Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1881, Image 4

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By Ranger in His Per
ainbnlations ,
Things of Interest Which H (
Saw Thoco.
A Thriving Community Ami Flue
SurrouucUiiR Country.
Correspondence of TliC BUR.
ALMA , August 3d , 1881.
The conception of the town of Almn ,
Harlan county , occurred in 1872 , but
the existence was prospective until
April 187D whonns a vigorous , infantile
village it demanded recognition us
ono of the somewhat numerous family
of Nebraska towns. G. D. Uordon
'nursed the town in liia log cabin hotel.
About this time n mandamus CHBO in
the 'couits gave the county sent of
llarlan county to Alma and from the
mewling and puling of n baby bug it
sprang at once into vigorous boyhood.
The railroads made proposals for
adopting the child , deeming it ono of
the most promising of the valley
youngsters , and built nn excellent
house in the southern part of town
and put the child's nnino over the
front door. Soon after the town , by
saving up itsnicklcs in its little bank ,
was able to build a substantial Court
House , ono of the boat in the valley.
The population of Alma is near
ly five hundred , and is growing
steadily. Now buildings nro con
stantly being oroetod and every thing
is indicative of prosperity.
Overbuilding , an error common to
towns that lia 'o temporary railroad
terminuses , never afllictud Alma , but
from its start to the present time , its
merchants have done a paying busi
ness.A company has 1/ocn formed and an
elevator is to bo built on the double-
quick , to handle the wheat and other
grain that will shortly bo flowing inhere
hero from both north and south. ,
Also a flouring mill is among the
now enterprises. The inoxhaustablo
supply of water furnished by the Re
publican will in the near future fur
nish power for scores , yes , hundreds
of such mills.
Cellars are being dug right and
left , residences going up on all sides.
A church will be erected this year ,
and a now school house in time for
winter use , in addition to the very
excellent school now existing.
An important improvement on ono
of the best corners in town , is a largo
general merchandise store , that is
being erected by Messrs. Smith and
Near the court house wo noted the
bricklayers hard at work on some
thing substantial for Judge Fisher.
There is an excellent opening hero
for a lumber dealer , and another furniture -
nituro house would do a good busi
ness ; in fact tliero is no line of trade
overdone , and Alma has her latchstring -
string out for all.
There are four church organizations
liero , two schools and no saloons.
The land tributary to Alma has all
the advantages and very few disad
vantages. Conspicuous among the
K former is the soil which is very rich
and extremely easy cf cultivation. I
never traveled in a land whnro there
were so few weeds , no lack of running
water and better supplies of timber
than almost any other county iii west
ern Nebraska. The chief feature Of
the present glorions prospect is , how
ever ,
THE cnors.
The wheat crop of Harlan county is
said to average fifteen bushels to the
acre , and an immense increase in the
acreage over any former year.
Oats , not a largo acreage but an ex
cellent quality and an average of
about 40 bushels to the acre. Rye
.andbarley are also goodunillot in abun
dance and extra in quality. All of
these crops are harvested and cared
The corn crop was never more
promising excepting in a few locations
where fields have a southern exposure ,
and the great heat of that notable
Wednesday scorched the tops. The
later corn is uninjured and gives indi
cations of being the best crop the
Republican valley has ever had. In
comparison with the portions of Iowa
and Eastern Nebraska traversed by
your correspondent this season , ho
must give tins vicinity the palm for
big results to the husbandman.
There have been no destructive
Btorms or insects hero and everyone
is hopeful and happy , The rainfall
has boon steady and not in excess ,
but fully sufficient for the require
ments of the healthy growth of vege
tation and proper destruction of insect
Mr. J , T. Clark , the agricultural
implement dealer , gave us a few ideas
on the methods used by cultivators of
the soil hereabouts , Ono implement ,
the Chicago screw pulverizer , is used
to do all the work of ploughing , eood-
ing and harrowing. ' The Croft iron
wind mill is found to bo about the
only thing that stands the continued
hiuh winds of certain seasons.
