TT-TT7. ATU A T-T A Tk A TT.V T5T7T ? . TrD T Tk A V TTTT V i - i 001 THE DAILY BEE , OMAHA PUDLI9HINQ CO , PROPRIETORS. 010 f-Arnham , bet. Oth and 10th Street * . TEIIMS OF SUJtSCHIPTIOX : n 1 > Mr , In adiancepostpaid ( ) . . . flOOO .noiithl " * . . . 6 00 month ) " " . . . 300 RAILWAY TIME TABLE. IFriNa OMAIH HAS ! OR bOUTII BOt\D. C. , R 4 Q 5 ix. m 3 ! 0 p. in. C. & X. W , 0 n ui 3.40 11 m. C. , H. I & 1' . G rt m. 3 45 p. m. K. C , St. J. A C. II , 8 ft. in 3 40 p. m. Atrho ct St. Louis at C 2s n. m and T'(5 n m Mt OR SOCTIWMTS. R. & M. In J.'cK , Throush K\prc ' , S 35 ft , m. It. & M Utiooln l-relght " OOji lu , , U. 1' Exl > roM , 12 1611 in O. i n. v for Lincoln ' , 10 20 Ik m. O. & U. V for OjccoU , P 10 n m v. r. frclsht No. 6 , 6 30 n til c. v. fr ! cht No , s 15 n m v. i1. fnlglit No. 7 , li 10 v in. emigrant. U. I' . frci.-M No. 11 fa 25 u. in. > RRI\I\O KAST OITII. , C , R. & 0 , B 00 a m 7 25 p m. C. & N. M ,045 a. in "i.Vi I' in , C. II. I A.l',045\ . DOS 1 > 111. K C. , St Joe & 0 II ,7:40 : ix in 045p.m. W. , bt. 1 , & l10 M a. in. 4 25 p in. ARRIUSQ FROM TUIt WEST AND SOCTMWKSr. O. k It. V. from Lincoln 12 12 p. m. U. P. Etproit 3 25 p. in. ii & M. In Neb , Tliroush rhprosj 4:15 : p. in R. & M. Lincoln FnUht-8 35 n in. V. I * . Frclirht No. 10-1-40 p m. No. 6 425 p in. Emigrant. No. S 10 W p. m. No 12 11 32 n in. O. & U. V , mixed , ar. 4:35 : p. ui. NORTH. Nebraska Dlt Islon of the St Paul k Sioux Citj ItoaJ. No 2 Icvci OmhTnSa m. No. 4 leax LS Omtht 1 60 p. m. JN'O. 1 nrrhci at Oinihn nt 4 10 p. m No. 3 arrlt cs at Onnlii nt 10 45 n. m. DIMMT TRAIN ? HrT FR > OMAHA AND COLNC1L llU.rCI' . Lcvo Omaha nt 800 , 0 00 aiiJ 11 00 o. m. ; t:00 : , 2 00 , 3 00 , 4 00 , 6 00 nnd 0 00 p. 111. Lcixc Council liliilli at S 2. > , I ) 25 , 11:23 : n. m. ; ) :2 % 2 25 , S ij , 4.25 6:25 nnd 0 25 p 111 Suii'lajs Iho ilumnileei Onmha at 0 00 ami 11 00x in. ; 2 00 , 4 00 anil 600 p in. Le-ucs Council Dluirs at 0 25 and 11:25 : n. in. ; 2 25 , 4.25 aud 6 25 p. m. Opening and Closing of Malls. nous. ori v. CLOSB. n in. p in , a. m. p. m. -Chicago & N. W . 1100 1)30 ) 4'30 240 Chicago , n. 1. & 1'aclflc 11 00 0 00 4.30 2 40 Chlc-vo , 11. & O . 1100 000 4-30 240 % Ubv h . 12 SO 430 240 8Iou.CIt.nnd . Pacific . 1100 430 Union 1'ac.ifli. . 600 1140 Ouiihi&ll. V . 400 11-40 13 i.\I. In .Veil . . . . 400 8.40 G 30 Oinaln A , Northnc ttrn 430 7'30 Local mails for bUito ol Ioi\-x lea\obut once a daiz : 4 30. A Lincoln .Mall Unlso opened at 10 30 n. m. Ollico oiiui bund-ij s { ram li m. to 1 n in. TIIOS. K HALL 1' . M. Business Birectory , , Art hmporlum. U. ROSE'S Art r.imwnmii , 1510 Dodge Street , Steel UnBmliies , Oil Painting , Clironios , TUIICJ frames Framings bpcclaltIxiu Trices I1O EI 1"OJ Uouulas btrect. Good btlei. . Abstract and Real Estate , JOHN U McCAGUE , opi > osfte Post Office. Vr. U. BAUTIiTT 317 South ISth Street. Architects. DUFUENC & MnXDELSSOHN , AnCHITECTS , Itoom 14 Crclrfliton Block. A. T. IiAKOB Jr. . Iloom 2. Ciclehton niock. DooM and JAMLS DlM.N'Ei , CO , J'ms Foots and Shoes A wood assonncnt ol home work on lund , corner 12th and Hurnc } . T110S. EUICKSOJf , S i : cor. 10th aud Douglas JOHN roilTUNATUS , 605 10th street , inaiiuficturca to order good nork at ( air prices Hei > alrln done. Ded Springs. J. F. LAIUUMKU Jlanufacturcr. 3B17 Iou'lasst. Books , News and Otatlonery. J. I. FUUEHAUF 1015 Farnham Street. Butter and Ccgs , McSHANKi , the oldest n and E. \ house In Nebraska cstildMied IbTS Omaha. CJiSTKAL UUaTAUKA T , JIUS. A. IIYAN , eou Ui west corner ICthiiul Dodge. lieat Hoard ( or the Money. Sttlsactlon Guaranteed. UcaU at all Hours ISoard bj the Daj , Week or Jlonth. Good Terms ( or Cash. Furnished Ilooins Supplied. UarrlaRej and Road Wagons. WH. SKVDEK , No. 131h 14th and Harnej StreetsJ ' Civil Engineers and Surveyors. ANDHEW UOSEWATEll , CrclK'hton niock , Town Simcju , Grade and be uran'e Sj 8terns a ' Specialtj. Commission ivlerchants. JOHN 0. WIL LIS.1411 Dodge Street. D n IlEKMEIt rordctills BCDlar'oadvertise ment In Ivaib nndVeckh. . Cigars and Tobacco. WEST i. FUITbCIIEIt. iinnuUcturcrsol Cigars , and Wholesale Dealers in Touiccos. ISO5 Douglas. W. F. LOIIE.SZEN inaiiulacturcr 14 10th street. Cornice Works. Western Cornlco Worts , Manufacturers Iron to Cornice , Tin , Iron and Slate Uooln0' ! ! . Orders from an } locallt ; prompt ! } executed