Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1881, Page 5, Image 5

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    ft . * * * . < .
NEW YOUK , July 25.
Money closed at 3 per cent.
Lxchrmgo closed dull at S 8.114 85J.
Governments were weak and lower , out
closed firmer.
4Currcncy fis , 1 SO bid ; fours coup. 1 153 :
uuh-lji do , 111J bid ; Oa continued , 1 Ola ;
Csdo , 102.
Pacific railroad liondi closed 0.1 followR :
Union first * , 1 18J ) land grant * , 1 IS
bid ; sinking fund" , 1 20.
The stock market to-day was unfavora
bly affected by another change for the
worse In the president's condition.
' 1 here wa < n marked depression and the
entire list declined under a heavy selling
movcmcn , led by tlio Dcmcr ti llio
Gmnde , Colorado coal , Wabash , Missouri
Pacific , Northern Pacific nnd Mobile &
Ohio. There were rallies at times , but In
late afternoon dealings the lowest prices
of the day wcro generally made. Toward
the close , however , there"was coinidcrablo
purchase to cover short contracts , under
which tlic o was Homo recovery , but in the
final dealings this was partly lost nnd the
market closed feverish , nt n decline for the
day in leading shares of from 1 to GJ per
cent. , the latter in Colorado coal.
The following are the closing bids :
A k T It 45 Lalco Shore 1251
Ott&Q 155 MilLS &W. . SO
OS G3i M C 97
C F 21 MoPac lOlf
CC&IC 20V N YO 141
O P 904' Northwestern. . 122
c o c & i. . * . ui3 Prcf erred. . . . 135) )
C ct A 13(5' ( NPa 35l
D& Klo G. . . . 90 Preferred. . 74 j
Erie 413 Omaha 48
.Preferred. . . . 81 } Profmod. . . . fljj
K&W , . , . . . 53 } I'Mail. . . . ; . . .
Adam < ) Kxp..l33j at p . . : .
-VVFExp..l24 stL&sr
American Exp. 80J Preferred. . . .
TJ. S . , fi4 1st prf < . . . , .
II & T 081 Tex Pnc
II. fc St..T 801 TIP
Preferred. . . . 103i WUTel 84J
111 Cent 131 } Wab& Pao. . . 48J
IBS W 40 Preferred. . . 87
K iT .
Following are tlio closiilg qnttationi for
mining stocks at the New York mining
board :
-Amio 40 Orient Miller. 81
Alice 0021 St. Liuo2&3. 370
Cen Arizona. . . 195 Silver Cliff. . . . 410
Father Desinet 800 lliaing Sun. . . 200
Leadvillc 140
CHICAGO , July 20.
Business in bankine circlcH to-day was
fairly active. Money was in good request
.and rates ruled firm at 5@7 per cent. , ac
cording to the grade of becurity , the inside
rate on call. The supply was ample for
all legitimate requirements. "Eastern exchange -
change between city banks quotable at
80@l discount on 31,000. Clearings . f
-associated banks were SC,300,000. The
volume of currency going to the country is
on the increase.
Omalin Wholesale Market.
Tuesday Evening , July 20,1881. J
Staple and fancy groceries were moving
In tbeir accustomed volume. The sugar
market is again weak and a decline is ex
pected in all grades. Coffees steady and
unchanged. Fish sold freely at firm prices.
Ono or two important changes are noted.
Dried fruits iirm. Canned goods btrong
.and excited but not quotably changed.
Drugs and chemicals sold treclyat steady
prices. Paints , oils and glass unchanged.
Nothing new was reported' ' in connection
with the heavy hardware and iron trade.
These and collateral branches met a generous -
> ous demand and sold at unchanged prices.
' Tinners' Eupply steady.
. /
Leather and leather goods steady and
unchanged. Boots and shoes selling well
Hides quiet and demand nominal. Wool
Our lumber card has undergone numerous -
ous and important changes which those in
terested will do well to consider. Fencing ,
framing , sheeting , flooring , common boards
from § 1@2 50 hieher than yesterday.
The market for hogs was a trifle easier
to-day , and prices dropped down 5@10c
per 100 pounds from the quotations of yes
terday. The markets in St. Louis and
Chicago underwent little change. Cattle
firm and unchanged.
Wo again note a scarcity of good butter
in the market with an urgeut demand.
Arrivals of inferior stock still liberal , with
little or no demand except for.cholce table
grades. Poultry more plentiful and lower
for young chickens. Eggs dull nnd un
changed. Irish potatoes and cabbage in
.active demand and higher. Lemons firm
.and unchanged.
Flour was actire and firm with an up
ward feeling manifest. Wheat was strong
but declined . Corn very firm at yes-
terday's figures. Kyo steady. Barley
Loca * Grain Dealings.
WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , 103c Cash No.
3 , 89 : rejected 69c.
BAKLEY.-Cash No. 2 , 90o ; No. 3 74c.
UYE.-Cash , 82c.
COItN.-Cash No. 2 , SSge.
OATS. Cash. 32c.
Cattle We quote ns follows : Butch-
-ar'a COWH , $3 2j ( < ? )3 ) 60 ; choice butchers'
steeru , 33 75@100.
Sheep Good mutton in fair demand.
$3 G0j@3 75.
Hogs We quote ns follows ; Light
packers , $4 70@5 50 ; medium mixed
7 > ackoiti , § 5 00@5 25 ; extra choice heavv ,
4 25@5 50 , |
FLOUH Spring wheat , straight grade ,
$2 702 90 ; patent , S3 C0@4 50 ; winter
wheat straight grade , $3 00@3 25 ; patent ,
S3 75@4 00 ; graham rye , § 2 25 ; Wheat , Si
MILLSTUrFS-Bran , per cwt. 50c ;
.screenings , per owt , 70@80o ; uliorts , per
cwt.GOc ; chopped feed , per cwt. 75c ; meal
bolted , yellow , 80cj white , 90c.
POTATOES New , SI 25 per bushel.
POULTHY Live chickens per dozen ,
$3 & 0 ; old , spring chickens , 83 50.
KGGS Shippers count , lOo.
BUTTEIl Choice , 17 ; poor , no market ;
creamery , 20c.
AlTLKS-Uood. sound , ? 5 SO per bbl.
HONEY Extracted , first-class Calif ,
crnia strained , 15c.
LEMONS Good repacked per box ,
if 9 GO ; best , 810 50.
