Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1881, Page 7, Image 7

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v 810 Harnham , bet. Oth and 10th Streeti.
V ° Py. 1 year , In nJi-Mice ( ixwtmJ ! ) J10.00
. V
> .nonths < B00
wontlw " < <
Ctl. . fc O. 6 R. m. 3 : < 0 p. m.
C. k N. W. , 0 ft. m.-340 ; V m.
p. , II. I. & r , . o n. tn. 3 : o p. m.
K. C. , St. J. k C. n. , 8 iv. in. 3:40 : p. in. Arrhe
tt St. Louis at 0:25 : < u tn. nnil 7:15 : a. m.
p. It M. In Neb. , Through Uxpress , S:35 : a. m.
11. k M. Lincoln rrolKlit-7:00 : p. m ,
U. I' Exmc'i , 12:15 : p. in.
O. k U. V. for Lincoln. 10.20 a. m.
O. k It. V. Jot Ojccota , ! UOa. m
U. P. frolzhl No. 6 , 6:30 a. in.
U P. fr IKlit No , D , S:15 : ft. m.
u. P. freight No. 7 , 0:10 : p. m. emigrant.
V. P. ( roll-lit No. 11 8:24 u. m.
C. B. i O. , 6.00 a. m.-7:25 : p. m.
C. k N. W. , [ > :45 : a. in.-7:2S : p. m.
C. It. I. k 1' . , 0:45 : a. in. 0 05 p. m.
K. C. , St , JOe k 0 1) ) . , 7:40 : n. m. 6:18 : p. tn.
W. , St. L. k I1. , 10 : a. in. 4:25 : p. in.
O. k It. V. from Lincoln 12:12 : p. m ,
V , I' , Kxjirois 3:2S : p. m.
B & M. In Neb. . Throuzh Express 4:15 : p. m
n. ft II. Lincoln Freight 3:35 ft. m.
U. 1' . Freight No. 10 1:40 : p. m.
No. ft 4:25 : p. m. Emigrant.
No. 8 10:50 : p * in.
No 12-11:35 : n. in.
0. k K. V. mixed , fir. 4:35 : p. m.
Nebraska Division of the St Paul & Sioux City
No. 2 IcruM Omhhu 8 a. m.
No. 4 leaven Oinalia 1:60 : p. m.
No. 1 arrttca nt Onmtm at 4:30 : p. m
No. 3 Arrives at Onuiha at 10.45 a. m.
Laaro Omaha at 8:00 : , 0.00 nml 11:00 : n. m. ;
t:00 : , 2:00. : 3.00 , 4:00 : , 6:00 : anil 0.00 p. m.
LU.UC Council DliilTsat 8:25. l > :2j : , 11:25 : a. in , ;
J:25 , 2:25 : , 3:26 : , 4125 5:25 : anil 0:2fi : p. m.
Sundays The dummy loa\cs Unmha at 0.00
Mid 11:00a. : vi. , ' 2,00 , 4:00and : 5.00 p. in. I.aucs
Council llluna at 0:25 : and 11:25 : a. in , ; 2:25 : , 4:25 :
and 6:25 : p. in.
Opening and Closing of Mail * .
a. m. p. m a. in. p. m.
Chicago & N. W 11.00 0:30 : 4SO : 2:40 :
Chicago , U. I. & Pacific. 11:00 : 0.00 4:30 : 2:40 :
Chicago , U. & Q 11:00 0.00 4:30 : 2:40 :
Wnbish 12:30 : 4:30 : 2:40 :
Sioux City and I'aciflc. . 11:00 : 4:30 :
Union 1'acillc 6:00 : nuo
Onnha&ll. V 4:00 : 11:40 :
B. * .M. In Neb 4.00 8:40 : 6:30 :
Omaha k Northtt estcrn. 4:30 : 7:30 :
Local inalli for Stata of Iowa lca\ but once a
day , \lz : 4:30. :
A Lincoln Mall U also opened at 10:30 : a. m.
Itllco open Sundnys Iroin 12 in. to 1 p. 111 ,
THOS. K HALL , 1' . M.
Business Directory ,
Art tmporlum.
U , HOSE'S ' Art Emporium , 1010 DoJgo Street ,
Steel Knprnrliiip , Oil Paintings , Chromes , Fancy
Frames , I'ramln'f Specialty. Low I'rlccs.
BONNEU 1SO-J DouKlas Street. Good Stales.
Abstract and Real Estate.
JOHN L. SIcCAGUE , opposite Test Ofllco.
W. U. BAHTLETT 317 South 13th Street.
Kooin 11 Crelghton Lloclc.
A. T. LAHOE Jr. . Jloom 2 , Cieisrhton niock.
Boot ! and Shoes.
Fine Boots and Shoe * . A need asaorment ol
homo vsoik on hand , corner 12th and Hartley.
