Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1881, Page 2, Image 4

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Kate Sholly's Heroism in tbo
Boone Floods.
How She Saved Severn ! Lives in tlio
„ Northwestern Railway
Boone Stamford.
The eastern papers for years pai
have delighted to toll of Iho heroisn
of n young girl on the coast of Kov
England , the diughtor ot ft light
house-keeper , who has saved many
lives from death by drowning throng ! :
her coolness niul fearlessness as wel
as by her skill as a water nymph ,
The fame of Grace Darling ia world
wide , mid distance lends onchantmonl
to the talcs of her exploits nnd the re
citftl of her graces of person. Then
never yet was human deed performed
in our own midst was equally capable
of the same , given the opportunity.
Once in n whiln such occasion ia pre
sented nnd then wo find the cjuiot ,
prosaic mnn , the least noted and least
suspected for pure , unselfish acla and
and noble cflbrts , the dcmuro maiden
pursuing her unnoted way in the
world , intent only on her little loves
or the pursuits of n modest and cir
cumscribed line of life , burst sudden
ly into public view through some deed
of startling endeavor or great self
sacrifice , n floratius at the bridge , r
Joan of Arc.
When the wind and rain wns pour
ing in torronta down the canyon
through which the railway track from
hero to Jfoingona runs , on Wcdncs
day night of lost week ,
A YOUXO OIIIL or 14 ou 15
stood nt her window nt midnight , near
the low or end of the ravine , watching
the slow forward creeping of the pilot
engine-sent out to explore the condi
tion of the embankments and bridges.
Suddenly , as it passed upon a well
known trcstlo , she snw it drop and its
lights disappear , nnd know there wore
human lives in danger. Hushing out
into the B orm and to the brink of the
chasm , Kittio Shelly called nt the top
of her voice , with the hope that so'iio
poor struggler in the turbid waters
might hear lier voice and bo encourag
ed by her cry. She waa heard , nnd
back from the awnying tree top , in
which precarious porch the engineer
had found another lease of lifo , came
nn answer to her cheer , many times
repented. But the swollen streams
forbade hearing the directions which
wcro shouted to the young girl , nnd
aho was loft to her own resources to
effect a rescue , which fortunately wore
not wanting. Alone nnd guided by
the flickering light of n dim lantern ,
she commenced her journey through
the tall wood to Moitigona.
to summon help. She crept beneath
the swaying branches , her face brush
ed by the switching undergrowth , wet
to the waist by wading through the
little hollows , of the hillside , each
now n running brook , losing liar way
at times , though every foot of the
xouto waa a known pace under ordi
nary circumstances , nnd nt lost came
out upon the long railway bridge.
HEfi LlOlir J1LKW OCX ,
"but she did not hesitate. Across the
slippery baidgo tics , for there wore no
planks , she stopped , guided only by
the chastly flashes of the lightning ,
-while the wind blow a gale and wrap
ped her skirts about her head and
drenched her oyca with the cold spray
of the storm. Beneath her were
the waters whoso embrace was death.
Six foot had they risen in an hour ;
one false stop nnd they ,
would close over her forever.
They dashed and howled against the
piers nnd across the ice break , clam
oring for lier , and licking out their
foaming tongues and flocking the
trembling timbers with their froth.
There must have boon a Providence
which guided little Katie Sholly's foot
steps across that perilous passage in
the awful' night until the safe
ground of the western embankment
-was reached and she ilod through the
"black darkness , with streaming hair ,
and outstretched bare and gleaming
arms to the lights of the town , nnd in
the oars of vnxious men nt the depot
of disaster nud the cry for help.
Two men went down iu that fatal
chasm , and two widows nnd two fami
lies of infant children call for the lost .
who never shall return ; but two
other men nnd two other families ,
to their dying days , have cause to
thank the good Lord that ho mndo
one woman with tliu bravo heart of
Knto Shelly. The cold , business-liko
official report will never toll it as it is ,
only when "tho accident was report
ed by the young girl and relief wns
promptly dispatched. " And when
the fatal trap in which poor Olmstoad
and Pat Donahue found their watery
gavos , is again filled up and tradic
once more is busy over the spot , the
great company will forgot the deed ,
or only remember it as an accident
which brought no suit for personal
damages against the company ,
I ' Revolutionizing tbo Postal System
AYashlnvton Special to the Globe-Democrat.
