Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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    FTTK OlVfATTA n/ TTY TVTCT7. . TTTTrRRM A V JF7TV 7 'iSftl '
" * " * "
J.r - 1.
Thursday Morning , July 7.
Patterson Bella coal.
Get your hata at Doane' .
Drink Saxe'a Peruvian Beer.
Smoke Saxe'a hand made lOo
- 4000 residence lota , Bemla , agent.
I COO business lota. CallonBemlt.
I4A. . W. Mason , Dentist , Jacob's block.
fi Krcrrone drinks Sue's Cream Soda.
Betnla' new map of Omaha , 25 cents.
Bcmts' real estate boom. First pag .
Natural Mineral Water on draught nt
Jvuhn'a drug store.
25C houses nnd lots. Bern ! * ' agency.
For FIH * Commercial Job Printing ,
all at THE BEE Job rooms.
200 farms and 000,000 acres of land.
Bcmfa , agent , *
The Lion continue * to roar for Moore'a
Harness and Saddlery ,
t" tfust" received a large lot of finest
'sigara In Omaha , nt Kuhn's Drug Store.
Whlpple , McMillan & .Co. , the Jewel-
era. Creirhton Block. o20-tf
Prescriptions n specialty , Opera House
Pharmacy , 211 S. 15th Street.
The pic nlc ot the Standard Club , takes
] ) lacc atHanscom' * Park on Friday after
noon next.
Sand i being hauled to the site of the
Orand Central Hotel , and other prepara
tions arc being made for the building.
The unfortunate occfdcut to the 'balloon '
"Hanger" and Its consequently failure to
make an ascension , leaves Puree , its owner
out of pocket to the extent of about $350 ,
There is a'cUyordinance , against'allow
ing hones to stand untied on .tho ttrccts
That tl Is not enforced Is evidenced by tlio
fact that runaways occur almost daily.
This matter should bo attended to by the
icity authorities. „ „
w AjBghtoccurred In the rear of Strong's
fbutlding yoatcday. A driver of a brick
jwagonjwos inking lib . noon-day rest , nnd
trying to keep cool , when n drunken bummer -
mer came along nnd disturbed him. The
drner went for the fellow and made short
work of him ,
John ] J. Morris , a gentleman recently
from Kansas , has mode all necessary ar
rangements to tart a wholesale flour busi
ness in this city. Ho has rented the second
lioorof Pycko Bro's. , buildingjon Farnham
strwt And .will put men on theroad nt
ouctf.l ( Hefntcnds / to deal in i flour cxclu-
1 * *
Agnes Koran , infant child of John
Horan , died yesterday. She will bo buried
to-day from the residence other parents ,
. .Nc91Dodgo / street , at four t > . m.i
The young people of the Lutheran
'church will h6ld their regular meeting Fri
day evening at the resilience of Mr. Rob-
incite , ontlzaril avenue , between Sixteenth
and Her en teen th ( itrccts ,
At a late hour last night it was ru
mored about the city tjiat J. L. Herrick
the man convicted a few days ligo of aid
ing and abetting the crime of arson hod
made- confession and proposes to turn
itatos'evidence ' ,
A young woman by the name of Cris-
Una Bittrotl living on Howard street , be
tween Sixteenth and'Soventeonth , waa or-
rented yesterday , and taken before Judge
Bcneke to answer to the charge of using
vile , and profane language. After hearing
'ih'e ca'se , although'it was a hard one , the
.judgethought best to dismiss it.
Quito a runaway occurred yesterday.
.A team and wagon belonging to Joe and
n , the confectioners on Fifteenth street ,
became frightened anil ran away. They
rati up the nlley between Douglas and
rDodgo to Eighteenth Rtreet , .and ] then
down the hill of Dodga street to Fifteenth
direct , and were stopped at Douglas street.
No damage waa done ,
To Tlio Public.
"When my balloon wont to pieces
under pressure of the gale I felt that
the public would not accept any ex
planation as a sufficient excuse for my
failure to ascend as advertised ; but I
fend that , on the contrary , the people
not only oxonoiato mo from blame ,
id , sympathy for my losses ,
anSTo"thorn I owe a' public acknowl
edgement jdf the thanks I fcol.
. To these friends who worked so
hard and struggled so manfully to hold
the balloon against the gale , and as
sisted mo in repairing the numerous
prents caused by the force of the wind ,
I return thanks , and if at any time I
can do a favor for the least of these
who held a cord on that day , I will
consider H a privilege as it wibo } d
pleaauro. ' JOHN H. Pi BUCK.
4 City Market.
Tjio'locardqiuarid for groceries and
fruits was never before so great as at
the present time. A prominent gro-
oersaid to are ort6rof TiiBBEBycstor-
day that-now'poUtocs 'Woro s till $1. DO
per bushel by the wholesale and very
carco. Apples were $ G per barrel
'and all that could bo had were eagerly
grabbed. It "seems scaroly to
be realized by Iowa and Missouri -
souri people that Omaha is
/phnj tvfis important a market for early
Yruit and vegetables as St. Louis and
Chicago. ' Though the express is
tivory day "burdened with largo sup
plies tlio demand is always greater
and constantly increasing.
