Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1881, Image 3

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V 1 TTT A ? " 1 * : I 001
On Joe Jolunton. Albert Sidney
Sidney Johnston. l.oo. Long *
street , Stoiiown.ll Jnohsou
and Shcrmnu
from * recentIntcrilew with Jeff Pit l
'General ' .Too Johnston also makes
some pretty sovcro attacks on your
book. "
"Yes , sir ; so I sco. I notice that
lie undertakes to hold mo responsible
for Hood's campaign into Tennessee.
Ho knows bettor. Hood himself , in
his book , which was mainly wiitten as
nn answer to Johnston's nar
ativo of the war , says that I entirely
disapproved of that campaign , and
that I w as in no w iso responsible for
it. That is true. I had previously
agreed w ith him upon a plan of cam
paign which ho was carrying out
when ho and Ueauregard planned the
Tennesseecampaign. . Hood wns an
excellent , well meaning man , but had
bad luck after ho took command of
the army. The difficulty was that ,
when ho relieved Johnston , ho found
that the spirit had all been retreated
out of what was once as fine a body
troops as the confederacy had. I
have no desire or intention of having
nny controversy with General John
ston. I did not intend in my work
to say anything unkind of any
confederate , and I have only referred
to unpleasant matters when it _ was
necessary. Then it has boon an inci
dent of the matter I was treating. I
have no idea that Johnston intended
to fight at Atlanta. A simple answer
yes or no to my telegram , 'Will ' you
light for Atlanta1 would have settled
the question and prevented contro
versy and trouble. Ho chose to send
ndiiloient reply and the result is
known. Many of our pcoplo sug
gested that ho bo retained in command
until ho retreated from Atlanta , and
then public sentiment would have
clamored for his romov al. That would
have been a very good way for an ex
ecutive who desired to escape respon
sibility , but it would have been a
cowardly way of performing one's
duty. It w ould have show n more dis
position to take care of himself and
do a popular thing than to do his
duty. I believed then , as I do now ,
that had General Johnston kept up
tlio spirit and morale of his ti oops by
aggtessive maneuvers , by harassing
Sherman's Hanks with his cavalry to
prevent his foraging , ho could have
defeated him. Johnston's statement
thatl kept men about mo for wit
nesses and to keep my record straight
is unworthy of notice. It simply
illustiates that a man accuses others
of what ho is himself iruilty. "
"Did the trouble between yourself
and General Johnston begin early in
the war ? "
"Wo never had any trouble that I
know of , except that ho was petulant
about his rank , and constantly claiiiv of
ing that he was entitled to the rank
ing commission in the confederate
army , because ho had boon quai tor- '
master general with the rank of brig
adier general in the fedeial army.
That claim is easily disposed of.
When the rank and the position of a
the oiliceis of the confederate army
were determined , General Johnston
was not in the federal .11 my. Ho had
resigned his commission as quarter
master e/eneral , and gone into the ser
vice of Viiginia under Geneial Lee ,
who was a major general , while he
was simply a brigadier. Afterward , cst
when the lolativo rank of the high cj'
olliccrs in the confederate army vfM
determined , consideration was given
to the position each hold at the timo. I
General Leo being a major general ii a
command of the Viiginia ti oops am
Geneial Johnston a btigadicr under
him , you can easily see what justice
theio is in General Johnston's ' claiu of
that ho should have ranked Leo. Yes
this question of rank was quite i
stumbling block for Johnston , bu ous
Leo was never a party to tlio contro Ho
vcrsy. "
"Was Albert Sidney Johnnton a re Ho
latioii of General Joe Johnstlm ? "
"No , sir , " replied the ex-m-esident
quickly and with emphasis. "Alber won
bidnoy Johnston w as the most perfoc as
man 1 over know. Ho had dividei and
his life between military and civi was
pursuits , and shown wonderful capac
ity in both. Ho had such a , , grand live
character , such perfect self poiiw , sucl
an analytical mind , such ready con son
ccption of men , marvelous quickues time
of perception and ability to deal witl
events. I never before saw a sinylc
individual have BO many startling
qualities. I had known him intimate
ly many years. General Leo and my
self weio cadets at West Point to
gcthcrbut Albert Sidney Johnstoi to
and I had been much together in act
ivo life , in the field , in the bivouac
and in private intercom so. Early it nny
our association I was shuck with his was
marvelous quickness of pnrcoptioi did
and perfect command of himself.
