Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1881, Image 9

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"Wednesday Morning , Aug. 3.
Frederick , LtiuUng Haller. Mf
Patterson sells coat.
Get your hats at Donne's.
NIndell A. Krclie , Practical llallers.
Elegant Poclcct-Uooks at Sale's.
JOOO residence lots , Bern ! * , agent.
00 business lota. Call on Bernls.
250 honm * and lots. Bcmis' agency.
Don't fail to Jrink SAXK' cream soda.
Bernls' real estate boom. First page
A. W. Naoon , Dentist , Jacob's block.
BemiV new map of Omaha , 25 cents.
Natural Mineral Water on draught at
Kuhn's drag stet .
For rms Comme | iil Job Printing ,
nil at Tun BSB Job rooms.
The Lion continues to roar tot Moore's
Harness and Saddlery.
200 farms and iKJO.OOO ncres Of land
B ml , agent. _ (
1'rescriptions a specialty , Opera House
Pharmacy , 211 S. Kith Street.
Fresh supply of iJnportcd-Key West
And Domestic CiRars nt SAXK'H.
The cornice of Straus's building was
licing put in place yesterday.
Cholera fnfantum is.cau8inKa number
of deaths among children * nt present , *
Thomas Swift was out yesterday with
several sprinklers laying the dust on Doug-
lax street.
Dress Goods arc going fast at Atkin'
Don & Co.'s. Low priccH will tell. He-
member wo have Bunting in all colon ) .
Safes , machinery , and all kinds of
heavy hauling done by liriaco & Co. , the
safe men. w&s-tf *
Any ono having work for a typewriter
can bo accommodated by telephoning THE
DEE office. tf
City Jailer McClure'8 pet badger at
tracts a number nf visitors to police head
quarters. The badtjor seems to realize that
ho is n curiosity and it Is only on occasions
that he will permit himself to bo BCCII.
There has been quite a sudden chan o
in the weather during the i > iwt two Jys.
The heat has l > ecn quito intense. The
thermometer at the signal servicefllco in
dicated yesterday nt 5:4rm.m. : 7-1 degrees , at
D.-45 87 and 1:45 p. tn.,91i.
Five cases of intoxication passed un
der the official eye of Judjo JJcneko yester
day. Four went to J il. An example
vvas mndo of ono who had been up before
the court three tiroc on the same charge.
JIo was sent to Jail for twenty days.
William A. Brown brought n coyoU
Into THE BEF. office yesterday. Tin
animal created quito a Hcnsation. Mr
Brown caught It a year ago and has i
well trained and under complete nubjuga
tion. It makes a novel kind of a pet. I
is death on dogs and a cur cannot ap
'proach it without leaving well demoralized
' Several important improvements or
being'iniJo in Williams' store whereby th
Fifteenth street "entrance to il > o publi
library will be done away witb , The en
trance hereafter will be from the Do < V <
utreet side. This is more convenient uni
patruns of the library now stand Jcs
chance of breaking their necks ondai !
nights , .
A Hcrdic coach Is on exhibition a
Stephcnson's stables. This style of strce
conveyance In something entirely new , am
is' very convenient-for the purposes fa
which it is designed. It it understood tha
Mr. Stcphcnson will start a line of thesi
coaches in Omaha if ho determines it cai
be made successful. Ho will start will
nil. or eight coaches , and add to them a
rtraiHc increases.
Geo. P. Bcmia and wife' went cast yea
terday , W V4' St ' *
W. II. Burns , of the U. P. went to Sid
oy yesterday.
J. B. and Dick Kitchen went to St
Toelost evening ,
D. G. JInllof ; Lincoln , Neb.arrivedli
Onmlm yesterday morning.
Vincent S. Stone , of Oswcgo , N. "Y. , I
among the guostu at the Withnell.
J. Ncnl Perkins , a Syracuse , N. Y.liiM
ycr , ID ataying at the Withnell. >
Mrs. P. G. Imlah and child arrived froi
Holyoke , Mass. , yesterday.
A , IS , Simpson , left Omaha ycntenla
nn a pleasure trip to Chicago ,
Kev. J. W. Taylor nnd lady left lai
evening for New York , over the Wnbas
Air. McMurray , of the U. P. law d <
imrtment , started yesterday for 'Lnramti
Wyo. , on business.
George II , Morrison mid lady ami NY
II. Joy , all of Indianapolis , arc-reglstcrc
at the Withnell.
Prank Ililoy , vim has been Hojournln
in Utah and Wyoming for BOHIO time pasl
reached home yesterday aftenioon.
M Isa Sallie Ponifonl went west to Cai
"ban , Wyoming , to-day on pleasure trij
Hlio will be absent about two weeks.
P , 0. Backuswlfo and family left fi
tbo cakt yesterday. They will spend
month In New York , Ikwtoa and otlu
vastem cities ,
W. Ij. Hance , for the past eleven yea
a conductor on the Hannibal k St. Ji
road , has been Hpendlng a few days in tl
city , the guests of hi sister , Mrs. L. M
Coy ,
Mrs. Lizzie Smith , ot Carbon , Wyo , ,
relative of Mm. Jock Morrow , lately d
ceased , who has been In Omaha , ulu
Mw. Morrow'a burial , leltJLfor lion
Capt. N , S. Bcott , city engincsr
JJncoln , Is in the city , He has accepted
position in the engineering department
llie Union Pacific railrojuJ , and left yeaU
for his work on the Omaha , Niubra
nnd Black Hills railroad.
f Be Wi e and Happy.
