Miqmirj THE "OMAHA DAIL BEE. -LJL ELEVENTH YJEAE , OMAHA , - WEDNESDAY MORN ING , AUGUST 10 , 1881 , NO. THE PRESIDENT , His Oase Is Still Progressin , Towards Convalescence , Secretary Blame , AfllictodlWit ! Malaria , Is Obliged to Loayo the Froeident. Tlio Abnonoo of Drs. Aj now nn Hamilton Accepted an n Good Sign * THE PRESIDENT. National Anoclitcd 1'ir . ALL CJOtXO OX WKLL. WASHINGTON , August 9. Th morning's bulletin of the president condition was not so generally sntii fixctory as had been expected , but til physicians give full nssurnnco tliat a is going on well. The patient passe a very goud niuht , his nuracB say li slept very satisfactorily , and tluit til ievor was only slight. Ho took noui islimont several times during the nigl 4'and hnd no trouble retaining it. TKMrEIlATUIlB OIIAUCALI.Y DECLIJJIM -i When the physicians arrived th pWmorning they found the pulse wt & banting firmly and evt.uly. The ton * poraturc was higher thnn it has boo , . nt any morning examination since tli 1 relapse , but the physicians say the are not disappointed. The temuor ; turo has gradually decreased since tli operation and they expect it wi roach the normal point to-day. Th president has expressed himself r tooling comfortnblo this' inornint Among the lectors this morning tliet was ono froin Maximo tJorozo , th Nicarauguan minister , and Congrosj mon Valentino Halle nborgcr. Pit. HAMILTON CONFIDENT. The president's slow improvomci to-day was far from satisfnctoi to the general mind , but when li\b camu known that Dr. Agnew hnd got homo arid Dr. Hamilton was not c : pooled to return until Thursday more favorable impression uproa abroad. Dr. Hamilton Raid yesto day : "If there was any danger would not go away. " And the al Bonce of both surgeons is according ] accepted as a good sign. All the deters tors insist that the presidon is no regaining flesh stronger than la : week. week.NO NO MORE CDTTINO NKCE.HSAKY. Others who have been .visiting tl sick-room say that he looks bettor i many ways and shows iraprovemon A fuvorabio flow of pus without tli use of the drainage tube is cited L the physicians as an evidence of tli probability that no more cutting wi bo necessary except in finding the ba and there is no intention in th : direction at present. The prcsidci took nourishment several times dm ing the evening and [ enjoyed seven naps and suffered none from fever. The president' slept without the ai of morphia from 8:45 : to 10:10 : p. in when ho nwoko and took moro nou ishmcnt. Ho has been tiivcn no soli food to-day , but kourmis , and mil and lime water is considered adequal food. He fell asleep before 11 p. n Dr. Bliss assured the members of tl : household that all was going wcl Ho felt confident that another da would rid the president of fever. Tl White House- was almost deserted 1 > fore 10:30 p. in. Drs. Bliss and lie ; burn remaining alone with the pros dent. HECUKTAUV IILAINK ILL. - WASHINGTON , August H. Secrotai Blaine's leaving the city has bcc hastened by his being affected I malaria. Ho will start for Maine t < morrow unless the president shoul be worse. Secretary Kirkwood re turns to-morrow and Secretary Lincol on Thursday. TUESDAY'S BULLETINS. OFFICIAL. E.VEUUTIVK MANSION , August 0- 8:30 : a. in. Notwithstanding the el foots of yesterday's operation th president ulopt the greater part of tli night without the use of any anoydim The febrile rise of yesterday aftoi noon hlow'.y ' subsided during th night. This morning nt 8:30 : his puls is 08 , temperature 99 , 8 , respiratio 10. Yesterday afternoon the amii qualities of liquid nourishment give at short intervals have been rotaine and this morning largo quantities ar being given without gastric disturl anco. anco.Signed ( ) D. UAVK.S AONEW. _ D. W. BLISH , . WoomVAun , bifr. HUYIIUKN. I 1 ji v' WASHINGTON , August 0. Tlio proi ident remained easy during the da ; and has continued to take nourish niont allowed him without gastric ilia turbanco. The dischnrgo ftom th wound is quito abundant and it i evident that thorough drainage hu been secured by yesterday's prepare tions. The degree of fever this aftei noon differs a little from that of yes terday. Pulse IOC , temperature 101.S respiration 10. ( Signed ) D. W. IJr.isn , .1. W. BAIINKS , J. J. WnonWAKIl , 11. RKYJIUHV , CLAN NA GAEL. Kutlonal Associated I'rui. TJIK COJIMITTKIJ ON I'EIIMANENT OUOAN IZATION IIKI-OUT. CHICAGO , August 0.Tho coiiron tion of Irish nationalists was callei to order this morning for the fiftl time. A new chairman was appointed od , Col. P. Cleary trying his hand a the desk , Tlio secretary had to 1 > changed also , and William Googhan the Irish poet , assumed his arduou duties. As soon as order was obtained the committee on permanent nrgani zation presented its report. This tloo ument was enough to raise anotho howl. The eastern delegates claimot that they had been ignored , tha while from her geographical positjoi the eastern cities deserved the mos 1 , . J positions of trnst , the fact wan th committee had assigned them hard ) , anything. DR HOARB ATTACKS o'DOKOVAN KOSSA Dr. Hoare urged the eastern delegates gates to withdraw altogether from th convention , and to hold orte of thoi own in the east. In the course of < long hnrranso this speaker nttackci O'Donovaii llossn. During the dU order that reigned liar. Dr. llotts , o St. Louis , who on yesterday with drew from the chairmanship , loft tli couvOntion and said that ho was sorr , that ho had any connection with it. TUB CONVENTION ADJOflllXS. This turbulent spirit prcraih-d dm ing the entire day's session * and R far ns could bo Learned nothing wa accomplished. The convention of * tlio delegate from the different circles of th Wolfctono society that has been i 8USMOH for the past two dAys at th Palmer houae , adjourned n ( noon tc day on account of dissensions ainon the delegates as to the formation of i permanent organization Tlio room occupied for the past fW days wer examined this morning previous t the convention going into Session , t see if there wore any infernal me chines there. None were found. SUMMER /PORTS. THE TURF. SAUATOOA 11ACES. SAIIATOOA , August 9.1p3pio fin race , all ages , thrco-quartor : mile , fc a purse of § 300 , was won ] by Hornol with Knight Templar kecond , au Bonnie Lizzie third. Ti&o , 1:104. The second race for the Clarondo hotel stakes , for thrco-yoar-'olda , wit $700 added , distance" 'onb and on ( quarter 'miles , was A'on byThorawit valloria second.Time , 3:11 : < DRIGIITOX DEAUIt-nAt'ES. NF.W YORK , August 0.-The race nt Brighton to-day : .First race , on milo and ono hundred y rda , wnsi wo by 'Viola ' , Bob Riddle second , Repoi 'tor third. Time 1:52J. : > N ' Thn second race , milo arid one-hall selling allowances , was won by No' ' York Weekly , Una second. Tim 2:30. 2:30.Tho The third race , milo and a furlong was won by Frankie B. , Duke c Kent second. Time 2:00. : - The fourth race , milo''dash , wti won by Governor , By-Tho-Way BOC nnd. Time l:43j. The fifth race , steeple chase , shot course , was won by Stricnnine , Lizzi D. second. Time 2:5C. : The third race , for nil ages , mil nnd live furlongs , five horses started Getaway winning , Eolo second , Cir dorclla third. Time , 2:54. : The fourth race , handicap for a ages , milo and ono-fonrth , < ever fiv hurdles , was won by Glasgow , Gaptai Franklin second , Disturbance thin Time , 2:23J. : KOCH ESTER RACEB. ROCHESTER , N. Y. , August Jt. Th races opened with muggyj heavy nn oppressive weather , but two of tli races were trotted , whcri1 tUvkuoaa-ai in. The 2:30 : class , purse 81,000 , divid ed , was won by Llumboldt , who too ! the fourth , fifth nnd sixth heats , J P. Morris winning tlio first and Flor F. the necoiid and third. Time , 2:23j o.os w. ' ' , o.or.l M. U.J , o.oil M.M4 , o.on M.A.I' , C..OO. O. IQ THE DIAMOND. GAMES PIAYEU YESTEItllAY. WORCESTER , August 9. Wurccatci G , Treys 7- CLEVELAND , August 0. - Buffdlos t Olovelands 4. NEW YORK , August 9. Mctropoll tans 14 , Atlantic ; * 12. ELECTRIC BRIEFS- National AssoclatcJ I'ress. Capt. J. S. Groor , of Hastings Micli.j died yesterday , of a clear cas of Asiatic cholera. E. D. Northrup , a lawyer , aho John O'Donnoll , a rich lumberman yesterday , nt Elliottsvillo , N. Y The man died. Both were prominen men. men.Three men wore arrested last nigh in Jersey City for the robbery of tin Mntthieson itWelcher's sugar refinery These robberies have been carried 01 systematically for months nnd 1,45' ' pounds of . fine grudo sugars wer found on n lighter on which the mei were capturwr. The American Dental