"Wo weio together in Mexico oi ( mot.
morning when both thought our live
not wouh a fig. I was the oflicor so the
looted to nirango the tcims for' the
surrender of Montoiey , and Jiudhpon make
several hours with General Ampudia their
the Mexican commanding genera ! ! , ar ed
ranging the terms , It was goitnif "
qiiito late , and thorp was some BUS
picious delay in signing the papers' , tweon
said to General Ampuilm , 'Have tli listen
articles signed , and I will call | fo you
them in the morning. ' I arose carl ,
the next day , had my horse saddled owing
took a cup of cofl'eo , and started fo the
the headquarters of the Mexican gen niont
eral , in the city of Monterey. A's ' "
passed the headquarters of Gonpra they
Taylor , w ho always got up with / th ono.
chickens , ho stuck hia head out of th on
tent to see who was passing , and ( see
ing mo , said ; I
" 'Hallo , Davis. Where are ) j
going ? than
" 'I am going to General Anipudi Leo
o receive the terms of sxirremdor duction
vlnch ho was to have signed ait they
cady for mo this morning,1 him
" 'Not by youisolf1 ? bonus
" 'One man is as go < yl ns twenty mnnd
f they mean foul play they wou ( for
ostroy twenty as well as one , and ; came
'lore is danger nothing but an arid of
ill do. ' vice.
" 'Get down and have a cup f ) ( co vise
o and \ alt a few moment * \
" 1 alighted and went in , and \vhil \ what
o were talking Colonel Albert Sidiie Ho
ohnston , who was then acting insec- )
or general , came along. Ho asked
hero 1 was going , and I gave him
10 same reply that 1 gave General
'Lot mo go with you. '
'Certainly ; I shall be glad to have
"After our coflco Johnston and I
: artcd. When w e reached the streets
0 found them Stockaded and only
Him lor ono horse to pass between
10 stockade and the buildings. Ar-
illery was guarding the entrance , and
lie men stood at ttheirguns with poll-
res open. The tops of the houses.
liichworo llat , were also covet oa
1 ith infantrymen standing at their
uni. The whole scene had nn 0111111-
tis look , and as wo approached John-
ton called my attention to it and
aid :
" 'Ha\o you n white handkerchief I
f so , yon had bettor show it. '
pulled olio out mid rode up to
lie stockade , mid , summoning the
Iliccr in command , s.ud :
" ' 1 am here by appointment with
tonoial Ampudia. I'leaso to notify
mi of my ptosonc.o. '
"Tlio ollicor tinned his back to us
nd gave some orders w hich 1 did not
nderstand , and wo waited some time
nd things began to look still more
uspicious. 1 then called the olliccr's
ttontion again to the importance of
ur mission , and another man was
cut , and then another delay a third
as dispatched , While Waiting wo
aw Ampiulia's adjutant general com-
Dg dow n the street. Wo know that
0 spoke English , Johnston in a very
ow tone of voice said :
" 'This man can not nflect not to
nderstand us. '
"As ho cau.o up wo minted , and I
xplnined to him that I was there in
bedienco to nn understanding with
iis commanding officer , and there np-
loarod some delay , and I expressed a
ish that ho v ould have us conducted
1 General Ampudia's presence.
" 'Oh ! certainly , ' said ho , and ho
vay. Johnston , in nn undertone ,
aid :
"Ho had bettor do the conduci
ng. "
"I would bo obliged if you would
iccoinpany us to the conoral's ptes-
nco youisolf,1 said I.
" 'Oh ! with pleasure , with pleasure , '
10 replied , and led the way.
