THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , JULY 2i ( , 1881. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. PINANCIAL , 1IO.VEY AND STOCKS. NEW YOHK. July 25. Money closed fit 3 jicr cent llxchango closed lower at 84 S3@l 85. Governments clo ed firm. Currency ( ! , 1 30 lild ; fours coup. 1 NU' 1-U bid ; 5 < continued. 1 Ol'j ; ( is do , 102J. Pacific railroad IxituU closed as follows : Union fir-els , I 181 18J ; land grant * . 18 bid ; rinking funds 1 - ? ( < ! 1 2H ! ; cen trals 1 1511 lfr { . 8TOCKS. Stock market opened finn with advanced prices of 14@lli per cent ; i"o being due cldelly to tlio more favorable tcpoit nf tlio continued improvement of the provident. There wss a decline in the general Hit of J f2 per cent. Kansas mid Texas was ex- rcptioiially weak and dropped 2iaO ( per cent. Towards 1 o'clock tliero was a finncr feeling and a rally of JCrt'l-J jtcr cent , but during the afternoon this wan lost and prices again pent-rally touched the lowest f the day. Near the clo o there wai again some recovery , but closing at prices | tW2 percent lower than on Saturday. The following are the closing bida : A&TH. . . . 45 Mo Pac 10T.J Pref'd 8'J NPa 38 OS 03 , Preferred . . . . 16 } OfJ.tlC. 21 Northwestern. . 1231 " Preferred. . . . 1374 COCA ; I. . . 92 N.TO 931 01 Xk W 5. ) O F 25 NYC ' 11"3 Det Ulo G..1"U - - - - 37i K k W . . Bl 1'ruferrcd , . 108 Adainn 1'xp. . . .135 Omaha . . 3U WFExp 123 Preferred. 100 American Exp. 82 } Oregon Nav. 103 U. S 18 PIKtE . Krie 42 j PMnll 481 Preferred. . . . 821 St P 110J 11 k T ! stLetsr. . 48 H. k St..T Preferred. 74 Prcf erred. . . . IDS 1st prf. 100 111 Cent 13d Tex Pac 5(5 ( IK&W 47 T 1) k 881 K JkT 42 UP . . 12iJ ( " " Lake Shore . . . .121 Wallet Pftc" ; . ; 57A MilLS k\\ ' . . f.2 Preferred . . . . S8j M C 97 WUTcl 8.1 MIMSO STOCKS. * W Kflu Follow in- ; are the elo inf ; ( iiMtations for mining stocks at the New York mining board : Con Coal . . . . 37 Orien.V Miller. 83 Alta Montanu. 200 Lit Chief .140 Calavcras . . 12 St. Line 1 k 4 100 Cons Vir 215 Silver Cliff .450 Arizona 170 Unudilhi T. . . 0 -Miner lioy . . . 73 California 110 CHICAGO MOXKY MAIIKET. CHICAGO , July 2. " > . Money in l > rik demand and good supply at 5 per cent on call and C ( i7 per cent on time. Eastern exchange between city bankH wan weaker with hales at 81 din- count on § 1,000. Clearings i f associated liankh were .ili.'JOO.OOO. Omaha Wholesale Market. OFKICH oi' THE OMAHA HHE , ) Monday Evening , July 25 , 1831. J Distribution of gooda in the wholeialu mercantile trule vvas fair yesterday. Mail orders were fully equal to the expectations of dealen ) , and while the volume of transaction - action * was not heavy , it exc-jcdcd the usual amount ut this season in former years. In dry goods , both cottons and woolen4 were firm , and the market has an upward tendency. Far a and country produce markets were characterized by no unusual features. Trade in the different branches , though not estiecially nctivc , moved along well , and transactions aggre gated the usual amount. Prospects for the growing crops in sec tions , usually marketing at this point , arc reported in a favorable condition , and with no serious accidents , a good yield is ex pected. Wheat advanced 2jc since Saturday ; rye declined 2c ; corn declined a fraction ; oats , 2c lower than last quotations ; barley , nominal and unchanged. Live stxik , still very little doing and unchanged. Local Grain Dealings. WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , 1 331c Cosh No. 3 , 90 ; rejected 70c. I5AKLKY. Cash No. 2 , 90c ; No. 3 74c. 11YK. Cash , 82c. COUN. Cash No. 2 , 353f. OATS. Cash. 32c. Livestock. Cattle We quote as follows : Hutch- cr' cows , 83 25@3 50 ; choice butchers' ' Htccw , 53 75 ® 1 00. Sheep Good mutton in fair demand. § 3 503 ; 75. Hogs We quote as follows ; Light packers , 84 80@5 10 ; medium mixed packers , S5 00@o 25 ; extra choice hearr , S3 25@5 GO. Provisions. FLOUR Spring wheat , utraight grade , $270@290 ; patent , S3 G0@l fiOj winter wheat straight gnide , S3 00(5i3 ( 25 ; patent , 83 7C@1 00 ; graham rye , 82 25 ; Wheat , 52 " ' 'RYE FLOUR S3 25. MILLSTUFFS Bran , per cwt. i"0c ; screenings , per cwt. 70@SOc ; vlinrto , [ icr cvvt.OOc ; chopped feed , per cwt. 75c ; meal bolted , yellow , SOc ; white , 90c. POTATOES New , SI 00 per bushel. POULTRY Live chickens per dozen , S3 fiO ; old , spring chickens , 83 00. EGGS Shippers count , lOc. MUTTER Choice , 10 ; poor , no market ; creamery , 20c. APPLKS Good. Beund , 8550 per bbl. HONEY Extracted , first-closi Calif , crnia strained , 15c. LEMONS Good repacked per box , $9 50 ; bent , S10 50. HLACKUEUUIES-Per case , 84 00 ; tomatoex , per bushel. 82 00 ; California pears , per box , 83 00 ; California plums , 2 7fi ; Califoniia peaclieS3 00 ; Call- fornia grapes , 81 00 © J 50 ; watermelon per 100 , $25150. RASl'BERKIES-Percase. 8300. ULUEBKHUIES Per bushel , 85 00. VEGETA1JLES All kinds bring good prices. KKKSWAX Yellow , 18@20c. CIDER Sweet 20o ner tcallon. Grocers List. COFFER. Rio , lair. 13 c : Rio , gMKl , tl 14c ; Rio , prime to choice , 14Jc ; Old gov't \ .lava ; 201(0,28 ( , Mocha , 20i < j { Arbucklo's , 17Jc. 17Jc.TEAS. TEAS. Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; Choice , 0075c ; Imperial , gooei , 40fe45c ; Choice , ( Mi5j(7Gc ( ; Young Hywm , good , 30 ® We ; choice , G5c@Sl 00 ; Japan Nut Leaf , 35c ; Japan , choice , ( M7.r > c ; Oolong , goud , : @ 40 ; Oolong , choice. 4055 ; Souchong good , USfaMOc ; choice. 3-5t45c. SUGARS.-Cut loaf , 11 Jc ; Crushed , llijc ; Granulated , lie ; Powdered , Hie ; J'ine jKiwdered , llc ; Standanl Coffee A , lOic ; New York Confectioner's Standaixi A , lOjcj Gee > d A , lOjc ; Prairie Extra C , JJc SYIlUPS.-Susar house , bbl , 45c ; half SODA. Dwlght's n > papers , S3 00 ; De- land do , § 3 00 ; Church' * , § 3 00 ; Keg soda , 4@4lt STARCH. Pearl , 3c ; Silver Gloss. 71 < 38c ; Corn Starch , 8 i8Jc ; Excelsior Uloss. file ; Com. 7c. SALT. Uray loads , per bbl , 15)0 ; Ash- ton , in * .lcks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy GO , 5s , 3 45 ; bM * dairy , 100 , : K 3 05. DRIED FRUlTS-Choice halves , peaches , new crop , 7c ; Eva | > oratedAppW M ) It ) boxe ? llj@12e ; Michigan. Oie ; New Yorkap ; > ' .CJcjSt.lAiuis No.l,5c ; Prunes , old , Ocj new , 7@7k ; Currants , 77Jc ; Dlackbenie" , new , lOc. OHEKSE-Full Cream , 10c ; 1'art Skim , tte. WOODENWARE Two hoop pails , 1 85 ; three Loop pail * , 3 10 ; No. I tub , . 0 00) ) No. 2 tubs , 8 00 ; No. 3 tub , 7 00 ; ilonccr WAshlxiard , 1 85j Double Crown- Z 75 ; Globe Washboard , 250 ; Well bucket' , S 50 COTTON YAlJN-Cotton varn , 201 ® J1J ; t-heap , ) © ! ; inevlium , * ! ) ( < 7'10j ; No , 1 St. I oiii" , 14j Candle wick , 2T > ; Carpet chain , and 5 jily , 20J'S21J ; Coloml cari > ct chain , per Ib , 20 ; LEAD lar ! , 81 63. MATCHES-Per caddlo , 85C ; round c.i ie , S7.35 : fupiarc cascc , 84.00. PKOVISIONS Urcakfast bacon , lit. choice Ianlll3ic ; dried beef , 13Jc ; Mimild- ; rs , caiiNassetl 7JL" hatin , canvassed ll c jaoon. sides 10/c NEW PICKLKS-Medium , in barrel * , $7 00 ; do in half bbl , 4 25 ; smalls In bbK 1200 ; do , in half Mil. . . C.50 ; gherkim , in blil , 13 00 ; do , iit half bbK 7 00. VINEGAR Pure apple extra , ICc ; puroajiple. 13c ; l'jii sing pure Apple , ICc. ] 10Ml > ? Y-New , 83 .so perbbl. UKANS Medium , hand picked $3 00 cr bushel. ROl'K Sisal , i inch and larger , Olc ; 9 inch , Ulc ; 1 inch , lOJc. i ; Kirk's magnolia , 3 90. CANDLKS lloxc * , 40 Ibs , 10 oz , 8s , 13cbo\es ; 40 Ib * . , 10 oz. , O. 13e ; boxes , 40 sets , 14 oz. , 8-1 , 12jc ; half boxes , 20 * cts , 11 o/ . , 8 , 13c. LYE American , 3 35 ; Greenwich , 335 : Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis' lye , 4 00 ; Jewell lye , 275 , POTASH Pennsylvania cam , 4 doz. , In case , 3 : ; Ualibltt's Hull , 2 doz. in ease , 1 90 ; Anchor Hull 2 doz in case , 1 CO. FIELD SKED Itcd clover , choice , new , 8530 per bushel ; mammoth clover , new. 857. ; white clover , new , 81400 ; nhalf.1 clover , new , 81250 ; alsike , now , S13 00. Timothy , good , new , 82 50@2 05 ; blue grass , extra clean , 81 25 ; blue grass , clean , 81 15 ; orchard grass , 82 00 ; rod top , choice , G5c ; millet , common or Mi ouii , 81 25 ; millet , Gentian , $1 25 ; to 81 CO ; Hungarian , 81 15. HEDGESEED-Osagc orange , 1 to bushels , 85 00 ; osagc orange , 10 bu.shcls or over , 84 CO ; honey locust , per Ib. , 35e ; per 100 Ibs. . $25 00. FISH Family white fish , 00 Ib hf bbls , 83 CO ; No , 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls , 0 30 ; No. 1 white fish , in 10 Hi kits 1 00 ; family 10 Ib kits , 75c ; Now Holland herring , per keg , 120 ; Russian sardines , 75c ; Colin"- bin river salmon , per lOOlbs , 8 00 ; George's Dank codfish , Oc ; Gen , boneless codfish ; 8Jc ; boneless fish , 4Jc. MACK KHKL Half libls mess mackerel , 100 lb , 812 f.O ; hfbbl No. 1 ex shore do , 100 Ibs , 0 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100 Ibs , 3 85 ; mess mackerel , 12 Hi Jcits , 2 25 ; No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 uliorit. 12 Ib do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib do , 75c. CANNED GOODS-Oystcrs , 2 Ib ( Field's ) , per case , 8420 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) , per case , 2 50 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , i > er case , 3 90 ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , per , 2 40 ; do 2 Iti ( slack ) , i > er ca > > e , 2 75 ; do 1 Hi ( slack ) , tier case , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , 1 Ib , per dozen , 1 05 ; do 2 Iti , per dozen 2 50. Sardines , Mimll i'sli ' , imported , one- quarter boxes IK * box , lljc ; American , quarter boxes per box , lie ; do half boxes , per box , 2Hc. Lobsters , 1 Ib IH.T dozen , 135. Tonutops , 210 ; do 3 Ib per case , 2 50 ; Corn , 2 lt > ( Mountain per case , 3 40 ; soaked com , 190 ; dc 2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per ca e , 350 ; string beans , per case , 1 90 ; Lima beans per case. 200. Succotash ] wr case , 210. Peas , common , jmr case , 1 75 ; peas , choice , per case , 450. Blackberries , 21b , per case , 220 ; stravvbenics , 2 Hi , IH.T case , 3 70 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , _ 2 75i3 ( 00. Damsons , 2 Ib , per case , 2 25. B.irtlett pears per cas > e , 3 Oo@4 00. 