Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1881, Page 5, Image 6

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    THE OMATTA DATT.V TVR17 . WTT.TWTCSn A V ATTnrrcvM , j 1001
, , . NEW YORK. August 2.
Money closed nt 3 per cent.
Exchange closed steady at 84 83@4 85.
Governments closed firm.
Currency GS 1 30 bid ) fours coup. 1 1C3 ;
-IJs do , IHJjJfw continued , 1025stlo ; ,
Stocks strong and buoyant throughout
the greater nart of the day , and prices ad.
vanced Bto.-ulily with few reactions , t'rices
at the close showed an advance of | to 3J
Dercont , compared with yesterday. No
trustworthy news respecting trunk linn
afTairs to-day , but the tenor of the various
rumors ran in favor of nn early settlement.
The strongest stocks were Hannibal Jt St.
.Toe , trunk line shares Western Union ,
Union Pacific , Missouri Pacific. Milwau
kee & St. Paul , Koclj Island and Wabash.
The following are the closing bids :
Following arc the closing quotations for
uinlng stocks at the New York mining
board :
Amio 41 St Line No 1..110
Boulder 20 St. Line 2 * & 3.480
Cons Vir 190 O & M . . " . . . . 87
Hibernia 5 ! ) Spring Vo ! 300
Climax 50 Villa 140
California 95 Mexican ,7874
Arizona 2J
OIIICAOO , August' ' .
Business at the banks was less active ,
but demand for money was good. Kates
were steady at 5@C per cent on call and
7 per cent on time. Eastern exchange be
tween city banks was sold at 80c to 81 dis
count per thousand dollars. The clearings
f the associated banks were not as large as
expected , being § 12,800.000 , against S14 , .
400,000 yesterday. Orders for currency
from country points were moderate.
_ ,
Omaha Wholesale Market.
Tuesday Evening , August 2 , 1881. J
Markets to-day generally quiet. Grain
and live stock unchanged. Protisions
steady ; butter Ic lower than yesterday.
Lemons declined $1 per box. Blueberries
declined 25c per case. Watermelons are
Jf4 per hundred lower than yesterday. All
other quotations remain the name.
Local Grain Dealings.
WHEAT. ( Josh No. 2 , 1 02j ; Cash No.
3 , 88 : rejected Git- .
BAHLEY.-Cash No. 2 , 89c ; No. 3 SOc.
KYE.-Cash , 70c.
CORN. Cosh No. 2 , 3Co.
OATS. Cash. SOc.
Cattle We quolc as follows : Butch
er's cows , S3 25@3 50 ; choice butchers ,
steer * , S3 75@4 00.
Shcop Good mutton in 'fair ' demand.
S3 503 ; 75.
Hogs Wo quote as follows ; Light
packers , 84 70@5 50 ; medium mixed
tmcken ) , $5 00@5 25 ; extra choice heavy ,
S5 25@5 50.
FLOUR Spring wheat , straight grade ,
$275@300 ; patent , S3 G0@4 50 ; winter
wheat straight grade , S3 00@3 50 ; ' patent ,
$3 75@4 50 ; graham rye , S2 23 ; Wheat ,
32 50.
MILLSTUFFS Bran , per cwt. 50cJ
screenings , per cwt. 70@80c ; shorts , per
cwt.COc ; clioppcd feed , per cwt. 75c ; meal
tolled , yellow , SOc : white , 90c.
POTATOES-New , SI 25 per bushel.
POULTRY Live chickens per dozen ,
43 50 ; old , spring chickens , S3 50.
EGGS Shippers count , lOc.
BUTTEK Choice , 16 ; poor , no market ;
creamery , SOc.
APPLES Good , sound , S5 00@550
per bbl.
HONEY Extracted , first-clasa Calif ,
ornia strained , 15c.
LEMONS Good repacked per box ,
$9 00 ; best , S10 00.
BLACKBEUUIES Per case , S3 75 ;
tomatoes , per bushel. 82 00 ; California
pears , per box , S3 00 ; California plums ,
$2 75 ; California peaches , S3 00 ; Call ,
fornia grapes , 84 00@4 50 ; watermelons ,
j > er 100. SUi 00.
BLI/EBEKUIES-Per case , 8275.
VEGETABLES-A11 kinds bring good
BEESWAX-Yellow , 18@20c.
ONIONS Per bbl. 8400.
Grocers Lift.
tJOFFEE.-ltio , lair. 134o : lllo , good ,
I4c ; lllo , prime to choice , 144c ; Old cov't
Java ; 20i@281c , Mocha , SGJo ; Arbuckle'B ,
TEAS. Gunpowder , good , 45@K5c ;
Choice , G0@75c ; Imperial , good , 4045c ;
Choice , C0oj75c ( ; Young Hyson , good , 30 ®
SOc ; choice , C5c@Sl OOj Japan Nat Leaf ,
35c ; Japan , choice , G0@75c ; Oolong , go d ,
3T40j Oolong , choice , 4055 ; Souchong ,
L'ooil. 35 < at40o ; choice. 35o)45c. ( )
.SUGARS. Cut loaf , lljc ; Crushed ,
lljc ; Granulated , lOJc ; Powdered , lllc ;
Pine | > owdered , 113c ; Standard Coffee A.
JOlcj New York Confectioner's Standard
A , lOJc ; Good A , lOc ; Prairie Extra C ,
SYllUPS. Sugar house , bbln , 45c ; half
bis-17c ; keg < , 4 gsillons , S2.f(0 ; clintce
itablo Hymn , 3Sc ; halfbblilOc , kes .Sl 8" < .
- SPICKS. Pepper , 101 ; AllbplceJOc ;
.Cloies , 43o ; Nutiiieifs , 3100 : C.ihila , ' - ' . " > c ;
Slaco SI 00.
SOUA. Dwlght's Iti papers , SH 00 ; Je-
land do , § 3 00 ; Church'a , 53 00 ; Keg s < Kla ,
STAllOH. Pearl , ? c ; Silver Glim , 7J
@ 8c ; Corn Starch , 8 l8\c ; Exculsior
Gloss , file ; Coin. 7c.