in the I > cst | manner. Factor } and UlL'co 1310 Uodjro Street. Gahanlzcd Iron Ccrnices , Window Cups , etc. , nMimitactured nnd imt up in any part ol the couiitn. T. blMIOLU 410 Thirteenth street Crockery , J. BONNEH 1309 Dougiaa Btwct. Good lino. Clothing and Furnishing Goods. OEO. H. PKTEHSON. Aluo Hats , Caps , lloots , Shots , Notions and Cutler } , SOI S. lOthbtrcet. at Clothlnj ; Bought. C. SHAW will jiay highest Cash price ( or second hand clothlnir. Corner 10th and tarnhani. Dentists. DK. PAUL , Williams' I'lock , Cor , Uth i. Dodjfe. fall Drugs , Pal rits and Oils. nnd KUII.N i. CO , his Pharmacists , Fine Vmie ( ! oJ < , Cor. 15th and flee ttrcets W. J. WHITKIIOUt K , Wholesale i Itetall , 16th st. C C. FIELD , 2022 M < lh Side Cumin , ; Street. -V I'AHH , Dnixirlst , 10th and Howard Street ) . Dry Qoorls Notions , Etc , Hi JOHN H. F. LEUMANN A. CO , New York Drjr Goods S.orc , 1310 and 131C Farn ham struct. L C. Encuold also boots and fahocs , 7th li IVI fie. ruruiture. A F. OI10SS , New and Sscond Hand I'urnltun and Stoics , Ull Doucim. lll.hett c-ash price jiald lor buvond hanu mo it. riet J. I.QNNI.U 1301 Houitia et. Fine goo Is. ( Fence Works. lai OMAHA FE.SCK CO. 7th GUST , rilIESA.CO,1213mriioySt. , lmpro\e the ed Ice Itoxis , Iron and Wool Fences , Otllcu ka' lUlluun , Counters ol I'IIIQ and Walnut. Ins riot Florist. A Ponaj'hue , phntt , cut flow cr , ecods , boqucta etc. K. W. tor 10th an 1 UoujUa ttreita. and foundry. JOHN \\EAHNn & . SONS , cor UthiJacksoneU Flour and Feed , of GHAIIA CITY MILLS , Eth and Farnham Bta \ \ clshans Uro , , rorleton. tv Orocers. Z. STEVENS , 21 t between Cumin ; and Izard nml T. A. McSHANE , Corn. 23d and Cumlnj Strcct . but Hatters. he W. L. PAIU101TE & CO , IJOfl Douglas Street , Wholule Eiduihcly e\ Hardwaie , Iron nd Steel , any J. DOLAN & LANQWOltTIIY , Wholesale , 110 an Uth street. A HOLMES corner I0th and CalKornU. tion Harness , Saddles , &c. B. WEIST SO 13th St , bet Farn' & lUrner < ! * . 1 * Hat nnd Donnet Blencheri. . tllcs Rctj mil Stnw , Chip nd frit ll t < don * ) i nt northpv t corn < T t-c ciittctith Mid Capitol kttnue.JI.IHJK I'rotirictor. Hiteli. CASF1ELD HOUSE , Qc ) CnnflcM.PthA F rnhnm > OnAN HOUSt : , I1 1I Cnrj , CIS Furnrum St. SLA ; KVS HOTKL , i' . sia\cn , ioth stmt. outhcrn Hotel On ? IiMncl , Oth & Lonictmorth. ron hencinj ; . The Western t'ornlro Works , Apcntu for the 'hvnplon Iron Fence An , Imo on inml Ml klinli I FAUCI Iron Fences , Cnstlngs , Hncil , T ' " tc. 1310 lVdf.ostrec. Intelligence Office. SHIS lA'/MK U1..NT 217 10th Street. Jewellers , JOHN IAUMiil 1314 Fwiham Street Junk. II. DRUTIIOU ) , 1Us Mill Metftl Lumber , Lime nnd Cement. 'OSTTH .t OKAY corner tlth nnd Itoiifrhi Si ? Lamps nnd Ulntswnro. . IION.VCK 1300 Uoarhs hi. Hood Varlet\ Merchnnt Tailors. 0. A MNlXjUKST , Ono o ( our most popuhr Mcrchint Tillers Is reciting - citing the latest tlcslt'iis ( or priii ) * iiicl Summer looils ( or gentlemen 8 wear MjIMi , ilutnlilc , mlprluslo as our 21&13thlict Done .V Firn Millinery. ins. C. A. niXOKIl , W. hotewle nnd IlcMl , Kin- } Oooils In great , \arlet ) , _ Xephn , Card Hoard * , loslcrj , Olotis , CoMcts , i\c. | House In lie West. I'lircliistra KO 30 per cent. Order 116 Fifteenth Street Physicians nn I Surgeons , V. S. OinilS , M O , Kxnn No 4 , Crolghton ilock , 15th btnct. 1' . S. I.KISKX1U.NO , M. 1) Masonic Dlock. C. L. HART , II. 1) . , Kj r and I'.ir , en' . i > ostolllcc Dlt I , . II Oil \1)DY , Jaillst and Aurist , S W 16th and Karnh-vm Sts ' | | Photographers. aio IIKYN. 1'iiop. , Grand Ccntnl ( lallirt , 212 Sixteenth Street , Masonic Hill. First-class W orK and Prompt c sgimntit < .in. Plumbing , Gas and Fitting. ' . W. TAItl'V A , CO. . 21012th fet. , bet , Farnhtni nJ Doughs. Worn promptl ) nttuidiil to. 1) . mZl'ATJUCK , 1403 Poiuhg Street. PalntlnE and Paper HEKUY A. " STiilS. : 1112 Uodjjo Mrcct. Pinning Mill. A. JIOYEIl , manufacturer of sash , doora , Mlmli , Holding * , ncmta , nlustirs , hand rails , furnishing croll saw In , ? , A.C. , cor. loJjo and Oth struts _ Pawnbrokers. . nOSHNKELD , 822 10th St. , bet. Far. ft Har. Retrleerators , Canfield's Patent. ! . P. GOODMAN lltli St. bet. Farn. &llarnc > . Show Case Manufactory. 