TLlti OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , AUGUST a , THE BULL SHOW. (14 ( wOelobrated Sioux hiidf'Taken to aBismarok Hotel and Exhibited - hibitod to the Orowd of Sightseers , His Curiosity at His First . Glimpse of the Iron Horse , But Ho Wouldn't Ride on It. A Fall Description oftlin Personal ' Appenrnnoo 'of tbo CliloF An Elnbornto nnd Uulquo Toilet- Special to the 1'iORcer Prcjs. BISMAIICK , July Itl , In n larigo luf icl'iinrlor ( { iiiotly smoking his pipe of po.ico , with n crowd of hun dred people 'pushing : and crowding about liitn is n silbjecl for contempla tion : Sitting Hull. It was in this po fBition that n"JPioHbo > , Rr68fl : h)6rtor jiMt'sn ' lumW tvliU1 JtfTU'nl lull the stcaniur Slionnnn , at 10:30 : n. in. Thoio liavo btxsn no incidents of note on tlio iournoy thus far , the Indians hnriug booll qu6t ! riiul undbmdhBtrn- tivo excoijt Friday niglithon , they indulged incn * aong. Last Saturday night the boat , stopped a fo\v nulus below Stevenson , mnl all. being tired , slept sohndly. Tlio run tn IJismarck \yjis < juickly made this morning ) and 8ovcral hundred ccdphi were nt the ' landing to see tho-notcd chief. Gen eral Manager llaupt tendered to Cnpt. Ddtcholpr , of Pittsburg , Pn. , ono of the principal owners of the Yellowstone line the use of his special car , nnd it was proposed to take noLLANn HI. " PIVI : ADVISOIW ainsrs to town in a special. To this tlio chief pbjoctodj however , ns for tlio first time of las life ho looked upon a locomotive , nnd nsked to see it go. His request was complied with , but with n shako of the head nnd nn ugly grunt ho expressed his i SUIU'ItrHK AMD-SATISFACTION , but. finally consented to ride up town ; , 'in Mnjor Kirk's three-seated gororn- -niont ambulance. Bull with the guardnnd driver took the front seat , and his sister. Pretty Plume , Chiefs White Dog , Scarlet Thunder , Four Horses , High-as-tlio-Clpuds nnd Bono Tomahawk , accompanied them , nnd the four-mule team , fat nnd sleek from government oats , soon delivered the noted party nt the Sheridan house , where several hundred people had assembled in anticipation of the event. Capt. Bactholor invited the party to scats in the parlor , whore the crowd was allowed to look at the chiefs to their hearts' content. SITTING BUM , SAT IN T1IE CENTEIl of a half circle with Scout Allison nt his loft , n uniformed guard behind him , and the five other chiefs , nnd the aged sister completing the arc. The noted warrior took his pipe of peace , and when not pulling at it and passing it to his companions ho was industriously fanning himself with n largo white feather wing. Ho is below - low the medium height , stolid nnd stoical looking , and tlio tliinness of his lips and a few wrinkles in his face V gives him the appearance of looking older than forty-seven years , which Scout Allison pronounces his correct age. To-day ho was dressed in THE TRADITIONAL BLUE BLANKETING sewed in the form of half civilized pantaloons with great gaping places nt the proper location of the pockets , nnd when ho walked often displayed n brawny leg. Over this 'ho simply worn what was once a finely made and nicely laundried white shirt , but which had become greasy and dirty from wear. Tlio shoulders of the shirt falcovcs had three long streaks of rod war paint , with which the neck , entire face , nnd the scalp nt the part ing of the hair was covered. His liair is jot black , and roaches below his shoulders , nnd hangs in three braids , ono at each side and ono pendant from the back and braided from n circular part at the crown of his broad head. Tha two braids hanging over 1 the shoulders wore THICKLY WOUND WITH UEI > KLANNKL , and the only ornaments worn were two brass rings , ono caoli on the