"As w o turned and passed through
he stockade Johnston took ono side
f * the adjutant-general and I the
jthor , and wo were soon with tlio
exican general , and had the papers
elating to the capitulation in our \
"On our return , in jumping n ditch ,
ho thp of my holster flow up and ] '
bund that my pistol had been stolen
> y his orderly while 1 was with the
Mexican general. It was aery val
uable ono , although a very plain one.
t li.ul been riven to mo by Colonel 1
fohnston , my companion during tlio
31ackhawk war , and I priced it Jiigh-
"Albert Sidney Johnston was
doubtless the most perfect soldici
the war on either side. The bat- )
lo of Shiloh is the only battle of
tvhich I have any knowledge was ,
'ought just as it was planned. Ifo bia
lent mo a dispatch , which has beet ;
est or destroyed , giving the plan ol
iis battle , and , if it had not been for .
delay of some of his troops a
ip , every incident of his plan woult
lave been carried out , and each inovo :
nent would have fitted in clock-
vork. "
"Stonewall Jackson was the great : o
executive olliccr of the confedora
' . General Leo uttered a grc.i
ruth , and front his he.irt , when he
said , upon hearingof Jackson's death
have lost my right arm. ' Leo was
gi eat soldier and a man. Mos Ho
icoplo mistake his character. Ho
lad the reputation of being a slow 'ot
careful , cautious man , but ho was ono
the most combative men I O'
knew. Ho was always willing to
fight. At times ho was oven imuotu
, especially in the face of disaster.
would often rush into places am For
danger where ho did not belong , am It
many times showed his disposition to all
an executive leader rather than th
controlling mind of n great army such
was ono of the piuest men I eve
knew a man incapable of subterfuge
evasion , deceit or indirection , 11
and hold a deservedly high plnci tions
a man and a soldier , both at home men
abroad. When Jackson lived h
LOO'II dependence. Ho recog
nized Jackson's out
ability as an oxccu
ofticcr and trusted him implicitly
when ho gave him his plans. Jack
never waited for orders a secom sonal
, or cent back for instructions
After the battle of Gettysburg Le
wrote to mo that ho had mot with n servo
reverse , and asked mo to find BOIII name
younger and abler man to take hi
placo. I replied that if I could find i
younger and abler man I might dcsit in
make the change , but us I had sc cisu
ich moro confidence in him than in tlieir
other man I knew , I could no lady
consider it. Longstreot thought hi ot lain
the man Leo lefoned to , but. 1'rlco
not. Lo < - had tlio most dolicati
conception of honor of any man I eve
. In 1817 , I think , when tin
Cubans wore planning insuirection
ai'cnls of the movement came t ( ing
Washington and waited upon mo to mu&clo
a piopomtion foi mo to onto } ) oit
service. TJioy had hardly broach whi'ii
the subject betoro I lojilied : day'w with
"Gentlemen , I am a senator of tin
United Hiatus , and the comity bu It tois"
nations will not peiuiit mo tf
to what jon to any. I
should sty anything of an nnpro which
charactei , I should be obliged
to my position as senator am system
friendly relations of this govern tlo
to Spain , ( o ro\cal it. "
"This stopped Iho conversation , bu
asked mo to recommend sonu If
. I stated that
there was an office cough
duty at Hultiinoro in charge of tin
construction of Fort Carroll , and tha the
know of no ono whom I could mor throat
heaitily recommend ns a military mat KI >
that oflicer , Colonel Robert V
, I gave them a letter of intro dieds
to him at their request , an and
called upon Lee. They oflerc had
8100,000 , cash in advance , as show
, and the rank , pay and coin cures
of all their forces. Ho aske
time to give an answer , and h KHV
over \ynshington and told in clntis
the proposition , and naked my at vero
. I told him that I could not at or
him as to the business part of th will
proposition , lid said tliat 'was no Diug
ho had sought my advice nbom free
desired to know my views as t for
10 moral aspect of his acceptance. I
him of the anwswor T had inado
10 Cuban agents , and he at once do-
hied the proposition.
"Which was the greatest battle of
10 war ? "
"Oottjsburg. It was * a more do-
isi\o battle than any other. If
tonowall Jackson had been at Oettys-
urg the result , I believe , would
ave boon ditrorent. "
"Did Leo lose any advantai'o by
ot aclepting General l oncstreut
Inn to march around and take posi-
on between Meade and Washing-
on } "
"I think not. The less Lon . " ) lreot
s to say about the battle of Gettya-
urg tho'bottcr for his military rcpn-
ition. To lie sure , Leo might lu\o
loved irountl and Ukon position in-
icated but ho could not liaxo forced
loidoto attack him. Meido w.
ear his base of supplies and in his
wn countiy , and need notm\o ) inado
nttlo for a month unless ho chose ,
hilo Leo was in the enemy's country ,
A ay from his base of supplies , do-
ondont upon the country for sup-
ort , and was obliged to light befoio
le.ulo hid tuna to get roinfotcements.