nssociatioi closed its Bcssion nt Republican Hall New York , to-day. Among the in tcrcsting papers read were those b ; Dr. F. Moduli , on Lithiusis , nnd b ; Dr. L. M , Rhein on Dental Educa tion , which were discusuod by Hunt of Washington ; Winder , of Baltimore Marshall , of Syracuse , and Amblui nnd Allen of this city. Three additional bogus practition crs liavo been arrested under chargci made nt tlio Bmtunco of thu Now Yorl medical ( society. Tlireo hundred \Villiainbtirg social iat including Huvoral womei met at MiHtuiy Hall , Now York Williaiiisburg lint night and passed i series of rcsilutions rctlocting 01 the course of the government as pur sued towards Hartman. Miss Abbey Ellio flrorvr , wliou "Tho" Allun married in Ni-w Jersey last Sunday ia siid to bo a niece o Chief Justice Folgcr , of the court o appeals * . The failure ot Moloy it Co. Ohiciigo small grain commission firm , ia anne no un cod this morning. They wen short about u qiiuiter million Inmlielt of corn. CiNi'i.v.VAii , AuKuat It. Uarvoj James formerly piominent liusiiiest man and now assistant Buperiiiton dent of the New Custom house , diet this morning. Murderers Traced to a Dekertod Coal Mine. National A > ocIiU'd I'fe- * . PirrupDito , August 1) . A bj > ecial from Elizabeth , Pa. , says two of tin McKecsport murderers seen in thai neighborhood , nro now in ti dvaortod coal mine , ' HA-1 THE DOCTORS. Both Agnew and Hamilton Ab sent From the White House , Much Surprise Evidenced it Now York Over the Fact. Accord'ng to Dr. Hamilton Dr. Agnew Should Have Romaiuod. Tlio Former Plnlwly Dosorlljon tin Sltnntlon of tlio BnlL Nr.wYaRK , August t ) . Much Mir prise was foil hero to-day over tlio nn nounccment thai Dr. Agnuw had luf the White House , uoilo Dr. Hainiltoi only canio homo last night wihini any intention of immediately return inij. Dr. Hamilton was surprise ! when the atatement was made am paid that the understanding had boon Unit Dr. Agnew should rcmnii until Wednesday night or Thursday nnd thnt lie , ( Dr. Hamilton ) wouli return on Thursday , or possibly no until Friday. Ho hnd received iu .dispatch from Washington nnd hac hau no reason to chanuo any of hi plans. The general public has lioo thorougly understood the location o the ball from the technical account given by the physicians , and of tin Dr. Hamilton was naked to explain , si that it might bo understood by over ; one. He said' D1U HAMILTON EXI'LAINH. Medical terms nro dufmito and exact act and have nothing exactly corresponding pending to them in ordinary language I will state it as fairly as I can nnd i you arc going to quote mo you inn ; say this simply : The ball entered tin body through the eleventh rib , break ing it , and about fuur , inches m iron of liiH-snino. It was then turnoi downwards towards the hips inside o the Hush , which composes the loins but back of the liver , kidney nnd in testines nnd probably now lies jus within the bares constituting thu pel vis about five inches above- the groin The doctor in his willingness to explain plain the course of tlio ball and it present location placed his finger at thi uoint n little above the right scan of his \cst buckle belt as m entrance point. Frum that spot tin course of the ball was downward am forward amongst the muscles of th back and side. It now lies in th right surface of the body about parallc with the top of the trousers pocko and about an inch to the left' ' of th upper hip bone and about two inche below the surface. "There , " said th surgeon , as lip thrust his tinker in n the point indicated as nearly as pot siblo and which is immediately ncx the rounded top f--tlie bono .on direct line from the navel , "is wher wo believe the b.tll to bo and there i where some of the physicians wer almost positive they could fuel it. " . i- iPotrolonm iu Germany. National AtaodatcU 1'ress. BERLIN. August 9. - Most oncpur agin ; . ; reports continue to bo reccivci with regard to petroleum springs a Oeldhcim , near Reiuo , in Uanovet [ lorr Mohr writes that within seven ty-hvo hours 783 barrels , tqua inj 1UO tons of petroleum , was obtuinei from one of his three botings , am thnt ho was only awaiting aundeijuat supply of caeka to draw from th other two. The German potroloun company's uells are situated nt a fe\ yards