'Whortleber ries per case , 2 50. Egg plums , 2 Ib per case , 3 25 ; do , choice , 2 Ib , per cat-e. 4 f > 0. do 3 Ib , case , 5 00@5 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per case,3 25 : do pie , C Ib , per dozen , 3 50. RICE Carolina , of@74c ; IxMiUiana , 15J ® ? c. PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten nessee , 8ic i > cr Ib ; fancy white , Do per Ib raw white Virginia , 7@7ic. Dry Goods. BROWN COTTONS. Badger LL OJc Buckeye LL OJc ; Crescent LL ( i..c ' ; Utfca C 5jc ; Crescent C 7Jc ; Crescent' B 7c- Crcscent A 8c : WachusettH 8jc ! Indian Head S\c ; Granitevillo LI C4c ; Badger RlT fine brown , 7kv BajlgerX , do , 7c ; Portsmouth P , do , 5Jc Winthrop L , do , 7 c ; Continental C , do , 8e. BLEACHED COTTONS Wamsutt * 4-4 13c Fruit 4-4 4-4 - ; - 10J ; Hope - 8ic ; Ballardvalo 4-1 ( ijc ; 1'ocassett CT 4-4 8Jc ; Altoona 3-1 Oe ; Lonsdale No. 1 , cambric 13c ; No. 2 , do , 124c , New York Mills 1-4 13c ; Lonsdale lOc ; Fainnont Q4-1 OJc Auburn A 4-4 Sic ; Baniard 2 ( ie ; Dairy Cloth Tijc , PRINTS. Allen's fancy , OJc ; Ameri can do , 0\c ; Aniold'H do , 7c ; Conesto a do , Cc ; Dmmell do , OJc ; ( ! \c \ ; Gloucester do , 5ic ; Hannony , 5c ; Hartel , OJc ; Knickerbocker , ( ! e ; M anchcster , 7c ; Pa'cific , 7c ; Sprague ; 5Jo ; Southbridge , ( ic ; M v-stic , 5ic ; Merri. mack shirtings , ( ic ; Sprjgne do , 5c , Southbridge do , (5c ( ; llegatta do , 5Jc ; Cochico robe , 7c ; Freeman robe , ( > c ; Hamilton do , 7c ; M arlboro do , Co ; South- colors , ! ) c ; Simpson's mourning , 7c ; Simp > kon'H solid black , OAc ; Berlin solid color.Oc. CAMBRICS , FLAT Glazed , 5Jc ; high colors , C c ; kid hnish , ( ic ; high col ors , 7c ; rolled , 7c ; high colors , He. CORSET JEANS Rockport , So ; Naumkeag satteen , 5)c ) ; Androscoggin do. , Oc ; Ixickwood do. 5)o ) TICKING Amoskcag- . O. A. , 17 Conestoga , B. F. , 3 , fancy , 18c : Cones , toga , 4-4 , Gold Medal , IGc ; Concstoga , I , C. C. A. , 14c ; Conestoga , C. C. A , fancy , 14c ; Easton , B. , lOe ; Omcgo superior extra - tra , 28e ; Omega medal , 25e ; Omega A C A , fancy stripe , 20c ; Omega AA , 13@1C1 ; Conestoga , R. C. , Red Stripe , lJo ( ! ; She- tucket , S. , lljc ; Shetucket , E. E , , 12ic ; Shetucket , S. F. S , , 13o ; I'earl Rfver , lOic ; Hamilton , D. , 1H ; " Hamil ton regular , 13 ; Hamilton H. , llAc ; Cor- dis , B. B. , ! 1c ; Cordis A. O. K. , f8c ; Al- bony S. A. X. . KUc. OIL CLOTH-5-1 wood , 83 00 ; 5-1 fancy marble , 83 00 ; 5-4 white marble , 83 25 ; 04 wood , SI 00 ; (5-4 ( fancy marble , 84 00 ; 0-1 white marble , $4 25 ; 5-4 mo- sale , $3 00 ; 0-4 mosaic , 81 00. DENINS Amoskcag blue and brown , ICc ; Beaver Creek , A. A. , blue and brown , 14Ac ; Beaver Creek , B. and brown , 13je ; Beaver Creek , C , C , , blue ami brown , 12u ; Everett D. D , , blue ami brown , K > r Haymakers blue and brown , Oc ; Otis , A. X. A. , blue , 1 ijc ; Otis B. 11. blue , K ; Otis C. ( ' . , blue , 12Jo ; Peail River liltiu and lironn , 15I.e. DUCKS-Fall River , ll.jc ; Hamden O. O. , 10c ; ] $ oston dieckn. 13Ju ; lioiton stripes , lillc ; Dundee stupe * , 18u ; His- marek stripe. 17jc ; Arlington tlipt , 18-j Lion Blue , 11Ac ; HUM ton XX , bio. , l-lc ; Boston XX dnili , l..c ' ; l mtunXXX Ijiii. , lIUc ' ; Boston XXX drab , JUioj Noitou O. H.'bro. , lOjo STUIPKS I MiWaiw. 3x3 bluu and brown , 8ieI : < ouidanaUx3 ! bluu and biiiwn , 8lc ' ; Rock Itlvcr , 0x3 blue and briiwn , llu ! ; A'labamii , 0x3 bltio and brown , 8\c \ , COTTONADES Lowi ton , 10 oz. , 25e : A. Y. A. , 25c ; Angora , D. A T. , 25u ; New Yoik mill * proof , 22vc ; Bridgewater , 20c ; Everett , heavy , ! * jjc ; Wliittent n , heavy , 2''Jc ; Bell , 18c ; Charter Oak , 18o ; Wicklow , 18c ; Union 1'acific , 18c ; Capitol , 18c ; Farnif r's Kile ; Everett , medium , 15c ; York , light weli1it , 12c ; New York mills chuck * 11) ) SHEETINGSAndroscognin,0l brown 23c ; do 10-4 do , 20c ; Peppcreir 5)-4 brown , 22c ; tin 10-1 do , 2.rc ; AndroKcoggin , 40 inch , bleached , 13s ; do51-4 , bleached , 20o ; do 10-4 , bleached , 25)e ) ; Pepperell , 5)-4 , bleached , 25c ; do 10-4 bleached , 27ic. Drucs. DRUGS AND OHEMIOALS.-Acid , Carbolic , 50c ; Acid , Tartaric , 55o : Balsam Copabia , nerlb , 70c ; Bark , SaKsafras , tier i > aiv , per 10 , ic ; uiycermc , pure , peril ) , 3S@10c ; Leail , Acetate , per Ib , 22c ; Car boil oil , 110 ° , jier gallon , llic ; do 150 = , per gal , 13J.c ; Oil , ( U tor , No , 1 , per gal , M 00 ; Oil , Castor , | No. 3 , per gal , Wo ; Oliv * , per gal , SI 50 ; Oil , Origanum. 40 ® Vic ; Opium , 85 75 ; Quinine , P. A W. k 11.7 : ' . , ji r oz , 82 ( JO ; Potassium. Imlidc , p r Ib , > 2 , 50 ; Salacm , per or , 35c ; Sulphate of Morphine , JK.TOZ , S3 75 ; Sulphur flour , per Ib , 5c ; Strvchninp. ncr oz , 81 401 00. Heriei nnd Mutes , The market is brisk nnd all grades are idling well at a Might advance in prices. The demand for good horses exceeds the mpply conftidcrauly. Prices range ns fol- " "OWR ! Finn single drivers , 5150. to ROO.J Extra ilraft horses , 8175. to 225. ; Common draft torses , 8100. to 150 , ; Extra farm lior e , ? 