Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 29, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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    PHIS OMAHA DAILY B13E : FRIDAY , JULY 29 , 1881.
Friday Morning , July 29.
A Proposition.
Wo will do tlio ofticml advertising
for the city of Omaha free of charge
for the next fiscal year , if the pro
prietors of The Herald and Republi
can will publish a statement sworn to
by their pressmen and business mali
ngers covering the circulation of the
daily and weekly editions of their pa
pers for the month of Juno , 1881 , or
the preceding six months with a de
tailed exhibit showing the number of
dailies delivered by carrier , the aggre
gate number of dailies circulated to
subscribers mitl the aggregate number
of weekly papers mailed out of their
o fliccs.
This proposition will bo held open
for ten days from dale.
OMAHA Punnsmw Co.
Omaha July 20 , 1881.
Patterson colla coal.
Get your liats nt Donne' * .
Nlndell & Krcllc , Lending Hnttcrn.
Elegant 1'ocket-Uookn nt Saxe'n.
4000 rcflldenco lota , DeniU , agent.
COO buMncsi lota. Call on licmk
25G and lots. Ucinifl' agency.
Don't fail to drink SAXK'H cream mxla.
lieimV now map of Omaha , 25 cento.
A. W. Notion , Dentist , Jacob's block.
Bcmia' real estate boom. I'lrnt jiagu
Upholstering of all kinds dona nt 303
North IDth direct. t s
Natural Mineral Water on draught at
Kulm's drug utoro.
* ' * -MA ) farms and 000,000 ncren of land
Bemld , agent.
For riNB Commercial Job Printing ,
nil at TUB DEE Job room * .
The Lion contmuei to roar for Mooro'n
Harness and Saddlery ,
Whlpple , McMillan & Co. , the jewel-
era , Crolchton lilock. o2Utf (
Prescriptions a specialty , Opera House
.Pharmacy , 211 S. 15th Street.
* Fresh supply of Imported Key West
and Domestic Cigan at SAXK'H.
Dress Goods nro going fast at Atkin
son & CO.'H. Low price * will tell. Ho-
member wo have Hunting In all colon * .
' Safes , machinery , and all kinds of
heavy hauling done by BrLtco & Co. , the
safe men. w&n-tf
The i oofs of the various buildings nt
the U. P. sliopi have received a fresh coat
of paint.
An excursion to Wahoo will bo given
about the 13th nf next month by the
> Union Pacific brass band.
John A. Crclghton Is removing his
office from Thirteenth street , to the second
'floor < if Crclghton hall.
Frank Kantlg , Frank Coats and A.
B. Wilson , were charged with disturbing
the peace before Judge liencko yesterday.
AH pleaded guilty , and were each
fined 55 and cost.
It was Huggcutcd by a gentleman upon
, the street yesterday that if the new court
house wan built only partially lire proof
Instead of wholly go It ultimate coat would
be reduced by 820,000.
James Welch , who in charged with
being the accomplice of Morris in the
highway robbery nt thu Union Pacific depot -
pot the other even ng , has been arrested
by City Jailer McChiru.
The funeral of little Willlo Wardnor ,
j took place yesterday from the residence
* of hUparcnU Nineteenth and Grace street.
Dean Mlllspaugh conducted tlio religious
* cxcrciscH nt the house. Tlio Interment
wai had In Prospect hill cemetery.
Although the cuniiiilHsloners have not
made public the exact amount of the bid
received for the court house work , It U
generally believed that they are about
twenty per to t. higher than the CHtlmato ,
as the price of labor has gone up jti.t ( that
much. This would make the average bid
In tlio neighborhood of 8160,000.
Largo amounts of California fruit nro
now being shipped east ; nearly every day
Jroiu onu to thrco earn laden with fruit arc
attached to the fast express from the west.
Yesterday a young man working on
the elevator , accUcntly gashed the lower
part of lila leg while using an ax. lie im
mediately Bent for Doctor Harrow who
sewed up his wound which was not a ser-
ilou one.
Cord of Thanks.
. 1 fool it a pleasant duty in this hour
of boroavommit to thank the warm
friends who have so kindly aided mo
during the sickness and at the death
of'my husband. I do not wish to
inako distinctions , but I may bo par-
doncd if I gay that to the employes of
the 15. & M. railway company I feel
I am indebted to such a degree that I
hall always cherish their kind
acts and their earnest solicitude.
These gentlemen have boon earnest in
their watchfulness and assiduous in
their self-imposed task. To Messrs.
Austin and Itingauldt in particular ,
who have shown a devotion like that
of brothers , I have not words tp express -
press my thanks. Let mo assure nil
the kind sympathizers who have
shared in my grief that the memory
of their kindness shall bo always fresh
and green in the mind of their grate
ful friend , Bins. R. L. UOSK.
Court Home Bid'
Five bids for doing the work on the
" now court house wcro received and
opened by the county commissioners
lasf evening. Under the plans and
specifications of Mr. Myers , the archi
tect , the proposcS building was to cost
about 8150,000. All of the bids went
above these figures and as a consequence
quence , the commissioners decided to
hold the matter under advisement for
the present and not lot the contract.