little and second finger of the loft hand and I u lady's cheap bracelet of black gutta pcrcha on the loft wiist. This lack of ornament in comparison with his bet tor looking and more gaudily adorned chief advisors , is for the ' purpose of impressing the sentimental white man with his poverty. Hiss moca- Bins were of the most common pattern - torn , dotted with a few beads hero and there , While on the boat , nnd n greater portion of the time , ho ' KUPT HIS EYES I.'OVKUED with n pir of huge smoked glass gog 'J. gles. While being observed ho evinced no agitation , and seemed not . to bo impressed with the fact that lie was being lionized. Ho chatted free ly with Scout Allison , nnd nt his re quest wrote his nnmo in English on a card nnd presented Mr. E.itcholor a copy. Ho writes easily nnd hold the pencil of the Pioneer Press' reporter with true reportorial grace , but in writing his name simply copies it from the writing of n second party , After remaining half an hour at the Sheridan house the party awkwardly ambled down stairs nnd were taken to the Merchants hotel , where they took dinner , and were then immedi ately driven to the boat , which was all ready for departure. Returning to the boat for half an hour , Sitting Bull gave audience to the crowd that gathered about him. Mrs. Cant. Harmon , wife of Post Trader Harmon , of Fort Lincoln , acted as interpreter , and held a long conversation with him , the earnest ness of which was evinced by numer ous graceful gestures on the part of Bull. Standing beside him was a tall Indian , with long hair unadorned and slightly gray. The great fullness abo\o his oycs but a narrow forehead gave him a striking appearance , This Indian was introduced to Mrs. Har mon and by Sitting iiull as HIS FATHElt. In the conversation that ensued nothing particular was elicited , al though the noted chief took occasion to express his gratitude to the ofticers of the boat for their kindness , lie informed The Pioneer Press' reporter , through the lady interpreter , that while unwilling to go toatcs just nt present lie had been pacified by the promise of tlio otlicers before leaving that they would send messengers to the lodges thftt ho left behind , nnd inform them of his departure for Yntea , and ask them to follow him. Ho nlso said that this WAS the first settlement of exclusively white ] > coplo that ho had over visited , and that he never before had seen the cars nnd did not over want to see them again. Four of his children ho kindly pointed out tb Mrs. Hammond. Two of them uoro twins , and were named "THE WAR is OVP.K. " After giving several quick puffs at his pine nnd calling his cliiofw nbout him , ho stated to the interpreters thut it gnvo him great satisfaction to know that ho had never made n treaty or never counseled or advised in favor of . Some of the one. non-treaty In dians , he said , \\ero soon to go to see the gtcnt father at Washington , and heMutod his twin children to gd with him nnd see then ay of the white father an < his people. With this the interview ended , For all newspaper men ho has a gtcat dislike , saying that they have huulo him known everywhere and havxj made psoplo laugh at him. .ThU antipithy ho did not possess until Frank Leslie published n cuitoon of him. He was lepresLMited as n great bull , sit ting xin his haunches ; Unulo Sam \\ns represented na having his nose , to which was nttnched n rope which ho was vigorously pulling , wliild a num ber of soldi6rs were emptying n bag of beans in front of him nnd motion ing him to partake. This cartoon was shown Sitting Bull some time since , and the picture greatly in censed him. Ho accented the picture as n literal representation of what the government would do with him , nnd has since had