110. to 125. ; Common togood fann lion > e , 850. to 8100. ; Extra plugs , SW ) . to 75. ; Common plugs , 820. to 840. MULES. 15 to 1CJ hand * ( e.vlra ) , S125. to 150. : HI to 15 hnnd , 8100. to 140. ; 11 to 11J hands , 875. to 100. j 13J to 14 [ iand , $00. to 76. Clears and Tobaccos CIO A US. Seeds , SI 5.00 ; Connecticut , $ -5.00 : M ixed , 835.00 ; Seed 11 avnna , $50.00 ; Clear Havana , $75.00. TOHACCO PLUG. Golden Rule , 21 111 , CGc ; Spotted Knvvn , C7o ; Ourltope , iHc ; Stiir , pounilK , 21 Ib , bulls , fiOc ; HorseShoe Shoo , iKiunds , 21 Ib , butts , COc ; Purity , 21 Hi. butt' , Moj ! ( Jueen Hoc , 21 Ib , butts , 53c ! Gilt Edge , pound * , 21 Ib , butts , 57 ; Arioy ind Navy , pounds , 51c ; llultlon , pounds , "c ; 1/orillard's Climax , iniuiuU , o7c % FINE CUT In pails. Hani to Heat , 75o ; Golden Thread , OOc ; Fountain , 73c ; Favorite , CMC ; Rocky Mountain , 55c ; Fancy , COc ; Daisy , 45c. In tin foil - Catlins O. S. , 2 or. packages , fi Ib boves , per Ib 1'iOc ! I/inUai-il's Tiger , OOc. SMOKING All irrados Common , 25to 33c. Granulated lllackwclls Durham , 10 oz40c ; Dukes Durham , 10 oz , 45c ; Seal of North Carolina , 10 07 , 40 ; Seal of Nebras ka , 10 oz , 38c ; Lone .lack , 4 or , linen bags , : ' ier Hi. 81.35 ; Mnrlmrgs Puck , 2 oz , tin 'oil , 55c ; Dog Tail , 05c. Lumber. FINISHING No. 1. finish 1 } , 1J and 2 jnch , 855 00 No. . 1 finish 1 inch 8-V ) 00 ; , linch , 84000 ; O. G. battens per 100 feet lin. , 81 25 ; well curbing , $35 00 ; rough J and 2 inch battens per 100 feet lin. , Mc. STOCK 1IOAKDS Astenik , 845 00 ; U 840 00 ; C , 835 00 ; common stock , S25 00. FLOORING No. 1 , 810 00 ; No. 2 , 835 00 ; No , 3 , 825 00 ; yellow pirn ; , No. 1 , $1500. SIDING No. 1 , $27 CO ; No. 2 , $2500 ; No. 3 , S20 00. SHIP LAP Plain , 525 00 ; O. G. No. 1 , $37 f > 0 ; No. 2 , $25 00. CKILING-S27 COtf SHi 00. LATH AND SHINGLES A starbp ( t ) shingle * , 81 00 , No. 2 , $3 00 ; Net. 3 , 82 50. Lath , § 4 00. Building Material. LIME Per barrel , 81 .Ti ; bulk per bu. , 35c. Cement , bbl , 82 CO. Iowa plaster , bbl , 82 50. Hair per bu , 2fic. Tarteel felt 100 Ibs , 83 50. Straw board , $4 00. The Leather Trade. Oak harness , 39@llc ; Pittsburgh selec ted , 4043c ; hemlock harness , 37@3'Jc ; skirting per Hi , fair , 44c ; black collar 14 © 21c ; fair do ; 18@20c ; fair No. 2 , 10@18e ; hemlock sole , lluffalo slaughter , per Ib , 30 @ 34e ; hemlock sole , 11. A. slaughter i > er Ib , 25@32c ; oak sole , 40@43c ; oak upper per foot , 25c ; hemlock upper , 25c ; do No. 2 , 23c ; oak kip skins perlb , 80c@81.IO ; hemlock kip skins jicr Hi , 7fic@Sl.00 ; French kip , skins pur Ib , S1.00@S1.35 ; oak calf per Ib , S1.20@S1.25 ; hemlock calf ] ier Ib , S1.10t$1.25 ! French calf per Ib , 81.25@S2.10c Simon Picard geiat per doz , S30.00@848.00 ; bootleg Morocco per foot , 30 ( < 35c ; calf kid per foot , 35c ; mans iicr doz , S9.00@S10.50 ; white and yellow lin. ings tier doz , 88.00@810.00 ; pink linings per doz , 87.00(5 ( S9.QO ; llussctt linings , 87.- 00 ; blacksinitliH1 aprons per dozen , 812.00 ® S14.00. PAPER- Straw paper , 3Jc ; Rag paper , 4c ; dry goods paper , 7c ; inunihi paper , lOc ; news paper , 8c. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , $12 ; Morris Run Blossburg , $12 ; Whitebreast lump , 80 ; Whitebreast nut , 80 ; Iowa lump , 80 : Iowa nut 80 ; Rock Springs , 88. Hides , Furs , Etc. HIDES Green butcher's hide , CJ ; green cured hides , 8c ; green salt , part curei hides , 8@8.c } ; dry flint , sound , 13@14c ; eby calf and kip , 12@13c ; dry salt hides , sound , ll@12c ; green calf. wt. 8 to 15 ltn. . 10@llc ; green calf , wt , under 8 Ibs , per skin , COc ; green jielts , Si 00@115 ; green lamb skins , Si 10@1 25 ; damaged hides , two-third rate , ( cut scored and one grub , classed two- thirds rate , ) branded hieles 10 per cent. off. Coon skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. 3 , 20o ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1. COc ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. 3 , 15c : No. 4 , fie. Fox , No. 1 , OOc ; No. 2,25c. Skunk , No. 1 , black , C5c ; short stritie , 40c ; narrow stripe bread stripe , lOc. Tallow , 5J. Wool. Merino unwashed , light , 14@10c ; heavy , 13@15c ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20c | tub-wathed , choice , 32c ; fair , 30c ; dingy and vv. , 28c ; burry , black and cottcd woofs 2@Gc less Shot. SHOT. Shot , 81.75 ; Buck shot , 82.00 : Oriental Powder , kegs , 80.40 ; do. , half kegs , S3.48wdo. ; , quarter kegs , S1.87-Blast ; ing , kcica. 