Hiigtreot ) heard the ! fn ing on the
ight of the 1st of July , - > nd if head
ad moved up with lua troops , could
ave reached Hound Top before a
edcral soldier was on it , and no one
uostions the result that would have
ollowed. It will not do for him to
y that ho had no orders to move.orlMO
io heaid the tiring and should have
: iarehod upon it. There were nunicr-
itis instances during the Franoo-Prus-
ian war of just such iv situation as
\as presented to the two armies at
t Gettysburg , and never once aid
he reserves fail to march upon the
.ring when it began. It WHS a great
iiistako that Longstieot did not do so.
f wo had won Gettysburg , the moral
iflect of that victory would have
irolight peace. "
Here Mr. Davis arose , put on his
latnml in\itod mo to walk over to
iis workshop. Wo passed down the
tops together , and a walk of a Tow
ards brought the cottage to the
eft of the house. Ho throw open the
leers so as to give free access to the
> esh sea breeze which was blowing
ilFtlio gulf , and wo took seats in the
cosy little library , which Mr. Davis
lad fitted up for himself , where ho
could have it perfectly quiet. Stop-
ling up to the loaded shoUos I looked
hem over , and the newest edition
\.aa Sherman's " .Memoirs" by him
"Heio is Shot man's woik , "
said involuntarily.
"Yes , sir , " said Mr. Davis , "and a
sorry record it is. His enemies could
mrdly have told so bad a story ot him
iiul his acts as ho has told of himself.
see ho is annoyed by the lofeionco I
n.ido to his binning Columbia. After
vriting himself down : v malicious liar
his own work , saying that ho had
itartod the story that Hampton was r
esponsiblo for the burning of Colinn-
ia so as to break his inlluence , I can- f
lot see why ho should bo aiinoyoit'at
ho reference I made to it. If Colum > f
had been the only place burned , r
hero might bo somo'sonap iii assimi- n
ng to shift the responsibility or deny
.ho fact. Sherman had burned Atlan-
after driving the women and chil-
Iren out of it for that purpose , and
iul committed other equally atio-
cious acts. Ho had put tlio tw-o Fif
teen Corps , 'which always did its
work ' , thoroughly , " in position to perForm - hj
form its i part equally well in rolatioi
Columbia , the Hated place of all. ii.r
Charleston was not more marked for
rovcngo than Columbia , and wh\
Sheiman should tioublo himself to
ollect evidence that he did not bun
Columbia passes my comprehension
burned before and ho burnei
afterward , and why ho should seek to
rid of that special charge I cannof
A Lessen For Us All.
Harper' * WeeUj ,
feuch feeling of millions of hcarti
ono man is profoundly touching
civos him a creat distinction amoiij
mankind , Jitit it is also a hone
diction for a peonlp to bo lifted b ;
nn emotion. It is impossible tha
party passion should not be somcwha
subdued by it , and that n wholesom
sense of shame should not chasten fac
and disputes. If such are th
with whom bitter quarrels nr
waged , and upon whom unstiiitoi
contumely and contempt are pourct
, shall wo not all upon every aidi
pause and reflect that to bUw inor
party fires to fury , and to trample per
diameter in the niirp of angr >
political dispute , is to disgrace our
selves and the cause that wo woul
, ami the country whoso goo
depends upon us I
. A. Acrutth , diuxd'int , Ittitlivcn , Out.
te-i : "J ha\o tlio ( 'rcntckt coiiliclint
jour BunnocK ] ! iooi > ] ! mi us. In mi
uith wliichlnni ] iert > imallyuc < | tuintci
HUCCCSH was almost inc-reilibk' . On
told nio that Ii ilf u hotllo did lie
u good than Imiuhcdt of dollaiV wnrt
iniilicinu nlio ) iul : picoioiisly takun. '
> 1.00 ; tiinl bi u 10 ctutH.
* jylloodlw
Almost Crazy.