Dedication *
The novr house of worship of the
South Tontli Street Methodist church
is completed and will bo formally dedicated -
/dicatod to the object for which it is
built on Sunday next. Ulshop Hurst
will be present and will preach the
' dedication sermon. A number of the
former pastors and guests from abroad
are expected. All the other churches
of itliat denomination will suspend soft
rice ? In the morning and attend the
* . dedication , of the now South Tenth
Street church.
Beauty , health , and iuppin sj for ladies .
At 0. F , Goodman' * ,
Such Was the Decision of
Council Tuesday.
Other Things That The Mu- .
nicipal Body Says Must
bo Done ,
The council mot Tuesday. Pres
ident D.iily being absent , councilman
Baker was olcctod the to chair. There
wcro present councilman Baker , Corby
Dcllona , Dunham , Herman , Horn-
borgcr , KaufTman , McGavock , Me-
Namara , O'KoofonndStull. '
A communication wan road from the
mayor , announcing the appointment
of special policemen , for a term of
four days , commencing July Second ,
af follows : W. F. Flynn , Frank
Thomas , S. C. Brainard , G. N. Me-
Gco , H. Astman and 0 , Jt Wester-
dlwl. The council confinncd the ap
Another communication from the
: nayor returning the ordinance for
changing the grade on the 'west side
of Eleventh street , without his ap-
> roval , was filed , and the mayor in
structed to appoint appraisers of the
tropcrty damaged by the change. "
A communication from the secretary a
of the Public Library board , asking
ho council to levy a tax of j of a mill
on a dollar for the year of 1881 for a
ibrary fund , was filed. it
A communication from Iho city on-
jineer submitting > an ordinance for
ho grade of Pleasant street , was ro-
erred to the committee on streets and
" ' The report of "tho city cnginoor oji
th'e contract jof'tho 0. it ) N. railway
was referred to'tho cprnmittoo on pub to
lic property and improvements.
A report of the city cnginoor on
sidewalks not completed was referred
to the co in in it too on sidewalks and
A petition of R. Garvy and others ho
asking repairs on the bridge near the
junction of Fourteenth nnd Pacific in
streets was granted. the
A request from Julius Meypr ask to
ing in behalf of the Standard club the
use of tlio platform and dining hall at
Hanscom park on July 8th was
granted. , '
The bill of costs in the "case of Susan the
McCowon vs. the city of Omaha , was
referred to the judiciary committee.
The report'of the city marshal show
ing the number of liquor doalorain the noy
city to bo 131 , was filed.
A remonstrance from John D. Jones ,
against chancing thq , grade of Douglas
street , was refer/rod to the judiciary
committee. ° "
A petition from b. R. Brown asking
that the damages resulting from the
opening of Oonvont street bo ap-
praised , was referred to the commit-
too on streets and grades. o
A petition from citizens asking .that Rec
Pierce street bo put in condition from
Tenth , was referred to the First ward
The committee on streets and grades are
were handed a petition to grade
Twentieth street between Farnham
and St. Mary's avenue pros
The marshal waa ordered to sup- the
press a disreputable house on Capitol
avenue. ;
A resolution was adopted instruct
ing the marshal to report nil lots him
ncodint' draining After the owners
have been notified the city will iibato
tlio nuisance.
The committee on strcets and
grades whs instructed to' examine a
washout south of the bridge on Saunders -
dors street , and if necessary , to repair
it.s .
s It was decided that the city spend
no more than § U,000 on cross-walks.
The street commissioner was in
structed to notify the B. & INI. to
lay a crossing at the intersection of
Ninth and Maaon , The same ollicer
was instructed to open Lcavenworth
street to its full width.
It was decided tp pay the judgment He
of Valentino llipi ) against the city ,
amounting to $09. 20 ,
A report of the judiciary committee
that the ordidanco in regard t the
city liquor t radio bo loft in its present
shape until the > supreme court took
some action was adopted.
Tlioiuaa. Swift was awarded the con
tract ; fpr sprinkling the str'dolaut 'the
rate of 820 nor week.
The iinanco committee in their re
port recommended the following tax
levy of 1881-
For sinking fund , C mills ; general ,
fund , 12 mills ; water tax 2 mills ; sewer
tax , H " mills ; library , A ' mill ; judg
ment , "l mill ; school , ( general ) 7 ;
school , ( sinking ) - ; total , 31'mills. .
The report was adopted. le
The complaint about Hanscom of
park were repoi ted by committee to
bo partly true nnd partly ; exaggerated.
Tlio report was filed. ia
An ordinance was passed allowing
tlio city teasuror to transfer the money
now on ( hand in the special cash fund
to the general cash fund.
A special ordinance was passed muk-
iig ( appropriations for the payment of
liabilities incurred during the month
of Juno.
