6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY JULY 14 1881. A SOUTHERN FISH POND. -A , Million Cnrp in nn Aero of Wn- - tor- Orfffln ( On. ) Now * . „ < 5ho of the most lovely places in > Spaliling county is the cnrp pond of Mr. A. A. Wright in North Gnlhn , These of our renders who hfivd never visited it cnn lorm little idea of its beauty. Mr. Wright , who is n genius iu everything , 1ms devoted to tlio im- improvement of this place his best skill nnd onorgics. Wo must confess to some neglect in not giving more pro minence to nn enterprise that has at- traded so much attention and favor able comment in Georgia , and which has oven filled columns in influential western papers. Tlio pond covers nn area of nearly nn acre , and is supplied with water by ft largo , cold spring that boils up in the center , and water convoyed by un derground pipes from n number of springs several hundred loot distant. The dam is constructed in the best manner , boinc planked tip on the in side of the lost heart ino lumber , with clay backing , on which is planted ' . nJermuda grass. Inside the pond , near ono corner , is a dry well , eight feet in diameter and ten feet deep , octagon shaped , at the bottom of which is a largo hydraulic engine , or ram , that forces water through pipes nil over the residence of Mr. Wright , where it is used for the various pur- posesneedcd , kitchen , bath-roomotc. , , keeping up a constant How of water without the use of tanks or reservoirs , having the same pressure of an ele vated tank thirty feet high , nnd also keeping n beautiful fountain contin ually playing seven jots of water fif teen feet high. Around the top of the dry well is a strainer or Boivo of wire cloth made to order in Now York , through which the waste water es capes from the pond ( thereby prevent ing the escape of the smallest scrap ) , thence from the bottom through n wa ter pipe which coilvoy.H all surplus wa ter nnd wnsto from the pond nnd rain. Two largo weeping willows stand in the center on two islands built oc tagon shape , nnd sodded with blue grass. The willows nro the largest and handsomest in the county nnd are ex ceedingly ornamental. Around the pond , on the dam , nro other large weeping willows , which make the place look cool and pleasant. On the up per side are plantedarowot magnolias nnd weeping willows , and in the pond , spread on the surface , blooms the beautiful yellow water lilies , yellow lotus , curcutian rocurrata , calladium , csctilantums , and n variety of other ornamental nquntio planttt. In the depths of the pond Hwim the largest nnd finest carp in the stnto , ranging in size from the tiny ones to those 211 and 24 inches in length. Of all sizes there are n million ot carp in the pond , nnd in them a very handsome f refit for Mr. Wright. HowMnrblos are Mndo. Marbles are named from the Latin word "mnrmor , " by which similar playthings were known to the boys of Homo two thousand years ago. Seine marbles are made of potter's clay and baked in an oven just as earthenware is baked , but most of them are made of n hard kind of stone found in Sax ony , Germany Marbles are manufac tured there in great numbers and sent to all parts of the world , even to China , for the use of the Chinese chil dren. The stone is broken up with a hummer into square pieces , which are ilien ground round in a mill The mill hasa fixed slab of stone , with its surface full of little grooves or fur- lows. Above this a Hat block of oak wood of the same size as the stone m made to turn round rapidly , and while turning little streams of water run in the grooves and keep the mill from getting too hot. About one hundred of the square pieces of stone are put into the grooves at once , and 'jn a few minutes are made round nnd polished by the wooden block. 