Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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Tuesday Morning , July 19 ,
Patterson eclU conl.
Get your hats at Doano'a.
Xlndcll k Krcllo , Leading Hftttcrs.
Drink Snxc'a Peruvian Uccr.
Don't fall to drink SAXK'J cream soda.
A. W. Nason , Dontlit , Jacob's block.
Nature ! Mineral Water on draught ftt
Kuhn's dnig etore.
For H.VE Commercial Job Printing ,
all at THK UKE Job rooms.
The Lion continues to roar for Moore's
Unrness nnd Swldlcry.
Wlilpple , McMillan & Co. , the Jewel-
crs , Crclchton Ulock.
Prescription ? n specialty , Opera House
Phfirmnc211 S. 15th Street.
Safes , machinery , and all kinds of
heavy hauling done by Drlsco & Co. , the
safe men. w&irtf
Tlic street commlRsloncr U culling
down Seventeenth slrccl bctweeu Douglai
and 1'nrnhain. Ho Is nUo repairing lower
DoJgo street.
Forty-seven men were ncnt out lo
Granger , Wyo. , from this city by tlic U.
1 * . train yesterday. Iliey will work
upon tlio railroad there.
A young ample were accidentally left
behind at the Iron Moulder * ' excursion to
Gihnoro on Saturday. After n Iratnp of
nlmut ten miles by rallronrt they reached
the city by midnight.
County Treasurer Hclnn h working
lip hlx delinquent personal tux bnom.
With an Iron-clad act of the legislature on
hh slcio ho will probably have everything
his own way.
Mr. McCreary is tireparing Iho foun-
( lation for one of Ills elegant brick rest'
dcncci near the corner of Chicago nnd 1'if *
lecnth directs. It will be GGxJI , two
htoricfl In height , with ba.s6ment.
The monthly social of Iho Union
Catholic Library association will lake
place next Thursday evening , not Tuesday
evening an Ktaled in Tlio Watchman. An
interesting programme In being arranged.
A. Johnson and Van Lnppaii bolh
carried large heads on thclrshoulders when
they entered the police court yesterday.
Ijoth had been drunk the i > revoua ! evening.
Kegulatlon 910 fines were imposed and
-Tholrlalof "Cranky 1)111" was again
postponed from yesterday until lo-day at
1:30 o'clock.
A colcbralion of colored citizen * nt
Council BlufTu will bu held on August let.
It will be the grandest nflatr of the kind
ever held in Iho west.
A warrant was issued last night for
the arrest of John Swncliiin , the proprie
tor of liohemhui Hall , for violation of the
law , by selling liipior on Sunday. It will
be served to-day.
When Ho was Iiaat Soou.
According to Oflicer Black , the mis
sing man , Mr. B. DoLoska , who wandered -
dorod from his homo on the corner of
Ninth and Harnoy streets , Sunday
afternoon , wliilo in a fit of temporary
insanit } * , wont down to the river and
hired a boatman to take him across ,
on the evening of his disappearance.
Wliilo crossing ho talked much about
drowning himself , and when near the
Iowa shore suddenly sprang frtiin the
boat into the river. Upon coming to
the surface ho swam toward the boat
and climbed in , being careful not to
upset the boat. The man then rowed
to the shore and Do Loska paid him
for his services and started in the
direction of Council Blull's. Oflicors
in that city Invo boon notified of this
fact and will endeavor to find the un-
fortunuto man ,
ColiSmytlio went cant yesterday afturuoon
to Chicago.
lUclmnl Wilde is confined to hia house
Georges Llvcsoy went west yesterday ou
a pleasure trip and will return In n few
II. S. Foote , tlio votlnary Kiirgeon , left
yesterday afternoon for Chicago whore Iiu
will attend the races.
Charley Saundcrs , HOII of Senator Saun
dcru , had gone to Minnesota to recreate for
a week or two.
Aaron Hoot , of Chicago , 111. , arrived
yesterday from Larainie , Wyo , , nud will
htay in the city a few days.
T. Jl. Clark , of Weeping Water , la at the
M. Day , Jr. , and Willis F. Pay , of Luf.
f lo , N. y. , nra at the Witlmell.
Frank Hilton , of The Blair 1'ilot , la In
the city and leaves for Chicago this eve-
ntn .
John Steel , one of Iieadvllle'g prominent
II capitalist * , U visiting the city , while on lit
way east.
Hon. O. M. LambcrUon , United States
district attorney , arrived from Lincoln yes
tenlay afternoon ,
Carl Schmentzler , of Germany , U visit
Ing the city , whlla on n tour around th
world. He U at the Witlmell.
W , F. Severance , a well known attor
iiey of Lincoln , Bx.'iit ) the day yesterda
In the city and left in the evening for Lak
Jliunu tonka.