An ordinance ) prohibiting velocipede
and bicycle , riding in the streets was
An ordinance prohibiting "the ob
struction of the street railway , the
driving at a rate of speed above nix
miles per hour , and driving faster
than a walk -
within-fifty foot of any
railway , was referred to the com-
inittoe on public property andv im-
provoments. i * (
Ordinances to establish the grades
on Idaho street and" Davenport from
Twenty-third to Twenty-sixth were
ref or rod to the committee on streets
and grades. '
" fl'he. committee on publio property
and improvements were givoa an err
dinanco changing the grade of Tenth
| street from a point 422 feet south of
Pierce street to Hickoy.
Ordinances to oatnbliso the ( Trades
of Pleasant street from St , Mary's
avenue north to Ilarnoy street , and
of Farnham ] street , from a point 205
fcol west of Jackson street to the city
limits , were referred to the committee
.on streets and grades.
A special ordinance appropriating
money out of the general fund to pay
for constructing sidewalks was passed.
An ordinance levying a tax for this
purpose was passed. .
The city clerk was instructed to ad
vertise for bids to curb , gutter and
grade Dodge street from Twelfth to
An ordinance levying a special tax
forgrading -fllreotfromThirteonth
to Twenty-fourth , was referred to the
judiciary committee.
Committee then adjourned for two
It Will Probably End in a Verdict -
dict of auilty ,
All the testimony had been given
yesterday in the case of Andrew
Pluolor . , who is being tried before
Judge Savatjo for infringement of the
liquor law. After all.tha evidence was
in Gon. ' | Cowin asked that the court
instruct the jury to acquit upon the
evidence adduced. Judge Savage gave
carefully worded ruling in answer , in
which ho took the ground that
while some of the provisions of the
law might bo deemed unconstitutional
would have no effect upon the case
under consideration , and cited several
provisions m point. The main ques
tion raised , the court said , waa whether
the tax i was uniform in its character.
Judge Savage appeared to rcpard it a
rather as a license than a tax. Ho
said ho had been guided in his i iows
a great extent by the fact that
the constitutionality < of the law had
boon thoroughly discussed in the leg
islature which nevertheless passed it.
Unless its. unconstitutionally was al
most solf-ovidont Judge Savage said
hod not think it becoming for a
nisi prius judge to render a decision
such an important matter before
supreme i court had spoken.
Tlio next move by the defense was
introduce the old liquor license un-
W F. Miller ofValioo , ia a guest at
Can Held Houso.
Ei Williams and W. J. Aernam leave
todiHi for a trip to Minnesota. ,
Hon. Geo. H. Jcwett and wife , of Sid
, Neb. , arrived in the city yesterday.
Di . S. J. Hrtdley , of Bell Creek , la
among the guests at theCrelghton. . in
George T. Mills , AL S. Patrick and
Herbert Thaycr left yeitcrdny for lloclc
Creek , Wyo.
Sanator Snunders ami U. S. Marshal
Blerbower left for the wc t .on the noon
trail yciterday. cil
Commander C. S. Norton , of the United
Statea navyta utaying at the Witlmell , ac
companied l ' by his wife.
Mn Billenbendcr , editor of the Osceola
Record < , is lit the' ' city , attending the wo- at
man ' suffrage
B. B. Sturdovant and wjfo of Shelby ,
Neb , arrived in the city yesterday and
Htaying i at the Oanfield House. °
H C. Clarkson , of Topeka , KOS.special
agent for tha Insurance companion now
prosecuting fire-bugs here , is registered at
10 Crelghton House. in
Treasurer . Heins , liin friends will be '
glad to learn , II.T.H comi > letely recovered
froin his rlicuiuatlc attack. His foot has
assume ! 'ts ' "unnal proportion , allowing
to readily wear his No. 7 boot.
James G. Clark , the ballad singer and
composer , arrived In the city yesterday
from Colorado , anil will remain in town to
attend the woman's buffrago convention ,
held to-day ,
C , J. Barber and wife of this city ,
started yesterday for Portland , Maine ,
where they will spend the heated season
upon the sea shore. They go for the lin-
nrovemciit of their little b'irl'H health. '
8. J. Ahorn , who publlahed last
year a * little volume called "Westward ,
Ho ! " which had a largo circulation In
Europe , is again looking over the prairie's.
urrhed hero from St. Paul this mom-
ing. Ho hag held that the true remedy
for the Ills abroad ID for the Irishman to
jmll stakes in the old KOI hi and settle in
the now.
Mis. Lam Falst arrived homo yesterday
over the U. 1 * . from Fort Koblnson.
Col. Boyd , Major Chambers nnd K. P. mi
Vinlng left for the south yesterday eve
ning ,
J , E. Phllpottcountyjudge of Lancaster
couuty , Is m the city , accompanied by hit
wife and children.
