Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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"Wednesday Morning , July 20
IVttcrson sells coal ,
Get yonr huts t DoanoV.
Nlndoll & krcllc , Lending Haltcre.
Drink Saxe's Poruvlim Ucor ,
4000 residence lots , Bemli , ftRent.
COO Inuincsi lots. Call on llomln.
2M hotnei Mid lot . Boinln1 ftffcnor.
Bernls' new taw ° ' Omaha , 25 cents
BemJV re l eeUto boom , Tint ! >
Don't fall to drlnV SAXE'B crown noclft
A. W. Nftoon , Dentist , Jacob's block
200 farms wid 900,000 ncrca of lane
Bcrnti , ngont.
Natural Mineral Writer on draught n <
Kulm'fl drug store.
For riKB Commercial Job Printing ,
nil nt Tins BKH Job rooms ,
The Lion continues to roar forMooro'e
HnrncM mid Saddlery.
Whtpplc , McMillan & Co. , the jewel
ers , Crcfchlon IJlock. o20-t {
Prescriptions ftcpocIaUy , OpcrftHouse
1'harmacy , 211 S. 15th Street.
Safes , machinery , and all kinds of
heavy hnulimj done by llrisco & Co. , the
twfo men. wA.s-tf
Friends of the Y. M. 0. A. who have
promised books for their library will con-
fern favor by clllicr ncmllng the books or
tlielr address , that they may be called
for. A catalogue la now being made.
A largo Bftfowas being moved into Col.
Wntoon ] J. Smith's office , nt the United
Htatcs building ycstoray. It i-jthonamo ono
tlmt lie been lying In the iioost office cor-
rlilor for omo time.
1) . W. Saxo linn already engaged the
utoro room In the Fifteenth and Fnnilintn
direct corner of Boytl's opera houne. When
ready for occupancy ho will remove his
drug store there.
Along the west Mo of Thirteenth
street between Dodge and Capitol nvcntie
id probably as unique n picco of guttering
ns the city affordi , AH n hog wallow it la
a howling RUCCCSI ,
"Crankey Ml" had his trial In the
police courtyostorday nndwoHboundovcrto
appear for trial In the district court in
the sum of 9300. In default of ball ho wan
dent to the county jail ,
The Harmonic society of this city
liavo engaged the Academy of Music for
thcevenlnguoftho 22d,23dnnd2Hh of Sep
tember , on which occasions they will pro-
Kent the well known opera , "The Chimes
of Normandy. "
Charles Krickson and Elizabeth Fox ,
a well known couple of the city , will bo
united in marriage this evening.
The U. P. Is now receiving now en
gines from Tmmton , Mass. , at the rate of
two a week. The road now has two bun-
tired and fifty engines In use.
; 1 Stock from the various places on the
U. 1 * . In Wyoming and Nebraska has com
menced rolling eastward rapidly. A spe
cial train is arriving each day from the
Do Vcaux's washing machine has bo-
cauio very popular among those who use
it. It will do a forgo family washing in
thirty minutes. Dan Sullivan & Sons , of
1410 Fnrnham street , are the agents.
Tom Carroll got mad nt his brother
George yesterday , anil punished him
severely. George's face presents a vnrla-
Kntcd appearance. * Tom wan find at the
liolico court , and in addition was bound
over to keep the peace ,
v Searching for Do Iioska.
The clerks in the U. P. railway
headquarters have taken upon thorn-
solves the finding of thoir/ollow clerk ,
Mr. Do Loska , who it is known cross
ed the river Sunday afternoon , and
while so doing attempted to drown
himself , in n fit of insanity. As
nothing has been soon or heard of him
in Jouncil Blufl's it is oxpoetod that ho
never reached , the city but wandered
elF on the bottoms or drowned him
self in the river or in some pool
among the willows south of the bridge.
A largo party wore out ycstordiiy
looking for the unfortunate young
man or his remains.
I. H. Congdon wont westjycstcday.
Chas. Lamb , sheriff of Stanton county ,
is in the city.
. : ExiJS. Marshal Maxwell , of Utah ,
paesed'through the city on hta way homo
Gen. P. E , Connor , of Salt Lake City ,
passed through the city yesterday on hiti
way cast.
P. G. Van Bill , a prominent attorney of
Salt Lake City , was In town yesterday
General Superintendent J. T. Clark , of
the Union Pacific railway , went west yes-
erday afternoon ,
33. Lane , bridge superintendent of the
TJ. P. . took passage on the west-bound
train yesterday afternoon.
Assistant Chief Engineer Way , of the
"Union Pacific , left for the went on the
noon cxprats yesterday ,
D. L. Harbaugb , cashier of the Palace
Hotel , SanFrauclbco , is In the city staying
nt the Cunfield house.
Miss Itena K. Hamilton , of Belle Creek ,
la spending a few day in Omaha. She ii
-the guest of Mr. mid Mr * . N , J. Kdholm
llev. Dr. Scuilder
, the noted pulpit orn
lor of Brooklyn , N , Y. , was In town yes
terday on his way homo from a tour to tin
Pacific coast.