BLACKBEHlUES-Per case , 84 00 ;
tomatoes , per bushel. $2 00 ; California
pears , per box , $3 00 ; California plums ,
| 2 75 ; California peaches , $3 00 ; Call ,
fornia grapes , $4 00@4 50 ; watermelons ,
ner 100 , 82550.
KASPBEIUUES-Percase. ? 300.
BLUEBEUUIES-Per bushel , S5 00.
VEGETABLES All kinds bring good
BEESWAX Yellow , 18@20c.
OIDEU Sweet 20o uer irallon.
Grocers Lilt.
COFFEE. Klo , tair. 13Jc : Kio , good.
14c ; llio , prime to choice , I41c ; Old gov'i
Java ; 2GJ@28Jc , Mocha , 20Jc ; Arbucklo'u ,
TEAS. Gunpowder , good , 4555c ;
Choice , C0@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@45c ;
Choice , COaj7Gc ( ; Young Hyson , good , SG@
50c ; choice , C5c@l 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf ,
35c ; Japan , choice , C0@75c ; Oolong , O.K | ,
S5@40 ; Oolong , choice , 40@55 ; Suuchong ,
oed , 3540c : choice , a5@45c.
SUGAHS.-Cut loaf , lljc ; Crosliod ,
118cj Granulated , llcj Fowilored , lljcj
Fine ) > ottdercd , llc ! Standard Coffee A
lOc ; New York Confectioner's Stand/m ; i
A , lOJc ; Gcod A , lOJc ; Prairie Extra C ,
. . , , . . , _ . , " , . . ,
„ ' „ "
Cloves , 45c : Nutmeg , ? f bo" : Cassia' , 2V"
Mace SI 00.
SODA. Dwipht's Ib paiicM , $3 00 ; DC-
Und do , § 3 00 ; Church' * , $3 00 ; Keg soda ,
STAKCII. Pearl , 3c ; Silver Gloi , 7J
© Sc ; Corn Starch , 8 l < a % ; Excelsior
Gloss , Clc ; Corn. 7c.
SALT. Drav loads , per bbl , 1 90 ; Ash-
ton , in wicks , 3 r > 0 ( bbis dairy 00 , fls , 3 45 ;
bbls dairy , 100 , 3 , 305.
FllUlTS-Choico halves ,
peaches , new crop , 7c ; E\aporatcd
50 Hi boxes , Ilnil2fcj Michigan , Ok ; N
York apples , OicjSt.Louis No.l.fic ; Prunes ,
old , Cc ; new , 77.c ; Currants , 7@71c ;
Blackberries , new ; lOc.
C11KES1J Full Cream , lOc ; Part
Skim , 9c.
WOODENWARE Two hoop iwIN ,
1 83 ; three hooi ) pails , 2 10 ; No. I tub I
9 00 ; No. 2 tubs , . 8 00 ; No. 3 tulw , 7 00 ;
pioneer waHhlxvirds , 1 85 ; Double Crown.
a 7f > ; Globe Washboard , 250 ; Wellbuckcts ,
chain , and 5 j > ly , 20J@21J { Coloreil cJirpct
chain , tier Hi , 2i ( ;
LUAD-llar , SI C5. '
MATCUES-Per caddie , 8Tc ; round
cases , § 7.33 ; square cases , St.OO.
. PUOVISIONS Breakfast bacon , llu.
choice lardJISJc ; dried beef , 13Jc ; ohould-
era , canvassed 7jc ; hams , canvassed lljo
bacon , sides lOfc
NEW I'ICKLES-M-edlum , in barrels ,
$7 00 ; do in half bbis , 4 23 ; smalls , in bbls
12 00 ; do , in half bbls. G 50 ; gherkins , in
bbls , 13 00 ; do , In half bbls , 7 00.
VINEGAIl Pure apple extra , ICc ;
pure apple , 13c ; Pnissing pure apple , 15c.
HOMI Y-Ncw , ? 3 80 per bbl.
BEANS Jlcdium , hand picked 53.00
cr bushel.
HOPE Sisal , 4 inch and larger , OJcg
inch. 9jc ; i inch , lOlc.
SOAPS-Kirk's Savon Imperial , 285 ;
Kirk's sterling. 2 40 ; Kirk's tandard , 3 KO ;
Kirk's white Jiussian , 4 50 : Kirk'.i Euloca ,
1 85 : Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes ) , 3
40 ; Kirk's magnolia , 3 90.
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , 10 or , 8 < ,
13cbotes ; 40 llw. , 10 oz. , ( is , J3o ; boxes , 40
sets , 14 oz. , 8.1 , 12Jc ; half boxes , 20 sets ,
14 . 8i 13c. '
oz. , ( , j
LYE American , 3 35 ; Greenwich , 3 33 :
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis'
lye , 4 CO ; Jewell lye , 275.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. ,
in'case , 3'3T > ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in case , '
1 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in case , 1 50.
FIELD SEED Hod clover , choice ,
new , S3 30 per bushel ; mammoth clover-
new , S5 75 ; white clover , new , § 14 00 ;
iliulfa clover , now , $1250 ; alsikc , new ,
§ 13 00. Timothy , good , new , $2 50@2 05j
nine grass , c\trn clean , SI 23k ; blue grass ,
clean , SI 15 ; orchard grass , S2 00 ; red top ,
choice , ( iocj millet- common or Missouri ,
SI 23 ; millet , German , SI 25 ; to SI 50 ;
Hungarian , 8115.
HEDGESEED Osage orange , 1 to 5
jushcls , S3 00 ; osage orange , 10 uushels or
iver , S4 CO ; honey locust , per Ib. , 33c ; per
100 Ibs. . $25 00.
FISH Family white fish , 90 Ib hf bbl ,
S3 GO ; No. 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls , 0 30 ;
No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 1 00 ; family
10 Ib kits , 7.rCj New Holland herring , per
< cg , 1 20 ; llushian sardines , 75c ; C'olui"-
jin liver salmon , per 100Ibs , 8 00 ; George's
liank codfish , Uc ; Gen. boneless codfish ;
ijc ; boneless fish , 4Jc.