W , H. Haydcn , of Stccle , Johnson &
Co. , come In yesterday over the I ) , & M.
from Hastings , Neb ,
A. M. Chad wick , the young attorney
ft the city ye terday afternoon for a tour
the southern states.
l-'red M. Sackett of Albion , Neb. , ar
rived In the city yesterday afternoon end
staying at the Witlmell. a
II. F. Sitter , of Laramte , Wyo.former-
ly a resident of Omaha , arrived In the city
yesterday on his way to Holland ,
J , ' 13. Detvoiler , the Farnham street carpet -
pet merchant , left the city yesterday on a
business trip to St. Louis and Toledo ,
S , Humphreys , president of the Wnbasli
railway , accompanied by his wife and ser
vant , came in yesterday from New York ,
George Iioomls , private secretary to
purchasing agent .Holdrldge , of the B , t
M. , left yesterday afternoon for a three
week' ] vacation at hU old home In Con.
Mrs. P.T. Perrinewasapawcngcrycster-
day on the vast bound train to Chicago ,
Mrs. J.'errineylll spend the summer
months > lsltlng friends lu that city and
Syracuse ,
Hon. E , M , Correll , editor of The Heb
ron Journal and th Western Woman's
Journal , at Lincoln , U In the city for the
purpose of attending the woman'n suffrage
convention ,
In the City of Council Bluffa
Brief and Pithy Gossip of
Qonoral Interest ,
A Hosumo Containing Every
thing Worth Noting.
Personal PolnU and Mnttom end
Thing * .
This oflico is under obligations to
Mr. Wholes , the short-hand reporter
and typo-writer , for valuable service.
Mr. Green , who has the stroot-
sprinkling contract , docs his work
well. The streets are kept in excel
lent condition and tlio ntmosphoro
free from dust , thus adding much to
Dan Keller ia adding a porch , now.
iron fence and other improvements to
his residence on Avenue E. When
completed it will bo a handsome prop
erty. '
Mrs. Fred. Loutzingor and Mrs. D.
Keller gave a Fourth of July dinner
and supper to friends and neighbors
at the residence of Mrs. Loutzingor.
A bountiful repast was spread on the
lawn , and the participants heartily en
joyed the feast and the delightful
Quito a number of citizens wont
away to spend tlio Fourth.
About 1,000 copies of THE BEE
wcro sold from the Council Bluffs
oflico on Monday.
The Council Bluffs iron works is in
prosperous condition and its busi
ness constantly increasing.
Don't let it bo forgotten that manu-
factories to utilize the products are
wanted. A coicning factory or two
would pay well ; also a starch and corn
starch works. A steam cracker fac
tory would not only pay but is abso
lutely needed here. A sugar manu
factory has already been proposed.
Manufactories of this kind will help
to'dovolop the rich lands lying all
about the City. Admirably it is > adapted -
ed to raising fruits and cereals.
Keep it before tlio people.
The case of the state of Iowa vs.
King , was called in Justice Abbott's
court yostorday. The prisoner pro
duced an order for the kninrcs and
spoons claimed to have been stolen ,
which proved to bo genuine , and the
court discharged him.
A man inquired of Morgan , the un
dertaker , how bis business was , and
the answer came , "First rate. I sold
three yesterday , which considering it
was the Fourth , was not bad. "
There was never so little sickness
Council Bluffs as at the present
time , so say the doctors.
It is understood that the bottom
has dropped out of the poatoflico as
sault and battery case.
T. S. Kirkknd nays thai the Coun
Bluffs loan association is in a very
flourishing condition.
Hon. J.V. . Chapman , has gene to.
Fifteen hundred people picnicked
Perry Reel's grove the Fourth.
Those who could hoair the speaking
pronounced it good.
Perry Heel has eleven boarders in
cluding < the murderer McGeo.
W. A. Woo d has nearly finished ! his in
now house on Baucroft street. It
will bo ono of the aeatcat resiliences
the ' city.
A splendid view was had of Omaha
fl'ro works display from the park resi
dence of Mrs. Maria Mynstor , at
Mynstor Springs , and her friends who
were assembled there Monday oyon- B.
inn enjoyed it.
Hamlin , in Eis prayeram
Sunday morning , alluded very touchingly -
ingly to the attempted assassination of
President Garfiold.
Mrs. Swan , of the firm of Swan &
Walker , has returned from an ex
tended eastern trip.
A female tramp , claiming to bo very
hungry , called the other day at a
house ' on Willow avenue and asked
something' to oat. The hostess ,
with pity depicted upon her coun
tenance , retired and soon returned
with a plate of fresh broad and butter
and tendered it to the tramp , who
refused to partake , remarking that
would like u cup of hot coffee and
some cake.
Mr. Taylor , of the enterprising
grocery firm of Knox & Taylor , is
greatly improving his residence prop
erty in Glondalo. His partner. Mr.
Knox , will soon bo in his nowhouse. .
This firm show "push. " .
Prof. Farnham and wife have gene
nn extended visit east.
0. E. Mayno , commercial editor of
THE BKK , visited the Bluffs yester
By some mistake the Council Bluffs
local was omitted from THE BEE yea *
tordny. This will not bo permitted
to occur again.
City council mot last evening.
