' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY JULY 27 , 1881. PLATTSMOUTH POINTS , Thmga of Interest Occurring ; in that Town. The Business and Political Outlook. CorrespsmlcnMOfTiii brn J'LATTSMHUTII , July 20. The river improvement nt this point is progressing - ing finely to spend the thirty thousand dollats appropriated to Iho beat nd- vnnlngo for nil individuals interested. Engineer JIcNow has charge , ably us- aisled by n corps of young sophomores. The main channel of the river ia to bo turned from the west bank nt this point and directed toward the cast em bankment of the B. & M. bridge on the Town aide. Tin's little mailer is to bo effected by immense wire nets Btrctched nlony the western bank n little way ftom it , nt and Jicar where the bold Mis souri dares approach the Nebraska shore. Thcso nets nro to be anchored by t-ock and willow pegs , the latter driven inlo the permanent Band bar with hatchets , nxui and hand-sledges. Thisj wire netting , it is supposed will strain the waters of the Missouri , and collect matcriala for an impel ishablu barrier to our western bank. Your reporter was not satisfied with liis own judgment an to thuso trail means for turning the freaky Mis.iouii , nud so ns1ed the JJ. & M. and city engineers. The former said : "Do you think wo would permit ouch a thing if wo hadn't any faith in it ? " The latter said : "Why , it would have just as much effect if they were to take bows and shoot their willow sprouts nt thu Town blull's ! " The IS. & . M. corpotation lias in ( main repair and machine shops forever over ono thousand miles of reid at this point Tlio shopn and material yards occupy ( iftoon acres. These grounds arc in the southeastern nee- tion of the city and auinu twenty feet above high water mark , so that they nro entirely out of danger from the rivor. At present they consist of the following buildings : Machine shops , 45xlCO f let ; boiler house , -lOx-10 foot ; boiler shops , 35xGO teot ; blacksmith shops , 05x200 foot. AH of these uro fine brick atidstono buildings , equipped with thu finest machinery , besides these there are about nix frame build ings now used for offices , sloro housus , paint shops , etc. The shops bein' { erected arc tlu round-houbo , of twenty stalls , oighty- eight foot deep ; car shops of twelve skills ; wood work shops , OOxlHO foot , and store and oil house , G0xl7" feet. This building consista of two stories and basement. The upper story will bo used for oflicos. Thcso buildings will all bo finished by November 1st , and then the present force of shop men will bo doubled , thus giving ( steady and profitable omployinont to nearly seven hundred shopmen alono. Besides these , the company is making other extensive improvements , such ns building suwor driins and grading the grounds. The company will spend nearly one hundred thousand dollars for shops and yard improvements nlono at this point , this season. An other season will BOO these shops so that nil building and repairing for thu road can bo done hero. Those shops nlono will assure a population of from 8,000 to 10,000. At present there nro 2,684 cars reported nt these ahpus , and 070 men on the pay roll at this point. It would take a whole column to itomuo the buildings going up hero. A few good business houses will bo completed this season. This line of building is not as active as a year ago. The now hotel is completed but not yet opened. It is needed hero more than anywhere else in thu state , but somehow there is a hitch , and ho tel men como and go , saying : "Wo can't pay such rent. " Travelers ar rive and depart with the first and last word au oath at our hotel accommo dations , and the now hotel still utands vacant. This is a shame. Wo are told that the cituons and board of trade donated several thousand del- Ian towards this hotel. If this bo true , surely they should look into the matter and BOO that the traveling pub lie have some accommodation when in those parts. If its citizens have no more concern in such matters ol vital interest to the town , wo say amen to every traveling man when ho utters his maledictions on Plaits- mouth's hotel accommodations Every line of business is prospering All dealers are nuking money and the