THOS. KRICKSON , S E. cor. 10th and Douglas.
605 10th street , manufactures to order good work
at fair prices. Repairing done.
Bed Springs.
J. F. LARRIMER ilanufacturcr. 1517 Douaast. ]
Books , News and Stationery.
J. I. FIIUEHAUF 1015 Farnhara Street.
Butter and Eggs.
HcSHANE k SCIIROEDEU , the oldest B. and E.
bouse in Nebraska established 1S75 Omaha.
eouthivcst corner IGthand Dodo. |
Best Board for the Money.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Meals at all Hours.
Hoard by the Day , Week or Month.
Good Terms for Cash.
Furnished Rooms Supplied.
Carriages and Road Wagons.
WJI. SNVDER , No. 131h llth and Harncy Streets ]
Civil Engineers and Surveyors.
ANDREW IlOSCWAfEll , CrclKhton Block ,
Town SimejB , Grade and Sewerage Syatema a
Commission Merchants.
JOHN O. Wit , LIS.1414 Dodge Street.
D B W.EMKK. For details sea large ad\crtlso-
tncnt in UalLv and Weekly.
Clears and Tobacco.
WEST & FUITSCI1 EH. manufacturers of Cigars ,
nd Wholuule Dealers In Touaeeos. 1305 DouUs.
W. F. LOHENZUN manufacturer tHlOthatreot.
Cornice Worki.
Western Cornice Works , Manufacturers Iron
Cornice , Till , Iron and tilato Roofllng. Orders
from any locality promptly executed In the best
manner. Factory and OHice 1310 Dodjfo Street.
GahanUed Iron Cornices , Window Cans , etc. ,
manufactured and put up In any i rt of the
counm. T. SINIIOI.U 410Thirteenthbtrcet
Crockery ,
J. CONNER 1309 Douguu ) street. Good lino.
Clothing and Furnlihlnrj Goods.
GEO. II. PETERSON. Also Hats , Caps , Boots ,
Shore , Notions and Cutlery. SOI B. 10th Btrcet.
Clothing Bought.
C. SHAW will pay lilgheat Cath price for second
hand clothing. Corner 10th and Karnham ,
' v. Dei tlsts ,
DR. I'AUL , Williams' Plock , Cor. IBth k Dodge.
Drugs , Ha'nts ana Oils.
KUllli & CO. ,
Pharmacists , Flno ' 'anc * Oxxls , Cor , 16th and
DOUKUI ktrccU.
W.J. WHITEHOUPwnek \ Retail , 10th st.
C. C. FIELD , 2022 N . th Side Cuinlng Street.
M. PAUIt. UrueirUt. Win and Howard Streets.
Dry Oond Notions , Etc.
JOHN II. F. LlillIANN k CO. ,
Kew York Dry Goods Store , 1310 and 131B Fam-
ham ttrect ,
L. C. Encuold also boota and shoes , 7th It P&clflc.
A F. GROSS , New and 3oeond Hand furniture
and Stou-s , 1114 Doimaa , Highest cash prlio
| iald for second hanu iroo'ia.
J. nONNEK 130 ! ) Douula 8t. Fine goods , kc.
Fence Works ,
GUST , FRIES & CO. , 1213 lUrncy St. , Improve
ed > Ice IJoxta , Iron and Wood Fences , n , n.
Ballinga. Counteract 1'ineand Walnut.
d , Donaghue , plants , cut flowers , seedj , boqucU
etc N.V. . cor. Ifith au4 Douiflas strceU.
F-onndry ,
JOHN WEARNE k SONS , cor , 14th k JacksoneU
Flour and Feed ,
A CITY MIM.S , 6th And Faroham Bta.
y. . STKYENS , 21it between Cumlng and Irard
T. A. McSIIANi : , Com. 23J and Cuiuln ; StrciU
Hatters ,
W. L. PAIIR01TE & CO. ,
DougUs Street , Wliolfalc Exclusively
Hardwgie , Iron and Steel ,
DOLAN k LANOWOHTIiyTiolesale , 110 and
Uth street.
A. HOLMES corner ICth and CallfornU.
Harness , Saddles , &c.
B. WEIST 20 13th St. , bet Farnli Harncy
Hat * nd Bonnet Dlenthers ,
jwlles pttj mil Straw , Chip nd Kelt H t done
up nt northeut comer Se > entronth nd Capitol
Attnue. WM. tKVE Proprietor.
CANF1ELD HOUSE , Ge5.Cnnfleid,9th& F rnham
UORAN HOUSE , P. II. Car } ' . 013 Farnh m St.
SLAVEN'S HOTEL , F. Slavcn , 10th Strtct.
Southern Hotel Gus. Lxmcl , Oth & Lcatcnworth.
ron hencinc.