; llev. Dr.McCoBh.prenldcnt of Princetoi
college , and wife , who have been vUIthi ;
friends in this city , left ou the weut-bomi *
express yesterday at uoou for thcll'aclfi
J. W. Draper , Mrs , Denton and Mis
VnnKleccV , compose a party ol J < e\
Yorker * remaining nt the Wltlmell for
few days. They are pn their way to Sa :
0. T , Itus&ell , the famous shipping mei
cliaut of London and Liverpool , was In th
city yesterday on bis way from San J-'rai ;
claco to London via New York. Us I
about to entablUh a branch house In Ha
1'ranclsco. '
i WINE OF CARDUrj four timca ' ,
day makes a happy 'liouscliold. * * * " " "
M 0. F. Goodiuiu' * .
Full Report of Last Night'f
The Streets to bo Sprinkloc
and a Pound Established.
Tbo city council mot last evening it
regular session. With Oonncllmai
Daily In the chair the mooting wai
called to order , and the following
members responded to roll call : Ba
ker , Corby , Dollono , Dunham , Her
man , Horyborgor , Kauffman , McNa
mara , O'Kcofo , Stull , and the prcsl
A communication from Mayoi
Boyd was road , stating that ho hat
signed the ordinance for the
appropriation from the general
fund for defraying the expense *
of the months of May and
Tune , also for a special tax for the
niihling of sidewalks ,
A communication from the mayor
vas road , stating that ho had appoint
ed as appraisers of the damages to
iroperty caused by the change of
; raelo of Eleventh street , S. O. Ilcad ,
3oo. II. Boggs , and John L. Me-
A communication was presented
recommending , as the most suitable
ocation for a city pound , the property
of Mr. Estabrook , located on Tenth
troot , between Capitol nvonuo and
) avenport street , and waa referred to
ho committee on police.
A communication from citizens ro-
iding on South avenue and Twonty-
ccond streets , asking that the grade
) o established on a now road between
ho government corral and St. Mary's
venue , was referred to the city ongi-
iccr with instructions to make a sur-
oy and establish the grade.
A communication from residents on
) edge street , asking that the build-
ng No. 1407 bo declared unsafe nnd
nuisance ami ordered demolished ,
as referred to the committee on
> olico.
A petition from T. F. Fitzmorris ,
sking an extension of time granted
lim to build a walk in front of his
> roporty in Knight's addition , was
; rantcel.
A petition relative to a pond of wa-
or between St. 'Mary's avenue and
ho upper end of Fnrnham street was
oferrod to the committo on streets
nd grades , with instructions to the
ity engineer to ascertain the cost of
tiling the same with dirt.
A petition stating that there was no
treot connecting Faniham with St.
Gary's avenue west of Twentieth
trcot , and asking that such a street
> o opened , was referred to the com-
nittoo on streets and grades.
A communication from Sophia Lowe
tating that she was willing , by way
of a settlement , to pay fifty per cont.
of the taxes assessed against her prior
o the year 187G , and the full asscss-
nont of subsequent years , was referred
to the judiciary committee.
A petition from George Crandall ,
asking that a tax paid upon personal
iroporty in the city of Omaha for the
year 1881 bo refunded , as ho had
icon obliged to pay a tax on the same
iroporty for the same year in Cedar
lapids , his former home , was rofor-
od to the finance committee.
A petition from residents and prop-
ory owners in the north part of the
city , asking that Nineteenth street bo
mt in good condition , was referred to
ho committee on streets nnd grades.
A petition from the firemen of the
city , asking for an increase of ton
dollars nor month in their salary , was
referred to ( lie committee on finance.
The report of S. P. Manning , in-
poctor of weights and measures , was
> rosentcd and referred to the commit-
eo on public property and improve-
Councilman Baker than moved that
the counpil go into a committee of the
vholo for the purpose of the consider
ation of the cross walk question. The
notion was lost and u recess of fifteen
ninutos was taken for that object.
After consideration of the question
a resolution was adopted that the sum
of ? 833.33J bo appropriated from the
; onoral fund for cross walks in each
yard , making a total of
fD,000 for the city , that the city clerk
jo instructed to advertise for the con
struction of walks , to bo of such ma-
orial and located at such points as the
councilman of that ward shall direct
A communication from 0. J. Split
asking for informationand making np-
ilication for the position of city
scavenger , was referred to the com-
nitteo on police ,
Proposals for curbing , guttering and
grading Sixteenth , Tenth nnd Hnrney
streets , wore received from John H.
Qreon , Drexel and Mack , and Luke
MoDormott , which were referred to
the committee on streets and grades ,
A resolution that the Knights of
Tabor bo allowed the use of Ilanacom
park for a picnio on the eighth of
Au ust was referred to the committee
on public property and improvements.
A resolution that the city engineer
bo instructed to draft an ordinance
for the establishment ot Twenty-sec
end street was adopted , as was also
like resolution concerning Campbell
street , in Shinn's addition
A resolution directing the city mar
shal to order removed n couple ol
worthless set of scales from Cumini {
street , in order that the street may be
put in good repair , was adopted.
A resolution tlmt the street cominis
sioncr bo instructed to procure from tin
lumber merchants and use at his dis
cretion lumber to the amount of iivi
thousand foot , WPS amended to the
ollect that ho should procure the him
bor from tlmt firm which shall pflbr ,
by Jway of bids , the lumber at tin
lowest price , and was adopted ,
( A resolution directing that a Btrool
lamp bo placed'on | TlurtobntIis'trot
near the' U. P. railway crossnig , Svai
adopted , as was kalso a rcsolutioi
directing the committee on publie
properly and improvements have
four signs painted nnd erected ,
warning people from injuring thotroci
in Jefferson square.
