Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1881, Image 1

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No 1 Lal on Harnoy street , near new co
houw. 2509.
So 2-It on dun trc t H vr Wd , $2(00.
Ko 3 Let on Olforiiifc ttroct near 22 > 1 , 81000.
No 6 lot on Marcy ttn-ct tie r U , I1 , fkyol ,
NeO t block In Sht * fe SdtuIJIUon n ! vrCon
cut , 3 0.
ncnr OMiqVlKtl St ,
No IP 8lot on Ofifnx direct
l' tk , tt roaionaWc.iTk.-es.
lee clialco rcsIJtiR'O lots m Crodlt Fnrcter nntl
nmii IowndiliUoiffiJk short dlsUnoo sot4licASto [
U , H.'anJ 11. & U.depot * , prices frcm $100 up
i on ! l t. 3W , 21 < J and Kutmdirn fitrocls ,
nor'Siof mil tdjoliiint ; IX V. Smith'i ' nddltlon
$400 ; terms mty.
A'o 09 t'tll corner lot on Dwuln ntroet near
lOSi , J2500.
-No 70 UornceGOxllO fcothAon -
- Xtaugba n u-
, No. 71 Tin-OS lota lit { HacVaOtllUui near Saun
< ers street , eiOW
7U IxitwnJtccatur trcot , now 8rcno Stitnn't
No. 7&-S2 )8 ) ( cct , on I't.rtflo ttrrct ncnr U. P.
nnd 1) . & XI. depot. * , fctOOJ.
NO. 70 Srlotitlia wnrehOT90.I t57xl32 feet 9th
Btrect iiNnrJoiicH.t-sriOa.
NO 78-E lots oallnrncr stn-etitoar 19tliJX)0. ( )
No 81 lot In due's 8dltl < n near BauiKiorH
s'rcet , tfttfl.
No. Si > Lot In Ulses' iddltKiD near 8auof < ara
street , $ f 00.
Iota on 1W > . .n ir Vncino and Nut
NoU Lot mi CtuurkusKvtt nc r
NoSJ Ix > t on TienVDilwarth near IDtli , 51,100
No tt ! LoLonCUiinull fttnrt near
No fS 1 )1 on Clil oiHVir22d street , SU&OO.
No fO L" it on ISloMlu near Caiunbcll ttre t
575.3mc slr lIlllarJf..v i Oild U's nddltloexfUtt
mnn c eni'io , lOlhhtiwl , ( ] ' [ . rliif , Saratcgn nr.t
1' streets , § ! * ! ) ml vi > wnnls.
No 1222 loti on tStlvrtrjct , near
nenKsldciicc , ( JWO.
Ncl23 Lot 71.XEIO Iccttan Slicnmut
lOth-stroct , 1100
No 124 8 IntH 'onilldUfnio street ,
towrr , ? 0 to Kt * .
NB 1H5 FuU 'It'xwk ' on Clinton Bttvct ,
nhkt tower , JWIito 7.ri "A.
i N 120 Lot oo Ibth-eyrect , noJ ! wliltllev
vrt'ts , ? 525
% Ivo ' .27 2 Mo/Cl oivwncar head of .St.
- iiiue ,
-"Ko 120 Lo * Califcnila near
, .
No 130 1 Job ) ii car nrv iovcniiucnt'Cortn ! , 2
No 101 tJotiJn OUo'sn ddltlon on Cameron St
ffucar & * uih } MI'iiial\o'aii ' oiTcr.
No. 100 Iirttui Gl3C- ' < addition oa OasxluSt.
r.ear State , .ntaVu an nCt r.
LnMuGtse'iwddlttonon Cianlua moar
:3aunder < < , scolcci an offer.
No 1CS 1 il)5ock-ln Uojd's njlditon ! 3dd tloi :
ruear Oiiiibail > .cmcka ako an ofTec.
Nolfll 7ist9in : Urtry & Shclton'-s juk itlot
I near high * olKX > l , pricafrom 81250 ujwranl.
170 lxt oHii'aciflr-tirect , near ICtl : , . injl.o ai
No 171 Crtttson Webster strcc-t , iicar-aist ,
botliSjO < n > } 2000'cr corner and 1 00 > fcr In
do. . ,
No 173 Wrtt on Cwi near 14th str t , > 8MOO
No 175 'lit on Siwnnan a\einie Ifbhstreet
near Irari , 1x132 , ' CM 00.
No 177 3ots ! In.OzxncUlcw. male wi flir.
No IhO'a addition oniViorSt. ,
near end K t car trtak , S525.
No 161 .Two lots I in Nelson's aifUtior. , 1 01
Jdaho BtrutLJ on Oetor street , n ar Ctuilnj ; ,
$300 each.
No 18J tl > co Hilt c < Iso lota on Casa -ttn i near
21st. oii'ecriicryt < OW.
No 18X 'I fit on Sisiard street , ue c ,8 ! r 'lers.
make je oflf .
No 1S 3 lots on Scward ft r cct , noir Irene ,
make an ollir
No ISfl.iVjfon DsY'Bnport near 2Stli$50a
No ISrt.ildt on nirHlon near C'uniinir t , S200.
No ISSj.MJoclMin'Bojil's addition , iiuan t'naha
barraikf. S/CO.
Nol8W , , . Jot on'Kirco near Oth Btrc t , 550.
No Ifflij.'t lot on llth near nmihuu , CUOJ
No 19H:2 beautlltd lota in Shiim'ii.iulOHloii ,
No Itty T-lots oivlSth btrcetncar ] ti'.e lead
works , flUWt
No lanl eton 20th street ncarSlitnuan , $400 ,
No lim , 2 lota OH 2id street , near Clark , 'fOOO.