The Wentern Cornice Works , Accntn for the
Champion Iron Fence Ac. , ha\e on ti nd all kinds
of F.HIC.V Iron Fences , Cresting * , Flneals , Railiupr" ,
ete. 1810 iKxlpoRtroe. apliJ
Intelligence Oflice.
MRS. LIZZIE DENT 217 ICth Street.
JOHN nAUMER 1314 rarnham Street.
II. BEimiOLD , lUwand Mstat.
Lumber , Lime and Cement ,
FOSTER & GRAY corner tth ) nnd Dough * St .
Lamps and QlastwAre.
J. TONNKR 1SOO Donibs St. Good Variety.
Merchant Tailors.
One of our most | x > pular Mcnhvit Tailors is re
ceiving the latest ilHcn * tor Spring and Summer
? oods for gentlemen * wear. StjlMi , ilurnlilc ,
and urlccii low.o.4 ctcr 21f > 13th l > ot. Dou ; . > V Kuril.
MRS. 0 , A. RINGER , Whole lo nnd Retail , Fan
cy Good * In great \arlety , Zephyrs , Canl llo.inli ,
loslcry , Gloves , Corsets , \c. L'lu | > cst 1 Ionic In
he West. Purchasers snc 30 | wr cent. Ordtr
by Mall. 115 Fifteenth Street.
Physicians ant Surgeons ,
W. S. GinUS , M. 1) . , oem No. 4 , Crclghton
Hock , 16th Street.
A. S. LEISKNR1NO , M. I ) . Masoiilc lllock.
C. U HART , M. I ) . , Kjr and K&r , opp. postotHco
Oculist and Aurist , S. W Uth and Karnham Ste.
Photographers ,
Grand Central Galltrv ,
212 Sixteenth Street ,
near Masonic Hull. Firot-ciass Work and Prompt-
less guarantee ! ! .
Plumbing , Qas and Steam Fitting.
P. W. TARPY & CO. . 210 12th St. , bet. Faniluun
and Douglas. Worn promptly attended to.
D. riTZPATRICK , 1109 Dounlw Street.
Painting and Paper Hanging.
HUNRY A. ' ' "STEMS. 1412 Dodge Street
Planing Mill.
A. MOYER , manufacturer of sash , doora , blinds ,
noldings , nc els , nlustcrn , hand mils , ftirni hlng
scroll KX ing , &c. , cor. Dodge and Uth ttrcets.
Pawnbrokers ,
J. ROSENFELD , 322 10th St. , bet. Far. & liar.
Refrigerators , Canflcld's Patent.
I. F. GOODMAN llth St. bet. Farn. & Harncv.
Show Case Manufactory. )
0. J. WILDE ,
ifanufacturrr nnd Dcnlvr' tn nil kinds at Show
Cases , Upright Cases , fi . , 1317 Cita St.
FRANK L. OEHHAKI ) , proprietor Omaha
Show Casi nunufactorj , SIS South ICth street ,
> ctwecii Lea\enuorth and llarey. All gocxls
warranted flri.t-cl.'m.
Stoves ana inwarc.
Jcaler In Stoves and Tinware , nnd Manufacturer
of Tin Roofs and all Ulnds ol Building Work ,
Odd Fellow ' Block.
J. liONNER. 1309 Douclaa St. Good and Cheap.
J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills and
Culthntors , Odd Fellows' Hall.
Shoe Scores ,
'hllllp Lang , 1320 Farnham st. , bet. 13th k 14th.
Second Hand Store ,
PERKINS & LEAR. 1410 Uouzlai St. . New and
Second Hand rnrniturc. House Furnishing Goods ,
&c. , liaurlit and sold on mu.'ow maryins.
In the new brick block on Douglas Street , has
Just opened n most elegant lieu Hall.
Hot Lunch from 10 to 12
c\ cry day.
3n Faniham , nc\t to the B. & M. headquarters ,
ini re-opened a neat and complete establishment
v\hlch , barring FHIK. and MothcrShlptOn'B Proph
ecy , ill bo opened lor the DO ) s ulth Hot Lunch
on and after present date.
" Caledonia " J. FALCONER. 070 ICth Street.
Undertakers ,
CHAS. RIEWE , 101V Farnham bet. 10th & lltd.
P. PEMNKIt , 303 } Tenth street , between Korn.
liani and Harncy , Does good and cheap \\orlc.