The cause of this increase in the esti
mates is said to bo duo to the fact that
labor and material have become inoro
A Pmnftil Accident at the
Nail Works.
Too Qucllnor , a workman nt the Works , mot with a very painful
nccidcnt yesterday. Just as the
tittlo engine , which operates a pair of
shears was started the belting came
olT. Quollncr at otico stopped upon
the shears to put it hack in place
again when his foot slipped and
dropped between a pair of
cog wheels. The wheels wore revolv
ing very slowly at the tiino and as the
engine was surrounded by a party of
workmen nt the time it was at once
stonpcd. Oucllner's foot was fortun
ately encased in a heavy shoo hut it
was so tightly lodged between the
wheels that they had to bo turned in
the other direction before the
man could bo extricated ,
Ho was immediately removed to St.
Joseph's hospital by the superintend
ent of the works and Drs. Grossman
and Neville summoned to attend him.
The man's ' loft foot was found to bo
badly crushed , the flesh lacerated and
some of the bones mangled. The
man was made us comfortable as pos
sible and in the afternoon thosurgeons
amputated three toes and a portion of
ono of the important bones of the in
jured momhcr.
Central Lund
The usual meeting of the land
league was held last evening in ClarkV
hall. Tlio names of those who con
tributed with the amount given were
read. It was decided to arrange
thcso names and amounts upon a large
tablet , which is to bo placed in a con-
spicious part of the hall. A meeting
.of the ladies' land luactio will beheld
hold in the rooms of the Catholic
Library association at 3 o'clock Sun
day afternoon to arrange for the pic
nic which is to bo hold Auy. 27. A
largo audience is expected to bo pres
ent. The secretary was instructed to
invite the two Irish-American bands
and the Irish societies of Omaha to
participate in the picnic. Mr. lloilly ,
secretary of the North Omaha branch
league , turned the funds of that socie
ty into the central body for the reason
that they have decided to discontinue
the branch and join the Central league.
Mr. lloilly and the ollicors of the
society wcro extended a vote of thanks
for their good work , after which the
mooting was adjourned to next
Returning From the Const-
Attached to the express from the
west yesterday afternoon was the
famous Pullman tourist car "Izaak
Walton , " on the way back to Chica
go , after having taken a special party
to San Francisco. Also attached to
the same train was the palace car
"Ohio , " belonging to the Scioto Val
ley railroad , containing a party com
posed of W. M. Adams , president of
the Scioto Valley road , and his wife
and children ; W. W. Fr.uiklin , vice-
president of the road , and W. B.
Dicknun and wife , of Cincinnati , who
Avoro rotttrtitii' ' from an extensive
trip throughout the west.
Prominent Ezourslonlsts.
Attached to the western hound
Union Pacific express train yesterday
was the private car of Oon. Phil
Sheridan containing a party who nro
on n liahinu excursion among the
llocky Mountains. Gen. Sheridan
was not aboard , having been for sev
eral days at Manitou Springs , but will
join the party at iv point farther on in
the route. The party was composed
of Col. M. V. Sheridan , brother of
the general , Gon. Sackott , Gen. Hard
ing , Col. W. E. Strong , and Hon.
Samuel Harding , of Chicago. The
car was a director's car of the Chicago
& Northwestern road and contained
everything imaginable in the line of n
fishing outfit.
RUe in tlio Prioo of Lumber-
The fact that lumber has cone up
1 n thousand in Chicago , is looked
upon us it serious blow to further
building in this city. Of course for
such buildings as nro now in process
of construction , this makes compara
tively little dilForonco , as contracts
for the lumber have already boon
made , The outlook for other build
ings that might bo projected this soa-k
son is not now thought to bo so
favorable as it was n short time ago.
At least-this is the opinion of some
city builders.
State and County Taxoi-
Notification has been received by
the otllcials huro to the effect that the
state levy has boon placed at five and
ono-half mills. Tlio state and county
taxes for Douglas county for 1881 will
consequently bo twonty-ono mills on
the dollar.
Fruit nnd vegetablospiled up every
where tit UulFot's. 27-4t.
To nil whom it may concern ; All
parties that ewe mo and will not settlu
their bills instantly , will bo published
from the 1st to the 10th of August in
all the daily papers.
papers.Ell. .
Delicious apples , poaches , pears ,
plums , lemons , and orangosatOlmrlio's ,
1120J Farnham. 255t
A trill package of "BLACK-DRAUGHT"
free of charge. "
At C. F , QooJuixn'i
A Brief Mnrri otl Llfo.
Communicated ,
Ida , the wife of Itichard Trymanc ,
died in this city July 2oth. Her re
mains wcro taken by her sorrowing
husband to her father's , in Paw Paw ,
Michigan , where she was buried Sab
bath afternoon at 3 o'clock.
From the first she felt her sickness
would prove fatal , but her firm Chris
tian hope enabled her to talk camly of
the approach of death , and speak
words of comfort to her sorrow-strick
en husband , with whom oho had
been but two months married.