Hon. Walter J. Lamb , accompanied
lira. I.AUIU , Misa Clove Lamb and Mru
H , II. Oakley , of Lincoln , are In the cit
on their way to Montreal nd lioetoi
To tlio Chicago Race * .
A party consisting of Win. A. Paxton -
ton and lady , James Jroighton , Ohas.
McConnick and Col. Dickey , loft last
evening for Chicago in order to attend
the races which begin in that city to
TK UKLSEX Daughter of Magarotho
and Thomas Truelsen , July 17th , aged
10 months. Funeral will tuko place
from West Omaha July 19th 2 o'clock
p. in.
Ramorod Offer by the Santa
Fo Eoad to Mr. Touzalin ,
Will the U. P. Discard the Old
Ox Bow llouto ?
TboM , P. nmlB , & M , Folkd Begin
ning to Hustlo.
It is mud tlmt A. E. Touzolin ,
general inniinKor of tlio 13 , & AI. rixil-
road , 1ms boon offered the position of
general manager of tlio Atchison , To-
pekn tfc Santa Fo railroad. In the
event of hia acceptance Mr. Touzalttt's
lioadquarlora will bo at Topcka. Mr.
Touzalin is at present in the cast.
In 1801 Peter A. Day , at present
railroad commissioner of Iowa , but
then chief engineer of the Union Pa
cific with headquarters at Omahamado
surveys to run a direct line of the
road between hero and Klkhorn by
way of Griffin's farm. Work was
commenced and considerable excava
tion done when orders were received
from Mr. Durant , then vice-president
and manager , to stop. By the
same authority surveys wore made for
the present Ox Uow route by which
the distance between hero and Elkhorn -
horn was increased nearly cloven
miles. It was principally through
this change of plan and his objection
to sanctioning it tlmt Mr. Ioy then
resigned his position. Tlio object in
the change of route was quito appar
ent. Tlio Credit Mobilior ring wished
to secure the 12,000 acres of land and
the $10,000 per milo of railroad built
that their subsidy ullowod them. This
was of course at variance with the
original profile but an order allowing
the change was secured from President
Johnson in 1805 , and the Ox Bow
route was adopted. It was always
said by railroaders that the main line
of the road would have
to bo eventually straightened
between Omaha and Elkhorn as a matter
tor of economy and the time now
scorns at hand when this change will
bo made. Engineers wcro at work
last week making surveys near linns-
com park and it is said by those who
are presumed to know that thoyaro in
reality making preparations for what
is to bo the mam line of the U. P.
road from the west. The fact that the
Missouri Pacific will start from Papil-
lion would indicate that that company
and the Republican Valley road will
soon use the 0.x Bow while the main
line of the U. P. will bo over the pro
posed now track.
The now move on the part of the
Missouri Pacific railroad in extending
their line from Omaha into the south
western country has aroused the B.
it M. According to a compact be
tween the B. & M. and U. P. each
was to respect the right of the other to
certain territory. Now the Missouri
Pacific , which is generally
recognized to be merely
a part of the U. P. is making active
preparation to connect Omaha with
Atchison. This the B. & M. com *
pany looks upon as a virtual breaking
of the compact , and they are accord
ingly , it is understood , making
special ulforti to complete their con
nection with Denver. Inside of six
months it is now expected that Omaha
will have two lines connecting it with
Denver. By September 1st a special
train will be running over the Jules-
burg branch , thus providing further
An Employe of the U. P.
At noon yesterday , B. DoLoska , an
employed in the Union Pacific head
quarters , loft his homo on Ninth and
Harnoy streets and lias not since been
hoard from. At the time of his disap
pearance Mr. DoLoska's friends think
ho was laboring under a temporary aberration
orration of the mind and ] 'as
ho was usually a man
of steady habits it is feared that some
accident lias befallen him. Mr. Do
Toska is described as being five foot
nine inches in height , weighing about
17C pounds , and having black hair
worn rather long. lie has brown eyes
and were a brown mustache and impe
rial. Ho was attired in a blue
flannel suit of clothing , and
were a checkered straw hat ,
canary-colored nooktio and low
quarter shoes. Ho were a gold vos
chain with a rod lantern attached ,
DoLoska has a decided military walk-
is quick , upright and precise in his
movements. Mr '
, DoLoska's hobby i
electricity and his conversation would
probably bo upon magnetism , the
clectrio light or some kindred subject.
Should anything bo heard of him a
favor would bo conferred by commu
nicating at once with Mrs , DoLoska ,
who HVQB at Ninth and Harnoy
streets this city , Council Blufis
paper ? are requested to copy this no
Several Figkti-
There was trouble at Bohemian hall
where a ball was being hold Sunday
night. A disturbance was begun in the
course of which a few people were
pounded n a rather lively manner.