MACKE HEL Half bbls mess mackerel ,
100 Ibi , S1250 ; hfbbl No. 1 ex shore do ,
100 Ibs , G 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100
1)3 , 3 85 ; mess mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 ;
No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore ,
12 Ib do. 100 ; fat family , 10 Ib do , 73c.
CANNED GOODS-Oysters , 2 Ib
( Field's ) , per case , S4 20 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) ,
l > er case , 2 50 : do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case ,
J 90 ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , per case , 2 40 ; do
2 Ib ( slack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( slack ) ,
: ier case , 2 00. Onions , 3 80. Salmon , 1
tb , per dozen , 105 ; do 2 Ib , per dozen
J 50. Sardines , small fHI ! , impoited , ne-
quarter boxes per box , 141c ; American ,
quarter boxes per box , lie ; do half boxes ,
l > er box , 2Uc. Lobsters , 1 Ib per dozen ,
135. Tomatoes , 210 ; do 3 Ib per
case , 250 ; Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountain )
rr case , 3 40 ; soaked corn , 100 ; do
. tb ( Yarmouth ) , per ca e , 350 ;
string beans , per case , 190 ; Lima beans
per case , 2 00. Succotash per case , 2 10.
Peas , common , pnr case , 1 75 ; peas , choice ,
per case , 4 50. Blackberries , 2 ib , per case ,
220 ; htrawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 3 70 :
raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 75@3 00.
Damsons , 2 Ib , per case , 2 25. , Bartlett
pears per case , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortleber
ries per case , 2 50. Egg plums , 2 Ib per
cose , 3 23 ; do , choice , 2 Ib , per case. 4 50.
Cireen gages,2 IB per case , 3 25 : do choice , t
Ib per case-l 50. Pine Apples , 2 tb , per case ,
3 G05 20. Peaches , 2 tb per case , 3 10 :
do 3 Ib , case , 5 005 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per
case,3 25 ; do pie , G Ib , per dozen , 3 50.
KICE " Carolina , G7io ; Louisiana , 5J
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten
nessee , SJc per Ib ; fancy white , 9o per Ib ;
whi lie Virginia , 7@7Jc.
Dry Qoodi.
Buckeye LL GJc ; Crescent LL OJc ; Utica
C 5Jc ; Crescent C 7Jo ; Crescent B 7. 0
Crescent A 8e . Wnchusetts
uiunucilb 41 ov. If iujlll.ii.l > a olt
Indian Head 8c ; Granitevillo LL
5Jo : Badger RH , fine brown , 7Ac ;
Badger X , do , 7c ; Portsmouth P , do , 6jo ;
Winthrop L , do , 7Jc ; Continental C ,
do , 8c.
4-4 13c ; Fruit 4-4 10J ; Hope 4-1
8ic ; Ballardvale 4-4 fijc ; Pocassctt
C 4-4 8Jc ; Altoona 3-4 Oc ; Lonsdale
No. 1 , cambric 13c ; No. 2. do , 124c ;
New York Mills 4-4 13c ; Lonsdalo 4-4 lOc ;
Fairmont Q 4-4 CJc Anbuni A 4-4 8Jc ;
Barnard I Oc ; Dairy Cloth 5Jc ,
PRINTS. Allen's fancy , OJc : AmerJ.
can do , OJc ; Arnold's do , 7c ; Cone toga
do , Cc ; Dunnell do , GJc ; Eddystone do ;
Otc ; Gloucester do , 5fc ; Hamilton , OJc ?
Harmony. Gc ; Hartel , OJc ; Knickerbocker ,
Cc ; Manchester , 7c ; Pacific , 7o : Sprague ;
HJc ; Southbridgeic ; Mystic , f > Je ; Merri-
mack shlrtingH , Cc ; Siirague do , 5Jc ,
Soutbbridgo do , Cc ; Regatta do , file ;
Cochico robe , 7c ; Freeman robe. Oc ;
Hamilton do , 7cj Marlboro do , Cc ; South ,
bridge do. Clc ; Sprague do , OJc ; American
do , 7c ; PaelHo do , 7c ; Wi.shington oil
colors , Oc ; Simpcon'a mourning , 7e ; Simp
son's solid black , CicBerlnsolid ; ! colors.Cc.
CAMBRICS , FLAT Glazed , GJc ;
high colors. GJc ; kid hniiih , Cc ; high col.
oiu , 7c ; rolled , 7c ; lilgh colow , So.
CORSET JEANS-Rockport , fie ;
Naumkeag Battecu , DC ; Androtcoggin do. ,
Oc : Lock wood do. 9c.
TICKING Amoskeag. A. 0. A. . 17ic ;
Conestoga , B , F. , I , fancy , 18c ; Cones ,
toga. 4-4 , Gold Medal , Kic ; dmestoga , J ,
0. 0. A. , 14o ; Conestoga , ( J , C. A. , fancy ,
14c ; Easton , B. , lOc ; Omcgo superior ex-
tro , 28c ; Omega medal , 2. " > c ; Omega A 0
A , fancy stripe , 20o ; Omega AA , 13@10J ;
Coneatoga , R , 0. , Rod Stripe , ICJc : She-
mc 'Shetucket , S. K a. icrPea'ri
River , lOlc ; Hamilton , ] ) . , llj ; Hamil
ton regular , 13 ; Hamilton II. , lUo ; Cor.
dis , BB. , 9c : Cordis A. O. E. , 18c ; Albany -
bany S. A. X. . lOJc.
OIL CLOTH 5-1 wood , S3 00 ; 5-1
fancy marble , § 3 00 ; 6-4 whlto marble ,
S3 25 ; C 1 wood , $4 00 ; C-4 fancy marble ,
$4 00 ; (1-4 ( white marble , 1 25 ; 5-4 mosaic -
saic , $3 00 ; C-4 mosaic , 84 00.
DENINS AmoBkeag blue and brown ,
ICc ; Beavnr Creek , A. A. , blue and brown ,
1-Hc ; Beaver Creek , B. B.bluo and brown.
13jc ; Beaver Creek , C. O. , blue and
brown , 12Jc ; Everett D. D. , blue and
brown , ' 10 ; Haymakers blue and brown ,
9c0tis , A. X.A. . blue , 14Jc ; Otis B. B.
blue , 13i ; Otis 0 , C. , blue , U'ioj Pearl
River blue and brown , 15Jc.
DUCKS Fall River , flic ; Hamden O.
O , , lOic ; Boston checks. 13ic ; JJoston
strips , l,1Jc ; Dundee stripe" , IBc ; Bis.
marck stripe. 17jc : Arlington otripe , 18o ;
Lion Bliw. 15Jc ; lJo ton XX , bro. . 124c ;
Boston XX drab , 12Je ; Boston XXX bro. ,
13jc ; Boston XXX ; drab , 13Jc : Boston O.
