. ii. > * \ THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , JfJLY 2T , 1881. 3 MARRIAGE INSURANCE. Premiums Pnltl on Matrimony- Hovr it Works Effect * in the Rurnl Districts of Ponnsylvnnln. Correspondence N. Y ( Sun. Mnrriiigo insurnnoo is becoming ns contagious in Pennsylvania niul ml- joining slates ns death-bed insurance ; there is likely to bo as much criti cism of it. In some counties the judges refuse to grant charters to the marriage insurance companies , but the parties who are refused apply in a neighboring jurisdiction and nro suc cessful. They readily procure n char ter or license to go into the business of guaranteeing single young men nml women § 1000 , more or less , when they marry. Soliciting agents find it very plain sailing in the country districts , and do considerable business among young women by assuring them that yoking men seeking wives invariably select a young woman who has had sullicient business and judgment about her to got hciself insured in time. 1'ho consequence is that the young women pay over their hard-earned dollars and then revel in the hope that very soon n young man will come along hunting a wife ; that ho will select her ; that she will got § 1000 soon after her wed ding-day from the company , and that little fortune will bo so very handy to have in Iho house lo buy a parlor and bedroom set , carpets , a hone , a few cows , and many odds and ends to start married life with. These concerns , moro properly , should bo called guarantee companies. They do business with unmarried pee ple. No capital is required to start a company moro than is necessary to pay for a charter , furnish an oflico , pay for the printing of a lot of blanks , circulars and letter-heads , and start out a lot of agents. A few hundred dollars is suflicient. Agents scour the country , scatter the splendidly- worded circulars broadcast , and in a few months 1,000 young people have joined class A and paid § 4 each to be come participating members. Some companies do not charge as much. Out of this § 4,000 paid in the agents receive their very largo percentage for commissions , say § 1,000 , and the balance goes to the directors. Whenever - over any one member of class A is married , ho or she sends in the certi ficate of marriage , duly witnessed by the local agent , and the company at once proceeds to collect § 1 from each of the 1)9 ! ) other .members of that class. They promptly respond , and the directors , after deducting 20 per cent , of the § 999 so collected , send the balance to the member who is mar ried. The company is expected to do this if it is governed by honest principles of business. Hcnco the directors receive nearly § 200 from every member who marries , as their charge for collecting the assessments. Sonio companies withlossbrasschargo but ten per cent , for collecting assess ments , and return about § 900 to the beneficiary. The better kind of com pany charges 5 per cent. The person marrying drops out of this class and as fast as marriages occur now mem bers are substituted to keep the class of 1,000 full. Some successful com panies keep thrco full classes going. Children 13 years of ago are received Y as members and assessed so much. The younger the person is the less the rate , and the older the higher. The officials pretend to have a system , based upon careful calculation , as to marriage probabilities , just the same as the old line life companies have as to death probabilities. Hence it will be seen that a yeung woman engaged to bo married a year from date may join a company , pay her initiation fee , run the chances of half a dozen assessments , and when she is married she will receive , if she is fairly dealt with , about $000. If her intended is smart , ho , too , will join a company , and he , too , will receive § 900 sixty or