I am indebted to Mr. Frank Schaf <
for for an extensive ride over the sur
rounding country , thus gaining mucl
from actual observation.
Mr. Sohaflbr's livery rigs , like hii
farm products and agricultural im
. ploments , are of the very best.
Having now concluded our sketch 01
Alma and its tributary country , it on
ly remains for mo to add that on th <
sixth page a business review of tin
town can bo found , and parties want
ing information on any particular lim
of business can there find the addrus :
of these engaged therein ; but in rca
cstato I want to especially comment
you to that most public-spirited , en
terprising ggntleman , Judge E. A
Fletcher , who , besides his law prac
tice , is devoting a great deal of hi
time to real estate matters.
There is no murdering , suiciding o
other crimes , but the few items extan
I will give you ;
I said there were no crimes on th
docket , but there has' recently been ;
preliminary examination of a youn ;
man for an assault with losciviou
intent. He was bound over.
Work has boon begun on n bridgi
across the Republican , but the peopli
are after the contractors because the ;
seem to have gone to sleep on thci
job.Tho school ma'ams , Superintend
cut Piper manager will hold a threi
weeks normal institute in Alma , com
mencing August 8th.
August 2tth the M. E. church wil
Hold a camp meeting in tlie fines
tjrovc to bo found In the el.ito of Ko
braska , so say the Alma folks. Or
the 23d Hnrlan county soldiers invite
the old veterans to meet them in i
reunion at that same grove.
A post of the grand nrmy is aboul
to bo established hero ami would luxvc
been before now if the follow who has
the commission for mg.uiizing post !
lind not got drunk and taken part in n
knock down row. Ho didn't got his
whisky in Alma , ThoJ 0. A. 11. is n
jreat and noble organization ami
should discontinue the services ol
this man. I don't know Ins name but
; iresumo tjio proper nllici.ils do.
Itaforo leaving Orleans I visited the
extensive manufactory of wagons and
jungles , owned by .1 J. Churl ton , but
ho items taken missed the Orleans
otter and business directory.
Dniaha has only one institution
of the kind that will compare with
Mr. Charlton's.
Burton's bank shared the fame fate
ns Charlton's factory ami for that Mr.
liurton has our apology , nhich nt
iresont is all wo can oiler.
To Mr. John EYood , of Orleans ,
nuch of my success in this section is
luo , and that ho may never lack for
ho good things of this world is the
lope of your correspondent ,
lotos From the Sotwon of Rofrosli-
mont Tlio Triple
Fail-field Lodco , No. 83 , A. F. it
V. M. , was instituted and consecrated
ast Tuesday evening by M. W. Past
3rand Master James A Tulloys , as-
istcd by John J. Wemplo , Grand
runior Warden. The installation of
( liners at the M. E. Church was well
ittendcd , the house being full. A
[ Uartetto composed of Mrs. W. S.
'rickett , Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Oliver ,
nd S. M. Lewis , furnished appro-
mate music. After installation cere-
nonius they repaired to the banquet
oem where a bountiful repast had
> een prepared by Mrs. 13. F.
Ian-alt. Ono hundred and twen-
y persons sat down at the banquet.
Vfter an address of welcome by Bisp-
p Perkins , the response by John J.
Vetnplo , and prayer by Lyman Por-
.er , they Droceeded to discuss the vi-
nds. Ono of the ploasantcst epi
sodes of the evening was thn presen-
.ation of a very fine fruit cake by
Mrs. Rawalt to Fairfield lodge , No.
10. The presentation speech was
nado by P. G. M. Tulloys , and re-
ponded to in behalf , , of the lodge by
f. W. Small. Another was the pro-
cntation of an elegant gold pin , from
; ho members of Fail-Hold led 'o initi
ated while under dispensation , to
Brother 15. F. Rawalt , Everything
lassed off pleasantly , and the whole
flair was a gr.ind success. F.urfiold
Neb. ) News.
