that In | inr uaiico of a JciTi'u cIlliTuI In thu nt \ o rausunn thu Ibth lUyol Novi-inher , IhVl , I , Klll U llirrlmufr , Murtcr In C'hani-vry In wl < l rmirt , ill u tlio Uth ib > 01 Aujru-'i ' lvs'i ' "t "I0 hnur " ' 3 o'cliHk In ilia afternoon nfthemlil ilaattln1 uot douroi llio I nitoil ( ititca court liou-o ami ) x > t nice liiilltlhiifiii the city of Unc In , Uiiicutcr count - tht.Uo anil I'latrletol Nilir.vsVa , bell at public niitlon the follow Ins iltsMrlbnl pro | rty , to-nlt : Tliuiiortliwut H'vart-rol the nortli.-a t miarttr , ami lot * No . three (3) anil ( our (4) ( ( vcctlon No. tour (4) ) , towiikhhi No. thlriy-onu (31) ) , range o. li ) tu t. Al > o tin ) uut lull of the kouth u > t nuarter anil lot tlirto'J ) anil the norih e > tqiur tiroflhoM > uth witqiurterol bectlon No.lhlr. ty-thn-c , (33) ( ) In to ii lii | > thlrty-t o , raniroNo. ( ( ) tt\atut votitalnlrir in all t o liunjrcd ami 10-100(273 ( 10-100) ) acre * all In Dlxon county , llRows i OA rEW.L , Jluttr lu Chancery. holliHtot * for Coinyhlnant. jy 0-uit A , I. MSOf , Dentist. Omcx Joooba * Hlook , eo ncr Capitol avenue and Kitt < * nth trv't , Ouialut N t Burdock If jontuflfrfrom l > jpep < U , mo Ill'KUOCK ' 111.001) I1ITTKIIS. If you are afflicted with thlioiuncw , wo UUItbOCK III.OOU illTTr.US. Ifou arc prostrated with lick Headache , t Vo IIU1IDOCK 111.001) IIITTKIIS If iour Ilowctsan ) disordered , regulate them with IIUKUUUK W.OOO IIIITKIIS. If jour Blood It Impure , purify It ultli llUUDOt'K 1)1,001) ) JIITTEUS. If juu hue Indigestion 3on will nnd an antidote In ' JlUllDOCK III.OOI ) IIITTKIIS. If ounrc ( rouliloil with Sprint ? Complaint * , cr- adlcntc thorn with llfltDOUK III.OOI ) IIITTKIIS. If jour I.hcrln torpid , restore It to hcnltliy notion wild IlL'ltUOCK IILOOD IIITTKRS. II your Liter t alTcctcd , } ou nlll find a Riiro re- RtorolUoln . lUmUOCK 111.001) IIITTUKS , Ilyoti Imc any ppcclc1) of Humor or Pimple , fall not to take 1IUHDOCK 111.001) lllTTCUS. If jon } \ ne any RJ mptomiof Ulcers or Scrofuloui Karen , a ctiratho remedy will \ > a found lu nuiibocic IILOOU HITTEMS. For Imparting strength and ltahty totlicys- teni , nothing tan equal 1IUUDOCK niOOD IIITTKIIS. For Ken ous nml General Debility , tone lip the Hjstcm with IIUItUOCK III.OOI ) IHTTEUS. Price , I.OO per Oottlc ; Trial Dottles 10 Cts. FOSTER , MILBURlfl& Co , , Props , BUFFALO , N. Y. Said At wholesale"l y Ith & UcMalion and C. F , Goodman. Jo 27 eed-mo RESOLUTION' ORDERING SIDE- WALKS. IJo Itrcsohcdby the City Council ol the city of Oumlia : That aildcnalk lie , within fifteen ilnjufrom thlsilate.-iconstructudjnmyalil to thu c tabll hod ; r.-ii ) In nalil city , in front of and adjoining ; the follow Ing premise" , vlr : I/JtJ. v.uat side of 13th street , In block 200 , C feet wide. TF.vror.\r.Y OIUDP. West 1 lot 7 , nortlnMcof Capitol Aveme , block 7-1 , li feet wide. South ] lot 4 , rant sideof / Sherman Aicnuc and llorback's 1st addition , 0 "cttwide. Said alduwalkK to bo constructed of S-lncIi pine lilanknnd to bo In width , ai above spccltled , and thorapntltu owner or owners of the abo\u ilc- ecnbcU promises arc hcrpby required to construct the tame. 1'ais.ed An j ; . 2,1SS1. J. J. 1. C. JKWKTT , City Clerk. , MECHANICAL AND MINING EN. SIVIL at the Rensselenr Polytech- Instltute , Troy , N. Y. Tlic oldest cn < rlnci.r < Ing Hchool lu America , Next term begins Sep tember l'MTlie \ Kcglstcr for IbbO-Sl contains n lU of the fraduntcs for the past M years , nllh their positions ; also , courtc of btudy , require- miuta , expenses , ate. Addrest DAVID M. GREENE , jl H-itcotlau H Director. SADDLES AND HARNESS , 1412 Earn. St. " Oraaba , Nob. CRLFB1IATKD CONCORD HARNESS Two Medals and a Diploma of Honor , with the very highest award the Judges could bestow was nnardcd tills harncu at the Centennial Kxhlbl tlon. tlon.Common Common , also Ranchmen's and ladles' SAJ > rtl.KS. Wo keep the largest stock In the west , and imito all who cannot cxamlno ton-nil ( or prices. apot DOFTYOulOEffilT WHEN IN NEED OF BOOTS ! SHOES To oxnmino the stock of BASWITZ & WELLS , House 1422 Douglas St , , near 15th OTTXt. STOGIE is largo and always the lowest prices. t3coj-6m United States Depository. HationalBank ' OMAHA. - Cor. 13th and Favnam Sts. OLDEST I1ANKINO ESTAIILISHMtNT IN OMAHA. SUCOE88ORB TO KOUNTZE DROTHER8. ) BimuaiUD ISM. a a National Bank Auguit " 0 , 1S 3. 3ooooo , ornciRS ANP PIBKCTOUI : Houvrar. , 're ldcnt. niTs KorxnK , Vice President , U. W. VAT * * , Oafchirr. A , J. I'oi I'Lttox , Attorney. A. CmiauroK. P. II. DiVH , Ami. Ca&hler. Thlibank reiehcj iltposltf without regard to amount * . . luuc * time certificate bearing Interot. I > raut drafU on San Kranutco and principal cltlen ot the United BUtca , alto London , UubAn , KdlnburiEh and the priudpal cltlen ol th * conti nent of Europe. Sell * pow nier UckcU for ( .migrant * by the In. man line. mavldtf DEWEY & STONE , FURNITURE ! ORCHARD & BEAN , J.B. FRENCH & CO , , CARPETS ! GROCERS ! The I argest Stock and Most Com plete Assortment in The West. ' . ' ' * ' I < ( I 1 .f ' , . . , , ' > t "I" . ,1 , 'II ,1 1 V" We Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , cloths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures and Lace Curtains. . ! t i , t i , l i > 4- Hi' Omaha , ' Collinsj- ; Cheyenne , Colorado. . Spring and'Summer CLOTHING ! ! LATE AND NOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. Hats , Gaps , Trunks , Valises. IN THE LATEST STYLES. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit all 1322 FARNHAM STREET , NEAR FOURTEENTH.