ninety days after sufli- ciont proofs have been received of his m rriage. Thus far the oxporicnco of some young men and young women are in teresting. A Sclmylkill countyyoung lady left her homo because she couhi not bear to be ridiculed about her misfortune witli her intended. She thought she was to bo married lasi month , but the young man ran " away and left her. Now she has" neither the § 900 that she would have reccivet nor a husband. The details of her bad luck leaked out , and she went tc Philadelphia to escape the taunts anc jibes of her ruder acquaintances. Across in the next county , Lohigh , two young people wore married. Thoj belonged to ditferont companies. Ii ] less than thirty days they fought ami separated , but the proofs of their mar riage had been sent in to the homo oflico and in duo course of time cacl received the amount of money duo ; and they are now separately onjoyinf , it. The young woman is oil'on a trip to Europe , and the young man starlet a harness-making shop , There are many who now charge that the youn woman just married to got her money and never intended to live aa a wife t < that man. Some say that she boastet of the triek she was g oing to play tc get money to ooo Paris. A young woman of Lehigli count } was compelled to withdraw from lie class membership because , she said she had 103 assessments in two month and to pay 81 for e.ieh was a tax Jieiiv ior than she could bear. "Why , i seems to mo , " said she , "that all th members of our class were gettinf married at once. lily father refused to help mo any further , BO I was compelled polled to drop out of the class after had paid § 83. " An industrious young mechanic working in the shops in this borough joined a company sixteen months ago TJico months ago he was married , amen on yesterday bo received § 900 , wliicl ho is using to improve his home. II said ; "I am about § 730 ahead of th investment , and I consider mysel lucky. It'a all right for a young mai to go in. If his girl 'goes back 01 him' ho can very easily get anotlici and ho will do BO rather than couth ) ute to pay the heavy drain of the assess , mcnts. Hut a modest young woman can't 'go courting' and choose a hus baud as a man can a wife : If she ha a fall-out with her intended , or ho do ' sorts her , she has got to wait until an other man offers. " A gentleman who is largely inter csted in the business made this state 'mont : "Tho business is perfectly lo ' gitimato. A thousand unmarried people agree to pay § 1 to each mom b'or of the class as soon as they ar named. We simply do the organisi ng and collect ing , and chnrgo a small lercontage for it. No had results are at nil likely to Inppon , as in the wild- ; at death-bed insurance , so-called. 3omo companies have it so arranged hat if persons do not got married in a certain number of years , they will bo entitled to quite a nice sum in time , which the company Avill pay. There my bp some companies that may havd icon imposed upon , as wo hear of , untl which you say you also have icard about , but nearly all the com- winics arc very strict , and do not take icoplo without any character or who mvo no respect for the marriage vow. The companies hereabouts are all lonost and trustworthy. " THE YELLOWSTONE. scploratlons of That Wonderful Conutrj A Hello of Iho Castor right. sloux City Journal. Judge Akin comes back from the Yellowstone country laden with infer- nation about this now part of the now lorthwest. A reporter who was fa- orcd with an interview yesterday is nablcd to give the following points : Glondivo , the present terminus uf ho Northern Pacific on the Yellow- tone , is lively. There are already ourteon graves in the cemetery , and ho deceased , excepting two children , 11 died with their boots on. Uosidcs ho railroad buildings there are thirty louses in the