A correspondent of the California
Alta sends the following contribution
o the literature of tho' Morgan mys-
cry :
In thn year 1810 the writer of this
article was detained some three weeks
n the Island of Malta , -while waiting
or a passage to Constantinople. IIo
.hero became acquainted with two
> ersons prominent m Morgan's history.
L'heso were Mr. William AVinthrop ,
our consul at Malta , and a Mr. Muir ,
an Englishman , who kept a book store
m the Strada Ilealla , in Balletta.
Joth of these gentlemen had boon
brmorly engaged in commerce in
Smyrna , in Asia Minor , and know
William Morgan well by the oxhibi-
ion of the first proofshcets of his
> ook-lotters addressed to him for-
norly , by his own account of him-
elf , and many points of cor
roborative evidence. There was
10 doubt of Ilia being the identical
Morgan among the many English and
Americans who know him. His story
vas that ho was abducted , as known ,
rom Rochester , N. Y. , taken across
ho river , and given in the middle ol
t to another party , two of whom were
British oliicors , and put upon a shij
jound to the Levant. Under a sworn
iromise novorto _ return , his 'life was
iparcd. IIo lived a precarious lifo in
Smyrna , was v ry poor , and lived on
; ho charities of the Franks , Botli
Mr. Winthrop and Mr. Mnir saw him
die on Sunday morning on a bench in
Front of a Turkish cafe. The writoi
found the cafe just as described , on ; *
street leadimi to the Jews' buryini
ground , some weeks later ,
On questioning Mr. Winthrop whj
an ovcnt so important " 3 as tc
affect our politics at the time hat
not been published , ho assured the
writer it had been done , and over
whelming proofs of the tacts sent tc.
the United States at that time , am
the writer distinctly remember. ! whoi
a boy reading the same ; but , as Thur
low Weed said at that time , ho wai
"a good enough Morgan" for tin
election. Perhaps no onu cared tc
hear of the living afterward. Neithoi
Winthrop nor Muir were Masons a
the timo. Mr , Winthrop is now ai
advanced ono. Some years since th
writer lived in the eamo hotel will
Judge Gillis , ono of the men tried fo
the abduction , and who was fnmilhirl ;
known as the man who killed Mor
"an. On relating the above facts t
him ho replied that for all the Mason
did to him ho ( Morgan ) might b
living yet , And it seems reasonabl
that the whole absurd story of hi
murder by the Masons should bo un
duratood and forgotten.
Six presidents of the United State
have been Freemasons , viz : Wasli
ington , Tyler , Polk , I'ierce , Buchan
an and Garfiold.
S. M. Judd , a Maaonic veteran c
Waterbury , Conn. , has lylcd varioui
Masonic bodies in that city for mon
than t onty-ono years and has not
been away from his post six times ii
all these years.
The Australian Freemason says thai
a Masonic scholarship for the sons ol
Freemasons has been established in
the university of Sjdnoy , by the dis'
trict grand lodge ( K. C. ) in that cole <
ny.Old "Father Blunchard. " the long-
tune grand lecturer of Michigan , used
to siy that some of his lodges were
made up of * tv * > classes of Masons ,
viz : the ono sort tlntidW nil the work ,
and the other sortt that sat back nml
did all the urumblint ! .
In Germany there nro cictht grAJlt !
lodges , -t.'U ) lodges and ; i,7ll ! ) Masons
n a total population of 45li,172. ! )
This is ono Mixson to 1,121) ) people ;
while in this country t hero is ono in
eighty-seven , or thirteen times ns
many Masons in proportion to the
) opulation.
Tlio Triple
B. F. Foster , grand secretary and
scribe of Indiana , has forw.u-dud the
icatly printed , bound journals of thu
gr.ind lodge and grand encampment
if his jurisdiction , for tlio season of
May , 1831.
