Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1881, Page 4, Image 5

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: r >
% The Omaha Be <
* < !
ihed every morning , except Snnd
only Monday morning daily.
ar $10.00 I Three Months. $ . '
Months. . , 5.001 One " . . I
\VcdncJe1ny. .
One Year. $2.00 I ThiccMontlw. .
Six Months. . . . 1.00 One " . .
cations relating to Ncn nnd Killtori.-xl tn
ten should be addressed to tlio KiilTon
Letters find Kemtttanccs ohould bo i
drodsetltoTiiE OMAHA rcnusmso C (
PANT , OMAHA. Drftfto , Checks and IV
office Ordera to bo tniule payable to '
order of the Comjiany.
E. ROSEWATER , Editor.
John II. Pierce U In Choree of the Clr
atlon of 111K DAILY EKE.
NORTHERN Nebraska declines ni
longer to bo known na the "unknoi
country. "
THE funding of the national dc
under Garfiold's ndininintrntiou BAthe \
the country $15,000,000 a year.
WITH street sprinkling ami Here
coaches in our city , Omaha's rivt
may well grow green with onvy.
VERMONTERH are discussing the pi
priety of prohibiting prohibiUc
Neal Dow is yet to bo heard from.
THE Irish land bill is now bofo
the House of Lords. It is boliovi
that Friday will witness its passaj
by that body.
EACH atop of President Garfiol
toward recovery lengthens Ouitonu
chances for long lifo find shorten h
term in the penitentiary.
THE next Kentucky legislature wi
cheese a United States senator to aue
coed Mr. Beck. The - general in :
prossion is thatMr. Bock will bo hewn
own successor.
DH. HAMMOND can never forgiv
the president's medical advisors fc
not calling him in as consulting ply
sician. That is tlio milk in tlio Han
inond cocoanut.
JULY'S custom and internal rovonu
receipts aggregated the enormous sui ;
of nearly § 32,000,000. A republics
administration agrees with tlio treaa
ury department.
THE com crop of our state this yea
will bo flufliciont to fatten every heai
of catOo grazing on pur "mut'ori
ranges and to leave in addition i
largo surplus for export.
THE Widow Von Cott is makiiif
the most of the notoriety given her ai
the once intended bride of Quitoau ,
She now demands $10 a day for hoi
services at a camp mooting.
THE contract has boon lot for the
Grand Central hotel. With her twc
metropolitan hotels Omaha will take
another stride forward in her careoi
of development and prosperity.
WHEN the now street railway is ir
operation to Hansoom park , thoquos
tion "Aro you going to the park thin
evening ? " will bo answered in the af
firmative by hundreds of our people.
TUB farmers of Nebraska are busj
in their harvest fields , but they are
not too busy to keep up n very hard
thinking over the eiualifications ol
candidates in the coming elections.
AWKU the Jeannette is discovered
the government will send out an exploring -
ploring expedition in search of John
A. Logan. Logan hasn't boon hoard
from since Conkling and Plntt wont
TUB season for cattle shipments has
begun , andour otockmon are discover-
jng that notwithstanding the hard
winter there will bo a neat little sur
plus of receipts over losses nnd oxpon-
/ * TUB Jttjntllican raves over TUB
I BBB' "club. " THE llEK'a club consists -
sists of 10,000 subscribers scattered
through ev ry town and village in Ne
braska and circulating in every slate
and territory of the Union ,
TUB loss to our city by rcsason of an
insufficient supply of building material
this Berson can bo reckoned up in the
inability of owners to erect at least a
score of buildings. Two now and
largo brick yards could find ample
employment next spring and summer.
' THE chairman of tlio republican
state central committee is rusticating
, in Wisconsin. Until ho returns and
i finds leisure to issue a call for a meet
ing of the committee Nebraska repub-
licons must wait in patience for the
determination of the time and loca
tion of the next republican state con
Our county commissioners lir
scon fit to reject nil the bids for i
novr court house and tlioy liavo i
dorcd the nrchito-H , Mr. Mycrw ,
prepare modified plans by subslituli
a second-class firo-proof for the fir
class firo-proof building AS oritrina
dcMgncd. Two reasons are assign
by the commissioners for this coun
Ono is the fact that the cost of t
building nn originally designed w
exceed the limit they had put up
the Bamo twelve months nj
the other reason is that some of t
bidders did not fully comply with t
requirements of tlio proposals.
Now everybody knows that the n
vnnco in the cost of labor and mal
rials since last year is from ten
twenty per cent. A court house tli
could have boon built last year f
$150,000 cannot now bo built f
much less than $180,000. , Wo are i
liably informed that responsible pi
ties are ready to contract for t
building under Mr. Myers' first-clt
fire proof plans for $175,000.