SALT. Pray load * , per bbl , 1 00 ; Ach.
ton , in wcki , It 50 ; bbU dairy l > 0 , 5h , 3 15 :
bbU ililrv , 100 , 3 . 3i5. (
DltlED PHI/ITS Choice halves ,
peaches , new crop. 7io ; Ev aivirated A pple" ,
M boxes , ll'i12fc ( ; Miclilijnii , ( He ; New
York apples , OicSt.LouU ; Ni.l,5cl'runeA
old , ( io ; now , 7fei7c | ; Currant * . , 7 < § 7Jc
lilacklierries , new , lOo.
U1IEESE Full Cream , lOc ; Part
Skim , Oc.
WOODENWATIE Two hoop pall *
, 1 85 ; three hoop pails , 2 10 ; No , I tulw
9 00 ; No. 2 tubs , . 8 00 ; No. 3 tulw. 7 00
pioneer washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown
t ! 75 ; Globe Washboard. : i50 : Well buckets
.chain , and 5 ply , 'JOJ@/214 / ; Colored carpe
chain , per lb , 20 ;
LEAD-Har , 81 05.
MATCHES Per caddie , 85c ; round
caica , S7.35 ; square casex , 84.90.
PROVISIONS Breakfast bacon. 12. .
-choice lard , 13jc ; dried beef , 13Jc ; tliould
era , can\ass I 8c ; hams , canvassed lljc
bacon , tides 11 jo
NEW PICKLES Medium , in barrels
S7 00 ; do in half bbls , 4 125 ; HmalU , in bblt
1200 ; do , in half bbls. 060 ; gherkins , ii
bbls , 13 00 ; do , iu half bhU , 7 00.
VINEGAU Pure apple extra , ICc
pure apple , 13cj Pruning pure apple , 15c
HOMINY New , S3 bO iier bbl.
BEANS-Medium , hand picked $2 CC
, j > er buehel.
KOPE Sisal , J Jncli and larger ,
_ J Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes ) ,
a magnolia , 3 90.
OANDLKS-BOXM , 40 iu , 10 m , s .
13oboxes ! 40 lb < . , 10 oz. , 0. 13c ; boxes , 46
sets , 14 oz. . B , 12jc > half hexes , 20 sets ,
14 07. , 8s , 13c.
LYE American , fl 35 ; Greenwich , 3 35 :
Western , 2 75 : North Star , 2 50 ; fnswis'
yp , 4 00 ; Jewell lye , 275.
POTASH Penn < yhaua ! can , 4 dor. ,
n case , 3 3. ' j Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in c-asc ,
90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in case , 150.
FIELD SEED Red clover , choice ,
new , So 30 per bushel ; mammoth clover ,
ew. $575 ; white clover , new , $1400 ;
d.alfi clover , new , S1250 ; aWke , new ,
' 1300. Timothy , good , new , 82 50@2 Co ;
[ ) lue grafs. extra clean , SI 2.1 ; blue gra ,
lean , $1 15 ; orchard grass , 52 00 : red top ,
hoicc , C5c : millet , commnn or Missouri ,
125 ; millet. German , $123 ; to 81 GO ;
lungariau , Si 15.
HEUGESKUD-Osagp orange , 1 to 5
Hishcls , S3 00 ; osage orange , 10 bu hols or
vcr , $150 ; honey locust , per lb. , 33c ; per
00 Ibs. . S2. 00.
FISH Family white fish , 90 lb hf bbK
3 CO ; No. 1 white fish , DO lb hf bbls , 0 30
Vo. \\hite fish , in 10 lb kits , 1 00 ; family
0 lb kits , 75c ; New Holland herring , per
: eg , 1 20 ; Husslaii sanlincs , " 5c ; Colui" .
.in . river salmon , i > cr lOOllii , 8 00 ; George's
Jauk cvxlfish , Oc ; Gen. boneless cxxllislij
Jo ; boneless fish , 4jc.
MACKEUKL-IInlf bbls messmackercl ,
00 Ibi , 812 60 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do ,
00 Ibfl , 0 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100
bs , 3 85 ; mess mackerel , 12 lb kits , 2 23 ;
o. 1 ex shore , 12 lb do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shorn ,
2 Hi do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 lb d < * 75c.
CANNED GOODS Oyster * , 2 lb
Field's ) , per case , 84 20 ; do 1 It. ( Field's ) ,
> cr case , 2 50 : do 2 lb ( Standard ) , per case ,
90 ; do 1 lb ( standard ) , per case , 2 40 ; do
lb ( slack ) , iwr case , 2 75 ; do 1 lb ( slack ) ,
> cr case , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , 1
t > , per dozen , 105 : do 2 lb , per dozen
! 50. Sardines , small J'sh , Imported , one-
uarter boxes per box , 145c : American ,
uartcr boxes per box , llcj do half boxes ,
> er box , 21Jc. Lobsters , 1 lb per dozen ,
80. Tomntoex , 210 ; do 3 lb per
-ase , 260 ; Corn , 2 lb ( Mountain )
> er case , 3 40 ; soaked corn , 190 ; do
lb ( Yarmouth ) , per ca e , 350 ;
tring beans , per case , 190 ; Lima beans
er cose , 2 00. Succotash | > er case , 2 10.
'eas , common , pnr case , 1 75 ; peas , choice ,
cr case , 4 50. Blackberries , 2 lb , per case ,
50 ; strawberries , 2 lb , ] > cr case , 3 70 :
aspbcrries , 2 lb , per case , 275300.
Damsons , 2 lb , per case , 2 23. Bartlctt
> ears per ease , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortlebcr-
IBS per case , 2 50. Egg plums , 2 lb ] > er
ase , 3 25 ; do , choice , 2 lb , per ca e. 4 50.
Sreen gaj-es,2 lb per case , 3 23 : do choice , 'I
> per case,4 50. Pine Apples , 2 lb , per case ,
005 20. Peaches , 2 lb per case , 3 lOi
o 3 lb , case , 5 00@5 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , per
ase,325 ; do pie , 0 lb. per dozen , 3 50.
1UCE Carolina , u7ic ; Louisiana , 5 $
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten-
cssce , Sic per lb ; fancy white , 9c per lb ;
aw white Virginia , 7@7ic.