The prospects are that the dilleron-
cca between some of the subordinates
and tlio grand lodijo of the German
empire will soon be adjusted , The
edict which suspended Farnsworth
encampment has been revoked and a
speedy settlement of all dillicullies is
irobablo ,
The "now work" has boon received
n the Gorman states. A writer s.vys :
'I am free to add that the text of the
vork , especially the dramatic part of
ho first two degrees , may bo dcsigna-
ed as unacceptable for Germany.
The Odd Follows Hall of Now York
3ity , is offered for sale at n largo sac-
itico on its original cost , as the Fra-
ernily desire to build further "up
own. "
Albert Guild , a member of Massa-
shusotts Longe , No. 1 , was initiated
ity-threo years ago.
Wisconsin has appointed a Grand
Instructor , with a salary of § 2,000 per
A writer from Massachusetts says :
'Very httlo canvassing is had hero for
ofllcers pipe-laying and lobbying bo
ng entirely unknown among us. No
vendor the Order progresses in the
Old Bay State.
The net proceeds of the anniversary
olebration in Boston , Mass. , amount
ed .to § 4,000 , which , as usual , was
ivon to the library fund.
The 0. F. Beneficial association was
organized in Providence , II. I. , sever-
il years ago , on the pay-ono-dollar-at-
loath principle , and there was also
ollected a few cents over from each
ncmber at each assessment to create a
esnrvo fund. Its last annual report
hews twenty deaths for the year , in a
ncnibership of 1,011 ; suspended 22 ,
vithdrawn 2 , present membership 097 ,
vith assets of ? 27.514. J2. Since its
organization § 203,007 have been paid
, o families of deceased members.
Much visiting by lodges to each
other is done in the New England
tatcs. _
Mr. J. G. Boliry , of Orangoburg ,
South Carolina ; was married to Miss
Augusta Englko , of Omaha , by the
lev. F. Hillhorsk , of Clear Creek ,
Nebraska , at the residence of the
grooms paronta , on Tuesday , August
2nd. 1881
List of presents , W. F. Harto , one
clock ; Miss W. K. Boliry , silver cas-
or. J. 11. Harto , silver butter dish ;
Air. and Mrs. Doll , ono pickle castor ;
T , Hickstcin , ono castor ; J. Fcstner ,
Jr. , Album ; E. 11. Klyno , ono sot of
ilvcr knife and forks ; Mrs. How
ard Kennedy , ono silver sot tea
poona , Mrs. Jleoslor , bed spread and
hams ; Mies Maggloand Louis Drexel ,
> ed spread and table spread ; II. G.
lorto , ono table spread ; George
Drexel , ono set vases ; Mr , and Mrs.
I'll. Doer , ono land scape ; Mr. and
Mrs. Elirch , ono table spread ; Mrs.
Augusta Kissloy , ono sot vases ; Mr.
* . M. Hitchcock , voacs and bouquet ;
A. Nash , Hans. Young , butter knife
and stand , and lastly a present from
roh n H. Drexel a broom , accompanied
> y the pleasing verso
Accept this gift from me ,
Itx use I would commend ,
In fair weather use the biuhy pait ,
Ami in storm the other end.
Fnlito Personalities-
0 , H. Dewey , his wife and daugh
ter , have gone east on a visit.
Miss Lizzie Nuodham has returned
ionic from a protracted visit in the
east. .
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Rogers have re *
turned homo from a seven week's bri
dal trip on the Atlantic coast.
Will Doano has returned from hit
uniting trip in the Rockies.
Mr. C. S. Stobbins and family have
returned from Colorado.
Mrs , Fanny Lathrom and Miss Kalii
Marquette , of Lincoln , are visiting in
the city.
Mrs. H. D. Shull , Miss Nollh
Landrogan , Miss Brackin , have gem
west on a pleasure trip.