A resolution directing that the coir.
Mlttco on publiopropcrty and improve *
monts bo instructed to purchase t
heavy iron roller for nso on the drive
ways in Ilnnscom park was adopted.
A resolution that the Eighteenth
street bridge across North Omahr
crock bo ronlankod was adopted.
A resolution that the committee or
public improvements bo instructed tc
make arrangements for fountain in
Uanscom park was referred to thai
A resolution was adopted that the
city clerk bo instructed to advertise
for bids for the construction of all
sidewalks now ordered and not com
pleted , M was also a resolution thai
ho advertise for three days for bids
for sprinkling Farnhatn street from
Ninth to Sixteenth streets and nil
cross streets north and south as far ns
the alloy ; that the contract bo let to
the lowest responsible bidder , and
that the city attorney bo instructed to
draft an ordinance creating of this a
sprinkling district.
The judiciary committee rcportml
favorably concerning nn ordinance fet
the levying of a tax to pay for grading
Cass street , and recommended that it
bo passed.
The judiciary committee reported
that the judgment of Susan McCowon
against the city of Omaha bo paid.
The judiciary committee reported
that the petition from John B. Jones ,
requesting that the mayor appoint
appraisers of the damages of property
on Douglas street by the change of
grade of 187C.
The committee on public property
and improvement recommended that
the proper deeds bo executed for the
work done by the Omaha & Northern
Nebraska railway company , and that
; lie deeds bo handed to the county
: ommissionor who will then deliver
; hcm to the company which will then
iay into the treasury the sum of $300
iccording to contract.
The committee on public property
and improvements recommended sov-
irnl changes in the street railway ordi-
mnco , and among those adopted .was
ho prohibiting of the moving"
> uildmgs across the track save nt the
tours between 9 and 11 n. in. and 2
and 4 p. in.
A resolution that the city clerk bo
directed to advertise for three days
'or bids for sprinkling Dodge street
'rom Twelfth to Sixteenth street , and
tlmt the city attorney bo directed to
draft an ordinance making of such
space a sprinkling district , was
The committee on publie printing
Mid rules reported that the bids for
; ho city printing , signed by the Oma-
m BEE publishing company , were the
nest satisfactory , and recommended
; hat the contract for the city-printing
jo given to the samo. Also recom
mended that the contract for the job
printing of the city bo given to Samuel
uol llcso , provided ho furnish n bond
of Sl.OOO.Wnod byJ. | F. Farley. Also
, hat they had examined the bills of
the Omaha BKI : Publishing Co. for the
nonths of May and Juno and had
'omul them correct and recommended
that they bo paid. The report was
An ordinance presented as an ordi
nance to amend section Thirteen 'of
ordinance No. 423 , entitled , "an ordinance -
dinanco to authorize and procure the
construction and maintenance of
waterworks in the city of Omaha , "
n such a manner as to grant more
imo for the completion of the same ,
was read and placed on file.
An ordinance establishing and rogu-
ating a city pound was read , and the
rules suspended , and the ordinance
read the second and third time by its
; itloanelput upon its passage. It
.vas . passed , and the council adjourned
for two weeks.
Real Estate Transfers.
The following transfers were re
corded at the county clerk's oflico
yesterday , as reported for this paper
t > y John L. McCaguo , real estate
agent and convoyancor :
Geo. W. Modloclc and wife to James
Y. Craig , lot 6 of Forbo's sub divi
sion , w. d. $700.00 ,
Mary Elliot ot al. , to Jens Jensen ,
lot 15 , block G , Shull's second addi-
tioo , w. d. $412.60.
Jos. H. Peabody and wife to Mary
0. Wagner , S. 22 foot lot 4 , block 200 ,
Omaha , w. d. $1200,00.
Clarissa LaFallotto to P. E. Ilor , lot
8 , block 207 , Omaha , w. d. $100.
Fred B. Lowe to Wm. M. Dwyer ,
lot 9 , block 3 , "Park Place , " w. d.
Bernhard Lange to Valentino
Foltor , w lot 7 , block 131 , Omaha ,
w. d. $100.
Aug. Kountzo and wife to Frank
Noslandok , BS " ! lot 19 , block G , in
Kountzo's 3rd"add. w. d. $150.
Goo. P. Bemis nnel wife to Bartloy
Miller , wj lot a > M ° < fc 5 , Lowe's 2d
add. w. d. $1,000.
Goo. H. Guy to Union Pacific rail
way company , part of lot 0 , block 203 ,
Omaha. Sheriffs eleod.
Goo. II. Kerr and wife to F , B.
Johnson , part lot 5 , Johnson's add.
w. d. $ l,050.
Goo. E. Griffith ot al. to James
Bolan , lot 0 , block 1 , in Ilarbach's 2d
add. w. d. $1.050 ,
Aug. Kountz ot al. to N. P. Linel-
quest , part lots 10 , 11 , in block 7 ,
Kountzo and lluth's add. , w. d.-
Isaac Edwards to M. F. Forbes ot
al , w A , of s. o. 1 , section 1 and w A ,
n , o. | , section 12 , town 10 , range 12 ,
east q. c. d , $1.