n great fear of members of the press. Ho expresses himself as overjoyed nt the fact thnt he will at Fort Yntes meet his daughter , who recently ran nuny from his camp and married a jouny buck. His twin children have each rings of telegraph wire in their cars , nnd nro dressed in butt'ulo hide jackets with the ( ur side out. Crow Foot , the so von-year-old boy who surrendered Sitting Hull's nrms , is on uio boat and is n bright little follow , and n twin of The Child Who Brings Word From the Lodges , so named from important news brought by the little fellow from thcidistant lodges during ono of the most exciting - citing campaigns. A fourteen-year- old daughter also on the boat is named She Who Glances at You as She Walks , and n sovonteon-yoar-old daughter , Schook-ra-o-ta , the Woman with Many Horses. TltK FAVQUITE MILS. HITTING BULI. is nbout fortv-fiyo years of ago , and a fine type of Indian beauty. All of the present party belong to what are termed the non-treaty In dians , and boast of never having re ceived annuities or supplies from the government. Sitting Bull is now busy in selling his autographs at from 10 to 50 cents each , and his pipes bring from $50 to § 00 each. ON STEA11EU 8HE11MAN , EN ROUTE. Capt. Clifford , in an interview , de nounced in the strongest language the iolicy of the interior department in .eating with the rod skins. The fact that there nro absolutely no rations to feed the 7,000 In dians now congregated at Yatesis gen erally commented upon , and very BO- veto criticisms are passed by those best acquainted with the Indian .life. An Indian will go hungry longer than n white man , but nt length roaches a point where ho will murder oven the most innocent persons in order to got something to cat. In the words of Capt. Clilford , "It is a disgrace that innocent women or a brave man must bo compelled to give up their life , be cause of the lack of prompt action or short-sightedness of the government. " The fact is well known that the ngent at Standing Rock recently tele graphed for permission to buy in open market provisions immediately needed - od , and piomisod the Indians to keep them from being hungry and was de nied the privilege. Tnero are but a mere handful of soldiers nt Standing Rock , and not big enough to prevent tlio Indians , if hungry , from scatter ing to the four winds and inaugr.itmg an or.i of murder and pillage. These facts find a precedent in the year preceding the imissacro > of' 1874. In commenting upon this state of af faire Tlio Bismarck Paily' ' Tribune urged the self-evident'necessity of a very strong garrison at Fort Lincoln , the most available point for furnish ing supplies and guarding the fron tier. tier.Mrs. Mrs. Geo. Haupt and daughter and a party of friends joined the party ns the boat was nbout to leave. It was decided to tie up nt Cannon Ball river , forty-fivo miles below , to-night , and reach Yatcs nt 0 n , in. Mondny morn ing. A COUNTERFEIT CROW-BAIT. How a Brolcou Down Nag Miulo n from tlio Hilhilclpliia Fniiirir. | ! James Elliott , Jr. , and Michael 01 eat y were arranged befuio Magis trate List yesterday ( July 20 ; charged with obtaining money under falao pio- tenses. Against Cloary there was no testimony , and ho was discharged , but Elliot Mas required to find bail in tlio sum of $ liOO. Elliott's scheme to vic timize was n shrewd one. On Mon day , accompanied by Cleury , ho drove up to the residence of Jacob Brown , on Snyder avenue , in a dilapidated wagon , to which was attached n horse that gave every evidence of being worthless. It was covered with mud , the harness was old , and the reins were improvised from old worn out clothes lines. Mr. Brown had a slight acquain tance with the men. Ho asked Elliott what ho was