4 China and white marbles also are used to make the round rollers which have delighted the hearts of the boya of all nations for hundred * ) of years. Marbles thus made are known by boye as "chinas" or "alloys. " Heal chinn ones are madu of porcelain clay , and baked like chinaware or other pottery , f Seine of them have a pearly glaze and seine are painted in various colors , which will not rub oil' , because the } are baked in just as the pictures art on the plate and other tableware. _ , GJas marble's are known , m v" ! giUe8. " Jriioy are made of botli clear and colored glass. The formoi arc made by'taking up n little molted .glass on the end , of an iron rod and making it round by dropping it into n mould , Which shapes it , or by whirl ' ing it around the liead until the glass is nude into a little ball. Some times the figure of a dog , 01 squirrel , or kitten , or sonu other object is put on the oni , o the rod , and when it is dipnod int ( the molted glass the ulass llows ill round it , and when the marble is doni the animal can bo seen shut up in it Colored gloss marbles are made bj holding a bunch of glass rods in tin fire until they meltj then the work men twists them round into a ball o presses them in a mold , so that whoi done the murblo is marked with band or ribbons of color. Heal agatea which are the nicest of all marblee are made in Germany , out of thoston called agate , The workmen qhip th pieces of agate nearly round wit ! hammers , and then grind them rouni and smooth on grindstones. [ Philadelphia adolphia Times. Boavera at Work in Europe * > 'rom the Louden Globe. Possibly some naturalists , and great many other people , are quit unaware that the beaver is still livin in considerable numbers in a nart c Germany. We know that in JJritain where this wonderful little animn once had its natural homo , recen attempts have boon made with nine' perseverance to introduce it nrtili daily ; and Hurting has lately shown not only what was the urobable dat of extinction of the species hero , bu also how fai- Lord Hate's eiiorts t reacclimatize them may bo considorei practically successful. Other aimila attempts have been made in Poland Austria and Russia , but in no plac has the experiment been carried B far iia on the banks of the Elbe , wher special laws have been passed for th reservation of the amphibious re uonti. Hero their multiplication ha become n subject of serious protests on the purl of those inhabitants who cnro more for their cropi mid private interests than for questions of natural history , however interesting. The bearers have begun to attack the trees on each oido of the bank vitliin a wide range of the river , and have not only dctiiolUliQd .quantities of the younger saplings , but also gnawed through and razocl to the ground many quite full-grown trees. Tlioy have likewise , in the course of their various works in damming and divert ing the stream ! caused great tlamngo to the existing banks and defences , peas as to cause inundation and impose much toil and expense upon the riparian proprietors. So serious are the depredations of the tribe , as it continually increases in number , that the Germans arc preparing to address petitions to the Government , and ask for an net , conceived somewhat in the spirit of the hares and rabbits net , authorizing them to protect themselves by organising beaver hunts on a largo DESERTERS. The Difficulty or the Railroad * with I < a1iorors , From the tandtlllo Democrat. It is noticeable to the citizen , ns well ns to the police , that the popula tion is being greatly increased by a horde of characters who have no ap parent occupation , and coming in without a cunt , it becomes a wonder as to how they got hero. In conver sation with Mr. E. L. Brooks , of the Denver & Ilio Grande railroad. yesterday nfternoon , ho furnished some light upon the subject. The extensive construction of railroads in this State has afforded employment for even a greater number of laborers thati were obtainable , and seeing various advortismonts , the "drift wood" element of this country