Full partioulara to-morrow ,
The damage done by the late storm
has mostly boon repaired. There is
bad washout , however , which needs
immediate attention. Another heavy .
rain will bo likely to carry away a
good share of the street at that point ,
, Wm. Hill , an old settler and citizen
of Council Blurt's , died at. his resi
dence in this city on Tuesday , of
Its } reported that several young
men are getting the bicycle fever. I Jit
is probable that bicycling isdcatinod to
become the popular pastime for young
men ,
Samuel Bowloy , of Council Bluffs ,
won the bicycle race at Omaha on the
Fourth. Blufiora are great winners.
The plans of the Keystone manu |
facturing company's building have
boon submitted to contractors and
they were figuring on them yesterday.
The work is to bo pushed vigorously. > >
Yesterday afternoon two shewolvos
escaped from Belle Clover's don , situated -
uatod on lower Broadway , and pro
curing a team and filling themselves
full of whisky , took possession 33Of
Broadway. They made day hideous
with their beastly conduct and loud
howling , but were finally caught , and
taken to the station , where Enquire
Burke imposed a heavy fine , Three
drunks and two ether cases for dis
turbing the peace constituted the re
mainder of the dockets yostorday.
innft Donnio Macrae will give a lawn
party at the residence of his father ,
Dr. Macrae , on Saturday evening
Citizens < are beginning to ask about
the water-works. The summer is
Smith f , the counterfeiter , was sent
lo Fort Madison yesterday.
Mercury stood 08 ° at Foster's drug
( tore at 4:30 : p. m. yesterday.
A Portland paper talks about the
hot weather and gives the following
record : Mercury 62 ° at sunrise , 76 °
at noon and 72 ° at sunset. Wonder
what they would think of yesterday's
" "
record hero.
Cheerfulness ruled everywhere yes
terday because the bulletins said
"Garfiold is improving. "
Fruit is scarce at the Bluffs.
Spring chickens are beginning to
find their way to this markotbut ; they
are as dear as they are raro.
How long does it take the American
Construction company to accept ? was
. *
the query of a citizen yesterday.
The brick work on the brick addi
tion of the transfer bu'ilding is to bo
completed to-day. John Hammer has
the contract.
The foundations for the buildingii
grand stand , etc. , at the driving park ,
are now being laid.
L. L. Spoonor and family loft for
Clear Lake yesterday.
Z. T. Lindsoy , the Broadway ghee
merchant , has gone to Pueblo . Col. ,
for an airing.
If the water barrels recently placed
on the streets were provided with
suitable covers , the water would ; not
orly bo kept clean thereby , bui it
would require much loss ice to. keep
the water cool. A small opening in
the center of the lid would suffice-
roach the water and might bo coveted
with a. canvas flap.
water as well as men. A horseon
Main street , seeing the barrel of ice
water , thought it was placed th ro
especially for him and walking up ,
appropriated its cooling contents- and
then , like a good , tidy horse- , , pro
ceeded to wash out his nioutlu. Of
course it tasted just as good ! after-
Tendered the U. P. . B'oys by
Their Friends Lost
Tlie reception which" tha-W. P. em
ployes and the B. & , M. boys gave the
U. P. lune was about as. enthusiastic ,
aa anything could well bo. About 8
o-'clock the procession fotimed at the
corner of Farnham and ; Fifteenth
streots. The procession , consisted of
the U. P. nine just soturncd from
Denver , a number of idio R' & M.
employes and a good many friends and
The party marched ) down Farnham
street preceded by the-17. P. band and
their banner. They stopped before the
U. P. headquarters and Judge Thurs-
ton then addressed : th assemblage
and spoke of the Fi P. boys' exploits
glowing terms.
Hon. C. V. Gallagher , the presi
dent of the club , being called for re
sponded mutably. Mr. Charley
Austin , captain ot the B. & M. club ,
then addressed the assemblage. Three
cheers were gi * n for the U. P. ami-
. & M. boys iu a most enthusiastic
manner. Tho-president of the club
announced that the lady friends had
presented two- bouquets , ono to Mr.
Trafloy and eno to Mr. Whitney , and
Mr. Max Meyer n box of cigars. This
announcement was received with <
vociferous , cheering.
The boys "were celebrating their
successes last evening under the su
pervision of Con. Gallagher.
Ex-Alderman Shannon's House In
Entered by Thieves.
At about 2 o'clock this morning the
residence of Mr. Bombard Shannon ,
on the corner of Tenth and Capitol
avenue , was entered by a couple of
thieves and n gold watch and chain "
stolon. The robbers gained an en
trance by climbing upon a veranda "
facing Tenth street and thence through
the window into the sleeping room of J
Mr. and Mrs. Shannon. There were
two of thorn , and while ono
was rifling the pockets of Mr.
Shannon's clothing the ether was
stealing a watch from its place on the
dressing case , when Mrs. Shannon
awoke and screamed. The burglars
decamped . . through the window , taking
the watch and chain , and leaving
about $400 , which was in the pockets
of the coat. Mr. Shannon rushed
after them , and fired four shots at
them , but they liiado their escape.
