mm I TrrROMATTA DAILY - RTCTCAVEDTSTEftt THE DAILY BEE , f OMAHA PUDLI8HINQ CO. , PROPRIETORS. filO harnham , bet. Oth and 10th Gtreeti. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : opv 1 year , In di ncojxtrwlJ$10.00 ( ) months " " . . . . . . 6.00 months " " 8.00 RAILWAY TIME TABLE. CMID CIIICAOO , M. MCI , MIN.SUrOI.13 AND OMUtlnAlLROAD , LCMO Oinihn No. 2 through iw nijcr , 11 m No. 4 , OiVUnd jwenjjcr , S.SOa. in. Arrhc Omaha No. 1 , through pawcnger , 3 \ \ m , No , 3 , Oakland jiaMonjfor , 4:10 : ji. in , LltAVI.VO OMAHA KAST OR SOUTH BOUND. C. , 1) . ft Q. B a. rn. 3:40 : p. m. C. & 3f.V' . , G ft. m. 3:40 : p. m. C. , It , I. & r , , 0 a. m. 3:10 : n. m. K. C. , St. J. i C. H. , 8 a. m. 3:40 : p. m. Arrive u St. Louis at 0:25 : ft. m , and 7:46 : a. m. OR BOnilWMTS. I ) . & it. In Jfch. . Thronch Express , 8:35 : a. m. II. & M. Lincoln Freight. 7:00 : p. m. = U. P Ktnrco , 12:18 : p. In. O. tt U. V , for Lincoln , 10.20 n. m. O. & H. V. ( or Osceoh , 9:40 : a. m U. P. freight No. 6 , 6:30 : ft. in. U. P. frolRht No. P , 8:15 : n. in. U. 1' . freight No. 7 , 0:10 : p. m. emigrant U. P. freight No. 11 8:25 : u. m. ARRIVING PROM HAST A.ND jotnn. a D. & 0. , 6.00 n. m. 7:26 : p. m. C. & N , w. , 0:45 : n. m. 7:25 p. m. C. II. I. &l'B:45n. : m. 8:05 : p. m. K. C. , St. Joe & G 11. , 7:10 : a. m.-4)l6 ) : p. m. > V. , St. L. & P. , lOiWa. m. 4:25 : p , m. AKR'VtNO FROX TUB WKST AND BOCIHWtflT. . 0. & n. V. from Lincoln 12:11 : ! p. m. U. P. Etpnro 3:25 : p. m. D It M. In Neb. , Through Exprcs9-4:15 : p. ra B. & M. Mncoln'Frclght- : a. m. U. P. Freight No. 10-1:40 : p. in. No. 0 4:25 : p. in. Emigrant. No. 8 10:60 : p. in. No 12-11:35 : a. in. O. & K. V. uilxcd , ar. 4:36 p. m. | NORTH. Nobrwkft Dh Ision of the St. Paul k Bloux City Road. No. 2 lca\cs OmhhaSn. in. No. 4 Icntcs Omilia 1:60 : p. m. Xo. I arrh e ? ftt Omaha at 4:30 : p. m Ko. 3 nrrlica at Omaha at 10:15 : a. ro. DCMMV TRAINS BRTWKItN OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLfrrS. tea\o Omaha at 8.00 , 0.00 anil 11:00 : a. m.J 1:00 : , 2:00. 3.00 , 4:00 : , 6:00 : anil 0.00 p. m. Ica\o Council Illtiflsnt 8:25 : , 9:25 : , 11:25 : a.m. ; 1:25 , 2:25 , 3:25 : , 4:25 : 6:25 : anil 8:25 : p. m. Sundays The dummy lca\es Omaha M fl.OO rd 11:00 : a. in. ; 2.00 , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. ra. I-caica Council muffa at 9:25 and 11:25 : ft. m. ; 2:25 : , 4:26 : and 6:23 : p. m. _ _ _ _ _ Opening and Closing of Malls , ROUTK. orr.v. CLOSH. a. in. p. m. a. in. p. m. Chicago & y. Vf 11.00 0:30 : 4:30 : 2:40 : Chicago , 11. I. & Pacific. 11:00 : D.OO 4:30 : 2:40 : Chicago , U. & Q 11:00 : 0.00 4:30 : 2:40 : Wobash . . 12:30 : 4:30 : 2:40 : Sioux City and Pacific. . 11:00 : 4:30 : Union Pacific 6:00 : 11:40 : Omahn A ; It. V 4:00 : 11:40 : B.&M. InNch 4:00 : 8:10 : 6:30 : Omaha & Northwestern. 4:80 : 7:30 : Local malls for Statoof Iowa leruo but oncoft day , Iz : 4:30. : A Lincoln Mall la also opened at 10:30 : a. m. Office open Sundaj a from 12 m. to 1 p. in. TltOS. F HALL P. M. Business Directory , Art bmporlum. U. HOSE'S Art Kmooilum , 1510 Dodge Street , Btecl Engravings , Oil Paintings , Chromes , Fancy 'Frames. Training a Specialty. Low Prices. BONNEIl 1309 UouKlaa Street. Good Stlea. . of Abstract and Real Estate. J. JOHN L. McCAOUE , opposite Post Office. W. R. BARTLETT 317 South 13th Street. Architects. J. DUFRENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS , Room 14. Crclghton Block. A. T. LARGE Jr. . Room 2. Ciclchton Block. Boots and Shoes. JAMES DuVINE & CO. , Fine Boots and Shoes. A good aseorment of homo work on hand , corner 12th and Harnoy. THOS. ERICKSON , S E. cor. 10th and Douglas. JOHN FORTUNATUS , 60510th street , manufactures to order good work at fair prices. Repairing done. Bed Springs. J. F. LARRIMER Manufacturer. J517 Douglas at. Books , News and Stationery. J. I. FRUEHAUF 1016 Farnham Street. Butter and Eggs. McSHANE & SCHROEDER , the oldest B. and E. house In Nebraska established 1876 Omaha. " CENTRAL RESTAURANT , MRS. A. RYAN , southwest corner lOthand Dodge. Best Board for the Money. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Meals at all Hours. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Terms for Cash. Furnl hil Unom R'jpplled. Carriages anil Road Wagons. \VM. SNYDER , No. ISlh 14th and Harney Streets' Civil Engineers nnd Surveyors , if.k ANDREW KOSEWATER , Crelghlon Block : , Town Suncys , Grade and Sewerage Systems a Specialty. Commission Merchants , JOHN O. WIL 1.13,1414 Dodge Street. D B. BEEMER. For details see large adertlse. . tncnt In Dally and Weekly. Clpjars and Tobacco. WEST & FIUTSCHEK. manufacturers of Cigars , and Wholesale Dialers In Tooaccos. 1305 Douglas. W. F. LORENZUN manufacturer 61410th Btruet. to Cornice Works. iWest rn Cornice Works , Manufacturers Iron -Cornice , Tin , Iron and Hlate Hooding. Orders from any locality promptly executed. In the best manner. Factory and Ofllce 1310 Dodge Street , OahanlzcJ Iron Cornices. Window Caiw , etc. , manufactured and put up In nny' ' part of the country. T. 31NHOU ) 410 Tlilrteenth street Crockery , J. BONNER 1S09 Doiwuis stroct. Good line. at Clothing and Furnishing Goods , bo GEO. II. PETERSON. Also lUts , Caps , Boots , Shoes , Notions and Cutlery , 804 S. 10th ktreet Clothing Bought , C. SHAW will pay highest Cash price for second band clothlnx. Comer 10th and Farnham. Dentists , DR. PAUL , Williams' Plock , Cor. Wh & Dodge. Drugs , Pal its and Oils. KUHN & CO , Pharmacists , Fine FIUIC tlnojj , Cor , 15th and Dourii i ttrccU. W. J. WHITEHOU. U , Wholosolo& Retail , Iflth i st. as C , C. FIELD , 2022 N ftn SIde Cumliig Street. M. PARR , Drusrglst , lOtn and Howard Streets. Dry Goods Notions , Etc , , JOHN II. F. IEUMANN & CO. , New York Dry Goods Ga > re , 1310 and 1312 Farn- ham ctrtet , L. C , Encwold also boots and thocs 7th & Pacific. t-uruiture. A F. GROSS , New and Second Hand Fjirnlturo Lib and Stoves , 1114 Iwmzuw. Illghot caeh price ' paid for second hanu irooua. J. BO.VNER 1309 Douzla St. Fine goods. &c. Fence Works , Ian OMAHA FPNCE CO , GUST , FRIES &CO. , 1213 Harnoy St. , o\ fi - cd Ice Boxes , Iron and Wood Fences , nite Jo Italllinrs. Counters of Pine ami Walnut. Florist. tc.A. . Donaghue , plants , cut flowers , seedi , boquoU tc. : N , W , cor , loth ani Douglas streets. of Foundry. JOHN WEARNC & SONS , cor , Uth & Jackson ets ty Flour and Feed , OHAHACITY MILLS , 8th and Farnham fits. , WeUhani Broi. , .roprletors. Grocers. lie Z. STEVENS , Slit bttwcen Cumlnj and Iiord. T. A. McSHANE , Oorn. 23d and Cumin ? Streeta. Hatters. W. L , PARROTTE & CO. , J. 1306 Douglas Street , Wholsala Eiclusliely. Hardwaie , Iron and Steel. DOLAN & LANOWORTHY , Wholesale , 110 and t6tb street. A. HOLMES corner 16Ui nd OtlllornU. Harness , Baddies , Ac. B.WKIST SOlSth St. bet F m.ftn rnev. Hat smd Bonnet Dleoctiers. lAdloflRft jcul Straw , Chip and Irlt Hits done up M northeast corner So * cntffnth and Capitol A\cnue. WM. OOVF. Prorrlclor Hotels. CANFIELt ) HOUSE,003. Canndd.eth & Farnham DORAN HOUSE , P. H. Gary , 913 Famham St. SLAVEN'S HOTEL , F. Slaicn , 10th Street Southern Hotel Otifu I > amct , Oth & Loaicnworth. ron heneing. The Western Oornlco Works , Airrntd for the Champion Iron Foncc Ac. , bate on hind all kinds of Fancy Iron Fcnfcs , Crostlnjrs , Hncals , lUlllnjr' , etc. 1310 Dodge trcc. qpiz IntelllEenco omce. MRS. LIXZ1B DENT 217 ICth Street.uow" Jewellers , JOHN BAU.MER 1314 Farnham Street. Junk. H. BERTHOLD , lUssand Metal. Lumber , Lime nnd Cement , FOSTER & GRAY corner Uth anil Douglas Sis. Lamps and Ulnttware. J. ItONNER 1309 Dowlas St Good Variety. Merchant Tailors. 0. A. L1NDQUEST , One of our most popular Morchint Tailors U re- ccl > lng the latest designs for Spring and Summer Goods for gentlemen \\car. StjlUh , durable , And vrlccs low as otcr 216 13th bet. Dfluir.&Farii. Millinery. .MRS. C. A. RINGER , Whole \loand Retail , Fancy - cy Goods In great variety , Zcplijrs , Card Boards , Hosiery , Glotcs , Corsets , i.C. Cheapest Homo In the West. Puixhsscru t no SO per cent. Order by 1KI1. 116 Fifteenth Street. Physicians nn i Surgeons , W. S. GinilS , M. D. , U > cm No 4 , Crclghton Block , 16th Street. P. S. LKISENR1NG , it. D. Masonic Block. C. L. HART , M. D. , Kje and Ear , opp. postofllco Dll.Jl. ] ( MUDDY , Oculist and Aurlst. S. W Uth and Farnham St.i. , " | | Photographers. GEO. HEVN. PROP. , Grand Central Gallcrr , 212 sixteenth Street , near Masonic Hall. First-class Work and Promptness - ness guarantecn. Plumbing , Gas and Steam Fitting , P. W. TARPY & CO. . 210 12th St. , bet. Farnham and Douglas. Worn promptly attended to. D. FITZPATIUCK , 1400 Douglas Street. Painting and Paper Hanging. HENRY A. r STKRS. 