STRIPES-IxjuUIana , 3x3 blue and
brown , 8JcLou ; ! ianaGx3 blue and brown ,
SJc ; llock lllver , 0x3 blue nnd brown , IDc ;
20oj J'iverctt heavy , 220) ) Wlilttc
heavy , 22Jc ! Bell , 18c ! Charter Oak ,
'icklow , 18c ; Union Pacific , 18c ; Capitol ,
, IRc ] ; Farn < jrV KHc ; Hverctt , inrdlum , 15c ;
York , light wciijnt , 12cj New York mills
checks lU
SHEETINGS AndroscogKin,0-4 brown
2,1c ; do 10-4 do , 2Gc ; PepperellVJ-4 brown ,
152 lc ; do 10-1 do , 25e ; Androscoggln , 4G
inch , bleached , 13oi do9-1 , bleached , 2f c ;
do 10-4 , bleached , 2Hc ; Peiwerell , 0-4 ,
bleached , 23c ; Jo 10-4 bleached , 27Jc.
Carbolic , COc ; Acid , Tartarie. GT > o : Balsam
Copabia , jior Ib , "Co : Bark , Sassafras , per
Ib , 13o ; Calomel , per Ib , 7i > c ; Olnchonidln ,
per o85c ; Chloroform , per Hi. 9 , " > c ;
Dover's powders , per Ib , SI 40 ; Epsom
wits per Hi , 4c ; Glycerine , pure , per Ib ,
. * W@40c ; Lead , Acetate , per Ib , 22c ; Car
bon oil , 110 ° , per gallon , lljc ; do 1M ) ° ,
1 lajc. Oil , Castor , Ixo. 1 per gal ,
$2 , 50 ; Salacin , per oz. 35c ; Sulphate of
Morphine , per oz , $3 75 ; Sulphur Hour ,
per Ib , Bcj Strychnine , oer oz. 8140@1 00.
Hertet and Mules.
The market is brisk and all grades are
Belling well nt a slight advance In Iprlces.
Tlio demand for good horsca exceeds the
supply considerably. Prices range ni fol
lows i :
Ifino slnglo drivers , S150. to 300. ; Extra
draft horses , § 175 , to 225. ; Common draft
horses , S100. to 150. ; Kxtra farm horne * ,
SI 10. to 125. ; Common t goKl farm horses ,
SIX ) , to S100. ; lixtra plugs , 500. to 75. ;
Common plugs , S20. to $40.
atULKS. 15 to inj liando ( extra ) , S125.
to 150. ; 14J to'15 hands , § 100. to 140. ;
14 to 14i hands , S7B. to 100. ; 13i to 14
hands , $ C ( ) . to 75.
Cigars and Tobaccos.
CIGAUS. . Seeds , 815.00 ; Connecticut ,
S25.00 : Mixed , $35.00 ; Seed ! HavanaST)0.00 ;
Clear Havanft , S'ii.OO.
TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule ,
21 Ib , GRc ; Spotted Fawn , 5 c ; Our Rope ,
Me ; Star , pounds , 24 Ib , buttw , 5 ( > c ; Hon-u
Shoe , poilnds , 21 Ib , butts , Bflc ; Purity , 21
Ib. butts , G2c ; Queen Bee , 21 Ib , butts. 53c !
Gilt Edge , pounds , 2t Ib , butt * , 57 ; Army
and Navy , pounds , 51c ; Bullion , pounds ,
5"ic : Lorillard's Climax , pounds , f > 7c.
FINK CUT In palls. Hani to Beat ,
7 < " > o ; Golden Thread , COc ; Fountain , 73o ;
Favorite , Coc ; Rocky Mountain , 55c ;
Fancy , 50c ; Daisy , 45c. In tin foil
CatliiiH 0. S. , 2 oz packages , 5 Ib boxen ,
per Ib COc ; Lorillard's Tiger , tXc. )
SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to
33c. Granulated Blackwclls Durham , 10
oz4Cu ; Dukes Durham , 1C or. , 45c ; Seal of
North Carolina. 10 07 , 40 ; Seal of Nebrus-
ka , 1G oz , 3Sc ; Louu Jack , 4 oz , linen bags ,
perlb , 51.35 ; Murburgs'Puck , 2 oz , tin
foil , 55c ; Dog Tail. 07 > c.
FENCING No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , 325 00 ;
No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 23 00 ; [ meeting dressed ,
No. 1 , 22 00 ; No. 2 , 20 00 ; common boards ,
dressed , 2o 00. >
FRAMING 1C ft. arid under , per M ,
24 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 25 00 ; 22 ft. 28 00 ;
24-ft. 2800.
FINISHING No. 1. finish , 1J and
S4000 ; O. G. batttms per 100 feet liu. ,
5150 ; well curbing , § 35 00 ; rough 4 and 2
inch buttons per 100 feet lin. , 50o.
STOCK BOA1JDS A stock , S4.r 00 ;
$40 00 ; C , S35 00 ; common stock , $27 CO.
FLOORING No. 1 , ? 42 50 ; No. 2 ,
$37 50 ; No , 3 , § 27 CO ; yellow pine , No. 1 ,
545 00.
SIDING No. 1 , $2750 ; No. 2 , $2500 ;
No. 3 , § 20 00.
SHIP LAP Plain , $25 (0 ; O. G. No. 1 ,
$37 50 ; No. 2 , $25 00.
CKILING-S30 00845 00.
LATH AND SHINGLKS A starbcst ( )
hingles. 84 50 , No. 2 , 53 50 ; No. 3 , ? 2 DO.
Lath , $4 25. '
Building Material.
: Per barrel , SI 35 ; bulk per bu. ,
a5c. Cement , bbl , $ 2 50. Iowa plaster ,
bbl , S2 50. Hair 'per ' bu. 33c. Tarred
felt 100 Ibs" S3 50. Straw .board , $4 00.
The Leather Trade.
Oak harness , 39@41c ; Pittsburgh selecf
ted , 40@43c ; hemlock harness , 37@30c ;
( .kirting per Ib , fair , 44c ; black collar 14@
21c ; fair do ; 18S)20c ( ) ; fair No. 2 , 10@18c ;
hemlock sole , Buffalo slaughter , per Ib , 30
@ 3Ic ; hemlock sole , B. A. " slaughter per
Ib , 25@32c ; oak sole , 40@43c ; oak upper
per foot , Kc' hemlock upper , 25o ; do'No.