General Mandorson and wife , havi
returned from Lake Minnotonka.
J , II. Millard , daughor and niece
Marsh Kcnnard and daughter , and W
B , HibbarJ and family are horn
again from Lake Minnotonka.
An American Desert.
Twenty years ago the great Ameri
can Desert was the terror of the over
land emigrant. It was impossible t
go around it , for it extended from th
Colorado to the Cascades. All th
routes that led to the land of promis
crossed it , and it was soon covorei
with the bleaching bones of block am
dotted with human graves. It i
about forty mijos from the lower civ
of Humboldt Sink to the Trucke
river at Wadsworth , nnd the nam
"Forty Mile Desert" given to th
stretflh has become known tlio worl
over. There is no water fit to drin
01 the whole distance , The road He
through n sandy Rigo brush ] un , extending -
tending several miles west of tlio Inkc1 ,
where it strikes an alkali dev rt , iM
the centre if which the railroad 1ms a
station that it appropriately calls
"Whito Plains. " This i .tbo lowest
point east of the mountains Emht
miles further is Mirage Station , which
might servo as a memorial to tlio un
fortunates who have been 1'otrayed '
from their proper course by t o picture -
turo of running water , waving tices
ind fields that existed only in the deceptive -
coptivo air. Near the middle of the
journey is a boiling hot sprint' at the
[ oot of the mountain nmuargo beds of
which U. K. Lioto
salt Ho nr , from
xml the Doiiiuizn mines put up and
slap larsjo fnnuilttios to market The
loposil 1ms killed all vegetation for n
long distance around , leaving tlio Hat
'iri lie bed as bare aa a floor
Uotrrson there nntl Wads -riii arc
some very odd formations. Tu ! < body
> f the country seems to bo a 1 , 'lit yol-
ow substance , probably du'omniii ,
over which lie high ridgco < ! l.mwii
tills. The level places niv stiown
vith heavy locks of all size * , n lilnck
xs coal. There is no timber un\ where
n si ht , and oven the naiolnU is of
nforiorsize. On either suitmo the
over monotonous brown mountains ,
carved and grooved by cent inos of
vear and front into fringes . t stony
ace. The railroad baa madiiusuont |
attempts to get water for its mumm.
mt without success. Tiny bored
, ; ! 00 feet nt Hot f pi nigs ,
ml "ot only n brackish mutuio nf
iquul alkali. They haul uator in
ank cars for their section iin-n bo-
' Wadsworth and
ween Lovelock's and ,
ho engines make the run uith ono
anktul , a distance of sixty-one miles.
'hoy formerly carried an extra car
lohitul tlio engine with two wooden
auks to draw from , but now engines
lave been built with tanks that hold
3,700 gallons. They frequently run
ovcnty-tlvo miles without stopping ,
and Nick Cole made a hundred mile
un onco. It is a very pleasant com-
> arisen for the rich ' 40or who rides in
ho palace car over the ground where
10 walked along with sere nnd tired
cot , urging liis'oxon out of the thirsty
losort , half n lifo time ago. [ Keno
Nov ) Gazette.
Jeoil to nay : "Boys , If your blcwl i out
f order try Burdock tcnj" and then they
mil to illjf the Burdock nnd boll it down in
: ettlc9 , innkinc n nasty , sme'ling ' ilecoc *
Ion ; now you get nil the curatlvo proper-
ics put up in a imlatnble forni In liunDOCK
BLOOD BiTTEiu ) . Price $ l,00 , triaolzo \ 10
Millions of rats , mice , cats , bed-
) ugs , roaches , lese their lives by col-
ision with "Hough on Hats. " Sold
> y druggista , 15c. _ (4) )
There are Martyrs to hcaitachc vhoint ht bo
uruJ hy uslnu
Tarrant'o Seltzer Appriont.