air of good times is the marked fea ture of every business man. The county ollicos are the only po litical stakes for thu present , and the entries are numerous It looks as if Plattsmouth wants everything and ono ward wants Plattamouth. Wo wore told thai the boundaries ot ono city ward contained overjr prominent candidate for each county office. This will make war internal and the domo- crals will capture what they want The county republicans may take ti hand in the matter and have some thing to say. Weeping Water has a paper now and can got before the people intend to have a say. The democrats in Oust ) uro calmly schwa- ing on thu spoils of the past am' positions of the present , and praying for Iho happy continuation pf thai factionalism in the lopublican ranks that has given them office for the lusl four years. Mayor O'Jlourko is building u fmo residence. Ex-County Treasurer Cummins is boon to inoyo to town , and ia building u fine house for that purpose. Postmaster Marshall is under the weather. Itev. Youiifr , a Baptist minister , is BOOH to locate hero , and is visiting thu city for that purpose. Prof. Love has retired from the profession and will travel for a year. ' J. W. Baines loturnod a few daya from Arizona , wlioro ho had been look ing up mining interests. MoMurphy , of The Plattsraouth Herald , owns "Lady Mack" and takes great pride in her triumpha and prize money. Uushnoll , of The Eiitoipriso , is a hunday tchool superintendent and .Baptist deacon. Ilia jwpor prospers. The lUght Reverend Latter-Day Saint Jncob Cafial , Mormon mission ary , held services in the Baptist church several nights last week. The trim- [ oos must uo broad gunge. GLENWOOP GLEANINGS , Notes fromtho County ISotvt of Mill * County , Iowa- This beautifully located and flour- shlng little city has been in a flurry of excitement for BOIIIO weeks , over ho prospective building boom , which vas expected to dovolopn this season , and now wo can flay that the boom las hit us in real earnest. J. V. ilinchman has begun to place on the ( { round opposite the Halo block , the Material for a fmo brick business milding that will bo a credit to the .own and its on nor , Properly owners on the north side of the square have been joined by other capitalists , nnd formed a stock company to bo known as the "Glen- wood Hotel Co. " Tlioy will at once irocccd to erect a three story hotel , m the site of the old Custar House. Not wishing to bo outdone > y their north side friends , another jompany has been formed , to bo known as the Union Hotel Company , mil they will build nt once a similar lotol on the present site of the Glen- wood House. Other prgporty owners lioro ( and there are many with plenty of meaniri nro figuring to build soon. Among tfio enterprises talked of , is a pork-packing establishment , and an experienced man in this business would receive heat ty support if dosir- in of locating hero. Politics arc liable to bo very lively in Mills county this fall , nnd although there his : not been many announce ments made by aspirants for oflicu , thu strikers nro swarming nnd work lias bugtm on both aides. .The officers of the county agricul- tin.il society are expecting to have a very interesting fair this fall , alul have published a fine premium list. The .rack on thu grounds li.ia been put in "mo condition , and several flyers nro , > oingwoikcd on it , preparatory to the 'all meetings. Among the most at- T.ictivo of lho.no may bo aeon "Glen- wood , " the beautiful Bashaw stallion jolonging to Dr. 0. W. Archibald , su- > urintcnuont of the "Asylum for Fee- do Minded Children. " There were throe running races on .ho track last Thursday , made up trom lomo stock , The races were good , and drew out a fair attendance. Farmers in this section report crops in good condition , and much bettor than was expected , owing to the late ness of the spring. Henderson , a Mills county town. lias been having a sensational scandal , and it it resulted in a free fight last week between Ed. Lewis and his bro ther William , on ono side , and Samuel Bodyfolt and ono Parmloy , on the other. The fight began by the two latter having succeeded in alienating the affections of Ed Lewis'wife , who was said to bo very indiscreet