Wm. Vorco and wife to Goo. W.
Hill , und. A , of w A of s , o. i , section
1 and w A " of n. o. f , section 12 , town
10 , range" 12 , east q , c. d. $700.
Marian E. Forbes to Geo. W. Hill ,
und. J , w A , of s. o. j , section 1 , and
w A , of n. 5. i , sectiod 12 , town 10 ,
range 12 , cast w. d. $700.
Francis Eoltoa aitd wife to W. N.
Nason. lots 1 and 2 , block 4 , Lakes
add. w. d. $1,100.
Returning Thank * .
The iron moulders desire to rotun
their thanks tc Edholm & Erickson
for donating the gold-headed cano , te
Lewis Brash & Co. , for donating
shirts worth $5 , and to Boswitz tX
Wells , who donated a pair of shoo :
valued nt $5 , All of which prize !
wore given away at the picnio or
Sat in dixy last.
Everything Interesting Whict
Transpired Yesterday ,
The UBUfll Budget of Loca
THE nurrrs IN
Quito ft heavy thunder storm paosod
over this city yesterday morning.
Dr. D. S. Star , of this city , Is gen
eral ngont and third owner of the Eureka >
roka Frederick mines.
Dr. 8. M. Bnllard is spending i
few days in Council HlufFs. The doc
tor is a well known citizen , boiiij
among the first settlers beyond the
Mississippi. Ilogavo the narno Oniahr
to our sister city , and witli seven oth
ers at ono time owned the site on
which it stands. Ho is still quite well
Although ripe with ago.
The Nonpareil comes out with < i
local column from Omaha. This it
the way it should be. There is no
reason why the paper should not have
an oxtonsiro circulation ovorthe river.
Judge Liiriinor has gene to St. Louis
on n business trip.
J. 0. Morgan , editor of the Globe ,
and Thomas Bowman have gene tc
Chicago to Uko in the races.
A -womwi in the lower part of the
city has a largo cat that goes after the
cows every night , and drives them out
on the bottom in the morning regu
The granite from which the Keith
monument was cut , came from Red
Beach on the coast of Maine.
Mr. Wheeler , proprietor of the
Revere house , this city , has erected
three very heat Swiss cottages on the
corner of Eighth avenue and Seventh
A teamster , drunk of course , nearly
killed his horses running them at lull
speed the whole length of Vine street
and part of Washington avenue , last
Ira Plainer will have seven blooded
horses at the trotting park next week.
Mr. Westervolt , clerk for Smith &
Crittonden , and the Misses Howits ,
with friends , are camping out near
Clear Lake , this state.
A. B. Walker has taken a trip west
in the interest of mining and shot
manutacturing. His daughter , Fannie -
nio , takes his place in his real cstato
office during his absence.
Mr. and Mrs. Ford will visit Nia
gara Falls this summer.
Journeymen barbers are paid higher
wages in Council Bluffe than in Oina-
Mrs. J. I. Edmondson , has gone to
the Isle of Shoalcs off the coast of
Now England.
It is almost impossible to keep trace
of the improvements going on in
Council Bluffs ; hero is another. Ono
of the ofiicors of the Rock Island road
is erecting a very fine two story frame
dwelling on the corner of Tenth street
and Seventh avenue.
Col. Dailoy has moved into his now
Arrangements , it is understood , are
being perfected for another trial of
speed between the Kcacues of Decatur -
catur and the Rescues of Council
Blufls. The Bluffs team , since they
were beaten hero , have just ached to
try the race over again , believing that
they art/ / more than a match for the
team thut took a thousand dollai
prize away from them during the re
cent tournament.
M. O. Griflin , the grocer , mourn *
the loss of his father , who died in the
city of Chicago , where ho resided.
The Milwaukee & St. Paul road
will regret it if they don't come ink
city via Indian crook ,
B. W. Height is convalescing , and
will bo about again soon.
John N. Bockly , who had charge ol
the city decorations during the tour
nament , is dangerously ill at Colfas
A sneak thief got in some of hie
small business last Sunday. Ho stole
$10 from the keeper of a restaurant
on Bryant street , and u small sum of
money from Mrs , Leach , who keeps
J. A. Goldthwaito , of the Schenectady -
tady Locomotive works , Max Fried-
lander , Now York , and Mr. and Mrs.
Councilman , Des Moincs , are at the
Union I'.iotft'c.
Win. Frazier , of St. Louis , Chas.
Richards , of Chicago , and J , 0. Hoi-
lis , of Now York , are registered at the
Ogden house.
J. K. Smith , of Pittsburg , and J.
M. Gross , of Burlington , and about
thirty others are booked at the
N. W. Mntoon , of Noola , is nt the
Revere ,
One hundred and ton car loads ol
cattle wore duo at the stock yards yes
torduy afternoon.
For the credit of the city the old
Powers building should either come
down or bo rebuilt ,
Ono of the laely passengers from the
east stood in the sun at the Transfoi
yesterday admiring the beautiful scon
cry presented by the bluffs until she
was "overcome by the heat and fainted ,
She was taken into the emigrant house ,
whore she soon recovered.
Three hundred passengers wore do
Hvored yesterday at the Union Pocith
depot by the eastern trains.