Postmaster General James , in his
determined efforts to reform abuses ii
the postal service , has not confmei
his attention to the vigorous suppros
aion of extravagances in the notorious
star routo. That has boon the mail
objective ppint for the time , bccausi
a reform in that direction wns tin
most crying necessity when he canv
into ofllco. A great ring had fastenoi
itself and was fattening upon the
postal department of the govern
ment. Its ramifications were coos
tensive with the country , and
its head center was located in tli
chair of the second assistant postmas
tor. Several millions of dollars were
being swallowed up , and the whole
system of postal contracts was threat
ened with the rottenness which came
of the contact with unbridled corrup
tion. ' The first duty of Mr. Jumps
was to grapple with the great evil
and thia ho did at once and fearlessly
but ho evidently docs not propose t (
stop there. The whole postoftico sys
tern , in his opinion , requires over
hauling , and this is the great work
which ho has taken in hand. Perhaps
Mr. James' reform ideas may bo better
understood by thotwowords "business
hrinciples" than by anything else.
His success with the New York office
lias emboldened him to undertake the
enforcement of a similar process in
the entire department.f One of _ his
plans involves a competitive examination
tion , the other that which has beer
several times suggested to congress
the adoption of a system similar to
that which prevails regulating admis
sion to the navnl academy nnd at West
Point. As the latter would preserve
the importance of the member of Con
gress as nn appointing power , it ii
probable it would bo more apt to re
ceive the approval of congress. It :
anticipation of n revision nntl
reconstruction of Iho prosonl
postal system of appointments
nnd securing uniformity , n general
inquiry will bo instituted as to the
present management of the most im
portant oflicoin the country. No two
of tlioso ofticcu tuo now managed alike.
The Washington ofllco has boon put
under investigation nnd n personal in
spection of the Baltimore ollico. Th
main purpose of the department is to
remove the Post Ollico from the palo
of local politics. According to Post
matter General James , n government
[ lost ofllco should bo something more
than n moro local political machine
run nt general expense. If ho sue
coeds in carrying out his idea1 ] of ro
[ orm Mr. James will have revolution
ized the postalservice before his term
expires. '
The Crops Reported Booming
and Everything Lively.
ALDION , Boone Co. , July 20.
To the Editor of Tim His :
The crops and weeds together are
lust booming in Boone county , nnd it
s hard to toll , in many cases , which
will bo the biggest crop , as thia has
icon the greatest growing season wo
tavo over had in this county. The
armors iu thia county will have to
ommcnco farming less acres per man
and team , and farm them better than
hey had to when the laud wns now.
There nro great numbers in this
ounty who believe , with the editor
f Tin : BKC , that the dastardly at-
cinpt to assaasinnto President Garfield -
field , was just as much the result of
Conkhng's ' war on the president aa
was the killing of President Lincoln
ho result of the war of the rebellion.
While Conkling's resignation is looked
upon as something like the boy taking
up his marbles and going homo when
hings did not go to suit him ,
and by so doing trying to break up
ho game. Conkling may bo a friend
of the people , and < ono who is opposed
o the great moneyed , power of the
ountry , nevertheless , almost without
single exception , every Grant man ,
very U. P. man , every dead head who
ravels on a pass , is a Conkling man in
his county. An eminent writer has
aid that to the civil and political his-
orian the past alone has an existence ;
hat the present ho rarely apprehends ,
ind the future never , but by the
listorinn of science things which nro to
onio to pass during the lifetime of
enorations of men yet unborn can bo
sccrtained with as much ccitainty as
liinus which have passed and gone. I
on't believe any such thiiif. . 1 believe
hat just so sure as the historian of
cionco can , after watching the glitter-
ng course of the cratic comet in the
leavens , follow it into the infinite
opths of space far beyond the limits
f our system , until the eternal law of
gravitation commonda it to ro-
urn , predict the return of
ho glittering object to
ho place where it last was seen
hough ngos may pass before that
event takes place ; just so sure can the
political historian after reading by the
ittfit of past events the causes which
Brought about the fate of other ropub-
ics , predict . .that the days of thereat
; roat American , are numbered , and
hat in the near future , it will only
> o a phanton shadow of what it once
vas.Gray Will says it is absurd to talk
ibout there bo any danger of the
bundation of the government being
undermined , that it was buili upon
ho adamantine rock of justice and
equality to nil. The same wns said
during the agitation about slavery ,
ind that there would bo no war , but
.hero waa a right smart war after all
which shook the mighty fabric which
tad boon built at so much cost of
ilood nnd troosuro until it almost fell.