Oflicer Casper , who was on duty at
the hall succeeded in utr
, making ono ar
rest. Having removed his prisoner
to the station ho secured the services
of Onicera Gorman and McOuno JSJ1
with them he returned to the hall.
Several other arrests were then mn-lo.
The husband of Mrs. Mary Holarson
was being pounded and she interfered
in his behalf , and being mixed up in
the mcleowasarrcstcd. Yesterday morn
ing when she appeared before Judge
Boneko she was discharged , as there
was no evidence on which to hold her.
V. Valentino was fined $5 and Frank
Marshall , Frank Slavin and Edward
Ileichol each 810.
Lost to "Sight But to Memory Dour-
Saturday last John Richards , the
clerk at the St. Charles , decamped
from the city. Ho had overdrawn
his account to the amount o"f twelve
dollars , and had also collected a bill
of two dollars from a boarder. In ad
dition to those amounts ho took with
him a piece of jewelry given him to
sell , the value of which was five del
lars. McShnno , the liveryman
mourns his departure to the extent of
seven dollars , a bill contracted by
Richards nt his place for carriage hire.
Mr. McShano will consult a lawyer ,
and .f it bo possible to bring him back
ho will bo likely to do so. It is
thought that ho went to some western
Iowa town.
How a Brilliant Oaroer Was
Elided oy Sorrow.
Early yesterday a wretched look
ing man might have been seen stag
gering along Farnham street. Ho was
the picture of dilapidation and de
spair. To those who know the man's
history it was a sad sight. Only n
few years ago ho was a man of fine
physical development , of keen intel
lect and good educa
tion. At that time ho was
brilliantly filling the position of as
sistant chief engineer of the Lake
Shore road. In the height of his
prosperity he received a sad blow in
the death of his wife. To verify the
udago that sorrows never coino singly
this was followed a few wcoks later by
the Ashtabula disaster and whether
rightfully or not some reflection was
cast upon him as being
to a degree remotely responsi
ble for that awful catastrophe. The
two blows following oacli other so
closely and with such crushing force
totally unmanned him. A man of
temperate habits before ho suddenly
took to drinking heavily. His friends
stood by him nobly , doing everything
in their power but his only object
seemed to bo to find forgetfulness in
drink. A short time aio ho was of-
forrcd and accepted a position
with a U. P. surveying patty ,
his friends believing that a change of
sc no would wean him from his bitter
thoughts. For n time it seemed as if
this would prove to bo the case. On
Saturday , however , this party returned
as far east as Pam'llion. Then ho
loft them without saying where ho in
tended to qo and took a freight train
that brought him to this city. Ho had
about $70 in money upon his person
and a few hours after his
arrival found him in a
gambling house of the city. Ho was
in no condition to play and in a short
time had lost nearly everything ho
had. A few hours later found him
staggering along the streets again , a
wretched picture of human misery.
Three Funerals.
Mrs. Hanson , wife of Peter Hanson ,
was buried Sunday in Prospect
Hill comotry. Short religions ser
vices were hold at the residence 01
Cuming btroot.
Miss Mary Miller , a young lady
who resided at Twenty-third atid
Williams streets was intoned Sun
day afternoon. The funeral exorcises
were conducted by Rev. Mr. G rah an
of this city.
The funeral exorcises of the lat
Thomas Inglia , the civil engineer ii
the employ ef the U. P. railway
who died from the offocU of aunstrok
on Friday last , wore held at 9 o'clock
a.m. yesterday at the rooms of Under
taker Jacobs. The remains will b
interred in Prospect Hill comotry , in
accordance with < the request of his
wife , who is living in Guolph , Canada ,
as Mrs. Inglis is loft in destitute cir
cumstancos. Assistant Chief Engi
near Way , will BOO that the oxponsci
of the funeral are defrayed.
Fatal Overheating.
John MoNauj > hton , a woll-knowi
citizen of this city , died at St. Joseph'
hospital Sunday morning nt thrc
At noon Saturday ho was onjoyin ,
as good health na usual , apparently , bu
BOOH afternoon ho wont to his root :
and complained of being sick. H
was removed to St , Joseph's hospita
where ho died as stated. Ho was , a
the time of his death , and had boo
for years , in the employ of Messrs
Harris & Fisher , as salesman in the !
meat market. The causa of his sadden
don death was the intense heat of
Saturday and the day previous. The
funeral was hold yesterday nt 4 , p. in.
Seventeen genuine southern mock-
Ing birds , just received Iroin Texas ,
and for sale at Boo Hive Photograph
studio , 10th etreot.
Star Tinted Spectacle at
EUHOLM it EiticKsos's.
"BLACK-DRAUGHT" cures costive-
ness and Sick-Headache.
At C , F. Gosdman'j.