No UW/.1' / , \utijul lots on fcauiuJurs fct. near
street cur , turn table , 1275.
No lWot ( , ) on lith Jiear PleJco kt. 6500.
No 201 Lot ill XJUu'u addition on Camorcn St. ,
near Saundcrj , S-501) .
No 202 Lot on Caucron strict near E.uiaaer3.
3000.No2fla Jvtln Shlun's addition on Saoi-idcr *
etrcct , uear strict car.turn table , fiW.
No 20J Lea-utlfiil lot in Nel on'u additlcn , on
. , , .
No. 2iU-iX volots street , near 10th
No 208 yvo lots on Sixteenth street , Jiu r the
nail uorkf , 315W ) .
No 203 Om-hall lot xui California ttruoinear
21st , 2780.
A'o.209 I atoiLlBUiitrcet near NIcliolai ( 8000.
No 210 Lot on Capitol avenuu near 234,81600.
Na 212 Jx > ta43xKOQ furt on Coltax ttrcet , near
llanscom 1'arJwith improvements , $2700.
No 213 Tnojicres on CumiiiL' street , 81000.
No 215 , OnJiaU acru : i California , ncar.Kcn
nedy street , iSJW.
No 216-illcautlfuUot on Hamilton street Bfar
etrcct car tuniiadc , 1000.
No 217 Lot on 23d stro t. near Clark. $ MO.
A ( oivtcre.IoUi only rcviam unsold In * 'J.'ork
1'Iace" llttlov t of Ctrtehton Collect , prices
lanjring ham * 27Jto if30Qcafh and on ca y turms.
LoUln HorUidi'u let uH 2d oddltloiit. . ; also
Jota In I'arkcr'nSkinn's ; Nelson's , Tcrrace'B , .
V. Smlth'f . llcdlckX and all the other additions
tany ptiuo and itany tcruv.
Ten acre .iiithw.'Ity Ihnltu on the roiultoilto ,
barracks at 375 litr acre.
Four beautiful rcildcnof loU Inrout of
Crelghton CollcKOI UI I'Ut/thrin up to milt , I
Nine resWciuc lots north of L'reia'hton Uoilf i'1
grounds , from 5700 Jo lUOOtJ."h.
Thirty rmident .lots . In I'jrJvcr'a udditlou , ! .
blocks north of thcfurid of the trw.i car track
on Kaundermtrfct.j&OOcath lOdourn , babuiui-
rte suit , at U > > er cent Jntercat.
A feu- lots kit In Ttirraec addlt'on on the road
rte the 1'ark. uear head of fit. Miry' * a cnue,87)iO (
icaeh. To tiiwu u ho.nill build a ytli00 ! resilience ,
7 jcaratimootSp'r cult intertit
Jxts In Uko'H addltlai at WWt.i $850 each , 10
iVears time at C inr coit Interest , .to these wlw
nnilld ,
'J ho old Tousley40-ae tract wiUi liousu and
all Improvement ) , adJolUn ; ; racein > o und faire
-e > ' * .
TracU of 6 , IU , 16 , SO. At or SO aerwltli bull-
iih'.yi and other luiiiroveiuentu and ai'jolnlnjr ' the
city , at all price * .
SWX ) of the bu t rcsldcuui loti In , t'iu dt.v of
Omaha any locution you dislrc lurtli , coat ,
tout U oreat , and at bedrock priies.
iSOchoIeobusinek. lota in ill tlio prhxfpal bus-
incw rtreets In Outalu , io/yl"l > lrol '
Two hundred houics and lots ranx-l i' from
8500 to 915,000 , and located iu every part of the
city.Lari'u nninbcr of excellent firms In Iliuitclaa.
Harpy , Saundcrs , Dudgv , NVasliliiL'ton. Hurt , and
other iood counties In lantern Nebraska.
12,000 acres best land * in Douglas , 7000 acres
best lands In Harpy county , and lart'o traeta in
all the eastern tier of counties.
Oicr 1100,000 acres of the bett land In the No-
bnuka far sale by this agency.
Vcrj largo amounta of suburban 'property In
ono to teii , twenty and forty aero pines , located
within one to three , four or the miles of the
postotflco some \ cry cheap pieces.
New Mapj of Omaha , published by Oeorgo I *
DiiuU plain , unmounted nujn 50 etnta uaih ;
mounted , colored and with cloth bock. $1,50
( . till ,
Money loaned on Improved farms , albO on
improved city Jiropcrty , at the lowest rates
Of Interest.
Houses , btorci , hotel' , farms , lots , I and * , offices
rooms , etc. , to rent or lease.
Taxes paid , rents collected , deeds , mortu-ai.'cs ,
and all kinds of ical cstatu documenta made out
on short notice. .
GEO , )
Eeal Estate.Excliange
15th and Douglas 'Str'e'et ,
OMAHA . ' < NBB.
, - - .
The Presiflont's ' Pulse
, Respira
tion and Temperature Grad
ually Being Beiuoefl ,
District Attorney Oorkhill has
Guiteau Placed in n Sopa-
rnto Coll.