in en couraging them. The Lewis brothers jixvo their opponents a severe punish- .ng , and then had Bodyfelt irrostcd for gaining the lady's a flec tions. Ho wastrind bySquiroPurcoll of Hastings and bound overtd thu grand jury in- bonds of § 800. Parmloy ikippod out. Lewis is a well-to-do 'armor , and a divorce suit is ponding. I3odyfolt waa put in jail hero on Fn- ilay. Since "Hanger" was hero , I lotico quite a number of 13KKs flying around , but they nro not so numerous yet as I expect to sue them nftcr their virtue and true inwardness are found out by our citizens. Give them Iowa news and they will pay for it , especi ally if accompanied by all of these splendid inducements which are offer ed since your last departure. Thanks to "Hanger" for his complimentary notice of Glonwood , nnd its people , and daily paper. More anon. G. L. Enwoon. Newport Anratemonti- Susan Coolidge describes as follows , in the Midsummer Scribiior , some of the anuiBoinonts of Newport : "Tho amusements of Newport , in the season , nro many nnd various. First and foremost should bo immod the Casino , a now feature , but already n most important ono. This charming place , which is both like and unlike the conversation halls which in Europe , boar the same imino , is built on the Avenue not far from the Ocean House. Its aspect from the street is that of u low. picturesque facade , two stories in height , iu tin old English style , of brick and olive- pnintod wood , quaintly shingled and oddly carved , with vide casomoill windows , and hero nnd there a touch of gilding. A single year has t < mo < l its color down to n delightful nldnoH'i which Mould do no discredit to , i street in Chester or Coi entry. A broad ontraiico-hnll in the middle ol the building leads to nn inner quadrangle ranglo , tin fed and sot with llowor-bedH in the midst of which rises n splash ing fountain. Above nnd below , on the street aide of this quadrangle , nro club-rooms and ollices , broken by n Eicturosquo clock-tower. To right and ) ft nro more club-rooms , a restaurant reading , dining , and smoking looms drossing-1 ooma for ladies nnd ijoiitle men ; smaller saloons , where unlor- tninments may bo given ; nnd kitchens , wisely ordered on the second lloors ; \\hero their noises nnd smells car annoy no ono. The fourth side of tht quadrangle is filled with a double ciuvo of loofed galloiies , two etoiies in height , where ladies sit the morn * ing long , work in hand , chatting with friends , enjoying the smell of the spruy-fioshonod ( lowers , and listening to the music of the b.xnd. Beyond this quadrangle lies another ami \\ider one , edged with trees nnd shrubberies , past which winds the carriage drive from an entrance nt tlio back. This lawn is devoted to open- air tennis. At its far end is another long building , in which are racket- courts , bowling-alleys , and a beautiful ball-room , lifted up with a stage and all the appurtenances for private theatricals. It will bo soon how many and how various tastes may bo served in a building of this sort. "Polo piny , and sitting by to BOO polo played , are among the other favouto Newport amusements. Btill another is to ride or drive to the meets of the ' Queen's County Hunt , which , in the latter part of thescusou , lias a run nbout tvuco a week. Foxes arc not too plentiful iu the island , and .hero nro days when the hounds are 'orccdfliife dt mievx to follow a .rail of aniflo-flced , instead of their more legitimate scent. But the pace , ; ho jumping , the chance of broken joncs are equally good ; and as Rey nard docs not complain , and no baby , n net of being soothed of its infant nilinont by the mild infusion which docs duty as scent , has as yet fallen a prey to the mistaken ferocity of the pack there seems no reason to cavil. Ladies often join in the sport. "Tito Fott music is another bi weekly pleasure , involving ns it docs the pretty drive round the southern most curve of Iho bay , with the villa- crowned slopes of llalidon Hill on ono hand , and on the other the wide outlook of blue water , broken by many islands. Close by is the tiny rock with its time-unshod liuht-hoiwo , whore dwells the bravo lun Lewis , heroine of so much dating adventure , nnd beyond