Happenings of Interest There
The following transfers , filed with
the county recorder are reported from
the title abstract and real estate office
of J. M. Squire * Co. , Council Bluffs :
ShoriffPottowatamio Co. to Sullivan
Saving Inst. , lot 1 , in b 11 , Avoca.
Con. 8000.25.
Win. Boughman to John Wilson ,
the nw iof so , 2 , 74,38. Con. 895 ,
Knto C. Brown to L. II. Mossier ,
lot 8 , in b fi , Jackson's add. ' city.
Con. $1,900.
Win. A. Mclvcown to E. Cromack ,
no of nw J , 10 , 7713. . Con. § 000.
First National Bank to Wm. Richmond
mend , lot 17 in b 4 , Baylisa add
city. Con. § 700.
Sheriff of Pottowalatnio Co. , to
Robert Pcrcival , so of no | , 25 , 75 ,
42. Con. 0105.31.
C. , 11. I. P. R. W. Co. , to
Leonard Everett , no J of BW i , 22 ,
77 , 42. Con. ? 374.
Nelson Swanson to A. P. Waldo
lot 3 in block 129 , Crescent City , $5.
Sheriff to E. R. Hinckloy S. W.
quarter 32-75-38 , $510.08.
R. Frazier to James A. Frazicr E.
one-half S. W , 33-74-11 , $2,000.
D. 0. Bloomo to M. A. Lacy lot 10
in block C , Stutsman's first add. city ,
J. M. Palmer to A. S. Ilussoll lot 2
in block 7 , Hall's add. , $80.
M. D. Bartlett to Robert Porcival
lot 8 in block 3 , Grimes' add. city ,
Treasurer Potts Co. to John T.
Stewart lot 3 in block 20 , Everett's
add. city , $8.23. '
Robert Porcival to John T. Bald
win S. E. quarter of S. W. and W.
one-half , S. W. , S. E. 14-75-40 ,
0. , R. I. & . P. R. W. Co. to Claus
Mellor S. W quarter of S. E. quarter
1-70-38 , $320.
Tun OMAHA BEE , a full eight-pato ;
paper , with all the Council Bluffs
news , only 20 cents per week , de
No better way to advertise the
Bluffs than through the columns of
P. T. Mayno will soon move his
family to Council Bluffs , and become
a permanent citizen. Ho will doiroto
his entire time to the manufacture and
sale of brooms.
John Hammer made twenty dollars
in his colt sale at the city pound ,
Mr. Lawrence Morklc , father of the
singers , has trcatcd-his homo to a now
Miss Micholson , ono of the school
teachers , has just completed a neat
ono story cottage on Washington avo-
Thomas Skinner , ono of Boomer
township's thrifty fanners , called to
day. Ho thinks crops will bo short
this fall , but that tlio business will
oven up on account of the higher prices
the farmers will get.
Several very pretty and costly mon
uments have recently boon placed in
Fairview cemetery. Amonc them wo
note ono on the lots of T. T. Lmdaoy
and J. II. Keith.
The Western Polishing company
talk of putting now machinery in tlioir
factor } ' , on lower Broadway.
C. II. Whuroy , of St. Louis , J.
Woolen , of Chicago and James Crow ,
of Mincton , are at the Kovoro.
This cool weather is certainly 10-
fresiling after the heated term.
The police force is on the increase.
The city will soon bo pretty effectually
Police ofiicor J. W. Morno will car
ry out Jackson's policy : "Pay up or
stop barking.
David Germain has been appointed
poll tax collector , vice Hiealor , re
signed. '
Frank Smith , ono of the boys , hired
a hiqh stopper , and taking a couple of
high stoppers with him went out for a
driyo last Sunday. All wont serene
until they turned on to Pierce street ,
when they went at a break-nock pace ,
attracting the attention of Officers
Brooks and Stiring , who chocked their
flneed and took thorn around to
Lsquiro Burkd's oflico. Ono of the
girls , being rather quiet , was dis
charged , .but Frank and the other
girl had to come down with a small
line and costs.
Frank Wilson couldn't resist the
temptation Sunday offered for a ride
and ho was compelled to pay a line
yesterday for fast driving.
Five drunks and four cases for dis
turbing the peace , came before Judge
Burke yesterday.
The case of the city against 0. J.
Scarbury. which has boon continued
from time to time , was disposed of f
finally in Judge Burko's court yes
An accident occurred yesterday nf
ternoon at tlio residence of S. V , Hal
that came near resulting in the deatl ;
of Mr. Hall's little infant daughter ,
Mrs. Hall had loft the little ono or
the bed asleep , and during her absence
sonco from the room a largo pillow ,
calculated moro for ornament than
use , fell on its faoo and came very near
smothering it to death.