town at twenty-six of vhich whisky straight is sold. The route of the railroad above londivo follows the valley on the outh side of the river. The river is ot crossed until Iluntly is reached , n Bomo places the bluffs run down keep to the river , and in places the ngineors wore seen Irom the steamer ung over the blufisido by a rope round their waists while they located lino. This bluff soil is sliding and reachcrous , and it will bo difficult to laintain a road after it is built. The valley is from five to fifteen liles wide , and the soil proves excel- ont for crops. The Crow Indians are not friendly 0 the railroad that is being built over heir reservation , and there is talk ibput an Indian war by the disap pointed settlers on the north side who xpccted the read to bo built on their ido of the stream. The judge went up on the steamer ? erry to Port Ouster on the Big lorn river , within fifteen miles of thu Juater battle-field. The country there s rugged and forbidding , and the cli mate subject to sudden changes. Ono lay attcr sweltering through a tom- icraturo of 110 ° in the sun there was a frost at night. The monument to the men that died n the fight with Ouster is being put n place on the battle-field. A soldier vlio had been there assisting in the vork brought back a irhastly relic of ho fight which ho gave to the judge , "t was a portion of the upper jaw , vith the tooth in place , of a man who md fallen in that last hand to hand trugglo when Ouster and his few ro- naining men , surrounded and ovor- lowered , died fighting. The monu- nent rises where the "long-haired ihief" was found by the troops ot Vliles' command , piled in the same icap with the horses and men that had lied with him en that terrible July day. day.Mor'o Mor'o pleasant mementoes of his , rip to the Yellowstone are brought jack by the judge in the way of min eral specimens from that strange country. There are moss agates as "arge as a brick-bat , beautiful speci mens of petrified wood ; an a ate with a black center that glistens like a f rosl of diamonds ; agate and crystals of 1 uarb- blended together. The gem ol the collection is a part of a fish , potri- licd. The sides are covered with something like mica , that glows witl all the colors of the rainbow. Oregon's Oldest Pioneer- Portland Orego&Un. Andra Lashapello , without doub ( the oldest pioneer of Oregon , died ai St. Vincent hospital , in this city , 01 the llth inst. At the time of his death Laslmpcllo had resided sixty four years in Oregon and forty years on the the Fr6nch Prairie , lie was born in Montreal , Canada , Aug. 14 , 1781. Ho loft his homo in Montrea" in March , 1817 , having hired to the Hudson Bay Company for a term o three years. Ho came to Oregon the same year , arriving at the point whore Astoria now stands. The place waf then known as "Fort George. ' Lashapollo was first put into a black smith shop a few days after his arriva and worked for two years very steadiy ly. In 1819 ho was ordered to go up with a boat to act as guido with six others , to bring up the express as far as the boat encampment ( now callet Big Bend ) and wait until the voyagers could come from the other side of the Kooky Mountains , and take then down the Columbia to Fort George That year , tm ( , hey came down the Columbia , it waa the highest frcshe ever known to whites or Indiana ii Ou'gon. There were very few places where they eould find a camping ground. When they passed the prairiewhoro ( Vancouver now stands there waa ten feet of water all eve the prairie. Ho reached Fort Georg > safe and sound and remained there until 1824. That year Dr. John Me L'jughlin came as chief factor of the Hudson Bay Company and gave oidcr to remove all goods and mova bio property to the place called Van cuiiver. Lashipollo remained at tha phico until the year 