Mr. S. then blow a police whistle , but
Officer Nightengale was on hand , and
the whittle was responded to by
Officers McCuno and Gorman. The /
three looked long for the robbers , but in
have failed to find them as yet. /
Tbe Thermometer
Yesterdoy was generally conceded to
bo very hot , though according to the -
thermometer it was not nearly so warm
as upon several other days earlier in
the season. At 6:45 : o'clock yesterday a
morning the signal office thermometer "
indicated ? 0 degrees in the shade ; at
045 ; 83 degrees , and t 145 ; it allowed , i -
94 degrees.
Tho'Nobroaka State Suffrage
The Nebraska Woman's Suffrage
association is now holding a conven
tion ' in this city. The first session
Wa hold in the Masonic Temple last
evening. A fair audience WAS in at
tendance and the following WAS the
order of exorcises :
Mrs. Harriet Brooks , president of
the association , stated the object of
the convention , as being tbo consid
eration of how to best promote the
franchise of the women of the state
of Nebraska.
Mrs. Bittonbcndor , of the Oscoola
Record , as secretary of tlio association
tioiJ , then read the constitution.
James G. Clark , who was prctent ,
was called upon and sang , to music
arranged by himself , the poem of
Gerald Massey entitled " Tia Com
ingJ . "
Mrs. Bittenbondcr waa then intro
duced to- the audience and delivered
the address of the evening. Her
subject was "The Legal Slat * * of
Women , " which * ho handled in a
thorough manner , reflecting gncat.
credit upon herself as a logical
At the dose of the address the
president called for volunteer speak
ers from tlic-audionco. Mr. EU'ward
Rosewater , who was present , wa
loudly called ) tor by 'the audience ; and
at length responded by stopping-upon J
the rostruroi nnd stating his- views ,
upon the su&jbct of woman's suffrage-
Ho opposed' tf 10 movement because ho
thought it detrimental to the best in
terests of humanity , and to women in
particular. Hb spoke at sonio.longtlu
relating his * personal oxporionoo in "
legislation oib the civil rights , of wo
men , and some very cogent rea
sons for opposing : the propoaecllaincnd-
mont to tlio-atato constitution.
Mrs. L. Gl Colby , who liadi boon
taking notas-ofi his remarks , ,
traduced to > tho-audience , stating the
president' hnd granted her tlio privir-
log of replying to Mr. Hbsowatoc :
She was.XQceatodly applaudfadiby , lion
Dr. MoNamara , of Fremont , , vclr
un teercdj some remarks in. reply , bo
Mr. Resovvater ; ' and was < cheered "
while soi doing. *
Gon. Eatobrook was alao.among ; feho
voluntaar speakers.
A resolution expressing- sympathy
for tlia.-wifa-and mothenof President -
GarfiaJdiiiL their presonfa affliction , -was
presented ) and passed unanimously and
acogyof the same ordoradi to.l > e : for-
wartJaditoMr8. Garfiddi
theai sang , , ia a man
ner which drew forth hearty applause
frotni tho- audience , " "Men ca5 Action J
Claar tlus Way , " of toe whichi tlie meet-
to-morrow vwro announced as
otaurring at 9 a. m. 2. p. nx. and 7:30
isu the evening. Tlio nu&iing then
" .WINEOFCABDUI" four times a
day makes a happy household.
At C , F. Goodman1 !
'k J
NOT.CE VdvcrtUcroenl To Loan , For Sale ,
Lost , Fein I , Wants , Boardlnir , &c. . IH bein-
rtccl In'theso'columns ' once ( or TEN i CENTS
per line ; each subsequent insertion , FIVE CENTS
per lino. The first Insertion oeter leas than
C2OPTA AAATO LOAIf At 8 per ctntln-
S > 4iO\\)00 tercst In suras of $2,600 and
upnards , ( or 3 to S yoarn. on flrstKjIass clty _ and
farm property. IIKMU HKAL EUTATX and LOAN
AacNcv , 15th and Doiuciaa Sts.
M1 TO. LOAN Call at Law Otllce of D.
L. Thomas Itoom 8. Crclchton liloclr. .
ANTED [ One. man in a county makes money -
. . ney selling our ipringa for bviKKj' shaft
coupling ! . Send stamp jor terms and cut or 50c
stamps for a pair , to auti-lLittler Safety Spring
Company,00 Randolph St. , ChIcago.m-th-satjy-27
WANTED Good Rlrl. Must ho good cook ,
washer and Ironrr , Apply at north Mt
corner of 18th and Farnham. 310-7
-An acthe boy at Goodman'8 druj ;
'store. * 228-7' '
W 'ANTED A good girl for general house
work In a family of two. Apply N. K. cor.
13th and Jackson street * . ) 320-tf
\1TANTKD-A neat llttlo cottageio ( 4 or 6
YY rooms within 6 blocks ot 10th and Farn- u
liain. Only two In family. Address with terms ,
"King" Iko office. 331-tf
T7IOH 8ALE-50 acres o Uia Joel A. Orlflen
; farm , fifty dollaw l > er' ' acre , on ten } care
time at 8 | > cr tent , or i y a you please. And two
( iireus hamciises for salt ) cheap.
Sij-l ) L. U. CA K , on 13th St.
Filly moro carpenters u anted OB
WANTED elector now building li | Omaha.