1412 Dodge Street. Planing Mill. A. MOVER , manufacturer of sash , doors , blinds , molding * , nencls , alustcrs , hanilrails , furnishing scroll sawing , &c. , cor. Doilgo and Oth strceU. Pawnbrokers. J. ROSENFELD , 322 10th St , bet. Far. &Har. Refrigerators , Canfleld's Patent. C. F. GOODMAN llth St. bet. Farn. & Hartley. BhowCaso Manufactory. ) O. J. WILDE , Manufacturer and Dealer'in all kinds of Show Cases , Upright Cases. A „ 1317 Cass St. FRANK L. GURIIAKD , proprietor Omaha Show Case manufactory , 818 South ICth street , between Lcavcnuorth and Marcy. All goods warranted first-class. Stoves ana mware. A. BURMESTER , Dealer In Stoics and Tinware , and Manufacturer Tin Roofs and all kinds of Building Work , Odd Fello 8'BIO.k. ( . BONNER. 1309 Douglas St. Good and Cheap. Seeds. . EVANS , Vholesalo and Retail Seed Drills and Cultivators , Odd Fellows' Hall. Shoo Stores. Phillip Lang , 1320 Famham St. , bet. 13th & 14th , Second Hand Store. PERKINS It LEAR. 1410 Douglas St. . New and Second Hand Furniture. House Furnishing Goods , ic. , beurht and sold on narrow margins. tialoons. HENRY KAUFJIANN , In the new brltk block on Douglas Street , has Just opened a most elegant Keel Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 everyday. FLANNERY , ' On Farnham , next to the B. & M. hcadquartors , has re-opcnoU a neat and complete cstabllfihinciit whichbarring FIRb.and MothcrShlpton'sProph ecy , will bo opened lor the boys with Hot Lunch on and after present date. Caledonia " J. FALCONER. 070 10th Street. Undertakers. CHAS. RIEWE , lOl'-i Farnham bet. 10th & lltd. P. PEMNER , 303J Tenth street , between FarnnlU1 ham and Harnev. Does good and cheap work. 09 Dent Stores. HENRY POHLMAN. toys , notions , plctuics jewelry , &c. , 613 14th bet. Farnham and Douglas . O. BACKUS. 1205 Farnham St. . Fancy nnml PROPOSALS For FurnUhlng Horses , Wagons , and Harness ( or the Indian sen Ico. Scaled proposals for furnlsliln ? elghtv (80) ( ) work horses , two (2) ( ) Imggy Morses , fifty ( SO ) wag ons. ono (1) light spring wijron , fifty (50) ( ) sou ' douiiTo "imrnesa for the "Indian e'en Ice nt'Otoo cj' , Neb. , will ho received by the undersign- edat his ! Ilcotiitilllo(6) ( ) o'clock n. m. Tues day , July 20 , 1881 , at which tlmo lilds will ho opened and contracts awarded The ng speclflcatlona and conditions will bo obscncd , namely : Tliework hortos must bo between the uses of four (4) ) and BOVCII (7) ( ) J cars , not less than fourteen ( J4) ) hands hlifh and to weigh not loss than nine hundred and fifty (059) ) pound ) , broke double harness , trno to work and perfectly sound. The bun , ' ) " team will bo sub ject to the aboio conditions , and In addition must bo good traxclcra .All horses u ill bo sub jected to a thorough trial and Inspection before bclns ; recclred. They must bo weighed at the agency in tbo presence of the agent. U'at'ons to bo narrow track , tnrco (3) ( ) Inch a thimbles , spring neat , top , box , bond and crs covers.te be of twcho (12) ( ) ounce duck Light wagon , three (3) ) springs , with top. Har ness to bo plain , back straps and collars , full leather tugs , complete. All thoaboicto bo dclhercd at the agency the expense of the contractor , not later than September 1 , 1881 , unlcsi there should delay In tno apj > real of the contract. All bids must bo accompanied by a certified check or equivalent on 'aome United States do- posltory , payablelo the order of the agent for doat leai > t fh o (6) ) per cent of the amount of the bid , , which check shall bo forfeited to the United States Incuse any bidder reicUlntf award Dhitll fall to execute promptly a contract nlth good , and Miltlclont sureties , according to the terms of his bid , otherwise to bo returned to the bidder. I'a.Mi'cnt ' will be made through the Indian r.of - flce/Washliiuton , 1) . 0. , ai soon o practicable nt alter the deihcrv of Jhe ( foods. The rUht to reject any and all bids Ii reserved. Tills will bo rccclicd for all or part of the abo\e , and should bo cndortcd , "I'ropoialj forte rurnUhln ) , ' Horses , \Vajon , and harnats , etc , the cam may be , and addresacd to the under. signed at Otoocy. . a com.