Tito Famous Old Hnntor anil Gutdo
on tlio Western Plains
Panes Away.
Jim Bridgor is n name familiar to
old western settlers , and the an
nouncement of his death will bo re
ceived with feelings of sadness by all
who know him. In early dnjs ho
was a noted scout , hunter and guide
on these western prairies , nncl his
name figured in moro than one ven
turesome and daring deed so common
to the plainsman in those days. Of
his death the Kansas City Mini has
the following :
James Bridgor , one of the last sur
viyors of the early mountaineers
whoso headquarters wore in this part
of the country , died at his residence
near Now Santa Fo in this county at
5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Mr ,
Bridgcr had passed his seventy-sixth
birthday anniversary , that event tak
ing place in last March. His funeral
took place to-day. The remains were
interred in a little county cemetery
not far from the place in which ho
died , Mr. Bridgor was a Virginian
by birth. He had boon a scout , guide
and plainsman for about thirty
years. About sixteen years ago
while ridini' " "
a "bucking" mule ho received -
coivod injuries that permanently
disabled him. Since that time ho has
retired from active lifo and has booi
living on his , or rather children's ,
farm near Santa Fe. For throe yeari
or moro ho 1ms boon in his dotage ,
Ho once got lost within one-halt mile
of his own house. Old ngo and con
finemont to one place caused the vet
eran plainsman's vital forces to give
way with sure and rapid decline. To
use a common oxproision ho died oi
old oge. His death waa painless ,
the flame of lifo burned down to the
socket and noiselessly expired.
Ho loaves ft family of three cml
dren. nil grown. One of the daugh
ters i the wife of Mr. A. Wachsmnn ,
of Wcstport. Mr. Bridgcr had , nt
the time of his death , n claim before
congress for money duo him on ac
count of the occupation of his fort by
United States soldiers. Bridgcr sold
his fort and grounds in good faith.
For this ho received no "cash down.
The wnr came on , attention was ab
sorbed by it , nnd contfres ? did not
give a thought to making provision
for Hio payment of the poorold guide
claim. The Bridgcr family wilHhrow
off all interest if nn appropriation of
§ 10,000 for the payment of the prin
cipal is made. If it had not been for
"Old Jim , " ns ho was called , General
Fremont's threat western exploring ex
pedition would not liavo been a suc
cess. For n treat { portion of the way
Bridgor acted nsn guide.
At the beginning of July tliero were 1,021
patients in the Nnp.i Irmino Hospital.
A largo < | tmntty ! of cram In San Joa-
jinn county ha ? been destroyed by fire ,
A wnvo nfChlncftC Immigration is setting
into California nnd occasioning much
Another water company lias been organ
ized to supply Oakland and San Francisco
with water ,
The project of n railroad between Santa
Ilosft nnd licnicla > ! Vnllejo , ii again be
ing agitated.
California IIM 17 branches of the Land
League , -1,580 member * , nntl has sent 811-
There nro nbout two hundred tourists
around Lak.o Tnhoo , camping or stopping
nt the ililTcrent hotels.
Teoplo have licen up the Nap.i vnlloy ,
ately , trying to contract for Mission grapes
'or 818 per ton , without success.
Iu CoItiK.i county white labor is ( o dlf-
Icult to obtain that people are advertising
or Chinese crews to cut cordvvoood.
A party of Italians nre examining local- !
, ! CH In Northern Sonoma county , with n
\ ! cw of purchasing set thousands ncrci
of land. Intending to net out the largest
\ incyanl in the State.
Thirteen hydraulic mining companies
m\o applied to the board of equiUzation
of Nevada county n for reduction In their
tsHcssments , ou the around that pending
itigatlon and the judicial Injunction laid
ipon them renders their property ol much
ess value.
