Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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    OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , JULY 15 , 1881.
Friday Morntnr * , July 16.
Patterson sells conl.
Get yonr haU nt Donne' * .
Drink Snxc'd Perm-Inn Beer.
Smoke Saxe'a liand mivlc 10o
1000 residence lot * , BemK ngent.
COO business lots. Cull on JJcmU.
25C houses and lota. Bcmis' agency.
A. W. Nason , Dentist , Jacob' * block.
Betnls' new map of Omaha , 25 cents.
Everyone drinks Saxo'a Cream Soda.
IJemia' real citato boom , pint page.
200 farms and 100,000 * acres of land
Bern ! * , agent.
Natural Mineral Wntcr on draught nt
Kulm's drug store.
For FINK Commercial Job Printing ,
nil at THE HKE Job rooms.
Great rush for Dress Goods at At-
lcin on' ; low prices will tell. ) yl2-tf
The Jjlon continues to roar for Moore's
Harness and Saddlery.
Whlnplo , McMillan & .Co. , the jewel-
era. Crcifbton Block. o2G-tf
Prescriptions ft specialty , Opera House
Pharmacy , 211 S. 15lh'Street.
Safes , machinery , rwid all kinds of
heavy hauling done by Brlsco & Co. , the
safe men. w&s-tf
A large number of/people / from the our-
ronmlliig country were in the city yester
There was but a Binglo C.OHO before
Judge Beneko yesterday and that was
one of drunkcncfts.
A. Grose , a painter employed at Mil
ton Kogcift' store , on Farnlmm street , had
his foot crushed Thurnday by a largo flag
etono falling on It.
Coup's circus leaves here for Lincoln ,
exhibiting there to-day and in Ne
braska city the following day. It then
ROCS to Atchison and the towns and
cities of Missouri ,
Thomas .1. Page , ft private in company
P , Ninth infantry , deserted yesterday ,
and it is alleged incidentally carried away
with him omo mouoy which was intrusted
to hi * by a brother soldier. The mili
tary authorities are searching for the de
Col. Hoyall is registered at the With
ncll house.
W. A. Coggslmll , of Fremont , is n guest
nt tlio Canfield house.
Mrs. 1 * . E. .Tone * , nee Mis' ' ? Alice Me.
lane , ii in the city visiting her parents.
Chns. S. Klguttcrandhismotherleft J-CH
tcrday for the Minnesota pleasure resorts.
F. 31. Gnrrctt , nn attorney of PotUvillc ,
PA. , is in the city while making a prog'
pecting tour of the went. Ho IH more
favorably impressed with Omaha than any
place ho has neon in thin Kcction of the
W. J. Anderson , of Ashland , in in the
U. E. Corbin , of Deadwood , in at the
W. IL 13. Stout , of the state pcnitcn-
tinry , is in town ,
D. ' II. Wheeler , of Plattsmouth , spent
the day In the city ycwtcrday.
Mrs. A. J. Hanscom nn I daughter left
yesterday afternoon for Denver.
31. S. TJ. Sherard WOH in the city ycntcr
day , on bin way from California to his
homo in Chicago.
Jlon. 33. K. Valentine , congrcHsman
from Nebraska , arrived in the city yen-
tcrtlay aftcnioon.
Judge Hull , of Lincoln , arrived in the
city yesterday from the mountain * o :
Colorado and Wyoming.
Misses King and lluiwell , niccew of Gen
Iviiig , of Fort Omaha , who have beei
-rihitlng In thin city nmUlcInlty.for ncvera
weeks , started yesterday afternoon for Detroit
troit , Michigan. ,
Cnpt. U. II. Napier , of the EngliMl
royal navy , who haa for the past year com
inanded the hip of war Nassau on tin
coast of China , poHHcd through the city
yesterday over the U. 1' . , on hln way via
Uew York to London.
3lov. 0. B. Young , of Philadelphia ,
raduato fron > Princeton college and froii
C'rozler Thcploglcal Bcmlnary , arrived yes
terday and in visiting friciula In the city
Mr. Youiu- comes to accept the pautorat' '
of n Uaptlst church in the Htato , and wil
ei > cnd next Sunday in Geneva.
0. W. Collins , the contractor of tin
new rood which the Union Pacific com
pany Is building from Granger noithvves
into Oregon , left yesterday for Granger
His wife nnd family accompanied him
3Io also took out from thin city about
twenty-five laborers to work on the road
Oranges and lemons for sulo by the
liox , Eitii & DUQUKTTK ,
JulyU-3t Council Blufla.
TJio only place in the city where
Jos. Schlitz'a Milwaukee boor is found
on draught is the Merchants Ex
cluwgo , cor. 10th nnd Dodge street.
! ! ! The Coolest Hat ! The liamloo ! ! !