-v. U. S , Indian Agent. Otoo Agency , Neb. , Juno 34 , Ibbl. o 23 i3w ! NOTJOK. J. JI. Stnnton ( lull name unknown ) Har riet Ilenn and Mary Sliillock , non-rerfident defendants will take notice that Milton Hemlrix , nf the county of Dnuglan , in the State of Nebraska , did on the 7th day of May , 1881 , file lift petition .In to the District Court of the State of Nebras ka' within anil for the said county of Doug' to , against the said J. M. Stanton. Har riet Heim and Mary Sliillock , Impleaded with Georse Milk , Maj&'le McCormlck , iiih S. McCorniick.MatthewT Patrick. and John N , Patrick' defendants , tettlns forth that by virtue of a deed Issued by the treasurer of said county , ho has an abso lute title to tlio soutlieatit quarter of the northwest quarter of the boutheakt quarter section nine , (9) ( ) township fifteen (15) ( ) , range thirteen (13) ( ) o , in said IJouiflas coun A ; that you and each of said defendants claim to have borne interest in nalil land . , and praying that he may be adjudged to have an indefeasible title to .said premises ; but that if hU title should be held invalid. may be decreed to linvo a lien on ualu land , that it may be sold to satisfy the same , and that you and each of you be for ever bedebarred from nettlngunoraBserting any right or claim thereto. And the Ram . M Stanton , Harriet Henn and Mary [ of Shlllock ore hereby notified that they are required to amwar and answer said pet- ! by tlon'on or before the firnt day of August , 1B81. MILTON HKNDIUX , JJy CLABKSON & HVKT , hla attorney * . ° " Dated Omaha. Ju e 23 1631 wUtd I f NORTtTWESTERN NEW MEXICO. Rich oacl Ertcnulvo Field * of Al mott Pure Copper The Jr > mci Monntainn Mnquiflcont Soonory , Old Ruin * riml Hot Albtiqurrque Journ\1. Within the boundaries of Bernnlillo county , , and lying about sixty miles north of Albuquerque are the Jomcs inountainsliosu stiimuits are fur lialf tlio * year covered with snow , and down whoso sides llow some of the most beautiful mountain streams to bo found in nil the Rocky mountain range About twenty miles above Albuquerque the Jemea river , which rises in the mountains of the saniii name . , ' empties into the llio Grande. By following up this river the little Mexican village called San Ysidro is reached , at n point where two mountain streams unite , forming the .Ionics river proper. These streams are called od respectively the right and left fork of the Jomos , Up the left fork the road leads oil to the northeast , to when the famous Jemcs hot springs arc situated in n doepcanon whoso tow- cring walls present some of the grand cat scenery within the boundaries of Now Mexico. These swings bubble up all through the canon , and have boon resorted : to for years by the Max * ican inhabitants i of this tonitory , as a euro for i all ailments that yearly draw thousands of people to the hot springs of Arkansas. The locality is tieseM tincd within a short time to bo ono of the most popular health resorts of the southHirnl1 west , and hundreds of the tourists will visit it i to view the magnificent scenery of the canon and to examine the old ruins that uro scattered all through the valley and along the mountain sides Up the right fork of the Jomcs river the rend leads oil' to the north west , in the direction ot the little town of Nacimionto , which is situated in tlio valley of the Kio Puorco , be yond a low divide that separates the waters of the latter stream from those of tin Jomcs. Nacimionto is near the northern end of the Jomcs moun tains , and about eighty-five mills uorth by northwest from Albuquerque It is situated within the lately formed Scnnrita copnor mining district , which includes within its boundaries some of the richest and most extensive cop per leads in the world. The Senorita copper mining district embraces with in its area a largo portion of the .Tomes range , which is thickly covered with a fine growth of pine , cedar and spruce , , and watered with innumerable springs of pure cold water , that feed the streams that conslituto the headwaters of , the , Puerco and Jcmcs rivers. For many years it has been known that the Jcmes mountains were riclnn copper , but owing to poor facilities for mining and a lack of railroad com munication wfth eastern markets but little was done toward the development nlel" of the veins or even in prospect lllg. But last summer , Mr. William Borchort and several other