Dry Goods ,
iuckeye LL OJc ; Crescent LL OJc ; Utfca
O 51c ; Crescent .C 7ic ; Crescent B7jc ;
Jrcscent A 8e ; Wachusetts 8c ;
ndian Head 8jc ; Granitevillo LL
Jc ; Badger RR , fine brown , 7Ac ;
lajlgerX , do , 7c ; Portsmouth P , do , 5jc ;
Vinthrop L , do , 7jc ; Continental C ,
o , 8c.
-4 13c ; Fniit 4-4 10J ; Hope 4-4
\c ; Ballardvalo 4-4 Cjc ; Pocassett
f 4-1 8Je ; Altoona 3-4 Cc ; Lonsdale
to. 1 , cambric 13c ; No. 2. do , 12jc ;
STew York Mills 4-4 13c ; Lonsclalo 4-4 lOc ;
' 'ainnont Q4-4 CJc Auburn A 4-1 8jc ;
Jarnard I Go ; Dairy Cloth 5jc ,
PRINTS. Allen's fancy , Olc ; Ameri-
an do , CJc ; Arnold's do ; 7c ; Conestoga
o , Gc ; Dunnell do , OJc ; Eddystone doc ;
\c ; Gloucester do. Oc ; Ilaniilton , OJc ?
lanuony. 5c : Hartel. G\c ; Knickerbocker ,
c ; Manchester , 7c ; 'Pacific , 7c ; Spraguej
4c ; Southbridge.Oc ; Mystic , Gic ; Mcrri-
nack shirtings , Cc ; Sprague do , 5ic ,
louthbridgo do , Cc ; Regatta do , tHc ;
Jochjco , robe , 7c ; Freeman robe , Oc ;
lamilton do , 7c ; Marlboro do , Gc ; South-
jridge do. C\c ; Sprague do , OJc ; American
, o , 7c ; Pacific do , 7c ; Washington oil
olors , 9c ; Simpson's mourning , 7c ; Simp-
on's solid black , GkBerlin ; solid colord.Cc.
CAMBRICS , FLAT Ghwed , 5Jc ;
ligh colors. GJc ; kid finish , Go ; high coi
rs , " 7c ; rolled , 7c ; hlch colors , So.
CORSET JEANS Rockport , go ;
Naumkeag Hattcen , 9c ; Androscoggin do. ,
' ; Lockwooddo. flo
TICKING Amoskeag- . C. A. . 17Jc ;
/onestuga , B. F. , J , fancy , 18c : Cones-
oga , 4-4r Gold Meual , IGc ; Conestoga , & , }
. 0. A. , 14c ; Conestoga , C. C. A. , fancy ,
4c ; Easton , B. , lOc ; Omega superior ex-
r , 28c ; Omega medal , 25c ; Omega A C
A , fancy stripe , 20c : Omega AA , 13@10i ,
Conestoga , R. C. , Red Stripe , lOJc ; She-
ucket , S. , llic ; Shetucket , E. E. ,
12Jc ; Shetucket , ' S. F. S. , 13Jc ; Pearl
River , lOJc ; Hamilton , D. , 11J ; Hamil
ton regular , 13 ; Hamilton H. , lljc ; Cor-
Us , B. B. , 9c ; Cordis A. C. E. , 18c ; Albany -
bany S. A. X. , IGJc.
OIL CLOTH-5-4 wood , S3 00 ; 5-4
ancy marble , S3 00 ; 5-4 white marble ,
53 25 ; C 4 wood , S4 00 ; 0-4 fancy marble ,
54 00 ; 0-4 white marble , S4 25 ; 5-4 mo-
aic , S3 00 ; 0-4 mosaic , 84 00.
DENINS Amoskeag blue and brown ,
.Go ; Beaver Creek , A. A. , blue and brown ,
.4 Jo ; Beaver Creek , B. and brown ,
_ 3Jc ; Beaver Creek , C. C. , blue and
m > wn , 12Jc ; Everett D. D. , blue and
irown , 10 ; Haymakers blue and brown ,
9cOtU ; , A. X. A. , blue , 14jc ; OtU B. B.
jlue , 13J ; Otin C. C , , blue , 12Jc ; Pearl
[ Uver blue and brown , 15tc.
DUCKS Fall River , lljc ; Hamden 0.
O. , lOJc : Boston checks. 13Jc ; Boston
stripes , 13jc ; Dundee stripes , 18c ; Bis-
narck stripe. 17ic ; Arlington stripe , 18- ; ;
Won Blue , 15Hc ; Boston XX , bro. , 12Jc ;
[ Joston XX drab , 12\c ; Boston XXX bro. ,
3ic ; Boston XXX drab , 13Jc ; Boston 0.
STRIPES Ixuislana , 3x3 blue and
„ own , 8lcljoulsananx3 ; ! blue and brown ,
8Jc ; Rock River , 0x3 blue and brown , 19c ;
Alabama , ( H.I blue and brown , 8Jc.
COTTONADES Lewiston , 10 oz. , 23c ;
. Y. A. , 23c ; Angora , D. & T. , 23c ;
New York mills proof , 22ic ; Bridgewatcr
'Oc ; Everett , heavy , 22Jc ; Wluttcnt n ,
icavy , 22Joi ell , ifoCliortcr k , 18c ;
checks 1 ! )
SHEETINGS Androscoggiii.O-lbrown
23o ; do 10-1 do , ' , ' < ) c ; PepiiereH'ii'.H brown ,
22\c ; do 10-4 do , 25c ; Andnwuggiu , 10
nch , bleached , 13c : do-1 ! ) , bleached , U < 5c ;
lo 10-4 , bleached , 2Uc ; Pepiierell , 9- ,
bleached , ! 23o ; do 10-J bleached , ' . ' 7ic.
Carbolic , 50o ; Acid , Tartaric , 550 : Balsam
- " - -
al , 13c ; Oil , Castor , Js < > . 1 , 1'crgal '
. _ J ; Oil , C-istor , No. 3. per gal , OOc ; Oil.
Olive , per gal , SI 50 ; Oil , Oriaaiiiun. IOC"
55c ; Opium , & 550 ; ( Juliilne , P. & W&lt. A
8.tMro4 $2 40 ; i'otasmum. Iodide , per lb
82 , 50 ; Salacin , per o35c : bulphate n
Morphine , per oz , 8375 ; Sulphur Hour
per lb , 5c ; Strvchnlne. ner ' . M 10@1 00
Horses and Mules
Tlie market id bri k and all grade * art.