The people of Omaha nnd Dougln
county want a first-class fire pro
building and they will have nothii
else. They voted $125,000 in bon
with the distinct understanding th
a fire proof building was an absolu
necessity , and they oxpcct the coi
misslonors to make good their proi
iso , oven if the building should cc
$25,000 or $50,000 above tlio origin
estimate. No reasonable man e
pects the commissioners bo able
build on last year's estimate nt tl
year's advanced price of labor at
This talk about the irregularity <
certain bids strikes us as n Micro pr
text gotten up for the benefit <
parties who want to take ndvnntaj
) i the successful bidder. The goi
> rnl impression among business me
s that the needless delays by tampo
ng with well arranged plans nnd n
.dvortising for bids are inoxcusabli
? here is a good deal of skulduggor
nd scheming going on , nnd indiroc
iicssuro is being brought on the com
lissionors by interested parties , wh
rant to foist a second rate building o
ho county , which will enable cor
ractors to pocket money nt the c >
icnso of the taxpayers.
It is nn open secret nmoug contrae
ors and builders that the origins
lyors plan is accompanied by auc !
ran clad specifications that there is n
ossiblo chunco for n job. This i
rhy the irregular bidders wnnt modi
cd plans for n court hous
liat will afford the county little bet
sr protection than the old one
'rdinarily ' wo are glad to earn part o
10 tnxos assessed against THK BEI
y public advertising but wo shouli
refer to forego the extra patronagi
E a ro-advortisomont for bids if tin
smmissionors will proceed with tin
uilding without further needless doAN
The possibility of n long convalos.
moo in the case of the president and
s consequent inability to perform
.0 duties of his oflico raises the
lostioii whether , under such circuit
uncos of temporary disability , the
ce-prosidont would bo authorized toke
ko upon himsnlf the functions ole
o chief executive. The constitu-
311 provides certain duties whicli
n only bo performed by the
osidont ami cannot bo dole-
xtod te > any other ollicor.
lie constitution proscribes that the
csidont shall nominate , nnd with the
niBont of the simato make appoint-
onts. No one , therefore , ox-
pting the president can prose -
> so nominations to the uonato , mid
) ono but the president
n make appointments confirmed bye
o senate. As commandor-in-chiof
the nrmy and navy the president is
0 only oflicor authorized to
11 out the naval or military forces
r the suppression of insurrection
the repelling of invasion If any
rious riots should break out in any
jlioa of the country which the gov
lors of the states found themselves
able to eiuoll , the president iilono
8 authority to call out nnd use mill-
y force. Tlio gtmoral of the army
il the secretary of war may use the
fiilarnrmy for police eluty in the
rilorios , but" they have no right to
id thcso troops into nny of llio
itcs. Again the constitution coui-
inds the president to communicate
congress , the stuto' eif the
untry and make such rocommundn *
iiis as ho may doom proper for their
jislativo action. Congress may pass
vs , but no luw can go iii o ellbct un
it has boon approved by the presi-
nts That function makes the presi-
nt n part of the law-making power"
fho povornmont. nnd in the oxer-
o of that function the president's
; is not merely clerical as in the
ning of n commission , but ho is
und to employ nil the men-
faculties . that are requisite in
.sing judgment upon every import-
. ' moasuro. In CAHO of the presi-
it's disability to consider or approve
1 appropriation bills passed by Con *
as , the wliolo machinery of our gov-
niient would soon bo at n standstill ,
juld the illness oi the president bo
'tracted ' through months of weary
ivalosconco this question would
20 itself upon the attention of the
government for speedy detormii
The constitution declares that
case of the romovnl of the preside
from office , or of his death or rcsigi
tion , the vice president succeed *
his place and becomes president. . '
case of removal or rcsignnti
has ever occurred , but t
death of thrco presidents 1
resulted in the succession of
equal number of vice-presidents
the presidency. The language of t
constitution that in case of the prc
dent's ' "inability to discharge t
powers and duties of the said oflii
the same shall devolve on the vie
president , " fails to cover the ca ;
There is nothing in the whole instr
mcnt nor in the proceedings of co
gross by which it is possible to dote
mine whether the "disability" co
tomplatcd is a temporary or portr
ncnt one or both. The question at
must obtrude itself , whether in ca
of a protracted , though not ncccssa :
ly permanent disability of the pro
dent , the duties of the chief cxocuti
shall devolve upon the vice-preside
for the time being and be laid asi
when the president is able to resur
bis official duties. It is a singul
Pact , which has but recently be
brought to notice , thnt the constit
Lion has not sufficiently given to co
[ jrcss any power to make provision f
the disability of the president to di
: hargo the powers and duties of 1 ;
jlllco , when there is a vie
president upon whom they may d
folvo. It distinctly declares that co