1 , 23c ; oak kip skina per Ib , 80c@S1.10 ;
hemlock kip nknn ! per Ib , VocfSjSl.OO ;
French kij ) , Hkins per Ib , S1.00@S1.35 ;
oak calf per Ib , S1.20@S1.25 ; hemlock calf
peril ) , Sl-lOtf ? ! . 25 ! French calf per Ib ,
S1.25@2.10c Simon Picard goat per doz , -
830.00@S-18.00 ; bootleg Morocco per foot ,
30@35c ; calf kid per foot , 35c ; roaws per
doz , 89.00@S10.50 ; white and yellow lin
ings per doz , S8.00@S10.00 ; pink liningH
per doz , $7.00@9.00 ; Jluesett linings , S7.-
00 ; blackumitlm' aprons per dozen , S12.00 ©
PAPER Straw paper , 3Jc ; Rag paper ,
4c ; dry goods paper , 7c ; wanila paper ,
lOc ; newH paper , 8c. ,
COAI/ Cumberland MackBinlth , S12 ;
Morris Run Blossburg , Sl'J ; Whitebrcast
lump , SO ; Whitebreast nut , § 0 ; Iowa
lump , SO : Iowa nut $0 ; Rock Springs , S3.
Hides , Furi , Etc.
HIDES Green butcher' * hide , OJ ; green
cured hides , 8.c } ; green salt , part cured
hides , 8@fijc ; dry flint , sound , 13@14o ; dry
calf und kip , 12@13c ; dry Halt hides , sound ,
ll@12c ; green calf. wt. H to 15 Km 10@llc ;
green calf , wt , under 8 Itw , per skin , GOc ;
green pelts , SI 00@115 ; green lamb kinn ,
SI 10@1 ' & ; damaged hides , two-third rate ,
( cut scored und one grub , classed two-
thirds rate , ) branded hiden 10 per ecnt. riff.
Coonnkins , No. l,45cNo. ; 2 , 30c ; No. 3 ,
20c ; No , 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , Me ; No. 2 ,
30c ; No. 3 , 15c ; No. 4 , Gc. Fox , NI > . 1 ,
COc ; No. 2,23c. , Skunk , No. 1 , black ,
G5c ; short nttiju , 40c : narrow strijie ? 5c ;
broad stripe , lOc. Tallow , 5j.
Merino unwashed , light , 14@lCc ; heavy ,
lii@15c ; medium unwashed , light , 18 ( i20c ;
tub-washed , choice , 82c ; fair , JiOc ; dingy
and w. , 28c ; burry , black and cotted wools
2@0c less
SHOT. Shot , 81.75 ; Buck shot , 52.00 ;
Oriental Powder , kegs , $0.40 ; do. , half
kegs , $3.48IMo. ; , quarter kegH , § 1.87 ; Blast
ing , kegs , S3.35 : Fute. 100 feet 60c.
Heavy Hardware List.
dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 7"G@fi5e ; ' axlenj
each , 75c ; wiuuiu iiutn , per tt > , 7@llc ; 7
washers , per lu. 8@18o ; nveU ) , per Ib , lie ; t
coil chaiti , per Ib , C@12c ; malleable , 8\c \ : ;
iron wedges , Cc ; crowbars , lie ; harrow
teeth , 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , G 00 ; tipring
steel , 78c.
NAILS 10 to 20d. 3 15 ; 8 to 10 , 3 40 ;
M , 3 G5Id. ; . 3 90 ; 3d , common , 4 C.1 : 3d ,
fine , G 15 ! clinch , all sizes , 4 90 ; Gd , cA&lng.
4 40 : 8d casing , 4 15 ; 10.1 casing , 3 90 ; 104
finish , 4 40 ; 8d finish , 4 G5 ; Gd finibh , 4 90 ;
half keg , lOo extra.
Palnti Oils and Varnishes.
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha
P , P. , 7c ; white lead , 0. P. k 0 , Co.pure ,
Gc ; Marseilles gieen , 1 to G Ib cans , 20c ;
l 'rench zinc , green seal. 12c ; French zinc ,
red seal , llo ; French zinc , in varnish uwtt ,
20c ; French zince , in oil awtt , 15o ; Raw
and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c : raw anil
burnt Sienna. 13c : vandyke brown , 13o ;
lelincd lampblack , 12c ; coach black , I'lcj
ivory black , ICc ; drop block , ICc ; Pmshian
blue , 80c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome 0
green , Ji. M. & D. , 14c ; blind and bhutter
green , L. tL If D. , 14c ; Pari * creen. 18c ;
Ipjlinn rod , 16c ; Venetian red , Oc ; Tuscan
rtd , 22c ; American Arfnnlllod , I , & P. , 18c ;
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. i D. O. , 18c ; I
yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 1C ; patent
dryer , Cc ; graining colors : light oak , dark 5
oak , walnut , chestnut und ash 12o 0
Dry Palnti .
White lead , GJc ; French zinc , lOc ; Paris
whlteing 2ic ; whiting gilders , IJc ;
\ihitiag cpuiM , lc ; lumpblauk Uennau.
town , Ho ; lampblack , onlin ry , PC ; I'mv
dian blue , We ; nltrftmivrinf , ISc ; Mitidykc ,
brown , 80 ; nmlicr. burnt , 4cj ntnlicr , n w ,
4c ; nicnn.i , bunit , 4c ; picnn s raw , 4c ;
Paris grcon genuine , .V > c ; ParU green com'l
2flcj chrome green , N. Y. ' 20c ! chrome
green K. , 12c ; vcnnllllon , Lng. , iOc ;
million , America , 18c ; Indian red. c ;
ro o pink , 14cj Venetian rcml , COOK IIIR ,
lijos Venetian red Am. , lc ; red , "Jc ;
chroma yellow , gcnuino , luc ! ; olmnnc vcl.
low , K. , 12o ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ochre ,
French , 2Jc ; ochre , American , IJc ;
Winter' * mineral. 2jic ; lehlgh brown. 2cj
fp.iniili brown , 2\c \ ; Prince's mineral 3c ;
VA1JNIS11KS Barroln P"r gallon.
Furniture , cxU , SI 00 ; furniture , No. 1 ,
oil llni.h , SHU
O1F.8-110'carbon txrirnllon , lljrs W
Lcadlii ht , per gallon , 12Jo ; 17 < " > * lu-aiHight
llic ; crystolino , per gallon , I
4X Y \ . | FIT nilllll , VJV , 11I . t > , V , . (
per gallon , We ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon ,
* * 35 ; lllsli.W.R , per gallon , GOc ; neaUfoot ,
extra , per gallon , 75c , No. 1,05 ; lumber ! ,
eating , zero , per gallon , 30c , Ritinnicr , Ifa ;
golden machine. No. 1 , per gallon , Xie , No.