praminont citizens of Albuquerque , sent out some prospectors ] to the northern end of the mountains : , in the vicinity of Naci- micnto , who soon discovered n very largo copper lode upon which they located three claims , known as the Copper ] Queen , the Eureka and the Eureka No. 2. Out of this venture grow the Nacimionto Copper Mining company , which has secured , since the first locations , several very valuable claims. claiiT The : main chain of the Jomes mountains tain extends from north to south ! , and near the northern end and a little to the west of the range , there is loa mountain spur that extends in a di rection almost at right angles to ito main range. The spur is known as the Eureka mountain. Lying at the eastern end of this mountain and sep arating it from the Jemes mountains proper.thoro ] is a beautiful valley about one mile wide , spreading put toward the southwest , through which winds la little stream that empties , about six miles further down , into the Puorco river. Within this valley a town site will soon be located , whore smelters will bo built , and a thriving mining community grow up. There is an abundance of water for nil mining and " smelting purposes , and the mountain sides are covered with timber. Immediately upon the summit of the Eureka mountain and extending throughout its entire length , from east to west , is ono of the finest COD- per lodes in the world. It is in Da peculiar formation ; the wall rock is sandstone , and the gangue of the vein conglomerate of sandstone anU gravel , carrying grey copper and silver assays from which show twenty-five to sixty per cent of copper , and fif it teen to twenty ounces of silver. la lode is two and a half miles long , id twelve or fifteen feet wide. In someplace place it crops out fifteen to twenty feet above the surface. The Nanci- mionto cpmpany , in developing the Eureka , on this vein , went down the mountain side a short distance and ran their tunnel , or rather open drift , into the mountains , striking the vein a distance of forty feet. The Copper ( vtiicen is located nt the western end of the lode , and the Eu reka and Eureka No. 2 , are at hoer eastern end. An assay of a poor > of specimen of the Copper Queen ore , made by 0. II. Murrry of Colorado , ran -il per cent in copper , nnd in this ! lode there are thousands of tons of equally rich ore. Directly across the vulley on main ridge of the .lames mountains , there is another lode which oj can bo- traced for four miles , nnd which in places crops out from forty fifty fcot. It is from fifteen to twenty feet wide and assays from 20 to18 per cent in copper , and from twenty-five to thirty-five ounces in silver , This lode is of the same for mation as the ono on the Eureka mountain , nnd the Nncimionto Copper Mining company secured several loca tions on it , Ono of thuao , the Ger trude , is nt the southern end of the vein , and has a tunnel in thirty fcot. : short distance to the west of the Copper Queen mine , on Eureka moun tain , nnd beyond a small canon , is the location of the old Nacimionto mine , which was worked liftoon or twenty years ago , but finally abandoned be of cause there were no facilities for opcr ating it. Two tons of ore were taken from th'B lnnu ) fifteen years ago , ono which was shipped to Now York , and the other to Swansea , in Wales , the father of Mr. Mansanaros , of Brown & Munsanaros , and the result showed that the ono ran from forty - of fjvo * ° fi'ty ' Per cen * * n copper. A few miles south of Euro' . ' " mountains ii n twelve foot vein of tine bituminous coal belonging to thtf Nncimiento Alining compnuy. This coal bed will supply hn inexhaustible lUiioiinl of coal for the smoltois that will goon bo erected in that diMrict. A stock company has already boon organized to build n narrow gauge rail- rend from the mouth of the Ji-me.i river to the Hot Springs , with a branch fi-om San Ysidro to the Nnciun'enln copper mines. Tli is road can bo built nt n small cost , for there is already a good wagon road nil the way. The Jemos copper mining country is unquestionably ono of the riohoit copper regions in the world. The mountains nro full of vast bodies of copper , so rich that each good mine will prove a bonanza even though it does not dovolopo into n vein of high grndo silver ore , A Hot