jress shall provide by law for the ca
if removal , resignation , death or 5
ibility of both president and vie
ircaidont. No provision is made f <
ho vice-president acting tcmporari
is president or donning the procodui
y which the inability of n prcsidei
s declared removed and his functioi
TO resumed. Probably on account i
ho failure ot the constitution to 1
xplicit upon this point , congre
as neglected to make provisic
ar such an emergency , nr
t haa * never yet been decide
rhothor it lias authority to take sue
ction or not. Justice Story , in con
wonting on this clause of the constiti
ion , merely says : "No provision IK
ot boon made for the caao of the ii
bility of the president or vice pros
cut to perform the duties of hi
flico , nor has any niodo of proof' boo
rcscribod to ascertain the fact of ii
bility or what shall bo deemed ir
bility. "
Tow whether President Garfield shal
illy recover and bo able to discharg
10 active duties of his office bofor
> ngross moots or not , it will bo th
nporativo duty of congress 'to pass
, w defining ! disability of president-
Describing the manner in which th
dstohco of'suoh disability shall b
icortaincd , , and how the romovn
: such shall reinstate the prcsidon
'full authority. Unfortunately ii
flo General Garfield should bo un
> lo to consider and approve such t
w when passed by congress nnotho
lemma will present itself , and tha
how any law on that subject shal
i passed before President Garfiole
well enough to approve such a bill
IN taking possession of the Nov
jrk custom house , Collector Robert
n paid a well deserved compliment
his predecessor , General Morritt
r the efficiency and economy of hit
ministration. During the year end
g Juno aoth the revenues of the
rt reached the enormous total ol
40,000,000. Notwithstanding the
mbor of clerks necessarily employed
the handling of this immense sum
o cost for the collection of every
00 deposited in the treasury hat
ly boon $1.85. This is a record
lich challenges comparison.
TUB aldermen of Boston spent
arly § 30,000 , last year for refresh-
Mils , most of it for committees'
uohes and wino. Those oxpondi-
res wore covered up in the nud-
ir's report ns much as possible , but
vo boon dug out by those infernal
wrtors. Boston alelormon consider
3 average reporter a worse sped-
m of nil infernal macoino than
Donovan llossa's cso of dynamite.
the XLVIIth congress moots
ict December there will bo thirty-
-on republicans , thirty-eight demo-
its { including David Davia of Illi-
is ) nnd one readjuster-democrat
DiieiMl Mahono ) in the senate ,
ere wore elected to the house 148
niblicaiiB , 135 democrats , 8 | reun-
ck men and ii readjuator dompcnvts.
Hy all means lot us have those
srdiea. They will give our people
sap fares through atroota that are
t within reach of the street rail-
id , and they will also compel the
oot railroad to give their patrons
ter accommodations.
) MAHA and Council Dlutls should
rk shoulder to shoulder for a free
3011 bridge. Douglass andPottawat-
lie counties will contribute their
iTo toward such an important en-
L'HE addition to the Union Pacific
> ps means an increase in mechanics
Dmaha , and a consequent increase
he amount of money placed in cir-
ution in our city. Cheap transpor
tation by street railroads to the BI
urbs of the city , which are now In
cessiblo to our workwomen , will
suit in the filling up of portions
our city at present unoccupied w
houses and homes of families.
Oeneral Weaver is said to estimate
greenback vote of Iowa this year at (
Uen Butler will not run for governor
Massachusetts tlil * year , owing to circu
ittnnccs beyond his control.
The democrats in Ohio tlon't speak
Oov. Foster tlilnycarjH "Calico Cli
ley. " That name helped to elect him t
years ngo.
David Davis , of Illinois , announces
purpose to retire from puMic life at I
end of his aenatorlftl term. He will live
Hlooinlnfcdale ami attend to private bi
Prince Blsmarclc once said to A frlei
"In politics I net at I do nut snipe she
Ing. I put tny foot on one stone and
not take it off till I eo tny way to ano
er. When 1 have found that , I firmly si
nnto the new stone and leave the old c
behind , and so on until I am out of t
marsh. , *
Ex-Senator Conkling has ono ofilc
privilege left lie may send and rcce :
public documents free of postage until 1
ccmber 1st. Assistant Attorney Gen ?
Freeman has decided that n senator
lias resigned is entitled , under the act
March 3 , 1870 , to the name privilege
anc whoso term hai expired ,
Gov. Smith's reign lias been an cxciti
one , and his name will be found on I
l > agcs of history as the great Badger v
governor. The sharp and decisive ca
l > aign against the Chippewa Indians , <
: all to arms againat the Eau Claire si
iccrs , and the sagacious cavalry ri
through the Eau Gnlle fastnesses all gj
military urcstage to the governor and I
The grccnbackcrs are nlanning to he
in extensive jubilee at Muscatine , low
it an early date , lasting four days. T
ntention is to commence on some Salt
lay yet to bo appointed. Hon. Jei
Harper will orate on the first day ; t
Itevs. Do La Matyr and P. P. Ingnlls w
ireach funeral sermons on Sunday a
ither lights will hold forth on the remal
ng twodays.