2 , ISSps "perm , signal , per gallon , 80cj tur *
l > ciitim\ per gallon. r > 5c : imptlia , 74tg < ,
1'cr gallon 18o. 03 deer. 17c.
ALCOHOL 187 proof , ? 2 10 tcr
\\ine gallon , extra California npint ,
187 proof at 1 18 jicr proof pllon
triple refined spirits , 187 proof , $1 Id ; per
proof gal re-distilled whisKlo' " , 8100Tf ( 1 M ) ;
line blended , $1 MX ? 2 50 ; Kentucky Ixwr-
bens , $2007 00 : Kentucky and Pfimsyl.
vania rve ' , $2 00(3)7 ( ) 00.
BRA'NDIES-lmportfd , SO 00@1GOO ;
domestic 1 40SH ( 00.
GINS Imiibrtcd , 4 50@0 00 ; domestic ,
140S)300. ( )
RUMS ImiKirtcd , 4 fiO@0 00 : Xi-w
England. 2 OOWI 00 ; domestic. 1 Mirn ) ( : ,0j ,
1 7fi@4 00.
CHAMPAGNES Imported per case ,
20 00@34 00 ; American , per case , 12 U0 ( < f >
1800 ,
CLARETS Per rase , 4 r.OlWlO . 00.
WINES Rhinewino , tier cane ,
00 Catawba , jicr cano 4 00(5)7 ( ) 00.
Council Bluffs Goiiornl Market-
Cou.vcir , BLUKKH , July 2i5.
Wheat No. 2 , 81.00 ; No. 3 , SG ; rejected
07. .
Corn No. 2 , 34 , rejected 32 , damaged ,
23.Hay Fair market , with prices at ? ? .
Oats Market quiet ; No. 2 , 27c , reject
ed 22.
Rye No. 2 , G7c.
Butter 12ic.
Et-gs 12Au.
Cattle U : ef , S3 504 50.
Sheep S3 504 50.
Hogs Light deiu.iiul , prices ? 4 75@5 00.
Potatoes New , S12o per bu. ; old , "Oc
per bushel.
Onions 52 00.
Wood Market quiet ) with good supply ;
S7 50.
Poultry 9f $10c.
Chicago Prodnco.
The grain mnrketa wcro easier. The re
ceipts of grain were 539,000 bushels by
canal nnd 1,279 car load by rail , embrac
ing 14G of wheat , 952 of corn , 141 of oats ,
GO of rye and 4 of barley.
Flour Firm and in fair request , with
offerings light ; good to choicu western
spring , G OQili 00 ; do Minnesota , 000Si (
6 50 ; choice ) td fancy white winter extras ,
0 : 75@7 00.
Wheat In No. 2 wpring the aggre
gate transactions were very fair , but the
feeling was very unsettled and prices sub
ject to frequent fluctuations , within tliu
lower rango. The weather in the west was
'favorable for the growing crop , which in
fluenced operators to Hell more freely , , and
an there was not much support from th
bull ] element priceN declined materially ,
falling off 3c per bushel for August , ami
2Jo for seller September , below the highest
lii'iiro reached yesterday , und finally closed
at 119@1 19J for cash ; 118 for July ; 1 20
for August ; 1 13J for September ; I l i@
113. } for October ; 1 lljj for the year ; No. 3
do , 105@1 05J , according to location ; re
jected , dull and nominal.
Corn Only moderate business was tran
sacted , nnd the feeling was easy and prices
averaged a shade lower , both for prei-ent
and future delivery ; offerings were quite
liberal and the shipping demand moderate ;
tlio market ruled utak toward the close
nnd finally closed Jc lower for teller July ,
and J@Jo lower for the more futures , than
yesterday ; No. 2 and high mixed clo-ul at
-19 for cash ; 4 ! ) for July ; 49JJ- for August ;
and September ; 47 for October ; 41 $ for
the year ; new high mixed , 48 ; now mixed ,
41i ( 0J35 rejected , 43J.
Oats In good Npcculativo demand for
No. 2 and No. 2 white ; the offerings were
large , but principally rejected ; the closing
quotations wcro 44J for July ; 30)J@iOi ) : for
August ; 30J for September ; 28j < s 28 § for
October ; 28 _ ? for the
Rye Quiet aud lowrr ; the heavy re
ceipts interfered nomewhat with the Iran-
suctions ; No. 2 , 90 for July ; 85 for August ;
84 for September.
Barley In good demand lor future * ,
but dull for casli ; No , 2 , 95 for September ;
93 for October.
Pork Active and htrong at 5@10o ad
vance ; mess closed at 18 25 for July ; IS 30
for August ; 18 22i for September ; 15 50
for the year.
Laid Steady with an upward tendency ,
closing at 12 20@11 ! 25 for cash ; 11 92J
for August ; 11 07& i r September ; 10 C7j
for the year.
Bulk Meats In g ( > od demand : market
stronger and jirlcuH higher : offerings lib
eral ; short rib Mden , 9 00 for August ;
9 17A for September.
Wliisky Firm und higher ut 1 11.
Receipts Flour , II/iHti bbls ; wheat ,
52,504 bu ; corn , 47 ! ,781 bu ; oat * , 114-
8C9burye ; , 7,311 bu ; barley , 2,085 bu.
Shipments Flour , 12,137 bbls ; wheat ,
15,450 bu ; com , 2IO.C1C bu ; oats'"J5-
573 bu , ; rye , nuiic ; bailey , 525 bu.
The stock of grain in the Chicago eluva-
tom foots up 8K'J7OKI bu. , against 9,312-
309 bu. a week ago , anil 4,054,514 bu. at
this period last year.
St. I > oul Produce.
Hr. LQUIH , July ' „ ' < ! .
Flour Hauler nnd unchanged.
Wheat Jjower and weak ; No , 2 1 17
for cash and July ; 117 | tor August ; 1 If
for September ; 1 : ' < > / for October ; 1 23
for Nuvunber ; 1 17 liir tlio year.
Corn Hetttr : 47'ifel8 for cadi ; 48 for )
August ; 48J@48i for September ; 48J for
the year.
Oats Higher ; ca h nnd July Id tolo
cornered ; 37ife38 ) for cash ; 38 fur July ;
27 for the year.
Rye Lower to sell , 07 bid.
Uutter - Unchanged.