have taken advantage of It to further their familiarity with the Western country. At times the cars in which they have boon imported have been crowded with this class. A few days ago Mr. Brooks came up from Pueblo with a largo number that were to go to work on the Eagle river extension. Before taking passage or before they were ndmittod in the car , Mr. Brooks took hold of their bnsrgago and it was understood that they would not have possession of it until they reached the camp mid went to work. Then , and lot till then , would they have access o the' trunk or box that contained all f their worldly possessions. Accord- ugly they went'to the camp , and with londuct that resembled one that had tlod down to business , they soon iccured their baggage. This evidence ) f labor , however , was only tem porary , for the moment that the back if the boas was turned toward them , , hey sei/.ed their baggage and skipped iut without , n word. Tlioy are eager 0 see the fablud sights of Lcadville , uid they hasten to this place. In calling the roll the next morning the boss finds a largo number of "desert ers , " and is not mtprisod. They arrive "u Loadvillo , and it only requires n 'ow moments to make them realize , hat it is nccoiisnry for a man to labor ns diligently for n living in this city ns in any other. Their dcsiro to NOO the sights is appeased , and they wall : to the depot under their loads of whisky and want to see General Agent Cook. "Well , sir , what do you want ? ' nquirus the agent gruffly , nml witli 1 smile half suppressed , knowing ns 10 does what the fellows have been jlaying. ' Any passes given us up to McCarty's ? ' "No , air , there are not. Mr. McCarty guts his passes by paying for them. "That nettles it. Good day. No larm done , and the follow who lesortod his job to gratify a dcsiro to see the camp of carbonates walks away and takes a tie pass for the extension " engaged to work for. This is one of the waya that the rubbish of the country adopts to got into the "Western city. They do not want to work * and when they made the engagement expected to got hero. Out of probably three thousand men who have boon employed in the East , there are at least one-third who have been deserters in the way above stated , At present the roads arc usingioxtra precautions , and they arc importing only that class that car appreciate the value of employment , There are nbout ono hundred mor arriving < in this State daily foi the various Colorado extensions , am tlmy figure largely in the populatioi of the Statd. Kouuth In Old Age. The Pali Napto prints an interest ing account of n visit to M. Kossutl at Dnraccono , in Piedmont. Tin illustrious exile has recently sufforot' a painful bereavement by the doatt there iv few weeks ngo of his fiuthtti friend and constant companion Gen Ihusr. In spite of his advanced yean ho still retains , in n high degrun , hit extraordinary powers of work , and 01 bright days can even road without spectacles , although ho is obliged tc give up the mountain climbing , whicl was , till a few years ago , his principal almost his only relaxation. Ho loadi n most retired life , visits nobody and is not very accessible to visitors The corro.snondont remarks that In makes uu exception in favor of Americans cans , to whom ho is always "a homo , " and as Barraccono is not fa from Turin such visits nro not infro quont. Jlo is at present engaged 01 the third volume of his "Memoirs,1 beyond which ho has dutorininod.no to continue the work. Ho is particu larly anxious not to compromise per sans who played n conspicuous pur in the " ' ' "emigration , but who nn now decided opponents of the "parti of independence , " with which hi' name is associated. Pointing to hii Bocrotuiro , ho said : "I have material there for twenty volumes , but nuis exercise discretion toward the living I shall not take these papers with mi into the tomb. I lonvothomtomyBoni to deal with thorn ns they