00 Cent Stores.
HENRY POHLMAN. t07fl , notions , pictuies
jewelry , kc. , 513 14th bet. Farnham and Douglas
P. O. BACKUS. 1705 Farnham St . Fnncv Onoils
For Furnishing Hones , Wagons , and Harness for
the Indian ten Ice ,
Scaled proposals for furnishing eighty (80) (
work horses , two (2) ( buggy home' * , iltty ( fO ) wag
ons , one (1) ( light spring wagon , flfty ( M ) Bets
double harness for the Indian service at Otoe
agency. Neb. , will bo rcccltci ! by the undersign
ed at IMS olllce until lUo (5) o'clock p. in. Tues
day , July 20 , 1SS1 , at uhleh time bids will bo
opened nnd contraitH awarded The following
specifications nnd e-ondltions will bo observed ,
namely : The work horses must bo between the
ages of four (4) ( ) and sen en (7) ( \ ears , not less than
fourteen (14) ( ) hands high and to weigh not less
than nine hundred and fifty ( OSV ) pounds , broke
to double , true to work and
pcrfcetly sound. The buggy team will bo sub
ject to the nboto conditions , and In addition
must bo good trnvelcra All horses will be sub
jected to a thorough trial and inspection before
being recehcd. They must be weighed at thu
agency In the pretence of the agent.
Wagons to bo narrow track , three (3) ( ) Inch
thimbles , upriiig tent , top , box , liows nnd
covers be ot tweUo (12) ( ) ounce duek
Light wagon , three (3) ( ) uprlngs , with top. Har
ness to bo plain , back straps and colUra , full
leather tugs , complete.
All thuubateui bo delivered at the agency
at the cii > ense ef the contractor , not
later thin September 1,1BS1 , unlcx * there should
bo delay In thu approval ol thu contract.
All bids must bo accompanied by u certified
check or equivalent on name L'nltod States do-
Jiosltory , i > aabio to the order of thu agent for ut
cast fit 0(5) ) per cent of tlie umountof the bid ,
which flieek Bhall bo forfeited to the United
Stated In case any bidder rccch Ing aw an ) Khali
fall to execute promptly n contract nlth good ,
and fcullielent sureties , aevording to tbu terins of
his bid , othiTW ise to bo returned to the bidder.
Payment will be made through the Indian of.
flee , Washington , 1) , 0 , as noon as pruetlcablu
after the delivery of Jhe good *
The right to rujoct any and all bids l reserved.
Tills \tlllbe rrcchud for nil or part of the
abate , and chould 1m endorsed , "Projiouls for
Furnishing Horses , Wagons , nnd harnass , etc ,
as thu casumay be , nnd addressed to the undersigned -
signed at Otoo Agency , Gage coun'Neb. .
L' . S , Indian Agent ,
Otoo Agency , Neb. . June 34 , Ibdl.
For curbing and guttering Dodge Mrcet , and
doing the necessary grading , from the cast nidi )
of 13th btrcet to 20th street.
Scaled bids will bo rccchud by the undersigned
for two ueeks from the date hereof , for the curb
ing , guttering nnd thu necessary grading ol
Dodgu street from thu cast side of 13th street to
20th btrcet , Plans nnd spe-clflcatlons can bo seen
at the ollico ot thuilt } engineer , Said bids shall
specify the price per cubic sard for tueh grading ;
also shall binjc-lf j the prleo In detail lor such curbIng -
Ing and guttering , and shall bu accompanied by
thu nanmof proiiosod kuretj unnder the usual
conditions , haul bids to be 0)ienc ) < l at the flrsl
regular meeting o ; tbo elt\ council after Mondaj ,
Jnl ) SSth.lMl ,
The City Council reserves the right to reject
any and nil bids.
im elopes containing fcald projxtbals tliall be
marked , ' 'Proposals for curbing and gutterhig
Dodge street nnd doing the necessary grading , "
and delKaredto the undersigned not later that
July 25 , IbSl. at 12 o'tloek noon.
J. J. L. C , JEWETT ,
. July llth , 1SS1-U2W City Clerk ,
General Insurance Agent ,
don , co h OXW.U , ' ' ' 65 107 1 ° ' .
WKSTCHKSTKU.N , Y , , capital' . . . . llooolooo
TAKMKHCIIANTS.'of SarL , K. J. , 1 090090
glRAUDFIRK. 1'hlladcljilila.tai.ital. . 1,000,000
FIREMAN'S FUND. California , . . 600000
NEWARK KIRK INS. CO. . ansttn 8'0V"
Ssutheost Cor , ol Fifteenth and Farnham ht ,
She Invltos PropoKixln for Her Fntr
S n Krsnclsco Chronlclt.
The strpngth of the San Francisco
matrimonial market has been accur-
ntoly gauged at last. For many years
widows , maidens and all classes of
matrimonially inclined womanhood
have beliovcu tins city to bo the hii h
altar for hymeneal sacrifices. The
umber of bachelors \\t\s supposed to
M disproportionately largo , nml the
ihaiices for catching n husband hnvo
'ecu believed to bo accordingly favor-
iblo. Hut in the light of n Rincon
Hill widow's experience , this sup-
losod state of affairs does not exist ,
md bachelor quotations mustbomado
nuch higher hercaftor. On lost Sun-
ilay the following advertisement np-
icared in the "personal" column of
I'ho Chronicle :
WANTKH A respectable widow wniiU to
nake the ncnnalntnncc of n rcsix-ctablo
nan with n > low to Matrimony , ( . 'nil at
Utl llnrrisuii Direct.