Andrew Dalryinplo , of Omaha , has
concluded to make Council Bluffs his
future homo. Ho has taken charge of
the oflico of the Crystal mills , as book
keeper for T. J. livaus ,
Smith & Norton caught a rat
weighing eight pounds in their store
yesterday. They would have kept
him on oxhibitipn until the arrival of , f
Barnum , but ho was so badly injured
in catching him that he died shortly
, Forty yearn' trial ku protcd "BLACK-
DRAUGHT" the best liver medicine in
I the world.
At C. F. OooJunn'j.
V. M. CA. . Proscnlntlon ,
The second presentation of the Y.
M,0. A. occurred Sunday oveningat the
Christian church. A fine audicnco
was present. A cordial greeting was
extended to the visitors by the pastor ,
Rov. J. W. Ingram , after which some
music was furnished by the
young men's'choir of the as
sociation , Dr. J. 0. Denise gave an
outline of the history of the associa
tion from the time of its organization
in London thirty-seven years ago by
George Williams to ita introduction
into Montreal , Canada , and Boston ,
Mass. , with a sketch of its subsequent
spread throughout this country. Goo.
T. Howsor , the general secretary , gave
a brief presentation of the local work
of the association after which a hand
some sum was realized from a collec
tion in aid of the work.
Dudley T. Higginson Shakos
Omaha Dust Prom His
Quito a sensation has been created
within the last day or two in certain
Omaha business circles by the abrupt
disappearance of Dudley T. Higgin-
son , a stock broker. Ho has been in
Omaha only between three and four
months , but during that time has in
gratiated himself into the confidence
of several citizens. His business waste
to act as agent for parties desirous of
speculating in the Chicago stock
market and ho had daily tele
graphic reports with which to
keep them acquainted with
the fluctuations of the various stocks.
Ho pretended to represent the firm of
Irwin , Ord & Co. , stock brokers in
Chicago , but it is now assorted that
ho had nothing to do with the firm.
Instead of investing money left with
him with the firm mentioned or other
rcsponsiblo brokers , who charge a reasonable
sonablo commission , he dealt almost
exclusively with "buckctshops , " that
charge but n small per ccntago on the
amount invested. With the differ
ence between a legitimate and an illegitimate
gitimato commission , it is charged , ho
would speculate on his own hook.
Apparently lie became infatuated with
the business , for finally- is charged ,
ho not only took the commissions , but
also the money loft with him. It re
sulted disastcrously for him , as his
sudden departure will indicate.
Among the heaviest losers are Hon.
John I Redick , who is said to have
been mulcted out of over § 700 , while
Robert and William Soxaucr each
lese smaller amounts. Others , whoso
names have not boon learned , have
lost various sums. It is said that
this is not the first crooked experience
which is charged to Higginson In
Chicago , something over a year ago ,
ho became involved in such a manner
as to cause hts arrest and imprison
ment. Ho was then relieved
by his father , a resident of Chicago ,
at a cost of over § 3,000 , which
sum it is said ho could ill afford to
spend. Since Higginson loft Omaha
word has been received from him to
the effect that ho might return in a
few days , but that ho had hcon offered
n position in Chicago which ho mjght
accept. Ho said that in any event ho
would como back in the fall and start
another brokerage business.
Cracked Walla in the New
Engine House.
A visit to the waterworks yester
day developed the fact that although
work is beinc ; prosecuted , the pumps
and other machinery cannot bo ready
for use as early as has boon anticipat
ed by the company. Twelve or fif
teen teams are filling in on the reser
voirs , which will probably bo ready
before the completion of the pumping
works , The engine and pumps have
boon placed in position , and machin
ists are engaged in , fitting them up.
The boilers and furnaces are in the
building and are being lined and cov
ered with firo-brick. Upon the east
wall of the building two apparently
serious breaks in the wall have appear
ed. Ono , the moro serious of the two ,
is over Iho door , and extends from the
door arch to the roof , and is nearly
half a foot in width. They have doubt
less been occasioned from the placing
of. the heavy machinery in the build
ing. No dangerous results are feared
from the further settling as moro or
loss sottlingniust necessarily take place
where the walls are built upon such a
sandy foundation.
Booth Privilege * .
Tlio bids for booth privileges on the
Fair grounds during the State fair this
fall were opened yesterday afternoon
and the right granted to E. P. Davis ,
of this city. There were only three :
bidders and but four dollars difference
between the three bids. Those offer
ing bids were ; Felix J. McShano , E.
P. Davis and the First M. E. church
society. As Mr , Davis was the high-
cst and most satisfactory bidder ho
was granted the privileges.
This included only the privileges o
the booths and not of the dining hal
and warm meals , Accordingly , an ad
vortisomont will bo found in THE BKE
calling for bids for the dining hull ant
warm meal privileges.
They Divide the County Into
Three Districts.