If you will atop dlj your extravagai
fi and wrong notions in doctoring you
i self and families with oxrwiwvo deters
tors or humbug cure-all , that do liar
always , and use only nature's simp
remedies for all your ailments yt
will bo wise , well and happy , ui
Bare great expense. The Create )
remedy for this , the great , wise ai
good will tell you , is Hop Bitters-
4 4 rely on it. [ 1'rens. al-alD
Done By Council at the Moot-
Mooting Last Night.
Monthly Appropriations and
Other Important Matters.
Mr Dunham Hit * Straight From
the Shoulder.
A regular meeting of the city coun
cil was hold last evening. There wcro
in attendance Messrs. Dnkor , Gorby ,
Dollono , Dunham , Honibcrgor , Me-
Gavock , McNamura , O'Kiofo ' , Stull ,
Herman and President Dailoy. Mr.
Kaufmann was absent.
A communication was received from
the mayor in regard to some grading
done by Duffoy IJros. lie recom
mended that nothing bo dono. In the
same connection a letter was read
from. th city attorney , Oon. Mandor-
son. The work was done in the
neighborhood of the excavation in
which Miss McGowan fell and sus
tained injuries , The loiter charged
that this happened through careless
ness of the contr.icl.orB. Ho advised
that the claim bo not yaid. The pa
pers wore filed.
The mayor appointed W. J. Broatch ,
Clint ) . J. Coutant and Thos : Gibson
appraisers to appraise the damapo re-
suiting from the opening of Douglas
street between Nineteenth and Twen
tieth streets. The action was ap
The mayor approved the ordinance
to amend the authorizing and procur
ing of the construction and inainton
ance of water works.
A communication was received from
Col. Ohaso in regard-to a careful com
pilation of the ordinances ho had
made. It was referred to the com
mittee on printing.
City Treasurer "Mnllotto reported
that it was almost impossible to got a
report of his office ready at the time
required by the charter. The matter
waa referred to the committee en
City Marshal Angoll was granted n
leave of absence for twenty days.
A communication was received from
a largo number of citizens asking thai
street lamps bo placed upon Eighteenth <
teonth street from Izard to Lake's ad-
dition. It was referred to the gat
t company.
A committee from the Millard hotel
company asking for the paving ol
Douglas street was referred to the
committee on streets and grades.
Harry II , Kirby had a grievance in
a double collection of taxes , once in
this city and once in the country. II
was referred to the committee ort
Judge Bonoko reported 95 collected
in fines by him still in his hands. H <
paid over into the city treasury
$1,003.20 in fines between Juno Is
and July 31st. The report was ro <
forfd to the committee on police.
8. Roichonborg was granted twc
months' ' time to fix his sidewalk 01
Charles street.
Mr. Hanscomwas given'authority
to do some grading on Ninotcontl
street , near Douglas. '
The bond of the Omaha Publishinj
company to faithfully carry out tin
contract to do the city printing wa
presented. When the motion wa
made that it bo accepted , Mr. Dun
ham made a brief statement in rogan
to the allegations of the editor of .
now evening paper. The bond wa
approved unanimously.
The bill of the 'Omaha Qasligh
company for § 901)(50 ) ( tor the month
of Juno and July was referred to th'
'committee oii gas.
A communication asking for the extension
tension of Convent street from th
north side of Ilarnoy running nort !
to the north side of Farnham street
The petitioners were willing to waiv
damages. It was referred to the com
mil too on streets and grades.
The bad condition of Twelfth an
Pacific streets was referred to in
communication from T , Long , wh
claimed 810 for damages done hi
wagon. It was handed over to th
committee on claims.
A communication fromV. . .1
Wolnhans & Co. ; asking to bo nllowo
to run a water pipe into the alloy between
twoon Farnham and Douglas streets
was referred to the committee o
waterworks , with power to act.
A petition was received asking tha
liorao trading bo prohibited nt th
corner of Fourteenth and Douitla
streets. The matter was referred I
the police committee.
Thos , Gibson in willing t romov
er all dead animals at the rate of $1
head for horses or cattle and 50 cent
IB for doga. The police committee wi
attend to the matter.
lie. City Engineer Ilosowator roporto
"o- that the necessary amount of grudin
- to fill the pond oil Fairview stret
would bo this : Fairview street , fu
width , > ,350 yards ; St. Mary'a avonui
le. 550 ; or a total of 1,000 yards.
ICO The monthly report of the cit
physician showed C8 deaths ; 10 in tli
First ward ; 15 in the Second ; 2 in tl ;
of Third ; 4 in the Fourth4 ; in the Fiftl
14 in the Sixth , 10 in the hospital an
laof 3 iu places not reported. There wet
of 35 births. '
Councilman KaulTman was excuse
rant from council duty , owing to absonc
from the city.
A stagnant pool of water was n
ported in the rear of lot i ) , block 21
nt The matter was referred to the con
ir- initto on strceto and roads.