She felt she was leaving a happy
home , but was going to a iaircr ono
above , where meetings would not bo
marred by thoughts of parting , A
largo circle of friends gathered at her
father's on the arrival of the body and
beautiful floral decorations attested
the high appreciation of one , so fair
and lovely. A family devotedly at
tached to her , and a largo circle of
friends whom slu * loved , mourn her
lint KIO ! i tint ( lend ,
The jialc clicokR anil lovely flowers
must decay ,
Ihit crowned with immortal youth she
lives to-ilay
Where leant arc never filled.
I'rof. J. W. Ixive went west yesterday.
Uco. II. lljyd , of Beatrice , is in the city.
K. A. OM5ricii Blurted to-day on a trip to
tin went.
Gen. J. C. Mcllriilo returned to Lincoln
yesterday morning.
Hon. .T. T. Cl.irkHon left for his homo In
Schuyler yesterday.
James Ncligh. the detective , h.v return
ed from St. Louis.
Mrs. C. U. Maxwell took tlio Wabash
train for Eric , Pa. , this afternoon.
Dr. Geo. 11. Aycrs , of this city , started
yesterday forSt.l'aulaiidLakoMlnnctonka
M. B. McUlfatriok , of St. Louis , nrchl-
tcct for Boyd's opera IIOUHC , ia registered
at the Crcighton.
W. C. Walton , A. J. Finlayson and S.
B. Taylor , ol Blair , arc guests at the Met-
rope itan.
Hon. Chan. O. Whedon , of Lincoln , ar
rived In town yesterday on his way toDcn-
vcr , Col. He left on the noon train.
N. K. 1'ereint'cr , of the Central City In the city vi.iiting his brother , the
editor of the Saturday livening Times.
Mm. Frank E. Moorea left for Lo-
gansport , Intl. , in company with her
brother , Col. A. C. UaweH , yoaterday.
J. D. Berry , of the B. & M. freight de-
partmcnt nt Lincoln , spent a couple of days
iu the city and rcttirned to Lincoln yes
terday afternoon.
II. II. Browning , agent for the Amcri-
can express company in thiit city , left yci-
terday for a' summer real up at Lake
J. T. Jones , of Philadelphia , the prince
of petroleum producer ) of this country ,
passed through the city yesterday on his
way homo from a visit to California.
Mrs. Whitaker , son nnd two daughter * ,
who came ho-o from Utica , N. Y. , some
time ago , left again for their eastern homo
over the Wabash yesterday.
Itev. J. I ) . Stownrt and wife , nf Hast
ings , took the cannon hall route yesterday
for Chnlauciun lake , N. Y , , where Mr.
Stewart attends the annual national con-
vcntion of the Congregational Sunday
Davit ! Finch llnlton , whp was robbed at
the U. P. depot the other evening , took
the Wabash route to Boston yesterday.
Ho will hail from that city to England in
the Cimard Htoamcr Olympus , which leaves
on Saturday.
Mm. Leonora Koenig anil her son Willie
Koenlg arrived from Germany Thursday.
Mm. Koenlg was for many years a resident
of Omaha , and her numerous friend * will
doubtless bo pleased to neoher. Willie will
ho remembered as n bright , handsome hey ,
and ho icturna to his native city after
Haven years hchoollngin Germany , a prom
ising young man. I lo has been tendered a
position In n leading Importing house in
New York , anil will shortly enter upon
his mcrcantllo career with every promise of
N. S. Scott , a Lincoln attorney , islutho
C. W. Fisher , of HastingB , U nt tin
James Dell , of David City , h nt the
Canfleld House.
W. B. Anderson , of Corning , Iowa , ar
rived In town yesterday ,
Chas. Kaymond and wife , of Luttlow , Yt. ,
arrived In the city last night , and are vis-
itin0' friends at the Canfield House.
EltlCKHON Fox. On July 27 , 1831. by
Kev. J. D. Maxlu-ld. Mr. Chas. lirick-
nnn anil Mis * Elizabeth Fox , both of
Street Cars to the Park.
A movement is on foot to run u line
of ears out to Ilanscom park. It is
said that Capt. Marsh wants a
bonus of 1DOO , to continue his street
car line to that point. Mr. Ilanscom
is willing to contribute $1,500 of the
amount and is making an oflbrt to secure -
cure the remainder
The only place in tne city where
Jos. Schlitz s Milwaukee boer is found
on drought is the Merchants Ex
change , cor. IGth und Dodge
A , S. Billings , dentist * opposite
postollico. liu-ov-sat
. . . .
Fresh fruits and vegetables received
every day at D. Guild's on Tenth
street , near U. P , depot. tf
Lemons OOc , at Win. Gentleman's.