The usual meeting of the board of
county commissioners was held Satur
day evening. All the commissioners
were present. The bond of D. P.
Hodman , as overseer of highways in
Saratoga precinct , was approved. The
county clerk was instructed to adver
tise for proposals to grade the
first hill west of the corporate
limits on Cuming street and the road
to bo thirty feet wide and down to es
tablished grade , the same to not ex
ceed 0,000 yards. A largo number of
bills were ordered to bo paid. The
Following Has then adopted :
RKSOLVED. That the county of
Douglas bo divided into three districts
as provided by law in that behalf for
Iho purpose of electing commissioners
.as follows !
The first district shall consist of the
following voting prccint :
Precinct number ono and two of
the city of Omaha , corresponding with
wards number ono nnd two therein :
Douglas precinct , Millard precinct and
Chicago precincts ; the second district
shall consist of the following precincts :
Precincts number three and four of
the city of Omaha , corresponding with
wards number three and four therein ;
West Omaha precinct ; McCord precinct -
cinct and Platte Aralloy precinct. The
third district shall consist of the
following voting precincts : Precincts
number five and six f the city of
Omaha corresponding with wards
number five and six therein : Saratoga
precinct , Union precinct Jefferson
precinct , and Elkhorn precinct.
The board then adjourned.
Notes from Coluuilms.
Correspondence of The Bcc.
COLUMDUS , July 10 , 1881. About
4 p. m. yesterday , Miclmol Brocknor ,
a laborer on the O. , N. & B. II. rail
road , dropped down while at work on
the road two miles west of this rity ,
from the excessive heat , and died in
about three quarters of an hour. No
ono supposed that it was anything
serious until ho was dead. The de
ceased lived near Humphrey , in this
county , where ho has a brother living.
Chintz bugs are working in the
small grain , and some of the
farmers are complaining of rusts.
Otherwise grain looks well. The
straw is immense , butit is hard to pre
dict how well it will fill this excess
ively hot weather. Corn and potatoes
never looked better.
Business in Columbus is steadily
increasing. . Wo are in hopes of hav
ing the wagon bridge across the Loupe
brk finished soon , when Commodore
lammond and Capt. Ames can rest
heir hard worked fleet. OMEGA.
Information wanted regarding the
vhereabouts of Hugh D. Heagg. His
laughter nt Knoxyillo , 111. , is very
ow. Anyone giving information of
lini to D. M McKnight , Omaha , or
H. W. Heagt : , Knoxville , 111. , will bo
rewarded with the thanks of his fam-
ly. July 19-3t-m&o
"BLACK-DRAUGHT" makes chills
and fever impossible.
At C. P. foodman'j. !
Car load of Budweisor beer received
o-day bj' Julius Troitscliko , agent for
State of Nebraska. j8-3t
CfOrA AAATO LOAN At 8 per ccntln.
P/4UU.UUU torent In unw of J2.EOO and
inwards , for 8 to 5 yaars , on Hint-class city and
ami property. HKHIS HKAL DITATK and LOAM
AIIK.NCV. 15th and Uomrhs SU.
ONEY TO LOAN Call at Law Oillce of D ,
M L. ThoniM I'.oomS. Crclt'hton lilock.
'ANTED Machine hands at Omaha Shir
Factory. 432-20
WANTED lloabout 15 or 10 yearaold. al
the Omaha Steam Laundry. 433-20
ANT1-E 26 carpenters. Apply nt 1613
Farnham street. 442-23
WANTED THO lewlnjr girls , 611 ICth street
hot. Howard and Jackson. 441-20
A email building eultablo for nmn
WANTED soap , Ar dress , ' ! ! . C. " thin of
Hco. 437-10
ANTKD To buy a small manufacturing
business AddrW II , " lieo Ollico.4 29 2U
W ANTED A ( rood girl for general house
work at lH12ilurt.8t. 43"-tf
WANTED A furnished frcnt room , alio
room w 1th board. Add rots rostottlco box
53. 427-18
- rent , a dwelling with five o
WANTED-To and .table. Address "II,1
lice otllce , 423-20
Washing by a first-class laund
WANTED . lira. Mary Goodson , Shlnu't
stcond addition , North Omaha. 436-19
WANTED-Scrvant girl to go w est. Must b <
ngood cook , The best of references ro
required. Apply atj 1011 Davenport street ,
south side. Karu paid and w ages liberal. 4201'
. A Urge furnlnhcd room w 1th bean
In a respectable locality , for man and wife
F'rlvatu family preferred , lUferencea exchanged
Address -'Y" Hue otllco. 410-r
\TtrANTED-A ( food girl for general house
VV work. Apply H1U Jackson street , hctwec
lUh and 15th. MII8. A. MUllI'HY.
To rent , a liouw with three o
WANTED . Mint bo neat , c'o in , com en
lent and cheap. Address , utatuiff terms and lo
cation , D. J. , this ottlt-e.