1C- A report was received from Si :
1Cin teenth street property holders uskii :
ile to bo allowed' to make sewer conno
3U tion wth Main or Jackson stroe
3UHi the work to bo done at their oxpens
St The mutter was placed in the haiu
nd of the sewer committee * ,
'Another'communication from tl
earno gentlemen asking that the nu
of Sixteenth street between Har'noy
and Jnckson bo completed wns re
ported to the committee on streets
and roads and the city engineer.
The bid of Olios. Gardner and Win.
Wallace , to furnish material for side
walks , waa referred to the committee
on streets mid grades.
The city engineer was instructed to
report sidewalks not kept in repairs.
The matter of kalsomining the city
treasurer's oflico wua referred to the
finance committee.
A resolution that the notion of the
city engineer in regard to the grading
of Spruce street in Credit Foncior ad
dition bo opposed , was adopted.
The city clerk was Instructed to
ndvcrtiso for bids for sixty tons of
hay for the lire department.
The committee on gas was instruct
ed to find ou' ' why the street lamps
were not lighted on the night of Au
gust 1.
The city marshal waa instructed to
enforce the fire limit ordinance.
The street commissioner was in
structed to repair the bridge east of
the U. P. shops.
It wns decided that the appraise
ment for the proposed change of
prndo of Fnrnham street between
Sixteenth mid Nineteenth atrcets bo
ot nsido and the mayor bo requested
to appoint thrco persona to appraise
the cost to bo incurred by such a
The city engineer was instructed to
cport the cost of grading Nineteenth
trcet between Dodge and Farnham
trccts , and Twentieth street from
fornlmm St. Mary's avenue.
The city clerk was instructed to nd-
vertiso in the official paper for six
days prior to August 8th to the effect
, lmt the council will sit as a board offer
for five days , co'mmcnc-
ing August Oth.
It was ordered that all material
purchased or labor performed bo upon
written order ; that the bida rendered
thall bo read in open council and
referred and that no bills unlesa they
go through this routine will bo placed
in the appropriation list.
Mr. Baker presented a resolution to
the effect that the street force bo
withdrawn August 0 , and that1 the
commissioner bo allowed four teams
and eight men. This was amended
to extend the timn to the llth in
slant , which was adopted.
The city engineer was instructed to
report plans and spccifici&ioiis for
supplying Hnnscom park with vater
with the quantity and size of \ :
wanted and ornamental fountains ro
The city treasurer was instructed to
cancel the tax levied against Goo. T.
Oramlall for 1880.
The committee on judiciary recom
mend that the coso of Sophia Lowe
against the city bo compromised by
the payment of § 2,000. The recom
mendation waa adopted. N
The bills of Geo. Patterson for
§ 75.05 and § 93.00 were ordered to bo
The city engineer was instructed to
prepare an ordinance providing for
the levy of a tax to pay for guttering
and curbing of Farnham street be
tween Fifteen and Eighteenth street.
The contract for guttering and curb
ing Hamoy street , Tenth street and
Sixteenth street was awarded to
t Drexel & Mack , they being the lowest
bidders. They do the work for $1.01
per lineal foot on Barney street and
91.07 for Sixteenth street. Luke
McDermott got the contract for grad
ing these streets.
The city attorney wns instructed tc
draw up an ordinance creating the
oflico of city scavenger.
The committee on public improvements
monts reported that a fountain and
necessary work in Hanscom park
would cost $675. Action was dohvyec
until the city ougincer reported or
the matter.
The committee on streets and gradoi
recommended the change of grade o
Tenth street from a point 422 soutl
of Pierce street , provided property
holders waive damages.
The ordinance establishing n gradi
on Farnham street from a point 20 !
feet west of Jefferson street to tin
city limits was passed.
The grade of Idaho street in Nel
son's addition was fixed.
p The ordinance os.ablishingthogrndi
of Davenport street from Twenty
third street west to Twenty-sixth stroo
was passed.
The salaries of the paid iiromai
were raised § 5 per month , beginninj
August 2.
c- The ordinance making npnropri
c10 ntiona for the payment of liabilitiei
10h tor the month of July , showing u totu
t. of § 14,078 , was passed.
0 Mr. MoNamara was excused for si :
weeks ,
The committee on sidewalks won
instructed to purchase 42,000 foot o
oak lumber at $30 per thousand ,
Council will sit as a board of equalization
zation next week. On Tuesday Mcs
srs. Ivnufnmnn und Dollono will sit
on Wednesday , Messrs. Dunham am
Corby ; on Thursday , Messrs. Me
tiavock and Herman ; on Friday
Messrs. Stull and llornborgor , and 01
Saturday Messrs. O'Keifo and JUkot
On Saturday at 1 o'clock council wil
sit in full hoard to decide matters.
Council adjourned for ono week.
' Heavy TrniUc.