lie stomach. o\crhunlcnuil until ilsrcmpcraUxu
rawer In ueakcnuil , roengos Itpclf \ \ \ m tlio | ioor
load , \\hkh It nmkcn to ncho nnJ tortnru the
ofleiidcr. The twe ot this npcrkut lll tairy
ot naturally , nml almost liri > crc ! ] > tililthu < ) (
eiiilln iniuo. ThotlUenso Is rcino\al nml the
icail ccascx to auhc ,
SOU ) 11V AU < Ul
West for being the most direct , quickest , and
eatcst line camicttlng the irrvit ilctropolls , CIII
anil BOUTII-KABTKIIS LINKHvln < h tcrinlnnta there ,
KMKiui ( rom mdlato
.hat penetrates the Continent from the Missouri
ItUcr tothu radllublojiu. Ihu
IB the only line from Chluitro owning track Intc
Kansas , or which , liy Iti ) ow/i / rooil , rvachci thi
wlnta ahoto named. No TiuvHrKim nr UAHHIAUK
\ cntllatcd or unclean cam , rj oorv intueiiKcr Ii
mrricil In roomy , clean and > cntllatod toachea
Uwn | Fast Kxiirc'MTralnn.
DAY CAIU o ( unrhalwl nn nlflccncc , I'uM.yAr
[ 'ALACK HLrrriNO CAIIH , and euro nworlil-aiioui )
DININO CAIIH , uinn uhlcli iiu-ilinro Borvixl ol nn
suriaiHud cxcullenco , at tlu < low rate of KKVKMV
FINK Cf.sia KACII , with nniplo time ( or htaHlifii
Ilirough Cars hetwccn fhlca o , Pcorla , Mil
wnukco ami Missouri Illu r I'olnts : nnd close con
ncclloni at all points ol iiitcrnuctlonltli othc
\V'o ticket ( do not ( orKctthUdlrcdly to men
[ ilacoof Importance I n llnnai. Nchranka , Dlucl
III1U , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho , Niniula , California
Oregon , Wanhlnifton Tcrrltury , Colorado , Arltom
and New Mexico.
As llhcral arrangement * regarding haggave a
any other line , and rate * of f.xro aluajs ani ow a
compotltoru , who fnrnUli but a tllhu o ( the com
( ort.
Ioj8 and tackle of siiorUmen free.
Ticket * , maps anil ( oldernat all principal tlckc
oltlcex In the UnltwJ Stated and C'riiii'la.
It. It. CAULK , U. HT. JOHN ,
Via ) I'ros't & lii'ii. OLII , Tkt and I'aiw'r Aift
Manager. Chlcairo C'hlcavo.
To oxaminu the stock of
House 1422 Douglas St. , near 15t :
is largo and always the lowest pricoi
Do yon -mini n par o , bloom
ing Complexion ? Zf fie , a
ftnr applications of Ikon's
MAGNOLIA BALM will ft nt-
ify you to yonr heart's chT'
tout. It ( lees n\vny with Snl-
lowncss , Redness , Pimples ,
Blotches , and all diseases mid
Imperfections oftho skin. It
overcomes the flushed npncnr *
nnco of heat , fnliqno nutl ex-
riteineut. 11 makes a Indy of
THIRTY appear lint TWfcX-
TY ; anil so natural , gradual ,
and perfect , arc its eU'ects.
( lint it is impossible to detect
its application ,
Motlion , Wives , OaURhleri , Sons , Father ! ,
Mlnlttor * , Teachert , Ouilneti Men , Farm
ers , Mechanics , ALL shnulil l > u nnrncil niralnit
\nln ami Introilnrlni ; Into their HOMES Non-
triiiui nml Alcoholic lonu'illu * . HMO no mii'h
iirejiiiltiii nRalnit. or fmr of "Warner's Safe
Tonic Dllters. " llicy nrc u Imt thtv nro claimed
to ho an milk , ami eontatii only nu'ill-
cltiullrtncit. . r.\trai-t of pitro Mitratalilm nnly.
