THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY JULY 13 , 1881. 'S REPORTS. Business and Stock Aipeota of the Aftsntsinatlon- I foil in with a United SUtos Sona- torfrom _ ono of the western slates this mornintj irhoso obsorvntions ntul knowledge are too important to mo to disobey his instructions to nso what ho Raid , but not to say ho said it. 1 inct him near Broad and Wall streets , and lie said : "If Oarfiold gets stronger , aa ho lifts been doing , or another week , look out for the biggest boom in tliu stock market that has yet boon seen hnro. " "I understand , " said I , "that Gould alleged that ho would spend $10,000- 000 to hold the market up if there should comoa panic from thiscrimo. " "Quito probable , " said the Senator. "Tho firmness of the London market was in a great measure duo to orders cabled from hero. " " 1 am told that since Oarfiold'a assault the Western Union telegraph company has made its dividend of two per cent , out of the remarkable increase of business , both press and private. In five days ( as I lioar , they have put aside canutiL'a enough to pay their quarterly dividend. " "la Gould popular in the west ? " 3 asked. "I can hardly say that , but ho is the principal personality in this country. The buoyancy which is found hero in the money market is taken by the great mass of folks to bo the measure of buoyancy everywhere. Gould being generally n bull in thcso days , and having largo material in terests to sustain , is considered a use * ful factor in the country. " "What class of stocks do you ex pect to share in the boom ? " "Well , almost all of thorn. 1 un derstand that the recent consolidation in the West and the Southwc8t have RO diminished exponno.s that , in the case of the Missouri , Kansas t TOXOH railroad , they have saved $112,000 in salaries there. Besides , when the roads are in links under different man- agomontH , there ia an immense amount of deadheading given on each part of the line to freight Hhippers. Each part of the line will give a pass to the men it' ' does business for over the whole systoni. IHiDKK THK CO.VHOMIIATIOX deadheading is greatly cut-oil' , and re ceipts increase in proportion. " ' "Jlavo not Gould's Mississippi river Bchomos reduced the rate of freight on the railroads ? " "Yes ; the Hock Island railroad com pany formerly received about three centa a ton for moving grain. Now it receives soyon-oighls of a cent per ton , and yet makes more money than before. " "Senator , " said I , "suppose Gen. Garflold should util ! die , and , cbnsid- oring the number of days that have qlapacd since ho was wounded , what vnll Arthur do , if ho becomes presi dent , about forming n now cabinet ? " "I have thought that over , " said the senator , "and am of the opinion that ho will make a tender to ouch of the present cabinet of his position. That will bo the iidvico to Arthur of his immediate circle of personal friends , oven those who helped Conk- ling at Albany. " "Well , Hiipposo ho makes that ten der to JBlaino , will Blaine stay in the cabinet ? " "Blaino would not otayV' said the senator , "unless he was satisfied that Arthur moans the invitation without disguise. In that case I think Blaine would stay. " The senator said : "Mr. Conk- ling's bucking is getting to bo very fcoblo. On the whole , ho bids fair to bo THE BIOflEST LET DOWN ot any great public man the country has ever had. I see every day men long intimate with him , and they are very much in the position of men who have boon thrown out of a window , and are just hanging on the window- Bill by their fingers. Many of his sup porters uro moro warmly the friends of Arthur than of Colliding , and have only followed Conkling because Arthur did. A change of cabinet after the fooling that haa attended Gariield'a nicknoss would bo simply idiotic reck lessness on Arthur's part , lie cer tainly has too much sense to call ou another whirlwind by vacating the places of the cabinet. " "la this popularity of Garflold unex pected to you , Senator ? " "No ; it was getting strong for r month or two before the crime. Gar field himself felt it. Ho told Blaine the morning ho was going to the do' pot that ho began to fool the grounc strong under their foot. 