Belling well at a blight advance in [ prices
The demand for rood hon-es exceed * th
supply considerably. Price * range an fol
lows ;
Fine single drivers , S150. to 300. ; Extra
draft , $175. to 225. ; Common dnif
horees , $100. to 150. ; Extra farm horses
8110. to 125. j Common to good farm homes
S'JO. to 8100. ; Extra plugs , 00. to 75.
Common plugs , $20. to 810.
MULES. 15 to 151 hand * ( extra ) , 8125
to 150. ; 14 i to 15 hands , 8100. to 140.
14 to 141 hands , 875. to 100. ; 13 } to 1
bauds , SCO. to 75.
Cigars and Tobaccos ,
CIGAHS. Seeds , $15.00 ; Connecticut
825.00 ; Mixed , $35.00 ; Seed Havana , 550.00
Clear Havana , $75.00.
24 U ) , 5Gc ; S | > otted Fawn , 57c ; Our Hope
58c ; Star , pounds , 24 lb , butts , 6Cc ; How
Shoe , ixjuiutd , 2i lb , butts , 5Uc ; Purity , 2
k butts , 62c ; Queen Bee , 21 lb , butts , 53c !
1:11 Edge , pounds , 2 lb , butt , 57) ) Army
vnd Navy , pounds , 51c ; Bullion , jxiunds ,
* > c : I/rillard's Climax , t > ound , 5"e.
FINE CUT-In paiU-Har
, , . o
Catllns O. S. , 2 02 packages , 5 lb boica ,
> er H > OOc ; lyoritlanl's Tiger , f-Oc.
SMOKING All grades Common , 2T to
We. Granulated Blackwclls Durham , 1C
z 4Cc ; Dukes Durham , 10 oz , 45c ; Seal of
S'orth Carolina , 1C 07 , 40 ; Seal of Nobras-
ca , 10 07 , 3Sc ; Jxme Jack , 4 07 , linen bags ,
> crlb , 81.33 ; Marlmrgs' Puck , 2 ( .7 . , tin
oil , fwc ; Dog Tail , G5c.
ressed , 23 00.
FRAMING-10 ft. and under , per M ,
4 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 23 00 ; ' „ ' . ! ft. 28 00 ;
4ft. 2800.
FINISHING No. 1. finMi 11 , H and
Inch , 833 00 No. 1 finish 1 Inch S-)0 00 ;
Co. 2. finish 11 , 1J and 2 Inch. S5000 : No.
finish , 1 inch , SI * 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 inch ,
4000 ; O. G. battens per 100 feet liii. ,
150 : well curbing , 833 00 ; rough J ami 2
nch hattons per 100 feet Hit. , 50c.
STOCK BOARDS A stock , 845 00 ; 5
840 00 ; C. 835 00 ; common stock , $27 50.
FLOORING No. 1 , 842 50 ; No. 2 ,
W 50 ; No , 3 , $27 50 ; yellow pine , No. 1 ,
45 00.
SIDING No. 1 , 827 50 ; No. 2 , $2500 ;
SHIP LAP Plain , $25 00 ; 0. G. No. 1 ,
W 50 ; No. 2 , 825 00.
CEILING 830 00$45 00.
IjATH AND SHINGLES-A starbcst ( )
hlngles , 84 50 , No. 2 , $3 50 ; No. 3 , 82 50.
, ath , $4 25.
Building Material.
LIME Per barrel , 81 35 ; bulk per bu. ,
c. Cement , bbl , 82 50. Iowa planter ,
bl , 82 50. Hair per bu. 35c. Tarred
clt 100 Ibs , 83 CO. Straw board , 84 00.
The Leather Trado.
Oak harness , 39@41c ; Pittsburgh sclec-
ed , 40@43c ; hemlock harness , 37@3'c ) ;
Icirtlng per lb , fair , 44c ; black collar 14@ )
Ic ; fair do ; 18@20c ; fair No. 2 , lG@18c ;
emlock solo , BulTalo slaughter , | > cr lb , 30
i)34c ) ; hemlock sole , B. A. daughter per
) , 23@32c ; oak sole , 40@43c ; oak upper
> cr fK > t , 25c ; hemlock upper , 25c ; do No.
" , 23c ; oak kip skins per lb , 80c@8l.10 ;
emlock kip skins per lb , 75c@31.00 ;
"rench kip , skins i > er lb , Sl.00@81. : ;
ak calf per lb , 81.20@81.25 ; hemlock calf
.cr lb , Sl.lOl S1.25 ? French calf per lb ,
1.23SS2.10c Simon Plcard goat per doz ,
i < 3G.OO@S48.00 ; bootleg Morocco per foot ,
0@35c ; calf kid per foot , 33c ; roans perez
oz , SD.00@S10.50 ; white and yellow liii-
ngu j > er doz , 88.00(5)810.00 ( ) ; pink linings
> er doz. S7.00@89.00 ; Russett linings , 87.-
0 ; blacksmiths' aprons per dozen , 812.00@
PAPER Straw paper , 3Jc ; Rag paper ,
c ; dry goods paper , 7c ; manilu paper ,
Oc ; news paper , 8c.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 812 ;
tbrris Run Blossburg , 812 ; Whitcbi-east
imp , SO ; Whitebrcast nut , SC ; Iftw-a
imji , SG ; Iowa nut SG ; Rock Springs , $8 ;
Lnthracite , all sizes , 811 50.
Hides , Furs , Etc.
HIDES Green butcher's hide , CJ ; green
urcd hides , 8Jc ; crccn salt , pait cuit-d
Ides , 8@8jc ; dry flint , sound , 13@14c ; dry
alf nnd kip , 12@13c ; dry salt hides , Kound ,
l@12c ; crecn calf , vvt. 8 to 15 Ibs. . 10@llc ;
reun calf , wt , under 8 Ibs , per skin , 50c ;
reen pelts , SI 00@115 ; green lamb nkins ,
1 10@1 23 ; damaged hides , two-third late ,
cut scored and one grub , classed two-
.irds rale , ) branded hides 10 per vent. oft ,
loon skins , No. 1 , 45cNo. ; 2 , SOc ; No. 3 ,
0j ; No. 4 , lOcl Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. 2 ,
JOc ; No. 3,15c ; No. 4 , 5c. Fox , No. I ,
> 0c ; No. 2,23c. Skunk , No. 1 , bl.ick ,
3c ; short stripe , 40c ; narrow stripe 23c ;
road stripe , lOc. Tallow , 5 } .