Bremner's Cream Soda Crackers at
Woimor's. jyGUts4w
For nice fresh meat co to GUILD'S
Meat Market on Tenth street , uoar
the U. P. dupot. tf
It Is Looming Up in the Local
Present and Future Business
A Dny'n Events Givou in Qrnplilo
Quito n joke practiced the other
day on a member of the police depart
ment has been brought to light , nnd
as it was only a joke the parties eon-
corned will pardon its being printed ,
It scorns that last Wednesday n man
becoming weary concluded ho would
go into Central beer hall and take a
couple of glasses of Geiao's nectarine
beverage , and go out under a shed
that is in the alloy jusfc back of the
hall where it cool and there wcro
no flics to bother and take a quiet
nap. Sumo wags finding thu
man in this condition deter
mined to Jplay a joko. So
they went to work nnd covered
him nil over with old paper nnd then
placed n placard on the body with this
inscription : "Funeral to-morrow. "
Ono of the boys wont to a policeman
and reported that there was n dead
man lying in the alloy while the rest
watched the fun. Of course it was
not long before the policeman hurried
to the spot , and the boys say that the
laughter that ensued when the joke
had been successfully accomplished
brought the "dead" man to lifo with
curses on the whole police department
for disturbing his peaceful slumbers.
A couple of females drove a team
down Sixth street yesterday without
regards to stops.
The Long case is still on the tapis
in Justice IJairds court.
Thu celebrated Swanson case is
dragging its weary length in Judge
Abbotts court. This is a state case
tor obstructing the highway. Sapp &
Lynian appcarfor the state , and Amont
Sims fur Swanson.
Tim Toner found a man lying in the
woods in the lower part of the city
apparently in a condition to bo in
quired into , lie took him to the police -
lice headquarters nnd on examination
it was discovered that the man had
$350 on his person. Ho gave his
nnmo as James Butler , and claimed
to hail from Lyons , in this stato. Ho
said ho had been on a visit out west
nnd was on his way to Clinton , Iowa ,
where ho had relatives. When asked
why ho was lying in the woods ho said
ho had seine trouble with his head
and ho took that way to doctor it. After -
tor some conversation with the man
Chief Field concluded there was con
siderable trouble in his head , and ho
vrill care for the man until communi
cation can bo had with some ono who
can identify him. There is no doubt
that h.-ul it not boon tor Tim thu poor
man would have fallen asleep und
boon nn easy prey for sneak thiovcs.
Perry Reed has succeeded in cap
turing the noted cattle nnd hog thief ,
Llarry L. Ustic , who , yesterday , was
taken before Judge burke , charged
with stealing ten hogs from T. P.
Trainer , and the same number from
William Lowis. Iho thief told the
Court that the charge of stealing ten
hogs from Lewis was wrong ; it should
have boon tint toon. IIo says ho has
followed the business for a long timo.
That up until a short time ho
tiad : \ confederate by the name
of John Wilson. Ho said ho always
had divided spoils with Wilson until
the lust steal of five hogs. Wilson
holiHid him steal those hogs but ho
stolci Wilson's share from him nnd
with the proceeds ho had concluded
to go cast , abandon the hog business ,
join Homo church and return to
Council Bin fid or Omaha und open a
law ollico. Judge Burke considered
him a hard case and fixed his bonds at
$500 , in default of which ho was com
mitted to await the action of the grand
Col. John W. Chapman , U. S. mar
shal und author of "Loyal citizen
ship , " loft yesterday for Chicago , to
attend an associated press mooting.
A. S. Bonram will have fifty tons
of grapes to spare this fall instead of
10,000 pounds mentioned in thcso
columns yesterday morning.
A young man from the country was
victimized to the tune of $20 again yes
terday. IIo came to this city and as
is usually the case ho met n very in
timate friend , The pair took several
glasses of bear together. The stranger
hupiicnoi ! to want to pay n hill im
mediately , but had nothing buta check
on ono of the b.inks and they were
closud ; would his very dear friend
have the kindness to cash the chock
at ti small discount of course. The
stringer thanked him and departed.
This confulonco gatno hero ought to bo
about played out and yet every wool :
some ono is victimized by these sharp
T , J. Evans returned yesterday
from a flying business trip to St.
LouU and Chicago. Ho reports that
the corn crop on the line of the Wti-
bash road between St. Louis nnd
Chicago will bo exceedingly thin this
season. Ho eays it stands very seat-
toring on the ground nnd as yet lias
not tassullud out.
Prof. Au hey , of the Lincoln state
university , left this city yesterday ,
where ho has boon visiting with the
family of Prof. E. U. Piiigo Ho has
gene on an extended exploration tour
through the Big Horn country. Ho
will report in brief to Prof Paige.
Geo. II Hood , of York , Nek , was
in Council Blufls yesterday on im
portant business.
Prof. E. It. Paige crossed the river
yesterday on business.
The receipt of corn nt the Crystal
mills yesterday were unusually largo ,
Basil Fox , ono of Rockford's thrifty
formers waa in the city yesterday.
T.ho horses attached to Mr. Crock-
well's dejivery wagon ran away Wed
nesday afternoon , on Broadway.
They started at the corner of Pierce
and Madison streets and ran nt a
rapid gait down Madison on to Broad
way , tlionco took their course down
Broadway past Bocbco's furniture
store , lioy had gained such speed at
this point that a man in attempting to
stop them was thrown violently to the
ground. Ho held on to the team ,
displaying moro than ordinary cour-
ngo , until ho finally brought thorn to
n standstill. The man received quito
a bruise but was not seriously injured.