'Blaino , naid ho , 'wo have got ever the ticklisl places. They have not. succeeded it separating us heretofore- , and now J am aura they cannot do it. I have not ( .aid to you before this time , but ] do say now , Blaine , that I am satisfied fiod with you , and that wo have not made any eonsidoraolo blunders. The people I fool to bo with mo at last. ' " , After cautionin ; ' mo NOT TO QIVK 1ILAIKK AWAY , the senator then said : "A man musl cither ho very smart and successfu every tinio in this country , or 4iavo a remarkably good dUnouitiun. Conk- ling never had a good disposition bul up to the time ho retired from the aonato there was a liberal concossioi that ho wua a smart man. When ho wont out of that aonato ; not knowing where ho was going to , or what was going to come of it , ho destroyed the Bonsp of his smartness , and a genera opinion of his aolfishnoss had got thor oughly abroad. Therefore , as I hav said , I regard his case as a complet letting down. I do not see anything that is to come of him iu public lifo. Tlid legislature can in no event olec him. The democrats won't touch him and ho is in a largo minority , and will BO keep , on the republican side of the legislature. " Referring to Conkling ngahi , tin Senator said : "I always admired hn way of doing soiuo things , I rogan him as an unusually capable nmi > particularly in debate ! But his BO ! hshnoss has boon growing stronger and stronger , Ono thing it is BUOWI in is THE ( USE OF MES. BPlUdUE. Whatever their relations wore , ho had no busiiioai to oxposo. Hone had no business to go to Canonchot am inhabit her husband's house his ab " * HV * v > * M * WM0U in * * * J BCUCO , and bring on that eceno whicl tlio woman will never get over , cither in this lifo or in her reputation. On the other hand , hia apparent in'difTer- once to Ida family at Utica is a subjec of general Attack , and makes him anything but n fireside fftrorito. Now , Gftrfiold is naturally displayed before the country AS kind to nil women , strong in his household , with devoted attachments among pooolo of nil clftAS- cs , and with a plucky n&turo which dcntli cnnnot dispirit. How are you [ ; oing to expect Conkling's tempera ment to prevail against Garfiold's ' ! " "Do you anticipate ) THAT runniai > WILL IIP. HK.VOMINATED , HENATOIt ? " "If ho lives ho seems to have a clear course for ronomiimtion , If rcnoini nntod , unless there is an immense clmngo in public opinion , ho will bo re-elected , i WAS down in a big busi ness liouso in Wall street yesterday , and the head of the liouso said to mo , "l voted for Hancock last time , but if Oarfield comes up for re-election I shall vote for him , now. ' Said I , ' \Vhat is the matter with you follows , any way ? You have got a good big senator from Now York , and you don't liold up his hands at all. ' Wo don't iko him down here , ' said my friend. 'Ho won't ' let anybody like him. Wo don't cara anything about all these big .nlonts if they are not neighborly , or they don't encourage confidence. Wo like Garficld the more wo BOO of litn because ho is ' " , a bully boy. GATH. OCCIDENTAL JOTTINGS , OALIFOnNIA. The San.Toso Opcrahouse WRI destroyed iv flro on the 5th. IXMS 800,000. A twclro year old girl was burned to Icathin Han I'rancisco on the 4thj cause , irecrackors. About two thousand acres of wheat were destroyed by flro at Dr. Glenn's ranch on the 4lh < Tlio Central 1'acific railroad niannge- ncnt haa concluilcd to build a nnw line of railway from Folsom to 1'lacerville. Tlic Kel Jtiver Valley AHrlciillural Society Imn drclilcd to erect a cliceao fucto- ory within onu milu of 1'onulale , Hum- xildt county. It will liu a joint stock affair. That wild man of Calavcras ttirim out to iya poor nick ( Icnnan , who hai been camping out in tlio mountain- ) for his icalth , Since his capture ho wax found to HI harmlcafl , and lie lini lt > en taken to the loijiitnl , Initcadof the Insane anyluiii. CREQON. Tlio total receipts of the state fair will each $11,000. Three hundred and fifty-six Chinamen amlcd in Portland , Juno 28th. The anti-Cooliu