Dr. Stillman has moved the "L" ol
his residence onto the lot west of hit
house. Ho will proceed at once tc
erect a largo two story frame front-
costing about $3,000. When coin
pletcd ho will occupy it as a residence
and rent the house ho now lives in.
Judge Abbott says that marriage
this hot weather is almost out of the
question , but ho joined a couple yesterday
torday noverthloss. Their names wore
given us follows ; Groom , Hondriol
Lasson ; bride , liigelburgcsson. . Yes
son they were made happy.
The Northwestern was about sovoi
hours late YestorJ ° y ° " nS > ° ao
count of washouts. The other traini
were on timo.
No chickens are to bo had in thii
A man giving his name as Lovrcncc
was arrested on Monday for bciiu
drunk. Recorder Burk hold him if
the sum of $0.75 to appear the noxl
morning at 8 e'clock. Ho never came
back , even to say good byo.
John Wayne , found drunk on the
street yesterday , was taken before the
recorder and fined $3 and costs foi
his little spree. Not being in fundt
ho was committed to jail.
The following real estate transfer !
were filed in the county recorder's of
fice , as reported by the title , abstract ,
real estate and loan oflico of J. W ,
Squire < t Co. , Council Bluffs :
Treasurer of PottawatUmic countj
to W. H. Freeman , part of the nw ]
of the swjof 12 , 70 , 40j considera
tion , $5.28.
Jeremiah Folsom to Jesse Leonard ,
swjof 8e > i , 13 , 7 , 38 ; consideration ,
J. H. Allnn to Q. D. Gregory , nw
nw 24 and e no 24 , all in 77)42 ; con
sideration , $1,000.
Q. J. Drake to M. Needs , nf > sw 5 ,
7fi , 41 ; consideration , $800.
James Honshall , Jr. , to Win. Gar
ner , pt lot 43 o. p. city ; deed to per
fect title.
W. McGahan to Win. Garner , sw
so and nw BO 30 , 70 , 43 ; consideration ,
John Schneider to Mary Kolb , lot
10 in blk 0 Hagg's extension ; consid
eration , (305.
The Money Sent To Aid the
Sufferers of the Flood.
Omaha Contributed Thirty-
Five Hundred Dollars ,
And Niobrarn People Nor or Re
ceived a Cent of it-
Theodore H. Mohring , who lost all
his earthly possessions in the recent
overflow of the .Missouri ntNiobrara ,
is at present in the city. He was
met yesterday by a reporter of TII
BEE , when it was incident
ally developed that not one
cent of the money collected in Omaha
reached thoNiobrarasufl'erers. Owing
to the low ground on which that town
was built there was great suffering
caused by the overllow and very few
escaped without any loss.
"You say you didn't receive a cent
of money ? " inquired the reporter.
"Not ono cent , nor oven a shirt era
a meal of victuals. "
"And you lost everything ? "
"All that I had in the .world was
swept away in the flood and it was
only by a harel struggle that I saved
my family. When I found the water
rising I started from my house toward
; ho high ground , I held a blanket
! n my mouth , ono child on my
arm and the other by the hand. The
rising water made the blanket too
lieavy to carry so I dropped it. The
water rose to my breast and was going
over the head of the child I led by
the hand. I caught her by the hair
and raised her up but it was almost a
miracle that I finally saved her. "
"Did no ono else about Niobrara
receive any money ? "
"Not a cent so far as I know. "
"If they had rocoivcdtany money you
would have heard of it ? "
"I think I would. Wo had a socie
ty there of about thirty members.
Some of them lost all they had like
myself while most of them lost nearly
all they owned. I can take an oath
that none of thcso got any out side aid
ami Iain certain nobody else did. "
Mr. Mohring carries with him n
certihcato from Vac. Randa , the
county clerk of Knox county , certify
ing to his reliability. Besides ho is
well-known to both Judge Boneke
and John Baumer , of this city , and
Ilia statement in this regard may be
deemed thoroughly reliable.
Such being the case the question
naturally arises , what has become of
the money sent from Omaha in aid of
sufferers ? Mayor Boyd , as treasurei
of tlio fund , was called upon. Referring -
ring to his books and receipts ho said ;
"On April 30th , I sent $1,000 to W.
11. Smith , Mayor of Sioux Oily
and May 6th , 6500 tc
the same gentleman. These
amounts are acknowledged to have
Keen received in The Sioux City Weekly -
ly Journal of Juno 30th. On May oth
1 also sent 8100 to L. W. Russell , of
Glenwood , Iowa , for the Pacific Junc
tion sufferers and 8250 to W. L.
Rogan , of Hamburg , Iowa ; on May
7th I sent 81000 to Goo. H. Hand ,
acting governor of Dakota on the
10th 8250 , contributed by Samuel J.
Tildon , to W. R. Smith ,
mayor of Sioux City and
on the 13th a load of potatoes worth
$107.15 , which I purchaseel from
Poycko Bros , and sent to Acting Gov ,
Handof Dakota. That makes ovoi
$3,200 , and wo have over $200 yet on
hand. In all my letters to Mayor
Smith , as you BOO hero , I say the
money must bo spent as far as practi <
cable among Nebraska sufferers.
Now , the money was shipped from
Omaha all right , and reached the par
ties to whom it was sent. What
became of it then ? The people
ple of Niobrara suffered as much
probably as those of any other river
town , and why wore they overlooked ?