The Story of a Gorman Glazier
as to What Bocanio of Ono
of the Balls ,
ITow Sl aal
For ihoBonofltof Fnriuoi-
W.iffiTiNOTON , July l ! > The presi
dent toss jisissod a yowl day withott
trouble. Thcro was aonio foLrilo c-
citoirciit .iiiil tlui ilor.lora ntlinit thn' '
they fed him toq much yesterday
The prcaidcnt rcoogxixoa the fact , ant
to&\y , now that the dmigcr is over
fs inclined to jok nbout it. Afrs
dnrfield bf hisiulo mid in com
iplitnco with h'ta request , read tin
iicnspapora to ? iiin. Ono nrticli
"Wna about Sittingl3ull , nnd nho TO-
liwrked , "Ijtotioc that Sitting linll IB
starving to doatli. " "Ah ? " said -tki
Ijcesident. "Ani ho ia ono of y t
ttubjeets , renioiribor , " continued Mrs
iQariiolil , jooulittiy. ' "Thiit' o.i " i8
wered thopntioict , adding witli the
apirit of fun,1" ! will'sond him " 801110
of my oat nu'al. " It w s probably
too much , oat'iaeal that liroujiht oi
ycstorday's'fowr and the [ u-es'irfcnt'
remark wa&ctmsequontly ntorom < , . H
has not been very restless bu
it is still 'dtticult to lift him abon
and dress < Up wound. Uio
for rairiiig'liini from' tbo bed whoi
necess&ry its dress tlta wotmd 01
change the bedding- lisa 'beoti ' com
ploted. 'It was used 'to-tl&y ant
worked "will , raising ISO pound mat
without difficulty. It will bo attache
to the president's bed io-nunvow au1 ?
immediately used.
Owing'to the pleasant wvnthur , U.o
cooling puratus croctcU at the
Wliite vlIouso : fcna < iK > t beoi
operated ffor the past 'two days ,
but is i 3ady for dnsiwit U3o.
This evening ho was givou the uja
anodyiiO'reid wont tosleep oarly. The
last oxatRhiatioii ot tiiorotnd revaal-
cd the fact that supjmratioii bad af its
own acccrd found cts way nearly six
inch-en. No obstructions to the pro
cess of Cheating was formitig < and the
wound'was ' progresiingiiuifull nerd -
anceTvith the idexsiof'tho.physiolans.
Dr. Jiliw says , tlcat froni the tlircc-
tion and length wiliichtihotube now
penotKitss the wound , they Jiaro the
strongest ovidcnco of the. . oonx-ctnoss
of tko > ori"inal diaguoslo that fclio bal'
ponetratsd the liver , -l jyoml Roubt
and lie ASO states iliatliso oliannel ol
the wound is by nafcQrfllfrowtlr.isolat
od foonuwtal parts tiiuVr ; being satis
factorilii' drained by "treatment.
WASHINGTON , D. 0 July 10.
ProL JJall and Dr. Woodward have
been en. consultation again to-day in
regard .to the electric experiments foi
finding the ball. Prof. 'JBcll thinks
ho williJ.0 able to perfoot his > inductioi
balance so that success will bu pos
siblo. ffho patient is still very weal
and stiff about his b.iek andiBr. Bliss
contemplates using the patent invalit
mising .apparatus , perhaps at this
ovoningJa examination , Tlio prcsi
dent ate.a good broikf ; t this morn
ing , butiit has been thought best to
change hhia diet from oatmeal ant
potatoes , but the next course lias no !
yctbceiKdccidcd upon.
WASHSKXTTON , July 19. D'ho fol
lowing ollioial bulletin was dssued at
8:30 : a. ui. T10 | president hoe passed
a very good night and this iinorning
ho is free ffrom fever and expresses
himself am feeling quite comfortable.
Pulse , 90ttomperaturo , 98trespiri- ; !
tion , 18.
( Signedjl D. W. Bww ,
WAHIUXCHOX , D. 0. , July IS. The
following liullotin was sent to the
cabinet ofliours this morning :
ExEoimri.MANSION : , July IS' , 8 a.
iin. My Dear.Sirs : Tlio slightly in-
xroascd febrile rise which occurod yes
terday evening , but which was net duo
to any unfawniblu change in the.con-
dition of the wound has entirely dis-
anjiearcd this .morning , and utrthis
liuur the jaesidont's pulno is
DO with a lutnnal tuniponitui'o.r.nd
re uration. JJo rested well
duuiog the night .ut ono time aleopiiig
: hm nnd ahalf hcurs withoutawaken-
ug4 luul is now Reeling bright and
cohifertablo. TJiuso will bo a sliglil
ilianga in his diet , something ulan
) eing fubstitutud fur the jiotato oiid
oatmaxj , wJiich Iiav been fciund uu-
B.itisf'ieUjry. Very eeectfully ,
[ Signed ] J. Swawn *
WAKUTNOION , July 19. 7 p. in.
The president has posted an oxcullent
day , and the afternoon fever lias been
ess than on any day since ho was
voundod , At 1 p. m. IIH jiuleo was
> 2 , tempcntturo 08 , rcipiratinn li ) ,
At present his pulse is 00 , touincra >
ure 00 , respiration 10.
[ Signed. ] D. W. Mwss ,
J. K. I3A11NEH ,
Thu following dispatch was sent this
ivcning by the attending surgeons to
ho two consulting surgeons and given
.o the press at 0iO : ! p. in. :
. m , Last evening the president
received a hypodermic injection of
oiio-cighth of a grain of sulphate of
norphia and slept well during
ho night. Ho continues to take
sulphate of quinm and three grain
doses throe times daily and has enu-
mata when this is required. The an
ticlpatod Increase of fever of
yesterday proved only temporary and
ho has had a better day than any
since ho was injured. The wound
looks Troll and Is discharging healthy
pus freely. This morning nt 8:30 : his
pulse was 00 ; temperature , 08J ; ret-
plration 18. At I p. m. his piilso was
02 ; temperature , 98j ( respiration , 10.
At 7 p. in. his pulse was 00 ; temperature
turo , 09 | ; respiration , 10.