going to do with the horse remarking that the whole rigging wasn't worth more than five dollars. "Ain't eh ? " queried Elliott , ' "why man , you don't know what you are talking nbout ; why , do you know I wouldn't take 8100 for the horse alone. I tell you what I'll do ; PJ1 bet you § 100 ho can trot in three min utes. " Mr. Bronn laughed at the idea of the beast making thut time , and agreed to take the best. The Point Breeze track was suggesttKl as the place to test the speed of the horse. Hero El liott took the lines , and to Brown's utter astonishment that dilapidated looking animal mndo the miles in 2'M. : Of course , Mr. J5m\\ lost and paid over the money. Tlio complainant in the case heard ywtorday was Mr. Win. Falls , a butcher , hying on South Hroad street. He wns victimised in iv similar man- tnor. l-Hliolt wanted to sell the aniumUo him. Mr. Falls laughed nt the idea , remarkingthntho wouldn't "nccopt the horse an a uift. " "You won't ? " said LMliott. Well , now , there's where you nro mistaken. Thnt hoss' is ttood for throe minutes. " "Oh , no , " said Falls. "I'll bet you a hundred ho is. " "All right ; I will take you on that. " Tlio money won put up , nnd the Point Bree/.o race course wns visited , whore the mutual llrw around ) making the mile in 2:45. : The horse is supposed lo bo from Now York , whore it lias won n num ber of races. "Where's cougr-M ? I'm looking for congress , " said n tall , ouo-oyed Woman , peering through ono of the doors of Uio house of representatives the other morning. "Is that fellow \\ith tlio bald head cougrossi" "What do you want with congress , nnyluiw ? " domaudi'd n deputy doorkeeper - keeper , yriiltly. "Hold on'you ' can't go in there ! " "I canto from Bucks county , Penn sylvania , to BOO congiess , nnd if you've Hot it on draught nnywhere around hero I Want some. What's the leason I cnn't go in tioro ) ? " " 'Cause you can't. Nobody allowed hero but members. " 4'That red-headed man witli a squint a member ? " "No ; he's ono of the member's secretaries , lie has n right on the Moor. " "Is that lop-sided chap with a wig one of the members ? " No ; he's n friend of n member lliul a pass. " "What's that bare-legged boy fall ing over a chair ) Has ho got any friends ? " "He's ono of the pages. " "Who is that red-nosed artist with a sore ear ? Did ho have n pass ? " "That's n messenger. Ho doesn't need a pass. " "What s that fellow with his legs on n desk ? Is ho ono of the bosses ? " "Ho is ono of the clerks. " "Any of thorn follows pay any tax es ? " "I think not. Don't know , said the doorkeeper , indiu'orently. "Now , young follow , you want to hunt for room to stand in while 1 bust in this door. Don't fool with mo , or your friends will think you've been doing business \\ith a steam grind stone. I pay taxes on three acres and eight pigs in Bucks county , nnd I'm going through this 'ore congress like n contribution-box throutrh n cougro- tion. You just crawl out of sight if you don't want your spine to change places with the next township. " "Where's the congress from Bucks county ? Show mo the Bucks county con < ress , nnd if ho don't got n bill through this town to send that hare- lipped old sky rocket who wants to foreclose a mortgage on my place to the penitentiary he'll wish he'd boon born a tree and cut down and burned when ho was young. Point out the congress from Bucks county before I hnvo you inside out , to see how you're put together. Toll mo I can't go in among n lot of clerks , passes and pages ! If there's a square foot of congress left by the time I reach it it'll wish it was covered with hair that comes out without hurting. " They induced her to leave by tolling her that the "congress from Bucks county" hold its sessions in tlio patent