There will bo a lot of nicturesmie mal
ial for a new party on the outnldu of po
ics presently. There are Butler , Forne
jicklcn , Mnllett andCpnkling already 01
md David Davis threatens to join thei
L'hcn there are Gorham nnd Tuthill , w' ,
vonld go if there was nnythingto be ma
> y it. It would be a great pleasure to i
heso persons if they could be in a party
mall that nil of them would bo visible
he public eye all the time , and it would
t great pleasure to both the old parties
: novv they were there. [ New York T ;
Syracuse Journal ( Hep. ) : Tin rcpub
an party of this state is not divided ; tl
eartlmrninus caused by the severe contc
t Albany are rapidly disappearing ; tl
esulta of that contest are accepted i wl
nd proper ones and such is the goou di
ipline nxd the innate spirits of the repul
icans of this state that , in order that di
ster shall not come from that cause , tin
rill put forth extraordinary efforts i
vercoino nny _ drawbacku that might tci
i that direction. The shaping of the sta
icket can as yet beonlyamatterof conic
ire. The present state officers are mule
tooel to be candidates for renominatioi
iccept that Controller Wadsworth seeks
: congress instead of another term i
sntrojler. There arc good nrgumcn
oth in favor of renominating the ol
ckct and of a newdistribution of the cai
idates. It is , perhaps , too early to d
jnnino just whut is best and politic. Tl
nly question of serious importance is as <
hat ticket will command the heartie
iplKJrt and have the best chance of su
Another good democrat has gone wror
i Stark county , Ohio. The county trca
rcr , Timothy Sullivan ( democrat ) , is sal
) be a dcfaultertin , the sum of $13,70
tillivnn asserts his innocence as usun
nd there is the customary pretense tlu
10 charge is made for political effect. Bi
is proved that the books were examine
y n reputable lawyer of Canton , nndthr
3 refused to pass certain of the allege
assets. " Now , if the latter were good :
ould be a gimplo matter for the count
easurer to convert them into securitic
lat would pass nn inspection. It appeal
lat the old trick of giving personal note
r the temporary use of drafts and certif
ites of deposits had been attempted b
10 treasurer , and detected by the exair
er , who also learned that the drafts an
rtificates were returned to the bank
id the notes taken up after the examine
in. The treasurer has been removed b
ie unanimous vote of the county commit
men * , and a substituo appointed in hi
Santa Anna has just ahippeda carload o
ustard seed , in sacks , to New York.
The Colton cannery will put up nbou
3 tons of fruit , or 1150,000 cans , this sea
Some farmers in Kern county are over
n by rabbits. One man shot 300 in i
: ck.
Eleven hundred nnd fifteen Chlnamei
d paid poll tax in Santa Clara county ui
the 1st of July.
It is alleged that a man in San Dem
line county has been offered $2,500,001
his mine , a nuniHised wonderful donosi
A.n immense miake , declared by thow
10 have caught glimpses of him to bo Ii
20 feet long , has his haunt near Water
d , btanislaus coimtv.
Six new wells nro about to bo sunk ii
n l-ernamlo oil region. In the hist sue.
wful well , high up on the side of tlit
luntain.oil waa struck at n depth of l.GOC
It is proposed to build a one-track rail-
ul from llnuford to Aiitioch , and the
sally Delia learns that nearly enough
> ital hns nlready been ( subscribed tu ilo
i work.
Thousands of fish nro dying in Donnei
UP , and the bhoro of the same is literally
ed with their dead bodies. It is tiaid
it some miscreants are killing them with
nt powder.
luring last week a great water tmout
ike in Panamlnt C'auon , destroying nix
les of the fine and coatly grade , t-o that
lecamo necessary to build n trail to gtt a
: k mule over it.
t U reported that a chnnire of time will
n be made in th Southern route bi
tch the time between Kansas City and
i Jrancisco , via Los Angeleu , will be
rtentHi sixteen hour * .
? ho lai'Cbt bee ranch in Santa Clara
inty Is un the Los Uatos Creek ; nnd con. 100 stands. Last year it yielded
in 100 to 150 pounds to the bland , but
1 tiot elo oiull this year ,
lie Union claims that S n Diego coun.
has more miles of railroad tlian any
nty In the state. During the present
r nearly a hundred mile * will be added ,
king about 'JftO wiles in all.
'he cattle in the vicinity of CamiM ) , .San
go county , are eufreriug from an un.
iwn dUease , which is generally fatal ,
ecially among the calved. One report
oes the loss at one-half of this year's in.