Henry DeLoving , who resides in the
upper part of the city , mot with a
novero accident the other clay , which
his friends fear may result in serious
consequences. While dicing a well
ono of the buckets accidentally fell
upon his back , fracturing the spino.
Jessie McMnhon left yesterday for
Now potatoes in this market yester
day brought $1.25 ; chickens , $ t per
dozen ; eggs , 1'J cents ; wood , $0,00 to
$0.50 per cord , and hay from $0 to $7
per ton.
Hon. B. F. Montgomery arrived
in the city yesterday form Chic.igo.
IIo will remain n few days and then
go west.
A small but gay party filed into
Justice B.iird's ollico yesterday fore
noon , with a pallor on the face of two
of them that betokened that they
were about to take a stop that woulii
launch thorn upon a sea of doubtful
uncertainty. Justice H.tinl did tin ;
work that had been uppermost in
their minds for years in a very fo"
moments. The pair filed out again
and took the first for homes.
A cyclone that could bo distinctly
heard in the western part of thu city
passed up the Big Muddy Wednesday
night. It Hounded like a hand car
running on n track.
Dr. Studloy , formerly of Boston ,
has located on upper Broadway.
(8wan Brothers , on upper Broadway
will soon retire from the grocery busi
ness and devote their entire time to
pork pncking.
J. J. Jennings & Son. , nro paying
$5.50 for live hogs.
William Power , an old and respect
ed citizen who wont to Colfax Springs
a short time ago , writes to his friends
that his health has" improved very
much , and ho expects to return soon
well and hearty.
Mrs. V. Jennings and Mrs. G. M.
Waahburn left on Wednesday evening
for Fredonia , Now York , on a short
visit. Fredonia is Mrs. Jenning's na
tive placo.
Council Blufld is to have a now
bakery , it will bo opened on Broad
way just above Jennings' store.
As Mayor Vaughnn was passing
down Fifth street yesterday ho was
hailed by John Bono , who stepped
out of his store and placed upon the
mapor's head a fine felt hat , remark
ing that ho did it as a slight token of
his high appreciation of the adminis
tration thus far.
A gentleman arrived in this city
yesterday bound for St. Louis. Ho
had como all the way from Yunkton ,
Dokota , in a canoe.
Austin Graver and wife of Chica
go , Miss Nettie Graves of Glonwood ,
and J. W. Moon of Rud Oak , were at
the Pacific yesterday.
C. S. Vincent of Chicago , J. A.
Pierson of Kirkwood , A. F. O'Koy of
Corning , J. E. Price of Cincinnati ,
and 0. Domerrot of Chicago , wcro
at the Revere yesterday.
The city council meet in regular
session to-night.
R. S. Cole loft yesterday for Win-
W. T. Cole , of Lake Center , Iowa ,
is in the city , visiting his parents ,
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Colo.
Mr. A. S. Bonham , the Council
Bluils t rape culturist , will have this
season , the product1 of his extensive
vineyard in the southeastern part of
the city to sell ; nearly 100,000 pounds
of as good grapes as were ever raised
in Iowa. Immediately , in company
with Bell it Hall , ho will open on up
per Broadway a largo atoro where
they will go into the buying and sell
ing of native and foreign fruits , but
moro particularly will give their at
tention to shipping all over thu United
States the gr.ipo production of West
ern Iowa. This enterprise will have
the tendency to make all the blufla
around Council Blun3 very valuable
for grape culture.
The following real estate transfers
were tiled in the county recorder's of
fice , ns reported by the title , abstract ,
real cstato and loan oflico of J. W.
Squire & C. , Council Bluffe :
James Lawler to Jus. McCord , part
of so no and oi. sw no 29 , 77 , 43
1,301) ) .
0. , R. I. it P. R. R. Co. , to John
Ryan , mvj , 7 , 77 , 42-31,052.
P. Scott to John Bronnun , nw so
31,77 , 42-5400.
0. Bishop to A , L. Weak , part no nw
0 , 75,40 $310.
Jas. Pottawatamio coun
ty , part wise 7,77 , JO-31.
J. A. Wilson to F. Loure , part so
so 21 , 74 , 40 $00.
R. T. Lovoll to Geo. F. Wright ,
part nw 25,77,42-li ! > 0.25.
W. K. Nixon to L. II. Master , lot
7 , blk C , Jackson's add. city $800.
Watermelons , at Win. Gentleman's.
Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver
Watches in great variety , at Whipplo ,
McMillon & Co.'s. jl8-ood-tf
Pianos and Organs sold on monthly
installments by A. Hospo. AV. P.
Emerson piano sold onlv by A. Hospo ,
state agent. jy23
Watermelons ! Watermelons !
Watermelons !
Watermelons at
Watch repairing a specialty , at
Whipplo , McMillen & Co.
The best meat and prices lower
than over. P , BENSEN.
Fulton Market , 10th Street. tf
Take " " and
will tun or lw bilious.