Mo-ilders to go to I'ueblo , Col' '
WANTED thu Colorado Coal and Iron Co
Wages 83 and &S.2S Per day. Write to i > . N
Jones , ger.cral superintendent South 1'ucblo , fo
full particulars. 415-21
W 'ANTED Situation tending bar orworkin.
In grocery or meat niarktt. Can glto cit
referee * . Address "K. H. W. " 311 8.10th etret'
A fllrl to do general housework
WANTED llarney struct. 410-tf
WANTED A girl to do general hotisuvor
Uood references required. Apply tout :
cut cor. 10th and Uaniey.
409-tf C. UALEACK.
- DanUh girl. Omala liakcr
610 10th street. 4021U
A thoroughly competent cool
Waires , # 20 per montli. MllS. O , V.
AUUUOSE , 1024 Pariiham St. , between 10th am
"rjC/TANTED / I One imm m a county males mi
V > lien wdling our springs lor bujnry sha :
couplings. Send ktampjor terms and cut or 6C
In tUuijM fora pair , toantl ItaUlcr Saft.t > Sprli : llandolph bt. , Chlcago.m-tli-saty-i |
"AXTANTED A tlrst-datorook ; nul Men art
> t immediately , ut the Occidental hotel.
[ / "ANTEUI'uudin ? trid.-v and tiuool bond * ,
} II , T. CUrk , UtUnuc , 20-
, - - - .
" \XrANTED A partner or imjer. Inquire t
VY Philadelphia CoHco House , 10th street.
\T7"ANTED A No. 1 Rarbcr tan find a utraclv
V\ situation anJ peed pay by Inquiring at 6M
( oM number ) 15th street , OmahaNcb. , of
287-tl 0. II. FITCH.
" \\J ANTED Two hoarders. YounR men prc-
VV fcrrcd. Aildrc-a "A. " Bee office. UO-tf
> VVh lc ale Clotlilne Homos In New York
City , lor the coming fall Uwlo , cxpcrlcncud gales
ten. Thoio hating experience and commanding
good trade * 111 find tlili a first clan opportuni
r. Apply ftt once , with references to A. 11. 0.
est omcu box SOS , New Vcrk City.
TTASTED A good dining room girl immcill-
l'V ' atcly at thy Occidental hotel. 220-tf
A girl to do general housework.
VV Apply 1710 Farnham street , northwest
jnicr of 17th. 330-tf
-fr I ANTED To buy ngood eklfl. Address S.
rTI " " , , Dee olllcc. 317-1 f
AT MUS. K. K. CLAHKF/S No. 1 Hoard
GALL House , cor. 13th and Dodge Sts. Best
the city.
'I710U SALU A good juiing faintly horse and
JL ? bUKKy. Inquire of E. I ) . Smith. 1408 Chlcft-
o street , bet. 14th ana IGtli. 439-23
IIKNT FurnUhcd front room ; new brick
1 house , corner 17th and California streets ,
lo. COS. 417-tf
T1OU UKNl' tlou o near I. S. HnntiU'8 , In.
quire of John O , Jacobs 411-tf
TTlOlt KENT Two furnished rooms on Jackson
JU street ; between 10th and l"th , third homo
om the northeast coiner of 17th. 370-tf
' " ' " " " " "
Ti'S With"board'a" largo"furn"uiicti"rooii"r.
. A few iby boarders wanted , 1&03 California
reel. 390-tf
1.1011 KENT Nicely furnished largo room and
JL piano .8. W. corner 18thand Capital Axe.
11ENT 2' furnhhed roonn o\er 4lcJ-
FOR * Exchange , N , K , cor. 10th and Dodge
reels. 2b9-tf
T OH SALE A Rood saddle pony , cheip. Will
JU work In harncss.JAddrcss \ . \ . X. , this olRco
FOR 8AI.K A new house , built two years , full
lot , well anil c > en thing complete , on Dode |
trcut , between 20th and 27th , No. 2010. In-
ulro on premises. mws-425 2.1
TTIOK SALE Agood , young sound familyliona
JU Ocntloand kinil ; also single harness , almost
ew. Will bo In town Monday or Tuesday. Ad-
ress , "Seller ! ) . " UcoolIIeo. 421-18
71OR HALE House of 6 good rooms anil lot 20
J xlOO feet , and only 7 or 8 squares from U. 1' .
imps. Price $1,050. John L , . McCague , agent ,
ipposltcpostolllco. 331-tf
T710R SALE CIIKAP The only hot-l In Nortlt
JU Loup , Valley County , Neb.,30 miles from St.
'aul , 15 mtlcj fiom Urd. Good location , good
rado and Improving. For 'particulars write A.