It was to bo supposed nt least nil
e.xblo ladies did suppose
hut the scones in front of this enter-
irising widow's door would bo an in-
ensitied repetition of those which
n ere cnacttd when the man advertis
ed that ho wanted to buy a dog. But ,
strange to say , nothing of the kind
lapcned. No. 1)19 ) Harrison street
uilt on the side of n hill ; sloping
lown toward the water front. At
: ho lower corner n good naturcd fish-
nan keep a tavern. On Sun
day morning ho was sunniiu ;
uinsclf in trout of his door "Well , "
laid ho "what's them
, chaps mon-
coyin * round hero for ? That's the
'ourth man what's been askin' after
, ho numbers of the street. And they
ill go np tiio hill , and then they look
it that woman's house. What's this
! iur name is ? She's a widow , with n
loy and a H'1" ! ' "
While ho was still talking another
limit had been edging up to the speak
er. "This is Harrison street.saiil
10. "It is , sir , " replied the saloon
man. "And which side is 31 ! ) on ? "
asked the now-comer. "Last house
up the hill on that side , " said the
jiustioncd one , pointing his hand.
Hut the inquirer did not profit by the
information , Ho ascended the hill on
; ho opposite side , apparently the least
concerned in ! ! 10 and its occupant ,
who might bo watching his ascent
hrough the closed blinds. When ho
irrivcd opposite ho halted and became
intensely interested in the landscape
around him. Next he began to examine -
ino his shoes. Ho turned around on
iis heel a few times and finally ho
seemed accidentally to discover that
lie stood opposite to 310. Ho looked
up and down the street in n shy way
i few times , and finally made straight
For the door. He ascended the stops
the guilty face of a criminal and
rang the bell as carefully as if ho were
handling u dynamite cartridge. The
door opened promptly and n little
_ irl was seen to admit the caller. Ho
; ud hardly disappeared from view
when gorgeous uniform of a police
oflicor hove in sight on the crest of
the hill. The reporter immediately
recognized him as F , the homeliest
man on the force. Oilicer F has
wanted a wife for many years , but his
lack of physical beauty is so great that
oven vantages he possesses in his
connection with the force has failed
to overcome the prejudices which the
belles of Tohaimi street nourish
against him. Olliccr F was gorge
ous in a bright uniform. His star
fihono like a Mastodon minstrel's diamonds
mends , and the new tassel which en
circled his lint glistened as if it belonged -
longed to a brigadier general ,
"is SHE A viyi : WOMAN ? "
He was just from the hands of his
barber. There was n suspicion of
powder to bo observed on his check ,
whenever the gravity of the situation
struck him strongly enough to sup
press the grin which hovered about
Ins mouth. Oilicer F inspected
the house apparently unconcerned.
Then ho proceeded to mentally photo
graph the surroundings , and seeing
the saloon-keeper still sunning him
self ho came down hill.
' "Fine morning , " said the oflicer.
"It is that , " answered the liquor-
"You haven't road Tin1 Chronicle
this morning ? "
"No , sir , " said the man of bover-
\gcs. Thu olHcer smiled ns if ho had
been offered a treat. Then ho put
bis detective faculties , sharpened bv
six years' service on the force , to
wort. Ho gradually drew from the
wloon man the information of what
lie was in search of. No. 310 was in-
liabitodby a widow lady of uncertain
years , who rented rooms to lodgers.
Her family consisted of a son of 10
n daughter ot 13 , She was poor ,
but not in distress.
"Isn't she a fine woman ? " asked the
"That's how you take her , " came
the answer. "I don't know nothing
about the woman but what I've seen
of her on the street. Sure oho isn't
young , and she isn't old either. IJut
what's the matter with her ? Thoro's
half n dozen axing after her. "
The oflicor was silent.
"Oflicor , " said the reporter , "do
you want to answer the advertise
ment ? "
Ho grinned a ghastly grin , but did
not Jose his presence of mind alto
gether. "No , Mister , " said ho ; "I
thought there might bo a lot of fuss ,
becauro they'd nil want to go in first ,
So I lown to make
came ( thorn form n
line , but I guess they won't want
mo. '
When the reporter finished explaining -
ing to the saloon-knepor the interest
which was taken in No. 316 the otlicor
had vanished around the next corner.
Yesterday noon , when it might bo
reasonably supposed that thu stream
of aspirants for the widow's hand hud
ceased to flow , thu reporter called nt
the houno in question. Ho was ad
mitted by the girl who had opened the
door on the previous day , nnd who
asked him to step into the parlor.
The widow soon made her appearance.
Shu was a woman of middle ago ,
She was dreased cleanly but poorly ,
as wt-s also her daughter. The re
porter introduced himself , and begged
an explanation of thu advertisement.