Just received by Frcterick Jlatter ! ! !
DOWN ! ' 'DOWN ' ! ! DOWN ! ! | ,
Down go the prices at Hushnum's.
ALL WOOL Buntings at 80. Our Silks ,
Dross Goods and Hosiery are and liavo
OMAHA , ' , it.
Butwoiscr Boor for family use. For
Bale by Julius TrcHschko. j2-5t
Children's dresses at 09 cent atoro.
Bargains in all kinds of boots , shoes
tics and slippers , for summer wear , ut
Fullriudo's , Douglas , Ixitweoii Thir
teenth anil Fourteenth.
. i . i . .
Creamery butter in ono and two
pound cans , at J. B , French & Go's.
The best meat and prices lower
ever , P. BuNsay ,
-Fulton Market , 10th Street. tf
Follows an Attempt tD Levy
on a Horse.
Yesterday afternoon Constable Chiu.
Edgerton experienced considerable
difliculty In serving a writ of attnch-
mont in a suit brought by D. T. Mount
Against William Ticket.
The writ was issued for 83 ! ) , the
value of n sot of harness bought of
Mr. Mount by Picket. The con
stable probably anticipated trouble
in the service for ho look
a man along to assist him. They
went to the house of Picket in North
Omaha nnd proceeded to levy on one of
four horses there belonging to Picket.
The horse was saddled mid the con
stable had a man on its back when
Picket came out and objected to its
being taken. IIis protest assumed a
violent form , for ho attacked Edger
ton in a lively manner , striking nt
him with a club. After some skir
mishing and blows the con
stable got the bettor of the
man and laid him on his back ,
Ho soon cried quits and was allowed
to assume a perpendicular attitude
once more. However , the idea again
possessed him that ho was able to
cope successfully with the ofllcor , and
ho tackled him , this tinio assisted by
his wife , who appeared upon the field.
The aid of the constable's assistant
was then required and ho was prompt
to the rescue. During the melee
Picket's clothes were badly 'torn and
the constable lost a gold sleeve-
button , valued at ten dollars.
The levy waa nt last accomplished and
the horse taken. Edgorton says that
resistance to legal process is becoming
to frequent , nnd ho proposes to
atablish a precedent for future cases
iy arresting the defendant in this
no , and making him pay a fine for
, Bsiult. ;
They Succeed in Making
Small Haul.
Yesterday between cloven [ and
.wolvo o'clock thieves entered Mrs.
'arkins' ' [ residence , 1411 Howard
itrcot. All the occupants had loft the
louse to see the show and had locked
[ ill the doors , leaving the window of
.he back kitchen open. The thieves
, ere away the mosquito netting
ami entered by this window.
Mrs. Parkins was only away three
quarters of an hour and it appears the
hiovcs were alarmed at her return as
, hey only took a pair of gold buttons , a
chain and twenty-five cents in coin.
There wore two gold watches in the
ippor rooms but these they had not
apparently discovered. The thieves
rummaged a bureau and book-case
containing some clothes but took none
f those.
Union Catliolio Library.
The board of managers of the
Union Catholic Library association
mot in regular monthly session nl
heir rooms last evening , and made
irrangomonts for the monthly social ,
, o bo given ono week from this oven-
ng. Cool refreshments , muidwichcr
with musical and literary pabulum
will bo spend before all who desire t <
spend a ploasuit oving. The lad }
nembers of the association are re
quested to meet and consult with the
[ imuBomunt committee at the library
rooms next Sunday afternoon nt
o'clock. The regular committees for
the year are as follows :
Library Messrs , John Murphy ,
Charles Hanloy , John Hush , E. A
O'Brien and John Daily.
Lectures and Entertainments
Messrs. W. A. L. Gibbon , T. ,7. Fitz
morris and Miss Stucia Crowloy.
Finance Messrs. Hugh McManus
Win. M. Bushman and John A. Me
Oranges and lemons for sale by the
box. Eiiu it DUQUETTE ,
JulyM-3t Council Binds.
1)HISS : GOODS 1 DRESS 0001)8
IWKSH noons 1
For the next thirty days , wo wil
sell Dross Goods at ruinous prices to
make room for fall stock. If yoi
want a dross of any description bu ;
now and save money , ut the cic/'itoid /
alijcd leading establishment of
Croighton Block , ICth St. ,
Near the Postofllco.
N. B. Call early , while stock i
complete , as wo mean business in tin
Creamery butter in ono nnd tw
pound cans , nt J. B. Fronnh & Go's
Dried and evaporated fruits , aouiu
and warranted nt cost for the next 1
days. FLEMING & Co.