Thcso are a couple of questions that
persons contributing the money would
like to have answered.
Mayor Boyd thinks that the money
epnt out from Omaha in aid of the sufj |
ferors from the Missouri river over
flow was devoted to that purpose.
However , the greatest amount seems
to have been spent nearer Yankton ,
while Niobrara , although it suffered
greatly , was overlooked. .
The Marriage Ceremony-
Mr. Apholon Cox and Miss Belle
Little wore married at the residence
of the brido's parents on Sunday , by
Ro" , J. W. Ingram. Mr. and Mrs.
Cox loft on the afternoon train fet
Missouri where they will spend a few
weeks among relatives.
- cure *
Bid , indigestion and henrtburn.
0 F , Coalman * .
That Was What Pat O'Briei
Becoived Yesterday
Patrick O'Brien boarelcel n slrec
car Monday and rode down Far *
liam , as far as Tenth slrcot , nnd thoi
got off , refusing to pay his faro. Oilicc
McCuno was in the car dressed in citi
cons clothing nnd when ho told O'Briei
to pay his fare , was told by the fellow
with a puijilistio tendency , to go ti
Hades. McCuno collared him am
waa walking him toward the jail whoi
the fellow's pleading and promise
caused the officer to lo
him go. Later in the ovcnlni
a telephone inoBsago reached the jai
stating that an officer was wanted or
Tenth street , andonowasimniediatol )
sent down. Ho returned BOOH witl
the same man. Ho was creating a dis
turbance by fighting and flourishing n
revolver. Soon after it was discovcrcc
that ho had stolen the pistol in : '
house on the corner of Eleventh nnel
Hnrnoy streets , having choked n negro <
gro woman until she allowed him tc
take it from her. Yesterday inornin ;
ho was tried in the police courl
nnd given the benefit of r
"Slocunb , " or ten dollars nnd costs
When ho has served this time in jail
ho will bo tried ugain for potty larceny
ny nnd given another eloso , nnd nftci
that ho will have a trial for carrying
concealed weapons. Ho is the sami
man who made n good dcnl of trouble
at the Davenport house last Saturday
night nnd again on Douglas street.
Information wanted regarding the
whereabouts of Hugh D. Heagy. Hif
daughter nt Knoxyillo , 111. , is verj
low. Anyone giving information ol
him to D. M McKnight , Omaha , 01
H. W. Heagy , Knoxvillo.Ill. , will be
rownrdcd with the thanks of his
ily , July 19-3t-m&o
A ttiil package of "BLACK-DRAUGHT"
free of charge. "
At C. F. nondman'i.
GOftA ( \f\\f ® LOAN At 8 per centin
I/CtJ\J.UUU tcrist In sums of 82,500 am !
upwards , for 3 to 5 years , on first-class city and
farm property. Hums UKAL ESTATK and LOA >
AUK.NCV , 15th and Douirlas Sts.
TO LOAN-Call at law Olllce of 1) ,
MONEY KooiuS. Creiehton Block.
"ANTED To buy for cosh a secondhand
billiard table. Apply at once to T. A. W. ,
ui rcaron & Cole's commission house. 446-10
A Rood German eeruint girl :
WANTED a good cook. Inquire of Mrs. l > r ,
Orossmann , southeast corner of Uodgoand 17tl :
streets. 440-10
WANTED Good girl at the Omaha House.
\\rANTED-A pool table to rent ; with prhl
YY lego of purchasing. State price.
Address UEo.lNMAN ,
451-tf Vail , Crawford Co. , Iowa.
WANTED By limn and wife , board and rooir
In iirhatc family. Prefer place where then
are no other boarders. Address i ) . Alice oltkc ,
TNFOUMATION wanted of Michael Dwjor Im
JL mediately by his mother , Margaret Dwycr ,
Omaha ; Neb. , between Oth and 7th on Marcv St. ,
care of Patrick llot-an. 453-tf
ANTED Washer and starchcr at the OmJ
ha Steam Laundry. lt.0-.21a .
" " A H.1J Jliicinnu iiu'nua at Umaiia hhirl
W Factory. 432-20
\TfTANTiD ; Boy about 15 or 10 j ears old , al
YY the Omaha Steam Laundry. 433-2I )
25 carpenters. Apply at 101
Farnliam trect. 442-23
T > F.MIS' UEAL ESTATE BOOM. See 1st page.
- sewing g Iris , Oil 10th street
WANTED-Two and Jackson. 441-20
r ANTED A small building suitable for man
ufacturlng soap. Ar dress , -'M. C. " this of' '
flco. 437-io"
To buy a small inanufacturlnt
WANTED Addrtss" H , " Bee OIHce.4 29-2C
WANTED A good girl for general house-
.work at 1812 : Burt St. 430-tf
- rent , a dwelling with live or
six rooms , cellar and stable. | Addresa "H , "
Bee oflico , 428-20
- by a first-class laund-
WANTED-Washlng . Mary Goodson , Shlnn'e
second addition , North Omaha. 435-10
' KU A large furnished room w 1th board
W'ANl rcsiKictable locality , for man nnd wife.
Priiato family preferred. References vxihangcd.