think best. ' Still ho would gladly write n fourtl volume givin an nccount of the ovonti of 1850 , but fears that his fnilim strength would not permit him to earn it out. As his means do not now on ublo him to keep up his villa at Bar ascono as well ns his headquarters * u Turin , ho has resolved upon paying ui the former , and the cprrcspomton suggests that it would bo a gracofu act on the part of the Hungarian na ion to purchase the villa and present o him. The editor of the 1'csli Naplo ) bsorvcs that , considering the ox-gov ernor's justifiable sensitiveness , such i delicate matter should not bo much alked about , but speedily and dis- lnll Mall Ga retoly carried out , elic. THE RUSSIAN COURT- . . i i. noidotttfl of Its RomoA-nl from Outohlna to 1'otorhoff. IcrllnCorrenpondciKO I/omloti Times , My Kussian correspondent again nvors mo with the following inter- jsting details as to the recent remove- \ \ of this court from Gatchina to i'dorhoff : "The emperor still avoiding the own as much as possible changed iis residence on Thursday from the \cll-guardedcastloof Gachina to the qually well protected palace of 'otorholf. The latter , a small port ui the Neva , is reached in about nn lourfrom Gatchina , by going ncross ho connecting branches ot lailway , o as to dispense with the journey 0 town. This , therefore , was the onto taken by tlio c/jir , the empress , , tul their court The only nccouilt 1 this transfer of imperial slate is ; iven in the Golos , which is permitted o have a privileged reporter at the nperinl headquarters , for the purpose t would seem , of putting matters in s rosy a light as possible , and of tllaying the fears entertained for the afoty of the imperial party. This irraiigemcnt for the Golos , while ; iving it n decided monopoly for the noment over UH contempories in iourt ceremonies , does not nlways ; ivo just these details in which eadors are most interested , for news paper descriptions of court affairs nust bo eminently judicious. There is till , however , something to bo learned rom the published nccount Two iquadrons of life guards lined both ides of the short road to Gatchina lation , the public being restricted to ho by-ways. The imperial party Irovo in nn open carriage to the train , vhcro they were mot by all the oflicers n the villiago- The train started rom the platform amid the silent iboisanco of the military Present. It nay bo interesting , however , to note n addition that the direct line of ailway from Gatchina , and also its mmch 'at Ligofka , n neighboring illiago , were strictly guarded by roops. Such is the fear that dinmito nay find its wny onto or under the ails that for every verst there is n sentinal with n tent. Besides this , , ho photographs of all the railway officials , not only on this road , but all others , are lodged , to the extent of of very many hundreds , in the minis- , ry ot ways nnd communications , so .hat the nihilists disguised in railway costume may bo the more easily de fected. The regular traffic on the imiii line between Tzarskoc-Solo and St. Petersburg was thrown into such confusion by the czar'a first journey ; o Peterholf that the hist passonnor ; rain between 'iVarokno-Solo , timed to arrive at midnight , did not get into Lown until past 2 o'clock in the morn ing. The precautions taken at Gntch- inn will bo in no way relaxed at Peterhoif. About two hundred of the St. Petersburg police force have been sent down to assist the soldiery in watching the palace nnd grounds. It is stated that the guardship anchored off Petorhoif was lately furnished with an entirely fresh crow and commander , n the first find been compromised by the discovery of se ditious papers on board. The Population of Ireland. St. James Uazzittu. The census of Ireland shows a pop ulation of 5lf , > ! ) ,81 ! ) , being a decrease1 of 1252,588 since 1871. The ponula- tion is composed of 2,522,801 malefl and 2,637,0115 females. The decline of