THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , JULY 13 , 1881. FINANCE AND COMMERCE , FINANCIAL. JIONRV ASM ) STOCKS. NEW YOHK , July 12. Money clo eil nt 3 IKT cent. Kxchange closed tinn at S4Stl@tSG. Governments clo ed steady. Currency ( ! , 1 SO bid ; fours coup. 110j bid ; IJs coup. 1 14 J bid ; Gs continued , 1 023 * rn continued , 1 0:2 : J' Union 1'ncilio IMIKS ! clo ed as follows : Union Pacific firsts , 1 1"J1 IS ] } Kind grant * . 118i < 5 < ! in ? ; sinklnglundi , 1 281 © 1 30 ; Central's , ollered nt 1 1C ] . STOCKS. Tlio market to-day was dull and weak throuqlinut nnd pricei declined sharply , especially for tlio trunk line share" , which were weak on continued cutting of freight and p.vwnger r.itc , by tlioso lines. North western , tst Paul , tbe .Klevated shares , Texas and Pacific , and other southwestern slmrcs were all pressed for sale and vv ere conspicuous in the downward movuncnt. The closing prices were generally the loneit'of the day , as compared * ith vcstcrday's closing , showed a decline of iS.4i ( ( per cent. The following are. the closing bids ; Preferred. . . . 1403 A & T H I'M 01 ] NYC 1129 ] JP& W 44 N & W GO ] C 1J&Q 102 ] N& Chat 80 OS 04 NPn 42 } C P 08J Preferred. . . . 81 } C dt A 140 Oiunha . . . . . . . . 42 93 Preferred. . . . 103J 1) & Hlo . . . . 105J Ontario 30 DclLfc W. , . . 68J O Nav Ifin Erie 43 ] Ok\f 34 Preferred. . . . 82 Ok jr 30 ok w . . . r.8j 1'PCCo 142 Adaiim Kxp..l3.i 1'Mnil 4 ! > 3 W. 1' . & Co. .120 P & 13 40j American Kxp. 84 Hock Island. . . . 141 ! U. S 70 StPaul 120 H&St .Too. . . . H2J Preferred. . . . 13 U Pfdexdlv. . . . ! ! ! ? St L & San F. . WJ ) 111 Cent. . . . . . . 138 ? Prefcrreil. . . . 771 K k T lHtpfd..ll.V : K&DMpf. . . TDct H 31 L.S Tex Pac 02 : L k N UP 1281 M C WUTcl 01 M nnd C WabitPac. . . . 50 Mo Pixc Pref'd 02 North western. . 127 J MININO STOCKH. Following are the closing quotations for mining stocks at the New York mining board : Union Con 02 Big Pitsburg. . 225 Hiberma 68 Uodio 700 Orion & Miller. 04 Amie 37 Silver Cliff 4UO Con Va 100 Omalin Wliolosnlo'Marliot. Omen or Tun OMAHA BEE , ) Tuesday Evening , July 12 , 1881. J Markets to-day wore generally steady. Wlicat quiet ; No. 3 advanced 2c ; rye Ic ; corn steady , and declined Jc In bailey tlicie has been no dealingrt and is not quot able. New potatoes were very scarce and advnncad 25 to 50 perbushel. Lemons arc still on the raise nnd advanced 82.00 per bov to-day. Strawberries wcro not on the market to-day and very few raspberries. Plums wcro selling at S3.50 per case. Other markets are steady and unchanged. Local Grain Dealings. WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , 93c Cash No. 3 , SO ; rejected OOe. KYE. C.ish , 82c. COUN. Cash No. 2 , 32lc. OATS. Cash. 30c. Livestock. Cattle We quote as follows : Butch- cr'n cows , S3 25@3 50 ; choice butchers' steers , S3 75@4 00. Sheep Good mutton in fair demand. S3 503 ; 75. Hogs We quote as follows ; Light packers , 84 S0@5 10 ; medium mixed packers , § 5 00@5 25 ; extra choice heavv , S5 10@5 25. Provisions. FLOUTl Spring-wheat , straight grade , 32 80@ 3 00 ; patent , S3 00@4 50 ; winter wheat straight grade , S3 003 25 ; patent , S3 7fi@4 00 ; graham rye , 62 25 ; Wheat , $2 25. 25.KYE KYE FLOUR S3 25. MILLSTUFFS Bran , per cwt. 50c ; screenings , per cwt. 70@SOc ; sborts , per cwt.OOc ; chopped feed , per cwt. 75c ; meal bolted , yellow , 80c ; white , SI 00. POTATOES-Ncw , ? 200 per bushel ; old. SI 00. POULTRY Live chickens per dozen , S3 00 ; old , spring chickens S3 50. EGGS Shippers count , 15c : Candled , 15c. . BUTTER Choice , 15 ; poor , no market ; creamery , 20c. APPLES Baldwin's repacked , S5 00 per bbl. HONEY Extracted , first-class Calif , ornia strained , 15c. ORANGES Terrenta repacked , per box , .87 00 ; Palermo , per box , § 7 50. Ilisiiios , per box , S8 50Impcrials ; , per box , $9 50. LEMONS Good repacked per box , 311 00 ; best , 312 00. RASPBERRIES PercaSe of 21 quarts S3 50@4 00. GOOSEBERRIES-Quotable at 14c per VEGETABLES-All kinds bring good prices. BEESWAX Yellow , 18@20c. CIDER Sweet.20o per gallon. Grocers Lltt. COFFEE. Rio , lair. 13Jc ! Rio , good 14c ; Rio , prime to choice , 14Jc ; Old gov't Java" ; 2Gi@28ic , Mocha , 20Jc ; Arbuckle's 172c. 172c.TEAS. TEAS. Gunpowder , good , 45@55c Choice , C0@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@15c Choice , 00@75c ; Young.llyBOii , good , 30(5 ( 50c ; choice , 05c@8l 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf 35c ; Japan , choice , 00@7nc ; Oolong , goud 35@40 ; Oolong , choice , 40@55 ; Souchong good , 3540c ; choice , 3545c. SUGARS. Cut loaf , 11 Jo ; Crushed 113c ; Granulated , llic ; Powdered , HJc Tine jxiwdercd , llo ; Standard Coffee A llic ; New York Confectioner's Standan A , lOJc ; Good A , 10c ; Prairie Extra C SYRUPS. Sugar house , bills , 15c ; hal | f Mace 8100 , SODA. DwL-ht's lb papers , S3 00 ; Do land do , § 2 DO ; Church's , 92 ! )0 ) ; Keg soda 4@Uc. STARCH. Pearl , 3jc : Silver Gloss , 7 @ 8c ; Corn Starch , 68Jc ; Excelsio Gloss , Gtc ; Com , 7c. SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 90 ; A l ton , in backs , 3 50 ; bbls dairy 00 , 5s , 3 15 bbls dairy , 100,3s , 305. DRIED FRUITS-Choice halve peaches , new crop , 7c ; Evaporated Apples 50 lb boxes , 9j@10c ; Michigan , fljo ; Nev YorkaiplesicStLLouisNol,5c ) ; , ; 1'runei old , Oc ; new , 7@74c ; Currants , 7@7Jc Blackberries , now , lOc , CHEUSE Full Cream , lOc ; Pai Skim , tic. WOODENWARK Two hoop frail 1R" ) ; tlneo hooii pails , 2 10 ; No. I tub 9 00 ; No. 2 tubs , , 8 00 ; No. 3 tubs , 7 00 pioneer washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crowi 275 ; Globe Washboard , 250 ; Wellbucket 350. chain , and 5 ply , 20J21i ; Colored carpc chain , lb 20 ; t > ( * > per i r LKAl-Har , lC5. MATCHES Per caddie , 85c ; roun cases , 87.3" : square canes , $4.90. PROVJSIONS-Breakfast bac n. Hi choice lard , HJc ; dried beef , 13c ; Bhnuli er , canva sed 7c ; hanw , canvassed 11J bacon , sides , 10c. NEW I'ICKLES-MedImn , in barre 37 50 ; do In half bbl. . . , 4 25 ; emalU , lu bbl " ' 1200 do , in half bbls. 0 60 ; gherkins , ln bbls , 13 00 ; do , iu half bbls , 7 00. . . . YINEGAR Pure appla extra , pure apple. 13c ; Prusslng pure apple , 15 7 ' HOMINY New , § 3 W per bbl. BKANS Medium , hand picked $3 00 cr bushel , ROPK-Si l , J inch and larger , 9c ; ? inch. Pc ; ] inch , lOJc. SOAPS-Klrk'RSavon Imperidl , 286 ; Kirk's uterllng. 2 40 ; Kirk's standard , 3 SO ; Kirk's white KUMian , 4 60 : Kirk'n Kutooa , 1 8. : Kirk's Prairie Qupcn , (100 ( cakes ) , 3 40 : Kirk's magnolia , 3 00. CANDLES How , 40 lb , 1C oz , S , 13clHixes ; 40 Ibs , , 1(5 ( oz. , Os. l,1c ; boxes , -JO sets , II or. . 8s , 12Jc ; half boxes , 20 sets , 14 oz. . 8s , 13c. LYK American , 3 35 ; Greenwich , 3 35 : Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 M ) ; Lewis' lye , -I ( W : tie-well lye , 2 76. POTASH Pcnmvlvauia cans I doz. , in c.i e , 3 r > ! Babbitt's Ball , 2 do ? , in case , 1 IK ) ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in case , 1 50. FIKLD SI3KD Uwl clover , choice , new , § 530 per b\i hclj mainninth clo\rr , new. $5 7"i ; vthilo cloxer , new , § 1100 ; alfalfa clover , new , 812 60 ; nlsike , new , 81300. Timothy , good , new , 82 RO SOo ; blue gra s. extra clean , 31 2o ; blue gjass , clean , 81 15 ; orchard grass , 82 00 ; nil top , choice , t > "ic : millet , common or Missouri , 81 25 ; millet , ( icriimn , SI 25 ; to 81 50 ; Hungarian , St 16. HEDC.KSKKD-Osago orange , 1 to 5 bushel" , S3 00 ; usage orange , 10 bushels or over , 84 50 ; honey locust , per lb. , 35c ; per 100 Ibs. , $25 00. FISH Family white fish , 00 lb hf bbls , 83 CO ; No. 1 white fish , 00 lb hf bbl. . . , 0 30 ; No. 1 white fish , in 10 lb kits , 1 00 ; family 10 lb kits , 75c ; New Holland herring , per keg , 1 20 ; Russian nardlneo , 76c ; Coitm > . bift river salmon , per lOOlbs , 8 00 ; George's Bank codfish , ( k ; Gen , boneless codlish ; Sic ; boneless Huh , 4Jc , MACKERKI/-llalfbblsmcssmackerel , 100 Ibs , 812 50 ; hf bbl No. I ex shore do , 100 Ibs , 0 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100 lln , 3 85 ; mess mackerel , 12 lb kits , 2 25 ; No. 1 ex shore , 12 lb do , 1 60 ; No. 1 shore , 12 lb do , 1 00 ; fat family , 10 lb do , 75c. PANNKD GOODS Oysters , 2 lb ( Field's ) , pur case , W 00 ; do I lb ( Field's ) , per case , 2 60 ; do 2 lb ( Standard ) , ] > ur case , 3 70 ; do 1 lb ( standard ) , per case , 210 ; do 2 lb ( slack ) , per case , 2 CO ; do 1 Hi ( slack ) , per case , 185. Onion * , 380. Salmon , 1 ft ) , per dozen , 1 CO ; do 2 lb , per dozen 2 50. Sardines , small Psh , imported , ne- quartcr boxes per box , 131c : American , quarter boxc , < J per box , lie ; do half IKJXCS , per box , 2Uc. Lobsters , 1 lb per dozen , 180. Tomatoes , 210 : do 3 lb per case , 233 ; Corn , 2 lb ( Mountain ) per case , 3 10 ; soaked corn , 11)0 ) ; do 2 Mi ( Yarmouth ) , per cae , 350 ; string beans , per case , 1 00 ; Lima beans per case , 2 00. Succotash per case , 2 10. Peas , common , imr case , 1 75 ; peas , choice , per case"1 60. Blackberries , 2 lb , per case , 210 ; strawberries , 2 lb , per case , 3 00 ; raspberries , 2 lb , per case , 275(5300. ( ! Damsons , 2 lb , per case , 2 25. Bartlctt pe.