distance from those of Her Mohr and have been yielding fo Homo time. They are now pourini forth a daily rate of fifty barrels 1'ipes nro being luid to conduct oil ti Rcino , where n petroleum refiner ; will commence operation immediate Mexican Notes. National A * * > clat l 1'rnu CITY op MEXICO , August ! ) . Re ports from Tmnpico state that tw < Americana whoso names are unknown were killed by robbers. The treasurer of Ban Luis Potosi who is reported n defaulter to tin amount of $70,000 , has been captnrec nnd is being brought hi.ro for trial bj the government. Workmen digging in front of tin old cathedral , liavo unearthed brokei Azelic idols. The site of the Indiiii temple is alleged to liavo been dis covered near the present cathedral when it was being erected in 1520. Rumors of revolution having brokoi out in the Strte of Sonora reached the city to-day. Fatal Casualty. National AMOilatol I'reta. NKW YOUK , August 0. Miss Lour Homan and Miss Louis Farbur won instantly killed on the Btaton Islanr railroad hist night , nt the Sogiuni Lane crossing , Tlio carriage in wind they were riding was run down ami crushed nnd the horse killed , Mrs , Homan and Mrs. Higgins werolmdlv hurt. Roveitne Appolutmontn. National AMoclatcd Prow. WAHIII.VUTON , August 9 , Tntiriml revenue nppointniiuita August Hih ; Adam Snydiir , Fifth district , III. ; Solomon F. Flint CSdiiuor , Fifth dis trict , III. ; 0. D. M. d'oddia , Second district , CJa , Fifty Thoustmd Dollars Fire- JANEI > VILI.K , Wis. , August ( I. The woolen mill of McLean manufactanng company was totally destroyed by fire to-day. I oss , 950,000 ; inaurnnco. 818,000. _ Cropclu Iowa. 1'rux , DKS MOI.VKH August 0 , Corn iu central and uoutliem Iowa ia suUer. ing greatly for want of rain and it ia now too /ar advanced to bo restored , The prospects are that not jnoro than half ol the crops can bo gathered , Wheat also is turninR out poorly ir Wktron county. The thresher * will not take out their machines , ns the yield would not pay for the labor. rotatocn will bo nearly n total failure unless rain comes soon. TarrlfHoStonaClonil mid Flood In Colorado. National AiuocUtcd Proa. DENVKK , August fl. A temrtic storm cloud burst over Central City , Colorado , late yesterday , nnd immedi ately thereafter a volume ofnlvt from four to five feet deep rmlied down Nevada and Eureka streets , swooning everything buforo it. Gre.U boulders weighing nearly a ton uoro rolled nrtiuml Hko nobblo stones , liu- nienso cimntitius | of debris were \\M\\- \ ed down tlio uulch nt incredible B | > erd nnd piled up in largo ninnies all the way from Central City to Hlacklwk. Tinroaduayn in the track of the Hood are entirely destroyed. On ono ntruut a deposit of some four feet , deep h.ia boon left. Only ono loss of lifo in re ported. Tlio victim wns James Gerry whoso body-WAS fqund in Rhickh.iwk , Reports of jjroat dninanu b ) * ntorm also comes from Idaho Springs , \\licru euvenil tosidoncen nndthu old railroad ntidotjicf bridges were swept HXTOV Homo estimate the dumruro at Cuutnl City nnd Idaho Springs at SUfiO.OOO. The Wfibanh Road Falline Off. National AnsoclatoJ PrcRS. t Nr.\v YOUK , August 9. It is claimed thoUlio book 6f'tho Wnbash ill bo k'optih the same mnhnor foftljd fu- uro n , tllat , of other roads , and in calculating earnings , the luetvoted mileage of the current year will not bo tnKon into consideration , i It is said that even on this basis the rend will show a heavy falling ofl or the month of August with r < 51 miles additional under scrvic than during the corresponding period of 1880. Mr. Russell is very nil.xious to squeeze the short interest ai > U has given his brokers instructions not to lend thu stock bettor than flat , bat other houses canio to the rescue nnd the leaning rate waa reduced to ono per cent. Ho Promised Muoh. National Aottodatcd I'U-M. i' ( , BOSTON , August ( ) . A maik.Koll dressed and perfectly convorsanv3 i sporting matters , representing him self ns Tcnuyck , the onraman , 'Rpunt last week at West Mcdway. Ho said he had concluded to maku that place his future homo , and would oppn n training school there if ho could secure suitable property. .Ho entered into negotiations for the purchase $ f the Stanley house for 81,000 taking great care in the transaction. The