Vo thousand hop pickera will be needed
becure the incoming hop crop of the
rallup Valley. Picking will begin about
1st of September. Several large sales
he prospective crop have been made at
cents a a pound.
lefore the waters of Kern River were
ributed over the country in canals and
toes , the locality was fatal for ulieep
Now , however ; the vegetation is such tl
the animals thrive wonderfully , and th
quality in of the finest.
There Is a ranch In Colusa county vrh
tiM been farmed continuously since If )
always In tome kind of grain , and The
says it has grown at least twenty-six gc
rot * in the twenty-nine yean. Sometin
it has produced fifty buihela to the nc
and never loss than twenty-five. It Ii B
to put the nverago not less than thirty 1
shels for twenty-six years ,
Burglars are disturbing Portland.
Horse thieve * nbouml In c.vt Oregon.
The sorghum crop on Wagner creek ,
southern Oregon , is turning out better th
had been anticipated.
Three steamers are bound for Yukir
bay with 0,000 tons of etccl rails for t
Oregon 1'ncific railroad.
Worms are doing much damage to wht
In Ynmhill county , Oregon. One farm
loics 200 acres from their ravages.
McIIaley's band of sheep on Long crcc
Grant county , Oregon , numl > ering 1,4 (
yielded 11,000 pounds of wool , an avcra
of eight pounds per head ,
Many farmers in Lane county repc
that their snring wheat Is taking rust. O
gentleman had a field of 100 acres that
thinks will not pay for cutting. The n :
has appeared very suddenly , causing qul
an alarm. It Is most RC % ere near Irvi ;
Two engineering parties are now In t !
field locating a line between Comvnllis ai
Yaquina Bay. The road will bo nixty-t\
miles long , of standard guagc , and la
with fifty pound steel rails. The ncrvl
of 1,000 Chinamen has been secured , ni
they will be put to work at trading with
two weeks.
A now hotel Is erecting nt Eureka.
Unusually heavy rains have been flee
ing the state.
Nevada sage brush is said to be a pi
ventlvo to phylloxera.
Graders on the Eureka k Central roi
are at work at Eureka.
This has been the warmest summer ev
experienced In Nevada.
The decision In the RIchmond.Albli
case occasioned a loss of 9200,000 in Albli
Salt Lake has a bicycle club.
Park City has had nnotlw fire.
Deep Creek miecs are booming.
Building in Salt Lake is unprecedentc
The territorial fair will be held In O
Railroad extension is the order of tl
Jay in the territory.
Pioneer day was generally observed.
Gen. McCook takes command of Fo
Douglas in September.
Fishermen In Strawberry valley are en
.iloying giant powder to destroy trout.
Crops are said to be looking fine in Main
. alley.
Bullion is accumulating at the Cust <
nill at the rate of § 30,000 week.
The Chinese n. e floating 1,000 cords <
vood down More creek to Boise city.
From thirty to forty carpenters are sale
o bo kept busy at Dillon building house :
There are now nbout 7,000 people in th
Vood Ulver country , and 100 arriving IK
Farmers on Cantos Prairie are now bus ;
uttinc timothy that will yield from tw
0 four tons to the acre.
The money paid fcr entering land at th
, ewiston < land office during the year end
ng Juno 30 , 1881 , amounting to $44 ,
A correspondent at Moscow estimate
hat the total yield of flax-seed in that re
ion this year will bo 180,000 bushelt
'hich is an increase over last year of thre
.undred per cent. The crop of wheat am
thorgrains will be largo also. , If trans
lortation is assured a very large amount o
nnd ill be seeded with wheat next sea
on. _
There are thirty-nine school districts Ii
ipoknne county.
The contract for building a Catholl
liurch at Sprague has been let.
The lady members of the Dayton Epls
apal church have organized St. Mary'
The Cheney school has forty-seven pu
Us. A good showing tor a town less thai
year old.
The new bridge across the Patabn a
'omeray is 294 feet long. The creek i
bout six feet wide *
llockford , Stevens county , has been lati
nt into lots and blocks. It promises sooi
> be a thriving town.
The work of getting out ties on the Tie
in has been ordered discontinued for tin
resent. The work of driving them ilowi
10 river will soon commence ,
The N. P. U R. Co. have completes
iclr 15,000 gallon water tank at Spokam
alls. Water is brought to the tank a dis1
ince of 2900 teet through a two-inch pipe ,
itli a fall of 84 feet.
Gen. Sprague has telegraphed the posl
Bee department that the Northern Pad
: was ready to render a dally mail service
itween Ainaworth nnd Spokane Falls ,
daily express service has been put on by
fells Fargo & Co.
Wells. Fargo & Co. shipped from Pen-
cton , during the year ending June 30th ;
urrenoy and drafts § 47,450.78 , gold coin
10.709.04 , silver coin 3U9.90 , gold bullion
id dust 61,712 , silver bullion § 1-1,328.32 ,
tal 8147,390.01.