83.35 ; Fuse , ucr 100 feet COc. Heavy Hardware List. Iron , rates , 82 90 ; plow steel , cast , 7Jc cast tool do , 15 ( i20 wagon spokes , set 225@3 00hnlispcrset ; | , 1 25 ; felloes , sawce dry , 1 10 ; tongues , each , 75@85c ; axles , each , 7.c ; Hnuare nuts , per Ib , 7@llc | washers per Ib , 8@18c ; rivets , per lb , lie ] coil chain , per lb , ( > ® 12c ; malleable , 8Jo ; iron wedges , ( ! c ; crowbarn , ( tc ; harrow teeth , 4c ; hoiseuhoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring fcteel , NAILS : 10 to 20d , 315 ; 8 to 10 , 340 ; Od , 3 05 ; 4d. 3 90 ; 'M , common , 4 05 : 3d , fine , 0 15 ! clinch , all pi/en , 4 1)0 ) ; Od , casing , 4 40 ; Sd casing , t 15 ; JOd cahing , 3 90 ; lOd finish , 4 40 ; 8d finish , 4 05 ; Od finish , 4 90 ; half kegs , lOo extra. PatnU Oils and Varnishes. PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha P. P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. & C. Co.pure , Oc ; Marseilles giecn , 1 to 5 Hi , 20c ; French /inc , green Heal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; French me , in varnish asst , 20c ; Ficnch zince , in oil nsst , ] 5c ; H.IW nnd burnt umber , 1 lb cans 12c ; raw and bin nt Sienna , 13o : vaudyko brown , IX ; rufined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , lie ; i > ory black , lOc ; drop black , lOc ; Pnissiaii liluo , 30c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrume green , IM. . & D , , 14c ; blind and hhutter Ljifon , L. M. & D. , 14c ; Paris green , 18c ; Iiullan reel , ICc : Vcneti.iii red , 9c ; lui-cati red , 22c ; American Vcrmiliod , I.&P. , IHo ; clncimu yellow , L. , M. , O. & I ) . O. , 18c ; yellow oclire , 9c ; golden ochre , 10 ; patent dryer , Cu ; graining colors : light nuk , datlc I.IK , walnut , chestnut and ash 12u Dry Paints White lead , O c ; French zinc. lOcj Paris vvhiteing 2Jc ; whiting gildern , Ijc ; vthitlng com1 ! , Ijc ; lamjiblack ( Jeniian. town , He ; lampblack , ordinary , Re ; Prussian - sian libie , ffclcj ultramatine , 18c ; VHiidykr , blown , 8c ; umber , blunt , 4c ; umlivr , raw , tc ; i-ienna , bumt , 4c ; Hienna , million , America , IHcj Indian red. lOc ; rose pink , 14c ; vem-tiau read , CooksonH , 2'o : Venetian rctl Am , , Vlu ; roil lead , 74c ; siianish brown , 2 c ; Prince's . . . . VARNISHES-Bam'U per gallon. OILS -llO'carlxin pergallou , 11 Jo ; 150' LeadllKht , | x-r gallon , 12Jo ; 17.V headlight iH-rgallon , lc ( ! ; crystoliiif , per gallon , 20o lincccd , MVV , | > er gallon , 50cLiiu.eed ; , l iil. cd , per gallon , 63c ; Unl , winter utr'd , per gallon , 8rfo No. 1 , C7c , No. 2 , 57c ; castor , XXX , per gallon , DXJ , No. 3 , 87uj Hweet , | Hrg.ulon ! , hr c ; Hjierm , W. B. , pir gallon , St 35 ; fiun.B. . , per gallon , ( flj ; ni'atsfoot , extra , per gallon , 16c , No. 1 , C5 ; lumber- ! eating , /ero , per pallon , 30c , mimmcr , 15c ; golden mathlue , No. 1 , pergallon , ! l5c , No , 2 , 28e ; sjienn , hignal , per gullon , bOc ; tur pentine , per gallon. 55c ; uaptha , 71 clef , 1-er ( jallon 18o , 03 deir , 17c. Liquor. ALCOHOL 187 proof , ? 2 10 per vvino gallon , extra California spirits , 187 at 118 proof gallon * -1 proof . / _ i _ tO * per . , . , if Cfl tl . _ vania rves , 82 007 00. HUAND1KS Imported , $0 00J71000 ( ; lomcstic 1 40@ I 00. GINS -Imported , 4 oO@0 00 ; Uc , 1405 ? 3 00. HUMS Imwrtcil. 4 COfriT , 00 ; Now Ifaidaml. 2 OOfrf 1 00 : domestic. 1 'Odf 3 CO ; PIACIL : AND APPLE UKANDY- L 75n ( 1 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported per ca c. ! flX ) ( f3l 00 ; American , per C.IM12 W © 1800 , Cl.AUF.TS-Per oa e , 4 C0 ( 10 00. AVI NKSIthlncwine , | > cr cn o , 0 W@20 00 C.itaw bn , per case -I OOC ! i 00. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH Council Bluff * Gotiornl Market. Couxcir , llu'i'i's , .luly 25. Wheat No. 2 , $1.00 ; No. 3 , SO ; rejected Com No. 2 , 31 , rejected 32 , damaged , Hay Fair market , with prices at S7. Oats Market quiet ; No. 2 , 27o , n-ject- ed 22. Rye No. 2 , 07c. Mutter 12Jc. ( 'attic Heef , ? 3 COfSJleV ) . Shecp-S3 COM CO. . Hogs Light demand , prices 81 ; r fi5 00. Potatoes New , 81 25 per bu. ; old , 70o per bushel. Onions 8200. Wood Market quiet , with good supply ; 87 50. Poultry 9rti)10c. Chicago Prodaco. CiucAnn. .Inly 25. On 'Chango the niarkeU were tirm. The receipts oj grain were 523,000 _ lm-heln by canal and 1,329 car load * by rail , embrac ing 172 of wheat , 974 of corn , ICO eif oats , 20 t > f rye and 3 of barley. Flour In request and fair supply ; tran sactions large ; common to choice western spring , 4 00@0 00 ; do Minnettota , 4 25@ 0 CO ; patents , 0 C0@7 25. Wheat No. 2 spring was fairly active , and prices averaged higher all round , with an advance most marked for August and cash ; chief intluenco br night to bear on the market was the speculative manipula tion of August. The closing quoUtionii were 121 for cash ; 121J for July ; 1 22J for August ; 1 Ifi'il for September ; 1 112 for October ; 1 UM f r the year ; No , 3 do , in light request and riiuged 1 OSfn 1 Oil , ac cording to location ; rejected , quiet. Corn Only moderate business was tran sacted with fluctuations within Miiall range. Prices for No. 2 wore fii m and a tiille higher for cash ; 49 July ; 4SJ August and September ; 31 October ; lii for the year ; new mixed , 44J ; rejected , 43ji43J. ( Oats Offered