Kgi's Unchanged ,
WbUky Steady at 1 03.
l ard Nominally at 11 1)0. ) 1
Receipts-Flour. 3,000 hub ; wheat , 70- 3
000 bu.jcorn , 35,000 bu. ; outs , LOGO bu. ;
rye , none ; barley , none.
.Shipments Flour , 9,000 bbls ; wheat ,
10,000 bu. ; com , 02,000 bu.j oats , 3,000
bu. ; rye , nonu ; barley , none.
Chicago Iiive Stock.
OIHCAUO. July 20.
Hogs Receipts 17,500 head ; shijimenU
3,500 head ; demand strong nnd market ac
tive at 5o advance ; common to medium I
mixed , 0 15feO GO : good to choice , C US ®
95 ; 3 or 4 cars selected , ut 7 00 7 05 , the
highcbt price yet reached ; cull and throw.
outs , 4 60G 25.
Cattle Recuipts 1,800 head ; Bhiix
ments 1,400 head ; market tteady ; ex-
> ortn , 5 90@0 20 ; good to choice cld | > -
ping , 5 70(0,0 ( CO : common to fair , 4 Git" )
40 ; corn fwl far.wt-uttni cattle , 5 00@ 1
00 ; Wyoming cattle in very liberal sup.
ply , unit lOo lower , but good clearance
made ; gratis 'IVxinin , 3 15u3 ( bO , with
cow * at 2 Wiili d' } Wyoming Tcxans , 4 05 ;
fair cattle , 4 00 ; good demand for light
Cash Jobbers and Retailers of
Lonsdale , Fruit Hill , and other well-known brands of Muslin at 8 l-2c a yard *
Best quality unbleached muslin , 7 l-2c. Pillow case muslins , lOc. Wide
sheeting muslins , at wholesale prices. Linen sheetings from
from $1,00 to $1.50 per yard. Very best prints , fast
colors , 5c. Very best ginghams , 8 l-2c.
Another Case Black Buntings , 8 l-2c. , Thirty pieces-new , dress ,
. goods , lOc. > . . . ,
In this lot will bo found nil dcairablo colors in ALL SILK GRCS GRAIN , SATIN AND GKOS GAIN , AND FINE
SILK BROCADED HUMOUS , from ono to four incus wide.
No Such ° Ribbon Bargains were ever before Shown
12,000 dozen finu Dress Buttons at lOo a card two mid three dozen on n card , nil sizes and over a thousand diUorent
' ' , . designs ; worth from from thirty to llfty ciints a card.
S. P. MOE3E & CO.
cattle of good llenh ; native butcher's stock"
2 00@3 75 ; stockers and feeders , 2 20 ®
2 75@4 50 : two cars of dairy calves offered
for sale , quotable at 11 00 ( jl4 00 per head.
Sheep Receipts , 700 head ; shipments ,
500 head ; steady and fairly active qual
ity of olfcringii ; poor to medium ; 3 25 ®
4 25 ; good to choice , 4 50 ; very good in
quiry for export sheep , but none coming
i"- .
_ . _
Grand Junction Market
GiiANi ) JUNCTION. la. , July 20.
Eggs 8c.
g , Butter-8c. _ _ _
Now York Produce-
NKW YOIIK July 20.
Flour O.uict and weak.
Wheat Heavy nnd lower ; spot sales of
No. 1 red winter at 1 123@1 251 ; of No.
3 , 1 18@1 214 , and of mixed winter , at
I 2021 21.
Corn Kalrly actl > e ; snot sales of No. 2
at 574f'58 ; for No. 3 , 51 * : No. 2 whlto ,
59 , and ntcamor mixed , 53A.
Oats Shade firmer and irregular ; No. 1
white , 48 ; No. 2 do , 45ffl454 ; No. 2 mix-
ed. 45@451 ; No. 3 mixed , 4it@13J.
Rye Quiet and unchanged.
Barley Nominal.
Pork Moderate demand nnd firmly
held ; ordinary mess for early delivery ,
18 25.
Lard More active and steady : spot
Bales of western steam at 12 15 ; city do ,
II 75.
13eef Unchanged.
Cut Meats Unchanged.
Whisky Nominal. * '
Baltimore Produce ,
IjALTisionK , July 20.
Flour Active ,
Wheat Southern , steadier ; 1 22@1 2 < :
longberry , 1 23 < &U 20 ; winter , 1 21 )1 ) 241
For cash and July ; 1 213012-11 for An-
'USt ,
Corn Whlto Southern , quiet at 00 ;
yellow , dull at 58 ; mixed weittorn , steady
for cash and July.
Liverpool Produce.
ijlVKiii'ooi. , July 20 ,
Flour American , 9s Cd@lls Oil.
Wheat Winter ; Us 5d@ * 10 < 1 ; white ,
s3d9s 7d ; spring , U fe9i 5d } club , 'J * 7d
@ 9s lOd.
Corn 5 .
Pork 74 .
_ _ _
Bt- Louis Ltvo Stook >
ST. LOUIH , July 20.
Iloge Fairly active ; Yorkers , 0 IX ) $
70 ; packing , 0 20 0 00 ; choice to fancy ,
a"5@0 90. Receipts 1,000 iiead ; ehiii-
n.ents , 1,200 headjh _ _ _
Poorla Produce.
PKOIIIA , July 20.
High Wines-Bteady at 10@17.
Toledo Produce
TOLEDO , July 20.
Wheat-Dull ; No. 2 red , July. 1 lOfc
August , 1 199 ; September and October ,
22 ; November , 1 23J ; year , 1 1 1 asked ;
uewNo.2red , 1 19J.
Corn Dull ; No. 2 , cash , 521 ; red 53 ;
isked , 47.
Oats Dull ; No. 2. SeptcinberL29j bid.
Pliiladelplila Produce.
PlilLADKl.riilA , July 20.
Wheat Flnncr at 1 21@1 21g for cash ;
248 for July ; 1 231 for August.
Corn Firm at 57@671 for cash and
July ; 6CVf g57i ? ' * August.
Outs-l sicr at 41J@42for July ; 37@
W4 for August , i
Rye Quiet at 80 for new and 80 for old
Pittsbura Live Stock.
I'lTTHiiuuo , July 2ft.
Cattle Slow nnd unchanged ; receipts ,
1,309 head ; shipments , 2,001 head.
Hogs Active ; receipts , 2,000 hood ;
shipments , 2,900 head ; Philadelphia ! ) , 0 8u
@ 0 85 ; Yorkers , 0 50@0 ( X ) .
