Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1881, Page 8, Image 10

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FEIDA , JULY 22 , 1881 ,
Friday Morning , July 22.
Patterson sell * coal ,
Get your hftts rtt Donne' * .
Xindell & Krcllc , Ixwling Hftttor * .
Drink SaxeVi Tcnuian Beer.
4000 residence lots , Demi * , ngcnt.
fiOO business loin. Cnll on Bcmls.
250 hou ea nnd lots. Bcmls1 agency.
Bemts' new mart of Omaha , 25 cents.
Don't fail to drink SA\K' crcnm soda.
A. W. Is'ason , Dcntiit , Jacob' * Mock.
-Bcmls' real estate boom. First page.
Natural Mineral Water on draught at
Ktilm's drug store.
For FISE Commercial Job Printing ,
nil at THE Bus Job rooms.
The Lion continues to roar for Moore's
Harness nnd Saddlery.
200 farms nnd 000,000 acres of land
Bcmls , agent.
Whipple , McMillan & Co. , the jewel-
crs , Crcirhton Block. o2G-tf
rrescripllons a Rpcctnlty , Opera House
1'harmacy , 211 S. 15tli Street.
Safes , machinery , and all kinds of
hca > y hauling done by Brisco & Co. , the
safe men. w&s-tf
A worklngman employed by the U.
P. TelegraphlCompany had liii head badly
crushed l > y a telegraph polo > striking it
yesterday. His skull was not fractured.
The Chicago & Northwestern train
from the cast was late yesterday and accord
ingly the western bound express o\er the
Union Pacific was nn hour and forty mln-
Jilcx behind time In 1cm ing this city ,
A good deal of excitement was created
nn Fanihnm street yesterday by a
runaway of' ' a single horre. It was
stopped , however , before any serious dam
age was done.
A sample of the nrairio sand burr can
bo seen at the Canfiold house , measuring
four feet in length. The umial growth is
from ten to twelve Inches. .
The hugo safe which has for n long
tirao lain in the corridor on the first door
of the postofllco building now ornaments
tho'office of Watson P. Smith , of the
United States circuit court , on the third
.floor , It took two days to get it up th *
i and into the office.
3) . H. Pratt left yesterday for n Colorado
1U A. Hawlry , of Sutton , arrived in
town yesterday.
Michael Ilaitigan , of Plattsmouth , ia
ainonc the iruc.sU at the Crcighton.
Cha.s. 1C. llissc , of Dos MoincH , was
ninong yesterday's arrivals in the city.
( Major Hastings , deputy U. S. marshal
o [ < Nebraska , came in from Lincoln yester
day.hi ! D. Terry , thoMilfortl miller , passed
through Onialia on his way home , after
rusticating a month in Colorado.
| Kcv. J. W. Tngram l ft yesterday for
Dixon county , where ho goes to visit llev.
E.i\Vi Miller , an old friend. Ho will bo
absent ono week.
A. B. Font , a young attorney ot Chica
go , passed went on the express for Lcad-
ville , vhere ho will settle in the law busi
ness ,
IVank Gnthman , who ban just built anew
now hotel in I'lattmnouth , ix in the city
making arrangements to completely fur
nish it throughout. Ho is registeredut the
Creighton houso.
A. McGavock left this afternoon for
.Kansas , to look after his cattle interests ,
accompanied by Mi'xsra. Birmingham , of
Kansas City , I'olcy , of MaruhaUtown , and
Tobin of this city.
11.1 * . 11 , Miller , the popular station
agent of the Union 1'acifio'railway com
pany at Lincoln , was In the city yesterday
with his family. They are on their way
Tor A vacation y'lnlt to Quincy , Ills.
Dr. McClelland , ono of the oldest and
most skillful surgconti oi this city , will
hereafter attend to all hia patienta at his
re idcnodJ813 Cass street. ' Tclephono con
nection's will enable him to attend promptly -
' ly to'nnv calls made upon him. ' '
Mm. J , K. Boyd , accompanied by iicr
two daughters nnd von , Mrn. ' 3. S , Caldwell -
well and sons , Mm. C. T. Taylor and her
luuband composed a party \vho started yes
terday for n trip ainon" tlio mountain * of
Colorado. They will be gone about four
JVN. Phillips and Postmaster Hall have
vono to Montana. Mr. Phillips will erect
nSaw mill there for Mr , Hall , \\ho It is
, jmderstood , has n order from the U. P.
q-allway company for all the lumber ho can
manufacture ,
Geo. 11. Mann , the architect for Kitchen
"JJros. now hotel , arrived yesterday with
the plans of the building , Mr. Mann la
wow fully prepared to receive calls at the
iVlthnell house from all contractor ! ) who
desire to figure on the building work nnd
will give his pononal attention to all \\lia
call promptly.