0. J. WILDE , Inniifartiircr nnd Dcilcr'lii all Umls ol Short Cists. Upright Cases , a „ 1317 C bs St. J'HANK I. GiUII\KI > , proprietor Oinilia iOH Case ininufaitorj , MS Sontli IKli strttt , tnciM Ici\en orth and Marcj. All gooda wirraiitid Ilrst cHH Stoves ana mwnro. A. UUKMHSlini , Dcilcr In Sto\c3 nnd Tinware , nml Miniihcturcr f lin Itoofs and all kinds of liuildlng Worl ; , OJ.l . Kellottlllock. . 1309 Douchs St. Good and Cheap " .Seeds. XS , V.liolcsnlo and Retail Seed Drills and Julthatora , Odd rUle s ilall. . Shoe Otorcs. 'hillip ' IMS , 1320 F rntiim 8t , bet 13th & 14th Second Hand Store. 'EUKINS A. IKAU. 1410 Douv'lis St , New and Iccond Hind Furniture , JIouso jurnlshin ; ; Goads , . i.c , beii.'ht and Bold on nirron nnn'ins Saloons. HENKY FAUlilANN , n the ncn brick block on Doti liui Stroct , has Jubt opened n most olcgunt IkrJ Hull. : Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 c\ cry dij. FLAMJUIY. ) n Faniham , ne\t to tha 13 &M lieadijiiartcrs , ns ru opened a neat nnd i.ompletc cstAbllaluncnt \liiLli , birrinff Ullb and MotliirShlpton's Trophsi. cj , nlll be opencxl lor the Dojs with Hot Lunch in and after prcbLiit dito. Cile.lonla " J. rALCOXER. 67 10th Street. ; Undertakers. CIIAS Ilin\Vn , 101'J Farnlnm bet. 10th & 11 W. ; P. PKM.VHU , SOJ } Tenth street , bttwcen Farn. inn and llarnc\ . Docs K'poJ and tliuip work. , 00 Cent Stores. ' IKNRY rOIII.MAN , to s , notions , nlctuics ewclr ) , & .C. , 613 14th bet. i'arnhim and Uou Hs . C. KACKUS. 1205 Farnham St. F ncy Goods ; all PROPOSALS 'or FurnUhln ? Horses , Wagon * , and Harness for the Indian ticnicc. Scaled projiosals for furnishing eighty (60) ( , ork horsts , two (2) ( ) biifj-y horses , flftj (80) ) at- ons. QIIO (1) ( ll ht tprln ; mgon , fifty ( W ) HLts loulilu ImrncsM for thu Indian bcnko at Otou airtncNLJ ! , w HI bo ru.-clt ul IPJ the undtrj'lKM- lat IiU etlko until fl > u(6) ( ) o'llock p. in. TIRE a > , Jill ) 20 , ISttl , at nhlLh time bids \\IIIbo pcnnl and contracts auardcd The follow inj ; pLLlllcatlons and coiiJitlonaUH bo olmtnici , minelj : 'llionork horses mustbu bet \\cen tha ges ot four (4) ( ) and but en (7) ( \ Lars , not Itss thiin ourUui ( HlriniU hln'h nnd towc-I Ii not lias Imn nlnu hundred and Illlj (05'J ( ) pound , broke double lianicsH , true to nork and pcrfntl ) Bound. 'Iliobiijf0'y ( Lain wilt bo sub- ctt to the above conditions , and In addition nust bojjood tranlcra Ail homes nillhosuh iccted to a thorough trial and Inspection before icln rLiLlru ) . 'Jbuj limit hociglieel at the ae'Liicy In the pristnco of tbo agent. to be narrow track , three (3) Inih cprlni ; neat , toil , box , bows iinij cours be of twcho (12)ouneo ( ) dnek t wagon , tlirco (3) ( ) springs , nlth top. liar. to be luain , back ttraju and collars , full 10 tather tun's , ( oinplite. n All thuuboteto be dcllierol at the agency the cxpLiiHo of the rontruitor , not : later thin hiptimhcr 1 , Ibbl , unless there should boilclaIn thoappro\al of the contract. All bld must bo acconi | > .iniul by a ccrtllltd eck oruiitutc | | > it on uoino I'nlttil htatei do- sltory , lujable to the order of the ngcnt for at Ic-nt ll\o ( i ) per cent of the iinuiunt of the bid. which check ulull be forfeited to the United btatcs In ca > unj bidder rebelling award hhill toi\eciito ( ironiptl ) u eontrict rvlth gpod , [ sutliclcnt suretlix , according to the terms of bid , otlicru IHU to be n turned to tbo bidder lias I'aunont nlll be inailo through the Indian of , Uashin.'ton , 1) 0 , as boon as ] > ractlcuble after the dclUen of ; ne0'OOd < 'Iho rWit to reject an\ and nil bids Is rcscncd Tlds will bo rcceiud for all or part of the liis above' and should ! > o cndorecd , "I'ro | > Ok.ils for rnrnlbhlriff Horses , Wagons , and barium , etc , the cuxo ma ) be , nnd uddre'.siil to the under signed at Utou Agcnc\ , ( Jj'c uiunjv , eb. I.KWJLH.N : \\OOIIIN , U S , Indian A0'ent. Otoo Ajfcnc ) , Neb. , Juno Jl , 1S31 " full ° Ml" tlil NOTIOJ : . ycr J. Jf. Stantnn ( 'ull nntne unknown ) I far- 0\i Jiunn and Marv Sliillntk , noii'rosidiiit lefonilants will ti ! < e notice that .Milton i lleiuhix , of the county of Douglas ' , in the .State of Ntlii.uka , dill un thu and day nf Jlay , 1881 , do ! hU petition in District Court of the .State of Nebras ' within and for thofuiid county of Jn ) I've , n g ainxt the t-ai < l J , M. Ktanton , Jim- Henn and Mnry Shillock , iinpleade-i all uithOtor o Mills , Man' ie McCuriiilck , Josiah S. Ict'ormick.MutthewT 1'utrick