stretches thu long point of Brenton's j\cof , surmounted by the casemates and Binoolh glacis of Fort Adama. In the deep point of the inner covu lie the wrecks of two ships , ono of them nn abandoned slaver , drifted many years since into this quiet harbor , and gradually breaking to pieces under the slow , untiring touches of wind and tide. Only the ribs now remain ; they lie , black , skelcton-liko shapes , reflected in the tranquil waters of the covo-a perpet ual pleasure to such artist eyes ns take pleasure in contrast and happy acci dents. "Beside the fashionable Bellevue \vcnuo , and the celebrated ocean drive , which for nine miles follows the sinuosities of the shore from Bailoy'a Beach to Brcnton's Cove , there aru others less famous , but no loss enjoyable : The drive over the tno beaches , for example , and out to Iho long end of Sachuct Point , through gaps in stonu walls and across fields of grain , by overgrown tracks , wlioro wild flowers ana tall nodding grass half bury the wheels ; or the drives to Coddington's Cove , to the Glen , to Law ton's Valley , or along the shore of thu eastern passage. These inland drives afford constant characteristic glimgscs , " Stnnton nud Grooloy- Washington bpeclal to the Cliidmiall Commer cial. cial.Tho The following curious dispatches , printed for tlio tiist time in the Wash ington dispatches of The Now York Times to-day , nro of interest at this tinlo. They were sent by Mr. Stanton - ton to the Hon. Edwards Piorropont about a month after thu assassination of Mr. Lincoln. They are interesting as evidence of a very different phase of excitement in Washington at that time fiom any which has been caused by the attempt on the lifo of President Garfield : "WAR DEPARTMENT , "May 12 , 1805 10.05 p. m. "To the Hon. Edwards Pieriopont , Now York : I have written to-night to retain you and Cutting and Brady , or any ono else you may desire to have associated with you to proscculo Horace Gruoloy and the owners of The Tribune for Greeloy'u persistent efforts the last four weeks to incite as sassins to finish their work by murder ing mo. Please ( jive the matter your immediate attention on receiving the loiter , and secure copies of : ill Thu Tribunes printed since the night of the president's murder , and got the names of the owners. I propose to prosecute criminally , nnd also by civil suit , for I shall not allow them to liavo mo murdered and escape respon sibility wjthout a struggle for lifo on my part. "EDWIN M. STANTON. " "WAR DEPARMENT , May 13 , C:20 : p. m. To thu Hon. Edwards Plcrrcpont and the Hon. F. 11. Cutting , New York. "I have proof of express personal malice af.iinat mo by Grceloy , and I believe that I can establish a combi nation between him and others which may pud in accomplishing my death , as it did ngninat Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Howard. This is my reason for distinguishing his case from others of general vituperation. EDWIN M. STANTON. The second telegram was Kent in reply to one which contained nn inti mation that it might bo at least in discreet to make such an arrest as the ono suggested by Mr. Stanton. Frank Tinnlal , North Dennett Street , Bulfulo , Bays : "I have tried your SPUING BumoM a a family inedlcino nail have nqver cunio across anything to do BO much good in bo short n time in ones of indlgua tlon , dyspepsia , and derangement of the Btomach j I strongly recommended It. " Price CO cents , trial bottles 10 ecu In. 21-eod-lw A Lady Correspondent Mil. EDITOR. In a recent issue ol your paper "Daisy B. " writea to know \\Jmt to do when she has the ' 'blues. ' jNutt' , I have been troubled with that A ury unpleasant and essentially femi nine complaint in the past , nnd I am quite sure my i-xporicnco will help her. I don't believe these indigo feel ings como because things don't go right around us , but because matters don't'go right within us. Every lady understands this and knows the cause. For years I have sufibrod turribly.antl I now see llmt I might have avoided it all had I known what 1 do to-day. I tiled taking Warner's Safe Kidney nnd Liver Cure as an experiment , and it did for mo more than I could over have dreamed it possible' to do for any woman. I would not bo without