THE BEE"acknowlodgca n pleasant call
Irpm Mr. Otto Htrwtzel , a jounmlUt ami
practical printer of long experience both li
this country and Germany , who has asso
elated himself as partner with Mr. 1'au
"Wolnhagen in the publication of the Onm
ba Telegraph. Mr. Btniitzel will liave ful
charge of tlio technical management of tin
paper , and THE BIB wishes him much sue
cess in his new enterprise.
lion , K , J' , Brown , of Lincoln , in in th
3 , IS. Clark returned yesterday from th
Major Hctli , of Lincoln , arrived in th
city yesterday ,
1 Aiwlstant Civil Engineer Way came i
from the west yeste/rday / afternoon.
Joseph Bell , ticket agent at the U. 1
tlepot , returned from a western trip yei
terday afternoon ,
I. K , Congdon , chief of the locomoth
department of the U. P. railway , orri\c
, from the went lout evening ,
JftmegWir , accompanied by hU chl
dreu , arrived yesterday from Denver Jun
tion , CoJ. , end are stayins at the AVit ]
nell. ,
Hon , Jessie Petereon and wife * M
daughter , of Lockport , N. Y. , wjm \ \
J en visiting friends In the city omit *
return from a w teni trip , started y u
.lay for their home. Mr , Petewou. k
tliiuk of nettling to Omaha ;
The Odds Against a Colored
Woman in a Row.
About Imlf-past two o'clock yester
day morning , John Eagan , Chns.
Traccy and Prcd Hughes wcro prowl
ing about the BtrcoU , when ono of
thorn proposed to "go on n tear. " The
proposition mot wilh favor. They
accordingly started forth. The
first place they visited
was n house located on the
corner of Twelfth and Dodge streets ,
in which lived a colored woman of va
riegated reputation , known in po
lice circles as "Kansas City Liz. " The
woman was Mono in the house , and
when her visitors demanded admit
tance she secreted horsoli behind the
door. The woman finally told them to
"go way. " They responded by kick
ing in the door , when her courage
arose and she seized a chair
and belabored them pro-
miscously about tlio head ,
until ono of the men struck her with
his fistin the face , knocking her down
and breaking of her tooth.
She then ran into the street scream
ing murder. Officers McCuno and
Vanouuo were passing on tlio opposite
side of tlio street , when they hoard
the cry , and running across arrested
the three men before they could
escape. The result of their trial in
the police court , was that Eagan was
lined five dollars and costs , which
ho paid and was released. Hughes
was fined six dollars and costs , in de
fault of which , ho was sonttothocoun-
ly jail , while Tracy was discharged
simply because nothing1 could bo
proved against him except that ho was
"in the crowd. " However his appearance -
poaranco was against him and the tes
timony likewise , developing that ho
risitcd the same place the night before
when the woman broke a water pitch-
over his head because ho wouldn't
At the close of the trial the woman
informed all present that since the
affair she had purchased a "dcssolver ,
an' if a man she didn't want come
'round her house he'd git daylights
blowcd outon him. " J i /
* * *
Growing Out of a Misunder
standing and Fight.
A rather complicated case of as
sault nnd battery was on trial in the
police court yesterday , occupying
nearly the entire day. The evening
before , a man named James Yickery
approached another man named Win.
A. Newton , who was sitting in a chair
in front of Holler's drug store ,
on Sixteenth street , and accused
him of insulting a little girl
whom Yickory had had iii hia charge.
Howton resented the imputation and
Bloutly denied the truth of the charge ,
and after some words domnnded that
the girl bo brought before him that
they might BOO if she would recognize
him as the guilty party. To this
Yickery consented and started for his
homo , which is near by. Ho did not re
turn and after a while Newton walked
dowd toViokory's house whorohofound
Yickory nnd his wife standing on the
walk. Ho asked for the . girl , wlion
Yickory swore at him and told him to
clear out. A few words followed , and
Yickory struck at Newton twice ,
Newton warding off the blows each
time Yiokory then throw a brick at
Newton , when the latter struck him
a powerful blow , and knocked him so
that in falling hia head struck the
corner of a coal box and cut him
In the morning Vickory had Newton
arrested for assault and battery. The
trial commenced at ! > o'clock in the
morning and , with the exception of a
few hours' intermission that the court
might attend to other cases , lasted
until 4 o'clock in the afternoon. A ,
N. Ferguson appeared for the plain
tiff and Uon. O'Uriou for the defend
ant. After hearing the testimony
the judge dismissed the coso aud dis
charged Nowton. Later in the evening -
ing a warrant was issued forjtho arrest
of Yickery for disturbing the poaoo.
It will bo served this morning.
H. C. Jarrott in Omaha ,
The express from the west yester
day afternoon carried through Omaha
H. 0 , Jarrott , of New York , who WM
just returning from a visit to the lead
ing places of interest in California.
Mr. Jarrott , it uill bo remembered ,
was the general manager of the linn
of Jarrott & Palmer , which ran the
famous excursion train from Now
York to San Francisco five years ago ,
making the trip in three days seven
hours and fifty minutca.