Merino unwashed , light14@lGc ; heavy ,
315c ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20c ;
ub-washcd , choice , 32c ; fair , 30c ; dingy
nd w.t 28c ; hurry , black and cotted wools
© Oc less
SHOT. Shot , 81.75 ; Buck shot , 82.00 ;
) riental Powder , kegs , SC.40 ; do. , half
gH , 83.48 : 0. , quarter kegs , 81.87 ; Blast-
ng , keirs , S3.35 : Fuse , i > er 100 feet 50c.
Heavy Hardware List.
Iron , rates , $3 OOj plow steel , cast , 7Jc ;
asf tool "do. 15s20 ( wagon spokew , tet.
25@3 00 ; hubsper [ set , 125 ; felloes , sawed
ry , 140 ; tongues , each , 75@85c ; axles ,
ach , 75c ; ' square nuts , per lb , 7@llc ;
vashers. per lb , 8@18c ; rivets , i > cr lb , lie ;
oil chain , per lb , C@12c ; malleable , SJc ;
ron wedges , Cc ; crowbars , Cc ; harrow
teeth , 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring
teel , 7@8c.
NAILS 10 to 20d , 3 IB ; 8 to 10 , 3 40 ;
) d , 3 05 ; 4d. 3 90 ; 3d , common , 4 C5 : 3d ,
fine , G 15 ! clinch , all sizes , 4 90 ; Od , casing ,
40 ; 8d casing , 4 15 ; lOd casing , 3 90 ; lOd
inlsh , 4 40 ; Sd finish , 4 G5 ; Cd finish , 4 90 ;
talf kegs , lOc extra.
Paints Oils and Varnishes.
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha
' . P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. & C. Co.pure ,
c ; Marseilles green , 1 to 5 lb cans , 'JOc ;
' 'rench zinc , green sealj 12c ; French zinc ,
ed seal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish asst ,
> 0c ; French zinco , in oil asst , 15c ; Haw
nd burnt umber , 1 lb cans 12c : raw and
jurnt Sienna , 13o : Vandyke brown , 13 : ;
dined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , 1'io ;
very black , ICc ; drop black , ICc ; Pnis lan
jlue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 16c ; chrome
Teen , L. 1. & 1) , , 14c ; blind and shutter
rcen , L. M. d. I ) . , 14c : Paris green , 18c ;
ndian red , 15c ; Venetian re < l , Oc ; Tuscan
eil , 22c ; American Vcnniliod , I.&P. , IBc ;
hrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D. O. , 18o ;
rellnw ochre , tic ; golden ochre , 10 ; patent
irycr , Cc ; graining colors : light oak , dark
ale , walnut , chestnut and ash 12o
Dry Paints
White lead , O'Jc ' ; French zinc. lOc ; Paris
vhjteing 2 < c ; whiting gilder * , Ijc ;
tliiting com 1 , lie ; lampblack Gennan-
town , 14c ; lainplilack , ordinary , 8c ; Pms-
Ian blue , f > 5c ; ultnimarine , loc ; valid } ke ,
irovvn , Hcj umber , bunit , 4c ; umber , raw ,
'c ; uienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c
'aris green genuine , 35c ; Paris green coin' !
J3c ; cliromu green , N. Y. ' 'JOv- ; chrome
fieen K. , l"c ; vennillion , Eng. , 70o ; ver-
nillion , America , 18c ; Indian red , lOc ;
ese pink , 114c ; venftian read , Cooksonn ,
! i'o ' : Venetian red Am , , l'c ( ; n-d lout , "ic ;
hiome yellow , genuine , 20e ; cliromu yel-
ow , K. , 12o ; ochre , rochelle , ! kj ) iH.Tiru ,
French , { e ; ixjhre , American , lie ;
Winter's mineral. 2ic ; leliigh brown , 24o ;
jianish bnran , 2lo ; Prince'H mineral 3c ;
VAKNISHES Bairols jwr gallon.
Furniture , cxta , 81 00 ; funiiturp , No. 1 ,
Kcfumtuie ) ; ! , U , 75c ; co.ich , uxtia , 81 Mo ;
L'oach , No. 1 , SI 00 ; Daniar , 81 25 ; Japan.
TOc ; asphaltum , 70c ; shellac , $350 ; him
nil fuiihh , 81 30.
O1LS-110'carbon jcrallon ( , lljo ; 1W
headlight , per gallon , 12Jo ; 175' headlight
iicrgallon , ICc ; cryatollne , ] ier gallon , 'JOa
llncfied , law , per gallon , 50c ; Linseed , boil
cd , per gallon , fi3o ; laiil. winter htr'd , per
gallon , 880 No. 1 , 07c , No , 2 , 57c ; castor
XXX , per gallon , IHc , No. 3 , 87c ; hweet
pur gallon , hoc ; Hperm , W. B. , per gallon
8 * 35 ; filsh.W.B. , per gallon , COc ; npatsfoot ,
extra , per gallon , 75c , No. 1,155 ; lumberi
c.tting , zero , per gallon , SOc , Munmcr , 15c
golden nmUilne , Nn. 1 , i > er gallon , Via , No
2 , 28c ; spenn , Hignal , per gallon , bOc ; tur
pcntine , per gallon , 55c ; naptlu , 71 il '
l-er gallon 1BJ , C3 detr , 17c.
L quor.
ALCOHOIj 187 prH ) , ? 2 1C pe
wine gallon , extra California npirits
187 proof nt 1 18 per proof gallon
triple refined spirits , 187 Proof , 81 1C ; pe
proof gal ru-dldtilled whUkle * , 8luO@l 50
line blended. $1 502 50 ; Kentucky bnur
boim , 8 00@7 00 ; Kentucky and Pennsyl
yania rv es , 82 OOC47 00.
BKANlIES-Iiiiixrtfd , ? 0 00@1000
domestic 1 40@4 00.
GINS-ItniK > rted , 4 tO000 ; domestic
1 403 ( 00.