\rs per case , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortleber ries per case , 2 50. Egg plums , 2 lb per lb per ca e,4 50. Pine Apples , 2 lb , per case , 3 000 ? > 5 20. Peaches , 2 lb per case , 3 10 : do 3 lb , case , 3 75@l 40 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Hi , per cafle,2 75 ; do pic , 0 lb , per dozen , 3 00. RICE Carolina , O.J@7c ; Louisiana , 5J . PKAMJTS Udasted , choice , red Ten- nestee , SJepor lb ; fancy white , Oc per lb ; law white Virginia , 7@"lc' Dry Goods. KNOWN COTTONS. lladgcr LL CJc ; Huckcye LL ( > ic ; Crescent LL OJc ; Utica 0 r | c ; Crescent C 7\c ; Crescent B 7c ; Crescent A ScVachu etts Sc ( ; Indian Head Sic ; Granitoille LL Ojc ; Badger UK , fine bro\ni , 7Ac ; Badger X , do , 7c ; i'ortsinoiith 1' , do , 5jc ; Winthrop L , do , 7 'c ; Continental C , do , Sc. BLKACHKD COTTONS -\VamsutU 1-1 13c ; Fruit 4-4 10Hope \ ; 4-4 8\c \ ; Ballardvalo 4-4 Gjc ; Pocassett Cf 4-4 8Jc ; Altoona 3-4 ( Jc ; Lonsdalo No. 1 , cambric 13c ; No. 2 , do , 12'c ; New York Mills 4-4 13c ; Lonsdale 4-1 10c ; Fairmout Q 1-4 O o Aubuin A 4-1 S.\c \ ; Bamard 3 Oc ; Dairy Cloth Me , PRINTS. Allen' * fancy , OJc ; Ameri can do , C c ; Arnold'H do , 7o ; Coiicstoija do , Oc ; Dunncll do , OJc ; Eddystoiio do ; OJc ; Glouceiter do , 5Vc ; Hamilton , O c ? Hannony. fie ; Hartel , Oic ; Knickcrboclcer , Gc ; Manclicbter , 7c ; Pacific , 7c ; Spraguc ; f > ic ; Soutliliid'cGc ( , ; ! My tic , fijc ; Morri- mack BhirtiiiRS , Gc ; spniffiiu do , .r\c ) , Southbridge do , Cc ; llegatta do , f c ; Cochico robe , 7c ; Freeman rolie , lie ; Hamilton do , 7c ; Marlboro do , Gc ; South - bridge do , Gjc ; Spragne do , Glc ; Ainciicnii do , 7c ; Pacific do , 7c ; Wiishinglon oil colors , Oc ; Simpson's monrning , 7c ; Simp- HOII'H solid black , GicUerlin ; solid cole .Gc. CAMBItirS , FLAT Glazed , fijc ; high colors , Gic ; kid tintsh , Gc ; high col ors , 7c ; rolludl 7c ; hih ( coloro , 8c. CORSET .TKANS llockport , . 8c ; Naumkeag sattcen , Oc ; Androscoggin do. , Oc ; Lockwood do. , 9c. TICKING Amoskeag- . C. A. , 17Jc ; Conestoga , B. F. , 3 , fancy , 18c : Conestoga - toga , 4-4 , Gold Medal , lOc ; Conestoga , J , C. C. A. , 14c ; Coneiitoga , C. C. A. , fancy , 14c ; Kaston , B. , lOc ; Oinego superior extra - tra , 28c ; Omega medal , 'Joe ; Omega A C A , fancy stripe , 20c ; Omega AA , 13@1G } ; Conestoga , K. 0. , lied Stripe , IG c ; Slie- tucket , S. , lUc ; Shetucket , i : . E. , 124c ; Shetucket , " S. F. S. , ISjc ; Pearl River , IGJc ; Hamilton , D. , 11J ; Hamil ton regular , 13 ; Hamilton II. , me ; Cor- dis , B. B. , Oc ; Cordis A. C. K , 18c ; Al bany S. A. X. , IC c. OIL CLOTH 5-4 wood , S3 00 ; 5-1 fancy marble , S3 00 ; 5-1 white maible , 83 2.5 ; C 4 wood , $4 00 ; G-4 fancy marble , $1 00 ; G-4 white marble , & ! 25 ; 5-4 mo saic , 83 00 ; G-4 mosaic , ? 4 00. DENINS AmoskeaK blue and brown , IGc ; Beaver Creek. A. A. , blue and brown , 14 Jc ; Beaver Creek , B. and brown , 13Jc ; Beaver Creek , C. C. , blue and brown , 12Jc ; Everett B. D. , blue and brown , 1C ; Haymakers blue and brown , Oc ; Otis , A. X. A. , blue , 14Jo ; Otis B. B. blue , 13J ? Otis C. C. , .blue , 12Jc ; Pearl River blue and brown , 15Jc. DUOKS Fall lliverj-lljc ; Hamden 0. 0. , 10Jc ; Boston clieckn , 13Jc ; lioaton stripe * ! ISjoj Dundee Btnpea , 18c ; Bio- marck stripe * . 17jc ; Arlington utripv , 18- ; Lion Blue , l' Jc ; Boston XX , bro. , 12ic ; Boston XX drab. 12 < c ; Boston XXX bro. , 13\c ' \ : Boston XXX drab , 13Jo ; Boston O. ] ! ) ( STltlPKS Louisiana , 3x3 blue ami brown , 8 cLouiaianalix3 ; blue and brown , 8k ' ; llock River , 0x3 blue and brown , lOc A'l ihama , G\3 bluu and brown. SJo. COTTONADKS Lowiaton , 10 oz. , 2rc A. V. A. , 2oo ; Angora , U. & T. , 23c : New York . mills proof , 22Jc ; Bridgewater , 20c ; Everett heavy , J2c ; Whfttent"ji York , light weiulit , 12c ; New York mill checks , 111. SHEETINGS-Amlroiicoggin.O-1 brovvi 23e ; do 10-4 do , 20c ; Peppeiell'sM ! brown 22JcdolO-l ; do , 25o ; Androscoggin , 4 ( inch , bleached , 13cdoU-l , bleached , 20c do 10-1. bleached , 2lc ! ; Pepperell , 9-1 bleached , 25c ; do 10-1 bleached , 27 * ' Dru s. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Acid iibolle , BOc ; Acid , Tartarlc , B5o : ll"A 1--1- ' ' Coh'ibi'- - - - - - - - - ' - lb,13 ; iwr i > f , 85c. Dover's pow < . . . . . salts , per lb , 4c ; Glycerine , pure , per 11 3840o ; Lend , Acetate , parib , 22c ; Cn bou oil , 110s , pergallon , lljcj. do 15" " pergnl , 13c- | Oil , Castor , No. ] , per SI 00 ; Oil , Castor , ( No. 3. per gal , Wo ; Olive , per gal , 81 50 ; Oil , Origanum. 10(6 ( fiBc ; Opium , 85 75 ; Quinine , P. k W. k R. I S.peroz , 82-35 ; Potassium , Iodide , per II 82 , 50 ; Saloom , per o35c : Sulphate o Murphine , iieroz , 83 75 ; Sulphur tlou per lb , 5c ; btrvchnlne , j > er oz , 81 40@1 CC Horses and Mulct. The market is bribk and all grades ai re selling well at a tlight advance in price ; The demand for good horses exceeds ti 10 : supply considerably. Prices range as fo il- OVVSi Fine single driven ) , $150. to 300. ; Extr draft horbes , 8175. to 225 , ; Common dra " horses , 8100. to 150. ; Extra fann hone 8110. to 125. ; Common to good fann horse i" . $90. to SlOO.j Extra plugs , 800. to 75. Common plugs , S'JO. to 840. MULES. 