ticket of San 1'ranclnco , headed by JoliuS , linger , for mayor , Tlio siiring nm of salmon on Kuguo ivcr , Just over , wai the lieavieiit ever inown. About 30,000 ftacku of Clast year's wheat were shipped from Gridloy , JSutte county nut week. The Springfield nnd Siimlaw Ilailrond lompany , with a capital stock of 8500,000 las licun incorporated. McKcm , tlio last of the Turner robbern. > leady guilty at Salem , and wns sentenced ( i fittccn yearn in the penitentiary. I'our prisoners in the county jail at Astoria eflcaped by breaking up the floor and digging under tlio wall. Two of them vero wore subsequently recaptured. iVn emigrant train on the Central I'a- clfie ran into n burning tunnel on the I'd. I''our ' cars nnd contents weio destroyed. Chief Joseph , of the Nez 1'erco Indians , with a Ninnll bund , wax duo nt city in the third , bound for their old homo in iqrthcni Idaho from Qua 1'nw Agency , Hiisonri. The papers lu the Salinas nnd 1'ajnro ' Val'oyii generally oxpros < i the oiiinion that the crop will bo far below Uiunvcr- ngo. Tlio ( jraiudotji hut fi to perfection. llov , leather Ifudiioti , was attacked by n ihnrk while bathing nt .Santa Cruz , Imd to lie Hewed up with IM stitched , mid couci\vd Boveral wounili on both IcgH , on left arm and right hip. ARIZONA. Tombstone has a population of 5,000. Coal has been discovered 23 miles from Final. A ppwder nmgazino exploded near Tuc son , damaging property to the amount of 87/5,000. / The rainy season , which usually co mciiccsTuly 1st and continues to the last of August , has sot iu. The A. & 1' . H. II , have broke ground on tlio Colorado liver near the Needles , and are working forces both cast and west. The wages to laborers are four dollars per day for underground work and three and three and n half for uppcrgrouml services. The construction party of th Woitern Union company aru making good progress on the new line from Lou Angeles to Tucson. It will cost 8100,000. Several itock and ranch men inArizona , having settled upon lands within the boun daries of military reservations , of whicl they were ignorant , llavo been notified to move off at once. InT.ila Valley , 120 miles from Tucson are the famous 1'iedrns Pintados. A heap of rocks , about 50 feet high , is covered wit ! rude figures , geometric , comio and auatom leal. Hero are squares , circles , crosses triangles , snakes , toads and vermin , met without heads and doga without tails. Th < sketches are like those of the Aztec calen dar stone in Mexico. IDAHO. Grasshoppers are reported to ho vcr ; numerous about Oxford. Lowlston lias incorporated a railroad tapping the wheat country sixteen mile ; The Wood lUvor county is soon to ho tapped by two railroad lines -ono project ed from Oregon and tlio other a branch o the Central 1'acilic. Cal. O. ClawHou , Hwi. , baj struck Rom plocdr half a mlle below the Moiitaila mine , The gold is coarse and of a hlgl grade. Ho Ima taken out some handsouii nuggets. The Northern Pucifio is finished ti Hangjinau's creek , a distance of 145 mile from Alusworth. A trusa bridge , severa hundred feet long , will span the stream The grading is finiihed fifty miles furthei west. west.A A few days ago n gentleman came ii from Mlddlo Fork with eight ounces o gold worth $18 per OUIICP. He took it ou with a rocker from souio placer groinx lately discovered. The bar from which i was extracted Is said to bo very rich , am a stampede to that section in the uea future may he looked for , -Yankee Fork Herald , MONTANA. There are seven schooU in Hitter Hoe valley , Cut worms are damaging crop in 1'ricklv ' Tear valley. Twoferrle * are now operating across Touguo river. T lie Indians are playing havoc with tin game in Deer Lodge and Uig Hole v l leys.The The sale oi the Lexington ! mining i | > roi i perty ofliutte by A. J. Wis , K . , [ nan i accomplished fact. ( It is reported that 3.000 men are work injf on the ejcteutiou of the Union Pacitii from Granger to Boise city , The revenue colfectloni for the last fiscal year amounts ti $15,200.44. bciur an in- i crease of $11,033.12 over 186. | The value of Hecla bullion i * over $300 per ton , and a the