0 Goo Inun i.
Fen RHNTV A house for small fam
ily. Enquire at Eduoltuifc Erick-
aan's. J20-tf
The "Emily" In Port.
Tlio government steamer "Emily , "
arrived in Omaha last night , and is
tied up at the dock at the foot c > f
Farnham streot. A visit elicited that
she came from St. Paul , Minn. , and is
bound for Fort Benton , Montana.
The trip thus far has been very pleas
ant and has consumed seventeen days ,
the boat having left St. Paul , July
llth. The officers say that there is a
good stage of water all the way up the
Missouri at the present time , and that
the river is comparatively free from
"snags" and "bars. "
The Emily will go to Ft. Benton
for the purpose of removing obstruc
tions in the shape of rocks and snugs
from the channel of the river. She
will operate between Ft. Benton and
Fund Falls. A landing was rendered
necessary at Omaha in order that
some needed repairs in the boat's
machinery might bo made. She will
leave for hur destination this mor
The boat is oflicorcd by Capt. John
Justisand two m.ites . , and is manned
by a crow of twenty hardy-looking
men. ' ,
Putrefying Carcasses-
Pi tin ) KI.II > r if .UK KK :
OMAHA , July 28. A dead dog orna
ments the gutter opposite the Metro
politan hotel , and gives forth an odor
that can bo smelled for a block.
Whcro.aro the authorities who should
attend to this matter ? Why htts not
Omaha a boatd of health ? This is a
single instance , but there are dozens
of putrefying masses lying in all parts
of the city which are as bad. If our
sewers cannot bo built at present , it
would seem as if our city officers
should manifest sufliciunt interest in
the sanitary condition of Omaha to at
least cause putrefying carcasses to bo
removed from the streets. X.
Theatrical Tonrists.
William Codoy , bnttor known by his
theatrical name , "Buffalo Bill , " ar
rived in the city yesterday afternoon ,
and will visit his friends for a day or
two , and then continue his journey
Upon the 3:30 : express from the
west yesterday , Messrs Baker and
Farron , the comedians of "Christen-
tina" fame , who were on their way ,
accompanied by their support , from
San Francisco to New York.
When a board of eminent physi
cians and chemists announced the dis
covery that by combining some well
known valuable remedies , the most
wonderful medicine was produced ,
which would cure such a wide range
of diseases that most all other reme
dies could bo dispensed with , many
were skeptical ; but proof of its merits
by actual trial has dispelled all doubt ,
and to-day the discoverers of that
great medic-iiv , Hop Bitters , are
honored and blessed by all as benefac
tors. [ Democrat. jylo-augl
"WINEOFCARDUI" for Ladies only.
At II P. < : < > mlniin'4
NOT1C ! : Advertisement To Lwxn , For Sale ,
IjOt , Fouril , Want * , Bofiriline , &c. , will belli-
scrtoil In thcto columns once for TEN OUSTS
per line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVKCENTS
per line. The first insertion nctcr lean than
. - ArtATO LOAN At E ver centln-
SO.-rA * \ \ ) tcctst In smiiiof S2.500 and
upwardsfor3 toil vnan , oil llnt-t-UsB city anil
farm uropcity. UKMIS UKAI. KHTATK and LOAN
AUK.SCV. 1.1th and Don-las SU.
O.NBV TO LOAN-Call at Uw OIHce of D.
M L. Thnini * lloonig. Crolirhtnn lilock.
, i < JMY ; TO LOAN. CUrKi > oii S Hunt , -J1
M 1 south 14 tli street. r.OI-30
M 206-cod.lO DKXTEIl L. THOMAS 4. BHO.
A good German girl In aOeniian
family ; must ben good cook. Good wages
pall. Inquire of Mrs. Dr. I' . Orossinami. M K.
corner 17th and Dodge streets. )5-tf )
r EMIS1 HEALESTATE DOOM. Sec 1st page.
ANT-D-Cook ami rtlnlng room girl at the
Doran llonse , opposite Hut 01 ce. .010-28
ANTED A girl for general housework.
Mrs. C. Ttosiln , 1111 Douglas St. ' 511130
Kldy t ems at upper rvurnolr ,
ANTED Dining room e rl and kitchen girl.
W Ilighes : wages pild at the I'.icino > o > isu
to ; 20
" \T7"ANTni-2 Kxperlentcdnady ea-n ossors for
TT anew househuld uti mil. Address "E. L.
J"lleoollee. ! 521-30
. - ar.t girl. Will | y wo'l lor
WAXir.n-Sor . Apply at Ixtw oiliee of CroR
& Montgomery , over On aha National
A woman to itogencml housework.
WANTED good cook and Imimlruvi.agrs
S18 pen > outh. < oed references roiulre . > > d
dretw "Q. A. " at this ollicv. B2J-29
. ' Position as talcunun ly a young
WA.NTEI' > ccry houseprefirru , ! ; wagesinul
era'e. Good references , AdJru.a W. K , Walker ,
lied Oak , Iowa. C12-SU
f"\7ANTED A good cook , uian or woman , at
W thcKmmett lloiue LOi-'M
) A ( ilrl to do general housework ,
WANTH Harney street. 410 tf
A good blacksmith. Apply at T.