Passenger travel on the Union Pa
cifio from the West is unprcccdonto
at this season of the year. Nothin
like it has over occurred on the roa
before. The daily trains carry froi
throe to four Pullman coaches crowded
od to their utmost capacity , Travi
westward is also very heavy , Th
noon train to-day carried two firs
class coaches well filled , and thro
Pullman Bleeping cars. The conduc
tor of the sleeping cars stated that h
could easily fill four sleepers if ho ha1
them ,
no Very elton wo BOO a person sulfoi
ing from some form of kidney com
plaint and is gradually dying b ;
inches. This no longer need to bo s < i
for Electric Bitters will positivol ;
euro Bright'a disease , or any disease c
the kidneys oruriniary organs , The ;
are especially adapted to tliis class c
diseases , acting directly on th
Stomach and Liver at the same time
and will speedily euro where ever
° ' other remedy has failed. Sold a
r fifty cents a bottle , by Lw & Me
ds 0 < Malion. (3 (
" "
tiia , Indigestion und lii'urlbiirn.
0 , r. Goodnuu'i.
Occurrences of Interest in
Council Bluffs.
High Old Time at the Colored
Porxounl PiwaRTOpl" ftn * Qonorol
During the celebration Monday
Hon. 0. II. Scott in his speech , re
marked "that the colorca people of
this country , since the government
gave them their freedom , had not
shown themselves men , " tlmt , aa n
class they were indolent ; that they
were not a productive people , but
were shiftless nnd lazy , and unless
they changed their course they would
find themselves worse off than they
were before they were made free , Ho
charged them Finally with
selling their votes at every election ,
from 50 cents to § 2. To the latter
declaration n big darkoy preacher , Mr.
Rickets , from Omaha , took exceptions.
Ho said that aa n clasa the negroes in
; his country had moro brains than the
whites , lie did not know whether
the colored people over hero sold their
% otcs or not , nor did ho care , so long
aa they put n good price upon thorn
Ho declared that they should ask
enough to enable them in a few years
io purchase a piece of land for thonv
solves. As for the charges pro
ferrcd by Mr. Scott , ho
claimed that that gentleman waa
untair. That ho could not have given
much attention to the nffuira of this
country. Christophor'Columbua , who
discovered America , might have de
scended from the African rnco nnd
been just aa good n man for nil that.
Fred Douglass was looked upon to-day
as the peer of Henry Clay Dean or
any member of the present city coun-
il. Every dollar that is now issued
rcncv the treasury of the United
tntcs Voro the imprint of negro aupe
iority. IHo president believed that
ho monotar > affairs of this grcnl
ountry were saU only in the hands
) f these who but yesterday were
> ending their backs to vho lash ant
rying to keep their heels uit Of the
aws of bloodhounds.
There arc unpleasant reports fron
, ho colored celebration in Glendale
on Monday. The boor , it seems , was
'rcsh when it reached ground nnd in
unloading ono of the kegs burst. A
jig colored woman from St. Joe , who
came to the celebration , brought con
siderable muscle with her in the shape
of a woman by the nnmo of Laura.
This lady was standing near nnd gel
struck with the flying bung. She
supposed she was hit by a colored sis
tar standing near , nnd struck the innocent >
nocont woman n stiff blow from th (
shoulder which landed her ngainsl
the tree upon which hung the immor
tal-Lincoln's picture. At this moment
mont a woman by the name ol
Lizzie Pollison jumped froir
a carriage and struck a man by th (
nnmo of Anderson , who struck back ,
The two clinched , when the womar
fell nnd the man fell on top of her ,
While another dusky individual wai
trying to separate them n big fistet
female was lashing him with n raw
hide from the carriage. The police
man at this moment appeared upor
the scono"nnd quietness was restored ,
Anderson was arrested nnd tnkon tc
the police station. Ho had his ex
amination yesterday morning.
Ono very striking feature of the
freemen's celebration in this city OD
Monday was n very largo picture oi
the martyred Lincoln , decorated nnd
suspended from a tree.
Ilov. G. II. Wade ( colored ) , who
wns invited to invoke God's blessing ,
refused , remarking that ho never yet
nskcd God to bless n dnnco thnt was
being conducted under the inspiration
of "gin ntid sugar. "
"The Council Dluffs sportsmen"
met at the board of trade rooms Tues
day evening to transact important
business connected with the associa
tion. A proposition to fence in Mar
tin's Lake , situate in the Houth part
of the city , for the purpose of stock
ing the same with fish , was favorably
received. The following officers for
the ensuing year were chosen : Thorn-
ns Ollicer , president ; S. S. Farnsworth -
worth , vice president ; Richard Green ,
secretary ; Chas. Officer , treasurer.
The following well known citizens
were elected as board of directors :
Thomas Officer , S. S. Fiirnsworth , II.
Green , Chas. Oflicer nnd A. 0. Gra
ham , The club , after transacting
other important business , ndjournod
to meet at the call of the president.
When will the colored follow citi-
izens get over "that picnic ? " A
white man named J. Marry struck a
child that a colored man , named An
derson , claimed to bo the father of.
1 estcrdry afternoon Anderson made
complaint before Judge Burke , and
Olhcer Stirling was sent with the
iccessarv documents to bring Murry
before fas honor. As Stirling , was
leaving the house with Murry in
charge ho met Anderson in the yard.
Murry utruck him nnd knocked
him down nnd wns about to
do him some bodily injury
when Otlicer Stirling ordered
him to tlcaiet , ButMurrap was bound
to have revenge nnd declared ho would
whin Anderson. Officer Sterling , to
8i ° ' , . ie ttn"air 3 easy as possible ,
row Jus icpeater and informed Mr.