Mr. Jarrott is proprietor ot tha "Fur
on the Bristol" combination , whicl
played in Omaha last
May , while oi
their , way to San Francisco. Ho in
formed THE DEK reporter that the ;
had made an eminent success in Call
forma , and when the time of the con
tract expired , al their request , ho rai
them up into Oregon am
oven into British Columbia , wher
they made a creator hi
vo even than in California. Miss Ague
Ar Ualleck , "the girl in blue" has lof
the company and has joined Melville'
op a company , which is now on tin
vey baek ait. She oxpocts'to bo witl
them next season. Mr. Jarrelt's lat
est scheme is the renting of Havcrly's
theatre in Now York , for four wcnks ,
commencing with the opening of the
next season during which time ho will
put upon the stage a now play lately
written by George F. Ilcwo ,
which will bo presented by a strong
company most entirely from Europe.
Later in the season ho will bring the
company through Omaha to the Pa
cific Coast , Mr. Jarrolt , since the
death of Mr. Palmer , 1ms entirely
withdrawn from the excursion busi
ness , save that ho is the owner of the
boat "Plymouth Ilock , " which daily
carries thousands of people between
Now York and Long Branch.
Ho Has a Pow Words to Say
About Streets.
Mr. Ford , the street commissioner ,
is very anxious * o have some ono point
out to him whore ho has been doing
any work for private individuals as
charged in n , flippant editorial para
graph in The Herald yesterday.
Mr. Ford claims to have some
knowledge of the town and a rather
accurate idea of where the business
thoroughfares are located , People
who know anything practically about
street repairs will give him credit for
this knowledge. In the first -ward
Mr. Ford says ho has con
fined most of his work up
to the present to the vicinity
of Tenth street which is n much used
thoroughfare , as all will acknowledge.
All the work necessary in the Third
ward will bo finished inside of eight
days. In the Fourth ward Harnoy ,
Farnham , Douglas and Dodge streets
have been placed in proper condition.
Work in the Fifth ward has been
confined chiefly to the
removal of dangerous obstructions and
the filling of cess-pools. All the
territory south of Cuming street , and
as far west as the high school in the
Sixth ward , has been repaired. Mr.
Ford says ho has boon doitig every
thing in his power to place the streets
in proper condition , and in this asser
tion most sensible people will bear
him out
A Happy Marriage-
Mr. John Dwyer , the Sixteenth
strot druggist , and Miss Mary White ,
wcro united in marriage at the church
of Holy Family , on Tuesday morning.
A nuptial mass was celebrated by
Rov. Father Shailur , S. J. , assisted
by Ilov. John Quinn. The couple
were attended to the altar by the
bride's brother and sister , Mr.
Charles White and Miss Agnes
White. After the ceremony the new
ly married couple and their friends
procecdod to their residence on Sev
enteenth street , near Webster , where
they sat down to u very handsomely
served wedding breakfast.
Among the many useful presents
given to the young couple were not
iced a cake basket from J. A. Whol-
en ; butter dish , Mr. and Mrs. Luke
McDermott ; silver water pitcher , gold
lined , and goblets , Kennard Bros , ;
bouquet holder , Miss Orady ; pickle
castor , Miss Ida Truckoy ; butter
dish , the Misses Annie and Minnie
Nichols ; napkin rings , John White ;
castor , Charles White ; bouquet hold
er , Miss W. MoDormott ; silver water
pitcher , Aid. M. A. McNamara and
wife ; sot of silver teaspoons , Mrs.
Millet ; butter kiiifo , sugar spoon and
tongs , W. W. Schoumann ; berry
spoon , Mrs. Busky ; bron/.o ornaments
and mat , Mrs. Qoorgo Simmons ; cut
glass boquot holders and ilowors , Miss
J. Bay ; lamp mat , Mrs. R. L. Ross ;
bronze clock , J. H. Sullivan ; two
chromes , Miss Agnes White , and
many others not having the cards of
the donors. The happy couple re
ceived the well wishes of a host of
friends in their now voyage of life ,
There will bo a special mooting of
the Brick Layers Union on Tuesday
oyoning next , and not on Thursday as
announced in the mooting. All mom-
bora are requested to bo present us
business of importance will bo trans
acted. \Vii. TOHTLK ,
M. H. Redfield , of this city , editoi
of the Western Newspaper Union , wes
united in marriage yesterday morning
with Miss Smith at the residence ol f
the bride's parents , at Waterloo ,
Neb , Mr , RodGeld brought his bride
to her future homo in Omaha yuator
. -
Postoffloo Changes _
III Nebraska during the week end
ing July 10,1881 , as furnished by Win ,
VanYJeok , of the postolllco depart
ment :
Established Beverly , Hitchcocl
county , Alfred Bright , postmaster
Brooks , Howard county , Chas. Seebor
Postmasters Appointed Blue Hill
Webster county , John W. 0. Thio
n man ; Herman , Washington county
John 0. Bailey ; Ida , Yalley county
Ohos. B. Ooflon ; Ord , Yalloy county
John Caso.