"It means all it says , " said tin
widow. "I want to bring up my chil
dren as I was brought up myself
respectable - and 1 don't want to go
out to work nnd leave my daughter
at homo alone. If I can find a good
man I'd marry him , "
To the question , how many callers
ho had in answer to the advertise
ment , she replied , "Two ; ono was a
real nice gentleman , but the other
was tight , and I put him out. The
other ono promised to call again. "
It was evident that the woman was
In earnest. She protested that she
liad not boon driven to the slop she
took by poverty or want. She want
ed n husband , and , disdaining to em
ploy the usual means by which
irticlo is secured , she set about it in
the most public and straightforward
Nay imaginable , ns will bo scon by
[ ho above advertisement. She was
disappointed , however , in having but
two answers , but attributed the fact
to the prevailing excitement over t'n ' <
resident's assassination "Thoro's
ots of them as would mairy mo , " she
said , smiling.
How n Mail Goo * to Bo l-
Speaking of how a man goes to bed ,
in u.xch.uigo says :
"There's where a man has the ad
vantage. Ho can undress in a cold
room , and have his bed warm before a
woman has her hair-pins out nnd her
shoes untied. '
That is how it looks in print , and
this is how it looks in reality ;
" 1 am going to bed , my dear. It is
10:30. : " No reply. "Now , John , you
snow you are always late in the morn-
Ing. Do go to bed ! " "Yes , in a niin-
utu , " ho replies , as ho turns thopa-
[ ior wrong side out and begins it
lengthy artu-lj headed "The Louisiana
Muddle. " Fifteen minutes later she
calls from the bed-room ; " .John ,
como to bed and do not keep the gas
burning hero all night , " and murmur
ing something about the "bill being
Itig enough now , " she creeps between
the cold sheets , while John sits pla
cidly on , his foot ncross the piano-
stool , nnd a cigar in his mouth , liy-
and-by ho rises , yawns , stretches hint-
suit , throws the paper on thu floor ,
[ iroceeds to that vigorous exorcise ,
shaking the coal stove. Just at this
stage , a not altogether pleasant voice
inquires : "For pity's sake ! ain't yon
ready for bed yet ? " "Yes , yes , I'm
coming ! Why don't you go to sleep
nnd let n fellow alone ? "
Then ho discovered that there is
coal needed. When that is supplied
nnd rattled into the slovoho nits down
to warm his fool. Next ho slowly be
gins lo undress , and ns he slands
scratching himself , and absolutely
gazing on the last garment , dangling
over the back of the chair , ho remem
bers that the clock is not wound yet.
When this is attended to ho wants a
drink of water , and away he promen
ades to the kitchen. Of course , when
ho returns , his skin resembles that of
n pickled chicken , and once more ho
seats himself before the lire for the
last warm up. As the clock strikes
twelve , ho turns out the gas and with
a flop of the bed clothes and a few
spasmodic shivers ho subsides no ,
not yet ; ho forgot to see if the front
door was locked , and another flop
from the bedclothes brimjs forth the
remark : "Good gracious ! if that man
ain't enough to try the patience of
Job ! " Setting her teeth hard , she
awaits the final flopwith the accompa
nying blast of cold air , and then quiet
ly inquires if ho is settled for the
night , to which ho replies by mutter
ing : If you ain't the provokingest
woman !
How n Briiuotto Yonup ; Mnu nnd a
Bloiido Girl Mny TJO Utilized.
ItallroaJ Aihurthur.
Since the electric light has proved n
success for lighting largo buildings , it
has occurred to a scientific man of this
city that electricity could bo used on
wheeled vehicles. Ho know by ex
perience that there was always more
or less electricity wasted for instance ,
when a young couple were out riding
so ho experimented. Those who
wore out on the Whitolish Bay road
last Sunday evening , may have been
astonished at the unusual light that
shone the whole length of the road ,
as a certain cairiago passed along ; and
they probably observed thu
fright of the two occupants of
the carriage. The scientist had
learned that n certain young man had
engaged a buggy at a livery stable for
the evening ; so lie bribed the livery
man to allow him to experiment on
the buggy. The young scientist put a
email electric lamp on the lower part
of the dashboard , out of sight of Iho
driver , nnd rnn small copper wires to
the back of the scat. It is well known
to the student of nature that when a
brunette young man nnd n blonde
girl , who net as the positive and the
negative , that is , ho is positive ho will
put his arm around her , nnd she neg
atives the arrangement along nt first ,
until nfter dark there is a certain
electric current established , small in
itself , but of great power if properly
husbanded. 'You have all felt it. Oh ,
don't blush. It is likoyourarm getting
asleep , or hitting your funny-bone on
the arm of n rocking chair. Well ,
this wire was placed so that the urnm
of the young people would touch it.