15 to 15J hands ( extra ) , 812. to 150. ) 14J to ID hands , $100. to 140 14 to 14J liands , § 75. to 100. ; 13J to 1 Land. , f ) . to 75. Cigar * nd Tobacco. CIGARS , Seed-s $15.00 : Connecticut , $2T.00 : Mixed , ? .V > .00 ; Seed Havaii.- . , 850.00 ; Clear Havana , $75.00. TOBACCO - PLUG. - Golden Unit , 21 lb , 5Gc ; SKitteil | Fawn , 57c ; Our ROJX * , 58c ; Star , | xunds , 21 lb , butts , 50c ; Horse Shoe , txiunds , 24 lb , butts , 50c * Purity , 21 lb. butta , 52c ; Queen Bee , 21 lb , butts , Me ! Uilt Edge , i < ound , 24 lb , butts , 57) ) Army nnd Nnvv , | muiid , 51c ; Bullion , pounds , B.V ! liorillard'a Climax , pounds , 57c. FINE CUTIn pails. Hani | 0 Beat , 7" > .i ; Golden Thread , GOc ; Fountain , ; Favoiite , 05c ; IJocky Mountain , Me ; Fancy , 50o ; Daisy , 4."ic. In tin foil Catllns O. S. , 2 oz p-vckagcs , fi lb bone" , per H ) I'-Oc : 1/orillnnl s Tiijer , OOo. SMOKING -Allprnmls-C..mmon,2.-to Mo. Granulated Black wells Durham , 10 0741V ; Dukes Durham , 10 ti7 , 4.V ; Seal of North Carolina. 10 07 , 40 ; Seal of Nobras. k.i , 10 07 , 8Se ; l iio Jack , I or , linen bags , " " " Mnrbur ' Puck , 2 > z , tin } ; oil , 55ej nogTnil , IMC. Lumber. VINISHIN'G Nn. 1. finWi U , U and 2 inch , SM 00 No. 1 finiOi 1 inch S.0 00) ) No. 2. Iini-h 1J , 1 } and 2 Inch. S-000 : No. 2 fiiiUli , 1 inch , SI * 00 ; No , 3 finWi , 1 inch , ? 4000j O. 0. bixttoin | ) cr 100 feet lin. , SIW : well curbltiK , * V > 00) ) rough i mid 2 inch battom per 100 feet lin. , f > 0o. STOCK HOAUDS Astock , 81. 00 ; II $10 00 ; C , 8.TiOO ; common utock , S2o 00. FLOORING No. 1 , S40 00 : No. 2 , C3r 00 ; No , 3 , $20 00 ; yellow pine , No. 1 , 845 00. SIDINO-No. 1 , S2750 ; No. 2 , 82500 ; No. 3 , 820 00. SHIP LAP Plain , $25 00 ; O. G. No. 1 , $37 TO : No. 2 , $25 00. CKILINU 827 MVffSir. 00. LATH AND SHINGLES A starbesl ( ) shingles , $4 00 , No. 2 , 83 00 ; No. 3 , $2 50. Lath , $1 00. DulldlnR Material. : IVrbairel. 81 35 ; bulk per bu. , WHJ. Cement , bbl , ? 2 50. Iowa plaster , bbl , 82 50. Hair ) > er bu , 25c. Tarred felt 100 Ibs , 83 W ) . Straw board , $1 00. The Leather Trade. Oak harness , : < 'J@41c ; Pittsburgh -.elec ted , 40@13e : hemliwk harness , 37@3'Jc ' : skirting jier lb , fair , 4 Ic ; black collar II © 21c ; fair do ; 18@,20c ; fair No. 2 , 10 ( < tlSc ) ; hemlock Hole , Bulfnlo slaughter , per lb , 30 @ 3-lc ; hemlock sole , B , A. nlaughter per lb , 25@32i' _ ! oak Bole , 4043c ; oak npjier per foot , 25c ; hemlock upper , 25u ; do No. 2 , 23c : oak kip hkinn per lb , kOoSH.10 ; hemlock kip "hkins per lb , 75c&S1.00 ; French kip , hkins per lb , 81.00C NS1.35 ; oak calf per lb , 81.20@81.25 ; hemlock calf per lb , 81. 10181.25 ! Prench calf t > r lb , Sl.2.82.10o Simon Plcnnl goat per doz , 83G.00@8IiS.00 ; bootleg Morocco per foot , 303."c ; calf kid per foot , 3."o ; roans per doz , 89.00@810.50jhito nnd yellow lin. ingajwr doz , S8.00.810.00 ( : pluk linings per doz , S7.00@89.00 ; IJiix ett liningn , 87- 00 ; blackmnltln" nprons per do/en , 512.00 ® 814,00. PAPKll Straw paper , 3Jc ; lag paper , lo ; dry goodn paper , 7cj manila iiajicr , lOcj new.s paper , Sc. COAli Cuinbeiland blacksmith , 812 ; Morris Hun lilossbtirg , 812 ; WliitcbroiMt lump , 80 ; AVliitebreont nut , 8 < i ; Iowa lump , 80 : Iowa nut , 80 ; Hock Spring1) , 8 > . Hides , Furs , Etc. JIIDKS Green butcher's hide , OJ ; green cured liide * " , fc } ; green Mlt , part cmed hidc-i , S@s'c } ; dry lllnt , sound , IHfJQMc ; dry calf nnd kip , 12@13c ; dry salt hideK , sound , ll@12c ; green calf , \vt. 8 to 15 Ibs. . 10@1 Ic ; green calf , vt , undur i llw , per nkin , 50c ; green pelts , 81 OQ@1 15 ; gieen lamb skins , § 1 10 ® I 25 ; damaged hides , two-third rate , ( cut i-cored and one grub , classed two- thinU rate , ) bianded hides 10 per cent. ofT. Coon skins , No. 1. 45c ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. It , 20c ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No , 2 , 30c ; No. 3 , 15c : No.I , fie. Fox , No. 1 , llOc ; No. 2,2.c. Skunk , No. 1 , black , Ooc ; short stripe , lOc : narrow htiipc , 'We ; broad btiipe , lOc. Tallow , 5J. Wool. Afciino unwashed , light , IKifilOc ; heavy , } 3@l.ric ; medium unwashed , light , 18A20e ; tub-washed , choice , 32c : fair , 30c : dingy and w. , 2Sc ; burry , black and cotted wools 2@0c less. Shot. SHOT. Shot , Sl.DO ; Buck shot , 82.15 ; Oriental P wdir , kcgn , Sli.40 : do. , ludf kegs , 83.48"do. , nil-liter kcgii , $1.87 ; Wast ing , keu'H , 83.35 ; Fiiie. ner 100 feet 50c. Heavy Hardware List. Iron , rates , 82 SO ; plow steel , cast , 7ic ; cast tool do. l.r20 ) wagon npokusVet. 