the last ton years was spread over nil the counties except three. Thu counties which did not decline wore Antrim , Dublin nnd Kerry , ono of the poorest nnd most remote localities. In nil the others the decrease wont on varying from 10.8 , or in round mini- eleven per centum in Monaghaii , to 10.1 per centum in Tipporary , ton exactly in Cnylow 3.2 in Galway , 1.7 in Cork and 0.7.in Mayo. It ia re- murknblo that Carlow , the garden of Ireland , and all the other richest tracts of soil , should have suffered most from depopulation. The relig ious distribution of the population was 3,052,898 Roninn Catholics , 035,070 connected with the church of Ireland , 485,5015 , Presbyterians , 47- ( ! G9 Methodists , and the balance was made up of other denominations , The decrease of the Roinnn Catholic in the ton years was 198,071) ) , of the Protestants 32,328 , and of the Pres byterians 12,145. During the last ton years dwelling houses hnvo dis appeared to the number of 48,019 , while buildings used ns accessories tc farms mid for business pursuits ii towns hnvo increased to the numboi of 0,228. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Found at JJast. * What every ono should hnvo , nnd nevci bo without , IK TIIOMAH' KCI.KOTIIIQ On. . Ii IH thorough nnd imfo in its effects , nroiluu liitf tliu must woiiilious eiirt'B of rneuiim tinii | , nottrnlL'in , bunia , bruise * nnd woundi of uvcry kiwi. jyllvmllw No Hospital Nootloil , No palatial hospital needed for Hoi Bitters' patients , nor largo-salaried talented puffers to toll what Hop Bitters tors will do or euro , as they tell thoi : own story by their curtain and abso lute cures at homo. [ Now York In dependent. July 1-15 DON'T ' DIE IN THE HOUSE. Ask druggists for "Hough on Rats. ' It clears out rats , mice , bed-bugs roaches , vermin , flics , mils , insects 15o per box (3) ( ) Notioo to Contractor * . BTiii. A. u. , iBsi , at a o-ciocK p. in. , fur t vrvclloii ot of u court liousu IniiUllni' Oimilm , lu sahl county , in ncconlaiii'ultl plans ! iml sifclllcUfoiis | nmilo by H K alycn , nrcliltt'ct of Detroit , Mlclilimii. am now uu Hlo lu the county clerk's olllco n Omalm. Kncli tiki must bo ncoompanloil byngooi ami gulUcleut bowl lu tliotmm of teii tlioui ami dollars. (810.WW ) , cmiUllloiieil tint " i < blililer will enter Into u contract. mid e\\o" \ Kooil and sin icit-nt bond , should the contrac A copy of tlio' specifications will uo for warded mum npnl cation to the count' clerk at Oiniiliii , isVli. , nnd In all cases inus urcoin > ai | ) proposals , o r'Khtto ' County ouew OMAHA , NPU. . Juno e.ith. ifwi. . J01UV " M * 0 KSTKH. JunoSMf ' County Olcik. Atlantic & Gulf Coast OANAL AND OKEEOHOBEE LAND COMPANY , OF FLORIDA. Chartered h ) SpccUl Act of LfgliUttirc 6f Flor ida , 1SS1. CAPITAL. - - 810,000,000. OFFICERS : Wm. STOKELEV , Prct't. HAMILTON DISSTON , Trcns will lie received Thursday Vplic.itif | > m on day , -July IHh , and close on Monday , July IHth. for tliu 5 < Mie of 81,000- 000 "f Stock in 100,000 Shnrcs ofSlOISSUKDATPAlt. Villi IKIIHW > f 31,000,000 of T.anil Certifi cates bearingsix per cent , interest , ru- ileenmblc fruln s.ilcs of land by drAuin M from time to time , or fimvertihlu at option ot holder into land at the Company's regular prices , inch stib-crilier for shares ot the company will , inndilition to his stock , receive ni a buniiii a land certificate c'ltinl to the nmoimt of \\i \ \ nub- fciiption , TKltMS OIM\VYMiXX : : STi.OO per plinre on nmilic.ition. i.OO per share on delivery of nlmres and Laud Certificates. Omces : Third and Chestnut Sts. , Phil. Jackionvlllc , Florida. Thin cninpany have a contract with the ionrd of Intcrnnl Improvcmcntof Florida or the coiiitruction of n cnnnl to provide m outlet for Lake Okcechobcc , and there- > y reclaiming from pcritKlicnl overflow the nnds lyitiK Houth of towmliin twenty-four ind ca tni I'encu Creek , the area contain * UK upwnnh of 8,000,000 ncres. The