( Signed ) D. W. BLISS ,
J. K. BiiiKts ,
WASHINOTON , July 10. In acco rd-
anco with the instructions sent War
den Crocker , of the jail , to-day , Gui-
touanw placed in a cell where there
are no other prisoners and " where
caeano is impossible. Hovill bi
allowed to sco no other persons am
will not bo i ornnttoil to livid convcr
BAtion with any of the guatOn and wil
bo rigorourfy excluded ftvn receiving
r Bonding any cumnutnication excep
thoflo deltvorcd bs the listrut ! utter
noy or received by this directions
The assassin evidently lecognizcd the
object rf his removal but said nothing
WnsuiNciTONSfnly 10. IMstric
Attorney CorkMH , who had.minch an
noyr.nco during > tbo assassination ex
citcmont , leaves ( for Capo Mayto-mor
rot/ for a rest. 3Io was asked if hi
weuld leave the papers designed b'
Ouitcau for thn press , but 'declined
Ho stated thnttio had no mason ti
doubt the story told by the Gonnai
lazicr in regard to finding the miss
ing bullet. U\io \ ! glazier seys ho wa
; going towork nt the depot am
had begun to unftaip his
box in Tvhiuh ho carried .glass andluu
got one stmp oil * his shoulder whun h
heard tliio > i < cisoof the pktol and im
mediatolyithrco paincs'Of ' glass in the
box were-alwttorcd. Ho rushed fron
the dtyot- thinking it wac no place foi
safety 'Saturday last ne ho was clean
ing -out his box ho fount
a ball tin tJo : putty. Ucvos narrutung
the fnct'Oo friends when one told inn
that waa ti 10 time tlio [ president was
shot , andtbrought ithc'lir.H to the.Gis
trict nttxsrnoy's oltico , "vrhoro ho mndo
theifltatotnent : indgi T him the lall
The bulkt is now in ike possession ol
tliC'tliatKrt attorney. 'It ' is the /inato
to thoBcstakon frwu 'Grjiteau's plitol
The pocut is bltmtol aid ono side'flat
.rOllKHUL1S > ( VtlMANPS.
WAWIINOTON , Juljf 10. fliatric
Aitonvyy CorkhillvJio will loaiw hero
wtth'hiE ' family te-iiKarrow , forv.-rirdet
a iettcr to the warden of the fiistrie'
jail to fiay instructiiuc him to xomovo
Gttiitoas to a cell .iin'Jio remote corri
dor where no oti ori-risonors ro con
fiued'and that ho ibe not allowed 'to
conimnnicato with r.ny ono save ill
wartloanor tosenlV-cr receive . .letters
Tho"ordor was carried into effect -Uii
WASHINGTON , .Muly 19. Acting
SocuiUry of the T/veasury Frecch , ha ;
directed Dr. E. if. Thaycr , of tht
troacury cattle couviiission toiprocect
at nce to Nova Scotia to investigate
thoaeports received from the .consuls
at Halifax and Picton , that ; t danger
ousrattlo disease Jius broken out ii
that province.
The signal service authorities i
Washington are perfecting a system
of signals by whitfh it is proposed * <
acquaint farmers with predictec ;
changes in the weather. Colored
rochets are to be sent up at fl a. m.
from stations in funning regions , and
the .probabilities for the coming day
are < to bo indicated by the color ol
theirockets and their arrangement.
A Skeleton Found.
National Associated I'rasa.
BICUNSWICK , I d. , July JO. A
complotoskeloton from which ell flesh
had dropped elF , was found yoctorday
in iiuiisolatcd spot-in the woods near
this place. The coroner's jury do-
cidod.tlmt the remains were those of
Homy Boithold , * young German ,
who cnmo to this country nine week's
ago. Ho was last seen alive Juno
18th , * nd must hive been lui'.iging
about a month.
The Chicago Trotting Mooting.
National Associated rrcsa.
CHICAGO , July W. The siuumor
trotting meeting of Urn Chicago idriv-
ing pari : opens this afternoon with
every indication of u grand suocess.
The purses oft'ored are larger 4ian !
, hosp ever before hutg up , and > the
entries etri-cod in quality and quaniiity
anything yet known. For todr.y ,
hrcu events are on ( ho card 'ilhu
2:23 : the atitllon class and 2:20 : pactira.
National Atnoulitucl 1'rciw.
NEW YOZK , July If. Wm. JL
Vanderbilt las oiForod to bear two-
.hirds of tke.cost of uitblo buildings
or the establishment of female col-
oqo at Naahvjllo , provided the trus
tees of Vandoj-bilt univerav raise the
other third. TJia cost of Uio undcr-
xking is estimalocl at $50,000.
Gold oil Wedding-
SAN FUANCISCO , July 10. Martin
Ifurphy , of Santa Clara , one of the first
ettlers in California , celebrated his
golden wedding yesterday at tJio old
arm in baronial stylo. Nineoxon ,
wolvo sheep and , twelve ho 'c wore
oasted for the villagers and a. cur-
oad of wine and ale was sot out ua/loY
he trees. !
Death of "Billy the Kid. " a
National Asiocbted 1'ruu.
SANTA FE , J . M , , July 10. Win.
Jenny , alias "Billy the Kid , " the
nest notorious outlaw and desperado
n Now Mexico , has boon killed by
ho sheriff of Lincoln county. Tlio
ntire people are rejoicing at hia
until. He is known to have com-
nitted eighteen murders.
Tlio Queen of England Expresses
Profound Brief at the Death
of Dean Stanley ,
Rapid Progress Being Mftdo in
the House of Commons in
the Land Bill.
A General Movement ARniiitt thn
French by the Arnus in Tuni * .
LONHON , July 10. The revolution
ary congress mot in this city last
night. The speakers strongly de
nounced capital and government of
every kind.
The morning jonrtmls deplore the
death of Dean Stanley and comment
at great length \inon his \\ork. and
speak of him as the greatest church
man nnd the most tolerant of his ago.