225@3 00hubsieri-etT ; [ 25 ; felloes , sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 7o ( 8"c ; nxles , each , 75c ; smiaro nuts , per lb , 7@llc ; wa"horH. per lb , 818c ; rivets , per lb , lie ; coil chain , per lb , IJ@12c ; malleable , 8Jc ; iron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , lie ; harrow teeth , 4c ; horscijhoeti , per keg , 5 00 ; spring 7@8c. NAILS 10 to 20d , 3 15 ; 8 to 10 , 310 ; M , 3 (55) ( ) 4d , 3 ! > 0 ; 3d , common , 4 05 : 3d , fine , G 151 clinch , all ( sizes , 4 'JO ; Gd , casing , 4 40 ; 8d casing , 4 15 ; lOd casing , 3 90 ; lOd finish , 4 40 ; Set finish , 4 05 ; Cd finish , 4 'JO ; half kega , lOc extra. Paints , Oils nnd Varnishes. PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha P. P. , 7c ; white leiixi , O , P. & 0. Co.pure , lie ; Marseille ! ! green , 1 to 5 lb cans , 20c ; Ficnch zinc , green Healj 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish osxt , 20c ; French zince , in oil asst , 15c ; Haw nnd bunit umber , 1 lb cans 12c ; rnw and bunit Sienna , 13c : vandyke brown , 13c ; rclined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , Die ; ivory black , lOc ; drop black , ICc ; Prussian bluu , 30c ; ultramarine- blue , 18c ; chrome green , L. M. k D. , 14c ; blind and shutter green , L. M. & 1) . , lie ; Paris green. 18c ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , ! lc ; 1 uscan red , 22c ; American Vcnnlliod , I. &P. , 18c ; chrome yellow , L. , M. , 0. & D. O. , 18c ; yellow ochre , Oo ; golden ochre , 1C ; patent dryer , Co ; graining colors : light oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut , nnd ash 12c Dry Paints , White lead , OJc ; French zinc. lOc ; Paris whiteing 2Jc ; whiting gilders. IJc ; whiting com1 ! , IJc ; lampblack Germantown - town , 14c ; Inmpblaek , ordinary , 8c ; Prussian - sian Mue , 55c ; ultramarine , 18c ; vimdykc , brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , _ 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; Nlenna , bunit , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Paris green genuine , 35c ; I'aris green coni'l 25o ; chrome gieen , N. Y. ' 20c ; chrome green 1C , 12c ; ycnnilllon , Kng. , 70c ; vcr- million , America , Ifc'c ; Indian UK I , lOc ; roHO pink , lie ; Venetian read , Cookhonn , 2Voenctinn red Am. , 15o ( ; red lend , 7c ; cliromi ) yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yellow - low , K. , 12c ; ochre , louhclle , lie ; ochiu , French , 2 c ; ochre , Aniericaii , lie ; Winter'H mineral. 2Jcj leliigh brown , 2u : dpanldh brown , -he ; PrincuH mineral 3c ; VAHNISHKS HarrolH per gallon. Furniture , exta , 81 00 ; furniture , No. 1 , ! )0c ) ; furniture , IT , 75c ; coach , extra , 81 25c ; Coach , No. 1 , 81 00 ; Damar , 81 25 ; .Jniian. 70c ; nsphaltum , 70c ; siiellac , 83 50 ; fiard oil iinlHh , 81 30. OILS 110' carbon pcrRallon , ll n ; 150" headlight , per gallon , 12tu ; 175 * heailllght iicrgallon , llic ; cryhtollnu , per gallon , 20c lineeeil , raw , pergallon , BOo ; Linseed , boll. cd , per gallon , Me ; laiil , winter str'd , per gallon , 880 No. 1 , 07c , No , 2 , 57c ; cohtnr , XXXtipcr gallon , OK.No. . 3 , 87c ; sweet , per gallon , 85c : NJierm , W. ] i. , per gallon , § 135 ; liisli.AV.U. , jierg ; .Hon , COojiicatufoot , extra , per gallon , 75o , No. J , ( i5 ; lumber- ! eating , zero , per gallon , 'Me , Hummer , 15c ; golden machine. No. 1 , per gallon , fl-lc , No. 2 , 2Sc ; Hperm , eignal , per gallon , 80c ; tur. pentini * , pergallon. 58o : naptlia , 74 deg , pergallon 183 , 03 deg , 17c. Liquor. ALCOHOL 187 prool. ? 2 10 j > cr wine gallon , extra California spirits , 187 pi oof at 1 18 per proof gallon triple refined spirits. 187 proof , 81 ll ) ; per proof gal re-dUtllled whiskies , 81 OOffil 50 ; line blended , 81 60(0,250 ; Kentucky" hour- IMIIM. $200@7 00 ; Kentucky and PennsyN vanla ryes , 82 00S7 ( 00. DHANDIKS Importeil , 80 00@1000 ; dome tiol40@l 00. UINS IinjMjrtw ] , 4 50(3:000 ( : ' : domeatic , 140g300 , RUMS-Jlmnorted , 4 50@0 00 ; New England. 2 00 ® 1 00 ; domestic , 1 503 50 ; PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY 1 75(3,4 ( 00. CHAM PAGNKS Imported per case , 20 M@3t 00 ; American , per case , 12 00 ® 18 00 , ' OLAKETS Per case , 4 50@10 00. WINKS Hhincw-inMH-rcftjip , 000@20 00Catawbd. pcrc.v > e 400 700. MARKETS BY TBLEGBAP H Connell DlnfTn General Mnrltot Coc.s-cit , HUTKS July 12. . Wheat-No. 2 , 0003o. Corn -Pair demand STiffiSOo . - ; to lii.i | > ors. Hny Fair market , willi prictwnt $12. Oats Market ciuict ; No. 2 , SQt. llutter-12Jc. IA-V lOc. Cnttle-Heef , 83 50 ® JW. Sheep 8 ; ? 