Htnte cedes to this company onc-hnlf of the lauds as fiut an rcclnimed , This company aluo own the frnncht o of .ho Atlantic Coast Steamboat Cnnal nnd Improvement company , for the construe- , ion of a cannl coiinccting the iiilctH nlone , lie cast coast of Kloridn , and which will ? ivo exclnsivo control of 330 miles of in- and steam navigation through n country utiHurpaiiied for fertility of soil and i.ilnhrity of climate. In aid of the con- tructiiin of this cannl the company will receive n land grant of 3,8-10 acres per nile of canal constructed , which will give .ho company about 400,000 ncres of lands immedintctyndjoining the canal. Thu machinery for excavating thccannls ilong the Hast Coast and into Lake Jkeechobeo is now being built , and both lines of canal nro expected to bu com pleted by September , 1882. The State of Fjorida oilers greater nil- vantages for the investment of capital in : onntriiction of lines of transportation , the pmchoso and Improvement of land" , of any state in the Union by reason of its geographical position , climate aud fertility of soij , adapteil to the cultivation of crops covering the widest scope , embracing all of tie grains , fmita and vegetables of the north , middle and southern states , besides tropical ami Hcmi-tropical fruits nnd [ ilmius plants in great variety , and matur ing to that decree of perfection developed nt no other point within the United States. 1'roopcctus ami detailed reports o n ap plication at the office of the company. jy 12-41 mu VK&I.O& PURELY VEGETABLEW iif jrer ircT : yfflyirY'ifir3l ' ? Mothers , Wives , Daughters , Sons , Fathers , Ministers , Teachers , Business Men , Farm ers , Mechanics , ALL glioulil bonrnul nx'aliibt iisliit ; ami lirtroiluelii-f Into their HOMES Nos trums nnd Alcoholic reincillci. Have no such .irvjiiilko . against , or fear of "Warner's Safe Tonic Bitters. " Thoi arowhat they aruclalnifd to bo - harmless ns milk , and contain only invdl- ilnallrtucs. . Kfttraet of pure \uyctablca only. They do not lielonj ; tothatclai.s Known nn "Cuio- Alii , " but only iirnfrai to tench vaica v , hero the tliscasoori lnntca In ilcbllltatcd frames nnd Im pure blood. A perfect Spring nnd Summer inulklno. A Thorough Dlood Purifier. A Tonic Appe tizer. Pleasant to the tAitc , invigorating to the body. Tito most eminent ] > hnlcmiu rcvoniineiul tlicni for their curatho properties. Once used almiyg preferred. For the Kidneys , Liver and Urinary organs , mo nothing "WARNER'S SAFE KIDNEY and LIVER CURE. " It stands Unrivalled. Thotu- nnd ow u their health and happiness to It. Price , $1.25 per bottle. Wo OderV nrncr'n Safe Tonic Hitters" with opm ! confidence. H. H. WARNER , Rochester , N. Y. ] o lO-tli-th-frat-ly Cornell College. The Classllcat , Philosophical , Scientific and Civ. . 11 KiiKlnccrlm ; Uournen compare- favorably \\ltl the butt colleges hi the country. Special dv ntOcsaroKl | > cii In the Preparato ry and Normal Departments , and In the Cunserv alary of Music. Twenty Protestors and Teachers. Sujicrior llulldhitftf , Museum , laboratory am1 Amuratus. Expenses Low , Fall term opens Sept. 15 , 1'or c-itulo tfea or other Information , addrrsn Pin * . WM. F. KINtl , I ) . 1) . , j12d&wiim Sit. Vernoii , Io . PROPOSALS FOR BEEP. OF TUB INTERIOR , Offlci DEPARTMENT , Washington , Jim. 15 Isjl. Stttkil proposal * , Indontud "Proposals lot lotf ! , " anil illrtUiil to the Commissioner ol In diaii AITalrn , Washington , l > , U , will bo rcHci\ * until 11 o'clock a. m. , Wednesday , July .Mill 1S81 for furnishing for the Indian scnlce , I4,2SO,00 < pound * licet on the hoof. Illds mutt bo made out on Got eminent blanks bchedulei show In ; ; the quantities to bo deliver cd at each Aguncy , toctlicr wllli blank proxwali ] and form of contract * and bond , ronilitlo'is tc booUc'ruxl by bidden , thno and place of .lelh cry , and all other necessary Instructions will bi furnUhetl upon application to the Indian