1833. That spring ho crossed the Itockj Mountains and wont as far as Hud sou Bay , partly with the intontioi of going homo to Canada ; but In lured again , and came back to Van couycr the same year , and rcmainci until 1830. His thoughts were atil of home , and ho again left with the intention of reaching hi parcnta roof , this time without fail. But hi hopes were not realized. Ho wont up the Columbia , for the second time and went down to a Hudson Bay fort and remained several days , wliei wprd was sent by Dr. McLoughlin the chief factor of the Hudson Bay Company , to hire Lashapollo am send him backLashapollo got bettor wages and went back to Vancouver , and remained there until the year 1841. In the spring of iliat year Lasha polio wag loft 'at liberty to go where no pleased. Bo lie came t'o the Willamette Valley and was married. Ho then settled down on a farm on French Prairie , near St. Louis , Marion cotinty,0re. , anil remained on tlio same place for forty years. The Spoopontlylici A-FlahinR [ trooklyn Kngle. "Say , my dear , " said Mr. Spoopon- Ivko , witii n Rocial sort of n qrin. 'how would you like to go fishing ? "Wouldn't that bo perfectly lovo- y ! " squealed Mrs. Spoopondyko. "I icvor was fishing in my life , nnd I ihvays wanted to try it. Where can vo no ? " "Well , there nro lota of places around Brooklyn. Last summer I saw boys catch a good many fish oft 'ho dock nt the foot of Stnto street , kVo might go there. " "Just tlio place , " conceded Mrs. Spoopcmlykc. "Perhaps wo can : atch some sardines. I'll bet n spool > f thread I got the first shad ! " nnd in ler glee Mrs. Spoopendyko waltzed icross the room and back again. Mr. Spoopondyke smiled pleasantly ipon his wife nnd started out into the ard to got some worms , while Mrs. Spoopondyko rigged hutsolf up for the tending excursion. "Got any fish-sacks ? " she nskcd , ns Mr , Spoopondyko returned , rather vurm from his exercise. " 1'vo if that's got some fishing-rods , vhat you moan , " replied Mr. Spoop- 3ndyko. "but I could only find four nns.1' 'Can't wo break 'om in two ? " in quired Mrs. Spoopondyko , anxious- "Could if wo had n bura-saw , " [ runted Mr Spoopondyko. "Como ilong if you'ro coming1 ; and thor oughly equipped for tlio expedition , ilr. nnd Mrs. Spoopcndyko sot out "or the Stnto street pier. "How long before they bite ? " nak ed Mrs. Spoopcndyko , hoisting her look out of the water , nnd o.xnmiu- ng the point of n worm her husband lad impaled thereon. "They'll probably bite at that as soon as they can borrow n stepladder - dor , " retorted Mr. Spoopcndyko , eye- ii" the dangling hook. "If you cal culate to got any fish , you'd bettor ot that thing down in the wator. " "Oh ! " said Mrs. Spoopondyko , Iroppinc the hook. "Do you think [ could catch n gold-fish ? " she 'nquircd , nfter n pause. "Hi ! hold on ! " There , I lost him ! " ejaculated Mr Spoopondyko , firing lis hook toward the Bights. "So did I ! " chimed Mrs. Spoopcn dyke , ns she fell over backward and shot her sinker in Mr. Spooppndyko's car ; "I declare wo both lost him ? " "What yo doing ? " demanded Mr. poopondyke. " 'What did you lose ? Whoa l'mpulling in fish , you just sit still , will yo ? Think my head's n fish- ) end ? Drop it , I tell yo ! drop it in rater. There ? Now sit still nnd fish. Another time I'm pulling in n Spanish uackerel , you lot them nlono. You made mo lose that fish. " "You ought to have caught him , " said Mrs. Spoopondyko , soothingly ; "you fished splendidly for him. " "I understand the business , " re joined Mr. Spoopondyko , somewhat nolified. "Youseo ho didn't oven got Lho bait , big as ho was. " "I'm glad of that because wo'vo only got thrco worms loft. How I'd like to catch nn oysterl Do you know I " "Hist ! Sh-Ji-h-1 Qulot now ! I'vo got him ! See mo play him ! Now.I'll fetch him ! " nnd