Tucson hns Issued a 114 page directory.
The 1'hiimlx flouring mill start up in
, en dnys or two weeks.
The icradcM for the railroad hive com-
ncnccd work nt Benson nnd cam will run
nto Tombstone iu ninety days.
A report comes from El Pnso that Gov.
Tcrrafwas , who was en route to Kl Pnso ,
was attacked by Indians and thirty of his
nen killed , on Wednesday.
The waterspout nt KPnso \ last week
Inmaged city pioperty to the amount of
? nO,000 , Southern Pacific railroad prop
erty , 88.000 , and wanned nway n bridge of
ho Atcmson , Topekn & Santa PC rail
Secret societies flourish in Kurekn.
Hay is n drug iu the Kurckn market.
The White Pine district Is looking up.
Railroad grading continues on the Last-
cm nnd Central railroad.
The grasshoppers nre doing an Immense
amount of damage in Indian Valley.
From 200 to 250 tons of refilled sulphur
ire chipped ev ery month from the Hum-
joldt company s works near -Winne-
The horse flies are BO troublesome In In-
lependenco Valley that it is necessary to
cover animals entirely with netting or
cloths while working them on the ranches.
Small pox lias appeared in Portland.
The crop prospects of the state are be-
ow the nvetage.
Charges of bribery nre made against
Portland's couticihncn.
The upper Columbia at present covers
.ho entire Lewis and Lake Her bottoms ,
he Iny crop being entirely destroyed.
A foreign company with' capital of
8200,000 lias bicn formed for the purpose
of purchasing the Salem flouring mills nnd
running them.
The Pacific opera house at Albany wns
otally destroyed by fire on the night of
ho lull. TUo fire was undoubtedly the
vork of an Incendiary ,
Salmon fishing on the Columbia river Is
slight this year , the average being only
sixteen fin1icn to the boat. The shortage
this beasoti will be nearly 100,000 cnbes.
The Spokane Timed is now issued daily.
Thcro are thirteen two-story building * )
n Cheney.
The Ynknina river Is i ishig , caused by
melted BIIOWH. ,
The new Methodist church building nt
C'olfnx ia approaching completion.
The new proposed depot building at
Walla NYalliv will bo 10(5 ( feet long nnd 21
Feet wide.
Last October the town of Chcnev con
sisted of half n dozen houses , To-day
there nro nearly 100 buildingd in the place ,
many of them Iur0'o two-story structures.
The now wagon road lately surveyed
from 1 % Cmnod to Klickitat landing will
bo open for tnuel soon , This will cimblu
bottlers on the Dig Camas to get their pro
duce to n shipping point on the Columbia
rhcr easier and rjuicker than heretofore.
Specimens of ore from the lodes recently
discover-d in the East Sound mining dis
trict , Sau Juan county , shows forty-five
feet of ore face , nbo\u tide wnicr. Homo
of the ore has been tried in n blacksmith's
forge , nnd yields copper and sll\er In large
( | iinntltIeB.
The Utsalailv mill recently cut 120,000
feet of lumber In on day. Utsalady is
the chief grain depot of the La Conner
Hat * . Probably not lens than eighty
thousand sacks of grain have been shipped
through the IJUalndy wartihoueo during
the lust venr
Cummins has n new hotel.
There U an Indian tcaro nrouml Fort
The wool clip of Wyoming this year will
exceed that of all previous beosoua.
Fifty horses have been btolcn by the
nannnckawithlu four miles of Kuuistou ,
The Jelm Mountain mining and milling
company have stnmk some very mie mtnrtz
ID the IAIIIO Hey mine ,
It l reported thai 3.000 men nre workIng -
Ing on the extension of the Union Pacific
from Granger to Uolso City.
The large cut btones for the Thorn ,
burgh monument at the Milk river battle
ground nre being forwaixled from llnvvlins.
A man named John Johnston was
drowned iu the Mediclao IJuw river ,
about fifteen miles from Carbon last 1'ii
d y.