Bromnor's Cream Soda Crackers a
"WINE OF CARDUI" cures Irregu
lor , painful , or diflicult menstruation.
h At C. F.
Matters of Interest Transpir
ing Thoro.
Meeting of the City
Council Hold.
The Regular Batch of liivo
The city council mot Thursday
evening in special session to consider
the report of the committee on grad
ing Pierce and Bluff streets. All the
parties who reside along thcso streets
wore present. J. M. Phillips ap
peared and protested against a greater
jlovationof his promises , claiming that
bccauso ho built on a hill ho should
not bo made to oufibr by having
the grade in front of his house
established still lower. D. 0. Bloomer -
er spoke In favor of cutting Mr.
Phillips' grade down still further to
prevent filling up in front of Mr.
Zulorman's promises , which would
injure the latter gentleman's proper
ty very materially. Mr. Zuler-
man handled the English
language in his own behalf.
After quite & heated debate in which
Mr. Phillips , Mr. Bloomer , Mr. Wai-
lace , Mr. Fulorman , Mr. Wright , Mr.
F. F. Ford and Alderman Keller
took ( part , a motion was carried to
proceed to establishing the grade on
Pierce street. * Alderman Dawson ,
Keller , Cavino and Fonda voted in
the afTcrmativo , and Churcliill and
Spctman in the negative. Mr.
Churchill then moved that
the grading of Bluffs street
also bo proceeded with. This motion
was carried. Dawson , Keller , Church
ill , Spotman and Gavin voted af
firmative , leaving Fonda alone with a
negative vote. Alderman Fonda
moved that the question be laid over
until the next meeting , saying that ho
believed that the parties interested in
grading the streets referred to in the
motion could got to-gether and arrange
the irado satisfactorinlly to all and so
save time , trouble and expense. This
motion was carried unanimously.
At this juncture City Attorney
Holmes stopped forward and road his
anxiously looked for legal opinion in
regard to the rights of the city to com
pel street railway companies to live
up to their charter , Mr. Holmes
claiming that the railway companies
are under tha control of the city au
thorities 'to ' the extent that their
charter can bo amended at
any time when the public
demand1 it. That the city nas the un
qualified right to control all street
railways in every particular ; the
amount of faro they shall collect for a
ride over their ' iron"and shall have
tho'right to demand that the railway
bo so operated as not to obstruct the
streets in any manner. That if cars
are loft standing on the streets they
may become a public nuisance. In a
word , the city has no power to grant
any rights to corporations that will
interfere with the rights of the pub
The opinion was anti-monopoly , and
contained some good sound sense.
Tlio opinion was placed on file , and a
committee of five appointed to confer
with the city attorney on the drafting
of an ordinance regulating the future
operations of the street cars.
A resolution suspending work on
the streets in only a limited degree
until cooler weather sots in , was
A resolution to the effect that not
over ninety per cent , of the tax levy
bo expended this year for improve
ments , was likewise passed.
Some citizens seem to think that all
needed repairs on the streets should
be made right away , it it takes the
whole amount of the present
levy and the council were
obliged to make another
to finish the job. There is no economy
in letting the public streets remain
out of repair. Taxpayers demand
that all streets be kept in thorough
repair and are willing to foot the bills
oven if they don't get the tournament
hero again in the next ten years.
Alderman 8. 8. Keller presented an
ordinance to the effect that the grade
of Pierce street shall bo established as
follows : CoramoncinK at a point COO
feet northerly from Willow street , 9G
foot above the plane of reference , and
at Pierce and Bluff street 77 foot
abe > e the plane of reference , and al
the inter section of Pierce street , and
Glenn avenue 70 feet above the piano
of reference. This motion was car
ried , and after transacting some othei
business of little moment , the council
Ebon P , Newell loft last night for
Chicago ,
S , S. Keller's now building , to be
erected on the south side of middle
Broadway , will bo aTiout forty-two
feet front and two stories in height.
Mr. Keller will also construct a large
one-story warehouse in the rear.
There was trouble in front of the
bakery on lower Broadway yesterday
afternoon. No arrests were made ,
P. 0. Do Vol lias purchased lots
ono , two and three in Bayless1 addi
tioit , and will , as soon as lie can dis
pose of his present homstead , erect a
new one on A more elaborate scale.
Mrs. Maria Mynator , of Mynster'a
Park , is recovering rapidly , horf riond
will bo pleased to learn.
The Mayor says that so far as heart
from Council Bluffs was the only city
in the United States that tolled boll
out of sympathy for President Gar
Two attorneys came very near boin
fined for contempt , before Judg
'Abbott , yesterday.
M. P , Brewer is making oxteusiv
additions to Ms residence , on Fin
Avenue. When lus faiaily retun
rom their visit cost they will hardly
ccognize the old homo.