Hurry thai if ho did not desist in-
ntantly thnt ho would fix him so that
f ho attended the celebration next
roar he would bo obliged to go there
on crutches. Ho desisted nt onco.
J. T. Stownrt and son , of the well
mown firm of that name , will soon
cave the city on nn extended business pleasure trip.
District Attorney Coiner , of Dennison -
son , Crawford county , and Hon.
John Y , Stone , of Mills county , were
n the city in attendance upon n ha-
: > caa corpus case before Judge Ilccd
Judge Abbott issued a warrant on
Tuesday evening on complaint of G ,
W. Corners lor the arrest of James
Kmtzor , who resides in "Bij : Grove , "
> n n charge of disturbing tha peace.
The warrant was placed in the nands
> f Constable Hosocrantz , who repaired
o Big Grove nnd arrested Kratzer
and brought him before Judge Abbott
who hold him in the sum of10 to
appear on August oth , to answer the
charge. In default of bail ho wns
committed ,
A writ of attachment wna issued
out of Justice Frainnoy'a court Tues
day against the goods nnd chattels of
n party who had taken up his bed nnd
departed for Omaha. Constable
llosccrantz , who hud the aforesaid
writ to enforce , repaired to the dum
my train. Ho found the party with
nil their personal effects in n wagon.
Ilosecrantz concluded that nil they
were taking with them would not
exceed § 10 , and aa the law of the
atato allowed them to take away § 75
wortli ho did not interfere with their
departure ,
"Who nro the men who wear fash
ionable dress coats , with cloth enough
in the skirts to make bed quilts for
winter covering for nt least two poor
families , " is charged in the Nonpariol.
THE BEK did not suppose any of our
citizens woro'so extravagant ns nil
John Bcckloy , who went to Colfax
Springs for his health , hns returned
nnd is looking quito well , although
the recent attack of rheumatism com
pels him to wnlk with crutches.
Mnj. Young , undo of the young
brothers , incarcerated in the Minneso
ta penitentiary for life , having been
convicted of being accessories to the
crime of murder in killing the cashier
of the Northfiold bank during an at
tempt to rob tho. bank , wna in thia
city Tuesday , on route for Missouri.
Mr. Young visited Minnesota for the
purpose of interceding in the bohall
of his throe nephews. Ho failed in
his mission.
Hwong Tak Ktion , Chinese vice
consul of San Francisco , arrived in
Council Bluffs Tucsdny evening on his
way to Washington and other points
east. Ho was interviewed by a re
porter of the Nonpnriol , and of course
speaks English , although ho has only
boon in this country three years.
Mrs. Charles Shonaden , wife of the
photographer , has BO far recoverec
from her recent severe illness na to bo
auf ] to bo out again. Mrs. Shcnaden
will Vjxve Council Bluffs to-day on a
short vut. to her sister , Mrs. B. F.
Eaton , it Magnolia , Harrison ounty
MrD. . Farrou , , lflnutv sheriff of
Mills county , was on the sun t voa
Hon. James G. Day , judge of the
supreme court , was in the city yestcr
T. S. Rattle , who makes things
rattle for the 0. & N. W. railrond
company , was in the city yesterday , a
gioat of General Agent Clark.
* Fifty-two cars of cattle went eas
t over the "old reliable" route yester
Peter Miller is painting thoBloomo
t school building.
Officer Clough arrested a Swede
nnnied Anderson yestcrdny , 011 com
plaint of Mr. Jernian , poll tax collec
tor , for refusing to pay his poll tax
The arrest was made under the city
ordinance now in force , found on pag
154 , section C , which provides "Tha
after duo notice to appear and wor
out n poll tax , .in default , the citizci
shall bo liable to the city in the poim
sum of § 2 , which sum the city ma
recover cither by a civil proceeding , eon
on information , by a criminal proceed
ing as in cases ot misdemeanors.
This may bo nil right , but it look
queer to a man up a tree.
J. P. Connor , district nttornoy
called at TIIK BEE oflico yesterday
Mr. Conner says a largo number o
the people in Dennison , where ho rot
sidcsr take THE BEE. Mr. Connc
has hud charge of the criminal busi
ness for the state in the 13th distric
for only a short time , but , has already
shown , himself to bo the right man i
the right place.
Judge Reed heard the famous Wi
ley habeas corpus case nt the oflico o
the law firm of James & Rylosworth
on Pearl street , yesterday afternoon
The facts of the case are those : TJi
man Wiloy waa nrrestod in Mill
county for burglariously breaking int
nnd entering n railway cnr nnd taking
merchandise therefrom. Ho had
hearing before a justice of the poac
there und filed nn affidavit for i
change of venue , at .tho same tnn <
claiming that the same ren
sons existed fov not having
the case go to the next nearest justice
tico , The justice , however , sent i
to the next nearest justice nnd tlu
examination wns had nnd Wiloy held
to appear at the next term of the dis
trict court. His nthmioys saw i
point and advised Wiloy instead o
giving bail to deliver himself into the
hands of the sheriff. They then came
to Council Bluffs and obtained the
writ that commanded the sheriff to
have the body of Wiley before Judge
Rood yesterday. After a hearing
Judge Rood discharged Wiley , but
ho was immediately arrested and ta
ken back to Mills county and will
probably bo bound over to await the
lotion of the grand jury.