Addrcua'V" Uee olllce. 410-20
WANTED-A good girl for general house
work. Apply 1410 Jackson street , betn ecu
14th and 15th. MRS. A. ilUltl'IIY.
TTTANTED To rent , a house with three or
Y Y four rooms. Must be neat , clean , cent en-
lent and cheap. Address , stating terms and location -
cation , D. J. , this olllce.
\TrANTED-Mo-ilderu to go to I'ucblo , Colo-
YY rado , by the Colorado Oal and Iron Co.
wages S3 and S3.25 per day. Write to 1) . N ,
Jones , general superintendent South Pueblo , foi
full particulars. 415-21
\TrANTEI-A nrst waiter Immediately , at
YY the Occidental lioUl. 372-11"
A Olrl to do general housework ,
WANTKD Harney street. 410-lf
I One mm in a county makes niO'
WANTED our springs for buggy bhafl
couplings. Send ttampjor terms and cut or fcOc
In ttonipn fora jalr , toaiitldtattlcr Safety Sprlnu
Uoniiaiiy,00 | Randolph St. ,
INTED Funding bridge and tihool bond *
H. T. Clark , Hellenic. 20-tf
A partner or Lujcr. Inqtiiro al
WANTED Collec House , 10th btrcet.
- TTTANTCIA No. 1 Barber can find a steady
YV situation anJ good pay by Inquiring at 5J
[ old number ) 16th street , Omatii.Neb. , of
207-tf O. H. FITCH
" \T7 ANTED Two boarders. Young men pro-
YV ferred. Addrusn "A. " Bee otlicc. HO-tl
WANTED Clothing Houses In New York
City , lor the coming foil tiade , experienced sales
men. These having experience and commanding
a good trade 111 find thUa llrtt clas opiwrtunl
ty. Apply at once , with references to A. B. C.
Post oltlco box 308 , Now Ycrk City.Inlfiwed&gatSt
A good dining room girl immcdi-
WANTED tin , Occidental hotel. 220 t (
A girl to do general housework.
WANTKD 1710 Farnliam ktreet , northwest
corner ol 17th. 330-tf
TTTANTED To buy a good eUld. Addresa
YY & W. , B e olhto. 347-tf
/ ALL AT MRS. B. E , CLARKE'S No. 1 Boart
\J lag House , cor. ISth and Dodge SU. lies !
In the Jty. 10-tf
"J710H RENT FurnUhcil or unfurnished , one 01
1 } t o front rooms , plc-asjiitly located on firs !
floor , No. 315 north 14th street , cait side. bet.
Dat enjiort and Chicago. Apply on prcultca.
" 1J10II UKNT Nicely futnUhed front roctn for
JU pcntlcnun. 0. U. , this office. 485-21
has rattling Ions Hit * ot houjcs , lota
and farms for mlo. 011 Mid gel
710K Ue.NT lloiine rear I. 8. llMcnH'ii , In.
} quire of John O , Jacob * . 414-tt
FOn KENT Two fnmUhod rooms on Jackpon
trM ! between 16th and 17tli , third houW
from the northeMt coiner of 17th. X70-U
mO lKT-Wlth"boarT "UrKo" furnTThed"room"
L A few dy boardon wanted , ISO J California
T10H IlKNT Nicely furrtl.hcd lurijo room and
JL1 piano .S. W. corner 18th and Cnpltol Avo.
1011 UK-VT J furnished room * over tlej-
I chknu' KiLhango , N , E. cor. luth nd Dodga
etrc t . K9-t |
IjlOK 8AI.K The Southern liotcl. X"ow oulltU
I ; Inif 30x40 , three stories high , built In IfcSl.
For milo on account of ulcknos * . Wilt neil ono-
half tntcratto the rlxht party without children.
Ciood trade , all transient , ( -'or torins apply on
the vrcmlme or to lock box 210 , Vllllscn , Iowa.
MID bo disposed of ; bo t millinery builntm and
JL store In Ctornlntr. 1'arty ICA\III | ; the conn !
try. Stock rcry low. Addrosn Mrs. 8. IMmumls ,
Iowa. 440-Sl
T710K SALK A new hoiKe , built two year * , full
JL' lot , well anil o > crUhln ; complete , on Dodfo
Mrect , between 2Uth and 27th , No. SC19. In
quire on premises. ' mws-42523
O ' NEW CITY lAl'S,25c.-Sco ( l.t fg
TjWH SALb Aeood tonng family horsoivna
.C buwfy. Inquire of K. I ) . Smith , 1403 Chlca-
fro street , bet. 14th and Uth. 429-23
"TjlOK SALK llouio of 6 good rooms nnd lot 0
X1 xlOO feet , and only 7 or 8 squ from U. I' .
Bhopg. Price $1,000. John L , M ( Hfiio , mcnt ; ,
pppoiiltcpoitoflicc. 331.11
ll HALK CHEAP Tk only hotel In North
. Loup , Volley County , Neb. . 30 mllw from St.
1'aul , 15 miles from Ord. eJood location , good
trade nnd Improving. For particulars write A.
J. C. . North Loup , box 9. 371-augll
U . ruptured t > y il.