Jluffalocs are so plentiful on the Little
Pouder rinT that tliuy scare the horses
on ranges , and stampede them to ( ho foot
The Oregon extension of the Union Pa.
ctfio to linker City will be about COO miles
of road , upon which is now promised to
issue 82,000 000 or five or six uer cent.
louiU ( * 20,000 to eha mile and 812,000,000
of Oregon extension ktock , The Unlpn
Pacific treasury will retain one-half the
stock nnd give each 100 h rca of the
Union Pacific utock the right to subscribe
82,000 of bunds with n bonus of twenty percent
center ten shares of Oregon extension
stock ,
The mnln gpan of the Plnlto bridge nt
Cnrbon went out last 1'ridsy. At the
time the bridge gave nwny time were some
2. " > 0 sheep ulion it. Some twenty f the
hct > [ > were killed.
Mrs. Kobcrt lUnkin , of Hnwllns , 1m
been presented with n gold watch ns n tes
timonial for her bravery and heroic action
In preventing the cscapo of Big Nocod
George last spring.
Tohn Ash found nt Cnrbon Sunday
morning nbout $100 , which had evidently
been dropped from a pacscnger train , The
money Imd been nm over by the train nnd
was badly mutilated.
Tiozemnu wants n first-class hotel.
Ilia new court house at ISozemnn Is com
Herds on the Mu clcMiell fnll 30 per
cent short.
The hay harvest which has just begun
will bellghter this season than usual.
The crops on the Tcton river nt the pres
ent time look better than they have for
ninny ye/irs.
There nre unmunl number of experts
nnd experienced mlnera examining the
mines ot Summit valley district at the
present time.
The presentear will witness the larg
est production of silver and matter from
Hutto nnd Summit Vnllev district pro-
iluccd for nny one year since Its discovery.
The news from the mining cam pa of
Mndiion county Wh quartz nnd placer
indicate nn increase of at least five per
cent in the production of bullion this year.
There seems to be very little doubt now
that the Helena branch of the Utah &
Northern railway will leave the tnnin line
at Dillon , nnd run down the Bcnverhtnd
and Jefferson valleys.
I'mplro Caiiou Is filling up with new
homes. .
The city of Frisco telegraphed condo
lence to Washington.
Logan Is to have n largo nnd commo
dious depot building.
Silver Keef once moro is active nnd 300
men nro employed In the mines ,
The foundation is being laid for the Uni
versity of Dcseret at Salt Lake.
The Grand Gulch copper mines are turn-
tig out a largo amount of first clnss metal.
Joel It. Jchnson , of Lehi , is the father of
20 children , 113 grandchildren , and -12
gi cat grandchildren. Total , 184.
The Utah nnd Nevada extension to Eu
reka is being pushed with nil possible vig
or , but * ho work is greatly retarded by the
liability of the company to get civil en-
, 'incers enough to run their lines.
iVnother gang of men is nt work in
FJenver county , on what account is not
known. It is reported nnd believed thnt
they represent the Texas and Pacific ,
which has been suspected of hav ing nn eye
on the Utah field for some time past.
Opium joints are troubling Pueblo.
Boulder is nursing her railroad boom.
Mechanics of nil sorts are busy nt Lake
% . .
Like City is pleased with the tele-
Hails nre being laid in Leadville for n
street railway.
Within n week the Hio Grande will be
nt Durnngo.
Silver Cliff w ill soon build n custom
stamp mill with homo capital.
Work will bo pushed ns fast ns possible
upon the Greeloy , Salt Lake and Pacific
Custer county Is producing nbout 190
tons of ore dihlv. Silver Cllfl continues
its output of 120 tons.
The present season of development is
the most active and flattering known in
the Snn Juan for years.
Work has been commenced on two new
school-houses for Leadv ille. One will cost
830,000 nnd the other 810,000.
iV party of Color.adans celebrated the
Pourth wn the summit of Uncompahgro
peak 1,100 feet above sen level.
Independence district is in n- highly
prosperous condition , nnd is the * * second in
rnnk of the gold producing sections of the
Boulder , Colorado , is agitated over n
railroad question. Two different com-
pnnies want to build , but there Is only
room for one.
Twenty-six bnko shops now supplv the
people of Denver with bread. These
twenty-six shops consume about one hund
red sacks of flour daily.