John N. Patrick defendnnts , Bcrtinj , forth that hy % irtuu of a deul issued by the treasurer of nad ! county , lie haa an ab o lute title to the hoiitlieai-t quarter of the noi-thneiit ijuaitcr of the houtlieast quarter bection nine , (0) ( ) tow iwhlp fifteen (15) ( ) , range thirteen ( Ki ) e , in said Douglas coun ; that you and tacit of naiil defendants claim to ha\e borne interest in said land prajiiiL' that he may be adjudged t < did ha\o an inclefeajilble title to valcl premises that if liis title thould l j he-Id invalid may be decreed to luie a lien on Bah land , that It may be gold to tatiufy tin name , nnd that you nnd each of j ou be for eer be debarred from uettingupor nsaertinf , in rij-ht or claim thereto. And the fcali M Ktanton , Harriet Iftnn and Man Shillock nro hereby notified that they an required to appear nnd answer said pet ! on or before the first day of August 1881. MILTON JU l J'Jtl \ , Uy CtAiiKHO.v & HUNT , hU attorneyg , anco Dated Omaha , June 23 1831 jwHtd did TANCY FEATHERED FOLK. A Fnnoifnl Collection of Birds on Exhibition in Now York. S'cn York World. A novelty ninont ; the uxhibitions ( if ho city AMIS opened recently nt lUin- lull's museum in the liiul show \\liich ins boon nitanged by the innnnuo- iient. It is not n poultry exhibition ior n displaj of pigeons , but has bfteii Icsignud : to bring together the song- ter nnd line plum.iyo birds tlmt nio tuned in this oily. Jfo prices luuo s yet been olleied. but the camwscts the show haAe iiad or no dillicnlty in coming nn abundance of oil'ois/nnd omo unique specimens hashcon piof- ered. TJio patrol line is represented byt _ a series ot most unreasoning talk- rs , and ycsloiday , when a do/on of hochattereis hadiuotfortholhsttinic , ho conversation that ensued was of ho most amusing chaiactor. It hap- toned that , two of the birds had been aught the sumo pluasos about "going o the ball this ening , " and they 10- ic.xtod . that bit of tlio nonsense again nd again. Ono parrot that was able o repeat the Lord's Prajor ( old \ei- ion } ) , was not accepted by the man- \goment. There is a double yellow- Tested pairot able to sing live dis- inct songs : "In thoMotning by the Jright Light , " "Wait fortho Wagon , " 'My Pretty Ilcd Rose , " "Lalidy Dab , , " and "Shoo Fly. " Ho is val- led at $ 250. There is another puiot nth ! a wonderful string of phiasos , ml whenever a question is put toliini 10 makes I iolv ) , and often the ndicu- ousncss ! of the answers is most amus- ng. . There mo nn Afiieun weaver mil , valued at 81f > , and a King Lory allied ) at $ "iO. A pair of iinpeiial nacaws are very finely matched , hav- ng long tails and foathotsof the most .irilhant colors. They aio valued at § 100. K. F. Kur/o , M. D. , shows an iviary : cage of twenty biids , e.ich a .ire specimen of its family , and the Shi lo making a no\el dis- ilay. : : Thoiois a King vultuio used is a pet by a gentleman fiom Coopois- own , N. V. , also a South Ameiic.ui condoi fiom thoKinio collector. Ton vhitop.uokeotH fiom J. J Nathan's ire . very clumsy in their iiuivements llKl noisy in their cues. Theio aio Io7ensof little J.a or lovosparrows , some of them pure white. Tlieto are ipiirof Moiulilliis , : i little np.irrow- iko crc.ituio , and a South American .roupial. One c.igo contains , i pair of Itiail , while of the bobolink and brush family there are many choice pccimona. Can.uics by the hundred tero oil'erod the management , but ex cept a few line specimens they were leclincd. In gathering the spcci- nens ' agents were sent to search the city , and their imcstigation showed hat among the peeler classes , and especially . the Geimans , the love of bin da is verygreat Tailors andshoo- uakcis working at homoweie found n almost o\eiy case to have .1 ' 1111111- ior of birds , veil cared for and i.uo n soina respects. It w as discovered .hat almost every known bird at all idapted for cage lifp or as n pet is to jo found among this class of people. Janaiies aio not much sought for by hum , but skyl irks , thrushes of vari ous sorts , sparrow s of imported breeds and mocking birdu and .similar breeds are frequently to bo met with. Their jirds vveio generally loaned for the show , in the hope of bringing out : similar pets fiom otheis , thus giving each the valued oppoitunity of Booing ho tieasurcs of all. Theio will bo several