Sheep Slow and a shade elf ; receipts ,
GOO head ; shipments , 4,800 head.
In the district court , Doimlas County.
To tia-micl 0. DavU , Caroline Da\ln , Klliaboth
I ) . TomtliiHon anil tliu holrs or ilevlneu n ( Henry
T. TomlliiHon , doctueed whono real immui ere un
known , noii-rmlilont defendants ,
You are hereby notified that John T. Dm In ,
plalnlin anil present owner ol tlio land hereinaft
er duacrlbod , did on tlio 17th < lny of June , A. I ) .
1881 , fllo Ma petition In tlio dlntrlct court In and
for DoUKlu county , Neb. , against juu u defen
dants nettlnjr forth that on the mil day of Janu
ary A , II , 1WW , the nail ! Henry T. Toinllnion ,
and Kllzabetli II. , Ills wife , executed aid deliver
ed to tliu wild Kamnel C. Ia\lH a ifvcd ol land )
ultuatul In nld county In which a portion of the
lands Intended to da convoyed was by a clerical
error erroneoimly dcucrlbod an tlio north I Irntcad
of the west 1 of tlio outhwc t i of see. No. 1 , In
township' No. 14 north of raiii | No. 11 out ac
cording to the true Intent of the parties Uicrcto ,
which deed la duly recorded In the ortlco of tlio
clerk of the county of Douglas lu book M of deeds
at pafc'o Ib2.
Tliu ohjcet and prayer of said petition U that
wild error bo corrected and that fild deed ba con.
( trued aa conveylnir the wtmt j of the noiithwont
miarter of bald tccuon No , ono , and that ttio title
thereto bo adjinl'ud | ta be In nahl plaintiff or In
Uioxo lawfully cUlinliiK umliT him tliu name as If
salil error Iwl not buon muilu and that you and
each of you ba forever excluded from any Inter-
nut In nald land on account of said trror and for
filth other to further relief as may Ixi Jutland
rl h t In the prumiHOH , And your arc and cauh of
you \ hereby notified to appear and anuwvr said
petition on or before the Ut day of August , A ,
. , lSbl.
Dated Juno 23,1831. I'talntllT.
Vi'u. K , MILLKK hl Attorney ! ov-iat-Jt
Roar for Moores ( )
AND Saddlery.
Ikftto udoptod the Lion ai a Trade Wnk , Jid
all my uood * will bo HTAJIl'KI ) with the LION
and my NAM K on thoiame. NO nOOUS AUK
The but uuitcrlal U u cd mid the mewl skilled
\torkmcn are einploiod , and at tliu luwiat cneh
price. Anyone wwlilnif a prlco-lUt of good will
confer a fat or by sending fur one.
810 South Thirteenth Street , vtlth
J , M.Woolworth.
In the Circuit C nrt of the United Statut , for the
the District of Nubnuka :
At A nculon of tlio Circuit Court of the United
Htatcs , for tlio Dlitrlct of Nebraska , contlnuol
and held pureuant to adjouniiucnt , at the Unltul
Htatci court room In the city of Omaha , en the
16th day of Juno , 1831 , tliu lion. Elmer S. Dnndr
belli ) ; procnt and nrcwlillntr In sold court ,
the following among other uroceedlnirii wcro hatl
and done , to-wit :
No. 63 O.
Sherman W. Knev&ls , complainant , T . Ed\rant
lllll. Hohln Hill , AKIICS Illll , Alvln Hill , flora.
Hill , John Hill , guardian of minor defendants.
In chancery. Order on absent defendants.
Anil now , on this 16th day of Juno A. U. 1SS1.
bclntrattho May term , A. D. 1831 , of the said
court. It having been mode to appear to the at-
lifactlon of Uiu > ald court , thai this Is a inlt
commenced to enforce an eriultablo claim upon
real property within th * Bald district , and that
Kduard Hill , Mchln Hill , Ajn s Hill , Alvta
Hill , Hora Illll , John 111)1 ) , Ruardlan of
minor defendants herein are not
Inhabitants of. and have not been found within
tliu xald dlttuct , and Iiavo not voluntarily ap
peared In thin imlt. on motion of James II , Woolworth -
worth , E * | . , sollcllor for tlio nald complainant , It
Is considered by the court and ordered that the
said defendant * above named bu and they are
hereby directed to appear and plead , answer , or
demur to the complainant's bill of complaint , on
or before the drat Jay of Auiruit , 18)11 , and that
In default thereof , an order bo entered In
caiitio , taking the said bill pro confewxi.
It li further ordered by ( lie court that
twenty dajibefora Uiu mid flrttday of An.
trust. 1831 , a copy of till ) order bo served upon
Kduanl Hill , Uelvln Hill , Agnea Hill , Alvtu
I'll ) , Flora Illll , John Hill , iruardlan ot
the nald dufcndautt. hcroo > cr found.
If practicable , and alno upon the pcr-
HonortjierionK In tHMHeiulon or charge of the
real proMirty | described In coinplalnant'a bill of
complaint. If any there be. and that a certified
capyof tliu order bupubluhod for four coruecu-
tlva HeekH lu the "Oiiuilm lleo. "
( Signed ) KLUKIl B. DUNDV ,
Tin UMTKD HTATM or Axr.aici , 1
DIBTUICT or NKim8Ki. | Mt
I , Wataon II. Hmlth , clerk of the Circuit court
of the United HtateH for tliu dUtrict of Nebnuka.
do lieroby certify , that the aboro und foregoing u
a trnu copy ot an order entered upon tlio
Journal of tliu proceeding of Bald court , In the
cauie therein entitled ; that I have coui | > arud the
tame with thu original entry of told order , and It
U a true transcript therefrom , and ot the whola
WltncM , my olHclal uirnature , and the
( RKAIil veal of bald court , at Omalu , In taUl
district , thin Uth day of Juno , a. p. ' 81.
] eiJU ! Solicitor tor riallntHf.
V17 and 10 North Main St. , St. Louu ,
Printers Stock.
13)'Cahh paid for Rag * and Paper Stock , Scrip
Iron and JleUU.
lapcr Stock WareliouiM 12C9 to 1237 , North
BlutliKtrnet _ _
\ I
Seamless Evaporator
Aft ) i
AT \ inlovr vmcLs.
Died tor DetcrlptUt trie * tUU
TH03. 8CANTUN 4 80M. /
Ittntim Itii I'ufir. - *
Edward W. Simeral ,