Any of THE BEE patrons not receiving -
premn y will
ceiving thdr paper
pleoso report the fact to Tut JJM
oflico. Somebody u apparently help
ing themselves to papora that do not
belong to them. THE BEE is only. 20
cents per week , delivered by comer.
It is put at this low figure so that
everybody can got all the news at a
nominal price. Wo had rather give
it at thia oftico than to have it
stolen from yard , after it has beci
Frederick Spurling left last oveuinR
for his old homo in Madgcburg , Prus
j. D , Edmonnson writes to hi
nthor-in-law thnt the Isle of Snoals ,
ff the coast of Maine , should bo
ailed the Isle of Coats. They are
bligcd to keep up a fire constantly to
ceep from freezing.
A lady whp visited the city
n the other side lost Satur-
ay saya the peopjo over
lioro should either sprinkle tlio
treota or bo com polled to furnish
isitors with n pair goggles.
Henry DoLong hns purchased the
Id "Babbitt mill" nnd will nt once
remove it on to a lot in this city nnd
t it up for a tenement houso.
The bonrd of trndo mot last evening
t their rooms on Pear street.
The following real estate transfers
rero filed in the county recorder's of-
ice , as reported by the title , abstract ,
eal estate and loan oflico of J. W.
Squire & 0. , Council Bluffs :
Hoyt Sherman , receiver , to Josie
V. Benjamin , lot 13 in blk 2 , Avoca.
Geo. W. Boslny to 0. S. ifc A. Lo-
beck , pt lot 5 blk 10 , Walnut. $725.
L. II. Tuttle to Keystone Manufac-
uring company , 11 in 75 in sub of
Riddle tract § 425.
J. A. Zollcr to Keystone Manufac-
, uring company , 12 in 75 sub of Rid-
llo tract S475.
For Building the Now Grand
The 'bids for the work on the Grand
ontral hotel wcro opened ycstcrdny
nnd the contract awarded to John
Volk & Co. , of Rocklslnnd. Th
other bidders for jtho entire work were
3onncssy Bros. , of Chicago ,
nnd Jnmca A. McGoniglo , ol
Licavenworth. , Besides these there
wcro several local.biddors for patirons
of the work. It wna decided , however -
over , to lot the whole contract to ono
inn. The money consideration is
not stated. J. B. Kitchen was mcl
yesterday nnd in the course of the
conversation said thnt the building
would bo under roof by Christmas ,
so thnt the interior work might bo
gone on with during the winter.
Furtnor than this ho said he could a
present give no information.
"WINE OF CARDUI " for Ladies only
C. P
NOTICE Advertisement To Loan , For Sale
Lost , Found , WanU , Boardlnir , &c. , will be Inserted
sorted In these columns once for TEN CENTS
per line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVE CENTS
per line. The first Insertion ne\or less than
To loan at from 8 to 10 per cent
on good real eitatesecurity , by
UK. ISAAC EDWAUD3,1109 Farnham St.
TO LOAN At 8 per centln
tercst in sums of 82,600 and
upwards , for 3 to 6 yoars. on first-class city and
farm property. BEUIS KKAL ESTATI and LOAN
. 16th and Dotudas Sts.
M ( ONEY TO LOAN Call at Uw Office of D
L. Thomas Uoom 8. Crelirhton Block.
; ONEY TO LOAN on real estate , at
M 290-eod-10 DEXTER'L. THOMAS & BRO
r ; ANTED A Rood dining room girl at the
V St , Charles Hotel ; MO-2
\T7 ANTED Two girls at French CofTeo House
YY 10th street. 649-tf
\Tr7"ANTKD A girl for general housework
YY ages , $4.00 per week. Cor. 16th and Lak
street. 655 3
A woman cook at the Californi
WANTED . Good wages paid. 55S-0
"V\7"ANTED Boom and Board by a gcntlcnm
TT * nd wife on St. Mary' a\enueor vlclnlt }
Distance vutnoobjettlon , Address "F. D. " Ilec
olllce. . _
XTTANTED-To excWinge a gold watch ( Amcr
YV lean Watch Co. ) for * 10 or 12gaug brcac
loading double shot gun , not over 84 pound
weight. Will exchange for a cl ) broke setter o
pointer dog. Address "Niagara , " Bee otlice.
660 3
FED One or two girls for general house
work at Ilcinekc's restaurant , 13th am
Jackson streets. 652-3
WANTED A good cook. Oood oges given
northwest corner of 10th and Howard Sts
617-tf O. W. HOAQLAND.
WANTFD A stableman in private famllj
Apply at southeast corner of 8th and How
ard trcct8. 540-0
B EM1U1 NEWC1TV MAl'b,2frc. Bee Utpa
° TT7 ANTiD ; A first-class meat cook to go to
VV Laramle City , Apply first door cast ol
Klkhorn Valley House , Dodge .St. 642-4
WAITED A No. Iwoman cook. Appljlto L
McCoy , Popplcton direct , near Gorerninen
corral. Wages , ti5 a month. 637-O3
A good salesman to take tharg
WANTED ) and make ealcs for the Whve
cr & Wilson Manufacturing Co. None but con
latent men and thonu hating good references
need apply. Call on or addrstu Wheeler & WI
ton Manufacturing Co. , No. 121 16th btruct , Ja
cob * , Illock. MO-tf
Fifty tiams at upper reseriolr
WANTED day. A. 11. HOEL.