titk deed was to have been delivered yes. terday , when ho disappeared , owini the propoietor of thu Stanley lioum two hundred dollars for loans durini. the negotiation. Threatened by a Volcano. National Associated 1'rcaj. i JiAN FKANCIHCO , August 0 ; Tlu eteamer Xcalandia , from Auntrnit | ; uu Iho SiindwichTslnndBbruijfijKow : that the llow of lava from the volcatu continues to threaten Hilo , ndraiieiiif more than n milo in the three dnyi from Juno 2Cth to 28th , and on Jnlj 14th moving from fifteen to twentj feet per hour , the w.itor offering IK obstruction to its course , part ot UK time running six feet under tin water and maintaining n while heat A cloud burst in Arizona , filling Iln&saynsupa Creek and washing awn } six trams of thirty-nix animals , witl wagons and freight. Crowo Interviewed- Nnllonal AwovIatfU 1'rm. CIIICAOO , August ! ) . I * . M. Crowo , the I'uoriu infernal mnchino man ii in the city for the purposu of institut ing legal proccediiigs against tlioiiewi papers which he cjnims has libelct him. He has been interviewed on the subject of liislumtionalist couventioi now in session , but says he is not ir sympathy with it. Ho refuses t < talk on any subject except the Irish World skirmishing'fund which he asserts is the cnuso of tint present trouble in iho convention. Crowt says this fund amounts to 800,000. Ho will bo much surprised if the trus tees satisfactorily account for ovin 910,000. A 'Wonderful F nt- National AsoociatcU 1'rras NKW YOHK , Autrust 8. William Gale , ( ho Knglish pe'destraii , ut 6:40 : this evening completed the wonderful tusk of covering 0,000 quarter miles in 0,000 conseciitivo periods of ton minutes. Ho did not-stop until nftct 0 o'clock , by which tinio lie accomp- Hailed liOM , quarter mile.i iu ns many conseciitivo ten minutes. Ho looked ns well nt the finish < ii when ho began the walk. _ Rostrlctiui : Prodiiutinn of Coal. National NKW YOUK , August 3. - It is under stood that a mooting of the nmniujeifl of iho Anthracite coitl company will bo held next week for the purpose of restricting production for six days during the last two weeks during the months. The Lneknwniinn in opposed to such action , claiming th.it it has more orders than it can fill for eastern points. Unsuccessful Attempt of Regula tors t.i Capture a Town. National Anodatcu J'nix. Mr. STKKLIWI , Ky. , Uigusl 0. News from Carter county says regu lators rode into ( ir.t.VBon Saturday night nnd nttemptcd tu lake the town. 1'ho marshal armed n poweand killed three regulators and captured four ithen. No other particulars. The Gnrilold Fuml. S'allnnal .WoUutul ) ' . < . NKW YOIIK , August 'J.-Thu total nnount of subscriptions to the ( Jnrliold [ und lit noon to-day was ? 155,000. The Cigar Makers Uiiloa Strike- National Aiuodatul 1'rctn. MAYSVILI.I : , Ky. , August ft , The itrikoof union cigar makers has end- ud , the employers ftgrcciiig to the now bill of prices. ' ' i > , ' .L , t , k . , i NEWS BY GABLE. Russia Rofnees tlio Request t England to Send Delegates to the Commission Olndstono's Spoooh Produooa Most Bxcollont Improssiou Among All Classes. . dmondmouts to the Land Bii Discussed in tbo House of Lords. Now * From Boron thn Ocoiui' K.\ri.ON10.V. , August O. There was ni wplosion in n cartridge factory nea L'orpignon , France , to-day. Sever. > eoplu injured. COLLtmOK. Another railway collision occur re p-day nt Shaw , near Oldham , on th iiio of the Northwestern it Lnnci ihiro road. Several portions were in urcd. ILAlWTONli'rt Hl'Kl'.CH I'AVOUAHLY lit , CKIVKD. BKIILIN , August i . Dispatches rt : cived hero from nil parts of the cor .irient agree , saying Gladstone' ipecch nt the Mansion House has prt luccd a most excellent impressio tnioug all classes. Thu pnnora her ire especially well pleased with it , nm xjupling it with thu meeting of th jmpuror nt Gastion , point to it 0,1 nn jthor gimrnntco of the European con iert. The language used by th journals relative to tlio Gnstion meet ng is informally to the effect thnt i las cemented the entente curdialo bi .ween thu states nnd assures a contin lance vf pence. HUE IN LONDON. LONDON , August SK A fire lai light destroyed the house of Ilei jrapiiid , an eminent scenic pnintc : Jinployed in nn openi house. Pnln < 3ount Pourtatcs adjoining , was dan