The temporary bridge across the Sno-
mo river , nine miles east of the Falls ,
ill bo somewhnt niry : sixty feet from the
rfaco of the water to the rail , and neven-
live feet irom the bed of the river. The
an will be ono hundred anil eighty feet.
Denver has sixty paupers in her jioor-
UhO ,
Recent rich btrlkes in Clear Crock conn-
are reported.
An effort is being made to iavl\e the
mlville Stock Exchange.
A large brick block , 2. > 0 feet front , U ha
lf erected ( it Fort Collins ,
Arilmuser fc liuscli , the St. Lou's ' brew-
i , arc erecting a § 23,000 brewery In Den-
Seventy-five dwelling , worth § 8,000 to
0,000 each , are now in process of con-
action in North Denver ,
Horn Biker.iml free gold arc being found
the quartz ere opened uii in tha Ready
ah , Long and Derry Hill , Leadvllle.
\t Fort Colliiu ICO teauiM and men are
w taking tits * out of the river. About
) ,000 have been run down the river thU
I'he tnuik ( if the Denver & HIo Oiandu
hvay has reached Duruiigo , and the
pment of freight into that city Ih-gau on
[ t is estimated that the assessed valua-
n of property in A'npahoe county , Col. ,
s year , will not fall below $23,000,000.
st year it was about $18,000,000.
I'he Farewell consolidation , at hull-
idence. is now running about 20 tons n
f of $30 ore. It is expected that the
.put will bo 80 tons a day when the mill
n running order'
bonanza is the great surface camp of the
te. In nn other section are the mines
rich in extent or ore bodies near theuur-
e. Another encouraging fact regarding
1 district U that in every instance de-
opment has improved the quality of the
Juite a number of prospector * are en
; ed in the vicinity of Gnzzly pa&s and
nit Irwin's peak. A strike of soJia ga-
a and yellow copper is said to have been
de that assays 750 ounces of silver to
thf ton , nnd on the other side of the 1
another strike of n six-inch Aeln has I
made which assays over 2000 ounces.
The work of putting down the third
on the Denver and Rio Grande raita
between Denver and Pueblo , is progrcsi
rapidly , and over thirty miles are t
completed. The whole will be laid 1
few weeks , and thus facilitate throi
shipments between the cast and Dem
as well as Pueblo , without the necessity
a transfer 0.4 heretofore.
Benton boasts a brass band ,
The Miles city mall reaches 1200 lett
per day.
Butte hai a military company of six
two member !
The hay harvest In Gallatln count ;
below the average.
Wex > l Is Belling at 20 cents per pound
the Benton market.
Glcndale Is booming and forty bulldli
ire In course of erection.
The demand for laborers In Deer Lex
largely exceeds the supply.
Thousands of buffalo hides are naid to
ying at Glendive waiting for transpoi
.ion by rail , >
Mr. Villard siys the Northern Pacl
ivill be completed to the Tacl lie coast wi
n two years.
The Courier advocates the building
Bozcman of a $10,000 or $50,000 hotel b ;
itock company ,
The trip from Fort Benton to St. Pi
vas recently made via the river In f (
md n half days.
There will be twenty-eight bridges
.ho Northern Pacific railroad between I
lo Blackfoot nnd Missoula ,
The smelter which is being erected
, he Barker mines is to cost 340,000 a
vill be completed within sixty days.
During the present year the Alice ml
, ake3 the eighth place in the list of I
greatest' silver producing mines on t
: ontincnt.
It Is thought that the Utah & Northc
vill extend their sunfoy ns far an Bent
, his season nnd bring on the iron burse
ipeedtly as possible.
For the month of June , the net procee
if the Hecla Consolidated Mining Co
lany's operations at Glcndale amounted
ipworda of 82200 per day.
Stock shipments have begun in earnc
Cummins is to have another stai
Trent fishing on thcheadwateraonSnn
ivcr is said to be excellent.
The old Nntrona mining district on t
> weetwater has boo resuscitated.
A great many miners arc rushing it
he Hartville mining district from 1
Jlack Hills.
The Union Pacific company is ptitti
n a number of artesian wells at llawll
nd other points west.
Laramic City is prospering ; her mi
: hants are in good spirits , and the mir
n the vicinity are making a good ehowir
The times in Rawlins are good ; ni
uildings are being constructed in lar
umbers , and the people arc confident ol
rosperous future.
The convicts at the Laramie City pet
cntiary have made about 10,000 brie
er day for the past two months. Thi
ave also planted nnd worked a large fie
f potatoes.