WANTED \ . southeast corner of 14th and
Harncy street. 471-tl
ANTED-Competent eook and second i.'lrl
W at ISIS Chicago itrect. Good wages.
-IIT-ANTED-A pool table to rent ; with prill-
> | lego of purchasing , btate price.
AddrcmUK" , INMAN ,
tn-lt Vail , Crawford Co. , lo a.
fitFOUMATIUNttanUilof Michael Pwjer Im-
J. mediately b ) his mother , Margaret Pwjtr ,
Uniolu ; Neb , , between Vtli and 7th on Marty St. ,
caroof 1'atrtck Iloan Weatcrn jujwr * uloae
copy. 4M-tf
"V\7"ANT1-.1 > I One lutn in'u i-ounty iiiaktn moT -
> T uey wiling our tprlngs for buggy khaft
coupllnipi. Send ktamp ; or tenns and cut or 50v
In htamM fora pair , to anti-Hauler Safety Spring
OonianyeO | lUndolph St. , Chicago.m-th-saty-2 | ;
WANTED By man and wife , turd and room
in uritatr family , PreitrpUce where there
are no othir boonlem. AJJruu a. A- lieu ortlce.
" \TrANTEI ) Funding bridge and tcbool bonds.
\Y H.T. Clark , IkUevut. 88-U
A.VTKl ) A partner or hujcr. Inquire
W Philadelphia ColTco House , 10th Urrct.
f AN'Tl'.t ) Two boarder * . YonnR men ,
erred. Addrusi "A. " flee ortior. HO-tl
/ lAMj A I MILS. II. B. CI.AUKK'M .No. 1 llunrU
\J In ; lloiiio , cor. 13th and Dodge St . Hcrt
In the cltv. MO tl
. ) Information ol the whereabout *
of MM. Johinnix KAtxh , who llrcil In
Omaha , .Vil > . , from 157 till 1MJ1 , nd In St. Jo-
ict'h , Mo. , ( ai Mm. Sliuttz ) In 1SC3. Infonnv
tlon n moro | wrtlciilixrlv ile < ! rcd of her two
HOIK , Julius ami flcorfjo Hitnh , ( M It will be
t their intcr < M ) by their father , In llilcn * ,
Mnntanx Alllier.u comncimtlnn will be mid
to any one tvulstlnIn obtaining the require. !
Information , &U9-S
liK.VT Homo with three romm ami
L kitdiei ) , Cais ntrco , beUnn 10th nml 17th.
Inquire of K. I' . Fo ilike , nt CrukMlraik's. t U-'M
17011 lll'.NT Kunitslinl room ; 1109 l.nnanl
L Mtrcit , between llthntnl 12th ,
M3 tf MU3 , WAI. STKl'H N * .
HVNT Hoorns furnished or imfurnMicd ,
1 suitable for housckciplnt , ' , 10 north 1Uh
street. 620 0
171011 lir.ST New house l .ixciiiort | and nth
J' MrectB , J. Johnson , 14th nml Vaniliam st * .
tlBAt. KSTATK iX01ANOE. ! See
lit ] ia c.
jlAlli.l. Tun U-.NT-On : lOth St. . between
llamcy nml Howard Sis. S. M'.HMA.V.
7101111KNT A furnlfhcd room , cor. IMhnnd
1 " n.i.if iii , itpf , ftrcels. 49S-tf
poll UK NT A hon-n. of scvon roim on Sout
I ' a\einie , ncxtto Wooluorth's residence , J
Julmion , Uth and F.-unliam. 4W-tt
' in IlKXT Hoiiwiicar I. S. HaicalP * .
* qtilru nf John ( I. Jacobs 4U tt
HKXT-l'wo furnished rooms onlacknon
. . utrraUbetuucnlOth ami Kill , tlilrd house
from the northia t coiner of lth. : < 7u-tf
) lt I'.IlJiT Nicely furnished lanjo room and
piano .S. W. corner 18th and Capital Avc.
UF.XT-2 furnlshfil rootm o\er slej-
FOll ' Kjcth ? iKC.N. K. cor. 10th and Dodge
BtrccU. aw-tf
1,1UU SAM : A black'ponuy , Kentle ant ] i
X condition ; accustomed to sitilu | harneu and
middle. Apjilr at Ditto Darn , Htli rtrcet , or at
City Ungliicer s oIHcc.
fill-tf ANDItnV nOSEWATER.
I .lull HALi : CIIIOI' Four jotins milt
I' Inquire ut first house on hill above ' .