Dny for n WwltUiiR. Clara Hello says that she will never got married on a hot day. She w\ys : "Speaking of boys , a pair of -year- old . twins acted ns pages to their anter nt her wedding , in a fnshonablo Fifth nvonuo church , last Tuesday inornini ; . This wedding wns in the morning , ns is becoming to fashionable custom , but the temperature in that crowded church rose to ninoty-nino degrees , according to the thormomnter that hung . on a post in the end of my pow. The bride was just stonming ni she passed ! up the nislo. I couldn't help expect to sco her stopped by n hotbox - box ! , or ' some other thing thnt hap ] > oiis toa. . too ' tlery railroad train. Pers piration stood out on her bosom , and the white roses on her head , at her , waist and in her hand seemed wilt- ing. A novel floral effect was pro- j duced by shading the roses earned by the four bridesmaids , from the white ones of the bride herself to the crimson ones on the maid who stood furthest from her at the chancelrail.u" The bridesmaids were short dmuos of white surah combined wjlli nun's veiling , and loco , made with pulled sleeves short waists nnd wide belts. They were pretty girl ? , and the costumes , besides being prettily pic turesque , had the merit of completely covering all of their heated skins except their glowing faces. The bride was n beauty , too , but her high temperature was visible over a largo amount of surface. It scorned to mo that the bridegroom , ns ho gazed on the animated furnace that he was about to take to his bosom , co'illd not but wish thnt ho had posponed the acquisition until cold weather would make her comfortable nnd comforting. However , it is convenient nnd econ " omical to make the annual summer trip do for a honey-moon tour , and that , I suppose , is the reason why so many couples go to sleeping two in n bed nt a time of the year when no ono bed is half big enough for ono" TAMING A WIFE. From tlio Altar of Hymen to the JUnr of Justlco. CHntlnnatl Commercial. KOKOMO , Ind. , July 14 Iss than four weeks ago the nuptials of Miss Lilla Sipcs nnd yilliam F. Kerr were celebrated in this city amidst much rejoicing nnd vtith happy congratula tions of the friends of the contracting parties. The bride wns the young a and divorced wife of Mr. J. Foster , with whom she only lived n short time. When the happy pair returned from their bridal tour they took boarding with the bride's parents. Ueforo the honeymoon had passed the gny Lilla began to grow restive under her imaginary marital restraints , nnd soon gave her husband good grounds for jealousy by her indiscreet nnd promiscuous flirtations with the boys about town , her old schoolmates. The faithful , patient nnd kind husband took his wayward young wife to task , in a mild , loving way , for her unbe coming conduct , but his chiding had just the opposite effect intended. She llow into a tantrum of ungovernable rage , and openly avowed her passion for gay society , and her , intention of enjoying herself in any manner she liked. Last Sunday this unhappy state of affairs culminated in Lilla's arrest and lodgment in the city "cooler. " At an hour when nil good and truowivcsoughttobolockodin the embrace of Morpheus , Lilla suddenly took a notion she wanted a dish of icu cream , and put on her hat and started out. But her jealous husband sus pected her intentions and told her she couldn't go. This enraged the young wife to n point of desperation , and she declared with all the emphasis of her shrill voice thnt she would do us she pleased , nnd started to go. Fear ing she might make nn elopement irof in her rngo , the cautious benedict demanded her to give him his gold watch , which ho had allowed her to ' carry. This she refused to do , where of upon ho forcibly despoiled her of the watch by sheer force. She then at tempted to leave the house , but was in restrained from her purpose by the timely intervention of her mother's strong arm. She was put in a room and locked up , ma twinkling she had the window P.up which onened on the roof of n low shed , nnd was soon on terra firmn , crying "murder" at the top of her voice. Her ravings attracted n crowd , tal people in Iront of the residence , and resulted in her arrest by the city marshal , who locked her up in the station house , She was lined the on next day