Oltlci at Washington D , 0 , or Nos , 65 nnd 47 Woostei KtriM. > tNew York ; W. H. Ljon 4B3 Ilroadnay Nev York , and to Commissaries ol Subsistence , U. H A , at Saint l.oul * . Cbirago , Saint Paul , Leat en worth , Omaha , Cnr.vmine , and Yankton , and tin Postmaster at Sioux City , Illds u 111 bo opened t the.hour and day abo\ i stated , and bidders are lu I to bo present at thi ojHniiiL- , CEKTiriKD Q ItCKS. All bids must ) > b aceompalnod by certified chccki "IMiisomo United States Depository or Asslstanl Treasurer , for at least th c per cent o ( tue tuiounl of the proposal. . . H. PRICE. OominUbloncr D. S. BENTON. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW , AltUAOH BLOCK , Cor. Douglas and 16th Sts. Omaha Neb , JOd. K. CURIUMS. 0 , ) , HUM Glarkson & Hunt , Successor ! to Richards & Hunt , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW S , UthStrcct , Om ha Neb. DON'TTOUFOE&ETIT ' WHEN IN NEED OP BOOTS \ SHOES To examine- the slock of BASWITZ & WELLS , House 1422 Douglas St. , near 15th OTT3R , largo and always tlio lowest prices. t3coil-Gm FEENEY & CONNOLLY , AT THEIR NEWSTORE 512 North Sixteenth Street , Opposlt William Gentleman's Popular Grocery Store. ) \.nd will during the ensuing week ofl'er Special 'Inducements ' In nil \.iriousgraJc3 of summer styles of To make room for their extensive fall purchaser. A Reduction of 15 to 25 . per cent on former Prices. They carry a full assortment of c\ery kind , and respectfully In ; Uu their friends to call. THEY HAVE ALSO n consignment of FINE HAND AND MACHINE SEWED SCOTCH EDGE "OREEDMORE" Railway Shoes , They will cell on the same terms 03 the * residue of thUr summer stock , nml ask ralmay implo ) ecu to call and examine them. THEY'RE A BARGAIN BEJIEJIBEll THE PLACE ! Between Casa aiul Californin. All.GoolslMarketl ( in Plain Figures NotlootoNon-RosIilontDofoudoiits E , I ) , Lanofull name unknown ) will take no tice that ho has been sued by Dudley M. Stcclc , Samutl H. Jolmboii and Sanford W. Spratlln , co- turtners , doing business under the firm name of Stcele , Johnson & Co. , In the District Court of Douiflascounty , Nebraska , to recover $3,031.29 , andlnterast from October 18 , ISSO , due them on a promissory note bearing date April 20,1878. Also that on attachment has been made on certain funds In the First National liank of Omaha , Ne braska , belonging to jou and hlcli the said par. tlc-u alK a named seek to obtain to aj'jly in pay ment of their said claim. You arc required to answer Bald petition on ot before Monday , the 2 < 1 day of Auinut , A , D. 1831 , WAlUtKN 8WIT2I.ER. ov-s t-4t. Attortiov for 1'laintld. srrr. Z.O-CTIS PAPER WAREHOUSE. GRAHAM , PAPER 00. 217 and 210 North Main St. , St. Louis , viiOLraitn riAixns is BOOK , I DA DC DC j WRITING ] NEWS' , } HAHEK5 IWRAPW O , ENVELOPES , CA11D BOARD AND Printers Stock , jC3TCosh paid for Rags and Paper Stock , Sera ] Iron and Metals. Paper Stock Warthouica 12 > to 1237 , Nortl ' Sixth Btrcel. DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN' HOTELS. HOTELS. riiorniKTons. T01WS. LEWIS HOUSE , JOHN 8 , LEWIS , Dow City , Iowa. HARTNEY HOUSE , W. P. HUNTER , West Side , Iowa. McHENRY HOUSE , T. W. BUTLER , ' Vnll , Iowa , SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & BECKER , Creiton , In. JUDKIN8 HOUSE , JUDKIN8&DRO. , Red Oak , In. MENDIN HOTEL , ADOLPHWUNDER , Mendln , la. THE CENTRAL HOUSE , JOSEPH SANKEY , Walnut , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , WM. LUTTON , . Vllllicn , la. PARK HOTEL , W.J. OARVIN , Corning ! la. BELDEN HOTEL , A. W. BELDEN , Woodbine , la. LUSK HOUSE , JAS. A. LUSK , Locan , la , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , O , F. OA8SADY , Denlton , la , DURKE'8 HOTEL , E. R. BURKE , Carroll , la. QLIDDEN HOUSE , 8. M. LEWIS , Olldden , la , SCRANTON HOUSE , JOS. LUCRAFT , Scranton , la. ASHLEY HOUSE , DAN EMBREE , Grand Junction , I HEAD HOUSE , JOS. SHAW & CO. , Jefferson , la. MERCHANTS' HOTEL , CHENEY & CO. , Sioux City , la. CHENEY'S UNION HOTEL , CHENEY BROS. , Mo. Valley June. , CITY RESTAURANT , J. JTUCK , Dunlap , la. CHAPMAN'S SESTAURANT , T. 0. CHAPMAN , Stanton , la , NEOLA HOTEL , F. SIEVERT2 Neola , la , WOODWORTH HOUSE , W. A. WOODWORTH , Atlantic , la. CENTRAL HOUSE , 8. P. ANDERSON , Malvern , la , EMERSON HOUSE , A. L. SHELDON , Emmerson , la. CROMWELL HOUSE , MRS. R. COCHRAN Cromwell , la. WALTON HOUSE , T. C. WALTON , Onawo , la. CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Blair , Neb , MARSH HOUSE , W. W. BROWNING , Brownvlle , Net ) . CENTRAL BLOCK HOTEL FRED , STADELMANN , Plattsmouth , Neb * Hellmuth Ladies' College. 'atroncts ' , H. R , H. PRINCESS LOUISE. Founder nnd President , The Right Rev. I. HELL MUTH , D. D. , D. O. L. , LORD BISHOP OF HURON ! . Fall Term opens Wednesday , September 2lit. ilaiiit-soino nd simclom buildings , > caullftilly xltuatcd In a most healthy locality , nboiit * four fhours- ty rail front Nlninra rnll , ami on ono of I Im principal through routes between the Kast nnd West. rho OHOUNOS comprise 140 acres. The nlm of the founJcr of thin college Is to prov ido the hlghcKt ntellcitual nnd practically useful education. Tlio whole njNttm Is based upon the Roundest PRO TESTANT principle * , as the only wild basis for the right formation of character. FRENCH la the- niK'nauo spoken In the college. MU8IO a specialty- Hoard , I.atmiln nnd Tuition Fees , Including th whole course of English , the Amlent nnd Mod ; Callisthenics , Draw injj and Pnlntlnfr , mo Piano nnd Mbrarj' Medical attendance , and Hcdclnc. 300 per annum. A rckuctlon of-ono-hall 'for ( the daughters of Clcrpjiiicii. Kor"ciru- are" nml lull particulars address JI1S3 CLINTON , Lady Principal , Hcllmuth Ladles' College , LONDON- , . ONTARIO , CAN-ADA. inoii&thun-Zm „ - UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS -OP THE N STORE ! 616 TENTH STREET. In order to meet the wants of our rapidly increasing business , wo have leased the adjoining store and will throw both into ono , thus making the THE LARGEST West of Chicago , ( except Cruickshank & Co.'s. ) To show the people of Omaha how wo appreciate their liberal support , we- have decided to giyo the public a FOR THE NEXT SEVEN DAYS. The Entire Stock must be closed out in order to com \ mence extensive alterations soon 15. The stock is all now and fresh and will BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST ! ! An examination of Goods and comparison of prices. will convince every one that this is NO HUMBUG' SALE. This grand benefit sale will commence Saturday Evening , J'uly 9th , , AND CONTINUE ONE WEEK ONLY. ALL AHE INVITED. P. G. IMLAH , Manager , Leader of Popular Prices. More' Popular than Ever. THE GENUINE New Family' 'Sewing ' Machine. Die popular demand for the GENUINE SINdER In 1870 exceeded that of any previous year during the quarter of a century In which this "Old llellablo' Machine hna hc n before the public. In 1878 wo sold 850,422 llachln 1 In 1879 wo sold 431,107 * " Excess over any p us year 01174,735 " OUIl BALKS LAST YEAR WERE AT THE HATE OP OVER 1400 SEWING MACHINES A D/\Yj [ For c\ cry business day in the year. REMEMBER : THE " OLD RELIABLE" THAT EVERT KEAL SINGER SINGER SEWING MACHINE HAS THIS IS THE STRONGEST , SIMPLE TRADE - MARK OAST INTO THE MOST DURABLE SEWING THE IRON STAND AND 1M- MACHINE EVER YET CON ? BEDDED IN THE ARM OP STRUCTED. THE MACHINE. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING GO. Principal Office , 34 Union Square , N. Y. ltXK ) Subordinate Offices , In the United States and Canada , and 3,000 offices in the Old World oil uth America. scpiedtwtf A. B. HUBERMANN , JEWELER Cor. Douglas and 13th Streets , GIVE3 GREAT BARGAINS IN LADIES' AND CENTS' AMERICAN GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. ALL KINDS OF Jewelry , Silverware and Diamonds We Guarantee the Best Goods for the Least Money. aSl-stt