Just ns they wore passing Fitzgerald's
there by the toll gate , they began to
snug up , nnd before they got to Lou-
damans thu little lamp began to thnnv
out light. _ It went under the horses'
feet and lit up the road for several
rods , and the young people were al
most ns astonished as the horse was.
They thought there was somebody fol
lowing ( hem with a lantern , nnd they
straightened up nnd the light went out.
Kvery little while they would got near
together and kiss each other slyly and
( Kjueoi-o , and immediately the light
would blaze up. The girl was ruul
frightened , and insisted on the joung
man's ' sitting on his side of thebnguy ,
and ho was a little frifhloned the first
few times that the light flared up
but as ho came out to ling , lie was go
ing to hug , if it turned night into daj ;
so he wont to lying to her about thu
horse being n phosphoroushoreu. lie
said there were some horses so full of
phosphorous that when they got
warmed tip a little , from driving , they
shod light all around. Thou they
got nearer , and the electricity
again appeared , and for an hour
they rode along in the evening by
the bright light. The young scientist
passed thorn a number of times in an
other buggy , and ho is so well satis
fied with the experiment that ho will
apply for a patent. The young Judy
was very much annoyed at the queer
light , nnd , while she cannot say that
she did not enjoy the ride , she has re
quested her escort to be careful next
time when they go riding and not got
a phosphorous liorso. The young man ,
when ho got back to the stable , told
thu livery man that was the lightest
rig ho over drove , nnd ho wanted a
calcium light the next time ho took
his girl o'ut , They will know what
caused the light wlion they read this.
It is getting so there is electricity in
everything. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
* .
An Eniiro Ghiuigo ill the Carbon
ate Camp In the Observance
or the Salilmth.
Ivntor Tribune ,
Londvillo does not ninko so nnuTi
n isi in the world this season as she
lias done in days that are past , but she
is putting out quitu nsmuch bullion as
formerly , and , what many consider
lu'ttor , is improving in her moral tone ,
So marked has this improvement become
come ( hat the newspapers find it a
Riuirco of comment. The following
article , noting this change in the as
pect of affairs is from The Herald of
Sunday last , and is woith reading , as
01111 ; to show the dawn of an import
ant era and the passing away of Iho
old slate of affairs :
A Sunday in Leadvillo to-day is a
very dillerunl thing from what it was
two yeais or oven a year ago. At
that time the only distinction between
the days of the week was that on
Sunday , if anything , more business
was done , and the crowd on the
streets was greater. It was the day
generally selected for nil kinds of en
tertainments , nnd with the exception
of one or two modest congregations
that met for religious services wher
ever they could find n Bpato room ,
theie was little or no opposition to
thu attraction of the theaters and
billiard halls , Merchants nnd clerks
looked ionvard to it as a day of
extra long hours nnd hard work. At
the mines thu seven days were otto
and thu name , and the fashion which
they net was thu ono that generally ob
tained. The sound of church
bells would have been mistaken
for a lire alarm , so novel would it have
seemed , and oven the .strictestchurch-
1'ourn at homo kept tracks of the
( lays of the week merely by the aid
of the almanac. Gradually a few
leading merchants closed their doom
on Sunday , and its iuumrtancu as an
exceptional day of business began to
ileeline. Othura followed the example -
plo thus set. nnd a gradual reaction
set in , until many of the milieu dk-
coiitinuud nil work not absolutely nec
essary. Still the day remained more
of a holiday than ono of religious ob
servance , as in Iho freedom of a
Western minim. town it will always
remain to a greater or less extent.
During thu transformation the various
religious denominations had been or
ganizing and gaining Htrungth , and
soon the proverbial liberality of n
mining community was seen in the
number of handsome churches that
arose. Fortunately thuir pulpits
were filled with liberal-minded men
who could sympathize with the sonti-
menls and roughcustoms of a now com
munity , and were thus nblo io oxer-
ciu an influence that would otherwise
have been but little felt , and .1 the
idea of npnslorprcHidmgovora dancing
party among his parishioners seems a
little too liberal to some of the good
conservative people in the east , they
must remember the story of Mahomet
and the mountain , a well as the
greater freedom nnd liberality of
v.-estern and especially mountain cus
toms and ideas. Practical , common
scnso preaching and earnest parochial
work have built np largo and healthy
congregations , and when the church
boll rings this morning the Sabbath
quiet of the streets and thu throngs of
well dressed nnd intelligent-looking
peoplu wending thuir way to church ,
will bear witness that the orthodox
Sunday has at last reached Leadville.
Tbo Mon "Who Snooood
Now Vork Olmcrt ut.
The great difference among men , of
all callings , is energy of character or
the want of it. Given the same
amount of learning and integrity , and
the same opportunities , ami energy
will make ono man a conqueror. The
want of it will sue the other a failure.
Dead-beat are nil mon without force.