Sponcnr Smith. business manager of
' 10 Nonpariol , loft for the west yes-
crday on A business nnd pleasure
rip.A .
A little daughter of Constable Roso-
rantz recently found a well-filled
urso near Welch's grocery store in
| io west part of the city. She car-
led it to nor father , who immediately
ook stops to ascertain the owner ,
lo succeeded and delivered the purse
n the same condition it was when
The mercury made the best time on
ccord hero Wednesday. It stood
08 degrees in the shade at Dickoy'a
lore , on lower Broadway.
All the city fathers had their coats
ff ready for almost anything last
Vodnosday evening.
Quito a cool wave struck this city
esterday afternoon.
Judge Burko'a court was crowded
csteruay with people of all shades
nd colors. It was almost impossible
o toll what the charges wore , they
roro BO mixed up. Some were for
disturbing the peace , and others for
ising violent and abusive language in
) oc. Felknr's saloon on upper Broad
way. Six beaux and belles had
topped into the saloon mentioned and
mmbing quite freely got merry ,
specially ono big fellow who remarked
lioro was not police force enough to
rrest him. Officer Brooks was in-
ormod of the threat made ,
nd repaired in company
with Officers Clouqh , McCusio and
Sterling to the saloon. The whole
lUtfit , including the big buck , sur-
ondored without making any resiat-
nco. They were taken in charge
nd walked off to the city jail , where
Key will await the action of the
ourt. Some of the parties qavo
lioir names as follows : Boston York-
nan , who claimed to hail from New
rork , Molloy Murry and Jennie
Constable Edgorton , of Omaha ,
amo over the river yesterday on busi-
Ed. Brooks was before the police
ourt yesterday for discharging t > .p
rms within the city limits.
The case of the State of Iowa vs. S. JL
lonary , R. A. Menary and others for
bstructing the highway , came up in
rudgo Abbott's court yesterday , and
as continued for hearing.
Constable Monary , of Crcsont City ,
as on the streets yesterday.
Taylor Woolsey had Officer Rose-
rantz arrest a yonng man yesterday
rho , ho claimed , was trying to got
way with some of his dinner. Ho
ras taken before Judge Abbott andrew
row his pockot-book for the amount.
John Leindcr left for the east yos-
I. J. Louis , Chicago , called at this
flico yesterday.
R. E. Montgomery is in the city.
D. M. Richards and Chas. S. Gross ,
f Chicago , A. Me. Host and H. T.
) lmstead , of St. Louis , and about
wonty-fivo others are at the Pacific.
E. B. Chapmvii , of St. Louis , Jo ? ,
loukin , of Wisconsin , R. E. Mont-
'omory , of Texas , and fifty others are
t the Ogden.
There was "Fun on the Bristol" at
he city capitol Wednesday evening ,
nd no lemonade spilled cither. J.
1. Phillips can. make a good speech
men he takes hia coat oil'
The following real estate transfers
nroro filed in the county recorder's of-
ice , as reported by the title , abstract ,
eal estate and loan office of J. W.
Squire & Co. , Council Bluffs :
L. H. Wright to Mary Whitney ,
part of lot 4 b 24 , Noola , § 100.
M. H. Sears io I. 0. Sears , o sw
i , 70 , 39 , $1GOO.
P. Judson to Chas. S , Robbins , lot
8 in I. Judson's last add , $70.
M. Kilkenny to Jos. Thorman , part
10 sw 19 , 77 , 43 , § 100.
G. A. Myers to Charles W. Hopkins
part nw 12 , 75 , 41 , $130.
J. M. Palmer to A. C. Rief , lot 18
n block 5 , William's 1st add , § 3G5.
Geo..F. Wright to R. T. Lovoll ,
est 9 , 10 , 11 and 12 in 17 Noola ,
Mr. R. Frank to A. O'Donald , nw
no 2 , 7B , 43 , $1,000.
New Iaw Firm.
Hon. Geo. W. Doane , the well
cnown attorney , has associated with
urn in partnership Mr. A. 0. Camp-
iell , who located permanently in
Omaha some time ago. Mr. Camp-
> ell is a Pennsylvania ! ! , audwas ad-
nitted to the bar of that state in 1870.
3o Was a resident of the anthracite
coal regions during the famous Mollie
Vfaguiro troubles and defended a num-
) or of moa of that organization , car
rying their coses through the supreme
court , and subsequently to the board
of pardons. After the excitement
attendant upon these trials -had died
out Mr. Campbell decided to come
west , and visiting Omaha was so im
pressed by its advantages that ho de
termined to remain hero. The now
law firm will bo known as Doano &
Real Estate Transfers.
The following transfers were re
corded at the county clerk's office
yesterday , as reported for this paper
by John L. McCaguo , real estate
agent and conveyancer ;
A J. Poppleton and wife to James
W. Logan , lot 17 Elizabeth Place add.
W. D.-350.
J. B. Karnahan to Rudolph J.
Many , lot 3 , block 38 , Credit Francior
add. W. D.-S400.