How often do wo ( .00 tlio liardwniK
f.itherKtinining o\eiy nerve nni
& , and doing Ina to HUJ )
his family. Imagine his feeling
' ivtnining homo from a hun tciu
' labor , to find his family jcctx
disease , conscious of unpaid doc
" hilh and debts on i eiy hand
must be enough to dtivo onu nlmos
. All his unhatiiiinesH could b
d by using Klectiio IJittoi-8
expel eveiy disease fiom th
, bringing joy and happiness t
thousands. Sold at fifty cents a but
by Jsh & MuMiihon. ( i )
you aio BiifFuiing fiom a sovoi
, cold , asthma , bronchitiu , con
sumption , loss of voice , tickling ii , or any nffuction of th
or lungs , wo know that In
O'H NJ.W Discovjiiiy will give you
immediate luhef. Wo know of hun
of cases it has completely cured
that where all
other medicine poratti
failed No other remedy cai Acca
ono half as many porniancn Hlfht
, Nowto give you satiafactor Cert
piooftlmt Dr. KJ.SU'H Nnv DIMO\ six
will euro you of Asthma , Uion
, Ifuy Futur , Consumiition , So rltle
Coughs and Colds , IloarHeness Huy
any or Lung Disease , if yo incut .
call at J. K , Jan & MoM AHON fraw
Stoio you can get a trial bottl Sell
of cost , or u regular si/o bottl
81.00. jan01y(2) ( ) aufldt
880. SHORTJ.INE , 1880 ,
SUoG&Coecil Bluffs
Direct Line to ST. LOUIS
From Omahn. and the West.
o chance of cv twlwceTomMiii ml * Ixul ,
and but one tftwcon OMAHA ViJ
Daily PassengerTrains
tRAClll-SO AU.
Tli t entire line I * ( xinppo < l with Pullinv. ;
alien Iy ( \ cho M '
Sleeping C\n , Pnlaco HIT'S
t > Phtform anil Coupler , nml the iile' -
itlnghoit o Air liraVe.
- > Sio tint xotir ticket rend' > M r '
ITV , ST. JObr.PH & COUNC I. HIA 1 rb
oadilSt. . Joseph Mid bt , IxmK
Tickets for Kilo at all coupon Mltlflrulntlif
. "alUWKS. ( len bi'ipt' , b't. Jcwili'MoJ
Ocn. Pa will Ticket ARt , bt , Jovph , Mo
W. C. SKACiiRr-'iT , Ticket AKI tit ,
1020 I'aTiilwiu Direct
ANtir ItomiRN , Paswenircr Aittnt ,
or ciirlilnc and pittcrlnir DoilRO trut , nml
ilolnc the neeesvnrT cradinc , from the eavt nldc
of ISth i-trect to 20th utrei U
Scaliil Wd < xlll lie rvcohnl 1'J ' the mull rtRiieil
orlMO eiks from the date hereof , forlhreiitli
np , KUtlerlnir anil the nice-wary crvlln ) ; of
jotrectfrointhoeijt * ldo ol IStli-licet to
l itrett. t ' Plftiisand ( ijice'ineatloiiB can I'oeeii
t the otllie of the cltj itiKlncer. Said MiNi > hill
i > eell\ the prlro ) ier eulilc jaril for Mlcli nmdlnp ;
l o thall rx.Utho \ price In detail forRitilunrli
11 : and K'liiterlnp , anil shall lie aec-ominnlol \ the \
he ninioof proiKwril Biirrty unmlcr the mini
omlitlons. Maul Mils to la opened at the lli > t \
iKtilar mectliiK of the ill } couiull after Momlit ) ,
uh 2:111.1881.
The Cit\ Council reserves Iho rlht | to njcct
nnml nil bliln.
tllj 25 , 1SS1 , nt 12 o'clock noon.
J. J I. . 0. JEWKTT ,
Oiinlm. July llth , 1SS1U CltCUrk. .
'or lcj Iiij ft s | > ecl l tax for the construction ind
repairing of sidewalks. Jt
to It orlilniHl bj the City Council of the Citj of
SKCTION 1 Tlmttho nctcrat Minis sunn fit op- Q
tlio following dm rllieil prcinK , to-
Wct CO feet of K 13 feet of lot 2 , Cnpltol Ail.ll
Ion , Omihi , ( Ml 00
J. A. llorliich , lot 4 , Mock , Ilorbmli aildl
Ion , Oimhi , $1.1 bO
1' Komt. lot 6 Mock 4 , llorl'uh's niMltlon ,
P. Koiikt , lot'd ' Idoelt J , llorliich's nilihtlon ,
inihi , SI 127.