Ladies' and Gents' Gold nnd Silve
Watches in trout variety , at Whipplo
McMillon efc Go's. Jy 13-1
A girl for general housework in
family of two. Good references ro
quired. Inquire at now cottage , nort
aide of Chicago and 25th street , las
house. jyllt
Mm. Morrow's Remain * .
Previous to the remains of Mrs.
lorrow being transferred to the depot
or transportation east yesterday ,
lort religious exercises were held at
10 house of Dr. McClelland , llov.
ohn Williams offered a prayer and
lade a nliort address. The pall
oarers wore J. E. Boyd , Joseph
arkcr , 0. II. Guiou , Gee , A. Gilbert ,
ohn G. Taylor , E. L. Biorbowcr ,
lichard McCormick nnd Benjamin
. i .
An Example to Follow.
The finest piece of crosswalk in the
ty is now being laid over Capitol nv-
nuo just nt the Crcighton house ,
ny city property holders contoin-
lating laying crosswalks would do
ell to stroll around to the Croighton
ouso this evening nnd accept what
icy nee there as n model of the work
ley intend to do.
Largo Attendance and
Satisfied Public.
Coup's grand railroad monagcrio
tid circuscombincd drew a great crowd
i this city yestorday. Their street
arado was good , and the perform-
nccs , both afternoon and evening ,
were attended by a largo concourse of
coplo , who gave evidence of enjoy-
ng themselves immensely. Thousands
people were in the city from the
ountry and the city people turned
ut in largo numbers.
Ono of the moat pleasing features
f Mr. Coup's arrangements for the
ntcrtainmont of the public is the im
lonsity of his tent accommodations.
Mother feature which gives satisfac-
ion and inspires in the public confi-
once in W 0. Coup , is the fact that
very attraction advertised is actually
ircsentod to the patrons of the show ,
, nd not a word of complaint or dis-
atisfaction is heard from the vast
hrong as they como forth from under
ho canvas at the close of each ontor-
Among the principal features worthy
f special mention were the spirited
races on horseback [ and in chariot
nd other equestrian perform
[ Uiccs. The Zulus , too , excited
rreat curiosity and amusement by
, heir unique and barbarous songs ,
var dances , etc. The show was con
cluded with the usual concert , which
vas far superior to the average. As
a result of this visit of Mr. Coup and
lis interesting caravan to Omaha , of
.his fact ho may bo assured ; that ho
ivill fill his tents every time ho may
jo pleased to como hereafter.
Irregularities in tlio Mall.
To the Editor of Tin UEE :
If Mr. Vnndorvoort is such a great
vorkor in the mail Borvico for the
xmofit of Omnlm nnd the west in
; onornl , what is the reason that the
tVabnah innil , coining from St. Louis ,
.hat . gets in nt the other side of the
river on time nt 10:55 : n. in. , is hold
lioro nnd not sent over to Omaha uiv
, il three o'clock in the afternoon
when n Chicago train is Into. Ho
should rcmombor tlmt there nro mer-
cluuits nnd business men in this plnco
who do n great denl of business will
3t. Louis that suffer on account of this
Oranges and luniona for sale by the
jo.x. Eitii it DUQUETTE ,
Julyl4-3t Council Bluffs.
Watch repairing a epccinlty , i
Whipplo , Mc-Millon & Co. jy3--lt.
The attention of a Ben reporter
was called to some beautifully engrav
ed gold headed canes at Edhohn
Erickaon's. Their solid gold headed
canes sell from SO upwards.
Lots of now potatoes at
Continue their Special Sale of
At Do , 7c , lOc , 12 * and 15 cents
Those nt five cents are admitted b ;
every ono to bo the cheapest good
over shown in Omaha. They canno
be duplicated again at that price ,
Wo are opening daily various lot
of Job Goods from Now York , ant
can assure the public wo never botor
olforod such value.
Removed to the first floor with
full assortment of New Goods a
popular prices. j3-2t
The Apollo Springs mineral wnto
for sale at J. W. Murphoy it Co.'a
corner of Fourteenth and Dougla
streets , is ono of the best mineral wa
turs ever introduced in Omaha. Th
bad olTccts of water in hot weatho
may bo avoided by using the Apoll
water. j8-2t
Mr. Joseph II , Hongon , the we
known bootmaker , has returned t
Omaha and has reopened a boot am
shoo shop on 12th street botweo
Furnham and Douglas , back of Brash
clothing house , Ho will be plcasoi
to input his friends and patrons wh
will find him fully supplied with a
the materials for making first clas
boots and shoos upon short notice ,
The firm name in Ilciigen it Berg-
quiet. j3-tf
Local Occurrences in That
kings That Interest People
in Dog Days.
verytliing of Interest That Han
Two fanners from the country got
ute an altercation opposite the post-
flico yesterday afternoon. They
vcro immediately taken in charge bo-
ore any blood was spilled by Chief of
'olico Field , who walked them up to
ilsquiro Butku's headquarters to an-
ivor for disturbing the peace and
uiotness of the city. The cause of
ho misunderstanding was this : It
coins that one of the men , in n joking
ray , made a remark that the other
ook exception to , claiming it reflect-
d in some manner upon his honor.
le immediately advanced to the par-
y who had given him , as ho supposed ,
, n intentional insult , and grabbing him
iy his board , demanded an apology.