Charles Landraok ana wife to Win.
A. Smith , lot 3 , Godfrey's add. W.
Charles R. Curtis and wife to
Lydia G. Sherman , block 8 , Smith's
add. W. -81,000. .
J. M. Parker arid wife to J. F.
Draper , uw f of w 1 , nee. 12 , tp. 1C ,
range 12 oast. W. J ) - $500 ,
A. J. Poppleton luig-jrifo to Swood-
ish Lutheran Church , lot 5 in block
21 , OmahaW. . P. $5,000.
Water Waves , the best yet , at
20 4t CARTER'S.
"WINE-OF OARDUI" makes rosy
checks and clear complexions.
At C. F , aoodmin'a.
A Smelting Works Fmployo
Overcome by the Hoab.
Hans Schultz , an employo in the
melting works in this city , received
> sunstroke Wednesday afternoon ,
which nearly proved fatal. The par-
iculars of the case arc as follows :
h the morning ho wont to work in
lis usual place at the luniaco , and as
10 complained of the heat the fore-
nan changed him from the furnace to
cooler part of the shop , where ho
rorkcd until six o'clock. Ho started
or homo complaining of great suffer-
ng from the heat. Ho walked along
ho railroad track as far as Ninth
trect , when ho suddenly fell uncoil-
cious to the ground. A crowd ot
noii gathered about him , but did
lothing until -physician was sent
or and arrived , whoH ho was
ikon in a hack to his homo on
'ourtconth ' and Pacific streets. Ar
riving at his homo ho was laid in
ho shade in the yard and his head
nnd entire body continually bathed in
cold water from a well in order to ro-
luce the temperature of the body.
Mustard plasters were jput upon the
> ottom of his foot , a mixture of water
uid brandy was injected into his sys-
cm and a towel saturated with chloro-
orm was kept upon his bowels. Ho
icgan to recover but in a couple of
lours the temperature of the body
arose again when the same remedies
vcro applied only more frequently and
'igorously. At this time the man
rent into convulsions in which condi-
ion ho remained for about six hours.
At 7 o'clock yesterday ho became ra-
ional and swallowed some stimulants ,
jater ho ate a little broth and at pros-
mt is rapidly recovering from the
ihock which so nearly proved fatal ,
A Gospel Truth.
He that is surety for a stranger , shall
mixrt for it. But ho that trusteth in
SI-KINO ULOSSOM for curing liver , kidney.
nnd complaints of a like tendency , shall
lover be disappointed. Price f > 0 cents ,
rial bottles 10 cents. jy7eodlw
Beauty , health , and hnppincss for ladies
C P. Goodman
TO LOAN Call at Lnw OHlce of D.
MONEY Room 8. Crclzhton Block.
\TtfANTED-01rl at the corner of 19th .and
W andDoJifc.
A Good laundress at the St.
WANTED Hotel. 464-22
"TJfrANTED A housekeeper. Inquire at law
YV olllcooj Andrew Boriiis. opposite Academy
f Music. 405-21
WVNTCD Cook , man or woman ; also illnlii' , '
room clrl. Apply at Fred. Lang's Grocery
tore , cor. 13th and Jackson Sts. 469-27
A hired plrl. Apply at Mrs.
Whltchousc's , 1B16 Tenth St. 402-21
A UOTION SALE At the Philadelphia Coffee
_ \ . House , on iSaturday , at 10 o'clock a. in. ,
Oth street , ncar.Dodgc. 472 2
WANTED-A good blacksmith. Apply at T.
JLTmett. 471-tf
XTrANTUD Board far a gentleman In a prl-
> y vato family , pleasant room , not to ex
ceed ? 5 a week. Address "U. " 1111 Farnham
Street. , 403-23
A good laundress at the Occidental
tal Hotel. 408 tf
Competent cook nnd second iilrl
At 1818 Chicago street. Good wages.
400 tf
k niUS1 KEAL ESTATE BOOH. See 1st pttfe.
WANTED A pool tatloto rent ; with privi
lege of purchasing. State price.
Address QEU. INMAN.
451-tf Vail , Craw ford Co. , lona.
INFOUMATlONwantedof Michael Dwycr Im
mediately by hia mother , Margaret Dujer ,
Omaha ; Nt * . , between Oth and 7th on Marcy St. ,
carool Patrick Uofun. Western papers please
copv. 463-tfll
WANTED By man and wife , board and room
In privnte family. Prefer plice where there
are no other boarders. Address S. Alice office.
AM KD Washer nd sturdier at the Oma-
W 1m Steam Laundry. 160.21
WANTrK 25 carpenters. Apply at 1013
Farnrum itreet. 442-23
WANTED A good girl for general house
work at ISia.Durt St. 430-tf
"VTCTANTED A good girl for general house-
YV ork. Apply 1410 Jackson street , between
14th nnd l th. M1IS. A , MUltl'HY.