620-aug 7
- . girl. Will pay well fo
good services. Apply at Law olllce of Ore
& Montgomery , o > er Omaha National Bank , i
\TTANTKD-A good blacksmith. Apply at T
VY M. Trevctt , uouthuast corner of llthaiu
Harney utreet. 471-tf
Competent cook and second ilr ;
WANTED Chicago ttrect. Geed uogcs.
- ix >
WAJiTKD-A . State price.
Address UEO. 1N1IAN ,
451-tf _ ytt"i t-'raw'0" ' ! Co. , lo .
TNFOIUIATION antfdof Michael Pwyer Inv
X mediately by Ills mother , Margaret lw > cr ,
Umaha ; Neb. , between Cth and 7th on Jlarcy St. ,
care of Patrick Ho an. Western papers please
copy. 463-tf
| One mtn in a county nuket mo
ney Benin ; ; our spring ! ( or buggy that
coupling * . Send stamp jor tenim and cut or tC
In rtaiujM fora pair , toantl-llattler Sifety Sprit * ,
Company.OO lUndolph St. , Chlcago.m-th-uty-2 |
By man and wife , board and room
WANTED family. 1'rofcr place where there
are no other boarders. Address U. A- Bee offl.e
B K1IIS' HEAL ESTATE JiOOM.-Scc lit page
ANTED Funding bridge aud school bonds.
W H.T. Clark , BeUe\ue , 20-U
XTTANTED A partner or buyer , inquire
YV Philadelphia Coftc House , 10th street.
2SO-J > 23 _ _
\Tt7 ANTED TVo boarders. Young men pre-
W fcrrcd. AdJrt-M "A. " Bee office. UO-tt
" ALL , AT MKS. U. E. ( JLAltKU'B Ko. 1 Board
lug House , cor. 13th and Dodge fits. Besl
In the city. 610-tf
Information ol the uhercabouta
WANTED . Johanna llamli , who lucd In
Omaha. Neb. , from 1567 till Ibfll , and In ht , Jo
Kvph , Mo. , ( M Mrs. Hhulti ) In 1&63. Ihlornu
tion u more particularly desired of her two
tons , Juliiu and George Rauh , ( as it uill beta
ta their Inter * . ! ) by their father , in Helena
Montana. A liberal compensation u ill be luti
to any one aiilstlii ' Iq obtaining tha rcaulroj
Information ,
IjODKIIINDKIlV KOKHAI.K An excellent op-
\j portunlty fet a young tnan wishing to Mart
buslna-n. For further particulars apply at this
office. OCI tf.
17011 SALE CHKA1 > ; . . „ .
I1 In running order. P. MA >
fiS4-tf 13th and Howard street.
" 0011 HEM1 Smalt builncss room In Masonic
] * block. Inquire at St John Sewing Machine
offlio. 651-2
RENT IIou o of flto rooms on PaelDo
FOll , between 12th and 13th. Inquire at
1207 Pacific street. MS-2
IlKNT Furnished room" suitable
FOll housekeeping , cor. 18th and Clark
t recta. 00-23
171011 RENT Good furnished room , suitable for
I ; one or tnopcrsonn , first house north of With-
ncll hotel. 33 ft2
r\0n \ IlKNT House , corner of llth and Pacific
Jj streets , inquire nt IVlerson's ncarthoiy. P.
* *
* " "
EMIS has rattllnc long lists of houses , Iota *
Unds and ( arms for sale. Call and gel
IT10H HUNT A nicely lurnlshcd front room for
1 } ono or t o gentlemen , nt 1210 Howard street.
633 tf
KENT New house la\cnport ) and llth
streets , J. Johnson , Hth and Tarnliani ets.
OTA1JL.K FOll IltoT-On 10th St. , betwcc *
Harncy end Howard SU. 8. LEHMAN.
-71011 UiNT- : hon of BOTCH rooim on Sout
Jj nvenue , next to Woolw orth's residence , J
Johnson , 14th and Farnham. 499-tf
"ITlOll KENT X furnished roomi OUT lloJ-
Jj chants' ExihMigo.N. E. cor. 10th and Dodge
Street * . S89.U
IlENr Duelling of 7 rooms In flrst-claea
Poll . Inquire at law olllcc of L. K. Majfinn
Crclghton Illock. 600-4
1IF.NT DttclltiiR corner 18th and Izard
street * . S2fi per month , 8 rooms , good well ,
cistern , celfar , etc. O. C. IIOIIHUX
SALE CTIEAP Tha fixtures of the Hth
Foil IIcat Market. Apply on tha premises.
614-0 W. II. COOMI1E.
KOll SA1)E Sixteen hundred llCOO )
SHEEP three nn 1 four year old we there.
Call on or addict OI1WUN k McCOMB.