office , and she departed , threatening to get the bill disposing of her mort gage through before she left town , or make the Bucks county member think a "barrel of cider had busted under him just ns a shot-tower fell on top of him. " . Not For a Fortune , "Pliew ! " 1 wouldn't marry her if nlio'd a fortune. Poor girl , ulio'd bo nil right if nho took SrniNd lii.omoM , tlio best thing in the world for oifunsivo breath , 1'ricu f > 0 centH , tiinl bottles 10 cents. augl-lw Still agitating the subject of woman suffrage. Mrs. Lucy Stone Blackwoll and Miss Leavitt do not evince skill as practical politicians. They appear ed before the republican state com mittee of Massachusetts , in session for the purpose of arranging the time nnd place for the state convention , nnd harangued that body with no nioro intelligent view in end than to pro cure the appointment ns chairman of the committee on resolutions of someone ono in favor of woman suffrage. The committee listened patiently , but , of course , it had no powers. The conven tion when it assembles takes the appointment of commit tees in charge , and may or may not name the chairman of each. And just what would bo gained to the causoof woman sulFrago by Iho selection of n chairman favor able thereto isn't clear. The chair man of a committee has no more power than any other committcomnn. Ho but rupoits what he is instructed to report , nnd cannot bring before the convention nuythiny of his own motion as coining from thocommittco , Any member of the convention may propose the resolutions which Mrs , Hlackwell is desirous of having the Massachusetts republicana adopt , and if the sentiment of the convention is decidedly for them , no chairman of a commit ! eo on platform can smother them. The ladies hnvo 'been wasting their energies , Chicago Times , AN HONEST MEDICINE FREE OF COST. Of nil medicines ndvertisod to cure any affection of the Throat , Chest or Lungs , wo know of none we can rec ommend BP highly as Dii. KiNoVNK DIKCOVKHV fur Consumption Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis Hay Fo- vcr , Hoarseness , Tickling in the Throat , loss of voice , etc. This med icine does positively euro , and that wheio everything else lins failed. No medicine can show one-half so many positive and permanent cures as have already been effected by this truly wondeifnl remedy , For Asthma and Bronchitis it is n perfect specific , cur ing the very worst cases in the short est time possible. Wo say by nil means give it n trial , Tiinl bottlea free. Regular size 81.00. Forsaloby 8lly ( ) Isu & MC-MAHON , Omaha. SELTZER Ther are Martyr * to hcvlatlie who might bo iml by ! i > K Tnrrant's Seltzer A poriont. The utotiMih , o\crbiirdncd tintll Iti rmipmtlic i < o ir l weakened , rctcncci llMf li | n llui iwor hcvl , whkh It iiwkw to vho and tortiirti the ofTtndcr. Tlio u oor tliu a | < rtlrnt will cur M of naturally , ml Iinoxt IntKntptlliU , the of- ' " ThodNfvc Is rcmotoland Uic htnd coa e to nchc , soM ) nv Al.h DUt'finisTii Cornell College. The Clnnllonl. VhHcuoplilml , "Muitlncaml Ctr. II KnitlticcrltiK Cour c' rein | rn farorntil ) with the 1 > c t collcitcd In the country SpoclMMUMitaKt'oretfuiiln Iho rrepnr-Uo. ry ami Nornml lrinrtiutnip , ntij In the Uoiwrr * iton of Mii lc. Twenty Profetsors nnd Tenclier * . Superior lUllMlii ) : ! ) ) iliHcum , Utborntorj nnd Apivtrixtim. Cxpentei Low. I nil term opcin Scut. 15 , t'or catAlorue < or othcrinfmillion , mlilrrjs I'RM.M K KINtl , I ) . I ) . , Mt Vcrnonlo i . DE VEAUX'S ' The Only Mtichmo that Will Do just as is Advertised. It Will Wash Pastor , It Will Wasli Oloanor , It Will Wash Easier , It Will require no Kubbing , It will do a large family Washing in 30 Minutes , It Will IWntlt Eqtmlly wolll