10 got it in a way that came near
analyzing him , for in his grab ho up-
ootedquitoaduantityofhisor/ponont'a '
liin beard , wlio in return struck him a
low in the face. After a full hear-
ng of the ca < o Judge Burke fined the
larty who imagined ho was insulted
nd dismissed the case as to the other.
Ring Bros. , proprietors of the Now
fork bakery on Main street , had
, bout25 stolen from their money
Irawcr.'ycsterdny morning at about 10
j'clock. The proprietors wore in the
jakcry at the rear when the money
; vns taken. The money was in n bag.
! * here was beside some loose chniigo
n the drawer which was not taken.
o thief evidently grabbed in a
The following transfers of real cs-
ate wore filed in county recorder's
flico to-day , as reported by J. W.
Squire & Co. , abstract and loan agents ,
Council Blufls :
Caroline S. Wright to Frederick
chultz , land in o no 17 , 7'1 , 43 con.
§ 500 ; w. d.
C. C. Despain and wife to Ira Hen-
[ ricks , lots 7 and 8 , block 4 , Street's
, dd. city -con. § 250 ; w. d.
Dennis Murphy and wife to AnnaE.
leister ; pt It 4 o. p. city con. $400 ;
v. d.
Jacob Deny and .wife to Geo. W.
Yeoman , lot 7 , block 17 , Grimes' add.
ity con. 8100 ; w. d.
There was a heavy fog yesterday
The sidewalk on North Main street ,
) otwcen Broadway and the bridge "
) oing raised and rebuilt.
The scarcity and high prices of
wultry in the markets indicates that
> oultry raising must bo very profita-
jlo. Why don't more engage in it ?
As it is the markets never seem to bo
ully supplied.
The raising of garden produce and
: ruit ought to bo encouraged and
stimulated as much as possible.
Farmers will find the raising of such
irotluco very profitable , and it will
illbrd the people of this city a good
'nil market at reasonable prices.
Imported fruits and vegetables are
iccessarily higher priced than those
raised at home , while they are goner-
illy not near so fresh and good. L.
A. Casper's fine gardens on Pierce
street shows what can bo accomplish-
id in market gardening in this local
There is hardly finer soil for gar
dening in the world than this.
II. S. Stevens has boon engaged as
traveling agent and solicitor for the
Council Blufls Insuranse company ,
The company have undoubtedly so-
Mtred the services of an efficient agent
in Mr. Stevens.
The excavation for J. J. Brown's
largo brick block on South Main
street is now completed and ready for
the foundation. The brick work will
bo commenced at once.
Mrs. W. H. M. Pusoy , accompanied
by her son and daughter , are at
Manitou , Col. They write in glow
ing terms of Manitou as u summer
Burnham it Tulloy will shortly
erect a brick block n Main sheet , a
few doors south of the postoflico.
W. W. Wallace contemplates orna
menting his residence property ,
which ho is now building , in a hand
some and costly manner. He pro
poses having a fountain or two , The
waterworks will enable many citizens
to indulge in the same luxury ?
Mr. Grass , the contractor has
nearly completed a largo double
building on south Sixth street.
J. W. Damon estimates that ho
will have about 5,000 bushels of ap
ples at his homo place on Frank
street. This is only about a quarter
of a crop. Mr. Damon feels sure that
apples of the right varieties can bo
raised here with great success.
The St. Paul Pioneer-Press p :
the 15th , says concerning the Milwaukee
waukeo line to Council Blutls. There
is some talk of bringing the line di
rectlyinto Council 13 lull's instead o
around the town into the Union do
pot. If the road is brought Mi
rectly into town a cut of seventy fee
will bo needed through ono divide ,
Mr. A. Stowart'ospresijman , a few
evenings ago found a suspicious'look
ing stranger prowling around his barn
Ho instituted a watch , and abou
11 o'clock saw the man enter hi
stable , untie ami lead forth his bos
horso. Ho immediately ordered the
thief to "lot go of that horse , " ant
seizing an axe made chase. The mai
loft the horse and escaped.