The Safety Nitro-Powder company Is
the title of n new corporation which will
soon commence the manufacture of n
powerful explosive near Littleton , Col
orado. The capital stock of the company
Is 82.10,000.
Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago ,
Baoincho , Soreness of the Chttt ,
Goutf Quinsy , Sere Throat , Snail-
inns and Sprains , Burns and
Scalds , General Bodily
Pains ,
Tooth , Ear and f/oadacho , Frosted
Feet and Ears , and all other
Pains and Aches.
Vt r > r r Mon on r rih quih ST. JACOM Oil
u iafr , turt , tlioi'lf nd chenji Eiterntl
m Jy , A trUl tntili fcut th cornparatiTtlj
ftJtoB outltr of 60 Cnti , and er rjr on luffer-
( ay with p lnc a fc T el t p niJ v tUi o xf )
of ill clilm * . tKA
Dlr tlon tn Ilmn l ngxi gM. * f'
NetekaLand Agency
IC05 Farnrum St , . . . Omaha. Nebraska.
Carefully ttlevtod l nd tn Gutcrn Nobrukafor
ale Uroai lUrpdng In Improved farm * , and
Omaha cltj | > rojK.'tt ) .
Late UuJCom'r U.P. R. It. 4p-fcbtl
Mrs. J. O. Hohcrtson , I'ltlsbarg , Pa. , rites , "I
V.M stiUcrini.'from general dcbilitj , want ol an-
pttlte , constipation , etc. , eo tint life \\ian Imr-
< ! cn ; after mine Iltirdock niocxl Hitters I felt bet
ter thin forcars. I cannot fralso jour lllttcrs
too much , "
n. Ollibs , of Ihifltilo. N. Y , ( writes : "Your
Rurilock lllooJ Hitters , In chronic dUcAScsof.tho
Mood , Ihcr and kldncjs , 1m c been elfjrmlly
marked nlthsucccts. I have llfeil'them in ) self
u llli best results , for torpidity of the IU cr , And In
ciuoof a friend of mine euucrlng from drop ! } f
the cDcct was marvelous.
Truce Turner , Itochcstcr , X. Y. , writes : I have
been nihjuct to serious disorder of the UJne8.
anil unable to attend to litmlm-sf : IJimlock lllooil
lllttcrs relieved mo before tmlf abottlenasueed ,
1 feel confident that the } ulll intltely euro me"
E. Ascnlth Hall , lilnirhimplon , N. V.
"I suffered with a dull pln through my left
lime and ohoulder. I/ost tn > pplrlU , appetite and
color , and could v * Ithdlfllculty leen up all d y.
Took } our llurdock Illood lllttcrs an illrectedJnnJ
havufclt no pain eltuc first week after using
them , "
Mr. Noah Baits , Elmlra , N. Y.t writes : "About
four ) can aifo I had an attack of Mllloua fever ,
find never fully recovered. My dljrcstlrc organs
were weakened , and I would bo completely pros-
tntcd forrtajs. After using two bottles oJ jour
llunlock Illood lllttcrs the Improvement was so
vlsllilottnt I wns nstonl hcd. lean now , though
01 j cars of age , do a fair and reasonable da's
uork. "
C. Dlickct Robinson , proprietor of The Canada
PreatyUrlan , Toronto. Ont. , writes : "For J caw
I tuRcrcil criatly from oft recurring headache. I
used j our llunlock Illood Hitters with happiest
result * , and I now find injselfjn better health
than for v cars past. " T
Mrs. Wallace , Iluffafo. X Y. , writes : ' -Ihavo
used Ilurdock Dlood Hitlers for nervous land 111-
llom hcadachcf , nnd t-in ricoiuniciid It to anyone
requiring a euro for lillllousriuss. "
Mm. Ira Mullholland , Albany , N. V , writes :
"Kor several jcars I hive Biitlcreil from oft-recur
ring bllllous headaches , djspeiwla , ami com *
fi fllllt yiciullar to my sex. Since ixln jour
urdock Illood lllttcrs I ainintlrely rcliuvcd. "
Price , 81.00 pep Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Cts.
, , , , Props ,
Sold at wholesale by Ish & McJIahon and C. P.