Th y ilo not hclont ; tnthatilam known an "Cure-
Alls , " hut only | m > tcs to nvicli I-.T.CH lioro tlio
illsotvKf ( irlL'limtos In iluhllllntnl ( raincn and Im-
puru hlooil. A ] > crtcct Sprlnj ; ami Summer
AThorouel ) Olood Purifier. ATonlcAppe
ricawint to the UHo , Inxlporatlii } ; to the Imly.
Thu nintt unilnunt | > hj nlcli\ii ri'Miinnciiil them
tat their curative iiroiiertlmt. Once used alvvajs
For the Kldncvs , Liver nml Urinary organs ,
LIVER CURE. " It Haii < l Unrivalled. Thovm-
niulioMu their hunlth nml liiipiilni'is In It. I'rlco ,
S1.2flpcrhottlo. WoolTer "Warner's Safe Tonic
lllttera" vUtli eiinnl conflilcnco.
H. H. WARNER , Rochester , N. Y.
No Changing Cars
Where direct connections nru imulo with Through
fiMiU'lN : ( ) OAK LINUS ( or
The Short Line via. Peoria
VILLi : , ami all iiolnta In the
Whcru direct comii'Ctions ara nuujo in the Union
lciiot with thu Tliron li Hluciiliig Car
Llnufor ALLl'OINTH
Rock Island.
The unixpalcil Imliiccmunti odcrnd hy thli line
to tratcler * and tourUtx am as follows :
Thu celclimtu.1 1'ULLMANlO-whool ( ) I'AI.ACB
SLKKI'IKU CAIiH nin only on thin Hue U. , H.
.lorton'u llrtlliiliii ; Cluilri. No extra ilmrgo lot
ecaUIn llodliilnir Chalrn. The famous 0. , II. &
Q , 1'alaco Dining Cam. Uorfooua timokliiif Can
llttccl with eloicant hlidi-haaul rattan ruto\liif !
chal , for the umhulvu uxiot llnt-tlawi | > ai eii *
n.Htcel Track and upcrlor equipment comlilncd
with their L'Juat through car arraiiKumunt , inakim
thli. alK u all ollim , the ( morlto routu to the
KOH { , Houth ami Kouthcafct.
Try It , ami > on " 111 find tro\ tiling ft luxury In-
i trail ot a ilUcoinlort.
'Ihroueh tickets \lo this cclchratwl line ( or Bale
at all ollkc * In the United Htaton ami Canaila.
All Information alraut ratvi ol ( are , Hloonlng
Car acuommoilatlomi , Tlmu Tallin , etc. , Mill he
cheerfully given hy applying to
General I'aiwii or Aitcnt , Clilcago.
T. j. 1' ,
Dnnnral Manafcr Chicago.
If you are a man 1 lltyatuff
I mail of Ii t"
ennlbyttioitmliiuf '
your duties avoid nlKlilwoilt , fo'ifS
JtlmuUntiinnil uio tuictu-aliinei * ' na
Hop Bitters. wutv , utu Hop B.
If YOU are jrounif ml I ulTerlnu from any In .
dlHinllun " UI * Iiat | tloni iryouaroiiiar.
lnel . ciM or yuuutf. frulffriiitf from
It il or | .
Inu on Uxl ot lclc.
v5 , isiy " " nopj Dlttora.
wlminir you /"I i molly from oiii
_ of
Wtem I , anu Kidney
Iliat your itlltraM tCit mlKlIt
{ PIT of 'ktlinuEtl , ' " . ' . | I timuly UMol
/ I tvo
l"lioutnlux/cul/in/ (
toUo Hop HopBltter *
IU e jovdyt-
O. I. O.
Il an tbnoluto
iilatntt UUcaite and Irretl.ta-
of Uio luiuart , HDP bt cure ( or
l iwli , blood , druuktunen.