with Hartl orSonWator- Itilocinnalthwnili liollcr * intt wash hoard * , and will juy forlt.'oll In full and the uuar ol ilotlica In n motiih. No ttonin In the kitchen. A chlM 10 jcara ol canila Ihowaihlnjr fiwtcr than any woman can ring ana haii < out tliiuloUiM- 3 kJE,3C. SuWrr S3E13EI XT DAN. SUM n AN & biiNS1 , Jim 1410 Kurnhiin btrott , AKint . LEGAL NOTICE. In the Circuit C urt of the UnltcJ State * , ( or the the District of NiurasU- At a KCHSloii of tlio Circuit Court of the Unltal Stn ten , for the Distikt or .NUiraskn , continued anil held pursuant to adjournment , at the Unltwl Slate * court room In the iltj of Omalm , on tlio 18th ilay of June , 18S1 , the lion. KlmcrH. Dnnily liiing prcsuit and jiruililin , ? In raid court. the follow Ing among other | > roic < Hlliip | ) w era hail and done , to wit : No. 03 0. Sherman W Knmalg , conmlilnint , \ . Helmut ! III11. Melt In Hill , Acnes 11111 , Ah In Hill , Flora Hill , John Illll , guardian of minor defendants. In chancery. Order on abuiit defendants. And now , on this IDtli da ) ol Juno A. I ) . 1SS1 , belli ) ? at thii May term , A. 1) . 1831 , of the said court. It lmInjf been maile to appear to the eat- lifaition of the said court , thai this U n mil commenced to enforce an rnultaMo claim upon real property within the wild district , and tlmt Edn-ard lllil , Mchln Hill , AsrnrB HIM , Ah In Hill , Flora Hill , John 11111 , piardlan of minor defcndanta herein are not Inhabitant * of. and ha\o not been found within the said district , and hate \oluiitarlly ap peared In thii Hint , on motion of James M , Wool. north , KI. , Bollcltor for Uio paid eonilalnant | , It li considered by the court and ordered that the sold defcndanta abo\ Mimed ho and they are hereby dlrui-tvd to appear and plead , annwor , or demur to the complainant' ! bill of complaint , on or before the first dnyol August , 1831 , and that In default thereof , an order bo entered In caune , taking the Bald bill pro confenao. It Is further ordered by the court that twenty dujsbtforo the said first day ef Alv iru t , 1881 , a copy of thin order bo ecrvod upon Kdwanl Illll , Mchln Hill , ApieH Hill , Atvln I'll ) , Flora Illll , John Hill , Runrdlan ot the Bald defendant * . whcroo\er found , If practicable , and * l o ui > on the per son orj persons In ikilscdBlon or charge of the real property described In complainant's bill of complaint , if any there be. and that a certified copy of thin order bo published for ( our consccu- IU wocksin the "Omaha Uec. " ( Signed ) LLMIUl S. DUNDY , Judge. Tim UMTKD STATM or AMERIO , 1 . , DiflTBicroi' NKBIIASKA. f T , Watson I ) . Smith , clerk of the Circuit court of the United States for the district of Nebraska , do hereby certify , that the abcno and foregoing Is a true copy of an order entered upon the journal of the proawllnft of said court , In the causa therein entitled , that I luuo comjarcd the Ramo with the original entry of Bald order , nnd it Is a true transcript therefrom , and of the whole thereof. Witness , my official iricnatnro , and the [ SEAL ] Heal of bald court , at Omaha , In Bald dUtriU , thin 16th day of June , A. I ) . ' 81. WATSON I ) . SMITH , 0 . JASIE3 M. WOOMVOimt , jo-JOnU Solicitor for PlailnllfT. Business College , THE GREAT'WESTERN QEO. ft. RATHDUN , Principal. Oreighton Block , OMAHA , NKIIHASKA. taTScnd for Circular. nov 20di tl RACINE COLLEGE ! A COLLEGE ANIJ ( UtAMMAU 8UIIOOL THE BEST SCHOOL s BOYS FOE terms Address Dr. Stovona arker , wnnlon of Bacine College , Racine , Wis. jy 22-lm Axle Grease NEVER GUMS ! U cd onVaoni , Ilu 'g-ics , lteaxn | ) , Tlirtncm anil Sllll Jladilntrj. It \ II\M.VAVI KIO KAIIM rim AND 'IVAMttTi'KH. Itiurti Hcratclirv and all kinds of eon" ) on an.I Block , as well an on