Goodman. je 27 cdd-uo
1880. SHORTJJNE. 1880 ,
St , Joe ( fc Council Bluffs
Direct Line to ST. LOUIS
From Omaha and the "West.
No change of cars between Omaha and at.
and but one between OMAHA and
Daily PassengerTrains
Thlt entire line is equipped with Pullman's
Palace Sleoplng Can , Palace I > ny Conches , Miller's
Safety Platform and Coupler , and the celebrated
Wcotlnghouso Air-brake.
OTSco that jour ticket reads VIA nANSAS
road , v In St. Joseph and St. Louis.
Tickets for sale at all coupon stations In the
West. J. F. BARNARD ,
A. C. DAWES , Gen. Supt. , St. Joseph , Mo ]
Gen. Pass , and Ticket Agt. , St. Joseph , Mo.
W. C. SEACURKST , Ticket Agent ,
1020 Farnham street.
AKDT BOBDK.V , Passcngor Agent ,
A. C. BARNARD _ > < > ral Agent ,
Axle Grease
Used onJIVagoni Buzfies , Reapers , Threshers
and Mill Machinery. It Is INVALUABLE TO XAIW
Kits AND TEAMsrrRS. It euros Scratches and all
kinds of soreo on Horses and Stock , as well as on
men.OLAEK & WISE , Manuf's ,
305 Illinois Street , Chicago.
J2TSEND FOll PRICES. Jo 21.flm-be
Foundations of Success
The Ian 8 cJ trade , legal forma , how to trans
act business , valuable tables , social etiquette ,
parliamentary usage , how to conduct public busi
ness ; in fact ft U a complete Guide to Succcsj ( or
atlcascD. A family necessity. Address for cir
culars and special terms ANCHOR PUBLISHING
TO . Ht.I/miU. Mr .
Established 11 Years ,
Assets Uenrescnted
Active Fire and Llfu
wanted. C. T. TAYLOR & CO
lUh & Doufhs St.
My house and furnUui * ia insured with
0. T. TAYLOK k CO. ,
for Hth nnd DoupLis.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received by the
Hoard of County CommlsuloiUTS of Duuulna
County , Nebrixskn. until WedneMlay , July
SJtli , A. I ) . , IbSl , nt 2 o'clock p. m. . for tlie
t-roctlou of of u court liousu lulhlliK at
Unutlia , In will county , In accordance with
iilaiis mill siitcltleutfons innilu by U. K.
Jl j en , architect of Detroit , Miclilgan. and
now on file la tlio county clerk' * ofllcu at
K.icli lld nuikt be nceoinp.\nletl by n good
and snRldeiit bond In thu t > unof ten thous
and dollars , ( $10.000) ) , conditioned that the
bidder will enter Intoi contract , and given
uood and sunk-lent bond , should the contract
be awarded him.
A cupyof the specifications will bo for
warded upon application to the county
clerk nt Omaha , Neb. , and In all cases must
accompany proposals.
The board reserves tlio right to reject any
0ily order of the Board of County ComniU-
OUA1IA 1 Neb. , June 2Mh , 1881.
Choice Cigars I
Can bo obtained at KU1IN * CO.'S
by the box for Less Money than nt
any wholesale tobacco liotiso , for the
reason they ncll cigars in connection
with their druij business , without nny
oxtionso to the Cigars. TRY T1IEM ,
All Cigars not satisfactory exchanged
or money refunded.
A fine lOc Cigar , long Havana filler , 5
for 25c , Never haa there been any
Cigar in Omaha equal to them for the
' ' .
V money.
From 80.25 per hundred up. '
lAtlantio" liestlOc Oigar in Oity
' f
J.JB. Detwiler's
The Largest Stock and Most Com
plete Assortment in
The West.
We Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , Oil
cloths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures
and Lace Curtains.
1313 Farnham St. , Omaha.
J H ft /
' ) ' P * ' > ' ' '
' „ i
! Ill
' ( * HJ
v ' Ji'"llA
i't ' 1 1 I jtJt
nt * -
Stock Must be Sold ,
. ' ? s *
fe. * ! ;
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
A , L. STRANG , 205 Farnam St. , Omaha ,