LONUON , July 10. Dublin paper.1
received hero are full of comment up
on the present condition of the Irish
land bill , and the shape in which it is
now probable it will bo reported from
thu comiiHttco of the whole to the
house. The Irish Times considora
that socbim which provides for a land
commission , ns not strong enough.
The Freeman's ' Journal says the
members of the commisMviu sw pro
vided J r in the bill can .it-ami thu. test
of liost&o criticism.
WraiiLiuwN , July 10. PrirtUo
Hock , of the thirtl Drcronshiro rsgi-
cnent , won the quucti's .i > mo witk 8i (
TiNi > oN , .July 1J > . The race for the
Apeihorpo swcopstnkrs took r-hco to
diiy at lliiiitington and won l-j' Boa-
triiM , Mr. J. II. IvoonO's throo-year-
old bay colt ; Brnhenpoaro cnmo in second
end and Cairugoriinthird. Rive hors-
eawore entered.
PAUIS , July-10. A dispplch froiv
QJunis states thatttTaoro isx general
movement ninongrall the Jf rab tribes
who are uns ting- against tj'.o Fronck.
3.'ho Arabs continue to raatl Europufii
ottluiuont . Ono tribe threatens ij <
niircli on Tunis.
vritt utttuiiN SHORTLV.
BKULINJ Jy 19. Amlfyr D
White , American miniatcr , will
to Now York * hortly to rcsuino
presidency of Cornell university
, 'July 19. The queer.
presses Jier profound grief at > thu
denth of .Dcr.n Staitby andsayn'th '
church and i 'jrtion hue lost ono -of tit
noblest mid most gifted members
Tluo Gormnu proas deplores thu loa
of the English Tmpwe jagnii
rprurt to.thteaubjecf. . TiCAUos abjoo
tions bo tfonnd atooilg the CUean'
papers , ajpul-lic funeral , in Westmin-
istor Aiiboyiii possibh.
TiiciiAra ) HILL Kioauiissirw ; .
LoNBONf < 3"uly 19i The land bill i
progressing r/oll in.tSio houao of coin
UK ins in the face -cC the opposition
A movement has beor. made to ancrcaa
thui commierion to five.
Op lenimg of the Summer Trot-
tir4g3Iootiug ! ! : of the Chicago
cage Drhrinff Park.
Rac on aXiBrlghton Boaoh ajuLJUys-
tldParlcBnso Ball.
< iiiouKX niuvmj ; I-AUK iiAiits.
CH icico.jJuly.lft. The first day'i
traces of tthotiiummer trotting mteotin
cf tliM Ohicago driving park wor
coinin iibcforo niuoithou
sr.nd i | > coulo.
The firetaoco , the 2:23 : cLoaa , for i
purse ( ) f 82 500 , of.which 81,2CD won
to the Iiiwtiri25tariho ; sccon4 , 375
to -.hirulAnd'$2CO < to the .fourtli
liad sir etartera : So-So , JCdwii
Thorno , Kilat , B , , Jowott , JCato
Sprague , aniuMinnioJl. NVhontho.wort
woe given , tlilot.Ji ftlioft'od up ahead
3o < So cli aelyollonin . Mium'o B , .
coined , a trUkt iLimo badly brealr'jif
bpfcro the first turn was rcacho ( | , 01
lidir.lsoJoweit. U'liej tvorito , Tlionw ,
followed , So-So. At ithu first quarter ,
Tewott rucovcutidiliLs ifeut , but Minniu
II. was Joft oist. ITiuvard the half-
loijosb So-S ookithu load , whiuh
she luaJnbiined tkxtlto.close. Thorno
and Jewatt caiuc iiicor lo of lei ths
after , later the liorso showing tine
work bj- coming t > third place at the
wire ( - > m n bad ionnth at the half-
mile pout. Kuto ffjiriijiiw tailed at the
start and kept a iii/jdiocce position in
.his , as lie the follouung heats.
In the .second hoii So-So and Pilot
tl. got awfty on even lurms , Theme
next and Kato Sprague iailing at tlio
quarter jwjat. So-So Jiad iivo lengths
.ho advanUgo of Pilot li. , and so at
.ho half mile post , whura Thorno was
Jiinl with n uingth and a htlf gaji be-
iuro him and Juwutt a goad fourth
mul Minniu IL nnd Kate Sprague faro
/o the rear , there was a good brush
joiwoon Thorue and Jowett for third _
) laeo , the latter succeeding. So-So
od Pilot H. ono Lngth at the wire.
For thn third So-So
heat - started as
odder , Pilot 11. , TJjorno.Kato Sprague
'ollowing abreast , Minnie U. and Jew-
ttt following at thu turn. Minniu H.
Ironped out of thu race toward the
mil mite post. Others bunched about
length and a half behind So-So , At
the finish Thorno pushed So-So till
flho broke at fifty yards from the wire ,
allowing TJiornu to win by a length.
Jowott and Sprague canio three lengths
attor and foll6wod by Pilot H MJU-
nie U. was distanced. Time , 210j ; ,
III the last heat Pilot H scored first ,
Jbut immcdiatuly fell to the roar. < At
the quarter So-So had n half length
lie load of Jowott , ho leading Thorno
iy length , and Sprague a good
onrth. The places were the same
t the throo-quartor polo , whore
'horno took sccondplacofromJcwolt.
'homo went elF his feet , letting So-So
ivko the heftt by a length.