mm. mm.OLARK & WISE , MfumfB , 305 Illlnolt Street , Chlcaco , /tJTSEND roil I'llICUa. jo It Urn 1m Jf Touar fit you jro r cffu In. t ruan or lit- fncdbyllioktrnlnof t < iHtrllliiL'oT ynur linden avoid nlnlit wont , la rti itlmulAiitaaml Uio tuio brain nerTe and Hop Bitters. Ivriute , UMJ Hop B. Ifyou reyounjf nd Ipuffcrlns from any In- discretion ur dlulpa I lion i ir jouarainar ricd or ulnitl * . uld or I younif , MilTerlnir froin | K > orhc ltU ur loiiKUltli llntf on a bed ut tick DCM , niy uo Hop | llttori. Wieevtr y u ro. - Tliouundf did an- wljeoettr jrou fttl . nutllyfrom oui that your Jtteni I form of Kid hay iwtdt clumslnif , tou. fiUfMO tukl wlulft ins or Uinnutlnj , J haveb * n | > roveiucd without ( ntoilcatlng , I tr tliuelr uuiof take Hop HopBlttoro Bitters. , O. I. O. ururlnarantif U an absolute tin tfalnt , * ? and IrreiUtt , lautlt of Uutttomatlt , 6 load. HOP dninkeuneu ble cure for llvtrorntnttl ux ) of opium , You will be tobaccoor cared If you UM mucotlt * Hop Dlttors buJ5r NEVER lClixulw. It ) It muy uor Drrrua oavoyour llfo. ft has FAIL BTU CO. , eavoU hun 1 RxLciIrr , H. t > UreUa. I * Tunmti > , ( ) Et. BIBBETT & POLLBB , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , DAVID OITY , NEB. H | > cchl attention gbcn to collcctlom In Iliitlo county. JjHinolini West ( or tinif Iho most direct , qnlckrct , m > Kie'tllnor ( nncctlnrtliopiTal ( Metro | < ollii , CIII. CAOO , ami the KADTKHX , NoRTii-Riimtkx , Sown anil SOITII KUTRRX Liviw , which tormlimto there , lth KAN \ ClTt , IKA\KNWORTir , ATCIItWC , Cuuxcit , HitrM nml OMAHA , the CUMMKRCIAL CFSTKM from \\hlcli nulinlo CVCHY LINE OF ROAD : hntpcnctratci the Continent from Iho Mtaourl [ th rr to I ho Vatlllc Slo ) > o. Tlio CHICAGO HOCK ISLAND & PA- OIl-'lO RAILWAY I ; ( ho only line from Chicago ownlnff truck Into \i > n a , orlilch , lij It * OVMI rtvvl , uacliei th olntmbdxoninicil , No tkrKRi nrOAnnuonl No uissiiu niNKiTiol l No luiililllnjt In 111. cntlhtol or limli'un cnr < , m men n\wciijcr ( Is nrrlnl In roomy , rlnn anil untllato.l coaches OTII r"aH r.\nri""i 1 inlin. lUvCAntol wm\atoil mniriilnofncc , 1'uuui . HLW nvn CAIIH. and ourow n worlil i ) IMXII OAR , niwii which mnMnroneMol ol > in. nirin rtl cxctllciur , at the Ion nUc ol Siur-ay- | ii Csvnu.uiiUtli nniilo | lime for licMtlitut CIIJO } IllUIlt , lliroujth Pari between Ohlcnro , I'corla , Jill vtukicninl Mlvwiirl UUcr t'olnt < ; iuiit tlo rmn uclloin at all | < olnU o [ luti nm.tlon Mltli othir ronilii , \ \ o ticket ( < lo not forget thliillreetly ) to oxcry > Uco of lnixirtanro ] In Kiiiwv * . NilirniU , lll cK Illll , Wyoiniiik' , Utah , Idaho , NoMU , OnlKornla , ) rcKiiiVn hliinti > n Territory , Colomdo , Arliona and Nc Mexico , An liberal nrniiRcmrnt ri'ffardliiR Ini KACB M nv otlicr line , nnd rnt of faro nliviyn iwi ow at Jinpctllors , who furnlth liutn tithe of tlio coin. ort. Don and tackle ot tjiorUmen Irco. TliKctji , nmM and folders nt all prlnctivM ticket oikT ! < In tlio United Bt-atra and Uuiaila. it. n. CAHLI : , r. ST. JOHN , Vk-e I'ros't & den. Oon. Tkt nnd IVuw'r Ait ; . Clilenro Chlcniro. No Changing Cars OMAHA & CHICAGO , Vhtro direct connections are inado with Through SLEEPING OAll LINKS for NEW YQIIK , BOSTON , PHILADELPHIA , BALTIMORE , WASHINGTON AND ALL EASTERN 1T1KS. The Short Line via. Peoria Eor INDIANAPOLIS , CINCINNATI , LOUIS- VILLB , and all pot ita In the TUB BUT UK ! For ST. LOUIS , Where direct connections are tnada In the Union Depot with the Through Sleeping Car Lines for ALL I'OINTS NEW LINE-DBS MOINES THE KAVOUITK ROUTE FOIl Rock Island. Tlio unoqvalcd Inducements offcr diy \ this line to tratelcrs and tourists are as follow H : The cclobratod PULLMAN (10 wheel ) TALAOB SLEEPING UA11B nin only on this Una 0. , II. & CJ. PALACE DKAW1NU ItOOM CAH8 , with llorton'a llecllnln ; Chairs. No extra charge for ecats In Ilccllnlni ; Cimlrs. 