Highest wattes paid. Apply at the grounds.
Those from country town * will be transported
home free after vorklne one month. ,
A joungmin in a grocery itore.
Must unJorbtand tha tare of horucn. . Ad-
11,11. . Hue olllco. 3 0-7
One firet-Uass ceco 4 cook ;
WANTED La a flret-tlaiu broiler. Also one
llrnt-claj * third cook. Emiulro at Of-len llou i
olllco. Keforence expected , and good wo cs
paid. Wonted Immediately. 3S4-T.
Two boarders. Young meA in
ferred. Addruss "A. " Do * office. ItO-tf
A'yood 'ilmlng worn girl uimedl-
WANTED the OccldcntoUiotcl. KO-it
\J Ing HOUJC , cor , 13th v > d.Dodga Sts. Best
the city. 10-tfl
/CARPENTERS and caMnctnuiLen wanted.
\J Waxes from ti to 13 per day , Inquire next
toBee office. 980-tl
WANTED Fuudinir bridge and sdiool bond * .
H.T.Clpjfc. Betlenie. 86-tf
-rTTANTED A ltu tlonby man ol family ,
VV steady , Induitrlouj and wlllin ? to be u se.
ful In any Uooorable apaclty. Compcuaitlon according -
cording * # capability. 1'ltiw address J. E. IL ,
cars of rJH ottlce. W-U
\\T AN.TED Womwi cook lor small restaurant ,
TV Good \ - j paid. 1105 Farnharo St. 8004
. ' . -
-TTrAKTF.D A thoroughly compcttnt girl vlth .
good reference. Ooodwage * . Datenport
itrcct , ind do r cost ol Ktb , north tide. WJ-tf
. " \ir ANTED A v rlner or buj-en Inquire at
YY 1'hUadelphU Coflco Uou e , 10th street ,
WANTED A plH for general homework.
Apply nt VOIIN 0. WIM.IR' , MI *
Dodge street. 272-tf
WANTED A pftttncr with bo tit 9-2000 for
the manufacture of pcnulne Hrgllsh Ar
ticle of Urirc conoumptlon and certain to pay
ely. K\ery Information git en by
to A. ft. C. , Albion , Neb-
WANTED 1'nrtnor. rare chance to
money In ctlcred th m n who will ln\e t
( mail capital In a newinmif.wtiirlnfrcntcri > rl. o
InOinaha , patlnjrTftJwr cent net , Adilrtfi Man
ufacturer , Ikw office. Z23 0
WANTED-A goo. ! girl to do tteneral
tioino work , tioutl wfifrc.1.13lo Iiivcn-
port street. 3le-tf
WANTED- good Cornice Makers. Also
fire good llnnen. Applr to Western Cor
nice Work * , 1310 DoUe street. 807-3
WANTED Two nrst-cloM hrtclc-nwjulilcrs nt
21st andOraco ftnda ; one for mud and ono
1a { > . | HlKh > 4 wairci pnld for nrst-clax nioutj.
on. Also hall dozen Ar t-clM9 btlckj anl men.
I 29SJi7 8. CAFraiTY.
ANTEIv-ANo. 1 Bailxrcan flnita steadv
VV situation anj ocxl j jr \ > y lni\\Atin $ at &y >
( old number ) IMh street , OBAha.Ncli. , of
207-tf 0. II. FITCH.
JjOK KENT A TiMidnooalcottAKa ritb nve
Jj rooinsy $2D per month , 27th and Owning Sts.
T7I Tlircefitrnlihwl roomi tt >
rent. lariutre-atCbrpciUer sliopnrxt the
ieu uftlce. mg-lt
ElOIt UK T tWo- sloe ? brick. li < nisev W.
1 M. Yat < &Co , MS-lt
FOIl nKNT-Xeatly furrtahmt front room at
1717 Cunlntf street , bet.lTtli and 18th ita.
FOIt IlEXr-WIUu board , newly furnished
front roooii wlih oleovo. Good terms to two-
you Address ITostoffico box 337 , city
Tj\OH HK.YT Front ) rooriA Uentlcnuui and
J. lady prcftnwli Inijulro 1711 Chicago St.
HENTT ! tt > g-cntlcmimi and' ' wlfc-n , sulto ofr
EOIl iirnlBtasdl rooms with larvo clo9ctr In new
> k houso.
_ _
HOUSES AM ) LAND Bonila rents hotuca.
storca , tiotoli , farms , lots , lands , edict's *
rooms , etc , Bio let pat o ,
R KENT Nicely fumlohod larjro room andi
JL piano .S. W. corner IBth and Capital i Ave.
F 1011 UKNT On first floor , lurrlshoJ rooms ,
southwest corner 10th and Davenport.
* > 769-M
"TitOH KENT Furnished rooms. Inquira at 1818
Jj Chicago utmet. CM-U
FOIt HKN1 2furnleitdl rooms orcr Mej-
chftnta' Exchange , N. E. cor. 10th anil Dodga-
strceU. ,289-tt ,
FOR SALE.A \ General Merchandise. Store
Grain House , and Bto \ . Will. > J.ll cither-
or both. IiCmtcdJnionetot the best gruii.polnt i
on the B. & 'Ml.raUroad. For further n rtlculir * .
calloraddrus.J , B. LEMINGEK , Waverl Ncb.
raOIt SALK A hotolldoslncss. Oocd.location. .