John It. Dctwller. KtO fcetof lot 5 , liloik 15 , at
Omihi , SJ Id.
I.Minn Itlehanhon \ \ ' 51 feet ot lot 5 , litoek 15 ,
Onmln. > " [ > ( *
lxt 8 , block 70 , Oinilm , f > 0 r > 7.
lat 7 , Hlock 70 , Onnlia , SW ri7.
A. Jl. b iclc , lot 1 , Mock UJ , ( linilin , f 7 ( W
A. .V H. Kcmntr , lot , 1 , lilock 1 , Koiint ? i
luth'8 addition , Oinalm , 814 ( > 0.
llclimli Curtln , lot S , liloek.lj Onmlm , SI" 01
M. 1' . Hoelilltii. , K j lot 2 , lilock 1 , Koimtr .V
luth'8 addition , Om ilia , 6Ow. .
1'reil. lletterolf , W J lot. 2 , K'ountro & . liutli'ti
ililltion , Oiualn , J2 Oil.
llcinir the cost and c\pcmes npprotctl hv Hie
Itj cqiinell for the coiistriiitlon anil repilriii ) ;
alkn In front of and adjoining tuiM pre.
. . . Charles ( lirillncr In pursuance ot 1 ion
etentcnd Into bj the clU of Uniilrn , with
lie mid Uli irti ! GariUiiir , anil after the filliirei
the owner thereof , to do the mine after duo
ictlce , ho anil the wxmo are licrilij rcsiectl\c |
uxliel ami assetied aniilnst lachof said loin , parts
lols 'uni prumNcs , pijililo to tlio clt > ticnMir
\\Ithln tlilrtj ( )0)na ) ( from thl * dato.
SKC. 2. This ordinance drill take eflcctand ho
force from and after UH IL.LS .ii'ci.
W. I. lliKKIt ,
. Presl lent of Cltj Council , pro tcin.
.1 , .1. 1 C. JIVIHT ,
Citx Clerk.
PanoeilJulv rth , 18DM
Approved Jnlj bth , 1SS1.JAMES
JAMES K. I10\J ) ,
Thcaho\o tnIIOCOIIIPS ilcllnqiicnt on the Sth w
of AtiKUtt , Ibdlutter liltlnlato JO per cent.
icmltA and iiiteixttnt the rate of ono ) nr edit. anil
month In adianec , "ill lioiddcil.
s. O.JIAI.II.TTI : ,
j\135t Cltj Ircasiirer. '
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It imparts the most brilliant
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tha lutlcnt to great bodll ) tjuirerinj ; A tin- You
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, anil aiui < oiiictliiicHu Iar'till | of Illncsa , Ui
lUctrnJuni-Li ieiitlo jml tlioroiuli. ami Its ( 'cii-
use uoulil iiriotnt niuul bnlfcrln.
The Oldest Ustablialif d
Oaldv/ell , HamUton & Co , ,
traneuctcj earaa as that of an Ineor-
Account ) kept In currency or golJ ml'Jcct to
clicck wltliout notion
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without ,
ancci ouulo to customers on approt t > cl tocu <
at market rates of Intercut.
anil nil gold , bllU of exchange , fovcrn-
, tlato , count ) and city bond ) .
tjljtut elrafts on KnflanJ , IrchnJ , Scot-
and all jartu of KurojK. .
Kurot > can ] O aKii tlckeU.
No Changing Cars
Where illroit i-onnoctioin arc mule with ThrotiRh
HKK1'INI ! UAll I.IM-Stor
11AI.TIM011E ,
The Short Line via. Peoria
V1LI.K , nml nil point * In the
Till 1HUT U1I
> hcrt ) illrcot connoctinni nro mmlo In the Union
Dciwt with Hie Through Sldpl
Rock Island.
The tinv'iMilcil Initiiccint'tits olTrrml bj this line
to tm\ tiers nml tourists nro an follow :
The rclcliratc < l PULLMAN (1(1 ( ( hrol ) PALACK
SI.KKI'IM ! OA11H run onlv on thli line C , II.