HUMS Imiiorted , 4 MG OOj Nev
England. 2 004 00 ; domwtic , 1 50(33 ( 50
1 75@4 00. j
CHAMPAGNES Imputed per case
2G 00@34 00 ; American , ] x.r case , 1'J 00u
1800 ,
CLAHETS-Per case , 450@10 | 00.
WINES-lUiinewine. i Vcahe , 0 08 ® ! *
OC Cataviba , | ) crcase 40700.
Council Bloffo General Market-
Cou.vcit. Itturrn , Augmt 2.
Wheat-No. 2 , $1.00 ; No. 3 , SO ; rejected
7 *
Com No. 2. 33. rejected 31 , tUmAgoil.
" >
Hay Fair market , with price * nt $7
Oats Market quiet ; No. 2 , .Me , reject-
Kyo No. 2 , Clc.
Butter 125c.
Kra 15c.
Cattle Beef , 83 50 ® J 60.
Shcep-$3 50ffi4 ( 60.
Hogs Light demand , ijricei 84 7 < V < i 1 00.
Potatoes New , 81 00 per bu. ; old. "Oo
cr huihcl.
Onions 8200.
Wood Market quiet , with good
00 for soft ; C 50 for hard.
Poultry 20c.
Crouton Marlcot-
CIIKSTON , la. ,
Butler 9o.
Eggs 9c tor candled.
Grand Junction Market.
GiiAxn JUNCTION' . la. , Aug\i t 2 ,
Eggs 8c.
Butter 8c.
CiitCAao. Auguit 2.
On 'Change the grain markets uere
nncr , particularly corn , owing to the dry
voathcr. The receipts of grain were llCiOO ,
nishels by canal and 1,031 car-loads by
all , embracing 100 of wheat , 870 of corn ,
M of oats , 13 of rye and 4 of barley.
Flour Ruled firm and quiet ; inquiry
as a trifle better ; common to good
rn spring , 4 00@5 25 ; do Minnesota , 4 75
Q5 75 ; patents , tl 000 50.
_ Wheat Quiet during most of the tea.
ion nnd prices steady , but few outside or-
ere were received , and local oi > cr.itoM
urntd their attention to othcrgrnln In \ \ liicli
hero was moro excitement ; prices \\cro
ubject to fluctuations of about fi@3cnnd
losed about Jo lower ; No. 2 spring , chncd
20J for August ; 1 14J for September ;
14 a for October ; 112J for the year ; No. 3
[ irimf in better request and firmer at
01(0)103 ( ) , according to location ; rejected ,
Com Under Inllticiloo of reports of con-
'nucd ' dry weather In tlio principal com rni * .
ng district * and a small quantity reported
n store , shorto wern anxloui to provide for
utstnndlng contracts , nnd during the early
art of the sc&sion a decidedly stronger
eellng was manifested and a material np-
rcciation In prices was gained. When
utsido figures were reached , however , tlie
Iferinga were increased somewhat , crcat-
ng the impression that'heavy operators
vero Belling out , and prices Bottled back
gain. The market opened from if@.l.e }
tghcr , and advanced If"for ) August ami
early 2 for September , and 2J@2i for Oc
tober , and finally closed within about Ic of
utudo figures reached. No. - and high
lixed , 60c for August ; 50Jc for Septem
ber ; 51je for October ; 51c for November ;
9Jo for the year ; rejected , 4Gc.
Oats Firmer nnd higher for futures ;
ash in fair request and firmer , with few
ellcrs. No. 2 new , 32 for August ; 31J
or September nnd "October ; 30JJ for the
ear ; No. 2 old , 31@35 ; rejected , 31@31J.
Kye Firmer and higher , in nyinnathy
with other grains ; No. 2 , 82 for August ;
23 for September ; 84 J for October.
Barley Firm ; quotations not materially
hanged ; No. 2 , 92 for September nnd Oc-
Pork lu moderato demand , steadier
nd 10@lfic higher , mess closed nt 1815ii (
8 20 for cash and September ; 18 07J for
) ctober ; 15 774@15 80 for the year ; 1C 75
@ 1C 77J for January.
Lard Easy ; outside figures reached dur-
ng the day wcro not maintained to the
lose , but a fair buainesa was transacted ;
1 50@11 CO for cash , August and Septem-
ierll57) ) ( for October ; 10 874 f ° r the
Bulk Meats Steady and active ; short
ibs , 9 20 for August ; 9 32J for September.
"Whisky-Steady ofl'10. '
Keceipts Flour , 18,045 bbls ; wheat ,
45&r)5 ) bu ; com , 424,389 bu ; ontn. 97-
13 1m ; rye10,880 bu ; barley. 2,325 bu.
ShipmentH Flour , 13,013 bbU ; wheat ,
tl,85C tbu ; corn , 333.57C bu ; oats 53- ,
iOl bu. ; rye , 7,059 bii | barley , 1,434 bu.
The stock of grain in Chicago elevators
amount to 8G20,433 bushels. Since Janu
ary 1st the receipts nt Chicago incluile :
2,858,529 barrels of flour , 7C09,851 < buiiIiels
if wheat. 35,827,743 bushels of com , 1C-
I20.4C8 bushels oats , 381,938 Imsheli of
ye , and 2,493,198 bushels of barley.
Chicago Xilve Stock.
CHICAGO , August 2. *
ifogs Receipts 17,000 head : shipments
,700 head ; values weaker on all coarse nnd
3oa < mon to fair grass hogs ; sales : mixed
packing , G 00@6 55 ; light hogs , 0 23@li 70 ;
ihoico heavy , 0 55(5,7 ( 05 ; quality of olTer-
ngs poor ; pigs and skins. 5 00@G 00.
Cattle Receipts 5,000 head ; nhii > -
nonts , 1,000 head ; good cattle very scarce
md in better request ; fair to good corn-fed
iteern , 5 50@G 00 ; no prime stock ; com-
non to fair grass natives , 4 50@5 25 ; na
ive butcher stock , 2 25@4 00 , bulk at 2 90
5)350 ) ; liberal offerings of range cattle ;
market quiet , but not quotably different ,
md fleshy canning Texaim in strong re-
mcst ; prices for Texans : 2 90@385 ; natives
md half-breeds , 4 15 ® } 80 ; lii'ht trade in
itockers at 2 50@4 00.