"The street railroad track in itspros
cut condition is simply a nuisance
, and it would bo becoming in the city
council to order it planked and put ii
such condition that towns and carriages
riagos can cross it without endanger
in ; , ' life and property. That turn
jiblo in the middle of Broadway anil
hose cars left standing over night on
ho principal thoroughfare of the city
hould nil bo removed to some side
trect or private grounds. The streets
jf the city belong to the public and it
s improper for pitfalls nnd scarecrows
o monopolize- them to the incon-
onienco of the public. No other city
vould permit public streets to bo thus
noiiopolized , especially when lifo is
copnrdized thereby. It is nsscrted
hat horses are frightened frequently
when driven by the cars on Upper
3rondway , nnd the prediction is often
undo that a bad smnshup is likely to
ccur if some prompt action is not
taken for the protection of the public. "
Orcnvillc Dodge , the little son of
tf. P. Dodge , died at Clear Lake on
ho 12th inst.
The Nonpareil of Thursday has
his to say of the Council Kind's street
railway :
Sixty miles of the west end of the
tlilwaukco road will bo completed in
about six weeks.
Finloy Burke has returned to his
low homo in Orange City.
W. J. Hancock and family left last
evening for n visit to Aurora , Ills. ,
Mrs. Hancock's old homo ,
John Peterson yesterday complained
> cforo Judge Abbott that some ono
md stolen nis watch and chain nnd
hat ho suspected a colored man by
ho name of Ueo. Williams , who works
"or J. T. Stewart. A warrant was
ssued nnd placed in the hands of Con-
table McFndden. Ho found Wil-
iams at the stable of Mr. Stewart
rith n facoasinnocent ns grandfather's
clock. When Mr. McFaddon broached
.ho subject of a silver watch ho denied
any knowledge of it whatever , but the
end of the chain hanging out of his
> ants pocket snared him at oncn and
10 surrendered the property McFad-
den took him before Judge Abbot and
10 will have his trial to-day.
Will the moral editors never get
through talking about that Zulu prin
cess ? The moral editor of THE BEE
ins a prescription for both the other
noral editors. It is the motto of the
Knights of the Garter : "Honi soit
iui mal y ponso" Evil to him who
uvil thinks.
A long haired man , partly crazy and
lartly drunk , created a sensation on
, ho street yesterday by claiming ho
vas Guitcau , the would-bo assassin of
President Garfiold.
The regular meeting of the city
council takes place to-day.
Bell et Hall command n largo country
rade. Judging from the largo
amount of produce they are receiving
, ho farmers must bo doing a thriving
justness in general produce and dairy
Homo enterprise should" bo en
couraged by patronizing homo manu-
"actories , especially when they
iroduco a first-class article. It is a
cell-known fact that the
- beer pro
duced at Geise's brewery is strictly
irst-class , being absolutely pure and
jood. Mr. Guise has spared no pains
; b make it so. Ho has recent-
y had sunk , at great ex
pense , an artesian well for
; ho purpose of procurim. ' porf ectly pure
water. His patrons appreciate his ef-
to furnish a perfectly pure article , and
that among the beer consumers and
dealersof this city there is quite a
popular diversion in favor of using
Seiso's beer and to the exclusion of
imyorted articles , which are inferior
and less pure and fresh.
Take Notice-
The Union Pacific Bund is makin
preparations for their annual CACUI
sion and basket picnic , further partic
ulars will bo announced hereafter in
all the papers.
14-3c Louis LEEDEII , Secy.
Plenty of potatoes nt Bufl'ett's.
Clocks from OOcts , up to § 500. at
Spring chickens at
Creamery butter in ono and two
pound cans , at J. B. French it Go's.
Down go the prices , Como and
see. P. BKSEN.
Fulton Market ICth Street. tf
Butwoisor Beer for family use. For
sale by Julius Troitschke. j2-5t
Clocks from OOcts , up to § 500. at
Scaled bids will bo received at 1418
Howard street , Omaha , up to
5 o'clock p. in , , July 18th ,
for the renting of the entire Booth
privileges during the holding of the
State Fair , commencing September
12th , to the 17th , inclusive , nt
Omaha , for the entire dining
hall. Warm meals privilegs and also
the entire Booth stand privileges ,
Parties bidding can Lid on ono or both ,
I reserveing the right to reject any or
all bids , 0. HAIITMAN ,
Treasurer State Board of Agriculture.
Creamery butter in one and two
pound cans , nt J. B , Ercnoh it Co's.
"BLACK-DRAUGHT" makes chills
and fever impofldible.
At C. F , Qoodcnan'3 ,
SHOGO FLOUR , equal to Minno
sola at loss price. For sale by grocers
cors , Welshans & Bro. , agonta.
On and after July 7th , 1881 , excur
sion tickets to St. Paul and return ,
will bo sold at $17 , tickets good to
return on or before October 31 , 1881
For further particulars inquire o
J. II. Hryaui Southwestern Agent
Council Blufls.