for disturbing tlin peace , nnd , not having n suflidcnt amount "pin" money in her pocket , nnd nero one coming to her rescue , she was re is manded to jail , where she is now laying out her fine ; her husband and parents , with Spartan severity , linnly refusing to go to her deliverance , say ing that hor'puniBhiiient is just and oho must pay the penalty of her con duct. The Bloiido Broncho. ent "Did you over see them buckskin bronchos of tnino that I used to drive , os named Yeller and Ynllcr ? " asked Buck Jlrainol the other day of Gen. Worth , is while he looked out across the green ) billowy divide toward the eternal whiteness of the snowy range. The general lit the refractor stump a Havana filler for the 27th time. and then said : ' "Why , no , Hub. Blank it all I to blank. Never heard of 'em. " "Well , " said Bock , aa a tender light ly came in his blue eye , and a three- On cornered nugget of tin-tag tobacco was atowod away in his cheek , "both them same cayuse plugs could acoot evermore mountain road between sun nnd nun than anything in the line of hess I 1 ovof oo. "Yollor WM pretty middlin' rapid , hut Yallor wins nn imported terror. You ought to ice him gather up his limb * in n wnelJnd vanish. One clay I was out on bonnl of Vnllor tryin' to round up nn American cow that had railstrnye away from the corral , nnd over wwt of the divide I worked tip a long-levgod buak antelope. " 11 Mimic a little slinssay over toward nrd the nniclope to BOO him light out , but ho 1 ffrst prnncod Along kind of careless : like , as much as to say , ' 1 jjuss I won't giro yeti no i'lll ) g/iit / this morning1. Life i& too brief. T can't run thot itway just to nmnzo every anoozer that come. ! ) tliis way on n blonde \ \ \ plug like that. ' "J touched tip old Ynllor with the quirt and sailed'over ' towntd the ante * loin , thinkin' ITU ntii- him up n lit tlo. "Tho antelope trotted along few rods , mid then Icxskcd back over his shoulder and smiled A sardonic nniilo that made old Ynller mad as n wet hen , , . "Then . ho got up ojulgot. Jewhini- kins how ho paw'od the gravel ! Ob- Ciisionally the nntelopo would lee % around nnd snort , ami jump stifT-lrg- gcd nnd Imtgli. Thru old Ynller Would consume inoro spnco , "The antelope turned himself loose , nnd for while nil I could ace was n lit tlo cloud of dust nnd tlio white spot that is always behind Ihit nmusin' lit tle animal. "After a while , however , T could KCO that the white patch t-ot biggcn Yallor was gainin' . I jivbhed the MoxU can . spurs into him to encourage him. In loss ' than nn hour 1 wn.t alongside of him. . lli.i tongue hung nut so that he stopped on it every little while. "He didn't laugh any more then. H , was . a horrible renlitj * . Ho was the H\dilent : , , ; antelope I over neo. JIo noem- ed to think that wo had ictnxwed on him somehow. Kvory little while he'd look nt old Vnllor kind of reproach ful , as if we'd tnkon advantage of him. "By'n by I reached over and took him by the and laid hem ncroas the saddle ahead of me and took him home. 1 kept him for years , but ho never rallied. "He soemud to IOHO all hope , and would walk around the corral like an old had been betrayed Home time. Life for him nomnod to be nothing but a wide , slunelcius waste of bitter disappointment and regret. "I toll you , general it takes the hope and joy nnd pride all out of nn nntolopo to ho scooped by a $15 buck skin broncho. " "Yes , " said' the general , musingly 1 should think it would. If I was a broken-legged nntolopo with one foot done up in n gum overshoe , nnd couldn't ' outrun any buckskin hoes 1 every saw , I'd go awny to some lonely spot and stick my head into a prairie dog's hole and die of remorse. " SUNSET COX ON THE DUTCH The Humorous Congressman on n Tramp in Harloiu. Now York KxnrcM. Wo have seen some odd symbols in the museums hero , as for instance , as the sitm that it is the last of a family , there is painted black a reaper und a death's head. I am thirsty and want drink of water. Outside of n Wall is a heavy iron handle with an enor mous iron bulb at its end. I BOO a Bpout only and ply the handle , on pump appearing. Some little Dutch yonkers Jind a lau h at my awkward ness nt handling the machine ; but us the water is not safe hero 1 desisted. The signs over the shops are unique. A barber is ' indicated 'by a shining brass bowl hung up in front of his shop ; nn apothecary by the wry face of a man carved in wood with his tongo out ! Venetian blinds are ou the inside nnd outside of the window , Hand before many windows on the outside are mirrors so arranged that the un seen inmate may sou nil that passes in the street. Cigar shops are ar com i- mon ns beer nnd schnapps shops. i3. Every one smokes , from live years old upward I mean of the atornor sex and every one of both sexes drinks , and yet wo sco no. one intoxicated. ! : There are no tramps in Holland. I do not refer to myself. Wo often SO warehouses in our own country with a projection from the roof from which depends u hook to haul up by pulley- power such merchandise and things as need storage. Hero many private [ houses are thus accounted. This is not more outer than the mourning ' habiliments , where the hired under taker and his sad people wear long black veils from their caps and white ribbons , besides being adorned on the leg to the shanks with tiglits and shoe- buckles. They Boom to' ' mourn over the deceased without a "dejected 'havior of their visage or fruitful river the eye. " V 3 Jbsorvo a peculiar vehicle upon the street , n largo yellow wagon. It would make u sensation New Harlem. What is it ? No loss than the omnibus for colleotimj dirty clothes to wash ; for bo it known that Harlem washes for most of Holland. The Dutch huv'.Min abundance of en clothes for wear and sleeping , id they wash at long intervals. Harlem washes for the kingdom. Harlem is entitled to its prominence aa the en in- . washer. Ko Chinese need apply there. Everything is painfully neat , especially the streets. There are no tojnis , unless those gems of villages the Isle of Wight , to compare in exquisite , dainty cleanliness with these pliicus of Holland. They do not burn wood or coal , but peat , which dug out of the soil in great quanti ties and brought by canal to the towns and cities. Kverywhoro wo see alter nating the white llueoy sheen , black . and white-spotted cows and the green fields , the dark and watery peat-beds and piles. They are as much of the Dutch feature as the wooden ahoos , the melancholy stork of the ever-pres windmill. These are but the faint otchingtt of the Harlem and its envir- irmo which wo glanced at , and whose interior life we had no ( into to see , It not a largo city , having but 35,000 people ; but it has its grand aiuials , sung in lyric , recited in history , pic tured on canvas and even produced lieby Pfmorama' DrntBitt's Toitlniony , K. F , McCarthy , druifgiiit. Ottawa , Out. , utateii that lit ) WUH afllictud with chronic > bronchitis fomoma ycuin , and wascompleto- cured by the iwo of THOMAH' KCI.KOTIIIO , JylTeodlw The Boit liifa Precerveri Warnor'a Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. 17oodlw. J. B. Detwiler's CARPET STORE The Largest-Stock and Most Com plete Assortment in . . . The West \ We Kt p Everything in the Line of Carpets , Oil : cloths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures and. Lace Curtains. . 'I WE HAVE GOODS TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. 1313 Farnham St. , Omaha : MAX MEYER & CO. , TOBACCONISTS. Tobacco from25c. [ per pound upwards , Pipes from"25c. . per dozen upwards , Clgarsfrom $15.00 per 1,000 upwards. THE GREAT WESTERN CLOTHING HOUSE. M. HELLMAN & CO , , Spring Suits ! All Styles ! IMMENSE STOCK AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL The Largest Clothing House lest of Chicago A Department for Children's Clothing , We have now an'assortmont of Clothing of all kinds , Gent's Furnishing Goods in great varioty.and a heavy stock of Trunks , Valises , Hats , Caps , &o. Those goods are fresh , purchased from the manufacturers , and will be sold at prices lower than ever before made. We Sell for Cash and Have but One Price. TA largo TAILORING FORCE is employed by us , and we make SUITS TO ORDER on very short notice. . . .AJXTX * 8X1X1 TTS. 1301 and 1303 Farnham St. , cor.JSth O. H. BALLOU , DEALER IN Lath and Shingles , Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks north of ST. PAUL AND OMAHA DEPOT. jyl-cod-3m. . Max Meyer & Co. GunsAmmunitionSportingGoods , FISHING TAOKLB , BASE BALLS , and a FULL LINE OF NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Me