Mr. Spoopondyko reeled in until ho landed an.gld boot. "I didn't know thnt fish had burrs on , like a chestnut , " said Mrs. Spoop cndyko , quivering witli excitement. "Crack him , and let's see what ho is. ' "Crack your grandmother ! " snortoc Mr. Spoopendyko , shioing the boot up the pier. "Ho wasn't good to eat , any < way. I'll ' get something" "What's the matter with my stick Lot go , you nasty thing ! Hero is an other ono ! Quick ! " "Pull him in. can't yo ? You've go a bito. Haul up ! " cried Mr. Spoopon dyke , trying to untangle himself from Ins line and help his wife. "Lift liin out of the wntor ! " "He Won't lot mo , " squeaked Mrs Spoopendyke , holding both arms ou' full length. "Take him off ! Scat ! Gi 'way you monster ! " "Lift your pojo straight up in tin air ! " shouted Mr. Spoopondyke "Hoiat thododgastod thing right up ! ' "Mrs. Spoopondyko exerted horsol' and disclosed an eel , dangling. "It's rattlesnake " she n ! yelled "Don't go near him ! fire ! fire ! murder police ! polico-o-o ? " "Hold your yawp , will yor ? " "Go him over the dock so I can catch ihiin What yo holding him out there ) for Waiting for him to dry _ ? Stick thn polo straight up in the air , I tell ye ! ' Mrs. Spoopendyko threw tlio poll over her shoulder , and flopped th eel into Mr. Spoopendyko'H coun tonanco. "Dod-gast the measly col ! " lie howled , ns ho spit it out. "Stpj waving that alam-bastod lightninir-ro ( like a ila , will yo ? Hold it still , I say ! Think you'ro n tree ? " "Don't touch him ! Throw liin overboard ! IIo'll sting you to dentil ? gurgled Mrs. Spoopcndyko , and , for getting that the polo still exercised ni influence over the col , fiho gave it i jerk , and it slipped through Mr Spoopendyko's Jinyers. That gentle man made u spring for it ; nnd swashed into the water. "Hfjii ! blab ! baa ! waggle , hie , ga , ganglo ! " sputtered Mr. Hpoopondyko , as uomo lighter-men fished him out. ' 'Did you catch cold , dear ? " inquired - quirod Mrs. Spoopendyko , with solic itude , as they made their way home. "If I did I landed it , " growled Mr. t Spoopcndyko , blowing mud like the exhaust of n tug. 'Anyway , I caught an col , didn't I1 ? asked Mrs. Spoopondyko , carrying put the woman's idea of comforting n man with the only thing lie don't want to hear about. "Oh , you caught it ! " ripped out Mr. Spoopondyko. "You'ro a fish- woman , you nre. All you want now is some glass sides and some bubbles running through you to bo an aquari um ! Another time wo both go fishing , you stay nt homo. You hear ? " And with this novel mathematical suggestion Mr , Spoopondyko hunted himself to his domicile and took u rum sweat. BTB9S BYRON REED & CO Real Estate Agency IN NEBUASKA } Keep compute attract of title lo all Rca tat In Otoau and Doujln county. inayl Bradford , Pn. Thomas Fitchnn. Bradford , 1'n. , writes : ' 1 enclose money for Sriusv Itio oM , M Mid I would If it cured inf. .My dys it. id has Vdiiiihed , with nil its symptom * . Many thanks ; 1 Kimll ne\cr l-o witliojt it n the house. " Trice 60 ccnU , trinl Iwttlc * 0 cents. J2Mw L A FOOL ONCE.\UMIK. 'For ton years my wife was confin- 3d to her bed with suchacoinplication jf ailments that no doctor could toll vhat was the matter or euro her , and \isod up a small fortune in huiubuir tun" . Six months ago 1 MW a U. S. lag with Hop Bitters on it , and 1 bought I would bo a fool once moro tried it , but my folly proved to bo visdom. Two bottles cured her , she s now as well and stronsjasatiy man's vifo , and it cost mo only two dollars. Such folly pays. II.V. . , Detroit , Uich. Free 1'ress. DI8CASK.S , Ilko rlxcrs , nirln ? from iimall auneii. Tlio roarlnR mcr nuv not ho en lly ill- tried from Its course , nor the nivlntvtt illteato rom Its ilcstnicthcork. . Taken In lime , dlioaso hlch Is mctclv an Interrupted function , may l > o crteil by the u oof natures rcmnly , Tarrniit's Seltzer Anporlont. It i-oinlilncs the niodlclml properties of the cut mineral atcrs In the world , SOU ) 11Y AMjPUUOniSTU rir. A TPg"EI No Changing Cars Vhore direct connections nre nmdo with Through 8LEEPINO CAIt LINES lor NEW YGUK , BOSTON , PHILADELPHIA , BALTIMORE , WASHINGTON AND ALL EASTERN tTIES. The Short Line via. Peoria Eor INDIANAPOLIS , CINCINNATI , LOUIS VILLE , and all poinU In the n A , r'J-J. TIIH BUT UX1 For ST. LOUIS , Where direct connections are made in the Union Depot with the Through Sleeping Car Lines ( or ALL POINTS E8 O IT IT J3C . MEVLNE ! * ° MES ) MOINES THK FAV01UTE KOUTE FOU Rock Island. The nncqvalcd Inducements oHercd by this lln to travelers and tourists arc oa follows : The celehratcd PULLMAN (10- ( heel ) PALACE SLEEPING OAKS I ml only on thin line 0. , II. & Q. PALACE DliAWlNU ROOM OARS , with Horton'a Reclining Chairs. No extra charge for ecaU In Ituclliilnj ; Clmlrs. Thu famous U , , II. It Q. Palace Dining Cars. Gorgeous Sinol.ln Cars llttvduithelrtrant lilph-liacl.uJ rattan rotolvln chain , for thu txclueuo use of llrst-class iniscn t'cr . Steel Track and superior i-quipmcnt comblnci with tliclr ( 'joat through car amusement , make this , above all otlicri , thu faiorito route toth Eajit , Houth nnd Southeast , Try It , and youn 111 llnd tracling - n luiury In stcaa of n iliscon-fort. ThroiiKh tickets \lo thin culcbratnl line for Eal at all olilcei In the United Stated and Canada. All Information ftVout rates ol fare , Sleci > In Car accommodations , Time Tables , etc. , will t > cheerfully given by applying to PERCI'.VAL LOWELL , General Patajnircr Aqent , Clilcago. T. J. POTTER , Oemiral Manapcr Chlcaca , 1880. SIIORTJ.IHE. 1880 KANSAS CITY , St , Joe & Council Bluffs f .f wv.-vr.f * s * TT > 18 TUB ONLT Direct Line to ST. LOUI ! AKD THE EAST Prom Omaha and the West. No change of cars between Onuilia nnd BU. i/JUl , and but ono lictwuori OHAIIAand NI\V : VOUK. Daily PassengerTrains KKACHINa ALL KARTK11N ANO WKSTKIIN CITIKS with LUS " I.V AIVANCiof : AI.U Tlili entire line ii ciiinnirai ] with 1'itllmnn'i 1'alaco filcriilnif CSirn , J'alato lay Coachm , Jllllf r'i Kalcty riatiurni anil Uoujilcr , ami the cclobrutix . that jour ticket naxiU VIA i\ANHA ! over , sr. josiii'ir & COUNCIL IILUWS 1111 road , \la H Jbmph anil St. I ui . Ticket * for talu at all coni > oii ttatlon ) In th West. J. 1' . IIAHNAHU. A. CJ. DAWKS , den. Bunt. , fat. Jowiih , Mo ] OBII. J'am. n J Tlckct A t. , Bt. Jowih | , Ho , W. C. SKACIIKKNT , Tlcl.it Aifent , ICa ) 1'ariiliu.ni strttt. ANDY BOHDKN , I'wweiiftr Agent , A. U. IIAKMAUH < ral Aicnt , OSlAHA.NKn. Axle Grease NEVER CUP/1S / ! U c l onlWaKOni , liuygicn , Iteapcru , Thrcxhein and Mill Machinery , It la INVAMIAIII.KIO i-Aim KK ANU 'iV.Aiisieim. U cure * Kcnttthcn and al kinds of borto on llorucu and Htoik , an well as on uicn , OLAEK & WISE , Manuf's , 300 Illinois Street , Chicago. fg-SHNU FOIt 1'UlCKa. Jo5 .Cin-bo Geo. P. Bern is REAL ESTATE AGENCY , IGth and Dodge Sti. , Omaha , Neb , Ttili ORrncy docs niEicrLia brokerage btulneu. DOM not t ) > oculate , a < l therefore aay bargains on IU books are Insured to Its rtKnij. luttcad of beluK irobbtvd up by the areal \Ve tfor the mo t direct , < nilcko t , nml * fo < t line canncctlni : the itrcit .Mttrpiwlli , Clll > C'A ( < 0 , and tha r.tmitx , .VOHTII-KASTRRS- and SoniMlAiTrni I.I.NKS , wlikhtrmlnatotlic > , with KAAR Cm ; l.r.ursnoiiTil , ATCIIHOV. Couxrtb Ilium nml OMAHA , the COVIMKKCIAI , C'KMKRa from which r.vlhto EVERY LINE OF ROAD UiAtjirnctmtci the Continent from llio Mlswml Hl cr to the Vncine Slope. Tlio CHICAGO 11001C ISLAND , t PA- OIFIO UA1LWAY I the only line from Clilmgo owning track Into Kati i , or which , liy Hi own road , raichm the ralnMalxnp natitnl , NOTRAIVIIM rv I'IRIUAUR' ' No