The owners of the Green Mountain Be
line at Copperopolis , have hod a 17 <
ound test at the Boston & Colorado sine !
ig works , at Argo , near Denver. The r
tit showed that the ore was worth $171. '
> the ton in copper and silver.
Messrs. Thos. Sun 'and Boney Eanies
f Sweetwater county , and Dr. Graff , i
mnhn , have sold to Col. D. H. Wnliai
id others , of .Pennsylvania , the soda lal
cated by them a few years ago , situate
i the Sweetwater river , about eight
liles no'th of Rawlins. The price paid
Three years'ngo ' two eastern capitalis !
ivested'$16.000 In one thousand head i
eatern-cattlc , in Wyoming , dividing tt
ock equally. At'the end ofeightec
lonths one of the gentlemen sold out h
mro'for § 22,000 and six months later 'tl ' ;
; her party'closed out for 840,000 , makiu
net'profit'of § 42,000 on the investmen
Geo. Meredith , Jersey City , writes : "Mi
FiHNa-BLOSSOM you sent mo has had tli
ippiest effect on my daughter ; her heat
: he nnd depression of spirits has vanlshec
10 Is again able to go to school , and is t
irely as a cricket. I shall certainly rei
nmend it to nil my friends. Price f
nts , trial bottle 10 cents. augl-lw
Ask druggists for "Rough on Hats.
' clean ) out rats , mice , bcd-bugf
aches , vermin , flies , nuts , insect !
> c per box (3) )
I nVPI EC ' ttm Agent for COI.UMDI
thrco cent stamp for&uUogt
and price list containing lu
N , I , D , SOLOMON ,
Faints , Oil * and GLu
36 Farnham 8t . Omaha. Nebraska
400,0003LcE&xs3 :
rcfully selected land In Eastern Nebraska fo
e. Croat IUrj-alnj hi Improved farms , am
lahn city | > roxrtj- | ; .
' .ate f j < ml Com'r II. T. U U. _ 4n-fclitf
Otfuu , Neli. , July is , : S1.
lealcd propOMUn , In duplicate , subject to tin
iil | ' oncllt'ons ' , ill bo rccclxcd at Dili oluYo mi
lio'ilockiioon on Aiietut JO , 1SS1 , at wind
10 and place they " 111 bo opened In the IHVK
oof bidders , for the fundshinsr nddclAir\
tlio KubkUtenvu [ Storehouse , in this city , ol
nty.lho thousand ( j > 5e)00) ) jiouiida Hour , In
( , Btron ; , ' , Hln lo votion mckK ,
'olio nndefroiu No , l sprinjr wheat , half hard ,
f boft , or ( ) dtf u , to bo imtatcd before frliul.
, uiulnilxtxl In mlllln ; , to bo Id h ground.
njilo of Hour to bo kent Initli jiroio ] ali. anil
to 1m dfliu reel on or before Se | > tuinber litli.
1 , The t'0 > eminent reserves the right to re-
i any nr all iirojiobala , lllatik iirojiosalii can
jbtalucd at tlilt ortice. l'roK | > iau must bo in.
'cd ' in sealed cm elopes marked " 1'roiiosaU
Klour"nnl addresaed to the iinilenluiuil.
' .
"gJ3t _ _ _ c.s.,1 % e.
duite o ! the Si. L u School of MMwlvca. at
8 California Street , Between Fifteenth
and BUteenth ,
th ild.e , hero calU will lie promptly respond.
o t any hour during the day or tilshtinU.13
3XterL.Thoinas&Bro ,
y Taxes , Bent Houses , Etc.
at Office , Iloom 8 , Crclghton lilocfc/Omah * .
_ . _ -
. G. RUSSELL , M. D. , "
as s of CUlUren mid Charonlc Dlscosca
: Ulty OlOce at UedJtnc * . 2CXX ) t > 5rtr t ,
rt-8 to 10 a. ui. , 1 to 2 p. m. , MJ iftere p
1,000,000 Acres
- OH1 THE -
- IN -
LOW rnioE or $0 , $8 , AND 810 ran AOBE ,
- IN -
Douglas , Sarpy and Washington
Including Elegant Residences , Business
md Residence Lots , Cheap Houses and
Liois. and a large number of Lots in most of
ho Additions of Omaha.
Alto , Small Tracts of C , 10 and 20 ncrces
n nnd near the city. We have good oppor-
.unities for making Loans , and in all cases
isrtonally examine titles and take every , \i
> recUvn ! to insure eafety of money so
lie ow we offer a email list of SrsoiAt
Real Estate Brokers ,
North Side of Farnham Street ,
Opp. Grand Central Hotel ,
CAB CAI C A beautiful residence lot
lUn OHLC California bctw ccn 22nd and
'M etrcets , $1000.