Six hundred Cotswool Sheep for
sale , also a fine lot of Cotswool bucks
for sale. Terms to suit.
wjyl3itauglO Schuyler , Nob.
A. S. Billings , dentist , opposite
postoftice. Im-ov-aat
Oranges nnd lemcns for [ sale by the
box. Enn it DUQUETTE ,
Julyl43t Council Bluffs.
Creamery butter in ono and two
pound cans , nt J. B. French & Co's.
Butwcisor Boor tor family use. For
sale by Julius Trcitschko. j2-5t
Parasols cheap at the Boston Store
on 10th street.
Oranges and lemons for sale by the
box. Enn it DUQUETTE ,
Julyl4-3t Council Bluffs.
"BLACK-DRAUGHT" cures costiveness -
ness and Siek-Headachc.
At C. F. Goodnitn'j.
If you wish to avoid great danger
uul trouble , besides a no small biil of
expense , at this season of the year ,
you should take prompt stops to keep
disease from your household. The
ystcm should bo cleansed , blood puri-
led , stomach and bowels regulated ,
uid prevent and cure diseases arising
'rom spring malaria. Wo know of
lothing that will so perfectly nnd
surely do this as Electric Bitters , and
it the trillng cost of fifty cents a bot-
' , lo. [ Exchange.
Sold By Isli & McMahon. (1) ( )
'rom ' 18c. High-priced stores claim
them to bo ' 'worth S5c. " At 37Ao wo
will CLOSE OUT ALL WOOL builtillg , 1 |
yards wide , no such value has over
icon offered in Omaha. At 45c wo are
CTOSINO : OUT all wool lace stripe , 1\ \
rards wide ; it will pay you to buy
heso goods now for next year. Ono
yard wide , half wool dry goods , at
25c ; other good dress goods at from
7ic upwards , cheaper than prints.
Everybody that has seen our silks
.his . spring say they are the cheapest in
, ho city ; a few are still loft to bo
ILOSEO OUT. A lot of very fine silk
embroidered and lace hosiery , at half
wholesale prices" , to CLOSE OUT. Wo
make no extravagant assertions in our
advertisements , but mean just what
wo say , and wo repeat that NO SUCH
. 'ALUE in Dry Goods has over been of
fered in tins city. Many other at-
: ructions are being offered in all de
partments at
iy3-tf BUSHMAN'S ,
Southeast cor. loth and Douglas.
"WINEOFCARDUI" four times a
day makes a happy household.
At C. F. Oooilmin'a
NOTICE Adertlscment To Loan , For Sate ,
Jest , Found , Wants , Hoarding , &c. , will be in
serted In these columns once for TEN CENTS
per line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIYECENTS
> cr line. The first Insertion never less than
TO LOAN At 8 per ccntln-
tcrcst In sums of $2,500 and
upwards , for 3 to Cyaars , on first-class city and
( arm property. UKMIH HKAU ESTATK and LOAM
AOKNCY. 15th and Doiurlas Sts.
PONEY TO LOAN Call at Law Offlce of D.
M L. Thomas Itoomg. Crcfchton Block.
WANTED-Good Danish girl. Omaha Bakery ,
filO10th street. 40210
Man and wife or girl , for farm
WANTED Apply immediately at H. C. Steel &
Johnston' * . 107-15
\T7"ANTii : ) Situations for sljoung girls Just
\V arrived from Switzerland. Only situations
In respectable private families looked for. Ad-
ilrcss No. 20713th struct , between Farnham and
TTT'ANTEn A good reliable man to work by
> Y the month. Must understand the care of
liorscs , eov sand garden. AY. J. CONNELL ,
302-15 1504 Farnhum Street.
WANTED A good girl at 1612 Davenport St.
Good vra'jes paid. 39J-15
WANTED A steady girl as dishwasher.
Keineke's restaurant , 13th and Jackson
street. 400-15
TTTANTED A competent girl for general
VV housework , to whom good wages will bo
paid ; northwest corner of 23rd and Hurt Sta.
"VXTANTED A thoroughly competent cook.
VV Wages , 820 per month. MUS. G. W.
AMBROSE , 1024 Farnham St. , between 10th and
20th. 305-tf
WANTED Te buy a well located and estab
lished Ice cream , fruit and confectionery
business. I'artks laving such for sale cheap
may adtlrc s balance of this week , E. 51 , A. , Oc
cidental hotel , Omaha , Neb. 307-16
W ANTED Fur Sewers' , at lUchter'i , oppo-
WANTKU-A good girl. Wages liberal. 2116
California street , bet , 21st and 22d ctrcits.