Sheep Receipts , 400 head ; shipments ,
lone ; market slow and weak ; prices not
( notably changed ; quality of stock geuer-
xlly poor , there being no good sheep cmuing
n ; sales were made at 3 50@4 50 for torn-
non to good M ) to 100 Ibs sheep.
St. Iioais Prodnoo-
ST. LOITIH , August 2.
Flour Quiet and unchanged.
Wheat-AJlosed weak ; No. 2 rod 1 lli ; @
ujl 20 for ca h ; 1 20 for August ; 1 21 ( | for
Septemberj 1 23. } for October ; 1 25J for
November ; 1 19J for the year.
Coin Higher ; 50J@50for / cash ; M)2 )
ril for August ; 51p@31i for Septembui ;
Ml for October ; 474 for the year.
OaU Strong ; 30 for c.inh ; 32Ci32/ / fur
August ; 32 } forKcptcmhui ; JI2J fur ( Jtto-
) er314 for the year.
Rye Lower lit W ) .
Lead Steady at 4 75 ,
Butter Quiet ; dairy , 1J2L' .
I'.K''t - ( > uiet at 8 © 10 ,
Whisky Steady at 1 09 ,
Pork Finn at is 30 ,
Laixl Nominally at 11 60.
Receipt * -Flour , 14,000 bblx ; , .riI , .
000 bu. ; corn , : ilCOOIm. ; oats , 12,000 bu. :
rye , 3,000 bu. ; barley , none.
Shipments Flour , 7.000 bbls ; vUieat
27,000 1mj corn , SO.OOO bu. ; * , 1,000
bu , ; rye , mine ; b.irlev , none.
St- Louis Llvo Stock
ST. J.OIIIH , Augiint.
Hogsi Scarcn mill ( inner ; YorKerc , U 10
( < ? l ) 50 ; packing , Ii 23n ( 0 ( X ) ; choli-u to fancy
heavy. Ii Gri&/li ! ' 0 ; rt-ceiptH , 2,200 head )
, 3,300 hciul ,
Gluciimatt Produce.
OINCINNAT/ , Augus-t' ' .
Pork -Mess , uteady atlH 00o ( lH l"i. !
Lard Steady ; current make , nt 11 15
Bulk Meats Steady ; clear bldex , 10 10
Bacon Steady ; clfirwIdesI075 ( < ' 110Wi
Flour Finn ; family , 5 700 ( 00.
Wheat Dull ; No. 5 red , 1 19.
C'orn Stronger ; No. 2 , mixed , fi'J
Oats -Quiet ; No. ' . ' , mixed , IWJ.
] tye- lull ; No. 2,85.
Barley Nominal.
Whisky Firm at 1 08.
Cleveland Marlfet *
Qi.EVKi.ANi ) , AujUKt2 ,
Petroleum Unchanged ; atawlard white
110 ; t kt 7c.
Zjivorpool Produce.
LiVEitrooi , August' ' .
Flour American , 9n Cd@lln M.
Wheat Winter , 9 * fid@9 * 10.1 ;
Os4da ( J4 8d ; i > rint' , U @U * 5d ; club ,
10s Id.
Coni-4 lljd.
Pork 74s.
LanI-584 M. j
Philadelphia Prodnoo.
1'im.APiariiiA , August 2.
Wheat Easier at 1 25 for cash ; I 21 j@
1 25 for Atigust ; 1 2C11 203 for Septem-
Com Easier at 67J for casli ; 674@679
for August ; BSj for Septcmlwr.
Oats Easier at 42 for cash ; 38j@3J for
Sej > temlKT.
Rye Quiet at 80 for new cash.
Buffalo Iiivo Stock.
F.AST BucrAto. Augtisl Z.
Hogs Dull ; receipts , 20 ; shipments , 16 ;
gra sers * old at G 00G 2. " > ; corn.fed York-
rrs , G C s 0 76 ; p > od medium weights , C 90
© 7 7. " > .
BAI.TI.MOIIK , August 2.
Flour Finn.
Wheat Southern quiet : Fullr , 1 23 < m
1 25s Long Berry , 1 21(8)1 ( ) 27 ; No. 2 rod
winter , steady at 1 25Ji 2SJ for cash and
August } 1 2741 273 September.
Com Yellow , firm at 68 ; mixed vvcst
ern , pilet ; 58 fur cash ; 68 59 for August ,
Peoria Prodnoo.
PKOUIA , August 2.
High Wines Steady at 1 09.
Toledo Prodnoo , August 2.
Wheat-Quiet ; No. 2 ml. caMi , 124 ;
August , 1 21Jj Octol > cril 214 ! November ,
1 2.ij ; amlwr Michigan , 1 21.
Corn Dull ; No. 2 , for the year , 49J.
Oats-Quiet ; No. 2 , 31.
By a Burly Nocro to North
Omaha Last N'ght. '
Last evening hotwoon 8 nnd 0
o'clock , vvhilo the wife of nil Eigh
teenth street brovvor vvaa on lior way
homo , she was nccostod on Iznrd
street near Soventconth hj * n burly
negro. The liuly had boon shopping
and carried ft few parcels nnd lior
purse in her hand. Tlio negro roughly
seized her right shoulder aa ho nn-
proachcd from the rear nnd inado
signs as if intondinirtodnhur violence.
Her scroauia brought the residents in
the vicinity into the strout ,
one of whom nttcmplud to
catch the black villain , but un
successfully. No harm was done the
lady , except that she was so badly
frightened that she had to bo assisted
homo. A party who saw the negro
says his face is familiar to him , nnd
that ho is usually soon prowling around
among the dons of the Third ward.
All arts confident ho docs neb live in
North Omaha. It would scorn from
this that too much precaution could
not bo taken by ladies in providing
against such villainous attacks.
Park Line Assured.
The street car line to Ilnnscom
park is now assured. The contract
between Mr. Hanscom nnd Mr.
Marsh was signed last evening. The
road is to bo completed by Ducombor
1 and cars am to bo running on it by
next May. The bonus required by
Capt. Marsh was § 3500. Mr. Han
scom lirat subscribed $1500 aud it is
understood ho inado considerable ad
dition to his subscription in order to
make up the nocossnry amount. The
line , beginning at the corner of Fif
teenth and Farnham streets , will run
over Fifteenth to Howard , out How-
to St. Mary's avenue and iilony that
thoroughfare to Park avenue and by
the usual route to the park. Mr.