hundred biids gathered , and 'n ho show will continue ono week. In > t addition to these leathered fealmes ; ho other parts ot the show . aio lelainctl. The trypsy 'amily down stairs are "quite : contented , and declare their inton- of ion of remaining in America after , especially as the diity palm of the old mother hag of the group is fie- pjontly crossed by silver from those anxious to test her power of revealing hopast and future. On Saturday . < astsoveial hundred called upon her , and tdio promised manly husbands 'n ind rich btides with the utmost liber < ality. An amusing scone occmrod t ate in the day , when ono well-known Wall sheet broker , on stopping from lior dingy tout after n premise of im mediate liches , was mot by a follow- ; ) jrokor waiting to cxpci ienco the same dewing piomiscs Tbo Native i Detroit frree-l'resa. : ha\o been studying him for a week. About 7 o'clock every evening comes in from his farm and takes seat beside mo on the veranda of ly ho country hotel. No ono intio- iluced us. lie see came stumping along htt hu first evening , Hung down his old straw hat moi and exclaimed : the "Durn my hide if it isn't durned Bill lot ! had been masting all day , and no ha struck hands with him at once. He pin no\or asked whether 1 was tlm dai duke of Sutherland or a laihoad switchman , and I have never asked to tail why ho didn't cut his hail , shave oil tin matted whiskers and fix a tin Wl spout in ono coiner of his mouth to out accommodate the flow of tobacco juice. tot The native cat Michigander is a good her follow at heart , but ho has his eccon- tiiciticH. car "Yes I stuick flto , this state over fifty Gai years ago , " ho said to mo the othet o\ciiin. ' , as ho hui.tud in bin hind pocket for his plug tobacco , "I'\o heard the wolves ' to howl , the b'ara ioni , < the ji.tntheis Hcicam. " "You have , oh ( " "You but 1 have1 Yea , air , and lived all winter on acorns , idopt tmimuer in a tieu ton , and walked mat foity-two miles through the woods to prayer mooting. " 1 Then you must bo pious ? " "Pious1 Dutn my old hide to bal lyhack and gosh all fish-hooks to thunder , but 1 layther reckon I am tw Pious ? Why , how in thunder ami blazes and tea-kettles could I have borne up if I hadn't been pious ! Say , you ever live in the woods fortj and miles from the nearest human hyena , black or white ? " "Novor. " the "Did jou ever Imvoto go barefoot snow four foot deep ? " "No. " him "Kver shako with the agor righi his MII ? for 284 days Sundays included ? ' him "No. " "Dod rot your pampered counton , of course you never did ) A Vim thu you ever do towards making Yet the f-roat nnd glorious ntate she now is ? " "Well , I'\o run n Inwn-inoncr. ' "lUin a thunder to bla/es' How many acres of forest do you s'jioso'l'M ) cut down ? " "Two. " "TwoVliy ! , you onery hyena , my old woman has slashed down o\u'r fully herself , and aho'a loft liumlcd at that' ' 1 calkeilato , sir-J nlonmly calkoilato , that V\o cleared < > irntlr , t thtoo liundied ncroi of the I Highest Kind of foieit. Ahl air , but \u , pot ted and pimporod children n ( ln\uiy htllo dream of what wi old i. ti\os ind to endure. How miuh di do \ou suppose 1 had ill my hmim- ( lie list ten yeais of our pioneoi hfo "Twenty-lhe chests. " " h lsl" ho "Twenty-live roaicd us 10 hunted for more pint ; , "MI-had [ list two diawingi and no tin no "Couldn't you got trustid it the comer grocery ? " "Uottrusted ! Cornergroceij ' \ \ hy , ou infernnlinnig lilnatic. \ \ isn't I ocntod forlj' milei from tin- lu hvsl gmcery1 That's what I've hem tulhuj ; ouallnlong. Old piunoors cmildn't \llotd sieh luxuries ius thrt I low nuch do you "sposo our outiit cost user or housekeeping' " Perhaps ? 