\TrANTED-Moulders to go to Pueblo , Col-
YV rado , by the Colorado Coal and Iron Co.
Waffi * S3 and &J.26 per day. Write to D. N.
Jones , general superintendent South Pueblo , for
full particulars. 415-21
A Girl to do general housework ,
WANTED street. 410-U
VTTANTE1) I Ono mun in a county makes mo-
YV " ° y selling our springs for buggy shaft
couplings. Send stamp jor terms and cut or ( Oo
In stamps fora pair , toantl-ltattler Safety Spring
lompany,00 ! Randolph St. , Chlcngo.m-th-saty-2i |
Funding bridge aud school bondn.
WANTED Clark , Bdlo\ue. S-tf
A partner or buyer. Inquire at
Philadelphia Coffee House , 10th street.
"VT7 ANTED Two boarder * . Young men pro-
YV fcrrod. Addrvs * "A. " Bee otHce. 140 tf
"TTrANTED A good dining room girl iinmedi-
W ntely at theOccidentalhotel. . 220 tt
- girl to do general housework.
WANTED-M FMiihaui ttrctt , northucsl
corner of 17th. 230 tf
- buy n good Bkiff , Address S.
li M. , Bee oflice. 317-tt
AT MUb. B. E. CLAUKE'SNo. 1 Board
Ing Houte , cor , 13th and podge fit * . Dcat
In th city. 10-tl
KENT Nicely furnished room , uith first-
class board for two gentlemen , 1'rlioto
family. Terms reasonable. Address "Nortl
Omaha , " BEE Office , 467-23
RENT Pleasant unfurnished room , 800
FOR * , Let. 16tb and 17th. 463-23
KENT Two unfurnished' rooms to let
FOR monthly ; no children , 1712 Jockeon St
KENT A furnished front room on corner
FOR and Douglas street. Inquire In salooi
on s nie comer. 459 21
i KiUB' NEW CITV MAPb,24c. See 1st pa ?
FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnishedon or
tno front rooms , ulcasanUy located on ftn > t
floor , No. S15 north 14th street , east tide , bet
IXu enport and Chicago. Apply on premise * .
4M tf
11F.NT Nicely fui nlshcd front room for
EOR . U , II. , this oflice. 455-21
| OR RENT Homo near I , S. llascaH'n. Inquire -
( quire Of John 0. Jaeoln. 414-lf
"TTIOR KENT Two fnrnWied roojni on Jack on
U street ; between ICth and 17th , third houso.
rom the northeast coiner of 17th. 870-tf
J1O LK.T \ \ fth board a large tumWiVd rooiru
L A few day boardcrswantcd , 1803 California
street. 300 tf
HKNT Nicely fiirnUhcd large room nnd <
piano .3. W. comer 18th and Capital A * * .
IOR IlKNT 2 furnlh < il room * over MM-
F chintV Exchange , N. K. cor , ICth and Dodge-
streets. 289-lf
TPOK SAIjK Stock of Hardware In one of the
Jj belt tow n * In Nebraska , Population of town
! 500. No better opening for the biulncns In the
State. Only one other hardware store In the
own. Stock In good slniio and north about
15000. For particulars call on or ruklrcss.
MiK , riUKD & CO. .
401-2(1 ( Omaha , Ncli.
filOR 8AtK The Southern Hotel. New build-
I.1 Ing 30x40 , three stories high , built In 1SS1.
Kor sale on account of sickness. Will sell one-
Imlf liitcrcstto the right part v without children.
Good tra < lc , all transient. For Urms apply on
the premises or to lock box 210 , Yllllsca , lew a.
rpo bo disposed of ; belt millinery business nnd
J. store In Corning. Tarty lca\lnK the conn ;
try. Stock \crjrlow. Address Mrs. S. Edmunds ,
Corning , Iowa. 449-21
SALE A new housebuilt twocar , full
FOR , well and c\or > thing complete , on Dodge
street , between 20th and 27th , No. 2019. In-
julru on premises. mws-42573
SALE A [ rood } onng family horse ami
FOR . Inquire of K. D. Smith , 1403 Chica
go street , bet 14th and 10th , 430-23
IOIl BALK lloiifo of 5 good rooms and lot 20
xlOO fctt , and only 7 or M m from V I' ,
ips. Price $1,050. John L , It ague , ngcnt ,
oppb'lte postofllco. 381-tl
SALE CIUAP The only hotel In North
Loup , Valley County , Neb. , 30 miles from SU
i'aul , 16 intlca ftom Ord. Good location , good
trade and ImproxIng. Kor particulars write A.
J. C. . North Loup , box 9. 371-augll
TTJ1I1UELLAS Aim i'anuols repaired by M.
U SC1ILTT llth and Faniam its. 780tf Si'
" 1T10II SALK A largo two story frame shingle. !