moderately but in good request and firm ; No. 2 closed at 4ljJir)14A ( ) f or cash ; 441 for .Inly ; 31J for August ; 29J for September ; 28J for October. Rye Generally quiet aud tame ; No. 2 91J for Julv85 ; for August ; 81 for September. IJarlcy Firmer nnd higher ; good de mand lor futures , but not much disposi tion to sell ; No. 2 , 93 for September ; 90 for October ; cat-h entirely nominal. Pork Fairly active demand and firm er and higher early in the day , but an ad vance of 10@lCc was not maintained ; mess at 18 25@18 30 for cash , July and Au gust ; 18 22i@1825 forSeptembei ; 18 10 for October ; 15 CO for the year. Larel Fairly active aud firmer at an advancoof 2tV5c } , closing ut 12 25B)12 ( ) 30 for cash ; 11 95 for August ; 11 70 for September ; 11 50 for October ; 11 70 for the year. Bulk Meats In fair demand ami prices slightly higher ; offerings ; short lib fides , 8 95 for August ; 9 12.\ \ for Sep tember ; 9 20 for October. Whisky Steady at 1 10. Receipts Flour , 14,740 bbls ; wheat , 30,903 bu ; com , 301,891 bu ; oats , 97 , 009 bu ; rye , 032 bu ; barley , 2,720 bu. Shipments Flour , 17,232 bbls ; wheat , 09,335 bu ; corn , 491.950 bu ; Oats SO- 409 bu. ; rye , 1,020 bu. ; bailey , none. Chicago Iilva Stock. CHICAGO , July 25. Hogs Receipts 18,000 head ; shipments 5,400 head ; tlio general maiket was quiet , quality indifferent and all sold ; mixed packing , 0 10@0 CO ; choice heavy , 000 ® 0 90 ; light bacon hogs , 02r07G ; culls and poor hogs , 4 'J5@0 20. Cattle Receipts 3,900 head ; ship- mentn 1,400 head ; the run of good to choice natives wan Ninall and values fin.nt 5 75@0 25 ; common tc fair qualities , 4 90(3lC ( 40 ; corn feel CoIorouoH , 5 25@C 76 ; native butch er's stock , steady at 2 00@4 00 ; range cat tle , shil wag Wyoming Texans , 4 00@4 25 ; half-breed of common quality , 3 ( tOa'4 ( 20 ; good na tive far west cattle.i 4 30ff4 ( 75 ; stock cat tle and feeders , 2 00@4 CO1 Sheep Hcceipts , COO head ; shipments , 170 head ; steady and slow ; common , 3 f > ( @ 4 25 ; ffood to choice , 4 50f ' 5 00 ; lambs , per licail , 1 C0@3 00 ; quality of stock gen erally poor. St. Louis Produce- ST. LOUH , July 25. Flour Uncliaiifcel. Wheat Higher and unsettled : No. 2 reel , 1 17i < .l 179 for cash and July ; 118 ® 118. } ' ( ) -August and September ; 1 - l for October ; 1 23 for November ; 1 17j @ 118 for the year. Corn About Hteady ; 47 | @ I7fi for cash ; 471 for July ; 47-1 for August ; 472i,48 ( foi September ; 481 ' ° r October ; 43jr/H ; for the year. Oats Slow at a'51 ' < S30j for cash ; 3iVJ foi July 28\ ' for August ; 28V for September ; 28C'28'for the year. ltye-HI lu'r. Lead Steady nt 18 00 , Hutter-Steady ; dairy , Ud/i22. Pork -Uctter at 18 CO. Lard Nominally nt 11 90. Hpceiits | Flour , 5,000 bbls. ; wheat , 119,000 bu. ; com , 70.000 bu. ; oats , 5 ! < ,000 bu. ; rye , 2XX ( ) bu. ; barley , unite. Shipments Flour , 1,000 hbla. ; Wheat , 10,000 bu. ; rorn. 25KXI bu. ; oats , 1,000 bu. ; rye , 10,000 bu , ; barley none , StItonl * lilvo Stock. ST , I/OUJH , July 25 , Hog , ! Higher : Yorkers , ( J 40iVl ! 8"ij packing , 0 30@0 70 ; choice to fancy heavy , 0 7 0 90. ItcceipU 2,900 head ; ahipii.ciits , 2,900 head. Liverpool Prodnoo. I'lonr American , 9s Odfells M , Wheat Wlntor ; 9s r > dfcOi lOd ; vvliitf. 9-1 Sd ( < i U < 7d ; Hjiring , 9su ( ! > < Jkl ; club , 'Jt 7(1 ( @ 9 < i 101 , Corn 5 * . Lard 58s , Pork 71s. Plttsbiire Live Stock. PinHmino , July 25. Cuttle Slow uml a shade off : re- 3cii > tn , 3,7C7 lipinl ; nhipinents , 2,214 head. Iliig/i / Kiiuij receipts , 11.300 heail ; hlp- mrnt , 2,300 head ; Philadelphia , 085 feO 95 ; Yorkcis , (1 ( C00 05. Sheep Slow and a shade off ; receipts , 0,000 head ; shipments , 2,100 Jiead. Cincinnati Produce. CINCIN.VATJ , July 25 , Pork > fcKs , finn at 81800. Ijxnl Current make , blcscly at 11 11 05. Hulk Meats- Finn ; clcar ! den , 9 05. liacon Quiet ; clear rib side * 10 10 12J. Flour Finn ; family , B 7C@0 00. Wheat Ka ler ; No. 2 red , 1 18. Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , mixed , & 2. Oatn - Kask-r ; No. 2 , m'xtd f ' > \ , Ityo Dull ; No , 2 , at 1 03. 1 iarlcy Nom inal. WJdakv- Hither at 1 Oil. S. P. MORSE & CO. , Cash Jobbers and Retailers of -FARNHAM STREET. - / t ! DURING THE COMING WEEK OUR GREAT SALE OF DOMESTICS , 'PRINTS ' AND GINGHAMS , Lonsdale , Fruit Hill , and other well-known brands of Muslin at 8 l-2c a yard , Best quality unbleached muslin , 7 l-2c , Pillow case muslins , lOc. Wide sheeting muslins , at wholesale prices , Linen sheetings from from $1.00 to $1.50 per yard. Very best prints , fast colors , 5c. Very best ginghams , 8 l-2c. T T Another Case Black Buntings , 8 l-2c. Thirty pieces new dress goods , lOc. RIBBONS ! E1BBOHS ! RIBBONS ! 4 > f 1 700 PIECES ALL SILK RIBBONS 10 GENTS PER YARD. i In HUH lot will bo found all tlosirablo colors in ALL SILK GRCS GRAIN , SATIN AND OROS GAIN , AND FINE SILK BROCADED U1DHOHS , from ono to four incca wide. s No Such'Ribbon Bargains were ever before Shown 12,000 dozen fine Dress IJutlons nt lOo a card two nnd tlirue dozen on n curd , al | sizes nnd over a thousand different ; wortli from from thirty to fifty cents n card. , S. P. MORSE & CO. Now York Procluoo- NKW YOHK July 25. Flour--Heavy and inaitivo. AVheat Unsettled , irregular and gen erally lower , clohiug steady ; spot sales of No. 2 red winter atl lCeyl ! ! 