The BOoond Moo , open Id nil dial'
Ions , for a puma of ? 5,000 , with
! 1,000 extra to the winner if belter
imo was made thnn 2in : $ , hnd six
itartors : Piedmont , McGregor , Santa
Glaus. U nnls , Wedgowood and Mon-
rou Chief. At the start Santa Clans
od , with Llnnnis tailing at the qiiar-
.orpoloj Piodmontforgedjahoad ; at the
mlf milo polo Piedmont and Santa
31aus were nock and nock , with 1 lati
ns in tlio third placo. At the last
.urn Piedmont had the load f Santa
Jlaus. MoGrogor , by a furious burst
of speed on thu homo stretch passed
> oth Piedmont and Santa Glaus , win-
ling by n nose in 2:18. :
At the second start McGregor led
ilannis , with Monroe Chief last. Be-
ore the turn was fairly passed Hannis
.ook tlrst position and wai two lengths
ihoad at the lialf-niile post. Toward
the third post McGregor lost his grip ,
LI did also Haunts , and Sanhi Clans ,
'ooling ' the urging lash on his sides ,
cnmo thunduring down thu homo
struUsh to victory by a sh rt head ,
Uannia having luft his fuut in the ut-
oitument. Time , quarter , 35 | ;
lialf , 1-.08J ; three-quarters , 1:43 : ;
milo , 2:174. :
In the third heat McGrogoc was
again captain of the van. At the
lurn ho wag chasud by Piedmont ,
Wodgowood and Ilannis in order.
At the half-mile Wodgowood was even
with the loader. Santa Clans and
Monroe Chief fell away behind Me-
Srogor , while Hannis and Piudmonl
made a line spurt down the las
stretch. McGregor captured jho by ono length. Time : Firs
quarter , 515 ; half , ItOOa ; three-
quarters , 1-UU ; milo , 2:181. : Santa
Glaus had been thu favorite , in tin
In the fourth heat Sauta Clans
Piedmont and HaiiHm wcro lira
with Wodt/owood taiUng. At tin
tarter post Piedmont , possod Santa
Olans/xnd llannii took necoml and thi
positions remained relatively the uam
for seme timo. On thu lust stretcl
Piedmont made his load greater at
each-stride , pmsing in two length
ahuird of Saxta Claun. HcGrego
broke at the irtart and ( iiuslu , making
bad work of it. Time : First quarter ,
85 ; half , liOSj ; Ihreo-ojnarters , 112 ;
mib , 2:17. : } .
In the tiftfi heat Piodmnnt , WUog-
cod , . Ilarroa , Santa Oluun , Monroe
Ohiof , and JFcGregvir oiictipiud the
Banio posiCona , which thuy innin-
( pined to tlio finmli , > witi ! Picilmont
6wro lengths Lodvnnoo \ of Wedge-
vood ; tiuio , 2Jti : ) * . ' ? nnU Clam ,
T'icdmoiil and Mctogor wo . , ' ' > ft to
tun for tl.o first tliitiu'iHc/un' * Pied
vtnont took a sliylit load , Sunta
Olaus , second , but before the half
nnilo i > 3t was ronrihed , McGregor
took second place , ( then 'broke ' and
fell to il.o rear will piollniont kept'
the adrantagu ouo .Icngth'to ' the wirojl
time , SilOj.
Tliitti racu. 2 0pacing ( on a ( puriu
§ 1500with § 500 ctni to winner of
fastust'heat < ' if jviocd fasten- < hun -J5 : ! ,
was w n by Little OJrown.Jug , Billy
ScottiH-jcoml , Wonderfitl'tburd. Time ,
2:121 : , 2:14 : , 5JWJl.
iiiuiiirroN i
Yonic , July It ) . The racing,1'
at Brighton wa.s continued to-day.
The first race , ono milo , waa wou.
by liofskden , BcMona second. Timu ,
The second ra.cs , mile -nnd a half ,
was W'on by Gleiu owur , li > gomnr seu-
ond. Time , 2:40. :
TJic third race , .milo hc.ttfl , was wor.
by MT.SUOII , Una cecond. Time , 1-I : < 1. ,
Tile fourth r.iec , one miJo'fi nllow-
anco , was won by Aleck , Ainunb Mil-
Bino-Accond. Time , 1:4 : IH.
.Tho fifth racuiuiilu and.a hulf , ova-t
six hurdles , was .won by S } > cciili itioit ,
Dalgan'an second. Time , .li/17.
iBorTON , July tt.0 , There was fair
weather for thu opening day of 'Uic
Julyimeeting at .Mystic patilr. T law.
, vis itwo lively events. 'Jlio t hroc
ininuto class , pur no $300 , divided , liati
nix .miurturs , and was won 6y I ) tikt1
tiltinjj second , thbd and fourtSi ho : ifj ) , |
Aloxnudor second , lluth third , L -j
ington fourth. UVmo , 2:35j : , 2:31ij :
THe class purse -of $400 hoi fou
starting , aiul was won by Arthur i
the first , third and fourth licats
Tommy Norwood eecond , E. Iu. E
third , Una fourth. Time , 23l7\ \
" 2y , 2 i7j , 2:28 : .
( UfllK.H 1'LAVKI ) riMTIillDAY.
WOIKTHTIU : , MUM. , July lf .
Woi-costern ( i , Providence 'J ,
CIKVILANII , 0. , July 10. Cluve-
ands n , l troits 2 ,
AMIANY , July 10. Albanyrt 11 ,
July 10 , Chicagoa 7 ,
linfliilos 8 ,
- Statue ,
ia'Jonal Ansociativl
TOLEDO , July 10. Arrangements
mye finally boon completed for un
coiling the statute to Gen. MoPher-
on ut Clyde , Friday next , with an
inputting demonstration , with Gener
is iS'liorman , Sheridan , Logan , Bui-
: naj ) , Leggett , Hiokonloopor , and
thers present , Gen , Grant was ex-
> cctod but in prevented by pressing
rivato business nnd in hia absence
Jen , Sherman will conduct the ceremonies -
monies ,
Officn Of TUB GiiiE1 SKINAL Or-
ICEU , WAHJIINOTON , July 20 , la. m.--
' 'or the upper Mississippi and lower
Missouri valleys : Fair weather , south-
rly winds , lower barometer , stationary
r higher tumporature.