" \TrANTHD-lly a respectable girl , a place to
VV sow by the week as a seamstress. Address
M. D. , 210 13tll street 3S3-H
Day boarders , southwest corner
WANTED Nicholas streets , f3.fiO per week ,
- llrst-das * cook anil Mow-art
immediately , ut the Occidental Motel ,
mills' ItEALESTATE BOOM. See 1st page.
ANTKD-Cood lathers. Apply S.V. .
, , Cor. Ibth imdiaml. HATKS&WIK-
UAMS. 370-H
I One mtn in a county makes mo
ney Belling our springs for buggy shaft
coupling * . Bend stamp jor terms and cut or 50e
In btamiis for * pair , toantl-Kattlcr Saftt ) Spring
Company.00 Randolph St. . Chlcago.iu-th-M > tjy-a7
\TtTANTED-25 carpenters. Will pav thu high-
VV c t wages to good men , Apply to 1U13
Farnham btrcct. 3U2-15
\ rANTED Funding bridge and nthool t > oiiiU.
VV H. T. Clark. Bellev no. 20-tf
\T7"ANTED A partner or tmjcr. Inquire at
W Philadelphia Cotlco House. 10th street ,
2bO-Jj 2S
"tTrANTED A No. 1 Barber can find a stcadj
VV situation and good luy by inquiring at 6jy
> ld number ) 15th street , Oniaha.Ncb. , of
207-tf C. II. FITCH.
Two boarders. Young men pre
WANTED . Address "A. " Bee Olttce. 140-tf
VV Wli lcsalo Clothing Houses In New York
City , for the coming f all Uulo , experienced sales
men. Those hat ing cxjierience and commanding
a good trade 111 And this a tint claa opportuni
ty. Apply at once , with references to A. B. 0. ,
1'ot.t office Uox 30j , New Ycrk City.
A good dining room girl immedi
ately at thu Occidental hotel. 2'20-tf
WANTED A girl to do general housework.
Apply 171(1 ( Faruhaiu treet , northwest
corner of 17th. J3U-II
ANTED To buy a good gklff. AddrruS.
W & ) ! . , Bee oOice. 317-tf
fULL AT MUS. B. E. CLARKE'S No. 1 Hoard
\J lag Houte. cor , 13th and Dodze Sts. Best
iu the city , 19-tf
SPECIAL NOTIOES-Dontiiiiieil ,
I. 1OR RENT To ono or two young men , lirgc-
Jj furnished front room , 2d floor , new house ,
Irsl-claM neighborhood References exchanged
400-10 "J , L. W. lice"
TIOKHENT TwofrmiMicil rooms on Jackson
J ? &treet ; between 10th and 17th , third homo
from the northeast coiner of 17th , 370-tf
rno LET-Wlth board a large furnhhcd room.
L A few day boarders wanted , IbOS California
itre'Ct. 390-tf
17IOH HENT Cheap. two store * each with four
L1 room * tit the southeast corner 10th and Cap-
tola\ciiuo. 3GO-1I
FOR SALE Four full-sized lots In Isaacs &
Scldcn's addition , for400.
110(108 k HILL.
71OUHKNT Thrco furnlslioil rooms to
_ J rent. Inquire at Carpenter sliop nc.\t the-
lieu oincc. yio-tl
HOUSES AND LAND Hernia rent * hou cs >
stores , hotels , farms , lots , lands , olllccnf
rooms , etc , See 1st page ,
POH KENT Nicely furnhlicil larifo room and
piano ,3. W. corner Ibth nncl Cnpltixl A\c.
Oll RENT Furnished rooms. Inqulro at 1818-
JL1 Chicago street , _ 600-tf
F OU RENT 2 furnl hed roonn over MeT-
clnnU' ExchangcN , E. cor. llith and Dodgo-
Btrcctx. 289 tf
TTIORSALE A good leather top second-hand
JL' buggy , at 2123 Webster street. 401-10
] 10H SALE A coed einn of mules , Immlro
; of ICth street Meat Market. 390-1U
B EJI1S * A'EW CITY JIAl'S.'JSc. Sec 1st
POU SALE House of 6 jjooJ rooms ntnl lot 20
xlOO feet , and only 7 or 8 tquarc from U. IV
shops. 1'rlco 91,050 , John L , HeCasfUC. nyent ,
opposite postollk-c. SSl-tt
FOR SALE CHEAI > The only hotel In North
Loup , Yallcy County , Neb. . 30 miles from St.
: 'aul , 15 mllcj from Ord. Good location , good
rade nnd Improving. For particulars write A.
J. C. . North Loup , bo0. . 371-atigll
flOR SALE A good horse and buggv. Ad-
1 elicsH B. F. B. , care lice otllcc. 378-10
FOR SALE A hotel builncs * . Good location.
Fnllhouio. Address "J. S."Beeolllec.