MUKISU omrcTloxsl No limlilllnif In 111- u-ntllAtcil or undcuti mr * , in mcrv | < mseiiKcr \ carried In roomy , cK n and \untjlatcxl ooAthcw , ujioii I'Mi Kxtirm Traltu. DAY CARS oliinrhnlul masnlflroncc , rrtutAii PA.ACK | KLKKIMMI OAR * . niul otironnorliMAiiioiij DIXIXO CARS , upon which mmli arc nrrutl of tin. snrpwwl ovrdlcncT , nt tlio tow rate nf HioKxir * KINK C'KNTHKAni , wiilitimplo ( line for hmllhfiil iniofmcnt , Throiuli Com between Chloaijo , I'oorla , Mil atikec and Ml ourl lllver Point * ; nnd close con- DCtlon utnU | < oliita of Intersection with othur jada. Wu ticket ( do not foract thin ) directly to mcry 'laeo ' of linKirtAiieo ) In Knnnm. Nebnwkn , lllacl llllj , Wjomlnsr , Utah , Idaho , Ncnadn , ( iillfornU , < rcRon , Washington Territory , Colorado , Ariccma Jid New Mexico. At liberal nrnuiKoinontii rcf ( rJlnir I > KKWJB tw ly other line , and rate * of faro nlw.xjn MI ow M impcllton , who furnish but a tltha of the com- rt , I > ou and tackle of uportarocn free. Ticket * . mavj | nml folder * nt nil principal ticket nice In the United States and Canada. It. U. CA1II.K , n. ST. JOHN , Ice I'res't & ( Jen. Ocn. Tkt andl'iuw'rAct. ilaimircr , Clilc.U'O Chlraco. Sioux City & Pacific St. Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. HE OLD HELIAI1LE SIOUX 01TV UOUTR 3.OO MILKS SHORTER ItODTH 3.OO mow COUNCIL BLUFFS 0 ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS , DULUT1I OU'iBISMAItCK , nil nil points In Northern Iowa , Minnesota and akot-i. Tills line la equipped with the linprot rd Automatic Alr.brako and Miller ' ] ntonn Coiiulo.t anil Duller : nnd lor BPRBD. SAFETY AND COMFORT un8Un x sxl. Elegant Dravting Itoom nnd .leering Can , owned and controlled by the com' nny , nm through \VIT OUT CHANOK between Jnlon Pacific Transfer ucpot at Council IIlufTs , nJ St. 1'uul , Trains leave Union Pacific Tmnifor depot at louncll Mulls at Gl& 11. in. , rcncldtiK Sioux City i 10M : . m. and St. Paul at 11:05 : a. in. nmklnu TEN IIOUHS IN ADVANCE Of ANY OTHEII HOUTE. Returning , lca\o St. Paul at 8:30 : p. m. . artn Sioux City 4:45 : a. in. , and Union Paclllo Trans i delict , ConiK.ll llhiuH , nt 9M : > a. m. Ho sur at 3 our ttckctx road \tu "S. U & P. It. U. " K. C. HILLS , Sii | < erntcmlcnt ! , T. E. ROBINSON , lllesourl Valley , la. ABSL Oei Paw. Asrent. J. H. O'BRt AN , Puw-ucer Acent. nouncil Hindi , Iowa. If Tounroonum of DURincH , weaJt' nan of 1ft- ocl by tha 6train ot tcrntolllnuoTcrnil your dutIM arolil tilclit woiV , to in JtuuuUnUand use Hop BUtoro. wutc , uu Hop B. [ n from any In- dlncrctlon or ilUflpi it you nro mar- rlcd or Finnic , old o- 'ouittr. cunerfnf7 front poorhcaltli or Uuipi nff on n bed of lick- now , rclr ° " H iVttoru. \VhooiTcr yinnro. TlionMAnai ale ui' whanover you reel nually from nomn that your y tera forniof Kldnoy ncedJ cleansing , tou. disca/ tlint miKbt Inir or ntlmulatltur , wltlioutdi/nJ-'ci | > y a tlmelr uxiuf talco Hop HopUlttoro Blttors. priala , kidney D. I. O. orurtaarucam- abnoluto an tilalnl , ( ll o 0 . nnit Irrcultta. ot tlio ttomacn , Mo for , euro Imtcln , blooa ( JrunLcnneos llmrotncntil use of opium , Von will tie tob&aco , or uarcutlca Hop Bitters Ifyoiniroclm j . woakiuid ply . . ilritcd.try livulnr. it i It may liar urn-Mis onvo your - . llfo. It luio B-ru co. , onvocl hun Hccbf lrr , H. Y. dreds , yi I n ft Toronto , irai. nzwjyeaEBSFv&ESSMMttissxfES. A SORE SOREREC3PE REC3PE FOP Fine Complexions. Positive relief nnd immunity from comploxionnl blemishes may bo found in Ifngnu's Mug- nolla Balm. A doliculo and harmless nrliclo. Sold by drug gists everywhere. It imparts the most brilliant nnd life-liko tints , nnd the clo sest scrutiny cannot detect its USD. All unsightly discolorn- tlons , eruptions , ring marks under iho oycssallowncs3red ness , roughness , nnd ( ho Hush of