5X)0 ) , but that s m-nrl- ng to the style of your carpets , piano md paintings. Did you hae Lice our- ains hung on poles ? " Ho jumped tip and down hko n mini \itli a piece of beefsteak in his \\md- lipu , and 1 tliotifht ho was a innor. lowexor , after a higlior junith\n ] ciookcd old legs seemed if he bluited out : 'You infernal denied fool , hut we lidn't have nothing that wo umldn't : airy on our uaeks ! Do jou "spuso " wo vas a-foohn' around with piatiors out hoie in the v.ugin wildomoss/ / Lice urtauis hung on poles ? Not much1 f I'd had a spaie shirt on a polo I'd iavo beoii perfectly satisfied. Xono if jou spiled children of IUMUV km iavo any ide.i of how much wo had to get along in them old dajs. " ii"l piestimo not ? " "Ono winter when the old woman vas sick , 1 had nothing to feed her ntt salt eoon nnd corn-dodgors. "Ojfiler Houp would have been iico. " "Oyster thunder ! Who know any- hing about oystois lift } * yeais amij ! ) on't 1 keo ] > telling yon that I was ifty miles in the woods/ / " "Yes , but why didn't you got out ? " "Git out ? AVlmtfnr ? " "Why , you might h ivo got out and ived on your mother in-law and had i trottinghoiso , n ping hat , a diamond tin and high living. You w ore v eiy oolish to stay in the woods , whoio hey had no ward caucasos , ot nub- my parades or circus processions , or jinger beer or banana puddings. ' \Vu generally end heio. The old i.itivo chokes and gasps and jumps ip and down and kicks his hat into ho stieot and goes aw.iy n.iying : "Them dinned pampered idiots of ' u\my wouldn't keor two cents if the mil state was glowed up to jack-pines so thick that u i.vbbit couldn't squeeze thiou h ? " Hut next night ho conies again to wiestlo mo for thu championship. JU. QUAIL An Aliloruoy Cow for tlio Presi dent. Sptel il to New 'V ork Herald. WASHINGTON , D. 0. , .Inly ! ) . To- lay thu Aldernoy covr that a wealthy ! , iUiinurom iiont to the Vhito House in ived and was totbeied in a stable low the state doputniont building. I'lio doctois had found some difficulty piocuiing the very best milk , and was their wish that the milk given o theii patient should not nnly bo .ho best , but should bo diaun from one animal. The gentleman icfericd o healing this tendered the BUI vices n one of his line Aldoinoy herd , md to-day a soft-eyed bovine ai rived . n a special car from BuHnnoio to give ior aid in the president's recovery. She was placed under the chugoof ' one of the most reliable men attached > the white house stable , and who alone of all the force of help employed and around the executive mansion ed novvs how to milk. The president , seems , was much interested m the . irrival of the animal and her disposi Jon , and would have talked about her good qualities all day if it had been oimittod. Uo asked Col Ilockwoll ibout her , whoio she had been put , who had charge of her , ind how soon some of the milk was to bo brought to him. The olonel reminded him that he must toop silcnco ; thodoctors had especially commanded that. Thu promtlunt lay dill for a while and then said , joking , "Tho fiist thing I know 1 will bo bet told I can't go down to the stable to her this afternoon. " After this job little talk thu piusident lay still the most of the day , but hu got none of milk till evening. The bovine , No shaken ! up by her j'ouinoy , ami per haps ] frightened by her now siniound ing , would not , as her attend mt explained plained in the language f the daily , "givo down , " which bo ! interpreted , moans that > ho re tainodher milk , dcsnitu the ullortH ol man to coax it through hei teats. When the HUH got lower hho was 1 in the white house giounds nnd tethoied whoio the elover was young and most tender. She switched tail in glee , and when the mail tore came with his milk-pail and sum ! stool , followed by Jiiinio and Mollie \ field , Jirindlo "gavoduwn ' hand \ somely a snluiidid gallon of nch milk , [ HOIIIO of winch was noon nftoi seivei the picsideiit and lulishid very much. Assault With Intent to Kill. Ixuivn city limes. lien , Uiiint is credited with the ro k , thut "whenever one mini at tempts to assassinate anothei , hu ought to bu hung , whothoi thu ut tempt succeeds or not. " Wo nuvo could understand why the law shouh make such a broad distinction bo con the successful and the unsuc ccssful murderer , when theie is us much of malice and murder in the heart of one as in that of the other / Iron the only dilteiencu botweei their acts is Sixth a mere matter o accident or skill Oftoi assault with intent to kill is mon cruel in its effect on the victim thai instant death. The wound may mak u helpless cripple , a burden to more lielpltss family , and doon to years of suffering in flesh ant spirit compared with which the torturt intlictod by savages on a prisoner a Peen stake would bo brief and merciful on , if the mangled victim of an us of iult with premeditated intent to kill does not die within n year and a day , the would-be murderer , found guilty of an attempt tu iiiurdci , in