C Full home. Addra * "J. S. " liceolHc-o.
212-July IC-cod
TjlOK SALIJ Avnow Bouse , built twa iicare , JulU
JJ lot , wallnnJiaietottinr complct'von Dodgcti
street , batnccn SCtfii and 27th , Nuu SfilO. Int-
quiroon fromUea , 260-tf-
"TOOK 8/rJiE A soaanU-hanil Icathon top phac
Jj tonoadiagoodwiixind-haiid can ) W top | > o yr
phaeton. Also a < ntw dclh ery WULT.JH
Shop anilCth Btnctxopposite WtiuicJIiIIouse. ,
T71OUSALE Go J house M 1th four , rooms.
Jj halMbt , No..2m Uodio bet Mon 20th ,
7lh etvett Goodiwull and Bhadc.tTooa ; hou
good condition. Inquire on premises. 221itr >
E3TABR30K & CCfli
TjlOJCSAi-E--afOO cash n ill buy tlio stooXJUldl
Jj ICcturcM 06 ( inn ckancst llttlouuslncaa 'nithcj
city. Axldrcsa "CuaJnosa " . .
, carc-S.wriur.0 , ( iifthak
poatcflloo. . ZSttU.
T7IDU. SALli-A. illlla portttlio engine , o. LO
? horsa jawor. V'crjccontniloal of.ftcjl and
waist. Jackttod * 1th wood and. coicMdi with
Itusula. iron , brass bound In Icxmiiotli a str lo , fill.
gcNcuior , tvnboiuntlc ralves , brasa boxas , * iL oupsk
gh6 wjitarK' K'c. steam force pump * tuil ! Hm.
csck patent inspirator. Comrfutn , In gf th ot&o
and neoxlj > w. llcason Jor lllnLwo wish r/i
wlthJraIiom business ourj&lc of outBesuljr -
maiuifictoilfn ; . Write to Cxccnulch 3tanut c- .
turlnpCa Greenwich , Ohio.
F B SALE A small cnjino , B. VT. P&yo o &
Son'sinalte. In perfctl oedor. luuiiruoni.
O. Clark & Co. Stf
TTWI * . SALE licaso nnd rornituro ol a first . .class
JD hotel lii a town of JSW lonabltajite , 1) , kUto
Nebraska ; hus 24 beds ; tha traveling mi m's ro-
sort. Inquire at BEE office. -18-tf
TOll SALE Tivo-8tor > 'bflUawJ yArtl ot , neat
JS dc ] t. Location good. Joha U. V .cCogue.
Opp Post Office.
17IOH HALE House oud let 'JSilSi ; si iltable far
Jj warehouse. Inquire of I'etenon , 10th St.
FOIl SALE 2 acres ground In Wst
Inquire of J. Henry' , No. 116 let h. 873-tl
FOK SALK Maps of Douglas ant1 garpy coun-
tics. A. 1103EWATKK , 1K F rnli m street
STRAYED. Dork b r colt , U , rce and a halt
year ) old. FKANK DELO NE , Fourteenth
and Capital avenue. S32-1 ,
CJTRAYED A lir e bi her * : , ono white hind
O 'oot , rtng-boucU , star lu forehead. Weight
about 1100 or 1200 uounds. JA8. N. SISSO.NF ,
325-11 C Uago St. , bet. 14th aiul 16ti. |
M' ; ' ONBY TO LOAN on re'il " ' cutate , at
200-cod.lO DEXTEH" L. THOMAS & UIIO.
BEMIS has r&ttiling Ion/ / ; lists of houses , lot * ,
Undo and farms frr sale. Call and gee
LOST Whlta sow an/1 calf from Chicago and
13th stKBfr. The / Jndcr w ill be re artlcd by
returning tbo uuue. M. CAH1UOA.V.
TTilBIliajjAS Antf I'arosois repaired by M.
U SCHUTT llUim id fornam nts. 7fcOtf
II. BKOWN- Corner 12th nd Chlcftra
isU , li rci < ly to bore or deepen wells.
ID entrant e d. 603tl
rnEAMS-Can bo. ? 0t at John tiarr B stable for
JL. attkirulaof work at reasonable figure * , near
> r IStli oiui Lnai en worth * ! roc t . 378-tf
DONTVOnOJ T The successors of the Amer.
Icoii llouM , on Douglas street , between Oth
and lOtb , lor b oard , lodging and translont cus
totnin. Itesp > xrtfully
Absolutely Pure.
Made from Urape Cream Tartar , . Ko ether pra
arpatlon tnrjtci such light , flaky hot breads , o
ururious pastry. Can bo oaten by Dj epeptla
without fear ot the till resulting Irani heavy ( nd (
ywttb'.o food. Sold only In cons , by all Greet nt ,