CAD CAI C Very nice house and lot
rUIi OHL.U on 9th and Webster streets.
vltU bain , , coal house , well cistern , shade and
mit trees , everything ; complete. A desirable
ilece of property , figures low
CAI C Splendid buslncu iota 3. E.
Onl C corner of ICth and Capita
u cnuo. noaas t iiitL
"flP QAI C Ij"Ke' house on Davenport
Un OnLI. street between llth and 12th
oop location ( or boarding house. Owner wll
all low BOQOS& HILL.
IflD CAI C Two new houses on full lot \
Un OnLb in Kountze & Ruth's adil- V
ion. ThU property will be sold very cheap.
171011 SALE A top phcuton. Enquire of Jas.
L Stcphenson. 094-U
CAI C Corner of two choice lots In
OHLC Shtnn's Addition , request to
t once submit best cosh offer.
offer.BOQGS & HILL.
flR CAI P A B01 < u > ccairoble res
Un OnLb dcnce property , $4000.
RESIDENCE Not In the market
VCIUC Ower will eeU for 80,600.
flR Qfll f 4 ? oed lots' Snlnn'a 3d M !
UH OHLC dltion ? 1W ) each.
flR CAI C A very fine residence lot , to
VII vrtkb some party desiring to build
fine house. $2W. tfOGQS & IIILL.
"OR SAI F About200IoUlnKounU 4
Un OHLC Ruth's
addition , Just south
( St. Mary's otcnue , WfiO to 1800. faeao lot *
re near business , surrounded by fine improve
lent , and are 40 per cent cheaper than any othe
iU in the market. Save money by buying thes
OR S AI P I8ts > w' ' Mo for fine real
iVJJ dcnce. ° n I'"k-Wild avenue
block. S. E. of depot , all cohered with fine larg
ccs. Price extremely low. $000 to $700
'OR SAI F . f010.v,7 Lake' , addition. theftP 1 ( > t
'OR SAI F Sllotl ) ? n 2fllh2 h. 'n ,
, n y"LC 20th and SOth Sts. , between
9X SB3 > UBirf1 ° na " " rropo"cd "tension o"
Wee street. Prices range from 8200 to WOO
e haxe concluded to give men of Bmall means
l' 0 chance to secure a home and "il i
ftl ? SAI F 'f0 " . 0 " " ' < rom city ,
about 30
yftbl. acres > ery choice
.1 . lev , with running water ; balance BcuUy rolffn
rirlp , only 3 wiles f jom railaond , JlS jc '
OR SAI F 40 ° . acres in one tract twelv
. rV fut , mll01 'ro' ' cl'y ! 0 acres cu
ntcdj , U\lng HpriiiR of water , wme nice va
; . Tlio land is all firbt-ilass rlih prairie. Prle
W'a"0 BttGUS&HILL.
HR RAI F ' 20acrcaln ° nel'0dy,7mllei
UII ynl iwcstof 1'remont , Is allloicl
id , paoducins licajy growth of gnu * , in high
ley , rich will and } mlun from railroad aii
0 track , in good settlement and no better Ian
1 be found. BOGGS & HILL.
IR SAI F Aili8'llj' lmlr ( " l 'arm of
LJIl OMLE. 240 acres , 3 miles from city.
10 Implements on this land , owner not a
ictlnal farmer , determined to sell , A good
iiiing for some man of means.
means.BOGCS & HILL.
IR SAI F ri000arcs : of Land near Mil-
Jll OHLC land StAtlon , 3,600 near Klk-
: n , 3 to 0 ; 4,000 aorca In no/th / jartof coun.
87 t ° 810. a.OOOncres 2 to 8 miles fro , .Flo ? .
e , 65 to $10 ; 8,000 acres west of the rikhorn
w "W00 acrM " * ttow > a tt ? t eco urS :
'he abo\o land * lie near and adjoin nearly
ry farm In the county , and can mdstly be BO U
email cash payment , with the balance hi 1.2-8.
ml Bcar'a time. JJOC08 & 1IILU
) R OIALC ejc.\ml fil" > rcslaenccs prop
never bcfrre offered
-not - known In the market a *
fen mid prlcecall o
, BOGGS & HIL1 , .
Budncss Lot for Sale .
on Farnam and DouK.
Us streets , from J3.000 to 83 , x )
OR SAI F 8Au,8lne8 ? lou nwt we
J liri wl f1 Ua3 ° nle Temple ptlco
uiccd of 000
IR SAI F ? b. " lnef lot. west of O.U
'II Unbl. Fellow s block , K 600 each
IR SAI F ? bualnesa > oU south side ,
? C .WouBlu "reel , between 12th
lath , 3,600 i uaih. BOGQS & HILL. V
IR SAI F } ,60acrw.oc\erc < lwiUiyounjc AOf
LC Vmbr ! " ' ! " x ter ; .ur V. J ,
BOOOS b .SK.L lit