20J ; of No. 1 white , 1 25J ; mixed , firmer at 1 22 ; No. 2 red 1 221. CornGioddcmanii and a shade higher ; fipot sales at 57 for No. 2 ; 51i for No. 3 ; 53 } for titeauier mixed. Oats- Active and higher ; No. 1 white , 48 ; No. 2 do , 44i@45 ; No. 3 mixed , 40. Rye Nominal. liarley- Nominal , Pork Fair demand nnd steady ; ordi nary mess for early delivery , 18 00@18 25 , Lard Quiet , but firm ; sales of western steam at 1220 ; city do , 11 02Jujll ( 75 , Ikef Unchanged. Cut Meats Unchanged. Whisky Nominal. Now York Dry Goods- NKW YOIIK , July 25. The dry goods market IUH displayed a fair degree of animation to-day , owing to the great number of buyers present , many of whom are making memoniudas a * a basis for future operations. The demand at first hands was somewhat irregular , but moro attention wa paid to prints and cotton - ton dress goods of which there ) is now a good supply on the market , and them was considerable inquiry for cotton goods , in which thcro was also a llbcial movement. On account of lack of eiders , the jobbing trade continue ! ) quiet , but returns from Toxin and other dixtant iioinU are beginning - ning to arrivu in considerable numbers and a moro active bushies * is expected shoitly. Baltimore Produce. UAI.TUIOIIK , July 23. FlowFirm. . Wheat Southein. activefultz ; , 1 21(31 ( l2llonubtTiy | ; , 1 23f < ai 20 ; Nei. 2 red winter , firmer ut 1 21i'l ( ) 14 for co-sh ; 1 24J @l 12 for July ; I 2I/)1 ( ) 12 ® 1 2lf ! for Au. gust. gust.CornWhite Southern , easier at 01ffi02 ( [ vellotv , ntPttdy at 58 : mixed wexteni , C0/a ; / ( ) 57 for vttih and July , Pliiladelpliin Produce. PlIK.ADKI.l-llIA , July 25. Wheat.Steady at 1 JMj for cash ; 1 24J ( f > \ 2lj for July ; 1 1 21@1 12 for An- glint. glint.Corn KtMiur at C7 for cash ; , b7@ 571 for July ; 50 574 for Augmt.- OtttH Firmer at 434 fur caih ; 42@434 for July ; 30/374 ! / forAuguBt. Kyo-Juiut nt 8ft. M. R. RISDON , General Insurance Agent , REPRESENTS : PIIOHNI.V ASSUItANCUtU.of Ixjn- ilon , ctt Ii OKMtn. . $5,107,127 WKh'rL'IIKHTKII.N. V. , tailtal | 1,000,000 TAiaiKUCIIANTS , of Ntwark , N. J. . 1,030,000 ( IIHAIllM'lUi : . I'hlladili'hls. lajiltal , 1,000,000 KlltKMAN'HFUNI ) , California bOO.dOli NOHTilWKSTKIlN NATI NAIuiiifl ! OOO.OOJ 1IKITIBII Alir.Ult'A AbSL'IIANUK Co 1,200,000 NKWAHK FIIIK INS. CO. , wwU. . . . 8 0,000 AMKIIIOANCK.NTIIA1- . . , bOO.OOO Bouthuikt Cor. of niUcntli and Kurnlain bt. OlIAlIA Niil. : BOGGS & HILL , REAL ESTATE BROKERS. No. ISOSrariiliam Street , Orric Noitli Me , OIID Oiaiid Cfotial Ilottl , LEGAL NOTICE. In the district court , Poiii-lai County. To Sa nlicl C. I > aIn , Carolina lavl , Kllzalicth U. Toiiitlimoii nnd tlio lii'lraordcvlreK fit Hun 17 T Tomlliinon , dccuwud vIKWUreal iiainuiaraun it now n , iioii-rculilent dcfcndantJi. You nro liercby notified Hint Jolin T. la > l , plalntllT and prtwont owner of thu land hereinaft er dt-Duriliixl , did on tlio l"tli lUyotJuuc , A. I ) . 1881 Ilia till petition In ( ho district court In and for DoiiKloH nullity , Ncli. , asalint jou lui dufcn- dant netting forth that on the 1'Jth dav of Jnnu- nry A I ) . 1HCO , the uild Henry T. Toinllnson , and Kllzahvth II. , Ilialfa , cxccutol ami ildltur- cd to tlio Halil tjanmul C. D.uiH a ilonl of landK tlliiatod In mid county In which a portion nf the lands Intended to hoi-onvcjixl u hy n clerical error crronuounly dccrlhc < Iaii tlio north i Inatriul of tlio west 1 of the uouthwcbt i of xtx. No 1 , In tawiifhlpNo , H north of range No. H ennt no- rordlni ; to the truu Intent of the purlieu thereto , whldi deed In duly recorded In the olllca of tlio clerk nf the county of Uotiglao lu book It of ilutls ut liaxo W- Tlio olijcrt anil prncr of nald petition In that atd error ho corrected and that nld deed liu con- trueilAHcon\uylnv tltn c t J of the Hotitliwcut quarter of tiald xcction No , one , and that tlio title thereto bo adjudged ta bo In tald plalnlllT or In tlioHo law fully ( .lulinlng undir him the tame an If Halil error had not heen tnado and that jou and each of vou liu forever exelmled from any Inter- tint In nld lanil on acount of nald error and for Kuchothtr to further relief an may bo lust and riftht In the proml M , And jour are anil each of ) ou In hirihy notllloil to apjuur and aniner nald petition on or Inforu tlio Iht ( Uy of Aujfiint , A * IlHtil. JOHN T. DAVIB. Dated Juno S3.188 ] , I'laliitlff. \Vii. K. lliLLKit lib Attorney ; NoticotoNou-Rcsldout Dofoiiclants K. 1) . Ijinefiill nanio unknown ) will tnku no- tied thnt ho lias been uc l hy Dudley II , Ktccle , Kannul It. JohiiHon and Hanford W , Spratlln , ro- mrtnerx , dolni ; bunlneiiii under Iho firm nanio of HUelo , Johinou iCo.lw the Dlttrlrt Court of loiiiliiiiiiunty , NihrauVa , to rocoter $3,031,2 ! ) , and ( iitcrunt from October IP , 18bO , due them on a proinlutory note hcarliig date April"0,1B7S. AIno that an nttahmt.nt box heen nmdo oniertaln fiindnln the Klrrt National tmnk of Omaha , Nu- brunka , beloiilnif to jou and which thu nald | ar- tie * aboto named neck to obtain to apply In pay. Hieiitof their wild claim , You am required tuuimwer Raid | i tltlon on or before Monday , the 22d tlayof Auk-imt , A. II. 1KH1. \VAHUIN uwir/.i.K . V-H t-4t. Attorniiv for I'lalntiff. 