212-july 15-cod
bOIt SALE A good team of draft mules a
350-H HAItltia k FISHEIiS. :
riinRCLLAS Anil I'arasois repaired DV M.
) SCHUTT llth and Farnam its. 7t > 0tf
TjlOtl SALE A largo two story fraino uhlngloJ
JJ roof Hotel and ono story kitchen ; nlt.o ono
story frame , shlngldd roof , hall room for ten sets
a dance , and l > arn largo enough to hold twenty
teams- All situated on corner of Ilrond and 4th
street , Fremont , Dodge Co. , Neb. For further
Information apply to C. C. THOMPSON.
35S-to s-8 Fremont , DoJgo Co , , Neb.
[ 71011 SALK. A General .Merchandise Store
J ; Grain House , and holies. Will sell cither
or both. Located In one of the best grain ( wlnts
on the n. & SI. railroad. For further prrticularu
call or address J , II. LENINGUU , WmcrlvNcb.
FOR SALE A new house , built t o years , full
lot , well and cetthing complete , on Uod o
street , ; between 20th and 27th , No. 201 ! ) . Inquire -
quire on premises. 200 tf
Good house with four rooms and
1 half lot , No. 2013 Docltre between 2Gth and
27th street. Good > i .H and shade tries ; house In
good condition. Inquire on premises. 221-tf
203-tf ESTAI1ROOK & COE.
" 171OU SALU $1,500 cash will buy the ttotk and
JL fixtures of the cleanest little business In the
city. Address "Business , " care Carrier 0 , Omaha
liOhtolllcc. 210 tf
JOIl SALE A small engine , U. W. Payne &
Son'8 make. In perfect oidcn Inquire of H.
U. Clark & Co. 30-tf
FOIl SALE Lease and furniture of allrst-clasa
hotel In a town of 1303 Inhabitants , In state
of Nebraska ; has 24 bed * ; the tra\ cling men's re-
sort. Inqulro at BEE olllcc. 218-tf \
01OK SAIK l o story hou c ana part lot. near
depot. Location good. John L. McCoguc ,
Opp Post Office. 05S-tf
I710K SALE House and lot 33x132 ; suitable for
warehouse. Inquire of Peterson , 10th St.
I71OH SALE 2 acres ground In West Omaha.
L1 Inqulro of J. Henry , No. 11010th. S73-tf
MOK SALE Mann of Doujrlas anil harpy coun-
U tics. A. KOSEWATEIl , 1520Farnham rtrcct
FOUND A sihcr plated badge. Owner can
have panic by calling at Boo otlho and pay
ing for this notice. 401-14
r OST A white and brown bpotttd bird dog.
Jj about fho months old , short hair. A liberal
reward will bo paidforhis return to 26th nnd St.
Mary'H aenue. . C. 1' . NELSON.
LOST on June llth , a. bav marc , elgot jears
old. Her foot lap * , had been cut elf thu day
ho u as lost. Lost from thu corner of Oth and
3prucc. The finder will bo rewarded bv return
ing to 1 * . JL , liack Oth and Spiuce " 357-15.cxl
B 1051 IS has rattling long lists of houses , lots ,
lands and farina for sale. Call and get
them ,
GKfnCWAKD Lost , gold hunting case stop
. ? Jl/ watch , gold roiw chain and nugget at-
Ached. Thoabcnc reward will bu paid on re
turn of the watch to HUGH MiCAI'THEY ,
3S4-tf | 15th and Douglas fctrccts.
THREE or four joung men can bo accommoda
ted with board , llcfcrenccs exchanged. Ap
ply 2011 Cass street , 4th door west of 20th St. ,
or address Uox 337 , iKistolllc'e. 343 f
ONEY TO LOAN on real estateat
290-cod-lO DKXTER L. THOMAS & BRO.
. BUOWN-Corner 12th and Chicago
, streets , Is ready to bore or deepen w ells ,
faction guaranteed. C03tf
rilEAMH Can be got at John Barr a stable for
J. all kinds of work at reasonable figures , near
tor 13th and Lcavcnworth streets. 378-tf
D JNT frOIIUKT The suceesHora of the Amer-
_ , lean House , on Douiflas street , betw ccn Oth
and 10th , for board , lodging and transient cua
tomcrs. Iteepectfully
RIHVPI CQ ' nm Al-'cnt lor COLUMBIA _ Vtl '
three cent stamp forCatalogue
and price list containing full
N , I , D , SOLOMON ,
Paints , Oils and Gins
Absolutely Pure.
Jtado from Grape Cream Tartar. No other pro-
arpatlon make * such light , flaky hot breads , o
usurious pastry. Can bo eaten by Dj p ptK !
without fear of the 111 j resulting from heavy Indl
HCStiblo food. Sold only In cam , bv all Grocers.
New Ygik.