50 i 4 50. Hogs Light demand , iirlees1 7V " > 00. Potatoes -New , 81 2 > " > per \ < \ \ ; old , 75c per bushel. Onions 82 00. Wood Market quiet , with ii > ixl supply ! $7 50. P < .ultrv-V.t j10c. IJyo-No. 2 , 80c. llarley No. 2. 85c. Grand Junction Mnrknt GUAM ) JUNCTION , la , July 12. P.ggs ! V. IJuttcr From Cc to JOc Froduco. ( ! llICAno. July 12. Flour Quiet and stocks light and little or no inquiry is made ; nuotations un changed , , Wheat Spring No. U only ii in moderate request nnd the feeling ! unset4 tied with jiricen subject to slight fluctuations. The range of prices did not vary materially from yesterday The mar ket opened at alxnit Ifaft lower but under good speculative dciunnd it aihnnced somewhat by the condition of the crop re- portH. Prices rallied j of n rent above in * side tigure , then lluetimted and tinallv chwed at 1 10 for cash ; 10 Jtjfor Julv : 1 UJ ( Sl ) 11J for AitgMHt ; 1 lO'Cul 10J for Sep. tember ! 1 10i&tl 10 } for October' 1 OSf ( < f 1 OSj for the year. No. 3 npiiin ; , < Knl , 03 and , rejected nt 78Gj83 , nccoiding to loca tion. tion.Corn Corn Only moderate businotii traiifnct * ed , hut the feeling wa * firm throughout. h'luctuationH were slight and Hpeculator < were not inclined to do much business , while Hhippei.i wore favored with fair or ders for all grades ; No. 2 nnd high mixed clo ] ed nt 411 } forcash ; 4liJ for July nnd An * gift ; 4J ( ! for September ; 47i for October ; HS ( " " > 44 * for theycar ; nuw high mixed 451 @J5"V ; now mixed , 43 ; rejected , l2iii2J. | O.vls Shade better and the mat ket very steady. 0orntorH | .were , however , in slight attendance nnd trading wa.s com- paratiely light. No. 2 and No. 2 White met u ith n fair demand and clo-ed at IWJ < 3ll for cash ; 38J for July ; 28 for Au gust ; 20f for September ; 2H ( for the year. lye ! Held Htrongly ; olferiinjs Hinnll. Den'iand rather light with sellers for Au gust rather inoio inquired for any thing else ; No 2 , quotable at ' .i.XiilH'i for cash ; 81iJ for August : 7'Ji for Scpte'iiber. Darlcy Kntirely nominal with little erne no demand ; No. 2 , nominally , 1 00 for c.vsh ; fc8r8J ( for September ) No , 3,81@85. J'ork Fairly active and steady and linn nt advance of fiOK ) cents ; mess , 17 25W1737i for cash nnd 17 27J for Jiilv : 17 32J August ; 17 78 for Septembei ; 1 1 17J for the year. Lard In good demand ; ( inner and higher , at 11 95@12 for cash ; 11971 for July ; 11 071 f"1 August ; 11 40 for Sep. tember ; 10 97J for October ; 10 2o for the . year. , year.Hulk Meats Steady nud shade higher , short rib sides 8 70 < < iH 75 forcash ; 8 115 for July ; 8 70 for August ; 8 SO for Sep tember. Whisky Steady at 1 10. Iteceipts Flour , 12,28(5 ( bbl ; wheat , 50,002 bu ; coin , 385,733 bu ; oats , < i7- 27H bu ; rye , 1,910 bu ; liarley , 2,071 1m. Shipments Flour , 19,537 bbls Wheat , 59,274 bu ; Com , 209,73 ; ) bu : O.Us 30.S03 bu. ; rye , 1,818 bu ; bailey , 517 bu. Chicago Iiivo Stoclc. Ciuo.voo , July 12. Hogg "Receipts 20,000 ; shipn.entH 1,100 ; good hogs of all kinds in v cry strong de mand , \\ith values generally firm nnd prices 5 10o higher ; common to choice packing , G00@040 ; choice heavy packing , li 450 05 ; u few cars at 0 70 ( 0 75 : light hogs , 0 25 ( < J 0 50 , mainly at (1 ( 45 ( ,0 50 ; culls and light Voikers , 3 50ff3 ( 00. Cattle ItcceiptH , 4,200 ; shipments , 2- , 000 ; demand generally improved and the market was veiy active on all desirable kinds ; ex-ports 0 00(50 ( 20 ; good to choice heavy shipping , 5 75G 10 ; ixmr to med ium 1 90@5 50 ; corn fed Colorados , and Coloiado Tcxans , 5 25@5 50 ; 13 cars na tive Wyoming distillery cattle , 1080 Ibs. , nt 5 00 : moderate receipts throughout ; salts of TexaiiH at 2 75@3 50 ; wintered , 3 80 © 140 ; native Btockein nnd feeders , 2 75 ® 1 30 ; butchers' stock , 2 40 ® 1 25. Sheep .Receipts , ! KX ) ; Hhipments , 200 ; active and firm all around ; tin' market was generally strong , with a demand more than equal to the supply ; common to fair Bhearlinga , , 3 50@1 95 ; goowl to choice , 4 75@5 20 ; no e < ctra bheep liure , demand good. _ _ Now Yorlc Produce. Nnvv YOKE July 12 , Flour Steady and Inmodirato demand , Wheat Weaker ; spot Halt * of No. 2 red winter at 1 204(5)127 ( ) ; of No. 1 white , 1 2IJ(3)l ( ) 25J ; of No. 2 mixed at 1 2- and No. 2 spring atl 20K 1 20J. Corn Slmuufirmer nnd in fair demand ; spot sales of No , 2 at 155 Jc ; of No. 3 a < 4l@19'ic ! ; of No. 2 white nt 58 and for mixed at Iill@51jf. Oats Dull ami lower ; No , 1 white' 40'i@42ic ; No. 2 mixed , 42J@432 No. 3 do , 43c. Rye Quiet and unchanged. Barley Nominal. Pork Fair demand ; ordinary mess fo early delivery , 17 40(5)17 ( ) 50 for now. . Lard Fairly active and liighor ; spot sales of western titeiuu ut 12 40 um city do , at 11 75. Beef Finn | mt nuletj extra incus , 12 50 @ 1300. Cut Meats Firm and in fair demand pickled hams , llj@lli. Whiskey-Nominal. Toledo Produce Toi.rnc , Julv 12. Wheat Firm ; No. 2 red , rush , 1 20 ; Oc tiler , 1 15J ; year 111 ; amber , Mlchi gnu ll'Jf Corn Quiet ; high mixed , 50. Oats ( inlet. Foorla Produce. I'KOIIIA , July 12. PfCorn Active and ntcady ; high mixed 40l@101 ; mixed , 10l { c. ( Mis Nominal ; No. 2 wiito,3G37c. | Hye Nominal t 1 00i' ( 1 02 for No. 2 , High Wiue-Stendy at 1 081. St. Loals Produce. ST. I.OUIH , July 12. Wheat Ca.ili , lower , and option * * , liiui er ; No. 2 ted.l 1IJW1 ( llf' / ' > r'H < ili or July ; 1 1 IJ ( < i.l 113 f r ngiiHt ; 1 1311 11J lor September ; ! 