They find as good n chnncu ns nny ol
theircompanions. Others went ahead
and carried off the prizes , while they
wore lying by the wayside , dwpinleil
and despondent. It takes nerve nnd
him , porsurvcrnnco , patient continu
ance in woll-doieg , to win a greii (
prize. And the young man who goes
into n profession without this pluck
nnd forcu wil.l not earn salt to his
porridge. Ho will drat' along throng ]
life with the holn of friends , getting
some credit with them for being i
well-meaning man , in delicate healtl
nnd unlucky. The real trouble is ho
lacks energy. This is just as true o
the minister as of thu lawyer or phy
Biciati. 1'ioty is not enough , and piet ;
with much learning is not enough
All thu Greek ami Hebrew in the
world will not qualify a man for use
fulness in the ministry. It wunti
nush , stamina , vigor , courage , resolu
tion , will , determination - in ono word
energy. If thu youth knows n litth
Greekj ho knows what en ergon means
and without it Dr. Parr's knowledge
of Greek will not help him to useful
ness or success in thu pulpit.
If you wish to avoid great dnngoi
nnd trouble , beuides a no small biil o
expense , nt this season of thu year
you should take prompt steps to keu ]
disease from your household. Tin
system should bo cleansed , blood puri
fied , stomach and bowels regulated ,
nnd prevent nnd euro diseases arihinj
from spring malaria. We know o
nothing that will BO perfectly am
surely do this as Eluctriu .Bittern , am
at thu trillng cost of fifty cunts n hot
tie. [ Exchange ,
Sold IJy Inh V. MoMnlion. ( ! )
If you are suffering from a severe
ftmgh , cold , asthma , bronchitis , con
sumption , loss of voice , tickling ii
the tluout , or any affection of thu
throat or lungs , wo know that Dit
KINU'K NKW DIK < : OVIUY : will give yoi
immediate relief. Wo know of him
dreds of eases it has completely cured
and that wheio nil other medicines
had failed , No other remedy cai
show onu half as many pormnnen
cures. Now to give you satisfactory
proof that Dr. KINO'S Niw ; Dimiv
KIIV will euro yon of Asthma , Bum
chilis , Hay Foyer , Consumption , Severe
voro Coughs and Colds , Hoarseness
or any Throat or Lung Disease , if you
will call nt J , K. IHII t MoMAiio.s'
Drug Store you can get a trial bottl
free of cost , or a regular size bottl
for § 1.00. janlOlyii ( )
We take the liberty to call your attention to the fact that wo
have just secured the EXCLUSIVE MANUFACTURE
First - Glass Summer Stove
me of its mniiy advantages arc that
under no o millions will it
| The furniture from any other stove can bo
used on them , inoliidini ; any sized
The work rcqtitrpit of ixiiy wood or coal cook
to\c , can lw done on tlii'in , being per-
foci in onch iloimrtlticnt.
Oookiiig , Baking , Washing & Ironing
They can betf \ \ \ out In the wind ns well ns In.
doom. They can only be appreciated
In nurclm itiR n mnnincr nlove. you will hixvo cmne for regret If you don't inspect
uiilgi\o tlieno ittou's n fnlr Mill iuiiurtlnl trial.
For Sale Only by
jo 1-l-eotMw 141O Paruhain St. , Omaha , Nob.
J. B. Detwiler's
The Largest Stock and Most Com
plete Assortment in
The West.
"We Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , Oil
cloths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures
and Lace Curtains.
( I ,1 I I . / I >
, I llfi
1313 Farnham St. , Omaha.
the Oldest Wholesale and
Retail Jewelry House in
Omaha. Visitors can here
find all novelties in Silver
Ware , Clocks , Rich and
Stylish Jewelry , the La
test , Most Artistic , and
Choicest Selections in
Precious Stones , and all
descriptions of Fine
Watches , at as Low Pri
ces as is compatible with
honorable dealers. Call
and see our Elegant New
Store , Tower Building ,
corner llth and Farn
ham Streets
IMC jOu OBC .A. ,
IN Till ; WEST I
General Agents for the
Finest and Best Pianos and
Organs manufactured * "
Our prices are as , Low as
any Eastern Manufacturer
and Dealer.
Pianos and Organs sold
for cash or installments at
Bottom Prices ,
A SPLENDID stock of
Steinway Pianos. Knabe
Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi
anos , and other makes.
Also Olough & Warreu ,
Sterling , Imperial , Smith
American Organs , &c. Do
not fail to see us before pur
- 3C3SST -
Ladies' ' Suits , Cloaks , Ulsters , Circulars , Etc , ,
200 Handsome Suits , at $5 00 ; 300 Styliah Suits , $10.00 ;
75 Black Silk Suits , $17,00.
Wo huvo Bovcral lots of attiplu jjooda which will bo ofl'ered at
All ladies should avail thcntsolvca ( if this great sale of