1 ho famous 0. , II. & ' 1. Talaco Dlnliiff Cars. QoryoouB Hinoklni ; Can . .ttnllth t ] < ( iuit lilali-lackul rattan rotoliliij ; chain , for the cxclusita usool lint-class paison Steel Track and sujwrlor c < | ulpmcnt comlilncd with thtlr gjtat through tar arrangement , makes this , aliot o all otlierx , tlio futorllo route lathe East , Koutli and houtheiit. Trj It , niul jon will find traitlln ; ; a luxury In ttrail ot a dlxcomfort. Throiik'li tickets t lo this culcliratud line for ralo at all olllcet In the United Ktatrs anil Cauaila. All Information about rates of fare , Sleeping Car accommodations , Time Tables , etc. , will be cheerfully I'lvon by applying to 1'EIICKVAL LOWU.L , General I'asuangcr Agent , Chicago , T. J. 1'OTTKIl , nnnnral Manaccr Chlcau'o , Do you want a pure , blooming - ing Complexion { li' f > o , a few applications of llngan's UAGNOLLV BALM will grat ify you to your heart's con tent. It does away with Sal- lowncss , Ilcdness , Pimples , UlotcJics , and all diseases and Imperfections of tlio sbiu. It OYcrcomcs tlio Unshed appearance - anco of heat , fatigue and ex citement. It makes a lady of THIRTY appear but TWEN TY : and so natural , gradual , and perfect are its effects , that it is impossible to detect its application. BIBO.X RKKD , tKWIHKKIO BYRON REED & CO. [ OLDBKT K8TABMHIIED Real Estate Agency IN NEDHASKAl Keep a rompIUu ah traU ot title to all Itta Ektatu In Omuia and Douulu eountv. mat BOGGS & HILL , HEAL ESTATE BROKERS. No. 150HFuraliiuu Street , - " " 2JSTEJ3B. OmcNorth slJu , OPI > . Urwiil Cvutral Hotel. THIS ! N37W AND CORRECT MAP " Vimuu Joyond nny roasoanblo question thnt Ow CHICAGO & WTH-WESTERN Rt I. > - nil ( xlih tlio l > rn toad for yon to take when { ravelins In oltlicr itlrcctlon botwccr Chicago and all of the Principal Points In Iho West , North and Northwest. 4 lnV' The Principal Cities of the Wc t find Norlhwrit nro Rations * lralns lnako c'oso ' connections with the twins ot ml r.Uln.ulsaS THE CHICAGO & . NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , PULLBIAir HOTEL , . M UUGimTC5ou'lIlnuncr,01ilcnKo.wu ( W. II. STENXKTT , Gcn'l Pass. Agctit , Chlcapo. HAUIIY P. ntlKt , . Ticket Au nt 0. AN.V. . Rillwny. llth andlFAinlmm streets V'il il , ! VMJi'V'Vl A"IltMltJ kSJ * } " ! } ' 0 > ' * iN W , ' lt"n'n'lllh , Rlul I'RrnhimHreetl J. IlKtJj , Ticket Aircnt 0. k N. W. IlAllnay , U. ; P. 11. H. Dctxit. SAMia T. CLAltK Ociirml Aircnt , ' . i' < n n Choice Cigars I Can bo obluinod nt KUHN&CO.'S by the box lor Loss Money than nt any wholcsalo tobacco liotiau , for the ruiiaon they soil cigars in connection \\itli their drug busiuosa , without any oxnonso to the Cigars. THY THEM. All Cigars not aaliafactory exchanged or money refunded. A fine lOc Cigar , long Havana tiller , 5 for -Tic , Never has there boon any Cigar in Omaha equal to them for the money. FINE KEY WEST OIGrARS , From $0.20 per hundred up. L"Atlantio" bestlOc Oigar in Oity -M Omaha , A POT A PIT Collins , Cheyenne , * * * \/JJ WiX | Colorado. Spring and Summer CLOTHING ! ! LATE AND NOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises. TO IN THE LATEST STYLES. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit all ! 1322 FARM HAM STREET , NEAR FOURTEENTH. & CO. , Tobacco from 25c , per pound upwards.8 Pipes from 25c , per dozen upwards/ ] ! ] Oigarafrom $15.0D par 1. ODQ upwards. J. A. WAKEFIELD , WHOLESALE AND IlETAIL PEALEU IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BUNDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT fffl-STATB AOENl FOB illLWAUUEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - - - OMAHA , NEB - - * < *