1 lg@l 15 for October ; 1 12j for the year ; No. 3 , do 1 ( bf 01 08J. Corn Very slow at Vo \ for cash ; 453 for July ; 40J for August ; } @ & thu | > 'car. Out < Very Blow and firm ; 373 fw cash ; 31 for July20g ; for August or Septem ber. ber.Rye Scarce nnd finii at 95 bid Butter Unchanged. Epgi Dull at Gf ( 8c. Whiskey Steady. Pork Bettor ; jobbing ut 817 45. Dry Salt Meats-Firm nt 0 25@G 83@ 010. 010.Bacon Strong at 7 2T feO 87J. Lard-Higher at 119(5. ( Fittsunrg Iiive Stock. PiTTHiii'iin , July 12 , The oil market opened at 77& bid , and remained -teady , and dull , ana closed nt noon at 774 bid , Cattle Slow and unchanged ; receipts , 1,581 headuhlpmeutH , S,4 ! lo hea < ] , Hogs Finn ; ruceipUi , 8,200 hea < l ; iihlp- 2900 head. Sheep Active and lOc hi0'her ; receipts , 2000 head ; ehlpments , 100. S. P. MORSE & CO. , Cash Jobbers and Retailers of T 1319 FARNHAM STREET. On Monday July llth , and During 'the Week , We invite attention to the greatest bargains it has been our good fortune to offer. We advise an early call and assure the public that nothing can be duplicated elsewhere for anything like the money. DRESS GOODS. U700 yils. nil wool Huntings , c. DOMESTICS , DOMESTICS , PRINTS per yd. L'OOO yds. Dross Gooiln , silk nnd C > 0 pieces Genuine Lonsdalo Cambric wool ami Fancy Hrowidos , lOc. yd. 12c. 12c.fiO LAWNS , ORGANDIES , LINENS. fiO pieces Fruit Lonednlo nnd Hill Muslin , \c. \ ! JOOO yds. best Lawns nnd Organ- dies. GJc. yd. 10 pieces ! ) ! wide Sheeting , 20c a All our Linen Lawim reduced to Ifio. yard. 2000 yds. Host Dross Plnid OiiiR. hams Hie. CO pieces best Unbleached Muslin , MOO * yds. Widest 1'orcalos , light rjcuynrd. nnd dark lOc. , Boat Prints , fie a ynrd. , 2000 yds. Ucst Cheviot Shirtings , ' ' " U S. P. MOUSE it'CO. S. P. MOUSE * CO. LAOES , EMBROIDERIES , LADES. It'200 yds. Linen Lnco , 1 ta I ! iu. deep , lOc. yd. COO yds. Yormieolli Lace , 2 inch CHEAPEST eloop , lOc. yd. CHEAPEST TiOO yds. Diitoht'ss , Pixlouza , Mire- court Lice , inc. yd. lOOpiocos Embroideries , full inch deep , fie. yd. IfiO pieces up to 2 inches , 10a. yd. 200 pieces up to 5 inches deep 2fic. yd. In the West. yd. 100 pieces up to 0 inches deep , 33c. In the West. Those ombroidericH cannot bo pur ft * chnsud in any other store , east or west for double tbo nioiiuy. Call early. S. P. MOUSE & CO. HOSIERY , CORSETS , MITTS , MEN'S ' FURNISHING GOODS , 20 styles ladies' fjiney seamless and In this department wo show the silk-clocked Hose lit 25c. ; worth BOc. , ' to Too. largest assortment of Men's Collars , tO styles children's seamless Hose , Sox , Shirts , Underwear , in Omaha ; 2Jo ( n pair ; worth fiOc. to 80c. when wo mention seamless socks at 100 dozen of our ladies seamless I5e. a pair , very best Collars , ouu li.ilbrigganlloso at 25u. ; this hose is with hand-Worked buttonholes strong , line , durable , in controlled by owjf IIHANII , - our firm , and is not to bo had else ton-holes , 12Ac. each , and best 4-ply where. Linen Culls at 25c a pair , Gauze Un Fine summer Ualbriggan HOBO dershirts at IHc. each , Linen Handkerchiefs ? 1.00 , $5.00 , . , dozen. Sf.,00 kerchiefs . . . ' 8c. , 15c. , 25c. All of which 25 dozen ladies' puru lisle thread on examination will bo found equal to seamless Hose , fast colors , silk em broidered fronts , ! 0c. ; wortl $2.00 those others ask double the price for. a pair. Men will know that ours is the place 20 dozen unbreakable 100-bono hip - to their . Corsets at 7r > c. ; worth Sl.25. ; spend money. 20 do/.en silk Mitts , all col ors , ex One price , marked in plain figures. tra long , 75. ; worth § 1.25. Wo never deviate. S. P. MOUSE & CO. S. P. MORSE & Co. Western Agency for Celluloid Collars. Dealers Supplied. s. P. MORSE & GO. , Baltimore Produce. BAI.TIMOIU ! , July 12. Flour Quiet. Wheat Southern steady at 1 201 33 ; jongbcrry 1 22(551 ( 27 ; No. 2 , red winter ulot ; 1 23J@1 21 forcaali ! 1 2lU@l 23g for uly. Corn White Southern quiet nt fi8 ; ycl- ow quiet at WCflfiH ; mxed ; western onuy , nd iiiietat | filfifflBIS for caah and July. Liverpool Produce. LivKiirooL , July 12. Flour American , ! ls Cd@lls ( id. Wheat Winter , .Isld@s ! ) Gd : white sCdtn ! 