SCIIinT mil and Parnau , ts. 760tf
iiOU ; SALE A larjco two story frame shlngloJ
JL ; roof Hotel ami ono itory kitchen ; also ono
story frame , shingled r of , hall room for ten ect
to danec , and barn largo enough'to hold twenty
teams- All situated on corner of llroad and 4th
Btrccl , Fremont , Dodge Co. , Ncli. For further
Information apply to C. C. THOMPSON.
3M-to B-S Fremont , Dodge ( * > „ Neb.
TlOItSALE Uood house with four rooms and
jj half lot , No. 2013 Dodge between 2Uth anil
27th street. Good well and shade trees ; house In
-rood condition. Inquire on premise. . 221 > tf
HOUSES AND LAND llcmls rents houses ,
stores , hotels , farms , lots , lauds , ollkoaf1
rooms , etc , See 1st page ,
> 203-tf ESTABHOOK & COE.
171O11 SAi.E A small engine , 1J. W. 1'aync &
JL ? Son's make. In perfect osdcr. Inquire of II.
U. Clark & Co. 30-tf
"TTIOH SALE Lease anil furniture of a Hrst-clasa
JL hotel In a tovtnof 1300 Inhabitants , in state
of Nebraska ! has 24 beds ; the tra\ cling men's re
sort. Inquire at IlEEotflce. 18-tf
POH SALE Two storyhouso and part lot , nca
depot. Location good. John L. McCoguo
Opp Post Office. 053-tt
OH SALE 2 acres ground In Went Omaha.
Inaulro of J. Henry , No. 116 ICth. 873-tf
"T7IOK SALE Maps of Douglas and Sarpy coun-
JL1 ties. A. ROStWATEIl , lD20Farnliam etrctt
l\/r ACHING hands and button hole makers at
1VJL Harrison's , 1122 Farnhani. 431-20
TWO unfurnished rooms to let , In a prhatc
family. $10 monthly. No children. 1712
Jackson btrcct. 434-20
lut page.
rilAKEN W A red and white spotted cow
I about 0 years old , right car cropped , at He-
gall's addition , north Onuha.
CJTltAYED From Hlekstcin's meat market , Otli
O street , ono bay marc about four j ears old ,
wmte star in forehead ; had on halter. Informa
tion leading to her recovery will bo paid for by
420-10 fllKD. H1CKSTE1N.
I ogniphcr dcbircs occasional or permanent
cinploj inent. Una had 8 years experience. Terms
moderate. Address "Stcno , " 1421 Howard St.
Itr.WAHD Lost , gold hunting case btop
' watch , gold rope chain and nugget at
tached. Theabovo reward will be paid on re
turn of the watch to HUGH HcCAFFUKV.
3S4-tf ISth and Douglas strcctf.
TTIIREE or four young men can be ac.coinmoda >
JL ted with board. Heferciicc.sexchanrc ; < l. Ap
ply 2011 Ca&s street , 4th door west of 20th St. ,
jr address Hex 337 , postolllcc. 343ft
TONUY TO LOAN on real estate , at
M1 200-eod-10 UGXTKU L. THOMAS & 11110.
. DROWN Corner 12th and Chicago
. streets , Is ready to bore or deepen w ells.
Satisfaction guaranteed. 503tf
rlEAMS | Can bo got at Jonn UarrB Ptablo for
JL all kinds of work at reasonable figures , near
i.or 13th and Lealcnnorth streets. 373-tf
ONT PUUUKT Thu successors of the Amer-
lean House , on Douglas street , between 9th
and 10th , for board , lodging and transient CU9 <
toincrs. Kernel t fully
QEALKD l'KOl'OSAr > Swlllbo rcccl > cd by the
O undersigned until Saturday , July 23d , 1881 ,
at 3 o'clock p. in. for grading BIX thousand ( GOOD )
itrda on firnt hill west of the corporate limits on
Ruining street extension. Cut to bo 30 feet In
width and down to establishedgrade ,
Dy order of the Hoard of CommUsloners , July
440-22 County Clerk.
I' y ° u want something to sell
AGENTS tumnicr all the people want
t profits big , write at once to thcjjos-
ton tamp CoWJ7 Washington street , lios-
on , Ma n. fhclr new lamp burner vith the
Efydo "WioU attachment makes kcroscno
aiiipa m'KN KMS.SLY. It has TWO small hand whcela
nstcad of ONE each wheel controlling a corner ,
or one-half the wltk. Sells at blifht. FITS ANY
.AMP. Terms to agents , $2 , (3 and 3.50 per doz.
tetall price 35 , 45 and CO cents. Samples sent to
agents for 25 cents , 448-21
A man of education and ( led-
ded business ability , willing to
earn my njntcm of tclllnt ' books by actual expo-
Icnce In the field , and then to act u manager for
.he state. I am willing to pay a man uhobhous
treat energy and Industry , with ability for hand
ing inv books and controlling men , from 8
to 812OO the first year , and will raise. HS _
a yuirlor nvq yean. No coward need apply ,
want men ot self reliance and pluck. Cihe ago
and experience and salary wanted. Bend this.
447-tt W , J. HOLLAND , Springfield , Mass.
Absolutely Pure.
Made from Orapo Cream Tartar , No other prc
arjutlon mikes buUi light , Haky hot breads ,
uxurtous pastry. Can b catcii by Djiimpilo
without fear of IhellU resulting from heavy Indl
guitlblu food. Sold only In cans , by all Grocers.
New York ,