Tatiounl Educational Association.
atlonal AwofUituJ 1'resa.
ATLANTA , fla. , July 10 , The Nil-
onal Educational assembled here to-
ay. Governor Colquit delivered an
ddress of welcome. The inaugural
Idress waa delivered by the president
F thu association , Hon , J. 11 , Smart.
No Material Change From the
Balloting of Yesterday ,
ho Resolution to Adjourn on
Thursday is Deftmtod
In the Assembly.
Another Olio to Adjourn on Fri-
ilny Goon Over Until
AUIANV. July 10. There uas lint
no ballot In joint convention to-day ,
nil no change from yesterday's ox-
icpt that by the absence of a stalwart
ho half-broud candidate , Lapham ,
jaino within ouo vote nearer of being
ilocled. The ballot waa as follows :
Total number of votes 1-12 , necessary
o a choice , 72 ; Lapham ( > 8 , Potter ,
; dem ) 45 , Conkling28 , Woodford 1.
Upon the reassembling f thuscnato
, n cll'ort was made to piws the bill
troviding for special elections to fill
he congressional vacancies. The bill
ivus finally referred back to a com-
nitteo for correction.
In the assembly the original motioi
'or an adjoiirnmont on Thursday was
ilofealcd and anothur introduced t <
adjourn on Friday , which went over
nidor the rules until to-morrow.
Crimiunl CnrolosHiiosn. '
NOHTU AllAMH , JlrSS. , Jttly 10.
The Saratoga special from North
Adams collided east of Xoar station
with an accommodation train on the
Fitehburg nvihoad. : Engineer Jo
seph Moore , of Fitchburg , running
tlio accomnuHlation train , and Chaa.
Prescott , tlroman jon the Saratoga
special , were killed , and 12. Corliss
eiigineor of the Saratoga special , prob-
bly fatally injured. The damage to
the Fitohluirg company's rolling Block
by the rccidunt is estimated tit $ 20-
000. lltith engines wore completely Jho ! accident wnn caused
/Oiigineur Corliss , who ran his train
by Xoar station contiary to orders.
Toaohorn' AKiraolntioit.
National ssoclr.tcil t > ro .
iN'niANAi'oi.iH , li l. , July 19. This
evening in the national teachers' asso
ciation an address waa delivered on
"lidunitionandWnildimjofthoStato ,
by Hon. .Tfulin Kuton , United States
cominissi onoc of - educationVashing
tow , D. 0.
, A * Mun. Bstabors His Wife and
Sivvm 'G/luldren in a
HcralHe Mannar.
' -i-- _ t
Hf !
Sr. PAOi , MJHii. , Juy | iC
i iiciiliun of Xiinoui. Uorrihb and bl <
asunlling liangodjj , .ciiaufci&Suni&ay iij
lE.wjIo creak vjillry , noaV-VnilTinliJhftVo
| just nrriwd. .Thu dutailc are learned
f a reliable auin who .f nul occasion
to visit .ike ceo no of thu truguily lutu
Sunday. I'Somuthrou months ago Paul
1 iol do emigrated from Jywit/.orlnnd
' bringing v.ith hir.i hit ) wife ivmlaevun
cJuldruu. Jlo Ixtught n mnall farm in
"KiigJe ci'tieJc valley , plantul crops and
; cultivAtutiiihcm. Though a littlu do-
Bpondeiitilbtuly orur the prospective
failure of the .crops nr hing was
{ ' thought of it. Sunday , wkcu a visi
tor ruiiimuil Hulda's galuthe first tiling
' that attracted bin attention WIIH the
miitiictadlbfidy ( if.iiis littlu hey ; ibout
Buven rear .of ago , lying in thu path
\villi Lj'a .bend siilit open and a bnllut
'holo in tho.Vniin. Thu boy wan cur-
riud into the kitcluti , where , tyingon
thu ilodf in a p < ol of
blood wat tb'j body of
Holdo. Nous- lay an old SWJ'BS revolver
volvor andji Latchut. Going into thu
next rixiui n-jriill niari ) sickening flight
mot the vjaitow eye. Across the bud
lay thu < Lacl baby of frs. Huldu , hur
throat cut ifpim ear to oar and n
ghastly holoiu her breast evidently
made with a hit' het. On ono sidu of
the mother wild thu budy of a littlu
bubo which Lad been cumplutuly bu-
hcaded with tlie name weapon , whilu
on the other aide lay u little girl in
thu last agonies of death. Bu.irch was
then made for thu other childroi
known to bu members of thu unforlu
unto family. Immediately buck o
Uiu hoiisu two moru littlu duad Ixnlii ; ,
\uiro discovered bothuhot tlniiU''h ' Mn
httid and othuriviflu mntilatud. li
tli. ) hayloft of thu riidu htirn near by
were discovered still further evidences
of Uio murderous maniac's work. The
list victims were two boys , 17 am
L8 years of ago , both shot througl
lie brain , the bodies imckoi
vith & hatchut and cold in death.
Finn u ivifu and suvon children wuro
tillud by a husband and father , who ,
I is supnosud , committed suicide as i
lUing cfoso to a scone of nnparalloloi.
iiiinan butchery. Thutn is n bare
banco that onu of thu litllu girls may
Tito Now Comet.