igctl to the extent of half a millie narka. UKVKAHCn. LONDON , August 0. The Italia ninistor , Count Ncthorland , is deai THE LAND MILL AUENIIMENTC. LONDON , August . ) . -In commoi to-duy the Duke of Argylo's amoni inonts to the clause of the land bi excluding from the right of free sa uf tenancy on which pernianont in provomcnts have been made by lam lords , wore accepted by the coven inunt. with the amendment that tl improvement must have been BU' ' sttintinlly maintained. Mr. Panu wished to amend still further , but tl amendment in the form was accopU by thu government nnd passed by vote of 058 to 100. The minoril was. composed of Pnrnellites , horn rulers nnd radicals. Mil. IILYDSTONi : declared he would not ngreu to tl amendment in the house of Ion relative to ulster tenant rights in an sliapo or form. Right Hon. Iloni liraud , speaker of the house , wl ; hcietofore hns been ono of the princ pal sccedcrs , supported the poveri ment. Afrur n lengthy discussion tl amendment in the houao of lords wi rejected by n vote of 212 to 145 , tl homo rulers voting in u body with tl majority. ESTAEUhMKNT Ol' Till ! RKl'VIIUU t KOl'TII AXIIICA. LONDON , August 9. A dispute from Cape Town gives particulars c the ceremonies attending the formi retrocession of Transvnal to the Uoon which took place yesterday. Tli Hours have issued a proclamntion ai noiincing the establishment of the n public of South Africa. After thi proclamation had been muuu th chiefs dispersed quietly and roturnt to their homes. HAH NO JIIOIIT TO INTUltl'KHK. LONDON , August 9. Russia n fused the request of thu English gov eminent to send delegates to the con ; misBun which is to undertake the dt ( mentions of the trans-Caspian froi : tier. In his letter to the Englis minister , the Russian minister of foi uign affairs reasons that Knglaud hu no light to interfere or bu represent I'd in the coiniiiUsion. The only pal ties concerned in thu settlement of th boundery line , he says , are HUBS ! ind Perain. nnd they can ndjuat i ivithont nid , arbitration , dictation c interference. RAILROAD RUMBLINGS. S'atl'jiial AuMoolateit I'rtw. Nr.wYoitK , August 9. Coinisdionc [ 'ink mid to-day that 1m oxjicctei , lioro would be a very full ropru.iuntu ion at the meeting of the joint execu ; ivo committee to-morrow , forty-tw itilroudu being repreeentt'd in th.v ioiiimittee , It is oaid that ut th iiooting to-morrow satisfactory ngrop neiils will be bpeodily at rived at ii egnrd to the war of rates. CINCINNATI , Autjiut 9 The itoi iiunufacturL'rs animno thnt they hnv tinted on n tone of prices by whicl ill mills west of Pittsburg agree t itand nnd huvu employ to none bu inion Jiands. Tlio Now City Directory loon o bo iBSiiud will be the mon horoughnndcomplotoof any director , iver issued for Oinulm. People win inve recently coinu to the city , o hose who Iwe recently clinnqod the ! esidenco or boarding place , Hhouli , end their new address ut once to .1 120 S. Foiatoonlh street \l \ , Wolfe , lornur Douglas , so that their name vill npponr in the now directory cor ' ' ect when issued. jy.'iOd'Jw ' and find ] 'or Shoemaker's leather Schmidt it Una nun , bo sure and see elsuwlure iiusHon bcforo imrchasing ill South Uth street , between Doug ns untl Funiaiii. ' New RAilrond Project. Articles of incorporation have booi filed for n branch of the Grcclcy , Hal Uiko it 1'ncific railway , to bo hull southwest from Lnrnmio City to con ncct with the main line from Cole ratio. The object of the corporalioi according to the Boomerang is tin construction of n road from Lnnunic in n southwest direction to n junctioi with tlio Greoley , Salt Lake t Pacific nt a point \\hcro such road shall inter sect the boundry line between Wy oming and Colorado , by the moa direct nnd practical route. Capita stock is placed at § 500,000 , dividet into f > 00 shares of $100 each. Fivi trustees are named , to connitl of tin followin gontlcmon : Thomas L Kimball , Andrew .1. I'oppleton , ! ' . V Vining , Ji T. Clark nnd l.cavitt Hum ham. Lnramie to be the hcaquartor of the company. DR. ISH DEAD. Ho Parsed Away Shortly Before fore noon Yesterday. Tlio Lint of Oltl Sottlorn Thluulii ) Out. ' At llaO : o'clock yesterday lt James K. Ish , the well known senio member of the drug firm of Ish i1 McMahon , paused