iutigiio and excitement tire at once dispelled by the Mug- no ! in IJaTm. It is the ouo Incomparable Cosmetic. Al'I'ltOI'JUATKI ) For Pensions I have inado an arrangement with iiarliunlicruliy uhlchull < lalini i'ilint iho ( Jo\L riiniuit ] cviiiilii ' fioni Jt'ebron. knnnd Iowa will rivulto prompt and SPECIAL ATTENTION. If purtlog minting new dlnclmrue i pcrii or claiming , ' pt'iisloiin , Incrcneoof pcllilonii , Imurily , liuck pay , prlto money , trunsinrUtlou inonuv , ouniiuutatloii.of ratloim , land * , | atunts , etc , , will Hcnil thtlr iluiiu wldrtnuil to mo , I wUlbctatlmt their lnttriU uru curul for , LcttiTd imklnt ; information ehoulil have ttanin cnclofcil for ro- ily. JAMKK MOIIHIH. ( Hpcclal Corrcsjwndcnt ) IbOl "U" Bt. N. W. , , mU-lt Wanhliigtoii. I > . 0- SEALED PROPOSALS. for the CorutiiKtlon of blduualkf. SKALHI ) pro | > oiali will h rctth o > l by the nil * de lKnc < l until Aii uit I t , ut vl o'clock noon , for tilt ) construction o ! ehlcualks In front of anil a < ljolning tha folluwln dcucrlliud pmniscn to- wit : Ix > U 20 , 27 and SO In block 51 on wcatsldoof llotal , ififlO and 21 In block 8 , west eldoof ITtli I/t'l lu block 8 , Swcezcy'n addition. iMl I In block 8 , Itccd'u Ut addition. Lot ! 1 ami 1(1 ( In block 7. Itted'd Ut addition. Lot 10 and south J of lot 1 , block 0 , Itecd'n lot addition. tot * ou the oouth tide of Caw In block 8C3. I-ot 1,2 , 3 and 4 on south tldo of Vua In block tJIi > 0i , JTHIS 10uy , AKD CORRECT MAP 1 Vmttw jcyond any reasonable ) question that th/ & NORTH-WESTERN. Is by nil o < 1ils tlio beat roml for yon to take when travollnj In cither direction between * ' Chicago and all of the Principal Points In the West , North and Northwest. < t Oarr-fully examine tJiliXnp. TJio Principal CltlMof the Writ nnrt Northweit nre Ptftllons)5 jmth iroftil. Us . tUrougli trains inako close coimcctlouj with Iho truing ol uil lalUouUs at' junction points. i THE CHICAGO & . NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY ; ! PULLMAN HOTEL DIKING CABS. L. Carm < ln.i. - - . . ? . ? mcr.f * ? ° Mk for Tlckct3 vla tllls nnA'bo sure th ° y rcnd ovcr I * , and take ° no other/ MAKUS IlUUmrr.aoa'l Manager , ChlcaBo. > < . W. 11. 8TENSETT , Ueu'l Tass. Agent , Chicago. FIAHKY P. DOW , , Ticket Anent C. A X. W. lummy , Uth and Fiunhiun street * . D. K. KIMIULIi , AmUUnt Ticket Airent 0. & X.V. . lUllivny , lltli and Fnrnh-im street ! J. URMi. Ticket Agent 0. . & N. W. l&vllwny , U. I1.11. U. Dcix > t. - HAMPJJT. . nl.Alllf General Aimnt . ' 616 TENTH STREET. Alterations Now Commenced I P. Gr. IMLAH , Manager , Leader of Popular Prices , MAX MEYER & BRO. , the Oldest Wholesale and Retail Jewelry House in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in Silver Ware , Clocks , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the La test , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in Precious Stones , and all descriptions of Fine "Watches , at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farn- ham Streets MAX MEYER & BRO. MAI 1ETEE & BED , znc THE LEADING IN THE WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Pianos , Knabe Pianos , vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warren , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pur chasing. AllE NOW OFFERING FOR ONE MONTH ONLY 3C3KT Ladies' ' Suits , Cloaks , , Ulsters , Circulars , Etc. COS'S ? . 200 Handsome Suits , at $5.00 ; 300 Stylish Suits , $10.00 ; 75 Black Silk Suits , $17.00. Wo liavo several lota of staple goods which will bo offered at SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. All Indies should avail tliomsolyoa of this great sale ofj OORSETS AND UNDERWEAB , T.INEH . AND MOHAIR ULSTERS , SILK AND LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS , LAWN SUITS AND 8ACQUES. 29-toil-tl MCDONALD & HARRISON ,