Hanscom lias labored hard for this re
sult and his success is deserved.
Mr. Dey Tells Everything1
About It.
From the monthly report of L. M.
Doy , who is 111 chnrgo of the signal
service oflica nt this point , it is learned
that the niomi tompuraturo for July
1ms boon 78.8 degrees. Tlio highest
mean temperature wns reached on the
20th of the month whou 8 ! ) was indi
catcd. The highest tempornturo
shown by the thermometer was
101 clogrccs on the 20th and
the lowest was 58 degrees on the 20th.
The prevailing direction of the wind
has been Houth , and HH grentent velocity
was twcnty-aix miles nn hour. There
worowwon clear days , tivo cloudy
days and ton days upon which rain
fell. The comparative temperature *
were aH follows : In 1873 the moiin
temperature for July was 7 degrees
in 1874 it was 80 degrees , in 187& it
wa 7-t.-l dogrossj in 187 < it was 7i .l
do-frees ; in 1877 it was 7 < i degrees ; ii
1878 jt was 7IM degrees ; in 1870 it
was 78.7 degrees and in 1880 it was
77.7 degrees. As bo faro stated the
mean temperature for July of the
present was 78 degrees.
A Cuiuico of Base.
Chin Ling nnd Chin Sing , ttvoMon
golian gentlemen in the laundry line
have about como to the conclusion
that Chinese "washoo-washoo" isn' '
popular in Omaha , For some tim
past they have been dieting them
solves. Originally they could nffon
rico and a few native side dishes , bu
latterly they have been compollei
to pull through on corn husks with u
little rat flavor occasionally whim
business was better than usual. Com
petition was the cause of their down
fall. As Mr , Ling very aptly expressed -
pressed it : "file no tackle Moltcuu
man ; him too muchco damn cheap. n
Their destination is Dayton , Ohio.
Tlioy had an interview with
Moore this afternoon , and will take
tha Wabash train to-day.
Rats , mice , ants , flies vermin , mo-
unuitoos , insects , etc. , cleared out 10by
"llvugh on Hata. " 15o boxes at
druggists. ( & )
UNION PACIFIC MOTEL , MARKED * . SWODE , Council D lu fit , Iowa.
NATIONAL HOTEL , J.HARVEY , Qlenwood , Iowa ,
LEWIS HOUSE , JOHN 8. LEWIS , Dow City , Iowa ,
JUDKIN8 HOUSE , JUDKIN8 & DRO. , Red Oak , la.
PARK HOTEL , W.J. QARVIN , Corning ; , la.
DURKE'S HOTEL , E R DURKE , Carroll , la.
HEAD HOUSE , JOS SHAW 4. CO. , JefTcrion , la.
NEOLA HOTEL , F. 8IEVERTZ Neoln , la ,
CENTRAL HOUSE , 8. P. ANDERSON , Malvern , la.
EMERSON HOUSE , A. L. SHELDON , Emmerton , la.
MARSH HOUSE , W. W. DROWNING , Orownvlle , Neb.
[ B. it. M. 11. , 11. [ REPUBLICAN VALLEY. ] ;
-AJC A Tr .AJBCO3El , 3KTX133. ,
WM. M. MILLEll Uillinrd Hull.
F. M. RUHLEE , Hardware , Stoves and Furniture.
H. P. ROWLEY Druggist.
GEO. E. CHUM Groceries , Flour and Feed.
11. J. FINCH Groceries , Flour and Food ,
J. A. DUDGEON Real Estate and Law Olllco.
C. F. BENNETT Bennett llouso and Hardware Store.
L. OLUTE. . . . . . .Ampahoo House , General Mdii'o Store & Livery *
CHARLES BROWN Justice of the Peace and Collection Agent
WM. ELLIOTT , Tinner.
J.N.BAXTER Blacksmith.
A. L. BROWN Livery.
H. A. GRAY , Station Agent B. & M.
FRED. E. BOEUNER Arapahoe Pioneer.
D. P. CLARK , Millinery & Sowing Machines.
J. J. MORGAN. . . Physician and Sunroon.
DR. JAMES H. CAIN Physician.
0. W. WOODWARD , Postmaster and Confectioner.
IE1. O.
1213 Farnham St , , Omaha , Neb.
* * * *
The ( Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska.
J > 18-ro * ,
HelImuth , Ladies' College.
Patroneu , H. R. H. PRINCESS LOUISE. Founder and President , The Right Rev. I. HEUL-
MUTH , D. D. , D. O. L. , LORD BISHOP OF HURON. . Foil Term opens
| Wednesday , September Slit.
HrmJ om n J spacious ImlMlnpi , t cautltiilly nltuatcd In a mail healthy * locality , about ( our 'liourn
l > y r ll from Niagara Koll , and on onu of tha principal throUKh routun l > et vun the East and Went.
Tha OHOUND3 comprise 140 acrm. Ttie aim ot tlio foumlcr of thl college I ) to jirenIde thoUl hert
Intellectual and praalcally useful education. Tlie hole ivckm l based upon the launOciit PRO
TESTANT principle * , M the only follJ liasla for the right formation of charactor. FRENCH Is tha
laiiKuaira i > oken In the collcco. MU8IO a Hpcclalty.
Hoard , Laundry nnd Tuition KCCH , Including tlm whole cotiraoot Eiillih. | the Andeiit wm Mod
ern I tneuaKeif.C'alllithoiilLH , Im Inland I'alntlnv.u o 1'UnaondLibrary1 McillcalatUnilajico.antl
llcdclnu , 30O iwr uiiimni. A rukmtlon of one-half for thu dauvhtcn of CleriJ men. For "clru-
lars" and lull parlluilaraaddrciwMlHSCMNTON , Lady Principal , Hcllmutli Iiajics1 Oollrjfo , Ix > MDoirt
ONTARIO , OAIAHA. niooitlmr2m
Commissson Merchants ,
1121 Parnham St. , Omaha , Nob.
Conalninent ! made us will reecho prompt attention. References Flint Nat. D jk and Omaha firs
Gold aMSUverfatcks and Jewelry Me City
Come and tee our itock , M w o * 111 bo pluMeii to ihonr gooJ .