Morton's KullnliiK ClmirH. No oxtm cliarca for
Pints 111 IttellnliiK Chain Iho fftniolH C. , II It
Pal io Dlnliiff Cam. Oorscoim hniokliifr Cnrs
nttnl with ilipi'it ' hleh IncVeil nUUn rc\ol\lng
ilnlrs , for the vxcIuMto usuof first cliaa iviiscn-
htccl Trick nml superior r < iulmiciit | ronililnc < l
Ith their itiintthronitli rnr nrniiKCincnt , makcn
this , n1io\o nil others , the fin or Ho route to the
Kiwi , houtli anil bonthcnst.
1rIt , nml jou will flnil tm\clln n l.ixnrj In-
Btctil of n illiwinfort ,
'IhroiiL-li tkkctilo this cclohmtcil line for nalo
nil otllrn In the Unltcil hlatinniul Cftimila.
All liiforinatlon nbont ratin nf farr , SUciiIni ;
Car an oninioihtlonx , 'I line Tnlilca , etc. , will ho
clitcrfullj glx en hj njiplj Inc to
JAM ran. woon ,
General Pasinnrcr Aijciit , Chicago.
T. .i. porriiu
nnii ral Maimrcr
West for LCIIIK thn most direct , ( pilcliist , anil
fi.nt line ( , oiiiici tinliu ercat ; iictro | > olix , GUI-
SOUTH KAnrniN I.INKN , uhlcli U riiiliiitutlierc ,
L'KSIKHrt ( ruin ulilch radlitu
pcnctmltv Ilio Continent from tlio Missouri
Hher to tliu 1'aellle hlovo. | 'Uio
oiiravco HOCK ISLAND & PA
Ilio on ! ) line from Chicago ounliu , ' track Into
Kanean , or which , lij Ittt oun ronil , nadirs the
iiointH alioM ) named An TiA\M'riiH : nv UAiiuiAiml
Mutilated or unclean earn , an cniri jUKstii cr la
i.irrleil In roonij , clean and \entllateHl wacliex ,
I ant I.xiircsx Inilm.
IWl CAIIH ohmrlxaled nnKiilflecnco , I'm MAN
I'AiiACK hi KKIIMI CAKH. and oiirouiittorld fninous
HIMMI C'AIIH , iiimn whii h iiunN nro tr\oil of ini-
BiirjKiHxifil cxeellclicc- tlio lou rntei of HK\KSTV-
CKSTH KAtlillliaiiiplj time for lieulthfut
OliroiiKli Carx lictuccn Clilcago , I'corla , Mil-
wauKcoiiinl MIxKOiirl Klier I'oliiW. and elosuion
tieetlonnatall jiolnUi of Intcruectlon ultli other
Vta ticket ( do not forcct thindirectly ) to c\cry
nhcoof liniiortaiicclii Haimon. Nelinmka i , lllaek
, Wjomlnir , f Lull , Idaho , ciiuln , California ,
Orcj.'on , MiuliliiKtoii Tcrrltoo , Colorado , Arizona
and'Ncw Mexico'
> liberal arruiuemctitu rck'Tillnn liank'W ai
other line , and rates of farualnaj * atl ow an
competitor * ) , who furnlth Lilt a tithe of the com
DOLII and tackle of tportsmcn froo.
llckctn j inaiin ' and folder * at all principal ticket
MCCH In the riiltcd HUtcd and Canoila.
. U. CAULK , Ii HT. JOHN ,
1'rcs't i Ccn. Ocn , Tkt and I'aiui'r Ayt
, Cliluitro , Chicago.
Hop B.
iirrrlnirfroinany In
rrrliiK from
f mi u LeU ot lick
tters ,
Iliiiuuinitiiilla an-
nially fruin lomii
roimof KlUnoy
ljut inUlit
| iiif < iinl (
iuly uwul
IVJK/II , klilitra D. I. O.
! an ut iolut
atnl , ille < o
Ilio ifmiiui * . end lrri'Bl lu.
Inncrli , tiluoil , lilo o u r u for
drunkenrioaa ,
or iitritt I
emu of uilcnn ,
will lie tuhaocoor
ruriHlIf tUUVOtlCtt.