furnace Is producing over lit tonn per day the daily output is worth nearly # ,000. The Western Union Company Is con structing a new line along the Utah and Northern rood , aad it will I * extended to Uutle In advance of the railroad , Last year nearly 2,000 touri ts nrc said to have visited the National Park. The indications are that this year the number will ho doubled. llelmildin'g of the Alia Montana Heduc- Linn Works at Wlckcs is progrcsiing with nil possible dispatch. Their expenditures will probably reach 8300,000. The amount of silver bullion shipped ihrotigh the exprctu office at lluttc for the week ending Saturday .July 2d , footed 3- 201 pounds , valued at $52'JOI. ThoRurtcynranf the Utah and North ern Hallrond are at work on the Mii ouri river between Gnllatln City and Crow r'reek , and advancing rapidly toward Helena. A company is being formed in Jl'tah to construct a telegraph line from Kclton to Halley , in the Wood lllver country. The llstnnce Is 110 miles , and the cost would )0 $23,000. Montana on the strength of 50,000 pen- do nnd 500,000 In the near prospective , inn five flourishing daily newspapers , with m many others well advanced from weekly o dally journalism. Patrick Mulligan , who wns recently truck nnd pierced through the body by a Irill which had fallen 255 feet. In n mine a Butte. la ntill alive , hut his ultimate re- ovcry is not considered possible. NEVADA. There are 200 men employed on the Ne- nda fe Oregon railroad. The Alta shaft is 2,000 feet deep , and the Httom still in gypsum filled with iron , Itfo stated that the Nevada Central nnd Colorado railroad will be extended to Gold Mountain , eighty miles beyond Caudclaria , nnd perhaps further. The Hutro Tunnel folks have cut through a vein fifteen feet thick from wall to wall , if which six feet Is solid quartz , with occa- ' > nal spots of metal. Hall and Colcmnn , two' of the noted iiickeo car biindars , who were sentenced o fifteen years each In the nt.ito prhon at olHom , mode their escape from jail. In Washoe Valley swarms of crlckotsaro , ollowing in the walce of the grasshoppers , 'hey nro _ big , fat , lubberly fcllowg , an rich in diameter , and delight the hearts of \Vnihoe ludiaiiH. COLORADO. Denver is to have a swimming school , The state school fund amounts to 910- 77.37. Ucd snow Ig found on the mountain of ho Ho The corner stone of an new Baptist church ins been laid in Denver. A chapter of royal arch masons has been irganizcd in Fort Collins. A new railroad has been projected be- ween Denver and Golden. The death rnto of Denver for June wns 20.70 per 1,000 inhabitants. South Park railroad earnings for April , (01,000 , and expenses $87,000. The Colorado Iron comp.inv has on hand uore orders thnn they can fill. Tlio 1) . Ii H. G , bridge ncrois Grape reek , near Canon City , wan burned on the -7th. 7th.Tho The diabiirHcmcnts of the state treasury or the past quarter of the y ar , wns $107- Tli9ro were 303 freight cars built at the Denver If llio Grande car shops last month. The Colorado paper company , of Den- or , has been incorporated ; capital 5160,000. ' 1 he deposit * of the fi\e banks of Den ver at the cloao of buaiiiosn , Juno 30 , was 87,207,900.53. The Denver k Jtlo Grande has reached ho summit of Maralml pass , 10,500 above , ho level.of tho.sea. Denv'er oxiTects toliavo the electric light by the Ifith for the stores , but for tlio streets is yet a question. Up to July 1 , two hundred building per- nits had been issued in this ye. r in Den ver aggregate cost , $374,000. Two thousand laborers were chipped re- : cntly from Now York to Colorado. One .houaand moro will leave Franco this month for the snmo destination , Oriental camp , on the west elope of the 5angre do Chiuto range , is growing stead- ly , and many promising discoveries are bo 'ng mndo iu ifk neighborhood daily. Denver , or Ilald , fountain will soon do vclop pay mines. The outlook for ff > od iiroportles there is excellent , the i ml lea .ions not being surpassed anywhere. An essay of ore from the For-get-Mo- Not lode , in the Kureka Mining district , shows it to contain for the first-class 1,330 ounces silver ] > er