613-4 C .mbrld c , Fuinas Co. Neb.
SALE Four 8 li ; P. engines , two 16 HJ
FOR engines , one 18 H. P. vertical boiler , ono
8 H. P. , one'10 II P. and 1 16 II. P. horizontal
boiler , all now. By Omaha Foundry and Ma
chine Company , Omaha , Neb. mwsl75-a23
SALE A-nrat-class milk dairy. Inquire
atthisortlce. 617-aug 27
| 7tOH SALE A black'poncy , ccntloand In good
J } condition ; accustomed to sinjtlo harness and
saddle. Apply at Illuo Barn , IVth street , or at
City Engineers office.
T70irSAI.E CHEA'P The only hotel In North
J } Loup , Valley County , Neb. , 30 miles from St.
Paul , 16 miles from Ord. Oood location , ( , 'ood
trade and lmpro > lnir. For particulars wrlto A.
J. C. . North Loup , box 0. 371-augll
AND LAND Bemls rents houses ,
HOUSES , hotels , farms , lots , lands , olliccaf
rooms , etc , See 1st pnge ,
. And farasois repured Dy il.
UMDItKM.Ab and Faniam * t . 7SOtf
T7IOII SALE A large two story frame
JJ root Hotel and ono story kitchen ; also ono
story frame , shingled roof , hall room for ten seta
to dance , and barn largo enough to hold twenty
teams- All situated on corner of Bread and 4th
street , Fremont , Dodge Co. , Neb. For further
information apply to C. 0. THOMPSON ,
358toS Fremont , Dodge Co , , Neb.
TjVJKSALE flood house with four rooms and
JJ half lot , No. 2613 Uodie between 20lh and
27th street. Good cll and shade trees ; house In
Rood condition. Inquire on premises. 221-U
T7W11 SALE A small tiiKiuo , U. W. Payne tt
JO Bon's make. In perfect osder. Inquire of H.
O. Clark & Co. 30-U
T71OK SALE Lease and furniture of a Hnt-claaa
JD hotel in a tewn of .1300 Inhabitants , In state
of Nebraska ; has 24 beds ; the traveling men's re
sort. Inquire at BEE office. 218-tf
ITieK SALE Two-story house and part lot , nes >
C depot. Location good. John L. McCogue
Opp Post Office. 958-tf
THOH SALE 2 acres ground in West Omaha.
JJ Inquire of J. Henry , No. 11U 16th. 87S-tf
T710U SALE Maps of Douglas atid B rpy coun-
JD ties. A. ROSEWATER , 1620 Farnham etroe *
mAKEN UP A black pony. Domestic Bakery ,
JL South 10th street. 6AO-4
fllAKEN UP Near my house on Saturday , an
I old white horse with black spots ; Wind in the
right eye. P.O. lo\son. north side Leai cnworth
btrect , bet. 7th and 8th. 603-2
TO'ARCHITECTS-Wanted by a thoroughly
practical man of 25 > tar > cxp'ricncu , a xitu-
atlon as foreman or superintendent. Is a good
draughtsman. Salary required , moderate. Ad
dress "Foreman. " lice olllco Omaha 602-8
OTIlAYED-From 2415 Harney street July 28
JO one largebrlndlo cow , 0) cars old , bnndcd on
hip with letter "O. " Has Home white hpots on
her. Any one ghIng Iiifoniiatlon uhereshols
r return her will be suitably rewarded.
648 tt A. N. CLAP.K.
ANYONE haIng work fora tjpe writer can
bo accommodated by telephoning the 11 KB
> Ixi page.
T IGHTNINO-J. J , McLain Is still in tne
JJ Lightning Hod business , wholesale and re-
tall. Hods put up or repaired on thort notice.
Orders by mall or otherwise will reecho prompt
attention. Satisfaction guaranteed Call or ad-
drcsglOirSttunUera ktreet. 404-a22
Q > X\ REWARD Lost , gold hunting ca e stop
nptJl/ watch , gold rope chain and nugget at
tached. The abotc rewurd vill be paid on re
turn of the watch to HUGH ilcCAFFHEY.
_ SSl-tfJ 15th and Douglas ttrocta.
rPtHKEE or four young men can be accommoda-
J _ ted with board. Deferences exchanged. Ap
ply 2011 Cass itreet , 4th door eet of SMh 8t. .
or address Hex 337 , postolHce. 343 f
HM. BROWN-Corner 12th and Chlcnra
. streets , Is ready to bore or deepen wells.
.Satisfaction guaranteed. 603tf
rilEAMS Can be got at John liarrs stable for
J. all Umls of work at reasonable figures , near
u > r < ISth anil Lfvucnwortli streets. 378-tf
T\ONT FOUOET The successors 01 the Amer.
U lean House , on Douglas street , between 8th
and 10th , for board , lodging and transient cuj
tomers. Hcspectfully
684-tf JULIUS * LOUISE fl&SS.
Absolutely Pure.
Made from 0 rape Cream Tartar. No other pre
arpation makes tudi light , flaky hot breads , a
usurious pastry. Can be ctcii by I > ) spcutlc
without fear of thcllls resulting from heavy mdl
'ettlUe food. Sold only in cans , br all Grocers.
New York ,