peacefully awa ; from earth at his residence , 251 ! Loavonworth street. Four weeks ago last Sunday lt Ish left on n pleasure trip to Minm ; Bot-a. After reaching St. Paul h wont to Duluth ) then down to DC troit , over into Canada , finally closin , that portion of his trip by returnin to St. Paul. It was his intention the : to make n fishing tour of the neigh boring lakes , and ho laid ou | n plan for so doinghoi ho was suddenly taken down with summer complaint. this grew upoi him to such an extent that ho wn obliged to give up his proposed pleat ure excursion and return homo. Nol withstanding thn careful medic ; treatment Inllaniution of the bowel set in and Dr. Ish died al the hoc stated yesterday. Ho was coiucioi : up to n few minutes before his dii solution , and died surrounded by h family and several friends , includin his partner Mr. Lawrence McMalioi Dr. Ish was a Virginian by birt and settled in Omaha ns early i 1800. He entered nt once into tl drug business nnd remained in it i to the time of his death. About year ago last Juno hu associated wil him in the wholesale business young man named Lawron MoAInhun , wh'o cnnfo hero frou V 3Ji ton , Iowa. Since thnt time the fir has been known ns Ish it MoMnhoi Last Mnrch the stock of the firm w ; nmost completely destroyed by fire. Dr. Ish leaves n wife undone son , youth of about ten years of ago. Dr. Ish was ono of the old Hottlei of Omaha He wus a man of socii disposition nnd gathered around him circle of warm nnd congenial friendi Thu aonoiincemont of his dentil wi be received with much surprise , as hi sickness was not generally known. The "Chlmo. . " The Harmonic society is progroBHin finely in its rehearsals of the Ohinii of Normandy. Prof. Mnyor has chary of the lyric portion of the instructio nnd Mnj. Stevenson the dramatic. Th cast ns fur as selected is composed a follows : Sorpolotto , Mrs. 0. Ii Squires ; Henri , W. II. Wilkins ; Gnt parro , Thos. Ponnoll ; Germaiiie , Mie Li//.io Cnlderwood ; lluillo , Itevc Franco. A professional tenor will b procured to sing the tenor part c Greincliuux , PLEASURE TOURISTS. The Traveling . Pasaongo Agents on a Jamboreo. A pleasure party consisting of rail road traveling paHsooyor agents JIUHHOI through this city yesterday. Thupnrt ; ure in the special Pullman slcopin ; car Wayne , and traveled over tli Burlington route Iroui Chicago , The ; will do all the pleasure resorts of Col orndo , and from their geniality it i presumed they anticipate n ginid time The party consisted of ( he folluvin W. H. Firth and wife , of thn U. , 11 it Q.j Jl. H. Cheney , of the 0. , U. . ' Q. ; T. Russell , of thu C. , 11. & It. ; .1 Quinlaii , of the Kiio & Chicago ; I ! . 1' ' Kiiuball , of the Canudu Southern ; 11 F , Hurnur and family , of the Penn sylvnnia ; K , Mndeni nnd family , c thu Pennsylvania ; 11. K , Fisher uiii wife , of the NVnbash ; ( J. M. Cliestet of thu D , F. it P.V. . P. Cooley , o the IP. . ; D. 1 . Quinlan , of the T P , ; \V. B. Cobb , of the Denver it Hi Grande ; U , H. Key inour , of the North ern Central ; D. 0. Weaver , of th Chicago it Iowa ; A. Wnrrell , of tli 0. , It. 1. * P. , and Jt. JMeO. Smilli of the Hock Island , For nice fresh meat go to Gnur Meat Market on Tenth strott " , nen thu U. i' . depot , tf LINCOLN LETTER. Tiiroo Escanoil Convicts Son- tencoil-'tothoPonitontiary- APloasing Marriage Ceremony , LINCOLN , August 0. The three convicts who escnpcd from the poni- tpnliary last night , were sentenced n * per our report of yoetcrdny for horse stealing nnd grand Inrcony. The Kitnrd mmt have been nslcop , ns the convicts escaped by scaling the wnlls with the ladder which hnd been Used in laying thu kiln , nnd up to the present writing have not been hoard from. Thu wnrden , Mr. Nobes , . hns favored us with n full description of onclt man , and oiler * as a premium for their capture one hundred and fifty dollars , or fifty dollars for eacU man. Samuel M. Goddard , nliai S. A. Dukn , who was nerving n three years suntonco for horse stealing , sentenced nt the February term of court 1881 , aged 25 , occupation , brick lay er , height 5 feet , 9i' in. complexion light , beard light in color and growth , brown hair , hazel eyes , blueish cast ; born in Croton , Lee county , Iowa ; lived in Lincoln 11 months ; singla man ; no father ; mother lives in Koo- kuk , Iowa ; wears several scars about fnco nnd head. James Kennedy , arrested for horsa stealing sentenced for three yearn March term of court 1880 , ago 27 , itonomason height D-lU feet 11 inch es , complexion ; light , hair light brown , eyes dark blue , born in Illinois , not known whether lie has any relatives liv ing ; member of Christian church but of intemperate habits ; said ho wna not guilty when sentenced. Gco. Davis , arrested for grand lar ceny , in Douglas county February term of court , 1881 ; ho wan sentenced for two years nnd six months , ago 21 , occupation laborer , height 5 'feet.8J inches , complexion light , board light in color nnd growth , huir light brown , eyes light blue , born in Charleston , Doniphnn county , Knnsas , hns lived in Omaha seven years , and two ycara in Council Muffs , no wife , hns both father nnd mother , names William nnd Maria Davis , living in Omaha , says ho'cnnnot road or write , several carson body , face and head. These men are considered desperate characters. It is hoped 'that era another day passes they may bu cap tured. ( 1 Thij evening n trial is in progress concerning the death of a horse owned by liohnilan brothers which wns killed by overdriving , mild to have been douo by two young men who hired the rig for u Sunday drive to St. Elmo * pnrk , the resort of pleasure seekers of snorting hubits on Sunday. We uru > unable nt present writing to learn the result of the trial. Their names tindll. B. Suttonnnd C. . . Dick-1 ? " * " > * Jp'W * oy- - u * < - . > - . . * i * _ Fosmor , the butter and egg dealer here , made nn assignment to Louie 'Meyer last Saturday. A hnppy event took place yester day morning , being the occasion of the marriage of our friend Thomas Beiiton and the estimable daughter : of Mr. John McMnniynl. The wed ding wns private , there being outsidu of tlio relatives only n few intimate friends. Mr. lionton has been for some time employed in the state audi tor's olh'co ns bookkeeper , and is very popular nt the state house and among : the young people of 'Lincoln. Miss. Fannie McManiyal , the bride , is u. graduate of our university and has en deared herself by her many accom plishments and her kindness to nil with whom she has acquaintance. They were married at 0:00 : a. m. afc thu residence of the bride's parents by the Rev. Lewis Gregory nnd left im mediately via the 0. & U. V. nnd D. P. It. H. for Salt Lake City nnd will . visit Colorado on their return trip. We extend our congratulations to thu truly happy pair. X * agno. Last evening the Ladies' land league ; hold another interesting and enthusi astic meeting in the rooms of thu Un ion Catholio Library association to make the necessary preliminary nr- rnngementsfor the forthcoming pic-nic to bu held on the 20th inst. Miss Sarah Uronnan presided. It was decided - cidod that Mrs. Potcr Flanagan's , name be added to the committee for the lUrat ward. The president an nounced that Charles Mxicdonald nu Charles Hanley would call upou committees to-day to instruct ihomllll * * regard to arrangements for the pic-nic. Tho'Indies are selling tickets in great number and there is every probability that the pic-nio would butt big success. The mectini' adjourned until four o'clock next Sunday afternoon. WANTKI > ut IJixby it Wood's , cor. Itancroft street nnd Uroadwny , Coun cil HlnU's , u good Plumber , steam or gfia litter. To iCoiitrnotorri Buildom Laud Property [ Owners. ! Ilio imtK'ii.irm.-d | liaUutfl'Orn n ] > ivolntr.l a cut. ( or the i'Un Ho I run umlwlre iiuinuUc'urui IKIUMH ot K. T. Horiiuni , ot Detroit , and Urn lniiv.il Iron Koundry ai > 4 Work at Tili n , Ohio , caiui.lt ) of M tout d.Uh , U vri'iiml | ft luriiUh i-ntluuU'i nii'l I'rlrt * lor Iron wlumn . Iruiitx , window mpi and * lll , &vM. , lor > tiit tliri lioldilatii. | ft > u 'ht Iron hcaiiw uiiJ Klnl- tluialoi , btaplo tlttliign , rullfj , i'r , lijilroiillo , . i-nt-thi , v.lu . Iron tciuxn. - Mafilui. , .Vo , ; ul j ioniunK \ , bhttcrt , Uilr , lulo-mlci , n-ttocv. IHI , \a n , wiuaiiunw , loulituiu , t-uiniufp ' Uun , Kunltit uiiil cemtti ry ortuuiusiU , | IOUM' < , no rttaiuln , xrmuifuarvU , &c , , * . . . Iu ' emlU i . . \urlit , CatolgsiKxi-ui'pllnl on umijlcut'.oij. \ } iiLmty u.