ton , mid for the second class 253 ounces. A. good strike has recently been made in an old prospect hole of the Soven-Tliirty [ nine UP Poiighkcepino culch , San Juan , from which an aaaay in silver of 183 ounces to the ted Is mado. * ! ! A meeting of tlio citizens of Fort .Col lins will be called iu n few days , to receive n proposition from the Greely , Salt Lake 4 : Western railway company , with regard to right of way through town , The JUo Grande is building a cut-off to codvlllo tlirongh Platte canyon , iu oppo sition to the South Pnrk line , now in ope ration. It will shorten the distance be tween Denver and the carbonate camp over 75 miles , A party of enthusiastic patriots at tempted to celebrate the 4th on the top ol Uucomphagro | > cnk , one of the highest of the mountains , but were e on dispersed by a storm of hall and lightning , flee down the mountain for n place of safety. The Broadway mine of .Burrows park , San Juan , is one of the present minera wonders of the state , surpasalnc in richness Mid peculiarity of deposit the famous Die- gold farm near Ouray. It is described as an immense lodn , varying iu surface widtl from 40 to 70 feet , with ere deposits ol every conceivable character dlaseminatet throughout. The mine is 13 , 000 feet above the sen level , WASHINGTON TERRITORY , Lumber is In great demand at Yakaina City.A . A Catholic church is to be built a1 Sprague during the summer. Twenty Scandinavians have recentl' settled in Klickltat county. A company is being oranzil ! to build i railroad from Lewiston to Camas Prairie 70 miles. 45,182 jMwndi of wool have been ship pod from Central Ferry on Snake rive this year. Th arrangements are completed for th early buildlugof the Congregational churcl at Cheney , Un to June 15 , town lots to the numbe of 4311 had been sold in Cheney. A yea ago there was no Cheney. The flax growing near Moscow it is esti muted will give a total product this yea of 150,000 busnels of llax ived. Twenty thousand sheep have crossci Snake river this season at Central Ferr going to the 1'alouso couuty pasture * . T \ i On and after July 1 , stages will leav Colfax for Pleasant Valley , Itock Creek Sprague and Crab creek , carrying U , S mail. mail.There There are now over 300 men in the wood nt the head of the Yakaina , all of vrhon aru engaged principally ou tie and logging contracts for the Northern Pacific. The Oregon Tram-Continental compaiij will build A railroad from some point o ! the Wall * Walla , nnd Valluli road through Weston to the road between Urn ntilla and Bakur City. FFrom all parts of the upper country cornea favorable report * of crop prospert A much larger area of grain has been sown his year than usual , nnd so far the season has be n favorable to it. " WYOMING. The Coperopolh mining district is com- tig to tlie front. Heal estate is active in Cheyenne and ransactlons have been quite large of late. The liromcl district mineral in places is o rich that the most sceptical are nt a osa to account for it. A new discovery hai been made near 'umniins ' city which experts say will assay 00 ounces of silver to the ton. The reduction of the Cummins mail ncllities i a great source of annoyance ml inconvenience to the miners in that ' .imp. In Cheyenne the wntcr fntnino has com piled the city council to regulate the upply. The Irrigation of lawns is not llowcd. The Catholic church of Cheyenne had a larrow efc.ipc from destruction by fire vst Sunday. The altar was considerably amagcd. The work on the Ames monument at bonnan is progresninglvcrysatiflfaclorialy. Vll the stone uork is cut , and the derricks re in plnco ready for duty. The Union Pacific has contracted for wenty-two new buildings to he erected nt lie Almy coal mines , near Kvanaton. The ontrnct includes one Urge blacksmith liop , six good dneUings for white families nd fifteen house * for Chinamen. There arc 00,13 ! ) head of cattle lintcd in nrbon county , valued at SSOC.OOOjnlso 1C- XX ) sheep , valued at32,000and900 : Angora oats , valued at ? 