punished 11 if ho had onlj stolen a horse , or Rots ni short n term of imprisonment as the man who , without n houjjht of killinsr , ha * ft nick fatal blow in sudden heat and passion. Such nbiurdities in the 'aw aio universally reprobated by the lopulnr sense of justice and sound uiblio policy' , and this conlhct Ixi- -ween law and leoson beRets a deplor- iblo disroipeet for law , and is at the lottom of lialf the hiiclnm ; that i lone. A good many j can ago a dro 01 named t'ttorbaek wa- < followed 'orty miles out of Cincinnati by a couple of thtou's , wlio attacked him n a lonely place to rob him , and cut us throat from oar to ear , leaving inn for dead , llm ultimate reco\eiy nado it evident that , though ho \ould bo physical wreck all the lost if his dajs , the two thio\os who had icarly killed him would f , ot > ll with the light pttr.ishinimt ueted out fur usn.xiilts witli ntent to kill. A liundied diovers lieroforo took these two men , Jlayes tndCioiich , fiom jail and hung theme o a tree near thu scene of theirct line. iMuonwlio did this lynching had io\er bofoio violated a law or taken a iiiinan life. They were resnectable , rdorly aiid thrifty citiVens. Hut they ieio continnaly dm ing droves of cat- lo along that road to maiket , and hey felt and dechued tliat it was but n act of lalional solf-dofonso and jus- ice for them to take these mon out of ho hands of the law and ham ; them , 'hoy did it in 18K ! and no droxer has xei been tobbed or muideied on that oad since. VnoclmiUiii ; the Col. iMoWhangdang is a gioat advo- ate of vaccination , but the company te commands is not , and leceutly , be- oio going into camp , the colonel 10- olvodlohave the men vaccinated , vhother they would or no. So ho mile a tiadu like this with Dr. Tough : lu would nn Tuesday moining send ho men nnu by ono to thu doctor's llicu. Howastohavu t\\o stah\ait _ ssHtants there and immediately oi/o the men as they outvied nnd vac illate them by foieo. ISditoi Keene as his clhco just aeioss thu hall , in ho Bimu budding with the doctor , 'nesi'ay ' morning'fl issue of 1 is paper ontained a malignant assault on the " lobald Plungers " another mihtaiy omp.uiy. Keene know thomombeisof ho coippany would como up to \\.il- op him , and HO ho slylv took his sign nd put it on Dr. 'Plough's door , 'lesontly , nn eamo Lieut. Pills of the 'lungeis. Uhnd with rage , he lushed nto the docloi's ollico , supposing it o he Koeno's. Thu doctor saw bin inifoim and at once ordered him oi/od. Hoforo lie eould nay a w old ho assistants had him in thu chair. rpw ith his sleov es , " ei led the doctor. 'You villain , what uio you about ? " o.uod Pills. "You'll " see , and w hack out tlio doctor's Knife , and in spite f Pills'howls and Htiugglos , ho was accinated. "Now git ! " cued the decor - or , and Pills was pushed out , and tartcd down stans. Then in camp Col. L'hugof the PlitngoiH. "Wheioistho liiato ? " ho asked. The doctor didn't uply , but vaccinali'd thu e.\cited man n a jilly and put him out. Then itfieis began to pour in , and all had ho Bruno ama/ing expoi ienco , and the lector vas Hying about liku a p.uchcd tea on a hot shovel ho was so busy , md as the vacillated men began ( o ac cumulate outside and tall ; the matter iver their aimuomont was intense. Lieut. Pills swore he'd go up again md kill thu men , and ho tiled it. lint 10 got lofton it , and thu doctor vacci- PA uited him again and put him out , and lie being doliiious wilh wiath bolted again and , after u despoiato light , iVan vaccinated again. That satisfied .lini. JIo lied. And Dr. Tiongh had vaccinated twenty-two of Iho Plung- irs , and they vveie outside piop.uing 'or an united lush on his shop when Col. MoWhangdang came down to sou the doctor. Said thu doctor , "Well , Colonel , I've vaccinat twenty-two of'em' ' " "You have ? Why , 1 haven't sent ono hero ! 1 to tell you I'd put it off until next week ! " "Then who the Gohon- have I vaccinated15y / that time the plungers burst in and a ncono of wild confusion omtuod , till Col. Whaiigdang explained the affair. And then the Colonel nearly died of laughter , and the plungers talked of liungmg the doctor , and then Keenu looked out of his door and notified the plungoM that if they molested him , lio'd pi int the whole story of how they had boon vaccinated. And you they didn't desire this , and HO they merely voted it a contemptible and dispersed. [ Boston Post. Humbu nljiK the Amoricau Poojilo. can't hiimbiin' the Anieiiciin jropU > , when the } find a icinulj thut HiiiUtlum ; limy iuu it anil uciiimiiiiid it to tluir fiienilihiHtoxiicttly tliuc.i uwithhriUMi ItiOHsov , whieli h is become a houHuliold weld nil over the I'nited HtatuH , I'lieo , cents ; ti ml bottles lOeentH. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ jylleodlw A Great EutorprlHo. The Hop Hittui ; ) Manufacturing CO company is one of JlochtHter'agieateut biiHiness ontorpmcH. Their liop Hit- ha have i cached a sale beyond ull haM piecedent , ha\ing honi their inliiimic M \aluo found thuir way into almost o\ery hoiiHuhold in the land , Graphic. jyj 15 PAPEE WAREHOUSE. GRAHAM PAPER CO. 217 and 210 North Main bt. , M. l-oul , WIIOLKHALK vrmrw IN i nXncRQ IWUITINOJ ) /irCllO 1 W UAl'I'ING , ENVEI-OI'KS , CAIIU IIOAIIU ANW L Printers l Stock. /arCaili [ old ( or Kujsa and Taper Stock , Scrap 2C and MetaU. l'a | > er block \Vt.rchou ei 1229 to 1237 , North utruct. Geo. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGENCY , 16th and Dodga 8ts , Omnha , Neb Tlili xoncy daoa TRICTLT brokerage builncsi. not > | Hx.uUti ) , and therefore any kargalni It * UwU are ln urcJ to lu | > * troni , luttead belnv rotblcd UD by tbo a'eu . UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS OP THE 616 TENTH STREET. In order to meet the watiK i f our rapidly incicasing business , wo liavo leased the adjoining store and will throw both into ono , thus making the Til 13 LAllOLST- West of Chicago , ( except Cruickshank & Co.'s. ) To show the people of Oin.ihn liowvo \vo npniocinlo their Hburnl support , \vo hn\u decided to Riyo the public a BENEFIT SALE FOR THE NEXT SEVEN DAYS , The Entire Stock must bo closed out in order to com mence extensive alterations soon 15. The stock is nil no\v nnd frcih nndill BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST ! ! An examination of Goods and comparison of prices will convince every one that this is NO HUMBUG- SALE. This grand benefit sale will commence Saturday Evening , J'uly 9th , AND CONTINlrK ONE WEEK ONLY. ALL ARE INVITED. P. G. IMLAH , Manager , Leader of Popular Prices. FEARON & COLE , CSommissson Merchants , 1121 Pavnham St. , Omaha , Nob. ConalgnmenN mid * \\lllneel\u prompt addition , llcfcrclius I'lrst > M. Hank nnd OnmhiIlKR THE GREAT WESTERN CLOTHING HOUSE. M. HELLMAN & CO , , Spring Suits ! All Styles ! " 'IMMENSEWOCIPAT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. TliB Largest Clotliiiig House test of Chicago A Department for Children's Clothing. Wo have now an aasortniont of Clothing of all kinds , GtenVa Furnishing- Goods in great varioty.and a heavy stock of Trunks , Valises , Hats , Caps , &c. These goods are fresh , purchased from the manufacturers , and will bo sold at prices lower than ever before made. We Sell for Cash and Have but One Price. largo TAILORING- FORCE is employed by us , and wo make SUITS TO ORDER on very short notice. S3EI3EI TTS. ! R 1301 and 1303 Farn ham St. , cor. ISth MAX MEYER & BRO. , the Oldest Wholesale and tlR Retail Jewelry House in Omaha. Visitors can here 0fi find all novelties in SilverWare fiTfl Ware , Clocks , Rich and TflS Stylish Jewelry , the La test ( , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in Precious Stones , and all descriptions of Fine Watches , at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with Cih honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , iorner llth and Farn- lam Streets MAX MEYER 8s BRO. MAY MMM 05 ? JjJiU , , awe .A. sac Tin ; LJUUING MUSIC HOUSE IN THE WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Pianos , Knabe Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warreu , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pnr- chasin ? . AUK NOW OPFJSllINa l-'OH - ONE MONTH ONLY DECIDED BARGAINS adies' ' Suits , Cloaks , Ulsters , Circulars , Etc , , OO Handsome Suits , at $5 00 ; 300 Stylish Suits , $10,00 ; 75 Blaok Silk Suits , $17,00. Wo liavo several lots of utuplo goods \\liich "ill bo ofl'erod at SEVENTY-FIVE GENTS ON THE DOLLAR. All Indies should avail thomsuhcs of this great snlo of , ORSETS AND UNDERWEAR , 'LINEN AND MOHAIR ULSTERS , SILK AND LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS , LAWSOITS AND SAOQUES. MCDONALD & HARRISON.