Soap Factor ) ' . 8. HoWlTZEU. ' 518-30
SALE A first-class milk dairy. Inquire
L } at thlsoillcc. 617-aug 27
. ,011 SALE Four Sir 1 * . endue ? , two 15 II' '
. ' I * , engines , ono 18 II \crticnl boiler , ono
b II. 1' . , one 10 II. I' , and I 15 U. P. horizontal
boiler , nil new. Fly Omaha foundry and Ma-
chlno Company. OmahaNeb. m s476-a23
AND LAND Uemls rents homes ,
HOUSES , hotels , fanns , lots , lands , olllccir
rooms , etc ,
SALK A new house , liulll tnuyuirs lull
ilOH , well and Bvcrythlns complete , onwge \ \
street , between 2Uth and 27th , No. 2U19. In
quire on premises. mws-425-30
[ < OIt SAI.K A general incrclmiullio store with
i 1 dnclingattarhcd ! , located in a thri\inir rail-
load town within 25 inllcx of Lincoln. Good pay
ing eisli bu-lnusi. For mrtlculars * pply to Nave ,
McCord k Drady , Omaha. 4S2-20
SALE A younpr horse , 7 years old , peed
stepper , city broke , warranted sound , and
tafe for ladies' drixlng. Has netcr been
tracked and can show three ivlnute gait to bu ry.
Can bo bought for $300. Address S. K. Chatlkld ,
Qlenwood , lona. 47f- *
TTlOll SAt.E CHEAP The only hot l In North
JU Lotip , Valley County , Ncb..3 < ) miles from St.
I'anl , 1.1 nillci ftoui Ord. Uood location , good
trade and Improving. For particulars write A.
J. C. . North Loup , box 0. 371-augn
MlillKI.I.Ab Aim I'araaois retired by il.
U SCiri'TT llth and Furiiani t . 7SOtf
1.1UK SALE A lanfe twoatory frame shingle. !
JL roof Hotel and ono ttory kitchen ; nl o ono
story framk , vhlnglcd rjof , hall room for ten sets
to dance , and barn lar.'c enough to hold twenty
teams- All situated on corner of Uroad and 4th
street , Fremont , Dodge Co. , Neb. For further
Information apply to C. 0. THOMPSON ,
353-to s-S Fremont , Dodge Co , , Neb.
has rattling long lists of houses , lott.1
BKS1IS and fanus for sale. Call and get
' . ( iooil housa nlth four rooms anil
FOI'.SALE No.J013 IHxUe between lliith and
'J7th street , Oool nell und xhado trees ; hoti e In
gooil condition. Inquire on premises. 221-U
203-tf ESTATIUOOK i : COE.
171OU SAlii : A i--iull engine , II.V. . Cayue 4
} Son's intko. In jierfcet psder. Intiulre of II.
] 7OI > u-ube ami fiimituru 01 a tirat-vlaoa
Jj hotel in a tunnof 1WX ) Inhabitants , in htato
of Nebraska ; ha > 24 lictli ; the trnt cling mrn'H re-
Hort. Inqiiiro at HBK olllcp. iilS-tf
SAI.K T o-torj-liou-eancl part lot , nca
I7IOK . Location cood. John I. . JkCojrno
Opp PoitOflluc. OS3-H
,1OU dAIl acre ground in We t Omaha.
Inuiilre of .1. Henry. No. Ill ) 10th. JJ7tf
OI ! SALE Main of Douglas anil Riri y coun-
ties. A. KOatWATEU , 15201'urnlam struct
ONE having work for a type writer can
ANY accommodated by tilt-phoning the Dr.E
olllcu. 4S3-tf
IC1ITMNO-J. .1 , ilcUIn U Htlll In tno
J Lightning Hod. bu > iness , wliole.-jlu and re
tail. Itods put up nr repaired oil tiliort notice.
Orders hy mall or otlicrvviso will rccihe prompt
attention. SatUfactlon guurantt-cd Call or ad-
dreas 101 1 Paiindcru ttr et. _ 404 itZ-J
OEM IB1 NE W CITY JIAPS,2i . See 1st pap
KEWAIU ) Lobt , gold hunting cab" stop
watch , gold roiw chain and nugget at
tached. Thaabotu rewunl will bo mid on re
turn of the watch to HUGH McUAKFKEV ,
SS4-tf _ 15th and Douglas streets.
rfrllltER or four young men can be accommotla-
.1. ted with board. 1'cference ' * exchanged Ap
ply 2nll Cass street , 4th door wmt of 2 th M. ,
ormldrcus Hex 837. rrstollice. v 34S-f
M. lUlOWN-Corner 12th ami Clue
H , htrrets , Is rc.uly to bore or deepen elb.
bjtJMfactlon guaranteed. M)3tf
rilEAMS-Can bo got at Jonn la.rr B htaDu for
J all kinds of work at reamnablv Ojruroi , nearer
, or .IHth and L < > cn orth htrnttp. 378-tf
FOUOET The successors 01 the Aintr-
DONT HOUKC , on Douglas etrrvt , between Oth
and 10th , for board , lodging and transient cus
tomrrri. HCMKI tfullv
.t .tf JIIMIM * I 017IHR ROSS
Absolutely Pure.
Made from Grape Cream Tartar. No other pit
arpatlon inokca ouch llcbt , flak ) ' hot breads , !
usurious ( lastry. Can be eaten by Dy ] > eptlc
without fear ol theilU itsulUng from heavy Indl
d. Sold onlr la cans , bv all uracers.
Now York.