1'1101'OSALS FOll Sl'IUNKLINQ DOUC5LAS STHEKT. SKAI.ii : ) I'ltOl'OSAIA Will bo roeclvcd by Ilia undimlh'iicd until the Ufith day July 1H81 , at 12 o'clock noon , for thuiiurliiUliigof DoiiKlon utroct from 12th fi ICth klreot , the contract to when tlio water \torkmoiiij ijy mipply uater In in tucliUlntrltt. biildblddto bo opened by the uimmlUco on ttrccU and itradea. hald counnlt- tee rt er\c Iho rlirlitlo reject any nnd all bid * , rialil bill' mint bo accompanied by the nama of a proK | > od mrtty , under the uiual foiidltlon * . Kn- ulo.iseoiitiilnlii | ( ; cild proiionaU kliall bo mark- oil "l'ro | al < for PprinklliiK Douiilaa ulre'et , " andiltlfierixl to tlio uncli.r.lgiicil1iiot later.tlwn thu time aboto kpotlflcd.j. j. j. L. c , jnvirrr , Omaha , July 31 , l&il-St CltV Clerk , NetoastoLanil Agency DAVIS & SNYDER , IGOBFarnham Gt. , , , . Omaha , Nebraska , jOOo ua.C3ic.3Eis Carefully idcctol Und In Kontern Kcliraika for salt' , ( mat lUry-ilnn In liiiirorctl ( arini , anJ Oinalia tlty 1'roix.ity. . O. V. JMV1B. WKUSTEIl SNYDKII. Late I ml Coin'r U. I' . 11 , It. 4p tcMf W. J. CONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. Orrici Front Itoomi ( up stairs ) I new brlek liulKIIni ; , M. \ \ , corner Htccutli I'arnlum Strain. LEGAL NOTICE. In the Circuit C urt of the United Statca , for the the District of Nobituku : At a Hoiulon of the Circuit Court of the United KUtcn , for the District of Ncluu ka , eontlnucd and held punuant to adjouriimiiiit , at the United Stntcu court room In the city of Omaha , on the 1Mb day of Juno , 1881 , the lion. lilmerH. Dundy heliiK present and priwldlnk : In nald court. the follow Ing among other proceedings \\ero had and done , to- wit : Ko. cj a. Sherman W. Knovali , complainant , vs. IjHvard Illll. McMn Hill , Atriics lllll , Ah In Hill , Flora Hill , John Hill , truardlaii of minor defendant. lu thancery. Order on absent dcfendanU. And now , on tlda IDth day of June A. D. 18S1 , lieliiK at the Mar term , A. D. 1881 , of thoealti court. It having been nmdo to apjwar to the sat- Utoitlon of the nald court , that tliU U a vult commenced to cnforca an vuultablo elaliu IMIOII i cal proiierty within tin wild district , and that Kdwnrd Hill , Melvln Hill , ARUM Hill , AMn Hill , Flora Hill , John Hill , guardian of minor defendant * herein are not Inhabitants of. and Imo not been found within the wild ( llstrict. and ha\u not voluntarily ap peared In thl nult , on motion of Jamcti M.Vool - north , ! > ) . , solicitor for tlio Raid complainant , It Is considered by the court and ordered that the nalcl defendants aba\o named bo and they are hereby dlreiUd to appearand plead , answer , or demur to the e iniiUlnant'n bllf of complaint , oil or beforathuflrutdayof Au Ukt , 18M1 , and that In default thereof , an order bo entered In caiine , Uklng Ihu knld bill pro confcxwi. It In further ordered by the court that twenty lUvubiforo the mid flratday nf Au- tfint. 1881 , a eopy of thin order bo netted upon KiUanl Hill , Mchln Hill , Ague * Hill , Ah in I'll ) , Flora Illll , John lllll , utrdlun 'or the wild defendants. whomever found , If practicable , and auo upon the per- neil or ) Jiernoin In pan'icii.slijii or'o of the real property dexcrilitd In roinpl.ilnant'u bill of coiupliilnt. If any tliero be , and tlutt a certified cupyof thl order to puldUlKNl for four connccu- tlvo wetkH lu the "Omaha lleo. " ( Sillied ) ELMKU S , DUNDY , Tun UMTKD HIATM or AMERICA , ) DIBTUICT or ) " , Watiun II. Smith , clerk of the Circuit court of tlio United ( State * for the dUtrlet of Nebraska , do hereby certify , that the abo\ and foregolnt ; In a true copy of an order entered upon the journal of the procvodlnj ; of raid court , In the caiuo therein entitled ; tlut I liavo comjiarcd the amo with thu original entry of nald order , and It In a tmo traiucrlpt therefrom , and of the whole thereof. Witness , my olBclal r-xnaturo , and the IKKAL ) lieal of Buld eourt , at Omaha , In uld ellstrkt. thlsinthday of Juno , A. D/81. WATBONll.bMtTII.O JAMrH M , WOOUVOHTH. Je2 w4t _ Solicitor for I'lallntltf. D I OX/PI CC I a > Auent for COLL'MIIIA Dill TuLLOi an.lorrOllleJVCI.KH. . Send three etilt btanip forC.italo ne and prleo ll t contalnln , ' full information. UL N , I , D , SOLOMON , Faluts.Ollfl and Glan OMAHA , NKIJ J.P.ENGLISH , AT LAW ATTORNEY - - , 310 South Thirteenth Street , with J. M.Woolworth. D. S , BENTON , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW AUBACH BLOCK , Cor , DoUKbi and Ulu BU. Om&ha Keb , UtO. W. 1 > OAN . A. C. DOAHE& CAMPBELL , Attorneys-at-Law , 8. W , COII. 16TH i DOl'OUS STS. , J , eji ( ( OMAHA , NKU.