it fortho _ world , and I earnestly advise Daisy B. or tiny lady troubled na she was to use the moans which I did nnd I nm euro it will hnvo the saino ofi'uct. ood-lw GREATEST 11EMEDY KNOWN , Dr. King's Now Discovery for Con- fiuinption is coitninly the greatest medical lomudy ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity. Thou- handa of once holnloss sufiuiors , now loudly proclaim their praise fcr this wonderful discovery to which they ono their lives. Not only does it posi tively cure Consumption , but Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Hoarseness nnd all nflbctions of the Throat , Chest and Lungs yields nt once to ita wonderful curative pow er aa if by magic. Wo do not ask you to buy a largo bottle unless you know what you aso getting. Wo therefore earnestly request you to call on your druggists , Ian & MoMiuox. and got a trial uottlo free of cost which will con- \ Inco the most skeptical of its wonder ful merits , and show you what a regu lar ono dollar size bottle will do. For sale by lah & McMahon. (4) ( ) Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , flackacfio , Soreness of the Ghost , Goiii , Quinsy , Sere Throat , Swell ings and Sprains , Burns end T Scalds , General Bodily Pains , Tooth , Ear and Headache , Frosted Foot and Ears , and all other Pains and Aches. Vtt , rr ( > rr " < m en f rth eqnali ST. JXcow Oil M a safe , itrrr , nimplf nJ cheap Extern * ! Uomnljr. A trial entilli tint the cotnpnratlttlj bUllne oull .T of . " 0 OnU , m1 erery ors uiffcr- Inj with pain can biro cheap and liolUm orool ot lljtUluij. cfV DltecUanj In Eleven I.angn E" * ( GOLD BTALLDRUOQIBTS AND TEAMED IN MEDICINE. A. VOGBLER cfc CO. , EstabMofl 11 Years , eprc ontcd 3 Sil.000,000 anted. C. T. TAYLOIt & . CO LET IT BURN ! My house and furniture is insured with C. T. TAYLOR & CO. , Oor 14th and Dot " D.T. MOUNT . . , UAJfCfMCrURKR AND D JALItR IS SADDLES. AND HARNESS. 1412 Farn. St. Omaha , Neb. AOUiT FOR TIIB CKLPBRATCO CONCORD HARNESS Two Meditlf and n Diploma of Honor , 1th the i cry lilj/hcst < v rml the judges could bestow iu awarded this harness at the Centennial IZxhibl- tlon. tlon.Common Common , also Ranchmen's and tadlcs * SAD DLES. Wo keep the largest etoclt in the u cst , > nd Imlto all who cannot exatnlno to send fnr prices an9t DE VEAUX'S WASillKG MACHINE The Only Machine that Wil ] Do just as is Advertised. It Will Wasli Faster , It Will Wasli Oleanor , It Will Wash Easier , It Will repre no Rubbing , It will do a large family Washing in 30 Minutes , It Will IWasb Equally wolll vritli Hard or Soft Wftter- tt iloot away with wath bollern and wash boards , and will iu ) for Itself In lull and the car o ( clotlaslna nionjti. No etcam In the LltOien. A Oilld 10 jears ol can do the washing ( aster than any Moman can \\rlii nna handout thotlathea- 1 > AN. SULLIVAN & fiONS' , dim 1110 Farnham Sheet , Agents. Cornell College. l The CUssIlc.il , I'hlloiophlcal , ScKntllloand Civ. il Knirliieerinir Courscu compara ( a\ orabl- 1th the bint collCA * ) 'ho country , blimaladianUffOrfarogheii In tlio I'reparato- O and Konnul DojiartiiiuiiU , and In the Con en - atory o ( lliulc. Twenty Professor * ana Tcnchtn. Surnrior Bulldl'itf * , Mmeuni , lAboratorj- Expenses Uow , Fall tcmi oponi Sept. IB. For catalo iiui or other Information , addrrM I'BW * . WM. F. KINO , P , P. , Jy 12-dSw2m Mt. Vernon. Iou- . AQEr4T8 WANTED FOR FASTKar SILLIMI HOOKS or TIII Aos I Poundations of Success BUSINESS AKD SOCIAL FOHMS. Thelawso ( trade. Icjral ( oniu , how to trans- let busiucsi , valuable Uble * . BX < al < l"'i e , IwrlUmcntary usa e , how to conduct public busl- nodi ; In Uit it I' a complete Guide to Succcsj ( or L A fimllj uoccftslty. Address ( or cir - cular , and .Mxiial t ru > ANCllBU PUULISUINO CO . ht UnU. Mo. John Q. Jacobs , ( Formerly ot OUh& Jacob * , ) UNDERTAKER. No , Old Stand o ! Jacob GU. [ f yon suffer trom Jj spcpsln , use Ht'riDOCK I1LOOD BITTJins. Itjou are aflllQtcil jth Illlouiiics ) , me BUnUOCK 11LOOD HITTERS Ifoutiro prostrated vltli itck llotulnclic , t.ifce iwnuocK moor ) mrmis [ ( your DoMclsarc < ll. onlcrctl , rcuulato them wltli JIUUDOCK mooi > mrTEiis. If jour Blood Is Impure , purity It with BUflDOCK 1U.OOD niTTniS. Ityauhavc Indigestion , 3011lll flndnn ftntlcloto In nUIlUOCK DLOOI ) llITTKnS. It > oi ! nro trouble J wltli Spring Complaint * , er adicate them with UUnDOCK IlLOOD I1ITTEUS. If your l.hcrls torpid , restore Itto health } action ith uuuuocK iiLooi ) mrruts. II jour Mier I * nflectcd , jou will find ix sure re- storath o in IIUKUOCK BLOOD BITTiniS. It } ou h.io any species of Humor or Pimple , fall not to take BUUDOCK BLOOD BITTEItS. 