' . C. . North Loup , box 0. 371-augll
TTMIWELLAS Ana 1'arasols repured uy il.
U SCHLTT llth and Faniam stu. "SOtf
171011 SALE A largo two story frame shlngle.l
JL roof Hotel and one story kitchen ; also ono
itory frame , shingled of , hall room fortcn , net *
o dance , and barn largo enough to hold twenty
cams- All situated on corner of Uroail.and 4th
itrect , Fremont , Dodge Co. , Neb. For further
nfonnatlon apply to C. C. THOMPSON ,
353-to s-8 Fremont , Dodge Co , , Neb.
Uood house with four rooms and
FOKSALE No. 2013 Dod o between 20th and
. ' 7th street. Good < \ell and elude trees ; house In
oed condition. Inquire on premises. 2'21-tf
) 203-tf ESTABUOOK & COE.
" 171 OK SAMA small engine , B. W. 1'ayno &
I' Son's uiikc. In perfect osdcr. Inquire of II.
U. Clark & Co. 30-tf
"T710U SALE Lease and furniture of a Hrst-clasa
JU hotel In a town of 1300 Inhabitants , In state
if Nabraska ; has 24 beds ; the traveling men's re
sort. Inquire at 11EE ofHcc. 218-tf
I7IOKSALK 'I'wo story house and part lot , nca
Jj depot. Location good. John L. McCoguo
Opp PohtOIIlee. 863-tf
TT1OU SALE 2 aircs ground in West Omaha.
JU Inquire of J. Henrv , No. 110 10th. 873-tl
,1UK SALK Malts o ! Douglas and Sarpy coun-
J ties. A. UOStWATER , lD20Farnham street
I will do all kinds of washing ( no Ironingat 30
cents per doz. Mrs Julia C. Daniel , near
Crclghton College. 44S-1U
| \/TACHING / hands and button hole n aKcrs at
1V1 Harrison's , 1122 rarnham. 431-20
rnWO unfurnished rooms to let , in a private
J family. $10 monthly. No children. 171'J
Jackson street. 434-20
'I1AKKA Ul' A rtd and uhlte opotted cow
1. about Oj ears old , right cor cropped , at He-
fan's addition , north Omaha.
43C-23 L. HKNNENIIOFnit.
LOST I'air of Kye-gl&wct with gold hook.
Finder will bo re .inled by icturnln'- them
" Fiedcrick's Hat Store , 410-1U
From Hickstvin'a meat market , lull
street , ono bay mare about four J tars old ,
hite star lnforeheadhad ; on halter. Infonna-
'lon lca < lng | to her recovery 111 he paid for by
mo LAWYERS AND OTHEKS A rapid stcn-
,1 ograhcr ] desires occasional or permanent
'injiloynient. Has had 8 years experience. Terms
moderate. Address "Stcno , " 1421 Howard St.
KEWAHD Lost , gold hunting case stop
watch , gold rope chain and nuggetat-
tached. The above reward will bo paid on re-
urnof the natch to HUGH McCAFFHEY ,
381-tf IBth and Doujlas streets.
nrtHREE or four young men can be accommoda-
JL ted with board , tlcferencesexchanged. AI > -
ply 20H Cess street , 4th door went of Suth St. ,
iroildrcsa Hot 337 , iKstofflce. 343ft
ONEY TO LOAN on real enUte , at
M 290-eod-lO DEXTKU L. THOMAS ft 1)110.
. BllOWN-Corner 12th and Chicnn >
. ttrcctg , U reaily to bora or deepen welu.
. ( action guaranteed. C03U
rpEAMS Can bo got at John lUrrietable for
JL all kinds of work Hi imnonuUt njrurn , near
tor ISth and Lea\cnworth ttrceta. 378-U
' FOUUKT The guuceoiora of the American
ican House , on Douglas ntrc t , between Bib
and 10th , for board , lojging and transient cut
tomers. Kespeitfully . JULIUS & LOUISE ness.
SEALKD l'HOI'OSAI.8 w Illbe retired by tbo
undersigned until Saturday , July 23d , 1881 ,
at 3 o'clock p. m. for ( Trading six thousand ( GCOO )
jinlson tlr.t lilllvtbt o [ tlio corporate limits oti
Cumin'btu-ct txtcn lon. Cut to bo SO feet In
wMthanJdown to cetablUhcdiraile ,
lly order of tlio Hoard of Comroliibioners , July
10 , 1681. JOHN 11. MANCIIESTKII ,
440-2" ; County Clerk.
Absolutely Pure.
llailo from Oral * Cream Tartar. No other pro
tUation make * t > uch light , flaky hot bread/ )
usurious pastry. Cut boraicnby D ) > i > ei > tlc
Ithout fear of the 11U resulting from heak y Indl
d. Sold only In van * , by all Grocers ,
New York.