DirruoiT , Mich. , July 10. Prof.
dark W. Harrington , director of the
bsorvatory at Ann Arbor , reports
! mt the comet discovered by Mr ,
chouberte , his assistant , is in the
( instillation of Suriga , nearly half
my from Thotu Beta , and a liltlo to
iu luft of thu line joining thuso two
.are. It is traveling northwest. It
SCH about one o'clock ' in the morning
nd is faintly visible with an opera
II.SH. It ia small and nebulous with
short tail , but no distinct nucleus.
i is growing alowly brighter , So far
s hoard from thu credit of the dis-
every still rosin with Schouborto.
The comet may become visible to the
naked eye , but it is yet unsafe to
predict that such will bu thu caso.
George W. Davids. Esh , of the
great ink firm of Thuddous Davids it
Co. , 127 Williams street , Now York ,
says : I was suffering from the panes
of rheumatiu gout , ( an inherited ail-
inoiit ) , and St. Jacohs Oil cured mu in
ttt-onty-foiir hours ,
A Body rottnd in the River.
At about 10 o'clock yesterday morn-
nga man cnmo into the city from
[ t'loronco and informed Coroner
lacobs that a dead body had boon
ound lloating down the Missouri
iver at that placo. Mr. Jacobs im-
ncdiatoly wont out to Florence and
ound that the body was encased in a
square pine box just BB found in
the river. Ho impannoled a jnryand
lold an Inquest. The body was that
of n mcdium-Bir.od man , dressed in
icavy boot * and coarse clothes. It
ladbocn BO long dead that it was unrecognizable
recognizable- and there waa nothing
about it that would give any indica
tion of who the man was or where the
corpse came from. The jury brought
in a verdict thatjt was the body of an
unknown man , who came to hia death
from sonio unknown cause. Mr.'Ja
cobs interred I ho remains nt Florence
at the expense of. the county , and returned
turned to the city.
The 0. , B. & Q , and a Trans
continental Routo.
Other HnpponiiiRs 'ol Interest In
tlio Santo Connection.
These at all conversant with rail
road matters hnvo known that the
uaiiagorsof the C. , 1) . & Q. have long
md intentions of pushing towards the
coast from their present western ter-
iiimis at Indiauola. It was under
stood that a written agreement with
the U. P. prevented this , llowovi-r
hero have recently been tiled in
Denver articles of incorporation
'or the Denver , Colorado and
1'acilio road. This company ia backed
a well filled treasury , and it ia
generally understood to bo organized
ill the interest of the Q. road.
Within a week articles of incorpora
tion have boon tiled in Salt Lake City ,
for the Utah & Wyoming railroad.
The road ia to bo built from a point on
n " the Central Pacific road near Corinno ,
passing through a portion of Utah
- into Wyoming , finally reaching
Granger station in the territory. Ono
thousand dollars per milofor each milo
of the proposed road has already boon
subscribed. The amount of the cap
ital stock is fixed at $1,200,000 , in
42,000 shares of § 100 a share. Coin-
potent engineers cstimato that the
road can bo .placed in running or < jOK
for the amount of tlio capital s.'cock. .
It ia the talk ill railroad ciro'.os ' that .
will form a .
at function in.
atml ,1hoV5tu , ut > , the 0. ] ' , ; JiC witli ,
the Coiitml Pacific a * , Granger , and
thus secure a 4jr iont4nRntftl route.
teul Thuru has buoii Sjntudorab'rn diasatin-
, faction oxisVlng among the Ak Jv
ollicurs in. regard Lo their treatment
by thu U. P. and this now more does
not seem unlikely. In the event of a
aplit , the U. P. will run over the *
Oregon short line from Granger ( tf
Portland. Thu now lines , the Deliver ,
Colorado it Pacific road and thu Utah
it Wyoming , are backed by solid men
, well able to push through mich nn un-
durpriso whether in thu interest of the
- Cl. B. it Q. or not.
The U. S. circuit co'urt of Nebraska
has issued an order allowing an in
- junction restraining the county commissioners -
missioners of Butler county from pay
ing the interest on the bonds voted to.
aid in the construction of the Lincoln ,
it Northwestern railway and also re
straining the secretary of state and.
auditor from issuing certificates ren
dering the bonds negotiable. This ia
done at the instance of Goo. E. and
Nathaniel Hogg , of Pittsburg , Pa. ,
who own over five thousand acres of
land in Butler county , through which
the line of the Lincoln & North west
ern road passes.
Military Topics ,
A gpneral court martial will moot at
Fort Douglas , Utah , on July 25th.
The courl , will bo composed of Maj.
Sumuol M. Horton , Medical Depart
ment ; Capt. Gilbert S. Carpenter ,
1-Uli Infantry ; Capt. Samuel Me-
Conihu , 14th Infantry , Capt. Charles
B. Western , 14th Infantry ; Lieut.
Charles H. Warrens , 14th Infantry ;
Lieut. Albert Austin , 14th Infantry ;
Lieut. Frank Taylor , 14th Infantry ;
Lieut. Frederic S. Calhoun , 14th In
fantry ; Limit. Stephen J. Mulhall ,
14th Infantry , and Capt , Thomas F.
Toboy , 14th Infantry , Judgn Advo
Private Henry Brockman , of Co.
M , 3d Cavalry , is granted u four
months' leave of absuncu.
The Nuptial Knot.
Mr , Patterson and Miss
Annie lluydon , two well known socie
ty people , were united in mainngo at
the Episcopal cathedral by Dean
Millsnaugh , yesterday , Stuart Hayden -
don anil Mis * Buby Yatcs , and Joe
Patterson and Miss Junnio Ilaydoii
attended the couple. The chuncol of
the cathedral was prettily decorated.
After the ceremony they were driven
at once to the residence of Mrs. Hayden -
don , where a bountiful repast ! was
spread for a number of invited guests ,
Mr. and Mrs.Patterson loffc last even
ing for Lake Minnotonku wjioro they
will spend their honeymoon.