7,000. The total assess- icnt , outside of railroad and telegraph ropcrty , is 31,300,000 ; adding railroad nu telegraph property , 8850,000 , will ring the total assessment up to over 1,000,000. UTAH. A match factory will soon bo started in ialt Lake City , ThoDeserct university building of Salt ako will cost 375,000. St. Mary's hospital , just completed in ialt Lake , is the largest in the west. Fourtenta of surveyors are pitched in ho vicinity of the Sixth Ward Jordnu > ridgo. It is Riimmsed they are in the em- ilovment of the Denver & llio Grande. The Horn silver mine tunnel is penctrafc- np ; a vein of fine copper silver ore , twenty cot thick. This tunnel is now in about wcnty.fivo feet. . The company shipped en can of bullion the past week. The. machinery for the stamp mill of the iilver Chief Mining Company has nearly 11 arrived and is being taken to the site of hejnill up Ogdcn Canyon. The mill will jo in operation reducing ores , ills thought , vithin the next month. . NEW MEXICO. Doming has five miles of side tracks. Socorro in 4,075 feet above the sea level. Property is rapidly advancing in So- orro. Bailesare not as popular In Santa Fo as onnerly. A vigilance committee ia talked of in Deming. Socorro is nowcalled the "Gem City" of ew Meiiao. Demiimis receiving quito an immigration rom California. The Knights of Pythias have organized a lodge in Santa 1'n Unrivaled Vs being ascertain euro for the worst forms f dyspepsia , indigestion , constipation , ini- unty of blood , torpid liver , disordeted .idneys , etc. , and as a medicine for eradi cating every species of humor , trom an irdinary pimple to the worst ulcer , 13un- IOCK lil.oo D IhTTKlw stand unrivaled. Price $1.00 ; trial size 10 cents. jylleodlw GrcaJ German REMEDY FOR NEURALGIA , SCIATICA , LUMBAGO , BACKACHE , GOUT , SORENESS or Tin CHEST , SORE THROAT , QUINSY , r SWELLINGS SPRAINS , | ' ! FROSTED FEET jDn 'iDUinia ' iND EARS , UllJtolliim , , ! 33 XT H. 3V S 1.1D SCALDS , QEHEBAL BODILY W , TOOTH , EAR > KD HEADACHE , All other Fains JMD ACHES. No rrtptntlou on rth cquuli Br. Jicou OIL t lire , iu t , uurLl and curir Kiternil lUmti. A trlil ntllli but th < compirttlTeljr trlfllnf outlijr of M CENTS , au i * veroni nfltrinc with pftln Cftu UAT * cb p toil j.oiitlTO froof ot lu cltlmi. 1I1UICT10NS III ILSTI.1 LlKOCiCra S01.D BT All DRUOOISTS AND DUIUI IN MIDICIXE A. VOGELER & CO. Jlaltiiitort. Md , , I W. J , CONN ELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW Ornci Front Rooms ( un italn ) In Hanscom * now brick building , N. Vf. corner Kftccuth a Firnhim Street * . Notice toNon-Roililent Defendant K. I ) , Lane ( full name unknown ) will take no tire that ho has been mioJ by Dudley II. Steclo Samuel II. Johnson and Samoril W. hprutlln , co- ) < artiic , doliiK bunlnau under the Unit n&mu o fatcile , Johnson & Co. , In the District Court o Itoujjlas county , Nobnula , to recover $3,031.21) and interast from October 18 , 18i > 0due them on lironilwory notu iHiarln Uato Apnl 0,1878. Alsc that an attachment lion been made on certai funds In the Firat National bank of Omaha , Nc- bratVa , belonirlni ; to J ou anil which the said par tics abo\o named ck to obtain to apply In pay mentof tliclrtalJi'Uini. Von are requlroil to answer & \ld petition on o before Monday , the 21 Uayof August , A. 1) . ItWl WAllltEK fiwiTZLEIt. ov-i t-lt. Attomov for rialntlrt. tTROS RKrl ) . LKTU Kit ID BYRON REED & CO JOLP3IT KTJlBLISUID Real Estate IN NEUUASKA. Keep & complete abstnct of title to all Rea Estutp In Oiuuia and Douvlu county. iua > A. G. TROUP , ATTORNEY- Ornci In Hunoomb't Clock , \rlth Qeorg * E i'rlchett , l a Fuabua St. , Oumh , Kcb. | Burdock BlTTIES ! J on suffer from Djupcpila , itso nimUOGK 11LOOD IIITTKIIS. f jou are afflicted with Illllousncsn , use 1IU11DOCK W.OOD JIITTKIIS. 