Ifyounretlm Boldbydrrtr.
weak > ml ,1-tii. Heudfor
> lrlt ltry NEVEK Lliculur *
It mny
IIOP i irrua
nnvo your FAIL
life. It 3r
aavod hun RMtctlrr , 3. T.
o. A Tprttnto , Out.
i I
i 3
cxa 11
fa o
ILER & CO , ;
Manufacturers , OMAHA ,
I'roves licyonJ any rcosonnblo question tlmtthA
Is 'oy nil oelils tlioV t rofid for yea to take w lien { raveling In either direction between ) ?
Chicago and all of the Principal Points In the Wosl , North and Northwest. < i
Oarpfnlly cuamlno thH Vnp. Tlio Trlnclnil Cltlci of tlioVo t nnil Jfortlnre
on thl roml , Iti tliroi li tralm t nto Stations }
Junction iiolnti. niiiko close connections will ] tlio trului of nil ruiUuaels at
, j . * * "
tj'- , ivni . t > < 'A" \ jOklOAGO * a .V NORTBt-WKS'I i / f ' i '
oritsjitlnolpnl llnri.Timi noli wny ditlvfrnmtwo to tourormoro . *
Ills tlio . Impress
only ro.ul west of UlilcnRi ) tlint lists tlio „ _
Itli Ilio onlv ronil thnt '
nriil)3.rm ' jff/,7.VOJ..ft nins I'ullmin .if > . Sloorlim It furmi Cnr tlio ? follow North ln or 1riiiiklliipi Nnrtliwnt of Clile.nco. It lias'
CoilllC IIHlllTi. Icm . : I
i > rit nnllfnrnli T.lni. ' .
'XVItmnn Aliimpwt.1 l riol-Mi "
| ; sjouxrity. . * . . " " ' rcntml Dnkita Llno."i
" 3 . jr. . ( ; , , 1' iilMliinrnpolls l.luc.
> or. IlllnoK . 1
. '
? " " " " * PrpcpuitftDiiliuniioMno. " " . .
Jlckets o\cr tills jriiLiuiiiu are sulil | i.iuu. liy all .111 man ' KIT . \in-e'ii 11 O' ft Ltlkfl Rtlpcrlnr I.I .1C. * *
Cnunilas. Coiijiou 'llcUut Agents lu tlio Unlteil at-Uci aiiJ
1UEVIX Iteiuemlier ' to nsk for ' Tickets vlrt tills road , tin sure they rend ocr It , unit take none other. (
UL'aiUn.Gcii'lJIiuiagcrChicago.V. . H. brESMiir.tJcu'irass. Agent , Clilcoffc
IIAItRY I' . DIMII. . Ticket Airont C. & N. W. ll/vllwaj1 , llth and Piinhim treot
I ) K KIMI1AIJ. , AntUtAiitllckct A.'rut U. A N.V \ lUllui14th nml street
J. IIKI.L ' , Tlckot ARtnt 0. A N W lUllwaj , U. P. U. It. Depot. !
SAMl'.ST. CI..VJIK aencrnl Accnt.
WIIOMSAM : AND in TAIL iiANurAcruitiNa
rTTS' '
Gold and Silver Watches and Jewelryintlic City
Conic nntl sco our ( stock , ns H o w 111 bo pleased to show foods.
We take the call your attention to the fact that we
have just secured the EXCLUSIVE MANUFACTURE
First- Class Summer Stove
Some of its nmny advantages are that
under no o millions will it
jTliu fmiiitmo from nny other stove can bo
used on tliuin , includiiiL' nny sued
Tlio work rcfinlrcil of any wooil or coal cool :
Hto\e , can bo ilono on them , being per-
fetL In cnch deimrtintnt.
Cooking , Baking , Washing & Ironing
They can liu used out in Iho wind an well nu in
i , They can only bo appreciated
In | iun.ha8lnA ) Hiiiiuncr btove. jou will lia\o came for regret if you don't inspect
o tlicxo fctmcN u fuir mid imjmrtinl trial.
For Sale Only by
jo 11-ooil-Jm 1410 Farnham St. , Omaha , Nob.
GunsAmmunitionSporting Goods
JMAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Ne