7d ; spring , y @ 'Jii 4d ; club , .On 7il @ 9s lid. Corn 5s. Lard 58s. Pork 71s. St- Louis Live Stock. ST. Loum , July 12. HogH-Fairly activoYorkerH,0 ; 10@G 20 ; uixcsi fuickiiig , 5 ! )0@ ) < i 20 ; choice to aiicy heavy , 0 20@G40. Receiptn , 4,000 eiuf ; HhipinuntH , 2,100 head. Cincinnati Produce. CINCINNATI , July 12. Pork MCHH , Bteady nt 817 25(3117 ( f 0. Lanl Quiet ; prime team , 12 00. Bulk Meats Steady ; cear lilw , nteiuly nt r 0 Bacon -Steady ; clear nideH , 9 W ) . Flour More active ; family , fi 2.rB GO. Wheat Firm No. B red , 1 13 bid. Corn -Quiet ; No. 2 white , r.2. OaU-Qulet ; No. 2 inlxixl , 2 ! . Rye-Finn ; No. 2 , at 85. Barley Nominal , WhiMky Finn nt 1 08. Alnio t Crazy , How often < lo wo see the JmrdworJf- ng father Htriiiiiinu every nerve and .nuKulo , and doing his utmost to sup port his family. Inmijiiio bin feelings when rUni'inng homo from a hard day's labor , to find his family prostrate with disease , conscious of unpaid doc tors' bills and debts on every bund. It must bo enough to drive one almost crazy. AH hia unhappiness could bo avoided by using Klectrio Uittora , which expel every disease from tbo system , bringing joy and happiness to thousands. Sold at fifty cents a bottle tle by Jsh , fc MeMahon. (4) ( ) LKGAL NOTICE. To Com KlInliiT iion-runldi'iit of tlio Ktnto ol No- braika , You are licrcliy notified that John Kllnkcr. jour liu liaml , M plalntlir , liaii roiniiicncu < l Ills aftlonoraUitortvaKalii toii liv llliiiK In the Diltrkt Court , in and lor DtnifUw county , Kc lirauka , JnneUil , IfWl.liUixtitioM -ulnst jou , tlio olijoct anp pruiurot ulililiHald | > ctltloii U to oil- taminiorLO ! ( roiiijou on tlio ground of adult ery , alleged Iu lia > o liycn ( oniinltttd ltli ono W.iVftul , at Omaha , Ntili. , on or about Ajirll Otli , 18S1 , You ro ro'iulrwl to an vKr ald ixitl- tlon on or btforo tliolMli day of AuKiut , jmjl. jo-29wlw Attorney for I'lilntlfT , d , P.ENGLISH , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , 810 South Thirteenth Street , UU Edward W. Simeral , ATTORNEY - AT LAW. lloom 0 Crtlgliton Uth Mid DougUg ttrccts A. B. HUBERMANN , JEWELER Cor. Douglas and 13th Streets. GIVES ORI5AT BARGAINS IN LADIES' AND CENTS' AMERICAN GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. ALL KINDS OF Jewelry , Silverware and Diamonds Wo Guarantee the Best Goods for the Least Money. a21-stt POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , BTEAU HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS. A. L. STRANG , 205 Farnam St. , Omaha. PROPOSALS For iiirMn ; ; anil ( 'iittcrlnif Dodge Htruit , nnd doliiK tlio nvcuiuary Kradlii ' , from tlio east Ma at 13tli struct to ! ! 0tlt sir Oct. Hcalud lildi will lie rc' 'hc l liy the nriilcriilgiicil for t o wuuku from tlio datu hereof , for tlie curb- IMI , ' , uuttcrliKf and tlio necisnary urwlliiK of I > UKU ttruct from tlio cant uldo of )3ti btrcct to tC ! th btruc't. riikim and Bjiocincatloni can lie uocn at tlio otllce of tlio city eiih'lnccr. Bald lildn tliall peiKy tlio price per ciililu lard for eiich Kradlnj ; ; lso uliall niH'cIfy tlio jirlco in detail for BUI li curb- ntfandKUiUrlnif , and thai ) to aicomiianltd by the nainoof iiroioMod miuty unndcr tlio iw eondltlont. Haul lilila to bo 0ii > nvd at the II rut regular mooting of tlio city vounull after Holiday , J lily liith , 1881. . The City found ! reserves the rlflit to rojc'cl any and all lildn. KnrtiloiHui contalnlni ; iiald projiosaU thall bo marked , ' ' 1'roioeals for curbing and Kuttirlni ; DodKoalreet and doing the iiceonary uradliiL' , and dc'lUared to tbo undorilirued not latiT than July 'U , Ib81 , at 13 o'clock noon. J. J I , . 0. JEWETT , Omaha. July llth , 18S1-U2 * city Clc-rk. NetoskaLand Agency DAVIS & SNYDER , I50B Far n ham 8t Omaha. Nebraika. 3:00,000 A.OXt/OElS Carefully ielcct l Und In Eastern Nebraska lor ualo , Clrcat llargolnii Iu lui | > rotcd farms , and Omaha city i > roi > crty , 0. F , DAVIS. WEBSTER SNVDEH. Ute Laud Com'r U. P. U. U. 4) ) > Icbtl SELTZER An overdose of Dinner often deranges the syu- tun , Lrln 'S on llatulancoaiiillndcollc , nud sub ject * tlio pAtlvnt to great bodily Butftrliif , A sin- gig dcMu o ( TARHANT'8 8ELTZER APERIENT. ll correct tlio oddity , carry ofT the odcndlng- faudo. ami save sonietlinmu lorjrt-jH'll of Illness. Hscltcclsaru pc'iitloond tlioruu h. and IU gen eral luu woulil rroent inucd millcrlni ; . sou ) nv AI.L iuuiiisrit D , S , BENTON. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. AKUACII 1U.OCK , Cor , Pouelu anJ 16th BU. Unuha Neb. 1011. K. CUUKbOX. 0. J , 11DST. Clarkson & . Hunt , SuccotMin to Illchardi & Hunt , ATTORNEYS ' AT- LAW , S , tlthStreet , Omha Neb. < , . <