3 ou are prostrated with sick Headache , take IJUlltJOCK lUOb ! HITTERS. jour novels are disordered , regulate them with I1UHDOCK I1LOOI ) HITTERS. jour Hlood Is Impure , purify It with DUIIDOCK IILOOD HITTERS. jmilmc Indigestion , joti will find an antidote HURDOCK HLOOD HITTERS. yon are trouble J with Spring Complaint * , cr- dlcato them with HURDOCK HLOOD HITTERS. your LUerls torpid , restore It to healthy action 1th I1URDOCK IILOOD HITTERS. j-our Liter I * affected , you will find a sure TO- torntl\ In HUllDOCK IILOOD HITTERS. f you hate any ipcclcs of Humor or Pimple , fall ot to take BURDOCK HLOOD HITTERS. jou have any njmptomsot Ulcers or Scrofulous oroa , a curatlto remedy ulll l > o found In UURDOCK1JLOOD UITTKKS. or Imparting strength and vitality to the ays- em , nothing can equal BURDOCK HLOOD BITTERS. or Xorvoiu and General Debility , tone tip the Hlcm with HUllDOCK IH.O01) HITTERS , rice , 91.00 per Dottle ; Trial Dottles 10 Cts. OSmMILBURN&Co , , , , Props , BUFFALO , N. Y- Sold at wholesale by Isli k McMahon and C. F. oodinan. o 27 eodwlv. . LEGAL NOTICE. In the district court. DougUui County. To SaiiuclC. DAY Is , Caroline Dttli , Elizabeth I. Totnllnson atcl the heirs or del lues of Henry r. Tomllnson , deceased whoso real names are un- nown , lion-resident defendants. /Von nro hereby notmcd that John T. Da\Is , lalntlff and present owner of the land hcrclnaft- r described , did on the nth day of June , A. D. 881 , nio Ills petition In the district court In and or Douglas county. Neb , against jou as defen dants setting forth that on the 12th day of Jaiiu. ry A. D. 1SCO , the nail Henry T.tomlliuon , nd Elizabeth II. , his ulfc , txocutcd and dclltcr- d to the said Samuel C. DavH a dual of lands Ituatcd In wild county In which a portion of the ands Intended to bocomcyutlwas by a dcrkal rror erroneously described as tiio north J Instead f the west J of the southwest } of ecc. No. 1 , In ounshlp Jio. 14 north of raugt No. 11 east ac cording to the trtio Intent of the parties thereto , hidi deed la duly recorded in the office of the lerk of the county of Douglas lu book JI of deeds t page 182 1 ho object and prayer of mid petition Is that said error bo corrected and that paid de l bo con- tmcd as com cj-lnR the west Jot the southwest uarter of said section No. one , and that the tltlo hereto bo adjudged ta bo In raid plaintiff or In hose law full ) claiming under him the saino as If < ald error had not been made nnd that you and achofj on be forever excluded from any Inter- still nald land on account of naid irror and for uch other to further relief as may bo lust and Ight in the premises. And your are ami each of ou li hcruby notified to appear and answer said > ctltlon on or before the 1st day of August , A . ,1831. JOHN T.DAVIS. Dated Juno 23.1881. I'lalntllT. VM. K. MILLKR hU Attornev : ev-sat-St LEGAL NOTICE. n the Circuit Court of the United States , for the the District of Nebraska : At n ecssion cf the Circuit Court of the United States , for the District of Nebraska , continued mil held pursuant to adjournment , at the United itatcs court room In the city of Omaha , on the Mi ! day of Juno , 1SS1 , the lion. Elmer S. Dundy it-Ing present and presiding In said court. he follow Ing among other proceedings w cro had nil done , to-wit : No. 03 O. ihcrman Vf. Knctals , complainant , vs. Edward Hill , McUin Hill , Agnes 11111 , Ah In Hill , Flora III ) , John Hill , guardian of minor defendants. In chancery. Order on absent defendants. And now , on this IDth day of June A. D. 1881. being at the Hay term , A. L > . 1SS1 , of the said court. It having been made to appear to the Bat- sfaction of the said court , that thin li a suit commenced to enforce an equitable claim upon real property within the said district , and tnat Edward Hill , Jlelvln Hill , Agnes Hill , Alrln Hill , Flora Hill , John Hill , guardian of ulnor defendants heroin are not nhabltants of. and hate not been found within ho said dltitnct , and have not toluiitnrlly ap peared In this suit , on motion of James II. Wool- vortli , Kn < ] . , solicitor for the said complainant , It a considered by the court and ordered that the said defendants above named be and they are icreby directed to appear and plead , answer , or demur to the complainant's bill ot complaint , on or before the first day of August , 1881 , and that n default thereof , an order be entered in thU cause , taking the Bald hill pro confcstio. It is further ordered by tin court that at least twenty daj-s before the snld first day ef Au gust , 1881. a copy of this order bo cr\cd upon Edward Hill , MeUIn Hill , Agnes Hill , AUin L'lll , Flora Hill , John Hill , guardian ot the said defendants. wiiereevcr found , if practicable , and also upon the per son orj persons in possession or charge of tin real property described In complainant's bill o ; complaint , if any there be , and that a certified cepyofthH order ke published for four consccn the weeks In the "Omaha Bee. " ( Signed ) ELMER S. DUNDY , Judge. Tun UMTXD BiiTM or AMKIUCA , 1 - , , DlSTBICTOr NIBKAHIL * . ) I , Watson H. Smith , clerk of the Circuit court ot the United HUtcs for the district of Nebraska do hereby certify , that the abet e and foregoing i a tmo copy of an order entered upon the journal of the proceeding of said court , In the cause therein entitled : that I have conijiared the same with the original entry of said order , and 1 Is a true tranicrlpt therefrom , and of the whole thereof. Witness , my official signature , and thi [ SEAL ] seal of ald court , at Omaha , In sal ( dlatrkt , thlslMhday of June , A. D.31 WATSON 11. SMITH , Clerk. JAMES M. WOOLWOKTlI , JeZOwU Solicitor for I'lallntltr. Notice to Contractors. Scaled proposals will bo received by tbo Hoard of County Commissioners of Douglas County , Nebraska , until 'NVcdnesduy , Julj L'Jtli. A.I ) . , 1881 , at 2 o'cjoc'k p. m. , for the erection ot of n court house bulldlui ; a Oniiilm , In said comity , In accordance will plans nnd upeelllcutfons mailo by K. K Myers , architect of Detroit , Michigan , am now 011 file lu the comity clerk's olllco af Omalm. Kacli bid must bo accompanied by a good niulsiiUlcient bond In tlio MIIII of tun thous and dollan , ( Slu.uoo ) , coiulitloncd that thu bidder will enter Into a coutrnct , and glvoi coed and sulllcleiit bond , bhould iliu conlrac bo awarded lilin. A copy of tbo hpeclflcatlons will be for tvurdeu upon application to thu count : clerk at Onuiliu , Neb , , and lu all cases iiuib acconipnuy proposals , The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Hy order of the Hoard of County Commls slonen. OMAHA. Neb. , June 25tli , issi. JOII.Vlt. JlANOIIKSTEH. Jimo27-tf County Clerk , ST.3C.OTT3CS PAPER WAREHOUSE , GRAHAM PAPER GO. S17 uia 219 North Main St. , St. Louli , WIIOLU1LI DKAUU IN BOOR , I n ADC DO JWIUTINOJ NEWS , } PAPtnS IwiumK ENVELOPES , CAIID DOARD AND Printers Stock CTCwh paid ( or Bag * * nd Pap r Stock , Sen Iron and JJeUU. l- per Stock .Warehouse * ItSd to 1S37 , North Sixth ttrc t.J Omaha , A "POT A PTT Collins , Cheyenne , * * * l/AlAl/XL , Colorado. Spring and Summer LOTHINGI ! LATE AND NOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises. IN THE LATEST STYLES. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit all ! 1322 FARM HAM STREET , NEAR FOURTEENTH. MAX MEYER & CO. , TOBACCONISTS. Tobacco from 25c. per pound upwards , Pipes from 25c. per dozen upwards. Cigarsfrom $15.00 per 1,000 upwards. i MAX MEYER & BRO. , the Oldest Wholesale and Retail Jewelry House in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in Silver Ware , Clocks , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the La test , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in Precious Stones , and all descriptions of Fine Watches , at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farn- ham Streets MAX MEYER & BRO. IAI IETEE & BEO , < 0 > OVE .A. 3E3E THE LEADING IN THE WEST ! General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured , uur prices are asTiow as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Pianos , Knabe Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warreti , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pur chasing , O. H. BALLOU , 1 -DEALER IN Lath and Shingles , Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks w north of ST. PAUL AND OMAHA DEPOT. f jyl-ood-3m , Max Meyer & Go. GunsAmmunitionSporting Goods' FISHING TACKLE , BASH BALLS , and a FULL LINE OF NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. I il MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Ne J. A. WAKEFIELD , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT , 3E Ti A Kt'JL'JEIIR , X17CO. XarfiTATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - - - OMAHA , NEB