Jj root Hotel and one story kitchen ; also ono
itory frame , shingled raof , ball room for ten seta
to dance , and barn largacnough to hold twenty
teams- All situated on corner of Broad and 4th
street , Fremont , Dodge Co. , Neb. For further
Information appl } to C. C. THOMPSON ,
36S-to s 8 Fremont , UoJgo Co , , Neb.
AND LAND Bcmls rent * houses ,
HOUSES , hotel * , farms , lots , lands , olliccsf
rooms , etc , See 1st page ,
Uood house with four roams and
J1OIISALE No. 2013 Dodge betnccn 2CIU and
27th street. Uood n ell and nhidu trees ; homo In
good condition. Inquire on premises. 221-tf
IOR SALE A small engine , U. W. 1'ayne &
Son's make. In perfect oader. Inqulro of II.
U. Clark & Co. . 30-tf
T7101 : SALE Leoso and funuturo of a Hrst-clow
X hotel In a tonnof 1300 Inhabitants , In ttato
of Nebraska ; has 24 beds ; the trat cling men's re
sort. Inquire at BEE ollicc. 218-tf
BEMIS has rattling long lists o ( houses , lots'
lands and farms for sale. Call and get
; hum.
SALE Two story house and part lot , nca
depot. Location good. ' John L. McCoguo
Opp Post Office. 058-tt
SALE 2 acres ground In West Omaha.
FOR of J. Henry , No. 110 10th. 873-tf
SALE Maps ol Douglax aiiU tiarpy coun
01011 . A. llOSUWATEIt , 1520 rarnham street
QTRAYUD On July Ifith , a bay mare ten j ears
O old , has saddle marks on the back and \\hlto
liTnd foot. Weighs about ten hundred. Informa
tion resulting in recover } ' of the same will bo
paid for by C. A , Hubbird , residing In South
Omaha , foot of llth street , south. 470-23
fMAKEN UP A red and white spotted cow
JL about B years old , right ear cropped , at Re-
jan's addition , north Omaha.
430-23 L. HENNENHOFEn.
1st page.
JL ographer desires occasional or pcrmanert
employment. Has had Shears experience. Terms
modonto. Address "Steno , " 1421 Howard St.
RI'WAUD Lost , gold hunting case stop
watch , gold rope chain and nugget at
tached. The above reward will be paid on re
turn of the watch to HUGH MCCAFFREY ,
3S4-tf lEth and Pouglis streets.
HIREE or four j oung men can be accommodated -
. ted with board. Deferences exchanged. Ap
ply 2011 Cess street , 4th door west of 20th fat. ,
or address Cox 837 , postolllco. : i3f f
VONEY ( TO LOAN on real estate , at
M 200-eod-10 DEXTER L. THOMAS & BRO.
. BROWN Corner 12th and Chlcnpo
. streets , is ready to bore or deepen ells ,
ifactlon guaranteed. 603tf
mEAMS Can be got at John liirr s stable for
JL all kinds of work at reasonable figures , near
cor 13th and Lea > cnworth streets. 878-tf
T\ONT FORGET The successors of the Amer-
LJ lean House , on Douglas street , between 9th
and 10th , for board , lodging and transient cua
tomcra. Respectfully
PROPOSALS will be celled by the
undersigned until Saturday , July 23d , 1881 ,
at 3 o'clock p. in. for grading six thousand (6000) ( )
ytrds on first hill west of the corporate limits on
Cuming street extension. Cut to bo 30 feet In
width and down to establishedgrade ,
Dy order ot the Board of Commissioners , July
440-22 Oountv Clerk.
A GENTS K ) ou want something to ecll
XX. fast Hi tuinmer all the people want
it profits big , write at once to UieBoi-
ton Lamp CoW Washington street , llos-
ton , Mass. Their new lump burner with the
Hyde Wlok attachment makes kerosene
lamps BURN r.NKNLY. It has TWO small hand wheels
instead of ONE each wheel controlling a corner ,
or one-half the wick , Sells at tight. FITS ANT
LAMP. Terms to agents , $2 , $3 and S3.EO per doz.
Retail rrice SS , 46 and 50 cents. Samples sent to
agents for 25 cents. 448-21
A man of oducatlou and ded-
ded business ability , willing to
learn my syntcm of selling books b ) actual expe
rience in the field , and then to act as manager lor
tlioktate. lam willing to pay a man who shows
great energy and Industry , with ability for handling -
ling inv books and controlling men , from SROO
to 8120O the first ) car , and will ralso It 850O
a j car for tire j ears. No coward need apply. 1
want men of self reliance and pluck. Give ago
and experiunca and salary wanted. Send this.
447-tt W. J. HOLLAND S rlmrfeld Mass.
I s
Absolutely Pure.
Hade from drape Cream Tartar , Ko other we
arpatlon makes such light , flaky hot broad * .
" "I"0" ? I1" " ? ' . Can be eaten by Djspcpllo
rtthout fear ot ihellls resulting from hea y Indl
( rmtible food. Sold only In cans , by all Grocer * .
New York.