llitrvrntnal U > 0 Of UllUIll ,
You will be tob cooor
llop Biters uarcotlOL
If 7011 are dm frliti. tk lid fur
row jilriuJtry NEVER Clriulur ,
Id It may iior unrxu
onveyour FAIL TO CO. ,
life. It hue
guvod tiun BMkulir , H. T ,
droda. iTotoolc. Out.
lr Vro ua jeyond nny reasonable question UmttJmf
Is by nil odds tlio Vest toad for you to Uiko when U.ivcllns In either direction bctweor. I
Chicago and all of the Principal Points In the West , North and Northwest ,
np. Tlio Principal Cltteiof tlio Wc '
t nml XnrthwMt nro Stations'
"R Ua "S "mko C'OSO ' COIlnoclI ° M ' > o trains ut ml tuluoaUsrt
. THE . _ . . . . . _ CHICAGO , , , & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY ,
! dally from two to lourormoro 1'ast Express
1) mail west of OUlcaso thai UMJS tlio . . * * nffm- - ,
Sv fi &tt * * c" " * < " - ' " * * ,
r . . . . . . . . . .
$ .win. i t * j\iititti j/urv'b.k j.itiu *
: $5 L"iVti'V""i" " { * * " " ' ! ' ' " ' " . . . ' "liiiipann , DU 1'aill nml Mlmirnpoll * I.lno.
* T&iK . .iTO'1,111111" ' ' ' ! " ? 1"0 81" ' 01111 * .1 0 "
CaiTmliv " y C"1011 Ticket Agcula m tlio United Btatos nn4
Hcine'mbcr to ask for TlckcU via tills roail.lio sura they rcail over It , nnd take none other ,
UAIim ULGlIirr.Gcii'l Manager , Chicago , p. W. 11. HIBSSBTT , Uen'l Pass. Agent , CUlca o
ItAllRV P. num. . Ticket A ont 0. * N.V. . Itallwuy , llth mllFiunh m utrrniU.
1) . K. KlMHALt. , A l < tnnt Ticket Atant 0. & N. W. luilway. Hth and FatnhamhtteoU
J. I1KI.U llakut Aifont C. fc N.V. . Hallway , U. P. U. H. Dotiot.
BAMraT.OLAHK ( Icncral Aitcnt.
Manufacturing Company ,
Finest Siver Plated Spoons and Forks.
The only and/ / ! jtionul plato that
original firm of ij f I
is gi\ing for in-1
llogurs Bros.
stance a single
All our Spoons ,
Forks and plated Spoon , a
Knives plated triplothioknchsof
with the greatest
plato only on
of caro. Each
the s o c t i o ns
lot being hung
on a scale while where exposed
being plated , to to wear , thereby
insure full deposit -
a making a ( tingle
posit of silver on
plated Spoon
wear as long as
Wo would call
n triple plated
especial attention
tion to our sec-
All OrJcrs In the West should ha AililrcBseil to
Wholesale Jeweler ,
Ghas. Shiverick.
Feathers , Window Shades ,
And Everything pertaining to the Furniture and Up-
ESfholstery Trade. A Complete Assortment of
'rWew Goods at the Lowest Prices.
CHiS , SHIVERICE , 1208 ani 1210' Farn. 8-
npr2 ( inou thiat
M. HELLMAN & Cti,1
Spring Suits ! All Styles !
The Largest Clothing House lest of Chicago
A Department for Children's Clothing.
We have now an'assortmont of Clothing of all kinds , Gent's
Furnishing Goods in great varietyand a heavy stock of Trunks ,
Valises , Hats , Caps , &o , These goods are fresh , purchased from
the manufacturers , and will be sold at prices lower than ever
before made ,
We Sell for Cash and Have but One Price.
A large TAILORING FORCE is employed by us , > nd we m
SUITS TO ORDER on very short notice. *
1301 and l303FarnhamSt.cor.'l3tK