1 f j ou hap nn ) symptoms pf plccrs or Scrofulous Holes , a curathe rcmehy will be found lnJ BUnDOClCBLOODBlTTEUS For Imparting strength anilltality tothcnjs- It in , nothing can e < jual B"HDOC1C BLOOD BITTHHS. Tor JCcnoinand Ocncral Debility , tone up the sjstcmlth HUIIDOOK BlXOD BITTEUS. Price , 81.00 per Baltic ; Trial Dottles 10 Cts. FOSTER MILBURN & Co , , , , Props , BUITALO , W. Y' Sold at wholesale by I h & McMahon and C. F. Goodman. jo 27 cod-mo , MECHANICAL AND MINING EN- SIVIL at the Rcntselcar Polytcch- Institute , Troy , N. Y. The oldcat engineer ing school in America. Nc\t term liiyiua Sep tember 16th. Tlio Ucglstcr for 1SSO SI contains a list of tlio Kradu-UcH for thu im.st M # car , with their positions ; also , course ot study , require ments , expenses , etc. Addrms DAVID M. GREENE. Jl 14-dcodatiKl4 Director. DOffTYOUFOEGETIT WHEN IN NEED OF BOOTS 1 SHOES To examine the stock of ' BASWITZ & WELLS , House 1422 Douglas St. , near 15tn is ( largo and always the lowest prices. cScoJ-Om To Nervous Sufterers THE QREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific It Is A ponjtu o euro ( or Spcrmatorrhca , Semlna Weokness , Impotancy , and all diseases resultlii ! ; from Self-Abuse , us UontAl Anxiety , Loss- Mfinory , Pnlna in the Hack or SUe , nnd < ll cacs that load to Consumption Insanity ami The bpecillc llodicluo it being useJ with wonder [ Ul 8UCCCK8. Pamphlcta sent free to all. Write ( or them and get full par tlcuhru. 1'rfce , Specific , 81.00 per package , or six pack. .JCS ( ot { 5.00. Address all orders to O. aiJISON HhDICINE CO. KOI. 104 and 103 Jlaln St. Butfalo , N. Y. Sold In Omaha bv 0. V. Goodman , J. W. noli , J. K Inh , and all dnunrbtagterjwhere. KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA C § t Ha f : m & ? < i ca oa i\ \ BITTE HER & CO. , Solo Manufacturers. OMAHA. ACOLI-t'-OUANll llItASIJHH riCHOOl , THE BEST SCHOOL 8 BOYS For terms Address , Dr. Stevens Parker , wnrdon of Racine College , Racine. Wis. jy L'3-lip EXCUESIOU TICKETS OHIOABD gglO.OO ROUND TRIP , $19,00 Fln.t-d.is.n an J good tliroiuh tlioear. . AIM ) Kuvv \ ork , Iloiton and all Eastern iwiiits , at pro- portionateh low rate * . On tale ONLY at 110BUIK lUtinilEIUi * Itallroad Ticket OIPcc. dme &wlm SOU Tt-r.th tt. , Oiuaha J. G. RUSSELL , M. D. , HOMODPATHIO PHYSICIAN. Plicate * ol ClitlJrcn anil Chironlc DlMosc * a Gpcdalty. Oflloo at Iboldence , iOOJ Caw stri-cr Iloun S to 10 s. to. , 1 to i p , iu. , and alter t p. DEWBY & STONE , . ORCHARD & BEAN , J , B. FRENCH & CO- C A R' P E T S ! GROCERS ! . , ' , , . MI , * i j.ji ii > lm „ _ -j ifi ni J" in < h i ci i- , i v i , l . . ,1 | , ' > > ti * | ! > . < . i > ' . , i J ' , ' i I _ ii i , l/M / ' .I' ! ' ' 'I t C I i # i ' 1 f ' . i < r'ft i. 'Choice ' Cigars ! Can bo obtained at KUHN & CO.'S by the box for Loss Money.than at auy wholesale tobacco house , for tlio reason they soil cigars in connection with their druij business , without any expense to the Cigara. TRY THEM. ! i All Cigara not satisfactory exchanged M or money refunded. E5 3333 SS3C1. A fine lOe Cigar , long Havana filler , 5 for 25c. Never ihas there boon any Cigar in Omaha equal to them for the money. JFINE KEY WEST CIG-ARS , A From § 0.25 per hundred up. t It "Atlantic" bestlOc Cigar in City i i i \ > i 1 ! I > t"l ) , Omaha , Collins , x4 Cheyenne- Colorado. Spring and Summer m m LATE AND NOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises. IN THE LATEST STYLES. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit all ! 1322 FARN HAM STREET , NEAR FOURTEENTH. Cor. Douglas and 13th Streets , GIVES GREAT BARGAINS IN LADIES' AND CENTS' AMERICAN GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. ALL KINDS OF Jewelry , Silverware and Diamonds We Guarantee the Best Goods for the Least Money , a21-stt